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Scanning electron micrograph of a macrophage and a lymphocyte.



S E C T I O N A NK Cells Allergy (Hypersensitivity)

Development of Immune Tolerance Autoimmune Disease
Immunology: Defenses
Antibody-Mediated Immune Responses: Defenses Excessive Inflammatory Responses
Against Foreign Matter
Against Bacteria, Extracellular Viruses, and Additional Clinical Examples
Cells Mediating Immune Defenses Toxins Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Cytokines Defenses Against Virus-Infected Cells and Cancer
Nonspecific Immune Defenses Cells S E C T I O N B
Defenses at Body Surfaces Systemic Manifestations of Infection Toxicology: The Metabolism
Inflammation of Environmental Chemicals
Factors That Alter the Bodys Resistance to
Interferons Absorption
Specific Immune Defenses Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Storage Sites
Overview Antibiotics Excretion
Lymphoid Organs and Lymphocyte Origins
Harmful Immune Responses Biotransformation
Functions of B Cells and T Cells
Graft Rejection
Lymphocyte Receptors
Transfusion Reactions
Antigen Presentation to T Cells


Immunology: Defenses Against Foreign Matter

Immunology is the study of the physiological defenses are not unique to the particular foreign substance or
by which the body (the host) recognizes itself from cell. Specific immune defenses (also called acquired
nonself (foreign matter). In the process, it destroys or immunity) depend upon specific recognition, by
neutralizes (renders harmless) foreign matter, both liv- lymphocytes, of the substance or cell to be attacked.
ing and nonliving. In distinguishing self from non- This is followed by an attack unique for that substance
self, immune defenses (1) protect against infection by or cell. Nonspecific and specific immune responses
microbesviruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites; function in synchrony. For example, components of
(2)isolate or remove nonmicrobial foreign substances; nonspecific immunity provide instructions that enable
and (3) destroy cancer cells that arise in the body, a the specific responses to select appropriate targets to
function known as immune surveillance. attack and to have strategies for their elimination.
Immune defenses, or immunity, can be classified Before introducing the cells that participate in
into two categories: nonspecific and specific, which immune defenses, let us first look at the microbes we
interact with each other. Nonspecific immune will be most concerned with in this chapterbacteria
defenses protect against foreign substances or cells and viruses. These are the dominant infectious organ-
without having to recognize their specific identities. isms in the United States and other industrialized
The mechanisms of protection used by these defenses nations. On a global basis, however, infection with
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parasitic eukaryotic organisms (malaria, for example) were described in Chapter 12 and should be reviewed at
or worms are responsible for a huge amount of illness this time. Unlike erythrocytes, leukocytes use the blood
and death. For example, several hundred million peo- mainly for transportation and leave the circulatory sys-
ple now have malaria. tem to enter the tissues where they function.
Bacteria are unicellular organisms that have an Plasma cells are not really a distinct cell line but
outer coating (the cell wall) in addition to a plasma differentiate from a particular set of lymphocytes (the
membrane, but no intracellular membrane-bound B lymphocytes) during immune responses. Despite
organelles. Bacteria can damage tissues at the sites of their name, plasma cells are primarily found in the tis-
bacterial replication, or they can release toxins that sues in which they differentiate from their parent lym-
enter the blood and disrupt physiological functions in phocytes. The major function of plasma cells is to
other parts of the body. synthesize and secrete antibodies.
Viruses are essentially nucleic acids surrounded by Macrophages are found in virtually all organs and
a protein coat. Unlike bacteria, viruses lack both the tissues, their structures varying somewhat from loca-
enzyme machinery for metabolism and the ribosomes tion to location. They are derived from monocytes that
essential for protein synthesis. Thus, they cannot mul- pass through the walls of blood vessels to enter the tis-
tiply by themselves but must exist inside other cells and sues and transform into macrophages. In keeping with
use those cells biochemical apparatus. The viral one of their major functions, the engulfing of particles
nucleic acid directs the host cell to synthesize the pro- and microbes, macrophages are strategically placed
teins required for viral replication, with the required where they will encounter their targets. For example,
nucleotides and energy sources also supplied by the they are found in large numbers in the various epithe-
host cell. The effect of viral habitation and replication lia in contact with the external environment (skin and
within a cell depends on the type of virus. After enter- internal surfaces of respiratory and digestive system
ing a cell, some viruses (the common cold virus, for tubes). In several organs they line the vessels through
example) multiply rapidly, kill the cell, and then move which blood or lymph flows.
on to other cells. Other viruses, such as the one that There are several cell populations that are not
causes genital herpes, can lie dormant in infected cells macrophages (and are not descended from monocytes)
before suddenly undergoing the rapid replication that but exert various macrophage functions; these are col-
causes cell damage. Finally, certain viruses can trans- lectively termed macrophage-like (or dendritic)
form their host cells into cancer cells. cells. They are found scattered in almost all tissues.
Mast cells are found throughout connective tis-
sues, particularly beneath the epithelial surfaces of the
Cells Mediating body. They are derived from the differentiation of a
unique set of bone marrow cells, which have entered
Immune Defenses the blood and then left the blood vessels to enter con-
nective tissue, where they differentiate and undergo cell
The cells that carry out immune defenses collectively division. Thus, mature mast cells, unlike basophils,
make up the immune system, but they do not consti- with which they share many characteristics, are not
tute a system in the sense of anatomically connected normally found in the blood. The most striking
organs like the gastrointestinal or urinary system. anatomical feature of mast cells is their very large num-
Instead, they are a diverse collection of cells found both ber of vesicles, which secrete locally acting chemical
in the blood and lymph and in tissues throughout the messengers such as histamine.
body. Because of the large number of cells and the far The sites of production and functions of all these
larger number of chemical messengers that participate cells are briefly listed in Table 181 for reference and
in immune defenses, a miniglossary defining the cells will be described in subsequent sections. Suffice it for
and messengers discussed in this chapter is given now to emphasize two points. Lymphocytes serve as
toward the end of Section A (Table 1812). recognition cells in specific immune defenses and are
The most numerous of the immune system cells are essential for all aspects of these responses. Neutrophils,
the various types of white blood cells collectively known monocytes, macrophages, and macrophage-like cells
as leukocytes. These include the neutrophils, basophils, have a variety of activities, but particularly important is
eosinophils, monocytes, and lymphocytes. (The first their ability to secrete inflammatory mediators and to
three types are also grouped under the general term function as phagocytes. A phagocyte denotes any cell
polymorphonuclear granulocyte, because their cell nuclei capable of phagocytosis, the form of endocytosis
have unusual, irregular appearances.) The anatomy, whereby the phagocytic cell engulfs and usually
production, and blood concentrations of these cells destroys particulate matter.

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TABLE 181 Cells Mediating Immune Defenses


Leukocytes (white blood cells) Bone Marrow 1. Phagocytosis

Neutrophils 2. Release chemicals involved in inflammation (vasodilators,
chemotaxins, etc.)
Basophils Bone marrow Carry out functions in blood similar to those of mast cells in tissues (see
Eosinophils Bone marrow 1. Destroy multicellular parasites
2. Participate in immediate hypersensitivity reactions
Monocytes Bone marrow 1. Carry out functions in blood similar to those of macrophages in
tissues (see below)
2. Enter tissues and transform into macrophages
Lymphocytes Mature in bone marrow Serve as recognition cells in specific immune responses and are
(B cells and NK cells) essential for all aspects of these responses
and thymus (T cells);
activated in peripheral
lymphoid organs
B cells 1. Initiate antibody-mediated immune responses by binding specific
antigens to the B cells plasma membrane receptors, which are
2. During activation are transformed into plasma cells, which secrete
3. Present antigen to helper T cells
Cytotoxic T cells (CD8 cells) Bind to antigens on plasma membrane of target cells (virus-infected
cells, cancer cells, and tissue transplants) and directly destroy the cells
Helper T cells (CD4 cells) Secrete cytokines that help to activate B cells, cytotoxic T cells, NK cells,
and macrophages
NK cells 1. Bind directly and nonspecifically to virus-infected cells and cancer
cells and kill them
2. Function as killer cells in antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity
Plasma cells Peripheral lymphoid Secrete antibodies
organs; differentiate
from B cells during
immune responses
Macrophages Bone marrow; reside in 1. Phagocytosis
almost all tissues and 2. Extracellular killing via secretion of toxic chemicals
organs; differentiate 3. Process and present antigens to helper T cells
from monocytes 4. Secrete cytokines involved in inflammation, activation and
differentiation of helper T cells, and systemic responses to infection
or injury (the acute phase response)
Macrophage-like cells Almost all tissues and Same as macrophages
organs; microglia in the
central nervous system
Mast cells Bone marrow; reside in Release histamine and other chemicals involved in inflammation
almost all tissues and
organs; differentiate
from bone marrow cells
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704 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Defense Mechanisms of the Body

Cytokines Cytokines are also involved in many nonimmunologi-

cal processes, such as bone formation and uterine
The cells of the immune system release a multitude function.
(more than 100, to date) of protein messengers that This chapter will be limited to a discussion of a few
regulate host cell division (mitosis) and function in of the important cytokines and their most important
both nonspecific and specific immune defenses. The functions, which are summarized in Table 182.
collective term for these messengers, each of which has
its own unique name, is cytokines. They are not pro-
duced by distinct specialized glands but rather by a
variety of individual cells. The great majority of their
Nonspecific Immune
actions occur at the site of cytokine secretion, the Defenses
cytokine acting as an autocrine/paracrine agent. In
some cases, however, the cytokine circulates in the Nonspecific immune defenses protect against foreign
blood to exert hormonal effects on distant organs and cells or matter without having to recognize their spe-
tissues involved in host defenses. cific identities. These defenses must, of course, recog-
The physiology of the cytokines is extremely com- nize some general property marking the invader as
plex. Cytokines link the components of the immune foreign. The most common such identity tags are often
system together. They are the chemical communica- found in particular classes of carbohydrates or lipids
tion network that allows different immune system cells that are in microbial cell walls. Plasma-membrane
to talk to one another. This is called cross-talk, and it receptors on certain immune cells, as well as a variety
is essential for the precise timing of the functions of of circulating proteins (particularly a family called
the immune system. Most cytokines are secreted by complement) can bind to these carbohydrates and
more than one type of immune system cell and by lipids at crucial steps in nonspecific responses. This use
nonimmune cells as well (e.g., by endothelial cells and of a system based on carbohydrate and lipid for detect-
fibroblasts). This often produces cascades of cytokine ing the presence of foreign cells is a key feature that dis-
secretion, in which one cytokine stimulates the release tinguishes nonspecific defenses from specific ones,
of another, and so on. Any given cytokine may exert which recognize foreign cells mainly by specific pro-
actions on an extremely broad range of target cells. For teins the foreign cells produce.
example, the cytokine interleukin 2 influences the The nonspecific immune defenses include defenses
function of virtually every cell of the immune system. at the body surfaces, the response to injury known as
There is great redundancy in cytokine action; that is, inflammation, and a family of antiviral proteins called
different cytokines can have very similar effects. interferons.

TABLE 182 Features of Selected* Cytokines


Interleukin 1, tumor Antigen-presenting cells Helper T cells; certain brain Stimulate IL-2 secretion and IL-2
necrosis factor, and (e.g., macrophages) cells; numerous systemic cells receptor expression; induce fever;
interleukin 6 stimulate systemic responses to
inflammation, infection, and injury
Interleukin 2 Most immune cells Helper T cells; cytotoxic T Stimulate proliferation
cells; NK cells; B cells Promote conversion to plasma cells
Interferons Most cell types Most cell types Stimulate cells to produce antiviral
proteins (nonspecific response)
Interferon-gamma NK cells and activated NK cells and macrophages Stimulate proliferation and secretion of
helper T cells cytotoxic compounds
Chemokines Damaged cells, including Neutrophils and other Facilitate accumulation of leukocytes at
endothelial cells leukocytes sites of injury and inflammation
Colony-stimulating Macrophages Bone marrow Stimulate proliferation of neutrophils
factors and monocytes

*Note: This list is not meant to be exhaustive. There are >100 known cytokines.
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Defenses at Body Surfaces

TABLE 183 Sequence of Events in a Nonspecific Local
The bodys first lines of defense against microbes are Inflammatory Response to Bacteria
the barriers offered by surfaces exposed to the external
environment. Very few microorganisms can penetrate 1. Entry of bacteria into tissue; injury to tissues causes release of
chemicals to initiate the following events
the intact skin, and the various skin glands, salivary
glands, and the lacrymal (tear) glands all secrete 2. Vasodilation of the microcirculation in the infected area,
antimicrobial chemicals. These may include antibodies, leading to increased blood flow
enzymes such as lysozyme, which destroy bacterial cell 3. Large increase in protein permeability of the capillaries and
walls, and an iron-binding protein called lactoferrin. venules in the infected area, with resulting diffusion of
This protein prevents bacteria from obtaining the iron protein and filtration of fluid into the interstitial fluid
they need to function properly. 4. Chemotaxis: Movement of leukocytes from the venules into
The mucus secreted by the epithelial linings of the the interstitial fluid of the infected area
respiratory and upper gastrointestinal tracts also con- 5. Destruction of bacteria in the tissue either through
tains antimicrobial chemicals, but more important, phagocytosis or by other mechanisms
mucus is sticky. Particles that adhere to it are prevented 6. Tissue repair
from entering the blood. They are either swept by cil-
iary action up into the pharynx and then swallowed, as
occurs in the upper respiratory tract, or are phagocy-
tized by macrophages in the various linings.
sion of microbes. Most of the same responses can be
Other specialized surface defenses are the hairs at
elicited by a variety of other injuriescold, heat, and
the entrance to the nose, the cough and sneeze reflexes
trauma, for example. Moreover, we will see later that
(Chapter 13), and the acid secretion of the stomach,
inflammation accompanies many specific immune
which kills microbes.
defenses in which the inflammation becomes amplified.
The sequence of local events in a typical nonspecific
Inflammation inflammatory response to a bacterial infectionone
Inflammation is the bodys local response to infection caused, for example, by a cut with a bacteria-covered
or injury. The functions of inflammation are to destroy knifeis summarized in Table 183. The familiar man-
or inactivate foreign invaders and to set the stage for ifestations of tissue injury and inflammation are local
tissue repair. The key mediators are the cells that func- redness, swelling, heat, and pain.
tion as phagocytes. As noted earlier, the most impor- The events of inflammation that underlie these
tant phagocytes are neutrophils, macrophages, and manifestations are induced and regulated by a huge
macrophage-like cells. number of chemical mediators, some of which are
In this section, inflammation is described as it summarized for reference in Table 184 (not all of these
occurs in the nonspecific defenses induced by the inva- will be described in this chapter). Note in this table that

TABLE 184 Some Important Local Inflammatory Mediators


Kinins Generated from enzymatic action on plasma proteins

Complement Generated from enzymatic action on plasma proteins
Products of blood clotting Generated from enzymatic action on plasma proteins
Histamine Secreted by mast cells and injured cells
Eicosanoids Secreted by many cell types
Platelet-activating factor Secreted by many cell types
Cytokines, including chemokines Secreted by injured cells, monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, lymphocytes, and several
nonimmune cell types, including endothelial cells and fibroblasts
Lysosomal enzymes, nitric oxide, Secreted by injured cells, neutrophils, and macrophages
and other oxygen-derived substances
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706 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Defense Mechanisms of the Body

