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3, JUNE 2002

Compensated Synchronous PI Current Controller in

Overmodulation Range and Six-Step Operation
of Space-Vector-Modulation-Based
Vector-Controlled Drives
Ashwin M. Khambadkone, Member, IEEE, and Joachim Holtz, Fellow, IEEE

AbstractOvermodulation enhances the power utilization of the maximum modulation index is achieved.
the installed capacity of a voltage-source inverter. A space-vector However, the maximum possible voltage occurs during the
strategy is used for constant-switching-frequency inverters. six-step operation and is equal to . We define this as
In order to achieve the overmodulation, a modified reference
signal with nonuniform angular velocity is generated using a modulation index . The region between the modulation
preprocessor. Such a reference wave produces low-frequency har- indexes and is called overmodulation. A
monics in currents. The presence of current harmonics restricts process of obtaining a voltage in this region was described in
the bandwidth of the synchronous proportional plus integral [6]. This technique uses a preprocessor that generates a suitable
current controller in the overmodulation range. A compensating
reference voltage vector. The prepocessor alters the desired
current control is presented to allow for high-bandwidth current
control in synchronous coordinates during overmodulation and reference voltage vector by adding lower order harmonics. It
six-step. The proposed scheme allows for an easy upgrade of a causes change in magnitude and angle of the resultant reference
conventional vector control scheme to include overmodulation vector, producing either a uniform or nonuniform angular
and, thus, reduce the design-to-market time. velocity, depending on the region of operation. Adding lower
Index TermsCurrent control, feedback pulsewidth modula- order harmonics to the reference voltage causes distorted motor
tion, overmodulation, space-vector modulation. current, but it also achieves higher modulated output voltage.
In the normal range of operation, triplen frequency harmonics
I. INTRODUCTION do not affect the motor phase current, hence, the space-vector
modulation produces only the fundamental and the switching

V ECTOR CONTROL of an induction motor allows for a

fast torque control over a wide operating range. It is being
applied for a number of applications both in the low and high
frequency harmonics in the motor currents. However, in the
overmodulation range as proposed in [6] and [2], the motor
currents will have lower order harmonics other than the triplen
power ranges. Fast current control is essential for the vector con- harmonics. A high-gain current controller tries to cancel out the
trol in order to achieve decoupling and torque control. Usually, harmonics that have been introduced due to overmodulation.
a linear current controller of the proportional plus integral (PI) This is because the current controller is primarily designed
type and a feedforward pulsewidth modulator are used for cur- to control the fundamental frequency current. In so doing, it
rent vector control. A large number of pulsewidth modulation works against the overmodulation. Filters can be used to make
(PWM) schemes can be used to go along with a linear current the current controller immune to the low-frequency harmonics,
control. In so doing, the pulsewidth modulator can be designed but this reduces the bandwidth of the current control loop. This
to address various performance criteria [1]. Of the various per- results in poor dynamic performance of the current controllers.
formance criteria, overmodulation has received considerable at- In fact, during overmodulation, the best settings of the PI-type
tention [2][5]. Its significance is that it allows the full utiliza- current controllers in the linear range are no longer suitable.
tion of the installed voltage capacity of the inverter. In order They cause unsteady behavior which results in current and
to achieve overmodulation, lower order harmonics other than torque transients (see Fig. 1). Here, a stable operation was
the third harmonic have to be added to the modulated output possible only after the bandwidth of the current controller was
voltage. The interaction of these harmonics with the PI-type reduced to around 100 Hz.
linear current controller is the focus of our paper.
Overmodulation refers to the operation of the pulsewidth As fast current control is mandatory for a vector control
modulator beyond the linear range. In space-vector modulation, drive, the problem of current control in the overmodulation
range comes forth. How then do we deal with harmonic currents
that are present in the overmodulation range? This problem is
Manuscript received December 14, 2000; revised November 16, 2001. Ab-
stract published on the Internet March 7, 2002. being addressed in our paper. The problem is different from
A. M. Khambadkone is with the National University of Singapore, Singapore the problem in [3], which deals with the compensation of the
119260 (e-mail: eleamk@nus.edu.sg). dynamic component of voltage during overmodulation. On
J. Holtz is with Wuppertal University, 42097 Wuppertal, Germany (e-mail:
j.holtz@ieee.org). the other hand, we deal with the compensation of the effects
Publisher Item Identifier S 0278-0046(02)04921-3. of harmonic voltage in the current control loop. This problem
0278-0046/02$17.00 2002 IEEE

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