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Synch your Chart Boost your Profit


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26

We know your horoscope.

3H #2014shift

Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by

Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013

The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq

Information you never knew you wanted to know.

Your horoscope is happening in the real sky

Sun in Virgo for Halloween
Nov 23 Sun in Libra Sai Baba birthday
2013 Uranus in Cetus 2012
2014 Venus in Scutum
2017 Venus in Pegasus ^^

The Venusian cycles as encapsulated within the present Aeon of Cetus range from Hydra
to Cetus and Scutum to Pegasus. 2014 stands for Scutum while 2017 stands for Pegasus.

Information has a price as information proper equals gain on the market. Precise incipient
information makes for accurate prediction: to the second. Thus, relevant input plus
marketing genius make for relevant timely results.


Marketing is like love: a timely contract with a winning partner brings timely profit. One
the other hand, an untimely contract as signed with a detrimental partner brings the bitter
fruit of bankruptcy.


Both parties should align and synch to their original natal skies as well as present
heavenly configuration. This is possible by the intelligent use of modern astronomy.


In order to know what one is doing and consequently whom with to sing partnership, one
has to know who one is. This is possible by perusing ones original natal data, e.g. the
time and place when the foundation of the enterprise was set. First sale makes an
excellent starting chart as well.


Much as the exact minute of ones next marriage is predictable when exact data match
relevant procedure, so is every business move predictable as favorable or vice-versa.

As all is fair in love and war, the movement of troops on both sides gets predictable with
excellent timing: possibly to the second. The kings of old kept a shaman at their side
precisely for the purpose of determining the movement of the enemies troops. In old
China, to divine equaled to calculate, and that is precisely what we do: we calculate.


Many will stand out. What really makes you protrude to the front is your secret tool:
original astronomic data. You dont want to know about 1008 planets or elaborate calculi:
you want results: a yes or no and the date. Possibly second: go!


Your winning protrusion will of course bring you success; gain on the market as well as
sworn envy from incompetent as well as outdated competitors. Perhaps they still peruse
obsolete prediction methods or dont even have any?


Instead of standing still, the prediction methods at your own service update on daily, even
hourly basis: the whole database is automatically updated with the choice of actual factors
meaning objects that would influence the issues at hand. Some of those are known as
comets, others may be newly found dwarf planets, other swift centaurs: all these objects
have a peculiar way in influencing financial issues from shadow market to stock

The application of astronomic data to natal as well as actual horoscopes has led to a
revolutionary discovery: the zodiac. Zodiac, ascendant set and house system were
essentially scanned and set in minutes back in the seventies. Nowadays nobody has to
suffer from bad natal data, faux identity or bankruptcy due to bad advice. When both
parties are in synch, divorce has no meaning.


One does not have to believe in planetary positions that are not there at all. As
consequence, ones real self is synched with ones true nature. In alignment to ones true
natal planetary positions, everything goes well according to ones own nature: one can not
only know events in advance to the minute but also change the course of events at will
with RTRRT. Real self = real sky = infinite possibilities!

Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.
Phoebe 2004 PR
Equator Ecliptic

1999 HD12
Vulpecula 2001 XA255 2005 VJ11

Galactic Equator 1999 KW4 2004 CJ39

1996 AR20
2004 XY60 2001 BL41

Okyrhoe Talos 2002 KX14 2007 JJ43

Phaethon Quaoar Hathor Anubis Ptah

Aquila 2002 MS4
Scutum C/2004 Q2 (Machholz)
Icke Ixion
E 2003 CO1

2006 RH120 SE Scorpius

Equator Ecliptic Galactic Equator
Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate 10:08:10 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/15 Azimuth: 119.8723 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456611.88 Altitude: +13.5994 Variable star

Gemini has not been rising ascending at east for 5000 years now. What is rising at
east instead when some default toy program for the masses b is expecting some zero

Gemini is of course not Gemini at all: it is Cetus a large zodiacal ascendant and Lord
of the Aeon c - which by the way lies below Pisces. That makes roughly one quarter of the

sky or 90 degrees of error in any calculi as attempted by your now outdated competition.

For entertainment purposes only.
The present Aeon.

1) The Tarot is the zodiac.

