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Andersson David Causaya Cern

Cd.: 100812011523


Sentidos de Vida y Muerte en la niez escolarizada.

Sentidos de Muerte en los nios

Encontr en ingles un artculo interesante que se llama: Talking to children about death donde
encuentro un buen aporte al tema en cuestin cuando se habla sobre las caractersticas que
presentan los nios dependiendo su rango de edad acerca de la muerte.

Encontrado en: http://www.hospicenet.org/html/talking.html

Characteristics of Age Groups (to be used only as a general guide)

Infants - 2 Years Old:

Will sense a loss

Will pick up on grief of a parent or caretaker

May change eating, sleeping, toilet habits.

2-6 Years Old:

Family is center of childs world

Confident family will care for her needs
Plays grown-ups, imitates adults.
Functions on a day-to-day basis.
No understanding of time or death
Cannot imagine life without mum or dad
Picks up on nonverbal communication.
Thinks dead people continue to do things (eat, drink, go to the bathroom), but only in
the sky.
Thinks if you walk on the grave the person feels it.
Magical thinking
you wish it, it happens (bring the dead back or wishing someone was dead)
Death brings confusion, guilt [magically thought someone dead]
Tendency to connect things which are not related.
6-9 Years Old:

Personifies death: A person, monster who takes you away

Sometimes a violent thing.
Still has magical thinking, yet begins to see death as final, but outside the realm of the
childs realistic mind.
Fails to accept that death will happen to them - or to anyone (although begins to suspect
that it will).
Fears that death is something contagious.
Confusion of wording [soul/sole, dead body, live soul].
Develops an interest in the causes of death (violence, old age, sickness).

9-12 Year Old:

May see death as punishment for poor behavior.

Develops morality - strong sense of good and bad behavior.
Still some magical thinking.
Needs reassurance that wishes do not kill.
Begins an interest in biological factors of death.
Theorizes: People die to make room for new people.
Asks more about what happened
Concerns about ritual, burying
Questions relationship changes caused by death, life changes.
Worries about who provides and cares for them.
May regress to an earlier stage
Interested in spiritual aspects of death.


Views death as inevitable, universal, irreversible.

Cognitive skills developed
Thinks like an adult
Questions meaning of life if it ends in death
Sees aging process leading to death
Sees self as invincible - it will not happen to me.
Sees death as a natural enemy
Need for adult guidance (grief process, coping skills).
Needs someone to listen; to talk with.
May feel guilt, anger, even some responsibility for death that occurred.
Not sure how to handle own emotions [public and private].

Otro artculo interesante que encontr se fue: A childs concept of death en este artculo, se
hablaba un poco de las percepciones de los nios acerca de la muerte por rango de edades entre
las cuales las que nos interesan ms es el rango preschool y school age.

Encontrado en:http://www.chop.edu/conditions-diseases/childs-concept-death#.Vw_gUzElcaA

Preschool. Preschool-aged children may begin to understand that death is something feared by
adults. This age group may view death as temporary or reversible, as in cartoons. Death is often
explained to this age group as "went to heaven." Most children in this age group do not
understand that death is permanent, that everyone and every living thing will eventually die,
and that dead things do not eat, sleep, or breathe. Death should not be explained as "sleep."

Their experience with death is influenced by those around them. They may ask questions about
"why?" and "how?" death occurs. The preschool child may feel that his or her thoughts or
actions have caused the death and/or sadness of those around. The preschool child may have
feelings of guilt and shame.

When children in this age group become seriously ill, they may believe it is punishment for
something they did or thought about. They do not understand how their parents could not have
protected them from this illness.

This idea may make preschool-age siblings of a dying child feel as if they are the cause of the
illness and death. Young siblings of dying children need reassurance and comforting during this
time period, as well.

School-age. School-aged children are developing a more realistic understanding of death.

Although death may be personified as an angel, skeleton, or ghost, this age group is beginning
to understand death as permanent, universal, and inevitable. They may be very curious about
the physical process of death and what happens after a person dies. They may fear their own
death because of uncertainty of what happens to them after they die. Fear of the unknown, loss
of control, and separation from family and friends can be the school-aged child's main sources
of anxiety and fear related to death

Un artculo que me pareci importante en cuanto a lo que se refiere al desenvolvimiento

cognitivo infantil respecto a la muerte fue: Luto infantil Conceito, Compreenso e Elaboro da
Morte para as crianas.

Encontrado en: http://www.profala.com/artpsico111.htm

Desenvolvimento cognitivo infantil

Piaget (1967) citado por Nunes (1998, p. 80) conceituou o desenvolvimento como um processo
de equilibrao progressiva, que tende a formas cada vez mais aperfeioadas at a aquisio do
pensamento operacional formal. O equilbrio refere-se forma pela qual o indivduo lida com a
realidade na tentativa de compreend-la, de como organiza seus conhecimentos em sistemas
integrados de aes ou crenas, com a finalidade de adaptao. O desenvolvimento consistiria,
ento, numa passagem constante de um estado de equilbrio para um estado de desequilbrio,
resultando num equilbrio superior, tendo a criana, ento, desenvolvido uma maneira mais
eficiente de interagir com o seu ambiente.

Com o propsito de definir essas diferentes formas de interao, Piaget (1964) citado por
Bromberg (2000, p.80) divide o desenvolvimento intelectual da criana em quatro grandes
estgios seqenciais: a) sensrio-motor (0 - 2 anos) no qual ainda no h um conceito formado
sobre morte; b) pr-operacional (2 - 7 anos), em que a morte reversvel; c) operacional
concreto (7 - 11 anos), em que a morte irreversvel, com explicaes fisiolgicas e d)
operacional formal (a partir dos 11 - 12 anos) quando a morte irreversvel, universal, pessoal,
mas distante; as explicaes so de ordem natural, fisiolgica e teolgica. As idades
cronolgicas, durante as quais se espera que as crianas desenvolvam comportamentos
representativos de um dado estgio, no so fixas. Elas podem variar de acordo com a
experincia individual e o potencial hereditrio.
En cuanto a la inminencia de muerte encontre un trabajo de posgrado en psicologa que aborda
un poco el tema Criana no deveria morrer: significados atribuidos por profissionais de sade
ao paliar crianas em iminncia de morte.

Encontrado en: http://www.ppgp.ufpa.br/PAMPOLHA%20SSA%20.pdf

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