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Electric Vehicles State of Charge and Spatial

Distribution Forecasting: a High-Resolution Model

F. Bizzarri, F. Bizzozero, A. Brambilla, G. Gruosso, G. Storti Gajani
Politecnico di Milano,
Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria
Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 - I-20133 Milano
Email: giambattista.gruosso@polimi.it

AbstractIn the near future Electrical Vehicless (EVs) will duration of the trip, traveled distance) [3][5].
most likely replace conventional combustion-engine based ones. The purpose of this paper is to present a new model of EV
This and the increase in the use of renewable energy sources usage and corresponding EVC patterns, suited to forecast time-
will have an important positive impact on our ecosystem. At
the same time it will require a serious reanalysis and possibly spatial distribution of vehicles and their battery charge status
redesign of the structure of our distribution network. In this within an area.
paper we propose a model that, at a relatively ne level, describes The implemented model has been developed to be employed,
the behavior of communities in terms of transport requirements, for example, in EV charging impact analyses. In particular, it
derives statistic driving behavior patterns and determines the is interesting to consider a scenario where the only adopted
corresponding induced Electric Vehicle Charging habits. The
energy consumption of every simulated EV is computed taking charging mode is slow charging and where the system hosts a
into account the features of the trip and the vehicle itself. The complete replacement of conventional vehicles with EVs, but
model has been tailored to data extracted from a portion of the without the implementation of dedicated new infrastructures.
Milan (Italy) metropolitan area, but is trivially adaptable to any This would be intentionally an extreme scenario and does
area for which a similar set of data is available. The obtained not match the most common forecast of a mixed contribution
results are compared to data from similar works, showing good
agreement. of slow and fast charging modes.
The outputs of the model, i.e. the energy consumption of the The proposed approach can forecast, at each time, the spatial
vehicles and their time-spatial distribution within a specic distribution (within a specic area) and state of charge of
area (and consequently the loads on the distribution network EV s, according to their expected transitions. Each transition is
nodes due to charging operations), have been (and will be) used dened as a single run of a specic vehicle at a specic time
to perform impact analyses on network performances and on
personal mobility. from a starting location to a different end location. Transitions
Index TermsElectrical Vehicle Performance Forecasting, are generated by a statistical model that combines use of time
Smart Grids, Load Demand forecasting, State of Charge of EV and commuting data forecasting based on real data for an
urban Italian context. The model considers all the information
I. I NTRODUCTION required to compute the energy consumption of an EV during
The main actors on the EV market expect a 400% growth a transition. It rst takes as input the traveled distance and
in annual sales of plug-in EV by 2023 and this will certainly duration of a trip, previously assigned to every transition of
have substantial effects on the way people use electrical energy an individual; then it generates a driving cycle for that trip;
and on peak demand to the distribution infrastructure [1], [2]. nally it computes the energy consumption depending on the
The ability to forecast customer charging patterns can help type of vehicle. Six different real EVs have been considered,
the operators to manage infrastructure control and to plan each with its specic characteristics in terms of battery size
the investments needed to handle large and increasing vehicle and energy consumption in various driving conditions.
charging loads. At the same time the future perspective of As previously mentioned, the developed model is detailed and
using EVs as storage systems in smart grids, the so called realistic, because:
Vehicle to Grid (V 2 G), requires an accurate forecast of the
availability of the vehicles, their state of charge and the place it takes into account transportation habits of people living
where they are. or working in the analysed area (i.e. time and duration
Indeed, vehicle charging habits will create new load prole of the trip, traveled distance, means of transport used),
distributions and introduce new problems due to the stochastic derived from survey data of the city of Milan;
behavior model of car owners. Several studies have presented it denes the spatial distribution of EVs on the distribution
methodologies to forecast Electrical Vehicle Charging (EVC) network;
patterns in order to estimate load proles, but, to the authors it generates driving patterns based on real world driving
knowledge, none of these fully consider the joint effects of cycles and on trip characteristics, derived from actual
people habits, vehicle state of charge and commuters proles data;
(i.e. means of transport, time and place of departure/arrival, it considers different vehicle models and their features to

