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and ELAN Software V4.




Iris Power LP
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Date: 25th August 2010
Filename: ELCID_ELAN_Evolution-UserManual_V5.4.doc

This Manual is written to give guidance as to the use and application of the EL
CID Evolution System for use by a professional electrical engineer in normal
circumstances. The user is expected to study the enclosed theoretical teachings,
explanations and advice, and consider the best application of the test system in
their circumstances.

However as the use of the equipment is beyond the control of Iris Power LP,
neither Iris Power, any employee of Iris Power, nor any person or organisation
acting on behalf of them can assume responsibility for any losses, damages or
other liability whatsoever including any consequential damages (even if Iris
Power, or any Iris Power representative has been advised of the possibility of
such losses or damages) resulting from your selection or use of this equipment or
any information, apparatus, method, or process, or similar item disclosed in this
Manual, or for any error or omission in this Manual.

2010 Iris Power LP

Copyright in this document is owned by Iris Power LP

No reproduction of the whole or any part of this document is to be made
without the written permission of Iris Power LP

EL CID is a Trademark of Iris Power LP

Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Excel are all registered
trademarks of Microsoft Inc.

Page 2 V5.4

IMPORTANT SAFETY WARNINGS ............................................................................... 10

1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................... 11
1.1 Core Faults in Rotating Electrical Machines ....................................................... 11
1.2 EL CID Background ............................................................................................ 11
2. BASIC PRINCIPLES OF EL CID TESTING......................................................... 13
2.1 Core Faults........................................................................................................... 13
2.2 EL CID Detection ................................................................................................ 14
2.3 Signal Processing................................................................................................. 16
3. EL CID EVOLUTION TEST SYSTEM ................................................................. 19
3.1 Test System Contents .......................................................................................... 19
3.2 EL CID Evolution Signal Processor Unit 62/100/1/001 ................................... 19
3.3 Reference Sensor 62/006/0/507 ........................................................................... 19
3.4 Calibration Unit 62/200/1/001 and Calibration Unit Cable 62/006/0/509 .......... 20
3.5 Chattock Coils 62/006/0/101, /102, /103, /104.................................................. 20
3.6 Manual Trolley 6/300/1/001 .............................................................................. 20
3.7 Excitation Windings ............................................................................................ 21
3.8 Test System Interconnections .............................................................................. 22
3.9 System Software .................................................................................................. 22
4. CONNECTION AND OPERATION OF EL CID EVOLUTION .......................... 23
4.1 Connection to the SPU ........................................................................................ 23
4.1.1 Signal Inputs (yellow colour) ........................................................................... 23
4.1.2 Reference Input (blue colour) ........................................................................... 24
4.1.3 X-Axis Input (black colour) ............................................................................. 24
4.1.4 Calibration Output (red colour) ........................................................................ 24
4.1.5 USB Output (gray colour) ................................................................................ 24
4.1.6 Power Input and Battery ................................................................................... 24
4.2 Controls on the SPU ............................................................................................ 25
4.2.1 Off/Measure/Setup Switch ............................................................................... 25
4.2.2 OK Button ......................................................................................................... 26
4.2.3 Rotary Control .................................................................................................. 26
4.2.4 Softkey Buttons ................................................................................................ 26
4.3 Operation in Setup Mode..................................................................................... 27
4.3.1 Overview........................................................................................................... 27
4.3.2 Signal Calibration ............................................................................................. 28
4.3.3 Phase Calibration .............................................................................................. 29
4.3.4 X-Axis Select .................................................................................................... 30
4.3.5 X-Axis Calibration ........................................................................................... 31
4.3.6 Signal Selection ................................................................................................ 32
4.3.7 Quad Bargraph Scale ........................................................................................ 32
4.3.8 Quad Warning Level......................................................................................... 33
4.3.9 Frequency ......................................................................................................... 33
4.4 Operation in Measure Mode ................................................................................ 34
4.4.1 Overview........................................................................................................... 34
4.4.2 Controls in Measure Mode ............................................................................... 35
Page 3 V5.4
4.4.3 Warning Messages in Measure Mode ...............................................................36
5. CHATTOCK CALIBRATION ................................................................................37
5.1 Chattock Calibration Connections .......................................................................37
5.2 Calibration Unit Frequency Setting......................................................................38
5.3 Calibration Unit Calibration .................................................................................39
6. TEST PREPARATIONS FOR EL CID TESTING..................................................41
6.1 General Preparations ............................................................................................41
6.1.1 Additional Equipment. ......................................................................................41
6.1.2 Inspecting and Testing the EL CID Equipment. ...............................................41
6.1.3 Inspecting the Core and Numbering the Slots. ..................................................42
6.1.4 Earthing the Windings. ......................................................................................42
6.2 The Excitation Winding .......................................................................................43
6.3 Excitation Voltage Calculation for Generators ....................................................44
6.4 Excitation Voltage Calculation for Motors ..........................................................44
6.4.1 Calculation of Excitation Ampre-turns............................................................45
6.4.2 Calculation of Number of Winding Turns, Current and Voltage ......................46
6.4.3 Excitation Winding Safety Checks ....................................................................47
6.4.4 Installing and Testing the Excitation Winding ..................................................48
6.5 Adjusting the Manual Trolley ..............................................................................50
6.6 Setting Up and Connecting the Test Equipment ..................................................51
6.6.1 The X Axis Distance Encoders..........................................................................52
6.6.2 The Reference Sensor ........................................................................................52
6.6.3 The SPU.............................................................................................................52
6.6.4 The PC ...............................................................................................................52
6.7 Calibrating the Equipment....................................................................................53
6.7.1 Calibrating the Chattock(s) ...............................................................................53
6.7.2 Calibrating the X-Axis ......................................................................................53
6.7.3 Calibrating the Phase .........................................................................................53
6.7.4 Setting the Range...............................................................................................54
6.7.5 Monitoring Excitation Current and Single Turn Voltage ..................................55
7. TEST PROCEDURES..............................................................................................57
7.1 Initial Check of Overall Test Set-up ....................................................................57
7.2 Global Core Tests .................................................................................................58
7.2.1 Trial Recordings ................................................................................................58
7.2.2 Manual Scanning ...............................................................................................58
7.2.3 Final Recording .................................................................................................58
7.3 Local EL CID Core Test ......................................................................................60
7.3.1 Step Iron and other Core End Areas ..................................................................60
7.3.2 Pin-pointing Damage .........................................................................................60
7.3.3 Damage Below Teeth Tips ................................................................................61
8. STEP-BY-STEP ELCID TEST ................................................................................63
9. INSTALLATION OF ELAN SOFTWARE ON A PC ............................................65
9.1 Distribution Media ...............................................................................................65
9.2 Suitable PC ...........................................................................................................65
9.3 Installation on a PC ..............................................................................................65
9.4 Locations for Programs and Data .........................................................................66
Page 4 V5.4
9.5 Installation on non-English Windows ................................................................. 66
9.6 Installation of USB Drivers ................................................................................. 67
9.7 Use with Digital EL CID and USB ..................................................................... 68
9.8 Demonstration Test Files. .................................................................................... 68
10. ELAN STATOR ANALYSIS ................................................................................. 69
10.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 69
10.2 Overview of Main Features ................................................................................. 69
10.3 Starting the Analysis Program ............................................................................. 70
10.4 Quick Guide to Analysing a Test. ....................................................................... 70
10.5 Main Menu .......................................................................................................... 72
10.6 File Menu............................................................................................................. 73
10.6.1 File Open ....................................................................................................... 73
10.6.2 Main Display .................................................................................................... 74
10.6.3 File Close ....................................................................................................... 75
10.6.4 Security ............................................................................................................. 75
10.6.5 File Print Setup .............................................................................................. 76
10.6.6 File Print ........................................................................................................ 77
10.6.7 Print .................................................................................................................. 80
10.6.8 Print Report....................................................................................................... 80
10.6.9 Cancel ............................................................................................................... 81
10.6.10The Print Footer ............................................................................................... 81
10.6.11Printout Colours............................................................................................... 81
10.6.12File Print Screen ........................................................................................... 82
10.6.13File Insert Trace ........................................................................................ 82
10.6.14File Exit ........................................................................................................ 83
10.7 Main Display ....................................................................................................... 83
10.8 Display Menu ...................................................................................................... 84
10.8.1 Display Select Traces .................................................................................... 84
10.8.2 Display Select Slots ....................................................................................... 89
10.8.3 Display Next Higher Slots ............................................................................. 90
10.8.4 Display Next Lower Slots.............................................................................. 90
10.8.5 Display Core Visualisation ............................................................................ 90
10.8.6 Display Core Visualisation Parameters ......................................................... 90
10.8.7 Display Core Visualisation Display .............................................................. 92
10.8.8 Display Core Visualisation Controls ............................................................. 93
10.9 View Menu .......................................................................................................... 93
10.9.1 View Peaks .................................................................................................... 94
10.9.2 View Notes .................................................................................................... 97
10.9.3 View Machine Parameters ............................................................................. 98
10.9.4 View Test Parameters .................................................................................... 99
10.10 Options................................................................................................................. 99
10.11 EL CID Test....................................................................................................... 101
10.12 Help ................................................................................................................... 101
10.13 Analysis Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts.......................................................... 102
10.14 Exporting Data to Excel .................................................................................... 103
10.15 Single Trace Interaction .................................................................................... 103
Page 5 V5.4
10.16 Older Test Data ..................................................................................................106
11. ELAN EL CID STATOR TEST.............................................................................107
11.1 EL CID Stator Overview ....................................................................................107
11.2 EL CID Stator Test Main Window Functions ....................................................107
11.2.1 Menu functions ................................................................................................107
11.2.2 Toolbar ............................................................................................................107
11.3 Test Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts .................................................................108
11.4 Quick Guide to Testing a Stator .........................................................................109
11.5 Connection to EL CID ........................................................................................110
11.6 Unit Menu - Setting the Header Data .................................................................110
11.6.1 New Unit .........................................................................................................111
11.6.2 Copy Unit ........................................................................................................111
11.6.3 Edit Unit ..........................................................................................................111
11.7 Machine Parameters ...........................................................................................112
11.8 Calculate Single Turn Voltage ...........................................................................113
11.8.1 Calculate Single Turn Voltage from Turns per phase in series .......................114
11.8.2 Calculate Single Turn Voltage from Winding Details ....................................114
11.8.3 Calculate Single Turn Voltage from Core Geometry ......................................115
11.9 Test Parameters ..................................................................................................117
11.9.1 Test Sequencing and Scanning ........................................................................118
11.9.2 Double Scan with RIV.....................................................................................120
11.9.3 Timebase Use ..................................................................................................120
11.9.4 Step-Iron Testing .............................................................................................120
11.9.5 Remote Manual Trolley Operation..................................................................121
11.9.6 Over-record traces ...........................................................................................122
11.10 Audio Signals .....................................................................................................122
11.11 Trace Recording and Display .............................................................................123
11.12 Error Reports ......................................................................................................125
11.13 File Menu ...........................................................................................................126
11.13.1File Save ......................................................................................................126
11.13.2File Save as ..................................................................................................126
11.13.3File Exit Test ...............................................................................................127
11.14 Display Menu .....................................................................................................128
11.15 View Menu .........................................................................................................129
11.15.1View Slots ...................................................................................................129
11.15.2View Progress..............................................................................................130
11.15.3View Afar ....................................................................................................131
11.16 Test Menu ...........................................................................................................132
11.16.1Test Start......................................................................................................134
11.16.2Test Finish ...................................................................................................134
11.16.3Test Redo .....................................................................................................134
11.16.4Test Go To ...................................................................................................135
11.16.5Test Discard .................................................................................................135
11.16.6Test Begin Slot ............................................................................................135
11.16.7Test End Slot ...............................................................................................136
11.17 File Handling ......................................................................................................137
Page 6 V5.4
11.17.1File Formats ................................................................................................... 137
11.17.2File Data Values ............................................................................................ 138
11.17.3File Conversion ............................................................................................. 139
11.17.4File Compression ........................................................................................... 140
11.17.5Crash Recovery.............................................................................................. 140
12. INTERPRETING TEST TRACES ........................................................................ 141
12.1 Consideration of Maximum Acceptable Fault Current ..................................... 141
12.2 Influence of the Chattock on Fault Detection.................................................... 141
12.3 Correct Detection of Faults Regarding Polarity of PHASE .............................. 142
12.4 Typical Fault Signatures .................................................................................... 143
APPENDICES ................................................................................................................... 147
APPENDIX 2 EL CID TEST DATA RECORD ........................................................... 157
APPENDIX 6 MOTOR ROTOR BAR TESTING USING EL CID ............................. 167
APPENDIX 7 TROUBLE SHOOTING PROCEDURES ............................................. 169
APPENDIX 8 SPECIFICATIONS ................................................................................ 173
APPENDIX 9 SYSTEM CONNECTION DETAILS ................................................... 178
APPENDIX 13 CE DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY........................................ 205

Page 7 V5.4

Fig. 1 Stator Core Construction ......................................................................................13

Fig. 2 Core Excitation Winding and Flux Path ..............................................................14
Fig. 3 Fault Currents in Core Cross-section ...................................................................15
Fig. 4 Chattock Potentiometer Position on Stator Teeth ................................................16
Fig. 5 EL CID Evolution Front View .............................................................................19
Fig. 6 EL CID Evolution System Interconnections. .......................................................22
Fig. 7 EL CID Evolution Connections. ..........................................................................23
Fig. 8 EL CID Evolution Controls..................................................................................25
Fig. 9 Setup Screen .........................................................................................................27
Fig. 10 Signal Calibration Screen ...................................................................................28
Fig. 11 Phase Calibration Screen ....................................................................................30
Fig. 12 X-Axis Calibration .............................................................................................31
Fig. 13 Measure Mode Screen ........................................................................................34
Fig. 14 Calibration Connections .....................................................................................37
Fig. 15 Right-angled Chattock Calibration ....................................................................38
Fig. 16 Excitation Winding Supply ................................................................................43
Fig. 17 Core Measurement points for excitation calculations. .......................................45
Fig. 18 Assembly and Adjustments of Manual Trolley..................................................50
Fig. 19 Changing slot when testing in Alternate single scan mode ............................59
Fig. 20 Software Installation Folder ...............................................................................66
Fig. 21 Main Menu .........................................................................................................72
Fig. 22 File Menu ...........................................................................................................73
Fig. 23 File Open Dialogue .........................................................................................74
Fig. 24 File Main Trace Display ..................................................................................75
Fig. 25 Print Setup Dialogue ..........................................................................................76
Fig. 26 Print Dialogue ....................................................................................................77
Fig. 27 Trace Colour Selection .......................................................................................81
Fig. 28 Insert Traces Controls ........................................................................................82
Fig. 29 Display Menu .....................................................................................................84
Fig. 30 Display Select Traces Dialogue ......................................................................85
Fig. 31 Colour Selection .................................................................................................88
Fig. 32 Select Slots Dialogue .........................................................................................89
Fig. 33 Core Visualisation Parameters ...........................................................................91
Fig. 34 Core Visualisation Image ...................................................................................92
Fig. 35 Core Visualisation Controls ...............................................................................93
Fig. 36 View Menu .........................................................................................................94
Fig. 37 Peaks Selection Dialogue ...................................................................................94
Fig. 38 Peaks Analysis Display ......................................................................................96
Fig. 39 Notes Display and Dialogue ...............................................................................97
Fig. 40 Machine Parameters Display ..............................................................................98
Fig. 41 Test Parameters Display .....................................................................................99
Fig. 42 Options Menu ...................................................................................................100
Fig. 43 ELAN Help menu.............................................................................................101
Fig. 44 Trace Right-click Menu ...................................................................................102
Page 8 V5.4
Fig. 45 Single Trace Interaction .................................................................................. 103
Fig. 46 Single Trace Interaction multiple traces. ...................................................... 104
Fig. 47 Single Trace Load Selection............................................................................ 105
Fig. 48 Test Toolbar..................................................................................................... 107
Fig. 49 Machine Parameters ........................................................................................ 112
Fig. 50 Calculate Single Turn Voltage from Tp .......................................................... 114
Fig. 51 Calculate Single Turn Voltage from Winding Details .................................... 115
Fig. 52 Calculate Single Turn Voltage from Winding Details .................................... 116
Fig. 53 New Unit Test Parameters ............................................................................... 117
Fig. 54 File Save-as Dialogue ...................................................................................... 126
Fig. 55 Stator Test - Display Select Traces ................................................................. 128
Fig. 56 Test Slots Display ............................................................................................ 129
Fig. 57 View - Progress ............................................................................................... 130
Fig. 58 Progress right click menu ............................................................................. 131
Fig. 59 View Afar Screen ............................................................................................ 131
Fig. 60 Redo Dialogue ................................................................................................. 134
Fig. 61 Go To Dialogue ............................................................................................... 135
Fig. 62 Typical Fault Response. ................................................................................... 142
Fig. 63 Typical Fault response characteristics. ............................................................ 143
Fig. 64 Magnetic Potential across Chattock Coil due to Current on Core surface. ..... 149
Fig. 65 Fault Vector Phase Diagram. ........................................................................... 151
Fig. 66 Basic vector diagram and P/Q axes ................................................................. 152
Fig. 67 Excitation and Chattock relationship .............................................................. 153
Fig. 68 EL CID phase resolution ................................................................................. 154
Fig. 69 Flux lag wrt excitation for M270-50A steel .................................................... 155
Fig. 70 Combined vector diagram and EL CID axes ................................................... 156
Fig. 71 Preferred Winding for Turbo-generators ......................................................... 182
Fig. 72 Close-wound winding often used for Hydro-generators ................................. 183
Fig. 73 Preferred Central Winding for Hydro-generators............................................ 183

Page 9 V5.4

1. Read Instructions.
All the safety and operating instructions should be read before the product is used.

2. Retain Instructions.
These Operating Instructions should be retained for future reference.

3. Pay Attention to all Warnings.

All warnings on the product and in this Manual should be complied with.

4. Follow Instructions.
All operating and use instructions should be followed.

5. Ensure Personal Safety

Ensure that the machine and its environment are safe to access and test for yourself and
others before attempting any work.

6. Avoid Hazardous Conditions

The lightning flash with arrowhead symbol within an equilateral triangle (below) is
intended to alert the user to dangerous voltages or operating conditions that may be of
sufficient magnitude to constitute a risk of electric shock or other hazard if the related
instructions are not followed.

Page 10 V5.4

1.1 Core Faults in Rotating Electrical Machines

The stator core of a typical generator is built from thousands of thin steel sheets
(laminations) and the winding is formed from electrically insulated copper conductor bars
which are embedded in slots between teeth around the bore. The core is held together by
steel building bars, usually on its outside.

The laminations are coated with a thin layer of electrical insulation to prevent eddy
currents being induced between them by rotating magnetic flux produced by the spinning
Defects in the inter-laminar insulation cause fault currents to flow locally in the core.
These currents can produce dangerous local overheating or hot spots in the damaged areas
and the damage to the core may become progressively worse. In extreme cases sufficient
heat is generated to melt small parts of the core and even modest rises in core temperature
adjacent to the winding can result in the premature failure of the winding insulation.
Clearly hot spots should be detected and repaired during routine machine overhauls.
Existing test methods known as full ring flux testing require the core to be excited to near
its normal working flux level for a period of time. The temperature rises of hot spots due
to any core faults are then measured.

1.2 EL CID Background

An alternative method of detection of faults in core interlamination insulation by
electromagnetic means was developed in 1978 by the Central Electricity Generating
Board (CEGB) of the UK (now RWE Innogy plc). Instead of the full flux working level
the newer method uses only a small fraction of rated excitation to generate fault currents
within the core body which are sensed by a pick-up coil. This avoids the testing problems
usually found with high excitation, yet still gives an accurate indication of damaged areas
along tooth tips and slot walls, as well as possible sub-surface damage.
The system is called the ELectromagnetic Core Imperfection Detector (EL CID). The
rights to the technology were acquired by ADWEL International Ltd in 1982, who
continued development and manufacture of the product. In 2007 ADWEL merged into Iris
Power LP, from whom an extensive range of EL CID equipment is now available.
The versatility of EL CID also provides other benefits such as:
automatic permanent test records.
means of performing simple local tests for pin pointing and monitoring repairs.
speed in setting up and testing large or small machines.
less subjective interpretation of results.
means of estimating likely power dissipation of fault circuit under operating
no additional expensive equipment.
avoidance of additional damage caused by full ring flux testing while the core is not
high sensitivity to detect even minor faults.

Page 11 V5.4
Over recent years the electromagnetic technique for core scanning has won international
acceptance by industry and public utilities as a standard testing practice. Experience
however does indicate that maximum success in using the EL CID depends on skilled
engineers understanding the principle of operation and how it is best applied on their own
motors or generators. Thus they are recommended to read this User Manual carefully
before commencing any test.

The technology of EL CID stator core testing requires that electromagnetic fields are
generated and radiated, although these will of course be very much less than with
conventional full ring flux testing. Frequencies generated are normally those associated
with power generation installations and signal amplitudes will tend to be lower than those
of the general environment. This background level is normally lower in repair workshops,
but can still be predominant.

Acquisition of fault signals necessitates the detection of very low levels of

electromagnetic fields, and this could include signals produced by other equipment and
installations (eg welding, overhead cranes etc). These spurious signals do not normally
present any problems with EL CID testing but it may in extreme circumstances be
advantageous to time the acquisition of test traces with inactivity of other signal
generating sources. The user should ensure that the test system installation is compatible
with other equipment in use during the EL CID test.

Page 12 V5.4

2.1 Core Faults

The stacked core of any AC generator or motor is made up of multiple laminations
typically 0.5mm thick insulated from each other but frequently shorted together at the
back edges by support bars. A simplified diagram of a typical stator core is shown in Fig.

This standard design method reduces eddy currents in a stator, thus avoiding unnecessary
power loss. However, the integrity of this approach depends very much on the
effectiveness of interlamination insulating materials. In order to keep core length as short
as possible (as well as magnetic density high) these insulation layers or coatings must be
very thin.

Stator Core

Magnetic Flux

Conductor Bars

Stator Teeth

Building Bars

Fig. 1 Stator Core Construction

With the large number of laminations there is always a high probability of insulation
breakdown. For a single short between two laminations this may not be too serious but
with several shorts along adjacent layers the fault currents induced can be large enough to
cause excessive local heating. Sometimes this heat cannot be dissipated adequately by
local cooling - so causing more inter-laminar failures. If not detected and repaired at an
early stage these faults could in extreme cases burn insulation and melt steel, requiring the
replacement of sections of the core structure. Even at lesser temperatures they could mean
a partial stator rewind. Periodic core inspection is therefore a crucial part of any
maintenance or fabrication programme to avoid excessive breakdown costs.

Page 13 V5.4
In many machines a common cause of fault currents is mechanical damage to the bore
surface or top slot walls. These are generally known as surface faults. Damage can also
bring about sub-surface (deep-seated) breakdowns below the teeth which are not easily
found without the use of the EL CID, particularly if the conductor windings are in place.
2.2 EL CID Detection
The EL CID equipment tests a core for faults by exciting the core using a toroidal winding
to produce a ring flux similar to the conventional method (see Fig. 2 below), but only to
4% of its normal working level of excitation. A sensing head is then passed over the
surface of the core to detect magnetically the presence of fault currents themselves rather
than the heating effect they produce. The power required is low enough to be within the
capacity of standard workshop outlets for quite large machines. Only 2 to 3 kVA is
required for an alternator of many 100MWs.

Fig. 2 Core Excitation Winding and Flux Path

In the core of the machine is therefore the circumferential magnetic field due to the
excitation, plus that due to any fault currents present. A cross section of a core with a
typical fault current path is shown in Fig. 3.

Page 14 V5.4
Fig. 3 Fault Currents in Core Cross-section

The effect of the magnetic fields is to produce a magnetic potential gradient on the bores
core surface. The measurement of this magnetic potential difference is by means of a
specially wound coil known as a Chattock potentiometer which provides an ac output
proportional to the difference in magnetic potential between its two ends.

The magnetic potential detected consists of two parts. The field from the excitation
winding provides a fairly constant field on the core surface. In addition, any fault currents
in the core will also present a magnetic potential difference on the core surface in
proportion to their intensity. The combination of these two fields is detected by the

It is usual to scan the core surface longitudinally along the core conductor winding slots,
checking one slot and both adjacent teeth at a time, in order to cover the complete core
inner surface. The Chattock is positioned on the outer edges of two adjacent slots (see Fig.
4) and the output signal will contain parts due to both the excitation field and any induced
fault current.

Page 15 V5.4
Fig. 4 Chattock Potentiometer Position on Stator Teeth

The EL CID detects the Chattock signal, and analyses it with respect to a reference signal
taken from the excitation current. The part of the signal in phase with the reference
(PHASE signal) is predominantly due to the magnetic field resulting from the core
excitation. This PHASE element is relatively large and is present throughout the core
whether or not a fault exists. Current induced in a fault circuit flows predominantly at a
phase angle of 90 from the excitation field and is detected as a QUADrature current.

2.3 Signal Processing

The Signal Processor separates the two parts of the signal by using a reference input from
the excitation current (obtained by placing a transducer around the excitation current) and
via a synchronous detector, separated into its quadrature components. These two parts of
the signal are then be used for display and test record purposes and for subsequent
analysis. The EL CID is calibrated to give a direct reading of the value of the fault current.

The processed signal from the Chattock for each adjacent pair of teeth is recorded to give
a series of QUAD traces for each slot. These show position along the core and amplitude
of any fault currents. Further measurement and location of the damage across the tooth
face and (if the stator winding is not present) down the slot walls may be carried out using
a small hand-held flexible Chattock.

Page 16 V5.4
EL CID is a sensitive test technique that can detect minor damage which may never affect
the reliability of the machine under test. Sensitivity of this order means that judgements
will have to be made regarding repair. To aid judgement a practical QUAD threshold
corresponding to 100mA (using 4% of rated excitation) has been established from
working experience as a level at which faults should be investigated further. This has
been shown to correlate to a 5-10C temperature rise for the same fault when tested with a
full-flux ring test.

A proportionally lower or higher threshold level should be used if the test is carried out at
a different excitation level. However due to core magnetic non-linearity it is not
recommended to carry out the test outside 2-10% flux levels

All remedial decisions largely depend on interpretation of the final results and the
practicable options available. Test engineers are recommended to study the more detailed
information on theory given in the appendices.

Page 17 V5.4

3.1 Test System Contents

The standard test system contains the items listed in APPENDIX 4
CONTENTS LIST STANDARD EL CID EVOLUTION although any individual test system
may contain variations to suit individual requirements. A brief description of the main items is
given below.

3.2 EL CID Evolution Signal Processor Unit 62/100/1/001

Fig. 5 EL CID Evolution Front View

The EL CID Evolution Signal Processor Unit (SPU) is housed in a plastic case to enable it
to be used where accidental electrical contact between the EL CID equipment system and
the machine under test in the presence of induced voltage fields should be avoided. Fig. 5
shows the SPU front panel with the following connections and controls.

It has one area on the left for all connections, with master controls on the right. Operation
of the unit and is achieved by user interaction with the LCD display using the menu
buttons on the bottom, making adjustments using the large rotary control on the bottom

3.3 Reference Sensor 62/006/0/507

A Reference Sensor pick-up coil with sprung jaw is provided for clamping around the
stator excitation current supply line to detect the excitation phase. This coil is of the
voltage pick-up (Rogowski) type. The lead (blue sleeve) should be plugged into the SPU
Reference input. To insert, rotate the connector plug to align red dot on the connector and
red dot on the socket, then insert the connector. To remove, pull on the connector body to
release the latch.

Page 19 V5.4
Alternative current transformer-type reference signal pickups may also be used on the
excitation current supply line but care must be taken to use an appropriate low impedance

An extension lead (3 Pin connectors) is provided for operation when the reference pick-up
coil is not adjacent to the SPU.

3.4 Calibration Unit 62/200/1/001 and Calibration Unit Cable 62/006/0/509

The Calibration Unit provides an accurate simulated signal of one ampere and also a phase
reference current for Chattock coil amplitude and phase calibration. The Chattock sensing
head coil is positioned in the built-in calibration channel with the coil ends in contact with
the base of the channel either side of the central magnetic source.

An in-phase Reference signal is obtained by clamping the Reference Sensor around the
multi-turn Calibration Unit Cable loop plugged into the Calibration Unit (INPUT/Ref.
Loop) signal output.

The calibration signal is externally programmable for 50 or 60Hz. DC power for the unit
is obtained from the SPU auxiliary power socket using the same Calibration Unit Cable.

3.5 Chattock Coils 62/006/0/101, /102, /103, /104

A range of sizes of Chattock Coils is provided from 10 to 30cm length. These may be
hand held or fitted to various sense-head or core traversing vehicles and are connected to
the SPU SIGNAL Inputs input either directly or via an extension cable. The second
chattock extension cable is provided for EL CID use with Robotic Inspection Vehicle.

The cable is screened and utilises a 5 pin Lemo connectors (yellow sleeve) with the
connector body insulated. To insert, rotate the connector plug to align red dot on the
connector and red dot on the socket, then insert the connector. To remove, pull on the
connector body to release the latch.

3.6 Manual Trolley 6/300/1/001

The Manual Trolley provides a convenient vehicle to traverse the bore with a Chattock
Potentiometer. It is attached magnetically to the bore surface and is manually propelled
via its handle on its multiple rollers with lightly sprung Chattock Coil holders maintaining
the coil ends in contact with the bore surface.

The Trolley is adjustable for width by releasing four 3mm allen key retaining screws and
moving each side of the Trolley along the separator bars. Curvature adjustment is made
by adjusting two 3mm allen key screws on the front blocks on each side of the Trolley.
Simple side mounted guides may be lowered for additional guidance where slot and
wedge shape permits.

Page 20 V5.4
Distance information is provided by an integral trailing encoder wheel, which is connected
via the removable lead to the X-Axis input. The lead also carries a signal from the button
and indicator used for the Trolley Remote Control facility. The handle top plate may be
released and re-tightened to provide a clamp for the cables.

The cable is screened and utilises 6 pin Lemo connectors (black sleeve) with the
connector body insulated. To insert, rotate the connector plug to align red dot on the
connector and red dot on the socket, then insert the connector. To remove, pull on the
connector body to release the latch. An extension cable is also provided.

3.7 Excitation Windings

The system contains as standard an excitation system which is often more convenient to
use than separately obtained cabling, provided that the current rating and length are
adequate for the application. The current system is the Switched Excitation System, which
has its own handbook giving detailed instruction.

The standard excitation cable lengths are 10m & 20m, and additional lengths may be
added in series. The cable contains six parallel conductors (rated at 20A per conductor
dependent upon ambient and cooling conditions) together with a further trace winding for
monitoring induced voltage. If the excitation voltage is low, then windings are
automatically switched in parallel to achieve 32A per turn for 2 or 3 turns.

The cable may be wound around a short stator more than once giving multiples of six
parallel conductors if sufficient length is available. Allowance must be made for multiple
turns of the trace winding when monitoring induced voltage if using more than one turn of
the standard cable. An excitation connection Switch Control Box terminates the ends of
the cable to connect the parallel conductors in series and provides a means of connection
to the excitation source and trace voltage meter.

Earlier EL CID systems used thinner excitation cables of seven conductors plus trace
winding (ie 7+1 wires), rated at ~8A. These were fixed at 7 turns per cable and were 6m

Page 21 V5.4
3.8 Test System Interconnections
Fig. 6 shows the normal interconnections of the test system components.

Fig. 6 EL CID Evolution System Interconnections.

The cables should be connected as shown, and listed below:

First Chattock (yellow sleeve) Signal Input 1
Second Chattock if used (yellow sleeve) Signal Input 2
Reference Sensor on excitation cable (blue sleeve) Reference
Trolley/RIV (black sleeve) X-Axis
PC (USB Cable grey sleeve) USB
AC Supply Power

3.9 System Software

The software provided for the system is called ELAN. This is provided on a CD and
should be installed conventionally. Special USB drivers will also need to be installed.
Installation is described in section 9. The software only runs under the Windows operating
system on a PC, typically a laptop PC.
On some PCs different USB sockets have different internal interfaces (often 4 sockets
come from 2 shared ports), and may thus require the USB driver software to be reloaded
for the other sockets if used.

The ELAN software includes a licence to use the software with the supplied system and to
analyse the test results.

Page 22 V5.4

4.1 Connection to the SPU

Connection to the SPU is via the connections on the left side, as shown in Fig 7.

Fig. 7 EL CID Evolution Connections.

