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Pathway analysis of Candida albicans survival and

virulence determinants in a murine infection model

Jeffrey M. Beckera, Sarah J. Kauffmana, Melinda Hausera, Liyin Huanga, Molly Linb, Susan Sillaotsb, Bo Jiangc,
Deming Xub, and Terry Roemerb,1
Department of Microbiology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996; bDepartment of Infectious Disease, Merck Frosst Canada Ltd., Montreal,
QC, Canada H9H 3L1; and cGlycoFi Inc, Lebanon, NH 03766

Edited by Jasper Rine, University of California, Berkeley, CA, and approved October 26, 2010 (received for review July 8, 2010)

One potentially rich source of possible targets for antifungal ther- genes (with the exception of conditional essential genes) and
apy are those Candida albicans genes deemed essential for growth characterization of their resulting terminal phenotypes both in
under the standard culture (i.e., in vitro) conditions; however, these vitro and in the host milieu have been largely ignored despite
genes are largely unexplored as drug targets because essential their central role in cell growth and division of the pathogen.
genes are not experimentally amenable to conventional gene de- Moreover, for many gene products, their functional role in cen-
letion and virulence studies. Using tetracycline-regulatable promo- tral cellular processes can depend largely upon the specific envir-
ter-based conditional mutants, we investigated a murine model of onment(s) in which their phenotypes are assessed. Consequently,
candidiasis in which repressing essential genes in the host was significant differences in growth phenotypes and virulence can
achieved. By adding doxycycline to the drinking water starting occur between in vitro and in vivo conditions among deletion
3 days prior to (dox 3D) or 2 days post (dox 2D) infection, the mutants, as recently demonstrated among pathogenic Gram-
phenotypic consequences of temporal gene inactivation were as- positive bacteria disrupted for fatty acid synthesis (7, 8).
sessed by monitoring animal survival and fungal burden in prophy- Microbial pathogens face a barrage of diverse environmental
laxis and acute infection settings. Of 177 selected conditional shut- stresses during colonization of different niches within the host.
off strains tested, the virulence of 102 was blocked under both These include variable pH, carbon sources, temperature, osmo-
repressing conditions, suggesting that the corresponding genes larity, adherence, and other physiological stresses, including the
are essential for growth and survival in a murine host across early host's armamentarium of immune responses (9). Accordingly,
and established infection periods. Among these genes were those extrapolating phenotypes derived from a particular in vitro envir-
previously identified as antifungal drug targets (i.e., FKS1, ERG1, onment to those in a host infection setting can be misleading, as
and ERG11), verifying that this methodology can be used to elegantly exemplified by different requirements for growth in
validate potential new targets. We also identify genes either con- vitro and for virulence in a mouse model among deletion mutants
ditionally essential or dispensable for in vitro growth but required constructed in a clinically isolated strain of S. cerervisiae (10, 11).
for survival and virulence, including those in late stage ergosterol Extrapolating gene function across fungal species should also
synthesis, or early steps in fatty acid or riboflavin biosynthesis. be viewed with caution, as remarkable rewiring in regulatory
This study evaluates the role of essential genes with respect to networks governing carbohydrate utilization, amino acid bio-
pathogen virulence in a large-scale, systems biology context, and synthesis, and ribosomal biogenesis has been demonstrated
provides a general method for gene target validation and for across ascomycete species (see ref. 12 and references therein).
uncovering unexpected antimicrobial targets. Previously, we have reported the utilization of a tetracycline
(Tet) repressible promoter replacement system in C. albicans for
animal model antifungal target conditional expression large-scale phenotypic analysis of genes required for growth under
systemic candidiasis virulence factor the laboratory conditions (13). Here, we present the characteriza-
tion of 177 selected Tet conditional shut-off strains to compare