978-1-5090-3474-1/16/$31.00 2016 IEEE 3942

compute the energy consumption. obtained from a very basic and large statistic dataset describing
The paper is organized as follows: Section II provides a family compositions and their activities in and outside home.
description of both the transportation model, that forecasts the The source used is the 2008/2009 time-use survey (TUS) [6],
spatial distribution of the vehicles and their state of charge conducted by the Italian national statistics institute (Istat).
and the consumption model, that evaluates the required battery Concerning non residents interacting with commercial build-
power, based on trip and vehicle features. In Section III the ings, their behavior has been extrapolated using information
output of the model is shown and discussed. In Section IV derived by rescaling reference buildings data in the Energyplus
the conclusions are drawn and further work is proposed. In software model by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) [7].
particular two possible applications of the developed model Using these data sources it is possible to create, in any given
are presented: the rst one aims to investigate how EVs affect time window, a set of transitions, initially dened by a start
private mobility, while the second one deals with the eval- or end time and location. These locations have the additional
uation of EVC loads effect on power network performances. constraint of being low voltage distribution nodes of our area.
These applications results are not exhaustively illustrated; they Once this set is dened, the complete description of the
are intended to be only a hint on possible researches on this transition (i.e. means of transport adopted, trip duration and
topic. distance, origin and destination point) is nally created by
using the Istat 2011 Commuting Matrix [8] complemented,
II. M ODEL D ESCRIPTION only for the residents, by additional data found in the cited
The model proposed in this section can be subdivided in two TUS database. The interested reader can nd further details on
main parts: the rst part is a transport habit simulator, based the proposed methodology in [9].
on a simplied geographic model of the considered area. This More details about personal transportation models are given
area includes residential buildings, commercial buildings and in the following subsections.
leisure subareas. It is also assumed that there are commercial 1) Resident community: The starting point to dene the
and leisure destinations that are outside this area. At the characteristics of each transition is the TUS database, consist-
current stage of this work, a low voltage distribution network ing in diaries where people in the sampling set annotated on
is used only to dene the topology of the area (but it is not a daily basis all their activities. In the diaries, each trip is
simulated). It is indeed a useful guideline to locate residential accounted for with details that include duration and means of
and commercial buildings and, consequently, to evaluate the transport. Information from the TUS database is extracted in
spatial distribution of the vehicles that depart or arrive in the this way:
selected area.
For each person represented in the model, and thus supposed 1) the interviewees living in the city of Milan are selected
to be either resident in the area being modeled or employed and tted into separate classes based on employment
in one of its commercial buildings, the model constructs status, age, family size etc.
information regarding: 2) diaries recorded in the TUS database belonging to people
of the same class are grouped and extracted;
means of transport used;
3) for each group, transitions are recognized in the recorded
departure and arrival locations;
patterns and allocated in a separate database, namely
duration of the transition between these two places and
transitions database, where the trip purpose (e.g. work,
length of the followed path.
leisure etc.), duration and means of transport are stored;
The second part is an EV energy consumption proler, based 4) these same groups and diaries are also used to generate
on the outputs produced by the rst part of the model. The a Markov chain based model capable of synthesizing
consumption model generates a realistic driving pattern for individual activity patterns consistent with that found in
each transition made by a car; then, using a physical model the TUS database (see e.g. [9], [10]).
of the vehicle, the energy consumption is computed. A more
detailed description of these two main parts of the model is Using statistics related to the city of Milan, a set of families
given in the following subsections. and their activity patterns are created. Each time a transition
happens, the model associates a random mean of transport,
A. Personal transportation model extracted from the previously created transitions database. To
Given any time window, there are people moving in or out generate the trip duration value a Probability Density Function
the area of interest, that has been chosen as a portion of the (PDF) is tted to the sample of trip durations extracted from
Milan (Italy) metropolitan area. This rst part of the model the transitions database and with that PDF, a random duration
uses different sources of data to characterize the behavior is assigned to each transition. Now each trip is characterized
of two classes of citizens: the community of residents and by a means of transport and a duration. Finally, if the selected
that of people interacting with the commercial buildings. means of transport is car, each transition is fully dened
People transiting through the area covered by the network and by assigning a destination and the distance traveled, with a
not interacting with commercial or residential buildings, for random choice from the Commuting Matrix data.
simplicity, are not taken into account. The personal transportation model should generate a realistic
The data characterizing the resident community has been set of transitions and all the trips must show overall coherence

