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Perimeter Unit Data

Implementing sustainable finance

Number of employees trained to risk culture SG Group People 52,000
Covered sectors with our Sector and cross-sector E&S policies SG Group Number 12
Customer satisfaction surveys: individual customers polled France Number 120,000
Customer satisfaction surveys: professional customers polled France Number 14,500
Customer satisfaction surveys: SMEs polled France Number 5,000
Satisfaction survey frequency France Month number 18
Customer satisfaction surveys: individual customers polled CDN Group Number 45,990
Customer satisfaction surveys: professional customers polled CDN Group Number 5,568
Customer satisfaction surveys: businesses polled CDN Group Number 3,571
Satisfaction survey frequency CDN Group Month number 12
Cases handeled by the ombudsman France Number 267
Information system Investments expected by 2020 France Billions 1,5
Percentage of information system investments dedicated to security France % 5%
Transactions that underwent an E&S evaluation GBIS Number 106
Of which projects financing fell within the scope of the Equator Principles GBIS Number 47
of which project loans GBIS Number 31
of which project-related corporate loans GBIS Number 5
of which bridging loan GBIS Number 1
of which advisory mandates relating to project financing GBIS Number 10
Amount of the commitments for transactions that underwent an E&S review SG Group Billions 6,6
of which within the scope of the EP SG Group Billions 2.9
of which outside the scope of the EP SG Group Billions 3.7
Private groups which are subject to an E&S review SG Group Number 1,500
of which, percentage of these Groups active in sensitive sectors with regard to E&S SG Group % 70%
Positive Impact Finance transactions amount SG Group Millions 1,856
Green Positive Impact Bond SG Group Millions 500
Green Positive Impact Bond duration SG Group Years 5
SRI funds proposed France Number 3
SRI assets Group Millions 273
Dedicated SRI assets under management Private Banking Millions 315
Life insurance SRI assets under management Sogecap Millions 40.02
Offering of SRI financial vehicles Sogecap Support number 41
SRI-certified savings assets under management France Millions 406.8
Unit holders France Number 22,000
SRI product for professional investors SG Group Billions 1.3
The Global Markets' SRI assets SG Group Millions 986
The Lyxor's SRI assets Lyxor Millions 320
The Groups total purchases amount SG Group Billions 6.5
Suppliers evaluated by EcoVadis SG Group Number 2,687
Percentage of purchasers trained to CSR SG Group % 100%
Scope of the purchases represented by the suppliers evaluated on CSR aspects SG Group Billions 2.5
Score obtained by the suppliers survey SG Group Mark on 100 62
Percentage of waste paper collected and recycled in the French Retail Banking network from adapted sector France % 85%
Action to benefit the environment
Target: Amount accesed up in funding for projects in the renewable energy sector by 2020 SG Group Billions 10
Target: percentage to reduce CO2 emissions by 2020 compared to 2014 SG Group % 20%
2015 amount of green finance for companies, all sectors SG Group Billions 2
Percentage of the Corporate and Investment Banking divisions renewable energy assets SG Group % 66%
2015 green funding in favour of individual customers SG Group Millions 173
2015 green funding in favour of local authorities SG Group Millions 24
Percentage of renewable energy assets of project funding in the electricity production sector SG Group % 76%
Funding amount of the first offshore wind farm in the USA United States USD$ Millions 248
Capacity of the US wind power project funded United States MWh 30
Capacity of the UK wind power project funded United Kingdom MWh 336
Greee finance examples
Funding of Green buses Poland Millions 1.2
Funding of Green buses Czech Republic Millions 17
Funding of Trams Algeria Millions 63.7
Funding of infrastructures Czech Republic Millions 4.4
Funding of energy production projects Czech Republic Millions 160
Funding of Green buses Bulgaria Millions 0.66
Funding of Solar energy production projects Bulgaria Millions 10
Funding of individual green cars Russia Millions 26
Funding of individual green energy production projects Italy Millions 9,5
Funding of projects related to energy efficiency and renewable energies Macedonia Millions 4
Funding in partnership whith AFD of projects related to energy efficiency Senegal Millions 5