The top two SIGNAL INPUT connections are the Chattock inputs. The REFERENCE
input is for the Reference Sensor that senses the excitation current. The X-AXIS input is
used to measure the distance travelled down the core by the Chattock. The
CALIBRATION socket powers the Calibration Unit used to calibrate the Chattocks. The
USB socket connects to the PC to communicate the data for record and analysis in the
ELAN software. All inputs are colour coded with matching cables.

The AC power (universal 100-240V ac) is supplied at the power connector.

4.1.1 Signal Inputs (yellow colour)

The SPU accepts inputs from up to two Chattocks (SIGNAL INPUT 1 and 2). The
SPU analyses each signal to determine the PHASE and QUAD values of the
currents detected by that Chattock with respect to the Reference signal.

The Range selection in Measure mode adjusts the SPU sensitivity for both the
SIGNAL inputs between nominal 0.4A/4A/40A full scale for the Chattock input.
This is the vector combination of the PHASE and QUAD values; however as the
PHASE value usually predominates, this is the parameter that is most affected.

Page 23 V5.4
The design of the signal processing electronics allows a large degree of overload
capacity, such that for a sine-wave signal, the maximum values at 100%
calibration are 200% of the range value (ie 0.8A/8A/80A). The full scale is
affected by the Y axis calibration. For every % of the Calibration over 100% the
maximum value is reduced by that amount (eg 110% calibration will cause the 4A
Range maximum (normally 8A) to be reduced by 10% to 7.2A, and a 90%
calibration will cause the above range to increase by 11% to 8.9A). Note that non
sine-wave signals (ie >1.4 crest factor) will also use some of the overload
capacity. The harmonic content of typical machine cores will consume ~20% of
the overload capacity, however this will still result in generally being able to
reliably record signals of at least 50% over the nominal maximum.

4.1.2 Reference Input (blue colour)

The SPU accepts the input from the Reference Sensor via a front panel connector
(REFERENCE). Automatic gain control circuitry accepts the full range of input
levels for all normal excitation currents from about 1A to 1000A without any

If the SPU reports that the Reference is under or over range, then providing there
is no fault, for under range, include more excitation windings in the Reference
Sensor, or if over-range, reduce the number of windings in the Sensor.

4.1.3 X-Axis Input (black colour)

The SPU also accepts signals from distance encoders providing the X Axis
distance information. The input is from either the Manual Trolley, used to carry
and scan the Chattock, or the RIV-702 Robotic Inspection Vehicle. The choice is
determined in the Setup selection.

4.1.4 Calibration Output (red colour)

The CALIBRATION socket powers the Calibration Unit used to calibrate the
Chattocks. It also provides an ac signal from the local oscillator used in the signal
analysis. This is usually set to track the Reference signal, however it may also be
set in Setup to either 50 or 60Hz.

4.1.5 USB Output (gray colour)

The USB socket connects to the PC to communicate the data for record and
analysis in the ELAN software. The socket is non-standard to provide locking
ability. A standard USB-A plug is provided on the supplied lead for the PC

4.1.6 Power Input and Battery

The supply power (universal 100-240V ac) is input in the power socket. A 3-wire
connection with earth (L+N+E) is required for safety. The light above the socket
illuminates if power is connected even if the SPU is turned off.
Page 24 V5.4
The SPU can operate from its internal battery for several hours, and will recharge
automatically when connected to the supply, regardless if the SPU is turned on or

The LCD screen shows at the top the battery condition and if it is charging (green)
or discharging (red). The battery charge state is only an approximate value, and
the SPU should be powered from the ac supply if there is doubt if the battery
capacity is sufficient.

4.2 Controls on the SPU

Controls of the SPU are on the right side and the soft menu buttons under the LCD screen,
as shown in Fig 8. These allow the unit to be turned on and off, and the various operating
parameters to be set. On completion, the signal inputs can be analysed and the results

Fig. 8 EL CID Evolution Controls.

4.2.1 Off/Measure/Setup Switch

This switch on moving from OFF to MEASURE or SETUP starts the internal
processor. This initially illuminates the LCD, then will announce itself after about
15 seconds and take about 30 seconds to start the full program.
Attempting to turn off during this process will not short-cut the cycle, but will
immediately start the shutdown process after start up is complete.

In MEASURE mode, the display shows the PHASE and QUAD values and
QUAD bar-graphs, Range, Distance travelled and detected frequency.
Page 25 V5.4
In SETUP mode, the Setup data for calibration and use is shown. This allows the
Chattock Signal inputs and X-Axis to be calibrated, and inputs selected.

To turn the EL CID Evolution off, turn the switch to OFF. The screen will show a
10 second countdown, after which it will turn off, but will immediately restore
previous operation if the switch is turned back to Measure or Setup.

The purpose of this it in case the user did not actually wish to turn the instrument
off, but turned the knob too far by mistake, as long as the error is corrected within
10 seconds, the turn-on delay is avoided.

The OFF position does not turn the internal power off, the EL CID Evolution
remains on low power standby. To totally turn the power off, unplug the AC
supply as well.

4.2.2 OK Button
This button must be pressed to accept all calibration value changes, otherwise the
value will revert to the original setting. The purpose is to prevent inadvertent
change of important data.

4.2.3 Rotary Control

This allows the user to make fine adjustments and to rotate around the selections
when they are choices. Note that the control has an acceleration effect, in that
for slow operation, individual steps occur, but if speeded up, then the change is
accelerated up to 40x. This is useful if the value needs to be changed by a large

4.2.4 Softkey Buttons

A set of 5 buttons termed Softkeys under the LCD allow operation of functions
depending on the system mode. Their function is shown by a menu text above
them on the LCD, and is described in detail in the operation section.

Page 26 V5.4
4.3 Operation in Setup Mode
4.3.1 Overview
To enter this mode, turn the main switch to SETUP. In this mode, the Setup data
for calibration and use is shown, and allows the Chattock Signal inputs and X-
Axis to be calibrated, inputs selected and bar graphs scaled. The Setup screen is
shown below in fig 9.

All settings made in Setup other than Frequency are stored indefinitely when the
SPU is turned off

Fig. 9 Setup Screen

First is listed all the calibration functions and their current values.

To select any value for adjustment, press the up/down softkeys (^, v) to move the
cursor to highlight the calibration value. Once selected, then the value may be
adjusted, normally by turning the Rotary control, noting the acceleration effect.
Once changed, then the new value must be confirmed by pressing the OK button,
otherwise when the cursor is moved off the value, it will revert to the original
setting. Some calibration values have sub-menus that permit more precise
calibration methods.

Page 27 V5.4
4.3.2 Signal Calibration
The Chattock Signal inputs for Input 1 or 2 can be calibrated. Select the
appropriate Calibration value using the ^, v Softkeys,. If the value is known, then
the % value may be directly set on the Rotary control, and confirmed with the OK

However it is recommended that Chattocks are always calibrated each time of use
with the Calibration unit, as this provides a check of the correct functioning of the
system, and also will allow for the fact that the Chattock calibration may drift with
time and wear.

In this case, having selected the Calibration value, press the Softkey labelled
Calibrate, which will cause the Signal Calibration screen shown in fig 10 below to

Fig. 10 Signal Calibration Screen

Signal calibration is normally carried out in conjunction with the EL CID

Calibration unit, which provides an accurate test m.p.d. corresponding to a 1
ampere current in-phase with the Reference. Connect the Calibration Unit as
described in section 5, insert the Chattock fully, and make sure the Calibration unit
is turned on with its on/off push-button so its LED lights.

Page 28 V5.4
Once set up and the Chattock inserted in the test channel, press the OK button to
complete the calibration. This sets the Chattock signal calibration in % and also
sets the Phase Calibration. This later value will result in a value either near 0 or
180, depending on the orientation of the Chattock and Reference Sensor. It will
not affect the results either way, so there is no need to attempt to obtain a near 0
value (though this may be simply done by reversing one of the above and
repeating the calibration).

NOTE: If two Chattocks are being used, each should be calibrated in the Input
intended for test. Their plugs should then be marked (eg simple 1/2 labels) to
ensure that if they are subsequently unplugged to re-route cables or change test
situation etc, that they are plugged back in the same input!

The display may be returned to Setup display with the Setup Softkey.

4.3.3 Phase Calibration

The EL CID Evolution analyses the Chattock Signal into an in-Phase and
Quadrature signal with respect to the Reference signal. Since the Reference signal
is taken from the excitation current used to induce the test flux in the core, any
phase errors in the detection of this signal with respect to the induced mmf may
affect the signals indicative of a fault, ie the Quad signal. In order to allow for
such errors to be compensated, then the Reference may be offset by a Phase
Calibration value in degrees, that is the amount that the internal analysis is in
advance of the Reference input.

Select the appropriate X-Axis Select line using the ^, v Softkeys, then the angle
may be set on the Rotary control. Having selected the Phase Calibration value,
press the Softkey labelled Calibrate, which will cause the Phase Calibration screen
shown below to appear.

Page 29 V5.4
Fig. 11 Phase Calibration Screen

To complete the calibration, situate the Chattock on an area of normally excited

core which is fault-free and also believed to be free of circulating winding
currents. To allow for the fact that the signal values are unknown, select a
reasonable Range, whichever Chattock Signal input is being used for this, then
press OK to complete the Phase Calibration.

This causes the Phase Calibration angle to be set so that the Quad value is set to
0mA and the Phase signal positive (max). This angle and setting is common to
both Signal 1 and 2.

The display may be returned to Setup display with the Setup Softkey.

4.3.4 X-Axis Select

The X-Axis is the measurement of the distance travelled down the stator core. This
distance is measured by incremental encoders, which output pulses indicating the
distance travelled.

Two types of inputs are supported, from the RIV or Manual Trolley. Select the
appropriate X-Axis Select line using the ^, v Softkeys, then select the appropriate
type by pressing the >Softkey, and confirm with the OK button.

Page 30 V5.4
4.3.5 X-Axis Calibration
Having selected the type of X-Axis input being used in section 4.3.3, it should be
calibrated. It is recommended that this is done in the stator core that is being
tested, as this will allow the calibration to include any variations due to vent gaps

Calibration values are stored separately for the RIV and Trolley, and are expressed
as Pulses Per Metre (ppm). Thus if the same RIV or Trolley are to be re-used on
essentially the same core, then the saved calibration may be sufficient.

If the required value is already known (eg from a previous note), then the ppm
value may be directly set on the Rotary control, and confirmed with the OK
button. If not, select the X-Axis Calibration line with the ^,v Softkeys, then press
Calibrate Softkey to take you to the screen pictured below.

Fig. 12 X-Axis Calibration

To calibrate the X-Axis, connect the RIV/Trolley to the EL CID as for a test. The
basis of the calibration is to move the RIV/Trolley a known distance for which the
SPU then computes the ppm value. Mark out a test run in the stator bore of one or
more metres. On a longer core, it is desirable to calibrate over more than one
metre to improve accuracy. On a short core that is less than 1m long the distance
can be calibrated instead on a table or floor.

Page 31 V5.4
Having determined the test run, press Distance Softkey and use the Rotary control
to set the number of metres, confirming with OK button. Then set the RIV/Trolley
at the start point, press the Start Softkey, and traverse the set distance. The display
will show the ppm value increasing as the pulses are counted. At the end of the
test run, make sure that the encoder wheel does not move any more, then return to
the SPU and press the OK button to confirm the calibration. A useful check that all
is well is to then run the RIV/Trolley back to the start point and check the distance
shown returns to 0m within a few mm.

This calibration must be done before taking readings with the computer, otherwise
the data may be presented in the wrong place.

The display may be returned to Setup display with the Setup Softkey.

4.3.6 Signal Selection

The Chattock Signal Inputs 1 or 2 can be used simultaneously or only the Signal
Input 1 can be used. Selecting only Signal 1 has the advantage if just one Chattock
is being used of reducing the Measure screen complexity, and of the risk of
watching the wrong value when localising faults. Two Chattocks are prefered
when the RIV is used with Chattocks at both ends.

A feature allows the second Chattock signal to be inverted with respect to the first,
so that the PHASE signal polarity is the same for both. This is important as it
greatly simplifies test results analysis, and when Forward and Backward traces for
the same slot are displayed together, will ensure they match rather than be a mirror
image of each other.

The make the Input selection, select the Signal Selection line with the ^,v
Softkeys, then pressing > Softkey will allow you to select either:
+1, or +1/+2, or +1/-2.
Press the OK button to confirm the calibration.

Normal single Chattock uses Input 1 only. In this mode, the value read on Signal 1
is used for all PHASE and QUAD values, even when Double Scanning in ELAN.

Double Chattock use on the RIV would select +1/+2 if the two Chattocks are the
same polarity, or +1/-2 if it is desired to reverse the second. Select the one that
causes both Signal Inputs to record the same polarity PHASE signal when placed
in the excited bore for test. (The final PHASE polarity for both may be inverted if
negative by reversing the Reference Sensor orientation on the excitation cable.)

4.3.7 Quad Bargraph Scale

In the Measure screen, the Quad values for the selected Signal Inputs have bar
graphs across the screen. The maximum value for the graph may be set.

Page 32 V5.4
Select the Quad Bargraph Scale line with the ^,v Softkeys, then the maximum
value may be set with the Rotary control. The value is a user choice, but values of
maybe 300-500mA would be typical. If a value of 0mA is set, this will cause the
bar graph(s) to be disabled on the Measure screen.

Press the OK button to confirm the setting.

4.3.8 Quad Warning Level

In the Measure screen, the QUAD values for the selected Signal Inputs have bar
graphs across the screen. The warning value for the graph may be set, above which
the bar graphs change colour from green to red, to warn that the Quad value is
indicating a potential fault.

Select the Quad Warning Level line with the ^,v Softkeys, then the warning value
may be set with the Rotary control. The value is a user choice, but a value of
100mA is typical. Press the OK button to confirm the setting.

The user should be aware that this level is without any analysis feature that the PC
provides, such as DC offset, so should not be taken as authoritive in fault
determination. However it does assist in manual scanning core areas to ensure no
fault exists, by rapidly drawing attention to increases in Quad level over a

4.3.9 Frequency
In the measurement of the PHASE and QUAD values from the Chattock, the EL
CID Evolution measures the excitation current frequency detected on the
Reference input, and locks an internal frequency reference to it with which to
analyse the signal. Normally the frequency stability of the power supply used
means that the system can lock very accurately to the Reference, and provide
stable readings. However in very limited circumstances, if perhaps temporary
power is coming from a poorly stabilised motor-generator, then variations in the
system frequency could upset the signal analysis. This would be seen as swings of
PHASE and especially Quad values randomly without moving the Chattock in the

In this situation, the internal frequency reference used to analyse the signal may be
set to exactly 50 or 60Hz, which will normally reduce this oscillation. (Note that
complete elimination will require the use of a stable power source).

The make the Frequency selection, select the Frequency line with the ^,v Softkeys,
then pressing >Softkey will allow you to select either:
Auto, 50Hz, 60Hz.
Press the OK button to confirm the calibration.

Page 33 V5.4
Because setting to 50/60Hz may reduce the system accuracy in normal
circumstances where the excitation is derived from a frequency stable public
network, after power-down and restarting, the setting will always revert to Auto.

4.4 Operation in Measure Mode

4.4.1 Overview
To enter this mode, turn the main switch to MEASURE. This mode is used for all
normal testing, during which the SPU is mostly under the control of the PC.
In this mode, the measured Chattock signal data is shown. In Measure mode, the
screen display is as shown below:

Fig. 13 Measure Mode Screen

The screen shows at the top the battery condition and if it is charging (green) or
discharging (red). The battery charge state is only an approximate value, and the
SPU should be powered from the ac supply if there is doubt if the battery capacity
is sufficient.

The selected Signal inputs (1 or 1+2 as shown inset) are shown with their PHASE
and QUAD values and Bar Graphs underneath with maximum value if enabled
(see section 4.3.7). The selected range is shown on the heading line.

Page 34 V5.4
X-Distance shows the distance travelled by the RIV/Trolley since the last X-Zero
operation. However during testing with a PC, X-Distance is forced to show the
distance on the PC, respecting the start and end offsets. Note that if the ELAN
Test Parameters are set with Encoder Reverse, the display will of course count
inverted, being the required direction. In this case, until a new test is started with
Encoder Forward set (or the Evolution is power-cycled), the X-Distance will
continue to invert the direction for all Trolley movement.

The Frequency shows the frequency of the detected Reference signal. It will show
a varying frequency if no Reference signal within range is detected.

4.4.2 Controls in Measure Mode

In Measure mode, the controls are simply the instrument Range, which may be
selected with the Range Softkey from 0.4A, 4.0A 40A. The values are the full-
scale value for the Chattock signal inputs (noting the overload capacity described
in section 4.1.1). It is automatically set to 4A range at power-up, as this is the most
commonly used range.

The Range should be set having put the Chattock in the excited core, and noting
the PHASE value (which is normally dominant). Set it at a range that has
reasonable capacity for measurement. For example, in most turbo-generator cores,
PHASE values from 1-3A are usual, and here the 4A range would suit. In some
smaller motors and smaller hydro-generators, where the PHASE signal may not
exceed 400mA, then the 0.4A range will provide better resolution. In some hydro-
generators, where there is a core joint/split, very high PHASE values can occur
(10-30A) on the slots at and near the split. Here the 40A range would of course be
needed for those affected slots.

The X-Zero Softkey causes the X-Distance value to be reset to zero. This does not
affect the PCs distance recording, however it allows the distance displayed to be
reset to a known value so a manual scan with the Trolley can show the correct
distance from the core end, when locally investigating faults.

The Cancel Softkey cancels any Warning message on the second screen line.

Page 35 V5.4
4.4.3 Warning Messages in Measure Mode
In Measure mode, then a number of warnings can be displayed on the second
screen line to warn the user of problems requiring correction.

Battery Low This shall show if the Battery state of charge is <20%
and is discharging (no mains power).
The following Messages are displayed only when
Calibrate 1/2, Phase Calibrate or Measure mode is
Reference too This shows that the Reference Input is too low a
low signal for reliable analysis
Reference too This shows that the Reference Input is too high a
high signal for reliable analysis
Frequency Error This shows that the Reference Input is detecting a
signal outside the specified frequency range (48-
Signal Overload This shows that the Signal Input is too high a signal
for reliable analysis.

Page 36 V5.4

The Calibration Unit provides a standard 100mA calibration signal through 10 turns of a coil
across a test channel, giving a total of 1.0 Ampere-Turn signal between the two slots in the test
channel, and an in-phase phase reference signal. It is used for signal amplitude and phase
calibration of the test Chattock coil. Whilst the calibration uses the 4A range on the El CID, the
Chattock/EL CID combination may then be used on any of the other gain settings and the
calibration will be maintained within the accuracy specification.

The Calibration Unit signal frequency should be selected before calibration using the selector
switch on the front panel of the Calibration Unit.

5.1 Chattock Calibration Connections

Connect the Calibration Unit Cable (62/006/0/509) from the EL CID Evolution SPU
CALIBRATION socket with red ring (4 pin LEMO) to the Calibration Unit INPUT/Ref.
Loop socket with orange ring (6 pin LEMO). Connect the Reference Sensor to the
REFERENCE socket with blue ring. Open the Reference Sensor jaws and close them
through the Reference Calibration Loop, ensuring the loop lies around one side jaw or the
other. The Reference Signal Calibration Loop is connected in series with the calibration
channel winding, thus no signal will flow if the Reference Signal Output Loop is

The figure below shows the system connected to calibrate a Chattock.

Fig. 14 Calibration Connections

Page 37 V5.4
Press ON/OFF main switch to power the Calibration Unit. The power ON ring illuminates
on the switch and LED with selected frequency, 50Hz or 60Hz. If 50Hz, 60Hz LEDs
alternately flashing, try to power OFF and ON the Calibration Unit. If flashing continues
the Calibration Unit should be returned to Iris Power for repair.

Connect the Chattock coil to be calibrated to the SIGNAL INPUT socket, with yellow
ring, selected for calibration and place the Chattock in the Calibration Unit slot with the
two ends in contact with the base of the two channels (this puts them either side of the
calibration current signal winding).

With Flat Chattocks (a special right-angled style used with the Robotic Inspection
Vehicle) the ends of the Chattock will not fully reach the base of the slot if inserted
normally. This will result in an under-reading. The correct insertion is as shown in the
picture below, with the ends bent round so that they lie in the base of the slot.

Fig. 15 Right-angled Chattock Calibration

On the SPU, the range is automatically set to 4A, and calibration completed by completing
the process in section 4.3.2

On the Calibration Unit, press the ZERO switch (momentary action) to short circuit the
signal current to calibration channel winding and the PHASE reading should change from
1 Amp to close to zero. This checks that the values are also not being affected by any
external magnetic fields.

5.2 Calibration Unit Frequency Setting

The SPU has to be calibrated both to the Chattock being used in a test and at the
frequency the test is being carried out at. The frequency of the Calibration Unit can be set
to either 50Hz or 60Hz externally on the Calibration Unit. Selected frequency is
confirmed with illuminated 50Hz or 60Hz LED on front panle of Calibartion Unit. The
Calibration Unit is supplied preset to the mains frequency used in the customers region.
To change the frequency of the older style Calibration Unit consult Iris Power or older
version of the user manual.

Page 38 V5.4
5.3 Calibration Unit Calibration
The Calibration Unit frequency is crystal controlled and has no need of frequency re-
calibration. It should be checked by noting the detected frequency on the SPU when
Calibrating a Chattock.

The 1.00 Ampere-turn m.p.d. in the Channel should be checked every year by measuring
the current in the Reference Signal Calibration Loop and checking it is 2.50 Ampere-
Turns ac, using a calibrated current transformer and ac milli-Ameter, or with an accurate
clip-on Ameter.

If a sufficiently accurate ac milli-Ameter is available, the 100mA current directly flowing

in the test Channel may be calibrated. The user will need to construct a test harness to
interrupt the Channel/Loop current which flows from pin 5 to pin 6 of the Loop plug.
Remove the top cover and adjust POT1-50Hz and POT2-60Hz to achieve the desired
100mA current for matching frequency, making sure that any interference from
extraneous ac magnetic fields is minimised.

It is recommended that unit is returned to Iris Power for re-calibration every 2-3 years,
preferably with the complete EL CID Evolution System so the equipment can be checked
for full and correct operation.

Page 39 V5.4

This section provides guidance on the various practical aspects to be considered when
making preparations to carry out EL CID tests.

Generally it takes one technician only eight hours to complete an EL CID test on a
medium-large machine, although it is always recommended that an assistant is available
for safety and security reasons.

It is important that this manual is read carefully in order to become fully acquainted with
the practice of EL CID testing and understand properly its principles of operation, and
with the specific items of the EL CID system described in Section 3.

Before setting up the test equipment (Section 6.6) it is necessary to make some general
preparations (Section 6.1) decide on the excitation requirements and install the winding
(Section 6.4.3)

6.1 General Preparations

6.1.1 Additional Equipment.
The requirements for the excitation winding, mains supply and optional variable
transformer are discussed in Section 6.2.

Ensure the availability of other equipment not supplied with the EL CID kit:

(a) A bench for EL CID equipment, papers etc.

(b) Local lighting to illuminate the interior of the core and work area.
(c) Wooden derricks either side of the core or some other means to provide optimum
positioning and tensioning of the excitation winding.
(d) Non-metallic rope (eg 6-8mm polypropylene) to support the excitation winding.
(e) A rubber flashlight for close-up inspection of the stator bore.
(f) White adhesive tape and a marker pen or similar for numbering the stator slots.

6.1.2 Inspecting and Testing the EL CID Equipment.

The following inspections and tests of the EL CID equipment are best made before going
to site, so that any problems can be remedied more easily.

Page 41 V5.4
(a) Check all the EL CID connectors, cables, etc. for any signs of faulty insulation or
exposed wires or metallic connectors. This is important because up to 50V can be
induced along the bore by the current through the excitation winding and if the
insulation is damaged and electrical contact is made to the core, large currents
may flow which could damage the core or cause injury.
(b) Check that the SPU and the Chattock(s) are functioning correctly by using the
Calibration Unit.

(c) Leave the SPU on charge for at least 16 hours so that the batteries are fully
charged for the test if operation from AC supply is not possible. Note that unless
the test is expected to be quite short, the battery life is unlikely to be sufficient for
a full test. It is intended for short term use, for example when taken into the core to
investigate a suspected fault.

6.1.3 Inspecting the Core and Numbering the Slots.

(a) Ensure that safe working conditions exist in the area of work.

(b) Ensure that no metal objects have been left inside the bore since these could cause
arcing damage to the core when the excitation current is switched on.

(c) Visually inspect the core and mark any damaged areas.

(d) Fix white adhesive tape around the bore at the working end, just before the start of
the laminations, and number the slots (not teeth). If the manufacturer's slot
numbering system is not known, the slot at 12 o'clock is usually marked as number
one. The other slots are then numbered in a clockwise direction. (The method of
numbering is of course optional).

6.1.4 Earthing the Windings.

Ensure that the stator windings have been properly disconnected and if required, earthed
in accordance with all applicable safety procedures.

In order to avoid any risk of fortuitous induced currents circulating in the stator windings
by the excitation, it is preferable that the windings are disconnected at one end and earthed
at the other (usually neutral). If due to circumstances and procedures it is necessary that
the windings be earthed at both ends, then ensure that all 3 windings are identically
earthed. Make sure that the earth bond connection route between the ends does not
encircle the core or excitation wires to prevent any risk of stray currents being induced.

If there is a risk of induced circulating currents through the earth bonds, it is

recommended to check with a clip-on ammeter that no winding current is being induced
by the excitation before a test commences.

Page 42 V5.4
6.2 The Excitation Winding

Fig. 16 Excitation Winding Supply

The excitation winding consists of several turns of medium current cable, wound around
the stator casing and through the bore. The standard EL CID Turbo Switched Excitation
kit (see Fig. 17) may be used if the dimensions and rating are suitable for the test machine.
For optimum and consistent results it is important that the winding is supported close to
the centre of the bore along the full length of the stator, including the end-winding. A
separate trace winding is strapped along-side the excitation winding for accurate
measurement of the induced voltage. In situations where central positioning of the
winding is not practicable (eg. where a rotor is not fully removed) the effects of the
positioning of the excitation winding will need to be taken into account when evaluating
test results.

The alternating current flowing through the excitation winding induces a voltage along the
length of the core and it is this voltage which causes currents to flow through damaged
regions of the core. The standard excitation voltage (measured with the trace winding) for
EL CID tests is 4% of the rated volts.

Fault currents flowing within a stator core are almost proportional to the excitation voltage
in the region of 4% excitation. Hence, if it is not possible or convenient to obtain 4% of
the rated voltage, values of between 2 and 10% can be used provided that the fault
currents measured by EL CID are scaled accordingly.

Page 43 V5.4
6.3 Excitation Voltage Calculation for Generators
For correct level of excitation it is necessary to know the value of the rated rms voltage
along a single length of the core, Vr for the generator. This is given by:-

Vr = Vp-p
23 K tp ... (1)

where Vp-p is the rated phase-to-phase voltage.

tp is the number of turns in series per phase. ie. the number of
conductors in series in each phase is 2 tp.
and K represents the combined spread and short pitch factor. A value of
0.92 can be used for all generators.

Hence the standard 4% excitation, measured with the trace winding, is given by:

VT = 0.04Vr.

Further information on the calculation of the excitation parameters is given in


Example Calculation.

Consider a 23kV, three phase, 660MW generator with 42 slots, ie. 14 slots per phase.
Each slot contains two conductor bars with two windings connected in parallel.
Hence tp = 7 series turns per phase. Since Vpp = 23kV, Vr = 1031V and the standard 4%
excitation is VT = 41.2V.
The calculated value for VT for 50Hz two-pole generators of 200MW or greater at 4% of
rated voltage usually corresponds to around 5V/m length of core. The actual value of
41.2V is therefore consistent because the stator core of the 660MW generator is 7.5m
long. However V/m values for machines where the radial dimensions are not similarly
proportioned may be substantially different.

6.4 Excitation Voltage Calculation for Motors

Equation (1) is also valid for motors and should, if possible, be used to calculate the
excitation voltage. This is often difficult, however because the test engineers do not know
the number of series turns per phase and values for K may be more variable.

The alternative is to use the equation:

Vr = 2 f l d B

where f is the frequency.

l is the length of the core in metres.

Page 44 V5.4
d is the depth distance in metres from the base of the slots to the
back of the core.
B is the mean rms flux density (Tesla)

The core measurement dimensions l and d are indicated in Fig. 17.

Fig. 17 Core Measurement points for excitation calculations.

Most machines have a mean rms flux density of B 0.9T, although there can be typical variations
of 10% because of differing volume fractions of steel in the core, etc.

Hence for measurements in metres the rated rms voltage per turn is given by:

Vr 5.65 f l d ... (2)

and the 4% test voltage:

VT 0.226 f l d ... (3)

If l and d are measured in inches then equation 3 becomes

VT 0.000146 f l d ... (3a)

6.4.1 Calculation of Excitation Ampre-turns
The Ampre-turns (A-turns) required for the test depends on the initial magnetic
permeability of the stator iron. This is not a well-defined property since the small signal
incremental permeability is of little importance during normal machine operation but it
can vary significantly dependent upon the manner of the last de-energisation. Experience
has shown however that to achieve 4% of rated voltage requires of the order 3 to 10A-
turns (2 to 15A-turns in extreme cases) per metre circumference of core, measured at the
mean diameter of the main core.
Page 45 V5.4
Example Calculation

The 660MW generator has an outer diameter of 3m and a diameter at the base of the slots
of 2.2m, giving a mean diameter of 2.6m. Hence the mean circumference is 8.2m and the
A-turn requirement will probably be in the range 25 - 80A-turns.

6.4.2 Calculation of Number of Winding Turns, Current and Voltage

For a winding with NW turns the excitation current in an individual turn IWt is of course
given by:

IWt = A-Turns / NW

and the total excitation winding voltage, Vw by:-

VW = VT * NW

(The formula slightly underestimates the voltage requirement because the extra, resistive,
voltage drop in the cable is neglected).

The approximate total excitation VA requirement is simply:

VA = VW * IWt (or VT * A-turns)

Example Calculation

For the 660MW generator mentioned above, VT = 41.2V and IW < 80A-t. Hence the total
power requirement is < 3.3kVA.
The very low excitation power requirement is a major advantage of the EL CID test.

It is now straightforward to decide on the number of turns, Nw for the excitation winding
so as to match its current and voltage requirements to the mains supply.

Example Calculation

In our example generator, requiring VT = 41.2V, powered from a 240V supply, a six turn
winding would give almost the recommended 4% value. The current would be <80/6. ie.
< 13.3A. A 120V mains supply would require a three turn winding but the current would
be increased to a maximum of 27A.

To obtain exactly 4% of the rated voltage it is necessary to use a variable transformer.

However a sufficiently close value can often be obtained by matching the number of
winding turns to the voltage of the mains supply.

Page 46 V5.4
6.4.3 Excitation Winding Safety Checks
If the supplied excitation cables are insufficient or unsuitable, the test engineer will need
either to procure additional standard excitation cables or to make up his own windings.
This should only be done by an experienced electrical engineer, able to design a safe
installation, and to monitor and maintain that safety in use.

Do not apply any tension to the winding connectors. Ensure that no connectors are at risk
of being pulled apart.

Page 47 V5.4

Ensure the core iron is earthed (at one point only) for safety.

6.4.4 Installing and Testing the Excitation Winding

The long excitation cables supplied with the EL CID are usually long enough for large
motors and most turbo-generators. It may be necessary to construct a specific excitation
winding for larger hydro-generators, or to purchase specific excitation systems for them.
Before using these cables, check that the number of turns and current rating are
compatible with the requirements, as calculated in Section 6.4.2.

Excitation cable should be insulated against user contact (double or re-inforced) to the
maximum supply voltage, rated for at least the expected winding current (IWt), and long
enough to wind the required number (NW) of turns loosely around the stator casing and
through the centre of the bore. In addition, on large generators or in case of fault, the trace
winding could be energised with voltages exceeding 50V, and must therefore also be
adequately insulated.

The following instructions assume a single core cable; the use of standard multi-turn cable
will obviously reduce the number of cable turns required.

(a) Wind NW turns of excitation cable loosely around the stator and through the bore.
(b) Wind a single turn trace winding (which could have a lower current rating but
must be fully voltage rated) alongside the excitation winding
(c) Tape all the turns together, including the trace winding.
(d) Support the winding on a non-metallic rope through the bore.
(e) For motors and turbo-generators, tension the rope at both ends using tie points
so that it runs close to the central axis of the machine, with the winding
continuing for approximately one metre beyond each end of the full length of
the stator. For hydro-generators, follow the advice in: APPENDIX 10
(f) Connect an ac voltmeter to the trace winding to measure the single turn induced
voltage in the core.
(g) Connect an ac ammeter to the winding to measure the measure the current
through the winding. The Switched Excitation System Excitation Control Box
has a short external cable loop that carries one core of the supply current. This
enables the excitation current to be directly monitored with a clip-on ammeter
to measure the current through the winding.