C andida albicans exists naturally as a commensal microorgan-

ism of the human gastrointestinal tract. Subtle alterations
in its relationship with the host can, however, trigger a transition
their in vitro growth phenotypes versus phenotypic consequences
on growth, survival, and virulence in an immunocompetent
murine model of systemic candidiasis. The in vivo repressing con-
to a pathogenic state. Indeed, C. albicans represents the most ditions were established prior to, or following, an acute infection
medically significant human fungal pathogen, causing a variety of and were maintained for 3 weeks. Accordingly, this strategy was
skin and soft tissue infections in healthy individuals and more used to model drug targets suitable for prophylactic or therapeutic
virulent invasive and disseminated diseases in a hospital setting, intervention, respectively. In addition to animal survival, clear-
particularly among patients with compromised immune systems. ance of the pathogen in each treatment regiment was quantified
Accordingly, its pathogenesis and the resulting spectrum of dis- by fungal burden in the kidneys of infected animals. Cellular
ease states are questions of significant biological interest as well processes required for growth in vitro as well as survival and per-
as being of major clinical and economic importance. sistence in the host (e.g., RNA processing, translation, secretion,
Genetic strategies have been used to study the ecology, survi- mitochondrial function) may be differentiated from those essen-
val, and virulence determinants of C. albicans. However, because tial for growth in an in vitro environment without attenuating
C. albicans is an obligate diploid and lacks a complete sexual cycle
based on meiosis, it is largely refractory to the classical genetic
Author contributions: J.M.B., S.J.K., M.H., B.J., D.X., and T.R. designed research; S.J.K.,
analysis used in the bakers yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (1).
M.H., L.H., M.L., S.S., and D.X. performed research; J.M.B., S.J.K., M.H., L.H., and B.J.
Consequently, a number of molecular genetic approaches have contributed new reagents/analytic tools; J.M.B., S.J.K., M.H., L.H., M.L., S.S., B.J., D.X., and
been developed in C. albicans to introduce targeted gene muta- T.R. analyzed data; and J.M.B., D.X., and T.R. wrote the paper.
tions, including the URA Blaster (2), SAT1 flipper (3), and other Conflict of interest statement: Some of the authors are employees of Merck & Co., Inc., as
cassette methods (4) to construct viable homozygote deletions. stated in the affiliations, and potentially own stock and/or holdings in the company.
Transposon heterozygosity (5) and regulatable antisense interfer- This article is a PNAS Direct Submission.
ence approaches to modulate gene expression (6) have also been 1
To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: terry_roemer@merck.com.
described. However, these approaches are largely biased toward This article contains supporting information online at www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/
constructing nonlethal mutations; deletion analyses of essential doi:10.1073/pnas.1009845107/-/DCSupplemental.

2204422049 PNAS December 21, 2010 vol. 107 no. 51 www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1009845107

virulence (e.g., cell wall modifying enzymes). A clear distinction with 5% sucrose, and all mice succumbed to lethal infection; i.e.,
in the essential role of early ergosterol biosynthetic events and none survived on day 21 post infection (p.i.) (S21;sugar 0%) and
dispensability of later steps for in vitro growth and virulence is 60% of the animals died within one week (i.e., t60% 7  1 day)
also observed. However, some late stage genes (e.g., ERG2, and (Fig. 1 C and D). These results were similar to those obtained
ERG6) are required for virulence but not in vitro growth. Diverse with the parental C. albicans strain (Fig. 1E) and other mutants
aspects of cell metabolism, which if impaired causes an auxo- (Fig. S1), and demonstrated that the pathogenicity and virulence
trophic in vitro growth phenotype, were similarly assessed to dif- of these strains is not compromised by promoter replacement in
ferentiate pathways suppressed both in vitro and in the host milieu FKS1 and ERG11 under the nonrepressing conditions. Impor-
(e.g., amino acid and biotin biosynthesis) or essential for virulence tantly, doxycycline (an analogue of tetracycline with superior
(e.g., fatty acid and riboflavin synthesis). We also discuss the sig- pharmacokinetic properties) did not affect virulence of the par-
nificance of this work as it relates to antifungal drug target iden- ental wild-type strain when administered in the drinking water
tification and genetic validation. of infected animals (Fig. 1E). In the second group (dox 3D),
animals were similarly fed with water supplemented with
Results 2 mgmL doxycycline on day 3 prior to infection and thereafter
In Vivo Experimental Design and Validation. To survey the relation- until day 21 p.i. Doxycycline was also added to the drinking water
ship between C. albicans gene essentiality under standard labora- of animals in the third group (dox 2D) two days post infection,
tory conditions (i.e., an in vitro environment) versus survival and and thereafter until day 21. Under the doxycycline-repressing con-
pathogenesis in a host (i.e., an in vivo environment), we first ditions, neither the pTET-ERG11 nor pTET-FKS1 strain led to a
examined survival and virulence phenotypes of Tet-regulatable lethal infection in the dox 3D group; i.e., S21;dosx3D 100%,
conditional mutants in two essential genes, FKS1 and ERG11. in two independent sets of experiments, whereas 100% or 80%
The FKS1 and ERG11 gene products are targeted by echinocan- survival rates were reproducibly observed in the dox 2D group
din and azole class therapeutics, respectively (14), and serve as for both strains (Fig. 1D, p < 0.001 in all cases, compared with
clinically relevant controls whose genetic inactivation should mi- the corresponding sugar groups). No gross physiological or
mic the efficacy of these agents. As expected, under the standard behavioral abnormality was observed among surviving animals.
laboratory conditions, both strains failed to grow in media con- These results recapitulate the essentiality of ERG11 and FKS1
taining tetracycline (Fig. 1B). In vivo phenotypic consequences in a systemic candidiasis infection, demonstrating the ability to
resulting from transcriptional repression of these genes were reverse an acute disease state by genetic inactivation of these
then evaluated by infecting mice with 1 106 cells of either virulence determinants and in so doing, mimic the effects of their
pTET-FKS1 or pTET-ERG11 in an immunocompetent mouse target-specific antifungal agent.
model of candidiasis (see Materials and Methods). Three groups of To quantify pathogen survival and/or clearance by the host in
mice (5 in each) were infected with these strains (Fig. 1C, D). In cases where mice survived infection in either dox 3D or 2D
the first group (sugar), animals were fed with water supplemented model, C. albicans colony forming units (CFU) were enumerated

