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Anastcia, grande mrtir negra, que foi uma das inmeras vtimas do regime de escravido, no
Brasil uma personalidade religiosa de devoo popular brasileira. So poucos os dados
concretos sobre essa ela e por isso se questiona a sua real existncia. Porm de grande
relevncia falar dela.
A aldeia de sua me, uma princesa Bantu, foi invadida pelos portugueses e um comerciante
portugus engravidou-a a fora, trazendo-a em seguida para o Brasil. A princesa Anastcia
como era chamada, viveu algum tempo numa fazenda de Abaete, na Bahia, mas foi em Minas
Gerias que ela passou a maior parte da sua vida, na fazenda de seu pai. Ajudando os escravos
quando eram castigados, ou facilitando-lhes a fuga. De Anastcia ficou a imagem de uma
mulher de grande beleza, personalidade forte, que tinha conscincia da injustia e crueldade
da escravido.
Um dos poucos fatos conhecidos da sua vida traz a marca dessa violncia; Por ter-se recusado
a ser amante do senhor, e para que no o mais pregasse contra a escravido, tamparam-lhe a
boca com uma mordaa de folha-de-flandres e lhe puseram uma gargantilha de ferro, a partir
da; ela passou a comunicar-se atravs dos olhos. A mscara seria retirada apenas para que ela
fizesse as refeies, e a escrava terminou por morrer de maus-tratos

Anastasia, a great black martyr, who was one among several victims of slavery regime, in Brazil,
is a religious personality of Brazilian popular devotion. There is little concrete data about her
and because of that, her existence is still questioned. However, it is still important to talk about
her. Her mothers (a Bantu princess called Delminda) village was invaded for Portugueses. In
that situation a Portuguese merchant became her pregnant by force and brought her to Brazil
after that. In Brazil, Anastcia princess, as she was called, lived for a time in a farm located in
Abaet, Bahia, but it was in Minas Gerais she spent most part of her life, in her fathers farm.
She helped slaves when they were punished or facilitated their escape. From her, it remained
the image of woman with a gorgeous beauty, a strong personality and whom had
consciousness of the injustice and horrible cruelty of SLAVERY.
One of a few known happenings of her life carries the hallmark of this violence. For her refusal
to be lover of her Slave Owner and also not to continue to preach against the slavery, her
mouth was covered with a gag mask and put on her an iron bit, thereafter, she started taking
through her eyes. The gag mask was removed just when she need to eat or drink. The Slave
Princess died subjected to ill-treatment.
Fotografia de Ricardo Santiago

Modelo: Vanusa Alves

Especial fotogrfico Drag Barroca

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