2) There are 22 zodiacal constellations.
3) 16 ascendants rise at east.
4) Ones guardian angel is represented by one of the 16 ascendants d. 3F

5) Which zodiacal stations are not ascendants? Scutum, Sagittarius, Capricornus,

Pegasus, Aries, Auriga, Gemini, Cancer, Libra
6) Taurus rises at east only for 5 minutes every day: golden calf a taurine chance on
the market!
7) The 22 initiations are the 22 mysteries of the Tarot: zodiacal constellations.
8) The 16 guardian angels propose the elementary permutations.
9) Lodge #1622 SIRIVS is the Tarot.
10) Kalki e determined the Tarot

11) Hayagriva determined the Zodiac.

12) As Kalki is Hayagriva so the Tarot is the Zodiac.
13) The Tarot expands from #1622 towards 1008.
14) The 1008 planets form the eternal horoscope of every moment.
15) God and NASA say 13 or 12 are falsity.
16) When zero Gemini is expected to rise in the eastern sky, Cetus rises instead.
17) As Cetus is below Pisces, the error is roughly 90 degrees!
18) Gemini does not rise at east f. 5F

19) Gemini rose at east some 5000 years ago.

20) Cetus is the zodiacal ascendant of the present Aeon.
21) There are 67 horoscope signs.

In Egypt, we had double the number of present days ascendants, making for versatility, diversity and baffling
Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsana uvaca.
For the present epoch.
22) Depending on the categorization of Eris and Pluto, there are also 43, 30, 28 and so
on horoscope signs.
23) Tarot = Zodiac.


There is a wheel in the sky with 12 animals which rise at east...

Must be one of those stories they have been telling children a sinister lullaby.


She knows by intuition that you have a Gemini ascendant, and so it happens that you do!

5000 BC

Or you could have it say 5000 years ago. Namely, the expected zero Gemini never
appears in the real sky: Cetus and Pisces rise instead. Dont worry: the error is merely 90
degrees or something: no one will notice g. 6F


Are there 67 horoscope signs? Yes.

How is this possible? One should ask how 13 or 12 are possible instead.

What are the 30? One of the intermediary results.

22? Number of zodiacal stations.

In fact, no one did!
16? Ascendants h. 7F


The change is coming, New Golden Age!


What changes with 2014? This is the first time for all practical purposes that Venus
enters Scutum. Scutum is one of the standard 22 zodiacal stations and thus one of the 67
signs of the zodiac. You probably had 13 in mind? That would be rather amateurish.


How do we reckon Lucifers comings? We take that in the wake of Venus in Pegasus - as
falling into Cetus sensitive initiates have been inspired in picturing Venus as the
indomitable she-devil she is. A popular image of a falling batman issued. Dante on his
own hellbound initiation must have been inspired! We call that first recent contact the
first coming. True, there have been biblical comings one at least as rendered in the
Bible. These ancient comings are scheduled for printing 2014 2017.

First Coming of Lucifer - Dantesque Venus in Pegasus

Second Coming of Lucifer - 2014 Aeon Shift
Third Coming of Lucifer 2017 ^^ Age of Pegasus II
Fourth Coming of Lucifer - Venus in Pegasus ^^ Bis


For the current epoch.
The safest way for others especially spiritually advanced is to follow superstition
upon superstition. If that dubious diet makes you vomit, here is your winter Sun

2013-Oct-31 Vir
2013-Nov-01 Lib
2013-Nov-23 Lib
2013-Nov-24 Sco
2013-Nov-25 Sco
2013-Nov-26 Sco
2013-Nov-27 Sco
2013-Nov-28 Sco
2013-Nov-29 Sco
2013-Nov-30 Oph
2013-Dec-01 Oph
2013-Dec-02 Oph
2013-Dec-03 Oph
2013-Dec-04 Oph
2013-Dec-05 Oph
2013-Dec-06 Oph
2013-Dec-07 Oph
2013-Dec-08 Oph
2013-Dec-09 Oph
2013-Dec-10 Oph
2013-Dec-11 Oph
2013-Dec-12 Oph
2013-Dec-13 Oph
2013-Dec-14 Oph
2013-Dec-15 Oph
2013-Dec-16 Oph
2013-Dec-17 Oph
2013-Dec-18 Oph
2013-Dec-19 Sgr
2014-Jan-01 Sgr

MAYAN 2014 2017

The Venusian extremes hit the zodiac on the wake of the Aeon of Cetus. If 2012 was
about Uranus in Cetus, 2014 is about Venus in Scutum as 2017 is exalted ^^ in Pegasus.

