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O cientista que ajudou a revolucionar a biologia, ao examinar as reaes qumicas nas

clulas apoiado na fsica quntica, afirma que a mente que modela a vida das pessoas
Por Por Mnica Tarantino e Eduardo Araia

Um respeitado pesquisador de clulas-tronco, o norte-americano rompeu as fronteiras da

biologia tradicional ao incorporar a ela conceitos da fsica quntica. Idias surgidas a partir
dessa tica, como a equivalncia da membrana celular ao "crebro" das clulas e o controle
que o ambiente exerce sobre as clulas a partir de suas membranas, confirmam a ntima
relao mente-corpo e indicam como podemos usar os pensamentos para assumir o controle
de nossa vida. Lipton relata sua extraordinria trajetria em "A Biologia da Crena" (Ed.
Butterfly), tema da entrevista a seguir.

PLANETA - O que a "nova biologia" a que o senhor se refere em seu livro?

- Quando introduzi esses conceitos, em 1980, quase todos os meus colegas cientistas os
consideraram inverossmeis. Mas a profunda reviso que a biologia convencional tem feito
desde aquela poca a leva hoje s mesmas concluses a que cheguei 25 anos atrs.

Os cientistas sabem que os genes no controlam a vida, mas a maior parte da imprensa ainda
informa ao povo o contrrio. As pessoas atribuem inicialmente suas deficincias e doenas a
disfunes genticas. As crenas sobre os genes levam-nas a se ver como "vtimas" da

Os bilogos convencionais ainda consideram que o ncleo (o componente interno da clula

que contm os genes) "controla" a vida, uma idia que enfatiza os genes como o fator primrio
desse controle. J a nova biologia conclui que a membrana celular (a "pele" da clula) a
estrutura que primariamente "controla" o comportamento e a gentica de um organismo.

A membrana contm os interruptores moleculares que regulam as funes de uma clula em

resposta a sinais do ambiente. Para exemplificar: um interruptor de luz pode ser usado para
lig-la ou deslig-la. O interruptor "controla" a luz? No, j que ele controlado pela pessoa
que o aciona. Um interruptor de membrana anlogo a um interruptor de luz quando liga ou
desliga uma funo celular, ou a leitura de um gene - mas ele , de fato, ativado por um sinal
do ambiente. A nova biologia enfatiza o ambiente como o controle primordial na biologia.

Sua teoria tambm est relacionada fsica quntica...

Pela medicina convencional, os "mecanismos" fsicos que controlam a biologia se baseiam na
mecnica newtoniana, a qual enfatiza o reino material (tomos e molculas). J a nova biologia
considera que os mecanismos da clula so controlados pela mecnica quntica. Ela se
concentra no papel das foras de energia invisveis que formam, coletivamente, campos
integrados e interdependentes.

Para a mecnica quntica, as foras invisveis em movimento nos campos so os fatores

fundamentais que modelam a matria. Os cientistas tambm reconhecem que as molculas do
corpo so controladas por freqncias de energia vibracional, de forma que a luz, o som e
outras energias eletromagnticas influenciam profundamente todas as funes da vida.

Entre as foras energticas que controlam a vida esto os campos eletromagnticos gerados
pela mente. Na biologia convencional, a ao da mente no incorporada compreenso da
vida. Por isso, uma surpresa a medicina reconhecer que o efeito placebo responde por pelo
menos um tero das curas mdicas, incluindo cirurgias. Ele ocorre quando algum sara devido
sua crena de que um remdio ou procedimento mdico vai cur-lo, mesmo se o
medicamento for uma plula de acar ou o procedimento for uma impostura.

A nova biologia ressalta o papel da mente como o fator primordial a influenciar a sade. Nessa
realidade, uma vez que controlamos nossos pensamentos, tornamo-nos mestres de nossa
vida, e no vtimas dos genes.

Em que a nova biologia difere do darwinismo?

Ela frisa que a evoluo no conduzida pelos mecanismos sublinhados na biologia

darwiniana. A teoria de Darwin oferece dois passos bsicos para explicar como a evoluo
ocorreu: 1) mutao aleatria, a crena de que as mutaes genticas so randmicas e no
influenciadas pelo meio ambiente - a evoluo conduzida por "acidentes"; 2) seleo natural,
na qual a natureza elimina os organismos mais fracos numa "luta" pela existncia, na qual h
vencedores e perdedores.

Em A Biologia da Crena, Lipton (alto) explica a ntima relao entre mente e corpo e o poder
do pensamento na cura.

