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4am yill via sig wy} Geil) yobs (algal) juaaii ay illaols dygill lal Cmage Ge AG Mol ple 1G Lusall clrludl Gans deal VA gle case — Lala ARI) » ALLE ght plang Mea! 588 ll Usragll ayy hil cae Sips ody. teoall gd ul Y! Abnall y2 Gaal gar Gill cdot Gl alae Gyart tls2 Ged + ee opty GuSll gla! Goal + Baclall ode) dual is St saa celal Dae Ge ile jaz He O98 ot Sos rall os ol pis ood (gill chad y 6 ans Ugie AGI CLES ob Call Gogeaill Ye Sl Ghia Gy TUS AG BOK of Ua gyal Gar Qaily hi Ge eilag—aall ode Sedu of Lala LY! Gigtoy + 41 Sete. Utell agaT Leal — aye (ais U decals calla oie dats bes — Saige 2 Labial 3 ctl! GhiU 9h sdnee ob A ytig + deal Loe Bl ge pty oY Sh ata US oe posts — ait Se Like Galli MI hi Gye + igs past gle dcls stl 6 cytes Tale Las, gle Gyagilall GI Sat. aati Gf agly PBT LS. Lge bY Gall petaelid IS atl of gl Las, cLiaol Sal, CAT BL NY Gals 6 gL agli oll Sal, CHa getey Calaslall deal yo G Lyall Lgiaelal (GAT oe algal eal) AAU Lragead die Gigyg9 La GUL ULE ggg Uy © qual crits 6 pally . Melihll GAS UY Gle daa, BG alasl GS ail stalls Abs add quel al Gaglis oa. SUG guy LE aT ate + aad ye ayaa! ar VAY pales aye (algal) deans calles © cetyl alll y © cual cabal ge 256 gat Ley Rahill Gal yall sath a as SC fll 6 Mull Gb y 6 a al Hi, dale Cat Les 6 Legs ULE A glag ayae; LLY! GE Legs pe allag RG Gy sKs IS Byes ALL, 6 Sal Lal bell 2 jal Lie sega) 433 Liga 455 Uabill ode pu Lai ded ay IG! pe on Bad 8 pee pay NEY Gi Le I Mab! AAU Gate Gli egal «Un Aull Gogh Lge aaa! Ga all keg. dada ab) dea Tad Gaye cle USVI sal Gea Souja Ait Nhe pay eal jest hays 6 dat yl 4a Lely 6 ball be yall Saal BoSN CAyaLull asses Vglagy ¢ 4aLiUbaily oyyhs ClelasY Anes BABA US Leal © Gunll TEBULL Gs pais (al jal LF. qs ecgapell Gabi! ght G dedi! dali, lasoyy ¢ aliall Jale aac. calygiall GRU ogle Reig alin Ltstil! pia, gl GW dbs ¥5 Hath) dba FEU ye AST Lal Alea ob Ge pall Gladall Sam gol Use US gaye + Fas, Girly Gh LI Gia! sal! dy Ge Atleral Lalo diag, obi 38) sill eth GI bts Ljey Byot GM Tisde Aaya Be Fyy—my ail 159 Giry + Udbaly Bijan Ao ysy pS jail! Nqly 6 Apbeats cile wool Capeill pont! oe NS aay 5 Rates pe ghd Baye FET! Gis Calls Le Al lg ow ISIS ose of Sa AT he dee sell Wyle Fos ot cass! al hy — Ss ded © cu pas 4a Go ot Quuall GEL Cle! Bygeay Uygllall Hvac! Gagadll ge Egil! ied — dys oSy Lda! Vie 45 job GH cat gl past Goliad os ily Bhi le Paul jin, Ce ometia Rahn Tacks) cpa sall Gh 9 G EAL 0 0 gl ging GAIT + CTATE vy HA 52 cota Ghiall Q8hatid dato sll pao), Bg _bell dsl aii G me (eles tlaa — pA.+ Ulla) 1 ti edilg 1 ae gg (NC aa a Qed Gazal Gli Gide ¥ ak GY 6 Ryall Readily Ga gell led! day gla ab Gala 6 Gua wealth Gilly Lande gat Call Aap, GSS Gilg! apltall G 4a Gagell GRU > ge Cysalls . (1) 2SGL! Eel) GEL YI Ue ( pall) © EP Sage Ma ae yin ” QS Gl ja yins ae RaMa! asalll db go Ue Kae pall Gud oy all dal (1) 4p ah Gil posal G datla call | he dogs GuSally © Ayisall, coat © Rypelly GML, Asaiglly Gi all Gly salt Je Lau! Rinalally all Gna, ca ptail call Glial Al eulalls ley 3 yal! ( pall) © GO Sata Jk 6 Ud Ge atl gt ahi gal! cable 6g pall poms ole es shaing 6 Gals pty gle Sail Ide (1) gh WAS Kaghe 6 Cayell sie Ube! SL! Gilge ane Glo 4S eee sBell ce cpagl ¢ Ababnall ogy dy ppbacll OS Y ye Ibe y 6 Yunus 6 GAY! ald Ne cag yBe la Y LG AT ll ale Go gill Sal! Jl ol Rad cl Uae ope cabal « Minne CUS UI Si on ad pets Ls sae elled le Apel! Loyal Guat Gall clot 3b cts Sal > Gilet ls ) Gall! ode daub Gals Lg, 6 bial Uiail aay 6 CUNY IND Ge 6 Sujal! Leal ¢ alll 3 aaix., oe ke LLM cals ad cL4 ¥y Gall GlaQgl edge Gall Gil Gab! = Gell GM Rat gall GN el 6 Lada Ula iy 6 Gaal Ub vty. Aig Ghai) JBN) Nie Lead ye Cuan Mealy d ge JMG tll tt GH Rabid) cA all dylay reas 6 & guingll Ide (Natl nail! glass eal! sap y Ana Bag Gia whee ale irllige polis! Su. Ga jalll aie BB BGS Laat 0 stl AY IS call © Gaal oe cgi ail e Lagell Gabt GM Gtigll Ghul! 2 yall GM Algal GRAN Siig apa Gann sUhuagt — 7 ( BE) ake Mie ee peie At ce all Sth ge pe Gt Gath Guunsell: Ue Gh Shu cats 6 ATT ple 6 tall Clog US Les goby pl pail Ys Maal GghOUY Gast Gm Rag Gyle cae ceshs Quddoll GO gost Lan cae oJ ONY s got aaall adh) v6 Saal daa, toll Gey Gale AU 6 Ghill ee b SR ol Sy Nhe hy te SB, YS gusts Dds Se 6 pty AaUbT All euenill Ne US pm atl oly J oally alls le Wao (ying 6 add Gilda 6 gall GM A a ayes ( Smet Gaalt G aie Ltaos oll) o Gaplts pein A gle Gill pats ¢ Ch geiell ¢ Aull spre lic “gage 28 Syell of Ghe Uso ANe Ju le pty 159! ode (Dumitrty, T p35). I) Lage oo Gh LY! ostleauy! He NSS ool tll ll ont y ntrs 45 ety GA) copill ee eons SSA oh GM Lastly 6 ( cg! gf saly UL ) deed! UL Ua Vay 6 jantlly Udbaly Stl! colder ile YS Gall dablill alawall Ge Seah 6 Ok BM Gaile Ge tS ales gage OS pol oat coe Ste OG pl gyal Ghil eatse all QadUl oy pally 030 oe MeN a sbiley 6 cys s9Vl Gli ghey NgiS Je ¢ Saat + (FO et pall ath). Legh jtt Ce) ab indy Vg AS JL OG ol pty oof git ella VTA calaail Gull (gp GUL! ode Cals aty . gitSbiee dal Go oe Gall — Basal Goed! ail gbll os gle Sass DU Tale eallaall Lt hell aatage tamlis AIS gill CHGS ¢ ( Lukaat Zbeally BybLit ) Easill es ¢ Lalgily anal! Lass ¢945 4ST Gale oe DLally ode gf 6 da all aye Giyyes ye USy 6 atl GN Sash cals Gall ALLY! 8 gall Lie cas 6 lea YG cyeiel ob Lawl! GLY ei ease gents Loglach ofS) 6 ald Sar aa sje Les camel geialy © (ALLally ageally Gyaill ) « deal! gs! » J ADE eg 6 Uibigall pallaall Go Sepa UI EE) Glee) Gas zall 2 (8) QAM Se Rayy — qetall Gay — Gall nel wile ool Glo Suh puth GL Gopal Gitybil cyay 2ty cll SL, Gali gang LS 6 Gligall oe Sablly cli, cla t Uskay! Wasse pallell on gy pill a0 Cdl, + (8) Quiligal) UE Leo 35 Gusiligall Lda lal! GY al ¢ Layadlll alata lat, Aidlne (SUSI! ode CiyeY 4d aay Cun ¢ lial) Gy yoill Jabal Syriac i, lin Geoadaual (all Syrian 416, ais lst Sad (3) « (eal) + Goaslag Lhd AK 030 GE ys Lanny» (glipall) aged Glacial Ln Lgl pth (all cl shill ¢ pas. Gail (1) cll AM siligg!l plat Ua) AS Fg pigf to aall ede G Olleary : How Greek Science Passed to Arabs ad) tin aig HGSPA j sje jrall Noe ll SM satay ] bats MES oe Doe leg [ (pall) Syl ode Gnu Ln Meyerhof : Von Alexandrien nach Bagdad ode Gadi pking . VANB joa; prroall ldo cl Gl5ll ates J oT Casall) gavel te (J) BLAU 550! plain! daalag) grsrte aus ALY) dee! eh! o's (0 : a Coal all oAt Gatght oe Lalas US ( clamall Gal s¥ Ghill - Up! Lap! Ata Capt hill — 6) palallce poe Uke Gog ued day cgle quell GIS, daa yl pratacl (ob ak Gl pall Gunma! Gasset ou cS UISy (cry Uly US — Lin Bhi ots dg. (0) Sill ogy shabelly Gay cll eit (le US 6 Sabi GLtall als clets ie Lats Y lejo — sey Lad Gein or gitlle Les eal ill Tab uals Aa yb atl ols +N) esa 2 ase ll pelea! Caled dark ail citrislS¥I Cieuas a8 5 Bh laa GZ Laat SI Lala — J alae! g05 6 Gasedd Gali LI leg 6 Cage Mls 6 cablly ¢ Ua 2 eedal 26 clas &, ASI Tae Vee calla) sone ain By shill SegiSVI Ole 6 SUL Uae ella) dik, ¢ ( Leg Gale) cual GS Ug) Ws ( salads (3-4 Lent Legge Ghill GIS ons healt ELT.) ( aay be) dag ole VS Wynt lll JG (pp Ase Gla ) caig!l alld G (0) oe IS aes 6G leg Austell Uy all By ye sf any Aas cee! sll oe Ls LTS ca stellys Gish all da aad of gilall sliterae humaniores {juiy! ats! ally G galley LLY az abl SE ANY Ge 6 Gall ll Gibigall poled Jats aS og lyl & Glaill g lab oH Gatja of ebG Sits 353 33 rgidla GS (1) As ghOUY1, ULI aT IN) Cleely Lees Spake! CS! og Gee bt Sal Ole dak, cies (De placitis Hippocratis et Platonis der Medizin> Gs sall sy ola pallegl) ASG gall Lauda 9, cli gall. poled! Stas! Liigal Gl—aily Lin! » Gg Cyl +a lggas aim. Schlepptau oa!) 140. ¢ caigi Der Islam Und des griechische Biladungsgut GB cagille Biot salt the | Lead Ahly CTY = ue ~The Influence of Galin on Arabic Philosophy» « is ,e/! 