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sit teaas ction on Povex Apparatus aud Systems, Vol, PAS-$4, x2. &, Uovenber/Decoeber 1975 A THREE-PAIASS DIFFERENTIAL RELAY FOR TRANSFORMER PROTECTION By CH, Bival ASEA, Vistete, Swedun ABSTRACT Extzblshed harmorie restaintdifirentil lay concepts have ‘been arlarged upon te provide a new static multiplowinding truniforner differential ela. The resvhing design includes simpl eaton of the frequency selecuve circuits ené now techniques fox rapidly detennining eke uronic conten of the epphed curents. The lay is stown 10 have improved sensitivity, to be esporsive €o internal ttansformer winding faults in less then to ‘eycks, and to the more severe type of faut in less thar one eye. Full seourity aysinst inmen currents and ovenmitatie at wall ap 10 external faults js demonstrated. Poot perfomance of cusreat ‘trnsfarmen is shovn rot to adversely affect ether tho seouniry ‘or dependability ofthe relay. Heavy carrent test resis ate prevented \aich confi the relay principle, INTRODUCTION ‘The concept of harmonic cortant hes provided the batts for ‘many suecesiul high spood, sersitive wansionsier diferntil rays since its introduction some 20 years ago. The principle is sound ard ere H seldom any zeport oF tmproper perconaance Of riys bist fp thie prineple, However, there are Imitstiony ja the applications of these relays wich justify a reappraisal of thele charactors, These limitations axe beceming of convem because they invalte ‘ectretons on throughfaut: qurreat miguAece, SeAEAY to mE ffs, speed of operation, and eument trarsformer porfurmanes Im adeltion, problems of trazsionmer orerexcitaloa axe becoming of tose concem int view of the crend to Batter magnetization ‘urecierstcsabove ch: ines of te sataaton cam. [reiremectanical relays inherenty wepord prinarly te theres rake of am applled signa, Wade his sigral oan Ue modktied by Ineang of frequancy selective filters ane rectifier, the basis ame stuaacteristic of the messuirg device remairs, Such measzrement limitetions do not exit i static type mesourng cits, Depent Ing on apptcaton, any of 2 watery Of specie ehasactecistos of @ signal can bs chosen as the matt significant for msaenteinent. The seliy tole described utizes these new ftadaras in sttiecruity. ORERATING CONDITIONS. There awe four eifferent acnsinear affects which vmust be osstacres tn THe design ofa transformer eiterentat rly. These are « Novrlnear lnrush. condeons vite energizing a ceansformer. These amsot course the most obvious, "Dutersh? when snadiacent tens former is enecsizod, end "Incish” resting fram veltge reeowery ‘upon clearing an enteral fale are of asintlar atur, Thee real: in 2nd an higher even der harmonle distortions Poze: T75 1810, eurpnended and spsote by the TEEE Power Syston ‘laying Conant of tho LE ones eal ing ey or meena Ae {REE BES Shiner Meoing. ew Vouk, Rv, Jenuay 261, 107% Manan sets Septeniter 3974 made sala ox pag Orono 18. 9 IR Lintes Constant Cleveland, Onio ». Transformer overexciotion. This nevlts ia x different xowtinear effect. This effect is becoming more severe due to the shanjer ‘cursatars in the magnetication characterise of mouern cans: (ormer sted. This fanaly 3rd and $1h harmonic distortion. ©. Nonlinearity of current tassfomner CT's enn be driven into sxtoration by <6 ofeeaurnls, oz the db component in Tat a inrwih axreats, C1 saturation in the transformer aifereatial cgstem & store likely with brexcer and oneal or other “ype ‘configarations which can result in very ange exteral faolt wares rot limited by trsfoemer react. Zed, Sid svat Sth arose Astortions ae sosibte. 44, Combinations of fe) with (a) ot (2). Those can ses i adetional wave shape distortions. For example, dc comeponenss sigh snturale CT's cen rest in the lie tosetration varying between T's This em noselt in brief periods of ‘umther conplenitis in the weve shapes of the relay curcats, A hatmoric metraint relay nesetsirily invales trequency selective virouitfanetions. But frequency measurement inherently requis ¢ misimum tine to rake the determination which ie base fon several periods of the wave in question, Tl fora high speed, harmamie restraint relay, addtional techsiques besies foquency segregation are Ukely to be reuted if operating times of tess than two eyeles are to be stfulned. Fertiesmor, sites te total epert- ing Ge oF such a relay cua O° 18 tan ihe Ure for complete Heady slate conditions to be reached, the charseteiniee of the rebiy stould be expluineble on a transient ww as on a steady state basi, Very ane tarsformers can lead to 4 wry large system X/R tatio vith a lage time constant. [a cttea cases this ean anstain de compenent for x soficent lenge of tine to canse CT storations ‘Thus, fommsely acceptable relay chetacterinies may be itadequat? at locations near such transfomen. Further, relive en existing ‘mansfonmers may become inadeyeut> when nev, Irae transfers readied nesta. When » faulty, lara temstomner is enerazel. the harmenie restraint may delay the sifferential relay tipping for a significant efiod unt) he trmonic current fas suleidel saiiently 19 omit tepging. Thus, i is aadesiable 9 aoe na eaceisre amount of hannric restiaint "to be safe” Fast the apposite may aoc Relays associnted with generator unit transformers hive a funher operating condiven wher Ge wait insted up. Freguoncks cows € as low as 1/2 10 1/8 nermel may exist. The sifferentis relay shove mafataln reasonable sensitivity during these conditions. On the other hand, it showid not inicate 4 crensformer fault if raconable