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Form 1 - Chapter 4 - The Variety Resources On Earth

Answer the following questions

1. Classify the following materials as metal and non-metals.
Carbon Aluminium Mercury Glass Lead
Chlorine Sulphur Iron Diamond Copper
Polystyrene Silver

Metals Non- metals

2. Write out six basic resources on Earth needed to sustain life.

(a) _____________________ (d) _____________________________
(b) _____________________ (e) _____________________________
(c) _____________________ (f) ______________________________
3. Classify the following substances as elements, compounds and mixtures.
Nitrogen Coffee Common salt Petroleum Sugar Blood Iron
Sulphur Rust Apple juice Copper Sand Silicon
Elements Compounds Mixtures

4. Write (T) for a true statement and (F) for a false statement.
a. One of the resources on Earth is living things. T/F
b. Soil is a natural habitat for various type of plants and animals.
c. Animals are able to make their own food by carry out
d. Water is a mixture.
All metals are solids at room temperature.
Copper is malleable and ductile.

6. The components of a mixture can be separated by physical methods. For each of the mixtures below,
state the appropriate method used.
Mixture Method
A mixture of iron fillings and sulphur powder
A mixture of sugar and sand
A mixture of cooking oil and water
A mixture of common salt and water
7. Choose the correct answer from the given below.
atmosphere compounds photosynthesis filtration
fossil habitat resources waste
mixtures survive element graphite

a. We need food, water, air and shelter in order to ___________________.

b. The Earth has the _______________ needed to sustain life.
c. A layer thick air known as the _________________ surrounds the Earth.
d. Soil is the _________________ for various organisms.
e. Green plants are able to make their own food through a process known as _________________.
f. An _____________ cannot be broken down into any simpler substances by physical or chemical
g. Substances that are made up of two or more types particles chemically combines are called
h. Substances that are made up of two or more types particles which combine physically are called
i. A mixture of sand and water can be separated by _____________.
j. The only non-metal which can conduct electricity is _____________.
k. Petrol and diesel are examples of ____________ fuels.
l. Recycling refers to the processing of __________materials to be used again.

8. The table below shows the comparison between metals and non- metals. Fill in the blanks with the correct

Characteristics Metal Non-metal

Appearance of the surface a. Dull and cannot be polished

Hardness Hard b.
Poor conductor of electricity
Conductivity of electricity c. (except graphite)

Conductivity of heat Good conductor of heat d.

Malleability They can be beaten into other shapes e.

Ductility Can be pulled into wires. f.

10. Label Diagram 1 using the word by using Element, Mixture or Compound
1. Match the following substances with their respective forms.




Carbon Compounds

Air Mixtures


Carbon dioxide

Sea water

2. Complete the table below to show the physical states (solid, liquid or gas) at room temperature of the
following elements.
Element Physical state






3. Identify the molecules below by choosing the words given and filling them in the suitable spaces

Ammonia Methane Oxygen Hydrogen chloride Water

4. Complete the classification of matter in the chart below.


Metal Sodium chloride Sea water


5. Classify the substances given below into elements, compounds or mixtures based on their characteristics.
Sugar, Soil, Sodium chloride, Oxygen, Air, Mercury

Elements Compounds Mixtures


Name of

6. Label the following diagram

1. Suggest one method which can be used to separate the following substances.

(a) Sodium and chlorine from sodium chloride compound


(b) A mixture of sand and solid table salt.


(c) A mixture of iron fillings, soil and vinegar.


(d) A mixture of cooking oil and water.


(e) Water from sodium chloride solution


2. Figure 1 shows two experiments.

(a) Based on Experiment P, answer the following questions.

(i) State the observation when the end of zinc rod is touched.

(ii) What is the expected observation when the end of polythene rod is touched?

(iii) Explain the above observations.


(b) Based on Experiment Q, answer the following questions.

(i) State the observation if rod X is a copper rod.


(ii) What is the expected observation if rod X is a PVC rod?


(iii) Explain the above observations.


(iv) Can PVC be used to make electric wires? Explain your answer.

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