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Allergic host defences

Noah W. Palm1*, Rachel K. Rosenstein1* & Ruslan Medzhitov1

Allergies are generally thought to be a detrimental outcome of a mistargeted immune response that evolved to provide
immunity to macroparasites. Here we present arguments to suggest that allergic immunity has an important role in host
defence against noxious environmental substances, including venoms, haematophagous fluids, environmental
xenobiotics and irritants. We argue that appropriately targeted allergic reactions are beneficial, although they can
become detrimental when excessive. Furthermore, we suggest that allergic hypersensitivity evolved to elicit
anticipatory responses and to promote avoidance of suboptimal environments.

he immune system protects the host from a variety of infectious immune responses evolved to provide protection against multicellular

T agents, ranging from microscopic RNA viruses to 40-foot-long

tapeworms. Mammalian hosts can use several defence strategies
to deal with different classes of pathogens. Immune defence against
parasites; however, these responses can also lead to allergy when in-
advertently activated by non-infectious environmental antigens4. The
allergic response is thus considered a misdirected and unintended type 2
microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa), referred to as type immune response. There are several problems with this view. First,
1 immunity, relies primarily on direct killing of pathogens or infected host although some allergens (for example, chitin and cysteine proteases)
cells. The adaptive arm of type 1 immunity is mediated by T helper type 1 can indeed mimic the immunogenic activities of macroparasites5, most
(TH1) and TH17 cells, cytotoxic T cells, and immunoglobulin M (IgM), allergens do not have any obvious relationship with parasitic worms.
IgA and several IgG antibody classes. In contrast, type 2 immunity Second, anaphylactic responses to allergens are extremely rapid,
protects against macroparasites (helminthes and ectoparasites, such as occurring within minutes of exposure. However, there is no obvious
ticks) and relies primarily on barrier defences and parasite expulsion. reason to respond with such extreme urgency when dealing with slowly
Type 2 immune responses are mediated by TH2 cells and IgE and IgG1 replicating macroparasiteseven immune responses to bacteria and
antibodies, as well as several components of the innate immune system, viruses, which have replication rates that are orders of magnitude faster
including epithelial barriers, innate lymphoid cells (ILCs), eosinophils, than helminthes, occur on the time scale of hours to days6. Third, allergic
mast cells, basophils and alternatively activated macrophages13. hypersensitivity is largely dependent on IgE-mediated activation of mast
Although their role in host defence against macroparasites is well appre- cells and basophils7. In contrast, whereas IgE levels are elevated in mice
ciated, type 2 immune responses can notoriously be activated in response and people with helminth infections, IgE itself is dispensable for
to a broad variety of environmental challenges. Non-infectious environ- immunity to most helminthes for which its role has been tested8. Last,
mental stimuli that can trigger type 2 immune responses are referred to as allergic hypersensitivity can develop against a huge variety of allergens
allergens, and the allergic reactions they elicit are thought to be a purely that have little in common in terms of their structure or origin. Pollen,
detrimental consequence of a mistargeted response that normally shellfish, peanuts, bee venom, latex, penicillin and nickel (Ni1) are all
operates to protect from parasitic worms. common allergens, yet they do not share any chemical characteristics
Here we will argue that defence against macroparasites is only one of and there is no unifying framework to explain their allergenicity9.
several functions of type 2 immunity. Specifically, we propose that type 2 An alternative, but largely ignored, explanation for the existence of
immune responses evolved to protect from at least four different classes the allergic reactivity is that it can provide protection against environ-
of environmental challenges, including: (1) helminthes; (2) noxious mental toxins6,10,11. According to this view, the allergic response can be
xenobiotics; (3) venoms and haematophagous fluids; and (4) environ- intended and beneficial, and not simply a pathological consequence of
mental irritants. Accordingly, there may be multiple pathways that lead immunity to parasites. We present arguments to support the view that
to activation of TH2 immune responses that are specialized to protect allergic immunity is an important component of host defence against
against these environmental challenges. All of these responses, however, non-infectious noxious environmental factors, including venoms and
share a common defence strategy and their effector functions converge haematophagous fluids, noxious xenobiotics and irritants (Fig. 1). The
on the surface epithelia (skin and mucosa), smooth muscles and vascu- diversity and prevalence of allergens may in turn reflect an important
lature to promote barrier defences and expulsion. Although activation of role of allergic reactivity in defence against these three classes of non-
these target tissues is intended to protect from the four types of environ- infectious stimuli.
mental challenges, exacerbation of these defences leads to overlapping
immunopathologies commonly known as allergies. These include rhi- Allergens as noxious environmental stimuli
norrhoea (runny nose), hay fever, hives, itch and allergic dermatitis. At The most enigmatic feature of type 2 immunity is its propensity to be
the extreme, allergic hypersensitivity can result in life-threatening ana- activated in response to a wide variety of environmental substances
phylaxis. Notably, unlike other immunopathologies, allergic disorders known as allergens. Allergens have defied all attempts at a comprehensive
exclusively affect tissues that interface with the environment. and rational classification, and they do not share any one property that
would universally define them as allergens9. Consequently, allergens can
Allergic immunity only be defined operationally as substances that elicit an allergic response.
Allergic reactivity remains one of the biggest mysteries of the immune We believe that the difficulty in establishing a rational framework for
system. The prevailing paradigm holds that TH2- and IgE-mediated understanding allergens may stem from the fact that there are several
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Department of Immunobiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut 06510, USA.
*These authors contributed equally to this work.

