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Running Head: FOLLOW-UP

Educational and Professional Goals Paper Follow-up

Erin Keim

Old Dominion University


I am finishing my last semester at Old Dominion University, and I have to say, it has

truly enhanced my nursing skills. One of my major goals when starting this course towards my

BSN was to become a better writer. I have seen some improvements in my writing and have a

fairly decent understanding of nursing research and evidence-based practice. Some of the papers

I have written have opened my eyes to the many possibilities within the nursing field. From

telemedicine to treating pain more effectively, I have learned how to incorporate these into my

current nursing practice.

Last August (2016), I changed jobs and am currently working in the Post Anesthesia Care

Unit (PACU) at another hospital. I still work my former job per diem. With working in the

PACU, I am learning more about evidence-based practice and how to recover critically ill


My future goals, post BSN graduation, have not changed much. I am still considering

continuing my education, but feel that I need a little break before continuing on, being that I have

been in school every semester since 2011. I still find that becoming a Certified Registered Nurse

Anesthetist (CRNA) is best suited for me, rather than my masters degree in other fields. I love

the fact that nursing has so many options and I will never get bored!

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