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As you place nodes in Dynamo, it is important that you use some type of method to keep your graph

organized. For example, it is good practice to work from left to right and align nodes to keep things in
order. This will help you be more efficient, as some graphs can become very complex. Additionally, it
will help others understand what you have done if they open the file.In this exercise file, the nodes
are placed sporadically and some of the connectors are crossing each other.This does not affect the
outcome of the graph; it just makes it harder to understand. Dynamo has several options to help you
align nodes. The align options are only available when two or more nodes are selected. For
example, use a crossing window to select the Number nodes on the left side of the graph. With the
nodes selected, expand the Edit menu and select Align Selection. Now the align options appear in a
flyout menu. You can also right-click the canvas to display a shortcut menu. Select Align Selection to
display the same options. Select the first option, X Average. This option aligns the center of the
selected nodes to the average x position. In other words, the nodes move horizontally so that their
centers are lined up vertically.With the nodes still selected, click Edit > Align Selection. The Left
option will align the left side of the selected nodes, while Right will align the right side of the selected
nodes. As with X Average, the nodes will move in the x-direction so that they line up vertically. The
next three options will move the nodes vertically so that they align horizontally, either based on the Y
Average position, Top, or Bottom of the nodes. Click in blank space to close the menu and deselect
the nodes. Next, use a crossing window to select a few of the nodes along the top-right of the
graph. Then right-click and choose Align Selection > Top. When you do, the nodes move in the y-
direction so that the tops of the nodes are aligned. Deselect those nodes and then select the
Number nodes on the left side of the graph again. Right-click and choose Align Selection > Y
Distribute. This option distributes the nodes evenly along the y-direction. Next, right-click and choose
Align Selection > X Distribute. This option distributes the nodes evenly along the x-
direction. However, be aware that with the distribute options, the nodes are moved so that they do
not occupy the same space in the selected direction. So as you can see, the X Average, Left, Right,
and Y Distribute options work best when you have nodes selected that need to be organized
vertically, or in the y-direction. The Y Average, Top, Bottom, and X Distribute options work best
when you need to organize nodes horizontally, or in the x-direction. However, you can use the align
options as needed to organize the nodes in your graph.There is another option in Dynamo that can
help organize your graph. Expand the Edit menu and pay attention to the Cleanup Node Layout
option. This option will organize the node layout for the entire graph. You can click Cleanup Node
Layout or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+L. When you do, the nodes are sorted from left to right
based on how they are connected. The nodes that are organized vertically are also left-aligned. The
Cleanup Node Layout option is not a fix-all solution. You may need to manually adjust nodes
afterwards or use the align options. Just keep node alignment in the back of your mind as you work
in Dynamo.

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