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Ref. No: RGAA/AME/BSc.

/130/17 Date: 29-05-2017

Place: Hyderabad

The Registrar
Osmania University
Administrative Building
Osmania University Campus
Hyderabad - 500007
Telangana State, India.

Subject: Grant of affiliation for opening of a new course in Bachelor of Science (Aircraft


Rajiv Gandhi Aviation Academy is an Aircraft Maintenance Training Institute approved by

Director General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India, New Delhi
and running since 1997. It is one of the most premier AME training institute in India and we
have produced thousands successful aircraft maintenance engineers and they are serving to the
industry at different positions.

We intend to start a new course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance) in our institute. The institute
possesses the required infrastructure facilities as per norms of the Director General of Civil
Aviation, Ministry of Civil Aviation, Government of India, New Delhi. As per the latest
guidelines provided by DGCA to affiliate approved AME institute for above mentioned course,
we want to affiliate our institute for the above mentioned course to your esteemed university. You
are requested kindly grant affiliation to the above proposed institute to run the course B.Sc
(Aircraft Maintenance) for the session 2017.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully,

Y. Prabhakar Reddy
Accountable Manager

First Year Aircraft Structure & 60
Associated systems

Aircraft Structure lab 60

Aerodynamics 60

Aerodynamics Lab 60

Mathematics 75

Mathematics 75

English Communications 60

Electrical Fundamentals 1 60

Electrical Lab 60

Electronic Fundamentals &

Digital Tech 1 60

Electronic Lab 60

Physics 60

Physics Lab 60

Environmental Science 60

Second Year Aircraft Materials And 60

Aircraft Materials Lab
Electricals Fundamentals Lab
2 60

Electrical 2 Lab 60
Gas Turbine Engine 60

Gas Turbine Engine Lab 60

Piston Engine And Propeller 60

Chemistry 60

Chemistry Lab 60

Electrical Fundamentals & 60

Digital Tech 2
Electronic Lab
Air craft Maintenance
Practices 60

Maintenance Lab 60

Aircraft Systems 1
Aircraft Systems 1 Lab
Rotorcraft And Rotorcraft
Autopilot 60

Corrosion & NDI Techniques 60

Corrosion & NDI Techniques

Lab 60

Third Year Workshop Practices 60

Workshop Practices Lab 60

Aircraft System 2 60

Aircraft System 2 Lab 60

Human Factors/ Aviation

legislation/ Flight Navigation
and Guidance (Choose
Anyone) 75

Human Factors Lab 15

Avionics 60

Avionics Lab 60

Ground handling and support

system 60

Ground handling and support

system lab 60

Transducers And Sensors 60

Transducers And Sensors Lab 60

Skill Enhancement Course 1 60

Skill Enhancement Course 2 60

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Aircraft Structure and Associated Systems Subject

Theory Lecture 60

Introduction to General term and vocabulary used in Aeronautical science 4

Introduction to aircraft technical literature.

Introduction to ATA system

Introduction to aircraft, major aircraft components, aircraft systems and their 4

functions, reference lines, station and zone identification systems

Airframe Structures General Concepts 20

Airworthiness requirements for structural strength; Structural classification,

primary, secondary and tertiary; Fail safe, safe life, damage tolerance concepts;

Stress, strain, bending, compression, shear, torsion, tension, hoop stress, fatigue;

Lightning strike protection provision.

Drains and ventilation provisions, System installation provisions

Aircraft bonding and continuity.

Construc tio n methods of: stressed skin fuselage, formers, stringers, longerons,

bulkheads, frames, doublers, struts, ties, beams, floor structures, reinforcement,

m e t h o d s o f s k i n n i n g , a n t i- c o r r o s i v e p r o t e c t i o n , w i n g , e m p e n n a g e a n d e n g i n e


De sc ribe cu rr en t pra ctic e in a irc raf t de si gn rel at ed to l oa d tra ns fe r, lo ad pat h

continuity and reduction of stress raisers in pressurized fuselages.

Fasteners used on aircraft 4

Fasteners, Screw threads

Screw nomenclature; Thread forms, dimensions and tolerances for standard

threads used in aircraft; measuring screw threads;

Bolts, studs and screws

Bolt types: specification, identification and marking of aircraft bolts, international


Nuts: self-locking, anchor, standard types; Machine screws: aircraft specifications;

Studs: types and uses, insertion and removal; Self tapping screws, dowels.
Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)
Subject: Aircraft Structure and Associated Systems Subject

Theory Lecture 60


Aircraft rivets

Types of solid and blind rivets: specifications and identification, heat treatment.


Riveted joints, rivet spacing and pitch; Tools used for riveting and dimpling;

Inspection of riveted joints.

Structural Assembly 4

Structural assembly techn iques: riveting, bolting, bonding methods of surface

protection, such as chromating, anodising, painting; Surface cleaning.

Airframe symmetry: methods of alignment and symmetry checks. Complete

a ir f r a m e f o r s y m m e tr y f u s e l a g e f o r t w i s t a n d b e n d i n g , v e r t i c a l s t a b i l i s e r f o r

alignment wings and horizontal stabilisers for dihedral and incidence

Airframe Structures Aeroplane 10

Fuselage (ATA 52/53/56) :Construction and pressurisation sealing; Wing, stabiliser,

pylon and undercarriage attachments; Seat instal latio n and cargo loading system;

D o o r s a n d e m e r g e n c y e x it s : c o n s t r u c t i o n , m e c h a n i s m s , o p e r a t i o n a n d s a f e t y

devices; Windows and windscreen construction and mechanisms.

Wings (ATA 57) 4

Anhedral, dihedral incidence angle interplane struts longitudinal dihedral rigging

position, stagger, wash in, washout Construc tio n; Fuel storage; Landing gear,
pylon, control surface and high lift/drag attachments.

Stabilizers 4

Construction; Control surface attachment.

Flight Control Surfaces (ATA 55/57) 4

C o n s tr u c tio n a n d a tta c h m e n t; Ba l a n c i n g - m a s s a n d ae r o d y n a m i c .

Nacelles/Pylons (ATA 54) 2

Construction; Firewalls; Engine mounts.

Reference Books:

Dictionary of Aeronautical terms (Dale Crane)

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Aircraft Structure and Associated Systems Subject

Theory Lecture 60


Aircraft handbook FAA ( AC 65-15 A )

Aircraft structure Ch. 01 ( FAA )

Aircraft Construction Repair and Inspection-By Joe Christy

Aviation Maintenance Technician Hand book by FAA

Aircraft Maintenance and Repair- Delp/Bent/McKinley,

AC 43.1B
Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Aircraft Structure and Associated Systems Subject

Practical Lecture 60

1 Identifying aircraft reference lines, station and zone numbers 4

2 4
Identification of major structural members of fixed wing aircraft. Loads on major
structural members.
3 Identification of detail structural members of aircraft and loads acting on these 4
structural members
4 Aircraft structure construction 4

5 Aircraft structural assembly, joints and lightning protection 4

6 I d e n tif ic a t io n o f c o m p o n e n ts o f f l i g h t c o n t r o l s u r f a c e s a n d m e t h o d s o f m a s s 4
7 Control surface, landing gear and engine attachment 4

8 Identification of type of Fuselage and method of pressure sealing. Identification of 4

Pressure bulkheads and unpressurised bulkheads

9 Common structural defects, simple inspecti on techniq ue and recording 8

10 Types of rivets, defects. Inspection of riveted joints and structure 8

11 Construction (Modelling) of various types structural joints 8

12 Check aircraft symmetry 4

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Aerodynamics Subject

Theory Lecture 60


Physics of the Atmosphere 2

International Standard Atmosphere (ISA), application to aerodynamics.

Aerodynamics 12
Airflow around a body; Boundary layer, laminar and turbulent flow, free stream

f lo w , r e la tiv e a ir f lo w , u p w a s h a n d d o w n w a s h , v o r t i c e s , s t a g n a t i o n ; T h e t e r m s :

camber, chord, mean aerodynamic chord, aerodynamic centre, centre of pressure,

stagnation point, profile (parasite) drag, induced drag, angle of attack, wash in and

wash out, fineness ratio, wing shape and aspect ratio; Thrust, Weight, Aerodynamic

Resultant; Generation of Lift and Drag: Angle of Attack, Lift coefficient,

Drag coefficient, polar curve, stall; Aerofoil contamination including ice, snow, frost.

Theory of Flight 10
R e la ti o n s h i p b e tw e e n li f t , w e i g h t , t h r u s t a n d d r a g ; G l i d e r a t i o ; S t e a d y s t a t e f l i g h t s ,

performance; Theory of the turn; Influence of load factor: stall, flight envelope and

structural limitations; Lift augmentation.

Flight Stability and Dynamics 3

Longitudinal, lateral and directional stability (active and passive

Theory of Flight Aeroplane Aerodynamics and Flight Controls

- 16

Operation and effect of:

roll control: ailerons and spoilers;

pitch control: elevators, stabilators, variable incidence stabilisers and canards;

yaw control, rudder limiters;

Control using elevons, ruddervators; High lift devices, slots, slats, flaps, flaperons;

Drag inducing devices, spoilers, lift dumpers, speed brakes; Effects of wing fences,

sa w too th lea ding ed ges ; B ou nd ar y l ay er c on tr ol us in g, vo rt ex ge ne rat or s, st al l

wedges or leading edge devices; Operation and effect of trim tabs, balance and

antibalance (leading) tabs, servo tabs, spring tabs, mass balance, control surface

bias, aerodynamic balance panels;

Basic Instrument Systems 5

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Aerodynamics Subject

Theory Lecture 60


Classification; Atmosphere; Terminology; Pressure measuring devices and systems;

P itot s ta tic s ys te ms ; A ltim eter s; Ver ti ca l s pee d i nd ic at or s; A ir spe ed in di ca to rs ;

Machmeter; Altitude reporting/alerting systems; Air data computers; rate of climb /

vertical speed indicator, cabin pressure indicator, pneumatic systems instruments;

High Speed Flight 8

S p e e d o f s o u n d , s u b s o n ic f lig h t, t r a n s o n i c f l i g h t , s u p e r s o n i c f l i g h t , M a c h n u m b e r ,

c r i ti c a l M a c h n u m b e r , c o m p r e s s i b i l i t y e f f e c t , b u f f e t , s h o c k w a v e , a e r o d y n a m i c

heating, area rule;

Factors affecting airflow in engine intakes of high speed aircraft; Effects of

sweepback on critical Mach number.

Rotary Wing Aerodynamics 4

Elementary rotary wing and aerodynamic Terminology;

Basic operation and effect of cyclic, collective and anti-torque controls.

Reference Books:

Aerodynamics - By Clancey

Mechanics of Flight By - A.C.Kermode

Force measurement on symmetric airfoil.

Force measurement on cambered airfoil.

Aircraft Instruments-by E.H.J.Pallett

Aircraft Instruments-by C.A.Williams

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Aerodynamics Subject

Practical Lecture 60


1 Flow around various objects in a 'Water Channel' - Square, Cylinder, Aerofoil - 4

Understanding laminar flow, turbulent flow, stagnation point, flow separation,

boundary layer,

2 Fabricate Aerofoil Model - Understanding associated terms 4

3 Water Channel - Effect of vortex generator on boundary layer control 4

4 Effect of angle of attack and airflow velocity on lift and Stalling 4

5 Study of flow over streamlined bodies with different angle of attack by flow
visualization technique

6 Identification of flight control surfaces and their effect on flight control - Aircraft 4


7 Identifying High lift devices and practical understanding of their effect on lift with 4

respect to aircraft speed (Air flow)

8 Practical understanding of lift spoiling devices. 4

9 Removal / installation of Pitot Static Instruments. 4

10 Calibration of a Pitot Static System using a Pitot Static Leak tester. 4

11 Fabrication of model - high speed flight 4

12 Practical study of various factors affecting lift and drag on an aerofoil. 4

13 Factors affecting flow of fluid over an aerofoil surface and demonstrate the venturi 4


14 Identify various type of flap surfaces and their effect on high lift and high drag 4


15 Identification of various parts of Rotary wing 4

General Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Mathematics 1 Subject

Theory Lecture 75


Linear Algebra: 10
E le me ntar y Ro w Tra ns fo rm atio n, Re du ct io n o f a M at ri x to R ow Ec he lo n Fo rm ,

Rank of a Matrix, Consistency of Linear Simultaneous Equations, Gauss

Elimination Method, Gauss-Jordan Method, Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors of a

Matrix, Caley-Hamilton Theorem, Diagonalization of a Matrix,

Trigonometry Functions: 5

Elementary trigonometry, sine, cosine and tan functions, reciprocals of trig

functions, angle values of trig functions, geometrical problems, trigonometric
inverse functions

Multivariable Differential calculus 20

Functions of 2 Variables, Limits and continuity, Partial differentiation, Euler's

Theorem, Maxima and Minima of two variables, Method of Lagrange

Multipliers, Taylor Series and Maclaurin Series of two variables, Jacobian.

Multivariable Integral calculus 20

M u l ti p l e I n te g r a ls - D o u b l e i n t e g r a l s , C h a n g e o f o r d e r , A p p l i c a t i o n s t o a r e a s ,

volumes, Triple Integral.

Vector Calculus 20

Gradient, Divergence, Curl, Evaluation of Line Integral, Green's Theorem in

Plane (without proof), Stoke's Theorem (without proof), Gauss Divergence
Theorem (without proof).


Differential Calculus by Shanti Narain

Integral Calculus by Shanti Narain

Linear Algebra- Schaum Outline Series.

Engineering Mathematics by B.S. Grewal
General Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Mathematics 1 Subject

Theory Lecture 75


Linear Algebra: 10
E le me ntar y Ro w Tra ns fo rm atio n, Re du ct io n o f a M at ri x to R ow Ec he lo n Fo rm ,

Rank of a Matrix, Consistency of Linear Simultaneous Equations, Gauss

Elimination Method, Gauss-Jordan Method, Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors of a

Matrix, Caley-Hamilton Theorem, Diagonalization of a Matrix,

Trigonometry Functions: 5

Elementary trigonometry, sine, cosine and tan functions, reciprocals of trig

functions, angle values of trig functions, geometrical problems, trigonometric
inverse functions

Multivariable Differential calculus 20

Functions of 2 Variables, Limits and continuity, Partial differentiation, Euler's

Theorem, Maxima and Minima of two variables, Method of Lagrange

Multipliers, Taylor Series and Maclaurin Series of two variables, Jacobian.

Multivariable Integral calculus 20

M u l ti p l e I n te g r a ls - D o u b l e i n t e g r a l s , C h a n g e o f o r d e r , A p p l i c a t i o n s t o a r e a s ,

volumes, Triple Integral.

Vector Calculus 20

Gradient, Divergence, Curl, Evaluation of Line Integral, Green's Theorem in

Plane (without proof), Stoke's Theorem (without proof), Gauss Divergence
Theorem (without proof).


Differential Calculus by Shanti Narain

Integral Calculus by Shanti Narain

Linear Algebra- Schaum Outline Series.

