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European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences 2005; 9: 183-190

Use of amiodarone in emergency


Department of Emergency Medicine, Catholic University Rome (Italy)

*Human Nutrition Unit, Tor Vergata University Rome (Italy)

Abstract. Amiodarone is one of the drugs, frequently used in the Emergency De-
most common anti-arrhythmic drugs used in the partment. In the last decade many trials and
Emergency Department. Recent guidelines on meta-analysis described amiodarone as anti-
cardiac arrest with shockable rhythm [refractory
ventricular fibrillation (VF)/pulseless ventricular
arrhythmic agent of first choice in the treat-
tachycardia (VT)] recommend amiodarone as an- ment of hemodynamically unstable ventricu-
ti-arrhythmic of first choice. Amiodarone is also lar tachycardia (VT), of hemodynamically
first choice drug in the treatment of various ven- stable wide-complex tachycardias 1, and of
tricular and supra-ventricular tachyarrhythmias. many supraventricular tachyarrhythmias1,2.
This paper deals with the main therapeutical in- The European Resuscitation Council recom-
dications of amiodarone in emergency medi-
mends its use in shockable cardiac arrest
cine: dosage, side effects, contraindications and
pharmacological interactions are reviewed. [ventricular fibrillation (VF) and pulseless
Amiodarone is effective for control of hemody- VT]3. Finally, its use has been suggested in
namically stable VT, polymorphic VT and wide- post-infarction patients, either presenting fre-
complex tachycardia of uncertain origin. It is al- quent or repetitive extra systolic beats and/or
so helpful for ventricular rate control of rapid VT4 or presenting low left ventricular ejec-
atrial arrhythmias in patients with severely im- tion fraction (below 40%)5.
paired left ventricular (LV) function, when digital-
is has been ineffective, and is an adjunct to elec-
Up to 2% of the patients admitted to the
trical cardioversion. The major side effects of Emergency Department present tach-
amiodarone are hypotension, bradycardia and yarrhythmias. In more than 90% these are
peripheral phlebitis. Major contraindications to narrow QRS arrhythmias, such as atrial fibril-
the intravenous (iv) injection of amiodarone are lation (AF) (45%), paroxysmal supraventric-
bradycardia, senoatrial block, severe disturbs of ular tachycardia (35%) and atrial flutter
conduction, second or third degree atrio-ventric-
(8%). Around 50% of large QRS tach-
ular blocks. Other contraindications are hy-
potension, severe respiratory failure, hepatocel- yarrhythmias are supraventricular tachycar-
lular failure and hyperthyroidism. Pharmacologi- dias. VT are in most cases hemodynamically
cal interactions are reported with HMG-CoA re- stable, while only a small part of large QRS
ductase inhibitors, class I antiarrhythmic agents tachyarrhythmia are hemodynamically unsta-
and other drugs which contribute to prolong QT ble VT or shockable cardiac arrest (VF/pulse-
interval, digoxin, oral anticoagulants and gener- less VT)6.
al anaesthesia.
Often tachyarrhythmia end spontaneously
Key Words: or resolve after appropriate treatment in the
Amiodarone, Emergency, Arrhythmias, Tachycar- Emergency Department, and around half of
dias, Cardiac arrest, Ventricular tachycardia, Atrial fib- the patients can be discharged after a short
rillation. period of observation.

Pharmacodynamic Properties
Electrophysiologic Effects
Amiodarone, a derivative of benzofuran, is Amiodarone exerts a non-competitive
one of the most common anti-arrhythmic block of alpha and beta-adrenergic receptors

