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Test - 8 (Code A) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015

Click here for Code-B Solution TEST - 8 (Code-A)
Test Date : 29 - 03 - 2015 ANSWERS
1. (3) 37. (1) 73. (1) 109. (3) 145. (3)
2. (3) 38. (2) 74. (2) 110. (1) 146 (4)
3. (4) 39. (4) 75. (1) 111. (2) 147. (4)
4. (2) 40. (3) 76. (2) 112. (1) 148. (3)
5. (3) 41. (4) 77. (1) 113. (3) 149. (3)
6. (4) 42. (2) 78. (1) 114. (2) 150. (3)
7. (2) 43. (2) 79. (1) 115. (1) 151. (3)
8. (4) 44. (3) 80. (3) 116. (4) 152. (4)
9. (2) 45. (4) 81. (3) 117. (2) 153. (3)
10. (4) 46. (4) 82. (2) 118. (3) 154. (2)
11. (2) 47. (4) 83. (4) 119. (1) 155. (3)
12. (4) 48. (1) 84. (1) 120. (3) 156. (2)
13. (3) 49. (3) 85. (1) 121. (2) 157. (2)
14. (2) 50. (3) 86. (3) 122. (4) 158. (1)
15. (1) 51. (2) 87. (1) 123. (2) 159. (3)
16. (2) 52. (3) 88. (3) 124. (3) 160. (3)
17. (1) 53. (2) 89. (2) 125. (4) 161. (3)
18. (3) 54. (2) 90. (1) 126. (1) 162. (3)
19. (3) 55. (4) 91. (3) 127. (3) 163. (3)
20. (4) 56. (4) 92. (2) 128. (2) 164. (4)
21. (1) 57. (1) 93. (4) 129. (3) 165. (4)
22. (4) 58. (4) 94. (2) 130. (2) 166. (4)
23. (1) 59. (1) 95. (3) 131. (3) 167. (3)
24. (1) 60. (1) 96. (3) 132. (3) 168. (4)
25. (1) 61. (4) 97. (1) 133. (4) 169. (3)
26. (4) 62. (4) 98. (2) 134. (3) 170. (4)
27. (4) 63. (2) 99. (4) 135. (3) 171. (2)
28. (3) 64. (4) 100. (2) 136. (3) 172. (2)
29. (4) 65. (1) 101. (3) 137. (1) 173. (2)
30. (1) 66. (4) 102. (2) 138. (3) 174. (3)
31. (2) 67. (2) 103. (2) 139. (3) 175. (3)
32. (4) 68. (2) 104. (1) 140. (4) 176. (2)
33. (3) 69. (4) 105. (3) 141. (2) 177. (3)
34. (4) 70. (1) 106. (4) 142. (3) 178. (2)
35. (2) 71. (1) 107. (2) 143. (4) 179. (2)
36. (3) 72. (2) 108. (2) 144. (2) 180. (1)

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015 Test - 8 (Code A) (Answers & Hints)

Hints to Selected Questions

1. Answer (3) For 4 kg block,
2. Answer (3) 10 Fs = 4 6
3. Answer (4) Fs = 14 N
F v For 6 kg block,
F = kv 14
14 = 6 a a = = 2.33 m/s2
M L T 2
[k ] [M L0 T 1] a = 2.33 m/s2 left.
L T 1
10. Answer (4)
4. Answer (2)
arel = g = 2 m/s2
T 2 urel = 10 m/s
vrel = arel + urelt
g 2 2 0 = 10 + 2t
g l T t= =5s
100 100 2 100 2
g l T 11. Answer (2)
= 3 + 2 1.5
= 6%
5. Answer (3)
6. Answer (4)

XY = S = 2R cos fs
a = g cos Fnet = fs = mg
2S R So, aCM = g
T 2
a g So velocity increases and
7. Answer (2) = fsR = mgR (anticlockwise)
Drift = time vw So angular velocity decreases.
2 6 Finally starts pure rolling.
x 3 km 1.2 km
5 5 12. Answer (4)
8. Answer (4) 13. Answer (3)

Consider the vertical motion w.r.t. highest point F s KE
h = 45 20 = 25 m (4i 4 j) (1i 1j) KEf KEi
2h 2 25 1 1
T 2 2 2 5 s 8 1 v 2 1 9
g 10 2 2
9. Answer (2) 9 v2
2 2 2
a 6 m/s
25 v 2

6 kg 4 kg 10 N 2 2
Fs Fs v = 5 m/s

Test - 8 (Code A) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015
14. Answer (2) K (l1 l 2 )
and K2 4K
K increases l2
K > 0 m
T 2 3m 3 m
Wext > 0 2
k1 k2 16k 2 k
Fs cos > 0, 0 90 22. Answer (4)
15. Answer (1)
1 cos t B B
Weight of Hg displaced = Weight of steel cube x(t) = B sin2t = B = cos 2t
2 2 2
(l h )l 2m g s l 3 g 2
Time period =

h l 1 s 23. Answer (1)
y1 y2 = A
16. Answer (2)
A2 A2 2A2 cos A
p2 32

p1 1 1
r2 32

1 1 3
(P = mv where m r 3 and v r 2 24. Answer (1)

r2 32
2 3v 7v

r1 1 1 2L1 open 4L2 closed
17. Answer (1)
L1 6

f1n1T1 f2 n2T2 L2 7
5 3
f1 2 R, f2 2 R
5n1T = 3n22T 25. Answer (1)