some of these mediators are cytokines. Any given event cells. These messengers are collectively termed chemo-
of inflammation, such as vasodilation, may be induced attractants (also termed chemotaxins or chemotactic
by multiple mediators. Moreover, any given mediator factors).
may induce more than one event. Based on their ori- In the first stage, the neutrophil is loosely tethered
gins, the mediators fall into two general categories: to the endothelial cells by certain adhesion molecules.
(1) peptides (kinins, for example) generated in the This event, known as margination, occurs as the neu-
infected area by enzymatic actions on proteins that cir- trophil rolls along the vessel surface. In essence, this
culate in the plasma; and (2) substances secreted into initial reversible event exposes the neutrophil to
the extracellular fluid from cells that either already chemoattractants being released in the injured area.
exist in the infected area (injured cells or mast cells, for These chemoattractants act on the neutrophil to
example) or enter it during inflammation (neutrophils, induce the rapid appearance of another class of adhe-
for example). sion molecules in its plasma membranemolecules
Let us now go step by step through the process that bind tightly to their matching molecules in the
summarized in Table 183, assuming that the bacterial endothelial cells. Thus, the neutrophils collect along
infection in our example is localized to the tissue just the site of injury, rather than being washed away with
beneath the skin. If the invading bacteria enter the the flowing blood.
blood or lymph, then similar inflammatory responses In the next stage, known as diapedesis, a narrow
would take place in any other tissue or organ the projection of the neutrophil is inserted into the space
blood-borne or lymph-borne microorganisms reach. between two endothelial cells, and the entire neutrophil
squeezes through the endothelial wall and into the
Vasodilation and Increased interstitial fluid. In this way, huge numbers of neu-
trophils migrate into the inflamed area. Once in the
Permeability to Protein interstitial fluid, neutrophils migrate toward the site of
A variety of chemical mediators dilate most of the tissue damage (chemotaxis). This occurs because dam-
microcirculation vessels in an infected and/or damaged aged cells release chemoattractants. Thus, neutrophils
area. The mediators also cause the local capillaries and tend to move toward the microbes that entered into an
venules to become permeable to proteins by inducing injured area.
their endothelial cells to contract, opening spaces Movement of leukocytes from the blood into the
between them through which the proteins can move. damaged area is not limited to neutrophils. Monocytes
The adaptive value of these vascular changes is follow later, and once in the tissue they undergo
twofold: (1) the increased blood flow to the inflamed anatomical and functional changes that transform them
area (which accounts for the redness and heat) to macrophages. As we will see later, in specific immune
increases the delivery of proteins and leukocytes; and defenses lymphocytes undergo chemotaxis, as can
(2) the increased permeability to protein ensures that basophils and eosinophils under certain conditions.
the plasma proteins that participate in inflammation An important aspect of the multistep chemotaxis
many of which are normally restrained by the intact process is that it provides selectivity and flexibility for
endotheliumcan gain entry to the interstitial fluid. the migration of the various leukocyte types. Multiple
As described in Chapter 12, the vasodilation and adhesion molecules that are relatively distinct for the
increased permeability to protein, however, cause net different leukocytes are controlled by different sets of
filtration of plasma into the interstitial fluid and the chemoattractants. Particularly important in this regard
development of edema. This accounts for the swelling are those cytokines that function as chemoattractants
in an inflamed area, which is simply a consequence of for distinct subsets of leukocytes. For example, one
the changes in the microcirculation and has no known type of cytokine stimulates the chemotaxis of neu-
adaptive value of its own. trophils, whereas another stimulates that of eosino-
phils. Thus, subsets of leukocytes can be stimulated to
Chemotaxis enter particular tissues at designated times during an
inflammatory response, depending on the type of
With the onset of inflammation, circulating neutrophils
invader and the cytokine response it induces. The vari-
begin to move out of the blood across the endothelium
ous cytokines that have chemoattractant actions are
of capillaries and venules to enter the inflamed area.
collectively referred to as chemokines.
This multistage process is known as chemotaxis. It
involves a variety of protein and carbohydrate adhesion
molecules on both the endothelial cell and the neu- Killing by Phagocytes
trophil. It is regulated by messenger molecules released Once neutrophils and other leukocytes arrive at the site
by cells in the injured area, including the endothelial of an injury, they begin the process of destroying
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invading microbes by phagocytosis. The initial step in particularly with bacteria that are surrounded by a
phagocytosis is contact between the surfaces of the thick, gelatinous capsule. Instead, chemical factors pro-
phagocyte and microbe (Figure 181). One of the duced by the body can bind the phagocyte tightly to the
major triggers for phagocytosis during this contact is microbe and thereby enhance phagocytosis. Any sub-
the interaction of phagocyte receptors with certain car- stance that does this is known as an opsonin, from the
bohydrates or lipids in the microbial cell walls. Contact Greek word that means to prepare for eating.
is not always sufficient to trigger engulfment, however, As the phagocyte engulfs the microbe (Figure
182), the internal, microbe-containing sac formed in
this step is called a phagosome. A layer of plasma mem-
brane separates the microbe from the cytosol of the
phagocyte. The phagosome membrane then makes
contact with one of the phagocytes lysosomes, which is
filled with a variety of hydrolytic enzymes. The mem-
Macrophages branes of the phagosome and lysosome fuse, and the
combined vesicles are now called the phagolysosome.
Inside the phagolysosome, the lysosomal enzymes
break down the microbes macromolecules. In addi-
Pseudopods tion, other enzymes in the phagolysosome membrane
produce nitric oxide as well as hydrogen peroxide and
other oxygen derivatives, all of which are extremely
destructive to the microbes macromolecules.
Such intracellular destruction is not the only way
phagocytes can kill microbes. The phagocytes also
Figure 181 release antimicrobial substances into the extracellular
Macrophages contacting bacteria and preparing to engulf fluid, where these chemicals can destroy the microbes
them. without prior phagocytosis.

Lysosome Phagocyte

(in extracellular

Phagosome Phagolysosome

Release of
Nucleus end-products
into cell

Figure 182
Phagocytosis and intracellular destruction of a microbe. After destruction has taken place in the phagolysosome, the end-
products are released to the outside of the cell by exocytosis or used by the cell for its own metabolism.
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708 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Defense Mechanisms of the Body


Contact of phagocytes with microbes

Phagocytosis Secretion of chemicals by phagocytes

Activation of clotting
Intracellular Regulation of Extracellular regulation of
and anticlotting
killing of inflammatory killing of overall bodily
microbes process microbes responses to
(Chapter 12)

Figure 183
Role of phagocytosis in nonspecific immune defenses. Hormonal regulation of overall bodily responses to infection, partly
addressed in Chapter 11, will also be discussed later in this chapter.

Some of these substances (e.g., nitric oxide) secreted generated in the extracellular fluid of the infected area
into the extracellular fluid (Figure 183) also function as from inactive complement molecules that have entered
inflammatory mediators. Thus, when phagocytes enter from the blood. Since this system consists of at least 30
the area and encounter microbes, positive feedback distinct proteins, it is extremely complex, and we will
mechanisms cause inflammatory mediators, including identify the roles of only a few of the individual com-
chemokines, to be released that bring in more phago- plement proteins.
cytes. Five of the active proteins generated in the comple-
ment cascade form a multiunit protein, the membrane
attack complex (MAC). The MAC embeds itself in the
Complement microbial plasma membrane and forms porelike chan-
The family of plasma proteins known as complement nels in the membrane, making it leaky. Water and salts
provides another means for extracellular killing of enter the microbe, which disrupts the intracellular
microbes (without prior phagocytosis). Certain com- ionic environment and kills the microbe.
plement proteins are always circulating in the blood in In addition to supplying a means for direct killing
an inactive state. Upon activation of a complement of microbes, the complement system serves other
protein in response to infection or damage, a cascade important functions in inflammation (Figure 184).
occurs so that this active protein activates a second Some of the activated complement molecules along the
complement protein, which activates a third, and so on. cascade cause, either directly or indirectly (by stimulat-
In this way, multiple active complement proteins are ing the release of other inflammatory mediators),


Activated complement proteins

Direct destruction of Vasodilation and increased Chemotaxis Enhancement of

invading microbes by permeability of capillaries phagocytosis
membrane attack complex and venules to proteins (opsonization)

Figure 184
Functions of complement proteins. The effects on blood vessels and chemotaxis are exerted both directly by complement molecules
and indirectly via other inflammatory mediators (e.g., histamine) that are released by the complement molecules.
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vasodilation, increased microvessel permeability to Tissue Repair

protein, and chemotaxis. Also, one of the complement
moleculesC3bacts as an opsonin to attach the The final stage of inflammation is tissue repair.
phagocyte to the microbe (Figure 185). Depending upon the tissue involved, multiplication of
As we will see later, antibodies, a class of proteins organ-specific cells by cell division may or may not
secreted by lymphocytes, are required to activate the occur during this stage. For example, liver cells multi-
very first complement protein (C1) in the full sequence ply but skeletal muscle cells do not. In any case, fibro-
known as the classical complement pathway. However, blasts (a type of connective tissue cell) that reside in the
lymphocytes are not involved in nonspecific inflamma- area divide rapidly and begin to secrete large quantities
tion, our present topic. How, then, is the complement of collagen, while blood vessel cells proliferate in the
sequence initiated during nonspecific inflammation? process of angiogenesis (Chapter 12). All these events
The answer is that there is an alternate complement are brought about by chemical mediators, particularly
pathway, one that is not antibody-dependent and that a group of locally produced growth factors. Finally,
bypasses C1. The alternate pathway is initiated as the remodeling occurs as the healing process winds down.
result of interactions between carbohydrates on the The final repair may be imperfect, leaving a scar.
surface of the microbes and inactive complement mol-
ecules beyond C1. These interactions lead to the for- Interferons
mation of active C3b, the opsonin described in the Interferons are a family of cytokines that nonspecifically
previous paragraph, and the activation of the subse- inhibit viral replication inside host cells. In response to
quent complement molecules in the pathway. However, infection by a virus, most cell types produce interferons
not all microbes have a surface conducive to initiating and secrete them into the extracellular fluid. Interferons
the alternate pathway. then bind to plasma membrane receptors on the secret-
ing cell and on other cells, whether they are infected or
Other Opsonins in Nonspecific Defenses not (Figure 186). This binding triggers the synthesis of
In addition to complement C3b, other plasma proteins dozens of different antiviral proteins by the cell. If the
can bind nonspecifically to carbohydrates or lipids in cell is already infected or eventually becomes infected,
the cell wall of microbes and facilitate opsonization. these proteins interfere with the ability of the viruses to
Many of these, for example C-reactive protein, are pro- replicate.
duced by the liver and are always found at some con- Interferons are not specific. Many kinds of viruses
centration in the plasma. Their production and plasma induce interferon synthesis, and interferons in turn can
concentrations, however, are markedly increased dur- inhibit the multiplication of many kinds of viruses.
ing inflammation.
Specific Immune Defenses
Because of the complexity of specific immune defenses,
Extracellular fluid it is useful to present a brief orientation before describ-
ing in more detail the various components of the
C3b receptor Lymphocytes are the essential cells in specific immune
defenses. Unlike nonspecific defense mechanisms, lym-
phocytes must recognize the specific foreign matter to
Phagocyte be attacked. Any foreign molecule that can trigger a spe-
cific immune response against itself or the cell bearing
it is termed an antigen. (Some immunologists prefer
the more technically correct term immunogen.) Most
Figure 185 antigens are either proteins or very large polysaccha-
Function of complement C3b as an opsonin. One portion rides. The term antigen is a functional term; that is, any
of C3b binds nonspecifically to carbohydrates on the molecule, regardless of its location or function, that can
surface of the bacterium, whereas another portion binds to induce a specific immune response against itself is by
specific receptor sites for C3b on the plasma membrane of definition an antigen. Thus, it is any molecule or cell
the phagocyte. The structures are not drawn to scale. that the host does not recognize as self. Antigens include
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710 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Defense Mechanisms of the Body



Interferon protein

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 186
Role of interferon in preventing viral replication. (a) Most cell types, when infected with viruses, secrete interferon, which
enters the interstitial fluid and binds to interferon receptors on the secreting cells themselves (autocrine function), and
(b) adjacent cells (paracrine function). In addition, some interferon enters the blood and binds to interferon receptors on
far-removed cells (endocrine function). The binding of interferon to its receptors induces the synthesis of proteins (c) that
inhibit viral replication should viruses enter the cell (d).

the protein coats of viruses, specific proteins on foreign attached to it) and so on. In other words, the
cells, cancer cells, or transplanted cells, and toxins. It is original binding of antigen by a single lymphocyte
the ability of lymphocytes to distinguish one antigen specific for that antigen triggers multiple cycles of
from another that confers specificity upon the immune cell divisions. As a result, many lymphocytes form
responses in which they participate. that are identical to the one that started the cycles
A typical specific immune response can be divided and can recognize the antigen; this is termed clonal
into three stages: (1) the encounter and recognition of expansion. After activation, some lymphocytes will
an antigen by lymphocytes, (2) lymphocyte activation, function as effector lymphocytes to carry out the
and (3) the attack launched by the activated lympho- attack response. Others will be set aside as memory
cytes and their secretions. cells, poised to recognize the antigen if it returns in
the future.
1. During its development, each lymphocyte
3. The activated effector lymphocytes launch an attack
synthesizes and inserts into its plasma membrane a
against all antigens of the kind that initiated the
single type of receptor that can bind to a specific
immune response. Theoretically, it takes only one
antigen. If, at a later time, the lymphocyte ever
or two antigen molecules to initiate the specific
encounters that antigen, the antigen becomes
immune response that will then result in an attack
bound to the receptors. This binding is the
on all of the other antigens of that specific kind in
physicochemical meaning of the word recognize in
the body. One group of lymphocytes, activated B
immunology. Accordingly, the ability of
cells, differentiate into plasma cells, which secrete
lymphocytes to distinguish one antigen from
antibodies into the blood. These antibodies then
another is determined by the nature of their plasma
recruit and guide other molecules and cells to
membrane receptors. Each lymphocyte is specific for
perform the actual attack. Another type of
just one type of antigen. The progeny of this specific
lymphocyte, activated cytotoxic T cells, directly
antigen-stimulated lymphocyte are called clones.
attack and kill the cells bearing the antigens. Once
It is estimated that in a typical person the
the attack is successfully completed, the great
lymphocyte population expresses more than 100
majority of the B cells, plasma cells, helper T cells,
million distinct antigen receptors, each with the
and cytotoxic T cells that participated in it die by
potential to form a different clone.
apoptosis. The timely death of these effector cells is
2. The binding of antigen to receptor must occur for
a homeostatic response that prevents the immune
lymphocyte activation. Upon binding to an
defense from becoming excessive and possibly
antigen, the lymphocyte undergoes a cell division,
destroying its own tissues. However, memory cells
and the two resulting daughter cells then also divide
persist even after the immune response has been
(even though only one of them still has the antigen
successfully completed.
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Lymphoid Organs and exception of the bone marrow, which was described in
Chapter 12.
Lymphocyte Origins The thymus lies in the upper part of the chest. Its
Our first task is to describe the organs and tissues in size varies with age, being relatively large at birth and
which lymphocytes originate and come to reside. Then continuing to grow until puberty, when it gradually
the various types of lymphocytes alluded to in the atrophies and is replaced by fatty tissue. Before its atro-
overview and summarized in Table 181 will be phy, the thymus consists mainly of mature lymphocytes
described. that will eventually migrate via the blood to the second-
ary lymphoid organs. It also contains endocrine cells
that secrete a group of hormones, collectively termed
Lymphoid Organs thymopoietin, that exert a still poorly understood regu-
Like all leukocytes, lymphocytes circulate in the blood. latory effect on lymphocytes of thymic origin.
At any moment, the great majority of lymphocytes are Recall from Chapter 12 that the fluid flowing along
not actually in the blood, however, but in a group of the lymphatic vessels is called lymph, which is intersti-
organs and tissues collectively termed the lymphoid tial fluid that has entered the lymphatic capillaries and
organs. These are subdivided into primary and sec- is routed to the large lymphatic vessels that drain into
ondary lymphoid organs. systemic veins. During this trip, the lymph flows
The primary lymphoid organs are the bone mar- through lymph nodes scattered along the vessels.
row and thymus. These organs supply the secondary Lymph, therefore, is the route by which lymphocytes in
lymphoid organs with mature lymphocytesthat is, the lymph nodes encounter the antigens that activate
lymphocytes already programmed to perform their them. Each node is a honeycomb of lymph-filled
functions when activated by antigen. The bone marrow sinuses (Figure 187) with large clusters of lymphocytes
and thymus are not normally sites in which lympho- (the lymphatic nodules) between the sinuses. They also
cytes undergo activation during an immune response. contain many macrophages and macrophage-like cells.
The secondary lymphoid organs include the The spleen is the largest of the secondary lymphoid
lymph nodes, spleen, tonsils, and lymphocyte accumu- organs and lies in the left part of the abdominal cavity
lations in the linings of the intestinal, respiratory, gen- between the stomach and the diaphragm. The spleen is
ital, and urinary tracts. It is in the secondary lymphoid
organs that lymphocytes are activated to participate in
Afferent lymphatic
specific immune responses. vessels
We have stated that the bone marrow and thymus
supply mature lymphocytes to the secondary lymphoid
organs. Most of the lymphocytes in the secondary Sinuses
organs are not, however, the same cells that originated
in the primary lymphoid organs. The explanation of
this seeming paradox is that, once in the secondary
organ, a mature lymphocyte coming from the bone
marrow or thymus can undergo cell division to pro-
duce additional identical lymphocytes, which in turn
undergo cell division and so on. In other words, all
lymphocytes are descended from ancestors that
matured in the bone marrow or thymus but may not
themselves have arisen in those organs. Recall that all
the progeny cells derived by cell division from a single
lymphocyte constitute a lymphocyte clone.
A distinction must be made between the lym-
phoid organs and the lymphatic system, described in
Chapter 12. The latter is a network of lymphatic vessels Lymphatic
Valve (lymphocyte)
and the lymph nodes found along these vessels. Of all nodules
the lymphoid organs, only the lymph nodes also belong
to the lymphatic system. Efferent lymphatic
There are no anatomical links, other than via the
cardiovascular system, between the various lymphoid Figure 187
organs. Let us look briefly at these organs, with the Anatomy of a lymph node.
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712 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Defense Mechanisms of the Body

to the circulating blood what the lymph nodes are to secondary lymphoid organs will be identical to the par-
the lymph. Blood percolates through the vascular ent cells; that is, they will be B cell clones.
meshwork of the spleens interior, where large collec- In contrast to the B cells, other lymphocytes leave
tions of lymphocytes, macrophages, and macrophage- the bone marrow in an immature state during fetal and
like cells are found. The macrophages of the spleen, in early neonatal life. They are carried to the thymus and
addition to interacting with lymphocytes, also phago- mature there before moving to the secondary lymphoid
cytize aging or dead erythrocytes. organs. These cells are called T lymphocytes or T cells.
The tonsils and adenoids are a group of small, Like B cells, T cells also undergo cell division in second-
rounded lymphoid organs in the pharynx. They are ary lymphoid organs, the progeny being identical to the
filled with lymphocytes, macrophages, and original T cells and thus part of that T cell clone.
macrophage-like cells, and they have openings In addition to the B and T cells, there is another
(crypts) to the surface of the pharynx. Their lym- distinct population of lymphocytes, natural killer
phocytes respond to microbes that arrive by way of (NK) cells. These cells arise in the bone marrow, but
ingested food as well as through inspired air. Similarly, their precursors and life history are still unclear. As we
the lymphocytes in the linings of the various tracts will see, NK cells, unlike B and T cells, are not specific
exposed to the external environment respond to infec- to a given antigen.
tious agents that penetrate the linings from the lumen
of the tract.
At any moment in time, some lymphocytes are on Functions of B Cells and T Cells
their way from the bone marrow or thymus to the sec- B cells, upon activation, differentiate into plasma cells,
ondary lymphoid organs. The vast majority, though, which secrete antibodies, proteins that travel all over
are cells that are participating in lymphocyte traffic the body to reach antigens identical to those that stim-
between the secondary lymphoid organs, blood, lymph, ulated their production. In the body fluids outside of
and all the tissues of the body. Lymphocytes from all cells, the antibodies combine with these antigens and
the secondary lymphoid organs constantly enter the guide an attack that eliminates the antigens or the cells
lymphatic vessels draining them (all lymphoid organs, bearing them.
not just lymph nodes, are drained by lymphatic vessels) Antibody-mediated responses are also called
and are carried to the blood. Simultaneously, some humoral responses, the adjective humoral denoting
blood lymphocytes are pushing through the endothe- communication by way of soluble chemical messen-
lium of venules all over the body to enter the intersti- gers (in this case, antibodies in the blood). Antibody-
tial fluid. From there, they move into lymphatic mediated responses have an extremely wide diversity of
capillaries and along the lymphatic vessels to lymph targets and are the major defense against bacteria,
nodes. They may then leave the lymphatic vessels to viruses, and other microbes in the extracellular fluid,
take up residence in the node. and against toxic molecules (toxins).
This recirculation is going on all the time, not just T cells constitute a family that has two major func-
during an infection, although the migration of lym- tional subsets, termed cytotoxic T cells and helper T
phocytes into an inflamed area is greatly increased by cells. There may also be a third subset, called suppres-
the chemotaxis process (Table 183). Lymphocyte traf- sor T cells, which have been hypothesized to inhibit the
ficking greatly increases the likelihood that any given function of both B cells and cytotoxic T cells.
lymphocyte will encounter the antigen it is specifically Another way to categorize T cells is not by function
programmed to recognize. (In contrast to the lympho- but rather by the presence of certain proteins, called
cytes, polymorphonuclear granulocytes and mono- CD4 and CD8, in their plasma membranes. Cytotoxic
cytes do not recirculate; once they leave the T cells have CD8 and so are also commonly called
bloodstream to enter a tissue they remain there or die.) CD8+ cells; helper T cells express CD4 and so are also
commonly called CD4+ cells.
Cytotoxic T cells are attack cells. Following acti-
Lymphocyte Origins vation, they travel to the location of their target, bind
The multiple populations and subpopulations of lym- to them via antigen on these targets, and directly kill
phocytes are summarized in Table 181. B lympho- their targets via secreted chemicals. Responses medi-
cytes, or simply B cells, mature in the bone marrow ated by cytotoxic T cells are directed against the bodys
and then are carried by the blood to the secondary lym- own cells that have become cancerous or infected with
phoid organs (Figure 188). This overall process of viruses (or certain bacteria and parasites that, like
maturation and migration continues throughout a per- viruses, take up residence inside host cells).
sons life. All generations of lymphocytes that subse- It is worth emphasizing the important geographi-
quently arise from these cells by cell division in the cal difference in antibody-mediated responses and
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Bone marrow Figure 188