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Noxious Venoms and

xenobiotics fluids

Helminthes Irritants

Allergic host defences

Barrier Removal/ Inactivation/ Tissue

enhancement expulsion Restriction protection and Avoidance

Keratinocyte Sneezing Eosinophil-mediated Granuloma formation ECM deposition Conditioned

and goblet cell Coughing helminth killing Restriction of feeding Epithelial metaplasia avoidance
hyperplasia Vomiting Mast-cell-mediated Disruption of niche Barrier restoration of sources of noxious
(mucus secretion) Diarrhoea venom detoxification Restriction of spread xenobiotics and
Itch irritants, and
venomous species

Figure 1 | Diverse stimuli activate allergic host defences. Four main classes also restricts the damage caused by irritants. Additional allergic defence
of stimuli activate the allergic host defence response: helminthes, noxious mechanisms, such as mast-cell-induced hypotension and vasodilation, may
xenobiotics (for example, urushiol from poison ivy), venoms (for example, restrict the spread of noxious xenobiotics and venoms. Fibroblasts and
venom from the honey bee Apis meliffera) and irritants (for example, diesel alternatively activated macrophages coordinate tissue protection and tissue
exhaust particles). A variety of effector modules constitute the allergic host repair through epithelial metaplasia, extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition
defence response. Keratinocye and goblet cell hyperplasia (mucus secretion) and barrier restoration. Various allergic host defences may also condition
enhance barrier functions to reduce exposure to noxious environmental future avoidance of sources of noxious xenobiotics, irritants and venoms. For
allergens and to restrict helminth entry, feeding and growth. Sneezing, example, cutaneous hypersensitivity responses (for example, itch and
coughing, vomiting, diarrhoea and itch serve to remove or expel noxious dermatitis) to noxious phytochemicals, such as urushiol, may condition future
xenobiotics, irritants, helminths and ectoparasites. Eosinophils can mediate avoidance of poison ivy. Furthermore, anaphylactic responses to bee venom
direct helminth killing, while heparin and proteases from mast cells can may condition avoidance of honey bees, and sneezing, coughing, vomiting,
inactivate venoms through neutralization and detoxification. Granuloma diarrhoea, tearing and mucus production may condition avoidance of various
formation and alternatively activated macrophages can restrict helminth irritants and other noxious environmental substances.
spread, lead to disruption of niches and restrict feeding. Granuloma formation

