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1) How would layoff decisions be made - both the process and the criteria?

The Superintendent will identify the area, subject and/or grades of the teaching
positions to be eliminated. The process and criteria used to layoff teachers would be
based on a combination of factors but with the intent to retain effective teachers who
are certified and highly qualified to teach in the areas being reduced.

Teacher evaluation ratings would determine any layoffs. In a layoff situation,

ineffective probationary teachers would be laid off first, followed by any other
ineffective teachers. Next, any teacher rated Minimally effective would be laid off. If
there are more than one Minimally effective teachers, anyone rated ineffective in one
or more goal areas would be laid off next.

If there are no ineffective or minimally effective teachers, effective teachers would be

looked at next. If a teacher were rated as Minimally effective in one or more goal area,
those teachers would be laid off first.

Teachers rated Highly Effective would not be laid off unless their position is
being eliminated and there is no other position for which they are certified
and qualified to perform.

As for the process, I would strive to let teachers know as soon as possible (April) but in
a worst case scenario, by June 1. Teachers would be notified in writing handed to the
person by the building principal and with the union representative in attendance. If the
employee is not available to hand deliver a letter to, then the employee will receive a
certified letter in the mail delivered to the last known address.

2) What would occur in case of ties, i.e., what criteria would break the tie?

In case of ties, whichever teacher has the highest degree will be retained first. If that is
equal, the next factor would be the number of hours earned beyond the highest
degree. Tenure will only be used if all other factors are equal.

3) Consider and explain whether you would rely heavily on evaluations or

whether you look at the specific criteria in the statute and why?

I would rely heavily on evaluations as the first determination in looking at layoffs.

Evaluation systems such as the 5D+ Evaluation system already take student growth,
pedagogical skills and management into account. I do not believe that attendance
should be a factor as there are often factors beyond an individuals control such as
illnesses, family emergencies, etc. If an employee is deemed to be abusing the
absence policy then that should be handled by the administrator before layoffs.
4) Would you make the decisions by yourself? Would you get input from others?
Would there be a committee? If there is a committee, would they vote or would
there be someone as the final decision-maker? Who? How much involvement
would there be from other administrators (central office or building-level),
teachers, union, etc?

I am assuming that I am the Superintendent. I would not make the decisions by

myself. I would gather input from building-level administrators with union
representation present. If necessary, I may involve a committee made up of
administrators, instructional coaches/teacher leaders/department heads if more
information is needed. This committee would not have voting rights but would give
input as to which layoffs would be necessary and if there were ways to change
assignments to avoid layoffs in the first place.

5) As to recalls, how would the process work? Would there be a time limit for
recalls? Would all teachers have an absolute right to recall? In other words, if
there is an opening in the District and there are no teachers ahead of a teacher on
the layoff list would they be automatically brought back - even if they have a
minimally effective or ineffective rating? If not, what would be the process?

Recalls will be done in reverse order of layoffs. A teacher will be eligible for recall to a
vacant position if the teacher is certified and qualified to fill the open position.
Minimally or Ineffective teachers will not be eligible for automatic recall and must
apply for the open position and will be considered along with any other outside

Recalled teachers will be notified by sending a certified letter to the last known
address or electronic messaging through email. The notice will include the deadline
for acceptance (5 business days), the date the teacher must return to work, the position
and work location to which the teacher is to report. Teachers will have to reply in
writing or through email to accept the position. After the deadline has expired it will
be considered a voluntary resignation and the next person will be contacted.

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