4autill A TYA YY Ge CTS TTAD DY ales 6 gatell Gt Siye dag! Gay Cobia! ode dye VI Go 6 glial! jonall (pati (Y) ple ore Fels pall GlaesatsVt Gb sleily «a cla Bad U6 ys sakpatll w= cus, Leas Ly f-) Ge) VANB 6 Gyn dat We dinag, Le 159 Gal ab Ghil g gS GE Glog 6 galas! ela & ©) peel Baaeall g gyill cous bangs Sate Nes aie agate Gata Glo Gall cleiell hail Ie Gcail aay entay ) sla jaill pi Clea! pi Ghill > dal dls yasblll Godt! ele aad gf gil Cetmall ats Wel Gauls 6 (8) Cape dUl ot ( patil be Severus (Y/VVV) cid gies pisses Lal Gg: staal (i ge3U! aie AL, Rasy © (\.) cape dUlly Mla, Ghil! G Jil, cus «it! Subhokht US, Lula) curses ¢ Meahill sho f aS cues olabill oi + Slot) — Gog dA pelle Ge BUN gall ay gle Guta Jelaty aA GUE Ru ala Wlyeit Gil pall aphiall Ide IS aay atlas Gad ghey! GEL Glypall Gtlraya ge cilaglell Ge Gab sad Lisl — ola rtsit spk oe gle AS any ST cena al ygltia = obs GET Like ofA ale gguid Yl cLlell
    plwes ds + TSW) deeb) ¢ ADL Gall Bit GB oa. 5 qlall Get ad hay tog tbl da oeh Goll Gb Sarton, Introduction to the history of Science Ge BYE GBS 29 9 61. Go eV o'nl) THS » aul, } W. Kutsch, Zur + Ubi gt CC ay aH EG ul cle all Geschichte der Syrisch-arabischen Ubersetzungsllteratu. Orien- talia, NS. © AT — Woe (1a) 1 all Reval Canadas ASLAN dental 2 jue patos! OOS E ost ee “eS M. Horten in Ueberweg — Geyer. Die Patristische und Scholastische Philosophie. Dpto GAS Aistey 6 VIL — V0 Ge f PSP. Laity ] CVAYD comets) ghey ¥ GUY) cdtdaall pad! Qi jLal pt N. Rescher : Al-FaraFbi’s Short Commentary on Aris- totle’s «prior Analyties». AN © AN) Lae og Cents eebuall GW ob pall on Gh YI Ghul ct aay ¢ cli Tenis © C egtatet ) Gagdlenl 601) Schill Slee ltl (puludt 6 deat 6 Tt dba 6 IgV) edulaall ¢ 8 ylall 6 cvy yal! oie gf aitall Ge Sy o gent ¢ ALLAN 6 ( Meal) cblball Leds SS poteg 6 Lanad B jase Ghidll ¢ gp6 dens Glaus derail cusil 6 he VF GhiU Aull He Guall SST ony. Gigilll qr Gb F GRIN g gedge Fall Hal alll GI age daly Be dC sett y Obs eugl Ael joy! GG deal (11) GRIN Rea yey Let! Giloglell Gadd Lats 6 gh Sahil! ULeV! (gh Y jell GUS ptt yt gle Ghil 6 Lagee Gayall Gl ASS GU das GS UU) calial pall R. Waltzer, «Zer Taditionsgeschichte der Aristotel- ischen Poetik» Studi Haliani de Filologia Ciessica N.S. Vol L 1934), p. 5-14. eH gaat oS) Lapel Gea all 2 Ait Gaigljte ¢ Leal shily Jaroslaus Tkatsch, Die arabische Uebersetzung der Poetik des Aristoteles, vien. eC VAYY ) gail egal 6 VATA) Ja¥I cjadl 6 Gaiy pglall Guualst cll Rabid! Sue) GHC jestil yg C RURAN » GQAK os ageey blag fe shail + ja Jal de (of. Giga) Simplicius 4,2 © Agaall eal all ali GG ghaayi I. Diiring, Aristitle in the Ancient Biographical Tradtiion (Goetebarg 1957) . gu! aS! Aaaall pil gill © 9590 Uns Paul Moraux Les listes Anciennes des Ouvrages d’Aristote (Lou- vain 1951), p. 172-183. (Politics 4,16 Und cual a5) 104 Go HGSPTA os -J5) (11) ( email) (Poetics is lS, wr Lela! Gaill eli eit gill Isagoge (Porphyry) cel! Cally — Categorize ; ea gl orally De Interpretatione Bleed col ass!) 7 Analytica priora otal cdubaall — € Analytica posteriora ple ll caleba Lc Topica es eile a De Sophistics Elenchis (Abuiall) gi Abt) cibhall — ¥ Rhetorica Uta! Utball — A Poetica ast gant 4 GAM BC Renal! Ca a giles g¥l 130 & gene ll UL Sy a Ghat gagtlond sf C ject » GUS shadols ( gL Gast! >} ea (all Als) Agel) GL Node ye GLY QV! SLL cls s Le (hee ple dd Lal pall GI Leas ca Vall Baa sll Jil. eS Gall pe Ra YI CaS ode cals y) 6 Ghul) Ga YI GSI» Van So 6 (0) ( Rail poll CalegatSVE Gg Tabu! Glo yall ¢ gaye + Ayal asa! Gi ghIUY) GRY) Gund Ge 1S AU abil Ce AY! CaS ode Qty ol ae sas OS oly LaLa 38.55 oly 6 GL pall gael Ge phe! Ghi tals G jal W cddasl! GUS GIS ass. Labi! sLutyall tare Le rege El eels & all daa SEV) © giles) Galig Garten? S olge ehe ys (10) Friederich Solmsen, «Boethius and the history of Orga- non» American Journal of Philosophy Vol. 65 (1944), pp. 69-74, (see pp. 737-44). we costa WT 3S Ge Aine be de GSU IS 6 ade GLY path gab) La NN gigas al Gaeastall of Nae Glas Yay + (1) (calaill Lair © Gpemeadall questa Galata! ga GyaVl cul de ¢ 6 3¥! Haley cals Gall CRY GF penal Gazalell Qalall pros © (NY Ralypall Rea sall Bel cla Y! Ghul! Guu Aalaall cnaaill ode US Gl 6 eV! dite Gy pales asd Ge Cibo gaage ESB Ley Grell cll aad ad Gil nll dag B ale) jy nailly 6 Aa YI GS Ghe Silly ¢ Saka) Jc MAN y Gaball ealet Qeliys B Gh! Jay 6 abl! Gor Ghill gay See Ste SF de Mary ee! aS eles G eebtL uly ) + (pte GAN Goal sal gt EF far eal Aol denalls tall go-2 Kgbaigl Gyall Ue ys Glatt Ale Lia Gages! day Ge hiss peer eae erp eee L) pe 6 gig ye Maral! baal 2 jaaal (1) Steinshneider : Die arabischen Ueber setzungen aus dem Grie- chischerr. Tae ON ( lel) CV GVANB cago ply (AUG asdtiy J Jyh gals (all BC GLY! cdbdaall G Lay all Gayl) Gua! ple Byfla ye Faye, AS gy cals QU edudaall G Lag al! all all 6 age ale Jk) 6 JY all Galas Gl all Qu tall clad pay og > Ccgtl lal ge WBE) 2 FAC TAY Ge idl cgaleil) asta Al Farabi on Logical Tradition «Journal of the History or ideas Vol, 24, p. 127-132. SHAL p,, GS 3 JUL! Ibe gb asel asy GBR ileal Gael spall Lala poliall ode gue (IY) 25s iN) teal go pail oT 6 WS aga se OS of Se + CYA — AY Ge NLATA \¥o aSiegs 6 LLY Ga yat G Linus Nags Geel dbgh baad Ghill JE sas Hall G GEM Loos) QALY Gell af (te SI He al ks gl WB ORI + pte Gall gual Gas Qa Qual Ge Saal G yo! DLS TL lS GE alte 6 Gayell GUSH ate AVI Gf Gl eyginas 130 PBL cpantege Babel BN gAS Call GUS Gals GI ge 6 GL nal! o- cratts ply + (VA) ( pagilad Lnuilly cllis Iyils LS sh V bal ty eal te te 6 Les calls SSN cde cgthll geeabill alas Ve E Lal Aled 46S Cus an 6 Lutanls poe HM Gall Als! Be per GH! Large) Godgeill Gabi Gaill ray of db yt Gilly) arsll + Ruhl Kota Syalaed Vat bl GULS diag ( Ghuogl! spall coal ogee Gall ll Coiligall Gobalt Sai 3 SY) dC naall, Deol cy sill Glan aoteusio E petq sls! culls age. (11) BLL! ee de AS 6 Lal gl Sahl Gag eill Cell Gasesill oe JsVl poled ses GA) hep ot shee eotigg SN ule Gh ¢ & pnd, tanks dees (Ve) Les stSVI ode G Guys az ( UMN LL, JAlo Liligall 6 Als! ode Gb 4ayld 1s ads © (1) itil Iptis Tents eUNY HN) ge ATPH 533 (1A) cdepall gual Sle, Gage! w G. Klinge daik ole pm shi! (14) ghee plat ol AL gall Sata Yah G allaregll ppiveg: Die Bedeutung der Syrischen Theologen als Vermittler der grie- chischen Philosophie an den Islam» Zeitschrift fiir Kirchen- geschichte Vol. 58 (1939), pp. 346-386. YMA — oF po dueld Lil ge etal UGl Ahi! Sula! Gy. 104 HGSPTA cs oll (y.) — 1.4 WE GCALG a, « ( Lf) £21 Ge VANB Gye sl. bi Fas — LWuY! Gall syits G Sourdel Joygs 95. 