Novas descobertas oferecem uma imagem diferente. Em 1988, uma pesquisa revelou que,
quando estressados, os organismos tm mecanismos de adaptao molecular para selecionar
genes e alterar seu cdigo gentico. Ou seja, eles podem mudar sua gentica em resposta a
experincias ambientais. Outros estudos mostram que a biosfera (todos os animais e plantas)
uma gigantesca comunidade integrada que se baseia em uma cooperao das espcies. A
natureza no se importa com indivduos numa espcie, mas com o que a espcie como um
todo est fazendo para o ambiente.

Segundo a nova biologia, a evoluo: 1) no um acidente; 2) baseia-se em cooperao. Uma

teoria mais recente sobre o tema ressaltaria a natureza da harmonia e da comunidade como
uma fora motriz por trs da evoluo.

Como o senhor concluiu que podemos comandar e mudar nossas clulas e genes?

Minhas primeiras idias cientficas basearam-se em experincias que comecei em 1967,

usando culturas de clulas- tronco clonadas. Nesses estudos, clulas geneticamente idnticas
foram inoculadas em trs placas de cultura, cada qual com um diferente meio de crescimento.
Em uma placa, as clulastronco se tornaram msculo; em outra, clulas sseas; na terceira,
clulas de gordura. Meus resultados, publicados em 1977, revelam que o ambiente controlou a
atividade gentica das clulas.

Esses estudos mostram que os genes propiciam o surgimento de clulas com "potenciais", os
quais so selecionados e controlados pela clula a partir de condies ambientais. As clulas
ajustam dinamicamente seus genes de forma que eles possam adaptar-se s demandas do

Mais tarde, descobri que a membrana celular equivalia ao crebro da clula. No

desenvolvimento humano, a pele embrinica a precursora do crebro. Nas clulas e no ser
humano, o crebro l e interpreta a informao ambiental e ento envia sinais para controlar as
funes e o comportamento do organismo.

Quem est no comando do nosso corpo?

Nas primeiras semanas do desenvolvimento do embrio, os genes basicamente controlam o

desenvolvimento do plano corporal de um humano (criam dois braos, duas pernas, etc.). Uma
vez que o embrio toma a forma humana (torna-se um feto), os genes assumem uma posio
secundria, controlando o desenvolvimento do corpo pela informao ambiental. Durante esse
perodo, a estrutura e a funo do corpo fetal so ajustadas em resposta percepo do
ambiente da me, que, via placenta, influencia a gentica e a programao comportamental do

A "leitura" dos sinais ambientais (no tero e aps o nascimento) capacita as clulas do corpo e
seus genes a fazer ajustes biolgicos para sustentar a vida. Como os sinais ambientais so
lidos e interpretados pelas "percepes da mente", a mente se torna a fora bsica que, em
ltima instncia, modela a vida de uma pessoa.
Como os campos energticos controlam a bioqumica do corpo?

As funes do corpo derivam do movimento das molculas (basicamente protenas). As

molculas mudam de forma em resposta a cargas eletromagnticas ambientais. Influncias
fsicas tais como hormnios e remdios podem oferecer essas cargas eltricas indutoras de
movimento. Mas campos de energia vibracional harmonicamente ressonantes tambm fazem
as molculas mudar de forma e ativar suas funes. Enzimas de protenas podem ser ativadas
num tubo de ensaio por substncias qumicas e por freqncias eletromagnticas, como ondas
de luz.

Podemos evitar doenas enviando mensagens positivas para nossas clulas?

S 5% das doenas humanas so relacionadas a defeitos genticos de nascena. Portanto,

95% de ns nascemos com um genoma adequado a uma vida saudvel. Para os doentes
dessa maioria, a pergunta : por que estamos tendo problemas de sade? Reconhece-se hoje
que o estilo de vida causa mais de 90% dos problemas de corao, mais de 60% dos casos de
cncer e, talvez, todos os casos de diabete tipo 2. Quanto mais olhamos, mais vemos como
nossas emoes, reaes vida, dieta pobre, falta de exerccio e estresse modelam nossa
vida. Como temos um controle significativo sobre nosso organismo, podemos reprogramar a
sade e a vida com nossas intenes. Se de fato soubessem como o seu organismo funciona,
as pessoas poderiam influenciar sua sade, e isso seria o melhor preventivo para a doena.

possvel remodelar nossos pensamentos mais profundos?

O problema que no entendamos como a mente trabalha. Temos duas mentes, a consciente
e a inconsciente. Associamos a primeira nossa identidade pessoal - a mente pensante,
racional. A mente subconsciente opera sem a superviso da consciente - a "mente
automtica". Se as crenas da mente subconsciente conflitarem com os desejos da mente
consciente, quem ganhar? A resposta clara: a mente subconsciente, pois ela uma
processadora de informaes um milho de vezes mais poderosa do que a outra e, como os
neurocientistas revelam, opera em torno de 95% do tempo.

