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Unit 1:

- Asking for and giving directions and talking about distances: -Im looking for - Do you know wereis? Is
therenear there?

Go ahead/go up on this avenue

Turn left/right on Cotton Avenue
Walk for half block/one block/two blocks
Cross the street
Across the street
In front of
Between isso and aquilo

- There is/there are x have/has: no sentido de haver/existir usar there is/there are. No sentido de possuir, usar
have ou has.

No sentido de haver/existir, usar there is/there are: In Porto Alegre there are beautiful women.
No sentido de ter/possuir, usar have/has: We have good News. He has good news.

- Seasons and weather

Summer, autumn, winter, spring.

Sunny, foggy, rainy, snowy, cloudy, warm, chill (fresco), cold, freezing, windy.

- Present continuous

TO BE + GERUND para expressar situaes do momento de vida ou do momento exato. Para dar certeza,
usar right now, at this moment, in this minute ou pelo contexto.
She is doing her homework.
Im working in a bank.

Unit 2:
- Introduction of simple past tense of regular and irregular verbs


Present Past
He, She, It IS WAS

- She was a teacher.

- She wasnt a teacher.
- Was she a teacher?
- Wasnt she a teacher?


I, You,
He, She, It, watched TV last night.
We, You, They


I, You,
He, She, It, didnt watch TV last night.
We, You, They


- I didnt do my homework last night.

- He didnt do his homework last night.


I do my
You do your
He do his
Did She do her homework yesterday?
We do our
You do your
They do their

Unit 3:
- Modal verbs of possibilities and obligations; diseases SEMPRE DEPOIS DOS MODAIS TEREMOS UM VERBO NO


Comportam-se como verbos auxiliares: iniciam a frase na interrogao e atraem o not para as negativas.
MAY: possibilidade forte/permisso
MIGHT: possibilidade fraca
SHOULD: conselho
MUST: quase ordem
CAN: capacidade
- May I use your umbrella? (Permisso)
(Posso usar seu guarda-chuva?)
- He may be in the library. (Possibilidade)
(Ele pode estar na biblioteca.)
- Sorry, I can not understand what you are saying. (Capacidade)
(Desculpa, no consigo entender o que voc est dizendo.)
- The students must behave as I say. (Obrigao)
(Os alunos devem se comportar como eu digo.)
- She must be very busy, since she has three children, a job and a house to take care. (Suposio)
(Ela deve ser muito ocupada, j que tem trs filhos, um emprego e uma casa para cuidar.)
- Can I leave now? (Permisso - Tom informal)
(Posso sair agora?)
- Could I leave now? (Permisso - Tom formal)
(Eu poderia sair agora?)
- It is late, you should go home. (Conselho)
( tarde, voc devia ir para casa.)
- She can arrive after dinner. (Possibilidade)
(Ela pode chegar depois do jantar.)
- She must be at the beauty salon. (Deduo)
(Ela deve estar no salo de beleza.)
- You should see a dentist. (Conselho)
(Voc devia ir a um dentista.)
- Diseases

- Im not feeling well.

- Whats the matter?
- I feel/I have
- You should / You must
Hurt (machucado) Sore (dolorido) Ache (dor) Diseases (doenas)
Feet (ps) Feet (ps) Kidney (rim) Lungs (pulmes)
Finger (dedo da mo) Ankle (tornozelo) Chest (peito) Heart (corao)
Toe (dedo do p) Elbow (cotovelo) Stomach (estmago) Liver (fgado)
Hand (mo) Leg (perna) Throat (garganta) Brain (crebro)
Tooth/teeth (dente/dentes) Bone (osso)

Unit 4:
- Comparisons, preferences, choices

Comparatives: usar o THAN para as comparaes: She is thinner than me.

I am taller than he.
Karen is more beautiful than Clara.
Adjetivos curtos levam ER no final: SHORT - SHORTER
Curtos terminados em Y: corta o Y e adiciona IER: FUNNY FUNNIER
Curtos terminados em consoante + vogal + consoante (regra CVC): dobra a consoante + ER
Adjetivos longos levam MORE na frente: BEAUTIFUL - MORE BEAUTIFUL

EXCEES: GOOD BETTER and BAD WORSE: Im better than yesterday.

Action movies are better than horror movies.

Expressing Preferences in English: RATHER and PREFER
Para expressar preferncias mais especficas:
I WOULD RATHER _____ THAN _____.
I WOULD PREFER TO __infinitivo__.(prefer com infinitive usar o TO)
Para expressar preferncias mais genricas:
I PREFER __gerundio__ + __complemento (prefer + gerundio NO usa o TO)

- Lets walk home!

- No, Id rather take a taxi than walk to the house.
- No, Id prefer to take a taxi.
- No, I prefer taking a taxi
Quantifiers: ANY and SOME
SOME em frases afirmativas, perguntas polidas quando a expectativa da resposta foi positiva
Significa algum, alguns, alguma, algumas e deve ser usado em afirmaes
- We need some brad tor the breakfast.
- I drank some wine at the party yesterday
- Would you like some coffee?

ANY em perguntas e frases negativas, onde pode significar nenhum ou nenhuma

- I dont have any friends in Australia.
- There arent any pens here.