Engineering Mathematics by B.S. Grewal
B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: English Communication Subject

Theory Lecture 60



T h e p u r p o s e o f t h i s c o u r s e i s t o i n t r o d u c e s t u d e n t s t o t h e t h e o r y , fundamentals and tools of

c o m m u n i c a tio n a n d to d e v e lo p in th e m v i t a l c o m m u n i c a t i o n s k i l l s w h i c h s h o u l d b e i n t e g r a l t o

p e r s o n a l , s o c i a l a n d professional interactions. One of the critical links among human beings and a n

im p o r ta n t th r e a d th a t b in d s s o c ie ty to g e t h e r i s t h e ab i l i t y t o s h a re t h o u g h t s , e m o t i o n s a n d i d e a s

th r o u g h v ar io u s m e a n s o f c o m m u n ic a t i o n : b o t h v e r b a l a n d n o n - v e r b a l . I n t h e c o n t e x t o f r a p i d

g lo b a li z a ti o n a n d increasing recognition of social and cultural pluralities, the significance of c l e a r a n d

effective communication has substantially enhanced.

The present course hopes to address some of these aspects through an interactive mode of teaching-

learning process and by focusing on various d i m e n s i o n s o f c o m m u n i c a t i o n s k i l l s . S o m e o f

t h e s e a r e : Language of communication, various speaking skills such as personal communication,

s o c ia l in te r a c t io n s a n d c o m m u n i c a t io n i n p r o f e s s i o n a l situations such as interviews, group discussions

and office environments, important reading skills as well as writing skills such as report writing, note- taking


While, to an extent, the art of communication is natural to all living beings, in today's world of

complexities, it has also acquired some elements of science. It is hoped that after studyi ng this

course, students will find a difference in their personal and professional interactions.

The recommended readings given at the end are only suggestive; the students and teachers

have the freedom to consult other materials on

B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: English Communication
Lecture 60

various units/topics given below. Similarly, the questions in the examination

will be aimed towards assessing the skills learnt by the students rather than
the textual content of the recommended books.

Introduction 5

Theory of Communication, Types and modes of Communication

Language of Communication 15

Verbal and Non-verbal (Spoken and Written), Personal, Social and Business
Barriers and Strategies Intra-personal, Inter personal and Group
c o m m u n i c a tio n

Speaking Skills 20

M o n o lo g u e , D ia l o g u e , G r o u p D i s c u s s i o n , E f f e c t i v e C o m m u n i c a t i o n / M i s -
Communication, Interview, Public Speech

Reading and Understanding 15

Close Reading, Comprehension, Summary Paraphrasing, Analysis and

Interpretation, Translation (from Indian language to English and vice-versa),

Literary/Knowledge Texts

Writing Skills 15

Documenting, Report Writing, Making notes, Letter writing

Reference Books

Fluency in English - Part II, Oxford University Press, 2006

V.R. Narayanaswami, Strengthen Your Writing, 3rd Edition, Orient Longman,


Andrea J. Rutherford, Basic Communication Skills for Technology, 1st

Edition, Pearson

Business English, Pearson, 2008

Language, Literature and Creativity, Orient Blackswan, 2013

B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: English Communication
Lecture 60

Education Asia (Singapore) Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, 2001.

4. Language through Literature (forthcoming) ed. Dr. Gauri Mishra,Dr Ranjana Kaul, Dr Brati Biswas
Nell Ann Pickett, Ann A. Laster, Katherine E. Staples, Technical English
(Writing, Reading and Speaking), 8th Edition, Pearson Education, USA,

Addison Wesley Longman Inc., 2001

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Electrical Fundamentals 1 Subject

Theory Lecture 60


Electron Theory 3
Structure and distribution of electrical charges within: atoms, molecules, ions,


Molecular structure of conductors, semiconductors and insulators.

Static Electricity and Conduction 3

Static electricity and distributio n of electrostatic charges; Electrostatic laws of

attraction and repulsion; Units of charge, Coulomb's Law; Conduction of

electricity in solids, liquids, gases and a vacuum.

Electrical Terminology 2

The following terms, their units and factors affecting them: potential difference,

electromotive force, voltage, current, resistance, conductance, charge,

conventional current flow, electron flow.

DC Circuits 4

Ohms Law, Kirchhoff s Voltage and Current Laws; Calculations using the above

laws to find resistance, voltage and current; Significance of the internal resistance

of a supply.

Resistance/Resistor 5

(a) Resistance and affecting factors; Specific resistance; Resistor colour code, values

and tolerances, preferred values, wattage ratings; Resistors in series and parallel;

Calculation of total resistance using series, parallel and series parallel

combinations; Operation and use of potentiometers and rheostats; Operation of

Wheatstone Bridge.

(b) Positive and negative temperature coefficient conductance; Fixed resistors,

stability, tolerance and limitations, methods of construction; Variable resistors,

thermistors, voltage dependent resistors; Constructio n of potentiome ters and

rheostats; Construction of Wheatstone Bridge;

Capacitance/Capacitor 4

Operation and function of a capacitor; Factors affecting capacitance area of plates,

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Electrical Fundamentals 1 Subject

Theory Lecture 60


d is ta n c e b e tw e e n p la te s , n u m b e r o f p l a t e s , d i e l e c t r i c a n d d i e l e c t r i c c o n s t a n t ,

w o r k i n g v o l ta g e , v o l ta g e r a ti n g ; C a p a c i t o r t y p e s , c o n s t r u c t i o n a n d f u n c t i o n ;

Capacitor colour coding;

Calculations of capacitance and voltage in series and parallel circuits; Exponential

charge and discharge of a capacitor, time constants; Testing of capacitors.

Magnetism 5
Theory of magnetism; Properties of a magnet Action of a magnet suspended in the

Earth's magnetic field; Magnetisation and demagnetisation; M agnetic shielding;

Various types of magnetic material; Electromagnets construction and principles of

operation; Hand clasp rules to determine: magnetic field around current carrying


Magneto motive force, field strength, magnetic flux density, permeability,

h y s te r e s is lo o p , r e te n tiv ity , c o e r c i v e f o r c e re l u c t a n c e , s a t u r a t i o n p o i n t , e d d y

currents; Precautions for care and storage of magnets.

Inductance/Inductor 6

Faraday's Law; Action of inducing a voltage in a conductor moving in a magnetic


I n d u c ti o n pr in c ip le s ; E f f e c ts o f t h e f o l l o w i n g o n t h e m a g n i t u d e o f a n i n d u c e d

voltage: magnetic field strength, rate of change of flux, number of conductor turns;

Mutual induc tio n; The effect the rate of change of primary current and mutual

ind uc tan ce ha s on in du ce d v ol ta ge ; Fa ct or s af fe ct in g m ut ua l i nd uc t an c e:

n um be r of tur ns in co il, ph ys ic al si ze o f co il , per me ab il it y of co il , po si ti o n o f

c oils w ith respect to each other; Lenz's Law and polarity determining rules; Back

emf, self-induction; Saturation point; Principle uses of inductors;

AC Theory 8

Sinusoidal waveform: phase, period, frequency, cycle; Instantaneous, average, root

mean square, peak, peak to peak current values and calculations of these values, in
Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Electrical Fundamentals 1 Subject

Theory Lecture 60


relation to voltage, current and power Triangular/Square waves; Single/3 phase


Resistive (R), Capacitive (C) and Inductive (0 Circuits 8

Phase relationship of voltage and current in L, C and R circuits, parallel, series and

series parallel; Power dissipation in L, C and R circuits; Impedance, phase angle,

power factor and current calculatio ns; True power, apparent power and reactive

power calculations.

Transformers 6

Transformer construction principles and operation; Transformer losses and

methods for overcoming them; Transformer action under load and no-load


Power transfer, efficiency, polarity markings; Calculation of line and phase voltages

and currents; Calculation of power in a three phase system; Primary and Secondary

current, voltage, turns ratio, power, efficiency; Auto transformers.

Filters 6

Operation, application and uses of the following filters: low pass, high pass, band

pass, band stop.

Reference Books:

Electrical Technology- by B.L.Theraja

Aircraft Electrical System- by

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Electrical Fundamentals 1 Subject

Practical Lecture 60


1 Simple experiments with static electricity and the coulomb's law 4

2 Application of Electromotive forces and Potential difference Ballistic 4

Galvanometer: (i) Measurement of charge and current sensitivity

3 Measuring (a) Resistances, (b) AC and DC Voltages, (c) DC Current, and (d) checking 4

electrical fuses and connection

4 Use of a range of test meters to measure volts, amps and resistance. 4

5 Resistor colour codes - Calculation of resistance value using colour codes 4

6 Potentiometer , rheostat and wheat stone bridges and determine unknown 4


7 U s e a M u l ti m e t e r f o r m e a s u r in g R e s i s t a n c e s , c h e c k i n g e l e c t r i c a l f u s e s I d e n t i f y 4

various types of resistance

8 Identify various types of capacitances 4

9 Measurement of magnetic field strength. Magnetic field density and permeabili ty 4

using flux meter.

10 Production of electricity by inductance methods 4

11 Single phase and three phase power supply distribution using star and delta 4


12 Construct series LCR circuit and determine its (a) Resonant Frequency, (b) Quality 4


13 Construc t parallel LCR circuit and determine its (a) Anti- resonant frequency and 4

(b) Quality factor Q

14 Use of transformer in power distribution and measurements. 4

15 Make filters circuit to study functio n of low pass, high pass, band pass and band 4

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Electronic Fundamentals And Digital Techniques 1 Subject

Theory Lecture 60


Semiconductors 8
Diode symbols; Diode characteristics and properties; Diodes in series and parallel;

M a in c h a r a c te r i s t ic s a n d u s e o f s i l i c o n c o n t r o l l e d r e c t i f i e r s ( t h y r i s t o r s ) , l i g h t

emitting diode, photo conductive diode, varistor, rectifier diodes; Functional

testing of diodes.

Ma ter ia ls , elec tr on c on fig ur atio n , e lec tr ic al pro per ti es ; P a nd N t yp e m at er ia ls :

effects of impurities on conducti on, majority and minorit y characters; PN juncti on

in a semiconductor, development of a potential across a PN junction in unbiased,

forward biased and reverse biased conditions; Operation and function of diodes in

th e f o llo w i n g c ir c u i ts : c lip p e r s , c l a m p e r s , f u l l a n d h a l f w a v e r e c t i f i e r s , b r i d g e

rectifiers, voltage doublers and triplers; Detailed operation and characteristics of

the following devices: silicon controlled rectifier (thyristor), light emitting diode,

Shot tky diode, photo conductive diode, varactor diode, varistor, rectifier diodes,

Zener diode.

Transistors 8

Transistor symbols; Component description and orientation; Transistor

characteristics and properties.

Construction and operation of PNP and NPN transistors; Base, collector and

emitter configurations; Testing of transistors. Basic appreciation of other transistor

types and their uses. Application of transistors: classes of amplifier (A, B, C);

Simple circuits including: bias, decoupling, feedback and stabilization;

Multistage circuit principles: cascades, push-pull, oscillators, multi- vibrators, flip-

flop circuits.

Integrated Circuits 8

Description and operation of logic circuits and linear circuits/operational


Description and operation of logic circuits and linear circuits; Introduction to

operation and function of an operational amplifier used as: integrator,
Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Electronic Fundamentals And Digital Techniques 1 Subject

Theory Lecture 60


d if f e r e n t ia to r , v o lt a g e f o ll o w e r , c o m p a r a t o r ; O p e r a t i o n a n d a m p l i f i e r s t a g e s

connecting methods: resistive capacitive, inductive (transformer), inductive

resistive (IR), direct;

Advantages and disadvantages of positive and negative feedback

Operation and use of encoders and decoders. , functions of encoders type. Uses of
medium, large and very large scale integration.

Printed Circuit Boards 4

Description and use of printed circuit boards.

Servomechanisms 10

Understanding of the following terms: Open and closed loop systems, feedback,

follow up, analogue transducers; Principles of operation and use of the following

synchro system components/features: resolvers, differential, control and torque,

transformers, inductance and capacitance transmitters.

Understanding of the following terms: Open and closed loop, follow up,

s e r v o m e c h a n is m , a n a lo g u e , tra n s d u c e r , n u l l , d a m p i n g , f e e d ba c k , d e a d b a n d ;

C o n s tr u c tio n o p e ra tio n a n d u s e o f t h e f o l l o w i n g s y n c h r o s y s t e m c o m p o n e n t s :

r e s o lv e r s , d if f e r e n ti a l , c o n tr o l a n d t o r q u e , E a n d I t r a n s f o r m e r s , i n d u c t a n c e

transmitters, capacitance transmitters, synchronous transmitters;

Servomechanism defects, reversal of synchro leads, hunting.

Numbering Systems 3

Numbering systems: binary, octal and hexadecimal; Demonstration of conversions

between the decimal and binary, octal and hexadecimal systems and vice versa.

Data Conversion 3
Analogue Data, Digital Data; Operation and application of analogue to digital, and

digital to analogue converters, inputs and outputs, limitations of various types.

Data Buses 3
O p e r a ti o n o f d a t a b u s e s i n a i r c r a f t s y s t e m s , i n c l u d i n g k n o w l e d g e o f A R I N C a n d

other specifications.
Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Electronic Fundamentals And Digital Techniques 1 Subject

Theory Lecture 60


Logic Circuits 3

(a)Identification of common logic gate symbols, tables and equivalent circuits;

Applications used for aircraft systems, schematic diagrams.

(b)Interpretation of logic diagrams .

Microprocessors 6

Functions performed and overall operation of a microprocessor;

Basic operation of each of the following microprocessor elements: control and

processing unit, clock, register, arithmetic logic unit.

Fiber Optics 4

Advantages and disadvantages of fiber optic data transmission over electrical wire

propagation; Fibre optic data bus; Fiber optic related terms; Terminations;

Couplers, control terminals, remote terminals; Application of fiber optics in aircraft


Reference Books

Basic Electronics-Bemard Grob

Digital Fundamentals by Malvino and Leech

Principles of Electronics by V K Mehta

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Electronic Fundamentals And Digital Techniques Subject

Practical Lecture 60


1 Identification of basic electronic components ( diodes, transistors),digital 4

Multime ter, Function Generator and Oscilloscope

2 Practical on I-V Characteristics of (a) p-n junction Diode, and (b) Zener diode. 4

3 Study of Clipping and Clamping circuits 4

4 Conversion of A C Voltage using (a) Half wave rectifier and (b) Full wave rectifier 4


5 Uses of basic electronic components ( diodes, transistors),digital Multimeter, 4

Function Generator and Oscilloscope

6 Construct a model to study fixed Bias and Voltage divider bias configuration for CE 4


7 Construct a model to study Single Stage CE amplifier of given gain. 4

8 Construct a model to study correlation between different numbering systems. 4

9 Construct a model to study digital to analogue converters 4

10 Construct a model to study typical data buses used in aircraft system. 4

11 Functions performed and overall operation of a microprocessor; 4

12 Demonstrate fiber optic data transmission over electrical wire propagation; 4

13 Construct a Universal Gates and test 4

14 Construct a flip flop circuit using elementary gates 4

15 Construct a seven segment display driver 4

General Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Physics Subject

Theory Lecture 60


PART 1 4
Vector algebra. Scalar and vector products. Derivatives of a vector with respect

to a parameter."