Pensvamos que se a mente consciente se tornasse cnscia de nossos problemas,

automaticamente corrigiria quaisquer programas negativos descarregados na mente
subconsciente. Mas isso no funciona, porque a mente subconsciente como um gravador -
ela grava comportamentos (os fundamentais, na maioria, so armazenados antes dos seis
anos de idade) e, ao se apertar um boto, o programa ser repetido incontveis vezes
(hbitos). No existe uma "entidade" na mente subconsciente que "oua" o que a mente
consciente quer.
Pensamentos positivos funcionam quando a meta desejada apoiada pelas intenes da
mente consciente e pelos programas da mente subconsciente. Quanto a isso, existem trs
maneiras de mudar crenas velhas, limitantes ou sabotadoras na mente subconsciente: a
meditao budista mindfulness, a hipnoterapia clnica e a chamada "psicologia da energia".
Todos esses mtodos so discutidos na seo "Resources" do meu site

Healing With the Power of Meditation:

How to Heal Your Body With Your Mind


Healing-Meditation-Hazy-Reality-3photo: angus

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Note: Dina has generously made available three of her powerful 33 healing meditations that
she mentions throughout this piece as a free gift to Conscious Lifestyle readers. These can be
downloaded at the end of article.

From the Editors: This article is excerpted from Dina Proctors book, Madly Chasing Peace:
How I Went from Hell to Happy in 9 Minutes a Day, which is a humorous, in-depth look at her
journey from self destruction to self actualization through the practice of a ingenious healing
meditation she developed. In it, she interviews Dr. Bruce Lipton a well-respected cell biologist
whose seminal work, The Biology of Belief, explains the profound connection between mind
and body and the use of meditation for healing. The 33 guided healing meditation that she
refers to is a daily spiritual practice that she developed as she emerged from her lifes darkest
point, struggling to overcome suicidal depression and alcohol addiction. The format is simple,
but powerfulspend three minutes doing the guided meditation three times a day, the
practice of which was Dinas primary tool for healing and led to her lifes work: sharing her
story and discoveries with the world.

A few months into my experience of healing from addiction, and almost two years after Id
developed the intuitive eating technique I shared in Chapter 7, it occurred to me that, if my
33 healing meditation could be so effective at ending cravings and addiction, it might also be
able to even out imbalances in the cholesterol levels in my blood. Ever since Id tried the high
protein diets years earlier in my life, my overall cholesterol level had been higher than normal.
Could my 33 meditations bring it to normal?

I was on an eight-day personal development retreat called Breakthrough to Success led by

Jack Canfield in Arizona during the summer of 2011 when I started developing a 33 healing
meditation specifically focused on my cholesterol levels. Throughout the retreat Jack led us
through guided meditations, and they gave me the idea that I could visualize the blood within
my body healing and transforming during my 33 meditations. Plus, I was already scheduled
for my annual blood work about two weeks after the retreat, which would give me a chance to
see the results.

After a few days of trying different visualizations during my 33 healing meditations, I found
one that I liked best. I started out visualizing a gentle but laser-like beam of healing energy
entering my body straight into my heart. I imagined a warm sensation as the beam infiltrated
and surrounded my heart. As the warmth grew stronger, I pictured the healing energy in the
form of a thick liquid or serum, like warm honey, slowly seeping from my heart muscle into my
bloodstream. I kept my focus on the warm feeling of the serum moving into my bloodstream in
all directions. I followed it in my minds eye, moving through my chest into my legs and arms,
fingers and toes, and circling back again into my heart.

For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who dont believe, no proof is

stuart chase

After a few of days of this specific focus in my 33 visualization, I could sense that my blood
levels were evening out. I visualized the imaginary serum healing each blood cell it touched as
it traveled throughout my body. After each three minute healing meditation, I intuitively knew
that my cholesterol levels were gradually bringing themselves back into balance.

Three weeks after the retreat, I had my routine blood work done as planned, and I was
amazed, but at the same time not entirely surprised, by the results. My cholesterol was down
from the prior years reading of 227 to 177. I knew in my gut that the visualization work I had
done in my healing meditation had caused the improvements, but it was still mind blowing to
realize the power of my belief and meditation to heal my own body.

I was seeing the power of the mind over the body more and more from my own experience,
and my thoughts constantly went back to Dr. Liptons book and his discussion of the science
behind why and how the mind can so efficiently and dramatically improve the body. I
wondered what comments Dr. Lipton would have on my own experience. Would he agree with
the interpretations I had of his science; that is, that even in cases of addiction, belief can heal
the body? Would he think I was crazy to even have tried it?

