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1.1 Background of the Problem

Discrimination means treating someone worse than other people

because of who they are. That causes harm of individuals, groups of people or

even entire communities. It can be related to many aspects of life, starting

with skin color, religion, and the gender ending . People can also be

discriminated against on the grounds of their origin, political and material


People can also be discriminated against on the grounds of

their origin, political and material situation. This phenomenon also
affects people with disabilities. The cause of discrimination is
strongly rooted in constantly duplicated stereotypes.[ Blog;
Problem In the World] <http://integratingcities.nl/>[November, 13,

In the Great Britain had struggled to solve the problem of racial

discrimination against blacks and mixed descent race ( half black people and

half white people ) was shunned by England society for his otherness. The

black people have been discriminated in many ways. Until nowadays,

discrimination still becomes social issue that needs attention as it could lead

violence between certain groups.

Racial discrimination in Britain during the postwar period was

rife. Racial discrimination is now a legal offence in the UK and
these civil and human rights are afforded to every man, woman and
child. Racial discrimination includes discrimination on the grounds
of colour, race, nationality and ethnicity. It is an offence to

discriminate on these grounds in areas such as employment,

education, housing, and the provision of goods and services. {
Garry Cyrstal :2015}{http://www.civilrightsmovement.co.uk/civil-
rights-uk.html} [November 10,2015]

Discrimination can cause everything, it is very hurtful for who is involved.

The black people and mixed descent race are also discriminated in social status.

One of the impact of discrimination social status is Dido Elizabeth Belle Lindsay.

Dido live in the social conventions of Mansfield's household were discriminatory.

That we can see when Dido would not dine with the rest of the family, especially

if they had guests.

Despite the Earl's revulsion for slavery, the social

conventions of his household were discriminatory. Dido would not
dine with the rest of the family, especially if they had guests, but
joined the ladies for coffee afterwards in the drawing room.
[ Elizabeth Hanbury :2013]
belle.html}[ November 13, 2015].

Black people are discriminated in many ways, such as housing, social

status, and politics. For intance, the blacks live their own race in slum areas and

whites live suburban areas with better condition than the blacks. In politics, the

black people are forced to not vote presidential election.

The whites got to sit in front and blacks had to sit in the
back. Blacks were living in ghettos while whites were moving into
richer suburban areas. Many blacks did not have a chance to vote.
Blacks and whites usually went to separate schools. [ Sovereignty
Lost; George Melcher pg.444 ]
[ http://thinkquest.org/J0112391/jfk.htm ] [November 8, 2015].

According to above-stated facts, it is clear that discrimination

between mulatto and white people become a serious issue in society. and it

worth analysing BELLE movie script to reveal racism against the

mulatto in 18 th
century In Great Britain In Belle Movie Script By

Misan Sagay by using the reflection theory by Alan Swingewood.

1.2 Identification of the Problem

Based on the background of problem mentioned above, I would like to

analyze the racism against the mulatto in 18 th century In Great Britain in the

Movie Script Belle through the study of the main character, social setting, and

reflection of racial discrimination by Alan Swingewood.

1.3 Limitation of the Problem

In this research, I limit this problem only to the analysis main character
and social setting and reveal racism against the mulatto in 18 century In

Great Britain In Belle Movie Script By Misan Sagay

1.4 Statement of the Problem

Based on the limitation of the problem, the statement of problem is :

1. Who is the main character ?

2. How is social setting ?

3. How is racism against the mulatto in 18 th century In Great Britain In

Belle Movie Script By Misan Sagay ?


1.5 Aim of the Research

This research is to reveal racism against the mulatto in 18 century In

Great Britain In Belle by taking the following steps:

1. The Identification of the main character

2. The analysis of social setting.

3. The analysis the reflection of racial discrimination in Great Britain in 18

century in the Movie Script Belle through the reflection theory by Alan


1.6 Benefit of the Research

By reading this research, it is hoped that the reader will get a better

understanding about racial discrimination in general, factual information about

the authors criticism in the movie script BELLE and can also learn about

how mulatto socialize with white people in the 18th century portrayed in the

movie script BELLE

I hope this research can also be useful not only for the writer but also

readers as a reference to a literary study in analyzing the movie script, and to

enable them to understand more about the reflection on the case in the movie

script BELLE." where different colored skin becomes a serious issue to deal


1.7 Methods of the Research

The method used to analyze the entire research is qualitative descriptive

method and library research. I read some books, journals and related articles

from the Internet to support this research. As cited in the qualitative descriptive

by Singh, Y.K and Bajpai, Qualitative descriptive study is to describe what is,

describing, recording, analyzing, and interpreting conditions that exist.

Quantitative descriptive research uses quantitative methods to

describe what is, describing, recording, analyzing, and interpreting
conditions that exist. It involves some type of comparison or
contrast and attempts to discover relationships between existing
non-manipulated variables ( Singh, Y.K and Bajpai, R.B. 2008)

A library research usually takes the form of the literary review. These are

steps taken in conducting the research:

1. Choosing the movie BELLE by Misan Sagay as the object of this


2. Watching the movie BELLE

3. Reading the movie script carefully

4. Determining the racism against the mulatto as the problem to be analyzed

in this research.

