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Journal of Hydrology 389 (2010) 177185

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Mannings equation and two-dimensional ow analogs

T.V. Hromadka II a,b,1, R.J. Whitley c,2, N. Jordan d,*, T. Meyer a,3
Department of Mathematical Sciences, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY, USA
Professor Emeritus, California State University, CA, USA
Department of Mathematics, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA
Exponent Failure Analysis, 320 Goddard Way, Ste 200, Irvine, CA 92618, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o s u m m a r y

Article history: Two-dimensional (2D) ow models based on the well-known governing 2D ow equations are applied to
Received 10 November 2009 oodplain analysis purposes. These 2D models numerically solve the governing ow equations simulta-
Received in revised form 26 March 2010 neously or explicitly on a discretization of the oodplain using grid tiles or similar tile cell geometry,
Accepted 29 May 2010
called elements. By use of automated information systems such as digital terrain modeling, digital ele-
This manuscript was handled by
vation models, and GIS, large-scale topographic oodplain maps can be readily discretized into thousands
Konstantine P. Georgakakos, Editor in Chief, of elements that densely cover the oodplain in an edge-to-edge form. However, the assumed principal
with the assistance of Kieran M. OConner, ow directions of the ow model analog, as applied across an array of elements, typically do not align
Associate Editor with the oodplain ow streamlines. This paper examines the mathematical underpinnings of a
four-direction ow analog using an array of square elements with respect to oodplain ow streamlines
Keywords: that are not in alignment with the analogs principal ow directions. It is determined that application of
Two-dimensional ow Mannings equation to estimate the friction slope terms of the governing ow equations, in directions
Mannings equation that are not coincident with the ow streamlines, may introduce a bias in modeling results, in the form
Mathematical modeling of slight underestimation of ow depths. It is also determined that the maximum theoretical bias, occurs
when a single square element is rotated by about 13, and not 45 as would be intuitively thought. The
bias as a function of rotation angle for an array of square elements follows approximately the bias for a
single square element. For both the theoretical single square element and an array of square elements,
the bias as a function of alignment angle follows a relatively constant value from about 5 to about
85, centered at about 45. This bias was rst noted about a decade prior to the present paper, and the
magnitude of this bias was estimated then to be about 20% at about 10 misalignment. An adjustment
of Mannings n is investigated based on a considered steady state uniform ow problem, but the magni-
tude of the adjustment (about 20%) is on the order of the magnitude of the accepted ranges of friction
factors. For usual cases where random streamline trajectory variability within the oodplain ow is
greater than a few degrees from perfect alignment, the apparent bias appears to be implicitly included
in the Mannings n values. It can be concluded that the array of square elements may be applied over
the digital terrain model without respect to topographic ow directions.
2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction governing ow equations is discussed by a number of researchers

including Xanthopoulos and Koutitas (1976), Ponce et al. (1978),
Two-dimensional grid type mathematical models are increas- Akan and Yen (1981), Hromadka and Lai (1985), and Hromadka
ingly used in civil engineering and planning for the analysis of et al. (1987). Perhaps the earliest such general use two-dimen-
two-dimensional unsteady ow effects. The diffusion formulation sional ow model is the public domain Diffusion Hydrodynamic
of the governing ow equations is readily applied to such models. Model developed for the US Geological Survey (USGS DHM,
The earliest analysis and use of the diffusion formulation of the Hromadka and Yen (1987) among other publications by those
authors) which has been used for a variety of two-dimensional
unsteady ow studies including coupled two-dimensional over-
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 949 242 6012; fax: +1 949 242 6099. land ow with one-dimensional channel ow problems where
E-mail addresses: ted@phdphdphd.com (T.V. Hromadka), rwhitley@math.uci.edu channel ow interfaces as both a source or sink to the overland
(R.J. Whitley), njordan@exponent.com (N. Jordan), thomas.meyer@usma.edu (T. ow grid system depending on current hydraulic conditions being
1 modeled. Subsequently, proprietary models have been developed
Tel.: +1 949 709 4314; fax: +1 949 709 4632.
Tel.: +1 206 780 3092. that implement[s] the Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model (DHM) cre-
Tel.: +1 845 938 2807. ated by Hromadka and Yen (see Bertolo and Wieczorek (2005)

