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English 1H/Period ___
___ _____________ 2016

Collection 1 Summative Speech

Preparing for your Summative Assessment, one step at a time!

Collection Quote: Kofi Annan once said, We may have different

religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race.

Dissect the Prompt:

Box the action verbs, underline the what/main idea, circle key terms.

Your speech will be 4-6 paragraphs including introduction with hook opening, body with
clear topic sentences and concluding thoughts.
Follow SMM format

Begin typing (or copy and paste) your speech here:

Ethan Cline
Per. 03


From a seat on a bus to a march for freedom will there ever be racial equality. Tis the belief

that individuals, regardless of their racial characteristics, morally, politically, and legally equal

and should be treated as such. Humans cannot live as one.

Anna Quindlen Author of quilt of a country states,America is an improbable idea. A mongrel

nation built of ever-changing disparate parts, it is held together by a notion,

the notion that all men are created equal, though everyone knows

that most men consider themselves better than someone. As she alludes to the declaration of

independence and shows that it is most certainly incorrect, that men themselves compare them

to others. When someone is being judged, 5 things happen according to Dani Dippiro, Hurt

other people, make you feel worse about you, perpetuate stereotypes, put negativity into the
world, and encourage you to judge yourself.

In a blog post written by Eboo Patel comments,I thought about George Washington when I

was at the airport this weekend, watching women in Islamic headscarves brave the stares and

scowls of some of their fellow Americans on an anniversary no one will ever forget. He is

talking about the tragedy 911. The thing is, those women never did anything wrong. The thing

is , just like Anna Quindlen said, that this nation built on the notion that all men are created

equal is false. These women came here to be free, to be treat as equals, but all we do is treat

them like dirt.

The gettysburg address, a beautifully crafted speech by Abraham Lincoln prononces Now we

are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so

dedicated, can long Endure. A war consisting of one nation split in half, a battle for braking

slavery, like the chains of those a black man, woman or child.

With every generation, there is an attempt to reduce being prejudices, and live in peace as one

human race, regardless of the color of your skin or religion, unfortunately history continues to

repeat itself again and again.

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