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The Essential
Magazine of

28). The page was a frequently asked

questions (FAQ) list informing visitors
that the star names sold by private compa-
nies have no recognition or validity out-
side the companies own books and criti-
cizing advertising that implies otherwise.
Following orders from our parent insti-
tution, the Ohio Wesleyan University, vir-
tually all of the content of the page was
removed from the Perkins Web site. All
that remained were a line saying The
FAQ has been removed and links to two
other sites where information about star
naming could be found. One was the In-
ternational Astronomical Union; the other
Nile Roots photographs of the Chaco Canyon was the International Planetarium Society.
Native American pictograph and last Feb- However, this was not enough for the
ruarys Moon-Venus pairing. International Star Registry or its attor-
neys. In late May Perkins Observatory re-
ceived word from the university that ISR
Image of an Ancient Sky was demanding that any and all refer-
Following up Anthony Avenis letter in ences to star naming be stripped from
last Aprils issue (page 12), my snapshots every part of our Web site. In addition,
above are graphic proof that you dont ISR demanded that the page saying The
need a supernova to account for the fa- FAQ has been removed be deleted, so
mous prehistoric painting in Chaco that anyone trying to find the site from a
Canyon, New Mexico. search engine would just get a not
In May 1994 my wife, Abby, and I found message. Finally, ISR demanded
hiked five miles over a tiny trail so I that we not even link to any other pages
could photograph the pictograph, which that have information about star naming.
I had known about for 20 years. Several Clearly this was not about defama-
archaeoastronomers surmised that the tion, as the attorneys claimed, since the
image, discovered in 1970, depicts the su- words and phrases they objected to had
pernova of 1054 in Taurus (which creat- already been removed. It was about cen-
ed the Crab Nebula). We still encounter sorship and their need to keep the pub-
this idea in books and articles by people lic ignorant of the truth.
who have not considered common sky Because of the precarious financial
phenomena or the culture of the Anasazi situation of the observatory, which de-
who lived in Chaco Canyon. pends on the universitys support, we
My other photo is of the conjunction decided to comply with Ohio Wesleyans
of the Moon and Venus at dawn last orders to do as ISR demanded. It is a de-
February 2nd taken, incidentally, with cision that will trouble me daily for a
the same camera and lens. long time to come.
Nile Root But the International Star Registry
Tucson, AZ cannot silence every critic of its ques-
NileR314@aol.com tionable practices. The Star Naming FAQ
is back up at a private site, http://home.
columbus.rr.com/starfaq/. The truth is
Ersatz Star Names there and ISR cannot deny it: No pri-
and Lawsuit Threats vate company has the authority to offi-
There was more to the story than you cially name stars, no matter how clever-
reported regarding the International Star ly it may word its advertising or how
Registrys lawsuit threats against, among much its lawyers try to silence those
others, Perkins Observatory for its Web who speak out against the advertising.
page on star naming (August issue, page I encourage every astronomer with a