Unit 5:
- FUTURE GOING TO: Plans and intentions, giving/accepting and refusing suggestions

Plans and intentions: - What are you going to do tonight?

- Im going to sleep early.
- I am having a dinner with my boyfriend.

- Do you have any plans?

- Yes, Im going to cook dinner

- What are you going to do tomorrow?

- I am going to visit my mother
(I verbo to be going to verbo no infinitivo sem o to my mother.)

AFFIRMATIVE: - He is going to visit a friend.

- They are going to come over.
NEGATIVE: - He isnt going to visit a friend.
- They arent going to come over.
INTERROGATIVE: - Is he going to visit a friend?
- Are they going to come over?
Make suggestions: - Im having a math test on Friday, but I still dont know all the topics.
- Why dont you wake up early to study the subject? (-Por que voc no acorda mais...)
- Maybe you should wake up early to study the subject. (Talvez voc deva
- Have you thought of wake up early to study the subject?
Accepting suggestions: - Good idea, thanks!
Refusing suggestions: - Thanks, but I dont think thatll work.

Unit 6:
- Small talk and tag questions

Small talk (conversas de elevador) usually happen to try to establish eye contact, try to make friends, talk
about unimportant topics: - Cold winter, isnt it?
- Its a beautiful weather, isnt it?

Tag question: Asking for confirmation.

As tag questions so formadas por duas frases.
A primeira formada de um sujeito, um auxiliar, verbo principal e um complemento (objeto direto, indireto,
etc). Veja os exemplos:

Sujeito Auxiliar Verbo Principal Complemento

You can drive a car.
She doesn't like chocolate .
They have done the homework.

As segundas frases, chamadas question tags, so formadas pelo auxiliar e pelo sujeito que compe a
primeira frase. Exemplos:

Auxiliar Sujeito
can't you?
does she?
haven't they?

Importante: ao usar as tag questions elas tm que estar no mesmo tempo verbal da frase principal. Ento,
se a frase estiver no past simple, por exemplo, a tag question tem de acompanhar.

He was dating with that blonde girl, wasnt he?

(Ele estava namorando aquela menina loira, no estava?)

bem como no present perfect:

She has never been to Europe, has she?

(Ela nunca esteve na Europa, esteve?)
Algumas vezes, encontramos tag questions sem o auxiliar na primeira frase. Para identificar qual o auxiliar
deve ser utilizado, podemos transformar a frase afirmativa em interrogativa, como em:
Afirmativa: She works with you. (Ela trabalha com voc.)
Interrogativa: Does she work with you? (Ela trabalha com voc?)
Tag question: She works with you, doesn't she? (Ela trabalha com voc, no trabalha?)
Quando o sujeito de uma tag question no presente for I, o auxiliar no ser o am. Esta uma exceo. O
auxiliar utilizado, neste caso, ser o are. Veja o exemplo:
I am right, aren't I? (Eu estou certo, no estou?)

Os auxiliares que podem formar a tag so: to do, to be, to have, will e modais

Unit 7:
- Asking for and offering assistance at a store: - Hi, can I help you?
- Hi, I would like to buy a shirt
- What size do you wear?
- I wear size 36.
- I wear size S (small), M (medium), L (large), XL (extra large).
- What color do you prefer?
- I prefer black. Id rather black.
- How are you going to pay for it?
- credit card/debit card/cash/bank transfer/check
- Vocabulary:
coat, t-shirt, slippers, shorts, sandals, scarf, jacket, sweatshirt (moletom) with hood (capuz) swimsuit, dress,
underwear, belt, sweater, bra, shoes, shirt, sneakers, gloves (luvas), skirt, boots, socks, pants, blouse, jeans,
sarong (canga), vest (colete)
Material: twill (sarja), cotton, linen, wool (l), nylon, silk, denim, recycled pet bottle fabric (tecido)
Pattern (estampa): Plaid (xadrez), plain (liso), polka dot (po), flowered (floral), stripes (listrado)

- Irregular plural 13 nouns: em 13 substantivos que terminam em f ou fe, trocam-se essas letras por ves

calf calves (bezerros)

elf elves (elfos, duendes)
half halves (metades)
leaf leaves (folhas)
life lives (vidas)
knife knives (facas)
loaf loaves (pes de forma)
self selves (egos)
sheaf sheaves (feixes)
shelf shelves (prateleiras)
thief thieves (ladres)
wife wives (esposas)
wolf wolves (lobos)
- More uses for the GERUND VERB:

Make suggestions: - I suggest geround verb ...

- I suggest buying some bread.
- I suggest drinking red wine.
- I start make excuses (eu comeo a dar desculpas) to my boss.

Expressing opinions: - I love/hate/like/dislike/enjoy/admit/avoid/ geround verb ...

- I love singing songs!
- I hate eating peas!
- I avoid (evitar) eating chocolate!
- Searching for restaurants on Facebook is easy.
- Using a credit card when buying online might be unsafe.

Noun clause (orao substantive): quando o verbo expressa atividade

- What makes you relax?
- Listening to music.
- Taking a shower.
- Drinking beer.
- Bathing on the sea.

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