Your favorite Gemini ascendant has not been rising at east for the past 5000 years.
What is rising at east?


Touch your destiny: reshape it. Now that you know who you are, you are omnipotent.


No one you know can possibly have a Capricorn, Sagittarius or Scorpio ascendant at all.
Moreover, no friends of yours can have an Aries, Libra or Gemini ascendant at all. Does
Cancer rise at east? No. Stay tuned for the full list of non-rising ascendants.



7H 8H

Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.
Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet 1: the original zodiac as shared by all j
0F 9F

astronomical observatories across the planet and off-planet 2 as well.


SKY #QuarterSky

Did you know that when zero Gemini is expected to rise at east, Cetus ascends instead?
Conquer of your natal skies by obtaining your real natal ascendant! Your real natal
ascendant is your guardian angel. Thus, when zero Gemini is expected at east, Cetus
rises instead. Since Cetus is below Pisces, ascendant offset is 1/4 one quarter of the sky.


Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.


Alixe has Moon ascending in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans and Venus in Orion. Her Juno
hovers in zodiacal Scutum while her Pluto sits at the ascendant of the USA in Serpens


Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.


The skies do not rotate according to any tradition at all, but according to precession.
Thus, your own natal skies will always gloriously disobey any tradition, of which to

The pun is on India.
be honest there is seldom any. This is particularly true through stalled environments as
wanting for an upgrade and update.


The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools have O5 or Oberon V for core discreating
technique. O5 is like confession: once one has fully confessed negativity, one disposes of
it: in this way, a space for positivity is created. Manifestation happens within 5 minutes.


22 zodiacal signs.
16 ascendants 4. 3F

Pluto nostalgic 5? Enjoy 26 zodiacal signs 6.

4F 5F

More Sun-signs? Workable 15, extended to 16.

Cartesian house system: works everywhere 7: ocean floor 8, Himalaya 9,
6F 7F 8F

spacecraft 10. 9F

1008 delineated planets: the complete solar system is yours for the taking!

1008 Planets http://ar.gy/3lD8

Full services catalog for the current year along with elaborations on the times we live in as marked by the zodiacal constellation like Pegasus,
Scutum, Eridanus, Hydra or Cetus. As future scanning ideally proceeds future-changing, the stress is in a detailed acquaintance with the Academic
Zodiac and ascendant set in an RTRRT Instant Magick initiate. All initiations can be accomplished by self-initiation as presented within our
RTRRT and Academic Zodiac series.


1) ANGEL (prosperity) http://ow.ly/8tP3h


2) POWER (money) http://ow.ly/8tP2F


3) DREAM (bogeyman) http://ow.ly/8tP2k


4) BARYCENTER (real estate) http://ow.ly/8tP1M 14H

5) RIVAL (competition) http://ow.ly/8tP1s


6) NETHERWORLD (employees) http://ow.ly/8tOZW 16H

7) ENEMIES (devil) http://ow.ly/8tOYJ


8) IMMORTALITY (death discreation) http://ow.ly/8tOXI 18H

9) ASTRAL (scouts) http://ow.ly/8tOXp


10)AIM (godhead) http://ow.ly/8tOWx


11)LOVE (protection) http://ow.ly/8tOVK


12)NIRVANA - (illumination) http://ow.ly/8tOVq 22H

Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsananantalaxmi uvaca

The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
Cruithne-based charts and spacecraft births have been presented some two decades ago.


Verify your personality. Who are you, really? Take advantage of your real natal stars!

Ascendant in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Xo9

Moon in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XtW
Mercury in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XBm
Venus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XEX
Sun in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XKd
Mars in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XNj
Jupiter in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XP9
Saturn in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XRm
Uranus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XTV
Neptune in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XVD
Pluto in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XY5
Eris in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y1r
Quaoar in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y4L
Ixion in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y8L
Pholus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Ycy
Comets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Yf4
Planets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7YhX


13 + 13 = 26

While the 13 solar stations are a simple fact this end of superstition, the total number of zodiacal stations is 26 Pluto permitting. In other words,
the 26 zodiac is a Pluto nostalgia affair: for those who want Pluto back, the number of zodiacal stations is still 26.

