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Definition of Sociology including political science and history,

couldnt adequately explain the chaos

Sociology is the systematic and and upheaval he saw around him. He
scientific study of human social life. decided an entirely new science was
Sociologists study people as they form needed. He called this new
groups and interact with one another. science sociology, which comes from
The groups they study may be small, the root word socius, a Latin word that
such as married couples, or large, such means companion or being with
as a subculture of suburban teenagers. others.
Sociology places special emphasis on
studying societies, both as individual Comte decided that to understand
entities and as elements of a global society, one had to follow certain
perspective. procedures, which we know now as
the scientific method. The scientific
The Birth of Sociology method is the use of systematic and
specific procedures to test theories in
Auguste Comte (17981857), widely psychology, the natural sciences, and
considered the father of sociology, other fields. Comte also believed
became interested in studying society in positivism, which is the application of
because of the changes that took place the scientific method to the analysis of
as a result of the French Revolution and society. Comte felt that sociology could
the Industrial Revolution. During the be used to inspire social reforms and
French Revolution, which began in generally make a society a better place
1789, Frances class system changed for its members. Comtes standards of
dramatically. Aristocrats suddenly lost research were not nearly as exacting
their money and status, while peasants, as todays, and most of his conclusions
who had been at the bottom of the have been disregarded, as they were
social ladder, rose to more powerful and based mostly on observation rather than
influential positions. The Industrial serious investigation.
Revolution followed on the heels of the
French Revolution, unfolding in Western In the United States, sociology was first
Europe throughout the 1800s. During taught as an academic discipline at the
the Industrial Revolution, people University of Kansas in 1890, at the
abandoned a life of agriculture and University of Chicago in 1892, and at
moved to cities to find factory jobs. They Atlanta University in 1897. Over time, it
worked long hours in dangerous spread to other universities in North
conditions for low pay. New social America. The first department of
problems emerged and, for many sociology opened at McGill University in
decades, little was done to address the Montreal, Canada, in 1922, followed by
plight of the urban poor. sociology departments at Harvard
University in 1930 and at the University
Comte looked at the extensive changes of California at Berkeley in the 1950s.
brought about by the French Revolution
and the Industrial Revolution and tried to Types of Sociology
make sense of them. He felt that the
social sciences that existed at the time,
Not all universities approach sociology experiences of Polish immigrants only if
the same way, and the new science they also understood their reality and
evolved differently depending on where experiences before they left their
it was taught and who was teaching it. homeland.
The two major types of sociology that
emerged were qualitative sociology and Today, qualitative sociology emphasizes
quantitative sociology. Today, most understanding individuals experiences
universities use both qualitative and by examining their books, television
quantitative methods of inquiry, and one programs, interactions, and ceremonies,
method is not necessarily better than among other elements. For example, a
the other. sociologist hoping to understand the
experiences of emergency medical
Qualitative Sociology technicians (EMTs) might spend time
riding in the backs of ambulances as the
EMTs go out on calls.
At the University of Chicago, Albion
Small (18541926) developed Quantitative Sociology
qualitative sociology, which is
concerned mainly with trying to obtain Sociology at Harvard University
an accurate picture of a group and how developed differently. Like the University
it operates in the world. Small and his of Chicago sociologists, Harvard
followers were particularly interested in sociologists wanted to understand the
understanding how immigration was immigrant experience, but they went
affecting the city and its residents. From about their research in a quantitative
the middle of the nineteenth century to way. Quantitative sociology relies on
roughly the middle of the twentieth statistical analysis to understand
century, massive numbers of people experiences and trends. While some
immigrated to the United States from a researchers at Harvard did talk to
variety of countries. Chicago in people and observe them, many
particular attracted many immigrants preferred to remain within the confines
from Poland. Early sociologists were of the university and quantify their data
fascinated by the social changes they to render it suitable for statistical
saw taking place and began conducting manipulation.
qualitative studies that involved personal
interviews and observations of ethnic
rituals and ceremonies.

Some University of Chicago sociologists

actually went back to Poland to
interview people who were about to
immigrate to the United States, who had
relatives who were immigrants, or who
had no intention of immigrating
anywhere. In keeping with the spirit of
qualitative sociology, the researchers
felt that they could understand the

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