Use law of tension, f T
n1 6
f1 T1 f mg FB
n2 5
f2 T2 200 mg
18. Answer (3)
RT 2 1
PV = constant, P = f 200
M 2
T = constant 26. Answer (4)
From Lenzs law.
Current in I will be oppose magnetic field while in III
19. Answer (3) will support magnetic field.
Work done = Area under graph 27. Answer (4)
(P0 V0) + (2P0 V0) = 3P0V0 Total energy = 2 200 J = 400 J
20. Answer (4) = Maximum energy in inductor = Maximum energy
According to Newtons law of cooling, in capacitor

R ( 0 ) 1 2
L imax 400 J
R k ( 0 )
400 2 106
21. Answer (1) L 8 mH
K (l1 l 2 ) 4K
K1 10
l1 3

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015 Test - 8 (Code A) (Answers & Hints)
28. Answer (3) BV
tan '
V = 200sin (2000t + 37) BH cos
I = 4 cos (2000t) = 4 sin (2000t + 90) 3
tan45 =
Phase difference = = 53 2cos
R 3
cos cos =
Z 2
V0 200 30
R = Z cos = I cos cos53 30
0 4 39. Answer (4)
29. Answer (4) hc
mv n rn hc 2hc
2 K1 and K 2
For ground state, n = 1, r1 = r 1 1
K2 = 2K1 +
h h
mv1r1 v1
2 2mr K 2 2K1
30. Answer (1) 40. Answer (3)
For the telescope L = f0 + ue R1 R3 R1 20 R3 20
69.5 = 65 + ue If R R , then R 20 R 20
2 4 2 4
ue = 4.5 cm 41. Answer (4)
f0 65 E
MP 14.44 V
ue 4.5 r
1 R
31. Answer (2)
42. Answer (2)
32. Answer (4) 
33. Answer (3) Fnet will be along OC .

34. Answer (4) FA = FD and FB = FE

43. Answer (2)
35. Answer (2)
t Potential at centre, Vcentre = 8 R
1 t1/2 0
N N0
2 1 Q
Potential outside, VP 4 (R h )
N0 1 t1/2 1
Given N 1 3 1
4 2 4 VP Vcentre
2 4R (R h )
2 R
t1/2 h
t1/2 = = 2.5 days 44. Answer (3)
F Nm2
36. Answer (3) EA A
q C
37. Answer (1)
45. Answer (4)
Diamagnetic materials are weakly magnetized
Slope of field line = 1
opposite to applied magnetic field.

38. Answer (2) AB 2i 2 j

BV 3 Slope of line AB = 1
In magnetic meridian, tan Since AB is perpendicular to E
BH 2
So, VB VA = 0.
When rotated by angle

Test - 8 (Code A) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015

46. Answer (4) (n2 n1)(n2 n1 1)
No. of sepectral lines
Ka mC
K a C 2 (7 3)(7 3 1)
C m 10
[A 0 ] [A 0 ] a 53. Answer (2)
Kt ln eKt eKt
[A] [A] ax
For electron, V 2500 V
ax 1 x
eKt eKt V
a a 12.27 12.27
x 2500 50
1 eKt
a 54. Answer (2)
47. Answer (4) 55. Answer (4)
Loschmidt number is the number of molecules in n = 2; l = 1; m = 1 = one orbital contains two
1 mL of gas at STP. electrons
All have same value of Loschmidt number. 56. Answer (4)
48. Answer (1) All are correct.
0.5 mol of Cl is present = 10 g 57. Answer (1)
58. Answer (4)
3 mol of Cl is present 3 g 60 g Terbium is Lanthanide
59. Answer (1)
49. Answer (3)
AlH sp 2
Ecell Ecell log10 Q ()
AlH4 sp3
0.059 60. Answer (1)
Slope m 0.0098
n Lanthanide contraction occurs therefore ionic radius
n=6 decreases as atomic number increases.
50. Answer (3) 61. Answer (4)
All acid-base indicators are either weak acid or weak As5+ have stable configuration
base. 62. Answer (4)
51. Answer (2) [Bond strength difference in electronegativity of
25 atoms]
Wt. of solute in first solution 300 75 g
63. Answer (2)
40 NO2+, NO2(+) and CS2 have linear structure.
Wt. of solute in second solution 400 160 g 64. Answer (4)
Total mass = 160 + 75 = 235 g All are correct.
65. Answer (1)
Percentage 100 33.57% 66. Answer (4)
WB = 1500 0.8 = 1200 g
52. Answer (3)
WA = 5 L = 5 kg ( = 1 g/ml)
As only IR region
K f WB 2 1200
Tf 15 K
n2 7 WA MB 5 32
n2 > 2 i.e. = 3 n 3
1 Tf = 15C = 273 + (15) = 258 K