119 2 VYAA Ge 6 1 ales ¢ Sutil VAY ye 6 Gell pall. cls (1) ayy ale slay shady GM sytliny ain 6 Uaglics oy (Linge ot) com Ss of Ui. GS ail ge Wines. Ell Gd Lede dae (AI due chal SS AY es le cllis= ogdlll GMa Ge gel Lally (11) GLa ally pemats Lae GM gat Cnet KS Legg Gi 6 Xgall ey 6 Regal 3 ane cakes adh ley date ole Gaya aby. sgtley ain, Lequti Vie slag] Bas DUR y ¢ Gaul oy Guin yet! eal Soll lhe Bla} Rly Grad © pagel dog cde g 6 Trgaule oul dul, cioa agall + Bpbluill yo yeVl COE Bo Slaael IS Gaul aids 5 dil cain © atoll GLU jobs b ewaly JSuty Leen Jal 190 Letleall cand sis Ta At S pbabsill Juninis AS Leland «5 jagtll cal gall pee I ges pail YY (W\) Philoponus isos 7 gpl Ailey! junc tS Ammonius _. 51151 sal Gish dU! G clas! ue Gad all Gl Bands By bLod JL ams ST GghdGl plan! Ss) Gall dl Jal! Ibe Jai aay ¢ 4a YL + cosh tall ST ye teat! GES ais La pag 2 VVC VY Ge 6 aaa Gad (1) GL 550 Beh AT OVS OU Ge 6 Grell joneall Guat (Vt) 6 Uidsalt dyed ae 6 Lad diner ye Juleill Sa Y yao cal YI 6 st Chowlsohn, sus ¢ yylysti» ? s¥50 3 bil. gla Ula daly Lm 83) ena ell 9 ALE usilll oF S53 Geld A219 oh) glug! Giss Igec! ai 444s! 4! Chowlsohn, sus, I, p. 13 Sal Nae of cesta! Gog + che sall Beil Y Lola Lyin gs ( lida TGA oY 50 GB Hl 6 BLL 5 5 ge aby ‘NN. Rescher, Al-Farabi’s Short Commentary on Aristotle's «Prior Analytics». (Pittsburgh, 1963), p. 18. Be 6 Raley Udi Ugbel eld Vl Cnaes (YY) Sed! baal! hal § pl) Us dilisy . Habians ise Sy, Yuu Hye, gk, Ula! SAgS ab 6 By yrell ode gle YOA a cea gall G crags Gall ( Ledhty + (puil!) — abudigtiqa |. Yo, afudigtiga ( lidis si} ary Hol pall yall Bgall Lal lh LL Rll cael oly Lasaly be pits petal Ue ¢ Gunes aligall Lally cUigulh lal Aus sall Bgtll on ago gle AI N3e Sy 6 pally Qala Goal gk + (8) asl le LaLa Jot GY Gi Las oat lf inal Gall Seal 92 Guat) cll Gpiligall Ghill Gai GIS lise, cole FyhLaly 6 AuL pally Gibb Glial — Loge seen & call cal ail, cul ygeeilly Lady Jaill Ide IS, . Gogadll day 238 Ge osialall cY5@ as ay « Aa! oe ol pall cipal Leal LY GOT pla FS ctigall Sally Railigall Aattly asad oe coe Goshaill GIGU oe 4 Gabe Y jaz Sail a85 © ("2) aati Gall oS) pgeleny ais Argaats SMA atacy (Ml Eas Yl ye Rabi gall Gla gl B Raga jae cages ces oll — Gal gy guia GLA aay Hage) Rall gall (gle gala Gabel aghast yet! Gil — Saal ope. alll peal tne db Leblse Che pelts GIS Gall CaSll ogs cast Gall csi Noe gle Lig es MygilSy 6 4 ak OL Liste ell Pctsi Cle peas KE Gorcing NpilSy ¢ dale Le S3 TPL! 7 Gail oo gall Llane eins LE 6 dogity LS ke pe US BASAL Got ill piled! Qualys Gb VgilS Lely 6 CSI SL ge Lally peal CaS Qe LI dbl S. Pines, «La philosophie Orientale d’Avicenne et (WO sa Polémique Contre Les Baghdadiens». Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Litteraire du Moyen Age. Vol. 19 (1952), pp. 5-37. / VE NY Ge ATPH opto! (Yo) « VY Ge HGSPTA os 35) (yy) BPS Ghee! Gaal! alll gable ge Sill Gall (gp) + € aa!) + pasta ct. \YA ee lbs Gals YI aaa toa ide only US ot at Ui e ES pels gall f BybLad | Llaual Las US 6 3 call + (Y) © pees pode GAIL CBM Td Gal! HUSH oe UV! Lalo! came ied Lats Nils CALL Gil yMy Gall J! & Ya, B Nodes Bes ce ptitzen Ngee! pes 6 (74) Qa pall Gautault BAL BOL, al GN Ua ed Sl all aiall GI. Gata! ode ebb peietall oly 6 (19) Least Le pe popall Sai Uy 6 eand Siti gall pods Rds b olills pm 2d Gilg Les gly Gall! DI oy Leal eee iY! Ja SA! Ge Lubgdl guthl geil SHV! le glist + tssigds aptbeadds Gosia iy Rap palle oscil deses Gib gall GUT asi de as pani Soy Bol!) cya oad Gall TelLhsd G IS age. Ula «Shull » QL che! Leliel Ao gle cllga Ghill 4K padsun ol (1) ( AoV ple Toad LS » HEU Gl AUS Olyic G ( Logia « WI», 2) cle Sans ed any Gola! Goyal) GAYS ode SAT Gt YT. Ghul! As Gaal, Gaul op ia 0D pete oe (YY) + Gp de a adll Goya 6 apisllad Leal G. Bergstrisser, «Hunain ibn Ishaq iiber die Syriscen und arabi- schen Galin-ubersetzungen». Abhandlungen fiir die Kunde deg Morgenlandes, Vol. 17 (1982) no. 2 ; pp. 18-19 (test) and 15 (Translation). «VE Ge ABDS Skog, (YA) A ategs caagl LS Legal UL ole 6 SUM Jane ley (1A) + AS LIS LGW ye iligs dae ye Fptle sos ( 111 2ABDS + all V0 Ud de yall § debi, Tl CS Ye Sol Said! ots CVV) Ye Ge WY a OV Ge 1 CGAL Qlisyy (Y.) 2 VAL Ge Y Gall ve Uyslasin! Gea a2 Logia Qutigll Qc dual! Gat o. Tuts. Gil + Vane I yel cgiell igs 5 lial poall G AGbA) Cul all Gea peal! — + Ma F Laigll Tatil (gall alls plat! als Las ol © Noloe Looper 45S a3 Ayala! GGWAN ye Syasill S jag! JMA Lie! 6 am seal coll B pads Byguay polll Lim Leas bail ll dale ty aot ¥y + 6 Ghul las Glo Ud Us (All cul patty Lela Le Creasy, SVU) aN pall DUB GE Lys Asai pe glall » cual Mgall LAS Gi GIS add © Quaslaall epgoer pid 3 VI Gh YE. (Yo. plas Les Lael Gls ( VYVo — Vou UMA Sa) sail ¢ dental ASLiad Jit leg + lal Ide GG Astin SUe¥! Gala Geyey ¢ ella Lead cgihigall Galll, Lol Leia! ciel C0 ple dian Lal Gye oe VAT ORE Sa) cyaseileall AEM ald Can ayll gale daly ats Gall Gace Ghigll Aisgal pel 134) Sy 6 leat jal odgl deca 6 (AS4 eae 9ST Tah pal TU Gell Galasaall ye cole (ill da gl! 6 Ry Gye higall sabe § Ryall cast jall gay — Eabll 8 pall cl + Gaal Lali 0, ( Gosadll dag gle Skills) Auligall ulall, aaa Algal! ode GIR gala 6 (ATY — ANY oe pS) wad! Li LisS Le Glaly © Byala Galas Subigall pila! Latjs als pmsl heel a at Ley Gata salaag Gistal aiy Zubia! auld Aol cay GIS + LOS leerys GA CaS! cjg Gamal oF caia oye! cd asl gall agen Gl Gal AY. gle olla call otal oll ppatll etl sl ae De aS gle LaLa asin Gli Ga alt (11) P. K. Hitti, History of the Arabs Gaya gaa fs 9 e VAOL 6 gall 6 Rustull dash! Ve eG) AsLigall Tilly Giligdl gla Leg G deodill Uanlt came Gogheall Goll AU, cas ZY Alay J seal! ie Sy Lrmends GIS Gall my 6 (AOV — V86 cullen ) drsless oo: ( Linge of) Bylad Bag osc Ge Cyne Legh Caan Gyeay © (10) Tephll La all G © CAW = AL) Geel ot ole Conse of sete der) agall Ie aig + ally Lee CVV/A 6 — ALO lige) Gale Or Goel Us ads Disaldy 6b pall ode Sigh clialjall od¢) Lie! gall poo peiat sestall Slag (VAY — VIVA DA Se ) octal TH Oe db 8) CAL ANY DE Sa) Reco dag of coe Lailigall pate ad ll plein! Se hs jaar oly le) thos ot SS or Cate ll age ote 6 slag gueitall Gale gy AS) Leas sh 6 ojz599 Atul) os te tin 6 (Ao — YR. dee Gall 6 chy: oot ite Aud Cla ty 6 VA ple dlgn © hese » Giga! pla! Tole et GLAS Ui CY GE ote Luis PH) Etside oF de WS aay + (Ve) Lgl Ld! Bailey lass HEL al pst aaly © gly oastel