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Robert R.

Caete, DPBP
study of mental phenomenon

precise observation
evocative description

Learn a new language

I. Consciousness VI. Perception
II. Emotion VII. Memory
III. Motor Behavior (Conation) VIII. Intelligence
IV. Thinking IX. Insight
V. Speech X. Judgment
I. Consciousness

State of awareness
I. Consciousness

A. Disturbance of consciousness
B. Disturbance of attention
C. Disturbance in suggestibility
I. Consciousness
A. Disturbance of consciousness
confusion; impairment of awareness of time,
place, and person

State of decreased reactivity to stimuli and less
than full awareness of one's surroundings

In psychiatry, used synonymously with mutism and

does not necessarily imply a disturbance of
I. Consciousness
A. Disturbance of consciousness - continued
marked autonomic hyperactivity (tachycardia, fever,
hyperhidrosis, dilated pupils)
Usually accompanied by tremulousness, hallucinations,
illusions, and delusions

State of profound unconsciousness from which a
person cannot be roused, with minimal or no
detectable responsiveness to stimuli

Coma vigil
Coma in which a patient appears to be asleep but can
be aroused (also known as akinetic mutism)
I. Consciousness
A. Disturbance of consciousness - continued
Twilight state
Disturbed consciousness with hallucinations

Dream state
Altered state of consciousness, likened to a dream
situation, that develops suddenly and usually lasts a
few minutes; accompanied by visual, auditory, and
olfactory hallucinations

Pathological sleepiness or drowsiness from which one
can be aroused to a normal state of consciousness
I. Consciousness
B. Disturbance of attention - the amount of effort
exerted in focusing certain portions of an
experience, ability to concentrate
Inability to focus one's attention

Selective inattention
Blocking out only those things that generate anxiety

Excessive attention and focus on all internal and external
stimuli, usually due to paranoia

Sleeplike state of reduced consciousness and activity
I. Consciousness
C. Disturbance in suggestibility - compliant and
uncritical acceptance of an idea, belief, or

folie a dieux (or folie a trois)

Communicated emotional illness between two or three

Artificially induced alteration of consciousness
characterized by increased suggestibility and
receptivity to direction
II. Emotion

A complex feeling state with psychic, somatic, and

behavioral components that is related to affect and
II. Emotion

A. Affect
B. Mood
C. Other Emotions
D. Physiological disturbances associated with mood
II. Emotion
A. Affect observed expression of emotion
Appropriate affect
Emotional tone is in harmony with the accompanying idea,
though or speech

Inappropriate affect
Disharmony between the emotional feeling tone and the
idea, thought or speech accompanying it

Blunted affect
a severe reduction in the intensity of externalized feeling
II. Emotion
A. Affect - continued
Restricted affect
A reduction in intensity of feeling tone less severe
than blunted affect but clearly reduced

Flat affect
Absence or near absence of any signs of affective
expression, voice monotonous, face immobile

Labile affect
Rapid and abrupt changes in emotional feeling
tone, unrelated to external stimuli
II. Emotion
B. Mood a pervasive, sustained emotion,
subjectively experienced and reported by
the patient and observed by others
Feeling of unpleasantness or discomfort

Psychopathological feeling opf sadness

Normal range of mood, implying absence of depressed
or elevated mood
II. Emotion
B. Mood continued

Irritable mood
State in which one is easily annoyed and provoked to anger

Mood swings
Oscillation of a person's emotional feeling tone between
periods of elation and periods of depression or anxiety

Elevated mood
Air of confidence and enjoyment
More cheerful than normal but not necessarily pathological
Elevated Mood
II. Emotion
B. Mood continued

Expansive mood
Expression of feelings without restraint, frequently
with an overestimation of ones significance or

Intense elation with feelings of grandeur

Feeling of intense rapture
II. Emotion
B. Mood continued
Loss of interest in and withdrawal from all regular
and pleasurable activities