Page 48 V5.4
(h) Connect the excitation winding to the mains supply either directly or via a suitably
rated variable transformer. Before switching on the current, double check that
there are no foreign metallic objects in the bore. Switch on the mains supply and
check and adjust the current through the excitation winding and voltage across the
trace winding until both are satisfactory and record their values. Switch off the
supply until the EL CID test equipment has been set up.

Page 49 V5.4
6.5 Adjusting the Manual Trolley
Although it is theoretically possible to carry out limited scans on small machines using a
hand-held (unmounted) Chattock coil, in practice it is necessary to use a sensing head
which clamps the Chattock at the required span distance and provides a means of guiding
the assembly along the core.

This is normally accomplished by the use of the adjustable, magnetically attached Manual
Trolley. Alternatively tests may be carried out using the self-steering Robotic Inspection
Vehicle (RIV), which can carry two Chattocks. The use of this vehicle is covered
separately with its own handbook.

Chattock Adjustments for width (4) Adjustments for bore radius (2)

Clamp screws for Chattock (2) Clamp nuts for side guidance rails (4)

Fig. 18 Assembly and Adjustments of Manual Trolley

Connect the Manual Trolley to the EL CID Evolution SPU X-Axis input by the supplied
cable, which signals the distance run and any operation of the button. Note that the
connector is a tight fit between the Trolley halves, and they may have to be slightly
separated to allow the connector to pass between them.

The Trolley should be fitted with the smallest span Chattock, having regard to the pitch of
the stator teeth to be tested, that does not put any strain on the Chattock. The assembled
Trolley is shown in Fig. 18, with the various adjustments marked.

Page 50 V5.4
The Chattock ends should be slid into the nylon sprung mounts at the front of the Trolley,
and the small nylon clamp screws at the side done up just tight enough to retain the
Chattock (note the Chattock cable is clamped inside the handle, so these screws do not
need to secure the Chattock against cable pulls). Take care to not unscrew them fully in
case they get lost (a few spares are included with EL CID Evolution systems).



Then make the following adjustments to ensure the correct location of the Chattock when
scanning the teeth:

(a) Adjust the span of the Chattock by releasing and sliding the side carriages apart as
appropriate, until the two ends lie just within the farthest corners of adjacent teeth (see
Fig. 4). When correctly set up, the Chattock ends on the Trolley should just cover the
teeth tips.
(b) Adjust the angle of the two side carriages equally so that the two Chattock ends lie
squarely on the teeth.
(c) If it seems useful to use the side carriage rails to assist guidance, loosen the side nuts
and slide the rails down that they slide snugly but freely in the top of conductor slots.
(d) Release the screws on the handle top, which releases the top plate, and route the
Chattock and Trolley signal cables underneath, re-tightening as a cable clamp.
(e) Retighten all screws or nuts released during adjustment. Do not overtighten or the
threads may strip!

6.6 Setting Up and Connecting the Test Equipment

The general lay-out of the equipment for a complete EL CID test with graphical records is
shown in Fig. 6. If EL CID Evolution is being used to measure just a few known faults
there may be no need to scan the whole stator nor to record the results. For such Local
tests only the sections marked by * are applicable.

The test is often carried out from the exciter end of the stator because there is usually
more space and better access than at the turbine end. Whichever end is chosen, it is
referred to in these instructions as the Measurement End, while the other is called the Far

Set up the bench at the Measurement End, close to the stator, for the EL CID Evolution,
PC, note books, etc. Then proceed to position and connect the EL CID equipment as

Page 51 V5.4
Ensure that there is no strong source of radio frequency fields nearby (eg mobile phones
or other mobile radio apparatus), as this can give rise to erroneous readings due to the
necessarily high sensitivity of the Signal Input. Also try to avoid any major sources of
power supply disturbance (welding, cranes starting) on the same supply, which can cause
glitches in the results since they affect the core excitation.
6.6.1 The X Axis Distance Encoders
X Axis information for an EL CID test is normally obtained either from a distance
measuring wheel driving an encoder on the Magnetic Manual Trolley or RIV, which
interfaces electrically directly with the SPU equipment via a signal cable. Relevant
connections and operation are covered in other sections.

6.6.2 The Reference Sensor

This pick-up coil is used to provide the EL CID Reference signal. This clip-on type coil
should be attached around the excitation winding, as shown in Fig. 6. The coil uses the
Rogowski method to monitor the excitation current without any error in phase.

The Reference Sensor must be fastened around conductors with just one direction of
current flow, like a clip-on ammeter. It should not be around the excitation supply where
opposing the currents in line and neutral cancel each other out.

If clipping around the excitation winding results in too high a Reference signal, the
Switched Excitation System Excitation Control Box has a short external cable loop that
carries one core of the supply current. This enables the excitation current to be singly

6.6.3 The SPU

The EL CID Evolution should be placed in a convenient position outside the core where it
can be seen and operated.

For local tests or inspections it may be advantageous to position the SPU in the stator bore
and to operate on its internal batteries. In this case, the Reference Sensor may be clipped
onto the excitation winding locally. The case of the SPU is non-conductive to prevent
shorts to the laminations and consequent flow of potentially damaging currents when the
core excitation is energised.

6.6.4 The PC
The data is recorded and saved on a PC. This should be installed in a position where it
cannot be accidentally damaged (eg trodden on or pulled off a table!). Normally, laptop
PCs do not have a long enough battery life for full tests, so a power supply will be
required for this also. Make sure that any setting for the battery operation mode has a
reasonable length of running time, to prevent inadvertent shutdown if the power supply
fails temporarily.

In addition, means must be provided to back up the recorded data, such as a USB Flash

Page 52 V5.4
drive (USB Key).

6.7 Calibrating the Equipment

The EL CID equipment should be calibrated prior to each test, both to ensure the accurate
recording of results, and to accommodate the particular characteristics of the core and the
measurement of distance within it.

6.7.1 Calibrating the Chattock(s)

The Chattock should be calibrated together with the intended EL CID. This is may be
done at base, but if done on site, ensures that a check is made on all the system function. It
uses the Calibration Unit and procedure described in 4.3.2.

Since the EL CID Evolution can carry only one calibration value for each input, if the
Chattock is changed in use then the calibration should be repeated if the new one has
substantially different recorded calibration than the previous one.

6.7.2 Calibrating the X-Axis

The X-Axis calibration of the Digital EL CID should be done at each new machine test, in
order that any irregularities in measuring the core (due to surface roughness and
ventilation slots etc) are take account of. It should be done either if the Manual Trolley is
used, or if the Remote Inspection Vehicle (RIV) is used, and repeated if the user changes
between the two during the test. The procedure is given in Section 4.3.5.

6.7.3 Calibrating the Phase

The Phase Calibration should be calibrated only ONCE per test before the test. Section
4.3.3 describes the process. The only exception to this is on Hydro-generators with
core splits or substantial magnetic interference due to rotor still present etc. where
resetting the Phase may be needed as a secondary operation on later tests on the splits.
This is explained in more detail in APPENDIX 10

Normally setting the Chattock Calibration will automatically set the Phase Calibration
suitably for most homogonous stator cores. However it is sometimes the case that this
does not quite achieve an average zero value for the QUAD signal in undamaged core.
Also it is valuable for later result interpretation that the Phase calibration is set so the
PHASE signal is normally positive. (It can be any polarity depending on the insertion of
the Chattock in the Trolley/RIV and depending on the Reference Coils orientation). It is
thus desirable to set the Phase Calibration within the stator core itself to obtain a closer
setting for zero QUAD. This establishes the QUAD signal near zero and PHASE positive
for the good areas, rather than having a permanent standing value that you then have to
look for variations from. Use the following method.

Page 53 V5.4
The method of Phase Calibration in the core is to pick an area of core that is felt to be
defect free, then Calibrate the Phase of the EL CID there. Having initially calibrated Phase
in the Calibration Unit (or the EL CID is known to be set roughly correct already, eg from
a recent previous test), perform a scan along a good-looking slot. Choose one that has no
visual damage, and when scanned shows no significant change in QUAD level, thus
identifying a good section of core.

A quick series of spot tests of the PHASE values should then be done also around the
core to make sure that there a no unexpectedly different PHASE signal values on other
slots, which could indicate circulating currents. If there seems to be unexplained
variation beyond about +/-20% from slot to slot, then there may be circulating currents
flowing in any machine winding present, and APPENDIX 11

It is also recommended that a check of the PHASE signal value is made to confirm that the
value is approximately as expected, i.e. the total winding ampere-turns divided by the
number of stator teeth (IW/N), plus 10-20% when measured across the edges of opposite
teeth. This should be spot checked on a number of slots to make sure they are all

To complete the Phase Calibration in the core, hold/leave the Chattock firmly in place,
well into the core on an identified fault-free area, and perform the Phase Calibration. Then
complete the full EL CID test as normal.

However if significant circulating currents are suspected, and cannot be readily

eliminated, then do not calibrate the Phase in the core, but rely on a Phase Calibration
done in the Calibration Unit. In this case after placing the Chattock in the core ready for
test, check the polarity of the PHASE signal. If it is negative, reverse the Reference Sensor
on the excitation cable to correct this.

Despite this, global variations in the iron will often still lead to some areas of the core
having a significant standing positive or negative quad signal. The ELAN Remove Quad
DC Component facility allows this to be eliminated, so that the 100mA investigative
criterion is evident. It is unwise however to rely on this to remove large standing QUAD
components (esp >100mA) that should have been annulled before the test by the above

6.7.4 Setting the Range

A range should be chosen that provides adequate PHASE signal amplitude with still some
headroom in case of local PHASE variation. The range found most suitable is nearly
always the 4.0A range.

Page 54 V5.4
A quick scan of the PHASE values should be done down a slot for the whole core to check
that the Range chosen is suitable, and also a number of spot checks around the core to
make sure that there a no unexpectedly high PHASE values on other slots. Select a range
that is at least the maximum found in case of (as yet) undiscovered local variation.

If a range is selected that is too low, overload error messages will be displayed on the EL
CID Evolution and the ELAN software. The ELAN software also warns if the signal is too
low, which would occur in case of choosing a too high a range. (This could also occur due
to circulating currents in windings).

6.7.5 Monitoring Excitation Current and Single Turn Voltage

The excitation current should be monitored when the correct excitation is established, and
occasionally thereafter to ensure nothing has changed. The Trace winding Single Turn
Voltage should also be monitored when the correct excitation is established, and routinely
thereafter to ensure this is staying approximately constant, as this affects the test results.

Page 55 V5.4

A Global test is used to inspect the whole stator whereas a Local test is confined to a few
known damaged areas. A Global test should be followed by a Local test if core damage is

For both tests it is good practice to record details of the generator and test conditions on a
pro-forma record sheet such as in APPENDIX 2 EL CID TEST DATA RECORD.
This form of test record usually also forms part of the test records when electronically
stored using a PC, but the test sheet is still of use to prepare the machine input data

(a) Double check that no foreign metallic object has been left in the bore.
(b) Switch on the excitation winding and use a clip-on or other type of ammeter to
measure the current. Check that the current does not exceed the rating of the
mains supply, any variable transformer or the cable.
(c) If a variable transformer is being used, adjust its output to produce the required
single turn voltage on the trace winding. If the winding is connected directly to
the supply, check that the trace winding voltage is sufficiently close to the required
(d) Record the Number of Winding Turns, Excitation Current and Single Turn Trace

Before starting either a Global or Local test (Sections 7.2 and 7.3) it is important to follow
the procedures of Section 7.1. These ensure that the whole system has been set up
correctly and is working properly.

7.1 Initial Check of Overall Test Set-up

Switch on the SPU and PC, and start up the software.

Centre the Chattock over a convenient slot and note the PHASE current indicated on the
SPU meter.

The measured current should be approximately equal to IW/N plus ~10-20%.

where IW = Total Ampere Turns through the winding.
and N = Number of stator teeth.

(The equation is approximate because the m.p.d. indicated by the current is measured
between the edges of the teeth, rather than between centres, and because there can be
variations in magnetic permeability around the core).


If a six turn winding carries 8A, then IW = 48A-turns

If there are 48 stator teeth, then the measured m.p.d. should be 1.1-1.2A.

Page 57 V5.4
The measured m.p.d. is not as expected, check the winding current, the number of turns
and the SPU calibration and meter readings. If there is still lack of agreement use another
Chattock, etc. until the problem has been identified and remedial action taken where

Carry out a test scan on the PC etc. and check that the indicated PHASE value agrees with
that shown on the SPU, subject to any scaling for the excitation not being the
recommended 4%. If they disagree check the connections and settings.

7.2 Global Core Tests

Before starting to measure and record the whole stator it is good practice to make rough
recordings of a couple of slots to gain operator experience.

7.2.1 Trial Recordings

Trial recordings should be made to check that all is working properly, that the traces are
repeatable and the scale sensitivities are suitable.

Choose a convenient slot (eg. at 7 o'clock) and scan the Manual Trolley forward and
backward along the same slot.

Since the forward and backward trial recordings are on the same slot, the two traces
should align. Separation of the two trial recordings along the X axis can be caused by
accidental movement of the X Axis encoder or incorrect setting of the ELAN Test setup.

Check that the length of the trace corresponds to the length scanned and that correct X-
Axis calibration has been achieved.

Poor Signal correspondence between the traces may be caused by Trolley misalignment or
by scanning too rapidly.

7.2.2 Manual Scanning

Manual scanning using the Manual Trolley is prone to human error because it can be
tedious and tiring after many slots. It is important to ensure that:

a) The Trolley is traversed smoothly and slowly (preferably no faster than 70mm/sec)
along the slots.
b) The Chattock coil ends remain in contact with the tips of the teeth throughout the
c) The axial and circumferential alignment of the Trolley is maintained throughout the

7.2.3 Final Recording

Once the trial traces are satisfactory the final recordings may be started on the first slot at
the Measurement End.

Page 58 V5.4
a) Scan and record the first slot beginning at the Measurement End to the end of the slot,
(or to the end of the first core section to be scanned if it is intended to divide the core
length into two or more sections).
b) If the test is being made with each slot alternately forwards and backwards (Alternate
Single Scan mode), then do not reverse the Manual Trolley between each scan. As
shown in Fig. 19, just finish at the end of the core from one slot, then reverse back into
the core on the next slot, with the Trolley still oriented the same.
c) Scan and record the second slot from the end of the slot (or first core section) back to
beginning of the Measurement End.
d) Continue scanning and recording the slots sequentially around the stator until all the
slots have been measured. Repeat for all scan sections if appropriate.

End of slot N Start of Slot N+1

Fig. 19 Changing slot when testing in Alternate single scan mode

Page 59 V5.4
Normally the whole of the bore should be tested before detailed examination of any
suspect areas, otherwise too much attention can be given to what may prove to be
relatively insignificant damage. Where damage is found, the sites should be marked with
adhesive tape or crayon, for closer examination with the Local EL CID Core Test.

7.3 Local EL CID Core Test

Local core tests are made to confirm, pinpoint and measure the severity of any core
damage found visually, by the global EL CID test. Local core tests are also very useful in
monitoring the progress of the grinding and etching operations used to repair core damage.

Section 12.4 explains how Global test traces are interpreted to ascertain whether or not a
fault lies on the tip of a tooth. If the conductor bars are in the slots then the local test may
not provide any more information, apart from confirming the tooth tip is undamaged.
Section 7.3.3 gives the local test procedure if the conductor slots are empty.

For a Local test, suspect areas of the core are scanned with the miniature Chattock instead
of a larger Manual Trolley. X-Axis distance recording is not required. The test is straight-
forward and can be carried out easily by a single engineer.

7.3.1 Step Iron and other Core End Areas

The Step Iron at the end of the core, due to its inevitable stepped surface, is not easy to
test by wheeled vehicles such as the Manual Trolley or RIV. However it is vital that this
(and any other such difficult areas) are tested as thoroughly as the main body of the core,
as the core end is usually more highly magnetically stressed than the body.

The simplest method is to just manually scan them with a hand-held Chattock, whilst an
assistant monitors the EL CID readings to note if any untoward QUAD readings occur.
Manual records should be taken of the peak readings found.

Alternately the Timebase mode of the ELAN software may be used to make recordings of
these manually scanned areas, and this recording may be added to the main core traces.
The distance accuracy is of course only as good as the ability of the operator to move at
the specified speed. However this still allows a permanent recording to be made and
reasonably approximate comparisons between slots.

If the steps are sufficiently shallow, then the Manual Trolley may still be used over them,
which would allow more precise computer records to be made.

7.3.2 Pin-pointing Damage

If a Local test is made directly after a Global test, all the preparations will have been made
already. Otherwise, follow the instructions given in Section 6 and its sub-sections and in
Sections 7 and 7.1

a) Only the SPU and the Chattock need to be taken inside the bore. The SPU will not be
affected by the electric field and can be powered from the internal battery.
Page 60 V5.4
b) Switch the SPU to Measure Mode, and ensure it is calibrated with the mini Chattock
to be used. It may be convenient to use Signal 2 input for this, to avoid disturbing the
calibration for Signal 1..
c) Assuming that the suspect damage is on a tooth tip, hold the mini Chattock flush
against the tooth tip, spanning its full width. Move the Chattock along the tooth and
the meter reading will remain small until it bridges the core damage. The QUAD
reading will rise until the centre of the fault is reached. Note its axial extent by moving
the Chattock further along the tooth until the meter reading drops back to a low value.

Having identified the axial position of the fault, the exact circumferential position can also
be found, as follows:

d) Reposition the mini Chattock at the axial position of the peak reading. Next press the
two ends together, without rotating the Chattock. Then move it sideways across the
tooth until the meter reading reaches peak value. The fault is then centred beneath the
centre of the Chattock.
e) Mark the precise location of the damage on the tooth tip and note the peak value of the
Quadrature current.

7.3.3 Damage Below Teeth Tips

If the procedures in section 7.3.2 fail to detect a fault in a region which gave a response
with the standard sensing head, then the fault may be on a side of one of the teeth, or on
the base of the slot or deeper still into the core. If the conductor bars have been removed
it may be possible on a large stator to probe down the sides of the teeth with the mini
Chattock to detect and measure faults. If the conductor bars are in position, however, the
severity of the fault must be judged from the response of a standard sensing head alone.

Page 61 V5.4

1. Prepare the machine

Safety ground the stator winding from one end only, do not shorten other end terminals
Safety no metal object inside of stator
Mark damaged area, if any visible
Number the stator slots on both ends of the core

2. Do the math
Evaluate machine stator winding turn-per-phase in series:
Calculate single turn voltage (simplified formula would be):
If winding details are not known use geometry method:
See picture in manual or software
Calculate ampere-turns approximate requirements:
At=(2 to 15)*C, where C=*(OD+SD)/2; OD outer diameter of stator core; SD
diameter of stator core at bottom of the slot (Typical for medium to small-sized machines
812C; however in motors 25C can exist)
Estimate number of turns for excitation winding (keep in mind turbo excitation cable
amperage: 4-6 turns @ 20A maximum, 2-3 turns @ 32A maximum)
Current in excitation winding Iw=A-turns/Nw; Nw number of turns =>
Nw=A-turns/Iw (a)
Vw=Vt*Nw Needed excitation voltage (b)
Decide on number of turns considering (a) and (b)
Excitation power supply requirements: VA=Vw*Iw
Verify calculation using ELAN built-in calculator
Verify calculation by dividing Vt over stator core length in meters. Results should be in
Small - medium motors ~0.7 to 2 V/m
Medium large two pole turbo generators ~ 4 to 6 V/m
Hydro generators ~ 1 to 3 V/m
Record the calculation

3. Prepare and install the excitation system

Need ropes and wooden support blocks to centre the windings

4. Make all the connections (ELCID and power supply) (see section 4. CONNECTION
5. Turn on power supply and monitor Vt and Iw
6. Calibrate Chattocks or Y - axis (remember to set frequency in accordance with local

Page 63 V5.4
7. Adjust Trolley to the stator bore curvature and slot span
8. Calibrate distance or X axis, with reference signal available
9. Calibrate PHASE with Trolley in the core
10. Verify PHASE displayed value in few stator points:
Should be PHASE=Iw/Nteeth+1035% (depends on slot/wedge width ratio and
core material losses)
11. Connect computer
12. Measure length of the core and of the step iron
13. Set test parameters in software (see section 11. ELAN EL CID STATOR TEST)
14. Trial test do three slots and correct for distance offset, if any
15. Do the test create separate files for exciter end step iron, turbine end step
iron and for main core
16. Save and backup the test data

Page 64 V5.4

9.1 Distribution Media

The software is distributed on a CD ROM. It consists of the operating software, USB
drivers and demo test files that may be read by the user to help with familiarisation of the
Stator Test and Analysis operation. An electronic copy of this user Manual in pdf format
is also recorded on the CD for convenience.

9.2 Suitable PC
The software is intended for use on IBM compatible PCs operating Windows 2000, XP
(SP2) or Vista (32 bit). It is not suitable for Macintosh computers. The recommended PC
On systems with enhanced user security installation may not be possible, or the software
may not be accessible to all users unless the user is logged in with Administrator
privileges. Note also that data may be stored in user areas that are only accessible to the
logged in user. In this case consult your IT administrator for advice.

9.3 Installation on a PC
If you have a version of ELAN V3.0 already installed, this MUST first be uninstalled by
use of the Windows software (Start >Settings >Control Panel >Add/Remove Programs
and select ELAN to remove). Previous versions V2.x and V3.1 to V3.3 do not need to be
uninstalled, as V4.0 will install alongside, so they may be used together. However it is
recommended that earlier versions are initially removed, otherwise it may be necessary to
re-install V4.0 if they are removed later.

To load the software, insert the CD in the drive. Using Windows Explorer run (double
click) setup.exe on the CD drive or other place that you have copied the installation
software to. Alternately on the Windows screen, select Start >Run and type in D:\setup
, changing D if this is not the name of your CD drive.

The software will start installation automatically. You are invited to accept or reject the
End User License Agreement. If you are not able to accept this, installation will cease
without changing anything on your PC. On progression, you will next be asked where the
software is to install the program files as per Fig. 20:

Page 65 V5.4
Fig. 20 Software Installation Folder

If this location is not suitable, then select an appropriate alternate location via Browse. On
clicking Next, the software is automatically loaded.

9.4 Locations for Programs and Data

The Elan program can be started by the usual Windows process:
Start >Programs >Iris >Elan V4. A shortcut is also placed on the Desktop.
The normal location for Program files is the default location defined by Windows,
which can be change on installation. C:\Program Files\ElanV4\
The location for Data files is the default location in Windows.
Windows 2000/XP C:\Documents and Settings\username\My Documents\
Windows Vista C:\ Documents and Settings\username\Documents
It is strongly recommended that users change this location to a more convenient area,
such as a dedicated EL CID folder in the My Documents area, using the Options menu
in the ELAN software.

9.5 Installation on non-English Windows

The software is designed to be installed on an English version of Windows. It is normally
possible to install on a non-English version without any problems, however in certain
circumstances there may need to be operator intervention. In particular, the ELAN
program Start shortcut location is always installed in the Windows Start >Programs
location. If the non-English Windows does not use the English spelling for these locations
(e.g. French uses Programmes) then it is impossible for the install software to find the
default location, and the shortcut is not installed.
After installation, go to Control Panel>Regional and Language Options>Advanced
Tab and select English (US) as a language for non-Unicode Programs.

To install the Start Menu shortcut, use the Start >Settings >Taskbar menu to add the new
ELAN software to your Start menu, browsing to find the program Elan.exe and
selecting an appropriate Start location.

Page 66 V5.4
9.6 Installation of USB Drivers
This should be carried out as is usual by allowing the PC to discover the EL CID
Evolution and automatically install the drivers.

Before you start the ELAN V4.0 software, plug the USB cable from EL CID Evolution
into PC, and turn the EL CID Evolution on. When the Evolution has booted up (~30 secs),
the PC will discover the new USB device and offer to install the drivers. These are stored
in the folder USB Drivers on the CD. Do not allow the PC to attempt to find drivers on the
Internet, but set it to look at the CD in this folder (eg D:\USB Drivers) and it should then
install the drivers automatically. Ignore any complaints about lack of Microsoft signatures.
(These drivers may not install on Vista 64 bit)

After this, start the ELAN V4.0 software, and in Options, click on USB and click "Test
Comms". You should get an OK if the EL CID Evolution is connected and running.

If this does not work, consult your IT expert for assistance in driver configuration.

Page 67 V5.4
9.7 Use with Digital EL CID and USB
ELAN software V4.0 is compatible with Digital EL CID and supports a RS232
connection. It is recommended that a PC is chosen that has a built-in RS232 serial port. If
it is necessary to use the system with a PC that only has a USB port, then a proprietary
adaptor will be needed to convert from USB to RS232 with a 9 pin D plug. There are
many such adaptors on the market which change constantly with time and between
countries. Consequently it is not possible to recommend one that will work, and it is the
responsibility of the user to choose the combination of PC and USB adaptor that is found
to work reliably.

Note that the USB adaptor must be set up to emulate only a COM port from COM1 to
COM8. One combination that has been found to work is the ATEN model UC232A, USB
to Serial adaptor with Windows XP (ensure the latest driver is used).

To assist the user to choose and install an adaptor that will work successfully, the
following points should be noted:
i) Use Windows 2000, XP or Vista operating system.
ii) Plug in the USB adaptor.
iii) Load the adaptor software and make adjustments below before starting
iv) Use the Windows >Settings >Control Panel >System >Hardware >Device
Manager >Ports >COMx >Port Settings >Advanced to check which out of
COM1-8 has been chosen automatically for USB adaptor.
v) Completely close the Control panel windows to make the change effective.

In ELAN Options, set the COM Port to the COM port set for the USB adaptor. You may
then need to exit ELAN, unplug the USB adaptor, replace the adaptor and wait for it to be
discovered, then restart ELAN again to make the connection via USB effective.

On some PCs different USB sockets have different internal interfaces (often 4 sockets
come from 2 shared ports), and thus will require the USB adaptor software to be reloaded
for the other sockets. This will normally also allocate different COM ports to these other
sockets. To prevent the confusion of changing COM ports, the user is advised to always
use the same USB socket for EL CID testing.

9.8 Demonstration Test Files.

Three demonstration files derived from real tests are saved on the CD, located in the Test
Files folder, and are called Demo1.dec, Demo2.dec and Demo3.dec. They should be
copied to the users data directory if it is desired to use them for training or demonstration.

Demo1 is typical of a larger hydro-generator, whilst Demo2 is typical of a smaller turbo-

generator. Demo3 is a medium sized hydro-generator which has some particularly clear
faults. (All are from real machines!).

Page 68 V5.4

10.1 Introduction
The ELAN (EL cid ANalysis) software program for EL CID provides a comprehensive
tool to capture during test, display, analyse and print slot information acquired by the
Digital EL CID and EL CID Evolution test equipment. It has also been designed to
provide full support for recording the test results from the EL CID Evolution test
equipment, aiding and automating various functions, plus comprehensive facilities for
identifying potential faults in tested stators and for easing the process of producing reports
about those faults.

In operates one of in two modes: ELAN Stator Test and ELAN Stator Analysis, with the
Test mode entered after starting in the Analysis mode. Much of the display and controls
are common with the Analysis function and the test results are displayed during test using
the methods of the Analysis mode. As a result, even though it may be logical to cover
Testing first, Analysis is described initially.

Data is recorded in an open format XML structure, which allows independent inspection
of the data, and potential for transfer to other compatible systems.

10.2 Overview of Main Features

A wide range of features, including many updated over ELAN V3 are available.
WINDOWS 2000/XP/Vista operating environment.
Integrated test and analysis functions within ELAN.
Display of test information for both the machine and test method for recorded tests
before opening file and during analysis and test.
Display of QUAD or PHASE values, with optional dc (separate for QUAD and
PHASE) and zero removal.
Integrated test results open XML format for test data, with import conversion for old
formats, allows visibility and export capability.
Primary multiple trace display mode with ancillary selection of display options, print,
notes, export, and help functions
Single slot Display Mode for detailed inspection with zoom and cursor, plus
simultaneous QUAD/PHASE display.
Dual slot comparison display mode.
Addition of notes to slot data allows annotation of analysis
Normalisation to 4% or any other excitation level.
Selection of data taken from Exciter or Turbine end.
Ability to select or deselect slots for display, allows choice of best alternate slot
results (A, B, C etc).
User selection of display and printout trace colours.
Machine and test parameters can be reviewed at any time.
Ability to re-use any previous test set-up for new test, and to continue any previous
test left unfinished.

Page 69 V5.4
Improved excitation calculation user interaction
Remote operation allowing one-man operation, upgradable in the field
Big slot test display panel for distant viewing of key parameters (esp QUAD value and
slot no)
Previous tests on same slot kept may be kept for comparison (up to 26 off)
Key commands available via icons on screen and hot keys
Timebase mode to allow simple manual scans to be recorded
Support for offset double Chattocks on RIV to ensure alternate slot scans align, and
ability to set to scan any sub-part of the core
Data Export to industry standard spreadsheets via Microsoft Excel
Options panel to allow setup of RS232 Comm port or USB and key user variables
Audible warnings of actions (capable of being amplified etc)
User choice of trace and printout colours
Facility to combine main traces and step-iron traces into one main file/plot.
Ability to over-record a trace to add step-iron traces to main scans, or retest just a
short area of core.
Trace offset functions so that Forward/Backward traces can be lined up in case of
incorrect end offsets or X-axis calibration..
Three methods of excitation calculation software, supporting turns-per-phase, winding
computations and geometry of iron and flux method.
3D false-colour visualisation of the core QUAD signals
Print Report facility
Support for multiple Windows operating systems
Windows type HELP facility for the individual functions which may be accessed
during operation.

10.3 Starting the Analysis Program

The program is started via the Windows Start menu, and unless the user has installed it
other than the default, is accessed by Start >Programs >ELAN. On startup, the ELAN
program presents the user with the Main Menu, which is used to access the system

10.4 Quick Guide to Analysing a Test.

After starting ELAN, open Options and set the Data Directory to the place where the data
files are normally placed. It may be convenient to also set the USB port (or COM port if
an RS232 connection to a Digital EL CID it to be used), preferred Frequency and Units at
this time as well.

Page 70 V5.4
Then select File >Open and select via the normal Windows user interface the Test file to
analyse. It may be either a previous *.hdr format or current *.dec format. If it is the *.hdr
format, then when opening, you will be prompted to allow the software to automatically
generate a new file in the *.dec format. The new file will not replace or alter the old, and
will be loaded into the same directory as the previous, but the file being converted must
not be already open by any other program. The conversion process is seen in the window.
After either route, the user is presented with the Machine and Test Parameter panes to
review, and check that this is the correct machine and test desired. If it is, click on OK and
the test file is loaded. The loading time is dependant on the size of file, number of slots,
speed of PC etc.

The display defaults to showing the values in the same manner as was last used, normally
the QUAD values for the whole machine. Up to 20 traces can be displayed at once. The
keyboard buttons Page Up and Page Down allow quick movement up and down the slots.
Unless the user is familiar with the settings saved, the settings should be reviewed in
Display >Select Traces, where numbers of slots and lengths of core displayed may be set
by adjusting the relevant controls. In addition, slots may be displayed for only those
recorded Forward or Backward. To see again the input data, View >Machine/Test
Parameters allows inspection of all the recorded parameters for that test.

In order to analyse the results, the traces are displayed colour coded for direction and if
there is any over-range for each slot (regardless of direction). Display >Traces gives
access to controls to check/alter those colours, and to either set the scale factor to
anywhere from 1 to 40,000mA full scale, or to just auto-range those traces that exceed the
scale threshold. The latter is convenient for a quick overview, but for more detailed
analysis, then the same scale for all adjacent traces being analysed is preferred. It is
possible to similarly display and analyse the PHASE values, by selecting PHASE in
Display >Traces. In this case all the functions that were available for QUAD can be used
for PHASE.

In many cases, the data was recorded with not all 2mm position values recorded. In this
case the default setting of Suppress Zeros is recommended as it fills in the zeros with the
previous recorded value (avoiding sporadic spikes to zero). The QUAD (or PHASE)
values may also be normalised to either a normal 4% excitation as default, or to any other
user defined excitation.