A. Testa, V. Ojetti, A. Migneco, M. Serra, C. Ancona, A. De Lorenzo, N. Gentiloni Silveri

antagonizing tachycardia, hypertension and Pharmacokynetic Properties

oxygen consumption of the myocardium in-
duced by circulating catecholamines. These Amiodarones chemical structure can be
effects contribute to the anti-arrhythmic and summarised in three points: (1) presence of
anti-anginal properties of amiodarone7. After aromatic rings; (2) a relatively high iodine
amiodarone administration there is no signifi- content; (3) presence of an aliphatic chain
cant decrease of the myocardial contractility8. with low polarity.
The most relevant effects of amiodarone This chemical structure highlights some
on cardiac cells are the reduction of the depo- specific pharmacological characteristics like
larization (phase 4)9, the late repolarization, the high lipophylia, the low oral absorption
caused by a prolongation of the action poten- rate, the extended tissue distribution, the
tial (phase 3) and the prolongation of the ef- slow elimination rate and finally the late ther-
fective refractory period10. Therefore amio- apeutic response during oral treatment21.
darone is included among class III anti-ar- After intravenous (iv) administration plas-
rhythmic drugs. It is known that torsades de ma peak concentration is reached in 6-8
pointes are the classic form of proarrhythmia hours. Drug tissue distribution occurs differ-
observed during therapy with any drug that ently after acute administration (lungs, liver,
prolongs repolarization. Among the class III heart and kidney) 22 and after the achieve-
drugs the proarrhythmic risk appears to be ment of dynamic equilibrium (mainly in the
lowest for amiodarone, probably due to its liver, fat tissue and in the lungs)21.
complex electrophysiologic profile that may Drug clearance occurs mainly through the
create significant myocardial electrical homo- liver and only 1% is excreted through the
geneity. kidneys. Amiodarone cannot be dialysed and
crosses easily the placenta (10-50%). N-de-
Mechanisms of Action sethyl-amiodarone (DEA) is its main active
Some chemical peculiarities of the drug metabolite. After a single oral dose, amio-
(high iodines content and structural analo- darones half life is calculated to be around 24
gies with thyroid hormones) suggested possi- h, during long-term therapy it increases
ble influences of amiodarone on the thyroid reaching 28 days21; while DEAs half life is
function 11. Furthermore, it is known that around 60 days23.
some of the cardio-electrophysiologic effects
of the chronic administration of amiodarone
are very similar to those of hypothy-
roidism 12,13. Actually, it has been shown a Therapeutic Indications in Emergency
competition or an interaction between amio-
darone and the thyroid hormones at many Cardiac Arrest With Shockable Rhythm
levels (i.e. deiodases, trans-membrane ionic (Refractory FV/Pulseless VT)
channels)14,15. Two main mechanisms concern- The Resuscitation 2000 Guidelines recom-
ing the antiarrhythmic activity of amiodarone mend amiodarone as the antiarrhythmic drug
have been suggested: of choice in treatment of resistant VF or
pulseless VT24.
The T3-mediated hypothesis: amio- Even if the administration of amiodarone
darone antagonizes the thyroid hormones may cause a slight delay during the resurrec-
on the nuclear receptor and/or on trans- tion procedure, evidence supports its use af-
membrane carrier of T3 at cardiac lev- ter epinephrine administration in the treat-
el 16,17 . This T3-mediated mechanism ment of shock-refractory cardiac arrest due
could explain the non-competitive adren- to VF or pulseless VT (Class of evidence
ergic block of amiodarone. IIb)25. Some studies demonstrate that amio-
The Membrane-active hypothesis: amio- darone, like any other antiarrhythmic agent,
darone impairs the lipid environment of must be given before the fourth shock in or-
the cell membranes where the main ionic der to be effective.
channels are located, directly modulating In patients with out-of-hospital cardiac ar-
the ionic myocardial transmembran cur- rest, due to refractory ventricular arrhyth-
rents18-20. mias, treatment with amiodarone resulted in