Grief or mourning
Sadness appropriate to a real loss

Inability or difficulty in describing or being aware
of one's emotions or moods
Grief / Mourning
II. Emotion
C. Other Emotions
Feeling of apprehension caused by anticipation of
danger, which may be internal or external

Free-floating anxiety
Severe, pervasive, generalized anxiety that is not
attached to any particular idea, object, or event

Anxiety caused by a consciously recognized and
realistic danger
II. Emotion
C. Other Emotions - continued
Severe anxiety associated with motor restlessness

An unpleasant mental or physical state that seeks relief
through action

Acute, intense attack of anxiety associated with
overwhelming feelings of impending dread and
autonomic discharge
II. Emotion
C. Other Emotions - continued
Dulled emotional tone associated with detachment or

Coexistence of two opposing impulses toward the
same thing in the same person at the same time

Emotional release or discharge after recalling a painful
II. Emotion
C. Other Emotions - continued

Emotion resulting from failure to live up to self-

Emotion generated when one has done what is
perceived to be wrong
II. Emotion
D. Physiological disturbances associated with
Loss or decrease in appetite

Increase in appetite and intake of food

Difficulty in falling asleep or difficulty in staying asleep

Excessive time spent asleep
II. Emotion
D. Physiological disturbances associated with
mood - continued

Diurnal variation
Mood is regularly worse in the morning, immediately
after awakening and improves as the day progresses

Diminished libido
Decreased sexual interest and drive

Inability to defecate or difficulty in defecating
III. Motor Behavior (Conation)

The aspect of the psyche that includes impulses,

motivation, wishes, drives, instincts, and cravings, as
expressed by a personsbehavior or motor activity
III. Motor Behavior (Conation)
Pathological imitation of movements of one person by

Motiveless resistance to all attempts to be moved or to
all instructions

Temporary loss of muscle tone and weakness
precipitated by a variety of emotional states
III. Motor Behavior (Conation)
Repetitive fixed pattern of physical action or speech

Ingrained, habitual involuntary movement

Automatic performance of an act or acts generally
representative of unconscious symbolic activity

Command automatism
Automatic following of suggestions (automatic obedience)
III. Motor Behavior (Conation)
Voicelessness without structural abnormalities

Decreased motor and cognitive activity, as in
psychomotor retardation

Simple imitative motor activity of childhood
III. Motor Behavior (Conation)
Forceful, goal directed action that may be verbal
or physical; the motor counterpart of of the affect
of rage, anger or hostility

Acting out
Direct expression of an unconscious wish or
impulse; unconscious fantasy is lived out
impulsively in behavior
III. Motor Behavior (Conation)
Catatonia - motor anomalies in non-organic

Condition in which persons maintain the body
position into which they are placed

Catatonic excitement
Agitated, purposeless motor activity,
uninfluenced by external stimuli
III. Motor Behavior (Conation)
Catatonic stupor
Markedly slowed motor activity, often to the
point of immobility and seeming unawareness
of surroundings

Catatonic rigidity
Voluntary assumption of a rigid posture, held
against all efforts to be moved
III. Motor Behavior (Conation)
Catatonic posturing
Voluntary assumption of an inappropriate or
bizarre posture and maintained for long periods
of time

Cerea flexibilias
The person can be molded into a position that is
then maintained; when an examiner moves the
person's limb, the limb feels as if it were made
of wax
Also called catalepsy or waxy flexibility
Catatonic Posturing
III. Motor Behavior (Conation)

Psychomotor agitation
Physical and mental overactivity that is usually
nonproductive and is associated with a feeling
of inner turmoil

Increased muscular activity

Subjective feeling of motor restlessness
manifested by a compelling need to be in
constant movement
III. Motor Behavior (Conation)
Overactivity - continued
Involuntary spasmodic motor movement

Motor activity during sleep

Lack of coordination, either physical or mental
Intrapsychic ataxia - lack of coordination between
feelings and thoughts (in schizophrenia and OCD)
Pathological overeating
III. Motor Behavior (Conation)
Compulsion- pathological need to act on an impulse
that, if resisted, produces anxiety; repetitive behavior
in response to an obsession or performed according to
certain rules, with no true end in itself other than to
prevent something from occurring in the future

- Compulsion to drink alcoholic beverages

- Pathological compulsion to steal

- Excessive and compulsive need for coitus in

"Your tests show possible signs of nymphomania."...

