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Puppet Show

Written by

Ben and Pamela Schminke

SCENE 1: Royal Banquet

NARRATOR: These events took place in the time of Achashverosh, the King who ruled over
127 provinces from India to Ethiopia. It was in those days, when King Achashverosh (who due
to the difficulty of pronouncing his name will from here on simply be called The King) sat on
his royal throne in Shushan the capital, in the third year of his reign, that he gave a banquet for
all his officials and courtiers. The army of Persia and Media, the nobles and the provincial
officials were in attendance. He displayed the dazzling wealth of his kingdom and his great
splendor for a long time--180 days. On the seventh day, after a bit too much wine

KING: Where is my wife?! Where is Vashti?! She is so beautiful. I want to display

her beauty to my officers. She is my greatest treasure! Where is she?

GUARD: She refuses to come to your party, your majesty. She has been asked
several times.

KING: If I let her get away with this, my reputation will be ruined.

GUARD: I agree sire. Its not just your reputation at stake, but indeed your
kingdom itself. If one woman can disobey the King, and shows no fear in doing so,
will that not encourage lawlessness throughout the land?

KING: I fear you are right, my trusted servant. Have Queen Vashti arrested. As of
now, I have no Queen. Have a decree sent to all my kingdom: I will have a contest
to find a new Queen. This time, we will find a good role-model. Someone who
knows her place, and will look upon me with fear and trembling.

NARRATOR: And so it was. Vashti was seen no more. The kingdom was buzzing with
amazement regarding the Kings power and authority, and in excitement about the beauty
contest to choose a new Queen.
SCENE 2: Outside the kings gates.


NARRATOR: Mordicai was a good and faithful Jew, who had adopted his orphaned niece
Haddassah (such a nice Jewish name), but she became known as Estherher Persian name.
Esther is the heroine of our story, whenever she comes onto the stage, it is the custom to clap,
whistle, and shout for joy. Together, Esther and Mordicai lived in a small house in Shushan,
the capital city of the Kings empire. They had heard about the kings decree, and about the
beauty contest. Esther was very nervous about the idea.

MORDICAI: Esther, you must go! All of the girls your age are under orders to show up for
this contest.

ESTHER: Uncle Mordicai, I am afraid of what may happen if I lose--but even more afraid if I
win! What do I know about being a Queen?

MORDICAI: My lovely Esther Our God will protect you, no matter what the future holds. I
will wait outside the palace each and every day until the contest is complete, to keep an eye
on you. No harm will come to you, I promise. Just to be safe do not let anyone know you
are Jewish. In fact, only use your Persian name Esther, from now on. You know that our
people are not always treated well around here. Who knows what would happen if the King of
Persia actually chose a Jewish Queen?! Unimaginable!

ESTHER: As you wish uncle. Your wisdom and love has never failed me before. I will enter
into the Kings gates. And I will keep our secret. If am chosen as Queen, will I ever see you

MORDICAI: If it is His will, Esther, if it is His will

(Esther exits, Mordicai is slightly off stage)

NARRATOR: As it turns out, Esther was chosen as Queen, due to her loyalty, integrity, and
stunning good looks. Still, Mordicai kept a close eye on Esther, and spent many nights outside
the castle keeping an eye on things.
Two Guards enter (same scene)

GUARD ONE: I tell you what. I am sick and tired of this KING of ours. He is going to get
whats coming to him. Once hes out of the way, our buddy Haman can step in and show this
kingdom what a real King looks like.

GUARD TWO: You said it! HeyHave I ever told you that you remind me of somebody? Oh
never mind.

GUARD ONE: We need to come up with a plan to kill the King! Do you hear me? Put a snake
in his bathtub, or push him in front of a chariot, or something.

GUARD TWO: Keep your voice down would you? If anybody hears about our plot, we would
be hanged! Im telling you, you look very familiar!

GUARD ONE: It must be the armor, it was on sale at Castle Wall Mart.

(Both Guards walk off)

MORDICAI: (has been hiding) I must get word to Esther right way. The King is in great

NARRATOR: Mordicai sent word to Queen Esther about this terrible plot. There was an
investigation, the Guards were arrested, tried, and executed. However, the Kings troubles
were actually just beginning. He also promoted a man named Haman, to help him rule his
kingdom and to head Homeland Security. Haman was an Amalakite, a sworn enemy of YHVH
and the Jewish people. He is hard-hearted and cruel, and would do or say anything to
increase his power. Feel free to boo loudly whenever this evil man appears on stage.
Same Scene

(Enter Haman)

HAMAN: I am Haman---The Kings faithful servant and second in command of his entire
empire. Who are you, and why are you not bowing to me?