16 October 2000 Sky & Telescope 2000 Sky Publishing Corp. All rights reserved.
OCTOBER 1950 If there is a simple Web site to link to this page. Whenever my profession that gives all attorneys a
curve there must be a simple explanation is someone asks you about naming a star, bad rap.
what George Gamow is quoted as saying in re- you can refer the person there. If for no Long-standing legal doctrines have es-
gard to observations on the abundances of other reason, do it to stand up for free tablished that truth is an absolute defense
the elements in the universe. In speech and to annoy those who to defamation suits. Every attorney worth
the August Physics Today he dis- would try to squelch it. his or her salt must represent a client
cusses the brew from which the Robert Martino zealously, but the American Bar Associa-
present atomic species must Columbus, OH tions Model Rule of Professional Con-
have emerged. He finds that martino.6@osu.edu duct, which has been adopted by most
ylem, the primordial mass of state bars, prohibits conduct by attor-
original neutrons, protons, and While the predatory tactics of the neys that has no substantial purpose
electrons that existed during ISR are distressing, the timid re- other than to embarrass, delay, or burden
the first few hundred seconds sponse of institutions of learning to a third person, such as the employees of
of the history of the universe, them is appalling! Shame on them. astronomical institutions. Also, prosecut-
must have had a temperature of a few billion D. A. Deming ing frivolous claims is likewise prohibited.
degrees. As this mass began its present contin- Mauriceville, TX Jim Fisher
uing expansion the temperature dropped and demimrcvl@webtv.net Troy, IL
elements began to form. . . . starguy7@hotmail.com
Dr. Gamow points out that the expansion As a staff instructor and guest lecturer for
of the universe began a few billion years ago, New Yorks Hayden Planetarium, I answer
and that while it is slowing down it will never questions that people phone in to the Spectroscopy from
stop:Our universe is expanding limitlessly into planetariums Astronomy Answer Line. Harvard Square
the infinity. Typically I answer 35 or 40 questions per The rooftop observatory and 16-inch tele-
Gamow may not have invented the concept of week. Sadly, nearly half are some variation scope on the Harvard Science Center, pic-
the Big Bang, but he linked cosmology with high- on How can I purchase a star? or I just tured in Getting the Most from a CCD
energy physics. In 1948 his colleague Ralph had a star named after me and would like Spectrograph (July issue, page 125), is the
Alpher resurrected the word ylem, a Middle to have one of your astronomers show it Knowles Telescope, generously given by C.
English term meaning universal matter. In that to me in a telescope. Harry and Janet Knowles to Harvard as a
same year Alpher and Robert Herman made the I usually tell the caller that the Hayden modern teaching telescope. Its been high-
first prediction of the temperature of what we Planetarium refuses to sanction or sup- ly successful in this regard, even above the
now call the cosmic microwave background. port any star-naming company because bright lights and traffic of Harvard Square.
the purchased names are not recognized My nonastronomy students, for instance,
by any astronomical organization or in- use the CCD spectrograph in a general in-
stitution. Many callers are astounded to troductory (core) course on stars. Eng-
hear this news, because they had been led lish majors were able to measure the spec-
to believe otherwise. tra of the two components of Albireo and
Y E A R S A G O I wish the companies that sell these estimate their spectral types and tempera-
bogus star names could hear some of the tures for comparison with estimates
OCTOBER1975 During the last days of Au- calls Ive taken from folks who have just from the stars B and V color indexes,
gust, amateurs all over the world were startled lost a friend or loved one. These people which they measured using a CCD imager.
to see a brilliant strange star in the constellation are desperately trying to find an appropri- Jonathan E. Grindlay
Cygnus. Located about five ate and everlasting memorial and feel that Harvard University
degrees east-northeast of having a star named for a recently depart- Cambridge, MA
Deneb, the interloper distort- ed person is the best route to go. It breaks josh@cfa.harvard.edu
ed the familiar pattern of the my heart to tell these people the awful
Northern Cross. truth: that their treasured memorial
Nova Cygni 1975 peaked at would only rank alongside something Thaw Refractor Soldiers On
magnitude 1.8. It brightened they might purchase at the corner novelty While it is true that Allegheny Observato-
about 40 millionfold, the store. rys astrometric program has suffered a
largest range known for any Joe Rao loss of government funding, reports of its
nova. Nova Cygni 1975 re- Yonkers, NY death (August issue, page 50) have been
mains the brightest nova since Nova Puppis 1942. Skywayinc@aol.com greatly exaggerated. The 30-inch Thaw re-
The strongest celestial X-ray source ever ob- fractor and the Multichannel Astrometric
served (except for the sun) is a remarkable tem- As an attorney and an amateur astrono- Photometer mounted on it (pictured on
porary object recently discovered in the con- mer, I find the business practices of the cover of the October 1987 issue) are
stellation Monoceros and known as A0620-00. the star-naming companies such as the still used every hour of every clear night.
This object, now known to be a binary system, International Star Registry and the Although government cuts have led to the
has one component with a mass greater than three lawyering of their counsel, as reported in loss of two-thirds of our research staff, we
Suns that may be a black hole.The optical counter- your August issue, to be deplorable. The are continuing a search for solarlike plan-
part is V616 Monocerotis, which was detected flar- legal counsel should be ashamed. They etary systems of nearby stars.
ing at magnitude 10 in 1975 and 12 in 1917. represent the bottom-feeding element of With the loss of the operator of our