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015 Test - 8 (Code A) (Answers & Hints)
67. Answer (2) 81. Answer (3)
68. Answer (2)
Less bulky alcohol reacts faster with acid.
69. Answer (4)
82. Answer (2)
70. Answer (1)
71. Answer (1)
(i) dil. KMnO


H3C CH3 (i) HIO4

[H = B.E. of reactant B.E. of product]

H {619 4 414 3 499} [4 724 4 460] O

= 964 kJ/mol. dil. NaOH

72. Answer (2) CH3

Rate = k[H+]n Intramolecular
aldol condensation
pH = 1 [H+] = 101 r = k[H+]n
r1 = k[101]n
83. Answer (4)
r2 = k[102]n
84. Answer (1)
100r1 k[10 1]n

r1 k[10 2 ]n 85. Answer (1)

102 = 10n n=2 Alkyl carbocation is less stable.

73. Answer (1) 86. Answer (3)
74. Answer (2)
75. Answer (1) 4
0 t
9 2g
76. Answer (2)
It does not have plane or axis of symmetry. 87. Answer (1)
77. Answer (1)
78. Answer (1) excess
[Cr(H2O)5 Cl]Cl2 2AgCl
Structure (4) have less electron density because of 0.01 2143.5 g
NO2 effect, in structure no. (1) and (2), resonance 1000 100 M

is present. In structure (3), no resonance is present.
79. Answer (1)
OH O 2 143.5 0.01 100
Amount of AgCl

= 287 103 g
88. Answer (3)

CH3 Ozone does not react with acidified K2Cr2O7.

Br 89. Answer (2)

4 10
80. Answer (3)
Elimination occurs according to Saytzeffs rule. 90. Answer (1)

Test - 8 (Code A) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015

91. Answer (3) 106. Answer (4)
a - Diptera Point mutation
92. Answer (2) 107. Answer (2)
XX ( ) XO ( )
93. Answer (4)
108. Answer (2)
Passively floating diatoms
Autosomal dominant Mendelian disorders
94. Answer (2)
Sac fungi 109. Answer (3)

95. Answer (3) 110. Answer (1)

Diplontic life cycle Tryptophan

96. Answer (3) 111. Answer (2)
Meiosis in spore mother cells of capsule in Splicing
bryophytes 112. Answer (1)
97. Answer (1) 113. Answer (3)
Terrestrial plant
114. Answer (2)
98. Answer (2)
115. Answer (1)
(i), (iii), (v) & (vi) are correct
Genetic diversity
99. Answer (4)
116. Answer (4)
Angiosperms character
Both (1) & (2)
100. Answer (2)
117. Answer (2)
TP/p = zero
101. Answer (3)
118. Answer (3)
Bacterial nod factor helps in curling and infectious
Liliaceae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae & Brassicaceae
thread formation.
119. Answer (1)
102. Answer (2)
C4 plant Phylloclade

103. Answer (2) 120. Answer (3)

Pyruvate Acetyl coenzyme A 121. Answer (2)
104. Answer (1) Vascular cambium
105. Answer (3) 122. Answer (4)
RrYy RrYy 123. Answer (2)

1 2 2 Collenchyma
rrYy =
4 4 16 124. Answer (3)
125. Answer (4)
2 2 4
RrYy = 126. Answer (1)
4 4 16
127. Answer (3)
2 1 2
Rryy = Arachis hypogea
4 4 16
128. Answer (2)

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015 Test - 8 (Code A) (Answers & Hints)
129. Answer (3) 142. Answer (3)
Not in the nucleus Sexual stages gametocytes develop in RBCs of man.
130. Answer (2) Female mosquito takes up gemetocytes with blood
131. Answer (3)
143. Answer (4)
G1 20 pg DNA,
S and G2 40 pg DNA, Specialised connective tissue includes cartilage,
bone and blood.
Prophase 40 pg
Tendon is dense connective tissue proper with regular
132. Answer (3) arrangement of fibres.
133. Answer (4)
144. Answer (2)
134. Answer (3)
Sessile animals have radial symmetry.
135. Answer (3)
Mouth is surrounded by sensory tentacles on all
Cyanobacteria sides, so that they can obtain food from all
136. Answer (3) directions. All land animals have bilateral symmetry
Between the flat bones of the skull the joint is it an adaptation for more motile life style.
fibrous joint containing white fibrous connective 145. Answer (3)
tissue. Cartilaginous joint is present between the
All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are
different vertebrae of the vertebral column.
not vertebrates.
137. Answer (1)
In Urochordates, notochord is present only in larval
Protein, peptides, amino acid derivative hormones are tail.
lipophobic they cannot directly enter the cell so bind
with extra-cellular receptors and produce second The members of the subphylum vertebrata possess
messenger. notochord in embryonic stages. In adult, it is
FSH is a glycoprotein. replaced by vertebral column.

