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Tradicin trovadoresca: de trovadores, trobairitz y trouvres

The troubadours, [trobairitz], and trouvres were medieval poet-musicians who created one of the first
repertories of vernacular song to be written down. Their legacy is vast, existing today in many dozens of
late medieval manuscripts that contain thousands of poems and hundreds of melodies largely attributed to
individual troubadours and trouvres. The study of this repertory is often divided along geographic and
linguistic lines.

The troubadours, considered the earliest vernacular song composers, resided in the south of what is
largely now France, spoke the regional vernacular now known as Occitan, and chiefly wrote their texts
in the Old Provenal dialect.

The trouvres lived in the north of France, writing poetry in Old French. Although the repertories of the
troubadours and trouvres appear to have much in common, i.e., themes of love and betrayal, similar
poetic genres and even melodies, the songs reflect the considerable differences in politics, religion, and
social history between the two contiguous regions.

The historical era of the troubadours and trouvres is fairly well defined. Guilhem (b. 1071d. 1126),
seventh count of Poitou and ninth duke of Aquitaine, emerged as the first troubadour. By mid-12th
century, troubadour ideals had spread north, spawning the trouvre movement. The troubadour art had
reached its high point by the end of the 12th century and suffered a near-fatal blow with the destruction of
many Occitan courts, sources of troubadour patronage, during the Albigensian Crusade (c. 12091229).
At that time many troubadours left to find havens at courts in Italy, Spain, and as far east as Hungary.
Meanwhile the trouvres experienced great social change as feudalism waned in the 13th century and
gradually more trouvres began leaving the aristocratic courts and estates to work in burgeoning urban
centers such as Arras.

By the 14th century, as the viable tradition of both the troubadours and the trouvres withered, societies
and academies were established to preserve and promote the art. The tradition of published scholarship on
the troubadours and trouvres dates back to the 14th century, at least to Dantes De Eloquentia. Into the
19th century it was largely focused on finding and cataloguing the manuscript sources. Barring
unexpected discoveries, the repertory is well established now and scholarship has turned toward
evaluating the repertory within its known parameters. Today cogent research on the troubadours and
trouvres requires an interdisciplinary approach. Among the philologists, musicologists, paleographers,
and historians who are devoted to this repertory, a high degree of specialization and cross-disciplinary
cooperation is required.

Fuente: Oxford Bibliographies.

Algunos de los gneros que surgen dentro de la tradicin trovadoresca y sus caractersticas:

Can: es la composicin ms utilizada, de tema amoroso, en l que el trovador expresa su

amor hacia la dama; desarrollada en varias estrofas o "coblas".
cobla: estrofa independiente
Sirvents: toman prestadas melodas de otros poemas poema de estructura similar a la cans,
generalmente satrico, sobre tema moral, poltico o de crtica literaria.
Tens: toman melodas prestadas de otros poemas, se presenta como un debate
vers: forma parte de un sistema mas antiguo de composicin de canciones
alba: poemas asociados con el canto en la madrugada, al salir el sol
planh: un lamento
cancin de cruzada
pastorela: cancin sobre una pastorcita, exige uso de una nueva meloda
dansa: cancin para bailar
descort: cancin de la Discordia
enueg: cancin para incomodar