exeew voltifterte shasld occur, ‘The Jow frequency characteristic of a given relay wll depend cn net only the arirue ‘meat of the ay filter cizuits, but aso on all of the CT chaccien lates and now they are marched to she burdens wn "The abore ae, ofcourse, it addition to the outins requirement ‘hat the relay work correctly for all types of overloads and internat ‘and exteral Sault conditions, RELAY DESIGN A static trusfouner difeental ray based on a uaigas tnseephase concep! hat heen desianed which effectively tests all of the cperating conditions. Type designated RADSE, ths ley processes these complex wave shapes in 1/2 to 2 cycles (otal tims to treak- fer tip impube, The rehy is comstiucted on # modular basis and embed in a 19" equipment frame, THs design lows full Aexibibty for specifying any mumber of relay input circuits ether initly or adsitonally ata inter date ‘Tre relay ie shosm im Fig. 1. On the Jeft ita 18 postion fest switch, The next thee lager modules are the indiidual phage unit. These coztain the input and variable estaint cxcwitry, Dequemy sekotve Alters and the Ars stage of x tvoslage Jevel etaetor. These phase units areinferconnceted 86 that the harmonics ‘many phave prosid restaint to all phases. “The fourth large mocule b the Uweephase measuring and ‘tpt unit. This inclades the 2d stage of the level detector and ‘the “instantareaus” level detector. These both funstion on a three: phase basit. Thaeshold setting sedstors, aweliary voltage regulating fkenits, opening incleator and a dry reed ouipuc aw aso In as avodale. The two emailer modules on the right are the 3 ms Outpt foipping ras for up to four trip cireits and the optional phase indicator unit. Mig. I, Three phase transformer differential relay RADSE. Pg. 2 shows the general construction of 9 piugin module. Supplemental mocnles are used when additional inputs are deited ‘Thee modules can be wsed to insrease the umber of input exoults ‘vithout practical Jimit. The basic ray of Fig. 1 is for up to three pute (tenaformer windings or two breaters oa one winding The. characteristics of the rely are not affected ty the numbes of input its, Pia, 2 Tee phase measuring end ouepet wnt PRINCIPLES OF OPERATION LThe input clouitey shown in Fig. 3 4 for thico inpur ef ona ae, It provides the fllowingscamronents and featuses: 4 Alrgapped Woluting CT's to reduce tie de component and to comert the surtent to « voltoge signal. This seaute in only the faget of the applied cerremts determining ostput voltase Normally, paralleled CT secondaries yield the sum of the applicd currents, Bat whan airgapped CT's with relatively low magnetizing impedaice are purfiled aorst « sclatvely higher ssistanco ‘beyond a rectifier, the resulting voltae is proportional to the largest of the applied caren’, not to the sem, 1 Full wave seotitcation in ¢ two-dieds, tworesstor bridge This esuits in only the farger of the outscing currents affecting the ‘output, A fourdisde, ‘ullweve bridge reetifier doe not have Gis sense of a¢ polatty. The two-iode, tworesister bridge ‘does, Thor, for an Inteteal fault only the largest of the incoming cenrents vill flow in Ry of Fig, 3 on one tal cycle. and im R2 on the other half cyele. Aut fer an external ‘aut, with the largest of the incoming currents flowing in R1, the lagest of the out- ‘going current wil be flowing io Ra, Gn the altteate half cyele, the conditions reverse. Hence, for the external feu, voltares are developed across toth Rj and Ro during both half cycles, but forthe internal fault voltage is developed actoas each resistor only Dpaoital of the time, A matwork of aner diodes and resistors which provides the wath ablepewontage retest Mathematealy, iffy 15 the mueximum (CT sevondry) current ints, aad Ty the maxim current sit of the protected transformer the resraining voltage developed aoross Rj + Rz of Fig. 3 16 Vekaxty) ‘where k i the proportionality betwee voltage and curteat of the ‘entire cfoult. For detommal fault, ly wil usally be zare (ho. no arent flovine out of the transfouner), Thos, for «given amount ‘of faut current into a transformer, there wil not be more than nelialf the restraint as for an extecral fuult, Ard for a meitple- ‘vinding tamformr, tis zatig may bo sD more foronsbbo, Fie. 3. Inpucrertrena cenitey for one phase. 1972 2. The itferential cirwitry, stova in Fx. 4 for que phase, 3 comected ia the eomteniigaal mmnner to recive the total of all of the currents inta and out of the transformer foreach phase This circuitry provides: (4) Cucten: to voltage sonversion again with ale gapped CT"s for otk ihe operating voluge and the harmonic restraint volts (©) Low pass flter to suppress components in the operating voltage abo $00 Hs fe) 2ed barmoric and Sth hemonio flters to provide the spective inst and orecesltstlon resualit vollages. The fitec inductenoes ere provided by the tecondary wincings of ‘he aireapped CP's, (0) Two fall wave, 4 diode bridge reufiers for vie operating and hamnente restrain: sia, (e) The rectified hammonic restraining voltages for exch have ate paneled and the galt wed for harmonic restraint for eich phase. This resultant will he proportional to the som of | the applied sigrals This summing action occun becruse of | the reltively high equivalent impedance of the filter tuned ccteults This 5 Jn cont {9 ihe aetioa of Ihe Fi, 3 crew sy where the igual source fe low impedence, chee sp tnie Tescure rene | f Sor _ pote ig. 4, Digerenstal eicutey for one phase 3. Phase threshold and integcition iruitry shown Je Pig. S provide three foneticns: @) The diferemlal operiting Yoliage and the (we restzaining volteges a'e ausumed in a conventions, risstance sumeting circuit. When the sesistors, Ry, 7, 3, are large compared to Rg, the roltepes across Rg will be propartiond to the algetzac sim ofthe tinee applied voltages, () This resunait voitage is then compared to a setteble reference voliage whish is applied to the 2ad inyue af an ‘operilonsl anpiifier, The refeenve volage bs adutatle anc provides the meant for setting the threshold lave for the sinimum operating curent of the rey. (Tue ntepradon cutputeloury develops vonage ploportiow. al te the time the signal is abowe the Chesholt evel. The magnitude of the signal has no effect on this output voltage, This is accomplished by ctising she amplifier to entoft sex the input signal is above the eefeceane, Tis esis a the Ro-Ct inteenating circuit in the amplifier output charg at a fixed rate indapendent of signal level, When the sigal ‘drops Uetow the reference level, the Rg.Cy integrating srcuit iste Hote that thers ae no sttoothing eapacitor in my of the weoulfer ciruits up to te Input OF this phase tiresioid cireaitry. Thas, while most of the sigaal i do, i hae a complex ac wive sperimpoied on it, The integrator cox ants are 99 proportioned that a suffident output signal excucis the tzesheld 417% of the tme wth a onininum fiuration of 34 me (for a 60 Hz selzy), Thus, momentary spies, regardless of magnitude, will no: cause afalte output, Fig. 5 Pease tveshotd and integration bratty 4 Top messureinent circuitry shown in Fig. 6 is ¢ single unit forall ‘thioe phases. This unit perioms two separate mensurement o ‘The magnitude of the sctuised simal a developed by the shore deserted phase integmtars is compared to x fixed reference voltage, ‘The magritede of the unmodified phave differential cument signal, as developed in Fig 4, i compared to = fixed reference voltage, By means of a voltes divider, the signal can be st for 8, 13 oF 20 dass aominal ated olay curent, Tn Loth these messurements, the signal i che vanpasits of the dure individual plot signals. This cexsmon measuring techni ave for all three phases Is a cexigt cowvenience ora as no signifcaet Leasing on che zelay operating eharactvote When sither of these two signals exceeds the respective reference voltae, the amplitier wupu is energized, This i « dry al ‘elay which operates inlets than 2 tilientond, Thib eley then coeigies a standard 3 a, 6 contact output tipping clay. Hie of these comisets ate avilable ant suitable for signaling and cet tipping of ehrcuit breakers. ase “This 3 ms relay can be energized continuonay, thus it cam bbe dizectl iocomeratd into lockout eontral inesons. The sts! anulry funcloss and option chew IateRior have not been diagramed. dlsckanges sso a a Hac 1s, AG. 6. Php meesuremene crewtry, 1973 5.‘The two staye tandem level detection in tie phase unite and the -messuiing ar output unit are funcsionally elagranmed tn Fig 7. ‘The vnreetisiead, iactantincous ‘onction hus a single level smecswement ozcurring in block © in the three-phase messing ‘nil, one meastring circuit for all thiee phases. This is aot ‘urther diggrumamed in Fg, 70. ‘The vasibie percentage, harmenic restrained ané differential sSgnals are siovn in Fig, 7(@) a1 Vg, Ustil dhs combired signal ‘xoceds the phase dhreshold setting, there Is no oUrpAt signal, ‘Vand hense no signal at second level tector inpt, Whoa V6 sxcoods the threshold setting, av output signal Vz i developed across the integrator cireut, But uses; tus signal exceed? the eshald for mor than 419%of the time, instant voltage, Vp, is developed $0 ingate a tep function. Thus nose spikes, regardless of magnitude, camot crete atep signal in this igh speed, senetie differentia measunng eixoutry. This doable threstld technique is not acosssary for the fess endive unrestrained, instantaneous unit, However, ils cixuitey sso has noise immunity in thet no signal or less tuan Sms duration in cates a tip owtput. f=. Ld Fie. Te Brock chagrae of neorsage level destin. AAT bs ot Fig. To. Bitncpte fanctloing of owe stage level detection showing Immunity to noise spikes. 3976 OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS Fundamental Reraint The slope of a differential relay opertting charscterbti is not sufficiently defined to be meaningful without detatng ¢he method of determination, Slope is the milo of the required ciffereatial courent fo cause optration to the restraining currents, The operating, current is readily agreed (0, but the westraining cutents ae subject to a variety of imerpretaiions. Consider a relay with an opens thiosholé of 10A, in the differential scent when one sestraint ix at ‘20M andl the other resteaiat at 30A, Whan exiresied at a percent af the lesser restraint, the slope is 10/29 or SOS, As « percent of the Jarger restrant 1 10/30 oF 33%. And if expressea as the average of the two restraining cheronts i i 10 f 1/9 (20420) or 400, When multiwinding retrants ae commidered, 2 wider veriation in apparext sexsitivity may ret, depending or how the slope is expressed [As noted shove, the RADSE sestint ie developed from the sm of the lagest incoming outrert and the largost cutgoing current. Ths ft is logical to plot its characteistics to this parameter. In practice, ‘this number is divided by two to get an average value which is aklo to a theongh ourent.” To iustrate the apparent variation ia different rays, Fig. is a plot of the dope of she described sclay together wich a seoond relay with a "25%" slope based on the lesser resrant current), and