One afternoon, on impulse I sat down and wrote Dr. Lipton an email saying that I was writing a
book about my experiences healing with meditation and requesting a phone interview with
him to include in this book. I couldnt believe it when I got an email from his assistant telling
me that he would be happy to spend half an hour on the phone with me! We set a date, and I
put together a list of questions that his book had inspired me to ask about my own healings.


I was nervous as the day of our phone interview approached, but it turned out to be a fun and
enlightening experience. Dr. Lipton immediately made me feel at ease by asking me to call him
Bruce, and I wasted no time in sharing my experiences with my 33 healing meditation and
asking for his feedback. We ended up talking for over an hour.

I asked Bruce question after question about his theories and the specifics of my healings. My
first question was, straight up, Ive spent three minutes three times a day in meditation for
the past couple of years, and, even though three years ago I was a suicidal alcoholic, Ive been
able to drink alcohol since overcoming my addiction without having any cravings or negative
side effects. Does that surprise you? Do you have any ideas that might explain my ability to do

Bruce responded with a good-natured laugh and said that this didnt surprise him at all.

IMPORTANTISSIMO : Esclarece a abordagem que deve ser dada ao GEN . Nos definimos o
ambiente no o ambiente que define o Gene. Nossa identificao com o gene eh refletida no

Existe fatores fsicos mensurareis objetivamente que deve inf

The addiction isnt an illness, Dina, he told me. Its not a physical, organic thing. The
addiction is a consequence of learned experience and repetitions of patterns. Is alcoholism in
the genes? he asked me rhetorically. The answer is no. In the science of epigenetics its been
found that its the perception of your environment that controls your genes. Youre not a
victim of your genes because youre the one who can change your environmentor, more
importantly, change your perception of your environmentand thus change your response to

In the science of epigenetics its been found that its the perception of your environment that
controls your genes. Youre not a victim of your genes because youre the one who can change
your environment.

I was excited to hear him say that my perceptions were the trumping factor, that by changing
my perceptions (which Id been doing with my 33 healing meditations) I was changing my

Let me tell you some fundamentals of how the mind works so this will be more clear to you,
Bruce said. The cells of your body are merely following instructions given by the nervous
system, by the brain. The nervous system does the interpretation. You can easily see this when
you see two people reacting to the same stimulus with very different reactions, one positive
and one negative. As your perception changes, you change the message that your nervous
system communicates to the cells of your body. Your mind controls your biology. Thats what
the placebo effect is about; the mind believes the pill will work and so it does.

Bruce continued. Now, there are two different parts to the mind, the subconscious part and
the conscious part. The subconscious is like a tape recorder, just playing old programs and
running 95% of your reactions and decisions. For most people the conscious mind only
operates about 5% of the time.

In your case, he said, with your three-minute, three-times-per-day healing meditations, you
broke the norm. Those healing meditations constantly and consistently interrupted the tapes
that the subconscious was playing. Your old tapes of needing a drink or feeling overwhelmed
or frustrated or depressed in your life were constantly being run off their tracks. Even your
belief, your subconscious tape, of defining yourself as an alcoholic and therefore never able to
drink again, was interrupted. Without knowing it, you were doing one of the most powerful
things you could have done in your own healing. You stopped listening to the subconscious
tapes and started living in the present moment, in effect bringing yourself to your healing.

Your mind controls your biology. Thats what the placebo effect is about; the mind believes
the pill will work and so it does.

While I knew how effective my 33 healing meditations were, I didnt really understand why
until Bruce explained this to me. I had thought their value came from introducing positive
ideas on a consistent basis. It was interesting to learn that their value was also in the regular
interrupting of my old thought patterns, making it easier to leave them behind. I was so
excited to have it put into a scientific context, and explained in language I could understand.

But I had a question. I asked Bruce, I know my 33 healing meditations have worked for me;
do you think it could work to help others find their own healing too?


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Bruce said. Well, I want to be clear that merely reading your bookor any self-help book
and being able to comprehend the concepts does not provide whats necessary for someones
subconscious to be rewired, for a reader to achieve their own healing. Understanding the
concept is very different from integrating it into everyday life. Its only in constantly
interrupting the tapes, or through an extraordinary experience like a deep, emotional
transformative moment or a powerful hypnosis like you found in your 33 healing meditations
that you can achieve self-healing. Its not hard to do, but its not something that most people
have experienced. It involves trusting the intuitive knowledge and letting go of the story
playing subconsciously, which most people base their life decisions on without realizing it.
The physical expression is the consequence of the minds programthe program comes first,
the physical expression second.