0022-1694/$ - see front matter 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
178 T.V. Hromadka II et al. / Journal of Hydrology 389 (2010) 177185

among others). Hromadka and Yen (1987) showed that the diffu- use of the diffusion formulation of the ow equations and its
sion formulation of the ow equations adequately portrays ows application to grid type models of the problem overland ow
with Froude numbers up to 4. Another two-dimensional diffusion domains, for example, US Army Corps of Engineers gridded
model developed by G.L. Guymon for applications in alluvial fan surface/subsurface hydrologic analysis model GSSHA (Ogden
ow modeling in Maricopa County, Arizona, USA applies a probabi- et al., 2003), further research to improve computational efciency
listic extension to USGS DHM. Lal (2005), for example, stated, and accuracy will continue to be needed.
These studies showed that diffusion ow models can be used GIS programs can be used to develop large databases of topo-
successfully to simulate a variety of natural ow conditions. The graphic mapping discretized into the elements used in such cou-
diffusive wave approximation has been applied to overland and pled 1D2D models. The ease of computer graphics and GIS
channel ows for a looped channel system (Luo, 2007). The diffu- enable such 2D ow analogs to be readily applied to large 2D ow
sive wave approximation has also been used to model extreme regions. For example, Fig. 1 from Jordan (2003) illustrates a USGS
ood events, where channel and overbank ows are routed, and DHM model containing more than 2000 square grid elements
the principal variable is Mannings n (Moussa and Bocquillon, (elements). Some ow models use regular polygon elements
2008). A thorough investigation of reduced complexity codes, such a triangles, squares, hexagons, or octagons to cover the 2D
including the diffusion formulation, and comprehensive literature problem domain, and other models use irregularly shaped polygo-
review has been done by Hunter et al. (2007). Because of increasing nal elements. Wilson et al. (2007) report a model with 1.7 million

Fig. 1. USGS DHM surface model developed from USGS DEM data (152 m (500 ft.) grid element sides), with detail over alluvial fan.
T.V. Hromadka II et al. / Journal of Hydrology 389 (2010) 177185 179