III. Motor Behavior (Conation)
Compulsion- continued

- Excessive and compulsive need for coitus in

- Compulsion to pull out ones hair

- Formalized activity practiced by a person to
reduce anxiety, as in obsessive-compulsive
- Ceremonial activity of cultural origin
IV. Thinking

Goal-directed flow of ideas, symbols, and associations

initiated by a problem, or a task and leading toward a
reality-oriented conclusion.
IV. Thinking

A. General disturbances in form or process of thinking

B. Specific disturbance in form of thought
C. Specific disturbance in content of thought
IV. Thinking
A. General disturbances in form or process of
Mental disorder
Clinically significant behavioral or psychological
syndrome, associated with distress or disability

Inability to distinguish reality from fantasy
Impaired reality testing with the creation of a new reality

Reality testing
Objective evaluation and judgment of the world outside
the self
IV. Thinking
A. General disturbances in form or process of thinking
- continued
Formal thought disorder
Disturbance in the form of thought
Thinking is characterized by loosened associations, neologisms,
and illogical constructs
Thought process is disordered, and the person is defined as

Illogical thinking
Thinking that contains erroneous conclusions or internal

Mental activity not concordant with logic or experience
IV. Thinking
A. General disturbances in form or process of thinking
- continued
Autistic thinking
Preoccupation with inner, private thoughts
Somewhat synonymous with dereism

Magical thinking
A form of dereistic thought
Thoughts, words or actions assume power (for example, they
can cause or prevent events)

Primary process thinking

General term of thinking that is dereistic, illogical, magical
IV. Thinking
B. Specific disturbance in form of thought

New word or phrase whose derivation cannot be understood

Word salad
Incoherent mixture of words and phrases

Indirect speech that is delayed in reaching the point but
eventually gets from the original point to the desired goal
IV. Thinking
B. Specific disturbance in form of thought -

Patient never gets from the original point to the
desired goal

Communication that is disconnected, disorganized, or

Pathological repetition of the same response to
different stimuli, as in a repetition of the same verbal
response to different questions
IV. Thinking
B. Specific disturbance in form of thought -

Meaningless repetition of words or phrases

Psychopathological repeating of words or phrases
of one person by another
IV. Thinking
B. Specific disturbance in form of thought

Irrelevant answer
Answer that is not in harmony with the question asked
(patient appears to ignore or not attend to the

Loosening of association
Flow of thought in which ideas shift from one subject
to another in a completely unrelated way

Gradual or sudden deviation in train of thought
without blocking
IV. Thinking
B. Specific disturbance in form of thought -

Flight of ideas
Rapid, continuous verbalizations or play on words
produces constant shifting from one idea to

Clang association
Association of words similar in sound but not in
meaning; words have no logical connection, may
include rhyming and punning
IV. Thinking
B. Specific disturbance in form of thought -

Abrupt interruption in train of thinking before a
thought or idea is finished

Unintelligible jargon that has meaning to the
speaker but not to the listener
IV. Thinking
C. Specific disturbance in content of thought

Poverty of content
Thought that gives little information because of vagueness,
empty repetitions or obscure phrases

Overvalued ideas
False or unreasonable belief or idea that is sustained beyond
the bounds of reason
IV. Thinking
C. Specific disturbance in content of thought -

Delusion false belief, based on incorrect

references about external reality, not consistent
with the patients intelligence, cultural
background, that cannot be corrected by