It is often the case that the EL CID was not completely Phase Calibrated at the test start.
This can be compensated by using the Remove QUAD or PHASE DC Component. This
offsets all values in the display so that the mean value (ignoring the zeros) is zero, on the
assumption that any fault signal will be small by comparison with the main bulk of the

Page 71 V5.4
In order to inspect a slot trace in great detail, a double click on a trace will open up
another window for the Single Trace Interaction. This allows a cursor to investigate detail
values, and the user is able to set local scales to use the auto-scale. A zoom facility (click
and drag from top-left to bottom-right of desired zoom area) allows local inspection, and
the reverse expands to full slot display again.
Display >Select Slots allows the user to select or deselect slots from the display list, if it
desired to only show for comparison purposes particular slots (esp to remove unwanted
alternate a-z slots). This display also gives a convenient review of the maximum values of
the QUAD or PHASE (dependant on value selected for display), the length of slot
recorded and any user notes.

To provide a quick overview of the maximum QUAD (or PHASE) values, the View
>Peaks display allows selection of a limited choice of variables, then displays in tabular
format all the selected slots. The value is compared with a threshold value and only those
values that exceed it have a value shown. It is possible to select the whole machine, in
which case a scroll bar appears to accommodate any extra slots. View >Notes provides
access to the notes for any trace, which may be clicked on to select a trace, then the note
typed in, and saved. Note that if the file is shown as WRITE PROTECTED then no
changes can be made.

Many aspects of the traces can be printed. The main printout function allows (after
selection of the correct parameters in File >Print Setup), printing of the traces as shown on
the screen on a succession of pages via File >Print, with optional printing of the machine
and test parameters in a Header Page. In addition, the Notes may be printed from the
Notes display, and the current Screen traces may also be printed via File >Print Screen.

Finally the Selected Traces list, Notes and Peaks tables can all be copied to the PC
Clipboard for insertion into other programs, especially test reports. As is usual with PCs,
Alt-PrintScreen will copy the main Trace display also to the Clipboard, allowing this also
to be electronically inserted into reports.

10.5 Main Menu

Main Menu, which is used to access the system functions via five sub menus, is shown in
Fig. 21. These are: File, Options, EL CID Test and HELP. Display and View are
greyed out initially, as they are not available until a test file is loaded for analysis.

Fig. 21 Main Menu

Page 72 V5.4
All commands can also be selected from the keyboard using the Alt key. The underlined
characters indicate the keys needed with the Alt key (eg pressing Alt with f gives the File

For new tests or acquisition of further test data using the EL CID instrument the EL CID
Test function is selected. Instructions on the use of the Test mode are provided in Section
11. The remaining menu functions are described in this section.

The ELAN program may be used to display test data acquired using the earlier EL CID
DEC test program software.

10.6 File Menu

In order to analyse any test results, the file recording of those results must first be opened.
The File command opens up a sub menu as shown in Fig. 22.

Fig. 22 File Menu

10.6.1 File Open

To begin an analysis session the user must first open a data file. ELAN version 3 onwards
uses data files in XML format, in which all data for one machine test is stored as a single
file. Opening a file is accomplished by selecting File >Open from the main application
menu. On selection the user will be presented with the following dialog box in Fig. 23
from which he must navigate to the directory in which the data file is located.

If the file structure is not correct, in particular if the XML records have been directly
edited by a user and not by recording them with ELAN, and the format is not correct, then
ELAN may report an error reading the file and abort the load command.

Page 73 V5.4
Fig. 23 File Open Dialogue

The dialogue box will only show files with the extension *.dec (new format XML files)
and *.hdr (old format files). Once an appropriate *.dec data file has been selected the user
should click on the OPEN button. If the user selects a *.hdr file to be opened ELAN will
convert that file, and all associated slot data files into a single new format *.dec file. The
original files are not affected, but must not also be open in any other application, else they
might not be fully converted.

If the file has a filename extension other than *.dec, then it can still be accessed by typing
in the full filename and pressing Open, and will be opened if the file format is readable.

When the user presses Open, ELAN will then display the machine and test data for that
data file (see below), which the user inspects to confirm that the correct file. Selecting
LOAD results in the display of the first 20 slots from the Exciter end for the selected
machine, selecting CANCEL the user aborts the load sequence.

10.6.2 Main Display

The display defaults to showing the values in the same manner as was last used, normally
the QUAD values for the whole machine. Up to 20 traces can be displayed at once, for the
whole length of the machine as shown in Fig. 24. The keyboard buttons Page Up and Page
Down allow quick movement up and down the slots. Traces may be displayed for lesser
numbers of slots, or shorter length of core by selecting Display >Select Traces, and
adjusting the relevant controls.

Page 74 V5.4
Fig. 24 File Main Trace Display
10.6.3 File Close
On selecting Close the application will remove from memory the information related to
the currently selected series of slots and clear the slot display. Any changes to analysis
values such as notes and slot selection will be saved. If the file properties are read only,
the user will be prompted to save the file to another location. If this is ignored, any
changes will be lost.

10.6.4 Security
When the file is opened, even for Analysis only, then it may still be written to by the
software, since the user may change the Notes, and select or de-select traces for display.
This data is stored within the file, and it is thus possible that a malfunction or crash could
change other data items.

If it is important that the records are not changed or corrupted, then the user should ensure
that a backup is kept of the file. He/she should also either make a copy of the file for ad-
hoc viewing and editing, or set its properties on the Windows system as read-only which
will prevent any user changes. This is indicated on the display when the file is opened by a
label of WRITE PROTECTED after the filename on the lower pane.

This label is not shown, however, if the file is protected by a remote facility such as the
Write-Protect tab on a floppy disc or write protection on a remote file server. In this case
the fact that the file is protected is only seen when any write is attempted.

Page 75 V5.4
In case that the file is set as read only, and the user tries to make a change, then the
software will offer to save the changed data to a new file via the Save As function (see
section 11.13.2).

10.6.5 File Print Setup

This option in Fig. 25 allows the user to select and set-up the system printer for all
subsequent printing within the application.

Fig. 25 Print Setup Dialogue

The user may adjust the size and source of paper, the paper orientation and any printer
specific properties.

It is strongly recommended that a colour printer is used, so that the colour distinctions of
the various traces may be best seen. The various Trace colours may be adjusted in the File
- Print screen below.

If it is desired to use a black and white printer (eg a laser printer) it may be necessary to
change the trace colour allocations to black to make traces visible. This can be needed also
since some printer drivers may not correctly translate faint colours to grey scale. This can
sometimes be improved by installation of the printer manufacturers up-to-date drivers
instead of relying on the operating systems driver.

It is common to install a pdf printer such as Adobe Acrobat to allow the printout to be
generated as a file for transmission electronically. The user should be aware that with
many such programs, each page of the printout is printed as a separate file, and should
thus be saved to a different filename than the default, to prevent loss of the printout data.

Page 76 V5.4
10.6.6 File Print
The File Print option allows the user to select the options that are required for a specific
graphical printout of slot traces as shown in Fig. 26. It shares most functions with the
Display Select Traces menu. A printout consists of one or more pages of graphical traces
each with a footer describing the settings that were selected for the print. A maximum of
30 slot traces can be printed on a page, however it is recommended that less are printed to
improve the ability to see detail.

Fig. 26 Print Dialogue

The options that can be selected from this dialogue have the following meanings:

Start Slot - This is the first slot to be printed. The slot number must not be more than the
maximum number of recorded slots for the machine (max 999) and a minimum of 1. The
default value for this slot will always be the first slot that was last printed or Displayed or
analysed through the View Slot Peaks and Notes option. The up/down arrows next to the
slot allow the user to quickly alter the slot number, or the number may be directly entered.

Page 77 V5.4
Number of Slots- This is the number of slots to be printed. The number must not be more
than the maximum number of slots for the machine and a minimum of slot 1. The default
value for this slot will always be the number that was last Displayed, Printed or analysed
through the View Slot Peaks and Notes option. If the total number of slots to be printed is
greater than the number of slots per page, the application will cause multiple sheets to be
printed. The up/down arrows next to the slot number allow the user to quickly alter the
number, or the number may be directly entered by placing the cursor in the box.

Machine End - This is the end from which a slot was scanned. EL CID files identify slots
referenced from either the Exciter or Turbine end of the machine. Data recorded from each
end is recorded separately, and must be printed separately.

Data - The user may select either the PHASE or the QUAD values of the EL CID
captured data.

Units - EL CID records information in a metric format with data being stored every 2mm
for a slot. The user may select to have the information displayed in either metric (metres)
or imperial (inches) units.

Direction - Slot traces may either have been recorded by traversal in the Forward or
Backward direction from the machine end that was being analysed. The user may choose
to select traces in either direction or in both directions.

If the Forward and Backward option is selected, then both traces are printed

Backward Offset This allows all Backward traces to be offset by a set amount with
respect to their recorded position on the core. The purpose is to compensate for any test
error where the start position of the Backward traces or X-Axis calibration was poorly set
so that the Backward traces do not adequately align with the Forward traces where they
both exist in the core.

A negative value means the trace is printed earlier (left), a positive value means later
(right). Note that an offset will not create any extra length to the original core. Thus if the
offset causes any data to be outside the core length +/-200mm, then this data will not be

Slots Per Page to Print - This is the number of slots that are to be printed on each page. If
it is set to zero then no slot pages are printed, but the header pages are still printed if

Page 78 V5.4
Graph Text Print Scaling- This allows the trace graph axis text and the footer text to be
scaled to fit any particular printer. Since this text scale is dependant on the pixel density of
the particular printer, it is not possible to predict in the software how large it will become.
The text may be scaled from 100% (0) to >1000% (99) to 50% (-99). Negative scaling
can only be achieved by use of the up/down buttons by the box.

The user should experiment with different scaling to determine the optimum setting if the
default setting (0) is not satisfactory.

Start Distance From Machine End - This is the distance from the selected machine end
from which printing of slot data will start.

Finish Distance From Machine End - This is the distance from the selected machine end
at which printing of slot data will stop.

Scale Traces to xxx Volts - If this option is selected the data in the slot traces will be
scaled to the level entered by the user. If the edit box is empty, or contains an invalid
value ELAN will prompt the user to enter a valid value. See also Scale Traces to 4%

Scale Traces to 4% Excitation - If this option is selected the data in the slot traces will
be scaled to a level that would be consistent with a 4% excitation level.

This uses the Machine Parameter recorded for Measured Single Turn Voltage (MSTV)
and scales the traces proportionately down if MSTV is higher or proportionately up if
MSTV is lower than that desired by the calculation shown on the pane and shown in the
grey box alongside. This scaling will affect the PHASE as well as QUAD values, so insure
this is accommodated or deselected if the PHASE values are being analysed with respect
to the excitation.

Remove Quad DC Component - If this option is selected the Quad data in the slot traces
will be filtered such that the DC value of the slot data is removed.

Remove Phase DC Component - If this option is selected the PHASE data in the slot
traces will be filtered such that the DC value of the slot data is removed.

Suppress Zeros from Trace - EL CID places zero values into slot trace data under a
number of error conditions. The ELAN software is able to compensate for these erroneous
values by suppressing them from traces. The selection of this option causes the data to be
corrected through the removal of all zero values.

Max Scale - This is the maximum value that will routinely be used for the display of data
on a trace graph. The maximum value can be overridden by an automatically generated
maximum value for each trace if the AUTOSCALE trace option is selected. Off scale
traces will be shown at the maximum display value.

Page 79 V5.4
Report Front Page File This file is the file that will be printed first if the Print Report
function is selected. It may either just the file name in which it will assume the directory
path is the same as the test file. Otherwise a full path should be entered as shown in Fig.
This filename is saved within the test data so it can be recalled as needed. The file should
thus be saved and kept either with or in the same alignment as the test file. The filename is
only saved/updated in the test file if the test file is not locked against recording.

Print Test and Machine Parameters If this box is selected, it causes two pages of
header data to be printed before printing all required traces. This gives all the data shown
in the View Machine Parameters and Test Parameters boxes. If it desired to only print
this header data, then tick this option and select 0 traces to print in the Print Dialogue box.
10.6.7 Print
If this is selected, it causes the selected Number of Slots from the Start slots to be
printed as Graphical Traces on the selected printer.

10.6.8 Print Report

In order to allow the printing of a complete customer test report, a facility has been
provided to print a defined set of pages that comprise all the test data. In addition it is
customary to add a front page that gives information such as testing company name,
address logos etc, test engineers, time and place of test and various other locally
defined information. Since it is impossible to try to match requirements from around
the world, instead a facility has been added to automatically print a user defined
document as the Front Page. The user should prepare this file, and its filename entered
in the Report Front Page File box.
In addition, the printer and printer setup used to print the Front Page File is that
defined within the application printing it, not the Print Setup within ELAN. Thus this
must also be set separately before a Print Report is attempted. (This is a limitation
within Windows).

If the user presses Print Report the system automatically prints the following in order.
Each section is printed separately, and the user may be presented with Print Set-up
windows for each section to confirm the settings are correct for each.

a. First prints the Front Page File via the Windows application that is registered for
the file type entered in Report Front Page File box. If any error occurs (eg file not
found or format wrong for Windows to print), it is not printed and the next section
b. Secondly ignores the Print Test and Machine Parameters box, and always prints
the two pages, ie Machine Parameters and Test Parameters.
c. Thirdly prints the slots showing those selected (and not) as per the function
Display - Select Slots - Print. This also gives an overview of each slots length of
trace and maximum Quad value recorded.
d. Finally prints all the Slot Traces as per Print.
Page 80 V5.4
10.6.9 Cancel
This function cancels any changes made on the screen and closes it. However any
changes made to the Report Front Page File are still saved.

10.6.10 The Print Footer

The footer on each graph page consists of a simple textual representation of the
settings and source of data. The footer has the following format:
C:\ELCID\DATA\TESTNAME Date DC Removed 4% Normalised Quad
Turbine Zeros Suppressed Metres
C:\ELCID\DATA\TESTNAME - This is the path and file-name of the header file for
the test results being printed.
Date - The date on which the tests were carried out.
DC Removed - The slot traces printed have had their DC component removed before
being plotted.
4% Normalised - The slot traces have been normalised to a 4% excitation level.
Quad - The slot traces are displaying the quad values recorded by EL CID.
Turbine - The slot traces displayed are those measured from the turbine end of the
machine being tested.
Zeros Suppressed - Where EL CID has inserted zeros into the trace data (usually due
to too fast operation) these have been masked in the printed slot traces.
Metres - The unit of measurement against which the slot traces are printed is metres.

10.6.11 Printout Colours

Pressing one of the "Change colour" button allows the user to select a new colour for
the printing of those traces or define a custom colour. These may be different to those
used for display.


Forward Over-range

Backward Over-


Fig. 27 Trace Colour Selection

Page 81 V5.4
In case the colours are changed and it is desired to revert to the originally defined
colours, they are shown above in the standard colour matrix.

10.6.12 File Print Screen

This function prints the currently displayed traces to the default printer. The user is asked
to confirm the chosen printer before printing.

10.6.13 File Insert Trace

This function allows 2 test files to be merged into one, by inserting part or all of the traces
from another file into this file. This allows the user to splice together multiple tests, such
as if the core had to be tested from each end due to baffles in the middle, or to add
separate step-iron tests to a main result. The inserted values, where present, overwrite the
data for each 2mm point.

To prevent traces being overwritten where this is not desired if the inserted file has data
for those slots, then only those slots which are selected for display in Display >Select
Slots are affected. This selection must be made before selecting File >Insert Trace. The
machine and test parameters must be the same in both tests.

It is quite possible to make a mistake, and an experimental insertion is usually advised to

check that the desired result is achieved. It is thus paramount that all existing data is
backed up.
Having selected the slots for which recorded traces will be inserted in Display >Select
Traces, on selecting File >Insert Trace, the control window shown below opens.

Fig. 28 Insert Traces Controls

Page 82 V5.4
The Browse button allows the user to select the file that will be inserted. On selecting the
desired file, the button Open should be pressed, which will show the file Machine and
Test Header data, to confirm that the correct file has been selected. If correct, select OK
on that window, which will return control to the window figure above.

The box labelled Trace Offset will now be accessible, with units of m/ins dependant on
metres/inches setup, with a maximum range up to +/-99.999m/999.99ins, and default of 0
on entry. This allows the inserted traces to be offset laterally by the amount set. A
negative value means the data is inserted earlier (left), positive value means later (right).
Note that an offset will not create any extra length to the original core. Thus if the offset
causes any data to be outside the core length +/-200mm, then this data will not be inserted
or saved.

Finally two buttons, Insert or Cancel, allow the insertion to be actioned or cancelled.

The insertion will overwrite only those slots that have been selected for display in Display
>Select Slots, and selected in Display >Select Traces (inc Turbine/ Exciter, Forward/
Backward/ Both) and have no current slot data, with the inserted data (PHASE and
QUAD), including the inserted EL CID measurement parameters (Range, Phase and
Calibration). Any slots that have data, will not have their measurement parameters
changed, but the existing PHASE and QUAD values will be replaced by the inserted slot
data for the region (offset as described above) where the inserted slot data would have
been displayed (ie from first non-zero value to last non-zero value).

After insertion, the data is flagged as changed so the user is prompted to save the result as
normal on attempting to exit Stator Analysis. It is of course strongly recommended that
the result is saved in a different filename for the combined test.

10.6.14 File Exit

This function closes the file and the ELAN program. The user is prompted to save to
another file any changes made to the file if it was opened when read-only.

10.7 Main Display

The main onscreen display consists of a maximum of 20 trace slots displayed across the
screen. The settings for this display are set in the Display >Select Traces window, as
described in section 10.8.1. The settings used when opening a new file are those set for the
last opening, so may need to be reset for a fresh analysis.

This display allows comparison of adjacent traces to allow analysis as described in Section
12. The traces are coloured providing meaning about the displayed trace. The colours
given below are the default as installed, the user may change them. See below for
changing the colours.

Red - the trace slot corresponds to a series of measurements that were captured originally
in a Forward direction.
Page 83 V5.4
Green - the trace slot corresponds to a series of measurements that were captured
originally in a Backward direction.
Yellow - the trace slot corresponds to a series of measurements that were originally
captured in the Forward direction but at least one of the measurements was greater than
maximum scale set for the display (over-range).
Blue - the trace slot corresponds to a series of measurements that were originally captured
in the Backward direction but at least one of the measurements was greater than maximum
scale set for the display (over-range).

Note that if either of the Forward or Backward Traces is over-range, then both traces
change to the over-range colour for that slot. Also, even if the Display Select Traces is
set to Autoscale Over-range Traces, the colours still change to indicate if the trace exceeds
the value set in the Max Scale box.

Display >Traces gives access to controls to either set the scale factor to anywhere from 1
to 40,000mA full scale, or to just auto-range those traces that exceed the scale threshold.
The latter is convenient for a quick overview, but for more detailed analysis, then the same
scale for all adjacent traces being analysed is preferred.

10.8 Display Menu

The Display menu shown in Fig. 29 below, allows the selection of two dialogue boxes that
control which traces are displayed, and their options.

Fig. 29 Display Menu

10.8.1 Display Select Traces

The Display Select Traces function in Fig. 30 allows the user to select the options for the
onscreen display of slot traces. It shares most functions with the File >Print and View
>Peaks menus.

The settings are saved by the PC between file openings, so that repeated opening of the
same or comparable files for comparison automatically use the users preferred settings
rather than an automatic default. However to ensure that a fresh display is rational, the
settings for Machine End, Scale Traces, Backwards offset and Start and Finish Distances
are reset to default for each new file.

Page 84 V5.4
Fig. 30 Display Select Traces Dialogue

The options that can be selected from this dialogue have the following meanings:

Start Slot - This is the first slot to be displayed. The slot number must not be more than
the number of recorded slots including a-z slots (max 999) for the machine and a
minimum of slot 1. The default value for this slot will always be the first slot that is
currently displayed. The up/down arrows next to the slot allow the user to quickly
increment/decrement the slot number, or the number may be directly entered.

Slot Count - This is the number of slots to be displayed. The slot count must not be more
than 20 (a higher number will default to 20) and a minimum of 1. The default value for
this slot will always be the slot count that was last printed or analysed through the View
Slot Peaks and Notes option. The up/down arrows next to the slot number allow the user
to quickly increment/decrement the number, or the number may be directly entered.

Slot Count maximum is 20 slots unless the PCs display adaptor is SVGA (800*600), in
which case it is 15.

Page 85 V5.4
Machine End - This is the end from which a slot was scanned. EL CID files represent
slots referenced from either the Exciter or Turbine end of the machine. Slot data may be
only displayed from one end or the other, so if there is data recorded from both, then they
must be displayed separately.

Note that the display defaults at start at the end that the test file states was the end from
which the traces were recorded. However if this was not in fact the end used, then no
traces will be displayed. This is simply corrected by selection of the other Exciter/Turbine

Data - The user may select either the PHASE or the QUAD values of the EL CID
captured data.

Units - EL CID records information in a metric format with data stored for every 2mm of
a slot. The user may select to have the information represented in either metric (metres) or
imperial (inches) units of length measurement.

Direction - Slot traces may have been recorded by traversal in the Forward or Backward
direction from the machine end that was being analysed. The user may choose to display
traces tested in either direction or in both directions.

Backward Offset This allows all Backward traces to be offset by a set amount with
respect to their recorded position on the core. The purpose is to compensate for any test
error where the start position of the Backward traces or X-Axis calibration was poorly set
so that the Backward traces do not adequately align with the Forward traces where they
both exist in the core.

A negative value means the trace is printed earlier (left), a positive value means later
(right). Note that an offset will not create any extra length to the original core. Thus if the
offset causes any data to be outside the core length +/-200mm, then this data will not be

Start Distance From Machine End - This is the distance from the selected machine end
from which display of slots will commence.

Finish Distance From Machine End - This is the distance from the selected machine end
at which display of slots will complete. Note that for both Start and Finish ends, an
overrun band of 200mm (8inchs) is allowed for traces that didnt quite end correctly,
and which may be displayed.

Scale Traces to xxx Volts - If this option is selected the data in the slot traces will be
scaled to the level entered by the user. If the edit box is empty, or contains an invalid
value the application will prompt the user to enter a valid value.

Page 86 V5.4
Scale Traces to 4% Excitation - If this option is selected the data in the slot traces will
be scaled to a level that would be consistent with a 4% excitation level, as per the
calculation and result displayed.

Remove Quad DC Component - If this option is selected the QUAD data in the slot
traces will be offset such that the DC value of the whole slot QUAD data is set to zero.

Remove Phase DC Component - If this option is selected the PHASE data in the slot
traces will be offset such that the DC value of the whole slot PHASE data is set to zero.

Suppress Zeros from Trace - EL CID places zero values into slot trace data under a
number of error conditions, the most common being scanning too fast along a slot during
testing that it is not possible to record a value for every 2mm per ac power cycle. The
ELAN software is able to compensate for these zero values by suppressing them from
traces. The selection of this option causes these zero data values to be masked by copying
the previous values.

Max Scale - This is the maximum value that will routinely be used for the display of data
on a trace graph. Off-scale traces will be shown at the maximum display value. The
maximum value can be overridden by an automatically generated maximum value for each
trace if the Autoscale trace option is selected.

Set Display Trace Defaults The majority of the settings for the display are saved in the
PC Registry and re-used when new file is opened. These settings may be updated by
selecting Set Display Trace Defaults before clicking Redraw. The selection is cleared
afterwards. The following are always reset to prevent confusion when opening a new file:
Quad, Scale 4% excitation, Autoscale and start/end distances.

Colours - Pressing one of the "Change colour" buttons allows the user to select a new
colour for the display of the traces, using the dialogue box in Fig. 31 below. This allows
selection of a new basic colour, or a custom colour.

Page 87 V5.4

Forward Over-range

Backward Over-range


Fig. 31 Colour Selection

In case the colours are changed and it is desired to revert to the originally defined colours,
they are shown above from the standard colour matrix.

Page 88 V5.4
10.8.2 Display Select Slots
The Display >Select Traces option allows the user to select the set of traces to be
displayed. The Display >Select Slots dialog box in Fig. 32 then selects which traces from
this subset of traces is to be displayed. Note that this always displays all slots recorded,
regardless of whether Forward, Backward or Forward and Backward is selected in Display
>Select Traces.

Fig. 32 Select Slots Dialogue

For example, the diagram above shows that the user has deselected slots 33 and 34A, but
will display all others, without gap on the screen.

Buttons allow selection and deselection of all traces, to aid rapid setting of larger
machines. A Print button allows printout of a listing of all the slots and their selection, to
aid reporting. Copy to clipboard causes the total table as displayed together with the
filename to be copied to the PC Clipboard, allowing it to be inserted into test reports as a
tabulated list.

Clicking OK will cause the new selection to be effected, Cancel will close the window
without change.

The user can also add and remove traces from display without going via this dialog by
right-clicking on a trace in the main window.

Page 89 V5.4
10.8.3 Display Next Higher Slots
This option will move the display to the next sequence of slot traces from the current
display. The currently displayed end slot will become the new start slot and the new end
slot will be set to X slots further on where X is the current number of displayed slots.

A keyboard shortcut to this option is available through the Page Down key.

10.8.4 Display Next Lower Slots

This option will move the display to the previous sequence of slot traces from the current
display. The currently displayed start slot will become the new end slot and the new start
slot will be set to X slots earlier where X is the current number of displayed slots.

A keyboard shortcut to this option is available through the Page Up key.

10.8.5 Display Core Visualisation

This option will open a new window to display the data as a false-colour map of the core.
This provides an alternate to the Peaks display as a means of giving an overview picture of
the QUAD data.

10.8.6 Display Core Visualisation Parameters

Initially the user is required to select the region of core to be visualised, and scale
parameters, in the window that is first presented. The controls are the same as in section
10.8.1, except the maximum number of slots is 100 and the scale for the colourisation uses
the Max Scale value.

The maximum value for the Backward Offset is limited to the Core length

Page 90 V5.4
Fig. 33 Core Visualisation Parameters

The slots that are visualised are those selected in Select >Display Slots, and displayed
consequently on the main display. If there Forward and Backward traces are displayed for
the same slot, the values are averaged.

The number of slots should be considered carefully. If the number of slots in the core is
less than 100, then it is sensible to make the number of slots displayed a little more, so the
visualisation wraps round the core fully with some overlap. If only a region of the core is
to be visualised, the distance sliders may be set to reduce the region.

The visualisation uses 500 points of colour for the core length, and averages the values
within each point region. This is usually quite sufficient for most cores, and is near the
maximum for most displays. Even in a very long core of say 7m, it will give a resolution
down to 14mm. However to obtain more resolution, then simply visualise in 2 or more

On clicking Draw, the false colour Visualisation is computed. This can take several
seconds, and the progress is shown at the screen bottom left.

Page 91 V5.4
10.8.7 Display Core Visualisation Display
The visualisation uses the Max Scale value as the peak value for both positive and
negative excursions. Signal (QUAD or PHASE) values above this are simply capped at the
Max Scale. The colours may be chosen separately for positive and negative excursions of
the QUAD values as well as zero. Note the +/- signal value for maximum positive and
negative values are the same.

Appropriate colours should be chosen for the QUAD polarity generally expected for a
fault, depending on the PHASE value as described in section 12. In the figure below, since
the PHASE values are positive, the expected damaging fault values for QUAD would
normally be negative, so these are shown as red.

The choice of colours and scales is a personal decision, but some comments may assist.
The visualisation of QUAD is the most common use, and while the commonplace
maximum value for concern is 100mA, the colour scale should be set to maybe 200-
300mA to allow some headroom, as otherwise values under 100mA may still appear a
troublesome colour. The zero colour should be chosen so that the graduations from this
to the maximums is visually along a colour gamut that implies escalating concern. A zero
value of grey or white is effective, whereas from say green to red goes through a gamut
which is mostly brown.

Interpretation of the data remains a matter of considering carefully the PHASE polarity
and inspecting the QUAD signal for the slot under concern and neighbouring slots. The
false-colour visualisation has the advantage of showing very dramatically faults that have
multi-slot effect, such as deep tooth or back-iron faults. However having assessed the
overall machine condition from this facility and where multi-slot effects are occurring, it
is still strongly recommended to return to the graphical display for full and detail analysis.

Fig. 34 Core Visualisation Image

Page 92 V5.4
To copy the image to a test report, simply use Alt+Printscreen on the PC keyboard which
copies the window to the clipboard. It can then be pasted (as pictured above) into a report
or graphic editor (eg Windows Paint) for adjustment or conversion to a suitable graphic
file format for emailing etc.

To exit the window (which may be re-scaled conventionally) click on the top-right X or
File >Close.

10.8.8 Display Core Visualisation Controls

There are a number of controls which may be accessed in the Core Visualisation window,
using the controls across the top

Fig. 35 Core Visualisation Controls

The File >Print menu offers a Print function which outputs the current display to the
selected printer. File >Close closes the Visualisation window.

Display >Change Parameters closes the Visualisation window and re-enters the Core
Visualisation Parameters, so that alternate selections can be made. The QUAD or PHASE
values may be selected, with the QUAD values set by default. The Next Higher and Lower
Slots will increase/decrease the slot start number by 50% of the current number, ie move
the Visualisation 50% across. The Page Up and Page Down keyboard buttons repeat this
function. This allows the appearance of a interesting region at one edge to be re-centred
for better inspection.

Changing any of the Visualisation parameters or Page Up/Down will cause a re-draw of
the graphics which will require the same delay for the processing as original.

The Colour menu allows the maximum Positive, Zero and maximum negative value
colours to be chosen. The Windows standard colour controls then allow the choice of
default, a range of standard colours or personal design of colour.

10.9 View Menu

The View menu of ELAN is used to display an analysis of slot peaks, the recorded notes
and also the Machine Parameters and Test Parameters:
The main menu consists of 4 sub-menus shown in Fig. 36:

Page 93 V5.4
Fig. 36 View Menu

10.9.1 View Peaks

This option will display a selection screen that allows the user to select slots, and options
to be applied to slots, to enable identification of peaks in the QUAD or PHASE values for
the machine.

The initial selection dialogue screen in Fig. 37 allows the analysis to be selectively applied
to all or a sub set of all machine slots. Once the selection has been made, the user is
presented with an interactive display through which he can identify slots for further
investigation. The user is also able to select the relevant slot to make and record
observations (notes) against the analysed slots.

Fig. 37 Peaks Selection Dialogue

Page 94 V5.4
The selection parameters are very similar to that in Section 10.8.1 for Display Traces. The
variations are given below.

Slot Count - This is the number of slots to be selected, and may be any value up to the
whole machine. Note that if there are alternate (a-z) traces recorded and selected for
display, this value may need to be higher than the number of slots in the machine.

Machine End - This is the end from which a slot was scanned. EL CID files represent
slots referenced from either the Exciter or Turbine end of the machine.

Data - The user may select either the PHASE or the QUAD value of the EL CID captured
data for peaks display.

Scale Traces to xxx Volts This is locked to the same as that selected in Display Traces.

Scale Traces to 4% Excitation - This is locked to the same as that selected in Display

Suppress Zeros from Trace This is locked to the same as that selected in Display

Max Scale This is set in the Peaks display window, and disabled here.

Autoscale Over-Range This has no effect, the peak value is displayed regardless

Peak Analysis Display

The resultant Peak Analysis display is shown in Fig. 38 below. The display identifies slot
traces whose values anywhere exceed a peak threshold (positive or negative). The top
number in each box is the slot number, the lower one is the max QUAD or PHASE value
(as selected). Note that the numbering may not be contiguous, as the slots shown are only
those selected in Display >Select Slots, including any alternate traces selected. The right-
hand scroll bar allows viewing slots that are off-screen.

Page 95 V5.4
Fig. 38 Peaks Analysis Display

Where a slot trace exists but its peak value is below the peak value threshold, or of the slot
trace does not exist, an asterisk (*) is displayed. If a slot trace exists and its peak value is
greater than the threshold then the value of the positive or negative maximum is displayed.

The Peak Value Threshold for display is set in the lower box, defaulting to 100mA on
entry. The user may edit this value, which becomes effective on clicking in the
Recalculate button.

The Notes button causes the screen to switch to the Notes screen, as described in section
10.9.2, in which the notes for any slot can be viewed and modified as required. Also a
double click on any of the displayed Slot Cells directly enters the Notes display for that
slot for viewing and modification as required.

A status bar along the bottom of the display displays the values chosen when originally
selecting the slot range for analysis.

The Copy to Clipboard button copies the table of values displayed (including those
scrolled off-screen) as a tabulated table to the PC Clipboard. It may then be pasted into a
test report or spreadsheet for manipulation and display.

Page 96 V5.4
Cancel - Closes the dialogue and return to the main display.

10.9.2 View Notes

This option will display the Notes dialog (can also be entered via the Peak Analysis
dialog), allowing a user to read the notes stored for the whole machine and to add or
change the note for any slot. All the slots recorded are shown, regardless of their
(de)selection in Display >Select Slots, as seen in Fig. 39 below.