square elements to investigate large-scale seasonal inundation of such effects may already be included in the measure of the friction
Amazon wetlands. It has been previously shown that an array of factor itself. In other words, eld calibration makes the theoretical
square elements (e.g. four-direction ow in the Cartesian coordi- ratios developed in the computational model redundant. The
nate system as used in USGS DHM) which are aligned with ow implication for automated gridding of square elements with
streamlines provides an unbiased estimate of steady state uniform four-direction ow is that the array of square elements may be ap-
ow (SSUF) depth, whereas use of three or greater than four ow plied over the digital terrain model without respect to topographic
directions per element does not. The bias in computations is seen ow directions.
as a loss in accuracy of estimates of ow depth associated with ar- In the following, the magnitude of bias for the conditions of
rays of elements of other shapes (e.g. triangles, octagons). The SSUF where the ow analog principal ow directions are at an an-
mathematical conclusions were developed for an arbitrary number gle h with respect to the ow streamlines is investigated, the ratio
n of ow path directions, all equally spaced with angle 2p/n, and of Mannings n at any angle to Mannings n for SSUF is developed.
included the theoretical case as n approaches innity (Hromadka
et al., 2007). In the current paper, only four-direction ow is 2. Mathematical development
In the current paper, some issues are considered regarding the To develop a theoretical analysis that can be veried by tradi-
arbitrary placement and subsequent alignment of an array of tional calculation methods, the special ow condition of steady
square elements with respect to the underlying two-dimensional state, uniform turbulent ow (SSUF) is assumed throughout the
ow streamlines in the ow regime. For example, the computer 2D ow regime, R. Let X be a smaller region in R such that ow
program USGS DHM documentation (Hromadka and Yen, 1987) streamlines are all parallel in X such that the ow in X can be ana-
shows several application problems where elements are laid out lyzed as one-dimensional ow in X even though application of a
by hand on topographic maps conforming to the anticipated 2D ow analog on R would necessitate the application of the 2D
streamline directions, such that axis orientations of individual ele- analog in X.
ments are in alignment with anticipated ow streamlines. Use of The problem for analysis is the application of the four-direction
GIS, however, for larger investigations containing thousands of ele- ow analog, with square elements used in USGS DHM, to this stea-
ments, typically results in problem domain grid developments that dy-state, uniform 1D ow in X, with constant topographic slope,
either do not consider streamline directions, or are only approxi- So, where the streamlines are at an angle h with respect to the prin-
mately oriented with respect to topographic ow directions. cipal ow directions used in the four-direction ow analog. USGS
Therefore, the ow analog used in USGS DHM, for example, is DHM is used in this paper as a case study for analysis purposes be-
not necessarily being applied in perfect alignment with the cause the model is not proprietary, boundary conditions may be
streamlines, and therefore the application of Mannings equation easily established, and continuity may be easily veried.
to determine friction slope in the x- and y-directions (Sfx and Sfy) The well-known partial differential equations (PDEs) that de-
is not necessarily exact. It can be demonstrated that arbitrary scribe incompressible uid ow in two dimensions, with all verti-
alignment of elements with respect to ow streamlines may result cal components assumed invariant at a point (x, y), are given by
in slightly different computational results unless attention is paid one equation of mass continuity:
to such effects by modifying the Mannings friction factor as used
in the diffusion formulation. The magnitude of this difference is dqx dqy dH
0 1
small. This principle was rst noted by Horritt and Bates (2001) dx dy dt
a decade prior to the present paper. It was recognized that ow And two equations of motion:
vectors differed by about 20% from theory, and more importantly,      
this effect reached a maximum at about 10 between alignment of @qx @ q2x @ qx qy @H
gh sfx 0 2
free surface slope and alignment of one of the grid axes. The pres- @t @x h @y h @x
ent paper provides a theoretical explanation of what was rst rec- !    
ognized in practice. @qx @ q2y @ qx qy @H
By equating the diffusion ow equations to the standard energy gh sfy 0 3
@t @y h @x h @y
equation as applied to steady state uniform ow (SSUF) of the ow
regime set at various trajectory angles with respect to element where (x, y) are the Cartesian coordinates; t is time; g is the gravi-
alignment axis, the ratio of Mannings n at any angle to Mannings tational acceleration; qx and qy are unit ows in the x and y Carte-
n for SSUF can be calculated and the magnitude of the difference sian coordinate directions; Sfx and Sfy are friction slopes in the x, y
from unity can be estimated. This friction factor ratio is a function directions; h is ow depth; and H is the water surface elevation.
of element alignment with the ow regime angle. This friction fac- These three PDEs form the underpinning for computer models of
tor adjustment compensates for the effect of the modeling grid axis two-dimensional (2D) ow and also computer models of one-
not being aligned with the ow regime. From the developed equa- dimensional (1D) channel ow networks coupled with 2D topo-
tion, it is seen that the greatest change of ratio with respect to an- graphic ow models. For example, see the US Geological Survey
gle occurs within very small angles of rotation from 0 to about 5, computer program Diffusion Hydrodynamic Model (USGS DHM)
and from about 85 to 90. For greater angles of rotation (between by Hromadka and Yen (1987); also see Brater et al. (1996), Chapter
about 5 and about 85 symmetrical about 45), the ratio remain- 14, p. 33; and Maidment (1993), Chapter 21, pp. 2627.
s close to a constant value. This latter result may be signicant At issue is the 2D ow analog used and the application of Man-
when contemplating how the Mannings friction factor is esti- nings equation in computing information that is subsequently
mated in the eld. That is, eld measurements of ow regimes typ- used in the 2D ow analog when ow streamlines are not aligned
ically involve ows where streamlines are not in parallel alignment with analysis principal ow directions. The governing ow Eqs.
and, therefore, would already be in the range of angles from 5 to (1)(3) involve the friction slope terms Sfx and Sfy which are typi-
85 under the above computational model. When streamlines are cally computed by application of Mannings equation for an ele-
parallel, the ratio has a value of 1.0. Otherwise, when streamlines ment aligned with principal ow directions. However, as will be
are not parallel, the computational model predicts a ratio of about shown below, additional mathematical considerations may be
1.2. However, should the friction factor be based upon eld mea- needed when arbitrarily using Mannings equation in a 2D ow
surements where streamlines are very unlikely to be parallel, then analog for an element not so aligned.
180 T.V. Hromadka II et al. / Journal of Hydrology 389 (2010) 177185