Derivation of B cells and T cells. NK cells are
not shown because their transformations, if
Pluripotent stem cell any, after leaving the bone marrow are still not
Myeloid Lymphoid
stem cell stem cell

(partial differentiation) (maturation)

Naive Mature
T cell B cell

Thymus Secondary lymphoid organs

by antigen

Plasma cells Antibodies

(maturation) by antigen

T cell
T cell
by antigen

responses mediated by cytotoxic T cells. The B cells We have now assigned roles to the B cells and cyto-
(and plasma cells derived from them) remain in what- toxic T cells. What role is performed by the helper T
ever location the recognition and activation steps cells? As their name implies, these cells do not them-
occurred. The plasma cells send their antibodies forth, selves function as attack cells but rather assist in the
via the blood, to seek out antigens identical to those activation and function of both B cells and cytotoxic T
that triggered the response. Cytotoxic T cells must cells. Helper T cells go through the usual first two
enter the blood and seek out the targets. stages of the immune response. First, they combine
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714 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Defense Mechanisms of the Body

with antigen and then undergo activation. Once acti- Lymphocyte Receptors
vated, they secrete cytokines that act on B cells and cyto-
To repeat, the ability of lymphocytes to distinguish one
toxic T cells that have also bound antigen. This is a very
antigen from another is determined by the lympho-
important point. With only a few exceptions, B cells and
cytes receptors.
cytotoxic T cells cannot function adequately unless they
are stimulated by cytokines from helper T cells.
Helper T cells will be dealt with as though they B-Cell Receptors
were a homogeneous cell population, but in fact, there Recall that once B cells are activated by antigen and
are different subtypes of helper T cells, distinguished helper T cell cytokines, they proliferate and differenti-
by the different cytokines they secrete when activated. ate into plasma cells, which secrete antibodies. The
By means of these different cytokines, they help dif- plasma cells derived from a particular B cell can secrete
ferent sets of lymphocytes, macrophages, and NK cells. only one particular antibody. Each B cell always dis-
Some of the cytokines secreted by helper T cells also act plays on its plasma membrane copies of the particular
as inflammatory mediators. antibody its plasma cell progeny can produce. This sur-
Figure 189 summarizes the basic interactions face protein (glycoprotein, to be more accurate) acts as
among B, cytotoxic T, and helper T cells. the receptor for the antigen specific to it.

Encounter and recognition



B cell Helper T cell Cytotoxic T cell


+ (Cytokines) (Cytokines) +

Plasma cells



Guide phagocytes, Directly attack antigen-

complement, and bearing cells
NK cells to attack
antigen-bearing cells
or to neutralize
free antigen

Figure 189
Summary of the roles of B, cytotoxic T, and helper T cells in immune responses. Events of the attack phase are described in
later sections. The symbol denotes a stimulatory effect (activation) of cytokines.
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B-cell receptors and plasma cell antibodies consti- (or constant) regions of the heavy and light chains,
tute the family of proteins known as immunoglobu- the amino acid sequences of the antigen binding sites
lins. The receptors themselves, even though they are vary from immunoglobulin to immunoglobulin in a
identical to the antibodies to be secreted by the plasma given class, and are thus known as variable ends. Each
cell derived from the activated B cell, are technically not of the five classes of antibodies, therefore, contains up
antibodies since only secreted immunoglobulins are to millions of unique immunoglobulins, each capable
termed antibodies. Each immunoglobulin molecule is of combining with only one specific antigen (or, in
composed of four interlinked polypeptide chains (Fig- some cases, several antigens whose structures are very
ure 1810). The two long chains are called heavy similar). The interaction between an antigen binding
chains, and the two short ones light chains. There are site of an immunoglobulin and an antigen is analogous
five major classes of immunoglobulins, determined by to the lock-and-key interactions that apply generally to
the amino acid sequences in the heavy chains and a the binding of ligands by proteins.
portion of the light chains. The classes are designated One more point should be mentioned: B-cell
by the letters A, D, E, G, and M following the symbol Ig receptors can bind antigen whether the antigen is a
for immunoglobulin; thus IgA, IgD, and so on. molecule dissolved in the extracellular fluid or is pres-
As illustrated in Figure 1810, immunoglobulins ent on the surface of a foreign cell, such as a microbe,
have a stem called the Fc portion and comprising the floating free in the fluids. In the latter case, the B cell
lower half of the two heavy chains. The upper part of becomes linked to the foreign cell via the bonds
each heavy chain and its associated light chain form an between the B-cell receptor and the surface antigen.
antigen binding sitethe amino acid sequences that To summarize thus far, any given B cell or clone of
bind antigen. The amino acid sequences of the Fc por- identical B cells possesses unique immunoglobulin
tion are identical for all immunoglobulins of a single receptorsthat is, receptors with unique antigen bind-
class (IgA, IgD, and so on). In contrast to the identical ing sites. Thus, the body arms itself with millions of
small clones of different B cells in order to ensure that
specific receptors exist for the vast number of different
One prong antigens the organism might encounter during its life-
time. The particular immunoglobulin that any given B
Specific antigen- cell displays as a receptor on its plasma membrane (and
binding sites that its plasma cell progeny will secrete as antibodies) is
determined during the cells maturation in the bone
This raises a very interesting question: In the
Light ends human genome there are only about 200 genes that
chain code for immunoglobulins. How, then, can the body
produce immunoglobulins having millions of different
antigen binding sites, given that each immunoglobulin
requires coding by a distinct gene? This diversity arises
as the result of a genetic process unique to developing
Constant ends lymphocytes because only these cells possess the
enzymes required to catalyze the process. The DNA in
Heavy chain each of the genes that code for immunoglobulin anti-
(stem) gen binding sites is cut into small segments, randomly
rearranged along the gene, and then rejoined to form
new DNA molecules. This cutting and rejoining varies
from B cell to B cell, thus resulting in great diversity of
Figure 1810 the genes coding for the immunoglobulins of all the B
Immunoglobulin structure. The Fc portions and an cells taken together.
extended region of the heavy chains are the same for all
immunoglobulins of a particular class. A small portion T-Cell Receptors
of the light chains are also the same for a given immuno-
globulin class. Collectively, these portions of the heavy T-cell receptors for antigens are two-chained proteins
and light chains are called constant ends. Each prong that, like immunoglobulins, have specific regions that
contains a variable amino acid sequence, which represents differ from one T-cell clone to another. However, T-cell
the single antigen binding site. The links between chains receptors remain embedded in the T-cell membrane
represent disulfide bonds. and are not secreted like immunoglobulins. As in B-cell
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716 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Defense Mechanisms of the Body

development, multiple DNA rearrangements occur One reason for this difference in requirements stems
during T-cell maturation, leading to millions of dis- from the presence, as described earlier, of CD4 proteins
tinct T-cell clonesdistinct in that the cells of any on the helper T cells and CD8 proteins on the cytotoxic
given clone possess receptors of a single specificity. For T cells; CD4 binds to class II MHC proteins, whereas
T cells, this maturation occurs during their residence in CD8 binds to class 1 MHC proteins.
the thymus. How do antigens, which are foreign, end up on the
In addition to their general structural differences, surface of the bodys own cells complexed with MHC
the B- and T-cell receptors differ in a much more proteins? The answer is provided by the process known
important way: The T-cell receptor cannot combine with as antigen presentation, to which we now turn.
antigen unless the antigen is first complexed with certain
of the bodys own plasma membrane proteins. The T-cell Antigen Presentation to T Cells
receptor then combines with the entire complex of
T cells can bind antigen only when the antigen appears
antigen and body (self ) protein.
on the plasma membrane of a host cell complexed with
The self plasma membrane proteins that must be
the cells MHC proteins. Cells bearing these complexes,
complexed with the antigen in order for T-cell recogni-
therefore, function as antigen-presenting cells (APCs).
tion to occur constitute a group of proteins coded for
by genes found on a single chromosome (chromosome
6) and known collectively as the major histocompati- Presentation to Helper T Cells
bility complex (MHC). The proteins are therefore Helper T cells require class II MHC proteins to func-
called MHC proteins (in humans also known as the tion. Only macrophages, B cells, and macrophage-like
human leukocyte-associated antigens, or HLA anti- cells express class II MHC proteins and therefore can
gens). Since no two persons other than identical twins function as APCs for helper T cells.
have the same sets of MHC genes, no two individuals The function of the macrophage (or macrophage-
have the same MHC proteins on the plasma mem- like cell) as an APC for helper T cells is easier to visu-
branes of their cells. MHC proteins are, in essence, cel- alize (Figure 1811a) since the macrophage forms a
lular identity tagsthat is, genetic markers of link between nonspecific and specific immune
biological self. defenses. After a microbe or noncellular antigen has
The MHC proteins are often termed restriction been phagocytized by a macrophage in a nonspecific
elements since the ability of a T cells receptor to rec- response, it is partially broken down into smaller pep-
ognize an antigen is restricted to situations in which tide fragments by the macrophages proteolytic
the antigen is first complexed with an MHC protein. enzymes. The resulting digested fragments then bind
There are two classes of MHC proteins: I and II. Class (within endosomes) to class II MHC proteins synthe-
I MHC proteins are found on the surface of virtually all sized by the macrophage. The fragments actually fit
cells of a persons body except erythrocytes. Class II into a deep groove in the center of the MHC proteins.
MHC proteins are found only on the surface of The fragment-MHC complex is then transported to
macrophages, B cells, and macrophage-like cells. the cell surface, where it is displayed in the plasma
Now for another important point: The different membrane. It is to this entire complex on the cell sur-
subsets of T cells do not all have the same MHC face of the macrophage (or macrophage-like cell) that
requirements (Table 185): Cytotoxic T cells require a specific helper T cell binds.
antigen to be associated with class I MHC proteins, Note that it is not the intact antigen but rather the
whereas helper T cells require class II MHC proteins. peptide fragments, termed antigenic determinants or
epitopes, of the antigen that are complexed to the
MHC proteins and presented to the T cell. Despite this,
it is customary to refer to antigen presentation rather
MHC Restriction of the Lymphocyte than epitope presentation.
TABLE 185 Receptors How B cells process antigen and present it to helper
T cells is essentially the same as the story we just
described for macrophages (Figure 1811b). It must be
B Do not interact with MHC proteins emphasized that the ability of B cells to present antigen
Helper T Class II, found only on macrophages, to helper T cells is a second function of B cells in
macrophage-like cells, and B cells response to antigenic stimulation, the other being the
Cytotoxic T Class I, found on all nucleated cells of the body differentiation of the B cells into antibody-secreting
plasma cells.
NK Interaction with MHC proteins not required The binding between helper T-cell receptor and an
for activation
antigen bound to class II MHC proteins on an APC is
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Macrophage Immunoglobulin
Class II MHC (B-cell receptor)


Antigen B Cell
Class II MHC
Class II MHC protein
Class II MHC fragment Helper T-cell
Helper T cell protein receptor
Helper T Cell
Helper T Cell
(a) (b)

Figure 1811
Sequence of events by which antigen is processed and presented to a helper T cell by (a) a macrophage or (b) a B cell. In both
cases, begin the figure with the antigen in the extracellular fluid.
Adapted from Gray, Sette, and Buus.

the essential antigen-specific event in helper T-cell acti- Antigen-presenting cell

vation. However, this binding by itself will not result in
T-cell activation. In addition, nonspecific interactions
occur between other (nonantigenic) pairs of proteins
on the surfaces of the attached helper T cell and APC,
and these provide a necessary costimulus for T-cell
activation (Figure 1812).
Finally, the antigenic binding of the APC to the T
cell, along with the costimulus, causes the APC to
(see Figure 18 -11)
secrete large amounts of the cytokines interleukin 1
(IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), which act as
paracrine agents on the attached helper T cell to pro- 1 2
vide yet another important stimulus for activation. Class II TNF

Thus, the APC participates in the activation of a MHC protein

helper T cell in three ways: (1) antigen presentation, Helper
(2) provision of a costimulus in the form of a matching T cell Nonantigenic
nonantigenic plasma membrane protein, and (3) secre- receptor
tion of IL-1, TNF, and other cytokines (Figure 1812).
Helper T Cell
The activated helper T cell itself now secretes vari-
ous cytokines that have both autocrine effects on the
helper T cell and paracrine effects on adjacent B cells
Figure 1812
and any nearby cytotoxic T cells, NK cells, and still
Three events are required for the activation of helper
other cell types; these processes will be described in T cells: (1) presentation of the antigen bound to a class II
later sections. MHC protein on an antigen-presenting cell (APC);
(2) the binding of matching nonantigenic proteins in the
plasma membranes of the APC and the helper
Presentation to Cytotoxic T Cells T cell; and (3) secretion by the APC of the cytokines
Because class I MHC proteins are synthesized by virtu- interleukin 1 (IL-1), tumor necrosis factor (TNF),
ally all nucleated cells, any such cell can act as an APC and other cytokines, which act on the helper T cell.
for a cytotoxic T cell. This distinction helps explain the
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718 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Defense Mechanisms of the Body

