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Abortion talk (social issues)

News on Abortion

On 31 of July, a new law was created in Arizona, in which it forbids doctors from
aborting fetuses with a gestational age of 20 weeks or older. Furthermore, the
law defines the period of gestation as beginning when the mother has her last
period. This declaration of law is seen as the most extreme abortion ban in
America. Arizona's new abortion law could force mothers to give birth to
stillborn and babies with fatal defects, which critics say is immoral.

This lead to the topic of today--abortion

What is abortion?
Abortion is not as simple as what you think. It is not only about removal of the
fetus from the womb. It is about the termination of a life.

Annually, about 44 million abortions are performed and among those, half of
them are unsafe abortion. There are around 70 thousand maternity deaths and 5
million disabilities per year.

Abortion can occur either by induction, which is deliberate, or spontaneous,

which is miscarriage

(Lets look into the ways of abortion)

Ways of abortion

Two most common ways of abortion.


Medical abortion is induced by abortifacient pharmaceuticals drugs such as

mifepristone. In other words, medical abortion is aborting the fetus by taking
medication. This type of abortion method is the least painful one. However,
medication abortion can only work within the first 9 weeks of pregnancy. Side
effects of medication abortion include uterine cramping and vomiting.


The most common surgical method for abortion is vacuum aspiration This also
means that a vacuum would be inserted into to the womans vagina and into her
uterus to remove the fetus. vacuum aspiration is considered the safest among
other surgical abortion procedure.

Controversy of abortion
There is much controversy surrounding abortion. However, the many opinions
of different people can be classified into two groupspro-abortion and anti-

Some pro-abortion arguments are females should have full control over her
body, or if its teenage pregnancy, the teenager will have a lot of troubles in the
future if she becomes the mom. Also, some say that females that receive an
abortion are often females who are irresponsible and have insufficient life
experience. Hence, they most likely will regret in the future, and may not take
proper care of the baby. These pro-abortion groups includes feminist.

Some anti-abortion arguments are for example, some Christian associations

thinks that we should not play with Gods will by declining his gift for us, also,
the human rights of the unborn child is equivalent its mother. Some say that
abortion is murder, and deliberating taking away somebodys life.

Abortion in different countries

(Shows picture)

This is the world map of distribution of the abortion law.


The green parts are countries where abortion is strictly illegal, unless the live of
the mother is threatened. These countries include Chile and Vatican City.
The yellow parts are countries where abortion is only legal is circumstances such
as rape. These countries include Argentina and Brazil.

The red parts are countries that abortion is legal however only for social reason
such as the mother is mentally unstable or she is too poor to raise the child.
These are generally European countries such as Austria.

The purple parts are countries where abortion is legal only within the first
trimester of the pregnancy. These countries include Singapore

Video Time

Edit the 16 and pregnant trailer and show to the class.

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