% survival

HIS3 60 dox-3D

OFF dox-3D/W
pTET ERG11 OFF 20 dox+2D/W

Tet 0
0 7 14 21 28 35
days post infection
D 100% survival 0
7 14 % D21
sugar 0
dox-3D 100 days post infection 21 35 21 35
dox+2D 80
ERG11 sugar 0 infection model dox-3D dox+2D
dox-3D 100
dox+2D 80
log10(CFU/g kiidney)

sugar 0
dox-3D 100
dox+2D 100 6
FKS1 0
dox-3D 100
dox+2D 80

dox 2
E sugar

Fig. 1. Identification of the essential role of ERG11 and FKS1 in a murine model of candidiasis using conditional shut-off strains. (A) The Tet-off system used to
construct conditional shut-off strains. The active Tet-transactivator is indicated by a filled diamond, inactive open symbol, and tetracycline red dot. (B) The
terminal phenotypes of indicated strains under the repressing conditions (100 gmL tetracycline) on media indicated. S 20% mouse serum. (C) Standard
survival curves of animals infected with the pTET-ERG11 strains under different conditions, sugar, nonrepressing; dox 3D, repressing conditions established
3 days prior to infection; dox 2D, established 2 days p.i.; dox 3DW, nonrepressing conditions from days 2235 for surviving animals from the dox 3D
group; dox 2DW, for animals from the dox 2D group. Arrows indicate necropsy and fungal burden determination on days 21 and 35 p.i. (D) Summary of
independent animal experiments with the conditional shut-off strains of ERG11 and FKS1, with each experiment consisting of three conditions indicated on the
left. The survival rates are represented by red color with different shades, with scale shown on the top. The survival rates on day 21 are on the right. Green bars
indicate the day on which 60% of the animals expired due to lethal infection. (E) Effects of doxycycline on the in vivo virulence of the parental strain used in
this study. Animals were fed with sugar or doxycycline immediately after infection and thereafter. (F) Kidney fungal burdens (days 21 and 35 p.i.) of animals
infected with the pTET-ERG11 and pTET-FKS1 strains under the two repressing conditions, dox 3D and dox 2D. Dashed horizontal line indicates limit of
detection in enumerating fungal burden.