major function of cytotoxic T cellsdestruction of any NK Cells

of the bodys own cells that have become cancerous or
infected with viruses. The key point is that the antigens As noted earlier, NK (natural killer) cells constitute a
that complex with class I MHC proteins arise within distinct class of lymphocytes. They have several func-
body cells. They are endogenous antigens, synthe- tional similarities to cytotoxic T cells: (1) their major
sized by a body cell. targets are virus-infected cells and cancer cells; and
How do such antigens arise? In the case of viruses, (2) they attack and kill these target cells directly, after
once a virus has taken up residence inside a host cell, the binding to them. However, unlike cytotoxic T cells, NK
viral nucleic acid causes the host cell to manufacture cells are not antigen specific; that is, each NK cell can
viral proteins, that are foreign to the cell. A cancerous attack virus-infected cells or cancer cells without rec-
cell has had one or more of its genes altered by chemi- ognizing a specific antigen. They have neither T-cell
cals, radiation, or other factors. The altered genes, called receptors nor the immunoglobulin receptors of B cells,
oncogenes, code for proteins that are not normally and the exact nature of the NK-cell surface receptors
found in the body. Such proteins act as antigens. that permits the cells to identify their targets is
In both virus-infected cells and cancerous cells, unknown (except in one case presented later). MHC
some of the endogenously produced antigenic proteins proteins are not involved in the activation of NK cells.
are hydrolyzed by cytosolic enzymes (in proteasomes) Why, then, do we deal with them in the context of
into peptide fragments, which are transported into the specific immune responses? Because, as will be
endoplasmic reticulum. There they are complexed with described subsequently, their participation in an
the host cells class I MHC proteins and then shuttled immune response is greatly enhanced either by certain
by exocytosis to the plasma membrane surface, where a antibodies or by cytokines secreted by helper T cells
cytotoxic T cell specific for the complex can bind to it activated during specific immune responses.
(Figure 1813).
Development of Immune Tolerance
Our basic framework for understanding specific
mRNA Viral DNA immune responses requires consideration of one more
Viral protein Nucleus crucial question: How does the body develop what is
on ribosome called immune tolerancelack of immune responsive-
ness to self? This may seem a strange question given the
definition of an antigen as a foreign molecule that can
generate an immune response. How is it, though, that
fragment the body knows that its own molecules, particularly
proteins, are not foreign but are self molecules?
Recall that the huge diversity of lymphocyte recep-
Class I MHC tors is ultimately the result of multiple random DNA
cutting/recombination processes. It is virtually certain,
Virus-infected therefore, that in each person, clones of lymphocytes
cell would have emerged with receptors that could bind to
that persons own proteins. The existence and func-
Cytotoxic T cell
receptor tioning of such lymphocytes would be disastrous
Class I MHC because such binding would launch an immune attack
protein against the cells expressing these proteins. There are at
Cytotoxic least two mechanisms, termed clonal deletion and clonal
T cell inactivation, that explain why normally there are no
active lymphocytes that respond to self components.
First, during fetal and early postnatal life, T cells
are exposed to a wide mix of self proteins in the thy-
Figure 1813
mus. Those T cells with receptors capable of binding
Processing and presentation of viral antigen to a cytotoxic T
cell by an infected cell. Begin this figure with the viral DNA
self proteins are destroyed by apoptosis (programmed
in the cells nucleus. The viral DNA induces the infected cell cell death). This process is termed clonal deletion. The
to produce viral protein, which is then hydrolyzed (by second process, clonal inactivation, occurs not in the
proteasomes). The fragments are complexed to the cells thymus but in the periphery and causes potentially
class I MHC proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum, and self-reacting T cells to become nonresponsive.
these complexes are then shuttled to the plasma membrane. What are the mechanisms of clonal deletion and
Adapted from Gray, Sette, and Buus. inactivation during fetal and early postnatal life? Recall
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that full activation of a helper T cell requires not only globulin receptor, recognizes the bacterial surface anti-
an antigen-specific stimulus but a nonspecific costim- gen and binds the bacterium.
ulus (interaction between complementary nonanti- In a few cases (notably bacteria with cell-wall poly-
genic proteins on the APC and the T cell). If this saccharide capsules), this binding is all that is needed to
costimulus is not provided, the helper T cell not only trigger B cell activation. For the great majority of anti-
fails to become activated by antigen, but dies or gens, however, antigen binding is not enough, and sig-
becomes inactivated forever. This is the case during nals in the form of cytokines released into the
early life, although what accounts for the costimulus interstitial fluid by helper T cells near the antigen-
not being delivered is unclear. B cells can also undergo bound B cells are also needed.
clonal deletion and inactivation. For helper T cells to react against bacteria by
This completes the framework for understanding secreting cytokines, they must bind to a complex of
specific immune defenses. The next two sections utilize antigen and class II MHC protein on an APC. Let us
this framework in presenting typical responses from assume that in this case the APC is a macrophage that
beginning to end, highlighting the interactions has phagocytized one of the bacteria, hydrolyzed its
between lymphocytes and describing the attack mech- proteins into peptide fragments, complexed them with
anisms used by the various pathways. class II MHC proteins, and displayed the complexes on
its surface. A helper T cell specific for the complex then
Antibody-Mediated Immune binds to it, beginning the activation of the helper T cell.
Moreover, the macrophage helps this activation process
Responses: Defenses Against Bacteria, in two other ways: It provides a costimulus via
Extracellular Viruses, and Toxins nonantigenic plasma membrane proteins, and it
secretes IL-1 and TNF.
A classical antibody-mediated response is one that
IL-1 and TNF stimulate the helper T cell to secrete
results in the destruction of bacteria. The sequence of
another cytokine named interleukin 2 (IL-2) and to
events, which is quite similar to the response to a virus
express the receptor for IL-2. IL-2, acting as an
in the extracellular fluid, is summarized in Table 186
autocrine agent, then provides a proliferative stimulus
and Figure 1814.
to the activated helper T cell (Figure 1814). The cell
divides, beginning the mitotic cycles that lead to the
Antigen Recognition and Lymphocyte Activation formation of a clone of activated helper T cells, and
This process starts the same way as for nonspecific these cells then release not only IL-2 but other
responses, with the bacteria penetrating one of the cytokines as well.
bodys linings and entering the interstitial fluid. The Certain of these cytokines provide the additional
bacteria then enter the lymphatic system and/or blood- signals required to activate nearby antigen-bound B
stream and are carried to the lymph nodes and/or the cells to proliferate and differentiate into plasma cells,
spleen, respectively. There a B cell, using its immuno- which then secrete antibodies.

TABLE 186 Summary of Events in Antibody-Mediated Immunity Against Bacteria

1. In secondary lymphoid organs, bacterial antigen binds to specific receptors on the plasma membranes of B cells.
2. Simultaneously, antigen-presenting cells (APCs), for example, macrophages, (a) present to helper T cells processed antigen complexed to
class II MHC proteins on the APCs, (b) provide a costimulus in the form of another membrane protein, and (c) secrete IL-1, TNF, and
other cytokines, which act on the helper T cells.
3. In response, the helper T cells secrete IL-2, which stimulates the helper T cells themselves to proliferate and secrete IL-2 and other
cytokines. These activate antigen-bound B cells to proliferate and differentiate into plasma cells. Some of the B cells differentiate into
memory cells rather than plasma cells.
4. The plasma cells secrete antibodies specific for the antigen that initiated the response, and the antibodies circulate all over the body via
the blood.
5. These antibodies combine with antigen on the surface of the bacteria anywhere in the body.
6. Presence of antibody bound to antigen facilitates phagocytosis of the bacteria by neutrophils and macrophages. It also activates the
complement system, which further enhances phagocytosis and can directly kill the bacteria by the membrane attack complex. It may
also induce antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity mediated by NK cells that bind to the antibodys Fc portion.
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720 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Defense Mechanisms of the Body

Skin surface

cut Bacteria

Blood or lymphatic vessel

Lymph node
Processed antigen or spleen
Class II MHC protein
B cell
Macrophage +

+ IL-1, TNF
T cell IL-2

cells Memory cell
IL-2 and other

into systemic


Figure 1814
Summary of events by which a bacterial infection leads to antibody synthesis in peripheral lymphoid organs. The secreted
antibodies travel by the blood to the site of infection, where they bind to bacteria of the type that induced the response. The
attack triggered by antibodys binding to bacteria is described in the text. (As illustrated in Figure 1811b, an antigen-bound
B cell, rather than a macrophage, as shown in this figure, can function as the antigen-presenting cell to the helper T cell. Also
for clarity, the intracellular processing of the antigen by the macrophage [Figure 1811a] is not shown in this figure.)

Thus, as shown in Figure 1814, a series of protein The example we have been using employed a
messengers interconnects the various cell types, the macrophage as the APC to helper T cells, but B cells can
helper T cells serving as the central coordinator. The also serve in this role (see Figure 1811). The binding
macrophage releases IL-1 and TNF, which act on the of the helper T cell to the antigen-bound B cell ensures
helper T cell to stimulate the release of IL-2, which maximal stimulation of the B cell by the cytokines
stimulates the helper T cell to multiply. The activated secreted by that helper T cell and any of its progeny that
progeny then release still other cytokines that help acti- remain nearby.
vate antigen-bound B cells.
As stated earlier, however, some of the B-cell prog-
eny do not differentiate into plasma cells but instead Antibody Secretion
into memory cells, whose characteristics permit them After their differentiation from B cells, plasma cells
to respond more rapidly and vigorously should the produce thousands of antibody molecules per second
antigen reappear at a future time (Figure 1814). before they die in a day or so. We mentioned earlier
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that there are five major classes of antibodies. The cells (antibodies) bind to bacteria bearing the same
most abundant are the IgG antibodies, commonly antigens, marking them as the targets to be attacked.
called gamma globulin, and IgM antibodies. These
two groups together provide the bulk of specific The Attack: Effects of Antibodies
immunity against bacteria and viruses in the extracell-
ular fluid. IgE antibodies participate in defenses The antibodies bound to antigen on the microbial sur-
against multicellular parasites and also mediate aller- face do not directly kill the microbe but instead link up
gic responses. IgA antibodies are secreted by plasma the microbe physically to the actual killing mecha-
cells in the linings of the gastrointestinal, respiratory, nismsphagocytes (neutrophils and macrophages),
and genitourinary tracts; these antibodies generally act complement, or NK cells. This linkage not only triggers
locally in the linings or on their surfaces. They are also the attack mechanism but ensures that the killing
secreted by the mammary glands and therefore are the effects are restricted to the microbe. Linkage to specific
major antibodies in milk. The functions of IgD are still antibodies normally protects adjacent normal struc-
unclear. tures from the toxic effects of the chemicals employed
In the kind of infection described in this chapter, by the killing mechanisms.
the B and plasma cells, sitting on the nodes near the
infected tissues, recognize antigen and are activated to Direct Enhancement of Phagocytosis Antibodies can act
make antibodies. The antibodies (mostly IgG and IgM) directly as opsonins. The mechanism is analogous to
circulate through the lymph and blood to return to the that for complement C3b (see Figure 185) in that the
infected site. At sites of infection, the antibodies leave antibody links the phagocyte to the antigen. As shown
the blood (recall that nonspecific inflammation had in Figure 1815, the phagocyte has membrane recep-
already made capillaries and venules leaky at these tors that bind to the Fc portion of an antibody. This
sites) and combine with the type of bacterial surface linkage promotes attachment of the antigen to the
antigen that initiated the immune response (Figure phagocyte and the triggering of phagocytosis of the
1814). These antibodies then direct the attack (see fol- bacterium.
lowing discussion) against the bacteria to which they
are now bound. Activation of the Complement System As described ear-
Thus, immunoglobulins play two distinct roles in lier in this chapter, the plasma complement system is
immune responses: (1) during the initial recognition activated in nonspecific inflammatory responses via the
step, those on the surface of B cells bind to antigen alternate complement pathway. In contrast, in specific
brought to them; and (2) those secreted by the plasma immune responses, the presence of antibody of the IgG


Bacterial antigen

Antibody Extracellular

Receptor for Fc
portion of antibody

Figure 1815
Direct enhancement of phagocytosis by antibody. The antibody links the phagocyte to the bacterium. Compare this
mechanism of opsonization to that mediated by complement C3b (Figure 18-5).
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722 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Defense Mechanisms of the Body

or IgM class bound to antigen activates the classical that it is the antibodies that confer specificity upon
complement pathway. The first molecule in this path- ADDC, just as they do on antibody-dependent phago-
way, C1, binds to the Fc portion of an antibody that has cytosis and complement activation. This mechanism for
combined with antigen (Figure 1816). This results bringing NK cells into play is the one exception, men-
in activation of the enzymatic portions of C1, thereby tioned earlier, to the generalization that the mechanism
initiating the entire classical pathway. The end product by which NK cells identify their targets is unclear.
of this cascade, the membrane attack complex (MAC),
can kill the cells the antibody is bound to by making Direct Neutralization of Bacterial Toxins and Viruses Tox-
their membranes leaky. In addition, as we saw in Figure ins secreted by bacteria into the extracellular fluid can
185, another activated complement molecule (C3b) act as antigens to induce antibody production. The
functions as an opsonin to enhance phagocytosis of the antibodies then combine with the free toxins, thus pre-
microbe by neutrophils and macrophages (Figure venting interaction of the toxin with susceptible cells.
1816). Thus, antibodies enhance phagocytosis both Since each antibody has two binding sites for antigen,
directly (Figure 1815) and via activation of comple- clump-like chains of antibody-antigen complexes
ment C3b. form, and these clumps are then phagocytized.
It is important to note that C1 binds not to the A similar binding process occurs as part of the
unique antigen binding sites in the antibodys prongs, major antibody-mediated mechanism for eliminating
but rather to complement binding sites in the Fc por- viruses in the extracellular fluid. Certain of the viral
tion. Since the latter are the same in virtually all anti- surface proteins serve as antigens, and the antibodies
bodies of the IgG and IgM classes, the complement produced against them combine with them, preventing
molecule will bind to any antigen-bound antibodies attachment of the virus to plasma membranes of
belonging to these classes. In other words, there is only potential host cells. This prevents the virus from enter-
one set of complement molecules, and once activated, ing a cell. As with bacterial toxins, chains of antibody-
they do essentially the same thing regardless of the spe- virus complexes are formed and can be phagocytized.
cific identity of the invader.

Antibody-Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity We have seen Active and Passive Humoral Immunity
that both a particular complement molecule (C1) and a The response of the antibody-producing machinery to
phagocyte can bind nonspecifically to the Fc portion of invasion by a foreign antigen varies enormously,
an antibody bound to antigen. NK cells can also do this depending upon whether the machinery has previously
(just substitute an NK cell for the phagocyte in Figure been exposed to that antigen. Antibody production
1815). Thus, antibodies can link target cells to NK occurs slowly over several weeks following the first
cells, which then kill the targets directly by secreting contact with an antigen, but any subsequent infection
toxic chemicals. This is termed antibody-dependent by the same invader elicits an immediate and consider-
cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC) because the killing (cyto- able outpouring of additional specific antibodies (Fig-
toxicity) is carried out by cells (NK cells), but the ure 1817). This response, which is mediated by the
process depends upon the presence of antibody. Note memory B cells described earlier, confers a greatly

Figure 1816
Extracellular fluid
Activation of classical complement
pathway by binding of antibody to
bacterial antigen. C1 is activated by
C3b receptor
its binding to a receptor on the Fc Bacterium
portion of the antibody. The MAC
membrane attack complex (MAC) is C3b
then generated, along with C3b, binds
which acts as an opsonin by binding antigen
the bacteria to a phagocyte.
Receptor C1
for C1
Classical Phagocyte
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Amount of specific antibody in plasma

It is now possible to summarize the interplay between
nonspecific and specific immune defenses in resisting a
bacterial infection. When a particular bacterium is
encountered for the first time, nonspecific defense
mechanisms resist its entry and, if entry is gained,
attempt to eliminate it by phagocytosis and nonphago-
cytic killing in the inflammatory process. Simultane-
ously, bacterial antigens induce the relevant specific
B-cell clones to differentiate into plasma cells capable
1 2 3 4 5 6 of antibody production. If the nonspecific defenses are
1st antigen 2nd antigen rapidly successful, these slowly developing specific
injection injection immune responses may never play an important role. If
Time (months) the nonspecific responses are only partly successful, the
Figure 1817 infection may persist long enough for significant
Rate of antibody production following initial contact with amounts of antibody to be produced. The presence of
an antigen and subsequent contact with the same antigen. antibody leads to both enhanced phagocytosis and
direct destruction of the foreign cells, as well as to neu-
tralization of any toxins the bacteria secrete. All subse-
quent encounters with that type of bacterium will
enhanced resistance toward subsequent infection with
activate the specific responses much sooner and with
that particular microorganism. Resistance built up as a
greater intensity. That is, the person may have active
result of the bodys contact with microorganisms and
immunity against that bacteria.
their toxins or other antigenic components is known as
The defenses against viruses in the extracellular
active immunity.
fluid are similar, resulting in destruction or neutraliza-
Until the twentieth century, the only way to
tion of the virus.
develop active immunity was to suffer an infection, but
now the injection of microbial derivatives in vaccines is
used. A vaccine may consist of small quantities of liv- Defenses Against Virus-Infected
ing or dead microbes, small quantities of toxins, or Cells and Cancer Cells
harmless antigenic molecules derived from the
The previous section described how antibody-mediated
microorganism or its toxin. The general principle is
immune responses constitute the major long-term
always the same: Exposure of the body to the agent
defense against exogenous antigensbacteria, viruses,
results in an active immune response along with the
and individual foreign molecules that enter the body and
induction of the memory cells required for rapid, effec-
are encountered by the immune system in the extracel-
tive response to possible future infection by that par-
lular fluid. This section now details how the bodys own
ticular organism.
cells that have become infected by viruses (or other
A second kind of immunity, known as passive
intracellular microbes) or transformed into cancer cells
immunity, is simply the direct transfer of antibodies
are destroyed.
from one person (or animal) to another, the recipient
What is the value of destroying virus-infected host
thereby receiving preformed antibodies. Such transfers
cells? Such destruction results in release of the viruses
occur between mother and fetus since IgG can move
into the extracellular fluid, where they can be directly
across the placenta. Also, breast-fed children receive
neutralized by circulating antibody, as just described.
IgA antibodies in the mothers milk. These are impor-
Generally, only a few host cells are sacrificed in this
tant sources of protection for the infant during the first
way, but once viruses have had a chance to replicate and
months of life, when the antibody-synthesizing capac-
spread from cell to cell, so many virus-infected host
ity is relatively poor.
cells may be killed by the bodys own defenses that
The same principle is used clinically when specific
organ malfunction may occur.
antibodies (produced by genetic engineering) or
pooled gamma globulin is given to patients exposed to
or suffering from certain infections such as hepatitis. Role of Cytotoxic T Cells
Because antibodies are proteins with a limited life span, Figure 1818 summarizes a typical cytotoxic T cell
the protection afforded by this transfer of antibodies is response triggered by viral infection of body cells. The
relatively short-lived, usually lasting only a few weeks response triggered by a cancer cell would be similar. As
or months. described earlier, a virus-infected or cancer cell produces
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724 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Defense Mechanisms of the Body