For the SSUF problem considered, qx, qy, and h are all constant in q2s q2x q2y 13
X, and the 2D ow equations simplify to reduce the to the system
of PDEs: where qs is the unit ow along the streamlines that are parallel in
  the considered SSUF problem.
@H From the ow assumptions,
Sfx 0 4
@x )
hv x qx qs cos h
@H hv y qy qs sin h
Sfy 0 5
typically, for the considered SSUF problem, modeled unit ows in
@H @H
where @x
and @y
are constants in X, and where the x- and y-directions are approximated by a similar application
  of Mannings equation, where the gradient of the water surface
h tan1 6 along same trajectory matches the gradient of the topography along
the trajectory,
Therefore, for the subject SSUF problem, the relevant friction 9
1 5=3 1=2 >
slope terms are given by the partial derivatives, qx h4 sox >=
n 15
@H 1 5=3 >
Sfx  7 qy h4 s1=2
@x n
@H where h4 is the resulting four-direction ow analog ow depth by
Sfy  8 use of the above application of Mannings equation, and where h
is constant in X given the considered SSUF problem assumptions;
which indicates that the friction slopes in the x, y directions are and the topographic slopes in the x, y directions are Sox, Soy where
equal to the slope of the water surface in the same directions. A 
modeling approach typically used in 2D models is to extend the Sox so cos h
above results into a generalization, Soy so sin h

@H Therefore, combining Eqs. (15) and (16), we have the four-direc-

Sfz  ; z x; y 9 tion ow analog approximations for the subject problem
for arbitrary direction z, and then substitute into Mannings 5=3
equation (wherein shallow ow in a wide rectangular channel is as- qx ah4 cos1=2 h
5=3 1=2
sumed and all of the resistance is due to bottom friction, neglecting qy ah4 sin h
the side boundary layer effects) to obtain a unit ow rate, qz,
1 5=3 1=2 p
qz y sz ; z x; y 10 a 1 so =n 18

where n is the Mannings friction factor; and y is the ow depth. The ow width projection of the grid, W , is given by
However, as will be shown below, direct use of Eq. (10) may intro- W  Wsin h cos h 19
duce a bias in computational results. It is noted that for the consid-

ered SSUF problem, the USGS DHM formulation solves the governing And unit ow across W with the streamlines is qs, where
system of PDE of Eqs. (4)(8). It has been noted that the governing
qs ay5=3
n 20
system of equations is solved exactly only if time steps are suf-
ciently short to avoid computational instability (Hunter et al., where yn is the normal depth from Mannings equation.
2005). USGS DHM employs a time-stepping algorithm that reduces Setting inow to the grid equal to its ow analog outow gives
or expands the time step size depending on hydraulic conditions
qs W  Wqx qy 21
anywhere in the model. To avoid computational instability, the time
step may be reduced at any locality while the time step at other loca- or,
tions in the model may remain unchanged or expand.
A typical 2D modeling ow analog is to develop networks of ayn5=3 Wsin h cos h ah45=3 Wcos1=2 h sin1=2 h 22
connections between geometric elements, and then use qs to com- which reduces to
pute ow rates that apply during a small model time step, Dt.
For the considered four-direction ow analog, ow directions 5=3 sin h cos h
h4 y5=3
n 23
are in the x, y directions only, whereas in an unaligned ow, 1=2
cos1=2 h sin h
streamlines are at an angle h with the positive x-axis. For 2D grid
size W, ow velocities in the projected x- and y-directions are ob- or
tained from the streamline ow velocity, vs, by  3=5
9 sin h cos h
h4 yn 24
v y v s sin h >
= cos1=2 h sin
v x v s cos h 11
> In Eq. (24), h = 0 or h = p/2 radians places the streamlines in
v2 v2 v2 ;
s x y
alignment with the principal ow directions of the four-direction
ow analog, and also in alignment with the x and y axes, and Eq.
With ow depth a constant in X, under the considered SSUF
(24) gives the solution,
problem assumptions,
h4 yn ; h 0; p=2 25
h v 2s h2 v 2x h2 v 2y 12
For values of h = 0 and 90, the aligned case, h4 = yn, and the
or computed depth equals SSUF normal depth.
T.V. Hromadka II et al. / Journal of Hydrology 389 (2010) 177185 181