Funding in partnership whith AFD of projects related to energy efficiency Ivory Coast Millions 6
ALD Automotive electric vehicles fleet ALDI Cars 6,700
Number of countries where ALD Automotive electric vehicles fleet is located ALDI Number 13
ALD Automotive electric vehicles and hybrid vehicles fleet ALDI Cars 30,000
Number of vehicles powered by hydrogen ALDI Cars 8
2015 deposits amounts on sustainable development savings account (LDD) France Millions 8
Expresso loans " Clean Vehicles" granted in 2015 France Number 2,750
Amount of Expresso loans granted in 2015 France Millions 33.6
Expresso loans " Clean Vehicles" granted France Number 6,695
Expresso loans granted since their establishment France Millions 87.5
Amount payed through Environment Business Card in 2015 France 126,855
Green bonds issued in 2015 France Number 6
Green bond issued amount for 2015 France Billions 2
Objective to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per occupant compared to 2012. SG Group % 11%
Real greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction compared to 2012 SG Group % 11.4%
Objective to reduce the energy consumption compared to 2012 SG Group % 13%
Real energy consumption compared to 2012 SG Group % 11.3%
Groups carbon footprint SG Group T of Co2 326,377
Groups carbon footprint per occupant SG Group T of CO2/Occ. 2.19
Groups carbon price SG Group / TCO2 10
The amount collected through the Internal carbon tax SG Group Millions 3.4
Number of initiatived proposed for the Internal cabon Tax award SG Group Number 119
number of awarded initiatives SG Group Number 56
Recurring savings allowed by Internal carbon tax on overheads SG Group Millions 13
Recurring savings allowed by Internal carbon tax on Co2 emissions SG Group Tons 4,700
Recurring savings allowed by Internal carbon tax on energy SG Group GWh 30
Building stock floor space SG Group m2 4,029,343
Branches equipped with a remote meter system to manage energy consumption France Number 192
Percentage of the decrease energy consumption for Central Building France % 1.7%
Percentage of renewable sources on Group's electricity consumption France % 26%
Energy produced by solar panels and the anaerobic digestion of the food waste France GWh 1.4
2015 Water consumption SG Group M of m3 2
Production of waste SG Group Tons 16,071
Percentage reduction of the production of waste compared to 2014 SG Group % 1.7%
Food waste collected for anaerobic digestion France Tons 455
Production of energy due to anaerobic digestion France MWh 160
Recycled Paper SG Group Tons 1,260
Recycled carton SG Group Tons 150
Number of Km travelled by the Group employees SG Group Millions of Km 504
Average number of Km travelled for each employee SG Group Km 3,358
Employees involved on telecommuting SG Group People 5,000
Paper consumption SG Group Tons 16 545
Paper consumption reduction percentage SG Group % 6.4%
Office paper consumption per occupant SG Group Kilogram 54.5
Percentage of recycled paper on recycled paper consumption SG Group % 48%
A Responsible Employer
Countries where the Group is present SG Group Countries 66
Group's employees SG Group People 145,703
People 72,061
Western Europe Western Europe
France France % 40.3%
Central and
People 50,457
Central and Eastern Europe Eastern Europe
Russia Russia % 13.6%
Czech Republic Czech Republic % 6.7%
Romania Romania % 6.3%
Africa and
People 12,402
Africa and Middle East Middle East
Asia and Oceania Asia and Oceania People 7,761
Americas Americas People 3,022
Percentage of Group staff on International Retail banking and Financial Services SG Group % 50.3%
Percentage of Group staff on French Retail banking France % 26.9%
Percentage of Group staff on Global banking and Investor Solution SG Group % 14.9%
Percentage of Group staff on Central Division France % 7.9%
Permanent contracts number SG Group People 135,050
Fixed-term contracts number SG Group People 10,653
Temporary staff number SG Group People 10,891
Outside contractors number SG Group People 6,850
Permanent contracts recruitment SG Group People 15,155
including women SG Group % 50.6%
Fixed-term contracts recruitment SG Group People 9,627
including women SG Group % 67.3%
Departures of employees on permanent contracts SG Group People 19,402
of which resignations SG Group % 49%
of which redundancies SG Group % 38%
of which retirements SG Group % 10%
Voluntary turnover rate for employees on permanent contracts SG Group % 14.4%