Fig. 39 Notes Display and Dialogue

Each slot for the machine can have a 255 character comment that is stored with the data
for the machine. The user is able to view all slot comments at the same time through the
above display. To add or amend a note, click on the slot, which will select the slot note for
editing in the top line and display the Slot Test Ref Phase Angle. The entered note must be
recorded by selecting Add Note or Return after entry, else the change is not retained. If
the text exceeds the screen length, a scroll bar is shown.

The Copy to Clipboard button copies the table of notes displayed (including those
scrolled off-screen) as a tabulated table to the PC Clipboard. It may then be pasted into a
test report for manipulation and display.

Page 97 V5.4
If the file is set as read-only, then changes to notes are NOT saved to the original file, but
the user is offered the option of saving the whole test file to a new filename before closing.

10.9.3 View Machine Parameters

On first opening a data file, the Machine Parameters information in Fig. 40 is presented
for confirmation that this is the correct data. The user may also inspect the Machine
Parameters information by selecting View >Machine Parameters. The full Machine
Parameters display is then presented. To remove the Machine Parameters display from the
screen click the Cancel or OK buttons.

Fig. 40 Machine Parameters Display

This data cannot be changed. If it is desired to amend any records, then the file should be
opened in ELAN Stator Test, or left open in Stator Analysis and EL CID Test started. The
values may then be edited and saved.

Page 98 V5.4
10.9.4 View Test Parameters
The user may inspect the Test Parameters information in Fig. 41 by selecting View >Test
Parameters. The full Test Parameters display is then presented. To remove the Test
Parameters display from the screen click the Cancel or OK buttons. The Machine
Parameters display can also be selected from the Test Parameters display by clicking on
the "Machine Parameters" tab at the top of the display, and vice-versa.

Fig. 41 Test Parameters Display

This data cannot be changed. If it is desired to amend any records, then the file should be
opened in ELAN Stator Test, or left open in Stator Analysis and EL CID Test started. The
values may then be edited and saved.

10.10 Options
This function allows the user to set up the ELAN software to use standard defaults for
their normal use. Clicking on the Options Button give the display in Fig. 42. The user
should select the parameters appropriate to their need.

Page 99 V5.4
Fig. 42 Options Menu

Data directory is the default storage location of test results, and is where the results are
sought when a file Open command is first used. If blank after installation, then a default
path MUST be set. If the operator cannot remember the full path or syntax for the entry,
the Browse button gives a listing of the PC file system, complete with any network
drives. This allows any directory/folder to be selected. Note that if any network resources
are registered but not connected when Browse is selected, it may take 5-10 secs to
complete the search and time-out on any non-existent resources.

Units allows the use of Imperial (inches) or Metric (metres) units as default. These can be
changed in use during analysis, but not during testing.

Frequency is the default frequency entered into Machine Parameters when testing. It may
be user overridden. It would normally be 50 or 60Hz, but may be any other rational value.

USB is the selection used for USB communication to the EL CID Evolution. Once the
USB drivers are installed, the EL CID Evolution is discovered automatically by the PC
when connected and turned on. This selection is not used with a USB-RS232 adaptor for
connection to Digital EL CID, where the appropriate COM port should be selected.

COM1-COM8 are the RS232 COM ports on the PC used to communicate with the Digital
EL CID, and the user should select the one intended to be used. If it is not possible to
determine this in advance, it can be changed at any time before the test. For a PC used
solely for analysis, the selection is unimportant. It is always recommended to test the
communications link before use with Comms test.

Comms test button provides a means of testing if the EL CID is correctly connected to the
selected Device/Port. If this is clicked with a working EL CID connected, ELAN will
show a box saying "OK", otherwise it will say "No response", or report if the port does not

Page 100 V5.4

Suppress error reports tick box allows the suppression of error reports when testing if
ticked. This is useful to eliminate distracting repetitive messages (especially if worrisome
sightseers are around).

If Suppression of error reports is selected, then no error reports will be shown on the main
screen or the Afar screen. On the main screen a ? character will be shown in the top icon
row, which will turn red if any error occurs. Clicking on it or pressing the ? key will then
display a pane showing the current active error(s).

10.11 EL CID Test

This command starts the EL CID test dialogue. When this item is selected the main screen
will change from the ELAN "Stator Analysis" screen to the "EL CID Stator Test" screen.
This mode allows a user to connect the PC to the EL CID Evolution equipment to capture
slot data during stator testing. Operation is covered in Section 0.

10.12 Help

This command gives access to About and Help. About is a panel that gives information
about the issue of the software, Iris Power and its contact information. Help Topics gives
access to a full Help system about the software, as shown in Fig. 43. Individual topics and
information about operation may be searched and printed out.

Fig. 43 ELAN Help menu

Page 101 V5.4

HELP for any specific function may also be entered by means of the F1 key when the
function is selected or highlighted.

10.13 Analysis Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts

The following Keyboard and Mouse shortcuts are supported by ELAN Stator Analysis:
Page Up - Scrolls the sets of traces backwards.

Page Down - Scrolls the sets of traces forwards.

Mouse Left Double Click - Selects a Single Trace interaction for the slot pointed at.

CTRL + O - Displays the "File Open" dialog. This is the same as selecting File >Open

ALT - activates the main menu - the user can then use the arrow keys to navigate the
menu items. Pressing ALT + any of the underlined letters on the main menu drops that
menu down (e.g. ALT+F drops down the file menu).

ALT+F4 - exits the program. This is the same as clicking on the top right hand button of
the main window.

F1 - Displays this help file at the appropriate place.

Mouse Right Click over a Trace gives a menu as shown in Fig. 44.

Fig. 44 Trace Right-click Menu

This allows the user to either

Export Data to Excel transfers all visible traces (up to 20) to an Excel spreadsheet as
described in Section 10.14. This allows users to make alternate presentations of the data,
or further numeric analysis.
Add or Read Note switches to the Notes screen described in Section 10.9.2 for that slot,
in order to add/edit or read the Note,
Remove trace from display will remove that trace from the display.
Select alternate traces allows selecting any alternate traces for display, ie those
numbered the same but with another alpha (A,B etc) suffix for that slot to add to the
display. If however there is no trace displayed at all for a slot, then adding a trace back in
has to be done by use of Display >Select Slots as described in Section 10.8.2.

Page 102 V5.4

10.14 Exporting Data to Excel
Whilst in the main display, the user may at any time right click over the main display area
and select Export Data to Excel. It offers the user the opportunity to export data into
Microsoft Excel, and thus record/convert it into any of the data formats supported by
Excel: xls, Text, CSV, Lotus 123, Dbase.

If Excel is installed on the computer, the software will open a new Excel Spreadsheet and
copy all of the data from every displayed trace on the currently selected Display Screen to
the spreadsheet. All data points for each 2mm value of the selected QUAD or PHASE
parameter are stored on a separate Excel column for each slot, with a label at the top of
each column identifying the slot number and direction. The distance is in the display units
(metres/inches) selected.

Once it has been written into Excel, the format in which the data is to be saved is
determined through the Save As type drop down menu on the Excel Save As panel. After
selecting Save, the Excel application is closed.

It is assumed that most users will only wish to transfer a few slots for analysis. In case that
it is desired to transfer a whole machine, then this must be done 20 slots at a time, and the
data cut-and-pasted together in Excel afterwards, from the several spreadsheets recorded.

10.15 Single Trace Interaction

Double Clicking with the left mouse button over a single displayed trace will display the
Single Trace display of Fig. 45 and interaction dialogue. This facility allows detailed
analysis of a single slot PHASE or QUAD traces simultaneously. A further trace pair for
another slot may be loaded to the display for comparative purposes.

Fig. 45 Single Trace Interaction

Page 103 V5.4

The display reflects the options selected by the user in the main trace display. These
options are shown in the panel at the bottom of the single trace display. The initial display
will show the complete trace length with auto-scaled scale limits for both QUAD and
PHASE traces. While the QUAD trace will auto-scale between the maximum and
minimum values, the PHASE value will auto-scale from the maximum to zero (or
maximum opposite value if there is any inversion). This allows a better overview of
evenness of excitation down the core.

If there are both Forward and Backward traces recorded, and if on the Display Traces
screen Direction both Forward (and Backward) are selected, then both Traces will be
loaded, as below.

Fig. 46 Single Trace Interaction multiple traces.

The user may thus inspect both traces simultaneously. Either may be selected individually
by clicking on the relevant button.

The user can control the single trace display in the following ways.
Cursor On/Cursor Off - The user can turn on a cursor by clicking the Cursor On button.
The cursor can be moved across all displayed traces allowing the data underlying the
displayed information to be read in the Values box. The cursor follows the position of
the mouse. To turn the cursor off, click Cursor Off.

Redraw - This button redraws the trace when any scale parameter is changed. It is
triggered automatically if the Remove Quad/Phase DC boxes are changed.

Auto/Man Scaling - The user can turn off the default automatic scale settings and choose
two vertical scales that are controlled by the Quad Min/Max and Phase Min/Max settings.
After changing any manual scales the user must click the Redraw button for the display to
be updated.
Page 104 V5.4
Load - This button allows a dual slot display, where test traces from a second slot on the
same machine or other test may be loaded onto the same display. If there are already 2
traces displayed from the original slot, then one must be deselected to allow loading of
another slot trace.

Clicking the Load button and specifying the data source loads the extra slot. Alternate
second traces may be loaded by just selecting them, the new data replaces the old. If the
source file has more than one trace (Turbine/Exciter/Forward/Reverse), a small selection
window below is displayed to allow the user to choose.

Fig. 47 Single Trace Load Selection

To delete the second trace, press the Unload button.

The second set of traces may be from the same test or different test file. If they are from a
different test file, take careful note of the source, as the source is not displayed. Note that
where Normalisation to 4% excitation or user defined normalisation has been selected for
the initial display, secondary slots loaded from the same or different test will be scaled by
the same normalisation factor.

Cancel - This button cancels the Single Trace Interaction, and returns to normal trace

Print - The user may print the contents of the current graph display (either zoomed or
normal scale) by selecting the print button, choosing a printer and page orientation
(landscape is recommended) and then selecting OK to continue with the print.

Zoom - With the cursor off, the user can zoom into the displayed data by holding the left
mouse button over a region of interest and dragging a rectangle on screen down and to the
right. On enclosing the desired core length in the rectangle and releasing the left button,
the screen will zoom to the dragged region. By clicking Redraw the screen may then be re-
scaled to the maximum and minimum signal current values held in the box at the left hand
of the screen. To return the display and data to the original settings hold the left mouse
button and drag to the left and up.

Panning - With the cursor off, by holding the right mouse button and dragging, the graphs
displayed are panned across the display in the direction of the mouse movement.

Page 105 V5.4

DC Removal - Two check boxes are provided for the removal of the DC component from
the QUAD and PHASE traces independently. Clicking on either of these controls
automatically updates the display and sets the scales back to automatic.

Change Colour - The colour of the displayed (and printed) traces can be selected by
pressing one of the Change Colour buttons at the bottom of the display. The same colours
are used for both display and printing, and are described in Section 10.6.11.

A toolbar at the bottom of the display contains details of the data that is displayed in the
single trace interaction display. These display details are the same as the details for the
main trace display.

10.16 Older Test Data

Test results acquired in the course of earlier EL CID testing are stored in a binary format,
with a control file with *.hdr suffix. The test result analysis software will carry out certain
checks on the validity of the data before importing in order to avoid erroneous display or
risk of system corruption. Incorrectly acquired data or data which has become
invalid/corrupted may result in termination of the program or warning to the user before

In a few instances it may be possible to still inspect test data rejected by ELAN by means
of the older DOS based ELPLOT program, which has different validity criteria. A copy
may be obtained from Iris Power to assist users in such difficulty, but users should be
aware that running DOS programs is not easy in modern Windows operating systems.

Page 106 V5.4


11.1 EL CID Stator Overview

EL CID Stator Test is part of the overall ELAN program which provides a mechanism for
interfacing to the EL CID Evolution equipment for the purpose of recording stator slot test
data in a graphical form. The Program interfaces to the EL CID Evolution via a USB port
on the PC, selectable together with other global values, via the Options dialog box.
Support for RS232 communication to Digital EL CID systems is also retained.

In order to prevent inadvertent loss of display or computer shutdown during a test, the
usual laptop PC functions of screensaver and power-save are disabled while the ELAN
software in use. Users should ensure that sufficient battery power or a mains supply is

11.2 EL CID Stator Test Main Window Functions

11.2.1 Menu functions
The Main Window of EL CID Stator Test is used to access all the other EL CID Stator
Test functions. The main menu consists of 7 sub-menus:

11.2.2 Toolbar
A Toolbar of icons in Fig. 48 below the main menu provides the user with single-click
access to the main functions:

Fig. 48 Test Toolbar

The toolbar symbols have the following meanings:

Enter new unit data (same as selecting Unit >New).

Open a data file for input and output (same as selecting File >Open).
Save the currently open data file (same as selecting File >Save).
Start testing (same as selecting Test >Start).

Page 107 V5.4

Finish testing (same as selecting Test >Finish).
View the "Progress" display (same as selecting View >Progress).
Begin testing the next slot (same as selecting Test >Begin Slot).
End testing the current slot (same as selecting Test >End Slot).
Discard the slot data currently last recorded (same as selecting Test >Discard).
Retest a slot (same as selecting Test >Redo).
Jump to an out-of-sequence test slot (same as selecting Test >Goto).
Acknowledge and clear the current error message.
Display the current error message (if error messages are suppressed).
Exit EL CID Stator Test mode and return to ELAN Stator Analysis mode (same as
selecting File >Exit Test).

11.3 Test Keyboard and Mouse Shortcuts

The system operations are also capable of being controlled by the keyboard via various
direct acting keys. These keys only function if the action is valid at that stage in the test.
PgUp Scrolls the sets of traces backwards. This is the same as selecting Display
>Next Lower Slots

PgDn Scrolls the sets of traces forwards. This is the same as selecting Display
>Next Higher Slots

CTRL + O Displays the "File Open" dialog. This is the same as selecting File >Open

CTRL + S Displays the "File Save" dialog. This is the same as selecting File >Save

ALT Activates the main menu - the user can then use the arrow keys to
navigate the menu items. Pressing ALT + any of the underlined letters on
the main menu drops that menu down (e.g. ALT+F drops down the file

ALT+F4 Exits the program. This is the same as clicking on the top right hand
button of the main window.

F1 Displays this help file at the appropriate place.

b or B Begin testing the current slot. See Test >Begin Slot

d or D Discard the current test data. See Test >Discard

e or E End the current slot test. See Test >End Slot

r or R Redo a slot. See Test >Redo

Page 108 V5.4
s or S Go To a slot. See Test >Go To

x or X Accept and clear the current error message.

? Display the current error message if Suppress Error Reports is set.

11.4 Quick Guide to Testing a Stator

The connection to the EL CID Evolution should be made with the USB cable supplied, the
EL CID turned on and connected to the Chattock(s) and Reference Sensor. To allow one-
person operation of the ELAN + Digital EL CID system the Manual Trolley must be
connected to the EL CID via the Trolley Remote Control Interface, which includes the
RS232 connection. With EL CID Evolution, connecting the Trolley ensures the signalling
is automatically connected.

Before attempting to begin a test, the user must first set up the Machine and Test
parameters. This may be by opening an existing test file containing suitable values, but is
usually by entering new parameters via the Unit >New Unit menu. Once these parameters
have been entered the program will allow the user to start testing. All parameters in red
must be entered, and it is critical to properly compute the excitation. There is no quick
way to do this (unless you can copy the Unit data of a previous test of the same machine),
the methods described in section 11.7 to 11.9 should be followed carefully.

To test a machine (only once the above parameters have been correctly specified) the user
selects Test >Start (or hot-key S). This starts communication to the EL CID equipment
and displays the values being transmitted by the unit in the panes below the toolbar. The
top right four boxes display (from left to right) Position, PHASE, QUAD and any error
message. The first slot to be tested is shown in Next Slot.

The slot data is recorded by selecting Test >Begin (hot-key B). This continuously samples
data from the EL CID and displays the real time capture of that data in the selected trace
in the main window, indicated by a white background. The user then pushed the Manual
Trolley up the slot, capturing the PHASE, and QUAD values for the whole length (not too
fast or some values will be missed).

Once the user has scanned that slot, they select Test >End (hot-key E). This action saves
the test data and selects the next slot in the sequence to be tested (which may be the same
slot, but the opposite direction). If the user is unhappy with the data as it is being recorded
they can select Test >Discard. This deletes the last recorded slot data, recovers any
previous data and moves the testing onto the next slot in the sequence. The Go To function
allows selection of a previous or any other slot to retest.
The user finishes the testing by selecting Test >Finish (hot-key F). This ceases
communication with EL CID in preparation for exiting the application. Finish also
automatically occurs once the last slot as specified in the test data has been tested. Note
that the unit data can still be edited at this point and testing can be restarted. The data can
then be saved to file by File >Save or File >Save-as.
Page 109 V5.4
To allow one-person operation of the ELAN/EL CID system, the application can be
controlled using the button located on the Manual Trolley. This is enabled in the "Remote
Operation" box on the Test Parameters pane of the unit data. It enables remote
commanding of Begin and End for each slot in sequence from the Trolley, with first push
Beginning a slot test, second push Ending that slot test, third push Beginning next slot test
and so on.

All data is saved on the PCs Hard Disc, to the user defined folder and file in Test
Parameters. It is strongly recommended that the operator backs up the saved file after
testing to another medium to keep it secure before leaving site. This is preferably to a USB
flash drive.

During testing, data is also automatically saved to a temporary disaster recovery file
(named recovery.dec) after every slot. This may be reloaded in case of any computer
failure during test, to allow testing to continue without loss of data.

11.5 Connection to EL CID

The connection to the EL CID Evolution should be made with the USB cable supplied. It
uses a latching connector at the EL CID Evolution to eliminate any risk of the cable being
pulled out during testing. EL CID Evolution uses USB 1.0 standard, so should be
compatible with most controllers.

The connection to the Digital EL CID should be made with the RS232 cable supplied, part
no. 6/110/1/021. However to allow one-person operation of the EL CID system the
Manual Trolley must be connected to the EL CID via the Trolley Remote Control
Interface (part no. 6/110/1/022) which also connects to the EL CID RS232 output and to
the PC.

The Digital EL CID signals at 19,200 baud, 1 stop bit with no parity. It must have modem
signals RTS connected to CTS at the EL CID to operate. These parameters are
automatically set by ELAN and the supplied cables.

11.6 Unit Menu - Setting the Header Data

The ELAN software requires that it is given certain data to enable it to know how to
control the test progress, and manage and display the data. This is all captured in the Unit
data under Machine and Test Parameters, generally called Header Data. These were
described briefly in the Analysis section, solely to allow their review to establish if the
right machine is set.

This display allows the user to enter the Machine (Fig. 49) and Test Parameters (Fig. 53).
The user has the choice to either create completely new machine and test parameters by
selecting New Unit, to Copy the parameters from a saved test file, or to Edit parameters
already entered.

Page 110 V5.4

Once the parameters are entered they are saved to the output file if one has been selected.

11.6.1 New Unit

This selection displays the Unit Data dialog with the Machine Parameters pane empty,
apart from the date (taken from the PC clock), and the frequency (taken from the Options
dialog). The Test parameters pane has default values presented which can be changed by
the user.

The filename in the Test Parameters is set to a default combination that is very unlikely to
be the same as an existing file. However this filename many be changed by the user, and
care should be taken to ensure that a filename is not chosen that already exists, and should
not be overwritten.

11.6.2 Copy Unit

This selection opens the File Open dialog and allows the user to select a file from which to
copy the Unit data. Once selected, the Unit data is displayed and can be edited to suit the
new test. Note even the Test date is copied, so if it is desired to have the date set to the
current (or any other date) this must be manually edited.

This allows rapid entry of set-up data for a retest of a previous test, but does not copy any
of the slot file data. If it is desired to copy a previous test file to just retest some slots, then
the file should be Opened and Saved as a new file before editing the Unit data and

Note that the originating file is not kept open and the filename in the Test Parameters is
blanked. The first attempt to save the file after opening prompts the user to provide a new
filename to prevent the user overwriting the original file.

11.6.3 Edit Unit

This selection displays the Unit Data dialog with the Machine and Test Parameters panes
filled with the current parameters information. If no data has been previously entered this
display will be the same as the New Unit display.

Page 111 V5.4

11.7 Machine Parameters

Fig. 49 Machine Parameters

The Machine Parameters pane allows the user to enter the following data:
The values in () are the allowed ranges, the values in [] are the defaults.

Date (dd-mmm-yyyy) [PC date]

Station Name (1 to 52 characters) [blank]
Unit Name (0 to 52 characters) [blank]
Machine type (blank, Turbo, Hydro, Motor) [blank]
Year of Installation (1880 to 2100) [blank]
Manufacturer (0 to 52 characters) [blank]
Phasing (6 phase, 3 phase, 2 phase or single phase) [3 phase]
Rated Power and Units (Power = 0.00 - 9999999.99, Units = MW, W, MVA, VA, HP)
Windings per slot (0 - 99) [blank]
This value is the number of bars or coils per slot, typically 2.
Rated Voltage and Units (Voltage = 0.00 - 9999999.99, Units = kV, V) [kV]

Page 112 V5.4

Turns per phase in series (0 - 9999) [blank]
Excitation Turns (0-999) [blank]
Frequency (0.0 - 999.9) [as set in Options]
Excitation Turns (0 - 999) [blank]
Rotation Speed (0.0 - 9999.9) [blank]
Excitation Current (0.0 - 999.9) [blank]
Number of Slots (0 - 999) [blank]
Measured Single Turn Voltage (0.01 - 999.99) [blank]
Length of Core (0.0-99999.999) [blank]
Recommended Single Turn Voltage (0.01 - 999.99) [blank]
Comments (0 to 255 characters) [blank]
Core split locations (0 to 255 characters) [blank`]
The Core Split (joint) location box is greyed out and cannot be
edited unless the Machine type is set to Hydro (since core splits are
not expected in other than Hydro machines).

11.8 Calculate Single Turn Voltage

The user can use the application to calculate the Recommended Single Turn Voltage value
by clicking on the Calculate Single Turn Voltage button.
NOTE: The application assumes that machine tested has STAR connected winding.
For DELTA connected windings, specify phasing as Single phase.
This provides a choice of methods to compute the Recommended Single Turn Voltage
(RSTV). The preferred method is for the test technician to inspect the machine winding,
and using the methods given in section 6.3 and 6.4, compute the RSTV from the machine
winding details. This will ensure that the machine is properly inspected and understood, as
most errors derive from not fully appreciating the machines connections.

If this is not desired, then a choice of 3 methods is provided to assist the user. The voltage
can be computed from a user computed winding Turns per phase in series (Tp), or from
the winding details, or from the core geometry and an estimate of the design flux levels.
The pane opened will depend on the degree of completeness of the entered data, but the
user can always click on another pane to use the other method, if the entered data is
sufficient for it.

The values entered in the Calculate Single Turn Voltage panes (not Machine parameters)
is held temporarily while the ELAN program is active, so a repeat opening of this or
another test will offer the same values again. However they will reset to default on closing
the ELAN program.

Page 113 V5.4

11.8.1 Calculate Single Turn Voltage from Turns per phase in series
Clicking on Calculate Single Turn Voltage, will open a window with 3 panes, and if Tp
has been already had a rational value entered, will open to the pane in Fig. 50 to compute
RSTV from Tp and the machine voltage. The dialogue box allows the user to accept or
change the core factor and excitation level to calculate the RSTV. Pressing "OK" or
hitting Return copies the calculated voltage back to the machine parameters pane. Clicking
Esc or pressing "Cancel" exits the dialog without storing the voltage.

Fig. 50 Calculate Single Turn Voltage from Tp

11.8.2 Calculate Single Turn Voltage from Winding Details

Clicking on Calculate Single Turn Voltage, will open a window with 3 panes, and if Tp
has not been entered, will open to the pane in Fig 51 to compute Tp from the Winding
details (number of windings/slot, parallel circuits and series turns per coil). It will then
compute Tp and thus RSTV. The dialogue box allows the user to accept or change the
number of parallels, turns/coil, core factor and excitation level to calculate the RSTV. The
values entered must results in an integral value for Tp, otherwise the program will refuse
to accept the values on closure.

Page 114 V5.4

The value of Series Turns per Coil is for the situation where a homogenous winding has
multiple turns in one winding assembly that is placed in the machine slots. If the machine
is wound with separate wires (often called random wound) and it is desired to compute the
excitation from them, then the number of Windings per Slot should reflect the number of
wires in each slot, with the Series Turns per Coil set to 1.

Pressing "OK" or hitting Return copies both Tp and the calculated RSTV to the machine
parameters pane and exits the dialog. Pressing Esc or Cancel exits the dialog without
storing the values.

Fig. 51 Calculate Single Turn Voltage from Winding Details

11.8.3 Calculate Single Turn Voltage from Core Geometry

Clicking on Calculate Single Turn Voltage, will open a window with 3 panes, and if
neither Tp or Windings per slot has been entered, will open to the pane in Fig 52 to
compute RSTV from the core geometry and assumed flux levels. Note that the flux level
here is the average around the core during a cycle, not the peak flux level that might be
reached at one point.

Page 115 V5.4

The user is required to enter the core back depth as per the diagram, the core length and
frequency is taken from the Machine Parameters, A default typical value for Average
Operating Flux is offered, and can be changed if known, as can the compensation for Core
Factor. It will then compute the RSTV.

The dialogue box will also compute from the operating voltage, phasing and number of
slots the apparent Tp, and copy this to the Machine Parameters. In this case, the computed
value does not need to be an exact integer, however it is rounded on transfer. The purpose
of this transfer is ensure that in the Analysis mode, the correct excitation computation can
be applied if the actual excitation was not same as the RSTV.

Pressing "OK" or hitting Return copies both Tp and the calculated RSTV to the machine
parameters pane and exits the dialog. Pressing Esc or Cancel exits the dialog without
storing the values.

Fig. 52 Calculate Single Turn Voltage from Winding Details

Page 116 V5.4

11.9 Test Parameters
The Test Parameters pane is opened after opening the Machine Parameters window, on the
second tab. It controls the method the ELAN software expects to conduct the test, in terms
of sequencing, start and end positions etc. The pane is shown below in Fig 53 below.

Fig. 53 New Unit Test Parameters

The Test Parameters panel allow the user to enter the following data:
The values in () are the allowed ranges, the values in [] are the defaults.

First Test Slot (1 - number of slots) [1]

Timebase (blank for encoder position counting, 1.0 - 999.9 for timebase
position counting) [blank]
Last Test Slot (1 - number of slots) [number of slots from Machine Parameters]
Start Position (0.0 - Length of core) [0]
Slot Number Direction (Increasing, Decreasing or Random)
Return Position (0.0 - Length of core) [length of core from Machine Parameters]
Scanning (Single, Alternate single scan, Double scan or Single scan reverse)
[Alternate single scan]
Remote Trolley Operation (on/off) [off]
Page 117 V5.4
Over-record Traces (on/off) [off]
Position Counting (Encoder forward, Encoder reverse, Timebase forward or Timebase
reverse) [Encoder forward]
Start At End (Exciter End or Turbine End) [Exciter End]
Test Filename (*.dec) [Station Name(1-8)+Unit Name(1-4)_day+hour+min]

11.9.1 Test Sequencing and Scanning

When testing a stator, the sequence that the slots are tested in must be in the sequence
defined in the Test Parameters window. The choice will depend on the access to the
machine and test results desired.

The slots numbers to be scanned are set in the First Test Slot and Last Test Slot in Test
Parameters. The sequence will always count from the first to the last. If the Slot Number
Direction is set to be Increasing the slot number will increase from the first until the last is
reached. If the Slot Number Direction is set to be Decreasing the slot number will
decrease from the first until the last is reached. Note that this allows slots to be tested in an
increasing direction from say 36 to 4 on a 42 slot machine (ie through 42 to 1 and
onwards). Once the last slot is reached and fully tested, the test is automatically Finished.
If the Slot Number Direction is set to be Random the slot number will not change after
each slot, but the operator will be automatically presented with the Goto dialogue box to
select the nest slot desired.

The originating end of the machine from which measurements are taken is conventionally
set as either Exciter End or Turbine End (or the non-drive and drive ends for a motor).
The results are categorised by this parameter, and separate test results for each direction
may be stored in the same test file. However they cannot be viewed together.

Scanning - The choices for scanning are

Single scan -The slot is scanned from the Slot Direction
originating end (exciter/turbine) forward (F) 1 Forward
for each slot. The operator is expected to 2 Forward
return the Manual Trolley to the machine start
3 Forward
end of each slot after the scan.

Alternate single scan -The slot is scanned

from the originating end (exciter/turbine) Slot Direction
Forward (F) for the first slot, then Backward 1 Forward
(B) for the next slot and so on in a zig-zag 2 Backward
pattern around the core. The operator is 3 Forward
expected to transfer the Manual Trolley to the
adjacent slot after the scan.

Page 118 V5.4

Double scan - The slot is scanned from the
Slot Direction
originating end (exciter/turbine) Forward (F)
1 Forward
for each slot, then in Backward (B) for the
same slot. The operator is expected to transfer
2 Forward
the Manual Trolley to the adjacent slot after
each second scan.
3 Forward
Single scan Reverse-The slot is scanned from
Slot Direction
the opposite of the originating end
1 Backward
(exciter/turbine) Backward (F) for each slot.
2 Backward
The operator is expected to return the Manual
3 Backward
Trolley to the far end of each slot after the

The Manual Trolley, and other remote mechanisms that measure the distance
travelled, may be used in a conventional or reverse mode for the test. To allow the
correction of distance counting that is found to be reversed, the Position Counting
may be set to Forward or Reverse.

Note that if Forward is set, with the Manual Trolley Encoder at the end that is moved
forward, the counting is positive, however the distance recorded on the Digital EL
CID SPU display is negative. This is normal.

If the Return Position is left blank, the scan starts at the default Length of Core
position. If any Forward (F) scan is done, a subsequent Backward scan will then start
at the position the last Forward scan ended.

Start Position -sets the position in the bore that the scan is expected to start, and is the
position where the results will be recorded from in the data file. The end position will be
wherever the operator Ended the scan.

Return Position -sets the position in the bore that a Backward (B) scan is expected to
start for both Alternate and Double scans, and is the position where the results will be
recorded from in the data file. If the value is left blank, the Backward (B) traces will be
recorded from the same position as the previous Forward Start scan ended. This applies
even if a Backward scan has started and been aborted, to ensure a rescan occurs where

To test a machine once all the above parameters have been correctly specified, the user
selects Test >Start (or hot-key S), and the slot data is recorded by selecting Test >Begin
and stopped by selecting Test >End (or hot-key E).

Page 119 V5.4

11.9.2 Double Scan with RIV
For a system where Double Scans are being taken using two Chattocks, such as on a
Remote Inspection Vehicle (RIV702), then the forward Chattock should be connected to
Signal Input 1 for the Forward scan, and the rear Chattock should be connected to Signal
Input 2 for the Backward scan. The ELAN software will automatically select the correct
Signal Input for recording Forward/Backward.

In this situation, it is very important to ensure that the two Chattocks are set to have the
same polarity for the PHASE signal. This may be simply done by reversal of the Chattock,
or on the EL CID Evolution by choice of Signal +1/+2 or +1/-2.

Since the RIV is not able to leave the bore, the Start and Return positions should be set
such that the relevant Chattock scans the appropriate part of the core.

11.9.3 Timebase Use

When testing a stator, in case that there is no ability to use any mechanised form of
distance encoding, it is still possible to capture EL CID data in a form that can be graphed
by the use of the Timebase mode

Position Counting may be set to Forward Timebase or Reverse Timebase. This is used
with the Timebase value to set an automatic distance counter that increments (in Forward)
or decrements (in Reverse) the position down the bore at the set rate in mm or inches per
second. By this means it is possible to record the results of a simple manual scan with a
Chattock if the Chattock is moved at about the same speed as the Timebase. The result is a
(normally) short trace for the duration between Begin Slot and End Slot actions, starting
from the start position set in the Start Position parameter.

11.9.4 Step-Iron Testing

One important application for Timebase mode is to scan the step-iron ends of a large
machine, where the core steps preclude the use of the Manual Trolley with its encoder.

Various options exist to record the data in a suitable format to study later. It is possible to
just add the traces onto the slot traces for the body of the machine by setting Over-record
traces, or they may be recorded in a new file for separate analysis and maybe later
insertion. They can alternately be recorded in the original file as originating from the
other end (eg turbine instead of exciter).

