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the draftof the Karnataka
to the Cadreof Assistani
JuniorEngineers)(Special)Rules,2017was publishedas requiredby clause(a) of sub-section(2) of section3 readwith
sectionB of
the Karnatakastate civil servicesAct, 1978(KarnatakaAct 14 of 1990)in NotificationNo. wRD 1g3 sesaki 2013 (part-1),
06.03.2017 in Part-lV-A, No:248of the Karnataka GazetteExtraordinary, dated:13.03.2017 invitingobjections
all personslikelyto be affectedwithinfifteendaysfromthe dateof its publication
in the OfficialGazette
Wherdas,the saidGazettewas madeavailableto the publicon 'l3th March2017.
in thisbehalfhavebeenconsidered
by theStateGovernment.
Now,therefore,in exerciseof the powersconferredby sub-section
(1) of section3, readwithsectiong of the Karnatakastate
CivilServicesAct, 1978 (KamatakaAct14ol 1990)the Govemment of Kamatakaherebymakesthe followingrules,namelyi
1. Title' comm6ncementand application.- (1) Theserules may be calledThe KarnatakaWatei ResourcesDepartment
(2) Theyshallcomeintoforcefromthe dateof theirpublication
in the officialGazefte
(3) Notwithstandinganythingcontainedin the KarnatakaCivilServices(GeneralRecruitment) Rules,1977or the Karnataka
Civil Services(Direct'Recruitmentby CompetitiveExaminationand Selection)(General)Rules, 2006 or the Kamataka
ResourcesServices(Recruitment) Rules,2014or in any otherrulesof recruitmentrelatingto the categoriesof postsspecifiedin the
schedulemade or deemedto have been made,underthe Karnatakastate civil servicesAct, 1g7g(KarnatakaAct 14
of 1gg0)the
provisionsof theserulesshallapplyto directrecruitment
of followingvacancies:-

st. No. ofposts In the Local Gadre

Nameof the Post No. of posts in the ResidualParentGadre
No. (Hyderabad-KarnatakaRegion)
I AssistantEngineer 500 100
Out of which 429 CivilEngineeringand 71 Out of which 98 Civil Engineering and'02
MechanicalEngineering Mechanical Engineering

2. JuniorEngineer 200 89
Out of which159 CivilEngineering
and 41 Out of which 87 Civil Engineeriirg
and 02
. MechanicalEngineering Mechanical

Providedthat ndthingin theserulesshallapplyto morethanone recruitment.

2. Definitions.-(1) ln theserulesunlessthe contextotherwiserequires,-
(a) "Appointing Authority" meansthe ChiefEngineer,WaterResourcesDevelopment
(b) "Gompetitive Examination"meansthe CompetitiveExaminationconductedby the SelectionAu$ority
(c) "Government"meansGovernment
of Kamataka;
(d) "Locat Cadre" meansLocalcadreconstitutedunderpara 3 of the KarnatakaPublicEmployment
for Hyderabad-Karnataka
(e) "ResidualParentGadre"meansthe ResidualParentCadreas definedin clause(e) of rule2 of the Kamataka
(Reservationin Appointmentfor Hyderabad-Kamataka
Region)(Organisationof LocalCadres,
Allotrnent of persons)Rules,2013;and
(f) "selection Authority" meansKarnatakaPublicServiceCommission,
(2) The words and expressionsused but not definel in these rules shall have the same meaningassignedto it in
Karnataka (General
CivilServices Recruitment)
3. Quallfication'And
Age.- (1)Thequalification
for directrecruitment
undertheserules,shallbe as follows:-
4To?9 dp'oro"ldme;rd$ rirdraad, dre Rs,''5on& I F q{6-

st. Categoryof post & Minimum qualification and

No, ofVacancies
No. Scaleof pay Eligibility Criteria

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Assistant Engineer Total Posts : 600 Must be holder of a Degreein Civil or
1) Mechanical Engineering as per the
1) Posts in the ResidualParentGadre- 500
requirementas the case may be or must
(Rs.22800- 43200) (i) CivilEngineering-429 be holderof a DiplomaCertificatetrom a
- 71
(ii) Mechanical recognized lnstitute of Engineers
regardingpass in Parts- A and B of the
2l Posts in the Local Cadre- t00
CivilEngineering- 98
, til
Engineering- 02
i tiil Mechanical
2. JuniorEngineer Total Posts : 289 Must be a holder of a Diplomain Civil
or MechanicalEngineerlngas per the
(Rs.16000- 29600) 1) Postsinthe ResidualParentCadre-200
requlrementas the case may be from
(i) CivilEngineering The Departmentof TechnicalEducationin
(ii) Mechanical - 41
Engineering Kamataka.
2l Postsin the LocalCadre'89
- 87
(i) CivilEngineering
(ii) Mechanical - 02