I was struck by his mention of hypnosis. Id never done hypnosis before and was always a little
skeptical of it, actually. But his description of it as achieving an open, receptive state of mind
necessary for transformation, fit exactly with my experience in my 33 healing meditations.

Another thought occurred to me. I have an idea Id like to run by you, I said. It seems to me
that the more centered I am within myself, the closer I am to my own source of wellbeing, and
the closer I am to the power of healing. Its like theres a continuum of connection that
underlies my life, and as I maintain my focus on staying connected to that power source, I feel
happier and more fulfilled, and my body naturally stays healthier and free of addiction and
disease. Im coming to believe that sickness isnt unpredictable or random; its just an indicator
or symptom of how far Ive wandered from my point of strongest connection. So the more
connected I become, the more disease and addiction naturally fade from my body. And the
more disconnected I am, the more sickness I experience. What do you think about that?

healing-from-withinphoto: goshina photocase.com

Absolutely, Bruce said. The physical expression is the consequence of the minds program
the program comes first, the physical expression second. The function of the mind is to create
coherence between your beliefs and your reality.

Id been following everything he said so far, but I got a little stuck on that last point. Sorry,
Bruce, but I didnt quite get that. Can you say more about it?

Of course! Bruce said enthusiastically. Meaning, if I have a belief, then the function of the
mind is to manifest that belief so it becomes reality. For example, if I have a belief that Im
going to die of a disease because someone told me so, then the function of the mind is to
convert that belief into physical manifestation, and its no surprise that my belief becomes
reality. But its not because I have a terminal disease that I end up dying; its because I believe
this disease will kill me.
The starting place of all healing is the trust and commitment to follow our inner guidance,
those internal nudges.

Emotion is a telling factor, he continued. If you have a strong emotion, positive or negative,
around a certain belief, it pretty much ensures that the particular belief will become your
physical reality. The science of epigenetics is not the science of being defined by your genes or
environment; its the science of understanding how your interpretation of your life events and
environment affects the cells of your physical body.

All of this made perfect sense to me. As my beliefs about my bodys ability to heal itself had
changed, my body had changed. And it was the strong emotion connected to that abilitymy
passionate desire and deep knowing that I could have complete freedom from addiction and
diseasethat ensured that this became my reality.

Bruce ended our conversation with words that summed up the crux of what I had learned
about healing since beginning my 33 healing meditation practice.

The important thing is to be present, as they say in Buddhism, he said. Being present is
having your focus on the conscious mind, which breaks the cycle of whats being run by the
subconscious mind. What youre doing in your 33 healing meditations is getting present.
Youre interrupting the old tape of negative beliefs and becoming intensely present, which is
why you were able to experience what youve described as experiences in higher

I especially loved his closing words: Being fully present means not having a negative
interpretation of what is happening in the moment; its being an unbiased observer of it.
Youre free of your subconscious tapes in moments where you might have normally reacted
differently, but your interpretationand responsehas started to change.
We ended the call with words of mutual appreciation, and I hung up the phone and sat for a
few moments in silence, reflecting on everything Id just learned. Bruce had explained more
than Id even hoped for. He had explanations and a scientific context where I had only had
first-hand experiences, and that expanded my understanding profoundly.

As Bruce said to me during our chat, just reading this bookor any article or bookisnt
enough to cause transformation. Everyone has their own best path and their own truth that
they need to follow. Ive shared my story and Bruces knowledge here, hoping to give anyone
who has experienced less than optimum health and wellbeing the inspiration and hope that,
no matter how bad the affliction has been, our thoughts and beliefs can be changed with
practice and discipline.

That means the possibility for healing is always there. I believe that the starting place of all
healing is the trust and commitment to follow our inner guidance, those internal nudges, and
maintain an open mind to think very differently than we have in the past.

Free Download: The 33 Guided Meditation for Healing

Dina has generously shared three of her 33 guided healing meditations with all Conscious
Lifestyle Readers.

1. Breathing in the Good

2. Total Relaxation

3. Liquid Light

Visit her website at the link below to download your free copy:

About The Author

Dina Proctor is a life and business coach, inspirational speaker, and bestselling author of Madly
Chasing Peace: How I Went From Hell to Happy in 9 Minutes a Day. After hitting emotional
rock bottom, she created a process called 33 Meditation that enabled her to transform every
aspect of her life. This simple and incredibly effective method has gained the support of Jack
Canfield, Dr. Bruce Lipton, and is now helping thousands of others improve their lives. Visit her
website: dinaproctor.com

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