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Nombre: Sergio Ramrez Rodrguez

Matricula: 1559570

Hora: N1

Da: L, M, M, J, V

Actividad #2

Cd. Universitaria, Junio 24 del 2017

I think that against this, we need a more humanistic, more man-centered look, his
happiness and his values when we analyze science and technology and also a
more scientific and technological foundation when understanding man and his
spiritual life is about.

The corollary of this reasoning is that it is necessary to connect sciences and

humanities. However, the success of that company will depend to a large extent on
the starting point from which to start to understand science and technology. If, for
example, science is understood as a proven knowledge, expressed in immutable
laws and transmitted in an esoteric and hyperspecialized language, it is difficult to
find a fertile path for the humanistic exploration of science.

My starting point will be another. I believe that science and technology are, above
all, social processes. I think that understanding this is very important for the
education of people in the so-called "knowledge society", "technological society" or
any other denomination, always simplifying, that is preferred.

To argue that theme I will place myself in a historical perspective. The

consideration of some particular cases and the consequent generalizations may
illustrate my point of view.


Color television: Between 1939 and 1940 the engineer Guillermo Gonzlez
Camarena (1917-1965) invented the trichromatic sequential field system, which
would lay the foundations for the eventual development of color television. It
received the patent in 1942, applying improvements in 1960 and 1962.

Contraceptive pill: In 1951, chemist Luis Ernesto Miramontes (1925-2004), along

with scientists Carl Djerassi and George Rosenkran, synthesized norethisterone,
the first oral active progestin, the base compound of most oral contraceptives

Indelible ink: This substance is impregnated in the cells of the skin and stays up
to 24 hours. Created by the engineer Filiberto Vzquez Dvila, of the National
School of Biological Sciences of the IPN, it was used for the first time in the votes
of 1994 in Mexico.

Martin Cooper: El primer suministro de luz elctrica de la historia se dio en Nueva
York, Estados Unidos, el 21 de octubre de 1882 por Thomas Edison, inventor del
Bombillo, desarrollo la primera central elctrica del mundo y fue fundador de la
empresa General Electric.

En 1939 Igor Sikorsky de Nacionalidad ucraniana, pero viviendo en Estados

Unidos, fue considerado el Pionero de la Aviacin y creo el primer Helicptero.

Por casi 36 aos la nave espacial Voyager 1 ha estado viajando por lugares
recnditos del espacio solar, tomando fotografas y mandando informacin a la
NASA. El Voyager 1 se encuentra actualmente, a aproximadamente 11.5 billones
de millas de la Tierra y se espera que pase por las fronteras de nuestro sistema
solar dentro de esta dcada.

Otras invenciones que datan de 1977 que no se han mantenido vigentes como el
Voyager 1 incluyen la consola Atari 2600 y el Commodore PET, el primer
computador personal que fue creado.


Thomas Saint invented and patented the first sewing machine in 1790. Although he
never marketed it or advertised it, it remained in a prototype for the patent, without
needle and focused to sew skin. The rest of the sewing machines that came later
were based on their design.

Considered one of the "big three" English automobile engineers (the other two
being Harry Ricardo and Henry Royce), Frederick W. Lanchester created the
Lanchester Motor Company in 1899 to sell cars to the public. The car that it
presented had a system of brakes that united the clutch and the brakes. This
equipment was the forerunner of modern disc brakes in cars, an invention we are
grateful for when we have to make sudden stops.

Not a few are those who think Alexander Graham Bell was American, no, he was
born in Scotland. We could discuss whether he was the real inventor or not ... but
the only thing that was clear is that he was British and that he got the first US
phone patent.

After the computers, the other great invention was the connection between all of
them. What we know as "the Internet" was invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee,
another Briton. In March 1989, Sir Berners-Lee presented a proposal for a more
effective communication system for CERN, but soon realized that it had even
greater implications. In 1990, a NeXT computer was used as the first server on the
World Wide Web and to write the first web browser.

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