Para consultar:
Medieval Lyric: Genres in Historical Context. Ed. William D. Paden. U Illinois P, 2000.
Jaufr Rudel Ver ditz qui m'apla lechai
(?-1147, trovador, provenal) e desirn d'amor de lonh,
que nulhs autres jis tant nom plai
Amor de Lonh Com jausiments d'amor de lonh.
Mas qu'iu vulh m'es tant as,
Lanquand li jorn son lonc en mai Qu'enaiim fadt mos pairis
M'es bls dutz chants d'ausls de lonh, Qu'iu ams e non fos amatz.
E quand me soi partitz de lai,
Remmbram d'un amor de lonh. Mas qu'iu vulh m'es tant as
Vau de talan embroncs e clis Totz sia mauditz lo pairis
Si que chants ni flors d'albespis quem fadt qu'iu non fos amatz
Nom platz plus que l'ivrns gelatz.
Joy and Love Afar
Jamais d'amor nom jausirai By Jaufr Rudel
Si nom jau d'est' amor de lonh, (Translated by A.Z. Foreman)
que melhor ni gensor non sai
vas nulha part, ni prs ni lonh. Now that the days grow long in May
Tant es sos prtz verais e fis I hear birds' gentle song afar.
Que lai el reng dels Sarrasis When from that song I turn away
fos iu per liis chaitius clamatz. my mind turns to my love afar.
Iratz e jausents m'en partrai, Bent with desire, downcast and dour,
quand veirai cest' amor de lonh. no springbird's song or whitethorn flower
mas non sai cras la veirai, can touch me more than winter's chill.
car tant son nstras trras lonh.
Assatz i a prtz e camis, Never will I find joy on earth
e per a non soi devis. in love, without my love afar
Mas tot sia com a Diu platz. who shines above all other worth.
Be'm parra jis quand li querrai, Above all others, near and far
Per amor Diu, l'albrc de lonh, her virtue reigns so true and pure
E, s'a liis platz, albergarai I'd die a prisoner of war
Prs de liis, si bem soi de lonh, in Saracen lands to serve her will.
Adoncs parral parlaments fis Half grieved, half joyful will I go
Quand drutz lnhdas er tant vesis once having seen my love afar.
Qu'ab bls digs jausirai solatz. When shall we meet? I do not know,
for our two lands lie far too far.
Be tenc lo Senhor per verai So many paths by land and sea,
Per qu'iu veirai l'amor de lonh, what lies ahead I cannot see
Mas per un be que m'en eschai but all things follow God's good will.
N'ai dos mals, car tant m'es de lonh
Ay! Car no fui lai pelegris, What bliss, for love of God, will be
Si que mos fustz e mos tapis there in the lodge of love afar!
Fos pels sius bls ulhs remiratz! I'll lodge with her if she wants me,
although a stranger from afar.
Dius qui fetz tot quant ve ni vai O discourse will be dear the day
E formt cest' amor de lonh I come, her love from faraway,
Mi don poder, que cr iu n'ai, to hear love's words and feel its thrill.
Qu'en bru veia l'amor de lonh,
Veraiament en lcs aisis, I call him Lord who I believe
Si que la cambra el jardis shall let me see my love afar,
Mi ressembls tostemps palatz. though for each pleasure I receive
two ills, since she remains so far.
I'd go a pilgrim to that shrine and lust for naught but love afar.
to see my dust-dark tunic shine What joy on earth would I not spurn
reflected in those bright eyes still. just to enjoy my love afar?
But what I want is barred with hate.
God who made all things swift and still My godfather1 has fixed my fate
and fashioned me my love afar, to love well and be treated ill.
grant me a way, I have the will,
soon to behold my love afar, Oh what I want I'll never find.
in such a truly pleasant place God damn that godfather of mine
that chamber wall and garden space who doomed my love to bring me ill.
will seem a palace on a hill.
He speaks the truth who says I yearn jaufre-rudel-love-afar-from-occitan.html