Use of amiodarone in emergency

a higher rate of survival to hospital admis- complex tachycardia of unknown origin. Pro-
sion. Whether this benefit extends to survival cainamide, amiodarone, and sotalol are effec-
to discharge from the hospital merits further tive in the treatment of VT and supraventric-
investigation26. ular tachycardias with an accessory pathway
In the CASCADE trial, carried out in sur- conduction. On the other hand, depressants
vivors of cardiac arrest, the administration of of the AV node conduction (such as adeno-
amiodarone in patients with an implanted au- sine, beta-adrenergic receptor blockers, and
tomatic defibrillator significantly reduced the calcium channel blockers) are hazardous in
number of defibrillation shocks27. patients with preexcited atrial arrhythmias.
Amiodarone 300 mg (made up to 20 ml Therefore, the therapeutic options are re-
with dextrose) should be administered into a duced to DC cardioversion, or procainamide
peripheral vein. A further dose of 150 mg or amiodarone. At presentation in the Emer-
may be given for recurrent or refractory gency Department, most of the patients with
VT/VF, followed by an infusion of 1 mg min-1 VT are hemodynamically stable, thus allow-
for 6 hours and then 0.5 mg min-1, to a maxi- ing first-line antiarrhythmic drug administra-
mum daily dose of 2 g. This maximum dose tion. However, in the course of the disease,
is larger than the current European half of the patients need electrical therapy for
datasheet recommendation of 1.2 g. Pre- definitive termination of the tachycardia31.
loaded syringes are not available because Therefore, DC-cardioversion must be avail-
amiodarone adheres to the plastic surface of able in the Emergency Department.
preloaded syringes28. When electrical cardioversion is not ap-
propriated, possible therapeutic options are:
Hemodynamically Unstable VT and procainamide (Class of evidence IIa), sotalol
Hemodynamically Stable Wide-Complex (Class of evidence IIa), amiodarone (Class of
Tachycardias evidence IIb), or disopyramide (Class of evi-
VT is considered hemodynamically sta- dence IIb)32.
ble if there are no symptoms or clinical evi- In stable and unstable large QRS tachycar-
dence of tissue hypoperfusion or shock. On dias, amiodarone should be administered at a
the contrary hemodynamically unstable VT loading dose of 150 mg diluted with 5% dex-
requires immediate resolution through syn- trose for slow bolus injection (10 min) in pe-
chronized cardioversion. ripheral or central vein, followed if necessary
In all patients with unstable hemodynam- by a second dose of 150 mg. In order to avoid
ics, immediate direct current (DC)-cardiover- acute side effects, the second bolus should be
sion is indicated. In particular, hemodynami- given after a period of 15 minutes. The thera-
cally unstable large QRS complex tachycar- peutic effects should become evident already
dia should be treated with a series of three in the first few minutes, and decrease pro-
synchronized shocks29. Pharmacological treat- gressively until the next administration29,28.
ment with amiodarone is indicated only after The maintenance dose ranges between 10
failure of electrical cardioversion. Many stud- and 20 mg/kg over 24 hours (usually 600-900
ies evaluated amiodarone for the treatment mg/24 hours and up to 1200 mg/24 hours) di-
of hemodynamically unstable VT. Patients luted in 500 ml of dextrose 5%28.
with clinical congestive heart failure or de-
pressed left ventricular (LV) function should Narrow-Complex Tachycardias
be treated cautiously with antiarrhythmic (Supraventricular Arrhythmias)
therapy. In these patients, many antiarrhyth- Supraventricular arrhythmias include
mic agents depress LV function precipitating supraventricular tachycardia, atrial extrasys-
or worsening congestive heart failure. Amio- tole, atrial flutter, AF, supraventricular
darone and lidocaine cause the least addition- paroxysmal reciprocant tachycardias as the
al impairment of LV function30. Because of its Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome.
broad antiarrhythmic spectrum and lesser In the supraventricular paroxysmal tachy-
negative inotropic effect, amiodarone is com- cardia, amiodarone is effective because it de-
monly used in these cases. presses the conduction through the accessory
Empirical pharmacological therapy may be pathway (Class of evidence IIa). Amio-
necessary for a hemodynamically stable wide- darone becomes the antiarrhythmic agent of