distinct classes of allergens, including venoms and haematophagous feeding18. Therefore, the immune system can sense haematophagous
fluids, xenobiotics and irritants. The common feature of these allergens fluids and induce an allergic immune response that can prevent blood
is that they are noxious to the host, and therefore specific mechanisms feeding (and transmission of vector-borne pathogens)19. To be effective,
have probably evolved for their detection and to provide protection from this response must be very rapid, thus providing a clear rationale for the
their noxious effects. urgency of IgE-mediated responses. Importantly, helminthes also use
Venoms are complex mixtures of enzymes, peptides and small salivary excretions to feed on host tissues20. Recognition of salivary com-
chemicals that are produced by various species of arthropods, Cnidaria, ponents from macroparasites may therefore contribute to defence against
amphibians and reptiles for predation and defence, and are usually both haematophagous ectoparasites and helmithes, as well as from trans-
delivered to their victims through bites or stings12. Envenomation can mission of vector-borne microbes. Thus, defensive immune response to
cause severe and life-threatening tissue damage. In addition, venoms can venoms and haematophagous fluids can explain allergies to arthropod
induce TH2 and IgE responses and can cause systemic anaphylaxis, which bites and stings.
can be deadly in its own right13,14. However, allergic responses triggered Noxious xenobiotics and toxins, including phytochemicals like
by venoms may have evolved to protect the host from the direct damage urushiol from poison ivy and ricin, can also cause tissue and organ
caused by venoms, and anaphylaxis may be an unfortunate result of damage6,21. For the purpose of this discussion there are two classes of
overreaction, particularly when the response is triggered system- xenobiotics that differ in their site and mode of action. Hydrophobic
ically10,11,15. In this sense, allergic anaphylaxis is analogous to septic shock, xenobiotics can enter and accumulate inside cells where they can cause
which can be elicited by systemic stimulation of Toll-like receptor 4 various toxic effects. This class of xenobiotics is detected by various
(TLR4) by bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS). Just as the response to intracellular sensors, including the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR),
LPS evolved to protect from bacterial infections but can result in sepsis, and the nuclear receptors CAR and FXR, which operate primarily in the
the anaphylactic response may have evolved to protect from venoms liver22. These xenobiotics are primarily inactivated by the cytochrome
and noxious xenobiotics but can result in potentially lethal systemic P450 system and ultimately are excreted in the urine22; however, at least
anaphylaxis. This would explain the apparent urgency of the anaphylactic in some cases they may cause allergic responses if the cytochrome P450
reaction, which operates within minutes or even secondsa timescale detoxification system is insufficient to prevent their noxious effects. The
that is appropriate when dealing with deadly substances6. second class of noxious xenobiotics are haptensreactive chemicals that
Haematophagous fluids are used by a variety of ectoparasites, includ- have the propensity to form adducts with proteins. These xenobiotics are
ing ticks and mosquitoes, to enable feeding on the blood of target species. noxious because adduct formation can alter protein conformation and
Venoms and haematophagous fluids are evolutionarily related as both functions, leading to various toxic effects23. Interestingly, haptenation
are produced by modified salivary glands and share many molecular makes otherwise inert proteins immunogenic, leading to IgG1 antibody
components and properties13. Haematophagous species also act as production, which may promote their clearance24. Exposure to reactive
vectors for many pathogens; for example, deer ticks harbour Borrelia haptens can also stimulate inflammasome activation25 and induction of
burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, and mosquitoes harbour contact hypersensitivity reactions in the skin, which are mediated prim-
Plasmodium falciparum, the causative agent of malaria16. Notably, arily by TH1 and CD8 T cells26. However, if the skin barrier is breached,
haematophagous fluids can also induce a TH2 response17, and IgE-, reactive haptens induce a largely TH2-based response27, which may
mast-cell- and basophil-dependent immune responses can prevent tick provide allergic immune protection from reactive chemicals. Allergic