PART 2 14

Elasticity: Hooke's law - Stress-strain diagram - Elastic moduli-Relation between

elastic constants - Poisson's Ratio- Expression for Poisson's ratio in terms of

elastic constants - Work done in stretching and work done in twisting a wire

-Tw is ting c ou ple o n a c ylin de r - Det er mi na ti o n o f R ig id it y m od ul u s by st at ic

tor sion - Tors io na l pe nd ulu m- Det er mi na ti o n of R ig id it y mo du lu s a nd

m om en t of inertia - q, n and sby Searle's method

PART 3 12

Momentum and Energy: Conservation of momentum. Work and energy.

Conservation of energy. Motion of rockets.

Rotational Motion: Angular velocity and angular momentum. Torque.

Conservation of angular momentu m.

Laws of Motion: Frames of reference. Newton's Laws of motion. Dynamics of a

System of particles. Centre of Mass."

PART 4 10

" G ra v ita ti o n : N e w to n ' s L a w o f Gr a v i t a t i o n . M o t i o n o f a pa r t i c l e i n a c e n t r a l

force field (motion is in a plane, angular momentum is conserved, areal

velocity is constant). Kepler's Laws (statement only). Satellite in circular

orbit and applications.

Geosynchronous orbits. Weightlessness. Basic idea of global positioning system


PART 5 10

Oscillations: Simple harmonica motion. Differential equation of SHM and its


Kinetic and Potential Energy, Total Energy and their time averages. Damped
General Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Physics Subject

Theory Lecture 60



PART 6 10

Special Theory of Relativity: Constancy of speed of light. Postulates of Special

Theory of Relativity. Length contraction. Time dilation. Relativistic addition of

Velocities. "

Reference Books

University Physics. FW Sears, MW Zemansky and HD Youngl3/e, 1986. Addison


Mechanics Berkeley Physics course,v.1: Charles Kittel, et. Al. 2007, Tata

General Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)
Subject: Physics
Practical Lecture 60

1 Measurements of length (or diameter) using Vernier caliper, screw gauge and 6

2 Travelling microscope. 6

3 To determine the Height of a Building using a Sextant. 6

4 To determine the Moment of Inertia of a Flywheel. 6

5 To determine the Young's Modulus of a Wire by Optical Lever Method. 6

6 To determine the Modulus of Rigidity of a Wire by Maxwell's needle. 6

7 To determine the Elastic Constants of a Wire by Searle's method. 6

8 To determine g by Bar Pendulum. 6

9 To determine g by Kater's Pendulum. 6

10 To determine g and velocity for a freely falling body using Digital Timing 6

techniq ue
Ability Enhancement Elective Course

B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Environmental Science Subject

Theory Lecture 60


Introduction to environmental studies 2

Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies

Scope and importance; Concept of sustainability and sustainable


Ecosystems 6

What is an ecosystem? Structure and function of ecosystem; Energy flow

in a n e c o s y s te m : f o o d c h a in s , f o o d w e b s a n d e c o l o g i c a l s u c c e s s i o n .

C a s e studies of the following ecosystems:

a)Forest ecosystem

b)Grassland ecosystem

c)Desert ecosystem

d)Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)

Natural Resources : Renewable and Non renewable Resources - 8

Land resources and land use change; Land degradation, soil erosion and

desertification Deforestation: Causes and impacts due to mining, dam

building on environment, forests, biodiversity and tribal


Water: Use and over--exploitation of surface and ground water, floods,

droughts, conflicts over water (international & inter--state).

Energy resources : Renewable and non-renewable energy sources, use of

alternate energy sources, growing energy needs, case studies.

Biodiversity and Conservation 8

Levels of biological diversity : genetic, species and ecosystem diversity;

B io ge og ra ph ic z on es of I nd ia ; B io di ve rs it y pat te rn s a nd g lo ba l

b io dive rs ity hot spots.

India as a mega--biodiversity nation; Endangered and endemic species of


Threats to biodiversity : Habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man--wildlife

Ability Enhancement Elective Course

B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)


Subject: Environmental Science Lecture 60

Theory Hours

conflicts, biological invasions; Conservation of biodiversity : In--situ and Ex--

-situ conservation of biodiversity.

Ecosystem and biodiversity services: Ecological, economic, social, ethical,

aesthetic and Informational value
Environmental Pollution

Environmental pollution : types, causes, effects and controls; Air, water, soil
and noise pollution.
Nuclear hazards and human health risks

Solid waste management : Control measures of urban and industrial waste.

Pollution case studies
Environmental Policies & Practices 7

C lima te ch an ge , glob al w arm in g, oz on e la yer de pl et io n, ac id ra in an d impacts on

human communities and agriculture

Environment Laws: Environment Protection Act; Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution)
Act; Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act; Wildlife Protection Act; Forest

Conservation Act. International agreements: Montreal and Kyoto protocols and

Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).

Nature reserves, tribal populations and rights, and human wildlife conflicts in Indian

Human Communities and the Environment 6

Human population growth: Impacts on environment, human health and welfare.

Resettlement and rehabilitation of project affected persons; case studies .

D i s a s t e r m a n a g e m e n t : f l o o d s , e a r t h q u a k e , c y c l o n e s a n d l a n d s l i d e s .

Environmental movements : Chipko, Silent valley, Bishnois of Rajasthan .

Environmental ethics: Role of Indian and other religions and cultures in

Ability Enhancement Elective Course

B. Sc.(Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Environmental Science Subject

Theory Lecture 60


Environmental conservation.

Environmental communication and public awareness, case studies (e.g.,

CNG vehicles in Delhi).

Field work 15

Visit to an area to document environmental assets: river/ forest/

flora/fauna, etc.

Visit to a local polluted site--Urban/Rural/Industrial/Agricultural .

Stu d y o f co m m on p la n ts, i nsec ts, bi rd s and b asic p ri nci p l es o f


Study of simple ecosystems--pond, river etc

Reference Books
1 Gadgil, M., & Guha, R.1993. This Fissured Land: An Ecological History of
India. Univ. of California Press
2 Gilbert M.Masters, "Introduction to Environmental Engineering and
Science", Pearson education Pvt., Ltd., second edition, ISBN 81-297-0277-0,
3 Miller T.G. JR., "Environmental Science", Wadsworth publishing co.
4 Od um , E .P ., O d um , H .T . & And rew s, J. 1971.Fund am ental s o f Ec ol o g y .
Philadelphia: Saunders.
5 Seng up ta, R. 2003. Ecolog y and ec onomics: An ap proach to sustainab le
development. OUP.
6 Singh, J.S., Singh, S.P. and Gupta, S.R. 2014. Ecology, Environmental Science
and Conservation. S. Chand Publishing, New Delhi
7 Sodhi, N.S., Gibson, L. & Raven, P.H. (eds). 2013. Conservation Biology:
Voices from the Tropics. John Wiley & Sons.
8 Thapar, V. 1998. Land of the Tiger: A Natural History of the Indian
9 R ao , M.N. & Datta, A .K . 1987. Waste Water Treatm ent. Oxford and IBH
Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)


Theory Lecture 60



Aircraft Materials Ferrous

(a) Characteristics, properties and identification of common alloy steels used in

aircraft; Heat treatment and application of alloy steels;

(b)Testing of ferrous materials for hardness, tensile strength, fatigue strength and
impact resistance.

Aircraft Material Non Ferrous

- 12

(a)Characteristics, properties and identification of common non-ferrous materials

used in aircraft; Heat treatment and application of non-ferrous materials;

(b) Testing of non-ferrous material for hardness, tensile strength, fatigue strength
and impact resistance.

Aircraft Materials Composite and Non Metallic

- - 10

(a) Characteristics, properties and identification of common composite and non -

metallic materials, other than wood, used in aircraft; Sealant and bonding agents.

(b)The detection of defects/deterioration in composite and non-metallic material .

Repair of composite and non-metallic material.
Wooden structures 8

C on stru c tio n m etho ds of w oo de n air fra me s tr uc tu re s; Ch arac te ri st ic s, pr op ert ie s

and types of wood and glue used in airplanes; Preservation and maintenance of

wooden structure; Types of defects in wood material and wooden structures;

The detection of defects in wooden structure; Repair of wooden structure.

Fabric covering & Non Metals 4

Characteristics, properties and types of fabrics used in aeroplane; Inspections

methods for fabric; Types of defects in fabric; Repair of fabric covering. Composite

and non- metallic Bonding practices; Environmental conditions

Inspection methods
Fasteners, Screw threads 2

Screw nomenclature; Thread forms, dimensions and tolerances for standard

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)


Theory Lecture 60


threads used in aircraft; measuring screw threads;

Bolts, studs and screws 2

Bolt types: specification, identification and marking of aircraft bolts, international


Nuts: self-locking, anchor, standard types; Machine screws: aircraft specifications;

Studs: types and uses, insertion and removal; Self tapping screws, dowels.

Locking devices 2

Tab and spring washers, locking plates, split pins, palnuts, wire locki ng, quick

release fasteners, keys, circlips, and cotter pins and techniques.

Aircraft rivets 4

Types of solid and blind rivets: specifications and identification, heat treatment.

Riveting 4

Riveted joints, rivet spacing and pitch; Tools used for riveting and dimpling;

Inspection of riveted joints.

Reference Books:

Aircraft handbook FAA ( AC 65-15 A )

Civil Aircraft Inspection Procedures (CAIP 459-Part I, Basic)

Airframe & Powerplant Mechanics (General Handbook EA-AC 65-9A) FAA

Aircraft Materials & Processes by Titterton

Machine Drawing by AC Parkinson

Advanced Composites (EA-358) by Cindy Foreman Electricity,

CAIP 562
Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)
Lecture 60

1 Testing of Non -Ferrous materials for hardness, tensile, Fatigue strength 4

2 Testing of ferrous materials for hardness, tensile , Fatigue strength 4

3 Identification of the characteristics and properties of common composite and non-

metallic materials other than wood, used in aircraft. 4

4 Detection of defects/deterioration in composite and nonmetallic material. 4

5 Identification of the characteristics and properties of common types of wood and

glue used in aircraft. 4

6 Identification and detection of defects in wood material and wooden structures. 4

7 Simple repair of composite and non- metallic materials and structures 4

8 Inspection and Repair of wooden structures. 4

9 Identification of the characteristics and properties of common fabrics and

adhesives used in wooden structure aircraft. 4

10 Identification of defects and Repair of fabric covering. 4

11 Use of basic tools and equipment for: cutting, forming and joining commonly used

materials. 4

12 Identification of Aircraft metallic materials 4

13 Identification of aircraft non-materials used on aircraft 4

14 Identification of various rivets and use of any one riveting technique 4

15 Identification of various fasteners and locking devices used in aircraft. 4

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Electrical Fundamentals 2 Subject

Theory Lecture 60



Generation of Electricity 4

E le m e n t a r y k n o w le d g e o n g e n e r a t i o n o f e l e c t r i c i t y b y t h e f o l l o w i n g m e t h o d s :
light, heat, friction, pressure, chemical action, magnetism and motion

DC Sources of Electricity 4
Construction and basic chemical action of: primary cells, secondary cells, lead acid

c ells , nick el cad miu m ce lls, o th er a lk al in e c el ls ; Ce ll s c on ne ct ed i n se ri es an d

parallel; internal resistance and its effect on a battery; Construction, materials and

operation of thermocouples; Operation of photo-cells.

DC Motor/Generator Theory 9

Basic motor and generator theory; Construction and purpose of components in DC

generator; Operation of, and factors affecting output and direction of current flow

in DC generators; Operation of, and factors affecting output power, torque, speed

and direction of rotation of DC motors; Series wound, shunt wound and compound

motors; Starter Generator construction.

AC Generators 9

R o t a t io n o f l o o p in a m a g n e t ic f i e l d a n d w a v e f o r m p r o d u c e d ; O p e r a t i o n a n d

construction of revolving armature and revolving field type AC generators; Single

phase, two phase and three phase alternators; Three phase star and delta

connections advantages and uses;

Permanent Magnet Generators.

AC Motors 8

Construction, principles of operation and characteristics of: AC synchronous and

induction motors both single and polyphase; Methods of speed control and

direction of rotation;

Methods of producing a rotating field: capacitor, inductor, shaded or split pole.

Power 8
Power, work and energy (kinetic and potential); Dissipation of power by a resistor;
Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Electrical Fundamentals 2 Subject

Theory Lecture 60



Power formula; Calculations involving power, work and energy

Aircraft Electrical Cables and Connectors 8

a). Cable types, construction and characteristics; High tension and co-axial cables; Crimping;
Connector types, pins, plugs, sockets, insulators, current and voltage rating, coupling,
identification codes..

B) . E le ctrica l W iring In te rc on ne ct i o n S ys te m (EWI S) Co nt i n u it y , in su la t io n a nd bonding

techniques and

Testing; Use of crimp tools: hand and hydraulic operated; testing of crimp joints; Connector pin
removal and insertion; Co-axial cables: testing and installati on Pr eca ut io n s; I den ti f ic at i o n of
w ir e typ es , th eir in sp ec tio n cr iter ia a nd dam ag e tolerance

Wiring protection techniques: Cable looming and loom support, cable clamps, and

Sleeving techniques including heat shrink wrapping, shielding. EWIS installations,

Inspection, repair, maintenance and cleanliness standards

Electromagnetic Environment 6

I n f lu e n c e o f th e f o llo w i n g p h e n o m e n a o n m a i n t e n a n c e pr a c t i c e s f o r e l e c t r o n i c

EMC-Electromagnetic Compatibility; EMI-Electromagnetic Interference; HIRF-High Intensity

Radiated Field; Lightning/lightning protection

Electro sensitive Devices 4

Special handling of components sensitive to electrostatic discharges;

A ware ne ss of r is ks a nd po ss ib le da ma ge, c om po ne n t an d pe rs on ne l a nt i- sta ti c

protection devices.

Reference Books:

Electrical Technology- by B.L.Theraja

Aircraft Electrical System- by E.H.J.Pallett

A ir c r a f t E le c t r i c i t y a n d e l e c tr o n i c s - b y B e n t M c K i n l e y a n d a l s o b y E i s m i n / B e n t
Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)
Subject: Electrical Fundamentals 2
Practical Lecture 60

1 Generation of electricity by light , heat, chemical action, magnetism, and motion 4

2 Construct power sources using primary and secondary cells 4

3 Construct a model to study usage of thermo-cell and photo-cell 4

4 Construct a model to generate DC power using different method of coil

arrangements (Series, shunt) to understand their Usage. 4

5 Construct a model of DC motor using different method of coil arrangements

(Series, shunt) to understand their Usage.

6 Construct a model to generate single/Poly-phase AC power to understand their

7 Construct a model of AC motor using single/ Poly-phase I arrangements to

understand their Usage. 4

8 Measure amount of power dissipated by various resistors; calculation of power 4

9 Using at least two crimping systems, select appropriate cable crimping tools and

crimp cables to prepare cable ends or plug / socket terminals. 4

10 Check an aircraft electrical circuit for continuity in conjunction with an electrical

wiring diagram. 4

11 Identify cables and cables values by reference to the maintenance manuals.

Identify a range of electrical component symbols.

