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Principal Professional Development Plan

District Name School Name Date

Livingston Public Schools Burnet Hill School September 2016
Principal Name Chief School Administrator/Designee Name Plan Begin/End Dates
Erika Gomez Chris Steffner September 2016 June 2017

1: Professional Learning Goals

Goal Professional Learning Goals Rationale/Sources of Evidence
1 During the 2016 - 2017 school year, 80% of teachers at Vocabulary is one of the five core components of reading instruction
Burnet Hill School will effectively implement vocabulary that are essential to successfully teach children how to read.
instruction in all content areas. Research has confirmed the important role that vocabulary plays in
reading comprehension and in students overall academic success.
Currently, very little class time has been focused on vocabulary
instruction. Evidence of vocabulary instruction, such as word walls,
etc. is missing in most classrooms at Burnet Hill School.
Teachers need to implement four key components of effective
vocabulary instruction through direct and indirect teaching, which
include (1) rich and varied language experiences, (2) direct teaching of
individual words (3) independent word-learning strategies, (4)
fostering word consciousness.
Professional development and coaching on effective vocabulary
instruction is necessary in order to implement best practices in all
A pre and post survey on teachers knowledge of vocabulary
instruction will help guide professional development for staff.
Lesson plans and the classroom environment will reflect
implementation of vocabulary instruction and best practices.
2 Develop a positive school climate through the Research shows that education and health are closely linked;
implementation of a school-wide positive behavior promoting the health and well-being of students has the potential to
program that incorporates character education and improve teaching and learning outcomes.
positive reinforcement. Character education programs help reduce discipline referrals,

New Jersey Department of Education 1 April 2014

increase academic achievement, develop global citizens, and improve
Improve student resiliency through mindfulness job satisfaction among teachers.
strategies, social stories, classroom meetings, Mindfulness teaches students strategies to help calm and relax them,
community meetings, and other venues. build compassion and empathy for others, and reduce anxiety and
Teachers report an increase in student anxiety and a decrease in
students abilities to problem-solve during conflicts.

2: Professional Learning Activities

Goal Professional Learning Activities Begin/End Dates
1 1. Initial roll-out of goal for vocabulary instruction at staff meeting. 1. September 2016
2. Provide survey on staffs knowledge of vocabulary instruction. 2. October 2016
3. Provide professional development at staff meetings and common planning meetings on the 3. October 2016 May 2017
components of vocabulary instruction. 4. October 2016 May 2017
4. Introduce and implement vocabulary instruction techniques such as word walls, graphic 5. October 2016 April 2017
organizers, word lists, vocabulary games, etc. 6. October 2016 April 2017
5. Participate in PLCs on vocabulary instruction based on articles and professional resource books 7. October 2016 April 2017
by Isabel Beck. 8. May 2017
6. Meet weekly to discuss and monitor implementation of vocabulary instruction.
7. Provide resources and materials to implement and improve instruction.
8. Provide survey on staffs developing knowledge of vocabulary instruction.

2 1. Meet with the Culture and Climate Committee to plan and implement the Bobcat Paw 1. September 2016
Campaign, a school-wide initiative that will reinforce positive behaviors that demonstrate 2. September/October 2016
compassion, curtesy, caring, and cooperation. 3. September/October 2016
2. Create Culture and Climate survey for students and staff. 4. September/October 2016
3. Train staff on the new initiative at staff meetings, common planning meetings, and via email. 5. October 2016
4. Ask for input from staff and students on incentives for Bobcat Paw Campaign. 6. November 2016 March 2017
5. Launch Bobcat Paw Campaign at school-wide community meeting. 7. October 2016 May 2017
6. Work with student council on creating posters, skits, and lessons on teaching the 4 Cs of 8. January 2017
character education. They will perform skits and lessons at community meetings. 9. September 206 May 2017
7. Provide lessons and instruction by the school counselor and teachers on the 4 Cs. 10. June 2017
8. Introduce mindfulness activities mid-year to help reduce stress and anxiety.
9. Meet with Culture and Climate Committee to assess initiative, make changes and adjustments,
and ensure the implementation timeline is met.

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10. Provide a post survey to staff and students regarding initiative.

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