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responses may protect from xenobiotics via increased mucus production, gas exchange, and therefore are only activated transiently upon exposure
keratinocyte hyperplasia, itch and bronchoconstriction (to reduce entry), to noxious stimuli. Prolonged or excessive mucus production is a
vomiting and diarrhoea (to promote expulsion), complement activation common component of allergies and asthma, for example rhinitis,
(to promote clearance) and vascular leakage (to dilute the noxious sub- sinusitis and airway obstruction. Interleukin 13 (IL-13) is the best
stance). When excessive, these defensive reactions can result in allergic characterized inducer of goblet cell hyperplasia and mucus production33.
disease. The source of IL-13 is either type 2 ILCs, also known as nuocytes and
Reactivity to noxious xenobiotics presumably explains the existence natural helper cells3437, or TH2 cells. ILCs secrete IL-13 in response to
of drug allergies. For example, penicillin allergy can develop in some stimulation by IL-33 and IL-25, which are produced by epithelial cells3.
people because penicillin can undergo metabolic transformation, result- The mechanism responsible for induction of these cytokines in epithelial
ing in a reactive product that can form protein adducts23. This property cells is incompletely understood, except that cell damage appears to be an
of the reactive form of penicillin is shared with noxious xenobiotics, important stimulus for IL-33 release38. Mast cells can also be a source of
except that penicillin transformation is very inefficient in most indivi- IL-33 for ILC activation39. In addition, production of thymic stromal
duals. Free (non-conjugated) penicillin is immunologically inert in non- lymphopoetin (TSLP) by epithelial cells can also contribute to barrier
sensitized people and it is the hapten (conjugated) form of penicillin that defenses40 and has been linked to allergic dermatitis and induction of TH2
seems to be immunogenic. However, once the response to the haptenated differentiation in humans41,42.
form is elicited, a hypersensitivity to free (non-conjugated) penicillin
may develop, resulting in penicillin allergy23. Many idiosyncratic drug Expulsion
reactions of allergic aetiology presumably develop by the same mech- Removal or expulsion is a preferred host defence strategy when dealing
anism and, more generally, small molecule allergens may elicit allergic with helminthes and noxious substances. Their expulsion can be
reactions because they either have noxious xenobiotic activity (even if enforced by various means, such as sneezing, coughing, vomiting and
that activity is very low), or because they mimic something that has diarrhoea. Regulation of these defensive reactions can occur locally
noxious activity. Therefore, although the xenobiotic-elicited response through the effect of mast-cell-derived histamine on the smooth muscles
can be intended and protective, unintended allergic responses can in airways and the intestine, as well as by neuronal mechanisms.
develop to xenobiotics that are not intrinsically noxious. Expulsion of noxious particulates is also achieved through the effect of
Environmental irritants are chemicals (for example, mild detergents) the ciliary elevator of the airway epithelia, which functions cooperatively
and particulates (for example, dust and diesel exhaust particles) that can with the mucus layer to promote expulsion of unwanted materials43,44. Itch
cause damage to the mucosal epithelium and skin28. Airway reflexes sensation is another important mechanism of barrier defence and a
(bronchoconstriction, sneezing and coughing) and itch have an obvious common symptom of allergic diseases. Itch can be caused by the activa-
protective effect against environmental irritants. When excessively and tion of C-fibres by histamine produced by mast cells45. The intended
persistently engaged these responses can cause allergic diseases, includ- effect of itch is to induce mechanical removal of ectoparasites (for
ing asthma and dermatitis, in susceptible individuals. example, ticks) and harmful environmental substances (for example,
Environmental irritants are presumably sensed primarily as a result of noxious xenobiotics) through scratching46. This intended effect, however,
their damaging effects on respiratory or gastrointestinal mucosa and when prolonged or excessive is a common manifestation of allergic
skin. Because diverse substances can cause mild tissue damage to surface dermatitis. Likewise, sneezing, coughing, tearing and diarrhoea, although
epithelia, this class of allergens can be extremely heterogeneous. For intended to provide host defence by expulsion, are also common
example, it is estimated that more than half of all major characterized symptoms of many allergies.
allergens have lipid binding activity29,30. One reason for their immuno- Inactivation and destruction
genicity could be that lipids associated with these proteins may have Inactivation of noxious substances, including reactive xenobiotics,
mild detergent (irritant) properties and therefore may be sensed as toxins and venoms can occur through detoxification, neutralization
noxious. Some lipid binding allergens can also associate with LPS and and degradation. Notably, heparin and proteases produced by mast
stimulate TLR4, as is the case with the house dust mite allergen Der p 2 cells can neutralize and destroy various venom components10,11,15.
(ref. 31), and in experimental settings, ovalbumin (OVA)32. IgG1 antibodies have a well-defined protective effect against venoms,
Importantly, host defence against venoms, xenobiotics and irritants presumably because they can neutralize and clear toxic venom proteins.
relies on the same basic strategies used for the defence against helminthes: Xenobiotics that trigger allergic reactions are presumably also detoxified.
barrier enhancement, expulsion, inactivation, restriction and repair (Fig. 1). The mechanism of detoxification of this class of xenobiotics is not known,
These defence strategies are well appreciated in the case of helminth but may involve phagocytosis and degradation of damaged proteins and
infections1,2, but they are equally well suited to protect from other noxious cells, which may be aided by IgG antibodies and complement.
environmental stimuli. Direct destruction of helminthes is problematic owing to their large
size and the potential for excessive collateral tissue damage. Nevertheless,
Allergic defences eosinophils can kill parasite larvae and eggs, and in some cases even adult
Immune protection from helminthes and noxious environmental factors worms, during tissue-dwelling phases of their life cycle1.
relies on overlapping sets of defensive mechanisms. Activation of these
defences is accompanied by a common set of immunopathologies that Restriction
correspond to different symptoms of allergic diseases. When barrier defences are breached and direct elimination or expulsion
is insufficient, restriction provides the next layer of defence. Restriction
Barrier defences mechanisms help to prevent the spread of parasites, venoms and noxious
Skin and mucosal epithelial barriers prevent or minimize parasite settle- chemicals through the body. Vascular restriction mechanisms including
ment at the mucosal surfaces and entry into internal compartments2. endothelial leakage, exudate formation and coagulation can be induced
Epithelial barriers are also critical in protecting from noxious xenobiotics by mast-cell-derived histamine and chymase4. Another restriction mech-
and environmental irritants and these defences can be enhanced through anism involves sequestration through granuloma formation. Collagen
multiple mechanisms. Goblet cell hyperplasia leads to production of deposition by fibroblasts can also help restrict the spread of parasites
mucus and other defence molecules at mucosal surfaces; keratinocyte and noxious substances. Finally, in the case of macroparasites,
hyperplasia leads to a thickening of the epidermis; and metaplasia of macrophage-, mast-cell- and eosinophil-derived mediators can act on
columnar epithelium into squamous epithelium results in improved res- host tissues to make them less desirable habitats for helminthes1, or
istance to damage. All of these barrier-enhancing effects occur at the restrict tick feeding on the host blood18. At the extreme, restriction pro-
expense of normal epithelial functions, such as nutrient absorption and cesses may also contribute to the pathogenesis of allergic diseases.