12 Inspection of electrical cable looms/ bundles and cable trunking. 4

13 Select and use appropriate cable stripping tools and solder cables to single and

multipin connectors / tag boards 4

14 Prepare, and install a simple loom, using at least two binding methods 4

15 Identification of various fasteners and locking devices used in aircraft. 4

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)


Theory Lecture 60



Fundamentals 3

P oten tial en erg y, kine tic en erg y, Ne wt on 's l aw s of mo ti o n, Bray to n c yc le ; T he

relationship between force, work, power, energy, velocity, acceleration;

C o n s tr u c tio n a l a rr a n g e m e n t a n d o p e ra t i o n o f t u r b o j e t , t u r b o f a n , t u r b o s h a f t ,


Engine Performance 3

Gross thrust, net thrust, choked nozzle thrust, thrust distribution, resultant thrust,
thrust horsepower, equivalent shaft horsepower, specific fuel consumption;

Engine efficiencies; By-pass ratio and engine pressure ratio; Pressure, temperature

a n d v e lo c ity o f th e ga s f lo w ; E n g i n e r a t i n g s , s t a t i c t h r u s t , i n f l u e n c e o f sp e e d ,

altitude and hot climate, flat rating, limitations.

Inlet 2

Compressor inlet ducts; Effects of various inlet configurations; Ice protection.

Compressors 4

Axial and centrifugal types; Constructional features and operating principles and
applications; Fan balancing; Operation: Causes and effects of compressor stall and

surge; Methods of air flow control: bleed valves, variable inlet guide vanes,
variable stator vanes, rotating stator blades; Compressor ratio.

Combustion Section 2

Constructional features and principles of operation

Turbine Section 3

O p e r a ti o n a n d c h a r a c te r i s t ic s o f d i f f e r e n t t u r b i n e b l a d e t y p e s ; B l a d e t o d i s k

attachment; Nozzle guide vanes; Causes and effects of turbine blade stress and


Exhaust 2
C on stru c tio n al fe atur es an d p rinc ip le s of o pera ti on ; Co nv er ge nt , d iv er ge nt a nd
variable area nozzles; Engine noise reduction; Thrust reversers.

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)


Theory Lecture 60

Bearings and Seals 2
Constructional features and principles of operation and handling .

Lubricants and Fuels 1

Properties and specifications; Fuel additives; Safety precautions

Lubrication Systems 2
S ys te m ope ratio n/ la y ou t a nd co mp on e nt s.

Fuel Systems 3
Operation of engine control and fuel metering systems including electronic engine
control (FADEC); Systems lay-out and components.

Air Systems 3
Operation of engine air distribution and anti-ice control systems, including internal
cooling, sealing and external air services.

Starting and Ignition Systems 3

Operation of engine start systems and components; Ignition systems and
componen ts; Maintenance safety requirements.

Engine Indication Systems 4

Exhaust Gas Temperature/ Inter-stage Turbine Temperature; Engine Thrust
Indication: Engine Pressure Ratio, engine turbine discharge pressure or jet pipe
pressure systems;
O il pre ss ure a nd te mp era tu re ; Fu el pres su re an d f lo w; En gi ne spee d, Pro pe ll er
Speed; Vibration measurement and indication; Torque; Power.

Power Augmentation Systems 2

Operation and applications; Water injection, water methanol; Afterburner
Turbo prop Engines
- 3
Gas coupled/free turbine and gear coupled turbines; Reduction gears;
Integrated engine and propeller controls; Over-speed safety devices.
Turbo shaft engines
- 3
Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)


Theory Lecture 60


Arrangements, drive systems, reduction gearing, couplings, control systems.

Auxiliary Power Units (APUs) 3

Purpose, operation, protective systems.

Powerplant Installation 3

Configuration of firewalls, cowlings, acoustic panels, engine mounts, anti-vibration

mounts, hoses, pipes, feeders, connectors, wiring looms, control cables and rods,

lifting points and drains.

Fire Protection Systems 2

Operation of detection and extinguishing systems.

Engine Monitoring and Ground Operation 4

Procedures for starting and ground run-up; Interpretation of engine power output
and parameters; Trend (including oil analysis, vibration and boroscope)
Inspection of engine and components to criteria, tolerances and data specified by
engine manufacturer; Compressor washing/cleaning; Foreign Object Damage.

Engine Storage and Preservation 3

Preservation and depreservation for the engine and accessories/ systems.

Reference Books:

Aircraft Gas Turbine Technology by IRWINE TREAG ER

The Jet Engine' by ROLLS ROYCE
Power plant Section Text book- (EA-ITP-P)
Aviation Maintenance Technician Series by Dale Crane
Jet Aircraft power Systems' by JACK V. CASAMASSA and RALPH D.BENT
Gas Turbine Engines' by Turbomeca, Bordes,France.
Hydraulic Servo Systems' by M.G UILLON
Introduction to Flight by JOHN ANDERSON:
Civil Aircraft Inspection Procedure (CAP459) Part- II Aircraft
Aircraft Power Plants by M.J.KROES, T.W.Wild, R.D.Bent and J.L.McKINLEY;

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)


Practical Lecture 60

1 Identify engine types, modules and subassemblies and components of turbine 2

e n g in e s .

2 Identify various parts of thrust management and bypass system of turbine engine. 2

3 Identification and inspection of compressors stages. 2

4 Engine compressor surge and stall management components and control. 2

5 Identification various components of combustion systems and methods of 2


6 Identification of exhaust system and methods of noise reduction 2

7 Identification and inspection of components of thrust reversal system. 2

8 Identify normal & electronic fuel control, monitoring and indication system 6

9 Familiarization with methods of engine starting and ignition systems. 4

10 Operation check of Engine indicating systems. 4

11 Familiarization of APU starting and shutdown procedure 4

12 Familiarization with power plant removal & installation 8

13 Visual Inspection of engines 4

14 Typical engine control rigging. 6

15 Familiarization with engines and airframe interface. 4

16 Testing of engine fire monitoring and extinguishing operation 4

17 Study engine storage and preservation. 2

Discipline Specific Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Piston Engine and Propeller Subject

Theory Lecture 60


Fundamentals 2
Mechanical, thermal and volumetric efficiencies operating principles 2

stroke, 4 stroke, Otto and Diesel, Piston displacement and compression ratio;
Engine configuration and firing order.

Engine Performance 2

Power calculation and measurement; Factors affecting engine power;

Mixtures/leaning, pre-ignition.

Engine Construction 3

Crank case, crank shaft, cam shafts, sumps; Accessory gearbox; Cylinder and
piston assemblies; Connecting rods, inlet and exhaust manifolds; Valve

Propeller reduction gearboxes.

Engine Fuel Systems 2

Carburettors Types, construction and principles of operation; Icing and heating

Fuel injection systems 2

Types, construction and principles of operation.

Electronic engine control 4

O p e r a ti o n o f e n g i n e c o n t r o l a n d f u e l m e t e r i n g s y s t e m s i n c l u d i n g e l e c t r o n i c
engine control (FADEC); Systems lay-out and components

Starting and Ignition Systems 3

Starting systems, pre-heat systems; Magneto types, construct ion and

principles of operation; Ignition harnesses, spark plugs; Low and high tension

Induction, Exhaust and Cooling Systems 2

Construction and operation of: induction systems including alternate air


Exhaust systems, engine cooling systems air and liquid.

Supercharging/Turbocharging 3

Principles and purpose of supercharging and its effects on engine parameters.

Discipline Specific Electives B. Sc.(Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Piston Engine and Propeller Subject

Theory Lecture 60


Construction and operation of supercharging/ turbocharging systems; System

terminology; Control systems; System protection.

Lubricants and Fuels 2

Properties and specifications; Fuel additives; Safety precautions

Lubrication Systems 2

S ys te m ope ratio n/ la y ou t a nd co mp on e nt s.

Engine Indication Systems 3

E n g in e s p ee d ; C y lin d e r h e a d t e m p e ra t u r e ; C o o l a n t t e m p e r a t u r e ; O i l p re s s u r e
and temperature; Exhaust Gas Temperature; Fuel pressure and flow; Manifold

Powerplant Installation 3

C o n f i g u r a ti o n o f f ir e w a l ls , c o w l i n g s , a c o u s t i c p a n e l s , e n g i n e m o u n t s , a n t i -
vibration mounts, hoses, pipes, feeders, connectors, wiring looms, control
cables and rods, lifting points and drains

Engine Monitoring and Ground Operation 5

P r o c e d u r e s f o r s ta r ti n g a n d g r o u n d r u n - u p ; I n t e r p r e t a t i o n o f e n g i n e p o w e r
output and parameters; Inspection of engine and components: criteria,
tolerances, and data specified by engine manufacturer.

Engine Storage and Preservation 2

Preservation and de preservation for the engine and accessories/ systems


Aircraft Propeller 4

Fundamentals; Blade element theory; High/low blade angle, reverse angle,

angle of attack, rotational speed; Propeller slip; Aerodynamic, centrifugal, and
thrust forces;

Torque; Relative airflow on blade angle of attack; Vibration and resonance.

Propeller Construction 3

C on stru c tio n m etho ds an d m at er ia ls u se d i n w oo de n, c om po si te a nd me ta l

Discipline Specific Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Piston Engine and Propeller Subject

Theory Lecture 60


B la d e s ta ti o n , b l a d e f a c e , b la d e s h a n k , b l a d e b a c k a n d h u b a s s e m b l y ; f i x e d

pitch, controllable pitch, constant speeding propeller; Propeller/spinner


Propeller Pitch Control 3

Speed control and pitch change methods, mechanical and electrical/electronic;

Feathering and reverse pitch; Over speed protection.

Propeller Synchronising 2

Synchronising and synchrophasing equipment.

Propeller Ice Protection 2

Fluid and electrical de-icing equipment.

Propeller Maintenance 3

S ta tic an d d yn am ic ba la nc in g ; Bl ade t rac ki ng ; As ses sm en t o f bl ade da ma ge,

erosion, corrosion, impact damage, delamination; Propeller treatment/repair


Propeller engine running.

Propeller Storage and Preservation 3

Propeller preservation and de-preservation.

Reference Books:

Airframe and Power plant Mechanics (EA-AC 65- 12A) -Power Plant Hand FAA

Power Plant-By Bent and McKinley

Civil Aircraft Inspection Procedure (CAP 459) Part II Aircraft

Aircraft Propeller and Controls-by Frank Delph

P o w e r p la n t S e c tio n Te x t b o o k - ( EA - I T P- P )
Aircraft Piston Engines-By Herschel Smith

Aviation Maintenance Technician Series by Dale Crane

General Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Chemistry Subject

Theory Lecture 60



I n tr o d u c t io n a n d s p e c if ic a tio n s o f w a t e r , H a r d n e s s a n d i t s d e t e r m i n a t i o n (E DT A

method only), Alkalinity, Boiler feed water, boiler problems scale, sludge,
priming & f o a m in g : c a u s e s & p r e v e n t i o n , B o i l e r p r o b l e m s ca u s t i c
e m b r ittle m e n t & corrosion: causes & prevention, Carbonate & phosphate
conditioning, colloidal conditioning & calgon treatment, Water softening
processes: Lime soda process, Ion exchange method, Water for domestic use.


Classificatio n, calorific value of fuel, (gross and net), Determinat ion of calorific
value of fuels, bomb calorimeter, Solid fuels - Proximate and ulti mate analysis,
Octane & Cetane No. and its significance. Numerical on combustion.


Introduction; Principles of spectroscopy; Laws of absorbance

IR : Principle, Instrumentation, Application

UV : Principle, Instrumentation, Application

NMR : Principle, Instrumentation, Application


Introduction; Mechanism of Lubrication;

Types of Lubricants; Chemical structure related to Lubrication;

Properties of lubricants; Viscosity and Viscosity Index; Iodine Value; Aniline Point;
Emulsion number; Flash Point; Fire Point; Drop Point; Cloud Point; Pour Point.
Selection of Lubricants.


Introduction, Mechanism of dry and wet corrosion, Types of corrosion-Galvanic,

C o n c e n t r a ti o n c e l l, s o i l, p it t i n g , i n t e r g r a n u l a r , w a t e r l i n e . P a s s i v i t y . F a c t o r s

influencing corrosion. Corrosion control

Reference Books

Engineering Chemistry-Jain and Jain, Engineering Chemistry- Sunita Rattan

General Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)
Subject: Chemistry
Practical Lecture 60

1 To determine the ion exchange capacity of a given cation exchanger. 6

2 To determine the temporary, permanent and total hardness of a sample of water 6

by complexome tric titration method.

3 To determine the type and extent of alkalinity of given water sample. 6

4 Determination of amount of oxalic acid and H2SO4 in 1 L of solution using N/10 6

NaOH and N/10 KMnO4 solution.

5 To prepare and describe a titration curve for phosphoric acid sodium hydroxide 6

titration using pH-meter. (a) To find the cell constant of conductivity cell. (b)

Determine the strength of hydrochloric acid solution by titrating it against

standard sodium hydroxide solutio n conducto metrical ly

6 Determination of Dissolved oxygen in the given water sample 6

7 To determine the total residual chlorine in water. 6

8 Determination of viscosity of given oil by means of Redwood viscometer I. 6

9 To determine flash point and fire point of an oil by Pensky Martin's Apparatus 6

10 Final Lab 6
Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)


Theory Lecture 60


Basic Computer Structure 9

(a)Computer terminology (including bit, byte, software, hardware, CPU, IC, and

various memory devices such as RAM, ROM, PROM); Computer technology (as

applied in aircraft systems).

(b) Computer related terminology; Operation, layout and interface of the major

components in a microcomputer including their associated bus systems;

I n f o r m a tio n c o n ta i n e d in s in g le a n d m u l t i - ad d r e s s i n s t r u c t i o n w o r d s ; M e m o r y

associated terms;

Operation of typical memory devices; Operation, advantages and disadvantages of

the various data storage systems.

Multiplexing 3

O pera tion , app lica tio n an d id en ti fi c at i o n in lo gi c di agra ms o f mu lt i p le xe rs a nd


Electronic Displays and Instrument Systems 18

P r in c i p le s o f o p e r a t io n o f c o m m o n t y p e s o f d i s p l a y s u s e d i n m o d e r n a i r c r a f t ,

Cathode Ray Tubes, Light Emitting Diodes and Liquid Crystal Display. Electronic
Flight Instrument Systems;

Typical systems arrangements and cockpit layout of electronic instrument systems

ECAM-Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitoring; EFIS-Electronic Flight Instrument

System; EICAS-Engine Indication and Crew Alerting System Instrument warning

systems including master warning systems and centralized warning panels;

Typical Electronic/Digital Aircraft Systems 10

General arrangement of typical electronic/digital aircraft systems and associated

BITE(Built in Test Equipment) testing such as: ACARS-ARINC Communication and

Addressing and Reporting System; Integrated modular Avionics;

Integrated Modular Avionics (ATA 42) 12

Functions that may be typically integrated in the Integrated M odular Avionic (IM A)
Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)


Theory Lecture 60


modules are, among others: Bleed Management, Air Pressure Control, Air

Ve nt ilatio n an d Co ntro l, A vion ics an d Co ck pi t Ven ti la t io n Co nt ro l, Tem pera tu re

Control, Air Traffic Communication,

A v io n ic s C o m m u n ic a t io n R o u te r , E l e c t r i c a l L o a d M a na g e m e n t , C i r c u i t B r e a k er

Monitoring, Electrical System BITE, Fuel Management, Braking Control, Steering

Control, Landing Gear Extension and Retraction, Tyre Pressure Indication, Oleo

Pressure Indication, Brake Temperature Monitoring, etc.; Core System; Network

Componen ts.