anomer "206096" vartable restraint relay ‘bated on the lange retzuint sarrent ‘Two of te dhe relays have a aninimum seastivity of 30% of| tap, or sated surtent value, The tnd is scrtable between 209% and SOR. The differences jn there charactenstise ate act cbvions when stated in conventional tems of miimnza sensitivity and "slog." ioe tren Fig. 8, Comparton of restraint charctorstice Fig. 9 is a typical plot of operating current vorsus throagh tumtent for the RADSE, ‘The vetible restraint.i6 not adjustable in the field, The oviainmer pickup Se adjuctable with 2 range of fom, 20% 10 30%. [Chas a minor influence on the slope as noted in Figs. $ and 9. The varable percentage restraint or slope is comren- tHonsl. It enhances the zocd security for high earient external faults snd at the sire time asus good senshivity to minor intemal faults, ‘Theso characteristics are for singlephase, pure sine wave cose ditiore withthe actuint csrranteia phage. The threephace nature of the relay with the mixing of the cements from all three pasts in ‘tie amonic rentzint function results ia desirable additional cbaracteristics. ig 2 ee ‘ig. 9, Pendumentalfocueney opereting characteris Fini, ihere 1s approximately a 50% desindtizing action for Yalenend threesphase condition. Thus, the lay is more yeaune zgzinst mioperation daring seen: ovedonds such as vould be sncountezed dering a major system disturbance. But # balansed snvernal thre-phase Cault ean only occur aerors the ecuaterors at Sall vottag; hence, there need be no concera a: to the adequioy of (his reduced sensitvity. ‘Tals characteriic reals from designing the hasruonlc fsers so that some fimfanental frequency pases through the hannenie ters ané is utized Sn the three-phase restraint fanctin, Thus, the resulting pubating dc valtage irom three-phase ceetifioation avrages luggss thon thot som only 2 singe-phave conation; hence, more smstraat is devetoped, ‘On the other hand, heavy locd curents Jo not senitcamly ‘mask minor fant corditfors. A minor faut willbe (2) singlespliese; (©) rerotive, ‘The foxit cumert will thus be ut @ large phase arco ‘with respect ta at least ono of the phase loud ctrrinte, The relay has inherently phase angle seasitivty characterite beetuse of the high speed cesporse of the measuring crouit, Tak i stown in ig. 10, Warn He fault cusrent an phe with the Joud ourent, the Sandasd operating come (12°) prevail, This & splottad fromm Fis, 9, bat to a different sade. With a single-phase fait and a thresphase load, such inphioe cenditicn cannet exist on both faulted paws. Cne of tie faulted phases wil rave the rant coment approximately at 80? to the Iaag coreent, Dosing tosh conditions, the increased sensttisity of the relay as shown by the 1490" curve in Fig. 10 will result, For even fall lead on the trenaformer, the minimum operating cutrent aut to a migor faults hus inoreaced by coly« few percent os Fig 10. Phase angle senstivty, 1975 Hamonis Restraint ‘The tamonie restraint ohareetesiotics have been selected 30 ‘nat either 20% ad harmonic, or 35% Sth harmantie of the furdameata will rectasin the relay. This ison a single-phase bas, ‘These are me values one obssmes on single plust tasting, However, the inruch fo « three-phase tratafeemor fs mre comple th just the sum of thee individual transformer inrashes. fa particule, 4 delta comnection either of the raain transformers or of the CT's wil result in a lest favorable radio of 2nd hamnenie current to ondumental in a eset ane of the pbsece. This is berate wy-del ‘mansforen cause different relate phase bits to threephace, tingleghuse ani the hasmnenie current. Since these are all complex: ities stemming fom the threphase environment, it is logieal te resolve tham wee three pare anata, ‘Thos, the described retty hus intereonnections between the hase unis which modify the charscteristies of one phase depending ‘on conditions in the other phases, Tho remit fs an dnciseie in ‘esiraint when all thnee phases contribute. The 2nd harmonies from act phate, ae dusing inrash, wil help each phise unit stra, even ‘though they at seldom syramstrcal about the three whases ‘This three phase hexmonic restraint ceinforcement is important for transformers buit with magnetic material which has a sharp Jgepolni and a very flat magnetizing carve above the kneepoint, Fig. LI illostrates thi trend In teaneformer design. The encisising furssh depends significantly upen the residual magectization in the ‘tarsformer core. The maxinmue possible residual nil be very neatly ihe yraxs Intereepe of te niapnetzing cue projection a8 shown, doted ie Fe. 11, $0, 1.8 Whim? ve 14 Whim? for older trons: formers, Thas, modem teaneformer: tend to have more inmeh. Bot the 2nd harmotic sortent does not necessarily inoreascin propottion, ‘A.segve analyst WE show that if a transformer could be ft with 2 300% residual ux (90% is about the aration init) the fst aye ‘of the inrask could look very neesy Hke @ LOD% offset faut current, ‘sith no signin 2nd hamnenic content? Duting such cendltfons, the omer 1x0 phase curtemts would contain 2nd harmonies, While thie 6 & thooretion fimit wot couched in priotiog, i iHleteate thst the vahie of suenesing the threephise harmoni sestsints ito get the cesiraint whem it is mreded, where itis needed, eae th Inaucken mera = Enling ris one per mete (a Pig. 11, Trond im wansfermer steel magnecizingchernetoistes. Exir- tg mms ampere curves teted by Epsten fst appar, i we ‘The whole purpose of providing tht least 2né harmonic sestaint posible Is 12 tie case of sncigieng a faulty