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ELSEVIER Toxicology Letters 82/U (1995) 317-321

Dose-effect models for ozone exposure: tool for quantitative

risk estimation

L. van Bree*, M. Marra, H.J. van Scheindelen, P.H. Fischer, S. de Loos,

E. Buringh, P.J.A. Rombout
Nattonal lnsttttcte of Publtc Health and Environment. P.O. Box 1. 3720 BA Btlthoven. The Netherlands


Short-term ozone exposure causes lung function decrements, increased airway reactivity. airway inflammation,
increased respiratory symptoms and hospital admissions. Exposure to long-term elevated ozone levels seems to be
associated with reduced lung function (aging), increase of respiratory symptoms, exacerbation of asthma, and
airway cell and tissue changes. Health risk caused by exposure to ozone has been evaluated mainly in a qualitative
way by comparing ozone air quality data with health-based guidelines or standards. A preliminary approach to
quantifying health risk from short-term exposure to oxidant air pollution has been taken by expert judgement,
describing known or expected effects at specific levels of ozone. For quantitative assessment of the health impact of
distinct ozone exposure conditions (acute. repeated daily. chronic) specific exposure-dose-response models are
being developed which can be linked to human exposure data. Exposure-(dose-)response models using data from
epidemiological, human-clinical and animal toxicity studies are presented.

Keywords: Ozone exposure; Exposure-dose-response models; Oxidant air pollution: Lung function

1. Human exposure to oxidant air pollution and shows broad peaks with mean ozone concen-
ozone trations of 80-90% of the maximal l-h average
concentration during 12 h. Public health may
Episodes of increased photochemical activity therefore be adversely affected by both acute
may last a number of consecutive days and and repeated daily exposure to enhanced ozone
several such episodes may occur during a sum- concentrations for several h per day. People who
mer season. The severity of oxidant air pollution live in areas frequently faced with oxidant air
is indicated by daily maximum I- or S-h mean pollution episodes may experience adverse
ozone concentrations [l]. During oxidant air health effects from (sub)chronic daily exposure.
pollution episodes, elevated ozone concentra- Rural and urban regions with relatively high
tions can occur with maximal levels ranging levels of photochemical activity show frequently
between 100 and 400 pg/m (0.05-0.2 ppm; 1 h or continuous high levels of ozone during a
mean). Diurnal concentration profiles of ozone whole summer season.
It can be estimated that extremely large reduc-
* Corresponding author tions in NO, and VOC will be needed to achieve

0378.4274/95/$09.50 @ 1995 Elsewer Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

SSDI 0378-4274(95)03484-3
318 L. van Bree et al. I Toxicology Letters 82183 (1995) 317-321

a considerable reduction in ozone formation. adequate degree of public health protection.

These measures are likely to be very costly and Moreover, ozone responses do not seem to have
will have a large socio-economic impact. The an apparent threshold or this threshold value is
public health consequences of not reducing very close to background levels of ozone.
ozone levels and current exposures is likely to be
very serious, and possibly even more costly.
Therefore, there is an urgent need for quantita- 3. Critical aspects of dose-response modelling
tive estimates of the incidence, nature, and of ozone
magnitude of ozone-related acute, repeated, and
(sub)chronic effects. Such a quantitative ap- Multiple exposures to ozone in controlled
proach can also serve to found and justify pos- human and animal studies cause a diverging
sible effective control actions to reduce risks. pattern of health effects, i.e. attenuation of
respiratory symptoms and pulmonary function
responses and progression of tissue injury, in-
2. Health effects from acute ozone exposure flammatory responses and increased airway re-
sponsiveness [lo-121. Epidemiological studies
Health effects caused by acute exposure to have revealed some supportive data for this
ozone are frequently reviewed and discussed [2]. divergence, showing attenuation of lung function
Controlled acute ozone exposures of humans and decrements in people residing in areas with
laboratory animals results in acute responses like frequently recurring high ambient ozone levels
lung function impairment, airway hyperrespon- [13]). Controlled studies on the time course of
siveness, and airway inflammation and tissue various health effects also show that some effects
injury [3,4]. Recently, data have been presented like respiratory symptoms and lung function
suggesting that airway inflammation and tissue responses are maximal immediately following
injury also occur in people (children) exposed to ozone exposure, whereas other effects, like in-
photochemical air pollution [5]). Typical acute flammatory responses and tissue damage, may
symptoms in people exposed to ozone include peak at a later time. Therefore, health risk
coughing, tightness of the chest, nausea, difficulty analysis of acute and repeated daily ozone expo-
in breathing, and decreased ability to exercise. sure must use exposure-response relationships
A number of epidemiological studies have selected or adjusted for specific ozone exposure
shown associations between acute ozone expo- situations and measuring time points.
sure and pulmonary function decrements, daily Individuals in the population vary greatly in
increases in morbidity, exacerbation of respirato- their biological susceptibility to acute responses
ry diseases like asthma, and increased hospital to ozone and oxidant air pollution [14], showing
admissions and daily mortality [6-91. Some of non-responders, normal responders, and hyper-
the effects may be indicative of the onset of responders. It is suggested that this variation
long-term effects that might ultimately result in depends on both intrinsic (e.g. genetic back-
development of persistent, accelerated decline of ground) and extrinsic factors (e.g. socio-econ-
lung function (aging), infections, asthma and omit status). It should be noted that this re-
chronic obstructive lung diseases, following fre- sponse variation can be different for various
quently repeated or chronic exposures to ozone. effects, i.e., a hyperresponder with regard to a
A large number of controlled studies now decline in FEV, might be a non- or normal
show effects occurring even below current ozone responder to an inflammatory reaction and vice
standards and guidelines. Because these values versa. The interindividual and intraindividual
for short-term adverse health effects have low differences in ozone-induced response may also
margins of safety, substantial doubt is growing in be a reflection of different exposures to ozone
the scientific community whether or not these and may therefore be related to differences in
standards and guidelines still provide an exposure variables (concentration, exposure
L. van Bree er al. I To.uicology Letters 8218.3 (199.T) 317-321 319