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Repair develops (for example, dermatitis versus rhinitis) depends on which

Repair mechanisms help to mend the damage caused by macroparasites, specific defence mechanism is overreacting. All allergic defences, how-
venoms and noxious substances. Alternatively activated macrophages ever, can be grouped into two major host defence modules.
and fibroblasts have a critical role in orchestrating repair responses
through the production of growth factors and extracellular matrix Two modules of allergic immunity
deposition, respectively47. In addition, ILCs in the lung can produce Common defence mechanisms that protect from macroparasites,
amphiregulin, which promotes repair of lung epithelium48. It has been venoms, xenobiotics and irritants are activated by two major functional
suggested that much of TH2-mediated immunity is devoted to promot- modules of type 2 immunity (Fig. 2).
ing tissue tolerance to damage and repair of parasite-inflicted tissue The first module centres around type 2 ILCs and their adaptive
injury49, and the same argument can be applied to any other noxious counterpart, TH2 cells. These cells produce IL-13 to activate barrier
stimuli that induce allergic responses. Thus, the physiological rationale defences by inducing goblet cell hyperplasia and increased mucus pro-
for the induction of tissue repair as part of allergic defences is obvious. duction. ILCs also produce growth factors that repair mucosal epithe-
However, when excessive, these reparative processes can lead to patho- lium48, and possibly keratinocyte growth factors (KGFs) to induce
logical sequelae, such as airway remodelling with epithelial metaplasia keratinocyte hyperplasia. The latter can also be achieved by IL-22
and fibrosis in asthma. produced by ILCs or skin-resident TH22 cells50, although this is not
In summary, common defence mechanisms provide protection from generally classified as part of allergic immunity. ILCs and TH2 cells
helminthes, venoms, xenobiotics and irritants, even though the adaptive can also produce IL-5 to induce eosinophil activation and recruitment
value of these defences is only appreciated in the case of helminth to the site of infection51,52. TH2- and ILC-derived IL-4 and IL-13
infections. In the case of allergens, these same defences are primarily probably also promote alternative activation of macrophages, which
known or perceived as pathological. The type of allergic pathology that in turn contributes to defence against helminthes47,53 and possibly

Goblet cell hyperplasia Mucosal IL-4
IL-9 Eosinophils Helminth killing
Mucus secretion epithelium


IL-4 IL-4
Keratinocyte hyperplasia Skin IL-13 IL-13 Helminth restriction
Epidermal thickening KGF? AAM Tissue repair

Detoxification Venoms
Neutralization Noxious
Heparin and IgE Vasculature Vascular leakage
Degradation xenobiotics
proteases Oedema
Histamine and
Ectoparasite Mast
restriction and Skin cells/ Coughing
expulsion basophils Histamine and Sneezing
s Broncho-
Histamine (Airways)
Itch C-fibres Smooth muscle

(GI tract)