If it is intended to over-record or merge these step-iron tests with the main core test, it is
vital to ensure that the polarity of the PHASE signal is maintained the same as the main
test. This is simply done by orienting the Chattock the same way (swap ends to invert) and
ensuring it is always held this way round.

Page 120 V5.4

In either case, to record the near end slots (ie step irons at the end of the machine
identified at the test end, eg Exciter), the preferred way is to set to Single scan reverse,
Reverse Timebase and Start Position = length of step iron. Then on Begin Slot the
timebase will start counting out of the bore (from Start Position back to zero), whilst the
operator can now scan the step-iron with a hand-held Chattock in the same direction. Once
each step-iron scan is complete, immediately select End Slot to finish the scan. The speed
of scan is a user choice, but a value around 10-15mm/sec is usually best.

To scan the step irons at the other end, set to Single scan, Forward Timebase and Start
Position = bore length less length of step iron. Then on Begin Slot the timebase will start
counting out of the bore (from Start Position out to end of bore the other end), whilst the
operator can now again scan the step-iron with a hand-held Chattock. Once each scan is
complete, immediately select End Slot to finish the scan.

If an assistant is not available to select Begin/End, a lone operator can position the Manual
Trolley conveniently (without a Chattock) and use the one-man operation feature of the
Remote Trolley button (see below) to command Begin/End remotely.

The resultant traces will be seen as a set of short Forward and Backward traces for each
end of the machine. Whilst the distance alignment may not be very accurate due to the
mismatch of operator speed to computer speed, the existence of faults will still be apparent
by excessive QUAD values.

11.9.5 Remote Manual Trolley Operation

To allow one-person operation of the ELAN/EL CID system the PC can be controlled
using the button located on the Manual Trolley. This is enabled via the Remote
Operation tick box on the Test Parameters pane of the unit data. In addition on the Digital
EL CID the Trolley must be connected via the Trolley Remote Control Interface (part no
6/110/1/022 which also connects to the PC to the EL CID).

To use the remote interface, the user sets up the machine and test parameters as normal,
enabling Remote Operation in Test Parameters, then selects Test >Start. The Trolley
button now has the following functionality:
Pressing for at least 0.5 seconds (a firm push, not a quick tap) and less than 3 seconds
selects Test >Begin if a test recording is not underway, or Test >End if a test recording
is underway.
Pressing the button for more than 3 seconds causes a Discard of the current slot (or
last slot if a slot test was not in progress) and then selects a Redo test of that slot. The
operator should then reposition the Manual Trolley on the slot to be redone, and
initiate the test with the remote button again.

The LED on the Trolley Remote Control Interface is lit while ELAN is recording data, and
extinguishes when not. (Note that pushing the button temporarily extinguishes the LED at
all times). It is recommended that the Afar screen is displayed and the PC positioned so
that a single operator may see and check progress from within the core.

Page 121 V5.4

The Trolley Remote button will not function while an operator is controlling the PC (eg
during Go To or Redo function).

11.9.6 Over-record traces

If this tick box is enabled, then the normal process of deleting existing slot data on starting
to record (on Begin Slot) is prevented. Consequently the new data values will overwrite
the existing values for the region of the new test. This allows a number of features,
principally the ability to add a manual Timebase driven test of the step-iron area to a main
test. It may also be used to overtest a short area of core that has been repaired, if a
complete retest is not desired.

If the Over-record traces flag is set, then when you "Redo" a slot, it will copy that slot's
root data (not A-Z slots) to the buffer (normally Redo starts with a blank buffer).

Some care will need to be taken into setting the various directions of test and time-base,
and a short period of experimentation to ensure that the right settings have been made is
always worthwhile. As the original data file will be overwritten it is vital that this is
backed up and a new test file set for the over-record test.

11.10 Audio Signals

The PC audio output is capable of indicating certain activities by audio signals, to assist
the correct operation when operated remotely. With the aid of external amplifying
speakers the sounds may be made audible even in noisy environments.

The signal given are and related *.wav file are:

Begin Elan Program = welcome.wav
Each time it passes the destination end+200mm in the normal direction (ie goes
outside normal range) = overrun.wav
Begin Slot when actioned by the Manual Trolley remote = begin.wav
End Slot when actioned by the Manual Trolley remote = end.wav
Redo when actioned by the Manual Trolley remote = redo.wav
Discard when actioned by the Manual Trolley remote = discard.wav

The *.wav files may be substituted by the user. The directory where the sound files are
saved is normally C:\Program Files\AdwelSupport\Elan

Note that these files will be overwritten on any new installation, so if custom sounds are
substituted, it is advisable to save a copy elsewhere to replace them after any update.

Page 122 V5.4

11.11 Trace Recording and Display
After starting the test via Test >Start (hot-key S), the slot data recording is initiated by
selecting Test >Begin (hot-key B). This continuously samples data from the EL CID and
displays the real time capture of that data in the selected trace in the main window,
indicated by a white background. Once the user has completed each scan and is satisfied
with the test data, they select Test >End (hot-key E) to end recording. The user can stop
the testing by selecting Test >Finish (hot-key F). This ceases communication with EL CID
in preparation for exiting the application. Note that the unit data can still be edited at this
point and testing can be restarted.

The values of PHASE and QUAD are recorded for each 2mm of core. On starting
recording a slot, all existing values for that slot are normally preset to zero. If the user
moves the Manual Trolley slowly enough so that more than one value is received from the
EL CID the software averages up to the last 16 valid values received. If the Trolley is
moved too fast so that no value is received for that 2mm position, it remains recorded as a
zero value.

When in Stator Test mode, ELAN sets the display parameters so that all values, including
zeros, are shown. (Stator Analysis allows them to be suppressed, achieved by copying
adjacent values.) As a result they will be seen as zero points on the PC screen. As long as
the Trolley is not being scanned so fast that several successive values are missed, then the
occasional missed value will not imply dangerous absence of data. The Chattock core
diameter is ~4mm and thus any even a very local core fault will show on several
successive 2mm positions.

For the EL CID Evolution, scanning with the Manual Trolley or RIV may be up to the
theoretical maximum of 100mm/sec at 50Hz and 120mm/sec at 60Hz. Note that if the
scanning is not totally smooth, localised accelerations higher than this can occur due to
jerks etc, so some amelioration should be allowed for optimum results. With Digital EL
CID, a slower scan is needed to ensure all values are captured. A speed of about 50mm or
2 per second will normally achieve minimal missed values with a modern PC.

The Display is normally set for 4 traces to be displayed at the same time, one (usually
blank one) ahead of the current one, the current one, and 2 after the current one. DC
removal and Zeros suppression are preset off so that the trace display shows the raw data,
though it is still scaled to 4% excitation by default. This means that the trace may have a
different value than the read data if the excitation is substantially different to 4%. If this is
a problem, the scaling may be turned off or set to some other value.

The Display is set to Autoscale for each trace, starting at the scale set in the Display
>Select Traces pane. This means that if a value is received over the set scale, the trace
automatically shrinks to the new scale to ensure that the full trace is displayed within the
slot on the screen. This can cause a surprise to the user if this is not expected, but is
normal. It will not rescale up afterwards, unless the trace is started again.

Page 123 V5.4

The Traces are plotted such that the plot only starts at the first non-zero value from either
end, thus showing only the area of the core actually scanned.

Alternate (ie multiple) traces can be made of each slot and direction, to enable the user to
record multiple scans of the same slot, perhaps due to difficulty in scanning, or to record
different methods/operators used, or even to record the change after local rectification. If
there already exists a slot trace in the same direction, then selecting Redo will cause
another slot to start to be recorded with the same slot number and direction, but with the
suffix A, B etc. Alternately if a slot is to be re-recorded and the previous data
overwritten, selecting Go To and the appropriate slot causes the previous data to be erased
(but recoverable via Discard) and the new scan substituted.

If the user is unhappy with the data as it is being recorded they can select Test >End Slot,
then Test >Discard. This deletes the last recorded slot data, recovers any previous data if it
was being over-recorded, and moves the testing onto the next slot in the sequence.

Page 124 V5.4

11.12 Error Reports
Errors are reported as they occur unless the Option is set to Suppress Error Reports. They
are normally reported on the main trace View Slots display and the Afar display.

Most error messages will auto-clear on cessation of the error. However if the error occurs
during a slot recording, some will only clear if the user acknowledges the error (even if it
is now corrected) by pressing X or clicking on the ! button. This is to ensure that these
serious errors are actually noticed and corrections made before the test continues.

They have the following meanings:

Error Report Meaning

Comms Failure EL CID has stopped responding.
ELAN will continue to retry until corrected.
Clears on recovery.
Ref too small Signal from Reference coil is too small.
Clears on recovery unless Recording data, in which case the
user must clear the error.
Ref too large Signal from Reference coil is too large (over-range).
Clears on recovery unless Recording data, in which case the
user must clear the error.
Signal too large Signal from Chattock coil is too large (over-range). If due to
the slot signal exceeding the range set, select a higher Range
and repeat that slots recording.
For the Digital EL CID model 601, while this error condition
persists, the data is recorded as zero Phase and Quad values.
For EL CID Evolution, while this error condition persists, the
data is recorded at the maximum values the system is able to
detect on that range (which will of course be less than the true
Clears on recovery unless Recording data, in which case the
user must clear the error signal.
Signal too small Signal from Chattock coil is too small. This will occur if the
PHASE signal drops below about 2% of full scale. If due to the
slot signal falling very low, select a lower Range and repeat
that slots recording.
Clears on recovery unless Recording data, in which case the
user must clear the error.
Position overrun The incoming position has gone beyond either end of the range
of position values allowed, plus the 200mm extensions.
Clears on recovery.
Missed values Value not received for each 2mm position (usually due to
too fast operation).
Clears on next valid value.

Page 125 V5.4

Cal-X Error Digital EL CID only.
The X Axis calibration constant is zero. May be caused by
incorrect calibration of EL CID X Axis or loss of internal
data after long time in storage. Corrected by (re-) calibration
of X Axis
Clears on recovery.
EL CID in Setup Warns the user that the EL CID Evolution is set in Setup
Mode mode. It may thus still be being adjusted and not yet ready
for testing.
Clears on recovery unless Recording data, in which case the
user must clear the error.

11.13 File Menu

The menu items below are those extra items not otherwise described in the Stator Analysis
Section 10.6

11.13.1 File Save

If the user has a data file currently open, this function will save the data in memory into
that file without prompting for a filename. If the user does not have a file open this
function will act as if the user had selected File >Save As.

11.13.2 File Save as

This function displays the Windows "Save As" dialog.

Fig. 54 File Save-as Dialogue

Page 126 V5.4

The user can enter their choice of filename, browse the file system to select an output file,
or can accept the default filename provided by the application. This default filename,
which is generated by the Test Parameters window, consist of the first eight characters of
the station name followed by the first four character of the unit ID (any invalid characters
being replaced by the ~ character).

If the filename selected by the user already exists the application will give an "Are you
sure?" prompt before overwriting. If the file is read-only it cannot be overwritten, and an
error message saying that the file cannot be opened will be given. A new filename will
have to be selected to save.

Do not use the following characters \ / : * ? " < >| in a file name, as they are invalid
in Windows.

11.13.3 File Exit Test

This selection returns the user to the ELAN Stator Analysis mode of the application. If
any data is currently in memory and hasn't been saved, the application will prompt the
user to save the data.

Page 127 V5.4

11.14 Display Menu
The menu items below are those extra items not otherwise described in the Stator Analysis
Section 10.8.

Display Select Traces is very similar to that described in Section 10.8.1, but with the
following changes as shown in Fig. 55

Fig. 55 Stator Test - Display Select Traces

Number of Slots is 4, though the user may still set this to be up to 20. This is not
recommended, as it greatly reduces detail on the trace being recorded.

Remove Phase and Quad DC components are set off, as it is important that the raw data
is seen as it is recorded.

Autoscale is set on, so that whatever value is received, it is displayed. This means that if a
value is received over the set scale, the trace automatically shrinks to the new scale to
ensure that the full trace is displayed within the slot on the screen.

Backward offset is set to 0, though is still allowed to be edited if required.

Page 128 V5.4

11.15 View Menu
This menu allows the user to select the particular test view to display. Slots is the normal
display, and allows the user to display the currently selected test slot and the specified
adjacent slots. Progress allows the user to view the progress of the testing, which slots
have data, which have alternate traces available etc. Afar allows the user to view the
current test key data at a distance.

11.15.1 View Slots

This selection forces ELAN to put the currently selected test slot on the screen, indicated
by a white background. The screen defaults to displaying four slots (changeable via the
Display >Select Traces menu), with the selected slot being the second trace from bottom
when using Increasing or Random slot numbering, or second from top when using
Decreasing slot numbering.

The standard Test Slots screen looks as shown in Fig. 56 below.

Fig. 56 Test Slots Display

Under the command buttons described in section 11.2.2, is a row of 6 boxes. These
display from the left:
Last or current slot number and direction (F/B) under test, which changes to green
background if slot recording is in progress.
Next slot in test sequence.
Position in Core of Manual Trolley (where test values are being recorded).
Current PHASE value in Amps
Page 129 V5.4
Current QUAD value in milli-Amps
Any error reports as described in section 11.12

11.15.2 View Progress

This selection displays the progress dialog in to the user. The display in Fig. 57 shows the
user a grid of all possible traces for the current machine. There is one row for each slot on
the machine and one column for each of the possible 27 traces (1 primary trace and up to
26 alternative traces).

Fig. 57 View - Progress

The cell for each trace shows the maximum QUAD reading for each of the
Forward/Backward Turbine/Exciter readings (subject to 4% scaling or User specified
scaling and DC removal) if one exists, otherwise the trace is listed as empty. If a particular
alternate trace does not exist it is listed as "not tested".

The user can specify a Peak Value Threshold to which the QUAD maxima are compared.
If the maxima are below the threshold, they are replaced by an asterisk. After changing the
threshold the user must press the Recalculate button to update the grid.

Page 130 V5.4

Notes button presents the user with the notes display, allowing them to edit or add a note
for any recorded trace.

Right Mouse button clicking on a cell pops up the menu in Fig. 58, allowing the user to
add or edit the note for that slot/alternate trace, delete a primary or alternate trace (A-Z) or
change an alternate trace to be the primary trace for display. The Make Prime Slot
function swaps all the trace data for that slot between the Prime (non A-Z) slot and the
selected alternate (A-Z) slot.

Fig. 58 Progress right click menu

Note that if a left mouse click has just been made on any cell, it may take 2 right mouse
clicks to actually select the menu, and may need a left mouse click to first select the trace.

11.15.3 View Afar

This selection in Fig. 59is intended to be used to allow a user to see the real-time data
values whilst being remote from the computer, especially during one-man operation.

Fig. 59 View Afar Screen

This display shows the following

The position in the slot is shown as a value (in metres or inches, dependent on the
current selection) and as a progress bar.

Page 131 V5.4

The last slot tested (white background) or the current slot being recorded (green
background), plus direction. This is blank after Test >Start has been selected but
before the first Test >Begin Slot has been selected.
The next slot to be tested, plus direction (B or F or blank if the current slot is the last
slot in sequence to be tested).
The current error message (if enabled).
The QUAD reading in milliAmps from EL CID. If this value goes outside the range
currently selected in Display-Select Traces, the QUAD value will have an amber
background, otherwise it will have a white background.
The PHASE reading in Amps from EL CID.

While this display is being shown the user can still use the keyboard shortcuts and the
menu on the main EL CID Stator Test window. This display is dismissed by pressing ESC
or the X in the top right corner.

11.16 Test Menu

This menu allows the user to select the required testing function.

The availability of the Test Menu items depends on the current test phase. When the Test
menu is pulled down for the first time after starting EL CID test, only Start, Goto and
Redo are enabled. At this time, the user is still able to edit the Unit data, change the slot
view and open the Progress display.

The functions are summarised below.

Start - allows the user to start a machine test using the current Machine and Test
Finish - allows the user to finish the previously started machine test.
Redo - allows the user to retest a previously tested slot without overwriting any existing
Goto - allows the user to jump to any particular slot to test it. This overwrites any existing
data for that slot.
Discard - allows the user to delete the last slot data recorded from EL CID and revert to
the previously stored data if it exists, else it is deleted. Testing continues at the next slot in
the test sequence.
Begin Slot - allows the user to record slot data into a trace as it is received from EL CID.
This data appears in real time on the slot display in the selected trace (indicated by a white
End Slot - allows the user to finish recording slot data, and saves the slot data recorded
after Begin.

The test process goes through a number of different states, in which certain functions are
allowed/disallowed, as per the following table:

Page 132 V5.4

State Functions allowed How it is entered
Initial All except: From ELAN via EL CID
Start/ Finish/ Begin/ End/ Test,
Redo/ Goto/ Discard and Close.
Slot graphs blanked
Test_Ready As Initial plus display of After Initial plus any
slot graphs as per data in successful write of the Header
test file, data into test file, and Test
and Test Start Finish.
Test_Started Begin Slot/ Discard/ Goto/ After successful completion of
Finish/ Save/ Save as/ Start dialogue, and
Close/ Exit/ Display~/ Recording_data and End.
Recording_data End Slot After Test_Started and Begin.

Page 133 V5.4

11.16.1 Test Start
Once Test >Start has been selected, the Test >Start option is disabled, Test >Finish and
Begin are enabled, and the currently selected slot is given a white background. If Test
>Start is selected with any invalid Test Parameters, the test is not started and the Edit Unit
dialogue occurs to allow the user to correct them before the test can proceed.

Once Start is selected, ELAN attempts to communicate with the EL CID equipment on the
serial port selected in the Options dialog. The real-time QUAD and PHASE values are
displayed on the main window, and also in the Afar view window, access to which is only
enabled after Start. If any error conditions occur, these will be reported on the main
window and Afar view, unless Suppress Error Reports has been checked in the Options

11.16.2 Test Finish

Selecting this menu item stops the test i.e. communication with EL CID ceases and Test
>Start is required to restart testing. This selection disables Test >Begin, Goto and Redo,
and enables Start, and the Unit, File and Display menus.

It also resets the test sequencing, so that if a test is started again, the slot counting restarts
from the Start Slot selected.

11.16.3 Test Redo

Selecting this item causes the dialogue window in Fig. 60 to pop up, allowing the user to
select a slot for re-testing. If slot data already exists for that slot then an alternate slot trace
is created, with a suffix of A to Z i.e. each slot can have up to 26 alternate traces, provided
the total number of traces for a machine does not exceed 1000. If all 26 alternates exist,
then alternate Z is overwritten.

Fig. 60 Redo Dialogue

By this means a slot may be tested multiple times and all the versions/attempts saved for
later analysis. (Select Slots allows which one(s) to choose for display).

Page 134 V5.4

If a Redo slot test is discarded with Discard, then it is deleted. In addition, after a test is
ended with Start >Finish, then in the Progress window, right clicking on an alternate Trace
allows that trace to be deleted if it is felt it is no longer needed and is a confusion.

11.16.4 Test Go To
Selecting this item causes the dialogue window in Fig. 61 to pop up. This allows a user to
jump to an out-of-sequence slot for testing. Any data in the slot is overwritten (unless the
user selects Discard instead of End, in which case the original data is retrieved). The
direction must also be correctly defined.

Fig. 61 Go To Dialogue

Note that if the direction does not alternate naturally (eg if Single Scan is set), then the
Direction set is retained for the remainder of the test (ie until Test >Finish is pressed).
This can be used to advantage if the Single Scan direction (it always defaults to forward)
is in fact wrong, as it can be changed to Backward (B) for the rest of the test by doing a
Go To at any time after Test >Start and changing it.

The test sequence continues from this slot until the preset Last Slot is reached. Thus if it is
only desired to go back to retest one slot, ensure that the Go To dialogue is also used to
return to the correct next point in the test sequence.

11.16.5 Test Discard

This selection is available after End but not after Finish, and allows the user to discard the
captured trace data for the last trace, and revert to the previous saved trace data (if
available). Testing moves on to the next test slot in the test sequence, thus if the discarded
slot was the only/first attempt, the user must select Redo or Goto to test the discarded slot

11.16.6 Test Begin Slot

This selection starts ELAN recording data from EL CID, which is drawn in the current test
slot trace in the main window.

Page 135 V5.4

Data is stored at 2mm (0.08 inches) position increments for a maximum distance of
Length of Core plus a 200mm (8 inch) overrun at each end. If the sensor head is moved
outside these bounds ELAN will report "Position overrun" and suspend data recording
until the position returns to within the bounds.

If the Manual Trolley is moved too fast and the position increments by more than 2mm
between data samples, then ELAN will report "Missing Values errors until the movement
slows again and another valid sample is recorded. Any missed positions remain unchanged
(i.e. zero). If more than one sample per 2mm increment is received then ELAN averages
up to the last 16 valid received values for that position.

The trace display is automatically scaled down if the data exceeds the selected trace
maximum at any point in the recording. Note this may often cause the trace to shrink
during recording if later values are received over the set trace scale. This is not a problem,
and ensures that at all times the full range of values received are shown without
disturbance to neighbouring traces.

After selecting Begin slot, the only available Test options are End slot.

11.16.7 Test End Slot

This menu item allows the user to end the current slot test, store the data in memory (and
the temporary recovery.dec file) and automatically moves the selected slot on to the next
slot/direction in the test sequence. If the current slot is the last slot to be tested, Test
>Finish occurs automatically.

If Random was selected for Slot number Counting, then the Goto dialog is automatically
presented after each Test >End

Page 136 V5.4

11.17 File Handling
11.17.1 File Formats
The file format for storage of the data is in XML format, where all parameters are labelled
with meaningful start (eg <Date>) and end (eg </Date>) labels.
A partial sample of a file is shown below.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<TestData xmlns="http://www.adwel.com">
<Elan version="4.0">
<Station>station A</Station>
<Manufacturer>maker B</Manufacturer>
<Comments>Slot 1 as per winding diagram</Comments>
<Phasing>3 phase</Phasing>
<Scanning>Double scan</Scanning>
<PositionCounting>Encoder forward</PositionCounting>

Page 137 V5.4

<SlotData slot="001">
<Quad>0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 152, 152,
151, 150, 150, 149, 148, 147, 146, 145, 144, 144, 143, 140, 141, 140, 139, 139, 138, 137,
137, 136, 135, 134, 133, 132, 133, 131, 131, 130, 128, 129, 129, 129, 128, 128, 126, 126,
127, 127, 127, 127, 126, 125, 125, 124, 124, 124, 122, 0, 123, 122, 0, 120, 118, 0, 119,
118, 0, 117, 116, 0, 116, 116, 115, 114, 112, 0, 112, 112, 110, 109,
41, 40, 40, 43, 45, 40, 40,..</Quad>
<Phase>0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2043,
2040, 2040, 2038, 2036, 2033, 2032, 2029, 2026, 2022, 2019, 2015, 2011, 2007, 2006,
2004, 2002, 1999, 1997, 1994, 1992, 1990, 1988, 1986, 1984, 1981, 1979, 1977, 1975,
1973, 1973, 1977, 1974, 1974, 1971, 1964, 1957, 1959, 1961, 1961, 1962, 1960, 1959, ,
1973, 1973, 1977, 1974, 1974, 1971, 1964, 1957, 1959, 1961, 1961, 0, 1973, 1973,

and so on for each slot. If there is no data recorded for a slot, then the element tags (eg
<Phase>) for that slot are still present.

The file may be viewed in some Web Browsers but may be more easily read in a simple
text editor such as Windows Notepad. If essential, it is possible to edit the file using a
basic text editor, as long as the syntax of the file is absolutely respected (if it is not, it may
not be possible to open correctly or at all). The user should also be aware of the danger of
generating or deleting data that is different to that which occurred in the test and could
thus be misleading to others!

11.17.2 File Data Values

The file data values are self-evident except for the following:
<SpuPhaseData> is recorded in hexadecimal, and is scaled from 0 (=0 degrees) to 3FFF
(=359.98 degrees).
<SpuCalData> is recorded in hexadecimal, and is scaled from 0 (=0%) to
7D0 (decimal 2000=100%) and onwards for example FA0 = 200%.
Phase and Quad values are all recorded in milliAmps.

Page 138 V5.4

11.17.3 File Conversion
The file format used by earlier versions of software supporting EL CID Evolution was a
simple text file for the Header data (eg test.hdr) which described the machine and test,
plus binary files for each slot tested (eg test.012) where the file extension was the slot
number. These files are converted into the new XML format before reading into ELAN
by a utility that is automatically called on attempting to read them. The original files are
not affected.

For the file conversion, the following rules are applied for conversion to new XML data
from the original header data:
Date = Date
Station = Station
Manufacturer = Manufacturer
PowerMeasure = MW
Power = Rated Power MW
Voltage = Rated Voltage kV
VoltageMeasure = kV
LengthOfCore = Length of core m
NoOfSlots = Number of slots
RotationSpeed = null
InstallationYear = null
Comments = Comments
CoreSplitLocations = null
ExcitationTurns = null
ExcitationCurrent = Excitation Current A
MeasuredSingleTurnVoltage = Single Turn Voltage V
RecommendedSingleTurnVoltage = null
ConductorsPerSlot = null
Tp = 'Tp' (Turns Per Phase in Series),
MachineType = null
Phasing = 3 phase
UnitNumber = Unit Number
FirstTestSlot =1
LastTestSlot = no of slots
TimeBase = null
StartPosition =0
ReturnPosition = Tractor scan length
StartEnd = null
Scanning/PositionCounting/SlotNoDirection = null
RemoteOperation = disabled
Frequency = null
FrontPage = null

Page 139 V5.4

11.17.4 File Compression
The file size for a larger machine can easily exceed 1MB so backup to a USB flash drive
is recommended. If it is desired to still use a floppy disc, most common forms of data file
compression will compress the *.dec file format by a large degree, and allow the
compressed file to fit within the 1.4MB space.

11.17.5 Crash Recovery

In case of a computer failure/loss of power/crash, all data is saved at the end of each slot
scan to a temporary disaster recovery file named recovery.dec contained in a specific
subdirectory of the installation user data directory. This location is dependant on the
operating system, and is located at:
Windows 98/ME C:\My Documents\Elan\TempData\
Windows 2000/XP C:\Documents and Settings\username\
My Documents\Elan\TempData\
Windows Vista C:\user_defined_data_folder\TempData\

In case of a problem requiring recovery, it may be read in to the ELAN program as a test
file, given a new filename, and testing resumed from the end of the last scan.

This file is deleted to the recycle bin each time the user saves the data (via Save or Save
As) in the normal manner and generated again if further slot testing occurs. Should a
previous test be overwritten by accident (and no backup taken!), then it is possible that its
recovery file may still be in the recycle bin.

If the user frequently saves the data (as a cautious user should), then several copies will be
stored in the recycle bin, in addition to copies from previous tests. The user will need to
empty it from time to time to prevent it overfilling and refusing to take more files, but
should ensure the recovery files are no longer required as backups.

Page 140 V5.4


12.1 Consideration of Maximum Acceptable Fault Current

The EL CID test can detect minor damage which does not prejudice the reliability of the
stator and therefore a strategy is required to decide on a level of response which warrants
further investigation and repair. Measurements of stator cores to date have shown that
responses in an electronically noise free test environment are generally flat to within
50mA unless the core is in generally poor condition. It is therefore considered that
responses of greater than 100mA (at the standard excitation level of 4%) should be
regarded as significant and should be investigated further to investigate the cause, eg. with
the "mini" Chattock.

Simple faults producing an indicated 100mA in an EL CID test at 4% excitation often

correspond to a typical temperature rise of the order of 5-10C in a full High Flux Ring
Test. However exact correlation will be affected by a number of factors such as the local
heat conductive path in the region of the fault and the distribution of the fault resistance
around the fault current path.

A consideration of the power dissipation in damaged areas is included in the appendices.

EL CID has sufficient sensitivity to detect minor fault currents at levels which are unlikely
to cause problems unless they deteriorate. It is therefore necessary to decide the level of
fault warranting repair. One strategy would be to repair all tooth tip damage giving
QUAD m.p.d. between teeth greater than 100mA under standard excitation conditions, but
this may not always be practicable. In a machine with many damaged areas it is likely
that the decision would be made to repair just a few areas with the largest faults. This is
on the grounds that if minor faults have not caused problems to date they should not cause
problems in the immediate future, but the worst ones, which would be the earliest to fail,
are attended to.

In addition, the user should study the trends that may have occurred between this test and
any previous to identify any areas that appear to be worsening. It could for example be
then more appropriate to attend to defects that appear to be worsening, even if their
absolute value is not yet as high as a defect that has not changed with time.

12.2 Influence of the Chattock on Fault Detection

The peak fault current measured with the Chattock across the outside edges of the teeth
could be significantly less than the actual fault current for two reasons, both associated
with the limited axial extent of typical fault currents.

(a) The diameter of the Chattock core (approx 4-5mm) may be as large as the axial
extent of a damaged area, and so the average m.p.d. measured across the diameter
may be much less than the current at the centre of the fault.

Page 141 V5.4

(b) The flux associated with a fault of limited axial extent can propagate axially as
well as circumferentially in the conductor slots and teeth. The peak and the m.p.d.
developed across the teeth in the same plane as the fault is correspondingly

However these effects also cause the fault trace to be stretched axially and the area under
the fault trace still provides an indication of fault severity.

12.3 Correct Detection of Faults Regarding Polarity of PHASE

The correct detection of a fault signature requires consideration of the polarity of the
excitation and the maintenance of a consistent orientation of the Chattock in the core. As
can be understood, the polarity of the PHASE signal (relating to the toroidal excitation
flux) is set/inverted by orientation of excitation windings, orientation of Reference Coil
and orientation of the Chattock in the core. Reversal of any one will invert the PHASE
signal. There is no requirement for the user to achieve any particular PHASE polarity,
though a convenient convention is to always set the excitation and Chattock orientation to
give a positive PHASE signal.

The polarity of the QUAD signal indicating an interlamination insulation fault is strictly
dependant on the direction/polarity of the PHASE excitation. For a fault that is within the
span of a Chattock, the QUAD signal must go in the opposite direction to the polarity of
the PHASE. For example, if the PHASE signal is +1A for a slot, then the QUAD value
must go in a negative direction for a valid fault within the Chattock span, and vice-versa.
A typical fault is shown in the figure below, where the large negative-going 200mA
QUAD signal with positive PHASE polarity indicates a substantial fault in the core.

Fig. 62 Typical Fault Response.

Page 142 V5.4

It will be noted that for significant faults, the PHASE signal will also increase in the
region of the fault, as also shown above. The vector analysis that explains this relationship
is given in APPENDIX 1

For a fault that is outside the span of the Chattock, but close alongside (see section 12.4 B
below) then the above QUAD polarity signal change is reversed. Such an interpretation
should only be reached if a normal fault within the Chattock span is diagnosed on an
adjacent slot.

12.4 Typical Fault Signatures

Fig. 63 shows the EL CID responses measured with the standard Chattock for three short
(typically 10mm) faults A, B and C at different radial positions on tooth No.14. It is
normalized so that each corresponds to the same fault current, assuming a negative
PHASE signal. Remote from the damage, along teeth 12-13 and teeth 14-15, there is only
a slight negative response corresponding to a small difference in potential between the
teeth tips for all three faults.

Fig. 63 Typical Fault response characteristics.

Page 143 V5.4
Here we should note that:

(a) For fault (A) the potential differences between the tip of tooth 13 and the side
of tooth 14 facing 15 are the same as that between the opposite side of tooth 14
and tooth 15. Therefore identical positive responses are measured between
13-14 and teeth 14-15.

(b) With the fault at (B) just below the tooth corner so that it is not quite spanned
by the Chattock between teeth 13 and 14, the response has a negative polarity.
This signal results from the rapid reduction of potential between teeth 14 and
13. It is also apparent that faults lying within the span of the Chattock give
positive responses whereas those not encompassed by the two limbs give
negative responses (due to the reverse in magnetic potential gradient).

(c) For fault (C), the response is positive and is restricted to the traverse between
14 and 15. The fact that the response amplitude is well over half that from an
equivalent fault at a tooth tip shows the high sensitivity of the EL CID to sub-
surface damage compared to the HFRT test.