(mployees in the building
9ariation of employees

6hare of the total employees [%]






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 +ours

Fig. 2. Occupancy schedule example for medium ofce building on week

day and variation of employees during the day in percent values.

and no transition may last more than the time spent in

the arrival place.
Having a coherent set of transitions inside each family allows
us to create a simulation which is realistic both for what
concerns use of vehicles and evolution of battery state of
charge during the day (and thus the energy required for a
complete recharge). To create a coherent model for transitions
of household components, it is sufcient to know which means
of transport is used and how much time the transition takes. To
compute the energy consumption of an EV due to a transition
it is necessary to know also information about the distance
Fig. 1. Flowchart of the proposed methodology. 2) Non resident community: Behavior of employees is not
represented as a stochastic succession of various kind of
activities, but it is rigidly coded as a series of schedules. In
not just as seen from the aggregated level of the entire order to dene these schedules, EnergyPlus software and Com-
population, but also at a ner level, i.e. for each modeled mercial Reference Building (CRB) [11] are used. Developed
person. by DOE, the CRBs are standard energy models for the most
In Fig. 1 the owchart of the proposed approach is shown. common commercial buildings in the U.S., providing complete
The rules used in the proposed model and satised in the descriptions for whole building energy consumption, equip-
assignment of the means of transportation and trip duration ment use and occupancy schedule. The CRBs to simulate are
for each kind of transition made by the individual ensure the selected by considering the categories of buildings in Milan:
desired multi-scale level coherence: small/medium/large ofce, quick/full service restaurant, strip
1) trips are considered differently if one travels using public mall, stand-alone retail, supermarket. Since the size of these
or private transport: models is not referred to Italy, all the outputs are adapted by
private transport can be selected only from home scaling according to the total surface of the various buildings
and then, if so, the trip back home must be done considered in our model.
with the same vehicle. Private vehicles can be used The occupation schedule represents the share of total em-
for trips not including home (work leisure) ployees present at work at each hour (Fig. 2); it thus con-
only if, in a previous transition, the same vehicle tains the information needed as only input for the personal
was already used to leave home; transportation model for employees: the variation of people
with public transport there are no constraints to number in the building between time steps. When there is
do the same transition back and forth with same an increment of employees, the model of personal mobility
vehicle, but it must still be a public means of denes a transition from home to work for each new person.
transport; When there is a decrement, the return trips for the associated
2) forward and backward trips must have the same duration, number of employees are computed (in the model it is assumed
with a maximum allowed difference of ten minutes; that the rst to arrive is the rst to leave).
3) the eet of private vehicles in each home is well dened In order to obtain the properties required to dene a transition,
and at time of the transition vehicles already taken out the procedure rstly selects a sample of recorded trips from
by other residents in that home cannot be used; the Commuting Matrix, depending on arrival time at work;
4) no transition of any kind may last less that ve minutes then, from this sample, one of the trips is randomly chosen

and the recorded characteristics for that trip are assigned to the ,deal &')for the fleet

1ormalized number of vehicles in the fleet

modeled transition. As in the previous resident transportation $ctual vehicles inWKHIOHHW

model, also in this case similar coherence rules are imposed. 0.8

B. Vehicle Behaviour modelling 0.6

To compute high resolution personal transportation energy
consumption patterns, three main modeling steps are required: 0.4

