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1. What time do you get up?

2. Who do you have breakfast with?

3. How do you go to class?
4. What time do you get to the institute?
5. Where do you have lunch?
6. What do you do in the afternoon?
7. What time do you finish class?
8. When do you have English class?
9. What do you eat for breakfast?
10. Where do you study?
11. When do you listen to the radio?
12. What do you watch on TV?
13. What music do you listen to?
14. Where do you go for holidays?
15. When do you go shopping?
16. What time do you get up on Saturdays?
17. What time do you go to sleep?
18. When do you relax?
19. How do you relax?
20. What do you do?
21. Where do you work?
22. How do you like your job?
23. What does he/she do?
24. What does she do?
25. Where does he work?
26. Where does she work?
27. How does she like her job?
28. How does he like his job?
29. What do you do in your free time?
30. What do you have for lunch?
31. What time do you have dinner?
32. What does your mother do in her free time?
33. What does your father have for lunch?
34. What time does your family have dinner?
35. What time does your sister/ brother get up?
36. How does your mother/father go to class?
37. What time does your mother/father get to work?
38. Where does your sister/ brother have lunch?
39. What does your father do in the afternoon?
40. What time does your finish work?
41. Where does your mother father work?
42. What does your mother watch on TV?
43. What music does your brother/ sister listen to?
44. When does your girlfriend/boyfriend go shopping?
45. What time does your mother get up on Saturdays?
46. What time does your best friend go to sleep?
47. When does your father relax?
48. How does your mother relax?
49. Mention the jobs from the pictures.
50. Describe your daily routine.
51. Describe your fathers / mothers daily routine
1. A qu hora te levantas?
yo me levanto a 7 en punto
2. Con quin desayunas?
yo desayuno con mi madre
3. Cmo vas a la clase?
yo me voy a las clases en bicicleta
4. A qu hora vas a la escuela?
yo voy a la escuela a las 6 de la tarde
5. Dnde almuerzas?
yo almuerzo en mi casa
6. Qu haces en la tarde?
yo en las tarde estudio
7. A qu hora termina la clase?
las clases terminan a las 10 de la noche
8. Cundo tienes clases de ingls?
tengo clases de ingles los miercoles
9. Qu comes en el desayuno?
yo como en el desayuno leche con galletas
10. Dnde estudias?
yo estudio en aiep
11. Cundo escuchas la radio?
yo no escucho radio
12. Qu ves en la televisin?
yo veo peliculas de accion
13. Qu msica escuchas?
yo escucho reggeton y musica en ingles
14. A dnde vas de vacaciones?
yo me voy de vacaciones al sur
15. Cundo vas a ir de compras?
yo ire de compras el miercoles
16. A qu hora te levantas los sbados?
yo me levanto los dias sabados a las 7 am
17. A qu hora te vas a dormir?
yo me duermo a las 2 am
18. Cundo te relajas?
yo me relajo los dias domingos
19. Cmo se relaja?
yo me relajo escuchando musica
21.Qu ests haciendo?
yo estoy estudiando ingles
21. Dnde trabajas?
yo trabajo en una constructora
22. Cmo te gusta tu trabajo?
lo que ami me gusta de mi trabajo es que es didactico
23. Qu hace l / ella?
yo trabajo y estudio
24. Qu hace ella?
25. Dnde trabajas?
26. Dnde trabajas?
27. Cmo te gusta tu trabajo?
28. Cmo te gusta tu trabajo?
29. Qu haces en tu tiempo libre?
yo en mi tiempo libre salgo a trotar
30. Qu tiene para el almuerzo?
tengo arroz con pollo
31. A qu hora cenas?
yo ceno a las una oclock
32. Qu hace tu madre en su tiempo libre?
mi madre en su tiempo libre descansa
33. Qu tiene su padre para el almuerzo?
mi padre para el almuerzo tien fideos con pollo
34. A qu hora cena su familia?
mi familia cena a las 10 oclock
35. A qu hora se levanta tu hermana / hermano?
mi hermana se levanta a las 7 am
36. Cmo va tu madre / padre a la clase?
mi madre y padre no asisten a clases
37. A qu hora llega tu madre / padre al trabajo?
mi madre llega a las 5 pm de la tarde
38. Dnde almuerza su hermana / hermano?
mi hermana almuerza en la casa
39. Qu hace tu padre en la tarde?
mi padre en la tarde descansa
40. A qu hora termina su trabajo?
mi padre sale de su trabajo a las 6 de la tarde
41. Dnde trabaja su madre?
mi madre trabaja en la municipalidad
42. Qu ve tu madre en la televisin?
mi madre ve novelas
43. Qu msica escucha tu hermano / hermana?
mi hermana escucha regueton
