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AV Protocol for Use with Treatment By Nutritional Formulations

Michael Mickley, PhD, Scientist, Perfect Science A.D.

Perfect Science Boulder Inc

Joseph Arme, DC, David Morse , and Jim Trider

Full Circle Technologies International, Inc. and Full Circle Bio Medical

Protocol developed for the treatment of a variety of disease states by nutritional

formulations (Œwaters¹) and observations from extensive use of the protocol
and formula's There are several unique aspects of the situation surrounding
both the product and the interrelated protocol and product use. One is the
wealth of experience and history of success in the use of this water in several
countries over a broad range of patient conditions treated, including various
forms of cancer, AIDS, and MS. While, historically, most of this information
has been anecdotal in form, it provided the basis for development of the subject
protocol now in use with EAV machines. Other unique aspects include the
degree of detail of the protocol that has evolved, the consistent treatment
patterns that have occurred, and the interpretative theory that has emerged to
explain the beneficial role of the waters.
Together these different aspects provide a good example of how energy
enhanced that transform and supplement at the same time .This is sewer
medicine (IP) Perfect Science is evolving as it integrates with science. Perfect
Science has evolved since 1988 to be the only formula's in the world that can
work on toxic clean site's and your body at the same time in front of your eyes .
Watch the you tube video type in Perfect Science .

Perfect Science Terry Welch Sarsota , Flroida

The purpose of the presentation is to educate the audience and improve their
understanding of a segment of energy medicine such that they can identify and
describe differences between treatments based on symptoms and those based on
energy patterns.

Description of Treatment Product

Full Circle Technologies, Inc. is manufacturing and distributing nutritional

formulations developed by Perfect Science¹s Ayterion Aqua AD Inc. group and
marketing them to healthcare professionals and consumers. Their mission is to
provide a safe and superior formula, as well as the technology to measure its
effects accurately, for detoxification of human tissue. The products (Balance,
Breaker, Clear, and Alpha) are designed to promote systemic balance and they
contain an increasing level of saponins mixed with spring water. They are
formulated as a concentrate and are available in the US only through licensed
practitioners who have been certified by Full Circle.

Description of Subjects Treated

Prototypes of the products were tested in several Middle Eastern countries

during the early and mid 1990¹s. The products were originally envisioned as
treating different symptoms or disease states. Several hundred successful
treatments occurred with many different diseases. With few exceptions, these
situations were not quantified or documented, although several testimonials
exist. In an effort to place the use of the formulas on a more scientific basis, in
1999 the distribution and use of the formulas was tied into the use of an EAV
machine called the Aquatron 2000 AD, marketed by Full Circle Technologies.
Although data from EAV machines is still questioned by mainstream medicine,
this data is providing insight and understanding in the use and effects of these
products. Today, more formal clinical studies are being planned and research is
ongoing in the US, Venezuela, Argentina, Turkey, Germany, and elsewhere. In
cases where*e the products are used to treat indigenous populations, the
sophistication of the available data is low. At the other extreme, clinical animal
studies have been undertaken in Turkey.

Description of Research Methods

The protocols below, all involving the use of the Aquatron 2000 AD EAV
machine, are used in the sequence given.

1. Determination and possible correction of the patient¹s hypothalamic state to

assure that the site-specific readings correspond to intended target organ sites.
2. Determination of the baseline energy balance patterns in
the patient
3. Determination of the general environmental cause of the energy imbalance
4. Determination of the particular nutritional formulation and the particular
dosage of use
5. Determination of the effectiveness and tolerance of the
proposed treatment to avoid unpleasant patient side effects
and also to select a formula when it appears that multiple
formulas or dosages are appropriate
6. Periodic monitoring of the patient¹s response to treatment and of changes
indicated in the appropriate dose and particular Œwater¹

Ideally, a patient would be tested every 2 or 3 weeks for a period of up to 3

months. This permits monitoring of the changing energy patterns and changing
of the treatment water and dosage as the monitoring indicates. After a period of
time the monitoring schedule becomes less frequent and eventually the patient
may be put on a maintenance water and dosage.

Using the protocol described, data sets have been collected on over 50 patients
covering a range of symptoms and, in some cases, previously diagnosed
conditions. From examination of the data and from observations by
practitioners, several consistent results may be noted.

ß Patients with similar symptoms have different energy patterns.

ß Patients with similar symptoms indicate need for different treatment schemes
(different waters and different dosages).
ß When the EAV machine is used to indicate treatment (water, dosage),
treatment results are consistently good; when treatment was given according to
symptoms, treatment results were much less consistent.
ß Changes in energy patterns (patient response to treatment) are much quicker
with the Perfect Science nutritional formulations than with homeopathic
ß The most frequent causative factors affecting the energy patterns are
pesticides, heavy metals, and other environmental hydrocarbons
ß The causative factors most frequently encountered vary according to
geographic location (such as Florida, Texas, and Japan)

Discussion of Results
It is assumed that illnesses develop in definite sequences progressing in the
following order:
1. dysfunction at energy and cellular level
2. biochemical abnormalities
3. alterations in tissues and organs
4. recognizable disease

Energy changes first due to some stressor agent, then blood chemistry changes.
Ultimately, there are physical changes that produce symptoms. Such
bioenergetics changes can occur due to:

1. constitutional/genetic factors
2. toxic load
3. nutritional balance
4. mental/emotional state

The focus of the work presented is on the role of environmental toxins, such as
synthetic organic compounds and heavy metals. A premise of the Perfect
Science AD organization that developed the technologies is that such toxins
have compromised the immune systems of all forms of life, preventing the
natural defense system from to effectively warding off viruses, bacteria, and
other challenges to the body¹s health. The effect of toxins may be viewed in
terms of the Œbucket syndrome,¹ where the body¹s reservoir for toxins fills up
and at a certain level the body becomes sick; when the bucket overflows, the
body is very sick. The aim of the use of the treatments involving the EAV
machine and the nutritional drinks is to remove toxins from the body.

A general theory of what is happening to the patients is as follows:

1. The waters do not heal; the patient¹s immune system does the healing.
2. The appropriate treatment water is indicated by the EAV machine according
to the major stressing agent compromising the patient¹s immune system.
3. The treatment water affects the various stressor agents and removes them
from the body.
4. The waters thus allow the immune system to operate at higher efficiency
5. Changes in treatment water are indicated with time as a given stressor agent
is successfully eliminated from the body and the next major stressing agent now
controls the patient¹s energy pattern.

An appropriate level of more detailed description will be provided as a handout

including various case studies showing how energy patterns change with time
and increasingly reflect balance in the patients energy system.

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