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Equilibrium Incentives in Oligopoly


W e examine the incentives that owners of competing jirms give their managers.
W e show that, in equilibrium, each manager will be paid in excess of his
decision's marginal projit in a Cournot-quantity game, but paid less than the
marginal projit in a price game. In the Cournot case, deviations from projit
maximization are reduced by ex ante cost uncertainty and increased by cor-
relafion in the jirms' costs.

Orthodox economic theory treats firms as view that owners want to maximize profits,
economic agents with the sole objective of the incentive scheme they design may imply
profit maximization. Some have criticized managerial incentives different from prof-
this view of the firm as being simplistic, it maximization. For a monopolistic firm,
arguing that real firms may consistently strive the owner-manager relationship can be de-
toward a different goal. For example, Wil- scribed as a standard principal-agent prob-
liam Baumol (1958) suggested sales max- lem. Such analyses have yielded rich insights
imization as a possible objective function of into the structure of agents' incentives.' For
firms. Later, when economists more seriously example, Bengt Holmstrom (1977) showed
considered the fact that the modern cor- that compensation in optimal contracts
poration is characterized by a separation of would likely use information other than final
ownership and management, their attention profits.
focused on managerial objectives (see Her- However, when we discuss oligopolistic
bert Simon, 1964; Oliver Williamson, 1964; markets, the individual owner-manager re-
Michael Jensen and William Meckling, 1976; lationships must be examined within the
and the principal-agent literature, such as context of rivalrous owner-manager pair-
Stephen Ross, 1973). ings. More generally, whenever the profit
It is generally argued that a proper analy- accruing to a principal-agent pair depends
sis of the firm's objective function should be on decisions that other rational agents make,
based on the analysis of the owner-manager the potential interactions must be consid-
relationship. A manager's objective depends ered. In this paper we examine the incentive
on the structure of the incentives that his contracts that principals (owners) will choose
owner designs to motivate him. Owners often for their agents (managers) in an oligopolis-
index managerial compensation to profits, tic context, focusing on how competing
sales, output, quality, and many other owners may strategically manipulate these
variables. Even if we accept the traditional incentive contracts and the resulting impact
on the oligopoly outcome. This analysis will
yield different insights as to why managerial
compensation contracts may not depend
*Department of Economics, Tel Aviv University. solely on realized profits, and also examine
Israel, and Department of Managerial Economics and
Decision Sciences, J. L. Kellogg Graduate School of
Management. Northwestern University, Evanston. IL
60201. respectively. The authors would like to thank 'The principal-agent approach ( R o s , 1973; James
Steve Matthews, John Panzar, and Mark Satterthwaite Mirrlees. 1976; Bengt Holmstrom, 1977; Milton Harris
for their comments. Professor Judd also gratefully and Artur Raviv, 1979: Roger Myerson, 1982; and
acknowledges the financial support of National Science many others) assumes that a principal chooses an
Foundation grant nos. SES-8409786 and SES-8606581, incentive structure for agents which maximizes his
the Sloan Foundation, the Hoover Institution, and the welfare subject to information constraints and adequate
Kellogg Graduate School of Management. compensation for the agents.

interactions between the structure of internal equilibrium outcome in the competition