GolAll Gasalall ge y 6 (Avo gle gk tall UMA V4 — V1 Gos HGSPTA 5 p'gl Sl (YY) EAT = TY Ge (NEA Sry cr) Salt Esl all Lalas G shu! Agel) ca D Sls Lal ylg . Go 6.1 Ge VANE t Gye, 2 RGU RN 6 RLY) GULL tla we Ua Gall G Aglgd oe Layll os Yee Ge lS olla thi GB (YY) CAV. ple Goieall LAT Gd eetla gs DE Ggolell leat Gall Ue + CLV Ge) GaAWIGAL 6 GLK 51) Lisgery oyail § doles, osaldl po nat dsle QSut op AY) aa He of dle (0) 6 Spedall Ogaes ont Hos aay SI ote pagll gue G satel © petty 2V 52 clef ay 2 SN iL! lal jane Baslings daleall Cylao Leal (to) + VOL 6 101 — Yo. OW iy ¢ HGSPTA ¢ ye dot MY + Gael ot cala pS pail aa Ged Venei — F pent Gy gh! ECALe Sell) Slo op Cpntige clint Gaile Ue @ poli, Lat guia aay LE Balall CAA sal Gai gind pS LS 6 galls Uae Ue gle NpilS an Ala hSU gene Wpitels ¢ ogailigall oly J Ugale call Sajal ela G OF Ge ettlne cle Aah Vg + Miigall Gaadally ili gall platy Zthasll Se Ga, gh 9 6 Let lisa 04+ pegne Aiea cL pat UIC Lita AAA Lold Lik Aloe Ui ge jo AIG, Digi G gaia iol aay - sleet CABG Rslis ) Ggell ay ppatih aadgll Nie oacls aty . Sei! 4d 4S GAM deal geiy © Liligall patel Gulja slay ( Sactll + ba Pat CANT — AL lla) sail! Gael gs Capes ee ay 6 Rabiggl CoS Chea i CMal ule ¢ dag? dal gus Abi Ube Ge gre anal callin Ab Ah be C Led pa Bled 3y31 Lnedat LS ye Shas ASH GL setts © CLI sally Lg, GIS ods . Labi) Jill on et akg Gall Que dest ll sony call lel aang! (aaull + oslll GEN anG Sig ¢ duiligdl Ganda! Casi! Lag Gast cay Bylot GD oglll GEL ( ged aya V2 YS oly) Gad! OIS Ley + USsil CMM le IS aki"! endl y cgine Cal LEY! 034! Mal Giallo! CAigall alall GAD ee aS! Ga pag 6 Gaga day ule cubll ecetnll Soll Ug) gyal DUA alady 2 SLA GI! AsU gall Aula y ce Leak) BALA petentle Ge Gall dahil Alal Ute, cass Tg Lada Giligall glall Lae cule © ( game geadll gets! Nae bg Gael Gens woally de giay 6 dares hide Leas nts AV y Gelalll Geel Abul G Shi! LSM Qlsl! Gls ¢ gall ANN GW Uythassl as 33 ( Gold dogs Blais) gud tll Gunna! + Layall rad Thee ele Job Ghill B Lal Jleyt — ¢ AL. AL. Fall DE Saal GB Gikigall GREY gaa yl ols oe FSi US 6 ysile gs on IY! Gall ayes alls 6 luyih Sh Ea YT CaS LA WAL Fe Oy All yy Me pene 8 sal! TANT GO) gal ge GT ae oe eae oll Ue Vl ode py Ladll oyaey RU Bg! pate 6 gail oF GN ae penal ilgell 5 Sali le Cajne on Quail! Wil ode ol meslyll Oey» ( Laas Abb > Uyak ¢ Lea sins att Lal Wide Joy. (iligall GAUL Lie! cng y} Bet (Ree all cf Gael Fall Sanyal ILE) oy ee @UL G O28 Oe ASY Ul Rally og Lays 6 hell oe uit ood Gh ope tll aah oat eee Lobe Gl bal ATO Ball lyn ich 6 Lal) Cay on AVI Faull elaily coe Aad (Rat pall oy ple days Ce call) Eyal Gala all calls CAL, Mga) calcu! cots ) Jad Tat, Ghill G (deal! Gas » le nd GN AG 6 Gl Gavel gu SHUN) edulaall Gl cll Lesa D8 38 LULA» US GIS (6Y) Gila sill 050 aise pagan ce OLS plies Gb Sas, Glad oF aebid YUN Oe pe ylby . Giyall cilaglas 230 Lal gla 6 Glas! odg: Noel Quill lay! Sheds ; + los! e¥5= yaar ue Ul © (SA) BM lal Or sal 92 ga géleu! 9 GUS pa pie GIS ans eM guoseill Guislll Goll! Saati alglalt ol (ny Slaps Qaaall Blasi 6 GML LIB GM SLAIN, 6 pall 2 GASH Ne Ge GH egall UL cSt sual 4 gp dba 9» CAS) Gye Lee Uo Gly Le Bla! (YY) + AL Wye 6 NUATA jill ., OMA ge AUG jays ation SRN chaaall dag 1 UL Ligh (TA) ALY 6 phat Jala CI SURI he po slay. Salat YI EIS 2 ie Gaya ¥ GIP 68 all ode g Lal oa 3 a3 lS ( Ysa DLS GF LLG SEU Gye ghd. (Gags) Gane soetll paall ge Layall ode Gale of LIS Jsall gay We Blea DAT 8 See Dre oe Ailgs dey = (0) Gostaall or AS 43398) OT) LAN pod pas Ady + Cages pe lgabe of, ofS) Ga pbaall gs (Gage) Cane Leal dong LS 6 (G) (Se cadtbaall e Madged cimnals 6 s5a95 0 Aras deal jer Goel oF cain glé ay Ba GSU Las J Able tall asl ode cals, ) . Uaull Ligh +N) Rea all CS geil ered alld aay calle a Gain Ua L. ( osia JS GI) (Lat D La asag: Gaya! jaleall ys asa Luly Ad de Gall Lae Galea pel Sad g ll ou sis 6 (E85) ( sal » Ga rae Reel op al ae op meal are pa LE. Gapstlosb Rag ill ode pals aay CAN. ple dye Lage! GH (CALI D bs 4 Rta 2 Sle Os pal oet or Gaal at (AVS ple cdl gn ol) see Lost gle, Lad Lall Ginny ady - (8) USI Nae Gtr Gaeilly li gall pH 6 Lead Qauall oSg Malas obo glell LAY aul (14) 2 RA OY oy del F 29SSU Caplio opp 09 plig Gal day le 6 g58 Y oF EES Le Gilogles Oe Lal Ls Gly Lee Sil (€.) + Aa pal Ga or (gs ) Gates Gob: ol Gag 0 f Grylls spo (01) (JRAS) Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society. J © Sled (. VE4 Ge oil) 0. VV Ge NLATA 556 (£Y) . aul ol GAS oe alas . 16 ve AUG : atl (CY) Bao Gal S . GE LAT ly © 10 Ge ¢ GPAU? oly. kit Rivista degli Studi Orientali 2 CRg pall elit all 2 Xe Ye CUNO) 1 alee. td hl. GA 98be wel ot a ySle col Ait cle Met a9 (00) 2 VV Ge CGAPU hye bil sail gal Balgtly « C1 Ge ¢ AUG Veg WAG), Uggnlen Giyad YY) 6 @ AURA! 9, ubSd Lyod Losi oyny oot Auayall Shea all oo BSW de geal ody Glas foe opt Lay PUSS ge a GLAM culled Paw Gye ily! SI Nae US ae 6 Ligleiol gf LLG 285M get Ugh GB dealt eld Ge ja gle Guns LAD 6 Gala all oe ALS ditUball N9AS Cuenca 252 Gary + goal 499 Ogdll do Guat Call Leal co Raat! 5 fall GB Gall ( Ghuad Wyle 0 gill dla ca oe CUS gy Sell leg 6 Mailigall Lilallly Giligall plas dakaal Vgadles 2 SLE Cn goenge list SI yy EUS aes Vat Quill Go poli + ans bead Lad Goll AMS Jat LS 6 din jaeg Goual oy yale Me ode Vi ol cedll Uleall Gb dae LL gl 1 GAM rae Noel al 6 Gusta (Cay ae 0 Nps Ur 6 GLU Guta alas MeN eV hel Qabl) sogall Yas Gast Saaly Ue ani ¥ Lil + Uti capt sf eulys ol oll Savill pete! ( gain Seb be oh) Agall cle all ode 5s Go gay 2 NE Ashi) CaS) Tas IS att. AS ge tes Ge Gill Lala dee © ghana! Rieadall ( ames 9 Gah Cals ans 6 haa! ne ps Lily ga0 slpily gine: Same alate! ist oe ST LLY! ISe le ely dye all catty Tae oe TST Ge LG NGS CA gaa! D bea all 1b Elis spate cant Bae 6 LiL pal G dat, cuts Cally Gokul) Qh oe Gubigall A aats SAN OF gary Gregtenddy Gorges GSI 9 Grgutliens in Y |e jm dinags dalle daly ¢ Sli! Ver sine plas Gans 4) Ss + ST Ea pth ay 6 SRAS 8 opis oe oily s Ae 6 AUG jaya! (£0) © YT Go 6 Woy \fo (gest! Gh) Veg) nails Gall alla) ge Ue of ay Us ate t eat, AS at). Sahil Go gaill ( Goll > Ay pall Glad G qeadidl! cae oe Gadd elit } gla) Gilet Bo cLaaall Gyeayall -¥5e Talal oe See Gaye Nyaa © Gall lage Ghul os ( Ung) Ale Laie, dhe GF Gaal oF onto dilal eels yey 6 dauall Go! + FS Bygnas Riggs ASI La ll G dus a, be oe Ret AP slay pane B cezeall ppd de SV VI Ve Libs Baba g be glass! oll! s) dahil! Cas ( Qysall » cle ll ode (a8 Legis Ss 5 Uanaieall Deel onl Leos AVI cdbdaall « yy55u5 > saa sall calls 6 C Same Or oaie is pay Leal all Usaill deus, Nae Last) 6 Riggs SVT opin gals Glo Uils ali any eye Gul Raat last Vgmaly of edady os.iy ona LL Call GYLl ab + Cassa Ge Gedeastt Noegt ul Y Fasaze vagaill Lyell La pll G AUS B 35h Gaul Gy guia dusat al 5 AgLUT ye! Gosted saz. Giga Gata! Real Lol obi! el pr 6 Le ilisdl Gail oll g gay! — 1 Male Lite Se ler Gstse Lily ws Lass aay) of 6 Ryall Gil