For other values of h, the grid principal ow paths are not in 1.19. The average value of c(h) taken at 1 increments from 5 to
alignment, and h4 < yn. Use of Mannings equation in Eq. (15) re- 85 is slightly greater than 1.20. That is, there is little variation in
quires a factor, b, to make the computed depth h4 equal to normal c(h) for almost all h, and c(h) = 1.0 only for h = 0 and h = 90. The
depth, yn. value of c(h) at 45 is exactly 21/4, or 1.189.
From the above equations, the factor, b, is given by, Combining Eqs. (32) and (33), the combination of c(h) and Man-
 3=5 nings n (for the streamline direction) gives N(h) where
sin h cos h
b bh 1=2
cos1=2 h sin h Nh nch 34
where again,
  where, approximately,
qy 8
h tan 
qx < 1:2; 85 > h > 5
Nh 1:1; 0 < h < 5 or 85 < h < 90

To develop the factor, b, for any angle, the following trigono- >
metric relationships apply: 1:0; h 0

qy 9
sin h >
g >
= 4. Application problem
qx 27
cos h >
g >
> For the considered SSUF problem, the mathematical (diffusion)
1=2 ;
g q2x q2y formulation used in USGS DHM simplies to Eqs. (7) and (8) as
does a fully dynamic formulation. Therefore, both the USGS DHM
Let r be dened by, ow analog that is based on the diffusion formulation (Hromadka
r qy =qx ; for qx  0 28 and Yen, 1987), rather than the fully dynamic equation set, is
equally relevant in solving the considered SSUF application prob-
Substituting Eq. (27) into Eq. (26) gives, lem herein. For other applications where there is a departure from
!3=5 SSUF, it has been shown that the diffusion formulation used in
qy qx g
bh p p p 29 DHM produces very nearly the same results as a fully dynamic for-
qx qy = g mulation (Hromadka and Yen, 1987) for Froude numbers less than
about 4. This is consistent with Ponce et al. (1978), who developed
or, after reducing,
applicability criteria for kinematic and diffusion models. Using the
" #3=5
1 r SSUF ow conditions described below with Ponce Eq. (17), the ini-
bh p 30 tial ow ramp of 2 h, followed by steady ow of 10 h meets the
1 r 1 r2 1=4
applicability criterion.
Note that as h ? p/2, r ? 1, and b ? 1. Also, at h = 0, r = 0, and In constructing multi-element four-direction ow analog arrays
b = 1. At h = p/4, which is the maximum angle out of alignment for to model SSUF with USGS DHM, it was found that a base SSUF ow
the four-direction ow analog, qx = qy and r = 1, giving b = 23/20 or eld with 400 elements, each 30.5 m (100 ft.) wide, was sufcient
approximately, b = 1.11. to demonstrate the theory. The objective was to achieve a shallow
Therefore, the factor, b, for any angle, can be expressed as a ratio uniform subcritical ow about 1 ft. deep. Theoretical model normal
of normal depth to computed depth depth was 30.24 cm (0.992 ft.). A model in perfect alignment with
the ow eld had a constant topographic slope of 0.0016; dis-
bh yn =h4 31
charge, q, of 0.093 m3/s/m (unit discharge, q, of 1 cfs/ft.); and Man-
for h values between h and p/2. Because qx and qy are known by the nings n of 0.050. The modeled ow was bounded at the upstream
ow analog application, Eq. (31) is readily applied. end by 20 inow boundary elements with q sufcient to sustain
normal depth of about 0.3 m (1 ft.) extending some distance down-
3. Extension of Mannings equation stream. The modeled ow was bounded at the downstream end by
critical outow boundary elements. The ow prole is described as
From the previous section, use of a similar application of Man- the subcritical drawdown curve, M2 in Chow 93 and 94 (1959).
nings equation to ow vectors that are not in alignment with the As modeled, the Froude number at the upstream end of the model
considered SSUF problem streamlines may introduce a bias in the was about 0.31. Fig. 3 illustrates the aligned model.
estimation of hydraulic properties. In this section, the identied Models not in alignment with SSUF consisted of the same 400
possible bias is addressed by redening the application of the ow element array rotated about the lower right corner so that the
vector friction factor. For the considered SSUF problem, equating slope measured along the angle of alignment remained at
inow into the grid to grid outow by the four-direction ow ana- 0.00116. Flow paths were bounded at the left and right sides by
log gives, elements with base elevations raised above ow depth. The rows
of inow elements upstream and outow elements downstream
1 5=3 1=2 1 5=3
y s Wcosh sin h y Ws1=2 1=2
oy sox 32 of the modeled ow were truncated at the left and right boundary
n n o cn n elements. Rotation angles were chosen at integral ratios of bound-
where c is a factor applied to Mannings n value as applied in the ary elements, e.g. 1h:1v was tan1(1/1) or 45; 1h:2v was tan1(1/
four-direction ow analog such that h4 = yn. 2) = 26.6 or 27; 1h:3v was tan1(1/3) = 18.4 or 18; 1h:4v was
From Eq. (16) and combining with Eq. (32) gives c as a function tan1(1/4) = 14.0 or 14; 1h:5v was tan1(1/5) = 11.3 or 11;
of angle h and, and 1h:10v was tan1(1/10) = 5.7 or 6.
p p Upstream boundary elements received a unit ow discharge of
cos h sin h
ch 33 about 1 cfs/ft. based on the width of the ow path measured be-
cos h sin h tween the innermost dimensions of the ow boundaries. Figs. 4
A plot of c(h) is shown in Fig. 2. From Fig. 2, the average value of and 5 illustrate typical models for 14 and 27 rotation
c(h) taken at 1 increments from 0 to 90 is slightly greater than respectively.
182 T.V. Hromadka II et al. / Journal of Hydrology 389 (2010) 177185