Bizarre delusion
False belief that is patently absurd or fantastic

Systematized delusion
Group of elaborate delusions related to a single
event or theme
IV. Thinking
C. Specific disturbance in content of
thought - continued
Delusion continued

Mood-congruent delusion
Delusion with content that is mood appropriate

Mood-incongruent delusion
Delusion that has no association to mood or is
mood inappropriate

Nihilistic delusion
Depressive delusion that the world and
everything related to it have ceased to exist
IV. Thinking
C. Specific disturbance in content of
thought - continued
Delusion continued

Delusion of poverty
False belief that one is bereft or will be deprived
of all material possessions

Somatic delusion
Delusion pertaining to the functioning of one's

Delusion of self-accusation
False feeling of remorse and guilt
IV. Thinking
C. continued
Specific disturbance in content of thought -

Delusion continued
Paranoid delusion - Persecutory delusions and
delusions of reference, control, and grandeur
Delusion of Persecution
- False belief of being harassed or persecuted
Delusion of Grandeur
- Exaggerated conception of one's importance,
power, or identity
Delusion of reference
- False belief that one is being talked about by
others (TV, radio, etc)
IV. Thinking
C. Specific disturbance in content of thought -

Delusion continued

Delusion of control - False belief that a person's will,

thoughts, or feelings are being controlled by external

Thought withdrawal
- Delusion that one's thoughts are being removed
from one's mind by other people or forces

Thought insertion
- Delusion that thoughts are being implanted in
one's mind by other people or forces
IV. Thinking
C. continued
Specific disturbance in content of thought -

Delusion continued
Delusion of control - continued

Thought insertion
- Delusion that thoughts are being implanted in
one's mind by other people or forces
Thought broadcasting
- Delusion that ones thoughts can be heard by
Thought control
- Delusion that ones thought are being controlled
by other people or forces
IV. Thinking
C. Specific disturbance in content of thought -

Delusion continued

Delusion of infidelity
False belief derived from pathological jealousy that
ones lover is unfaithful

Delusional belief, more common in women than in
men, that someone is deeply in love with them (also
known as De Clerembault's syndrome)

Pseudologia phantastica
Disorder characterized by uncontrollable lying in
which patients elaborate extensive fantasies that
they freely communicate and act upon
IV. Thinking
C. Specific disturbance in content of thought -

Morbid self-preoccupation or self-centeredness

Exaggerated concern about health that is based not on
real medical pathology but on unrealistic
interpretations of physical signs or sensations as

Persistent and recurrent ideas, thoughts, or impulses
that cannot be eliminated from consciousness by logic
or reasoning
IV. Thinking
C. Specific disturbance in content of
thought - continued

Pathological need to act on an impulse that, if
resisted, produces anxiety
Repetitive behavior in response to an obsession or
performed according to certain rules, with no true
end in itself other than to prevent something from
occurring in the future

Involuntary use of vulgar or obscene language
IV. Thinking
C. Specific disturbance in content of thought -

Phobia - persistent, pathological, unrealistic,

intense fear of an object or situation

Specific phobia
Circumscribed dread of a discreete object or
situation (example, dread of spiders, or snakes)

Social phobia
Dread of public humiliation, as in fear of public
speaking, performing, or eating in public
IV. Thinking
C. Specific disturbance in content of
thought - continued

Phobia - continued
Dread of high places

Dread of pain
IV. Thinking
C. Specific disturbance in content of thought -

Phobia - continued
Dread of cats

Dread of red (refers to a fear of blushing)

Dread of everything
IV. Thinking
C. Specific disturbance in content of thought -

Phobia - continued
Dread of closed spaces

Dread of strangers

Dread of animals
V. Speech

Ideas, thoughts, feelings as expressed through language.