Estrogen, iodothyronines, cortisol are lipid soluble 146 Answer (4)

they directly enter the cell and bind with intracellular Capillary beds are present in animals with closed
receptors. circulatory system. e.g earthworm. In open
138. Answer (3) circulatory system all the organs are bathed with
In artificially acquired passive immunity we inject
performed antibodies / antitoxin against the toxin 147. Answer (4)
produced by microbe. B and C choice are the
In cockroach, males bear a pair of unjointed thread
examples of naturally acquired passive immunity.
like structure called as anal styles, absent in female.
139. Answer (3)
In Ascaris, often females are longer than the males.
The ss-DNA or RNA tagged with a radioactive
molecule is called as probe. It is allowed to hybridise 148. Answer (3)
to its complementary DNA in a clone of cells. Ti plasmid is a vector. So, included in indirect
140. Answer (4) method which occurs with the help of vector.
The palindromic site / restriction site in DNA is a 149. Answer (3)
sequence of base pairs that reads same on the two
In Ray fishes, gill slits are situated on the ventral
strands when orientation of reading is kept the
side of the body and pectoral fins are not distinct
from the body.
5' CTGCAG 3'
150. Answer (3)
3' GACGTC 5'
As we move towards higher altitudes partial pressure
141. Answer (2)
of oxygen decrease, so the rate of respiration
Lymph has proteins so it can coagulate. increases.

Test - 8 (Code A) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015
151. Answer (3) p+q=1
GIFT is Gamete intrafallopian transfer. So, p is 0.6
ZIFT is Zygote intrafallopian transfer. So 2pq = 2 0.4 0.6 100 = 48
ICSI is Intracytoplasmic sperm injection. 161. Answer (3)
IUT is Intrauterine transfer. Aldosterone is produced by Zona glomerulosa of
Adrenal cortex. It is produced in response to low
152. Answer (4)
level of sodium in blood plasma.
The effect of competitive inhibitor e.g malonate can
162. Answer (3)
be overcome by adding lot of substrate succinate
because competitive inhibition is reversible. But the In blood group AB both the antigen A and B are
effect of non-competitive inhibitior cyanide cannot be present but antibodies are absent.
reversed by increasing the concentration of substrate 163. Answer (3)
because non-competitive inhibition is irreversible.
Condoms are included in the barrier method of
153. Answer (3) contraception. They not only provide contraception
Collagen is the most abundant protein in animal but also protect the user from STDs.
world. The most abundant protein in biosphere is 164. Answer (4)
In fertilisation takes place the regression of corpus
154. Answer (2) luteum is prevented by HCG hormone secreted by
155. Answer (3) placenta. It has a function like LH.
Arm of man, flipper of whale, wing of bird/bat, leg of 165. Answer (4)
cheetah all are modified forelimbs. In these different Early in ovarian cycle i.e in 1 st half estrogen
animals the same structure developed along different produced in the follicle will stimulate gonadotropin
direction due to adaptation to different habitats and release, while later in the cycle in luteal phase
is called as Divergent evolution. estrogen produced with inhibit gonadotropin release
156. Answer (2) by feedback mechanisms.
HIV infection occurs in 3 stages early/acute stage, 166. Answer (4)
middle/latent stage and late stage. The symptoms of TPA is Tissue plasminogen activator can also
AIDS will appear in late stage of HIV infection when dissolve the blood clots.
the virus attacks the Helper-T-cells and cause their
depletion. Plasminogen is inactive TPA Plasmin, then
plasma protein enzyme dissolves
157. Answer (2) the blood clots
Adaptive radiation occurs in homologous organs. It is 167. Answer (3)
an evolutionary process occurring in a given
168. Answer (4)
geographical area, starting from a point i.e. common
ancestor, giving rise to different species depending NAD is Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a
upon the habitat. co-enzyme for oxidation reaction.
158. Answer (1) 169. Answer (3)
B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes are part of Bone marrow and thymus are primary lymphoid
acquired or specific immunity. organs.
159. Answer (3) 170. Answer (4)
160. Answer (3) 171. Answer (2)
According to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium Melatonin shows diurnal rhythm. It is more in
darkness and less in day.
(p + q)2 = p2 + q2 + 2pq
172. Answer (2)
Negative feedback mechanisms maintain homeostasis
q2 = 16% in the body.
q 0.16 0.4 173. Answer (2)

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015 Test - 8 (Code A) (Answers & Hints)

174. Answer (3) 177. Answer (3)

Viral diseases like Genital herpes, Hepatitis B and Scorpion respires by book lungs.
AIDS cannot be treated with antibiotrics because Pila has unsegmented body. Silverfish is Lepisma a
they lack cell wall. wingless insect.
175. Answer (3) 178. Answer (2)
Voltage gated potassium channels and voltage gated 179. Answer (2)
sodium channels have no link with sodium potassium
In insects, Malpighian tubules help in the removal of
pump. nitrogeneous wastes in form of uric acid.
176. Answer (2) 180. Answer (1)


Test - 8 (Code B) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015

Click here for Code-A Solution TEST - 8 (Code-B)