transfurcer, Tt is of course desirable that the hirmorie restraint have the estt effect posible in delaying the tripping during sch conditions. This i the objective ii the described system without jeopardizing the other characteristics, ‘th Hamonie Restraint A359 SL hamonic restsint to prevent tipping on over cacitation har been determined a: the mout datratlo throvgh analysis of overexcitation wave shapes, Wale the 3rd kemonie could be used for this function, at a simplicetion in the filer by ‘combining Zed and Std harmonic restraints into one, it has not been wed fortwo reat: 4 The magnitude of the 3nd harmonic at the relay is dependent ‘uyon many factors beyond the contrl ofthe relay designer 3 B, The Sed hermonie js the predominsnt one inthe autput current of a satarsted CT. Tins, to use it for restraint is to haeand a blacked relay during a severe faut It is undesimble to trip a transformer by instantaneous Afferestial relay sction when a fault doos not exis in the trans: former. But, plulesophically, a tansformer should 20 trigped off bifore an overexsited condition can damage i, iI the base enuse eannot be conscted. Thus, 2 separate ovcrexcitation protection stheme is preferable to protect the transformer rather than the sdffirential 1lay. However, on extreme orerexctation, the exciting cearint con approach fll toad current and a transformer can be destroyed in seconds. Should this condition over arise, the differ catil relay is about the ouly device which could respond in time, ‘Thus, te 35% Sth harmonic cestraint provides restraint dariag all nomial orerexcitsd conditions, but iF nn ovewvottoge catastropte ‘imminent, the tay wll trp the Teensformer off the Hin. Fig, 12 shows the compostion of the exciting eurents of 2 moder threeplast transfoime. The Fundamental ead Sthe haxmon jc curents will be as chown during overvoltge conditioas, but the Eas Bon i i rea a2 area tt Z I Bal ! 5 t abst 3 Lien Fit 52, Megneticing current and 3rd and 51h harmonies i the wind ings of an averesclied transformer (50 MYA, 78 KY. gratncrlented elected steed. 1 3rd harmonic curents to the relay will in general be substantially less than shows, depending on transformer aad CT connections 21d system charscteritcs ‘The described relay will be blocked fom tripping by this Sth hanmoais exciting carrant for overveltages Up 10 at Lost 140%, Generator excitation systems in general cannot excead thi vale ‘ever in @ maloperating mode, and the exciting carront of 45% of al} Josd current a this point 's about the maxim the transformer ‘an sustain for even abrir period, ‘The singlophase, frequency reepente of the relzy is shown in the curves of Fig, 12. This shows chat the soy will provide good finéarcental flequetey protection at low frequetey st dorng sncration stiztap. ‘The 2nd hamnonie sestsint for inns suppresion fe not twwually of interest during tow freqrency. At 2/3ede- of rated Fequerey aay 31d harmonic will provide restrint toomse this frequency coincides with the nomal 2nd harmonic frequency, The 50: harmonic restelot sf) never be mote effecuve that at rated frequency. At som specific loo trequencies, the Sth harmenie may setually devslop an operating signal the to the various fier charscteristics. This wil nover be wicket to cause a rely rdsoperation I de vltsfhertz does not exceed 130% cf normal Fig. 13 ako shows that the relay develops a net epeciting voltage at fhe 3rd harmonic of de system frequency. This is deir- able when considetiag saimrited CT's, ? Coin i 2° Pott dt 2 “UT ber ; 4 L Fig 13. Pequency response Fig. 14 shows the wave shapes and harmonic content ia the ‘output current of a CT caving variour doggees of setiration, Tals may be considered typical of modern lew leakage coustance CT's ‘built with modern cote material, The CT burien was resistive, A reactive kurden vould cause less sctutation effect for @ ghen ovencea, Unrestmined, Instantaneous Writ ‘The purpese of this unit is to provide slightly faster relay operation for sever faults. Ac demonstrated above, ite not needed to asure tipping on severe internal fants, Fiz. 15 gives the operating Aime for both rite, ine Joid burden readily treated by use of the 1A nontnel rated reby and/or utdizing the separate ratio matching CP's to minimize ‘otal dene Instontancons Setting “The wnvestined, Instantaneous uolt Is set without regard to the soting ofthe restrained anit. The restrained untill not Boe tripping on an inioaal fant due to CY saturation, The unrestrained Unit 18 set above anticipated inmish. [is purpote is to accelerate soley operating tine by abou! | cycle for very sever fats Minizoue Pickup Setting Fig. 14. Wave shapes and composition of secondary CP current suring ae saturation. TImpoles Limite A. The unrestrained uait requires an inst signal for et least 3mns te develop a inp signal, Hence, typical noise spikes wil nat come operation of this erit, ‘The resiained unit requies a sigma above its setting for atleast 13 ms (60 Hz sezy) for i te complete & mesurerem and initiate @ tcp igual. This anit is tine ao immune mie ‘perstion éue tancise spikes 2 Fig. 15. Operating time-currentehavactertsites APPLICATION CRITERIA Current Transfomirs ‘There are no proctlel restueslons on the selection of curreat ‘rensformes ratio, nor on the tieatment of maxinum fault cane ditions. Relay berdens are very low, thus assuring thet a minimum (CT oil perform with suindard 10% eror to 20 times rating, This Js mow of good desig cxteia than 4 relay requuremeat, Excess ‘This setting is deteravned by possible wp-changer wetting range and CT ratio errors at ight loading conditions. 