A. Testa, V. Ojetti, A. Migneco, M. Serra, C. Ancona, A. De Lorenzo, N. Gentiloni Silveri

choice (after failure of adenosine) if cardiac darone have been used in high-risk sympto-
function is impaired and the ejection fraction matic patients. However, the risk of ventric-
is < 40% or there are signs of congestive ular arrhythmias and the occurrence of side
heart failure33. effects limit their usefulness 40 . Radiofre-
Therapeutic goals for AF include ventricu- quency ablation should be the treatment of
lar rate control, stroke prevention, conversion choice in Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
to normal sinus rhythm, and maintenance of and symptomatic atrioventricular re-entrant
normal sinus rhythm. In the treatment of AF, tachycardia.
amiodarone is commonly used34-36. As for large QRS tachycardias, amio-
Recentely, a meta-analysis suggests that darones loading is 150 mg diluted with 5%
amiodarone is an effective and relatively dextrose in slow bolus injection (10 min), fol-
rapid acting drug for the conversion of AF to lowed if necessary by a second dose of 150
normal sinus rhythm and recommends amio- mg. The maintenance dose ranges between
darone as a first-line drug37. AF in young pa- 10 and 20 mg/kg over 24 hours28. Table I sum-
tients, with a duration of symptoms of less marizes the main therapeutic indication of
than 48 h and without heart failure can be amiodarone in emergency.
managed in the Emergency Department with
amiodarone in order to avoid a longer hospi-
talization 38. Since amiodarone shows only
slight inotropic, dromotropic and chronotrop- Side Effects, Contraindications and
ic negative effects, it can be safely adminis- Pharmacological Interactions
tered in patients with organic cardiomyopa-
thy or heart failure in an Emergency Unit34-36. Side Effects
Pre-treatment with amiodarone the month Acute adverse effects of amiodarone in-
before a planned electric cardioversion in pa- clude hypotension, bradycardia, chemical pe-
tients with AF lasting more than 48 h increas- ripheral phlebitis and nausea41. Hypotension
es the percentage of conversion and reduces was the most common adverse event report-
the number of early recurrence of AF 35 . ed with amiodarone iv. The hypotension was
Moreover, amiodarone is more effective than not dose-dependent, but related to the rate of
propafenone and sotalol in the prevention of infusion. Therefore amiodarone should be
AF recidives, in patients suffering from administered over 10 minutes42. Long-term
paroxysmal and persistent AF39. treatment can produce adverse effects pre-
In the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome, senting several degrees of severity, frequency
AF and atrial flutter are usually precipitat- and time of beginning, especially on the lung,
ed by an episode of atrioventricular re-en- the thyroid, the liver or the cornea (Table II).
trant tachycardia. In patients with short ac- Lung-toxicity determines cough, dyspnoea,
cessory-pathway refractory periods and fever, loss of weight, chest pain, and rarely
rapid ventricular rates during AF, class I an- haemoptysis43. These symptoms often emerge
tiarrhythmic drugs that lengthen the refrac- few days after treatment beginning, but
tory period of the accessory pathway and sometimes they become evident after a few
reduce ventricular rates are first choice years.
treatment. Class I drugs may be used alone Amiodarone causes large modifications of
or in combination with an atrioventricular the peripheral metabolism of thyroid hor-
nodal depressant agent. Sotalol and amio- mones. The most important effect is the inhi-

Table I. The main therapeutic indications of amiodarone in emergency.

Ventricular Fibrillation/pulseless Ventricular Tachycardia refractory to defibrillation (Class of evidence IIb);

Wide-Complex Tachycardia haemodynamically unstable and stable, including the polymorphic VT as well as
wide-complex tachycardia of uncertain origin (Class of evidence IIb);
Narrow-Complex Tachycardias hemodynamically stable or instable but resistant to electric cardioversion: TPSV
(Class of evidence IIa), atrial fibrillation (Class of evidence IIa), atrial tachycardia (Class of evidence IIb), atrial
tachycardia due to pre-excitation (Class of evidence IIb).

Use of amiodarone in emergency

Table II. Most important side effects of amiodarone administration.

Side effects Amiodarone Frequency Method of Treatment

administration (%) diagnosis

Major effects
Proarrhythmia Short-term <1 ECG Stop amiodarone
Bradycardia Short-term 2 to 4 Physical examination, If severe, stop amiodarone
ECG and Insert pacemaker
Hypotension Short-term Unknown Physical examination, Stop/ reduce amiodarone
Blood pressure
Peripheral phlebitis Short term Unknown Physical examination Central vein cannulation
Pulmonary toxicity Long-term 2 to 17 Chest radiograph Stop amiodarone
Pulmonary function tests Corticosteroid therapy
Hyperthyroidism Long-term 1 to 23 FT3, FT4, TSH levels Antithyroid drug therapy
Stop amiodarone
Hypothyroidism Long-term 5 to 32 FT3, FT4, TSH levels Thyroid hormone therapy
Liver toxicity Long-term 1 Liver enzyme levels Stop amiodarone
(three times higher
than normal)
Optic neuropathy Long-term Unknown Ophthalmologic Stop amiodarone

Minor effects
Nausea, anorexia Short-term 30 History, physical Reduce dosage
Long-term examination
Corneal microdeposits Long-term > 90 Slit-lamp examination None
Photosensitivity Long-term 4 to 9 History, physical Use sunblock
Blue discoloration Long-term <9 Physical examination Reduce dosage
of skin