incentives withn a firm and market structure among the managers. Also, the other manag-
elements external to the firm. ers' equilibrium behavior will be affected if
Even though it comes as no surprise that they are aware of the firm's new incentive
the strategic use of incentives can be impor- for sales maximization or learn of it through
tant, little work has been done on the prob- repeated play. This reaction in the compet-
lem. Once one begins to t h n k of incentives ing firms' managers' behavior gives each
as strategic tools, it is clear that there may be owner an opportunity to be a Stackelberg
value to the owner of distorting his manager's leader vis-A-vis the other firm's managers
incentives away from maximizing the owner's when he determines h s managers' incen-
welfare if the reaction of the owner's tives. We find that this interaction causes
competitors is beneficial. In the case of a owners to twist their managers away from
monopoly firm, the optimal incentive struc- profit maximization even though the owners
ture is obviously the regular principal-agent care only about profits.
problem since there are no opponents and, We find, however, that the nature of the
in the absence of risk-sharing and asym- desired distortion critically depends on the
metric information considerations, such an nature of oligopolistic competition. In the
owner will motivate hls manager to maxi- case of Cournot-quantity competition, we
mize profits. In the case of an oligopolistic prove that each owner wants to motivate his
market, the optimal incentive structure is not manager toward high production in order to
so clear a priori. For example, Chaim get competing managers, who are aware of
Fershtman (1985) showed that nonprofit- these incentives, to reduce their output.
maximizing firms may enjoy more profits Therefore, in equilibrium owners will give a
than profit-maximizing firms in a duopoly. positive incentive for sales. On the other
The strategic trade analysis of James Brand- hand, if firms are selling differentiated prod-
er and Barbara Spencer (1983, 1985) is also ucts and compete in price, each owner will
an example of a "principal," in their case a want his manager to set a high price, thereby
government, distorting the incentives faced encouraging competing managers to also
by an "agent," the local firms, in order to raise their prices. Therefore, with price com-
change the behavior of a competing "princi- petition owners will pay managers to keep
pal-agent" pair, a foreign government and its sales low.
firms, in a fashon that advances the prin- T h s paper also determines the impact of
cipal's objectives. Our analysis also expands uncertainty and heterogeneity on the oli-
on their insights on international trade policy gopoly outcome. In the Cournot-quantity
by allowing uncertainty in critical parame- game, we find that the equilibrium outcome
ters. More recent work by Brander and Tracy with incentive contracts is more efficient than
Lewis (1986) and Vojislav Maksimovic (1986) the simple Cournot outcome not only be-
showed that a firm's owners may alter its cause of the increase in output but also
capital structure in order to alter their incen- because the low-cost firm's share of output is
tives and the competitors' behavior. greater. Furthermore, if the firms' costs are
In this paper we examine equilibrium uncorrelated, ex ante uncertainty at the time
incentive contracts in an oligopoly. We show the incentive contracts are written will reduce
that profit-maximizing owners will almost the deviation from profit maximization.
never tell their managers to maximize profits Even though our models will be specific, it
when each firm's managers are aware of will be clear that the idea of strategic
other managers' incentives since each man- manipulation of agents' incentives is of
ager will react to the incentives given to general interest. For example, we could
competing managers. For example, if one similarly analyze a sales manager's decisions
firm's manager is told to maximize sales when he establishes incentives for h s sales-
revenue instead of profit, he will become a people, and show that he overcompensates
very aggressive seller. Since his payoff is h s salespeople at the margin if that will
thereby affected, there will be a different cause competing salespeople to work less.
L'Of,. 77 N O . -5 FERS1ITMA.V A N D J U D D : EQUILIBRIUM I X C E N T I V E S 92 9

Also, many of our results continue to hold Before continuing, we should note that
when incomplete information and a mor- our analysis is equivalent to another view of
al hazard manager determine the informa- the market for manager^.^ Some will argue
tion available for contracting purposes (see that instead of shareholders hiring managers,
Fershtman and Kenneth Judd, 1987). it is managers who propose incentive struc-
Section I describes the general framework tures to the capital market, which then
we examine. Section I1 examines the results chooses among the competing managerial
for a Cournot industry with random demand, proposals. Even if one views the managers as
whereas Section I11 examines the case of making the first move, the resulting game is
random costs. Section IV studies the case of equivalent to our game as long as any
n Cournot firms. Section V examines price contract whlch the managers can propose
competition in a differentiated product mar- can also be proposed to the managers in our
ket. Section VI summarizes t h s study's game, and vice versa. The order of who
results. proposes the incentive contract, firm or
potential managers, is not important. The
I. The Basic Model crucial assumption is that the firm gets all
the rent from the relationship, an outcome
Our model assumes two firms, each with that will occur in either situation as long as
an owner and a manager. When we say there are a large number of potential manag-
"owner," we mean a decision maker whose ers per firm: if the firm proposes an incen-
objective is to maximize the expected profits tive scheme in a take-it-or-leave-it fashlon, it
of the firm. This could be the actual owner, a need offer a manager only his opportunity
board of directors, or a chief executive officer. cost; whereas if there are many manag-
"Manager" refers to an agent that the owner ers with similar opportunity costs making
hires to observe demand and cost conditions proposals to the shareholders, competition
and make the real-time decisions concerning among them will leave the winner only with
output and/or price. While we will refer to his opportunity cost, and in both cases an
the profit-maximizing agent as the owner, he outimal scheme from each firm's voint of
in turn could be an employee who has been view will be proposed and accepted. In some
given incentives to maximize firm profits. respects, t h s alternative formulation is at-
We examine a two-stage game. In the first tractive since a crucial assumption of our
stage, the owners of each firm simultaneously analysis is that the "owners" observe only
determine the incentive structure for its profits and sales, and do not bother learning
manager, knowing the true probability dis- about the day-to-day details of the firm's
tributions governing demand and costs. Each operation, an assumption which is a plausi-
owner must offer his manager a contract ble description of shareholders. In any case,
under which the manager expects to receive we will stick with the more common theo-
his opportunity cost of participation; at this retical structure of an owner proposing a
stage the manager shares his employer's un- contract and the manager responding.
certainty about demand and costs and the The assumption that each firm's manager
belief about the incentives under which the in stage two knows the other firm's manager's
opposing manager will work. In the second incentive contract and costs is a natural one
stage, the competing managers play an in this context. We view the manager's
oligopoly game, with each firm's manager contracts as being infrequently altered and
knowing his incentive contract and those of in force for a substantial amount of time.
competing managers. In the second stage, Repeated play would presumably cause
the realized nature of demand and costs
facing all firms will be perfectly known and
common knowledge among the managers.
After all sales have been made, each owner 'We thank an anonymous referee for pointing out
observes the costs and sales, and hence prof- this alternative view of the interaction between the
its, of his firm. capital and managerial markets.