Bernart de Ventadorn ma trit (et es trida,

(1130-1140-1190/1200; occitano, trovador) e cohl lo roam ab ques fer);
e can autre larazona,
La doussa votz aiauzida deus lo seu tort lochaizona;
et an ne mais li derrer
La dousa votz ai auzida queu que nai faih lonc badatge.
del rosinholet sauvatg,
et es mins cor salhida Mout lavia gen servida
si qu tot lo cosirer tro ac vas mi cor volatge;
els mals traihs quamors me dona, e pus ilh no mes cobida,
madousa e mazona; mout sui fols, si mais la ser.
et auriab mester Servirs com no gazardona,
lautrui jois at meu damnatge. et esperansa bretona
fai de senhor escuder
Ben es totz om davol vida per costum e per uzatge.
cab joi non a son estatge
e qui vas amor no guida Pois tan es vas me falhida,
so cor e so dezirer; aisi lais so senhoratge,
car tot can es sabandona e no volh quem siaizida
vas joi e refrime sona: ni ja mais parlar non qur.
prat e deves e verger, Mas pero qui men razona,
landas e pla e boschatge. la paudla men es bona,
e men esjau volonter
Eu, las! cui Amors oblida, em nalegre mo coratge.
que sui fors del dreih viatge,
agra de joi ma partida, Deus il do maleschardia
mas iram fai destorber; qui porta mauvais mesatge,
e no sai on me repona queu agra amor jauzida,
pus mo joi me desazona; si no foso lauzenger.
enom tenhatz per leuger Fols qui ab sidons tensona,
seu dic alcu vilanatge. quelh perdo selam perdona,
e tuih cilh son mesonger
Una fausa deschauzida quem nan faih dire folatge!
triritz de mal linhatge
E cut the branch to beat her with!)
Lo vers mi porta, Corona, then when someone questions her
lai a midons a Narbona, she excuses her mistake,
que tuih sei faih son enter, and the worst are better off
com non pot dire folatge. than am I, who've waited long.

I served my lady very well

I HAVE HEARD THE SWEET VOICE SING till she thought my heart had changed
(trans. James D. Donaldson) and no longer took my side.
It were foolish to go on
I have heard the sweet voice sing and to serve without reward
of the timid nightingale, and with only Breton hope
it's impressed upon my heart makes a knight into a squire
so that all the care and pain both by custom and by use.
and mistreatment love can give
he has sweetened and made mild, Since she had withdrawn from me
so to heal my pain I need I departed from her rule.
joy that rises from outside. I don't want her to be near me,
and I don't want to speak on,
It's a bad life that one leads but when someone speaks of her
if there is no joy with him, all the talk seems good to me
or if he won't guide to love and enjoyment is renewed
his desiring and his heart: and within my heart I'm glad.
all things that exist run free
when chimes out joy's happy sound: May God give a bad reward
meadow, hedgerow, garden, grove, to the bearer of bad news,
heaths and. plains and woodland too. I would have had joy of love
if there were no slanderers.
But if I forget to love Only fools debate their ladies;
I have surely lost my way: I forgive if she forgives,
I may have my share of joy - and they're liars, one and all
sadness will disturb me still, who've let me speak foolishness.
and I don't know where to hide
since joy's taken me away E
and don't think that I am bad O Corona, take my verse
if some base remark slips out. to my lady in Narbonne,
since her acts are all complete,
One who's false, with ill-intent, no one may speak foolishness.
traitress of a mean descent,
has betrayed me (and herself:
Thibaut de Champagne en sa merci.
(Troyes, Champagne; 1201-1253, trovre) Valara!