1 ix peated to provide about 15 percentage points margin over expected maxiceum ‘ato erot. It has very litte effect on the slope chansetristic and is seldom chosen for seouity for through fl. “his setting dos not affect the haraonic serait action af the teliy, hence its determination need aot consider inrush nor over oncituion conditions, HEAVY CURRENT TESIS ‘This reay principle has been subjected to incopendeat labor: story high copaity tests a walla to the venfore tt, ‘The seeusity of the system to inmiah wlien ensrtsing a powee twarsformer is shown jn Fig, 16. Tke current save shapes show the ‘ypinal variations as the inrush subsides, Variations in CT perfor ances are ako tevient with SO showing earlier saturation than TO, ‘which hae the higher peak coment, The lower tnoss showing sigosls delivered to the threshold detostors have to items of interest 1. The thie signais are very similar in ware shape in srt of Imajer differences in the three input surreal. The vatrates ‘the mining of the Tamenics between yates and coniions the ‘heeeephase nature of the relay. ‘The polacity oonno is ssctain on poritio and trip oi negative, S and T phases intially develop a sara in the tripine direction ‘whist varushes even before the fist peak of inenah is mached, It is toa som (0 activate the 2ed level detector beyond the integrator. Fig. 17 shows an exteroal fault with 2 severe de component ‘ytueh gatarates the CT's i less than oae eyote, The relay properly retried during tho antire porod inclading thet during tae sradval CT recovery as the de component desayed, Fig. 18 shows a severe intemal fale with a large de component plus CT ccsatuation. The neestrsined unit hat bicn dicommé sioned to demonstrate that the tamosic estrainod unit perfened correctly in 22 oyeles in spite of the distorted currents from saturated CFs and a minimum pickup setting of 30, wn Pg. 16. Typheat wnrsh test showing teres pase restate actin, anak 1037. 0 FO, AAA Fe. 17. Throuph-fauls current with a de component of 440. ms Pinesoastont that saturaiee the CP's an Tess than one yell, Noopee rato, Fig. 19 shows that the instantaneous wit wil also proyetly respoad to the peaked current wave shapes cf seturated CT's even when set 0 pik st 20 times slay mting. cONeLUSTONS ‘The desien of a high speed transtonner differentia slay equites detailed atteniior to all aspects of th: nontinzar nature of Doth power trinfommiérs ind current transformers. Sich arelay vith 12 WZ eyle operating tine and other improved characterises has est desssibed, Thove improvements result fram z theee-phase eralue ation of the current data, as contrasted to previous method: vtich cevdlvate each set of phase parameters senacately. A furthes improve ment hat resulted fron < twostage sigal level deteciorinicgator technique which makes the ley: mauee to xolse spikes and which cehatces the discrinimating ability of the relay to secognize futis from inrush currents, Static messuring is used with an electre- mechanical outpat, the combization resulting in a relay which re- uires ne new oF special sits to apply. The tesic principle of the relay MMs all demands of a modem trensfonner lay. The soundness of the theory’ has Deen ‘proven by ever 3,009 suoecasalinslalltions throughont the world wr Hg. 18 Severe oternal fate with CF sauretton. The wnrestained finctontansons) measuring \nit decommisioned. Opzration bn 2.2 opel. HNN Fig. 19, Severe ternal fouit with CT sxturation Testentaneous untt operation within 1.2 cyetes. REFERENCES ) CA, Mathews, "An fmproved Transformer Ditfertal Relay”. AIEB Transactions, Vol. 73, pt IL, pp. 645-50, 1954. WK, Sonremmann, G. L, Wagner, G. D. Rockerfeller, "Magne tizing Invush Phenomena in Trnsfomner Banks,” ADAE Trans actions, Vol. 77, pt IN, pp. 884-892, 1958, and its Ret. a ANSI Stardard C37.91-1972."Guide for Protective Relay Applizatiors to Fower Transformers”. American Nations St dards Tnstitution o W. J. Smolinski, "Design Considerations in the Aprliation of Curent Transiorners for Protective Relaying Purposes”. IEEE ‘Transetiors, July/Ang. 1973, Vol. PASS2 No. 4, FP. 1329-1996, @ Dieeusion RE Diewich and FE Newman (Bonneville Fower Administration, Portland, Oregon): The author: are tp te conynenced for ther presen {atioa ef a celotion toa problem which has only very ccently munifest Hella Inet here m te wrt, ‘The paper presents 2 staighrforward approach to the problems soosiated th feamaformer difercatil protection, partarly tore iobiems assocsted with sanuation-beth in the transfonmer and e+ Fest feanstormpers sociated withthe diferent eey. ‘The authors emphasize the three phate restaine characteristic of the seta, which is partcolrly effective cunng chireing Cansiormess buint with magnetic matocal with a sherp Encopoint. We weuld appre ciate theit comments on the gerfomnance of this celey on clearing Elsein on tnetogreunt fut external to an antotransforney, tere fhe source voltage On one phate of the transformer goes to zero then retovers f9 aopmal, eeenecgiring thal pbas> of te transformer In this cure will the 2nd Tuemoric restraint comieg only from the phooe thet bes Hoot sibjected to the fant be silent te preventa misoperaton? We aie abo inipresed with he modula, sotk ote construction i eit whch proves, We blot te may cot Fostbly lurther improve if tapt could be grovided on the anput transormters to facitiateratching clsimlar current canstormer ratios. With the present design CT ratio matehing must be done exclusively with ausliery CTS mounted