Aries http://ow.ly/hg4jc
Taurus http://ow.ly/hg4np
Gemini http://ow.ly/hg4rn
Cancer http://ow.ly/hg4xx
Leo http://ow.ly/hg55T
Virgo http://ow.ly/hg5nS
Libra http://ow.ly/hg5lL
Scorpio http://ow.ly/hg5qs
Sagittarius http://ow.ly/hg5z6
Capricorn http://ow.ly/hg5Kc
Aquarius http://ow.ly/hg5S4
Pisces http://ow.ly/hg5Wt


Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX
Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO
Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY
Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE
Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7
Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi
ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF
Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0
INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd
Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl
O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO
Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx
Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L
Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw
Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw
Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO
Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl
Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb
Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ
PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc
Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk
O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4
Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe
Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E
Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7
Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM
Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU
Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4
For the current epoch.
43 for Eris-nostalgic.
IAU Constellations.
Other planets, asteroids, comets and in fact everywhere in a three-dimensional space.
Sea quake!
Lama incarnation calculus.
On trip to Cruithne? We got your horoscopes!
Divination Services

Ask 1008 Questions


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26

We know your horoscope.

3H #2014shift

Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by

Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013

The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq

Information you never knew you wanted to know.

Your horoscope is happening in the real sky

Sun in Virgo for Halloween
Nov 23 Sun in Libra Sai Baba birthday
2013 Uranus in Cetus 2012
2014 Venus in Scutum
2017 Venus in Pegasus ^^

The Venusian cycles as encapsulated within the present Aeon of Cetus range from Hydra
to Cetus and Scutum to Pegasus. 2014 stands for Scutum while 2017 stands for Pegasus.

Do you happen to boast an unlimited array of questions as regard personal life, the secret
of omniverse and everything? You are most welcome to ask! The actual proposed
maximum is actually 108 questions (sic), but 1008 is workable, providing some extra


1008 planets in your horoscope match your 1008 questions. Want less? No problem at all!
Want to focus on a specific area of your natal sky or planet, centaur or dwarf planet
perhaps? All we do is planetary delineations. After all, it is us who invented the zodiac!
Equator Galactic Equator

1998 QE2 2002 MS4 Pholus
Equator Olympia

1999 HD12

Quaoar Talos 2001 XA255

1999 KW4
Juno Moon C/2004Hylonome
Q2 (Machholz)
YORP 2000 PH5
Charon Hathor
Crantor Olympiada
2004 OK14 Lameia
Alice Icke
Sagittarius 2002 KX14
Ecliptic 2006 RH120 Ecliptic
Voyager II 2006 KZ
2004 OL12 2003 CO1Ixion
Nemo Venus
2007 JJ43

SE Amycus
2010 SO16

Icarus Scorpius
Horizon Galactic Equator
Viewed from: Local time: Field of Microscopium
view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate 13:14:17 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/08 Ecliptic Lon: 283.5147 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456605.01 Ecliptic Lat: +02.5842 Variable star


1) The Tarot is the zodiac.

2) There are 22 zodiacal constellations.
3) 16 ascendants rise at east.
4) Ones guardian angel is represented by one of the 16 ascendants a. 0F

5) Which zodiacal stations are not ascendants? Scutum, Sagittarius, Capricornus,

Pegasus, Aries, Auriga, Gemini, Cancer, Libra
6) Taurus rises at east only for 5 minutes every day: golden calf a taurine chance on
the market!
7) The 22 initiations are the 22 mysteries of the Tarot: zodiacal constellations.

In Egypt, we had double the number of present days ascendants, making for versatility, diversity and baffling
8) The 16 guardian angels propose the elementary permutations.
9) Lodge #1622 SIRIVS is the Tarot.
10) Kalki b determined the Tarot

11) Hayagriva determined the Zodiac.