Por mal tens ne por gelee Trop seroit fort a estaindre

chansons de li;
Por mal tens ne por gelee lamors est a fraindre
ne por frpide matinee dont pens a li.
ne por nule autre riens nee Valara!
ne partirai ma pensee
damors que jai,
que trop lai amee (Traduccin de Gema Valln)
de cur verai.
Valara! I. Ni por mal tiempo, ni helada, ni fra maana,
por nada del mundo, dejar de pensar en el amor
Bele et blonde et coloree, que tengo, pues mucho la he amado de corazn
moi plest quaque vos agree; sincere. Tralar!
et, Dex!, car me fust doune
lamors que vos ai rouvee, II. Bella, rubia y rozagante, quiero cuanto a vos
quant vos priai, os place; y, ay Dios!, pues me fue dado el amor
sele mest vee, que os ped, implorndoos, si me es negado,
je me morrai. morir. Tralar!
III. Dama, he puesto el corazn y la vida a
Dame, en la vostre Baillie vuestra disposicin, por Dios, no me matis!
aim is mon cors et ma vie, Cuanod el corts corazn se humilla debe hacer
por Dieu, ne mocez mie! merced y ayuda para dar consuelo. Tralar!
La ou fins cuers sumilie IV. Dama, haced cortesa! Os gusta que nunca
doit on trouver diga esto, qu no ose nombraros mi bella, mi
merci et ae amada amiga, y es que no deseo amar a otra.
por conforter. Tralar!
V. Nunca acabara de lamentarme, tan grande
Dame, faites cortoisie! sera mi dolor, ni sabra dejar de amar, ni calmar
plaise vos que en ma vie mis males, si no dijera que quiero sguir estando
iceste parole die: siempre a su merced. Tralar!
ma bele, tres douce amie
vos os nonmer, VI. Sera difcil no hacer canciones sobre ella; el
conques noi envie amor me apoca cuando pienso en ella. Tralar!
dautrui amr.
Valara! Fuente:
Valln, Gema. La retrouenge de Thibaut de
Onques jor ne me soi plaidre, Champagne. Actas del VIII Congreso
tant seroit ma dolor graindre, Internacional de la Asociacin
n damr ne [me] sai faindre, Hispnica de Literatura Medieval. Eds.
ne mes maus ne puis estaindre, Margarita Freixas y Silvia Iriso.
se je ne di Santander: Grficas Delfos, 2000. 1751-
que toz vuelt remainder 1758. Web. 7 Mar 2016
(Gascua; 1110-1150, trovador) VI.
Senher, dis elha, ben o crey
A la fontana del vergier que Dieus aya d mi mercey
I. em lautre segle per jassey,
A la fontana del vergier, quon assatz dautres peccadors;
on lerb es vertz jostal gravier, mas say mi tolh aquelha rey
a lombra dun fust domesgier, don joy mi crec; mas pauc mi tey,
en aiziment de blancas flors que trop ses de mi alonhatz.
e de novelh chant costumier,
trobey sola, ses companhier,
selha que no vol mon solatz. Marcabru. A la fontana del vergier. Rialto
293.1. University of Naples. Web. Mar 2016.
So fon donzelhab son cors belh, http://www.rialto.unina.it/Mbru/293.1(Gaunt-
filha dun senhor de castelh; Harvey-Paterson).htm
e quant ieu cugey que lauzelh
li fesson joy e la verdors E n g lish tra n sla tio n
e, pel dous termini novelh,
I. By the orchards spring, where the grass is
quela entendes mon favelh,
green beside the bank, in the shade of a fruit
tost li fon sos afars camjatz.
tree, with its pretty white flowers and the usual
spring birdsong, I came across that young
woman who, alone and without companion, does
Dels huelhs ploret josta la fon
not want my company.
e del cor sospiret preon.
II. She was a beautiful young lady, the daughter
Jhesus, dis elha, reys del mon,
of the lord of a castle; and just when I thought
per vos mi creys ma gran dolors,
that the greenery and the birds would delight her
quar vostra anta mi cofon,
and that, on account of the sweet springtime, she
quar li mellor de tot est mon
would listen to mysuit, her preoccupations
vos van servir, mas a vos platz.
suddenly changed.
III. Beside the spring she wept and sighed from
the bottom of her heart; Jesus, she said, king
of the world, because of you my great sorrow is
Ab vos sen vai o mieus amicx,
increasing, for your shame is my undoing: the
lo belhs el gens el pros el ricx;
best of all this world are going to serve you,
sai men reman lo grans destrix,
since it is your will.
lo deziriers soven els plors.
IV. My love, the handsome, courtly, brave and
Ay! mala fos reys Lozocx,
noble, departs with you; great distress, frequent
que fai los mans e los prezicx
longing and tears stay here with me. Oh! Cursed
per quel dols mes el cor intratz!
be King Louis, who orders the call to arms and
the preaching which are the cause of this grief
entering my heart!
Quant ieu lauzi desconortar,
V. When I heard her lamenting, I went up to her
ves lieys vengui jostal riu clar:
by the clear stream. Pretty lady, I said, too
Belha, fim ieu, per trop plorar
much crying spoils the looks and complexion,
afolha cara e colors;
and you dont need to despair, for He who
e no vos qual dezesperar,
makes the woods come into leaf can give you
que selh qui fai lo bosv fulhar
much joy.
vos pot donar de joy assatz.
VI. Sir, she said, I do believe that God will me joy (through whom my joy increased), but he
have mercy on me forever in the next world, as thinks little of me, for he has gone so far away
He will on many other sinners; but here He is from me.
taking away from me the one person who gave

Beatritz de Dia o Comtessa de Dia


A chantar mer de so quieu non volvria

A chantar mer de so quieu non volvria,

Tan me rancur de lui cui sui amia,
Car ieu lam mais que nuilla ren que sia:
Vas lui no .m val merces ni cortesa
Ni ma beltatz ni mos pret ni mos sens,
Catressi .m sui enganade traha
Com degr esser, sieu fos desavinens.