managers eventually to learn one another's relationship. The linearity restriction is not
true incentives even if they were not initially descriptively unreasonable. Furthermore,
common knowledge. However, despite this tractability demands that some restriction be
appeal to repeated play, we are assuming a put on the space of contracts since in similar
single-shot game with common knowledge in generalized -principal-agent problems it is
stage two among managers about their known that equilibrium may not exist in
incentives. A true repeated play specification unrestricted contracts (see Roger Myerson,
of the managers' game would clearly generate 1982). While this is an unfortunate limita-
many interesting new possibilities, but be- tion of our analvsis. it will be clear that it is
cause of the intractable inference problems not the reason for the qualitative nature of
and the multiple-equilibria problems that our results.'
arise in repeated games, it is beyond the Another crucial element of our model will
scope of this paper to move beyond our be the assumption that there is uncertainty
two-period specification. Moreover. it will be about crucial market parameters describing
clear in this two-stage game that each owner demand and costs at the time the incentives
will want its manager's incentives to be com- are determined. Such uncertainty from the
mon knowledge. For these reasons, we re- owners' perspective is natural and also gives
gard this critical information specification as the managers a role as observers of these
appropriate and the two-period specification random variables. Uncertaintv is also crucial
a reasonable one in which to study the issues to our focus on equilibria in whlch incentives
on which we want to focus. are distorted away from profit maximization.
We assume that the incentive structure We will argue that if we had no uncertainty
takes a particular form: risk-neutral manag- about the ex Dosr state of the market. then
ers are paid at the margin in proportion to a our analysis would be unconvincing since
linear combination of profits and sales. More there would be no justification for ignoring
formally, firm i's managers will be given quantity- or price-indexed contracts that
incentive to maximize would force the usual Cournot and Bertrand
outcomes. However, simple deterministic
forcing contracts will not be desired by
owners when they face nontrivial uncertainty
where .rr, and S, are firm 1's profits and since each owner will want his manager to
sales.3 This formulation is moderately gen- react to the eventual environment. There-
eral in that it is equivalent to maximizing fore, uncertainty is necessary to make the
linear combinations of profits and costs or use of linear contracts in ~ r o f i t sand sales
sales and costs. We make no restrictions on reasonable and superior to contracts which
a,, allowing even negative values. We are yield the usual oligopoly outcomes.
assuming that, after the managers have acted The implicit restriction that i's manager's
and sales and production have been realized, compensation depends on only firm i's sales
the firms' owners can (or choose to) observe and profits, not its competitor's, is motivated
only profits and sales figures, not realizations by a couple of realistic considerations. First,
of demand parameters or number of units
sold. We allow managers to do whatever is
in their best interest given their options and
incentives, making the owner-manager rela- 'Recent work has indicated that the restriction to
tionship a delegation relationship, not a team linear contracts is reasonable and does not mislead us.
Bengt Holmstrom and Paul Milgrom (1987) show that
linear contracts are optimal in some realistic con-
t i n u o ~ \ - t i m cpr~ncipal-agentproblems. Fershtman and
Judd (1087) showed that the basic insights of this paper
30,will not be a manager's reward in general. Since continue to hold when moral hazard considerations also
his reward is linear in profits and sales, he is paid entcr into the contracting problems of a duopolist. The
A , + B,O, for some constants A , , B,, with B, > 0. Since focus on linear contracts here allows us to address
he is risk-neutral, he acts to maximize 0, and the values quchtions that are intractable uhen u e combine shirking
of A, and B, are irrelevant. b! agents with a more cornplex dynamic structure.