Communication through the use of words and

V. Speech

A. Disturbance in speech
B. Aphasic disturbances
V. Speech
A. Disturbance in Speech

Pressure of speech
Increase in the amount of spontaneous speech;
rapid, loud, accelerated speech

Copious, coherent, logical speech

Poverty of speech
Restriction in the amount of speech used
Replies may be monosyllabic
V. Speech
A. Disturbance in Speech - continued

Non-spontaneous speech
Verbal responses given only when asked or spoke
to directly
No self-initiation of speech

Poverty of content of speech

Speech that is adequate in amount but conveys
little information because of vagueness, emptiness
or stereotypes phrases
V. Speech
A. Disturbance in Speech - continued
Difficulty in articulation

Excessively loud or soft speech

Loss of modulation of normal speech volume

Frequent repetition or prolongation of a sound or

Disturbance of fluency involving an abnormally rapid
rate and erratic rhythm of speech that impedes
V. Speech
B. Aphasic Disturbances disturbances in
language output

Motor aphasia
Loss of the ability to speak
Broca's expressive or non-fluent aphasia

Sensory aphasia
Loss of ability to comprehend the meaning of
Speech is fluid and spontaneous but incoherent
and nonsensical speech
V. Speech
B. Aphasic Disturbances - continued
Nominal aphasia
Difficulty in giving the correct name of an object

Syntactical aphasia
Difficulty in understanding spoken speech

Jargon aphasia
Words produced are neologistic

Global aphasia
Combination of grossly non-fluent aphasia and severe
fluent aphasia
VI. Perception

Process of transferring physical stimulation into

psychological information.

A mental process by which sensory stimuli are brought

to awareness.
VI. Perception

A. Disturbance of perception
B. Disturbances associated with cognitive disorder
C. Disturbances associated with conversion and
dissociative phenomenon
VI. Perception
A. Disturbances of Perception

Illusion - Perceptual misinterpretation of a real

external stimulus

Hallucination - False sensory perception in the

absence of any relevant external stimulation

Hallucination occurring while falling asleep

Hallucination occurring while awakening from sleep
VI. Perception
A. Disturbances of Perception - continued
Auditory hallucination
False perception of sound, usually voices but
also other noises such as music

Visual hallucination
Hallucination primarily involving the sense of

Olfactory hallucination
Hallucination primarily involving smell or odors

Gustatory hallucination
Hallucination primarily involving taste
VI. Perception
A. Disturbances of Perception - continued
Tactile hallucination
Hallucination primarily involving touch

Somatic hallucination
Hallucination involving the perception of a
physical experience localized within the body

Lilliputian hallucination
Visual sensation that persons or objects are
reduced in size (regarded as an illusion)
VI. Perception
A. Disturbances of Perception - continued
Mood-congruent hallucination
Hallucination with content that is consistent
with either a depressed or manic mood

Mood-incongruent hallucination
Hallucination not associated with real external
stimuli, with content that is not consistent with
either depressed or manic mood
VI. Perception
B. Disturbances Associated with Cognitive
Inability to recognize a physical deficit in oneself
e.g., patient denies paralyzed limb

Inability to recognize a part as one's own

Visual agnosia
Inability to recognize objects or persons

Inability to identify familiar objects by touch
VI. Perception
B. Disturbances Associated with Cognitive
Disorder - continued

Inability to recognize familiar faces

Inability to perform a voluntary purposeful motor

Inability to perform rapid alternating movements
VI. Perception
C. Disturbances Associated with Conversion
and Dissociative Phenomenon
somatization of repressed material

Hysterical anesthesia
loss of sensory modalities resulting from emotional

Objects are seen as larger than they really are

Objects are seen as smaller than they really are
VI. Perception
C. Disturbances Associated with Conversion
and Dissociative Phenomenon continued

Subjective sense of being unreal, strange or
unfamiliar to oneself

Subjective sense that the environment is strange
or unreal
VI. Perception
C. Disturbances Associated with Conversion and
Dissociative Phenomenon continued
A period of almost complete amnesia, during which a person
actually flees from an immediate life situation and begins a
different life pattern
Apart from the amnesia, mental faculties and skills are
usually unimpaired