Test Date : 29 - 03 - 2015 ANSWERS
1. (4) 37. (2) 73. (2) 109. (2) 145. (2)
2. (3) 38. (4) 74. (4) 110. (4) 146. (4)
3. (2) 39. (2) 75. (4) 111. (1) 147. (3)
4. (2) 40. (4) 76. (1) 112. (2) 148. (4)
5. (4) 41. (3) 77. (1) 113. (3) 149. (3)
6. (3) 42. (2) 78. (4) 114. (1) 150. (4)
7. (4) 43. (4) 79. (1) 115. (2) 151. (4)
8. (2) 44. (3) 80. (4) 116. (1) 152. (4)
9. (1) 45. (3) 81. (4) 117. (3) 153. (3)
10. (3) 46. (1) 82. (2) 118. (2) 154. (3)
11. (2) 47. (2) 83. (2) 119. (2) 155. (3)
12. (4) 48. (3) 84. (3) 120. (4) 156. (3)
13. (3) 49. (1) 85. (2) 121. (3) 157. (3)
14. (4) 50. (3) 86. (3) 122. (1) 158. (1)
15. (2) 51. (1) 87. (3) 123. (2) 159. (2)
16. (1) 52. (1) 88. (1) 124. (2) 160. (2)
17. (4) 53. (4) 89. (4) 125. (3) 161. (3)
18. (3) 54. (2) 90. (4) 126. (2) 162. (2)
19. (4) 55. (3) 91. (3) 127. (4) 163. (3)
20. (4) 56. (3) 92. (3) 128. (2) 164. (4)
21. (1) 57. (1) 93. (4) 129. (1) 165. (3)
22. (1) 58. (1) 94. (3) 130. (3) 166. (3)
23. (1) 59. (1) 95. (3) 131. (3) 167. (3)
24. (4) 60. (2) 96. (2) 132. (2) 168. (3)
25. (1) 61. (1) 97. (3) 133. (4) 169. (4)
26. (4) 62. (2) 98. (2) 134. (2) 170. (4)
27. (3) 63. (1) 99. (3) 135. (3) 171. (3)
28. (3) 64. (2) 100. (1) 136. (1) 172. (2)
29. (1) 65. (1) 101. (4) 137.(2)z 173. (4)
30. (2) 66. (1) 102. (3) 138. (2) 174. (3)
31. (1) 67. (4) 103. (2) 139. (3) 175. (2)
32. (2) 68. (2) 104. (4) 140. (2) 176. (4)
33. (3) 69. (2) 105. (2) 141. (3) 177. (3)
34. (4) 70. (4) 106. (3) 142. (3) 178. (3)
35. (2) 71. (1) 107. (1) 143. (2) 179. (1)
36. (4) 72. (4) 108. (3) 144. (2) 180. (3)

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015 Test - 8 (Code B) (Answers & Hints)

Hints to Selected Questions

1. Answer (4) When rotated by angle
Slope of field line = 1 BV
 tan '
AB 2i 2 j BH cos

Slope of line AB = 1 3
tan45 =
Since AB is perpendicular to E 2cos
So, VB VA = 0. 3
cos =
2. Answer (3) 2
F Nm2
q C 9. Answer (1)
3. Answer (2) Diamagnetic materials are weakly magnetized
3Q opposite to applied magnetic field.
Potential at centre, Vcentre = 8 R 10. Answer (3)
1 Q 11. Answer (2)
Potential outside, VP 4 (R h ) t
1 t1/2
1 3 1 N N0
VP Vcentre 2
2 4R (R h )
R N0 1 t1/2 1
Given N
h 4 2 4
4. Answer (2) t
Fnet will be along OC .
FA = FD and FB = FE 5
t1/2 = = 2.5 days
5. Answer (4) 2
E 12. Answer (4)
r 13. Answer (3)
1 R
14. Answer (4)
6. Answer (3) 15. Answer (2)
R1 R3 R1 20 R3 20 16. Answer (1)
If R R , then R 20 R 20
2 4 2 4 For the telescope L = f0 + ue
7. Answer (4)
69.5 = 65 + ue
K ue = 4.5 cm

f0 65
hc 2hc MP 14.44
K1 and K 2 ue 4.5
1 1
K2 = 2K1 + 17. Answer (4)

K 2 2K1 nh
mv n rn
8. Answer (2) For ground state, n = 1, r1 = r
BV 3 h h
In magnetic meridian, tan mv1r1 v1
BH 2 2 2mr

Test - 8 (Code B) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015
18. Answer (3) 24. Answer (4)
V = 200sin (2000t + 37) 1 cos t B B
x(t) = B sin2t = B = cos 2t
I = 4 cos (2000t) = 4 sin (2000t + 90) 2 2 2
Phase difference = = 53 2
Time period =
R 2
Z 25. Answer (1)
V0 200 K (l1 l 2 ) 4K
R = Z cos = I cos cos53 30 K1
0 4 l1 3
19. Answer (4)
K (l1 l 2 )
Total energy = 2 200 J = 400 J and K2 4K
= Maximum energy in inductor = Maximum energy
in capacitor m 3m 3 m
T 2 2
k1 k2 16k 2 k
1 2
L imax 400 J
2 26. Answer (4)

