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Quantitative Design in WAC Studies

To review the webinar or to access the webinar slides, please click below.
1. PART 1: Quantitative Design in WAC Studies webinar: https://youtu.be/qgAxybg1r6g
2. PART 2: Quantitative Design in WAC Studies webinar: https://youtu.be/ALgKCkV5LBE
3. PDF of slides from webinar: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5e7YTgUIisRRk15ZXVJdk9PV00/view?usp=sharing

About the Webinar

A review of empirical studies in journals such as Across the Disciplines and The
WAC Journal reflects how fundamental statistical analysis is to WAC studies.

Yet carrying out a quantitative study involves more than emailing out surveys: It
involves a literature review, research question formulation, instrument validation,
and more to get trustworthy findings.

Doing quantitative research also requires knocking down clichs, inaccuracies,
and misunderstandings about using numbers to understand writing. Simply,
quantitative research sets up a specific kind of argument and answers specific
kinds of questions that cannot be answered with qualitative methods.

The purpose of this webinar, then, is to discuss and analyze what kinds of
research questions can be answered most effectively with quantitative designs.
As a result, this webinar should give ideas on how to set up and where to find
resources for new quantitative studies in WAC, composition, and writing studies

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