Cabin Systems (ATA 44) 8

T he u nits an d co mp on e nts w hic h f ur ni sh a m ean s o f e nt er ta in in g t he pa sse ng er s

and providing communication within the aircraft (Cabin Intercommunication Data

System) and between the aircraft cabin and ground stations (Cabin Network

Service) - Includes voice, data, music and video transmissions; The Cabin

I n t e r c o m m u n i c a ti o n D a ta S y s te m p r o v i d e s a n i n t e r f a c e b e t w e e n c o c k p i t / c a b i n

c rew an d ca bin s ys te ms . T he se s ys te ms su pp or t d at a exc ha ng e o f t he di ff er en t

related LRU's and they are typically operated via Flight Attendant Panels.

The Cabin Network Service typically consists on a server, typically interfacing with,

among others, the following systems: Data/Radio Communication; In-Flight

Entertainment System;

The Cabin Network Service may host functions such as:

Access to pre-departure/departure reports; E-mail/Intranet/Internet access;

Passenger database; Cabin Core System; In-flight Entertainment System; External

Commu nication System; Cabin Mass Memory System; Cabin Monitori ng System;

Miscellaneous Cabin System.

Reference Books

Basic Electronics-Bemard Grob

Digital Fundamentals by Malvino and Leech Principles of Electronics by V K Mehta

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)
Practical Lecture 60

1 Familiarizatio n with computer architect ure and its components 4

2 Identification of components of Display systems 4

3 Operation check of Display system. 4

4 Familiarization with CRT and various components associated with EFIS 4

5 Identification of components in engine display systems 4

6 Bite / self-test of EFIS system. 4

7 BITE on different aircraft systems. 4

8 F am ilia riza tio n with c om po ne n ts o f sy st em as so ci at ed wi th In te gr al m od ul ar 4

avionics systems such Air Pressure Control, Air Ventilation and Control, Avionics

and Cockpit Ventilation Control, Temperature Control, Air Traffic Communication.

9 Operation check of ventilation control system. 4

10 Operation check of IFE system. 4

11 Operation check of intercom system . 4

12 Operation check of cabin systems. 4

13 Inspection of IFE system, intercom system and other cabin systems. 4

14 Operation of temperature control system 4

15 Identify ECAM system components and carry out test 4

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)


Theory Lecture 60


Safety Precautions-Aircraft and Workshop 4

Aspects of safe working practices including precautions to take when working with

electricity, gases especially oxygen, oils and chemicals; Instructions on the

remedial action to be taken in the event of a fire or another accident with one or

more of these hazards including knowledge on extinguishing agents.

Workshop Practices 4

Care of tools, control of tools, use of workshop materials; Dimensions, allowances

and tolerances, standards of workmanship; Calibration of tools and equipment,
calibration standards.

Tools 4

Common hand tool types; Common power tool types; Operation and use of

precision measuring tools; Lubrication equipment and methods. Operation,

function and use of electrical general test equipment;

Engineering Drawings, Diagrams and Standards 4

Drawing types and diagrams, their symbols, dimensions, tolerances and


Identifying title block information; Microfilm, microfiche and computerized


Specification 100 of the Air Transport Association (ATA) of America; Aeronautical

a n d o th e r a p p li c a b l e s t a n d a r d s i n c l u d i n g I S O , A N , M S , N A S a n d M I L ; W i r i n g
diagrams and schematic diagrams.

Fits and Clearances 4

Drill sizes for bolt holes, classes of fits; Common system of fits and clearances;

Schedule of fits and clearances for aircraft and engines; Limits for bow, twist and


Standard methods for checking shafts, bearings and other parts.

Corrosion 6

a) Chemical fundamentals; Formation by, galvanic action process, microbiological,

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)


Theory Lecture 60



(b) Types of corrosion and their identification; Causes of corrosion;

Material types, susceptibility to corrosion.

Welding, Brazing, Soldering and Bonding 5

(a)Soldering methods; inspection of soldered joints .

(b)Welding and brazing methods; Inspection of welded and brazed joints; Bonding
methods and inspection of bonded joints.

Disassembly, Inspection, Repair and Assembly Techniques 9

(a)Types of defects and visual inspection techniques . Corrosion removal,

assessment and re-protection.

(b)General repair methods, Structural Repair Manual; Ageing, fatigue and

corrosion control programs;

(c)Non-destructive inspection techniques including, penetrant, radiographic, eddy

current, ultrasonic and borescope methods.

(d) Disassembly and re-assembly techniques.

(e) Trouble shooting techniques

Maintenance Procedures 3

Maintenance planning; Modification procedures; Stores procedures;

Certification/release procedures; Interface with aircraft operation; Maintenance

Inspection/Quality Control/Quality Assurance; Additional maintenance procedures;

Control of life limited components

Bearings 3

Purpose of bearings, loads, material, construct ion ; Types of bearings and their

application. Testing, cleaning and inspection of bearings; Lubrication

requirements of bearings; Defects in bearings and their causes.

Transmissions 3

G e a r ty p e s a n d t h e ir a p p li c a ti o n ; G e a r r a t i o s , r e d u c t i o n a n d m u l t i p l i c a t i o n g e a r
sy stem s, dr iv en an d driving g ears , i dl er gear s, me sh pa tt er ns ; Be lt s a nd pu ll ey s,
Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)


Theory Lecture 60


chains and sprockets. Inspection of gears, backlash; Inspection of belts and pulleys,

c ha in s an d sp ro ck ets; I ns pec tio n o f sc re w jac ks , l ev er de vi ce s, pu sh - pu ll ro d


Control Cables 3

Types of cables; End fittings, turnbuckles and compensation devices; Pulleys and

cable system components; Bowden cables; Aircraft flexible control systems.

Swaging of end fittings; Inspection and testing of control cables; Bowden cables;

aircraft flexible control systems.

Pipes and Unions 3

(a)Identification of, and types of rigid and flexible pipes and their connectors used

in aircraft;

(b) S ta nd ar d u nio ns f or air cra ft h yd ra ul ic , fu el , oi l, pn eu ma ti c an d a ir sy st em pi pe s .

Pipes and Hoses 3

Bending and belling/flaring aircraft pipes; Inspectio n and testing of aircraft pipes

and hoses; Installation and clamping of pipes.

Springs 2

Types of springs, materials, characteristics and applications. Inspection and testing

of springs.

Reference Books:

Airframe and Powerplant Mechanics (AC 65-15A)-Airframe Hand Book FAA

Civil Aircraft Inspection Procedure (CAP 459) Part II Aircraft

Aircraft Maintenance and Repair By Kroes, Watkin and De1ph

Acceptable Methods, Techniques and practices (FAA)-EA-AC 43.13-1 A&2A

Aviatio n Maintenance Technic ian Hand book by FAA
Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)


: Subject

Practical Lecture 60


1 Draw different projections of a given object Three View Diagram simple object, 12

structural member, and joints

2 Fit and remove thread inserts. 4

3 Use of precision measuring instruments, selection, handling of instruments and 6


4 Removal and installation of hydraulic system pressurized / unpressurized 6

components safety, handling precautions, selection of appropriate tools and

manuals. Use zonal numbers to record location. Use parts catalog & component

location manual to locate components. Identify pipes and hoses

5 Removal and installation of pneumatic system pressurized / unpressurized 6

components safety, handling precautions, selection of appropriate tools and

manuals. Use zonal numbers to record location. Use parts catalog & component
location manual to locate components. Identify pipes and hoses

6 Removal and installation of oxygen system components safety, handling 4

pr ec au tion s, selec tio n o f ap pro pr ia te t oo ls an d ma nu al s. Use z on al nu mb er s t o

record location. Use parts catalog & component location manual to locate
componen ts. Identify pipes and hoses

7 Visual inspection of various types of surface defects of aircraft structure using 8

simple aids like magnifying glass, light and mirror. Use zonal and station numbers

to record defect locatio n

8 Visual inspection of various types of surface defects of aircraft structure and 8

system components like bearings, gears, chain, pulley, spring and cables using

simple aids like magnifying glass, light and mirror and record defects.

10 S e l e c ti o n a n d u s e o f l u b r i c a ti o n t e c h n i q u e o f b e a r i n g s , f l i g h t / e n g i n e / p r o p e l l e r 2

controls and undercarriages. Identifying lubricants.

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS 1 Subject

Theory Lecture 60

Aircraft Weight and Balance 4
( a) Centre of Gravity/Balance limits calculation: use of relevant documents;
( b) Preparat ion of ai rcraft for weighi ng; Ai rcraft weighi ng;

Aircraft Handling and Storage 5

Aircraft taxiing/towing and associated safety precautions; Aircraft jacking,
chocking, securing and associated safety precautions; Aircraft storage
methods; Refuel li ng /defueli ng procedures; De- icing/ anti-i ci ng
procedures; El ectrical , hydraulic and pneumatic ground supplies. Effects of
environmental conditions on aircraft handling and operation.

Pneumatic/Vacuum (ATA 36) 8

System lay-out; Sources: engine/APU, compressors, reservoirs, ground
supply; Pressure control; Distribution; Indications and warnings; Interfaces
with other systems.

Air Conditioning and Cabin Pressurization (ATA 21) 8

Air supply- Sources of air supply including engine bleed, APU and ground
cart; Air Conditioning- Air conditioning systems; Air cycle and vapour cycle
machines Distribution systems; Flow, temperature and humidity control
Pressurization - Pressurization systems; Control and indication including
control and safety valves;
Cabin pressure controllers. Safety and warning devices; Protection and
warning devices.

Equipment and Furnishings (ATA 25) 6

Em ergency equi pm ent requi rem ent s; S eat s, harnesses and bel ts,
el ect roni c emergency equipment requirements
Cabin lay-out, cargo retention; Equipment lay-out; Cabin Furnishing
Installation; Cabin entertainment equipment; Galley installation; Cargo
handling and retention equipment;
Airstairs. Lifting system; Emergency flotation systems;

Flight Controls (ATA 27) 8

Primary controls: aileron, elevator, rudder, spoiler; Trim control; Active
load control;
High lift devices; Lift dump, speed brakes; System operation: manual,
hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, fly-by-wire; Artificial feel, Yaw damper,
Mach trim, rudder limiter, gust locks systems; Balancing and rigging; Stall
protection/warning system.

Fuel Systems (ATA 28)

System lay-out; Fuel tanks; Supply systems; Dumping, venting and draining;
Cross-feed and transfer; Indications and warnings; Refuelling and defueling;
Longitudinal balance fuel systems.
Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS 1 Subject

Theory Lecture 60


Hydraulic Power (ATA 29)

System lay-out; Hydraulic fluids; Hydraulic reservoirs and accumu lators; Pressure
generation: electric, mechanical, pneumatic; Emergency pressure generation;
Filters; Pressure Control;

Power distribution; Indication and warning systems; Interface with other systems.

Ice and Rain Protection (ATA 30)

I c e f o r m a t io n , c l a s s i f i c a ti o n a n d d e t e c t i o n ; A n t i - i c i n g s y s t e m s : e l e c t r i c a l , h o t a i r
a nd ch em ic al; De- ic in g sy stem s: el ec tr ic al , h ot air , p ne um at ic a nd ch em ic al ; Ra in
repellant; Probe and drain heating; Wiper systems

Landing Gear (ATA 32) 3

C on stru c tio n , s ho ck ab sor bing ; E xt en si on a nd ret rac ti o n sy st em s: n or ma l a nd


Indications and warning; Wheels, brakes, antiskid and auto-braking;

Tyres; Steering; Air-ground sensing; Skids, floats

Abnormal Events (ATA 05) 2

( a) I n s p e c tio n s f o llo w in g lig h t n i n g s t r i k e s a n d H I R F p e n e t r a t i o n .

( b) I n s p e c tio n s f o llo w in g ab n o r m a l e v e n t s s u c h a s h e a v y l a n d i n g s a n d f l i g h t
through turbulence.

Reference Books:

Airframe and Powerplant Mechanics (AC 65-15A) -Airframe Hand Book FAA
Civil Aircraft Inspection Procedure (CAP 459) Part II Aircraft

A & P technician Air Frame Text Book by Jeppesen

Aircraft Repair Manual (FAA-AC-43.13)-By Larry Reithmaier

Aviatio n Maintenance Technic ian Hand book by FAA

Hydraulic Servo Systems by M. GUILLON:

Aircraft Instruments-by E.H.J.Pallett

Aircraft Electrical System-by E.H.J.Pallett

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)


Practical Lecture 60

1 Jacking and leveling of an aircraft. Record caution, warnings and procedure 6

2 L o c a te a n d in s p e c t B le e d c o m p o n e n t s i n s t a l l e d o n a i r cr a f t a n d u s e m a i n t e n a n c e

manual 4

3 Locate and inspect components of air-conditioning system and indications and use

maintenance manual. 4

4 L o c a te a n d in s p e c t c o m p o n e n ts o f a i r c ra f t p r e s s u r i za t i o n system and safety

devises and use maintenance manual 4

5 Replace passenger seats and Check seat belts for serviceability. 4

6 Identification and inspection of flight control system 4

7 Rigging and operational check flight control systems 8

8 Identification and inspectio n of landing gear systems. Wheel and Brake removal /

installation. 12

9 Identification and inspection of Fuel system 4

10 Quantity Indicating systems functional testing. 4

11 Inspection of aircraft hydraulic system and servicing 6

12 Inspection for lightning strike protection. 2

Discipline Specific Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Rotorcraft And Rotorcraft Autopilot Subject

Theory Lecture 60


Introduction 04
Helicopter as an aircraft, Basic features, Layout, Generation of lift, Gearbox, tail

rotor, power plant, drive to main tail rotor, considerations on blade, feathering

a n d f la p p in g , R o to r c o n tr o ls , v ar i o u s t y p e s o f r o t o r , Ge o m e t r y o f t h e r o t o r ,

Blade loading, Effects of solidity, Profile drag, compressibility etc., blade area

required, Number of blades, blade form, power losses, rotor efficiency.

Aerodynamics of Rotor Blades 04

Aerofoil characteristics in forward fligh t, hovering and state vortex ring, Blade

stall, Maximum lift of the helicopter, calculation on induced power high speed
limitations; parasite drag, power leading, tip speed ratio on performance
Ground effect.