MORDICAI: I am Mordicai, also a faithful subject to the king. However, my people bow only
to YHVH, the one true God, and not to any man.

HAMAN: Oh no! Not a Jew! I hate you people! With your weird little tassels, your scruffy
beards, bizzare food, and that whole Torah thingy. Why cant you just act like normal people?
Bow to me, Mordicai!

MORDICAI: Never! (Walks off)

HAMAN: (to the audience) Pardon these figures of speech from our puppet culture but I
pledge to have a HAND in ridding this Empire of these people. On the other HAND, I can work
HAND in HAND with the King into doing it for me. Starting with Mordicai sure would be
HANDY. He He He He Ho Ho Ho Ho He He He Cough

(Haman Exits)

NARRATOR: Haman continued his quest to control the Kingdom behind the scenes. To
control the Kings information, a law was made that no one was allowed to approach the king
unless specifically summoned by him. There were no exceptions, not even for his new Queen.
Haman also continued his personal grudge against the Jews, and began a plot for his Final

SCENE 3: The Throne Room (with Haman and the King present)

HAMAN: You summoned me your majesty?

KING: Give me your latest report.

HAMAN: It pains me to say this sire, but I am afraid there are people living amongst your loyal
subjects that have a law of their own-- a law they hold to be higher than even the laws of your
kingdom, my Most High King.

KING: Who are these people? How can this be? Traitors! Under my very nose!

HAMAN: They call themselves Jews, sire. I took the liberty of writing a decree, I even cast lots
to set a date for their destruction (its this thing that I do). Simply sign here, and on the 14th
day of the Month of Adar, we will have them all executedMan, woman, and child. Your
kingdom will rid of these traitors, once and for all.

KING: Good man, Haman, Good man. I dont know anything about these Jews, as you call
them, but from the horrible things you keep telling methe world would be better off without
them. Let me sign that decree there. I am putting you in charge of that project, spend all
the money you need to on it, be creative. Have fun.

HAMAN: I will my King, I will. He Ho Ha Ha Hae Hae Ha Ha Cough cough cough.

KING: You should do something about that coughI can have my beloved Queen Esther make
you some Matza Ball Soup its her specialty

NARRATOR: So the decree was posted in every province throughout all of Persia. On the 14th
day of Adar, a date chosen by lot, citizens were encouraged to rise up against their Jewish
neighbors, to kill them and steal their property. For this one day, there would be no penalty
for murder or for theft, if the crimes were committed against a Jew.


SCENE 4: Outside the gates / Inside Esthers room: PIN FEATHERS and PAPER / ESTHER IN PURPLE DRESS
NARRATOR: After hearing about the Kings terrifying new proclamation, Mordicai lept into action. He
needed to convince Queen Esther to somehow put a stop to Hamans plan. He summoned his faithful servant
to deliver the important request to The Queen.

MORDICAI: (Writing a letter aloud). Dear Esther, a decree has been posted throughout the land declaring a
day of doom for our people. I am wearing sackcloth and am covered in ashes, as is our custom during a time
of mourning. Help us, Esther, you are our only hope. I am sending a servant to you with this note, in case this
news has not reached you inside the palace. Please send a response quickly. (SERVANT walks to ESTHER)

ESTHER (Writing a letter aloud): Its terrible, Uncle, terrible. What can I possibly do to help? I am not allowed
to simply approach the King, and he has not summoned me to his presence in over a month! What do you
suggest, Uncle? (SERVANT walks to MORDICAI)

MORDICAI: (Writing a letter aloud) Esther. Dont you see? Remember how God placed Joseph into the
Pharoahs government! Remember how God put Moses into the Kings very house! YHVH, our God, has put
you in the position as Queen for such a time as this! You must speak to the King, and convince him to change
this evil law. (SERVANT walks to ESTHER)

ESTHER: Once the King signs a law, it cannot be repealed! If I risk my own life to approach him, what good
will it do? We will all be dead! (SERVANT walks to MORDICAI)

MORDICAI: You too will be killed if Hamans plan comes to pass. YHVH has made promises to our people,
even as we are in exile! If you dont fulfill your part of his plan, he will find someone else. You must try
Esther, you must try! I will spread the word amongst our people, asking them to fast and pray for you, Esther.
With YHVH behind you, who can be against you? Be brave, my little one be brave my Queen. P.S. No
pressure. (SERVANT walks to ESTHER)

ESTHER: I will do as you ask, Uncle. (SERVANT walks to MORDICAI)

MORDICAI: Thank you. (SERVANT walks to ESTHER)

ESTHER: Youre welcome (SERVANT walks to MORDICAI)

MORDICAI: Have a nice day.

SERVANT: UM Can I borrow a stamp? SERVANT FAINTS.