18 October 2000 Sky & Telescope 2000 Sky Publishing Corp. All rights reserved.
laser measuring machine, hardest hit is
our attempt to measure a plate collection,
of unexcelled quality, that extends back to
1914. Examples of the use of this archive
have been the study of the possible plane-
tary system of Lalande 21185 (with a 35-
year period) and most recently the deter-
mination of the masses of the triple star
system Pi Cephei (with a 160-year period).
Clearly the time will come when
ground-based astrometric programs will

have contributed all they can, but as
long as space astrometry missions like
Hipparcos, FAME, and SIM are restrict-
ed to five years of operation or less, Project ASTRO astronomer David Ardilla helps
there will be a need for continuity in the a student navigate the Moons phases.
astrometric search for planetary systems
with long periods such as those of the readers to learn that the project evaluator
Jovian planets in our own solar system. found amateurs as effective in this en-
George D. Gatewood deavor as professionals. What the ama-
Allegheny Observatory teurs may lack in details about black-hole
University of Pittsburgh accretion disks (a subject not often dis-
Pittsburgh, PA 15214 cussed in 5th grade) they more than make
up for in their knowledge of and love for
the night sky and naked-eye phenomena.
Astronomers Invade Classrooms Anyone interested in learning more
David Levys insightful report on the about Project ASTRO or receiving train-
pro-am astronomy partnership confer- ing materials can check the Web site
ence (June issue, page 81) perhaps did www.aspsky.org/project_astro.html or

Advertisement not have space to mention another proj-

ect that was discussed at the meeting, in
contact me by e-mail or at Project
ASTRO, ASP, 390 Ashton Ave., San Fran-
which professionals and amateurs have cisco, CA 94112.
been successfully cooperating to improve Andrew Fraknoi
science education. Project ASTRO
Project ASTRO, sponsored by the Astro- fraknoi@admin.fhda.edu
nomical Society of the Pacific (with sup-
port from NSF and NASA), has been
pairing professional and amateur astron- Swept Up
omers with their local schools for the I was enjoying another fine issue of your
last seven years. After being trained with magazine and reading parts of E. C.
a 4th- to 9th-grade teacher at a summer Krupps Clean Sweep (May issue, page
workshop, each astronomer adopts a 95) aloud to my wife. Here I am telling
class (or occasionally a youth group) her about dust everywhere in our un-
and makes at least four visits during the tidy galaxy and reading puns on sweep-
school year. The astronomer and teacher ing up. She looks at me and says, What
lead hands-on activities, encourage discus- are they worried about all that dust for?
sion of astronomical ideas and the scien- Its in a vacuum.
tific method, assist students with research John Amoroso
projects, or sponsor an evening star party. Apex, NC
The program now operates in 11 re- j-ammo@ix.netcom.com
gional sites around the country, and we
have trained more than 700 astrono-
mer/teacher pairs. More than 60,000 stu- For the Record
dents have been exposed to more and The Hipparcos satellite did not measure
better astronomy so far. conclusive distances for any of the four stars
It will not surprise Sky & Telescope comprising M73 (July issue, page 26).

Write to: Letters to the Editor, Sky & Telescope, P.O. Box 9111, Belmont, MA 02478-9111, or letters
@skypub.com. Please limit your comments to 300 words. Letters selected for publication may be edit-
ed for clarity and brevity. Due to the volume of mail, not all letters can receive personal responses.

20 October 2000 Sky & Telescope 2000 Sky Publishing Corp. All rights reserved.

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