a firm has much better information about its where p is market price and Q is total
profits and sales than about its competitor's. output. q, denotes the output of firm I ,
Second, giving one's manager any incentive I = 1,2. Firm I will have constant unit cost
to increase a competitor's profits could pos- c, 2 0, I =1,2. Both a or b are possibly
sibly be illegal because of its clear role as a unknown to all in stage one, but revealed to
device to facilitate collusion. Thrd, even if the managers at the beginning of stage two.
we did allow cross effects in compensation, it We will make no special assumptions about
will be clear that our main result of incentive the distribution of a and b other than as-
manipulation would continue to hold true sumptions on the support of their distri-
since each firm wants the other manager to butions necessary to assure that each firm's
operate in a cooperative fashlon, but not its output will be positive in equilibrium. We
own manager.5 see no reason to burden the reader with the
We examine the subgame-perfect Nash extra algebra that would be needed when
equilibrium of our two-stage game. In the zero output is a possible equilibrium out-
second stage, we compute the Nash equi- come, particularly since our interest is in the
librium that results when the firms' manag- study of active oligopolies. The exact nature
ers make simultaneous choices of their of such assumptions will be made explicit in
strategc variables, knowing one another's the statements of the theorems below. In this
incentive contract and the realized nature of section, c, and c, are known perfectly by all
demand and costs. Below, we will examine in both stages.
cases in which the strategic variable is either We solve for the incentive equilibrium in
price or quantity and make various as- the standard backward fashion. In stage two,
sumptions concerning the information each the manager of each firm observes a, b, c,,
firm has in the contract-writing stage about c,, a,, and a,, and chooses q, to maximize
the eventual costs and demand. In the first 0,.In this case, 0, becomes
stage, each owner simultaneously chooses its
a , , the relative weight it forces the manager
to give to profits, with Nash equilibrium
describing the outcome. In this game among
the owners, each knows the payoff structure
of each possible second-stage game as a Given a , and a,, the Cournot reaction
function of the a's. We will refer to the functions in quantity are
stage-one equilibrium choice of the a , and
the resulting probability distribution of
output and prices as the incentive equi-
librium. We now move to the determination
of incentive equilibria in several contexts. and symmetrically for firm two. Note that a ,
just affects the manager's perspective on
11. Incentive Equilibrium with Cournot costs. If a , < 1, that is, firm one's manager
Competition and Random Demand moves away from strict profit maximization
toward including consideration of sales, then
We first examine the issue of oligopolistic firm one's reaction function moves out in a
incentive structures for managers in a model parallel fashlon since the managers view alcl
of duopoly Cournot competition in a homo- as the marginal cost of production. There-
geneous good market. For reasons of tracta- fore, as the owner of firm one changes a,, he
bility, demand is assumed to be linear: essentially changes his manager's reaction
function. Symmetric results hold for firm
two. These facts play the crucial role in the
results below.
For values of a,, i =1,2, inherited from
5 ~ e r s h t m a nand Judd (1987) demonstrate this in a the outcome of stage one, stage-two equi-
simple model. librium in terms of demand, cost, and

incentive parameters is and similarly for firm two. Since a , < l , if

and only if q , > 0, we find that if both firms
produce output, both will twist their man-
ager's incentives away from strict profit max-
imization toward sales incentives as well.
The intuitive explanation for these results
is given in Figure 1. For a particular b , R , is
firm i's reaction function, yielding q, as a
function of q,-,. First, take the point of the
owner of firm one. His choosing a , < 1pushes
and similarly for q,. Note that as a , and a , R, out and pushes the Nash equilibrium
are smaller, p is smaller, reflecting the fact down firm two's manager's reaction function
that providing incentives for sales results in from A to B. The fact that a , is com-
output beyond the profit-maximizing level. municated to the manager of firm two means
Given the outcomes in stage two, firm that firm one's owner acts as a Stackelberg
one's owner chooses a , in stage one so as to leader with respect to firm two's manager.
maximize his expected profits net of h s Here, however, each owner is a leader vis-8-
manager's opportunity costs. Since the cost vis his opponent's management. T h s dual
of hiring a manager is fixed and unaffected leadership causes both owners to make their
by risk, this is equivalent to maximizing managers more aggressive sellers, leading
expected profits6 We first address the case both owners to choose an a , less than unity,
in which only b is unknown ex ante. In this pushing both reaction curves out, and finally
case, the reaction function for firm one's causing the stage-two Cournot equilibrium
owner's choice of a , as a function of a , is to shift from A to C . Theorem 1 summa-

THEOREM 1: In a Cournot market, if a ,

c,, and c, are known in stage one and both
and similarly for firm two's owner's choice firms a1wa.y~ produce positive quantities in
of a,. equilibrium for any value in the support of b,
The case of uncertain b is particularly then, for i. j = 1,2,
easy to examine since b is simply a parame-
ter for the scale of the market and, as seen in
( 5 ) , does not enter into the owners' choice of
a , and a,. Note that if firm two's manager
maximizes profits, that is, a , =1, and costs
are equal, then firm one's owner will choose
a , < 1. Therefore, profit-maximizing con-
tracts generally do not arise in equilibrium.
In fact, the final outcome is

implyzng that owners always give incentives for

sales and may even penalize for profits if costs
are suficiently low.

There are several interesting comparisons

hRecall, from fn. 3. that 1's manager is paid A, + between our incentive equilibrium outcome
B,O,. Since managers are risk neutral, the owners can and the Cournot outcome. Total output in
first set the optimal a's. yielding the 0,. and then the incentive equilibrium always exceeds
promise A,'s, which set the means of A, + B,O, equal to
the manager's opportunity cost. Hence, owners' profits
Cournot output, and profits and prices are
equal expected profits minus managerial opportunity lower. For example, if c, = c, = c, then
costs. Cournot price is ( a + 2 c ) / 3 , whereas the

- c 2 , then in the incentive equilibrium

and similarly for Jirm two.