Elementary rotary wing and aerodynamic Terminology;

Effects of gyroscopic precession, torque reaction and directional control,

d is s y m m e tr y o f lif t, b la d e tip s t a l l ; t r a n s l a t i n g t e n d e n c y a n d i t s c o r re c t i o n ;

coriolis effect and compensation; power settling, overpitching;

Flight control Systems 06

C y c li c C o n tr o l ; C o ll e c t iv e C o n t r o l , S w a s h p l a t e ; Y a w c o n t r o l : A n t i - T o r q u e
Control, effect of cyclic, collective and anti-torque controls Tail rotor, bleed air;
Main Rotor Head: Design and Operation features;

Blade Dampers: Function and construction;

Rotor Blades: Main and tail rotor blade construction and attachment;
Trim control, fixed and adjustable stabilisers;

System operation: manual, hydraulic, electrical and flyby-wire;

Artificial feel;

Balancing and Rigging.

Power Units and Flight Performance 08

Piston engines, Gas turbines, Ramjet principle, gross weight of a jet helicopter,
C o m p a ra tiv e p er f o r m a n c e , a n d H o r s e p o w e r r e q u i r e d , R a n g e a n d E n d u r a n c e ,
Discipline Specific Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Rotorcraft And Rotorcraft Autopilot Subject

Theory Lecture 60


rate of climb, best climbing speed, Ceiling in vertical climb, Autorotation.

Dynamic Stability and Control 08

P hy sica l des cr ip tion of ef fe cts of d is tu rb an ce s, l on gi t ud i n al d yn am ic s ta bi li t y,

S ti c k f i x e d d y n a m i c s ta b i li t y , l o n g i t u d i n a l s t a b i l i t y c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , l a t e r a l
dynamic stability, lateral stability characteristics, control response.

Rotor Vibrations 06

Dynamic model of the rotor, motion of the rigid blades, flapping motion,
lagging motion, feathering motion, properties of vibrating systems,
phenomenon of vibrations, fuselage response, Vibration absorbers,
Measurement of vibration in flight, Vibration indicating systems HUM S

Blade Tracking and Vibration Analysis 06

Rotor alignment;

Main and tail rotor tracking;

Static and dynamic balancing;

Vibration types, vibration reduction methods;

Ground resonance

Rotor Blade Design 05

General considerations, Airfoil selection, blade constructions, materials, factors

affecting weight and cost, Design conditions, stress analysis.

Transmissions 08

Gear boxes, main and tail rotors;

Clutches, free wheel units and rotor brake.

Tail rotor drive shafts, flexible couplings, bearings,

vibration dampers and bearing hangers

Rotorcraft Autopilot 05

Helicopter AFCS, autopilots/yaw dampers, flight director systems and stability

augmentation system (SAS), Sensors (raw data) Computer, Controller (mode

selector), Loads (command bars and autopilot), and Functioning

Discipline Specific Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Rotorcraft And Rotorcraft Autopilot Subject

Theory Lecture 60


Reference books:

Young R.A, "Helicopter Engineering".

Bramwell, A. R.S, "Helicopter Dynamics".

Jacob Shapiro, "Principles of Helicopter Engineering".

General Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Corrosion and NDI Techniques Subject

Theory Lecture 60


PART 1 6
Type of Corrosion, Corrosion Theory; General Development: Development of
Corrosion, Factors influencing corrosion

F o r m s o f C o r r o s io n , C o r r o s io n a n d M e c h a n i c a l F a c t o r s , C o m m o n C o r r o s i v e

Metallic Mercury Corrosion on Alumi nu m Alloys, M icro Organisms.

PART 2 10

Importance of NDT in quality assurance; Different types of non-destructive

techniq ues to obtain informati on regarding size, locatio n and orientatio n of

da ma ge or cra ck s. Visu al in sp ec ti o n te ch ni q ue s co in ta pp in g t ec hn i qu e fo r

composite structures and adhesive bonds.

Ultrasonic testing (UT Level 1, 2), Radiography Inspection (RT Level 1, 2),

M a g n e ti c p a r ti c l e t e s ti n g ( M T L e v e l 1 , 2 ) , M i c r o w a v e t e s t i n g , P u l s e e c h o

technique, pitch- catch technique, through transmission technique, A-scan, B-

Scan, C-scan. Acoustic emission: Sources of acoustic emission in composites,

peak amplitude, rise time during events, ring-down counts duration of

events. X-ray radiography: Absorption spectra, short wave length, X-ray for

detection of voids. Die penetration technique

PART 3 10

Liquid/Dye penetrant test (PT level 1, 2), Visual testing (VT-level 1, 2), Eddy
current testing (ET level 1, 2), Guided wave testing

PART 4 8

TKY joints ultrasonic inspection, Basics of NDT, Metallurgy for non-


PART 5 6

Effects of Corrosion on Metals, Corrosion Prone Areas and Preventative

M a in te n a n c e

Battery Compartments and battery vent openings, Lavatories, Buffets and

General Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Corrosion and NDI Techniques Subject

Theory Lecture 60


Galleys, Bilge Areas, Wheel wells and landing gear, External skin areas, Water

entrapment areas, Engine Frontal Areas and cooling air vents, Electronic

package compartments.

PART 6 8

Factors in corrosion control, preventative maintenance, frequency of

inspection, recommended depth of inspection, non-destructive inspection

C o r r o s io n re m o v a l te c h n iq u e s , S t a n d a r d m e t h o d s , Pr e pa r a t i o n s f or r e w or k ,
Paint removal, special techniques, fairing or blending reworked areas, chemical
testing, chemical spot analysis of magnetic metals, surface treatment testing,
chemical spot testing of non-magnetic metals, post identification cleaning and
refinishing, mechanical corrosion removal by blasting.

PART 7 8

C o r r o s io n Da m a g e a n d Re w o r k L i m i t s O n A l u m i n u m a n d A l u m i n u m A l l o y s ,
T re a tm e n t, Pr o c e s s in g O f A lu m i n u m S u r f a c e s , R e pa i r , C o rr o s i o n R e m o v a l
Corrosion damage and rework limits on Magnesium and Alloy treatment,
Processing of Aluminum surfaces, repair, corrosion removal

C orr os io n dam age an d rew ork l im i ts o n F erro us CO RRO SI ON DAM AGE AND

PART 8 3

Limits on Ferrous & Alloy Treatment, Processing of Aluminum Surfaces, Repair,

Corrosion Removal; Corrosion damages on composite material

Mercury spills/corrosion damage. Corrosion protection for agricultural aircraft

Reference Books corrosion and NDT

AC-43- 4A

AC-43-1 B

Non-Destructive Test and Evaluation of Materials, Prasad J and C.G Krishnadas


N o n - De s tr u c tiv e T es tin g Ha n d b o o k , V o l 1 . A e r o s pa c e N DT T he A m e r i c a n

Society for Non-destructive Testing

General Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Corrosion and NDI Techniques Subject

Practical Lecture 60


1 Identify different types of corrosion, factors contribute to corrosion, areas prone

for corrosion, corrosive agents avoidance of corrosion

2 Detection of corrosion, defects and recording

3 Various Corrosion preventive technique - practice

4 Surface cleaning, rework and protection technique of ferrous and non-ferrous

(Magnesium and Aluminum alloys) metallic surface

5 Accidental spillage of corrosive agents, cleaning and restoration

6 Ultrasonic Thickness testing

7 Liquid Penetrant testing

8 Eddy current

9 Magnetic Particle

10 Visual Inspection

11 Radiography testing

12 Guided wave testing

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)


Theory Lecture 60


S af ety & Prec au tio ns to be ta ke n wh ile w or ki ng i n th e M ac hi ne s ho p. Vari ou s 4

type of aids to be used while working on machines. Basic Machining

Material handling - Sheet Metal 6

Marking out and calculation of bend allowance; Sheet metal working, including

bending and forming; Inspection of sheet metal work.

Various types of gears and usage and inspection 8

Various Hand tools for working on bench

Drills and drilling procedures. Simple Turning and Taper turning. 6

Various types of measuring and layout tools

Welding Techniques: Preparation of arc welding of butt joints, lap joints and tee 8

joints. Gas welding practice;

Metric Measurement

Various forms of Surface Finish and Surface measurement 16

Various forms of Heat Treatment & Testing of Materials

Various forms of Taps & Dies

(a) Smithy operations, upsetting, swaging, setting down and bending 8

(b) Foundry operations like mould preparation for gear and step cone pulley

Hoses and Pipes 4

Pneumatic, Hydraulic pipes and end fitting identification, pipe bending and

flaring, pipe inspection.

Types of hoses, identification, hose end fittings, house routing and inspection

Reference Books

Workshop technology By: K.P. Roy, A.K. HAJRA CHOWDHARY 2000 edition;

Shop Theory By: James Anderson

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Practical Lecture 60

1 Sheet metal marking, cutting, sheet metal structural defects 4

2 Practice of 1st model. Butt Joint and inspect 4

3 Practice of 2nd model. Lap Joint and inspect 4

4 Practice of 3rd model. V-Joint and inspect 4

5 Practice of 3rd model. T-Joint and inspect 4

6 Demonstration of 1st model - Dovetail 4

7 Demonstration of 2nd model- Radius Gauge 4

8 record 4
Inspection of various welded samples with / without defects and

9 Soldering Exercises, inspection and defects 4

10 Cable splicing and swaging 4

11 Pipe bending and inspection of pipe assembly 4

12 Taps and Dies, thread cutting and inspection 4

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS 2 Subject

Theory Lecture 60


Aircraft Electrical Power System (ATA 24) 8

Batteries Installation and Operation; DC power generation; AC power generation;
Emergency power generation; Voltage regulation; Power distribution; Inverters,
transformers, rectifiers;

Circuit protection; External/Ground power;

Aircraft Lights System (ATA 33) 4

External: navigation, anti-collision, landing, taxiing, ice; Internal: cabin, cockpit,


Emergency Lights.

Instrument System (ATA 34) 15

Direct reading pressure and temperature gauges; Temperature indicating systems;

Fuel quantity indicating systems; Gyroscopic principles; Artificial horizons; Attitude
director, direction indicator, horizontal situation indicator, turn and slip indicators,
turn coordinator; Directional gyros; Ground Proximity Warning Systems; Compass
s ys te ms : d ire ct read in g, re mo te read in g; Fl ig h t Data Re co rd in g s ys te ms ; St al l
warning systems and angle of attack indicating systems;

Vibration measurement and indication; Glass cockpit.

Oxygen System (ATA 35) 8

System lay-out: cockpit, cabin; Sources, storage, charging and distribution;

Supply regulation; Indications and warnings;

Fire Protection (ATA 26) 6

(a) Fire and smoke detection and warning systems; Fire extinguishing systems;

System tests.

(b) Portable fire extinguisher.

Water/Waste (ATA 38) 4

Water system lay- out, supply, distribut ion, servicing and draining; Toilet system

lay-out, flushing and servicing; Corrosion aspects.

Integrated Modular Avionics (ATA42) 10

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: AIRCRAFT SYSTEMS 2 Subject

Theory Lecture 60


Functions that may be typically integrated in the Integrated Modular Avionic (IMA)

modules are, among others: Bleed Management, Air Pressure Control, Air

Ventilation and Control, Avion ics and Cockpi t Ventilat ion Control, Temperature

Control, Air Traffic Communication,

A vion ics Co mm u n ic atio n R ou te r, E le ct ri ca l Lo ad M ana gem en t, C ir cu it Bre ak er

Monitoring, Electrical System BITE, Fuel Management, Braking Control, Steering

Control, Landing Gear Extension and Retraction, Tyre Pressure Indication, Oleo

Pressure Indication, Brake Temperature Monitoring, etc.; Core System; Network


Door and Door Warning 5

Type of Doors. Sensors, Escape Slides, Door warning systems, Inspections

techniq ues

Reference Books:

Aviation Electronics by Keith W Bose

Aircraft Instruments-by E.H.J.Pallett

Aircraft Instruments- by C.A.Williams

Avionics Systems operation & Maintenance by James W Wasson

Principles of Servo mechanism-by A Typers & R.B. Miles

A ir c r a f t E le c tr ic ity a n d e le c tr o n i c s - b y B e n t M c K i n l e y a n d a l s o b y E i s m i n / B e n t


Civil Aircraft Inspection Procedure( CAP 459) -Part II Aircraft

T h e Me c h a n is m o f I n er tia l P o s it i o n a n d H ea d i n g I n d i c a t i o n b y W i n s t o n M er k e y

John Hovorka
Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Practical Lecture 60

1 Reading and interpretation of electrical schematic and wiring diagrams and

Identification of components of electrical power supply system.

2 Replacement of switches and circuit breakers and system check 4

3 Installation and operation check of Batteries in aircraft 4

4 Generator power check / voltage adjustment. 4

5 Internal lighting, replace bulb and filament. 4

6 Operational check of GPWS 4

7 Operational checkup of stall warning system and angle of attack indicating system 4

8 Operational check of temperature indicating system 4

9 Gyroscopic Instrument component replacements and functional tests. 4

10 Inspection and operation check of fuel quantity indication 4

11 Functional check of RR compass 4

12 Removal and Installation of Crew 02 system component 4

13 Identification of FDR system components 4

14 Check operation of fire / smoke detection and warning system. 4

15 Identification of components of door warning system and its operation check 4

Discipline Specific Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Human Factors Subject

Theory Lecture 75


General 5

The need to take human factors into account; Incidents attributable to human
factors/human error; 'Murphy's' law.

Human Performance and Limitations 5

Vision; Hearing; Information processing; Attent ion and perception; M emory;

Claustrophobia and physical access.

Social Psychology 5

Responsibility: individual and group; Motivation and de-motivation; Peer

pressure; 'Culture' issues; Team working; Management, supervision and


Factors Affecting Performance 5

Fitness/health; Stress: domestic and work related; Time pressure and deadlines;

W o r k lo a d : o v e r lo a d a n d u n d e r - l o a d ; S l e e p a n d fa t i g u e , s h i f t w o r k ; A l c o h o l ,

medication, drug abuse.

Physical Environment 5

Noise and fumes; Illumination; Climate and temperature; Motion and vibration;
Working environment.

Tasks 5

Physical work; Repetitive tasks; Visual inspection; Complex systems.

Communication 5

Within and between teams; Work logging and recording; Keeping up to date,

Dissemination of information.

Human Error 5

Error models and theories; Types of error in maintenance tasks; Implications of

errors (i.e. accidents); Avoiding and managing errors.

Hazards in the Workplace 5

Discipline Specific Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Human Factors Subject

Theory Lecture 75


Recognising and avoiding hazards; Dealing with emergencies.

Human Factors in Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection 5

Human Factors Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection; Contemporary

Maintenance Problems; the SHEL Model; the Reason Model; Human Error

Human Error in Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection (an organizational 5


Human Error in the Maintenance Environment 5

Human Factors Issues Affecting Aircraft Maintenance and Dirty Dozen;

I n f o r m a ti o n E x c h a n g e a n d C o m m u n i c a t i o n ; T r a i n i n g ; A i r c r a f t M a i n t e n a n c e

Technician Facilities and Work Environment

Teams and Organizational Issues in Aircraft Maintenance 5

Team Work; Job Design; Reward Systems; Selection and Staffing; Training

Automation and Advanced Technology System 5

Automation and Computerization; Advanced Job Aid Tools

Error Prevention, Considerations and Strategies 5

Reference Books:

CAP 715 - An Introduction to Aircraft M aintenance Engineering Human Factors

for JAR 66, Civil Aviation Authority, UK.