Becker et al. PNAS December 21, 2010 vol. 107 no. 51 22045
from infected kidneys of two sacrificed animals. Whereas wild- 2D groups in 3 weeks (i.e., S21;dox3D 80% and S21;dox2D
type C. albicans strains normally achieve a kidney burden be- 80%). A total of 102 essential genes (including ERG11 and
tween 1 106 107 CFUg within day 7 p.i. (Fig. S2 and refs. 15 FKS1) were identified (with p < 0.001 in all cases, compared with
and 16), fungal burdens achieved by the pTET-FKS1 and the corresponding virulent control groups), of which 64 corre-
pTET-ERG11 strains were under the limit of detection sponding strains were completely avirulent (S21;dox3D 100%
(<103 CFUg) or minimal (104 CFUg) on day 21 p.i. in ani- and S21;dox2D 100%) under both repression conditions
mals from the dox 3D group (Fig. 1F). Higher kidney fungal (Fig. 2A and Tables S1 and S2). On the other hand, 29 genes
burdens were observed in the dox 2D group, ranging from were found to be dispensable to candidiasis in our model, with
<103 to 5.0 105 CFUg (Fig. 1F). The surviving animals in both S21;dox3D 20% and S21;dox2D 20%. In all cases, no statistical
groups were kept for two additional weeks on regular drinking difference was observed between the two repressing conditions
water and all mice survived throughout this extended (day 35) and the corresponding sugar groups. For the remaining 46
time period (Fig. 1C and Table S1Table S3). Two animals from strains, the animal survival rates were <80% but 40% under
each group were selected for necropsy. The kidney burdens of the either of the repressing conditions (Fig. 2A and Tables S1 and
pTET-FKS1 strain in the dox 3D group remained under the S2). For all but one strain (ERG4), the animal survival rates of
limit of detection, indicating likely eradication of the fungal in- the dox 3D groups were statistically higher (p < 0.001) than
fection. Low levels (<105 CFUg) of the pTET-ERG11 strain the corresponding sugar groups (Table S1 and Fig. S1). With the
were observed under the same repression conditions (Fig. 1F). exception of 4 strains, the overall survival rates of the dox 3D
Fungal burden levels of both strains were notably higher groups were significantly greater (p < 0.05) than the correspond-
(>1.0 106 CFUg) in all but one of the dox 2D animals at ing dox 2D groups (Table S1 and Fig. S1). In particular, 24
day 35, reflecting a marked (but incomplete) fungal eradication strains in this class were completely avirulent under the dox 3D
during doxycycline treatment in the dox 2D setting but poten- conditions (S21;dox3D 100%; p < 0.001) and their virulence
tial recolonization of the host subsequent to the 2 week duration was significantly attenuated in the dox 2D groups (Fig. 2A
without repressor (Fig. 1F). Collectively, these results confirm and Table S1). Genes with attenuated virulence are not restricted
that regulatable repression offered by the Tet (Dox)-regulatable to particular functional groups (Fig. S3).
conditional mutant strains is achieved and can be extended in vivo A quantitative difference between essential genes and those
to a systemic infection model, enabling in vitro versus in vivo with attenuated virulence is confirmed by the kidney fungal bur-
phenotypic relationships to be directly assessed. Moreover, tem- dens (on day 21 p.i.) of infected animals (Fig. 2B and Table S3).
poral regulation of C. albicans virulence determinants in an in Under the dox 3D repressing conditions, the fungal burdens
vivo setting provides important insights into their phenotypic of strains of essential genes were under the limit of detection
consequences in initiating and/or maintaining an established in- in 70% of animals, and 5% animals sustained >106 CFUg
fection as well as their requirement for pathogen survival and/or kidney burdens. The opposite was observed with strains of genes
clearance from the host. with attenuated virulence when repressed. Approximately 40% of
the animals showed sign of eradication under the same repressing
Surveying C. albicans Survival and Virulence Determinants. Applying conditions, whereas more than 30% animals suffered fungal bur-
this infection model, we performed a large-scale screen of dens >106 CFUg kidney (Fig. 2B). Furthermore, the delay in
Tet-based conditional promoter mutants to identify C. albicans establishing the repressing conditions (i.e., dox 2D) decreased
virulence determinants required for in vivo survival across 175 the portion of animals with <103 CFUg kidney by 50% for
additional genes predicted to function in various aspects of cell strains in both classes, with a concomitant increase (5-fold) in
growth, division and metabolism (Table S1). Genes were selected animals with significant fungal burdens (>106 CFUg) of strains
according to their growth phenotype under in vitro conditions, as of essential genes. The incidence of animals with similar fungal
well as their conservation in Aspergillus fumigatus [a filamentous burdens of strains with attenuated virulence increased as well
fungus of significant medical importance (17)] and absence or from 30% to 50% (Fig. 2B). These quantitative changes were
minimal conservation in humans. Based on the ERG11 and FKS1 not manifested in significant changes in S21;dox2D of animals
data (Fig. 1), we deemed genes essential in vivo if the correspond- infected with strains of essential genes. However, for strains with
ing strains were virulent in the sugar group but failed to cause attenuated virulence, the S21;dox2D of great majority (42 out
lethal infection in 80% animals in both the dox 3D and dox of 46) was statistically lower (p < 0.05) than the corresponding