Before continuing, we should discuss one

alternative formulation and its relationship
to our game, particularly since it will give an
argument as to why the addition of uncer-
tainty was important to our analysis. Sup-
pose that owners could write only contracts
that force managers to produce a certain
level of output and that there were no uncer-
tainty in the level of demand. Such a world
is equivalent to the usual Cournot game.
Now suppose that the firms could write both
these forcing contracts and the linear con-
incentive equilibrium price is lower and equal tracts we studied above. If firm one wrote a
to ( a + 4 c ) / 5 . Similarly, Cournot profits contract forcing its Cournot level of output,
equal ( a - c ),/9b, whereas in our incentive the best firm two could do would also be to
equilibrium they are 2(a - ~ ) ~ / 2 5 ab ,lesser write a contract that specifies its Cournot
amount. output since it could not manipulate the
The incentive equilibrium outcome also performance of firm one's manager. In Fig-
has strong performance implications relative ure 1. such a forcing contract would cause
to the usual Cournot-quantity analysis. Since R, to be vertical, a graphical representation
output is increased and oligopoly rents are of its nonmanipulability. Of course, the same
lower, efficiency is improved. However, the argument applies to firm one. Therefore, the
incentive equilibria are more efficient not usual Cournot outcome is also an equi-
only because price is closer to marginal cost librium if we assume no uncertainty and
but also because production rises relatively allow quantity-forcing contracts.
more at the low-cost firm. If firm one is the Thls observation does not, however, im-
low-cost firm, straightforward calculations mediately eliminate the incentive equilib-
show that its market share is l + ( c , - e l ) / rium we computed above since it also remains
( a - 2 c , + c,) times greater in the incentive an equilibrium in this extended game. The
equilibrium than in the Cournot equilibrium. crucial fact is that, without uncertainty, a
Corollary 1 summarizes. firm can choose any point along its opposing
manager's reaction curve by choosing a
COROLLARY 1: Under the assumptions of quantity-forcing contract or a linear contract.
Theorem 1, incentive equilibria in the quantit,: If firm one believed that firm two was going
game generates greater output, lower rents, to write the incentive equilibrium contract
lowser prices, and a more eficient allocation of with its manager, then firm one is indifferent
production than the usual Cournot equilibria. between writing a contract that forces its
manager to produce the best point along
The case of uncertain a is similarly firm two's manager's reaction curve and
examined. Let ii denote the mean of a. giving its manager the incentive equilibrium
Proceeding as above, we find Theorem 2. contract that will also produce that outcome.
Similarly, if firm two's owner believed that
THEOREM 2: If b, c,, and c, are known in one's manager was going to write the incen-
stage one and if the minimum value of a with tive equilibrium contract, it could do no
nonzero probability exceeds 2c2 - c and 2c, better than to write its incentive equilibrium

contract. Therefore, multiple equilibria often Section I1 has demonstrated the basic
result if both forcing and linear incentive insight in our analysis: profit-maximizing
contracts were possible. owners may not want to give profit-maximiz-
In many cases of multiple equilibria, there ing incentives to their managers because an
is no reason to choose one over the other. owner can influence the outcome of the com-
However, the incentive equilibria would not petition between the managers in his favor
be the natural one to focus on here in the by distorting his manager's incentives. T h s
absence of uncertainty. To argue t h s , we result does not rely on asymmetric informa-
appeal to focal point considerations. Since tion considerations as in Holmstrom, since a
our incentive equilibrium often results in less firm in this model will choose profit-maxi-
profit for both firms (and surely will if costs mizing contracts if it faces no competition.
are identical), the incentive equilibrium T h s result shows that internal relationshps
would often be strictly Pareto inferior. In and incentives can be distorted and manipu-
such cases, focal point considerations argue lated for interfirm strategic reasons, giving a
that the owners would realize that it is in new and fundamentally different role for
their mutual interest to act according to the internal contracts. In the following sections
simple Cournot allocation implemented by we elaborate on t h s theme for the cases of
forcing contracts. Therefore, the incentive random costs, multiple-firm oligopoly, and
equilibria lose much of their appeal in de- price competition in differentiated markets.
terministic versions of our model.
However, if there are nontrivial levels of 111. Incentive Equilibrium with Cournot
uncertainty, then such noncontingent quanti- Competition and Random Costs
ty-forcing contracts would not be desirable
since the owner would want the manager to The case of random costs is substantially
be able to respond to contingencies that the different. We examine it because new results
owner does not observe, but which do affect concerning the impact of inter-firm heter-
his profits. Such flexibility could be partially ogeneity are obtained.
attained in this context by a profit-maxi- Suppose that c , and c2 are identically
mizing contract. If both firms chose profit- distributed with mean p, variance a 2 , and
maximizing contracts, then the state-con- correlation coefficient r. Let u = a/p be the
tingent Cournot outcomes would result. coefficient of variation. Again, we will as-
However, once firms chose such contracts sume that the cost randomness is contained
for their managers, each manager will react so that output for each firm is positive in
to deviations in the other's incentive con- each state of the world. We assume that each
tract. Therefore, by assuming uncertainty, manager knows the other's costs in stage
we have both given a function to the manager two. In this section, we assume that a and b,
and also increased the plausibility of our the demand parameters, are known perfectly
incentive equilibrium relative to one im- in both stages. Therefore, the stage-two reac-
portant perturbation of our game. tion functions are given by (3). In stage one,
These comments also apply to the trade owner i chooses a, to maximize expected
policy analyses in the papers by Brander and profits given his expectation of Ex-
Spencer (1983, 1985). Their models will also pected profits are given by ex ante expecta-
have additional equilibria in similarly ex- tion of (4c). Stage-one reaction functions are
tended strategy spaces, with the extra equi-
libria sometimes being mutually preferable
to both nations; however, uncertainty about
the underlying profit opportunities will again
make the linear contract equilibria the more
plausible ones. The nature of our results also
generalizes, implying that the strategic trade Understanding the dependence of t h s
interventions will tend to be less valuable in reaction function on r, u , and p is crucial to
the presence of uncertainty. understanding the equilibrium results. If
101 77 2'0 5 FI. R S I f T M A b A L D J C D D EQUILIBRIC M ISCL Y T I V E S 935