Multiple personality
One person who appears at different times to be two or
more entirely different persons and characters (called
dissociative identity disorder in DSM IV)
VII. Memory

Function by which information stored in the brain is

later recalled into consciousness.
VII. Memory

A. Disturbances of memory
B. Levels of memory
VII. Memory
A. Disturbances of Memory

Amnesia - partial or total inability to recall

past experiences

Loss of memory for events subsequent to the
onset of the amnesia common after trauma

Loss of memory for events preceding the onset
of the amnesia
VII. Memory
A. Disturbances of Memory - continued

Paramnesia falsification of memory by

distortion of reality

Fausse reconnaissance
False recognition

Retrospective falsification
Memory becomes (unconsciously) distorted by
being filtered through a person's present
emotional, cognitive, and experiential state
VII. Memory
A. Disturbances of Memory - continued
Paramnesia - continued
Unconscious filling of gaps in memory by imagining
experiences or events that have no basis in fact
Dj vu
Illusion of visual recognition in which a new situation
is incorrectly regarded as a repetition of a previous
Dj entendu
Illusion that what one is hearing one has heard
VII. Memory
A. Disturbances of Memory - continued

Paramnesia - continued

Dj pense
Condition in which a thought never entertained
before is incorrectly regarded as a repetition of
a previous thought

Jamais vu
False feeling of unfamiliarity with a real
situation that one has previously experienced
VII. Memory
A. Disturbances of Memory - continued

Exaggerated degree of retention and recall

Eidetic image
Visual memory of almost hallucinatory vividness

Screen memory
A consciously tolerable memory covering for a
painful memory
VII. Memory
A. Disturbances of Memory - continued

A defense mechanism characterized by
unconscious forgetting of unacceptable ideas or

Temporary inability to remember a name or a
proper noun
VII. Memory
B. Levels of Memory
Reproduction or recall of a perceived material
within seconds to minutes
Recall of events within the past several days
Recent past
Recall of events over the past few months
Recall of events in the distant past
VIII. Intelligence

The ability to understand, recall, mobilize and

constructively integrate previous learning in meeting
new situations.

The capacity to understand and think rationally

VIII. Intelligence

A. Mental Retardation
B. Dementia
C. Pseudodementia
D. Concrete thinking
E. Abstract thinking
VIII. Intelligence
A. Mental Retardation lack of intelligence to a degree
that it interferes with social and vocational
IQ Score

Mild 50/55 70
Moderate 35/40 50/55
Severe 20/25 35/40
Profound below 20/25

Obsolete terms:
Idiot mental age < 3 yrs
Imbecile mental age = 3 7 yrs
Moron mental age = 8 yrs
VIII. Intelligence
B. Dementia

Difficulty in performing calculations

Difficulty in writing

Loss of a previously possessed reading facility
VIII. Intelligence
C. Pseudodementia
Clinical features resembling a dementia but not caused by
an organic condition

D. Concrete thinking
Literal thinking
Limited understanding of nuances of meaning

E. Abstract thinking
Ability to grasp the essentials of a whole, to break a
whole into its parts and to discern common properties
To think symbolically
IX. Insight

The ability of the patient to understand the true cause

and meaning of a situation
IX. Insight
A. Intellectual Insight
Knowledge of the reality of a situation without the
ability to use that knowledge successfully to effect an
adaptive change in behavior or master the situation

B. True Insight
Understanding of the objective reality of a situation,
coupled with the motivational and emotional impetus
to master the situation or change behavior

C. Impaired Insight
Diminished ability to understand the objective reality
of a situation
X. Judgment

The ability to assess a situation correctly and to act

appropriately within that situation
X. Judgment
A. Critical judgment
Ability to assess, discern, and chose among the
various options in a situation

B. Automatic judgment
Reflex performance of an action

C. Impaired judgment
Diminished ability to understand a situation
correctly and to act appropriately
Thank You!!

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