Figure 2 | Functional modules of type 2 immunity. a, ILCs and TH2 cells producing histamine and lipid mediators, such as prostaglandins. Histamine
secrete the canonical type 2 cytokines IL-4, IL-5, IL-9 and IL-13. The IL-4Ra- and prostaglandins contribute to activation of endothelial cells, inducing
activating cytokines IL-4 and IL-13 induce epithelial barrier enhancement by vasodilation and vascular leakage, and smooth muscle cells, inducing
promoting goblet cell hyperplasia and mucus secretion at mucosal surfaces, bronchoconstriction and various mechanisms that contribute to expulsion
while contributing to epidermal thickening and keratinocyte hyperplasia in the (coughing, sneezing, vomiting, diarrhoea). Basophils also contribute to
skin. These cytokines also induce alternative activation of macrophages, which antibody-mediated tick resistance. Histamine release from mast cells also can
have an instrumental role in helminth restriction and tissue repair. IL-5 activate C-fibres to induce itch. Notably, crosstalk between these two modules is
secretion induces eosinophil recruitment to tissues where they contribute to also common. For example, TH2 cells produce IL-3, which leads to increased
helminth killing. b, Mast cell secretion of proteases and heparin aids in basophil and mast cell production, and IL-9, which leads to recruitment of mast
detoxification, degradation and clearance of venoms and noxious xenobiotics, cells. Furthermore, basophils can produce TH2-inducing cytokines such as IL-4,
increasing resistance to these toxins. Mast cells mediate many responses by and mast cells can produce ILC-activating cytokines, such as IL-33.