Fal, + Fas dye Las eats + 4 Gotge Gad Gl Jgayll Baaaall GlbsbAll aa — 1 arttly 6 piel GAS claag! ial iy Gayaill La — + Goal! dail oe GUS JS) Ise Lil ps Lat gain acl 6 QHLAY! Iie ides col Baclinety ¢ Gaul dil as 6 duudty acl ade. Gabill sila V1 eas 6 GAIN I ae oe eaelaly Gated Goad oF umes oleic lS (TUL GDL » GUS las Las ¢ CaS ode gual dupe obs pee Gtial Mos phusll gg pall [de Glau lS sty. ( ntl » o Deell Ve gil) pty Aa Gadbig . (Lara Ae. — AL. llga) way V ply dita baa (gil yg Ay yall Coa jill (CApattwey Gruul on Oley ia ) pact SAN tly pall coal (gaa > eaal! ils 6 ais dst a Gaul 1 os 44 la eAteall Olte gl wale cst lal oul aglaal — 1 eel oie Siggne pt ey yall oy oe oe (EN) gyms int Pslaall — ¥ Analy ( 59958 2 Gael / ot Sb) or uae (1) oloVI cdldaall — ¢ oe © setae Cor? Rea Gael / ois (ey) AGG Gdolaall _ o Aiea tas oe! esther asi 4 agiteall glade yf AU ase gal dLSts Ags gil deals aay Rel yl Mull _ y all} ass yal Gt (8A) Chg yee pe dAbAI A ( dldal) gaual geen ae alsal all yaa Gf Uagall Guede Ghill Gaye ayeall eudat oad ins tt oF GAN MG AS hey IS Ge AM GHG AT LS Shall B Ngee oS Ag) Geld s ) creo all ploie) Gabi) pusilla All gybll Ibe SNS Lat Cua aby 6 ( one Lajas oe Qasilia AUG pagan) 3 pitas Tali gall LM oye Lee all ode ceed (EV) 00 ya) Gledg® op3 GA GaAll GEL pe Ub Lig. (£6 Ge J.G. Hoffman, De Hermencutics ( y¢ G\VY— 1 114 blag oA less at Y call Qn Li TAVY cyl Apud Syros Aristotlis edblail Lyall MEAG Chyat ps dle adls Ly (09) NLATA J hi) Maraya J) aal ay gle cag (Ue) God, of) Lull 2H) AY. Ge AUG. jasedtisl Sul ( Lyaall » doa all ode a yng) Saul (£A) Vey oe SS hee! Gls Gb — Saab shit Gas Ute abigail co pA prrgtanndds 6 5 pS Tues aise US Gall 6 ceuog dl py! + tigzglty © gall Relay Tsligll Qahill YLeV Gea sai hail corneal Uy aaghall A 6 SLARY) quly Auth) Lalit gladly land! aualy Ma Gltjally cpt! DE oe dik Gh WM! Ghidl) ial! eptea pill olad 0553 GIS GSI ¢ SK! olay 23 agall be oh Ue of Ses. tie) Clad Leal GIS LS pegala poall gf peaill pga ( slsall ia, LES Gal 4b! og! Gis oe StS oly + (EY ete Lhe 4 08 op culd ge Gall LA of ylS ats 6 VI Mae Gy Ghill G Sagal) B Sat! ahi Weel geal lay pd Gas Gill A Soll can es Aig eSiS fused Set Gall agegll GATT Ga yall GSM GISy 6 eltiT cose Sage cakes GNF gall F sthill Gali G VLE Ly Gad Gall Limedhe Gas S4ll (ed pall Guhl os teas op deal GS dnt se ages OH Gas oP ad pall SAT poles ¢ Gill G (dea YI Gusti ot + aS ode GUL Gaal oll coplas BAU ML F453 GM AVY ple cin Sages Just 15Sey Tote oe cbeaall o Ayu Je) seacie Qa! abs 6 yall Ghily Bygeet pallgel capella digys SSVI Sage gall! cugley . chlao¥l 6 Chall oe pestis Goats GIS GA gy} Le ayaill (se) o( pod), © GAN ( Glsad glen D — cal sll 5S LS — HpilS at oC ckgaall ® cuem all Gar ge SO yf Uiethid G gis Lay (£4) He Nghe ouill lig Slee (gaia gle TL! Baal G Gt) SS) deel ye AU ane cy Gna ase Le Gene Ora sie € SSI 6 Aa sell MT peal ( gh ¥ Gg» lS, ( AL iall DUS po 3 o Regal GM lastly OS pos GNC Ginot oh) ethos © CAR ge NLATA j5tts jst ) VA gaped alseY GALL guia Gey! a + Salil! Ba gaas Ul Upube cay CR all gy pte lar a Lad olSy ¢ Rabigll Gabi! Jui bag tye GB colisall ¥ phy TAM Jay 5 og sats GSI gaia dll Guat dy + GIsV! Tayi! ode QUA Lal! te Y pay Agitilt ples Cm ples oS Gall data CATA — YAY) agle 1 CAYO co ll — Vow o) qaalll gp tee eee CATs CS We oc) Gohl go: (Uae) es *—T (Mie coVAL oO) Saal (CF) ae — € (Me CO VAL ce) Gall tll ee! ae (ALL CH VAL ce) Relig ge CAB oC — VANE) (GID) ols *-Y CADY = VA. 7) tase on Urge #—A (Ale Chee c) doe Ge ae aa | CAVY — Avo 7) Gall (agg) 1. CAV — AN) Gael ot ona gene <1 CAVY = AVO 7c) coms Ut ome (seed — IT (AVY RAY. oc) Gish gp Ua ane — 111 CMe oa AT.) mall ot ote ata IE (Aad AYE) of gp cuts gege —10 CAMA AG. Glam) tun — agh (AW — AL. oO) ce giaall wy CMe CR AL oO) G5ad pom of : CAND J AV, Abo Cc) Rise Geel gee 1 CW. CH Ae) ot ee oe IA (Mec Avo ed snt + —Y- CMY Cm AV oO) Giteall olte ol gee 1) (AY. CO Me ee) Ae of + ANN CAYY CAAT. ©) 985 ol FY oe TY (Moc Alo) ss () +18 + ae O03 bose Ube Gils pate ae + Geel ot odie Aja ot Get pois gee + Gael op ysia Legal polis (ge 3%) as ts oll abe 493 Ab GA added alt gle FLiNU olay +. + Hells te oF Lins ane) oe Mgjy Unis Gli. Ata aye GIS 4K Nae of VI called FY) 6 Raagadl Gs Qygiloyg¥I Vgleas of del jas byelbin! + dee 585 23 YG oo) Ray yt Mall G Vahl) GLit av) Glau rte ot amg 6 BS 9 one ty ls GSI Gaba! Seal Ql IS sas Sg 6 Shell oe Gt ber Use op Gail oe shnel 66 Utie OF Use Gael sly Saal! Gees ot pele Oey} oataedll Gh ptr og! BLU po petits Fast PW 6 cal or Geet Ube ce pates (Sead patti! Vhs as. Gaeily gain Lass ( Madly Bypemy dhe i ule Le geal! ode cals © JU) ane Glog. Lha Laka, Gill 56 On crsillais sath ge Gada Ep aty 6 CNL edhlaall yA Ute Ks Babe Oe ee Gd Go Seal Neg | Geol) co LG hla Lemay = Akay eb Sle GN Ub 6 cent! SRG! Ahad G LLG Thedi,, Yo. oe GID ssa MI la! on ad g pall He day Ql 6 le oS + qegall Ghil! sgh Wats 2 ad) si 2 erzall Gh § Cat yghill slg — o WE Mahal) Glutyall yybsl glu LAM Galata! oY Uiay Mdpoally + Ra jalls TUM dnl! G leagas oe Laos GHWT ple TU Flat sail Glee lb ye dest ce Lele cele 6 lal! Taal az Ge asatzy tls see — 1 — Ao 8 pill SHA ( Gl pall meal Ge eteline ol peete® } Oneal! 4 Jal > GS MIS g 6 dorsal GI Ghai G (Ua YI Casi » Jats AL. sagt Call — Gila all ode cus azy 6 ( UUbAl 5 ( Ubu » y vila Wheel Abbe, ¢ das Liye Glas — ple dag: Lal null Gob ye deed Ser not Gal ll oleawall ode of ply ¢ Lyall Ugh, Uti, ag CAN at US oe yaks Qed TLL ele all ode cuts oy N92333 On ATs Gone) on cals 52 pty 6 all oe Ghailll Geass Us © GL LY! Ula tl Vg) 3 ody. Gan! dul delay ay le asl Ughegs ¢ cb shall Iyitey 6 Auitigall Gay aaill Gil yeas 6 Bagae Cora Cus sl pee (Tul mall Gb ye Sale) Lily cre. Aqall culo all Qual! deal ll Gok Ge — ypille gf ile Gg — 4! Cab ye ) Lyall az ( Gaus! dis! Leldy ) oedlejy lain ol — 1, 6 Raabe) aS gle Taligall Capill ow de sity de gers ( Rilypull gtd) celal y Asha! Aut jall Gall AV! Steg! ov Subey + sgh) Ghats) G Tada cals Gall Stl gll ele SBE CAV. — AYs alge Yl DA Gag Call Sel ye LI — € sal jag Ged Us 4 condo: die UE of Se Le Gail! pas. te aged G Rabi ja gunill (does, Coad) deel By pce Ua, oy Re Ms oe ALE IS)! ceed pull Sues Utcds GUISE eal aay tesa gl C08 op Calg CCAM Call» edd GSM gag (AIL Vyas Lead Gad! Gall gm9 6 (Ved — Avo colle Ge Sblt GIS ) + oslo ns Agah quep cuts ie daaaai call 3 aill ode Ulei Gas ¢ likey dali Qa dled » Nae Lae tly pll / anaidall Gila VI Lads ala pcig © Live DHL Ge aye! dias cud ody. Lyall G aus Ul Geely 6 Ua ed Ge Lite Gh! eee a. Ge ‘ake 455,5 gle pill! Mudall Goat jall aulis ow Ljats Y tej dino Cirle call Bays gl Tabill GALLS gf Ye (cee St llall tl Ramses Corts B5age Silas Tentyy Ged GS aay oo QI! Ue, BBA ot oe oa clad 6 ViSey © ya pHa ogadts Gall as ve ama far ad OSs ob geill He GF YT 6 Gabi! Glut all gail leases 6 JM G Teli cals Gall Glad! joi Go pull ode dyelund GH Lge Gh aul gs Ayelet Bylell ZG GySI Lal jai, crrranig 