12) As Kalki is Hayagriva so the Tarot is the Zodiac.
13) The Tarot expands from #1622 towards 1008.
14) The 1008 planets form the eternal horoscope of every moment.
15) God and NASA say 13 or 12 are falsity.
16) When zero Gemini is expected to rise in the eastern sky, Cetus rises instead.
17) As Cetus is below Pisces, the error is roughly 90 degrees!
18) Gemini does not rise at east c. 2F

19) Gemini rose at east some 5000 years ago.

20) Cetus is the zodiacal ascendant of the present Aeon.
21) There are 67 horoscope signs.
22) Depending on the categorization of Eris and Pluto, there are also 43, 30, 28 and so
on horoscope signs.
23) Tarot = Zodiac.


There is a wheel in the sky with 12 animals which rise at east...

Must be one of those stories they have been telling children a sinister lullaby.


She knows by intuition that you have a Gemini ascendant, and so it happens that you do!

5000 BC
Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsana uvaca.
For the present epoch.
Or you could have it say 5000 years ago. Namely, the expected zero Gemini never
appears in the real sky: Cetus and Pisces rise instead. Dont worry: the error is merely 90
degrees or something: no one will notice d.


Are there 67 horoscope signs? Yes.

How is this possible? One should ask how 13 or 12 are possible instead.

What are the 30? One of the intermediary results.

22? Number of zodiacal stations.

16? Ascendants e. 4F


The change is coming, New Golden Age!


What changes with 2014? This is the first time for all practical purposes that Venus
enters Scutum. Scutum is one of the standard 22 zodiacal stations and thus one of the 67
signs of the zodiac. You probably had 13 in mind? That would be rather amateurish.

In fact, no one did!
For the current epoch.

How do we reckon Lucifers comings? We take that in the wake of Venus in Pegasus - as
falling into Cetus sensitive initiates have been inspired in picturing Venus as the
indomitable she-devil she is. A popular image of a falling batman issued. Dante on his
own hellbound initiation must have been inspired! We call that first recent contact the
first coming. True, there have been biblical comings one at least as rendered in the
Bible. These ancient comings are scheduled for printing 2014 2017.

First Coming of Lucifer - Dantesque Venus in Pegasus

Second Coming of Lucifer - 2014 Aeon Shift
Third Coming of Lucifer 2017 ^^ Age of Pegasus II
Fourth Coming of Lucifer - Venus in Pegasus ^^ Bis


The safest way for others especially spiritually advanced is to follow superstition
upon superstition. If that dubious diet makes you vomit, here is your winter Sun

2013-Oct-31 Vir
2013-Nov-01 Lib
2013-Nov-23 Lib
2013-Nov-24 Sco
2013-Nov-25 Sco
2013-Nov-26 Sco
2013-Nov-27 Sco
2013-Nov-28 Sco
2013-Nov-29 Sco
2013-Nov-30 Oph
2013-Dec-01 Oph
2013-Dec-02 Oph
2013-Dec-03 Oph
2013-Dec-04 Oph
2013-Dec-05 Oph
2013-Dec-06 Oph
2013-Dec-07 Oph
2013-Dec-08 Oph
2013-Dec-09 Oph
2013-Dec-10 Oph
2013-Dec-11 Oph
2013-Dec-12 Oph
2013-Dec-13 Oph
2013-Dec-14 Oph
2013-Dec-15 Oph
2013-Dec-16 Oph
2013-Dec-17 Oph
2013-Dec-18 Oph
2013-Dec-19 Sgr
2014-Jan-01 Sgr

MAYAN 2014 2017

The Venusian extremes hit the zodiac on the wake of the Aeon of Cetus. If 2012 was
about Uranus in Cetus, 2014 is about Venus in Scutum as 2017 is exalted ^^ in Pegasus.


Your favorite Gemini ascendant has not been rising at east for the past 5000 years.
What is rising at east?


Touch your destiny: reshape it. Now that you know who you are, you are omnipotent.


No one you know can possibly have a Capricorn, Sagittarius or Scorpio ascendant at all.
Moreover, no friends of yours can have an Aries, Libra or Gemini ascendant at all. Does
Cancer rise at east? No. Stay tuned for the full list of non-rising ascendants.

Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.


7H 8H

Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet 1: the original zodiac as shared by all g
0F 6F

astronomical observatories across the planet and off-planet 2 as well.


