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Anti Ageing

Ageing is the accumulation of changes in an organism or object over time.

Ageing in humans refers to a multidimensional process of physical, psychological, and social change.
Some dimensions of ageing grow and expand over time, while others decline.

Primary ageing
The definitions of primary ageing is the physiologic change associated with age irrespective of the
disease process.
This is more than dying of cells and it is known that good mental health and exercise can slow the
ageing process.
There is a definite progressive loss of function of all body functions starting at the age of 30.
However, primary ageing tends to become significant somewhere around age 65 to 70.

Looking at speciific organs, lung and heart function decreases linerarly with age. The immune system
deceases in function, with the cellular immune system being the most affected by the ageing process.
Liver and kidney function dimisishes as well.

Age correlates well with intracellular lipofuscin accumulation, important for the monitoring of age
related macular degeneration. Primary ageing also leads to decreased homeostatic reserve and,
therefore, the elderly cannot tolerate the various disease stresses nerarly as well as when they were
Interestingly, the elderly have only one-half the acute illness incidence of young adults yet it takes
them much longer to recover.

Lipofuscin is teh name given to finely granular yelloe-brown pigment granules [1] composed of lipid-
containing residues of lysosomal digestion. It is considered one of the aging or wear and tear
pigments, found in the liver, kidney , hearts muscle, adrenals, nerve cells, and ganglion cells.

Secondary ageing
The definition of secondary ageing is the increased rate of ageing changes that stems from disease and
psycho-socioeconomic problems.
Chronic diseases have mostly replaced acute illness, especially pulmonary, as the leading cause of
death in the elderly population. Often , acute illness is only the terminal event, namely death that
ensues from a chronic, progressive disease or disorder.

The leading diseases or disorders in the elderly include : chronic cardiovascular diseases,
malignancies, cerebrovascular diseases, diabetes, rheumatic diseases, and skins diseases.
Smoking, poor nutrition, and the lack of exercise contribute greatly to the secondary ageing process.
Therefore, all health care practitioners must encourage patients to decrease their sun exposure, stop
smoking, and to quit any excessive drinking. Practitioners should also encourage their patients to
promote good health, including exercise, and good nutrition.
Implementing good preventative health screening programs such as screening for metabolic
diseases, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and ocular diseases are extremely important. These
problems, which lead to secondary ageing, are to some degree REVERSIBLE or CONTOLLABLE ,
so prevention and early detection for treatment is of paramount importance.
Malignancy is the tendency of a medical condition, especially tumors to become progressively worse
and to potentially result in death.
Malignant is a coreesponding adjectival medical term used to describe a severe and progressively
worsening disease.
The term is most familiar as a description of cancer.
A malignant tumor may be contrasted with a non-cancerous benign tumor in that a malignancy is not
self-limited in its growth, is capable of invading into adjacent tissues, and may be capable of
spreading to distant tissues(metastasizing), while a benign tumor has none of those properties.
Malignant tumor is synonymous with cancer.

Wear and tear theory

The Wear and Tear Theory proposes that the cumulative damage to vital irreplaceable body parts
leads to the death of cells, tissues, organs, and finally the whole body. Thus, cumulative damage to
DNA leads to a decline in cell function.
The problem with this theory is that there are no research models that give credible support at this

Free Radical Theory

The Free Radical Theory proposes that there is a progressive accumulation of high energy oxygen
species that progressively and irreversibly damages cellular components such as membranes and the
genetic apparatus. The accumulated damage leads to ageing.
There is some research evidence to support this theory and human research with the use of
antioxidants is ongoing at this time.

Apoptosis or Pre-programmed Genetic Ageing Theory

This theory proposes that the cells of the body are genetically pre-programmed byean intrinsic
pacemaker system that determines life expectancy of the cells of the body and therefore, the whole

Genetic Theory

It is well accepted that genetic factors are important deteminants of ageing.

However, the exact mechanism is unknown.
For instance, the life expectancy of identical twins is more similiar than is observed with fraternal
twins or other siblings with the sama two parents

Polygenic Theory
This is the theory that most reserchers are starting to accept as the reason for changes related to
In this theory, the powerful influence of both the genetic apparatus and the environments impact on
the cells of the body add up to direct ageing and life expectancy.
This theory basically embraces all the above theories and gives credence to all these factors playing a
role in the ageing process
Holistic Thinking for Anti-Ageing
1. Stress
2. Normal gut flora
3. Nutrition

Heart beats faster
BP rises
Breathing more shallow and rapid
Senses heightened
Pupils dilate
Muscle tence

Classification of Stressful Stimuli

Weather (amount sunlight, temperature)

Performance stress(Schools, job, home)
Emotional worry
Marital separation

Classification of Stressful Stimuli

Nutritional defeciency


Antioksidan dan mineral

Vitamin B, Vitamin E, Vitamin C
Beta caroten
Kromium, selenium, Calcium, Zink, magnesium
Herbal : Jahe, temulawak/kurkumin,seledri, Bengkoang.

Midifiable Risk Factors of Unhealty Ageing

Chronic inflammation
Poor Nutrition and Digestion
Impaired Mitochondrial Function
Impaired Detoxification Capacity
Poor Immune Function
Hormonal imbalances

Benefites of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Makes it possible for substances in the blood to pass through the cell wall
Decreases inflammation
Lowers triglycerides, raises HDL
Makes blood less stickly
Dilates or constricts blood vessels in the stomach, intestines, uterus and bronchial tree
Decreases blood pressure

Benefites of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Decreases arrhythmias
Enhance insulin action
Needed for normal function of the brain, eyes, inner ear, adrenal glands and reproductive tract.
Important for mitochondril function

Omega 6 Fatty acids : Produce Inflammation

Linoleic safflower, sunflower, hemp, soybean, walnut, pumpkin, sesame and flax oil
Gamma linolenic(GLA) borage, black current and evening primrose oil
Dihumogamma-linolenic acid(DGLA) occurs in mothers milk
Arachidonic acid occurs in meats and animal products

Oxygen and Free Radical

Whenever oxygen is used some of it is transformed into free radicals
Free radical react with and damage

Coenzyme Q-10
A fat soluble nutrient made in almost every tissue in your body, however, the amount you make
declines with age.
Coenzyme for energy metablism in all your cells
Lowers blood pressure
Reduces platelet stickiness
Enchances the regeneration of Vitamin E
Coenzyme Q10 is effective in the treatments and prevention of :
Hearth disease, Congestive heart failure, arrythmia, Mitral valve disease, Dilates cardiomyopathy
Alzheimers Parkinsons disease
Chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia
Asthma, COPD, Pulmonary fibrosis
Peridontal disease
Sun damaged skin

A bioflavonoid in wine , grapes, peanuts, and mulberries
Anti-oxidant , anti-inflammatory, decreases platelet stickiness, prevents LDL cholesterol oxidantion,
stops the proliferarion of cells that narrow your arteries, helps prevent Alzheimers disease, opens
arteries by increasing nitric oxide, helps with detoxification in the liver.

Ginko Biloba
Increase oxygen to the brain by increasing bloood supply(dilates vessels)
Decreases blood clotthing
Improves learning, memorization, mood
Dosage : 40-80mg
CAUTION : do not take if you are on a blood thinner

Ginko Biloba is effective for treating :

Memorry loos, depression
Peripheral vascular disease, Raynauds disease
Macular degeneration, glaucoma, Diabetic retinopathy

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