1) modeling the behavior of drivers in order to establish 0.2

when driving events occur over the simulation time
horizon and the duration and length of each event; 0
iMi-EV Smart Leaf Volt Rav4EV Audi concept
2) generation of realistic driving proles for each driving
event, including speed and acceleration of the vehicle
Fig. 3. Actual modeled eet, divided by model, with respect to the ideal
for the entire transition (velocity prole); distribution.
3) simulation of different kind of vehicles in order to
compute energy consumption starting from a velocity
prole. Europe, thus it is most suited to represent typical driving
The rst step has been addressed in the previous section. The behavior for our target area.
second step is possibly the most interesting and is character-
ized by a still open debate in the scientic community: there C. Vehicle consumption model
is indeed a wealth of literature on driving cycle construction
The EV electricity consumption in a transition is modeled
[12], [13]. In the past, driving cycle denition was carried out
taking into account the movement of the vehicle (as in the
by means of stylized driving patterns derived from articial
standard models described in [14][17], and the load due
tests or standard cycles based on real trafc behavior. In
to auxiliary services (e.g. heating, cooling, lights.). Different
[13], a standard test is used to create the vehicle consumption
energy requirement parameters corresponding to different ve-
model: three standard driving cycles are selected to represent
hicles are addressed by considering six distinct EVs (Table I).
urban, rural and highway cycles; then they are combined to
Data on the actual segmentation of the Italian eet were taken
create a mixed cycle, applied to each vehicle in the eet. This
from UNRAE car registrations database and the proportion
model is very simple and does not allow to represent the
assigned to each vehicle is showed in the last column of Table
great variability present in all possible transitions. Recently,
I. Vehicles are assigned to trips in a completely random way,
the concept of real world driving cycle has been introduced.
without any correlation with the length of the trip.
Basically, developing real world driving cycles involves:
In Fig. 3 the actual eet produced for a simulation is compared
recording driving conditions using one or several instru-
with the ideal Cumulative Density Function (CDF) of the
mented vehicles; eet distribution. In this simulation a total of 225 residential
analyzing the above data in order to synthetically char-
buildings and 34 commercial buildings are modeled. During
acterize these conditions; a simulated (working) day, a total of 181 vehicles are used
developing representative cycles for these conditions.
and the gure represents the simulated eet, grouped by
In [5] a high resolution stochastic model of driving pat- model, with respect to the ideal distribution. Each orange dot
terns was presented. Driving patterns are generated through represents an EV and the normalized sum of every dot in a
a Markov-chain approach and Transition Probability Matrix is column is the percentage of that specic vehicle model in the
realized from a huge database of real world driving cycles. eet. These results are compared with the CDF of the ideal
This method achieves good performances, but relies on data distribution, denoted by the blue stepped line.
that are not in general easy to obtain.
The proposed compromise, already introduced in [14][17] III. R ESULTS
and here deeply improved, is an algorithm that produces high To summarize, the entire process dening the energy con-
resolution driving patterns, tailored for each modeled transition sumption of an EV during an assigned transition can be divided
starting from the following available data: in the following steps:
three real world based cycles derived during the European 1) the information relative to time duration, distance trav-
research project ARTEMIS [18], whose combination is eled, departure and arrival place are dened from previ-
used to create mixed cycles; ous steps in the global simulation;
all the properties previously derived for each transition 2) a mixed driving cycle is generated;
in the model (duration, distance, city of origin and 3) the power and energy consumption during that cycle is
destination). computed for a randomly assigned vehicle.
The ARTEMIS driving cycles (urban, rural, highway) are In Fig. 4 and Fig. 5, two examples of a synthetically generated
chosen for two main reasons: 1) they are representative of transitions and corresponding power requirements are shown.
real world driving cycles and 2) the project is located in In Fig. 4 speed and related battery power output of a Nissan