Daisso.m conort car anc.non fi faillenssa,

Amics, vas vos per nuilla captenenssa,
Anz vos am mais non fetz Seguis Valenssa,
E platz mi mout quez eu dmar vos venssa,
Lo mieus amics, car etz lo plus valens;
Mi faitz orguoill en ditz et en parvenssa,
E si etz francs vas totas autras gens.

Be .m meravill com vostre cors sorguoilla

Amics, vas me, per quai razon quieu .m duoiilla;
Non es ges dreitz cautramors vos mi tuoilla
Per nilla ren quie .us diga ni acuoilla;
E membre vos cals fo .l comenssamens
De nostramor! Ja Dompnedieus non vuoilla
Quen ma colpa sia .l departimens.

Proesa grans quel vostre cors saizina

E lo rics prtez quavetz men atana,
Cuna non sai, loindana ni vecina,
Si vol amar, vas vos non si aclina;
Mas vos, amics, etz ben tan conoissens
Que ben devetz conoisser la plus fina,
E membre vos de nostres covinens.

Valer mi deu os pret e mos partages

E ma beltatz e plus mos fis cratges,
Per quieu vos mandad lai on es vostr Estatges
Esta chansson que me isa messatges:
Ieu vuoill saber, lo mieus bels amics gens,
Per que vos metz tanta fers ni tant salvatges,
Non sai, si ses orguoills o maltalens.
Mas aitan plus vuoill li digas messatges,
Quen trop dorguoills o ant gran dan maintas gens.

Ahora deber cantar de lo que no querra

Ahora deber cantar de lo que no querra, Tanto me lamento del que no

soy amiga, Pues le amo ms que a cualquier cosa en el mundo Pero no
valen ante l ni la piedad ni la cortesa Ni mi belleza ni mi valor ni mi
juicio, Porque soy engaada y traicionada Como sucedera si fuera poco

Me conforto pensando que jams y de ningn modo Cometera

equvoco hacia vos, amigo, Sino que os amo ms de lo que Segui am a
Valensa, Y me agrada venceros en amor, Amigo mo, porque sois el
mejor; Sois orgulloso conmigo en las palabras y en los modos, Mientras
que os mostris amables con todos.

Me sorprende como hacia m vuestro corazn se muestra duro, Amigo,

por lo que tengo razn para dolerme; No es justo en absoluto que otro amor
os aparte de m, Sea lo que sea lo que os diga o conceda; Y recordad cul
fue el inicio de nuestro amor! El Seor Dios no quiera Que sea ma la
culpa de la separacin.

La noble virtud que habita en vuestro corazn Y el alto valor que

poseis me intimidan, Pues no conozco dama cercana o lejana, Que,
dispuesta a amar, no sea atrada por vos. Pero vos, amigo, tenis tanto
juicio Que bien debis conocer la ms perfecta; Y acordaos de vuestro

Deben ayudarme mrito y nobleza Y la belleza y an ms la sinceridad de nimo,

Por ello os mando all donde moris Esta cancin, que sea mi mensajera;
Y quiero saber, mi gentil y bello amigo, Por qu sois tan altanero y cruel conmigo:
No s si por orgullo o mal talante.

Ms an quiero que os diga el mensajero: Por demasiado orgullo mucha gente ha sufrido gran dao.
Traduccin M Milagros Rivera Garretas, Ana Maeru Mndez Fuente: Las Trovadoras,
poetisas del amor corts. Ed. Horas y Horas, 1997.

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