CAP 718 - Human Factors in Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection, Civil Aviation

Authority, UK.

F A A - H- 8 0 8 3 - 3 0 - A ir c r a f t M a i n t e n a n c e T e c h n i c i a n H a n d b o o k - G e n e r a l , U S

Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration

ICAO Doc 9806

Discipline Specific Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Aviation Legislation Subject

Theory Lecture 75


Regulatory Framework
Role of International Civil Aviation Organization; Introduction to Chicago
Convention, 1944; Introduction to ICAO, Convention, Standards and
Recommended Practices; The Aircraft Act, 1934; The Aircraft Rules, 1937 - Part


R o l e o f th e D G C A ; R e la ti o n s h i p b e t w e e n C A R - 2 1 , C A R - M , C A R - 1 4 5 , C A R - 6 6 ,
CAR 147; Aeronautical Information Circulars (Applicable to Aircraft
Maintenance and Release); CAR - Sections 1 and 2

CAR-M 15

Detail understanding of CAR M provisions related to Continuing Airworthiness;

Detailed understanding of CAR-M.

CAR-145 Approved Maintenance Organisations 15

Detailed understanding of CAR-145 and CAR M Subpart F

CAR-66 Certifying Staff - Maintenance 5

Detailed understanding of CAR-66.

CAR-147 Approved Maintenance Training Organization 5

Detailed understanding of CAR-147.

Aircraft Operations 5

Commercial Air Transport/Commercial Operations; Air Operators Certificates;

Operators Responsibilities, in particular regarding continuing airworthiness and

maintenance; Documents to be carried on board; Aircraft Placarding


Aircraft Certification 10

( a ) G e n e r a l - C e r ti f i c a t i o n r u l e s : s u c h a s F A A & E A C S 2 3 / 2 5 / 2 7 / 2 9 ; T y p e

Supplemental Type Certification; Type Approval; CAR-21 Sub-Part F, G, H, I,

M, P & Q

Aircraft Modifications and repairs approval and certification; permit to fly

Discipline Specific Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Aviation Legislation Subject

Theory Lecture 75


r e q u ir e m e n ts

(b) Documents - Certificate of Airworthiness; Certificate of Registration; Noise

Certificate; Weight Schedule; Radio Station Licence and Approval.

Applicable National and International Requirements 5

Introduction to ICAO, FAR, EASA Regulations - Aircraft Maintenance and


(a) Mainten an ce Pr og ram me , M a in te na nc e ch ec ks a nd i ns pe ct i o ns ; M as ter

Minimum Equipment Lists, Minimum Equipment List; Dispatch Deviation Lists;

Airworthiness Directives; Service Bulletins, manufacturers service information;

Modifications and repairs;

Maintenance documentation: maintenance manuals, structural repair manual,

illustrated parts catalogue, etc.;

(b) Continuing airworthiness; Test flights; ETOPS /EDTO, maintenance and

dispatch requirements; RVSM, maintenance and dispatch requirements; RNP,

M NP S O p e ra tio n s

A ll Weathe r Ope ratio ns ; Categ or y 2/ 3 op erat io ns a nd mi n im u m e qu ip me nt ,

maintenance, training and certification requirements.

Safety Management System 10

State Safety Programme; Basic Safety Concepts; Hazards & Safety Risks; SMS
Operation; SMS Safety performance; Safety Assurance.

Fuel Tank Safety 4

Special Federal Aviation Regulations (SFARs) from 14 CFR SFAR 88 of the FAA
and of JAA TGL 47; Concept of CDCCL, Airworthiness Limitations Items (ALI).

Reference Books:

The Aircraft Act, 1934

The Aircraft Rules, 1937 VOL 1

The Aircraft Rules, 1937 VOL 3
Discipline Specific Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Aviation Legislation Subject

Theory Lecture 75


Aeronautical Information Circular

CAR - Section -1, 2, & 8 SMS

CAR - 21, M, 145, 66 & 147

Special Federal Aviation Regulations (SFARs) -14 CFR, SFAR 88 & JAA TGL 47

Airworthiness Procedure Manual

Discipline Specific Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Flight Navigation And Guidance Subject

Theory Lecture 75


Review of flight mechanics, Dynamic of an aircraft relative to the reference co-

o rd in ate lo ca te d on th e air cra ft ce nt re of gra vi ty . Fo rc es an d mo me nt s act in g

on the aircraft Equilibrium of the forces and moments acting on the aircraft,

aircraft equation of motion and aircraft static stability.


Ba sic c on ce pts o f na viga tion pro ce ss wi th g ui da nc e c ir cu mf er en ce rel at ed to


C ir cu mf er en ce , De ter mina tio n o f p os it io n a nd m ot io n o f a n air cra ft t hr ou gh

measurements of a respective geometric configuration relative to reference.

Basic linear system and classical control theory. Mathematical model
representation of dynamic system. Understanding of open and closed loop

system, feedback application, Stability analysis, dynamic analysis at frequency

d om ain an d time do ma in . F ee dba ck ga in de si gn w it h ro ot lo cu s m et ho d an d

application of flight control systems.


Primary functions in flight attitude control (auto pilot), Stability augmentation

system (SAS), and Control Augmentation system (CAS) longitudinal and lateral

d ir ec tion al mo de s o f f ligh t. Sa te ll it e ba sed na vi ga ti on co nc ep t s uc h as GPS

application and the basic concept of inertial navigation, Required Navigation



Calculation of weight and balance, familiarizatio n with navigation of modern

aircraft using flight management and guidance system, performance of aircraft,

optimization of fuel consumption using flight management system.

Discipline Specific Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Flight Navigation And Guidance Subject

Theory Lecture 75


Reference Books:

Avionics Navigation Systems, M.Kayton, W. Fried

Aircraft Radio System-by J. Powell

Electronic Commu nication System by George Kennedy

Discipline Specific Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Human Factors Subject

Tutorial 15


1 Application of Human Factors in development of Aircraft Maintenance

Programme and Inspection Schedule

2 Application of Human Factors in Aircraft Maintenance Planning and Execution

3 Application of Human Factors in Aircraft Maintenance

4 Detail study of Murphy's' law.

5 To study Shel Model

6 Study of Dirty Dozen

7 S tr es s Ma nag em en t in A ir cra ft Ma in te na nc e e nv ir on m en t

8 T o s tu d y h u m a n b e h a v io r in pe r f o r m i n g a ir c r a f t i n s p e c t i o n i n a d v er s e w ea t h e r


9 Develop procedure and environment for aircraft inspecti on for error preventio n,

considerations and strategies.

10 Study of social impact on aircraft maintenance engineer

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: AVIONICS Subject

Theory Lecture 60


Communication (ATA 23) 8

Fundamentals of radio wave propagation, antennas, transmission lines,

communication, receiver and transmitter; Working principles of following systems:

Very High Frequency (VHF) communication; High Frequency (HF) communication;

Audio; Emergency Locator Transmitters; Cockpit Voice Recorder; ARINC

communication and reporting;

Navigation (ATA 34) 18

Very High Frequency omnidirect ional range (VOR); Automatic Direction Finding
(ADF); Instrument Landing System (ILS); Microwave Landing System (MLS);
Distance Measuring Equipment (DME); Very Low Frequency and hyperbolic
navigation(VLF/Omega); Doppler navigation; Area navigation, RNAV systems;

Flight Management Systems; Global Positioning System (GPS), Global Navigation

Satellite Systems (GNSS); Inertial Navigation System; Air Traffic Control
transponder, secondary surveillance radar; Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance
System (TCAS);

Weather avoidance radar; Radio altimeter; IRS-Inertial reference system; TCAS -

Traffic Collision Avoidance system;

Auto-flight (ATA 22) 15

Fundamentals of automatic flight control including working principles and current


Flight Director System; Command signal processing; Modes of operation: roll, pitch

and yaw channels; Yaw dampers; Auto-throttle systems; Automatic Landing

S y s te m s : p r in c ip le s a n d c a te g o r i e s , m o d e s o f o p e r a t i o n , A p p r o a c h , g l i d e s l o p e ,

land, go-around, system monitors and failure conditions. FBW-Fly by Wire

On board Maintenance Systems (ATA 45) 5

Central maintenance computers; Data loading system; Electronic library system;

Printing; Structure monitoring (damage tolerance monitoring).

Software management control: Awareness of restrictions, airworthiness

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: AVIONICS Subject

Theory Lecture 60


requirements and possible catastrophic effects of unapproved changes to software


Information Systems (ATA46) 10

The units and components which furnish a means of storing, updating and
retrieving digital information traditionally provided on paper, microfilm or
m ic r o f i c h e . I n c l u d e s u n i t s t h a t a r e d e d i c a t e d t o t h e i n f o r m a t i o n s t o r a g e a n d
retrieval function such as the electronic library mass storage and controller. Does
not include units or components installed for other uses and shared with other
s y s te m s , s u c h as f lig h t d e c k pr i n t e r o r g e n e ra l u s e d i s p l a y ; T y p i c a l e x a m p l e s
inc lud e A ir Tra ff ic a nd I nf or ma ti on M ana ge me nt S ys te ms a nd Ne tw or k Ser ve r
Systems; Aircraft General Information System; Flight Deck Information System;
Maintenance Information System; Passenger Cabin Information System;
Miscellaneous Information System.

Avionic General Test Equipment 4

Operation, function and use of avioni c general test equipment. Cabin System;

Information system.

Reference Books:

Micro Electronics Aircraft System- by E.H.J. Pallett

Avionics Systems operation & Maintenance by James W Wasson

A ir c r a f t E le c tr ic ity a n d e le c tr o n i c s - b y B e n t M c K i n l e y a n d a l s o b y E i s m i n / B e n t

Civil Aircraft Inspection Procedure( CAP 459) -Part II Aircraft

Integrated Electronics-Millman and Halkias

Aircraft Radio System-by J. Powell

Electronic Commu nication System by George Kennedy

Avionics navigation systems By kayton & Fried

Radio navigation system by Borje forssell

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Practical Lecture 60

1 VHF / HF Commun icatio ns LRU replacement and Commun icati on Check. 4

2 Use of various test equipment for avionics system maintenan ce. 2

3 VHF Navigation LRU replacement and system tests. 4

4 Inspection / testing of ELT 2

5 CVR switch ing and recording 2

6 Antenna replacement and system testing 4

7 Radio Standing Wave ratio Measurement Tests. 4

8 Function Testing of ATC/ TCAS system components. 4

9 Operation test of Weather Radar system. 2

10 Intercommunication / Passenger Address Component function testing. 4

11 ILS / VOR Systems function testing using appropriate test equipment e.g. Nav

12 Radio Altimeter system test utilizing appropriate (555) test set. 4

13 DM E / VOR Functional Testing utilizing appropriate test set. 4

14 ADF component functions and tests. 4

15 Functional check of inertial navigation system

16 Operational testing of Flight Director System's and auto pilot system. 4

17 Locate Autothrottle systems components and bite test. 2

18 Perform BITE on Central Maintenance system. 4

Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)


Theory Lecture 60


Part-I 5
General knowledge of ground handling of Aircraft, Aircraft Safety; Mooring,

Jacking, Levelling, Hoisting of aircraft, Towing, Mooring of an a/c during adverse

conditions. Aircraft cleaning and maintaining.

Ground signalling/marshalling of aircraft in day & night time.

Part II
- 10

B rief k no wled ge o f a irp or t a nd i ts pr oc ed ur es. Co nt ro l to we r, D is per sal areas ,

Aprons, Tarmac, Taxy track, Runway and its ends. Approach and clear zone layout.

Brief knowledge of the signals given by the control tower.

Knowledge of Airfield lighting system, Aircraft Rescue & Fire Fighting.

Part III
- 15

Maintenance and handling of ground equipment's used in maintenance of aircraft.

Compressors, Portable hydraulic test stands, Electrical power supply equipment,

charging trolley. Air-conditioning and Heating unit, Ground support air start unit.

P r es s u r e o il u n i t, F ir e e x tin g u i s h e r s , j a c k s , H o i s t i n g c r a n e s/ g a n t r y , L a d d er s ,

Platforms, Trestles, and Chocks.

Part IV - 10

K no wled ge o f saf ety an d fire prec au ti o ns t o be ob ser ve d d ur in g m ai nt en an ce

including refuelling, defueling & engine start.

Maintenance of hydraulic accumulators, reservoirs and filters:

Part V - 10

Rigging of flight control surfaces and duplicate inspection; Rigging checks-Angular

a lign me n t c he ck s an d sy mm etry ch ec ks , K no wl ed ge a nd u se o f Te ns io me te rs ,

Protractors etc. Rigging of engine and propeller control

Part VI - 10

Maintenance of landing gear (L/G), Shock strut charging and bleeding,

Maintenance of L/G brakes i.e., Dragging, Grabbing, Fading, Brakes and excessive

brake pedal travel. Maintenance on wheels, tyres and tubes i.e., dismantling,
Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)


Theory Lecture 60


inspection, assembling, inflating, inspection and installation

Storage of Rotables.