Infected Macrophage
cell Begin
Virus antigen

Viral antigen Virus

Class II
protein protein
T cell receptor TNF
Helper T cell
Cytotoxic +
T cell +

and other

Carried to all
parts of the body
via blood

To another
Perforin Perforin Perforin
Figure 1818
Summary of events in the killing of Channels
virus-infected cells by cytotoxic T
cells. The released viruses can then
be phagocytized. The sequence
would be similar if the inducing Water moves in, cell swells
cell were a cancer cell rather than a Infected cells and dies; virus cannot
virus-infected cell. replicate and is released

foreign proteins, endogenous antigens, which are The IL-2 also acts as a paracrine agent on the cyto-
processed and presented on the plasma membrane of toxic T cell bound to the surface of the virus-infected
the cell complexed with class I MHC proteins. Cytotoxic or cancer cell, stimulating this attack cell to proliferate.
T cells specific for the particular antigen can bind to the Other cytokines secreted by the activated helper T cell
complex, but just as with B cells, binding to antigen perform the same functions. Why is proliferation
alone does not cause activation of the cytotoxic T cell. important if a cytotoxic T cell has already found and
Cytokines from adjacent activated helper T cells are also bound to its target? The answer is that there is rarely
needed. just one virus-infected cell or one cancer cell. By
How are the helper T cells brought into play in expanding the clone of cytotoxic T cells capable of rec-
these cases? Figure 1814 illustrates the most likely ognizing the particular antigen, proliferating attack
mechanism. Macrophages phagocytize free extracellu- cells increase the likelihood that the other virus-
lar viruses (or, in the case of cancer, antigens released infected or cancer cells will be encountered by the spe-
from the surface of the cancerous cells) and then cific type of cytotoxic T cell.
process and present antigen, in association with class II There are several mechanisms of target cell killing
MHC proteins, to the helper T cells. In addition, the by activated cytotoxic T cells, but one of the most
macrophages provide a costimulus and also secrete important is as follows (Figure 1818): The cytotoxic T
IL-1 and TNF. The activated helper T cell releases IL-2 cell releases, by exocytosis, the contents of its secretory
and other cytokines. IL-2 then acts as an autocrine vesicles into the extracellular space between itself and
agent to stimulate proliferation of the helper T cell. the target cell to which it is bound. These vesicles con-
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tain a protein, perforin (also termed pore-forming

protein), which is similar in structure to the proteins of Activated
helper T cell
the complement systems membrane attack complex.
Perforin inserts into the target cells membrane and Secretes
forms channels through the membrane. In this man- Secretes
ner, it causes the attacked cell to become leaky and die. IL-2 and interferon-gamma
The fact that perforin is released into the space between
the tightly attached cytotoxic T cell and the target
ensures that innocent host bystander cells will not be Macrophage
killed, since perforin is not at all specific. NK cell
Some cytotoxic T cells generated during prolifera-
tion following an initial antigenic stimulation do not
complete their full activation at this time but remain as
memory cells. Thus, active immunity exists for cyto-
toxic T cells just as for B cells.
Role of NK Cells and Activated Macrophages macrophage
Although cytotoxic T cells are very important attack NK cell
cells against virus-infected and cancer cells, they are not
the only ones. NK cells and activated macrophages
also destroy such cells by secreting toxic chemicals.
In the section on antibody-dependent cellular
cytotoxicity (ADCC), we pointed out that NK cells can
be linked to target cells by antibodies, and this certainly Secrete
constitutes one potential method of bringing them into
play against virus-infected or cancer cells. In most Cell-killing chemicals
cases, however, strong antibody responses are not trig-
gered by virus-infected or cancer cells, and the NK cell Destroy target cells
must bind directly to its target, without the help of anti-
bodies. As noted earlier, NK cells do not have antigen Figure 1819
specificity; rather, they nonspecifically bind to any Role of IL-2 and interferon-gamma, secreted by activated
virus-infected and cancer cell. helper T cells, in stimulating the killing ability of NK cells
The major signals for NK cells to proliferate and and macrophages.
secrete their toxic chemicals are IL-2 and a member of
the interferon familyinterferon-gammasecreted
Table 187 summarizes the multiple defenses against
by the helper T cells that have been activated specifi-
viruses described in this chapter.
cally by the targets (Figure 1819). (Whereas essentially
all body cells can produce the other interferons, as
described earlier, only activated helper T cells and NK
cells can produce interferon-gamma.)
Systemic Manifestations
Thus, the attack by the NK cells is nonspecific, but of Infection
a specific immune response on the part of the helper T
cells is required to bring the NK cells into play. More- There are many systemic responses to infectionthat
over, there is a positive feedback mechanism at work is, responses of organs and tissues distant from the site
here since activated NK cells can themselves secrete of infection or immune response. These systemic
interferon- gamma (Figure 1819). responses are collectively known as the acute phase
IL-2 and interferon-gamma act not only on NK response (Figure 1820). It is natural to think of them
cells but on macrophages in the vicinity to enhance as part of the disease, but the fact is that most of them
their ability to kill cancer cells and cells infected with actually represent the bodys own adaptive responses to
viruses and other microbes. Macrophages stimulated the infection.
by IL-2 and interferon-gamma are termed activated The single most common and striking systemic sign
macrophages (Figure 1819). They secrete large of infection is fever, the mechanism of which is
amounts of many chemicals that are capable of killing described in Chapter 16. Present evidence suggests that
cells by a variety of mechanisms. fever is often beneficial because an increase in body
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726 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Defense Mechanisms of the Body

TABLE 187 Summary of Host Responses to Viruses


Nonspecific defenses Body surface linings Provide physical barrier; antiviral chemicals
Anatomical barriers Tissue macrophages Provide phagocytosis of extracellular virus
Inflammation Most cell types after viruses enter Interferon nonspecifically prevents viral replication inside host cells
Interferon them
Specific defenses Plasma cells (derived from B cells) Antibodies neutralize virus and thus prevent viral entry into cell
Antibody-mediated that secrete antibodies Antibodies activate complement, which leads to enhanced
phagocytosis of extracellular virus
Antibodies recruit NK cells via antibody-mediated cellular cytotoxicity
Helper Helper T cells Secrete interleukins; keep NK cells, macrophages, cytotoxic T cells,
and helper T cells active; also help convert B cells to plasma cells.
Direct cell killing Cytotoxic T cells, NK cells, and Destroy host cell via secreted chemicals and thus induce release
activated macrophages of virus into extracellular fluid where it can be phagocytized
Activity stimulated by IL-2 and interferon-gamma


Microbes, microbial products,

tissue injury, cytokines, etc.

Monocytes and macrophages

Secrete IL-1,
TNF, and IL-6

Plasma IL-1,
TNF, and IL-6

Brain Bone marrow Muscle Hypothalamus

Fever Production and Protein breakdown Anterior pituitary
Appetite release of leukocytes Amino acid release ACTH secretion
Food intake
Fatigue Liver Adipose tissue
Retains Fe, Zn Lipolysis Plasma ACTH
Secretes acute
phase proteins
Adrenal cortex
Cortisol secretion

Plasma Fe, Zn
Blood Plasma free Plasma Plasma cortisol
Plasma acute
leukocytes fatty acids amino acids
phase proteins

Figure 1820
Systemic responses to infection or injury (the acute phase response). Other cytokines probably also participate. This figure
does not include all the components of the acute phase response; for example, IL-1 and several other cytokines also stimulate
the secretion of insulin and glucagon. The effect of cortisol on the immune response is inhibitory; cortisol provides a
negative feedback action to prevent excessive immune activity (Chapter 11).
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temperature enhances many of the protective responses

Role of Macrophages in Immune
described in this chapter. TABLE 188 Responses
Decreases in the plasma concentrations of iron and
zinc occur in response to infection and are due to 1. In nonspecific inflammation, macrophages phagocytize
changes in the uptake and/or release of these trace ele- particulate matter, including microbes. They also secrete
ments by liver, spleen, and other tissues. The decrease antimicrobial chemicals and protein messengers (cytokines)
in plasma iron concentration has adaptive value since that function as local inflammatory mediators. The
bacteria require a high concentration of iron to multi- inflammatory cytokines include IL-1 and TNF.
ply. The role of the decrease in zinc is not known. 2. Macrophages process and present antigen to cytotoxic T cells
Another adaptive response to infection is the secre- and helper T cells.
tion by the liver of a group of proteins known collec- 3. The secreted IL-1 and TNF (see number 1 above) stimulate
tively as acute phase proteins. These proteins exert helper T cells to secrete IL-2 and to express the receptor for
many effects on the inflammatory process, many of IL-2.
which serve to minimize the extent of local tissue dam- 4. During specific immune responses, macrophages perform
age. In addition, they are important for tissue repair the same killing and inflammation-inducing functions as in
and for clearance of cell debris and the toxins released (1) but are more efficient because antibodies act as opsonins
from microbes. An example of an acute phase protein and because the cells are transformed into activated
macrophages by IL-2 and interferon-gamma, both secreted
is C-reactive protein, which functions as a nonspecific by helper T cells.
opsonin to enhance phagocytosis.
Another response to infection, increased produc- 5. The secreted IL-1, TNF, and IL-6 mediate many of the
systemic responses to infection or injury.
tion and release of neutrophils and monocytes by the
bone marrow, is of obvious value. Also occurring is a
release of amino acids from muscle; the amino acids
provide the building blocks for the synthesis of pro-
Protein-calorie malnutrition is, worldwide, the sin-
teins required to fight the infection and for tissue
gle greatest contributor to decreased resistance to
repair. Increased release of fatty acids from adipose tis-
infection. Because inadequate amino acids are available
sue also occurs, providing a source of energy. The
to synthesize essential proteins, immune function is
secretion of many hormones, notably cortisol, is
impaired. Deficits of specific nutrients other than pro-
increased in the acute phase response, exerting negative
tein can also lower resistance to infection.
feedback actions on immune function.
A preexisting disease, infectious or noninfectious,
All these systemic responses to infection and many
can also predispose the body to infection. People with
others are elicited by one or more of the cytokines
diabetes mellitus, for example, are more likely to
released from activated macrophages and other cells
develop infections, at least partially explainable on the
(Figure 1820). In particular IL-1, TNF, and another
basis of defective leukocyte function. Moreover, any
cytokineinterleukin 6 (IL-6), all of which serve local
injury to a tissue lowers its resistance, perhaps by alter-
roles in immune responses, also serve as hormones to
ing the chemical environment or interfering with the
elicit distant responses such as fever.
blood supply.
Several other cytokines are also known to partici-
Both stress and a persons state of mind can either
pate in the acute phase response. For example, colony
enhance or reduce resistance to infection (and cancer).
stimulating factors (Chapter 12), which are secreted by
There are multiple mechanisms that constitute the
macrophages, lymphocytes, endothelial cells, and
links in these mind-body interactions, as revealed by
fibroblasts, provide a major stimulus to the bone mar-
the field called psychoneuroimmunology. For example,
row to produce more neutrophils and monocytes.
lymphoid tissue is innervated, and the cells mediating
The participation of macrophages in the acute phase
immune defenses have receptors for many neurotrans-
response completes our discussion of these cells, the var-
mitters and hormones. Conversely, as we have seen,
ious functions of which are summarized in Table 188.
some of the cytokines the immune cells release have
important effects on the brain and endocrine system.
Factors That Alter the Bodys Moreover, lymphocytes secrete several of the same hor-
mones produced by endocrine glands. Thus the
Resistance to Infection immune system can alter neural and endocrine func-
tion, and in turn neural and endocrine activity can
There are many factors that determine the bodys modify immune function. For example, it has been
capacity to resist infection; a few important examples shown that the production of antibodies can be altered
are presented here. by psychological conditioning.
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728 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Defense Mechanisms of the Body

The influence of physical exercise on the bodys Unfortunately, the cells that HIV preferentially
resistance to infection and cancer has been debated (but not exclusively) enters are helper T cells. HIV
for decades. Present evidence indicates that the inten- infects these cells because the CD4 protein on the
sity, duration, chronicity, and psychological stress of plasma membrane of helper T cells acts as a receptor
the exercise all have important influences, both nega- for one of the HIVs surface proteins (gp120). Thus, the
tive and positive, on a host of immune functions (e.g., helper T cell binds the virus, making it possible for the
the level of circulating NK cells). Most experts in the virus to enter the cell. Very importantly, this binding of
field believe that, despite all these complexities, mod- the HIV gp120 protein to CD4 is not sufficient to grant
est exercise and physical conditioning have net ben- the HIV entry into the helper T cell. In addition,
eficial effects on the immune system and on host another surface protein on the helper T cell, one that
resistance. serves normally as a receptor for certain chemokines,
Another factor associated with decreased immune must serve as a coreceptor for the gp120. It has been
function is sleep deprivation. For example, loss of a sin- found that persons who have a mutation in this
gle nights sleep has been observed to reduce the activ- chemokine receptor are highly resistant to infection
ity of blood NK cells. The mechanism of this response with HIV, and much research is now focused on the
is uncertain but the results have been replicated by possible therapeutic use of chemicals that can interact
numerous investigators. with and block this coreceptor.
Resistance to infection will be impaired if one of the Once in the helper T cell, the replicating HIV
basic resistance mechanisms itself is deficient, as, for directly kills the helper T cell and also indirectly causes
example, in people who have a genetic deficiency that its death via the bodys usual immune attack. The
impairs their ability to produce antibodies. These peo- attack is mediated in this case mainly by cytotoxic T
ple experience frequent and sometimes life-threatening cells attacking the virus-infected cells. In addition, by
infections that can be prevented by regular replacement still poorly understood mechanisms, HIV causes the
injections of gamma globulin. Another genetic defect is death of many uninfected helper T cells by apoptosis.
combined immunodeficiency, which is an absence of Without adequate numbers of helper T cells, neither B
both B and T cells. If untreated, infants with this disor- cells nor cytotoxic T cells can function normally. Thus
der usually die within their first year of life from over- the AIDS patient dies from infections and cancers that
whelming infections. Combined immunodeficiency can the immune system would ordinarily readily handle.
be cured by a bone marrow transplant, which supplies AIDS was first described in 1981, and it has since
both B cells and cells that will migrate to the thymus reached epidemic proportions worldwide. The great
and become T cells. majority of persons now infected with HIV have no
An environmentally induced decrease in the pro- symptoms of AIDS. It is important to distinguish
duction of leukocytes is also an important cause of between the presence of the symptomatic disease
lowered resistance. This can occur, for example, in AIDSand asymptomatic infection with HIV. (The
patients given drugs specifically to inhibit the rejection latter is diagnosed by the presence of anti-HIV anti-
of tissue or organ transplants (see the section on graft bodies or HIV RNA in the blood.) It is thought, how-
rejection that follows). ever, that most infected persons will eventually develop
In terms of the numbers of people involved, the AIDS, although at highly varying rates.
most important example of the lack of a basic resist- The path from HIV infection to AIDS commonly
ance mechanism is the disease called acquired immune takes about 10 years in untreated persons. Typically,
deficiency syndrome (AIDS). during the first five years the rapidly replicating viruses
continually kill large numbers of helper T cells in lym-
Acquired Immune Deficiency phoid tissues, but these are replaced by new cells.
Therefore, the number of helper T cells stays normal
Syndrome (AIDS) (about 1000 cells/mm3 of blood), and the person is
AIDS is caused by human immunodeficiency virus asymptomatic. During the next five years, this balance
(HIV), which incapacitates the immune system. HIV is lost; the number of helper T cells, as measured in
belongs to the retrovirus family, whose nucleic acid blood, decreases to about half the normal level, but
core is RNA rather than DNA. Retroviruses possess an many people still remain asymptomatic. As the helper
enzyme (reverse transcriptase) that, once the virus is T cell count continues to decrease, however, the symp-
inside a host cell, transcribes the viruss RNA into toms of AIDS begininfections with bacteria, viruses,
DNA, which is then integrated into the host cells chro- fungi, and parasites. These are accompanied by sys-
mosomes. Replication of the virus inside the cell causes temic symptoms of weight loss, lethargy, and feverall
the death of the cell. caused by high levels of the cytokines that induce the
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acute phase response. Certain unusual cancers (such as bacterial populations contain a few mutants that are
Kaposis sarcoma) also occur with relatively high fre- resistant to the drug, and these few are capable of mul-
quency. In untreated persons, death usually ensues tiplying into large populations resistant to the effects of
within two years after the onset of AIDS symptoms. that particular antibiotic. Alternatively, the antibiotic
The major routes of transmission of HIV are can induce the expression of a latent gene that confers
through (1) transfer of contaminated blood or blood resistance. Finally, resistance can be transferred from
products from one person to another; (2) unprotected one resistant microbe directly to another previously
sexual intercourse with an infected partner; (3) trans- nonresistant microbe by means of DNA passed
mission from an infected mother to her fetus across the between them. (One example of how drug resistance
placenta during pregnancy and delivery; or (4) transfer can spread by these phenomena is that many bacterial
via breast milk during nursing. strains that were once highly susceptible to penicillin
There are two components to the therapeutic man- now produce an enzyme that cleaves the penicillin
agement of HIV-infected persons: one directed against molecule.) A third reason for the judicious use of
the virus itself to delay progression of the disease, and antibiotics is that these agents may actually contribute
one to prevent or treat the opportunistic infections and to a new infection by eliminating certain species of rel-
cancers that ultimately cause death. The present rec- atively harmless bacteria that ordinarily prevent the
ommended treatment for HIV infection itself is a growth of more dangerous ones.
simultaneous battery of at least three drugs. Two of
these inhibit the action of the HIV enzyme (reverse
transcriptase) that converts the viral RNA into the host
cells DNA, and a third drug inhibits the HIV enzyme
Harmful Immune Responses
(-protease) that cleaves a large protein into smaller Until now, we have focused on the mechanisms of
units required for the assembly of new HIV. The use of immune responses and their protective effects. The fol-
this complex and expensive regimen greatly reduces the lowing section discusses how immune responses can
replication of HIV in the body and ideally should be sometimes actually be harmful or unwanted.
introduced very early in the course of HIV infection,
not just after the appearance of AIDS.
The ultimate hope for prevention of AIDS is the Graft Rejection
development of a vaccine. For a variety of reasons The major obstacle to successful transplantation of tis-
related to the nature of the virus (it generates large sues and organs is that the immune system recognizes
numbers of distinct subspecies) and the fact that it the transplants, called grafts, as foreign and launches an
infects helper T cells, which are crucial for immune attack against them. This is termed graft rejection.
responses, vaccine development is not an easy task. Although B cells and macrophages play some role,
cytotoxic T cells and helper T cells are mainly respon-
sible for graft rejection.
Antibiotics Except in the case of identical twins, the class I
The most important of the drugs employed in helping MHC proteins on the cells of a graft differ from the
the body to resist microbes, mainly bacteria, are anti- recipients. So do the class II molecules present on the
biotics such as penicillin. macrophages in the graft (recall that virtually all organs
Antibiotics exert a wide variety of effects, including and tissues have macrophages). Accordingly, the MHC
inhibition of bacterial cell-wall synthesis, protein syn- proteins of both classes are recognized as foreign by the
thesis, and DNA replication. Fortunately, a number of recipients T cells, and the cells bearing these proteins
the reactions involved in the synthesis of protein by are destroyed by the recipients cytotoxic T cells with
bacteria, and the proteins themselves, are sufficiently the aid of helper T cells.
different from those in human cells that certain antibi- Some of the tools aimed at reducing graft rejection
otics can inhibit them without interfering with the are radiation and drugs that kill actively dividing lym-
bodys own protein synthesis. For example, the antibi- phocytes and thereby decrease the recipients T-cell pop-
otic erythromycin blocks the movement of ribosomes ulation. A very effective drug, however, is cyclosporin,
along bacterial messenger RNA. which does not kill lymphocytes but rather blocks the
Antibiotics, however, must not be used indiscrimin- production of IL-2 and other cytokines by helper T cells.
ately. For one thing, they may exert allergic reactions, This eliminates a critical signal for proliferation of both
and they may exert toxic effects on the bodys cells. A the helper T cells themselves and the cytotoxic T cells.
second reason for judicious use is the escalating and Adrenal corticosteroids in large doses are also used to
very serious problem of drug resistance. Most large reduce the rejection.
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730 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Defense Mechanisms of the Body