time, and breathing minute ventilation). There- 4. Exposure-dose-response models for short-
fore, because acute ozone responses appear to term ozone exposure
depend to a major extent on the cumulative
exposure and inhaled dose, people subjected to Health risks caused by exposure to ambient
prolonged daily exposure as well as people with oxidant air pollution have been mainly evaluated
high breathing minute ventilation rates due to in a qualitative way by comparing air quality data
increased physical activity are suggested to be at with standards and health-based guidelines.
an increased risk [15,16]. However, when guidelines are exceeded, these
Population studies indicate that exposure to are only qualitative indications of the likelihood
ozone during oxidant air pollution may be associ- of adverse health effects and do not allow any
ated with exacerbations of asthma and increases quantitative estimates of the extent and mag-
of asthmatic visits to hospital emergency depart- nitude of risks.
ments [17,18]. Controlled human studies indicate Efforts have been made by the World Health
that, with similar changes in symptoms, lung Organization to describe air quality in terms of
volumes, and bronchial responsiveness in both indicator pollutants and to compare these data
normal and asthmatic subjects, ozone-exposed with exposure-response relationships based on
asthmatics have greater airway obstruction. In the judgement of experts [25]. For ambient
addition, asthmatics appear to have greater air- oxidant air pollution, ozone is still considered the
way inflammation than healthy subjects [19,20]. most important component with regard to ad-
Recent studies [21,22] also show that short-term verse health effects in airways. Gradations have
ozone exposure increased the bronchial allergen been made for all known or expected acute
responsiveness in subjects with mild allergic health effects caused by exposure at certain
asthma. Due to the irritant nature of ozone, ozone levels, and health effects have been
which is capable of inducing airway inflammation categorized into different classes of severity, (i.e.
and bronchoconstriction, asthmatics and COPD mild, moderate, and severe) at specified ozone
patients are considered to be at increased risk for concentrations.
ozone exposure. Ozone may contribute to acute There is an increasing need to develop and
disease exacerbations, morbidity, and mortality. implement quantitative methods and mathemati-
Available human and animal toxicity data cal models to estimate or predict the incidence,
have not conclusively demonstrated gender and magnitude, and nature of health risks of ozone in
racial differences for pulmonary response to the exposed general population and in specific
ozone. Data on age as a susceptibility factor are (sensitive) subgroups. This approach has to be
also inconclusive, although very young children based, on the one hand, on exposure-dose-re-
are suggested to be more responsive due to sponse models, i.e. descriptions of the relation-
greater thoracic and pulmonary doses [23], ship between exposure, dose, and experienced or
whereas older adults seem to have a decreased predicted incidence of effects in specific human
pulmonary function response [15]. populations. On the other hand, this approach
In order to estimate the health impact of has to use exposure models, i.e. descriptions of
ozone, it is important to know whether the potential and actual exposure of (sub)popula-
effects of ozone are interrelated and whether tions. When exposure can be related to air
some of the effects are causally linked with other quality and various sources or contributive emis-
effects that may even be predictive in this re- sions, this approach can be used to calculate risk
spect. A number of studies show, however, a reductions dependent of improvements of air
large dichotomy of various health effects, with quality.
lack or even inverse relationship between ozone- A number of experimental animal studies with
induced spirometric changes, respiratory symp- acute ozone exposures has focused on establish-
toms, airway inflammation, and allergen respon- ing exposure-time-response relationships and the
siveness [22,24]. importance of cumulative dose, characterized by
320 L. van Bree et al. I Toxicology Letten 82183 (1995) 317-321

concentration (C) and exposure time (T), for With regard to the exposure model, individual
inducing airway permeability [26] and airway exposure and inhaled dose are dependent upon a
responsiveness [27]. The role of breathing minute range of variables, such as geographical area,
volume (V,) has only been studied to a limited relationships between outdoor and indoor air
extent in laboratory animal studies, showing that quality, time-activity and physical activity pat-
physical exercise, and the concomitantly inhaled terns, and physiological variables. Mathematical
dose and dose rate, may significantly enhance models can be developed with functional mod-
pulmonary deposition and related pulmonary ules that describe individual exposure parame-
function or permeability effects [4,28]. ters. These parameters can be calculated from
A number of controlled human studies with time series of regional and urban air quality data,
determination of various measures of lung func- time-activity and physical activity patterns de-
tion have also been focused on the precise rived from population survey statistics, demo-
inhaled (effective or delivered) dose concept of graphic data, and appropriate functions and
single ozone exposure. Inhaled effective dose is distributions of variables, such as indoor-outdoor
thereby defined as the product of C, T, and V,. It relationships. From these data, population fre-
appears that the magnitude of lung function quency distributions can be estimated while
decrements, measured directly following ozone preserving individual characteristics, providing
exposure, is related to the inhaled effective the possibility to identify individuals in specific
(internal thoracic) dose [29,30]. It has been sub-populations, (e.g. the upper tail of a dis-
suggested that, both for young and old adults, the tribution). These types of exposure models are
relative ranking of contributing dose variables still in the phase of development. Ultimately,
associated with pulmonary function decline is C however, they can be used to estimate the
> V, > T [31j2]. . exposure of the population and to predict specific
Recently, a number of studies focused on health effects of interest, provided that exposurs-
establishing mathematical, non-linear models dose-response relationships are known.
that describe ozone-induced decrements in lung
function (FEV,) and increases in airway per-
meability as a function of total inhaled dose
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