to the vacanciesundertheserulesshallbe in accordance
(2) The minimumand maximun:agelimitfor directrecruitment
the KamatakaCivilServices(GeneralReciuitment)
4. Notlflcation of Vacancies.-The AppointingAuthorityshaltnotifythe vacanciesof the postsof AssistantEngineerand
JuniorEngineerin the Departm+ntof WateiResources,to be filledundertheserules,to the SelectionAuthority.
5. Methodof Recruitment.. (1) The SelectionAuthority slrall,aftertakinginto consideration the vacanciesto be fille.dup
underthese-rules,advertisethe vacanciesin the OfiicialGazettespeci{ing the conditionsof eligibility,natureof selection,numberof
in accordance
vacanciesto be filledand classification withreservationof postsprovidedby or underany law or any orderfor the time
beingin force,inviteapplications from the intendingcandidatdS. The Abstractof such advertisement shall also be publishedin three
dailyKannada andEnglishnewspapers havingwidecirculationin theState'
(2) Competitive
Examination:- (1) In respectof GroupB Technicalpostsand Group*eTechnicalposts,the selectionauthority
shallconducta competitiveexamination in thefollowingmanner,namelyi
(a) Theexamination shallbe in theformg-f.objective paperscarrying200marks,
multiplechoiceconsistingof two r,rlriften
each.Thereshall be n6gativemarkin$nand 0.25marksshallbe deductedfor everyWronganswer.
(b) Thepi.persshallbe setin OothKannadgend
(i) Paper-l i GeneralPaper:-.6bveringGeneralKnowledgetopicsrelatingto CurrentEvents,General
Science,IndianHistory,IndianGeography,SocialSciences,GeneralMentalAbility,mattersof every
day observationand practicalknowledgeas may be expectedof a person who has passedthe
. (i) Paper-ll :- Specificpaper:- The contentof this papershall be determinedby the SelectionAuthority
keepingin view the natureof the job for which the selectionis being made and the qualifuing
examination in consullation Authorityconcerned.
withthe Headof the fielddepartmentor the Appointing
(3) The SelectionAuthorityshall preparea final selectionlist of candidateseligiblefor appointmenton the basisof merit
determinedon the basis of total percenlageof markssecuredin the Competitiveexaminationand taking into consideration the
providedby or underany Lawor Orderfor the timebeingin force.Thereshallbe no Interview
posts(Verticaland Horizontal)
andno weightage shallbe given.
(4) lf two or morecandidatessecureequalmarksin the competitiveexamination, shallbe
the"orderof meritof suchcandidates
fixedon the basisof theirage,the personolderin agebeingplacedhigherin the orderof the merit.
(5)Thenumberof .candidates (3),shallbe equalto thenumberof vacancies
to be selected notified.
. ruo.KARBIL/200'1147147
prepaymentlfrfPP F{o" 292

&&-EO iirdxrad, gruenE, gooa

9 - WEi'i 9eD
(6) The list of candidates selected by the Selection Authority and assignbd to the Appointing Authority shall be valid till
all the
notified vacancies are filled or till the completionof one year from the date of publicaiion of the selected list whichever is
(7) The SelectionAuthorityshall also preparean additionalist of such of the candidatesnot includedin the m.rin list prepared
under sub-rule (3)' The number of candidatesto be included in the additional list shall be as far as possible fifiy percent of the number
of candidates in each of the reservation categories (horizbntaland vertical) in the list under sub-rule (3). There shall
.oe at least one
candidate in the additional list belonging to each of the reservation categories (horizontal and vertical; represented iil the list
sub-rule(3). lf a candidatewhose name is includedin the list under sub-rule(3), fails to report for duty within the prescribedperiod,
that exent a candidate belonging {o the same reservation category as that of the candidate who failed to report for
duty shall be
appointed from the additional list. The same shall be in force for a period of one and a half years from the date of its publication.

(8) The lists so prepared under sub-rules (3) and (7) shall be published in the official Gazettb and also on the notice
board of
the office of the SelectionAuthority. r
6. Appointment of candidates.- (1) Candidateswhose names are included in the selection list prepared may be appointed
by the appointing authority in the vacancies in the order of which their names are found in the list after.satisfuingitself after such enquiry
as it may.consider'necessarythat each of the candidatesis suitable in all respects for appointment.

(2) The inclusionof name of a candidatein the list publishedunder sub-rule(3) and (Z) of Rule (5) shall not confer any right
of appointment. _
7. Knowledge of Kannada Language.- No candidate shall qualiff for the selection to the post of Assistant Engineer and
Junior Engineer unless he qualifies in a test in Kannada language comprising of one paper carrytng maximum of 180 marks
secures minimum of 50 marks in the said qualifoing test regarding knowledge of Kannada. The standard of this paper shall
be that of
First languageKannadaat SSLC level.

Provided thal, the SelectionAuthority may exempt a candidate from passing the Kannada language test if the candidate has
passed the SSLC examinationor any equivalentexaminationor any examinationhigher than SSLC in
which Kannada is the main
language or second language or an optional subject (but not one of the subjects in composite paper) or has passed in Kannada
or he has passed the Kannada languagetest conducted by the SelectionAuthority earlier.

8. Application of other rules.- The Kamataka Civil Services (Classification,Control and Appeal) Rules, 1957, the Karnataka
Civil Services (Conduct) Rules, 1966 and the Karnataka Civil Services (Probation) Rules, 1977 and all other rulei for the time
being in
force regulatingthe conditionsof service of Governmentservants made or deemed lo have been made under the Kamataka
State Civil
Services Act' 1978 (Karnataka Act 14 of 1990) in so far as such rules are not inconsistent with the provisions of these rules
shall be
applicableto the selection made and to the persons appointedunder these rules.

By Orderand in the nameof the Govemorof Kamataka.

UnderSecretaryto Government,
PR.994 WaterResources Department.
sc. 100 (Services-B)

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