Since examination of the responses measured between teeth can help to identify the
position of the damage on the tip or side of the tooth, the following conclusions can be
drawn, assuming the phase of the reference is set up to give positive QUAD output for
surface damage inside the span of the Chattock coil as above:

a) Responses of positive polarity and similar amplitude on traces from adjacent

slots indicate damage near the centre of the enclosed tooth tip.

b) Responses of opposite polarity on traces from adjacent slots indicate damage

on the corner of the intervening tooth adjacent to the slot giving the positive

c) A positive response mostly confined to a single slot indicates damage further

down the side or on the bottom of the tooth. Damage in these positions does
not give a significant response on the adjacent slot.

d) Response on several slots, with the signal diminishing from a central

maximum, indicates a fault in the back iron of the core, in the region of the

Detailed interpretation of traces from the Chattock is not always straightforward. In

practice there may be several damaged areas on the same or adjacent teeth in the same
axial position, so that their responses are superimposed further confusing the
interpretation. Having ascertained the approximate position and severity of any damaged
areas from the examination of the recorded traces, the exact position and fault m.p.d.
amplitude may be measured using the mini Chattock.
Page 144 V5.4
Because of the small span of the mini Chattock used for the local test, the measurements
of m.p.d. may give a more accurate indication of the true fault current value. However this
procedure cannot be used for sub-surface damage, ie. below the top surface of the tooth,
unless the conductor bars have been removed.

Page 145 V5.4


Page 147 V5.4



A light ring flux winding is used to excite the core to about 4% of its rated flux so that
small fault currents flow through any damaged areas of the core.

Fig. 64 Magnetic Potential across Chattock Coil due to Current on Core


The theory of detection and measurement of the currents flowing in the core is based on
Ampre's law which states that, for any closed loop, the line integral of magnetic field, H,
around a conductor is equal to the current, I, through the conductor:

I = H.dl (1)

If the current is flowing along an iron surface, as in Fig. 64, the equation can be rewritten:

I = air H.dl + iron H.dl (2)

For fault current paths, where the field produced by the current flowing along the iron
surface dominates,
Hiron = Hair/r where r is the relative magnetic permeability of the iron. Hence:

I = air H
{1+ 1
} dl = air H.dl (3)

Page 149 V5.4

At the low magnetic fields used in the EL CID test 2,000 and so the line integral of the
magnetic field in air is an accurate measure of the current flowing along the surface.


Line integrals of alternating magnetic fields in air are easily measured with a Chattock
Potentiometer. This consists of a thin solenoid with a double layer of fine wire uniformly
wound on a flexible former, typically 6mm in diameter. Its rms output voltage v is given

v = o w n A H.dl (4)

where the line integral is along the coil between its two ends. A and n are the cross
sectional area and number of turns per metre length of the winding respectively and w is
the angular frequency of the rms field, H. The output is independent of the length of the
coil and of the path taken by it.

Hence when the two ends are placed on an iron surface to bridge a current flowing along
it, as in Fig. 64, the output voltage is proportional to the current, ie. to the magnetic
potential difference (m.p.d.) between its ends.


To test a core, the span of the Chattock sensor is adjusted so that its ends just bridge
between furthest sides of adjacent teeth. Even in the absence of any core damage the
current through the excitation winding produces a large magnetic potential difference
between teeth. The Ampre-turns Iw, needed to produce the 4% test flux varies
considerably between stators, but is typically 50AT.

Since the permeability is fairly constant around the stator, the magneto-motive force from
the winding is distributed almost uniformly around the core. Hence the m.p.d. between
teeth not carrying fault currents is simply Iw/N, where N is the number of teeth. For
example, if there are 48 teeth, the m.p.d. between adjacent teeth due to the above
excitation current is 1A. This is normally larger than the current flowing through a
significant fault.

Discrimination against the Iw signal is achieved by using a phase sensitive detector to

measure the component of magnetic potential in quadrature with the excitation current. If
the excitation current is represented by:

iw = 2 Iw sin t

the fault current through the damaged region is:

iF = { lF } 2 Vw RF cos t + LF sin t
{ lC } RF ( LF)
Page 150 V5.4
where RF,LF, and lF are the resistance, inductance and length of the fault circuit
respectively, lC is the length of the core and VW is the rms voltage induced in a single turn
winding around the core. This equation shows that if the fault current is low, (RF >> wLF),
then it is almost in quadrature to the excitation current and therefore readily measured

Fig. 65 shows the phase relationship of the fault voltage and current vectors relative to the
excitation flux.

- Flux produced by Excitation

- Voltage induced across damaged laminations
- Fault Current
- Quadrature component of Fault Current
- Watts dissipated due to fault

Fig. 65 Fault Vector Phase Diagram.

Page 151 V5.4


The basic diagram above uses the normal anti-clockwise phase rotation with the fault
voltage induced as N.d/dt, ie lagging the flux. The common orientation of axes gives
the PHASE/QUAD vector directions in Fig. 66

Flux produced by
Excitation Current

QUAD +ve

Fault Quadrature component

Current of Fault Current

Voltage induced across

damaged laminations

Fig. 66 Basic vector diagram and P/Q axes

While this simple description allows a basic understanding, it is incomplete, in that it

shows the lagging Fault current reducing the PHASE signal, whereas in practice it
increases it. However it is correct in showing a negative QUAD signal for a positive
PHASE signal. In addition it does not consider the effect of core loss on the flux with
respect to excitation current, which is significant.

Page 152 V5.4




Core m.m.f
- +


Fig. 67 Excitation and Chattock relationship

The first key to the problem above is to recognise the physical relationship of the Chattock
sensor when used to measure fault currents in a core. This is shown in Fig. 67 for a
homogeneous core, where the m.p.d. measured by the Chattock has contributions from the
excitation current and fault current spanned by the Chattock. However the polarity of the
detected excitation m.m.f. is inverted compared with that from any fault current in the
same direction. This may be intuitively understood by observing that the excitation is at
the back of the Chattock and will thus give an inverted signal, and can be proved by
considering the detected fields.

In order to complete the vector diagram, we need to understand the phase relationships of
the EL CID detection and reference system. EL CID uses a reference input derived from
the excitation current from a Rogowski coil around the excitation winding. This provides
a signal that is 90 lagging the excitation current
(N.d/dt). Fortunately the Chattock Potentiometer is constructed similarly and also
produces a signal 90 lagging the detected m.m.f. Since both delays are identical, rather
than complicate the vector diagrams with these two matching delays, they cancel each
other out.

EL CID is calibrated and Phase Reset before use by calibrating the Chattock in a
standardised field of 1A-t, with the field current also providing the Reference signal via
the above Rogowski coil. This process rotates the analysis phase reference (also nulling
any phase errors) to record a positive PHASE value and exactly zero QUAD value for in-
phase excitation.

Page 153 V5.4

For a fault-free homogenous core, the excitation m.m.f. induced by the excitation current
does not vary significantly in phase angle between the excitation winding and the core
surface, thus the excitation signal detected by the Chattock on the core surface is the same
phase as the excitation current itself. It is not affected by any leakage flux from the core
since normally there is none.

The Chattock detects the m.p.d. at the core surface that is driving the flux around inside
the core and supporting the losses in the core, not the flux in the core, which may be
lagging the excitation by 10-25 degrees due to core loss (described later). In fact EL CID
cannot normally detect this flux. It is for this reason that there is normally very little
change between completing Chattock calibration in the Calibration unit and any final
Phase Reset done on the surface of the core.

+P, +Q -P, +Q

Leading Signal

+P, -Q -P, -Q

Fig. 68 EL CID phase resolution

There is a further complication in that EL CID Evolution records the PHASE signal
negatively to convention due to the way it was originally designed. For a Chattock Signal
in-phase to the Reference (and 0 Phase Reset offset), it displays a negative PHASE (and
zero QUAD) value. (This was also the case with the original Analogue EL CID). If the
Signal phase angle leads the Reference, the QUAD value reads positive, thus QUAD is
resolved conventionally. This gives the quadrant diagram of EL CID polarity indications
for PHASE (P) and QUAD (Q) readings in Fig. 68 .

The Impact of Core Loss on EL CID Detection also affects the detection. In a core under
test, the flux significantly lags the excitation m.m.f. due to hysteresis and eddy current
losses in the core, dependant on the type, age and grade of the iron and also the excitation
level. As an example, Cogent Power Ltd electrical steel type M270-50A assembled into a
test core typical of a 30-50MW machine, shows the variation of flux phase lag with low
levels of flux given in Fig. 69 .

This shows that for the usual region of EL CID testing (4% of full flux which is typically
1T r.m.s. average per phase), a lag of 13-15 would be expected. The effect of this lag
needs to be taken into account.

Page 154 V5.4

Fig. 69 Flux lag wrt excitation for M270-50A steel

From the above, a full normal Vector Diagram can be constructed, taking into account. a
number of factors when constructing the full vector diagram for a normal (i.e.
homogenous) core.
The Chattock will invert the Excitation current m.p.d. detected,
There is typically a 15 lag of core flux () to excitation current due to core loss,
The fault voltage induced is proportional to d/dt, ie lagging the core flux.
The current in the fault will lag the fault voltage due to the faults inductance,
The PHASE Reference is set so a zero QUAD signal is recorded w.r.t. the
excitation current,
The EL CID recording will invert the conventional polarity of the PHASE signal,
as per fig. 5.

From these a combined vector diagram can be drawn showing the addition of the
Excitation m.m.f. and the Induced fault m.m.f, resulting in a combined Chattock signal
with polarity and direction of the resolved EL CID signals shown in Fig 71.

Page 155 V5.4

Phase rotation
Resolved Excitation Excitation Current
PHASE signal Current and Reference
Core loss
Induced Fault Current
Excitation Flux
QUAD signal QUAD +ve

Combined Induced Fault Voltage

Chattock signal in Quadrature to Flux

Fig. 70 Combined vector diagram and EL CID axes

Thus it can be seen that the PHASE signal mostly consists of the Excitation current, and
the QUAD signal is solely proportional to the induced Fault current.

This allows the observed phenomena to be fully explained. For a positive PHASE signal,
the QUAD signal is negative for a fault within the Chattock span. In addition, the presence
of a modest fault (small inductive element) causes a small increase in the PHASE signal,
which increases substantially as the fault becomes more severe due to inductive lag
causing the induced fault current to become more in phase with the PHASE axis.

An even more detailed analysis with considerations regarding excitation, circulating

currents and core splits/joints in hydro-generators is contained in the paper referenced no.
22 in APPENDIX 5


The EL CID Evolution SPU contains a high gain amplifier and digital phase sensitive
detector (PSD). The reference signal for the PSD is provided by a pick-up coil which
monitors the phase of the current through the excitation winding. The EL CID produces
signals that are proportional to the in-Phase and Quadrature component of the current
flowing through any fault in the core being spanned by the Chattock sensor. These signals
are displayed on the front panel of the EL CID and recorded on the PC.

Page 156 V5.4




COMMENTS (history, known damage, etc) : -




Page 157 V5.4





V Voltage in trace winding at 4% of working voltage.

Vp-p Working voltage phase to phase.
k Combined form and pitch factor (assumed as 0.92).
tp Turns per phase in series.
At Ampere turns.
Ds Mean diameter of stator core.
Ph Hysteresis losses.
Pe Eddy current losses.
Pc Excitation Winding copper loss.
dl Lamination thickness.


During operation at rated voltage output, the operating voltage along the length of the
stator core will be the rated voltage of the machine divided by the number of conductors in
series making up this voltage, slightly modified by the form/pitch factor.

Each turn of the stator winding is normally made up of a conductor running the length of
the stator in one slot in series with another conductor forming a return path in a second
slot. Hence the voltage along the stator core will be induced twice into each stator
winding turn. Parallel paths have no direct effect but must be taken into account when
deducing the value of tp from the total number of slots and conductors.

The required stator core voltage for the trace winding at the test level of 4% is therefore
given by:-

V = Vp-p x 1 x 1 x 4
3 2tp k 100

Page 159 V5.4


The VA required to excite magnetically the stator core under test is made up from the

- Reactive VA to generate the required magnetic potential.

- The iron hysteresis and eddy current losses (Ph and Pe)
- The copper loss in the test excitation winding. (Pc)

The reactive VA is the dominant factor in the core excitation requirement and the smaller
loss components contribute only vectorially to the overall value. In most instances it will
therefore be adequate to calculate this value and "round up" to cover the additional Ph Pe
and Pc loss components, although methods of estimating these loss values are also shown
in the following paragraphs.


The Ampere turns required to provide a trace winding voltage of V at 4% of rated
excitation is typically between 2 and 15 At per metre of the circular magnetic path of the

For a typical value of 8, VA required would therefore be:

VAr = V x 8 x Ds


Typical values at working excitation are:

Ph = 2.25 W/kg
Pe = 3.0 W/kg for dl = 1.0mm

(NB. these values are normally less before machine is assembled)

To calculate the losses at lower excitation the following relationships are used:

Ph is proportional to B1.6
Pe is proportional to B dl

At 4% excitation the approximate loss for typical 0.5mm laminations is therefore:

Ph + Pe = (2.25 x 0.041.6 + 3xdl x 0.04) W per kg.

= 14w per 1000kg

An approximation of the total iron mass is obtained from the stator core dimensions. (NB.
Density of iron is 7870kg/m3)

Page 160 V5.4

When specific details on the core material, flux level and loss characteristics are available,
these may be used for more accurate values of excitation VA if advantageous.

An additional allowance must be made for other parts of the machine frame etc.
unavoidably included in the excitation loop.


A value for the expected copper loss is determined by using an approximation slightly
above that required for the core VA and the resistance of the available winding. The total
VA requirement can be re-estimated if the excitation current value assumed is found to be
significantly different from that of VA requirement.



VA = [(Ph + Pe + Pc) + (VAr)]

Page 161 V5.4


Item Description IRIS Part No.

1 EL CID Evolution SPU 62/100/1/001 S/N

2 Calibration Unit type 622 62/200/1/001 S/N
3 Sense Head Trolley with encoder 6/300/1/001 S/N
4 Digital Multimeter S/N
5 Clamp Meter S/N
6 Calibration Unit Cable 62/006/0/509
7 Reference sensor 2m lead 62/006/0/507 S/N
8 Reference sensor extension lead 5m 62/006/0/506
9 Chattock 10 cm (4) 8m 62/006/0/101 S/N L10
10 Chattock 20 cm (7) 8m 62/006/0/102 S/N L20
11 Chattock 25 cm (9) 8m 62/006/0/103 S/N L25
12 Chattock 30 cm (11) 8m 62/006/0/104 S/N L30
13 Chattock extension lead 5m, 2pcs 62/006/0/502
14 Distance encoder lead 8m 62/006/0/503
15 Distance encoder extension lead 5m 62/006/0/504
16 USB Interface Lead 62/006/0/512
17 EL CID Mains power input lead to suit locality
18 Excitation winding 10m 6/112/1/201
19 Excitation winding 20m 6/112/1/211
20 Excitation Control Box 6/112/1/202 S/N
21 Excitation Mains Supply input cable 1m 6/112/1/001
22 Safety test leads 4mm, Red, 99/303/0010
Black 99/303/0011
23 Measuring tape 10m 99/204/0001
24 Tools: Screwdriver 4mm, 99/201/0001
Nutdriver 5.5mm, 99/202/0001
Ball hex driver 3mm, 99/203/0001
25 Manuals: Digital EL CID User Manual
Switched Excitation Installation
and Operating Instructions
EL CID Application and Analysis 0-9539465-0-9
G. K. Ridley
26 CD with ELAN software
27 Spare plug and fuses
28 Transit Cases 6/111/2/024

Page 163 V5.4


1. Method and apparatus for testing laminated magnetic cores. Sutton J.,.UK Patent No.
7930249, 31 August 1979.

2. Electromagnetic core imperfection detector - an easy way to test stator cores. Sutton J.,
CEGB Research, 13, pp 15-21, June 1982.

3. A comparative analysis of turbo-generator inspection techniques. Shelton J. W. and

Reichman B. M, Westinghouse Power Generator, East Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA,

4. Electrical machine core imperfection detector. Rickson C., Proc. IEE, pp 190-195, 1986.

5. On a magnetic potentiometer. Chattock A. P., Phil. Mag. 24, pp 94, 1887.

6. Electromagnetic detection of damaged regions in laminated iron cores. Sutton J. and

Chapman B. F., IEE Electrical Machines and Drives Conference, Publication No. 213, pp
119-122, 1982.

7. EL CID application phenomena. Ridley G. K., IEE Electrical Machines and Drives
Conference, Publication No. 376, pp 491-498, 1993 (Large Diameter

8. Introduction and Qualification of Digital Electromagnetic Core Imperfection Detector

(EL CID) Test Equipment and Associated Robotic and Delivery Systems. Shelton J. W.,
Fischer M. W. and Paley D. B., American Power Conference April 1994.

9. Theory of Electromagnetic Testing of Laminated Stator Cores. Sutton J., British

Journal of Non-destructive Testing April 1994. (Short surface faults and long deep seated
faults within the core).

10. Conducting an EL CID test on a hydro generator. Ridley G. K. , Hydropower and

Dams, November 1994.

11. Electromagnetic Field Distortion Effects on EL CID Tests. Ridley G. K, .IEE Electrical
Machines and Drives 7th International Conference Proceedings. Publication No. 412 pp
187-193, September 1995.

12. Four Hydrogenerator EL CID Test Analysis Case Studies. Ridley G. K., Water Power
and Dam Construction, Proc. of Uprating and Refurbishing Hydro Powerplants. 5th
International Conference, Vol.3 October 1995.

Page 165 V5.4

13. Robotic Delivery Systems for Generator Air Gap Tests. Shelton J. W. and Paley D.,
B.EPRI Motor and Generator Predictive Maintenance and Refurbishment, International
Conference Proc. November 1995.

14. Hydrogenerator stator core condition monitoring by EL CID. Ridley G. K, .EPRI

Motor and Generator Predictive Maintenance and Refurbishment, International
Conference Proc. November 1995.

15. Why, When and How to apply EL CID to Hydrogenerators. Ridley G. K., Modelling,
Testing and Monitoring for Hydro Powerplants II - Conference July 1996.

16. EL CID Application and Analysis, Edition3. Ridley G. K., Book published by
ADWEL and Iris Power LP Ltd, 2007, ISBN 0-9539465-0-9.

17. Evaluation of Excitation Circuit Effects on EL CID Test by Analysis and Testing,
T. Otaka, T. Tokumasu, S. Nagano, H. Hasegawa, H. Shimada, S. Uemoto, M. Kakiuchi,
EPRI Winter 2004 Technical Workshop and Generator Core Inspection (EL CID) User
Group Meeting, Albuquerque, USA, 20th January 2004.

18 Effects of Stator Windings on EL CID Measurements, John Sutton, Brian Chapman,

David Bertenshaw, EPRI Winter 2004 Technical Workshop and Generator Core
Inspection (EL CID) User Group Meeting, Albuquerque, USA, 20th January 2004.

19 Application of the EL CID Test with Circulating Currents in Stator Windings, David
Bertenshaw, John Sutton, Inductica, Berlin, Germany, June 2004.

20 Computational Modelling of Stator Core Faults in Large Hydrogenerators and

Turbogenerators, David Bertenshaw, et al, Hydro 2004, Porto, Portugal, October 2004.

21 A deeper insight into EL CID, G. K. Ridley, D. R. Bertenshaw, Hydropower &

Dams Issue Four, 2005, UK

22. Analysis of stator core faults - a fresh look at the EL CID vector diagram, David
Bertenshaw, Hydro 2006, Porto Carras, Greece. September 2006.

23 Further development of the EL CID vector diagram, G. K. Ridley, Hydropower & Dams
Issue Four, 2007, UK.

Page 166 V5.4


The procedure to test squirrel-cage motor rotor bars is relatively simple and quick to
implement. Essentially, all that is required is access to the end rings connected to the rotor
bars to enable injection of around 2 amps ac. This can be done by self-adhesive tape
clamping the connections to the end rings although a more stable method is obviously
more desirable. In order to equalise as far as possible the resistive path of the end rings in
series with each bar, it is recommended that the connections to the end ring at each end of
the rotor are made 180 from each other. As resistances are so small due to the bars being
in parallel the connection may be made in series with the excitation winding used for the
stator check. This will improve the variac control.

When a current is flowing in the rotor bars, the miniature Chattock should be stepped
round the rotor laminations in a circumferential manner to monitor the flux and hence
current in each bar. Typically there may be 25 bars per cage and 60 to 80 milli-amps per
bar should be a convenient level of current. The resultant current pick up on the Chattock
through the individual bars can be clearly seen on the EL CID, set to read in the PHASE

As the Chattock is stepped round, the signal will be seen to give readings at a consistent
level when good bars are spanned, or a near zero reading if any break or high impedance
circuit is monitored. It should be noted that modest variations in the pick up from each
bar will be noticed as the Chattock is scanned sequentially across the bars due to the
positions of the contact points on the end rings. The test itself should take only 2 to 3
minutes and a fault is normally very conspicuous.

The tests are normally also effective on complex rotors, for example double cage rotors,
provided access to the flux generated by current in the rotor bars is possible with the
sensing coils.
In a test on a rotor from an 80HP 70
motor, the integrity of the 46 rotor
bars was checked by the method
described above. A current of 2A was
passed through the rotor cage from

end ring to end ring, and the Phase 30

signal monitored across each bar. The 20

results are plotted as a histogram in 10

right. This clearly shows that bars 15 0


to 18 are defective (they were open -10

circuit). Bar

Page 167 V5.4


1 To gain access to the inside of the Instrument, first isolate and

unplug from ac power to prevent any risk of electric shock.

2 The internal battery is a Lithium-Ion battery, and must not be over charged or
discharged, otherwise a non-passive failure may occur. Charging and discharging is
controlled by the PSU board and protection circuits built into the battery pack. Do not
attempt to bypass these protections, and if they are suspected of having failed, do not
charge the battery.

3 Make sure that all ESD precautions are taken to prevent any electrostatic discharge
damage. Carry out any maintenance work in a clean electronic workshop environment.

4 Remove the 4 screws (3mm hex) from the rear front flange, and withdraw the rear casing.
Unscrew the rear panel and allow it to hinge down on its wires. Inside either side of the
LCD rear there are 2 more socket head screws fastening the front moulding, remove these.
The front moulding will then be able to be removed. Finally the screws at either end of the
top securing the top emc mesh cover can be removed for full access.

5 Unplug the lead to the battery on the rear panel before any attempt is made to replace any
part, as some electronic parts remain powered, even if the front panel switch is off.

6 There are 3 PCBs. The Signal Measurement Board (SMB) on the side panel, the PSU on
the base centre, and the Viper SBC on the base left (from rear).

7 No supply power light

7.1 Check ac supply (note the mains supply light takes about a second to come on).
7.2 Check fuses in inlet socket.

8 Battery low alarm

8.1 Connect supply power on to charge battery.
8.2 Check output voltage from internal power supply. If below 12.5V and cannot be
set to at least 12V, replace power supply.
8.3 Battery low alarm after extended charge period and short usage; i.e. loss of battery
capacity; change battery pack.

9 No or Defective Display
9.1 Check the ribbon cable from LCD to Power PCB is connected both ends.
9.2 Check the ribbon cable from Power PCB to Viper SBC is connected.
9.3 Check backlight is functional.
Page 169 V5.4
9.4 Replace display and/or backlight power supply
9.5 Replace Viper SBC.

10 No Signal
10.1 Check continuity of Chattock.
10.2 Change Chattock.
10.3 If changing Chattock does not assist, consider change of SMB PCB

11 No Reference
11.1 Ensure that current is flowing in circuit within Reference Sensor
11.2 Check continuity of Reference Sensor.
11.3 Replace Reference Sensor.

12 No Distance Information from Manual Trolley

12.1 X axis Input selected to RIV.
12.2 Replace SMB PCB

13 No distance information from RIV Control Unit

13.1 X axis Input selected to Trolley.
13.2 Replace SMB PCB

14 Calibration Unit
14.1 No supply light
14.1.1 Check for 8-11V on pins 2 & 4 on Calibration power socket.
14.1.2 If no volts replace PSU pcb in SPU.
14.1.3 Check continuity of Calibration Unit input power lead.
14.1.4 Replace Calibration Unit circuit board.
14.2 No signal
14.2.1 Change Chattock
14.2.2 Replace Calibration Unit circuit board.
14.3 No reference
14.3.1 Check continuity of Reference Sensor.
14.3.2 Check continuity of Reference Signal Output Loop.
14.3.3 Replace Calibration Unit circuit board.

15 Communications Failure in ELAN

15.1 Make sure that the EL CID Evolution is connected to the PC and turned on. The
correct connection to the EL CID can be tested via the Options Menu and the
Comms Test button. If the PC to EL CID connection is correctly present this will
report Test OK.
15.2 Make sure software is loaded correctly and USB drivers installed for EL CID

Page 170 V5.4

15.3 If the computer is being used with the EL CID Evolution for the first time, the
most likely problem is with the software/computer configuration and not the EL
CID hardware. Portable Computers often use multiple hardware to service all the
USB ports, so the drivers may have to be installed again if a different PC USB
socket is used to that originally installed. Failing this, uninstall the USB driver and
attempt a re-installation as new.
15.4 Check the USB cable for correct connectivity

16 Excitation Winding
16.1 No excitation or lower than expected excitation.
16.1.1 Check supply.
16.1.2 Check excitation is turned on.
16.1.3 Check winding for continuity.
16.1.4 If no current, make sure connectors are screwed well home.
16.1.5 Place clamp ammeter round excitation cable. Measured current should be
N times the supply current, where N is the Switched Excitation control
positions. If it is equal to supply current the trace winding has been used in

10.2 No trace voltage.

Measured voltage on Trace winding should be slightly less than the supply voltage
to the excitation winding divided by the number of turns. If absent, check the
excitation current is flowing, and if so is the excitation winding continuous and not

Page 171 V5.4


The EL CID Evolution SPU kit can be used as a stand-alone, but it requires the use of a
Computer to run the ELAN Test data acquisition program, save the data and then display that
data for off line Analysis. A suitable Portable Computer is normally supplied with the
standard kit.


Power Input
Power Supply 85-265V (universal), 50/60Hz, 15W, 40VA
Power Input Fuse 500mA T, 250V
Battery Running Time >4 Hrs. from full charge
Battery Charging Time 12-14 Hrs

Reference Input
Input Range 2mV to 2V rms, sine wave.
(2mV/A Reference Sensor nominal sensitivity)
Waveform crest factor: max 200%.
Input Impedance 1Mohm, 50nF load, Balanced
Frequency Range 48 to 62 Hz. or fixed at 50/60Hz
AGC Settling Time <3 secs to 0.1 degree
Frequency Settling Time <10 secs to 0.1 degree
Accuracy <0.2% of Signal level change on PHASE or QUAD
for +/-30% change of Reference input.

<0.5% of Signal level change on PHASE or QUAD

for full range change of Reference input.

Calibration Unit
Power Input +8 to +12V dc, 130mA.
Frequency Internal independent oscillator at selectable 50 and
Magnetic Channel 20mm deep and 12mm wide.
Calibration Field 1.000A rms at frequency set
Calibration Accuracy 0.3% settable by internal adjustment.

Page 173 V5.4

Signal Inputs
Chattock Input Range 0 to 12mV rms sine wave. Mean computation.

Nominal 100% Chattock provides 100uV/A at

50Hz, 120uV/A at 60Hz. Input automatically
compensates to give constant Ampere reading based
on 50Hz calibration, by factory calibration.
Waveform crest factor: max Peak-rms 200%.
Input Impedance 1Mohm, 50nF load, Balanced
Frequency Range 48 to 62 Hz.
Digital Signal Resolution 16 Bit (1 in 32,768).
Extended by averaging.
Phase Resolution 0.01 degrees.
Quadrature Rejection <1 in 2000 of range.
Noise & Offset Less than 0.1% range (Inputs shorted)
Accuracy after Calibration 0.5% signal 0.2% range
(excluding Calibration Unit error)
Measurement Speed Once per Local Oscillator (mains) Cycle, double
Range/ Resolution Range Resolution
(with 100% sensitivity Chattock)
0.4A 100A
4A 1mA
40A 10mA
Range max fsd Range 100% Chattock max fsd
0.4A 0.8A 999.9mA
4A 8A 9.999A
40A 80A 99.99A

The fsd will depend on the Chattock Calibration, and

shall not be less than the Range for 200% Calibration
Chattocks with sine wave input.
Chattock Calibration Absolute range limits 1-999%
Temperature <0.5% Signal level on PHASE or QUAD for 10-30C
Co-efficient change.

X-Axis Distance Encoder Input

Level TTL Compatible.
+5V power to encoder on plug (short-circuit protected)
Calibration Range 0.01mm to 10.0mm per pulse.
(100,000ppm to 100ppm)
Pulse Format Trolley - 2 Pulses in Quadrature
RIV - Single Pulse plus Direction.
Trolley Button Signal and Signal controls ELAN start and stopping of recording
LED LED lights to indicate Recording in progress.

Page 174 V5.4

Screen VGA, 145mm, backlit with wide viewing angle.

To PC USB (Client) latching Lemo connector
Calibration DC Power = +8 to +12V power, short-circuit protected,
0.2A min. (Calibration unit sub-regulates).
Local Oscillator (50/60Hz) at 1Vrms.

Page 175 V5.4

Size and weights
Instrument Size and 438 x 226 x 411mm (WxHxD) , 7kg
Transit Case Sizes and 560 x 580 x 350mm (x2)
System Weight 49kg (23 + 26kg) (exc PC)
Packed Size and Weight 700 x 700 x 500mm. (x2), 65kg total

Operating Temperature 0 to 50C
Storage temperature -20C to +60C
Relative Humidity 0-95% RH (non-condensing)
EMC EN61326-1 Class A

EN61000-4-8, 30A field will cause <2% of Signal magnitude

error in PHASE or QUAD (~1 deg phase angle error).

The unit should not be exposed to radiated EM fields of >8V/m

between 100-120MHz or conducted EM fields of >2Vrms between
60-70MHz to prevent erroneous readings.
Safety EN61010-1
Compliance/Approvals CE mark
Bump and Vibration Transport in Supplied Cases:
EN 60721-3-2:1977, Section 2 Transport
Level 2M2, packed equipment 20-100kg,
EN 60068-2-27:1987, Part 2.1 Test Ea Shock
50g, 3 shocks/axis
EN 60068-2-29:1987, Part 2.1 Test Eb Bump
40g, 1000 bumps/axis
EN 60068-2-6:1995, Part 2. Test Fc Vibration
2.0g, 10-150Hz, 2 sweeps/axis
EN 60068-2-64:1995, Test Fh Random Vibration
0.02 g/Hz, 10Hz350Hz, 20min/axis

Input voltage/current from SPU 7 to 12 V DC, 100 mA
Frequency of Output Current 50 or 60 Hz, internally selectable
Output to Reference Coil 100 mA
A/Turns on Calibration Slot 1000 mA 1%


Output with cable through centre 2 mV/A at 50 Hz
(Higher sensitivity coils available)

Page 176 V5.4

Standard sizes 100mm (4) long, semi-rigid (Miniature)
200mm (8) long, flexible
250mm (10) long, flexible
300mm (12) long, flexible
Nominal Output 100V/A at 50 Hz
Connector 5 pin Lemo
(Other Chattocks available to order.)

Magnetically attached with distance encoder.

Distance Information Encoder Wheel with visual rotation bars

Chattock Span Range 50 to 185mm (with standard bars)
Bore Diameter range to 300mm at 100mm Chattock span.
Weight 1.4 kg without cables and Chattock.

Recommended PC for operation (if not included with Kit)
Intel or AMD, =>1GHz, 256MB RAM,
200Mb Hard Disc spare,
USB port
XVGA (1024 x 768) or better Colour display.
Windows XP (SP2) or Vista

Text and Graphics colour printing capability, A4 or Letter (8.5x11)

RIV Robotic Inspection Vehicle
Colour Printer
Rotor-in-place Excitation winding
Hydro Excitation kit

Page 177 V5.4


1. CHATTOCK LEADS Signal 1 & 2

These use Lemo 1B size 5 way sockets (insulated)
Pin Signal Wire Colour Cable length 8m long
1 0V/Screen Screen
2 Sig+ Red
3 Sig- Black
4+5 N/C


These use Lemo 1B size 5 way sockets (insulated)
Pin Signal Wire Colour Connections: 5m long
1 0V/Screen Screen
2 Sig+ Red
3 Sig- Black
4+5 N/C


This uses Lemo 1B size 3 way plug (insulated)
Plug pins Connection Wire colour
1 0V Screen
2 Ref+ Yellow
3 Ref- White


This uses Lemo 1B size 3 way plug and socket. (insulated)
Plug pins Connection Wire colour Cable length 5m
1 0V Screen
2 Ref+ Yellow
3 Ref- White

Page 178 V5.4

This uses Lemo 2B size 4 way plug to Lemo 2B size 6 way plug
LEMO pins Connection LEMO pins Cable length 1m
1 Reference o/p (1Vac rms) 1 White
2 +11V 2 Red
3 Not used 3 Green
4 0V 4 Black
Loop out 5 White
Loop In 6 Brown

This uses Lemo 1B size 4 way socket and USB-A plug
USB-A Lemo Pin Signal Connections: 2.4m long
1 1 N/C (Vbus, +5V) Red
2 2 D- White
3 3 D+ Green
4 4 GND (0V) Black
Screen of cable to connect to Lemo shell, not 0V.