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venoms, irritants and xenobiotics. ILC activation is induced by the host tissues. For example, many TH2-inducing stimuli are sensed via
epithelial-derived cytokines, including IL-33 and IL-25 (ref. 3), whereas their enzymatic activities. These include proteases (for example, Der p 1
TH2 production of cytokines must be triggered by antigen recognition, from dust mites59 and papain from papaya54), phospholipases (for
although the relevant antigen-presenting cell in the affected tissues is not example, phospholipase A2 from bee venom60), and the RNase
well defined. omega-1 from SEA61. Additional classes of allergens, including noxious
The second module centres on mast cells and basophils and can be xenobiotics, non-enzymatic venom components, poisons and irritants
activated by IgE, which is deposited on high-affinity Fce receptors are also likely to be sensed via their effects on host tissues. Notably, tissue
(FceR). Mast cells and basophils can also be activated directly, for damage itself has been associated with the induction of type 2 immune
example, by protease allergens and venoms10,11,15,54. However, it is the responses: IL-33 can be produced by epithelial cells upon damage38 and
IgE-mediated activation of mast cells and basophils that makes this ATP released from dying cells promotes allergic inflammation and a
module extremely sensitive to allergens. Cross-linking of cell-surface TH2 response in the lung62. Mechanical injury induces TSLP expression
IgE by antigens leads to mast cell degranulation and release of pre- in the skin63, and surgery induces a transient rise in total IgE (but not
formed mediators, including histamine, leukotrienes, prostaglandins, other immunoglobulins) in humans64. Additionally, epithelial stress
substance P and various proteases4. An important feature of mast cell signals mediated by RAE1NKG2D interactions on keratinocytes and
and basophil degranulation is that it can occur in an all-or-none fashion intraepidermal cdT cells, respectively, can induce TH2 differentiation65.
and is extremely rapid because it does not require new protein synthesis. At least some toxins, such as the ribosome inactivating proteins from
The rapid kinetics of the mast cell response underlies many features of plants (including the famously potent ricin), also induce IgE responses
allergic inflammation and, as argued above, presumably evolved for when given at sublethal doses21. The NLRP3 inflammasome can be
defence against venoms and noxious chemicals6. Mast-cell-derived activated by membrane-damaging haptens and produces IL-1 that
histamine and prostaglandins act on endothelium to cause vasodilation regulates contact hypersensitivity responses66. Tissue damage can also
and exudation; on airway smooth muscles to cause bronchoconstriction; be sensed by nociceptors.
and on intestinal smooth muscles to promote peristalsis and diarrhoea.
Mast-cell-derived histamine also acts on C-fibres to cause itching45. Sensing by proxy
Finally, mast-cell-derived proteases can contribute to venom degrada- The immune system may be able to detect molecular proxies of at least
tion15, while basophils and mast cells can restrict tick feeding18. some noxious stimuli to elicit anticipatory responses, and in some cases,
The two modules of allergic immunity can function independently in to promote their avoidance. Sensing by proxy is used in a variety of
some settings, but are not functionally isolated. For example, TH2 cells systems as it provides the clear benefit of a pre-emptive response.
produce IL-3 and IL-9, which lead to basophil and mast cell expansion. Pathogen presence in the environment can be detected through molecular
Furthermore, basophils can produce TH2-inducing cytokines such as IL-4, proxies of high bacterial density, such as bacteria-specific metabolites (for
and mast cells can produce ILC-activating cytokines, such as IL-33 (ref. 39). example, cadaverin and putrescine). When these molecular proxies are
volatile, they can be detected by the olfactory system to induce avoid-
Sensing pathways for type 2 immune responses ance67; if they are not volatile, they trigger the gustatory system to prevent
Given the diversity of stimuli that can elicit type 2 immune responses, it ingestion of contaminated substances or to promote their expulsion
is likely that there are multiple mechanisms used for their detection. (vomiting)68,69. We propose that sensing by proxy may also be used to
These mechanisms can be divided into three categories: pattern recog- elicit type 2 immune responses to some noxious environmental sub-
nition, sensing noxious activities, and sensing molecular proxies of stances. Thus, innocuous allergens might be sensed because they function
noxious activities. In addition, the somatosensory system cooperates as a proxy for a noxious stimulus. Alternatively, innocuous allergens may
with immune recognition in sensing noxious substances. be mistakenly recognized as a proxy for a noxious stimulus, because
sensing by proxy is more error prone than direct sensing. Sensing by
Pattern recognition proxy is probably used primarily to promote avoidance of noxious
Unlike innate sensing for the type 1 immune response, pattern recognition substances.
is of limited use for the initiation of type 2 immunity. The premise of
microbial pattern recognition is based on the existence of conserved bio- Somatosensory detection of noxious substances
chemical products unique to microorganisms. Because multicellular para- An interesting and perhaps unique aspect of recognition of the stimuli
sites are much more closely related to their hosts on an evolutionary scale that induce allergic defences is the involvement of somatosensory path-
(compared to microorganisms), biochemical distinctions in core meta- ways (Fig. 3). Chemosensory C-fibres may be particularly relevant in the
bolic processes are limited to only a few examples, such as chitin55. context of allergic inflammation as they can be activated by endogenous
Although helminthes have many unique glycoproteins, they are not con- mediators of tissue damage, including bradykinin and extracellular
served across species and may not be essential for parasite survival. ATP70, and by reactive chemical allergens, including chemical irritants,
Nevertheless, there are a few cases of pattern recognition of helminthes chlorine, environmental pollutants and reactive oxygen species, through
and noxious substances. The house dust mite allergen Der p 2 (bound to the triggering of TRPA1 and TRPV1 ion channels71. Substance P and
LPS) and contact allergen Ni1 can activate TLR4 (refs 31, 56), Schistosome calcitonin-gene-related peptide (CGRP) produced by C-fibres have
egg antigen (SEA) can be sensed by dectin-2 (also known as CLEC6A)57, direct inflammatory activities and can induce mast cell degranulation45,
and Ara h 1 from peanuts can be detected by DC-SIGN (also known as thus connecting sensing of tissue damage with allergic inflammation.
CD209)58. In addition, sensing of LPS in the respiratory tract by TLR4 can It is likely that C-fibres are also activated in tissues infected with
elicit TH2 responses in the lungs32. In this case, LPS is presumably detected helminthes. In addition, irritants and other noxious substances can be
as an environmental irritant, rather than as a sign of bacterial infection. sensed by epithelial chromaffin cells. Serotonin produced by enteric and
Alternatively, commensal-derived LPS may be sensed as a sign of a breach pulmonary chromaffin cells in turn activates afferent neurons of the
in epithelial barrier. Not all of these examples represent true, intentional vagus nerve, triggering expulsion and aversion reactions, including
pattern recognition: activation of TLR4 by Ni1 is likely to be purely acci- vomiting, sneezing and diarrhoea72. Importantly, in addition to direct
dental, as its recognition is not conserved across mammalian species56, and stimulation by noxious substances, C-fibre neurons can also be activated
it is unlikely that TLR4 evolved to recognize Ni1. by histamine and other mediators produced by mast cells upon degra-
nulation45. The outcome of this stimulation is itch sensation and other
Sensing noxious activities defensive reactions. Thus, the IgEmast-cell module can provide an
The more common mechanism of sensing helminthes and allergens is antigen-dependent entry point into the somatosensory pathways, thus
probably based on detection of their unique activities or their effects on allowing the activation of somatosensory pathways by any allergen

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(sight, smell, taste)


Mast Conditioned

Allergens Coughing
Sensory neurons Sneezing
(C-fibres; afferent vagus nerve) Aversion