There are several problems with the use of drugs ter linked to the membrane by lipids) that can function
like cyclosporin and potent synthetic adrenal cortico- as antigens when exposed to another persons blood.
steroids: (1) immunosuppression with them is nonspe- There are more than 400 erythrocyte antigens, but the
cific, so patients taking them are at increased risk for ABO system of carbohydrates is the most important for
infections and cancer; (2) they exert other toxic side transfusion reactions.
effects; and (3) they must be used continuously to Some people have the gene that results in synthesis
inhibit rejection. An important new kind of therapy, of the A antigen, some have the gene for the B antigen,
one that may be able to avoid these problems, is under some have both genes, and some have neither gene.
study. Recall that immune tolerance for self proteins is (Genes cannot code for the carbohydrates that func-
achieved by clonal deletion and/or inactivation, and tion as antigens; rather they code for the particular
that the mechanism for this is absence of a nonanti- enzymes that catalyze the formation of the carbohy-
genic costimulus at the time the antigen is first encoun- drates.) The erythrocytes of those with neither gene are
tered. The hope is that, at the time of graft surgery, said to have O-type erythrocytes. Accordingly, the pos-
treatment with drugs that block the complementary sible blood types are A, B, AB, and O (Table 189).
proteins constituting the costimulus may induce a per- Type A individuals always have anti-B antibodies
manent state of immune tolerance toward the graft. in their plasma. Similarly, type B individuals have
plasma anti-A antibodies. Type AB individuals have
The Fetus as a Graft neither anti-A nor anti-B antibody, and type O indi-
viduals have both. These anti-erythrocyte antibodies
During pregnancy, the fetal trophoblast cells of the pla-
are called natural antibodies. How they arise natu-
centa lie in direct contact with maternal immune cells.
rallythat is, without exposure to the appropriate
Since half of the fetal genes are paternal, all proteins
antigen-bearing erythrocytesis not clear.
coded for by these genes are foreign to the mother. Why
With this information as background, we can pre-
does the mothers immune system refrain from attack-
dict what happens if a type A person is given type B
ing the trophoblast cells, which express such proteins,
blood. There are two incompatibilities: (1) the recipi-
and thus fail to reject the placenta? This issue is far
ents anti-B antibodies cause the transfused cells to be
from solved, but one critical mechanism (there are cer-
attacked, and (2) the anti-A antibodies in the transfused
tainly others) is as follows: Trophoblast cells, unlike vir-
plasma cause the recipients cells to be attacked. The lat-
tually all other nucleated cells, do not express the usual
ter is generally of little consequence, however, because
class I MHC proteins. Instead, they express a unique
the transfused antibodies become so diluted in the
class I MHC protein that maternal immune cells do not
recipients plasma that they are ineffective in inducing a
recognize as foreign.
response. It is the destruction of the transfused cells by
the recipients antibodies that produces the problem.
Transfusion Reactions Similar analyses show that the following situations
Transfusion reactions, the illness caused when erythro- would result in an attack on the transfused erythro-
cytes are destroyed during blood transfusion, are a spe- cytes: a type B person given either A or AB blood; a
cial example of tissue rejection, one that illustrates the type A person given either type B or AB blood; a type
fact that antibodies rather than cytotoxic T cells can O person given A, B, or AB blood. Type O people are,
sometimes be the major factor in rejection. Erythro- therefore, sometimes called universal donors, whereas
cytes do not have MHC proteins, but they do have type AB people are universal recipients. These terms
plasma membrane proteins and carbohydrates (the lat- are misleading, however, since besides antigens of the

TABLE 189 Human ABO Blood Groups

Genetic Possibilities

A 42 A AA AO Anti-B
B 10 B BB BO Anti-A
AB 3 A and B AB Neither anti-A nor anti-B
O 45 Neither A nor B OO Both anti-A and anti-B

*In the United States.

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ABO system, there are a host of other erythrocyte anti- antibodies to both the A and B antigens. If her fetus is
gens and plasma antibodies against them. Therefore, type A or B, this theoretically should cause a problem.
except in a dire emergency, the blood of donor and Fortunately, it usually does not, partly because the A
recipient must be tested for incompatibilities directly and B antigens are not strongly expressed in fetal eryth-
by the procedure called cross-matching. The recipients rocytes and partly because the antibodies, unlike the
serum is combined on a glass slide with the prospective anti-Rh antibodies, are of the IgM type, which do not
donors erythrocytes (a major cross-match), and the readily cross the placenta.
mixture is observed for rupture (hemolysis) or clump-
ing (agglutination) of the erythrocytes; this indicates a Allergy (Hypersensitivity)
mismatch. In addition, the recipients erythrocytes can
Allergy or hypersensitivity refers to diseases in which
be combined with the prospective donors serum (a
immune responses to environmental antigens cause
minor cross-match), looking again for mismatches.
inflammation and damage to the body itself. Antigens
Another group of erythrocyte membrane antigens
that cause allergy are termed allergens; common exam-
of medical importance is the Rh system of proteins.
ples include those in ragweed pollen and poison ivy.
There are more than 40 such antigens, but the one most
Most allergens themselves are relatively or completely
likely to cause a problem is termed Rho, known com-
harmlessit is the immune responses to them that cause
monly as the Rh factor because it was first studied in
the damage. In essence, then, allergy is immunity gone
rhesus monkeys. Human erythrocytes either have the
wrong, for the response is inappropriate to the stimulus.
antigen (Rh-positive) or lack it (Rh-negative). About
A word about terminology is useful here: There are
85 percent of the U.S. population is Rh-positive.
three major types of hypersensitivity, as categorized by
Antibodies in the Rh system, unlike the natural
the different immunologic effector pathways involved
antibodies of the ABO system, follow the classical
in the inflammatory response. The term allergy is some-
immunity pattern in that no one has anti-Rh antibodies
times used popularly to denote only one of these types,
unless exposed to Rh-positive cells from another person.
that mediated by IgE antibodies. We will follow the
This can occur if an Rh-negative person is subjected to
common practice, however, of using the term allergy in
multiple transfusions with Rh-positive blood, but its
its broader sense as synonymous with hypersensitivity.
major occurrence involves the mother-fetus relationship.
To develop a particular allergy, a genetically predis-
During pregnancy, some of the fetal erythrocytes may
posed person must first be exposed to the allergen. This
cross the placental barriers into the maternal circulation.
initial exposure causes sensitization. It is the subse-
If the mother is Rh-negative and the fetus is Rh-positive,
quent exposures that elicit the damaging immune
this can induce the mother to synthesize anti-Rh anti-
responses we recognize as the disease. The diversity of
bodies. This occurs mainly during separation of the pla-
allergic responses reflects the different immunological
centa at delivery. Thus, a first Rh-positive pregnancy
effector pathways elicited. The classification of allergic
rarely offers any danger to the fetus since delivery occurs
diseases is based on these mechanisms (Table 1810).
before the mother makes the antibodies. In future preg-
In one type of allergy, the inflammatory response is
nancies, however, these antibodies will already be present
independent of antibodies. It is due to marked secre-
in the mother and can cross the placenta to attack and
tion of cytokines by helper T cells activated by antigen
hemolyze the erythrocytes of an Rh-positive fetus. This
in the area. These cytokines themselves act as inflam-
condition, which can cause an anemia severe enough to
matory mediators and also activate macrophages to
cause the death of the fetus in utero or of the newborn,
secrete their potent mediators. Because it takes several
is called hemolytic disease of the newborn. The risk
days to develop, this type of allergy is known as delayed
increases with each Rh-positive pregnancy as the mother
hypersensitivity. The skin rash that appears after con-
becomes more and more sensitized.
tact with poison ivy is an example.
Fortunately, this disease can be prevented by giving
an Rh-negative mother human gamma globulin
against Rh-positive erythrocytes within 72 h after she
has delivered an Rh-positive infant. These antibodies TABLE 1810 Major Types of Hypersensitivity
bind to the antigenic sites on any Rh-positive erythro-
cytes that might have entered the mothers blood dur- 1. Delayed hypersensitivityMediated by helper T cells and
ing delivery and prevent them from inducing antibody macrophages; independent of antibodies
synthesis by the mother. The administered antibodies 2. Immune-complex hypersensitivityMediated by antigen-
are eventually catabolized. antibody complexes deposited in tissue
You may be wondering whether ABO incompati-
3. Immediate hypersensitivityMediated by IgE antibodies,
bilities are also a cause of hemolytic disease of the mast cells, and eosinophils
newborn. For example, a woman with type O blood has
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732 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Defense Mechanisms of the Body

In contrast to this are the various types of antibody- difference is that the particular antigens that elicit
mediated allergic responses. One important type is immediate hypersensitivity reactions stimulate, in
termed immune-complex hypersensitivity. It occurs genetically susceptible persons, the production of type
when so many antibodies (of either the IgG or IgM IgE antibodies. Production of IgE requires the partici-
types) combine with free antigens that large numbers of pation of a particular subset of helper T cells that are
antigen-antibody complexes precipitate out on the sur- activated by the allergens presented by B cells. These
face of endothelial cells or are trapped in capillary walls, activated helper T cells then release cytokines that pref-
particularly those of the renal corpuscles. These erentially stimulate differentiation of the B cells into
immune complexes activate complement, which then IgE-producing plasma cells.
induces an inflammatory response that damages the tis- Upon their release from plasma cells, IgE antibodies
sues immediately surrounding the complexes. circulate throughout the body and become attached, via
The more common type of antibody-mediated binding sites on their Fc portions, to connective-tissue
allergic responses, however, are those termed immedi- mast cells (Figure 1821). When the same antigen type
ate hypersensitivity, because they are usually very rapid subsequently enters the body and combines with the
in onset. They are also called IgE-mediated hypersensi- IgE bound to the mast cell, this triggers the mast cell to
tivity because they involve IgE antibodies. secrete many inflammatory mediators, including hista-
mine, various eicosanoids, and chemokines. All these
Immediate hypersensitivity In immediate hypersensitiv- mediators then initiate a local inflammatory response.
ity, initial exposure to the antigen leads to some anti- (The entire sequence of events just described for mast
body synthesis and, more important, to the production cells can also occur with basophils in the circulation.)
of memory B cells that mediate active immunity. Upon Thus, the symptoms of IgE-mediated allergy reflect
re-exposure, the antigen elicits a more powerful anti- the various effects of these inflammatory mediators and
body response. So far, none of this is unusual, but the the body site in which the antigen-IgE-mast cell combi-

Begin Antigen


Mast cell

Mediator release

Early allergic
reactions Late-phase
Onset in minutes Onset in 28 h reactions
Infiltration of local
Bronchial smooth muscle area with eosinophils
contraction (asthma)
Vascular leakage (swelling)
Hypotension (shock)
Mucus secretion Mediator release
Persists for
12 days

Infiltration of local
Figure 1821 area with macrophages
Sequence of events in an immediate hypersensitivity allergic Tissue destruction
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nation occurs. For example, when a previously sensitized cells and tissues. A growing number of human diseases
person inhales ragweed pollen, the antigen combines are being recognized as autoimmune in origin. Exam-
with IgE on mast cells in the respiratory passages. The ples are multiple sclerosis, in which myelin is attacked;
mediators released cause increased secretion of mucus, myasthenia gravis, in which the receptors for acetyl-
increased blood flow, swelling of the epithelial lining, choline on skeletal muscle cells are the target; rheuma-
and contraction of the smooth muscle surrounding the toid arthritis, in which joints are damaged; and Type 1
airways. Thus, there follow the symptoms of congestion, diabetes mellitus, in which the insulin-producing cells
runny nose, sneezing, and difficulty in breathing that of the pancreas are destroyed. Some possible causes for
characterize hay fever. Immediate hypersensitivities to the bodys failure to recognize its own cells are summa-
penicillin and insect venoms sometimes occur, and these rized in Table 1811.
are usually correlated with IgE production.
Allergic symptoms are usually localized to the site Excessive Inflammatory Responses
of antigen entry. If very large amounts of the chemicals
Recall that complement, other inflammatory mediators,
released by the mast cells (or blood basophils) enter the
and the toxic chemicals secreted by neutrophils and
circulation, however, systemic symptoms may result
macrophages are not specific with regard to their targets.
and cause severe hypotension and bronchiolar con-
Accordingly, sometimes during an inflammatory
striction. This sequence of events, termed anaphylaxis,
response directed against microbes there can be so much
can cause death due to circulatory and respiratory fail-
generation or release of these substances that adjacent
ure. It can be elicited in some sensitized people by the
normal tissues may be damaged. These substances can
antigen in a single bee sting.
also cause potentially lethal systemic responses. For
The very rapid components of immediate hyper-
example, macrophages release very large amounts of
sensitivity often proceed to a late-phase reaction last-
IL-1 and TNF, both of which are powerful inflammatory
ing many hours or days, during which large numbers of
mediators (in addition to their other effects) in response
leukocytes, particularly eosinophils, migrate into the
to an infection with certain types of bacteria. These
inflamed area. The chemoattractants involved are
cytokines can cause profound vasodilation throughout
cytokines released by mast cells and helper T cells acti-
the body, precipitating a type of hypotension termed
vated by the allergen. The eosinophils, once in the area,
septic shock. This is often accompanied by dangerously
secrete mediators that prolong the inflammation and
high fevers. In other words, it is not the bacteria them-
sensitize the tissues, so that less allergen is needed the
selves that cause septic shock but rather the cytokines
next time to evoke a response.
released in response to the bacteria.
Given the inappropriateness of most immediate
hypersensitivity responses, how did such a system
evolve? The normal physiological function of the IgE-
mast cell-eosinophil pathways is to repel invasion by
multicellular parasites that cannot be phagocytized. Some Possible Causes
TABLE 1811
The mediators released by the mast cells stimulate the of Autoimmune Attack
inflammatory response against the parasites, and the
1. There may be failure of clonal deletion in the thymus or of
eosinophils serve as the major killer cells against them
clonal inactivation in the periphery. This is particularly true
by secreting several toxins. How this system also came for sequestered antigens, such as certain proteins that are
to be inducible by harmless agents is not clear. unavailable to the immune system during critical early-life

Autoimmune Disease 2. Normal body proteins may be altered by combination with

drugs or environmental chemicals. This leads to an attack on
While allergy is due to an inappropriate response to an the cells bearing the now-foreign protein.
environmental antigen, autoimmune disease is due to 3. In immune attacks on virus-infected bodily cells, so many
an inappropriate immune attack triggered by the cells may be destroyed that disease results.
bodys own proteins acting as antigens. The immune
4. Genetic mutations in the bodys cells may yield new proteins
attack, mediated by autoantibodies and self-reactive T that serve as antigens.
cells, is directed specifically against the bodys own cells
that contain these proteins. 5. The body may encounter microbes whose antigens are so
close in structure to certain of the bodys own proteins that
We explained earlier how the body is normally in a the antibodies or cytotoxic T cells produced against these
state of immune tolerance toward its own cells. Unfor- microbial antigens also attack cells bearing the self proteins.
tunately, there are situations in which this tolerance
6. Proteins normally never encountered by lymphocytes may
breaks down and the body does in fact launch anti- become exposed as a result of some other disease.
body- or killer cell-mediated attacks against its own
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734 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Defense Mechanisms of the Body

Another important example of damage produced Yet another example of excessive inflammation in a
by excessive inflammation in response to microbes is noninfectious state is the development of atherosclerotic
the dementia that occurs in AIDS. HIV does not itself plaques in blood vessels (Chapter 12). It is likely that, in
attack neurons, but it does infect microglia. Such inva- response to endothelial cell dysfunction, the vessel wall
sion causes the microglia, which function as releases inflammatory cytokines (IL-1, for example) that
macrophage-like cells, to produce very high levels of promote all stages of atherosclerosisexcessive clotting,
inflammatory cytokines and other molecules that are chemotaxis of various leukocytes (as well as smooth
toxic to neurons. (Microglia are also implicated in non- muscle cells), and so on. The endothelial-cell dysfunc-
infectious brain disorders, like Alzheimers disease, that tion is caused by initially subtle vessel wall injury by
are characterized by inflammation.) lipoproteins and other factors, including elevated blood
Excessive chronic inflammation can also occur in pressure and homocysteine (Chapter 12).
the absence of microbial infection. Thus, various major In summary, the various mediators of inflamma-
diseases, including asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, and tion and immunity are a double-edged sword: In usual
inflammatory bowel disease, are categorized as chronic amounts they are essential for normal resistance, but in
inflammatory diseases. The causes of these diseases, and excessive amounts they can cause illness.
the interplay between genetic and environmental factors, This completes the section on immunology. Table
are still poorly understood. Some, like rheumatoid 1812 presents a summary of immune mechanisms in
arthritis, are mainly autoimmune in nature, but all are the form of a miniglossary of cells and chemical medi-
associated with positive feedback increases in the pro- ators involved in immune responses. All the material in
duction of cytokines and other inflammatory mediators. this table has been covered in this chapter.

