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the underlying factors associated with 16 items by using principal component analysis (PCA).

Generally, KMO is used to assess which variables need to drop from the model due to multi
collinearity. The value of KMO varies from 0 to 1 and KMO overall should be 60 or higher to
perform factor analysis. If not then it is necessary to drop the variables with lowest anti image
value until KMO overall rise above 60. Result for the Bartletts test of sphericity and the
KMO reveal that both were highly significant and concluded that this variable was suitable
for the factor analysis

Conclusions, Implications, and Recommendations

The authors state that the infrared thermometer, failed to accurately estimate
contemporaneously collected rectal temperatures (Fortuna et al., 2009). The implications of
the study state that rectal thermometry remains the most reliable measure of temperature in
children (Fortuna et al., 2009). The device utilized in the study did not perform well enough
to warrant a recommendation for its adoption into practice (Fortuna et al., 2009). To this
date, children for which rectal thermometry is contraindicated have no reliable alternative
(Fortuna et al., 2009).
The authors discuss the limitations of convenience sampling but state that they did not
find evidence that their sampling affected the results of the study (Fortuna et al., 2009). It is
also noted that the inexperience of the staff could also have been a disadvantage (Fortuna et
al., 2009). They acknowledge that this device is only one of many types of infrared
thermometers and that accuracy may vary by model (Fortuna et al., 2009). Regardless, the
authors believed that even though infrared thermometry is faster, easier to use, and less
invasive, it could not be recommended based on their findings and that further research is in
order (Fortuna et al., 2009).

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