400 2 106 According to Newtons law of cooling,

L 8 mH
2 R ( 0 )

10 R k ( 0 )
20. Answer (4) 27. Answer (3)
From Lenzs law. Work done = Area under graph
Current in I will be oppose magnetic field while in III (P0 V0) + (2P0 V0) = 3P0V0
will support magnetic field.
28. Answer (3)
21. Answer (1)
Use law of tension, f T PV = constant, P =
f1 T1 f mg FB T = constant

f2 T2 200 mg
2 1 29. Answer (1)
f 200
2 f1n1T1 f2 n2T2
22. Answer (1)
5 3
3v 7v 5n1T = 3n22T f1 2 R, f2 2 R

2L1 open 4L2 closed
n1 6

n2 5
L1 6

L2 7 30. Answer (2)
p2 32
23. Answer (1)
p1 1
y1 y2 = A
A2 A2 2 A2 cos A r2 32

r1 1
cos (P = mv where m r 3 and v r 2
r2 32 2

3 r1 1 1

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015 Test - 8 (Code B) (Answers & Hints)
31. Answer (1) 37. Answer (2)
Weight of Hg displaced = Weight of steel cube
a 6 m/s
(l h )l 2m g s l 3 g
6 kg 4 kg 10 N
Fs Fs
h l 1 s
m For 4 kg block,
32. Answer (2) 10 Fs = 4 6
K increases Fs = 14 N
For 6 kg block,
K > 0
Wext > 0 14
14 = 6 a a = = 2.33 m/s2
Fs cos > 0, 0 90
a = 2.33 m/s2 left.
33. Answer (3)
38. Answer (4)

F s KE Consider the vertical motion w.r.t. highest point
(4i 4 j) (1i 1j) KEf KEi h = 45 20 = 25 m

1 1 2h 2 25
8 1 v 2 1 9 T 2 2 2 5 s
2 2 g 10
39. Answer (2)
9 v2
8 Drift = time vw
2 2
2 6
25 v 2 x 3 km 1.2 km
5 5
2 2
40. Answer (4)
v = 5 m/s
XY = S = 2R cos
34. Answer (4)
a = g cos
35. Answer (2)
2S R
T 2
a g
41. Answer (3)
42. Answer (2)

fs T 2
Fnet = fs = mg
So, aCM = g g 2 2
So velocity increases and
g l T
= fsR = mgR (anticlockwise) 100 100 2 100
g l T
So angular velocity decreases.
= 3 + 2 1.5
Finally starts pure rolling.
= 6%
36. Answer (4) 43. Answer (4)
arel = g = 2 m/s2 F v
urel = 10 m/s F = kv
vrel = arel + urelt
M L T 2
0 = 10 + 2t [k ] 1
[M L0 T 1]
10 44. Answer (3)
t= =5s
2 45. Answer (3)

Test - 8 (Code B) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015

46. Answer (1) 57. Answer (1)
47. Answer (2)

PO O enol
4 10
48. Answer (3) H3C C H H3C CH CH3 PBr

Ozone does not react with acidified K2Cr2O7. CH3

49. Answer (1) Br

excess 58. Answer (1)
[Cr(H2O)5 Cl]Cl2 2AgCl
0.01 2143.5 g Structure (4) have less electron density because of
1000 100 M
NO2 effect, in structure no. (1) and (2), resonance
is present. In structure (3), no resonance is present.
59. Answer (1)
2 143.5 0.01 100
Amount of AgCl
1000 60. Answer (2)
It does not have plane or axis of symmetry.
= 287 103 g
61. Answer (1)
50. Answer (3)
62. Answer (2)

4 63. Answer (1)

0 t
9 2g 64. Answer (2)
Rate = k[H+]n
51. Answer (1)
pH = 1 [H+] = 101 r = k[H+]n
Alkyl carbocation is less stable.
r1 = k[101]n
52. Answer (1) r2 = k[102]n
53. Answer (4)
100r1 k[10 1]n

54. Answer (2) r1 k[10 2 ]n

(i) dil. KMnO 102 = 10n n=2


(i) HIO4
H3C CH3 65. Answer (1)
dil. NaOH

CH3 [H = B.E. of reactant B.E. of product]

aldol condensation H {619 4 414 3 499} [4 724 4 460]
55. Answer (3)
= 964 kJ/mol.
Less bulky alcohol reacts faster with acid. 66. Answer (1)
56. Answer (3) 67. Answer (4)
Elimination occurs according to Saytzeffs rule. 68. Answer (2)

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015 Test - 8 (Code B) (Answers & Hints)
69. Answer (2) (n2 n1)(n2 n1 1)
70. Answer (4) No. of sepectral lines
WB = 1500 0.8 = 1200 g
(7 3)(7 3 1)
WA = 5 L = 5 kg ( = 1 g/ml) 10
K f WB 2 1200
Tf 15 K 85. Answer (2)
WA MB 5 32
Tf = 15C = 273 + (15) = 258 K 25
Wt. of solute in first solution 300 75 g
71. Answer (1) 100