there were no reaction by firm two's man- and r rise, and ( i i ) a < 1 for r sufficiently
ager to firm one's incentive structure, there close to 1 and u sufficiently close to zero.
would be no gain to the owner from distort- The case of random costs is somewhat
ing his manager's incentives. The marginal richer but more difficult to analyze com-
gain to firm one's owner of increasing a , by pletely. If the equilibrium a is less than
da,, assuming firm two's manager does not unity, then an increase in the uncertainty of
react to this change in h s opponent's incen- costs and their correlation will cause firms to
tives, is move closer to profit maximization because
it is more difficult to choose the right a
conditional on the realized costs. We are not
able to prove that a is always less than 1,
which is zero at a , = 1, the profit-maximizing but we know of no case in which it is not.
contract. However, since the manager of firm The formula for a would seem to indicate
two will react in the stage-two equilibrium that a could exceed one, but only if the
by increasing output as a , is increased, the variance of costs is large and costs are not
marginal loss of increasing a , arising from perfectly correlated. This situation could
t h s reaction is possibly lead to negative output according to
(6b) and violating the nonnegativity con-
dition on output. To determine whether this
occurs, one would have to impose specific
which is positive if q, is positive for all c,, c2 distrihutions on the random variables. We
realizations. The reaction function chooses want to confine the analysis in t h s study to
a,. whlch equates the marginal gain and loss cases in which examination of the random
of an increase in a,. As the variance, a 2 , variables' first and second moments and weak
increases, marginal losses due to deviations conditions on their support is sufficient. Since
from profit-maximizing incentives increase, the nonnegativity constraints on output are
pushing the optimal a , toward 1. Also, if a , satisfied for r close to one or when the
is near its optimal value given a,, the gains support for costs is small, yielding a u nearly
from such deviations fall as a 2 rises. Hence, zero, the formula for a in Theorem 3 is valid
we see that as u 2 rises, firms move toward a in these cases and ( i i ) of Theorem 3 holds,
profit maximization. Similarly, as costs are showing that Theorem 3 applies for a non-
more correlated, the benefits of deviations trivial set of cases.
from profit-maximizing incentives rise, im- This section shows how cost shocks affect
plying that the optimal a , falls. Also, as a / p the equilibrium nature of incentives. If cost
rises, that is, the choke price rises relative to shocks are commonly experienced, as in the
mean cost, the profit margin is greater and case of an uncertain price for a common
firms move away from profit-maximization input, then the owners decide to distort
incentives, as was the case for determinis- incentives. However, if shocks are not com-
tic c. monly experienced, then deviations from
Theorem 3 follows directly from an ex- profit maximization are reduced. Similarly, if
amination of the reaction functions. there is too much variance in costs, then
owners are not as willing to distort incen-
T H E O R E M 3: Wirh ex ante uncertain and tives away from profit maximization.
identicalk distributed costs, if q, and q2 are
nonnegative in equilibrium for all realizations IV. Equilibrium with Many Firms
of ( c , , c?), then in equilibrium,
We saw above in a duopoly that owners
may distort their managers' incentives if each
firm's manager reacts to distortions in the
competing managers' incentives. It is natural
to ask next if these distortions of owners'
Therefore, ( i ) a rises as a / p falls and as u incentives disappear as the industry is less

concentrated. We establish this formally in From (14) we can calculate the price
the case of perfectly correlated uniform costs.
The same results for the cases of uncertain a
and b are easily proven.