This uses Lemo 1B size 6 way plugs (insulated)
Lemo Pin Lemo Pin Signal Connections: 8m long
1 1 Trolley Button (Off = o/c, On = 0V) White
2 2 Encoder B (Trolley and RIV) Blue
3 3 Encoder A (Trolley) or Direction (RIV) Yellow
4 4 0V/Screen Green
5 5 0V/Screen Black
6 6 +5V (100mA) Red
Screen isolated from both plug bodies and sleeved both ends


This uses Lemo 1B size 6 way plug and socket (insulated)
Lemo Pin Lemo Pin Signal Connections: 8m long
1 1 Trolley Button (Off = o/c, On = 0V) White
2 2 Encoder B (Trolley and RIV) Blue
3 3 Encoder A (Trolley) or Direction (RIV) Yellow
4 4 0V/Screen Green
5 5 0V/Screen Black
6 6 +5V (100mA) Red
Screen isolated from both plug bodies and sleeved both ends

Page 179 V5.4

This uses Lemo 1B size 6 way plug and 8 way DIN Plug
Lemo Pin DIN Pin Signal Connections: 2m long
1 N/C (Trolley Button) White
2 4 Encoder Blue
3 2 Direction Yellow
4 3 0V/Screen Green
5 1 0V/Screen Black
6 N/C +5V (100mA) Red
Screen isolated from both plug bodies

Page 180 V5.4


Although the basic principles of EL CID testing are the same as for turbo-generators, there
are significant differences in the way tests on hydro-generators should be carried out.
These practical aspects are addressed in this section.

The major differences in construction that affect the preferred test procedures are:-

The core diameter is generally much greater in hydro-generators. Hence larger

excitation currents (Ampere-turns) are required.

Hydro-generator cores are often built in two or more sectors (spanning 180, 120
or 90, etc) and then assembled on site. There are then inevitably circumferential
gaps at the joints between the sectors of laminated core, which cause high PHASE
and QUAD readings. These high background readings can mask signals from
nearby faults. Procedures for managing these difficulties are given later.

Hydro-generators are, more often than turbo-generators, tested with the rotor
partially or fully in situ as access is normally less difficult. Extra steel in the
vicinity of the core in the form of the rotor bearings, the rotor itself, etc. can cause
tilting of the base lines of measured QUAD traces.

The general preparations are similar to those described in Section 6.2 for turbo-generators.

a. Access
If the rotor has been removed, access to the stator bore is likely to be straightforward.

It is also possible to perform an EL CID test with the rotor in place. If the air gap is
sufficiently large, it may be possible to do the test without removing any poles by using a
special Iris Power low profile tractor vehicle (RIV 702).

If one or more poles are removed to provide access for the Manual Trolley, or if the space
between poles can be used, then it is essential that the rotor can be rotated easily. This is
straightforward if high pressure bearing lubrication is available, otherwise arrangements
are required to jack the rotor and apply rotational torque manually.

Page 181 V5.4

b. Winding Earth Bonding/protection

The ideal method is to disconnect the windings totally, and optionally bond just one end of
each phase to earth. If due to procedures it is required to connect both ends to earth (eg
neutral ends normally connected and phase ends earth bonded), then all phases must be
identically earthed. Do not attempt to test with just one phase earthed both ends (forming a
short) and the other 2 phases not similarly earthed.

c. Scanning the Slots

Decide in advance of the test the best way of scanning the slots, taking into account the
height and diameter of the core, access, the test equipment available, etc. With the hand-
held magnetically attached Manual Trolley, it will be necessary to be able to reach all
parts of each slot, possibly with the aid of a ladder. Alternatively, it may be possible to
work from the top of the core using a lead attached to the Manual Trolley to lower or pull
it down each slot and to pull it back up again. If you have a motorised magnetic tractor
then it may be best to work from the bottom of the core, driving the tractor up and down
each tooth.


The purpose of the excitation winding is the same as with turbo-generator tests (Section
6.3), i.e. to induce about 4% of the rated magnetic flux uniformly around the core. The
greater core circumference means that hydro-generators require much higher excitation
current (ampere-turns) to establish the 4% flux. The unwanted leakage fields, produced
by the radial sections of the excitation winding across the top and base of the core, are
therefore larger and extra precautions may be required to avoid associated problems of
sloping base lines in the EL CID traces.

a. Types of Excitation Winding

The preferred excitation winding configuration for turbo-generators below, i.e. wound
along the axis of the bore and returning to the back of the core at a single circumferential
position, can cause difficulties with hydro-generators. The return loop to the back of the
casing, which should be as far as possible from the ends of the core, is often restricted to
less than one metre by the available space at the bottom of the core. The large leakage
fields from the high excitation current flowing in this radial section of the winding close to
the core may then cause unwanted tilting of the EL CID trace base lines on the nearby

Fig. 71 Preferred Winding for Turbo-generators

Page 182 V5.4

Fig. 72 Close-wound winding often used for Hydro-generators

Fig. 73 Preferred Central Winding for Hydro-generators

Page 183 V5.4

Distributing the return winding at three, four, or more, equally spaced positions around the
core, reduces the unwanted leakage fields from each radial section and so alleviates any
problems of sloping base lines in the EL CID traces.

The close-wound configuration has often been used for testing hydro-generators and
remains the only practical method to use when the rotor is still in place. The winding is
made up of preferably three or more sections, each wound close to the core and uniformly
spaced around it. If the core is split, there should be one or two winding sections
symmetrically located within each sector of core. A disadvantage is that it is necessary to
move the windings during the test because EL CID measurements should not be carried
within one metre of any section of the winding. Hence there must be sufficient slack in
each section, and the cable connecting the sections, to enable it to be moved around the

The windings should not approach the ends of the core too closely when they pass over
the under the core at the top and bottom, otherwise excessive local flux can be induced in
these end regions. Try to keep the windings at least 0.5m clear.

A further difficulty of the close-wound winding configuration is that, because each

winding section is close to the core, it generates radial magnetic flux that flows up and
down the neighbouring teeth. This localised radial flux can induce large circulating
currents in the stator winding itself if present (see Appendix13). Although these
circulating currents do not affect the efficacy of the EL CID test, it is good practice to
minimise them (see APPENDIX 11

The central winding configuration shown in Figure 53 is now recommended for testing
hydro-generators when the rotor is removed, unless there are other practical reasons why it
cannot be employed. The main winding is through the centre of the bore and, as with the
close-wound configuration, the return windings are distributed into three, four, or more
sections, equally spaced positions around the core. If the core is split, there should be one
or two winding sections symmetrically located within each core section. Although it may
take longer to install the winding (see Section 4), it is much more straightforward to carry
out the test since there is no need to keep moving sections of the winding.

b. Calculation of Excitation Voltage

The required EL CID excitation voltage is calculated in the same way as for turbo-
generators (Section 6.3) This Manual also contains more detail in APPENDIX 3
calculations. The stator winding arrangement on hydro-generators is normally more
complex than on turbo-generators and care must be taken to establish the correct value for
tp. The conductors may be either single-circuit bars or multi-turn coils.

Alternatively, if you are not sure of the stator winding arrangement, but you do know the
flux per pole, you can easily calculate the rms rated voltage V, using:
Vr = 2.2 f p
Page 184 V5.4
where f is the frequency (Hz)
and p is the peak flux per pole (Webers)

Hence the 4% of rated flux excitation, used for the EL CID test, is given by:
VT= 4.44 p for f = 50 Hz
VT = 5.33 p for f = 60 Hz

c. Calculation of Excitation Current

As with turbo-generators, the Ampere-turns (Iwt Nw) required to generate the 4% test flux
in the core is proportional to its circumference, which is normally larger in hydro-
generators. The hydro-generator winding may also inevitably link more magnetic steel
components, apart from the core itself, than in a turbo-generator. Also, extra Ampere-
turns are required to drive flux across the gaps at the joints in a split core. Because of
these three effects, the Ampere-turns required for a hydro-generator is often 5 to 10 times
greater than for a turbo-generator with a similar power rating.

If a theoretical value for excitation current is required and a reliable magnetisation (B-H)
curve for the stator steel is available, the required excitation may be calculated as
described in this paragraph. From Faraday's law, the peak flux density in the core is given
Bc = 2 VT / 2 f Ac
where Ac is the cross-section of the flux path in the stator iron given by:
Ac = (Do Dg - 2ds) (Lc Nd Wd) SF/2
where Do is the stator core outside diameter (m)
Dg is the stator core internal diameter (m)
Lc is the stator core length (m)
Nd is the number of radial ventilation ducts
Wd is the width of a radial ventilation duct (m)
ds is the depth of the stator winding slots (m)
and SF is the Stacking Factor or Space Factor, the volume
fraction of iron in a length of laminated corer
(typically 0.9 to 0.95).

Having calculated the Bc value, look up the magnetisation (B-H) curve for the stator steel
to find the corresponding H (in Ampere-turns per metre). The Ampere-turns required to
excite the core is then given by:
IwtNw = H Cc

where Cc, the average circumference of the core, is given by:

Cc = 7c (Do + (Dg - 2ds))/2

About 30% should be added to this value to compensate for the effects of the gaps and
other steel linked by the winding.

Page 185 V5.4

A useful rule of thumb for the excitation is between 10 and 40 Ampere-turns per metre of
circumference of core, measured at the mean diameter of the main core. In practice most
hydro-generators require between 150 and 500 Ampere-turns.

d. Calculation of Number of Winding Turns, Current and Voltage

Having estimated the Ampere-turns (Iwt Nw), decide on the number of turns Nw, taking
into account the current ratings of the available cable and the single-phase supply.
Assuming you are using the recommended winding arrangement, the number of turns
must also be a multiple of the number of winding sections, Ns since all sections should
carry the same Ampere-turns. Also Ns should be equal to, or be twice, the number of
sectors in a split core.

The number of positions at which the winding can be installed around the core may be
restricted by access to the machine, e.g. there may be only 6 openings around the bottom
of the stator frame. In this case the winding could only realistically have 3 or 6 sections.

A variable ratio autotransformer (e.g. Variac) is required to obtain exactly 4% excitation,

but it may be possible to achieve sufficiently close to 4% by matching the number of turns
to the voltage of the mains supply.

Example Calculation.

Suppose that the 4% flux level corresponds to 3.8V/turn and the supply
voltage is 120V. A 30 turn winding would then develop 120/30 = 4V per
turn. Hence a three-section winding would have ten turns per section. An
alternative would be 32 turns (3.75V per turn) arranged in four sections
each with eight turns. The actual induced voltage in the core will be rather
less because of the resistive voltage drop in the excitation cable. (This
could be calculated from the length and resistance per metre of the cable.
Remember to use vector addition.)

Having decided on the number of winding turns and estimated the Ampere-turns, the
excitation current and power requirements are given by the simple equations of Section

Page 186 V5.4

First decide whether you are going to use the preferred central excitation winding (Figure
A13, 3) or a close-wound winding (Figure A13, 2). In either case the excitation cable
should be double insulated and rated for at least the expected winding current, Iwt.. Also,
if the core is split, there should be identical winding sections symmetrically located within
each core sector. Ascertain the locations of the core joints and mark on the core the
correct positions for the winding sections.

a. Installing a Central Excitation Winding

The cable should be long enough to wind the required number of complete turns, Nw,
around the back of the stator casing, to and from the centre of the bore, and down the full
length of the bore. Allow extra cable also for the connections between sections around the
back of the core and for the return" cable to the power supply, which should be brought
back alongside the go" cable.

It is first necessary to arrange ropes to support the windings centrally above the core,
preferably at least 2m above the top of the stator. One suggestion is to fix and tighten a
length of rope between suitable objects (e.g. scaffolding) diametrically opposite across the
top of the stator. Then fit a second rope at 90 to the first so they cross in the centre of the
stator and so form the required support for the top of the winding.

Fasten a suitable object on the floor in the centre of the bore for securing the bottom of the

Then proceed as follows:

i. At the first of the Ns positions on the core, wind a single turn of cable loosely
around the stator casing and through the centre of the bore. Use the crossing of the
ropes to support the top of the winding at the top, and the object on the floor to
locate it centrally at the bottom.

ii. With three operators it should be possible to use the first turn to draw in the
remaining turns, thereby saving time and effort. Take up any unwanted slack to
form a neat turn and then tape the end of the cable to the cable leaving the spool.
Then, with one operator inside the bore, the second at the back of the core and the
third at the top, carefully draw the first turn around the core so that it pulls the cable
to form the second turn, taping them together as you proceed. Continue until the
required Nw/Ns turns of cable have been wound.

iii. Rotate the winding so that its ends are on the platform at the top of the core. Take
the cable around the stator to the next winding position and cut the cable.

iv. Repeat step i), ii) and iii) at the remaining winding positions.

Page 187 V5.4

v. Connect the Ns sections together, ensuring that the end of one winding is
connected to the start of the next, (to ensure that the current in the windings
always flows around the core in the same direction).

vi. Make the return connection to the power supply by going back via the previous
winding sections, laying the return cable alongside the cable already connecting the
sections together. Tape these "go" and "return" cables together every metre or so.
(This ensures that the connection cables do not form a large loop in their own right).

b. Installing a Close-Wound Excitation Winding

The cable should be long enough to wind the required number of turns, Nw, loosely around
the stator casing and though the bore. Allow extra cable also for the connections between
sections around the back of the core and for the "return" cable to the power supply, which
should be brought back alongside the go" cable.

Proceed as follows:

i. At the first of the Ns positions on the core, wind Nw/Ns turns of cable loosely
around the stator casing and through the bore. Tape the turns together and ensure
that the section can be moved easily around the core.

ii. Repeat step a) for the remaining Ns -1 winding positions, taking care to allow at
least one metre of slack in the cable connecting the sections together at the back
of the core.

iii. Return to power supply via the first winding section, laying the return cable
alongside the cable already connecting the sections together. Tape these "go"
and "return" cables together every metre or so.

c. Testing the Winding

Follow all the Safety Checks given in the main Manual (section

Proceed as follows:

i. Wind a single turn, trace winding around the core at a convenient position, close
to the power supply, and connect it to a suitable voltmeter.

ii. Connect the excitation winding to the mains supply, either directly, or via a
suitably rated variable transformer (Variac).

iii. Double-check that there are no foreign metallic objects in the bore that could
touch the core in two or more places and so damage it when the excitation current
is switched on.

Page 188 V5.4

iv. If you are using a Variac, ensure that its output knob is set to zero before
switching on. Then gradually increase the output while monitoring the current and
the trace voltage. Continue until you reach the required trace voltage or until the
rating of the power supply or excitation cable or Variac is reached.

v. If you are not using a Variac, switch on the mains supply and check that the
current through the excitation winding is within the ratings of the cable and power
supply. It may be necessary to increase the number of winding turns, Nt, to reduce
the current (at the expense of reducing the voltage at which the test is carried out).

vi. If you are using a close-wound winding and wish to check the uniformity of the
excitation voltage around the core, install two extra trace windings: one close to a
winding section, the second mid-way between two sections. There should be only
a few percent difference between the voltages from the two trace windings.

vii. Switch off the power until you start to set up the EL CID test equipment.


If the rotor, or one or more of its poles, has been removed, adjustment to the various types
of Chattock sensors is similar to the procedure for turbo-generator testing.

If a special low profile vehicle is used with the rotor and poles still in place, any additional
adjustments for the associated Chattock are normally covered separately with the vehicle


The general layout of the equipment for a complete EL CID test is similar to that for a
turbo-generator. Decide on the most convenient location for the test equipment, which
will probably be on a table at the bottom of the core if the rotor has been removed. If the
rotor has not been removed then it may be necessary to move some of the equipment
around the top of the stator as the test proceeds.

The Phase Reference Coil can be clamped around the stator excitation current supply line
or any of the windings at a convenient place (as described in the main Manual).


The test procedures given in this Manual for turbo-generators are generally applicable.
There are significant differences, however, with hydro-generators, and additional
guidance is given below.

In a turbo-generator with a central excitation winding, the amplitude of the magnetic field
is virtually constant around the bore and the PHASE magnetic potential difference
(m.p.d.) across each slot is about Iwt /N. This is seldom the case with hydro-generators for
the following reasons.

Page 189 V5.4

i. If the core is split, the m.p.d.s across slots at and near the splits will be much
larger because the air gaps have high impedances to the circumferential magnetic

ii. If a close-wound excitation winding is used, there are large magnetic fields in the
vicinity of the winding sections, which give large m.p.d.s across nearby slots.
(Hence the need to keep moving sections of the winding away from the slots being

iii. Currents are likely to be induced in the stator winding, either because the core has
splits or because the excitation winding is close-wound or for both these reasons
(see Appendix 13). These currents produce large PHASE m.p.d.s across the slots,
which vary around the core.

iv. If the rotor has not been removed, local eddy currents will be induced in the rotor.
These currents generate magnetic fields that vary around the core and they also
contribute to the m.p.d.s across the slots.

These effects have implications for the Initial Check and for Setting the Phase.

a. The Initial Check

It is good practice after setting up an EL CID test to measure the PHASE m.p.d.s
(currents) across a number of slots around the bore and to check that they are roughly
equal to the value that is normally expected, i.e. to the total winding ampere-turns divided
by the number of stator teeth (Iw/Nw). Choose slots that are well away from any joint in
the core and are at least one metre from the nearest section of the excitation winding, if it
is close-wound. The PHASE m.p.d.s measured across the slots may be rather less than
Iw/Nw, because of the extra mmf developed across the gaps at any joints in the core.

If the PHASE m.p.d.s are found to vary considerably, then this probably indicates that
currents are being induced in the stator windings (rather than any inconsistency in the test
parameters or equipment). The m.p.d.s across slots can even change polarity, which can
be disconcerting. If you are worried measure a group of, say 20, slots, when the average
m.p.d. should be closer to Iw/Nw.

b. Setting the Phase of the Reference Signal

It is recommended that the PHASE RESET operation is carried out at the start of the
global test, and that the phase setting is not altered (except see paragraph 7f) until all the
slots have been measured. If you cannot readily determine a region of core undisturbed by
defect or circulating current, then perform the PHASE RESET in the Calibration unit and
do not attempt any further PHASE RESET in the core (except at any joints).
To carry out this PHASE RESET choose a slot for which the PHASE m.p.d is close to
Iw/Nw and one that is midway between two sections of the excitation winding, if it is close-
wound. Position the Chattock slightly (say 10mm) above and halfway up the slot, in the
centre of a packet. Do the PHASE RESET and record the Calibration Angle indicated by
the SPU where available.
Page 190 V5.4
c. Measurements Close to Sections of a Close-Wound Excitation Winding
When you get to within 1 metre of any section of a close-wound excitation winding, stop
making measurements and move that section at least one metre further away around the
core. Then continue measuring the slots until you reach the original position of the
winding section. Then move the section back 2 metres, or more, so that it is at least 1
metre away, on the other side of its original position. Then continue the measurements
until the next winding section is approached.

d. Measurements with the Rotor in situ

If one or more of the rotor poles have been removed, start by measuring a slot near the
centre of the gap between the remaining poles. As you continue measuring slots closer to
one of the poles, you will probably find that the base lines of the recorded QUAD traces
become tilted at the top and bottom of the scans (because of changes in electrical losses in
the poles). Since such tilts can mask the presence of a fault, it is then necessary to turn the
rotor to increase the distance of the pole from the area of core being measured.

If none of the poles have been removed, it is possible that the QUAD traces for slots
underneath the pole pieces are sufficiently flat, as well as those measured between poles.
In this case there is obviously no need to turn the rotor. However, it may be advantageous
or necessary to turn the rotor at regular intervals to reduce trace distortion.

e. Changing the SPU Range for Measurements Close to Core Joints

As mentioned above, if the core has joints, the inevitable circumferential gaps between the
laminations will generate high impedances to the magnetic flux flowing around the core.
This means that the PHASE m.p.d (current) measured across the slot or tooth containing
the gap will be much higher (up to 25A) than elsewhere in the core (typically around 1 A).
A large signal is also likely across the adjacent slots, either side of the joint.

Hence the large magnetic potential difference across slots with a gap is likely to overload
the SPU signal input if it is has been set to the 4A range as normally recommended. It is
therefore usually necessary to switch to the 40A range when measuring slots at a joint.
Remember to change back to the original range when you have passed the joint.

f. Repeat Measurements of Slots near Core Joints.

The magnetic field near core joints is much higher than elsewhere because the magnetic
flux leaks" from the core at the gaps. Since this flux emanates from the core itself, it is
phase-shifted, typically by 10-20 with respect to the magnetic potentials away from the
joints (because of eddy current and hysteresis losses in the core).

Because the leakage flux at slots near the joints is so large and because it is phase-shifted,
the QUAD traces can have very large offsets (a few Amperes) that may swamp the signals
from currents flowing through any damaged regions of the core on adjacent teeth.
Resetting the Reference Phase at the SPU helps mitigate the problem. This should be
carried out after all the slots have been scanned with the standard phase setting (paragraph
7b). The recommended procedure is as follows:
Page 191 V5.4
i. For the slot spanning the joint, position the Chattock so that the Chattock is about
10mm above the tips of the teeth, half way up the core and in the centre of a core

ii. Carry out the PHASE RESET operation and record the Calibration Angle
indicated by the SPU where available.

iii. Re-measure the slot at the joint.

iv. Repeat procedures i), ii) and ii) for the two slots either side of the slot spanning the

v. Repeat procedures i), ii), iii) and iv) at the remaining joints.

If the joint in the core is on the tooth tip rather than at the base of the slot, the problem
with the high leakage flux can be further mitigated by reducing the width of the Chattock
so that it does not span the joint. This will help detect faults in the core up to the edge of
the joint. However, any faults between laminations at the joint itself are less likely to be
detected and so extra measurements should still also be made with the Chattock spanning
the joint.

g. Local Core Tests

As with turbo-generators, local core tests should be made to confirm, pinpoint and
measure the severity of any core damage found visually, by global EL CID or thermal
ring-flux tests, especially if field distortions at core splits cause uncertainties in the
interpretation of global test results. Local tests are particularly effective near core splits,
since the much smaller span of the mini Chattock means that unwanted signals from the
high leakage fields are greatly reduced. Effects of leakage fields are further reduced if
you PHASE RESET with the mini Chattock on the tooth close to the suspected fault, as
described below.

Follow the detailed procedures for the local core tests given in Section 7.3. When
pinpointing suspected damage on a tooth tip, PHASE RESET with the mini Chattock on
the tooth close to but not on the suspected damage. This will bring the QUAD reading to
a low value so that it is easier to detect the increase when the Chattock is spanning the

Page 192 V5.4

The guidance given in this Manual on the interpretation of the QUAD traces for turbo-
generators, applies equally to slots measured on hydro-generators away from any splits in
the core and rotor poles. However due to the differences in dimensions and construction
covered earlier, a number of additional effects may be present.

At, or close to, the core joints there are likely to be large variations in the background
QUAD traces as explained in paragraphs 7e and 7f. Comparison of the QUAD trace with
the PHASE level (References Ridley15 'Why When and How to Apply EL CID to Hydro-
generators' and Ridley16 EL CID Application and Analysis) may assist in detecting
faults on these slots.

Local tests, as described in 7g and the main Manual should be made on any suspect areas
on tooth tips, or on the sides of slots if the conductor bars are absent.


In some instances it may be of interest to estimate the gap at core joints or to monitor any
changes in this value. As mentioned in paragraphs 7e and 7f, the high magnetic fields at
core joints are produced by the magnetic flux flowing around the core crossing the gaps.
Applying Faraday's law to this situation yields the following simple equations for the
width of the gap at a test voltage of VT:

g = (0.395 Ac I) / VT at 50 Hz
g = (0.474 Ac I) / VT at 60 Hz

where Ac is the cross-section of the flux path in the stator iron given by:
Ac = (Do - Dg - 2ds) (Lc Nd Wd) SF/2 (see Section 6.4), and
I = (P2 +Q2) , the vector sum of the measured PHASE and QUAD

Page 193 V5.4


If the stator is fitted with its winding, there are a few circumstances where circulating
currents may be induced in it during an EL CID test. Such currents are possible only if
there are closed paths within the stator winding, i.e. if each phase has two or more parallel
windings or if the three phase windings are shorted together at both the neutral and line
ends (e.g. through earth bonds) during the EL CID test. Parallel windings are found in
both turbo and especially hydro-generators, and also in multi-pole motors.

If the excitation winding is wound through the centre of the stator bore, and if the core has
a constant magnetic permeability around its circumference, the magnetic flux from the
winding will be truly circumferential around the core. This is normally the case in tests on
motors and turbo-generators. Since no net magnetic flux flows up or down the teeth, no
flux links the stator winding and no currents are induced in it, even if closed paths exist.
Currents will be induced only if there is asymmetry in the magnetic system.

Although these circulating currents do affect EL CID readings, their effects are readily
eliminated using the ELAN software and the efficacy of EL CID test results is not


In turbo-generators, magnetic asymmetry is likely only if the excitation winding is not
wound through the centre of the core. If this is the case, the excitation magnetic field is
not circularly symmetric, and thus a small amount of flux will flow up/down some teeth,
linking the stator windings. The effect was investigated using a 42 MW turbo-generator
in which both ends of the windings were all bonded to earth (putting the 3 phases in
parallel). The core was initially tested with the excitation winding resting against the side
of the stator bore, at slot 54, and subsequently with the winding through the centre of the
stator. Fig A13.1 shows variation in the PHASE m.p.d.s measured across the slots. (Due
to the proximity of the excitation winding, no values were recorded for Side Excitation on
slots 53 and 54.)

Page 195 V5.4

Centre Excitation
Side Excitation
Phase mpd (A) 2














Slot No

Fig. A13.1 Variations in the PHASE m.p.d. across slots in a turbogenerator. With the
excitation at the side of the stator there are large variations due to circulating
currents induced in the stator winding.

With the central excitation winding, the m.p.d.s across the slots are almost constant,
whereas with the offset excitation winding there are large variations. The winding bar
group arrangements (5+4 per phase) can be clearly seen. The approximately constant
PHASE m.p.d. for each group demonstrates that the variations are caused by currents in
the winding, caused solely by the offset excitation. This was proved by further analysis of
the winding configuration in Bertenshaw et al.19

A more rigorous experimental and theoretical study T. Otaka et. al.18 also showed that
large currents are induced in a turbo-generator stator winding if the EL CID excitation
winding is not installed through the centre of the stator bore.

Circulating currents in stator windings are more difficult to avoid in hydro generators
because parallel windings are very common, and because it is not so straightforward to
install the excitation through the centre of the bore. If, as is often the case, the windings
are wound close to the bore at a few positions around the core, circulating currents may be
induced in the stator winding.

Circulating currents are particularly likely in large hydrogenerators that are built up from
sectors with small gaps between them. In the vicinity of such core splits, some of the
circumferential flux escapes from the main body of the core to cross the gap, by flowing
up and down the teeth either side of the gap, even if the excitation winding is central.
This radial flux, up and down the stator teeth, links the stator winding and can induce
significant currents in it.

Page 196 V5.4

The example below from Sutton et al.18 is for a 350MVA hydro-generator with 7 parallel
windings per phase in which three splits in the core caused currents to be induced in the
windings. Care was taken to install the excitation winding through the centre of the stator
bore and the first EL CID test was made before the stator winding had been installed.
Away from the splits, the average PHASE m.p.d. measured across each slot was almost
constant around the core at about 1A, as expected. At the splits, the m.p.d.s were much
higher (about 10A), also in line with expectations, because of the high magnetic
reluctance of the gaps in the core.

The second EL CID test was carried out after the stator winding was installed. A central
excitation winding was again used but, in spite of this, there were large variations in the
measured PHASE m.p.d. across the slots around the core as shown in fig A13.2. These
were matched by smaller variations in QUAD m.p.d. as shown in fig A13.3. The changes
in the m.p.d.s were caused solely by the presence of the stator winding. By correlating the
changes in m.p.d.s with the winding configuration, the actual currents induced in each of
the various parallel sections of the winding could be deduced and the effect fully
explained. Further confirmation was obtained by using the Chattock to measure the
circulating currents flowing in a few bars where they emerged from the stator slots to
connect to the phase bars.

Fig. A13.2 Average PHASE m.p.d. measured across the slots of a hydrogenerator with
the stator winding installed. The large variations around the core are caused
by currents induced in the winding.

Page 197 V5.4

Fig. A13.2 Average QUAD m.p.d. measured across the slots of a hydrogenerator with
and without the stator winding installed. The changes are caused by currents
induced in the winding.

A further possibility for induction of circulating currents is if the test is conducted with the
rotor still in place. If for example a small number of poles are removed, then asymmetric
flux leakage will occur to the remaining poles, potentially inducing currents in any
parallel circuits.


As mentioned in Section 5.1, it is good practice after setting up an EL CID test to measure
the PHASE m.p.d.s across a number of slots around the bore, and to check that they are
roughly equal to the value that is normally expected, i.e. to the total winding ampere-turns
divided by the number of stator teeth (IW/N). If these values are found to vary
considerably, then this probably indicates that currents are being induced in the stator
windings (rather than an inconsistency in the test parameters or equipment).

Circulating currents induced in stator windings do not normally cause a problem in the
analysis of EL CID results because the currents are constant along the full length of each
slot and they simply produce a constant signal offset (DC component) in the measured
PHASE and QUAD traces. These offsets are readily removed by using the Remove DC
Components options incorporated into ELAN. It is recommended to use this facility for
the QUAD traces, which then allows any localised QUAD change indicative of a fault to
be assessed.

Page 198 V5.4

To demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach, the graphs below in fig A13.4 show
traces from four of the slots measured on the hydro-generator mentioned earlier. The red
and black traces show the QUAD m.p.d.s before and after the stator winding had been
installed. For both sets of traces, ELAN was set to Remove DC Components, thereby
eliminating the constant m.p.d.s along the slots caused by circulating currents. The traces
are essentially identical, demonstrating that the analysis of EL CID traces for core defects
is unaffected by winding currents.

Fig. A13.4 QUAD mdps for four slots of a Hydrogenerator with no winding (red traces)
and with its winding (black traces) which was carrying large circulating
current. The DC components have been removed from both sets of traces.

However it is recommended to arrange the test and excitation to minimise circulating

currents as far as possible, for the following reasons:
a) It is always good practice to reduce disturbing noise in any measurement system
to maximise the signal quality and integrity.
b) The higher amplitudes caused on the PHASE values may cause the EL CID signal
to over-range unexpectedly. Unnecessary use of a higher range will reduce the
sensitivity to all signals.
c) Obtaining a reliable Phase Reset becomes more difficult.
d) It is more difficult to see the true QUAD values during the test execution, since
the traces seen when performing the test cannot have any DC removal.

It is vital to ensure that the Phase Reset is done whilst the Chattock is in a region that does
not have any such disturbing currents. If this is not done, the Phase Reset will be strongly
affected by the phase angle of these currents, and genuine core fault currents may not be
fully or correctly resolved.

Page 199 V5.4

If no such region can be found with confidence, then the Phase Reset should be done with
the Chattock in the Calibration Unit, or the Chattock held near an excitation winding
while energised (away from the core surface), and the Phase Reset done here. Both these
methods will lead to a small constant QUAD signal on areas of good core, but the phase
angle error will be small and any resolution error insignificant. The Remove DC
Components function will remove any such constant QUAD signal as well as the effects
of any circulating currents.

Page 200 V5.4


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Page 201 V5.4

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Page 202 V5.4




Page 203 V5.4


Manufacturers Name: Iris Power UK

Manufacturers Address: Acorn House
Greenhill Crescent
Herts WD18 8AH

The manufacturer hereby declares that the product

Product Name: EL CID Evolution

Model Number: 62/100/1/001

Production Options: All

conforms to the following Directives through compliance to standards

Electromagnetic Compatibility: EN61326-1: 1997 Class A

(Council Directive 2004/108/EC) EN61326-1: 2006 Class A

Safety: EN 61010-1: 2001

(Council Directive 73/23/EEC &

When and Where Issued: 1st November 2007, Watford, UK

Issued and Signed by:

David Bertenshaw
Director, UK Operations

Marks of Compliance Iris Power UK

Acorn House, Greenhill Crescent
Watford Business Park
Watford, Herts, WD18 8AH
(A division of Koch Chemical Technology
Group Ltd)

Page 205 V5.4

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