bition of the enzyme 5-monodeiodinase the continuation of the therapy. These mi-
type I that removes the iodine from the crostores, formed by complex lipids, are ir-
fenolic T4 ring, forming T3, and resulting in reversible, even after treatment discontinu-
a relevant increase of the serum concentra- ation43.
tion of fT4 and the contemporary reduction
of fT3. Other effects are an alteration of the Contraindications
reverse T3 due to a decreased clearance Main contraindications to the iv adminis-
and a change of serum levels of pituitary- tration of amiodarone are synus bradycardia,
thyroid axis hormones with a TSH increase44. senoatrial block and severe conduction dis-
Moreover, since amiodarone contains iodine turbances like second or third degree atrio-
its administration may cause a modification ventricular block. Other contraindications
of the thyroid function, either hypothy- are hypotension, severe respiratory failure,
roidism or thyrotoxicosis, especially at the thyroid disease, liver failure, cardiomyopathy
beginning of the treatment and on pre-exist- and cardiac failure. Amiodarone is best
ing thyroid disease (autoimmune thyroiditis avoided during pregnancy since it may induce
or nodular goiter)11. fetal thyroid diseases, and during breast-feed-
Regarding liver dysfunction, some cases of ing since significant amounts of amiodarone
chronic hepatitis, with histopathological fea- are eliminated trough the breast milk during
tures similar to alcoholic hepatitis, have been the treatment (Table III).
observed. In patients with clear signs of liver
failure amiodarone is best avoided45. Pharmacological Interactions
After prolonged treatment it is possible Administration of amiodarone in patients
to observe corneal microstores, normally taking HMG inhibitors-CoA reductase in-
asymptomatic which dont contraindicate hibitors, in particular simvastatin, may in-

A. Testa, V. Ojetti, A. Migneco, M. Serra, C. Ancona, A. De Lorenzo, N. Gentiloni Silveri

Table III. Most important contraindications to acute Hypokaliemia may enhance the potential
amiodarone administration. pro-arrhythmic action of anti-arrhythmic
agents. Therefore, hypokaliemia should al-
Absolute contraindications
ways be corrected before any amiodarone-
Bradycardia of the synus
Senoatrial block
based treatment is started48.
Severe second or third degree atrio-ventricular Cardiopathic patients are often treated
blocks (unless paced) with digoxin (whose clearance decreases
Pregnancy when associated with amiodarone49) and with
Breast-feeding oral anticoagulants (whose anticoagulant ef-
fect increases after amiodarone administra-
Relative contraindications tion48). Dose adjustment and frequent pro-
Hypotension thrombin and electrocardiogram monitoring
Cardiomyopathy or cardiac failure
Severe respiratory failure is mandatory in these patients. Phenytoin and
Thyroid disease cyclosporin plasma levels generally rise when
Hepatocellular failure patients starts the treatment with amio-
Possible drug interaction causing the risk of darone. Careful clinical monitoring and
torsades de point prompt dose adjustment, if needed, are indi-
cated in these patients50.
Severe adverse reactions are reported in
patients on amiodarone treatment undergo-
crease the risk of myopathy. The daily intake ing general anaesthesia: severe bradycardia
of simvastatin should not exceed in these cas- (not responsive to atropine), hypotension,
es 20 mg/day46. conduction disturbances and decrease of the
Potassium wasting diuretics and some class cardiac output. Some cases of severe respira-
I anti-arrhythmic agents may contribute to tory failure were also reported, generally oc-
prolong the QT interval and should therefore curring after surgery51 (Table IV).
be administrated cautiously in patients taking In conclusion, amiodarone is a highly effec-
amiodarone. tive antiarrhythmic agent for many cardiac
Amiodarone may increase the plasma level arrhythmias, ranging from AF to malignant
of some anti-arrhythmic agents as chinidin, ventricular tachyarrhythmias. It is considered
procainamide, disopyramide and flecainide. the antiarrhythmic drug of choice in treat-
The interaction of amiodarone with non anti- ment of resistant VF or pulseless VT. It can
arrhythmic agents as vincamine, sultopride, be safely administered in patients with organ-
erythromycin iv and pentamidine iv, can raise ic cardiomyopathy or heart failure because it
the risk of potentially lethal torsades de shows only slight negative inotropic, dro-
pointes47. motropic and chronotropic effects. Further-

Table IV. Most important pharmacological interactions of amiodarone.

Drug Result of interaction

Digoxin Elevated digoxin plasma concentration

Warfarin (Coumadin) Elevated prothrombin time
Simvastatin Increased incidence of myopathy if simvastatin dosage is > 20 mg per day
Sildenafil Increased sildenafil plasma concentration
Cyclosporine Increased cyclosporine plasma concentration
Antiarrhythmic drugs Additive effects: possible elevated plasma concentrations of quinidine,
disopyramide, flecainide, propafenone and dofetilide
Quinolones Additive QT effect: possible increased risk of proarrhythmia
Antidepressants Increased plasma concentration of hepatically metabolized drugs: possible
increased risk of proarrhythmia
Potassium-wasting drugs Additive QT effect: possible increased risk of proarrhytmia

Use of amiodarone in emergency

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