THEOREM 4: As n approaches co, the

firms' nzanagers beconze profit rnaxinzizers,
that is, a , + 1, if a is uncertain, b is uncer-
tain, or costs are equal but uncertain in stage
one. The i t h firm's expected profit when c is
unknown in stage one is
Firm i's objective function is

The first-order condition for choosing q, is

(12) ( a - 2bq, - b e , ) - a l e = 0,

where Q, = Q - q,. The second-order con-

ditions are clearly satisfied. Thus, the ith Maximizing the above profit functions for
firm's reaction function is each i yields

Summing (13) yields

Since at the symmetric equilibrium a , = a

for all i ,
Since Eq, = Q, then b ( n + 1)Q = nu -Ea,c.

where p = E { c ) and a 2 is the variance of c.

Thus lim " a, ,= I . Thls proves Theorem 4.
Substituting (14) into (13) (Q, = Q - q l ) This result is intuitively appealing because
yields it coincides with our understanding of the
perfectly competitive market. In the tradi-
tional theory of perfect competition with
free entry, firms cannot afford to do anythmg
other than be profit maximizers. If all firms
have the same technology, the long-run
equilibrium price is identical to minimum
average cost. If one firm deviates from its
VOL. 77 NO. 5 F E R S H T M A N A N D JUDD: E Q U I L I B R I U M I N C E N T I V E S 93 7

profit-maximizing output, its average cost is PROOF:

going to increase above the market price, The reaction function of firm i's managers
implying that the firm loses money. is given by
Since monopolists want their managers to
maximize profits, we find that managers in
both monopolized and competitive sectors
will be told to maximize profits. Nonprofit-
maximizing incentives will be given only in and the stage-two equilibrium prices, as a
oligopolistic industries, showing that the re- function of incentive and demand parame-
lationship between market structure and ters. are
managerial incentives will likely not be

V. Price Competition and Incentive Equilibrium

in a Differentiated Product Duopoly

The analysis of incentive equilibrium in a

differentiated market is similar to the analy-
sis in Section IV with one exception-now Given the equilibrium in the second stage,
we assume price competition between firms the owners can compute their expected
selling differentiated products instead of profits, n,, i = 1,2, as a function of the
Cournot-quantity competition. We assume incentivestructures in their own firm as well
that the demand is given by as in the rival's firm:

2hAE+ aAE+ a q c h - 4 h 2 c + a 2 c + 2 h 2 a , c
n, = E
where E is a common shock to demand. We 4h2 - a 2
assume E = 1. Also b > a , implying that the
effect of a firm's own price on sales is greater
than the effect of its rival's price. Thls is
equivalent to concavity in the implicit
linear-quadratic consumer utility function. By differentiating (22) with respect to a,
Owners know that the strategic variable in and equating it to zero, we find the reaction
the competition between managers in the function of firm i ' s owner to firm j = 3 - i
second stage is price. Thus, given an incen- to be
tive structure which is a linear combination
of profits and sales, firm i ' s manager will act
so as to maximize

THEOREM 5 : When price is the strategic

variable in the second stage of the competition
among diferentiated producers facing linear
demand, a , > 1, that is, the incentive equi- The equilibrium in the first stage of the
librium is such that managers are ouercom- game is a pair ( a y , a : ) such that (23) is
pensated at the margin for projits. satisfied for i = 1,2. Substituting (22) into