5. Collecting literary data related to the object of the research as described

earlier and data sources which support the analysis of both the intrinsic

and extrinsic elements to complete necessary information.

6. Selecting and classifying the data.


7. Deciding the Reflection theory by Alan Swingewood to reveal the

problem in this research.

8. Focusing on this research to reveal analyze racism against the mulatto

in 18 th
century In Great Britain in the movie script BELLE by

Misan Sagay.

9. Writing the skripsi.

1.8 Theoretical Framework

In this research I use the intrinsic and extrinsic approaches. The intrinsic

approach is used to analyze the character and social setting, and the extrinsic

approach is to analyze the authors criticism of racial discrimination in the 20th

century in South Africa based on movie script BELLE using Alan

Swingwoods Reflection Theory

1.8.1 Intrinsic approach Character

One of the most important elements of literary work is character. In

the literary work character has an essential element to build up the story

from the beginning until the end of the story.

A character is someone in the literary work who has some sort of

identity (it neednt be strong one), an identity which is made up by
appearance, conversation, action, name and (possibly) thoughts
going on in the head. ( Gill, Richard, 2006: pg. 127)

There are many types of characters in literary work. However, the

most common types of character are divided into two types, major

character and minor character. Major character has an influence role to

build up the story, most recounted in the story, and sustainability of story.

A major character is a person or thing that has a big role in

the development and configuration of the story. (Dhumel;
1965, pg. 45) via (Faisal: 2011, pg.13)

The next type of character is minor character in which its role is

unimportant in the story but it has a role to support the main character and

make story run well. A minor character plays only small role and

contribution to the development and configuration of the story. (Dhumel,

1965: p.45) via (Faisal: 2011, pg.13) Setting

In the literary works, setting is one of the most important elements

in which a story or event takes place. Setting is useful to recognize and set

up the time, place and social condition in literary works.

That element of fiction which reveals to us the where and

when of events we call setting. In other words, the term
setting refers to the point in time and space at which the
events of the plot occur. ( Kenney. 1996:38)

Social setting reflects the conditions of a certain society or

community. It refers to explaining character's behavior, habits, power,

culture, lifestyle, language, etc.

The other side of social setting has involved description of

society, social group with their behavior, habits, power,
culture, lifestyle, language, etc., as the background of the
event. (Kenney.1966: 44-45)

1.8.2 Extrinstic Approach

To analyze this movie script, I use the Reflection theory by Alan

Swingewood to observe the condition of society in Great Britain.

According to Swingewood, based on his book The Sociology of

Literature, sociology is a study of the relationship between human or

people with their society, and that can be described as the study of process

in in social life. Sociology has task to answer how certain society is, what

the characteristics are, how they can be adaptation to survive in a

particular society. Through a through examination of social institution,

religion, economy, political and familial, and together constitute people

will understand how social structure is made.

Sociology is essentially, objevtive study of man in

society, the study on social institutions and social process;
it seeks to answer the question of how society is possible,
how it works, why it persists. Through s rigorus
examination of social institution, religion, economy,
political and familial, which together constitute what is
called social structure. [Swingewood ; 1972:11]

According to Swingewood, literature is a reflection of social

culture, historical and mirror to the civilization. Although literature is a

documentary aspect of the concept of mirror to the civilization, it must

treated carefully in the application of literature. In this case, the author is

responsible in describing social life and has critical function to get

character in artificial conditions to determine the objectivity and ignores


his awareness and intention. So it can discover values and meaning in the

social world.

The conception of the mirror, then must be treated

with great care in sociological analysis of literature. Above
all else, of course, it ignores the writer himself, his
awareness and intention. Great writers do not set out simply
to depict the social world in largely descriptive terms; it
might be suggested that the writer by definition has a more
critical task, of setting characters in motion within
artificially contrived situation to seek their own private
destiny , to discover values and meaning in the social
world. [ Swingewood, 1972 : 15].

Swingewood critical theory of reflection sees literary works as reflections

of many aspects. Literature describe social problems that occur in our society as a

whole. That came from social interaction our social life. We can see the reflection

in our social life such as in social structure, family relationship, class conflict, and

possibly divorce trends and population composition.

Literature is a direct reflection of various facest of

social structure, family relationship, class conflict, and
possibly divorce trends and population composition. [
Swingewood; 1972 : 13].

1.9 Systematic of Organization of the Research

In this section, I would like to give the systematic review of this

research. This research is divided into four chapters, as follows:

Chapter one is the introduction that consists of the background of the

problem, identification of the problem, limitation of the problem, statement


of the problem, aim of the research, benefit of the research, methods of the

research, theoretical framework, and systematic organization of the research.

Chapter two consists of two sub-chapters. The first one is the

identification of the major character and the second one is the analysis of the

social setting.

Chapter three consists of the reflection racism against the mulatto in 18 th

century In Great Britain based on movie script BELLE by Misan Sagay.

Chapter four is the conclusion.

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