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The soul silvery-white ball as lists. This ball is below the corner of the archive.

The archives are all of the experience gained so far in all our lives, and there is all
the information as well.

This section is the place where you converse with God, that by itself.
Technology first
Visualise the management area (50cm to 20cm square to the chest before, as
long as we can reach) a sphere, which symbolizes the point of archiving. Spirit
gives the indication that the ball kitltdjn silvery-white light. (Silvery-white
light is the norm of God) on the right to imagine a different sphere, the sphere in
this place and be the task of any color.

1. Eternal progress, my body is eternal youth and everyone in the macro to save
the second 1489999 should be the management of the space spheres approach
so that the second round silvery-white in place (this means that the request went
to the point of archiving). I always have to do it from the heart, never head.

Technology 2nd
The activation lend ball behind your head, and cell-issued driver in the signal to
the brain to shine.
The start to shine the light and opens all the brain cells throughout the brain
The light descends to the spinal cord, nerves, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels,
tissues and organs. Feel the need to light all the way to the toes, to feel the way
the whole body shine, and the light comes out of the body and with the
surrounding illuminate.
Widens, the whole building, all in Budapest, Hungary, whole, Europe, our Earth,
our solar system, the universe and all united in the divine light.
Technology 3rd
The common tudatmeznek to standardize the market norm.
Two ball to imagine one over the other so that together form a figure eight (8).
The lower ball silver- white color, it is the consciousness of the Creator
represents the norm. Located above the ball, can be any color, and that the ball
joint tudatmeznek represents the current status.

Spirit to send out a signal, the signal from the bottom button, the button becomes
brighter, will be denser, more vibrant, more strongly vibrate.
This vibration passes through the top button and fill it silver- white light. Now
two silver- white light filled sphere, and it is necessary to place exchange.
(The upper ball, always the Creator norm of the globe, rather than the common
tudatmeznek the current status, as common sense field dictated to us by the
Creator consciousness, knowledge and love instead, so we need to be replaced)
Here is an example of how may be the norm of common sense field.
The same may be the norm of our own consciousness, the consciousness of the
family, one person's mind, pituitary, etc.
--------- Spherical Sphere: Sverre original Vera - Faith And Veron - faith work

A lelku nket ezu sto s-fehe r go mbke nt jelenitju k meg. E go mb lenti sarka n van az
archiva la s pontja.

Az archiva la s pontja ban vannak az o sszes eddigi e letu nkben szerzett o sszes
tapasztalatok, e s ott van az o sszes informa cio is.

Ez a pont, az a hely, ahol o n ta rsalog Istennel, azaz o nmaga val.

Technolo gia 1.
Az ira nyita si te rben (mellkas elo tti te r 20cm-to l 50cm-ig, ameddig a kezu nk el
tud e rni)
Vizualiza ljon egy go mbo t, amely jelke pezi az archiva la s pontja t. Le lekbo l adja ki
a jelze st arra, hogy a go mb kito lto djo n ezu sto s-fehe r fe nnyel. (Ezu sto s-fehe r fe ny
ez az Isten NORMA ja)
Jobb oldala n egy ma sik go mbo t kell elke pzelni, ba rmilyen szinu legyen e s ebbe a
go mbbe helyezze a feladatot.
1. O ro k fejlo de sem, testem o ro k fiatalsa ga e s mindenkinek a makro megmente se
2. 1489999
Az ira nyita si te rben a go mbo ket megko zeliteni kell u gy, hogy a ma sik go mb
ezu sto s-fehe rre va ljon (ez azt jelenti, hogy a kiva nsa g bement az archiva la s
pontja ba). Mindig le lekbo l kell csina lni, soha sem fejbo l.

Technolo gia 2.
Az aktiva lo go mbo t kihelyezni a tarko ra, e s kiadni a jelze st az agyban levo sejt-
vezeto nek, hogy ragyogjon.
Az elkezd ragyogni, e s kita rja a fe nyt az o sszes agysejtre, az ege sz agy ragyog.

A fe ny leereszkedik a gerincoszlopon, idegeken, ve rede nyeken,

nyirokede nyeken, szo veteken e s szerveken. E rezni kell a fe nyt ege szen a
la bujjakig, e rezni ahogyan az ege sz test ragyog, majd a fe ny kijo n a testbo l e s a
ko ru lo tte le vo te rt kivila gitja.
Tova bb ta gul, az ege sz e pu letre, ege sz Budapestre, ege sz Magyarorsza gra,
Euro pa ra, Fo ldu nkre, Nap rendszerre, az ege sz Univerzumra e s egyesu l az Isteni
fe nnyel.

Technolo gia 3.
A ko zo s tudatmezo nek a szabva nyosita sa, norma ba hozatala.
Ke t go mbo t kell elke pzelni egyiket a ma sik fo le u gy, hogy egyu tt nyolcast
alkotnak (8).
Az also go mb ezu sto s- fehe r szinu , ez a Teremto tudata nak a Norma ja t jelke pezi.
A fent elhelyezkedo go mb, ba rmilyen szinu lehet, e s ez a go mb a ko zo s
tudatmezo nek a jelenlegi a llapota t jelke pezi.

Le lekbo l kiku ldeni a jelze st, a jelze s az also go mbho z e rkezik, a go mb me g

ragyogo bba va lik, su ru bb lesz, e le nkebb, ero sebben rezeg.
Ez a rezge s a tmegy a felso go mbbe, e s kito lti azt ezu sto s- fehe r fe nnyel. Most ke t
ezu sto s- fehe res fe nnyel kito lto tt go mb van, e s szu kse g van arra, hogy helyet
csere ljenek.

(A felso go mb, mindig a Teremto Norma ja nak a go mbje, nem pedig a ko zo s

tudatmezo nek a jelenlegi a llapota, mivel a ko zo s tudatmezo dikta l neku nk, a
Teremto tudat, tuda sa e s szeretete helyett, eze rt helycsere re van szu kse g)
Itt egy pe lda arra, hogy hogyan is lehet norma ba hozni a ko zo s tudatmezo t.
Ugyanu gy lehet norma ba hozni a saja t tudatunkat, csala dnak a tudata t,
valamelyik szeme lynek a tudata t, hipofizist, stb..
--------- Go mb- Szfe ra : eredetiben Svera
Vera - Hitt S verom - Hittel dolgozni

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