axtecnlly. Manusnige pated Fatrany 8, 1975, BA, Solants (Closelend Eictrie Illonincting Co., Cleveland, Ohio) ‘The mutha te to be conglatalied for erepacing avery tafowmatle and concise paper. OF particular interest is the ase of Sth, harmon festrsint to preclude tranclormer differential lay operation for novia bverexeited conditions, ‘On generator unit transformer applications, our current practice is to provide sepauate overaiiaion protection wid provide aditiond) sexu to the tansformer diferente tlay for ovetexelted contiony, ‘This additional estat is provide via C1 located inthe delta wind ings of the unt ttersformer, Duzine orerexcited conditions, thd harmonic and their maltples will How in the celta windings anc the abodated CT's Tho vutsutof the CT's apply a sperate citforent restraintoinding and thus provide adgitions relay cesta, This soca Cenuection has proven saustactory bas complicated anc Teques1o¥ oltaze full testing to willy the relate potarties of the inside-thee delta CT, “The Ue of the Sth larmonic to provide the additions restraint is atteestire in view of the eomplexites aworited with our existing Store, However does the Sth hermunte content have to be determined for each applieation, Le. coes the harmonic content racy for ¥nhase ‘ere, Skibo shell oF single phase transtormer desi? I, fs De rey Tevelof Sth harmonic resent adiestable? REPERENCE ANS! Sinadaxd €37.91 1972, “Guide for Froceetve Relay Agplicauons to Power Transformers,” Ameriam National Standard: bistrudon, pp ara. Manus esoed Fanaary 26, 1895, M.S Sichdov (Univenity of Suketohewon, Seskatoon, Sak, Cant) Sone sien estates thee phacediferetial relay hick pana free sold state creuty, ae desenbed i this paper ‘ke euexors are 1 be comslinected for ceuty presenting the infornstioa for die bereft of engineers In te powsr deld. Will the authors tare Ta discus the eon corenete: 3nd questions! Te is toe tha: cectonoshenicalcehy's primesily seszond to tims values of the inp signals Bletronte eet seis Cer oy ing other characteristic ofthe input, can bs dasigned and bull, Aratog {pe elrents are nso subject (0 ome limitations ane many. case {Bice ean be quite compplesied. Another alternatives the vee of dlttal Technology hich fae 1G own Sinuiations. 1 belie thet 2 jodiions blend. of vlostromachaneal and acalog aod eigital type oberon circuits can prowse ost resis 1 di tio saan “nc se ry off 10 tee ipa transorner windings ot two breakers on Ove winsE),” [Bmieiding, Vs the basie version oi the rey desgeed to accep! mus from ais breaker: contcolng a three winding transtermee it bresken: foreach wading Mascot sted Mich 6, (9, 4. For internal faults o sestanigg signal proportional to the latest incoming caren js generated. Considr Single pigs inerzat fault in @ two Wndhg varslopmer sich Oat ovects In the fwoled hase are 4.9/0" ard 40/1159 pay, The cesranins seal generated i the reliy wil be proyortional 103.0 pa. Ina conventional type differ fatal lay theredeomieg trawl bs proportene ‘about 9.54 pat furent, the proportionality constant sdjuted fo Tecuce the te Stenng volage egal tp Loved eorprable (o Wat mathe weeys? ‘eema fiat hs approgch cancot be Used Dec XW so Tee the resting sgn foe tough fos “ Second and Ok horas fitecs have Yoon wood to obtain tarmonievaltates anf & low pa liter to suppress componants of over 500 Be fron fie operateg vole. Mee Hers age af conventional ectromagnetic ype, Has the bie of tive ler, stead of the cone Sontonal type, ben investigated snefor te fo his teay? Sethe extitved uit rons a gral abawe is cotng for at bast 15 ms forit to completea measucemen ard inate ate sgwal” Dore von of shin Delay ovcur tie pis tveabol) sd inveraton sicenty pen ip Figure 5? ‘9, Here 4 itteates thatthe operating difronts voltage sigaal ‘of eaol phases aneiiy applied 13 the wip messitement crt Only taro auch inputs are dicated a Pgnce 6. Nil the anos recone Es diserepansy! "At he eng, | once agin congratalate the authors for & well pre- ated paper wht bis yanious apes ofthe blew ot eunstoraer EWfirenl protection end some eature of the RADSE ‘slay to the Sofie of engnces inte power fl 6. B, Kiwall and [. R, Linders: We thank the discusters for thoi com ‘ponte. The sveral point they mention er: inportint consideationsin tne application of any transformer «ifferenthl relay, ane warrant ada tonal discon 1a the cae ofthe extern Tne ta pecan fat ncer to Leet of angle plise autotransformars without tertiarss, 19 possd by Movie. Dist aud Nowmnn ths deserved rolty will properly restrain cn the voltage tecoveryinrash. While this i asingle phase phenomenon Sith respect to the antoleenstormers asthe isctssets note Ie 4 PON Disee cordon, fo the DSE rely, By vietve of the delta connected ET's ce ctherwise suppression of the 2ore sequonee comspencnt) these "ecovary ours vill flow ia twa ofthe toy dfforsuial citsue. Thee, fe hormenie content in the single passe inresh current will also appear sh 2No felays, aod through the Interconnection between the rely strait crcait: wil provide ditional restraint fe cach. This restant vill be substansaly fe sume as for a comgaraale tree phast irruth, ‘Beguine of thoxerestni’ inlorconnecationsplos the dos, ar eaulvalont, CF conecticns. “Tae adit oF rato taps en the rely input transiormess would spptar fo mereste dhe convenience in the use ofthe ay, The present ‘esign ix teads-fF judgement based largely ote additions values ‘evived from the sir zapped iepul transformers Thesede not preity Jend to maliplesap windings with the ceswed accucavy. The use of sepaate tuxilaty CL [rowdes 9 