44. Cundo su novia / novio va de compras?
mi novia de compra los findesemanas
45. A qu hora se levanta tu madre los sbados?
mi madre los sabado se levanta alas 10 am
46. A qu hora dormir tu mejor amigo?
mi mejor amigo se duerme a las 3 am
47. Cundo descansa tu padre?
mi padre descansa los domingos
48. Cmo se relaja su madre?
mi madre se relaja con masajes
49. Menciona el trabajo de las imgenes.
50. Describe tu rutina diaria.
yo me levanto
yo me ducho
yo me visto
me voy al trabajo
llego a mi casa
yomo tecito
me duermo
51. Describe la rutina diaria de tu padre / madre
mi padre y madre se levanta
mi padre y madre se duchan
mi padre y madre se visten
mi padre y madre desayunan
mi padre y madre se van al trabajo
mi padre y madre almuerzan
mi padre y madre llegan a su casa
mi padre y madre descansan y toman tecito
mi padre y madre se duermen .
1. What time do you get up?
I get up at 7 o'clock
2. Who do you have breakfast with?
I breakfast with my mother
3. How do you go to class?
I'm going to the bicycle classes
4. What time do you go to school?
I go to school at 6 pm
5. Where do you have lunch?
I have lunch at home
6. What do you do in the afternoon?
I study in the afternoon
7. What time does the class end?
Classes end at 10 a.m.
8. When do you have English classes?
I have English classes on Wednesdays
9. What do you eat for breakfast?
I eat breakfast with milk and cookies
10. Where do you study?
I study in America
11. When do you listen to the radio?
I do not listen to radio
12. What do you see on TV?
I see action movies
13. What music do you listen to?
I listen to reggeton and musica in English
14. Where are you going on vacation?
I'm going on vacation to the south
15. When are you going to go shopping?
I will go shopping on Wednesday
16. What time do you get up on Saturdays?
I get up on Saturdays at 7 am
17. At what time do you go to sleep?
I fall asleep at 2 am
18. When do you relax?
I relax on Sundays
19. How do you relax?
I relax listening to music
21.What are you doing?
I am studying English
21. Where do you work?
I work in a construction company
22. How do you like your work?
What I like about my job is that it is didactic
23. What does he / she do?
I work and study
24. What does she do?
25. Where do you work?
26. Where do you work?
27. How do you like your work?
28. How do you like your job?
29. What do you do in your free time?
In my free time I go jogging
30. What do you have for lunch?
I have rice with chicken
31. What time do you have dinner?
I eat at one o'clock
32. What does your mother do in her spare time?
My mother in her free time rests
33. What does your father have for lunch?
My father for lunch has noodles with chicken
34. What time does your family have dinner?
My family has dinner at 10 oclock
35. At what time does your sister / brother get up?
My sister gets up at 7 am
36. How is your mother / father going to class?
My mother and father are not in school
37. What time does your mother / father arrive at work?
My mother arrives at 5 pm
38. Where does your sister / brother have lunch?
My sister has lunch at home
39. What does your father do in the afternoon?
My father rests in the afternoon
40. What time does your work end?
My father leaves his job at 6 pm
41. Where does your mother work?
My mother works in the municipality
42. What does your mother see on television?
My mother sees novels
43. What music does your brother / sister listen to?
My sister hears reggaeton
44. When does your girlfriend / boyfriend go shopping?
My girlfriend's shopping the weekends
45. What time does your mother get up on Saturdays?
My mother on Saturdays gets up at 10 am
46. At what time will your best friend sleep?
My best friend falls asleep at 3 am
47. When does your father rest?
My father rests on Sundays
48. How does your mother relax?
My mother is relaxing with massages
49. Mentions the work of the images.
50. Describe your daily routine.
I wake up
I take a shower
I Dress
I'm going to work
get home
I love you
I sleep
51. Describe the daily routine of your father / mother
My father and mother get up
My father and mother are taking a shower
My father and mother dress
My father and mother eat breakfast
My father and mother go to work
My father and mother have lunch
My father and mother come home
My father and mother rest and drink tea
My father and mother fall asleep

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