A dox+2D (outer) B 80 C
n = 29 attenuated dox-3D CE
26 attenuated dox+2D 100 NE

essential dox-3D = //
26 E

3 64 essential dox+2D 40
4 10 40
dox-3D 101
5 11 (inner) 98
4 20 34 19
4 24 20
4 5 10
16 0

S21 80%

S21 <80%



34 0
n = 46 n = 102
3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 > 7.0
100% survival 0
lg (CFU/g kidney)

Fig. 2. Virulence phenotypes of 177 C. albicans genes. A. Graphic summary of animal survival rates. Genes are divided into three classes, essential (S21;dox3D
and S21;dox2D 80%); with virulence attenuated (40% S21;dox3D and S21;dox2D < 80%), and nonessential (S21;dox3D and S21;dox2D 20%). For each class,
the survival rates under the dox 3D conditions are presented proportionally (indicated by numbers of strains) in the inner donut with the corresponding
dox 2D survival presented in the outer donut. (B) Distribution of kidney fungal burdens (CFUg, on day 21 p.i.) of animals infected with strains of essential
genes (red) and those with attenuated virulence (green) under the repressing conditions of dox 3D (open) and dox 2D (filled). Data used in the analysis are
indicated in Table S3. (C) Concordance of in vivo virulence and in vitro growth phenotype. Genes are divided into four classes, and the corresponding in vitro
phenotypes in each class are presented proportionally (indicated by number of strains) by E (essential), NE (nonessential), and CE (conditional-essential, defined
as essential on YNBD but not on YPD). A summary of all animal survival curves and p-values for C. albicans strains corresponding to genes with attenuated
virulence is provided (Fig. S1).

22046 www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1009845107 Becker et al.

S21;dox3D (Table S1 and Fig. S1) We examined the fungal bur-
dens on days 2, 4 and 7 in the dox 2D model of infection, and
determined that statistical differences in fungal burdens between
animals infected with strains for essential genes and those with
attenuated virulence were observed only after the repressing con-
ditions were established (Fig. S2), suggesting that the different
infectivity of these two groups of strains is not due to the initial
burdens. These data demonstrate the quantitative and dynamic
aspects of in vivo virulence as determined by individual genes
and the repressing conditions.

Concordance of in vitro Growth Phenotype and Virulence. The term-

inal growth phenotypes of all the conditional shut-off strains used
in this study were determined on solid media containing tetracy-
cline at 30 C (Table S2). With few exceptions, growth phenotypes
scored at 30 C were reproduced at the physiological temperature
(37 C) (Fig. S4). We then compared the virulence results with
the corresponding in vitro phenotypes under the repressing con-
ditions and observed a strong correlation (Fig. 2C). With only
one exception (ERG6), all the strains of genes essential for in
vivo virulence failed to grow or displayed severe growth defects
(Table S2) on YNBD agar with tetracycline (Fig. 2C). In contrast,
of the 29 genes not essential for virulence, 10 were also dispen-
sable in vitro, whereas the remaining 19 were all conditionally
essential depending on the in vitro medium used to assay growth
phenotypes; i.e., they conferred no or minimal growth defects un-
der the repressing conditions on YPD (i.e., rich) but are essential
on YNBD (i.e., minimal) (Fig. 2C and Table S1). Genes with
attenuated virulence could be divided into two subgroups, those
with S21;dox3D 80% and those <80%. All but one of 35 genes
in the first subgroup were essential for viability in vitro. In the
second subgroup, 3 were essential in vitro, 5 were not, and 3
was conditional-essential (Fig. 2C and Table S1). The high degree
of concordance (97%, if in vitro essentiality was determined on
both YPD and YNBD, 85% if only YNBD) between the growth
phenotype of in vitro transcriptional repression and the virulence
under in vivo repressing conditions established prior to infection
(dox 3D) is a further indication that the Tet-off system can be
used to efficiently inactivate the expression of genes of interest in

an animal host setting. Corroborating this view, we determined

that all isolates recovered 4 and 7 days after animal infection
were phenotypically indistinguishable from the starting strains
under the nonrepressing and repressing conditions, indicating
no obvious genetic changes to the conditional promoter system
during infection of in a host setting (Fig. S2).

