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Appendages (detachable)


Appendages (detachable) The ability to detach appendages and/or parts of your

body. Arm-Fall-Off-Boy (DC) has this power.

Captain Marvel (M. F. Enterprises) also has this power.

Appendages (detachable)

The power is clearly a useless one in the case of Arm-Fall-Off-Boy and therefore not
really a power but Captain Marvels appendages are self-propelled and this version is
clearly a power.

In Adventure Comics V1 #350, Colossal Boy (DC) uses psychology to defeat the
formidable the Jigsaw Creature.
Appendages (detachable)

Jigsaw (Dakotaverse) was blown up but the pieces of his body can still operate
independently (Milestone Media Universe Card Set).
Appendages (detachable)

Rockslide (Marvel) can detaches his stone arms in New X-Men: Hellions #1.

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