tage agoutete CT aicas Ado at sent and the is particularly wettl when the ful senstivty of the relay FR doghod. Alco ihese soparats soxllay CP's have the advantage OF silowing any Teauited delta © commection to be made up ieiepearent of tie maa CT's, thus alovirg them ( be connected i the preferred syecontiguation, Tnvespanse to Mr. Solanc's question, thete is no reed to make any smh uatmonis extculations © apply tne eiay. The rely nas no aqui rgnis for setting ether the Sik oF 2né harmonic restraint. The cect Of core geomslty, La, 3} core form,3 6 dell of single ins tras former, her en infhvecee on the ded oxen hartmonice, nt iy Nite eat on the Sth’. The Sth harmocic exciting eure Will open on the halt of the seeTused In the cow ond apt ae the core geometiy. Praia a Tunmonic exciting cumert standpoiut, there Js He difference in Ttansfosme steels ainong vatious manufacturers. Tae small duverences hick do exit mainly itunes the sharpress of the aes of the satarae on curve, this effect small aad becomes unimportant at exsiting ouzsat above tho sitignim pickup etreont ofthe relay. 1o Us higher texeiling eurrent region, the cureat wil be lage dependent On the die Gore inauctance Of te exctted winting and very tue on ths actual charctoritics of the steel oe the core pometey. Thete may be as auch ‘nation setween the air eore Inductance of fhe Nigh ard low soltage Minding of a gen taaasformer as there fx batwean traneforoer digas and mannlacturrs, Those ar care inductance differences slo have Hele fest on she 901 harmonic caveats. di oibes sans, the Sth hacmarle fpnlen! in overexlted carrants i due prioaily tothe general siape oF fhe maagneststion cave and I ite ef eoied by moderate variations in 5 lowever, none of these orerewited tansforiner harmonic current chanctaritics can be srcuratsly obtemed fom tne usually avaiable Manucrit rived Age 21,195. 1979 Arastonmes magnetizing evs. These ate slotted om an toa bask and thus fit be Sonverted to instantaneous values before «Tourer antyae 2a be made on Oe diftortel exting eurents. Computer prorrans ‘which ae oped (o generate theses cures can Fequantly isd prove ‘the humonie coatant dct ‘fe sateen: Ih the Beper that the sey is secure aealst over- eqvittion up fo L408 sated roltge i soracratve; In actual prectce ‘he relay sll properly revtrainsgnioenty above ths wales. Ona tingle Dinee bash the rely resane of S88 468 Sth harmonic. On a thice phase bess, the resaint interconnection between relay phases nceates The etfetvonest ef the restraint santtanty. Also, ot a Ures ahase asi the pickup current of the reloy eeaet about 20%, 26 noted in the paper. The pet result 2 duce phe, Sh tannonis effective feotrint of 20-288, Ths, the wlny characteristic @ alequste for any Toxeseeable cvawoltage stnorenallty or improvenent in tansioriver steel. No eafonlatens or setiaa adjustments are vequied to aiare (hs ertarmmiee. Initial insialation checkout requires no ror than the Usual load checks t conten the comexines of the installston Wiring We thnk Prot, Siendey for roung the inadequacy in Figute 6. The ‘restrained and unrestiated input signs are respecavely the mexionun Signal lion: aay of the Ive phases, splocted Htrough a sinple diode “aistionig sicut. Theseooad input posivionshov foc the uarestined eval few ian on a eltage ditder tenor for tlecting the sensi ey eng for ysl Shook eben the igre. ns dotted relay has the sae slaroterbtics regress of the ‘umber of reay imps fired ro salty the SEN eNagAraLON. AS Prof, Sacheoy notes, some ovo put Biecendal rey» ull esa ing cancollaton for interes) fauta (Tha & xot feasible for multiple ‘Gepyrdahrt 1975 by The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Ergiacers, Ine, Reorinted, nith sermiasion, fron IEEE TRANSACTIONS on Power Apparatus and Systons, Now/Dee 1975, Vol. PISBS, No. & op. 19712960, 198 Topo edays.) Tous, where {wo breakers ae used on ons tranefootcar ssinding these relays required s decision a: to whether to patel CT's 0 4s To ute this two windine clurecteisic. Such Gecisions are not ‘equlted with the DBE relay. One psralel CT's or aot as weeded ta pro- ‘ide the desires seourity io extefral faults, tut nct to got dierent reay characterise Ths sesrait canedlation eactoristic i not meaning in soa ‘hers fant caren door et flow inte both watding for an inter: ult alsa in gotual practice t may not be Spnifemt charactor istic since load currents may aulify apy deaefit of improved sensitivity {0 mutt internal fault, Tis eestrainae cancellation = rot requires It the described relay te develop the 20% anime fault senses, The fQuesiob! craais Used fa Te reuy are quite Insensitive 1 gre) (eels abaye the Ureshotd vlues, uu, de selay senstdy, dependability and Spies of cperation would not be improved Ey providing these other eharacterigics ina two windieg wesion ‘The mentioned 15 ms ss desimn constant of the isteerating eect. “This tice terval is teqeired fox property evabuaring the complex wave toma of the inpat Sut to the Ks evel detestor. fhe vale Of Chis ‘tarpation is Wstiated ip dhe oselfoyram of Figice 1. Ths crcuhry abe posites the naaded seority (noe thes spying he ewe ‘A dirt substitution of active for the pasive fters weld enn lite inthe regy’s performance. Active Blters do have a place future ely designs. Wher epptied fo ans specifi relay, the rday operating huracterisici wil be Geveioped it a nyaaner to Lake adsanrage of ihe Sinegue characterises of these device. Acedesign of the presen 16a 1 not Sonterepated st this timo. 0

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