72. Answer (4) 40

Wt. of solute in second solution 400 160 g
All are correct. 100

73. Answer (2) Total mass = 160 + 75 = 235 g

NO2+, NO2(+) and CS2 have linear structure. 235
Percentage 100 33.57%
74. Answer (4) 700
[Bond strength difference in electronegativity of 86. Answer (3)
All acid-base indicators are either weak acid or weak
75. Answer (4)
As5+ have stable configuration
87. Answer (3)
76. Answer (1)
Lanthanide contraction occurs therefore ionic radius 0.059
Ecell Ecell log10 Q
decreases as atomic number increases. n
77. Answer (1)
AlH sp 2 Slope m 0.0098
3 n

AlH4 sp3 n=6

78. Answer (4) 88. Answer (1)

Terbium is Lanthanide 0.5 mol of Cl is present = 10 g
79. Answer (1) 10
3 mol of Cl is present 3 g 60 g
80. Answer (4) 0.5
All are correct.
89. Answer (4)
81. Answer (4)
Loschmidt number is the number of molecules in
n = 2; l = 1; m = 1 = one orbital contains two 1 mL of gas at STP.
All have same value of Loschmidt number.
82. Answer (2)
90. Answer (4)
83. Answer (2)
Ka mC
For electron,
V 2500 V K a C 2
C m
12.27 12.27 [A 0 ] [A 0 ] a
0.2454 Kt ln eKt eKt
2500 50 [A] [A] ax
84. Answer (3)
ax 1 x
As only IR region eKt eKt
a a
n2 7 x
n2 > 2 i.e. = 3 n 3 1 eKt
1 a

Test - 8 (Code B) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015

91. Answer (3) 114. Answer (1)
Cyanobacteria 115. Answer (2)
92. Answer (3) Splicing
93. Answer (4) 116. Answer (1)
94. Answer (3) Tryptophan
95. Answer (3) 117. Answer (3)
G1 20 pg DNA, 118. Answer (2)
S and G2 40 pg DNA, Autosomal dominant Mendelian disorders
Prophase 40 pg 119. Answer (2)
96. Answer (2)
XX ( ) XO ( )
97. Answer (3)
120. Answer (4)
Not in the nucleus
Point mutation
98. Answer (2)
121. Answer (3)
99. Answer (3)
RrYy RrYy
Arachis hypogea
1 2 2
100. Answer (1) rrYy =
4 4 16
101. Answer (4)
102. Answer (3) 2 2 4
RrYy =
103. Answer (2) 4 4 16

Collenchyma 2 1 2
Rryy =
104. Answer (4) 4 4 16
105. Answer (2) 122. Answer (1)
Vascular cambium 123. Answer (2)

106. Answer (3) Pyruvate Acetyl coenzyme A

107. Answer (1) 124. Answer (2)

C4 plant
125. Answer (3)
108. Answer (3)
Bacterial nod factor helps in curling and infectious
Liliaceae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae & Brassicaceae thread formation.
109. Answer (2) 126. Answer (2)
TP/p = zero
110. Answer (4)
127. Answer (4)
Both (1) & (2)
Angiosperms character
111. Answer (1)
128. Answer (2)
Genetic diversity (i), (iii), (v) & (vi) are correct
112. Answer (2) 129. Answer (1)
113. Answer (3) Terrestrial plant

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015 Test - 8 (Code B) (Answers & Hints)

130. Answer (3) 148. Answer (4)

Meiosis in spore mother cells of capsule in NAD is Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a
bryophytes co-enzyme for oxidation reaction.
131. Answer (3) 149. Answer (3)
Diplontic life cycle 150. Answer (4)
132. Answer (2) TPA is Tissue plasminogen activator can also
dissolve the blood clots.
Sac fungi
133. Answer (4) Plasminogen is inactive TPA Plasmin, then
plasma protein enzyme dissolves
Passively floating diatoms the blood clots
134. Answer (2) 151. Answer (4)