Reference books

General Handbook AC65- 9A Airframe

Handbook AC 65-15A
Core Course B.Sc (Aircraft Maintenance)

Lecture 60

1 Hydraulic system bleeding, replenish fluid reservoir and handling precautions 6

2 Hydraulic accumulator charging 6

3 Use of ground power unit and checks 4

4 Identification and control of various types of fires, practicing fire extinguishing 4

5 Practical on headset communication during arrival and departure of aircraft &

Identification of aircraft hazard zones
6 Fuel sample check and refueling 6

7 Flight control system lubrication 6

8 Landing gear system lubrication 6

9 Landing gear oleo charging 6

10 Tyre pressure check 4

11 Aircraft parking and mooring 8

Discipline Specific Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Transducers And Sensors Subject

Theory Lecture 60


Introduction 5

Classificatio n of transducers, Transducer descriptions, parameters, definitio ns

and terminology, Introduction to Microsensors, history and technology of

Microsensors, reasons for miniaturization, scaling laws,

Optical Energy Domain 15

Physics, Photoeffects in silicon and other materials, Photoconductive sensors,

Photovoltaic sensors, Photoemmisive sensors, Microsensors in the optical
energy domain, semiconductor physics, Photodiodes and transistors,
Fiberoptic sensors, Chemical sensors

Mechanical energy Domain 15

Physics, Surface acoustic waves, variable resistance sensors, strain gauges,

p ie z o e le c tr ic s e n s o r s , c a pa c it i v e s e n s o r s , m i c r o m e c h a n i c a l s e n s o r s , se n s o r
mechanisms, strain gauges, accelerometers and gyroscopes, pressure sensors,
microphones and tactile sensors

Thermal energy domain 15

Seebeck effect, Peltier effect, Thomson effect, Thermoresistance,

Thermoresistive sensors, Thermo-mechanical, Thermoresistive micro sensors,
Bolometers and Thermopiles

Magnetic energy Domain 10

Superconductivity, Hall Effect, Magnetoresistiviy, variable inductance sensors,

variable reluctance sensors, Hall Effect sensors, summary

Reference Books:

T. A. Ko va cs , M icr om ac hin ed Tran sd uc er s So ur ce bo ok , W CB/M cGra w- Hi l l, 19 9 8

J. R. Carstens, Electrical Sensors and Transducers, Regents/Prentice Hall, 1993

Discipline Specific Electives B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)
Subject: Transducers And Sensors
Practical Lecture 60

1 Measurement of pressure, strain and torque using strain gauge. 6

2 Measurement of speed using Electromagnetic transducer. 6

3 Measurement of speed using photoelectric transducers 6

4 Measurement of angular displacement using Potentiometer. 6

5 Measurement of displacement using LVDT. 6

6 Measurement using load cells. 5

7 Measurement using capacitive transducer. 5

8 Measurement using inductive transducer. 5

9 Measurement of Temperature using Temperature Sensors/RTD. 5

10 Characteristics of Hall effect sensor. 5

11 Measuring change in resistance using LDR. 5

Ability Enhancement Elective Course

B. Sc. (Aircraft Maintenance)

Subject: Ability Enhancement Elective Course (Skill Enhancement Courses) Subject

Code: SEC
Theory and Practical Select Two Topics

1 Typical Aircraft Maintenance - Fixed Wing Heavy / Complex Aircraft

2 Typical Aircraft Maintenance - Fixed Wing Light / Composite Aircraft

3 Typical Aircraft maintenance Single Engine Helicopters

4 T yp ic al Airc raf t ma in te na nc e M ul ti E ng in e H el ic op te rs

5 Typical Aircraft Maintenance Avioni cs (Fixed / Rotor Wing Complex Aircraft

-Glass Cockpit)

6 Typical Aircraft Maintenance Avionics (Fixed / Rotor Wing Light Aircraft

- Glass Cockpit)

7 Typical Aircraft Maintenance Avionics (Fixed/ Rotor Wing Light Aircraft

- Analog System)

8 T y p ic a l P is to n E n g in e m a in te n a n c e

9 T y p ic a l Ga s T u r b in e E n g in e Ma i n t e n a n c e

1 0 A i r c r a f t ( Hy d r a u l ic ) C o m p o n e n t M a i n t e n a n c e

1 1 A i r c r a f t ( la n d i n g g e a r ) C o m p o n e n t M a i n t e n a n c e

12 Aircraft (Pneumatic) Component Maintenance

13 Aircraft wheels and Breaks - Component Maintenance

1 4 A i r c r a f t E le c t r i c a l C o m p o n e n t M a i n t e n a n c e

15 Aircraft Instruments Maintenance

1 6 A ir c ra f t c o m m u n i c a tio n a n d n a v i g a t i o n s y s t e m c o m p o n e n t m a i n t e n a n c e

17 Typical Aircraft Maintenance Avionics (Fixed Wing Aircraft - Fly by wire)

T he th eo re tica l aspe ct of stud y sha ll be or ie nt ed t ow ar ds cl ea ni ng , i ns pe ct i o n, rec or di ng ,

testing, operation, component removal & fitment, adjustment, functional test, recording of
defects, rectification and routine servici ng of associated structure and components. Note: The
theoretical aspect of the subject could be taught in the field combined with the practical classes.

The objective of practical training is to gain the required competence in performing safe
maintenance, inspections and routine work according to the maintenance manual and other
relevant instructions and tasks as appropriate for the type of aircraft, for example troubleshooting,
repairs, adjustments, replacements, rigging and functional checks. It includes the awareness of
the u s e o f a ll te c h n ic a l lite r a tu r e a n d d o c u m e n t a t i o n f o r t h e a i r c ra f t , t h e u s e o f
s p e c ia lis t/ s p e c ia l tooling and test equipment for performing removal and replacement of
components and modules unique to type, including any on-wing maintenance activity.

Sample Aircraft Maintenance Tasks

Note: Depending on the available facility, choose tasks from the following list in the
respective areas.

I Time limits/Maintenance checks V Towing and Taxiing

100 hour check (general aviation Tow aircraft.

aircraft). Be part of aircraft towing team.

"A" check (transport category aircraft). VI Parking and mooring

Review records for compliance with Tie down aircraft.

airworthiness directives. Park, secure and cover aircraft.

Review records for compliance with Position aircraft in dock.

component life limits. Secure rotor blades.

Procedure for Inspection following VII Placards and Markings

heavy landing. Check aircraft for correct placards.

Procedure for Inspection following Check aircraft for correct markings.

lightning strike. VIII Servicing

II Dimensions/Areas Refuel aircraft.

Locate component(s) by station Defuel aircraft.

number. Check tire pressures.

Perform symmetry check. Check oil level.

III Lifting and Shoring Check hydraulic fluid level.

Assist in : Check accumulator pressure.

Jack aircraft nose or tail wheel. Charge pneumatic system.

Jack complete aircraft. Grease aircraft.

Sling or trestle major component. Connect ground power.

IV Leveling /Weighing Service toilet/water system

Level aircraft. Perform pre-flight/daily check

Weigh aircraft. IX Vibration and Noise Analysis

Prepare weight and balance Analyze helicopter vibration problem.

amendment. Analyze noise spectrum.

Check aircraft against equipment list. X Air Conditioning

Replace outflow valve. Perform SeIcal operational check.
Replace vapour cycle unit. Perform operational check of
Replace air cycle unit. passenger address system.
Replace cabin blower. Functionally check audio integrating
Replace heat exchanger. system.
Replace pressurization controller. Repair co-axial cable.
Clean outflow valves. Troubleshoot faulty system.
Check operation of air XIII Electrical Power
conditioning/heating system Charge lead/acid battery.
Check operation of pressurization Charge ni-cad battery.
system Check battery capacity.
Troubleshoot faulty system Deep-cycle ni-cad battery.
XI Auto flight Replace generator/alternator.
Install servos. Replace switches.
Rig bridle cables Replace circuit breakers.
Replace controller. Adjust voltage regulator.
Replace amplifier. Amend electrical load analysis report.
Check operation of auto-pilot. Repair/replace electrical feeder cable.
Check operation of auto-throttle. Troubleshoot faulty system
Check operation of yaw damper. XIV Equipment/Furnishings
Check and adjust servo clutch. Replace pets
Perform autopilot gain adjustments. Replace crew seats.
Perform mach trim functional check. Replace passenger seats.
Troubleshoot faulty system. Check inertia reels.
Check auto land system Check seats/belts for security.
Check flight management systems Check emergency equipment.
Check stability augmentation system Check ELT for compliance with
XII Communications regulations.
Replace VHF com unit. Repair toilet waste container.
Replace HF com unit. Repair upholstery.
Replace existing antenna. Change cabin configuration.
Replace static discharge wicks. XV Fire protection
Check operation of radios. Check fire bottle contents.
Check operation of warning system. XVIII Hydraulics
Check cabin fire extinguisher contents. Replace engine driven pump.
Check lavatory smoke detector system. Replace standby pump.
Install new fire bottle. Replace accumulator.
Replace fire bottle squib. Check operation of shut off valve.
Troubleshoot faulty system. Check filters.
Inspect engine fire wire detection Check indicating systems.
systems Perform functional checks.
XVI Flight Controls Troubleshoot faulty system.
Replace horizontal stabilizer. XIX Ice and rain protection
Replace elevator. Replace pump.
Replace aileron. Replace timer.
Replace rudder. Install wiper motor.
Replace trim tabs. Check operation of systems.
Install control cable and fittings. Troubleshoot faulty system.
Replace flaps. XX Indicating/recording systems
Replace powered flying control unit Replace flight data recorder.
Replace flat actuator Replace cockpit voice recorder.
Adjust trim tab. Replace clock.
Adjust control cable tension. Replace master caution unit.
Check control range and sense of Replace FDR.
movement. Perform FDR data retrieval.
Check for correct assembly and locking. Troubleshoot faulty system.
Troubleshoot faulty system. Implement ESDS procedures
XVII Fuel Inspect for HIRF requirements
Replace booster pump. XXI Landing Gear
Replace fuel selector. Build up wheel.
Replace fuel tank cells. Replace main wheel.
Check filters. Replace nose wheel.
Flow check system. Replace shimmy damper.
Check calibration of fuel quantity Rig nose wheel steering.
gauges. Replace shock strut seals.
Check operation feed/selectors Replace brake unit.
Troubleshoot faulty system. Replace brake control valve.
Bleed brakes. Functional check inertial nav system.
Test anti skid unit. Test C o m p l e t e q u a d r a n t a l e r r o r c o r r e c t i o n of
gear retraction. C h a n g e ADF system.
b u n g e e s . Adjust micro Update flight management system
switches. Charge struts. database.
Troubleshoot faulty system. Check calibration of pitot static
Test out brake system instruments.
XXII Lights Check calibration of pressure altitude
Repair/replace rotating beacon. reporting system.
Repair/replace landing lights. Troubleshoot faulty system
Repair/replace navigation lights. Check marker systems
Repair/replace interior lights. Compass replacement direct/indirect
Repair/replace emergency lighting Check Satcom
system. Check GPS
Perform emergency lighting system Test AVM
checks. XXIV Oxygen
Troubleshoot faulty system Inspect on board oxygen equipment.
XXIII Navigation Purge and recharge oxygen system.
Calibrate magnetic direction indicator. Replace regulator.
Replace airspeed indicator. Replace oxygen generator.
Replace altimeter. Test crew oxygen system.
Replace air data computer. Perform auto oxygen system
Replace VOR unit. deployment check.
Replace ADI. Troubleshoot faulty system.
Replace HSI. XXV Pneumatic systems
Check pitot static system for leaks. Replace filter.
Check operation of directional gyro. Replace compressor.
Functional check weather radar. Recharge desiccators.
Functional check Doppler. Adjust regulator.
Functional check TCAS. Check for leaks.
Functional check DME Troubleshoot faulty system.
Functional check ATC Transponder XXVI Vacuum systems
Functional check flight director system. Replace vacuum pump.
Check/replace filters.
Adjust regulator. XXXII! Wings
Troubleshoot faulty system. Skin repair.
XXVIIWater/Waste Recover fabric wing.
Replace water pump. Replace tip.
Replace tap. Replace rib.
Replace toilet pump. Check incidence/rig.
Troubleshoot faulty system. XXXIV Propeller
XXVIII Central Maintenance System Assemble prop after transportation.
Retrieve data from CMU. Replace propeller.
Replace CMU. Replace governor.
Perform Bite check. Adjust governor.
Troubleshoot faulty system. Perform static functional checks.
XXIX Airborne Auxiliary power Check operation during ground run.
Install APU. Check track.
Inspect hot section. Check setting of micro switches.
Troubleshoot faulty system. Dress out blade damage.
XXX Structures Dynamically balance prop.
Sheet metal repair. Troubleshoot faulty system.
Fibre glass repair. XXXVMain Rotors
Wooden repair. Install rotor assembly.
XXXI Fabric repair. Replace blades.
Recover fabric control surface. Replace damper assembly.
Treat corrosion. Check track.
Apply protective treatment. Check static balance.
XXXI Doors Check dynamic balance.
Rig/adjust locking mechanism. Troubleshoot.
Adjust air stair system. XXXVI Rotor Drive
Check operation of emergency exits. Replace mast.
Test door warning system. Replace drive coupling.
Troubleshoot faulty system. Replace clutch/freewheel unit
XXXII Windows Replace drive belt.
Replace windshield. Install main gearbox.
Replace window. Overhaul main gearbox.
Repair transparency. Check gearbox chip detectors.
XXXVII Tail Rotors Check compression.
Install rotor assembly. Extract broken stud.
Replace blades. Install helicoil.
Troubleshoot. Perform ground run.
XXXVIII Tail Rotor Drive Establish/check reference RPM.
Replace bevel gearbox. Troubleshoot.
Replace universal joints. XLII Turbine Engines
Overhaul bevel gearbox. Replace module.
Install drive assembly. Hot section inspection.
Check chip detectors. Engine ground run.
XXXIX Rotorcraft flight controls Establish reference power.
Install swash plate. Trend monitoring/gas path analysis.
Install mixing box. Troubleshoot.
Adjust pitch links. XLIII Fuel and control, piston
Rig collective system. Replace engine driven pump.
Rig cyclic system. Adjust AM C.
Rig anti-torque system. Adjust ABC.
Check controls for assembly and Install carburetor/injector.
locking. Adjust carburetor/injector.
Check controls for operation and Clean injector nozzles.
sense. Replace primer line.
Troubleshoot faulty system. Check carburetor float setting.
XL Power Plant Troubleshoot faulty system.
Build up ECU. XLIV Fuel and control, turbine
Replace engine. Replace FCU.
Repair cooling baffles. Replace engine driven pump.
Repair cowling. Clean/test fuel nozzles.
Adjust cowl flaps. Clean/replace filters.
Repair faulty wiring. Adjust FCU.
Troubleshoot. Troubleshoot faulty system.
XLI Piston Engines XLV Ignition systems, piston
Remove/install reduction gear. Change magneto.
Check crankshaft run-out. Change ignition vibrator.
Check tappet clearance. Change plugs.
Test plugs. Troubleshoot faulty system.
Check H.T. leads. L Exhaust, turbine
Install new leads. Change jet pipe.
Check timing. Change shroud assembly.
Check system bonding. Install trimmers.
Troubleshoot faulty system. LI Oil
XLVI Ignition systems, turbine Change oil.
Check glow plugs/ ignitors. Check filter(s).
Check H.T. leads. Adjust pressure relief valve.
Check ignition unit. Replace oil tank.
Replace ignition unit. Replace oil pump.
Troubleshoot faulty system. Replace oil cooler.
XLVII Engine Controls Replace firewall shut off valve.
Rig thrust lever. Perform oil dilution.
Rig RPM control. Troubleshoot faulty system.
Rig mixture HP cock lever. LI I Starting
Rig power lever. Replace starter.
Check control sync (multi-eng). Replace start relay.
Check controls for correct assembly Replace start control valve.
and locking. Check cranking speed.
Check controls for range and sense of Troubleshoot faulty system.
operation. LIII Turbines, piston engines
Adjust pedestal micro-switches. Replace PRT.
Troubleshoot faulty system. Replace turbo-blower.
XLVIII Engine Indicating Replace heat shields.
Replace engine instruments(s). Replace waste gate.
Replace oil temperature bulb. Adjust density controller.
Replace thermocouples. LIV Engine water injection
Check calibration. Replace water/methanol pump.
Troubleshoot faulty system. Flow check water/methanol system.
XLIX Exhaust, piston Adjust water/methanol control unit.
Replace exhaust gasket. Check fluid for quality.
Inspect welded repair. Troubleshoot faulty system
Pressure check cabin heater muff. LV Accessory gear boxes

Replace gearbox.
Replace drive shaft.

Check Chip detector

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