Pathway Analysis of Virulence Determinants. Whereas virulence fac-

tors are defined as nonessential for growth in vitro but directly
involved in pathogenesis (e.g., toxins, proteases, and signaling
pathways), virulence determinants are essential for growth in a
host setting and may indirectly affect such pathogenesis-causing
processes (18). As expected, our analyses demonstrate a broad
range of gene ontology (GO) functional processes that serve as Fig. 3. Summary of survivals of animals infected with the C. albicans condi-
tional shut-off strains of genes involved in the ergosterol pathway. Genes are
virulence determinants, including DNA replication, RNA synth-
listed according to their roles in the pathway (Left). The growth phenotypes
esis, translation, mitochondrial function, protein secretion, and of the corresponding strains on YPD (1% ethanol, the nonrepressing condi-
cell wall biosynthesis (full description in SI Text). However, per- tions) and YPD TET (100 gmL tetracycline and 1% ethanol, repressing) at
forming such in vitro-in vivo phenotypic analysis systematically 30 C (2 days) are shown in the middle. Survival data are summarized on the
across all steps within a specific pathway yielded unexpected find- right. Each strain was used to infect animals under three conditions (5 ani-
ings, as demonstrated within the ergosterol pathway. mals each): S, fed with sugar in the drinking water (nonrepressing); 3D and
Many of the most clinically relevant antifungal agents (e.g., 2D, fed with doxycycline in the drinking water (repressing) 3 days prior to
fluconazole, voriconazole, posaconazole) target ergosterol bio- and 2 days post infection, respectively. Animal survivals (red with different
synthesis, with the genetic and biochemical characterization of shades, with the scale shown on top) were monitored for 3 weeks (separated
by white bars). The statistic significance of survival under the each repressing
this pathway being one of the most extensively studied aspects condition was compared with that in the corresponding sugar group, ***,
of C. albicans physiology. A molecular characterization of the p < 0.001; and **, p < 0.01. Those under two repressing conditions were also
C. albicans ergosterol pathway, however, is largely based on compared, with indicating p < 0.001; p < 0.01; and p < 0.05.
inferences derived from studies in S. cerevisiae, with direct genetic
analyses in the pathogen being restricted to a subset of nonessen- genes participating in ergosterol synthesis were evaluated for in
tial steps in this pathway. Therefore, conditional mutants of all 20 vitro versus in vivo growth phenotypes (Fig. 3 and Fig. S5). All