Figure 3 | Somatosensory pathways in allergic immunity. Noxious be activated in response to histamine produced by mast cells upon allergen
substances, including allergens, can be detected by somatosensory neurons to recognition by IgE. The latter mechanism couples immune recognition of
elicit protective reflexes, including itch, coughing, sneezing, vomiting and allergens with somatosensory pathways. Allergens recognized by IgE can be
diarrhoea. These pathways can also elicit aversive behaviours that enforce intrinsically noxious, they can serve as proxies for noxious allergens, or they can
avoidance of exposure to noxious allergens. Somatosensory neurons can sense be innocuous and accidental. Neutral environmental stimuli perceived through
the noxious effects of allergens directly, for example through TRP channels olfactory, gustatory and visual systems can be temporally associated with the
expressed on C-fibre neurons. Afferent neurons of the vagus nerve can be stimulation of somatosensory pathways, resulting in Pavlovian conditioning of
activated by serotonin produced by chromaffin cells in mucosal epithelia upon neutral cues with the antigen-specific response to allergens.
exposure to irritants and other noxious substances. Finally, C-fibre neurons can

detectable by IgE deposited on mast cells. This, in turn, may provide the to even minute amounts of allergen in a given environment will result
basis for an association between allergen recognition by IgE and sensory in an allergic reaction, which has two purposes. First, it will induce
stimuli detected by the olfactory, gustatory and visual systems, resulting anticipatory allergic responses that will help minimize the potentially
in the phenomenon of conditional allergic reactions73. Conditional allergic harmful effects of the allergen by restricting entry and spread, enhancing
reactions are elicited by neutral stimuli when they are temporally asso- detoxification, and encouraging expulsion. Second, allergic responses
ciated with an allergen. The famous, albeit anecdotal, example of such a will encourage avoidance of the environment that contains the allergen
response is an allergic reaction elicited by a painting of a flower in indi- (which is typically a noxious substance). According to this view, hyper-
viduals that have allergy to the flower. Although this phenomenon was sensitivity to allergens triggers avoidance of what is perceived as a sub-
first described over one hundred years ago74,75, and is well documented in optimal environment. Repeated exposure may also condition future
the literature73,76,77, the mechanistic basis and physiological rationale for avoidance of suboptimal environments as well as the specific sources
conditional allergic reactions remain poorly understood. The coupling of noxious substances, such as specific foods and plants.
between IgEmast-cellsomatosensory pathways and visual, olfactory There are several lines of evidence that support the view that allergic
and gustatory stimuli may conceivably result in classical (Pavlovian) sensitization has a role in aversive behaviour. Mice made allergic to
conditioning with subsequent conditional allergic reactions to otherwise OVA avoid drinking an otherwise preferred sweetened solution con-
neutral stimuli present in the environment. The biological rationale for taining OVA78. This aversion is allergen specific and dependent on the
such learned allergic reactions might have to do with the assessment of immune system79. Furthermore, available evidence suggests that aller-
the environment for the presence of noxious substances. gen-containing food aversion is dependent on functional C-fibre
innervation80,81. Interestingly, allergen-sensitized mice exhibited an
The allergic response as an avoidance strategy increased level of anxiety upon exposure to the allergen, which is con-
If the allergic response indeed evolved for defence purposes, what might sistent with avoidance of allergen-containing environments. Finally,
be the reason for the extraordinary level of sensitivity of allergen recog- OVA-sensitized mice avoided entering environments containing traces
nition? What is the purpose of sensing miniscule amounts of allergen of OVA. Strikingly, this aversive behaviour was IgE and mast cell
when the level of exposure is clearly far too low to cause any harm? We dependent82,83. Together, these studies strongly support the notion that
suggest that allergic hypersensitivity evolved to survey the environment allergic sensitization promotes avoidance of allergen-containing environ-
(including the air, water and food) for the presence of noxious sub- ments, as well as allergen-containing food and water sources84.
stances. Once exposure to noxious environmental substances has taken In should be noted here that allergy is a unique disease in that it only
place and allergen-specific IgE is generated, memory of allergen manifests itself when the allergen is present in the environment. As any
exposure can develop. After such sensitization, subsequent exposure allergy sufferer would know, the best way to deal with allergy is to avoid

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exposure to the allergen. As soon as exposure to allergen is eliminated, In conclusion, allergic reactivity may provide an important defence
which in a natural setting would entail moving to a different environment, mechanism that protects the host from noxious environmental factors.
allergic symptoms disappear. This is consistent with the view that allergic The very nature of allergic reactions (mucus overproduction, sneezing,
hyper-reactivity evolved to screen the quality of the environment, to itching, and so on) suggests that they are engaged to reduce exposure
elicit an anticipatory response, and to enforce a change of environment and promote expulsion of unwanted environmental substances.
whenever allergens are encountered. Furthermore, the extraordinary sensitivity of IgE-based recognition of
allergens may have evolved to induce anticipatory responses to noxious
Conclusions and perspectives substances and to ensure avoidance of unfavourable environments.
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