TABLE 1812 A Miniglossary of Cells and Chemical Mediators Involved in Immune Functions

Activated macrophages Macrophages whose killing ability has been enhanced by cytokines, particularly IL-2 and interferon-gamma.
Antigen-presenting cells (APC) Cells that present antigen, complexed with MHC proteins, on their surface to T cells.
B cells Lymphocytes that, upon activation, proliferate and differentiate into antibody-secreting plasma cells; provide major defense
against bacteria, viruses in the extracellular fluid, and toxins; and can function as antigen-presenting cells to helper T cells.
Cytotoxic T cells The class of T lymphocytes that, upon activation by specific antigen, directly attack the cells bearing that type of
antigen; are major killers of virus-infected cells and cancer cells; and bind antigen associated with class I MHC proteins.
Eosinophils Leukocytes involved in destruction of parasites and in immediate hypersensitivity responses.
Helper T cells The class of T cells that, via secreted cytokines, play a stimulatory role in the activation of B cells and cytotoxic T cells;
also can activate NK cells and macrophages; and bind antigen associated with class II MHC proteins.
Lymphocytes The type of leukocyte responsible for specific immune defenses; categorized mainly as B cells, T cells, and NK cells.
Macrophages Cell type that (1) functions as a phagocyte, (2) processes and presents antigen to helper T cells, and (3) secretes cytokines
involved in inflammation, activation of lymphocytes, and the systemic acute phase response to infection or injury.
Macrophage-like cells Several cell types that exert functions similar to those of macrophages.
Mast cells Tissue cells that bind IgE and release inflammatory mediators in response to parasites and immediate hypersensitivity
Memory cells B cells and cytotoxic T cells that differentiate during an initial immune response and respond rapidly during a
subsequent exposure to the same antigen.
Monocytes A type of leukocyte; leaves the bloodstream and is transformed into a macrophage; has functions similar to those of
Natural killer (NK) cells Class of lymphocytes that bind to cells bearing foreign antigens without specific recognition and kill them
directly; major targets are virus-infected cells and cancer cells; participate in antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC).
Neutrophils Leukocytes that function as phagocytes and also release chemicals involved in inflammation.
Plasma cells Cells that differentiate from activated B lymphocytes and secrete antibodies.
T cells Lymphocytes derived from precursors that differentiated in the thymus; see cytotoxic T cells and helper T cells.
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TABLE 1812 (Continued)

Chemical Mediators
Acute phase proteins Group of proteins secreted by the liver during systemic response to injury or infection; stimulus for their
secretion is IL-1, IL-6, and other cytokines.
Antibodies Immunoglobulins secreted by plasma cells; combine with the type of antigen that stimulated their production and direct
an attack against the antigen or a cell bearing it.
C1 The first protein in the classical complement pathway.
Chemoattractants A general name given to any chemical mediator that stimulates chemotaxis of neutrophils or other leukocytes.
Chemokines Any cytokine that functions as a chemoattractant.
Chemotaxin A synonym for chemoattractant.
Complement A group of plasma proteins that, upon activation, kill microbes directly and facilitate the various steps of the
inflammatory process, including phagocytosis; the classical complement pathway is triggered by antigen-antibody complexes, whereas
the alternate pathway can operate independently of antibody.
C-reactive protein One of several proteins that function as nonspecific opsonins; production by the liver is increased during the acute
phase response.
Cytokines General term for protein messengers that regulate immune responses; secreted by macrophages, monocytes, lymphocytes,
neutrophils, and several nonimmune cell types; function both locally and as hormones.
Eicosanoids General term for products of arachidonic acid metabolism (prostaglandins, thromboxanes, leukotrienes); function as
important inflammatory mediators.
Histamine An inflammatory mediator secreted mainly by mast cells; acts on microcirculation to cause vasodilation and increased
permeability to protein.
IgA The class of antibodies secreted by the lining of the bodys various tracts.
IgD A class of antibodies whose function is unknown.
IgE The class of antibodies that mediate immediate hypersensitivity and resistance to parasites.
IgG The most abundant class of plasma antibodies.
IgM A class of antibodies that is produced first in all immune responses. Along with IgG, it provides the bulk of specific humoral
immunity against bacteria and viruses.
Immunoglobulin (Ig) Proteins that function as B-cell receptors and antibodies; the five major classes are IgA, IgD, IgE, IgG, and IgM.
Interferon Group of cytokines that nonspecifically inhibits viral replication; interferon-gamma also stimulates the killing ability of NK
cells and macrophages.
Interferon-gamma (See Interferon)
Interleukin 1 (IL-1) Cytokine secreted by macrophages (and other cells) that activates helper T cells, exerts many inflammatory effects,
and mediates many of the systemic acute phase responses, including fever.
Interleukin 2 (IL-2) Cytokine secreted by activated helper T cells that causes helper T cells, cytotoxic T cells, and NK cells to proliferate,
and causes activation of macrophages.
Interleukin 6 (IL-6) Cytokine secreted by macrophages (and other cells) that exerts multiple effects on immune system cells,
inflammation, and the acute phase response.
Kinins Peptides that split from kininogens in inflamed areas and facilitate the vascular changes associated with inflammation; they also
activate neuronal pain receptors.
Leukotrienes A class of eicosanoids that are generated by the lipoxygenase pathway and function as inflammatory mediators.
Membrane attack complex (MAC) Group of complement proteins that form channels in the surface of a microbe, making it leaky and
killing it.
Natural antibodies Antibodies to the erythrocyte antigens (of the A or B type).
Opsonin General name given to any chemical mediator that promotes phagocytosis.
Perforin Protein secreted by cytotoxic T cells and NK cells that forms channels in the plasma membrane of the target cell, making it
leaky and killing it; its structure and function are similar to that of the MAC in the complement system.
Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) Cytokine secreted by macrophages (and other cells) that has many of the same actions as IL-1.
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736 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Defense Mechanisms of the Body


SYSTEMIC LUPUS environmental triggers that elicit the disease in genetically

ERYTHEMATOSUS susceptible people (since, as stated, in half the cases where one
twin has SLE, the other does not). There is no conclusive evidence
Among the many immunological diseases discussed in this chapter that infections due to viral invasion are a trigger for the
were those that fell under the general category of autoimmune development of SLE. Other than sunlight, other triggers that
disease. Because these are so common, and their consequences can appear to be associated with the appearance of SLE are certain
be so severe, it is worth exploring them in greater detail. One well- foods (e.g., alfalfa sprouts) and chemicals.
known autoimmune disease with particularly serious symptoms is SLE can be mild or severe, intermittent or chronic. In all
known as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). SLE affects roughly cases, though, the effects are widespread. Typically, connective
two to three people per 10,000 population. As with most tissue damage is extensive, with repeated inflammatory reactions
autoimmune diseases, the majority (~90 percent) of SLE sufferers in joints, muscle, and skin. The outer covering of the heart
are female. Although the disease can be manifested at any age, it (pericardium) may become inflamed, gastrointestinal activity may
most commonly appears in women of childbearing age. SLE is be affected, and retinal damage is sometimes observed. Even the
distinguished from another form of lupus, known as drug-induced brain is not spared, as cognitive dysfunction and even seizures may
lupus erythematosus. In the latter, certain individuals being treated arise in severe cases. The skin often develops inflamed patches,
with drugs such as hydralazine (a vasodilator effective in reducing notably on the face along the cheeks and bridge of the nose
high blood pressure) have been known to develop lupus-like (forming the so-called butterfly rash seen in some patients with
symptoms. True SLE, however, is a disease of the immune system. SLE). Perhaps the greatest danger occurs when immune complexes
The two major immune dysfunctions in SLE are hyperactivity and immunoglobulins accumulate in the glomeruli of the
of T and B cells, with overexpression of self antibodies, and nephrons of the kidney. This often leads to nephritis
decreased negative regulation of the immune response. In some (inflammation of the nephrons) and results in damaged, leaky
other autoimmune diseases, one or a small number of antigens glomeruli. The appearance of protein in the urine, therefore, is a
appear to be the root of the disorder, and these are often localized clinical finding associated with SLE. Finally, certain proteins on the
to one or a few organs. In SLE, however, the situation is much plasma membranes of red blood cells and platelets may also
more grave. This is because there are many self proteins that become antigenic in SLE. When the immune system attacks these
become antigenic, and many of these are in the nuclei of all cells. structures, the result is lysis of red blood cells and destruction and
Thus, the chief (but not only) site of autoantibody production in loss of platelets (thrombocytopenia). Loss of red blood cells in this
SLE is directed against proteins associated with cellular DNA and manner contributes to the condition known as hemolytic anemia,
RNA. Since all cells share the same DNA and RNA, there are few a not uncommon manifestation of SLE.
if anyparts of the body that are not susceptible to immune In addition to the production of self antibodies in large
attack in SLE. Exactly what initiates the immune response in SLE numbers, there also appears to be a failure of the immune system
is unclear. However, it is known that most people with this disease to regulate itself. Thus, the immune attacks, once begun, do not
are photosensitive; that is, their skin cells are readily damaged by stop after a few days but instead continue indefinitely. Some
ultraviolet light from the sun. When these cells die, their nuclear investigators believe this may be related to a deficiency or
contents become exposed to phagocytes and other components of inactivity of suppressor T cells, but this has not been proven.
the immune system. As a result, symptoms of SLE tend to flare up The treatments for SLE depend on its severity and the overall
when a person with the disease is exposed to excessive sunlight. physical condition of the patient. In mild flare-ups, aspirin and other
SLE has a strong genetic component, since approximately 40 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs may be sufficient to control
to 50 percent of identical twins share the disease when one is pain and inflammation, together with changes in lifestyle to avoid
afflicted. Moreover, there is an increased frequency of five specific potential triggers. In more advanced cases, immunosuppression with
class II MHC variants in people with SLE, as well as deficient or high doses of glucocorticoids is employed.
abnormal complement proteins. Still, there are almost certainly

II. The cells of the immune system are leukocytes

(neutrophils, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes, and
lymphocytes), plasma cells, macrophages, macrophage-
Cells Mediating Immune Defenses like cells, and mast cells. The leukocytes use the blood
I. Immune defenses may be nonspecific, so that the for transportation but function mainly in the tissues.
identity of the target is not recognized, or they may be III. Cells of the immune system (as well as some other
specific, so that it is recognized. cells) secrete protein messengers that regulate immune
responses and are collectively termed cytokines.
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Nonspecific Immune Defenses there. These cells then travel to the secondary
I. External barriers to infection are the skin, the linings of lymphoid organs and new T cells arise from them
the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and genitourinary by cell division.
tracts, the cilia of these linings, and antimicrobial c. NK cells originate in the bone marrow.
chemicals in glandular secretions. V. B cells and T cells have different functions.
II. Inflammation, the local response to injury or infection, a. B cells, upon activation, differentiate into plasma
includes vasodilation, increased vascular permeability cells, which secrete antibodies. Antibody-mediated
to protein, phagocyte chemotaxis, destruction of the responses constitute the major defense against
invader via phagocytosis or extracellular killing, and bacteria, viruses, and toxins in the extracellular fluid.
tissue repair. b. Cytotoxic T cells directly attack and kill virus-
a. The mediators controlling these processes, infected cells and cancer cells, without the
summarized in Table 184, are either released from participation of antibodies.
cells in the area or generated extracellularly from c. Helper T cells stimulate B cells and cytotoxic T cells
plasma proteins. via the cytokines they secrete. With few exceptions,
b. The main cells that function as phagocytes are the this help is essential for activation of the B cells and
neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, and cytotoxic T cells.
macrophage-like cells. These cells also secrete many VI. B-cell plasma-membrane receptors are copies of the
inflammatory mediators. specific antibody (immunoglobulin) that the cell is
c. One group of inflammatory mediatorsthe capable of producing.
complement family of plasma proteins activated a. Any given B cell or clone of B cells produces
during nonspecific inflammation by the alternate antibodies that have a unique antigen binding site.
complement pathwaynot only stimulates many of b. Antibodies are composed of four interlocking
the steps of inflammation but mediates extracellular polypeptide chains; the variable regions of the
killing via the membrane attack complex. antibodies are the sites that bind antigen.
d. The end result of infection or tissue damage is tissue VII. T-cell surface plasma-membrane receptors are not
repair. immunoglobulins, but they do have specific antigen
III. Interferon stimulates the production of intracellular binding sites that differ from one T cell clone to
proteins that nonspecifically inhibit viral replication. another.
a. The T-cell receptor binds antigen only when the
antigen is complexed to one of the bodys own
Specific Immune Defenses plasma membrane MHC proteins.
I. Lymphocytes mediate specific immune responses. b. Class I MHC proteins are found on all nucleated
II. Specific immune responses occur in three stages. cells of the body, whereas class II MHC proteins are
a. A lymphocyte programmed to recognize a specific found only on macrophages, B cells, and
antigen encounters it and binds to it via plasma macrophage-like cells. Cytotoxic T cells require
membrane receptors specific for the antigen. antigen to be complexed to class I proteins, whereas
b. The lymphocyte undergoes activationa cycle of helper T cells require class II proteins.
cell divisions and differentiation. VIII. Antigen presentation is required for T cell activation.
c. The multiple active lymphocytes produced in this a. Only macrophages, B cells, and macrophage-like
manner launch an attack all over the body against the cells function as antigen-presenting cells (APCs) for
specific antigens that stimulated their production. helper T cells. The antigen is internalized by the
III. The lymphoid organs are categorized as primary (bone APC and hydrolyzed to peptide fragments, which
marrow and thymus) or secondary (lymph nodes, are complexed with class II MHC proteins. This
spleen, tonsils, and lymphocyte collections in the complex is then shuttled to the plasma membrane
linings of the bodys tracts). of the APC, which also delivers a nonspecific
a. The primary lymphoid organs are the sites of costimulus to the T cell and secretes interleukin 1
maturation of lymphocytes that will then be carried (IL-1) and tumor necrosis factor (TNF).
to the secondary lymphoid organs, which are the b. A virus-infected cell or cancer cell can function as
major sites of lymphocyte cell division and specific an APC for cytotoxic T cells. The viral antigen or
immune responses. cancer-associated antigen is synthesized by the cell
b. Lymphocytes undergo a continuous recirculation itself and hydrolyzed to peptide fragments, which
among the secondary lymphoid organs, lymph, are complexed to class I MHC proteins. The
blood, and all the bodys organs and tissues. complex is then shuttled to the plasma membrane
IV. The three broad populations of lymphocytes are B, T, of the cell.
and NK cells. IX. NK cells have the same targets as cytotoxic T cells, but
a. B cells mature in the bone marrow and are carried they are not antigen-specific; most of their
to the secondary lymphoid organs, where additional mechanisms of target identification are not
B cells arise by cell division. understood.
b. T cells leave the bone marrow in an immature state, X. Immune tolerance is the result of clonal deletion and
are carried to the thymus, and undergo maturation clonal inactivation.
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738 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Defense Mechanisms of the Body