20.) dinaysey Quin Lemay Gill cgey 6 Lea yiy Gageaill sfacl Saal oslaae Gate Ghisll Gayla dol of Gad of Us lily wall ! (tet. COA Co) ot oF (VATA ~ AN0 o } tell oe CVs CAVE oF Lineal glyd! (1.0% — AW o ) GAbgAdll % —TL +—t- a0) +t tr @) 4 to + sly Lunas igtae 5 je z : 2 tly Wigh oC A asad Cah ity Gly Shad Eas phe gee « «Shit! ce (SLAY) Gilat) lt es ot aati Obl. 4 doo 6 Nab Rasae 2 Mable S59 dM tal CW T= Abe ct — 2 C9) SIM PL Ce) Ode oF Ce © fee (Avtar td wef 5) edt Ce) et aw (%y alla (Alo = Kot) (Ate He AED (de me ave e) a Ok) Sadat pirate Cave me AME? a Fo¥! Lyi (Cw) eso Ue) olin t (4%) Son ett A te Cun ettet) (lA me bey (94. te treo) Cae: QO. ty -4eeT) Qed eed 4 eau cee ee Gaur 5S chest oxy Abo Oot ane sl te OE 2 40. f) renee (ANOS ay.ey Chee m ALT) eo tides wrt Sd eet Oot Qv Sead) (ree awe) 7 4? PO) Semmens | OVE owe) PY SATS ES] ete Aaah bade ar Neel 69) Aneel pa te qmail) Lajos clined ye laaly lyase gf! Lapel Jalal S355 Uatles ZB Leal cle Gly ulSy ¢ «(abil » Gal Gah ule stady Byte) ailic Iglel ob Leliscl of ae 6 ( cabal dja D pal pedals + (1) Taig Leakey Gibigall plall ge GAY ga 5ib Rng ahs PAs Gaal pladaasl Gi jeial ge Aka WL © pte gall GL! OLY! Lyall U (1) (Scholarches Uti gll G ) colle le alse 622 OF ety Grltilly Gis pty Uf api lise y VANB ¢ cage yy). Xayall lial! o S35 U Lady @ guatbill GU, » I GS: cally — USuabeiy Lyall ode bay gle (IV 6 C10 Go pA! gyal DMA (asad Aull) CL > 5 Lees gat + Ball ode GB Gaal! GhiU Gul Gul Lis (Saha ( slats Lyss DG LG SIL Garlaall gall GS Tort D clin Cals ozs + StLo gM 054) A406 5-5 gle danal’y 2 yee SOF LS cap D 9M Uarngis capt D 9 6 ( Gledh D of (paid, Coal oS jaetll ype Copill ode Ge Cp KI Sys Ughy » Fans Ag Ales gh Y! Gaill on lee Lie Cady ob lay Sit asad Gail Sql Lagi, Laks yy pgs Shaieg ¢ ULE he Beppe Pygear Le Beaty 6 pall WEST DE ple days Legh ly © geet Gly evs c pall puisy . Liligdl capil ski dyn, + Abel oe abl os be bale gpg. ALS, tara clad, ay CY a Ob 6 RLY) GL tla 6 og go 0d ces Uli (1) + € GB » Ba Corel 6 14 — CYA 6 C10 — O11) Ge VANB cig al, (1), © OSM pyle Ws 4498 we AST © cans Ent CMhral ( Gand, Deal Os ol a. Giligall Abol Gtes LS Materials on muslim Education in the middle ages. © VV Ge ( 140¥ gail ¥ YoY Lad gst, Big 6 at GS @ LA as GLE GS LY 6 Raa V1 esl pone Ge ULC, Ge aT GAGS g gudgl dyaags eid, N30 a8 of detall gag 6 bell USI Gia ple day dgh Qluy cabled acl EL Qh cy ntl A ppl Bascal pills © Talal! oo GIN! Hasl Gadllls Daal, pal we gs Lanall Jolie pall oS gli» GUL pil Cay ¢ Sat Hagll Fall 5 SM Gaal dec Sap algl Goll! deeaal Gab cots dat (gill Abell Lely Lng 6 Sle Fat GE Opal on! pad ody 2 GHA goill le aleall Galing LOU cy pti Lenk Ge UNS IST Lagke GaSe LAL gplatell pglall gat of lel dead fp pelall Gale. Solas Shia ¢ ats Unt Gall Uoeat ew ye Gal: KS ye Stlese Val C Seetill de st] cathy 6 Ula Yl Uae cle leant Gd Gutay 6 cull all col gets GR Gls oy: Le Up] oulaauly dle 352 al G Mel Yc pall ells J ASL, 4S Guess Elid aie y «yall AT Geenaty gill geil ole lal Gules ¢ dey Late » dtl A ge AShll G deed 6 AGE Gal GMT ole J eo et oe cots clalls coil Got ns 6 bee GET Gl el OS) ges ol GM Aang GK oye Willie Le Ad Sig ¢ Lal ay 4 ( lad) coe pL Aeculasll 1 SL ogets + gill AT 4 ily day I Glin Vy Lets Vy Larye Is Sa Lat + ASL le gal aty Gill oe Gelb 6 Abide + GUL ge GHalay Yeill Jhlo F wel Vl out Eoall (0. C gaol y oA 6 EAN 65 COE TH Unany Lell cal, LS ge 6 auc) feglaall ge Vie Uyate) dale patteg I GL L Gees NS Gye dl GB Uaeall deaay Say © 0) OYA = YAY Ga 6 Nasal ¢ bij, Lai ¢ oss ont Qalglly 6 alads Lajas chpedet ye Cuaall Sule Gai of tohs BURLY 9 Gol UN GIS yh quurneall Ga IyitS Tea yall clacl exe i GBI, Lanadally Lary cle I yishs pol Lael c¥5® eaens + (Casall! wes Gait gle Gaels © RataVl peglall Ge ls pte Ue 6 Guana 6 cabal egal Ste 6 AT pqndins IS y 6 ( cgageall ) caged Lasts gis nis TUL aay al 6 le Gl dey + Lal Fails Gyles Guill SUS oll! poise Nye Je 6 la yll slalie F poli gle osieias oY! GE ot Cate TS SEE AS cgay gf LLG gi Guil'ge gt onelen 9! le gf So Call Gad GLa! oly. 0! Logg, GG 1B yg0d CANS 6 glabes col eS Jon 5S a7 Cals Gilly ¢ (sass sall J Bal oll cit © (Wy ( gatlogll G) Gast! ayy dla G > Gilli Halige plaally cglall amy gel 6 pdt! ellall G seal! ¢ Gorell ada! ve Bp Lan, Unagty Tash Ay git Mee Lassal Ue 6 tl alae Ge ul stall cj coil gall Gb) GDh Laas GAS Gall pleall by lai! aa! alse AT CAL. llga cule) de pte aol GIS ate. LAY Gailly aged mall pegad Los — 0 SLI LI 6 Eailigall 58 yas Gee slats Layay Cell 6 One Ga 6 quant Zea 6 yp. A. Mez, The Renaissance of Islam.) A 2gi ¢ jis gat (1) YW qtly Kt Goad Y gai VAT Ge 6 TAY 6 Sigal hap call Gu jall aby shady ds on Sail etl ge oe Uulill + hyd Boney yltbeadiy Glin alls Gaol gy Gain pails Ly ga ¢ VANB ¢ Gye () yor ode of slic! le 6 Rllapall pts dajes pal OS ol — Gre OH Bays he Reed Cll ys pd Gi Le otal Ge bead GWT gst ag Lilt Ta pall TAMU RLY! Sajal le © MS Gag 5 (A) Rell oe Ale Ball ode Rabbis) ¢ Royal Sul all tlyall GY ayes Gl OG ol peta 6 ahady Lanyoe Leh Ges Curmall oe petigS Gao Nyreay pl coil he YI Nhe Geoeing © tall dagt SM giligall GRU Nyt jes ol slash oe lyse AUS pis 6 Lhe IS cil ¢ QI! pS (abil! + (slaty Luyay Basses Lbe Gog Cates Coil Rudi Aa yully Gb desl gl ages D Nggd Ghill Uji, ¢ Ayal tlgall G sta, eats gle Gib! ab CSUs ob Jyied Casall olay orl Lalas aden Olea Gil oh ITT ( Galata il pail cuabll yaad ee de ey AS ISI YI Nine Lash oe YT Estas oa oh 6 Ligeals tue Cagll § GIS GL A soils Tall ow be to) Gad AT Gad Gi be © cull tel SD ( ccaplete ) ple prtbes 3530 U9 of gaes Y dpi tall HSMAYI 5 Sesh y Lash pslall plese of ( cusball mle BRAN YT gad) gas brute old oy ot LI. Aaah, Ss oF ye Naane Dis ol Ney Sy fF gasaball Ga jlally call y SG Tages de 3 ot Geel Ge Gast St 6 Lal asl Gods OY day oS ol olay wil ol + Eauill ode ot clas vee Liggee Lite cla ¢ salads by Gann Ueage 6 dag rb USA ly Ele call dey bIl ams ols, + Ghidll otal Ge aglll VY Ge Lely ¢ NLATA 6 jsatts ISI (Ay Wa Schacht and Meyerhof, The medico-philosophical cantroversy..., controversy..., p. T7. 