p p
Fig. 2. Plot of c(h) = [( cos h) + ( sin h)]/(cos h + sin h).

Fig. 3. Aligned model.

Each of the rotated models had base topography contour lines of the SSUF modeling period. Outow discharges matched inow
perpendicular to the northwest to southwest ow directions. The discharges within 0.01%.
base contour lines were at perfect right angles with respect to ow Flow uniformity was tested and achieved by analyzing USGS
streamlines, but in varying degrees of rotation with respect to ele- DHM output data for velocities at each element, focusing on the
ment orientation. central elements used for ow depth analysis. USGS DHM output
Continuity for all models was veried by comparing total out- includes ow velocities in the four Cartesian coordinate directions,
ow over all the outow elements with total inow, at hour 12 N, E, S, and W. For steady ow, averages of N and S velocities
T.V. Hromadka II et al. / Journal of Hydrology 389 (2010) 177185 183

Fig. 4. Model rotated 14.

provide the velocity in the NS direction, and similarly for the EW The aligned model computed c(h) at zero (and 90 by symmetry)
direction. Resolving these velocities into angular and velocity com- matches theoretical c(h) exactly.
ponents yields ow direction through each element, which com- The rotated model computed c(h) at 45 matches theoretical
pared well with theoretical ow directions. Table 1 summarizes c(h) exactly.
the results. The rotated models computed c(h) at 6, 11, 14, 18, and 27
For both the aligned and rotated models, c(h) was estimated by (and 63, 72, 76, 79, and 84 by symmetry) closely approximate
rst analyzing each rotation model with Mannings n = 0.050. Con- theoretical c(h).
sistent with theory, the ow depths in all rotated models were
slightly less than the computed normal depth. Mannings n was in- 5. Discussion
creased according to Eq. (33) and a second analysis was made. In
most cases, the computed depth was not quite equal to normal In the eld estimation of Mannings friction factor values,
depth, so a third value of Mannings n was interpolated or extrap- watercourses and oodplains are typically identied that approxi-
olated based on the results of the rst two analyses, and a third mately satisfy steady-state ow conditions, and that also satisfy
analysis was made. If the computed ow depth was equal to nor- approximately one-dimensional uniform ow conditions. Applica-
mal depth, the actual value of c(h) was computed as model Man- tion of a grid tiling of elements to such areas, using very small ele-
nings n /0.050. If the computed ow depth was not equal to ments (i.e., with side dimension approaching the limit established
normal depth, a three-point interpolation or extrapolation of previ- by the Courant criterion), could result in a mathematical situation
ously-computed data was used to estimate a value of Mannings n analogous to the considered SSUF problem setting examined in this
that would result in computed depth equal to normal depth. The paper. From the results summarized in Fig. 6, it is logical to
actual value of c(h) was computed as model Mannings n/0.050. hypothesize that the ow streamlines are typically randomly vary-
Table 1 and Fig. 6 summarize the results for the aligned and ro- ing in trajectory with respect to the grid ow analogs principal
tated cases. For rotation angles other than 0 (and 90 by symme- ow directions, and at angles oftentimes greater than a few de-
try), ow depths were lower than normal depth. Mannings n grees. In such a case, the eld-estimated friction factor value, n,
values needed to develop a computed depth equal to normal depth used to calibrate the model should already include the c(h) factor,