XI. In antibody-mediated responses, the membrane Harmful Immune Responses

receptors of a B cell bind antigen, and at the same time I. Rejection of tissue transplants is initiated by MHC
a helper T cell also binds antigen in association with a proteins on the transplanted cells and is mediated
class II MHC protein on a macrophage or other APC. mainly by cytotoxic T cells.
a. The helper T cell, activated by the antigen, by a II. Transfusion reactions are mediated by antibodies.
nonantigenic protein costimulus, and by IL-1 and a. Transfused erythrocytes will be destroyed if the
TNF secreted by the APC, secretes IL-2, which then recipient has natural antibodies against the antigens
causes the helper T cell to proliferate into a clone of (type A or type B) on the cells.
cells that secrete additional cytokines. b. Antibodies against Rh-positive erythrocytes can be
b. These cytokines then stimulate the antigen-bound B produced following the exposure of an Rh-negative
cell to proliferate and differentiate into plasma cells, person to such cells.
which secrete antibodies. Some of the activated B III. Allergies (hypersensitivity reactions) caused by
cells become memory cells, which are responsible allergens are of several types.
for active immunity. a. In delayed hypersensitivity, the inflammation is due
c. There are five major classes of secreted antibodies: to the interplay of helper T cell cytokines and
IgG, IgM, IgA, IgD, and IgE. The first two are the macrophages. Immune-complex hypersensitivity is
major antibodies against bacterial and viral infection. due to complement activation by antigen-antibody
d. The secreted antibodies are carried throughout the complexes.
body by the blood and combine with antigen. The b. In immediate hypersensitivity, antigen binds to IgE
antigen-antibody complex enhances the antibodies, which are themselves bound to mast
inflammatory response, in large part by activating cells. The mast cells then release inflammatory
the complement system. Complement proteins mediators such as histamine that produce the
mediate many steps of inflammation, act as symptoms of allergy. The late phase of immediate
opsonins, and directly kill antibody-bound cells via hypersensitivity is mediated by eosinophils.
the membrane attack complex. IV. Autoimmune attacks are directed against the bodys
e. Antibodies of the IgG class also act directly as own proteins, acting as antigens. Reasons for the failure
opsonins and link target cells to NK cells, which of immune tolerance are summarized in Table 1811.
directly kill the target cells. V. Normal tissues can be damaged by excessive
f. Antibodies also neutralize toxins and extracellular inflammatory responses to microbes.
XII. Virus-infected cells and cancer cells are killed by Additional Clinical Examples
cytotoxic T cells, NK cells, and activated macrophages. I. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune
a. A cytotoxic T cell binds, via its membrane receptor, disease in which several antigens on different types of
to cells bearing a viral antigen or cancer-associated cells are mistakenly recognized as nonself.
antigen in association with a class I MHC protein. II. The major clinical problems in SLE are nephritis,
b. Activation of the cytotoxic T cell also requires anemia, and thrombocytopenia.
cytokines secreted by helper T cells, themselves
activated by antigen presented by a macrophage.
The cytotoxic T cell then releases perforin, which
kills the attached target cell by making it leaky.
activated macrophage 725 chemoattractant 706
c. NK cells and macrophages are also stimulated by
active immunity 723 chemokine 706
helper T cell cytokines, particularly IL-2 and
acute phase protein 727 chemotaxin 706
interferon-gamma, to attack and kill virus-infected
acute phase response 725 chemotaxis 706
or cancer cells.
adenoid 712 classical complement
Systemic Manifestations of Infection adhesion molecule 706 pathway 722
I. The acute phase response is summarized in Figure 1820. alternate complement clonal deletion 718
II. The major mediators of this response are IL-1, TNF, pathway 709 clonal expansion 710
and IL-6. antibody 712 clonal inactivation 718
antibody-dependent cellular clone 710
Factors that Alter the Bodys Resistance to Infection cytotoxicity (ADCC) complement 708
I. The bodys capacity to resist infection is influenced by 722 costimulus 717
nutritional status, the presence of other diseases, antibody-mediated C3b 709
psychological factors, and the intactness of the immune responses 712 C-reactive protein 709
system. antigen 709 cytokine 704
II. AIDS is caused by a retrovirus that destroys helper T antigen binding site 715 cytotoxic T cell 712
cells and therefore reduces the ability to resist infection antigen presentation 716 diapedesis 706
and cancer. antigen-presenting cell epitope 716
III. Antibiotics interfere with the synthesis of (APC) 716 Fc 715
macromolecules by bacteria. B lymphocyte (B cell) 712 gamma globulin 721
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helper T cell 712 memory cells 710 myasthenia gravis 733 thrombocytopenia 736
histamine 732 MHC proteins (class I and nephritis 736 transfusion reaction 730
hydrogen peroxide 707 class II) 716 oncogene 718 Type 1 diabetes mellitus
IgA 721 natural killer (NK) cell 712 rheumatoid arthritis 734 733
IgD 721 nitric oxide 707 septic shock 733 vaccine 723
IgE 721 nonspecific immune defense systemic lupus virus 702
IgG 721 701 erythematosus 736
IgM 721 opsonin 707
immune surveillance 701 passive immunity 723
immune system 702 perforin 725 SECTION A REVIEW QUESTIONS
immune tolerance 718 phagocyte 702
1. What are the major cells of the immune system and
immunoglobulin 715 phagocytosis 702
their general functions?
immunology 701 phagolysosome 707
2. Describe the major anatomical and biochemical
inflammation 705 phagosome 707
barriers to infection.
interferon 709 plasma cell 702
3. Name the three cell types that function as phagocytes.
interferon-gamma 725 primary lymphoid organ
4. List the sequence of events in an inflammatory
interleukin 1 (IL-1) 717 711
response and describe each step.
interleukin 2 (IL-2) 719 Rh factor 731
5. Name the sources of the major inflammatory
interleukin 6 (IL-6) 727 secondary lymphoid organ
leukocyte 702 711
6. What triggers the alternate pathway for complement
lymph node 711 specific immune defense
activation? What roles does complement play in
lymphocyte activation 710 701
inflammation and cell killing?
lymphoid organ 711 spleen 711
7. Describe the antiviral role of interferon.
macrophage 702 T lymphocyte (T cell) 712
8. Name the lymphoid organs. Contrast the functions of
macrophage-like cell 702 thymopoietin 711
the bone marrow and thymus with those of the
major histocompatibility thymus 711
secondary lymphoid organs.
complex (MHC) 716 tonsil 712
9. Name the various populations and subpopulations of
margination 706 tumor necrosis factor (TNF)
lymphocytes and discuss their roles in specific immune
mast cell 702 717
membrane attack complex
10. Contrast the major targets of antibody-mediated
(MAC) 708
responses and responses mediated by cytotoxic T cells
and NK cells.
SECTION A CLINICAL TERMS 11. How do the Fc and combining-site portions of
antibodies differ?
(Because of the subject matter of this chapter, it is difficult to 12. What are the differences between B-cell receptors and
distinguish between physiological key terms and clinical T-cell receptors? Between cytotoxic T-cell receptors and
terms. This list is limited largely to disease-producing agents helper T-cell receptors?
and disease processes.) 13. Compare and contrast antigen presentation to helper T
cells and cytotoxic T cells.
acquired immune deficiency erythromycin 729 14. Compare and contrast cytotoxic T cells and NK cells.
syndrome (AIDS) 728 graft rejection 729 15. What two processes contribute to immune tolerance?
allergen 731 hemolytic anemia 736 16. Diagram the sequence of events in an antibody-
allergy (hypersensitivity) hemolytic disease of the mediated response, including the role of helper T cells,
731 newborn 731 interleukin 1, and interleukin 2.
Alzheimers disease 734 human immunodeficiency 17. Contrast the general functions of the different antibody
anaphylaxis 733 virus (HIV) 728 classes.
antibiotics 729 hydralazine 736 18. How is complement activation triggered in the classical
asthma 734 IgE-mediated complement pathway, and how does complement
autoimmune disease 733 hypersensitivity 732 know what cells to attack?
bacteria 702 immediate hypersensitivity 19. Name two ways in which the presence of antibodies
butterfly rash 736 732 enhances phagocytosis.
chronic inflammatory immune-complex 20. How do NK cells know what cells to attack in ADCC?
diseases 734 hypersensitivity 732 21. Diagram the sequence of events by which a virus-
combined inflammatory bowel disease infected cell is attacked and destroyed by cytotoxic T
immunodeficiency 728 734 cells. Include the roles of cytotoxic T cells, helper T
cross-matching 731 Kaposis sarcoma 729 cells, interleukin 1, and interleukin 2.
cyclosporin 729 late-phase reaction 733 22. Contrast the extracellular and intracellular phases of
delayed hypersensitivity microbe 701 immune responses to viruses, discussing the role of
731 multiple sclerosis 733 interferon.
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740 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Defense Mechanisms of the Body

23. List the systemic responses to infection or injury and 25. What is the major defect in AIDS, and what causes it?
the mediators responsible for them. 26. What is the major cell type involved in graft rejection?
24. What factors influence the bodys resistance to 27. Diagram the sequences of events in immediate
infection? hypersensitivity.


To x i c o l o g y : T h e Me t a b o l i s m
of Environmental Chemicals
The body is exposed to a huge number of nonnutrient Exposure to chemical
chemicals in the environment, many of which can be
toxic. We will refer to all these chemicals simply as for-
eign chemicals. Some are products of the natural Skin, GI tract, lungs
world (lead, for example), but most are made by
humans. There are now more than 10,000 chemicals
being commercially synthesized, and over one million Body
have been synthesized at one time or another. Virtually
all foreign chemicals find their way into the body Free chemical Bound chemical
because they are in the air we breathe, the water we and its
drink, and the food we eat. Sometimes they are pur- metabolites
posely taken, as with drugs.
As described in Section A of this chapter, foreign Sites of action
materials can induce inflammation and specific
immune responses. These defenses do not, however,
constitute the major defense mechanisms against most Tissue storage depots
foreign chemicals. Rather, metabolismmolecular
alteration, or biotransformation, and excretiondoes.
The bodys metabolism of foreign chemicals is Biotransformation sites
summarized in Figure 1822. First, the chemical gains Metabolites
entry to the body through the gastrointestinal tract, Excretory sites
lungs, skin, or placenta in the case of a fetus. Once in Kidneys
the blood, the chemical may become bound reversibly GI tract
to plasma proteins or to erythrocytes. Such binding Lungs
lowers the free concentration and thereby the ability
to alter cell function. Chemicals may also accumulate
in storage depotsfor example, in fat tissue. They
may undergo enzyme-mediated biotransformation in Chemical and
various organs and tissues. The metabolites resulting its metabolites
from biotransformation may enter the blood and fol-
low the same pathways as the parent molecules. Figure 1822
Finally, the chemical and its metabolites may be elim- Metabolic pathways for foreign chemicals.
inated from the body in urine, expired air, skin secre-
tions, or feces.
The blood concentration of a foreign chemical is
determined by the balance between all these metabolic
pathways. For example, kidney function and biotrans- In practice, most foreign molecules move through the
formation both tend to decrease with age, which lining of some portion of the gastrointestinal tract
explains why a particular dose of a drug often produces fairly readily, either by diffusion or by carrier-mediated
higher blood concentrations in elderly people than in transport. This should not be surprising since the gas-
young people. trointestinal tract evolved to favor absorption of the
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wide variety of nutrient molecules in the environment. through the tubular epithelium and back into the
Foreign chemicals are the beneficiaries of these rela- blood. The net result is that little is excreted in the
tively nondiscriminating transport mechanisms. urine, and the chemical is retained in the body. If these
The lung alveoli are highly permeable to most for- chemicals could be transformed into more polar and
eign chemicals and therefore offer an easy entrance therefore less lipid-soluble molecules, their passive
route for those that are airborne. Lipid solubility is reabsorption from the tubule would be retarded and
important for entry through the skin, so this route is of they would be excreted more readily. This type of
little importance for charged molecules but can be used transformation is precisely what occurs in the liver, as
by oils, steroids, and other lipids. described in the next section.
The penetration of the placental membranes by An analogous problem exists for foreign molecules
foreign chemicals is important since the effects of envi- secreted in the bile. Many of these substances, having
ronmental agents on the fetus during critical periods of reached the lumen of the small intestine, are absorbed
development may be quite serious and, in many cases, back into the blood, thereby escaping excretion in the
irreversible. Lipid-soluble substances diffuse across the feces. This cyclic enterohepatic circulation is described
placenta. In addition, carrier-mediated systems, which in Chapter 15.
evolved for the movement of endogenous nutrients,
may be usurped by foreign chemicals to gain entry into
the fetus. Biotransformation
The metabolic alterationbiotransformationof for-
Storage Sites eign molecules occurs mainly in the liver, but to some
extent also in the kidneys, skin, placenta, and other
The major storage sites for foreign chemicals are cell organs. A large number of distinct enzymes and path-
proteins, bone matrix, and fat. A chemical bound to cell ways are involved, but the common denominator of
proteins or bone or dissolved in the fat is in equilib- most of them is that they transform chemicals into
rium with the free chemical in the blood. Thus, an more polar, less lipid-soluble substances. Typically, this
increase in blood concentration causes more move- is achieved by the addition of hydroxyl groups to the
ment into storage, up to the point of saturation. Con- molecule. One consequence of this transformation is
versely, as the chemical is eliminated from the body and that the chemical may be rendered less toxic, but this is
its blood concentration falls, movement occurs out of not always so. The second, more important, conse-
storage sites. quence is that the renal tubular reabsorption of the
These storage sites are a source of protection, but it transformed chemical is diminished and urinary excre-
sometimes happens that the storage sites accumulate so tion facilitated, as described in the previous section.
much chemical that they become damaged. An example Similarly, for substances handled by biliary secretion,
of this is lead toxicity to the kidney cells that bind lead. gut absorption of the metabolite is less likely so that
fecal excretion is also enhanced.
Excretion The hepatic enzymes that perform these transfor-
mations are called the microsomal enzyme system
As described in Chapter 14, a chemical must either be (MES) and are located mainly in the smooth endoplas-
filtered through the renal corpuscle or secreted across mic reticulum. One of the most important features of
the tubular epithelium in order to appear in the urine. this enzyme system is that it is easily inducible. That is,
Glomerular filtration is a bulk flow process, so that all the number of these enzymes can be greatly increased
low-molecular-weight substances in plasma undergo by exposure to a chemical that acts as a substrate for the
filtration. Accordingly, there is considerable filtration system. For example, chronic overuse of alcohol results
of most foreign chemicals, except those bound to in an increased rate of alcohol catabolism because of
plasma proteins or erythrocytes. In contrast, tubular the induction of microsomal enzymes. This accounts
secretion occurs by discrete transport processes, and for much of the tolerance to alcohol and explains why
many foreign chemicalspenicillin, for exampleuti- increasing amounts must be ingested to achieve a given
lize the mediated transport systems available for natu- magnitude of effect.
rally occurring substances. The hepatic biotransformation mechanisms vividly
Once in the tubular lumen, the foreign chemical demonstrate how an adaptive response may, under
will still not be excreted if it is reabsorbed across the some circumstances, turn out to be maladaptive. These
tubular epithelium into the blood. As the filtered fluid enzymes all too often toxify rather than detoxify a
moves along the renal tubules, molecules that are lipid- drug or pollutant. In fact, many foreign chemicals are
soluble passively diffuse along with reabsorbed water quite nontoxic until the liver enzymes biotransform
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742 CHAPTER EIGHTEEN Defense Mechanisms of the Body

them. Of particular importance is the fact that many SECTION B REVIEW QUESTIONS
chemicals that cause cancer do so only after biotrans-
formation. For example, a major component of ciga- 1. Why is the urinary excretion of lipid-soluble
rette smoke is transformed by the MES into a substances generally very low?
carcinogenic compound. Individuals with a very highly 2. What are two functions of biotransformation
inducible MES have a twenty- to fortyfold higher risk of mechanisms?
developing lung cancer from smoking. 3. What are two ways in which the activation of
The MES evolved primarily not to defend against biotransformation mechanisms may actually cause
foreign chemicals, which were much less prevalent dur-
ing our evolution, but rather to metabolize endogenous
substances, particularly steroids and other lipid-soluble CHAPTER 18 TEST QUESTIONS
molecules. Therefore, the induction of these enzymes
(Answers appear in Appendix A.)
by a drug or pollutant increases metabolism not only of
that drug or pollutant but of the endogenous sub- 1. Which of the following is an opsonin?
stances as well. The result is a decreased concentration a. IL-2
in the body of the normal substance, resulting in its b. C1 protein
possible deficiency. c. C3b protein
Another important fact about the MES is that d. C-reactive protein
whereas certain chemicals induce it, others inhibit it.
e. membrane attack complex
The presence of such chemicals in the environment
could have deleterious effects on the systems capacity 2. Which are important in nonspecific immune defenses?
to protect against those chemicals that it transforms. a. interferons
Just to illustrate how complex this picture can be, note b. clonal inactivation
that any chemical that inhibits the microsomal enzyme c. lymphocyte activation
system may actually confer protection against those d. secretion of antibodies from plasma cells
other chemicals that must undergo transformation in
e. class 1 MHC proteins
order to become toxic.
3. A second exposure to a given foreign antigen elicits a
rapid and pronounced immune response because
a. passive immunity occurs after the first exposure.
b. some B cells differentiate into memory B cells after
SECTION B SUMMARY the first exposure.
c. there are a greater number of antigen-presenting
I. The concentration of a foreign chemical in the body cells available due to the earlier exposure.
depends upon the degree of exposure to the chemical, d. the array of class II MHC proteins expressed by
its rate of absorption across the GI tract, lung, skin, or antigen-presenting cells is permanently altered by
placenta, and its rates of storage, biotransformation, the first exposure.
and excretion.
II. Biotransformation occurs in the liver and other tissues e. Both a and b are correct.
and is mediated by multiple enzymes, notably the 4. Which statement is incorrect?
microsomal enzyme system (MES). The major a. The most abundant immunoglobulins are IgG and
function of the MES is to make lipid-soluble IgM antibodies.
substances more polar (less lipid-soluble), thereby
b. IgG antibodies are involved in specific immune
decreasing renal tubular reabsorption and increasing
responses against bacteria and viruses in the
extracellular fluid.
a. The MES can be induced or inhibited by the
chemicals it processes and by other chemicals. c. IgM antibodies are primarily involved in immune
b. It detoxifies some chemicals but toxifies others, defense mechanisms found in the surface or lining
notably carcinogens. of the gastrointestinal, respiratory, and
genitourinary tracts.
d. All antibodies of a given class have an Fc portion
that is identical in amino acid sequence.
biotransformation 740 e. Antibodies can exist at the surface of a B cell, or be
microsomal enzyme system (MES) 741 circulating freely in the blood.
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5. Antibiotics are useful for treating illnesses caused by
viruses. (Answers appear in Appendix A.)
6. Chronic inflammatory diseases may occur even in the 1. If an individual failed to develop a thymus because of a
absence of any infection. genetic defect, what would happen to the immune
7. Biotransformation of foreign molecules occurs in the responses mediated by antibodies and those mediated
liver as a result of enzymatic addition of hydroxyl by cytotoxic T cells?
groups to the molecule. 2. What abnormalities would a person with a neutrophil
deficiency display? A person with a monocyte
8. All T cells are derived from lymphocytes, but not all
lymphocytes are T cells.
3. An experimental animal is given a drug that blocks
9. Edema, which occurs during inflammation, has phagocytosis. Will this drug prevent the animals
important adaptive value in helping defend against immune system from killing foreign cells via the
infection or injury. complement system?
10. Bone marrow and the thymus gland are examples of 4. If the Fc portion of a patients antibodies is abnormal,
secondary lymphoid organs. what effects could this have on antibody-mediated
5. Would you predict that patients with AIDS would
develop fever in response to an infection? Explain.
6. Barbiturates and alcohol are normally metabolized by
the MES. Can you deduce why the actions of an
administered barbiturate last for a shorter time than
normal in persons who chronically consume large
quantities of alcohol?

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