3 LN jalls pectetol shady F olepall Spall ats of doa ay 2s age oe SY ASE CGEM AMS Ly (siligall platy iL! bed! cr gle Giligg Ghill Gulja cuss SIC too. gle GSge apd Lal shoe TAs balled Waly. Losay Mall SL LL eet ( cL Soll Gul » G Wpily . stad Caja, Wa, Gluiy, 6 daa Supple 99 6 Ae Or ale Or eee OF Ltt GF dub Gi05 SAI jal G col Staal ge THM ayy t (e)eAe ® EVY GGL) Gost Galads D160. — Vako Mga Ley geh 2Y ols [alate 1 cx Sil Gail 3 OSs poli ¢ Ghill B13 alt Saal on cde ooh I Sy 6 OLA N3q2 ptt on cat gll US pO lag lle Aly dings 6 OVI CU GG yaad Gat Peloa) Le ot ate TAU 6 (N) Achill LLY] Gijags VANB age nlf ole. sUSall abt baal). ghill + CATV Ge ap GL Le Upiall Get Gog ol Gods Me led Gul (4) Agel UY! gl 6d Gla) doling » ayes 4S on Yi» GLIL Lif 9 ; + GIS & pagel Rea On ANS) aac 63:1 Gaill Lda pa it ot Ge cabs (ge) © lets oils May oot Less Gall edit Jil Gye uly cas 95 368 Casall Gail LI. pats suai! Ge Geill ie GU ely les OFF Uke, AVI Ne Jt aah 6 Sly ont Gle olds onl Des NS Ladle 95 — gts LS aly 6 teal oye gt Lt gl Gall fey dé ay DA baY CS ULE 6 alles dy Gyyie La Gila aul Ul 0 FS Galak ipa Gill Osaee oe Qual oy UAL! oaks cu ol pestle on sty (Guill os Jal gyal Cigeabll's © usb Y cbse 545 M3 Ge pad ye ily 6 LIS = ely Gambly ceepleall lull 4) donne az gl Last YW Ccpoalt Ghillie) 2 pihell gH GLI OLY! gllall LEM) chal sll cat — G80 KM Updange US le thal gall Jl gle alasiy ealitle whe tas at IS patall of YE. LAY! G akedl! Slat yall tails ¥ € alate GIG Gaby ot eal Gis AT. de the Gis oe ase hie IS 6 OLS Ge Coty AS ae OTe ple glory TEM Nayage OS bee SST GANT GOL alla G dabuil cpBel Gall Gye GAA Gualll aged aaa Nike 6 Glull ig isiay! Lyall SabUll Aah yh le Uzhadll cast jal aaal gl GLauy! ‘alate pai oil gts — Ube Bali Gopiedll Ider Ghill iss Ragagll Trolall cals att 6 (1,00 — ALO)! Cugagll Folw JS Sapa Vm Sa gel 6 pede! pollall pone staty aed el > y Gd OV! US lass cual, Spb yag 8 polis G52 oe KE OV 6 Gees Slt 2M) © Ub Gas, dat call Gat oN Gach! elt yall sl GG Gaaeall ageny OS ate GAG oot) cals call ALM al 6 Gully GU gu: 238 Oy Oe Joly K le Shas gall gm Gulls ¢ abil, =. ape I clas AL dabat Gti Guual Ly ¢ JL Ul oasis Ul! 05m ASI 6 So pcall Coe 0dr Oe ed F wee 6 dks Cabal y Ghill S dar ay dings Sally 6 Lyte dees Las edd Gael of GI Malad Ls 6 Ogee pt Gye UL Lely, © balls Gamal! Ugeane Ai gob of at ¢ oaks lly Sat paill gill © Grell olonds cals Galacall Mer EY ila, red D 6 dig le SL 5 gSally CAS cingy 59S! La ay Geias CVT hy alg © Gala As cat gtiy ¢ Spell delat + Cpacall 1 CO mG ue P. K. kitti, History of the Arabs qs yall GG 2 (aS eel +c (}.} © VD GAS VEE NVOV GE gail yy cA Ghd pl Usy ALYY Gl dala, Fpaaall Shall x de SE ej gtd 6 Gio M ince paail © MY G Leal 0585. — atau cn Bays de Cals uelell ude oa Weal of 6 ceaball alall aig Hall oS GLa all pal sill pales Gant ol ld yt Y yoy 6 gall © ONY © Gilat, Gude 9 4G cinays May ceed Fabel Cal jall Gad co atal Call LLY) GEUL yf ( aah 6 Ulla C Leagan ) ileal ge pthell gual on pill staal GM aes Lead eaten Gall CULT. (Byala bass cM hake DB 592 Sas Lal Ke old 6 OLY hall G Glaiell o ( Adalall Guat alts leet ost codge Gua! Ss gly! 6 patel 2 qgileall olaaly hill — ¢ aga oe sig Ae Sa pol 6 MUTE Galaill Gat jall flat a, 5 ON) Ra Baadalls liga Ghill Gay dea gi, Uda, ce lie IS ati Gaels Ghill oles LLY Gai a, Ada! ay shas gle dogs pall Ale — petlas ce — 9 csin gill Cabal! Sot Gaile, GASN YS add. gle joie We cla GUNG GIS Aut gly © Ghidl cb Say Gala Ladle het Gay Dla lea erage Jal: AQIS Goal Gams Gale oe Clim NS and ANS aay (1M) pili! US aged Abell ode gt 6 cla Qt 6 cpassll Wy bil (119 BC Stall Ligne ) Ula Gas GS 6 Gagistle oll lS Cll Gt Dpto: SN) Laps 3S ol tls ell Gasset ol & 9250 VaY BRE NY pis CVATO ) VV obs (SpA le jaa Gaga (Gael or Gua Sa oe &__al yall SATO 4g tally jal Leas Call Zul all an (11) Gail s 6 Logee Seti gall aol LLY! La jlell calla call ASH + paged day cde © NV 60 gee SATO ¢ jeucialgn > dal (VY) ww ple clad Nadiad b Lz yy Ghilly lao! — Laall of gdly Ustall > ok! cgliall oLaadU eg palit — Ujiell cls a8 6 Gueleell Gaal ABs daa ybs LEY lb GG Taalall ypadin — I ele J 6S aay ( (3k) aL pall Cage dtlly igisls aie Ge LS) Loi © REL Gay oles 13g) aang! GET aes Gass OL 6 Aga) GUE ge lay dont Gay ot Gle Gi! dee P pte J gpl he ath BT YT 6 aes ge Lee cul Jas LS ei 55 6 usbialls Aa Ew S day GB phd pod pli PPYTe bap) Som sop AGU Rojas G adl Lae Qed days G Saal! pdt GS Colas Gail als ( Yo + COVA Ge 6 VANB cage aly) (gilall clas! ge glial “ous (UL UI gules Used pee jbe GE ALIM elas GhiD pada! AS GALM GS pli + Giligall Ghill cilgal AB G (6 Ghill Sal gle GSS oy Ghill aap UL CoS UL. Gla Gb M8) (Wie LAle ge 01 gis «atl Baty pad gd A Gle Ghill GI Glu! Jef ks odd coe Yay Syrian Gj gus Aha a0 HN 6 Gaede, (hd Lin oS gu (se) (peal). AV) Kull 13g, Ge all G Wis! osy. Syriac cy. Sol gas! ol ab Gt Get oll (19) Wilhelm Spitta, zur Geschiche Abu-Hassan al Ash’rri’s GOD lait Vee Ge AS! Get} 83 ody 6 VE Ge ( IAVT ial} Fae Dols GILL, Ge gas Val! ede culos - Get © GEA Slay 0 2d oot be pty Ghai and Leng 09S Yo) OSL oot AAR Tle Bales Lie Lia! cals! GLI 1be Gis gly + Qual GI pth gual ES Ghilly canal yas ( gegpially Ghill 2-4 b BL Ao. ple llga (adisill ue Gas aay) oe eh sad oF Sal po Oss csliell Gailall oe Ghid os polill Sy oat las Gll eda ogy. quall Jay dull Lab gall (allt Saat ats ow Gal 4zdy Capel gad) Gey gull Way leat on Ule Btai SAMs GEN oar Gust Joe syat Galt Quall We JR (aul: ede pity (S28 OF ate 6 ie ps gd LL, he) pall Baaly GU EU Gol AL igs 52 Ly gall gh Gas Glsla! LM GA yo add oC ial ga Shey Lil hill GU 6 Ulan alll Gap RAN GUGAYI ga (AAT / ® TV) Ggill) Algal! sae vee sal oy olebes gf [es ¥ ob] y 6 Gigs Ghilly cp yall @ Saal! [ GELUL ost ] Ugaiy ¢ coll [a bas ins] Gyall gai Sete aay CTV Go Ayla Gaal ¢ LUYI Lagi! jie 1) + Ge) (Lea sail SIN 92 sally Gilt gap GEL Gal! GLI Nba Quel aay © GAL ghiksy 6 V1Yo —1.VN) ils tll Ll patsy. gill! AUS GZ ghu! ye dipe Gayes b Ldtall clglell ( €YA Ga b> + © Sails SU» Vgasdes Syahid allaall ral UY JsV1 lal no geeu Leilly © Sg zall ensling gaill autly Sa dag + Sail M8 gall oe SN cdl gal Sus geal Foiled oll Ghill Gos yl A. S. Tritton, Materials on muslim Education in the (\o) Middle Ages. + AVY ga ( 1A0VD Talgll oaraiy Ly aly dea jall GG paiy edly Gael Gaill b % P Gags 2 lee gai Ghills © Que Gbie gail » ga Ue + (peal) 2 YVR Ge 6 catoatall Vo estall US pl at gine FT grsly gry sand! oll Gaelly BU ge CUT oye Ail gine Gh 6 Upagtt 6 Ah Ghill Legis Sate NIMS Ge > gaeleall GLA SN bya 6 least Ye Dota Golly LAR: Gl gall olast aie
      oe 4255 ot Us ~ Oy Das 2 pila gall GLI Gayall GMI 9b LAAN JIL) Gas — 0 Cot Bet GUL oppo Ge SSVI Gaal oF oe él Ute uleetl on AI A Les ply Atl! asl aes Ge Gueil ob pte Jae ow aL gat Gls — Ub, editing Gils Stacl be G. E. Griinebaum, Islam Woy! ¢ gluta ot og VD IV ge fe CVAD) 46S GB pin oo leas (WV) A Tenth-Century Arab-Christian» SHAL Apologia for Logic» ww TAB WF Call cake piel! oe ald Gl) ments Ut Se OME CG bagaag Ulu! ode KS cals Uy. Toe dtl, G Lae Lhaal WLS on etlusins Ge Fal sya Aa Upeogll alls A Usi ¢ gall! eres Lease IS bay sf 6 pla Gg poe cle Jes ci gill orc (VA) asi] pS! cual UCL ode of yet Goi Fal al lB Oe UXT Le gage — SAM Jess gle — cls 6 pled gall J Sadly excl, ase RBG V0 pty HN)! Gar op Cae le ls Lal Ltt Stas lye Gy Ala, 3 ULL ode Lad I till gil: as, Périer + (hei Shae tess al 6 dhedty GLS Saaeal! GY sal! Je 2 ee¥ gall Gu ADdtall pagal og C egal > Lewy ( pail y auld bees Glia, clin cute ce cate SS aa) BAY Algal pI MT Alby GAM CGAL OSs Sob Bye coil fall WET g ( jas MHL B10 pd ULM 05m Bsus +O Agke She Sty Gly ) dallas Bb qetae ( bein Wg!) AGH Spe UL, cals FAG dye dan a Mga) Ag Acad Gattis athe Gall gd Goyal AGL Laat SSE OF as AS aig ( Gel) Gull leg seotls — SU are Gb ETA Gedy