Becker et al. PNAS December 21, 2010 vol. 107 no. 51 22047
steps acting early in ergosterol precursor synthesis, spanning gen in a host environment (see below). Moreover, multiple genes
acetyl-CoA thiolase (ERG10), mevalonate synthesis (ERG13, evaluated in this study are members of gene families (Table S2)
HMG1), isoprenyl-pyrophosphate synthesis (ERG12, ERG8, that may be differentially regulated in vivo to buffer the pathogen
MVD1) and its conversion to squalene (ERG9, ERG20), were from mutant phenotypes otherwise observed in an in vitro setting.
essential for growth in vitro and virulence in both dox 3D and We also identify genes (notably those involved in late stage ergos-
dox 2D models of infection (p < 0.001). Steps required for the terol biosynthesis such as ERG2 and ERG6), which are dispensa-
conversion of squalene to its cyclized sterol, lanosterol (ERG1, ble for viability in vitro but contribute to survival and virulence,
ERG7), and subsequent 14-demethylation (ERG11) were also albeit quantitatively. Accordingly, there is no substitute to testing
essential for growth and virulence in both models (p < 0.001), such mutants in vivo to determine which genes and processes are
consistent with the antifungal effects of terbinafine and azoles, important (either directly or indirectly) for virulence and survival
targeting ERG1 and ERG11, respectively (19). Conversion of the in the host. This work significantly expands the number of viru-
Erg11p enzyme product (4,4-dimetyl-8,14,24-trienol) to zymoster- lence-associated genes reported in the literature (n 163; see
ol requires ERG24ERG27; all of which are essential for S. cere- Table S4) and broadens their repertoire of functions to include
visiae growth (20). ERG24, although not essential for growth in diverse essential cellular processes.
vitro, is required for virulence in both infection models An important limitation to our study relates to genes deemed
(p < 0.01) as previously shown (21). We also corroborated pre- nonessential for pathogen survival and virulence in a host setting.
vious findings that ERG27 is essential for growth in vitro (22) Although in some instances such genes are dispensable for in vivo
and demonstrate its requirement for survival and virulence in both survival (e.g., PHR2; see SI Text and refs. 28 and 29), the failure to
infection models (p < 0.001). ERG26, however, was reported to identify a virulence phenotype may reflect an insufficient shut-off
be essential (23), conflicting with our findings, likely due to an of gene expression by the Tet-promoter system, as demonstrated
insufficient repression of the Tet promoter in this instance by ERG26 (Fig. S6). In principle, this limitation may also extend
(Fig. S6; see Discussion). We also failed to verify the essentiality to some genes whose repression causes an attenuated virulence
of ERG251/orf19.4631 as demonstrated in S. cerevisiae, likely phenotype. Even though such genes are required for virulence in
due to an ERG25 paralog (ERG25/orf19.3732) in C. albicans. In the dox 3D infection model, we can not discriminate whether
S. cerevisiae, later biochemical steps involved in the conversion they are required specifically during early events in the infection
of zymosterol to ergosterol are not essential for growth. This was process (e.g., successful dissemination within the host or adher-
also the case for conditional mutants corresponding to ERG2 ence, and subsequent colonization to target organs), or whether
ERG6; growth was largely unaffected in vitro under repressing their pathogenicity in the dox 2D group reflects an insuffi-
conditions. Interestingly, conditional mutants of ERG2, ERG3 ciently rapid shut-off of gene expression, high protein half life,
and ERG6 were significantly less virulent in the dox 3D infection elevated fungal burdens, and/or advanced animal morbidity in
model (p < 0.001). Further, the pTET-ERG2 and pTET-ERG6 this acute model of infection.
conditional mutants demonstrated similar avirulent phenotypes Conditional-essential genes that are potentially rescued by
under the dox 2D conditions. These results corroborate the specific metabolites present in a host environment constitute a
previous finding that ERG3 is required for virulence (24, 25) particularly relevant gene set for which in vivo studies are war-
and expands this conclusion to additional late stage ergosterol ranted to determine their impact on pathogenesis and potential
biosynthetic enzymes even though they are dispensable for growth suitability as antimicrobial drug targets. Indeed, the therapeutic
under in vitro conditions. efficacy of azoles against Candida glabrata is affected by the
pathogens ability to utilize host cholesterol in the absence of
Discussion ergosterol biosynthesis, and neither ERG11 nor ERG9 is essential
We surveyed the effects on virulence and pathogen survival result- in a murine infection model despite both genes being confirmed
ing from transcriptional repression of 177 distinct C. albicans essential for in vitro growth of this pathogen (30, 31). Thus
genes in a murine infection model of systemic candidiasis. Unlike beyond ergosterol (and amino acid biosynthesis), our study in-
deletion mutants, whose genetic inactivation is fixed throughout cludes 17 additional genes reported as auxotrophic mutants un-
the infection process, or alternative conditional mutant strategies der in vitro growth conditions (either in C. albicans or S. cerevisiae
that rely on regulatable promoters that are constitutively repressed orthologs; Tables S1 and S2) and rescued by diverse metabolites.
in a host environment (26, 27), Tet-based conditional mutants Of these, 13 were demonstrated as essential or attenuated for
offer temporal repression of a query gene at different time points virulence in our models. Notable examples include genes re-
during infection. Accordingly, administering the repressor to quired for early metabolic precursors in cell wall synthesis (GFA1/
mice infected with such mutants enables analysis of the phenotypic glucosamine, GNA1/N-acetylglucosamine), riboflavin (RIB1,
consequences of genetic inactivation early in the infection process RIB2), and fatty acid biosynthesis (FAS1, FAS2, and OLE1). Ap-
as well as later stages of an established C. albicans infection. plying such a strategy predicts the achievable efficacy of selective
Notwithstanding the possible limitations of extrapolating these inhibitors to such targets, as well as mitigates the risk of new anti-
data from a mouse model to man, this approach provides a genetic microbial agents lacking efficacy due to target-related reasons.
strategy to predict the potential efficacy of new target-specific anti- Bacterial fatty acid biosynthesis provides a salient example of this
microbials as potential prophylactic or therapeutic agents. concern; despite the development of reportedly efficacious agents
Genes selected for this study participate in diverse cellular to this pathway, significant controversy remains over whether the
functions and are largely essential for growth of C. albicans under target pathway is essential among Staphylococci for survival and
the in vitro conditions. Perhaps not surprisingly, core housekeep- virulence or whether it is suppressed through scavenging host
ing functions such as mRNA transcription, rRNA and mRNA fatty acids (7, 8).
processing, ribosomal subunit assembly, and protein secretion Despite significant efforts in the field, few well accepted novel
are essential for survival and pathogenesis in a mammalian host. antifungal targets have been discovered. Essential proteins,
As the majority of genes evaluated in this study are similarly such as Fks1p, that are broadly conserved among relevant fungal
essential for growth in S. cerevisiae (20), it is certainly not unex- pathogens but absent from humans, constitute the gold standard
pected that C. albicans orthologs often display highly related spectrum suitable for developing target-selective antifungal
terminal phenotypes in vitro and that such genes are also essential agents. However, other essential proteins, such as Erg11p, that
for survival in an animal host. However, inactivation of many are common to fungi and man, could also serve as antifungal
other genes evaluated in this study yield auxotrophic phenotypes targets provided fungal-selective inhibitors can be identified. Con-
for specific metabolites that are potentially available to the patho- sequently, the conservation among all gene products evaluated in