SCENE 5: Throne Room (Esther outside, King on his throne)

ESTHER (alone): I am so nervous. How can I change the Kings mind when I cant even
approach him uninvited! I will simply stand out here in the outer court and look conspicuous.

(Humming) (Whistling) (Singing) Becoming noisier and noisier.

KING: My Queen, is that you? Esther? I have not seen you in so long, I have missed you so!
What can I do for you?just ask and half of my kingdom is yours. Well maybe a third.

ESTHER: Thank you for inviting me to speak, my beloved! I do have something on my mind.

KING: Please, my queen, you can tell me anything. You know that.

ESTHER: I want everything to be just right before I tell you. Could you and Haman, please
join me for a special banquet before I ask my request?

KING: I would love to. When do you have in mind? Ill check my royal calendar.

ESTHER: I was thinkingright now.


End Scene 5



HAMAN (enters): Yes, sire.

KING: Sit down. My lovely Queen has invited us to dinner. She prepared this all herself!

HAMAN: Oh goodie. Munch Munch Esther, would you pass the ham?

ESTHER: Sorry Haman, I didnt make any.

HAMAN: Weird, How about some Lobster?

ESTHER: No. No Lobster either.

HAMAN: Pepperoni?

KING: (Interrupting Haman) Now, what was it you wanted to ask me, my Queen?

ESTHER: Um Well... Uh This banquet went so well, would you and Haman come to another
one, at my place, tomorrow night?

KING: Anything for you dear.



(HAMAN and MORDICAI Enter from opposite sides)

HAMAN: (Humming and Happy) That was such a tasty meal. I dont think I could eat another
bite of that tasty gafilta fish. (Haman sees Mordicai): You!

HAMAN: Bow to me!

MORDICAI: Havent we already been through this?

HAMAN: If you wont bow down to me, can you at least give me a round of applause you
know give me a HAND?

MORDICAI: Ug, please no more HAND jokes, please. I am not bowing. (Mordicai Leaves)

(Zeresh Enters) ZERESH: Who was that?

HAMAN: Nobody Zeresh, my sweet wife.

ZERESH: Haymee?

HAMAN: Just a nasty, horrible Jew, named Mordicai, lovey-dovey. He wont bow to me, and
he doesnt laugh at my witty Hand jokes. I hate him. I hate him!

ZERESH: Youre really not that funny, anyway. Did you talk with the King about my little plan?

HAMAN: Yes, sweetie kins. Everything is all set. I hate that Mordicai so much. I cant wait
until the 14th of Adar!

ZERESH: Why dont you have a special gallows built just for Mordicai? Make it 20 feet high,
no50! No 75 feet! That little project will take your mind of off him till that great day!

HAMAN: I love the way you think Honey Bunnie. Youre soooo romantic! Now, back to the
matter at HAND.

ZERESH: I told youyoure not funny.



KING: (Tossing and turning cant sleep.) I cant get to sleep. I keep dreaming someone is controlling
me and putting words in my mouth. I feel like a puppet! Maybe I need to read a book. Servant, bring
me my royal records, those always put me to sleep.

SERVANT: Yes Sir. Here they are.

KING: (Reading). Cat stuck in a tree those were the days. King orders higher taxesI have such a
great job. Hmmmm? Whats this? Servant, do you remember this incident about the plot to take
my life? Who was it that found out about that plot, and saved my life?

SERVANT: That would be Mordicai, your majesty.

KING: What did we do to honor him for his loyalty? Its not listed in the royal records.

SERVANT: Nothing sire. We were all a bit distracted with choosing a new Queen and all that, sire.

KING: Maybe thats why I cant sleep. Go get Haman for me! I want to plan something special.
Oh and Servant do these Pajamas make me look fat? (SERVANT EXITS)

HAMAN (Enters): You called for me your majesty? I see you are wearing the Royal Jammies I got you
for your birthday.

KING: Yes, Yes. Now, Haman, something has been bothering me

HAMAN: Yes sire.

KING: If I wanted to honor a very loyal subject, someone very special to me I mean really honor
them. Pull out all the stops, no holds barred, the whole enchilada. What would you suggest?

NARRATOR: Now Haman, being very full of pride, assumed the king MUST be talking about him

HAMAN: Well, sire. The greatest honor would be this: Have the man you intend to honor ride upon
your finest steed, dressed in your own royal robes. Have him lead through town by your most trusted
servant, who must yell at the top of his lungs this man is very special to the King, and is deserving of
all of this honor!. In fact, your majesty, I would have this man led back and forth through all the
town, until everyone everywhere was able to see and hear how special this man is to you!