Average length service within the Group SG Group Years 9.2
Application submitted via the Careers website SG Group Number 341,000
number of hits on Careers website SG Group Millions 3.4
Work-study participants and Volunteers for International Experience (VIEs) stationed within the Group SG Group People 3,300
2015 Work-study participants and Volunteers for International Experience (VIEs) SG Group People 5,056
France Interns France People 3,990
World wide interns SG Group People 11,094
Funded chairs SG Group Number 11
Amount allocated to funded chairs SG Group Millions 1.5
Groups internal mobility rate SG Group % 17%
Employees concerned by internal mobility SG Group People 23,385
Percentage of permanent positions filled through internal mobility SG Group % 60%
Rate of pride of belonging to the Societe Generale group SG Group % 84%
Employees concerned by international mobility SG Group People 1,000
Percentage of Groups employees able to finish at least one training programme SG Group % 77%
Number of hours for training programme in 2015 SG Group Hours 4,000,000
of which completed remotely SG Group % 14%
Amounts earmarked for training expenses SG Group Millions 93
Collaborateurs ayant bnfici d'un entretien d'valuation SG Group People 116,900
Part de l'effectif prsent ayant bnfici d'un entretien d'valuation SG Group % 93%
Collaborateurs ayant bnfici des programmes du centre d'expertise interne "Corporate University" SG Group People 600
Collaborateurs concerns par le baromtre employeur SG Group People 132,500
Pays concerns par le baromtre employeur SG Group Countries 76
Taux de participation au baromtre employeur SG Group % 68%
Accords collectifs signs SG Group Number 194
France France Number 84
Personnel expenses for the Group SG Group Millions 9,476
Average gross annual remuneration France 53,371
Employee share ownership SG Group People 90,000
Percentage of employees share capital SG Group % 6.83%
Percentage of Employees voting rights SG Group % 11.52%
Percentage of Employees satisfied with their work environment SG Group % 79%
African employees which have an access to care with a companys contribution to their healthcare expenses Africa Number 12,000
Coverage of African employees Africa % 99%
Coverage of employees Societe Generale Group health plan France Number 119,500
Average annual working hours SG Group Hours 1,739
Number of part-time employees SG Group Number 8,687
France France Number 6,355
Total overtime hours SG Group Hours 95,633
Average overtime hours per employee SG Group Hours 1.6
Accidents in the workplace SG Group Number 945
Accident frequency rate SG Group % 4%
Rate of absenteeism SG Group % 3.5%
Rate of absenteeism due to sick leave SG Group % 1.9%
Rate of absenteeism due to maternity leave SG Group % 1.3%
Share of women within the Group SG Group % 59.1%
Share of managers women within the Group SG Group % 43.3%
Share of women in the "senior Management" within the Group SG Group % 21.2%
Share of women part of the Management Committee SG Group % 20,0%
Share of women part of the Executive Committee SG Group % 15.4%
Share of women part of the Board of Directors SG Group % 50,0%
Share of Executives women in France France % 45.2%
Amount allocated to eliminating unjustified pay gaps between men and women France Millions 1.7
Number of corrective measures taken in 6 years France Number 6,600
Amount allocated for corrective measures in 6 year France Millions 10.9
Number of nationalities within the Group SG Group Number 122
Percentage of employees which are not French SG Group % 58%
Percentage of of the members of management bodies which are not French SG Group % 25%
Employees average age SG Group Number 37.7
Share of employees under the age of 30 SG Group % 24%
share of employees over the age of 45 SG Group % 26%
Disabled employees SG Group Number 2,302
Of which French employees France Number 1,149
Percentage of disabled employees SG Group % 1.6%
Supporting Entrepreneurship and the Social and Solidarity Economy
Percentage of Groups staff located outside of mainland France SG Group % 59.7%
of which located in low-income or lower-middle-income countries SG Group % 10.5%
of which located in upper-middle-income countries SG Group % 11.6%
African countries where the Group is settled Africa Number 18
Customers number in Africa Africa Millions 3.5
of which number of companies Africa Number 120,000
Number of large and mid-caps companies which are Group's customers France Number 80,000