stall) + Mall ode Gydige coil (F poginlle ) GUY Laas AS) deat GALL ode Gal UN alle aay) (a UG TN + © Blaall » Gul GN 5 ca sall one Jed! Gall: Gagislle Cail (1A) oF ptalle LSD alge opt Olan Le GU. Oo Ge 61 26 Uber Galen’s erk Vom issenschaftichem» Bewisch. , Jalil»! CA gh da gp nal) pga QSULMT Ral) rye #(OTA = FEA Ge Sb) EVA — 069 Ge CUNY 6 fone JY al VW. Wiheses 49S yf 3 fall ode G ial! Ge GIS S gaily GA! Gus GUM Gala gue ull GRU Gale oo platel Guage gatlly Ghill ie HRUL Gall sjall G) ggetgll We Gaal GQiIbLill age +o gilll SAS 38 GSE or Cate of Giga LEI ye Meas 6 ( eglll cLesl » Gg oY ke te ot gar CB BLL Ge pet yaa Laals . UL ode leas do gaily Ghul! Ls GGL all ae aly ( Gale (9) Caglga gle we a le le Gall Ujubuyt NG ge ee bp) GL plied! iy t dub pStl Loud! tS gah elec! Ge UY GIS alaas Lunde cgi. Gaall Ghill 3 Cal yal! 2 CAS Maal gC AY) SLM Cy nt GL pL oe ctl Ul! Le 3 US 6 Ge UL, Ganed 3 ie Aa UD of Gai gay 2) IVT cdUbast yo dda nt oY) oe ents Bla SOSA ye CaS Cal GLI dks, Gy! 2 GALIstt ais, Sage 9B AAU Lo 53 38s 6g AN Bag Lin alts al Ghill G + (Sag Al Ge TY ty BI) ae os Gunty (ilu ye See SRY Cp yialle Culalaai! dase ol ghea¥ ugisdle cilaliait oF ll das GUAT agile Gaes oy ge Wa, GLI Gos as. (Ates, aslo Losiats ol Giles ll gh J LLU jya ad Gagidle Blas Lal VI Ne Gl Ge Cat be si ody ¢ (1 bibliography) + MgbIE GUS aly 6 Laabill Gu yiille Gass ie te GY Gaeall sjall G clas Gall jocall jh (14) oss ous ELGill Entice GB shihy © sey Las By SAI Gast! Qu G + taalzasl Lalys ow MA — AV Ge 6 Gold days SabLL, € play vey SRT SI, . sydin Ass 134) SII dae ol (1) Eoeds ) Cg a V IV Ohio Phe pial gl lull ont 2 CS Al Lag o ge oy Gill € reall Lola, 6) vary, WA 2 piled Gall GB Guzall Ghill catjais pal — 1 DE Gall SLU tate Call oljaill pat dls gly pati ol eas Gall Ge geaill ULall cat gall JUS Geaginy thal gl ol lly + ( Julat We Sy tiag 6 contin po Lpeling Sle Y Gall) dal Aa oh A LE LG peaally pI Ga pAll be Gina o Gham BGS! seins gall Se Se Gy Giljaill ody! Gailiy pagal Gis ald (all Glut all olf yaguaill fe 4i ctl sa Cor tll ye ile jaa gle Giagiel All Glut pall gl ¢ Aili! Leabaill TRU YI Gagaill cules 23 6 Us jLAll Gla ally Gttslt Gait all Lut yall ode dag cele doy gle slats dou jas g Ghill Ganslal digit, (9) Maul GGUS Gus V1 dat dis Gis ool Bagall ye days le Legge WN qeatall all SMA bil! Ss lS dual Sls dl co pi Ny Goll Te yatle cual Guestall Gaull pity of alacy (Bis) GaN Che GI Lnein ulLnY egeleaol GiS AI + UU pmaggn coal GUS 6 iligall platy Saligdt Gadel gy (ila alaall BO Gpawadty 2 capa on Sa Fyn AsV (ali Lule «lal Nay Mya Eb elt Sts al gl Fete Catlig 6 Ghill Ngekeg Suis pall ' gas ad etal gall GC Asal! clingy » of Hay) call Gail Syiall 5109) Let gal gdens oglel gal sbill og pt Seay ( es Ghill Welty Gsiry WIS begs Us sais. lady Liwjae § cities + ele WUBI dicey eb ¢ Ladi Lai diag ¥ gh VI GRU geolo alt Gilet Yaw dyyhig Lali) cadulaalt Ngee abl GEC GL pall Gre edad eka! Gl G Cyall Ge shady Lensay Uasebt Call Ugilll Sled) jline Gaye allie (11) » NLATA ,3'li ate aynge be joyaill Gato Gb we G Real Gadall heya) Kb gle class — hs Gl dda! » ApS Gale all Soi) Qiks, « ul eduball » Atle aye Leg G dal (TSU CObdaall 0 oS pl allay © « HMI easel LWT pee BY patie Oot cate abt coed oe slo) thal gall Cg. (BRAM eaad WIS WS! Goal debit Hae Cl aig . (11) ( ola, tl Z Anal gall Lee lalitg Gegaill oe lave ditege Gi: Gb VI + bapa oon pti ALIS Byung Lille, Gants el ards ges — cal! S36t Os gable -S jot Geel) ghaayi gle Gadi Algal Gaal big ABUL Ge SEY! te sally gle alll yall G Goal Tabu! call Ayal Gaal a. STG. Guise p29 — aghuasl gle gael! AY Selig oop! Gl Oper tall dest Rabid! Lut all coals ong int, LLY! acl BAU! GN oget Gall ls Luly ) 6 8 SEL Scligsll cl pecll Gare, asl ASOY! SG Gals (all db (2b tu aS gata Woe SS bigs — nell Ghill GL Glas gag, 6 pgilib, CALM Ge 23S J GAS — Used GF! sai Sey. agile ib o ds 6 ALI 4s GS Gall Gel Ge Eb alt da — 6 Ata + Reed Day oie pts gf SLUT AI Ga OY! comel of lls Gle Gag ats . 5 ceo) Gh BSL! gall Gees! GLa ol « Upall Fyne, ot oll lly © ple dag: sbady Leyas Coll haul us oyas lai! yay Yeas dive gy Bhill Abell 92 — Gung ndll dog ghey gal Lill gL ose y aed paasll ow Ek 2904 GS On IST ude cuaally Lal al May Gail Gall AY) 92 Ibe. Aeodall of Gauall of Gubll out all SAS DW eile Rar yatls Creme AMEN SMa GS lS (11) Bytla C cain Jt Atty CML oY Ve cee Bobi 6 @ gle sul SUNTVY RIVET Ge 6} ol Cy be Rat Catal! Vv. {B Agbill chuljall @ eos! Jal > poe 0b tieeg: ot pital! yall + Asal GhLM pital! FAN SF sald Gail Oty 9b5 Jl — ¥ coal hI YG Laaly sau All ghia) clelesl gs ase ellie Yan Beall laid GB jLa) BeUEI eats ans. Al gall gL! poling des yall ode Uhl dy. less stars Lares Gort U® oui! corte GEUL sls) Gg ( Aula, PpbLudll } osc 2 ygnsnall Teejee ead dail anag + 415 hel oe damn 8 2555 Gl 4: Upeslly SB Raa) lt pall F598 ppdongs Gack pAll Guanmeall 299 (t6i) slots Kagel GBUI Lal gilt eal Bags dajall cabioy ¢ Aelia oy c¥5e cll, AB gall oe Leesa! poe etl abe e Lettled ll Gi pall tial 3 geal gall Gh! GB gata Ll abe ( gle Get G4 al GI) WC AL pull al gll ge Wile |jot Gugall GH slats Gays cubtsy cepa) oll Haase FBS os Bagh! Lagi Wages cals Gall atl willy Ray all GAUL a wall Cabs lads dasa elgailey » Sabi gall + vise Cais GM Geogeaill Luljay La all por B posal) CaS Eiget dar 6 Mild Oe tll Qual GILLS! avy Pa geat oe oe)! ov Ghai og —slall clay ¢ Ghill G caedtll, RLU GY Ge geedll pained gs Ge I Culedll! ode bul jie teak Bye DgY GS J aglall Cigaall Bo» Ge os aoe Tlal Sailall 5 sall diag: tle phe ott ® coilaills Causballls Gel¥l GM sash) Ghul Ge GV otal Sais abla! 361 a8 Ayalall 4 polos of — Ghill gl (11 ROL heel speanll & ypu! Ley ghi Opa gh dyeelill cont! Ghai! GUY cal yybill AST IS Ley Ail 6G 3l gall Lady ce Biptne Us cle 1 Se 4S oe Ghill etry pt om Gill aig Gb ce CULMS potee® OS) geal Gull Jl Boat fall oval Et Carte oe dS ojo US ll 6 lady Gf OSA ( opel! AS US (Lane oS ol gS B Gt) Un cL! go GL (TT)! o LL, abs Gb cL ge \vv BRM Ss le patel Gall slgtiley © Mural GbM edit all — Ledlal Ligh slaty! GLa fas Sy 6 Gens Gusall dagt Guid a3 Glial cad Gal SI Gila gajall Goo Cy oulissall Lal Go! » 4s AVY, * JEL Fash Mw Goth Od (Mee gotee eo) tai | SB UaLAT Glut all at all Gta Gall Qaaall @ Ube copelally © qectall gual Gb oaea all Lats 2 Tee gle Guts LLY! qelaall Shou Usb cle Upttis gh! Ghill Gaal ¢ pila! yall i BRA AS Uy 6) Laat ts a Ge Oh lla 5A coe Aly sale yey — cigall coahall cginalill aulaall Ge tej eral a FLU Gye Ga poll ll Gadtiay of elbit ans — (al iy! cal all Age S quill sae p+ Goiy Ghiell saat oypalill sae IS. LLY, eral 6 slay Zan pay bette Ga pSVl eV Se pgs coedil Uy 6 Ad ppauait Gh 6 Lana IS) 6 aad Jat gle © Gayall yas Laabail) edt all cli «NSS Nad OG (olla B aK, bj — 1 as8y poe GIS al Lindl 6 dae G pte Galall yall GI Lk J peer Nee GG ot tats GbIl, LAP Ye Gaal Ghill yb Jy Bp elas Lad daly gals. 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