KING: I love it. You are truly a great man, Haman. Here is why I ask Last month, someone helped
stop an attempt on my life. It just occurred to me, that that man was never given a proper reward.
Haman, go find a man named Mordicai and do to him just as you suggested. Get my horse, my robes,
the whole shebangin fact you can have the honor of being the one to lead him around town!
Again, great idea Haman. What would I do without you?


SCENE 9: Outside the Palace

NARRATOR: As it happened, Haman was indeed forced to lead Mordicai through the streets,
just as he himself had suggested.
HAMAN: This man is very special to the King, and deserves all of this honor.

MORDICAI: Haman Say it like you mean it.

HAMAN: This man is very special to the King, and deserves all of this honor.

MORDICAI: I cant heeear youlaughing.

HAMAN: Laugh while you can, Jew boy.

ZERESH: Haman! What are you doing! This is very embarrassing for me. Stop this nonsense
this instant Arent you supposed to be dining with the King and Queen tonight?

HAMAN: Its the Kings orders, lamb chop. I have to do this all day long! Sob. Sob.

MORDICAI: I was growing tired of hearing your voice anyway. You are dismissed. Besides, if
you are having dinner with the Queen Esther, I sense Gods HAND in it. Ha Ha Ha Ha.

HAMAN: I hate him, I hate him, I hate him!


NARRATOR: The Jews of Sushan were greatly encouraged by this event, but their hopes for
survival still rested on Queen Esther, and on her bravery. They all continued to fast and pray
to YHVH, knowing that he would never turn His back on His people. We begin our final scene
on the EVE of the 14th of ADAR, the very day set for the final destruction of all of the Jews

at Esthers Banquet for the King and Haman.

FINAL SCENE: Banquet Hall (everybody eating)

KING: Haman. I saw those gallows you had built. 75 feet high? Wow. Are you sure that thing
is safe?

HAMAN: For a gallows, your highness, the less safe the better. Besides, you should see the
view. I can see my house from there.
KING: Esther darling. Thank you again for a wonderful meal.

HAMAN: Yes, my Queen. What did you call this wine again?

ESTHER: Manishevitz.

HAMAN: What about that super yummy braided bread?

ESTHER: Challah.

HAMAN: What was that gunk on the doughnuts?

ESTHER: That was loxand those were bagels.

HAMAN: What about these little triangle cookies?

ESTHER: Those are called Hamantashen.

HAMAN: Why are they called Hamantashen?

ESTHER: Its a long story It all started with a beauty contest

KING (interrupting) : I must insist, please tell me what is the special occasion, and what is
your request?

ESTHER: Your majesty. It pains me to tell you this, but there is an evil man that has lied to
you. Not only that, he is trying to kill my uncle, all of my people, and ME!

KING: Who! Who would do such an evil thing! Who?!

HAMAN: Yes, my queen. Who? This is outrageous! We will have him hanged immediately
from the very gallows I have personally prepared for those rotten Jews. Who is this betrayer?

ESTHER: My king I, myself, your queen. AM A JEW! Mordacai, your beloved and highest
honored servant, is a Jew and my uncle. Haman, hates Mordicai, and has tricked you into
signing his death warrant! Oh my King, please protect your Queen and her people from
Hamans hatred. I beg you!!!

KING: Haman! How dare you threaten the live of my beloved bride!? Guard!!! Seize him at
once, and have him hanged immediately on the gallows Haman had built for Mordicai!

And Hamanenjoy the view.

GUARD ENTERS and Siezes Haman.

KING: Guard, havent I seen you somewhere before?

GUARD: I get that a lot. Its the suit.

(GUARD Exits)

ESTHER: Thank you, my king. But what about my people?

KING: Now , I cannot repeal my royal decree, so I will issue another one. Here ye, Here ye.
On the 14th day of ADAR, I as King decree that Jews everywhere will be allowed to defend
themselves from any attacks throughout the Kingdom. Servant, fetch Mordicai!

MORDICAI (Enters) : Here I am your highness.

KING: Mordicai! My trusted servant. Are you looking for work? I seem to have an opening
as the number 2 head honcho in my entire kingdom!

MORDICAI: Ill take it!

KING: Any suggestions, number 2?

MORDICAI: Let the 14th of ADAR be forever celebrated by my people for all future
generations, so that YHVHs people never forget what he has done for them. If God is for us,
who can be against us!

ESTHER/MORDICAI: Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

NARRATOR: And so once again, YHVH comes through for his people, turning certain doom
into endless blessing--not with fire from Heaven, or with the parting of the sea, but by the
simple yet brave obedience of an orphan girl named Esther. And once again, the bloodline
that would eventually give birth to Yeshua, the Messiah of all mankind, was saved from the
fiendish plot of the Adversary.

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