Number of very small businesses and professionals which are Group's customers France Number 260,000
Number of new buisnesses entered into relationships within Socit Gnrale France Number 24,088
Percentage of new professional customers France % 62%
Number of loans granted to these new customers France Number 4,300
Amount of loans granted to these new customers France Millions 464
Number of signed contracts with the EIB SG Group Number 8
Amont of signed contracts with the EIB SG Group Millions 550
Amount of outstanding loans for territorial communities SG Group Billions 16
Number of customer associations France Number 100,000
Group's solidarity partner associations France Number 50
Contribution to solidarity partner associations France Millions 1.9
Number of partner association which benefits Solidarity Savings Services France Number 40
Solidarity Savings Services France Number 44,267
Amount of interest donated as Solidarity Savings Services France 273,000
Amount of interest donated by the clients as Solidarity Savings Services France 238,067
Amount of Group's matching contributions as Solidarity Savings Services France 23,809
Amount of Societe Generale donations as part of the Solidarity CRCM France 11,215
Charity Bank Cards partner associations France Number 28
Contribution from Charity Bank Cards to partner associations since 2008 France 3,956,435
2015 Contribution to Charity Bank Cards partner associations France 844,259
Filigrane programme partner associations France Number 2
Contribution from Filigrane Programme to partner associations France 544,839
Contribution from sponsorship scheme to "Secours Populaire Franais" France 145,640
Projects with added social and environmental value financed (SPEAR) France Number 6
Amount decicated to projects with added social and environmental value financed (SPEAR) France 967,000
"Champion of child protection"customers(UNICEF) France Number 3,535
Donations raised for UNICEF France 130,000
Amount of microfinance credit lines France Millions 105
Amount granted to MFIs France Millions 95.8
Number of MFIs granted by the Group France Number 35
Number of MFIs in which Societe Generale holds a stake France Number 5
Amount of the line of funding granted to Adie France Millions 9.2
The bank made it possible for Adie to finance France Millions 7.4
Number of micro-loans the bank made it possible for Adie to finance France Number 2,139
Amount of microcredit the Group has refinanced since 2006 France Millions 45.7
Number of microcredit the Group has refinanced since 2006 France Number 11,276
The average micro-loan amount France 3,041
Jobs created or maintained thanks to professional micro-loans France Number 1,600
Jobs created or maintained thanks to personal micro-loans France Number 500
Individual customers accessing to basic banking services France Number 8,906
Customers who had signed up for the GENERIS service France Number 37,234
Crdit du Nord customers who had signed up equivalent service CDN Number 1,293
Manko's clients Africa Number 5,000
Amount of total credit granted by Manko to his customers Africa Millions 8.4
Number of clients supported by the platforms for amicable negotiation France Number 33,000
Percentage of clients who returned to a sound financial footing after a coverage of plateforms France % 67%
Societe Generale's Social Commitment
Non-profit projects supported through the Societe Generale Corporate Foundation for Solidarity since 2006 SG Group Number 800
Countries in which the foundation supported projects since 2006 SG Group Number 26
Amount paid by the foundation for these projects since 2006 SG Group Millions 18.6
Amount paid in 2015 for solidarity sponsorship SG Group Millions 11
Employees involved on solidarity action SG Group Number 13,000
Employees involved on Citizen Commitment SG Group Number 7,000
Countries where the Citizen Commitment took place SG Group Number 39
Amount paid to voluntary projects related to integration through sporting and cultural activities SG Group 430,000
Employees days devotion to skills sponsorship SG Group Days 4,000
Pro Bono days organized since 2012 SG Group Days 40
Number of employees involved in Pro Bono days since 2012 SG Group Number 213
Number of hours dedicated to Pro Bono days since 2012 SG Group Hours 2,000
Number of employees who acted as mentors of the Foundations partner associations SG Group Number 300

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