Chemoautotrophs Early in ovarian cycle i.e in 1 st half estrogen

produced in the follicle will stimulate gonadotropin
135. Answer (3) release, while later in the cycle in luteal phase
a - Diptera estrogen produced with inhibit gonadotropin release
by feedback mechanisms.
136. Answer (1)
152. Answer (4)
137. Answer (2)
In fertilisation takes place the regression of corpus
In insects, Malpighian tubules help in the removal of
luteum is prevented by HCG hormone secreted by
nitrogeneous wastes in form of uric acid.
placenta. It has a function like LH.
138. Answer (2)
153. Answer (3)
139. Answer (3)
Condoms are included in the barrier method of
Scorpion respires by book lungs. contraception. They not only provide contraception
Pila has unsegmented body. Silverfish is Lepisma a but also protect the user from STDs.
wingless insect. 154. Answer (3)
140. Answer (2) In blood group AB both the antigen A and B are
141. Answer (3) present but antibodies are absent.
155. Answer (3)
Voltage gated potassium channels and voltage gated
sodium channels have no link with sodium potassium Aldosterone is produced by Zona glomerulosa of
pump. Adrenal cortex. It is produced in response to low
level of sodium in blood plasma.
142. Answer (3)
156. Answer (3)
Viral diseases like Genital herpes, Hepatitis B and
AIDS cannot be treated with antibiotrics because According to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
they lack cell wall. (p + q)2 = p2 + q2 + 2pq
143. Answer (2) Here
144. Answer (2) q2 = 16%
Negative feedback mechanisms maintain homeostasis
q 0.16 0.4
in the body.
145. Answer (2)
So, p is 0.6
Melatonin shows diurnal rhythm. It is more in
darkness and less in day. So 2pq = 2 0.4 0.6 100 = 48
146. Answer (4) 157. Answer (3)
147. Answer (3) 158. Answer (1)
Bone marrow and thymus are primary lymphoid B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes are part of
organs. acquired or specific immunity.

Test - 8 (Code B) (Answers & Hints) All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015
159. Answer (2) 169. Answer (4)
Adaptive radiation occurs in homologous organs. It is In cockroach, males bear a pair of unjointed thread
an evolutionary process occurring in a given like structure called as anal styles, absent in female.
geographical area, starting from a point i.e. common
In Ascaris, often females are longer than the males.
ancestor, giving rise to different species depending
upon the habitat. 170 Answer (4)
160. Answer (2) Capillary beds are present in animals with closed
circulatory system. e.g earthworm. In open
HIV infection occurs in 3 stages early/acute stage,
circulatory system all the organs are bathed with
middle/latent stage and late stage. The symptoms of
AIDS will appear in late stage of HIV infection when
the virus attacks the Helper-T-cells and cause their 171. Answer (3)
depletion. All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are
161. Answer (3) not vertebrates.
Arm of man, flipper of whale, wing of bird/bat, leg of In Urochordates, notochord is present only in larval
cheetah all are modified forelimbs. In these different tail.
animals the same structure developed along different The members of the subphylum vertebrata possess
direction due to adaptation to different habitats and notochord in embryonic stages. In adult, it is
is called as Divergent evolution. replaced by vertebral column.
162. Answer (2) 172. Answer (2)
163. Answer (3) Sessile animals have radial symmetry.
Collagen is the most abundant protein in animal Mouth is surrounded by sensory tentacles on all
world. The most abundant protein in biosphere is sides, so that they can obtain food from all
RUBISCO. directions. All land animals have bilateral symmetry
164. Answer (4) it an adaptation for more motile life style.
The effect of competitive inhibitor e.g malonate can 173. Answer (4)
be overcome by adding lot of substrate succinate Specialised connective tissue includes cartilage,
because competitive inhibition is reversible. But the bone and blood.
effect of non-competitive inhibitior cyanide cannot be
reversed by increasing the concentration of substrate Tendon is dense connective tissue proper with regular
because non-competitive inhibition is irreversible. arrangement of fibres.

165. Answer (3) 174. Answer (3)

GIFT is Gamete intrafallopian transfer. Sexual stages gametocytes develop in RBCs of man.
Female mosquito takes up gemetocytes with blood
ZIFT is Zygote intrafallopian transfer. meal.
ICSI is Intracytoplasmic sperm injection. 175. Answer (2)
IUT is Intrauterine transfer. Lymph has proteins so it can coagulate.
166. Answer (3) 176. Answer (4)
As we move towards higher altitudes partial pressure The palindromic site / restriction site in DNA is a
of oxygen decrease, so the rate of respiration sequence of base pairs that reads same on the two
increases. strands when orientation of reading is kept the
167. Answer (3) same.
In Ray fishes, gill slits are situated on the ventral 5' CTGCAG 3'
side of the body and pectoral fins are not distinct 3' GACGTC 5'
from the body.
177. Answer (3)
168. Answer (3)
The ss-DNA or RNA tagged with a radioactive
Ti plasmid is a vector. So, included in indirect molecule is called as probe. It is allowed to hybridise
method which occurs with the help of vector. to its complementary DNA in a clone of cells.

All India Aakash Test Series for Medical-2015 Test - 8 (Code B) (Answers & Hints)
178. Answer (3) FSH is a glycoprotein.
In artificially acquired passive immunity we inject Estrogen, iodothyronines, cortisol are lipid soluble
performed antibodies / antitoxin against the toxin they directly enter the cell and bind with intracellular
produced by microbe. B and C choice are the receptors.
examples of naturally acquired passive immunity.
180. Answer (3)
179. Answer (1)
Between the flat bones of the skull the joint is
Protein, peptides, amino acid derivative hormones are
lipophobic they cannot directly enter the cell so bind fibrous joint containing white fibrous connective
with extra-cellular receptors and produce second tissue. Cartilaginous joint is present between the
messenger. different vertebrae of the vertebral column.



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