(23) and solving for a, yields P2 I

since a < h. The overcompensation for profits

can also be interpreted as an owner's tax on
the manager for his input expenditures. T h s
tax disciplines the manager and prevents him
from being too aggressive in his pricing
An immediate corollary of Theorem 5 is
that the price in the incentive equilibrium is
above the equilibrium price in an industry in
w h c h managers maximize profit, the usual
specification of behavior in a differentiated demonstrates that the equilibrium incentive
market. T h s can be illustrated by a reaction structure depends on the way firms compete
function analysis. The crucial difference in the market. In the quantity competition
between this case and the Cournot-quantity case, a < 1 and owners motivate managers to
case is that here the reaction curves in prices behave aggressively and to produce beyond
slope upward, that is, the greater a firm's the profit-maximization level, whereas in the
expectation about its opponent's price, the price competition case a > 1 and managers
greater will be the price he chooses. Under behave nonaggressively. In the quantity
the profit-maximization hypothesis the equi- competition case each owner, acting as a
librium prices are ( p:, p: ) in Figure 2. By Stackelberg leader with respect to the op-
penalizing managers on sales at the margin, posing manager, recognizes the negative
as occurs here since the equilibrium of the slope of its rival manager's reaction function
owner's game implies that a > 1 for both and therefore wants his manager to expand
firms, managers will price less aggressively output. In the price competition case, each
than under the regular profit-maximization owner knows that any credible increase in its
hypothesis. This pushes their reaction func- own price will be followed by an increase in
tions upward, a shift evident from (20) which its rival's price, therefore motivating its
describes i's reaction function. This mutual manager to be less aggressive and charge a
restraint results in equilibrium moving out- price above the profit-maximizing price.
ward, a direction favorable to both, and Moreover, the performance implications
leading to prices of ( a , , a,), which are higher of incentive equilibrium differ in the two
than the equilibrium prices under the profit- cases. In the quantity competition case, the
maximization hypothesis. incentive equilibrium increases efficiency and
Comparing the above result with the equi- reduces oligopoly rents since the outcome is
librium in the quantity competition case7 closer to perfect competition than the out-
come in the regular Cournot competition.
However, in the price competition case, in-
centive equilibrium essentially pushes the
ad we assumed our differentiated producers
competed in quantities, then the results would have price toward the monopolistic price. The
resembled those of the nondifferentiated Cournot structure of our incentive contract game
analysis. Therefore the comparisons we make here result would therefore be one of mutual advantage
from the mode of competition. not from product to the firms and hence one toward which
differentiation. The product differentiation feature was
added to the analysis of Section IV in order to keep
they would like to move instead of the deci-
price competition from always resulting in marginal sion-making structure implicit in the usual
cost pricing. Bertrand analysis.

Finally, the argument that incentive equi- There are a variety of directions whch
libria in the deterministic quantity compe- further research should pursue. The major
tition case with no uncertainty were not weakness of the analysis above is the as-
plausible for focal point reasons when we sumption of linear contracts and the absence
expand the space of possible contracts does of a detailed asymmetric information struc-
not apply here. Since firm profits are in- ture which motivates the existence of con-
creased by incentive contracts, such con- tracts in the first place. Thls study is offered
siderations argue in favor of the incentive as an imperfect but intuitive and suggestive
contracts over forcing contracts (which here analysis of the possibilities that arise when
would be interpreted to force the manager to we jointly examine managerial incentives and
choose a certain price) even when both were market structure. A more recent paper by
equilibria in the expanded contract space. the authors (Fershtman and Judd, 1987) ex-
These arguments indicate that our theory of amines a model with a more standard in-
incentive equilibria may be more relevant for complete information and moral hazard
the case of differentiated markets. structure, which demonstrates that the intui-
tive results derived above continue to hold
VI. Concluding Comments within a more standard principal-agent struc-
Thls paper has examined the interactions We also assumed that the managers play
of internal contracting and external strategic a simple Nash noncooperative equilibrium
considerations. We found a principal (firm when they compete. An alternative theory of
owner) will want to distort the incentives of their behavior would be to have them bargain
his agents (firm managers) in order to affect toward some outcome that is cooperative
the outcome of the competition between his from their point of view. While t h s may
agent and competing agents. The general substantially affect the outcome of the man-
implications of our analysis are clear. In agers' game for any given set of managerial
general, the owner of a firm will alter hls incentives, the owners would still take into
managers' incentives in that direction which account the impact their decisions have on
will cause opposing agents to change their the outcome of the managers' decision-
behavior in beneficial directions. For ex- making process. For example, if the manag-
ample, if advertising will cause opposing ers were known by the owners to bargain in
firms to reduce their advertising, then a firm's accordance with a "split the gains from
owner will give his managers extra incentive trade" rule, then each owner will strive to
to advertise. T h s can be implemented by increase his profits by demanding a large
explicit incentives or by hiring agents who bond from the manager and then contract to
are known to be inclined to aggressively give a large portion of it back whether
advertise. In some cases, various asymme- bargaining succeeds. T h s will raise the
tries may cause the owners to distort their manager's threat point, making the agree-
managers' behavior in opposing directions. ment point more favorable to his firm, and
For example, if in the differentiated products increase the owner's profits. In any case,
case firm one is a price setter, but firm two, strategic manipulation of managerial incen-
for some technical reason, fixes h s quantity, tives will be valuable to owners as long as
then firm one's manager will be paid to the manager's incentives affect the joint al-
overproduce in order to get firm two's location of profits in the manager's game, a
manager to reduce his output, but firm two's feature which appears in most cooperative
manager may be paid to keep his price high modes of interaction as well as noncooper-
and output low in order to encourage firm ative.
one's manager to allow the market prices to This paper has demonstrated that com-
be high. The variety of problems that can be peting firms' owners will often distort their
analyzed by focusing on t h s joint deter- managers' objectives away from strict profit
mination of internal incentives and external maximization for strategic reasons. This
environment is obvious. initial analysis made several simplifying as-

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