were within the range reported in the literature, with the highest which is essentially a constant value except for trajectories in
being 0.061. For example, Chow (1959) reports oodplain n-values nearly perfect alignments with the principal ow directions. There-
ranging from 0.035 to 0.070 for a normal n-value of 0.050. Several fore, the issue may be viewed that c(h) is already included in the
general conclusions are readily apparent: Mannings n values, except in those rare conditions where random
streamline trajectory variability within the channel ow does not
Computed values of c(h) generally follow the trend of the vary more than a few degrees from perfect alignment. Adjust-
theoretical values. ments, if applied, would be on the order of magnitude of the
184 T.V. Hromadka II et al. / Journal of Hydrology 389 (2010) 177185

Fig. 5. Model rotated 27.

Table 1
Summary of results angular analysis and gamma computations.

Nominal Angle (deg) Computed angle Computed angle Computed angle Theoretical Depth at n To achieve Computed Theoretical
anglea (deg) (low, deg) (average, deg) (high, deg) depth (cm) n = 0.050 (cm) D = 30.24 gamma gamma
0, 90 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 30.24 30.24 0.0500 1.000 1.000
6, 84 5.7 4.6 6.7 8.6 30.24 27.34 0.0596 1.192 1.120
11, 79 11.3 9.8 11.8 12.8 30.24 26.97 0.0606 1.212 1.218
14, 76 14.0 12.9 14.5 17.2 30.24 26.58 0.0612 1.224 1.218
18, 72 18.4 17.9 19.5 21.2 30.24 26.88 0.0604 1.208 1.215
27, 63 26.6 25.4 25.7 26.2 30.24 27.13 0.0597 1.195 1.203
45 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 30.24 27.28 0.0594 1.188 1.189
angle by symmetry.

accepted ranges of friction factors. It follows that an array of square 6. Conclusions

elements applied over the digital terrain model without respect to
topographic ow directions would not require any adjustment to Application of Mannings equation to compute x and y axis pro-
account for variability of streamline trajectory. jected ow direction friction slopes for use in the governing 2D
Results from an early application of USGS DHM support the ow equations may produce a biased result in hydraulic computa-
hypothesis that c(h) is already included in the Mannings n values, tions in situations where ow streamlines exceed a few degrees
and support the application of an array of square elements over the from perfect alignment. To investigate the nature and magnitude
terrain model without respect to topographic ow directions. Syn- of this possible bias, a steady state uniform ow problem is exam-
thetic unit hydrographs (s-graphs) developed from USGS DHM cor- ined and ratios of computed Mannings n to SSUF Mannings n with
related well with the NRCS unit hydrographs, for an array of square respect to angle are derived. Investigation of a ratio with respect to
elements laid over a gaged mountain watershed with complex Mannings n, as opposed to introducing a new factor into Man-
topography (Hromadka and Nestlinger, 1985). nings equation, is justied for the typical application of USGS
Nonetheless, use of the c(h) term brings into consistency the DHM to analyze shallow overland ow in oodplains. Engman
numerical solution of the governing ow equations, for the consid- (1989) has shown that the governing ow equations can be solved
ered SSUF problem, for the considered ow analog and tiling of with proper boundary conditions and the selection of only one
elements. parameter, Mannings n. For elements aligned with principal ow
T.V. Hromadka II et al. / Journal of Hydrology 389 (2010) 177185 185

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