Model Mass [kg] Battery size [kWh] Battery rated power [kW] Max charging power [kW] Share in the eet [%]
Mitsubishi i-MiEV 1080 16 47 44 20
Smart Electric Drive 975 17.6 55 22 30
Nissan Leaf 1493 24 80 44 23
Chevrolet Volt 1721 17.1 111 4.8 13
Toyota RAV4 EV 1830 41.8 115 9.6 10
Audi e-tron Quattro 2670 95 324 150 4

100 services, the test is ran several times with different external
3ower output from the battery
80 6peed of the vehicle temperatures. The results are compared to values obtained by
3ercent of the maximum value [%]

two different mixed cycles [13]: the European Transient Cycle
(ETC) and a cycle which is declared to be derived from actual
trafc data from Flanders. The vehicles adopted are the same
(with the exception of Audi Concept Car instead of Audi e-
tron quattro). In Table II it can be noticed that the simulation
results are consistent with other works: the proposed model
-40 values are positioned roughly halfway between the two cycles
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
from [13]. The values in the last row are not comparable since
7ime [s]
they refer to different vehicles.
Fig. 4. Instantaneous output power from the battery and speed for a Nissan The last two columns of Table II compare the EPA test range
Leaf in a mixed urban/rural cycle in which the vehicle travels for 25 km in with the computed driving range: also in this case results show
30 minutes.
very good agreement. The only anomaly is the case of the Audi
e-tron quattro: the EPA test has not been performed for this

vehicle and the adopted reference driving range is the value
 provided by the manufacturer.


In this paper a model providing a forecast of EV use and of

the corresponding energy requirements at a ne level has been
 introduced. This model describes the behavior of communities
 in terms of transport requirements, statistic driving behav-
 ior patterns and the corresponding induced Electric Vehicle
Charging habits. The energy consumption of every simulated
6HFRQGV EV is computed by taking into account the features of both
the trip and the vehicle. The present analysis is focused on
a portion of the city of Milan, but it can be easily adapted
Fig. 5. Instantaneous output power from the battery and speed for a Nissan to other regions. The obtained results concerning the general
Leaf for a trip duration of 170 minutes and distance of 126 km. performances of the simulated vehicle traveling the generated
trips have been compared to data from similar works, showing
good agreement.
Leaf in a mixed urban/rural cycle for a trip duration of 30 The model has been successfully applied to perform different
minutes and distance of 25 km are plotted. analyses. For example, to investigate how EVs affect private
Fig. 5 shows the speed of the vehicle, the power output and mobility, the proposed model has been used to generate data
the battery charge. The plot is referred to a trip duration of about the residual battery charge after each performed trip in
170 minutes and distance of 126 km. The model proves to be the simulation. The residual battery charge can be dened as
well designed and tuned: the power requirements computed the charge left at the end of a round trip (i.e. trip between two
match the rated autonomy by U.S. Environmental Protection connections to a charging station). A constant power slow-
Agency (EPA) test, that is 121 km (2013 update). charging mode (i.e. EVC based on common household power
In order to understand if the proposed vehicle consumption systems) is assumed: as soon as the vehicle is connected to
model produces overall reasonable results, the outputs for the charging station (that could be both home or workplace), a
the six different vehicles are compared with values reported constant power is supplied until the charge is completed. Fig.
in [13] and with the average range of the vehicle rated by 6 shows the share of performed trips causing the vehicle to run
EPA. In order to include in the analysis all the possible out of battery charge (meaning that that particular trip could
external conditions that affect the consumption of auxiliary not be performed with that vehicle) compared to the share of


ETC cycle [13] Flanders mixed cycle [13] Proposed mixed cycles EPA test range Proposed model range
[kWh/km] [kWh/km] [kWh/km] [km] [km]
Mitsubishi i-MiEV 0.186 0.158 0.167 100 95
Smart Electric Drive 0.188 0.155 0.166 101 106
Nissan Leaf 0.201 0.174 0.189 121 126
Chevrolet Volt 0.217 0.200 0.200 85 85.5
Toyota RAV4 EV 0.266 0.227 0.229 153 182.5
Audi e-tron Quattro 0.320 0.270 0.253 500 375

:inter 6pring 6ummer

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