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Command Line

Install Nvivo 11 as mentioned on the support site:


After installing use the script below to activate the product, dont forget to
create the Registration.XML as specified by the vendor.

The reason we are using this script to activate/deactivate is because the Nvivo.exe
always returns 0, even on activate/deactivate failure. This script pipes the output
to a variable and checks for success strings.

The script will exit with errorcode 1 if it fails.

The machine needs a working internet connection to activate!

Please check the output of the activation output from Nvivo.exe, if the vendor
changes the string output, then this will fail to work.

This will activate and deactivate Nvivio 11 with detection methods to ensure
the action has
been completed correctly.


To activate Nvivo.
PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File Manage-NvivoLicence.ps1

To deactivate Nvivo.
PowerShell.exe -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File Manage-NvivoLicence.ps1 -Remove

$DebugPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' #SilentlyContinue|Continue
$warningpreference = 'SilentlyContinue' #SilentlyContinue|Continue
$WaitTimer = 7 #In secounds, will wait until trying again
$MaxAttempts = 5 #Max tries until failing with error code 1
$Count = $null #If testing manually this will flash $Count

$Nvivo = "$env:ProgramFiles\QSR\NVivo 11\NVivo.exe" #Chnage this to where the

Nvivo exe is located
$Licence = 'NVT11-00000-00000-00000-00000' #Nvivo product key/licence

If ($Remove -eq $true)

{$Count = $null
Write-Debug 'Removing licence.'
Do {$String = & $Nvivo -deactivate | Out-String
$BreakOut = $String.Contains('No activated license key exists to
Write-Debug "Removing licence `$String value is: $String"
Write-Debug "Removing licence `$BreakOut value is: $BreakOut"
Start-Sleep $WaitTimer
$Count = $Count + 1
Write-Debug "The `$Counter vlue is: $Count"
If ($Count -eq $MaxAttempts)
{Write-Debug "The `$Count has reached `$MaxAttempts of
Write-Warning "Exiting with error code!"
Exit 1}}
Until($BreakOut -eq $true)
Exit 0}
Else{$Count = $null
Write-Debug 'Adding Nvivo licence.'
Do {$String = & $Nvivo -i $Licence | Out-String
$BreakOutA = $String.Contains('Successfully added license key.')
$BreakOutB = $String.Contains('Unable to replace the license key. The
new key is invalid.')
Write-Debug "Adding licence `$String value is: $String"
Write-Debug "Adding licence `$BreakOut value is: $BreakOut"
Start-Sleep $WaitTimer
$Count = $Count + 1
Write-Debug "The `$Counter vlue is: $Count"
If ($Count -eq $MaxAttempts)
{Write-Debug "The `$Count has reached `$MaxAttempts of
Write-Warning "Exiting with error code!"
Exit 1}}
Until($BreakOutA -or $BreakOutB -eq $true)

$Count = $null
Write-Debug 'Activating Nvivo.'
Do {$String = & $Nvivo -a Registration.xml | Out-String
$BreakOutA = $String.Contains('Your license has now been activated.')
$BreakOutB = $String.Contains('License key already activated.')
Write-Debug "Activating licence `$String value is: $String"
Write-Debug "Activating licence `$BreakOut value is: $BreakOut"
Start-Sleep $WaitTimer
$Count = $Count + 1
Write-Debug "The `$Counter vlue is: $Count"
If ($Count -eq $MaxAttempts)
{Write-Debug "The `$Count has reached `$MaxAttempts of
Write-Warning "Exiting with error code!"
Exit 1}}
Until($BreakOutA -or $BreakOutB -eq $true)
Exit 0}

Setup Information:
Setup Type: Windows Installer (MSI)
Deployment Method Used: Windows Installer Command Line (No MST)
Deployment Difficulty: Very Easy
Platform(s): Windows

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