22048 www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1009845107 Becker et al.

share human orthologs but produce in vivo terminal phenotypes
reflecting complete clearance of the infection (i.e., fungal burden

cans vs. A. fumigatus

below the limit of detection) across dox 3D and dox 2D
150 treatment regiments at day 21, as well as following a 2 week course
-lg (BLAST E-value)

without repressor (Table S3). However, antimicrobials can be

chemically optimized to selectively target pathogen vis--vis ortho-
logous mammalian proteins. For example, azoles, terbinafine
(ERG1) and AN2690 (a novel antifungal agent entering Phase III
ERG11 clinical trials and targeting the leucyl-tRNA synthetase, CDC60;
C. albic

50 FKS1 32) all selectively inhibit fungal proteins despite substantial target
ERG1 conservation in humans (Fig. 4). Similarly, broad spectrum anti-
EFT2 bacterials such as antifolates (dihydrofolate reductase), quino-
CDC60 lones (DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV), and rifampicin
0 50 100 150 200 (RNA Pol II) target proteins with functional orthologs present
-lg (BLAST E-value) in humans. Therefore, screening a broader target space than gen-
C. albicans vs. H. sapiens erally consideredprovided novel targets are experimentally de-
Fig. 4. Summary of the 177 C. albicans genes characterized in this study in
termined essential for survival and virulenceshould benefit
the context of their protein sequence similarity to A. fumigatus and human antimicrobial drug discovery.
homologs. The similarity is expressed by lgBLAST E-value; i.e., the higher
this value, the higher the similarity, with 200 including those that are great Materials and Methods
than 200. The absence of homolog is indicated by 0. The in vivo virulence C. albicans tetracycline-regulatable promoter replacement strains were
phenotype is represented by different colors; with known targets of antifun- constructed using a PCR-based two step conditional mutation strategy as
gal drugs as indicated. previously described (13). C. albicans gene annotation and nomenclature
are used according to Braun et al. (33). Strain identification numbers are
this study were compared to their best Aspergillus fumigatus and provided in Table S2 and are available for noncommercial use to academic re-
human matches, and their resulting BLAST scores plotted to searchers following the standard Merck Material Transfer Agreement and
reflect the bioinformatic space in which these 177 proteins clearance procedures. Detailed assay conditions for the murine systemic infec-
reside (Fig. 4). These analyses highlight the rarity of novel proteins tion model of candidiasis are provided in SI Text, SI Materials and Methods.
that meet the widely held criteria of a broad spectrum antifungal
target versus the significantly larger pool of functionally character- ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. We thank previous employees of Mycota Biosciences
ized proteins (e.g., FAS1,2 RIB1,2, ARO1,2,7, and MEX67) that and Elitra Canada for their contributions in constructing the C. albicans
similarly meet the bioinformatic and phenotypic standards as strains. We also thank Julian Davies for his thoughtful suggestions and
support throughout the initial stages of this study. Thanks are due to Charlie
FKS1. Imposing a bioinformatics-based fungal selectivity also
Boone, Howard Bussey, Cameron Douglas, and Tim Meredith for their critical
markedly restricts this target space, despite their compelling in reading of the manuscript, and the two anonymous reviewers for their
vivo target validation by genetic means and resulting clearance constructive comments and suggestions that improved our manuscript. This
from the host. For example, over 20 genes described in this study work was supported in part by Genome Canada and Genome Quebec.

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