SKY #QuarterSky

Did you know that when zero Gemini is expected to rise at east, Cetus ascends instead?
Conquer of your natal skies by obtaining your real natal ascendant! Your real natal
ascendant is your guardian angel. Thus, when zero Gemini is expected at east, Cetus
rises instead. Since Cetus is below Pisces, ascendant offset is 1/4 one quarter of the sky.


Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.

The pun is on India.
Alixe has Moon ascending in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans and Venus in Orion. Her Juno
hovers in zodiacal Scutum while her Pluto sits at the ascendant of the USA in Serpens


Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.


The skies do not rotate according to any tradition at all, but according to precession.
Thus, your own natal skies will always gloriously disobey any tradition, of which to
be honest there is seldom any. This is particularly true through stalled environments as
wanting for an upgrade and update.


The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools have O5 or Oberon V for core discreating
technique. O5 is like confession: once one has fully confessed negativity, one disposes of
it: in this way, a space for positivity is created. Manifestation happens within 5 minutes.

22 zodiacal signs.
16 ascendants 4. 3F

Pluto nostalgic 5? Enjoy 26 zodiacal signs 6.

4F 5F

More Sun-signs? Workable 15, extended to 16.

Cartesian house system: works everywhere 7: ocean floor 8, Himalaya 9, 6F 7F 8F

spacecraft 10. 9F

1008 delineated planets: the complete solar system is yours for the taking!

1008 Planets http://ar.gy/3lD8


Full services catalog for the current year along with elaborations on the times we live in as marked by the zodiacal constellation like Pegasus,
Scutum, Eridanus, Hydra or Cetus. As future scanning ideally proceeds future-changing, the stress is in a detailed acquaintance with the Academic
Zodiac and ascendant set in an RTRRT Instant Magick initiate. All initiations can be accomplished by self-initiation as presented within our
RTRRT and Academic Zodiac series.


1) ANGEL (prosperity) http://ow.ly/8tP3h 11H

2) POWER (money) http://ow.ly/8tP2F


3) DREAM (bogeyman) http://ow.ly/8tP2k 13H

4) BARYCENTER (real estate) http://ow.ly/8tP1M 14H

5) RIVAL (competition) http://ow.ly/8tP1s 15H

6) NETHERWORLD (employees) http://ow.ly/8tOZW 16H

7) ENEMIES (devil) http://ow.ly/8tOYJ


8) IMMORTALITY (death discreation) http://ow.ly/8tOXI 18H

9) ASTRAL (scouts) http://ow.ly/8tOXp

10)AIM (godhead) http://ow.ly/8tOWx


11)LOVE (protection) http://ow.ly/8tOVK


12)NIRVANA - (illumination) http://ow.ly/8tOVq


Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsananantalaxmi uvaca

The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
Cruithne-based charts and spacecraft births have been presented some two decades ago.


Verify your personality. Who are you, really? Take advantage of your real natal stars!


Ascendant in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Xo9

Moon in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XtW
Mercury in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XBm
Venus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XEX
Sun in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XKd
Mars in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XNj
Jupiter in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XP9
Saturn in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XRm
Uranus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XTV
Neptune in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XVD
Pluto in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XY5
Eris in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y1r
Quaoar in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y4L
Ixion in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y8L
Pholus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Ycy
Comets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Yf4
Planets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7YhX


13 + 13 = 26

While the 13 solar stations are a simple fact this end of superstition, the total number of zodiacal stations is 26 Pluto permitting. In other words,
the 26 zodiac is a Pluto nostalgia affair: for those who want Pluto back, the number of zodiacal stations is still 26.

Aries http://ow.ly/hg4jc
Taurus http://ow.ly/hg4np
Gemini http://ow.ly/hg4rn
Cancer http://ow.ly/hg4xx
Leo http://ow.ly/hg55T
Virgo http://ow.ly/hg5nS
Libra http://ow.ly/hg5lL
Scorpio http://ow.ly/hg5qs
Sagittarius http://ow.ly/hg5z6
Capricorn http://ow.ly/hg5Kc
Aquarius http://ow.ly/hg5S4
Pisces http://ow.ly/hg5Wt


Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX
Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO
Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY
Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE
Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7
Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi
ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF
Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0
INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd
Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl
O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO
Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx
Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L
Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw
Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw
Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO
Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl
Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb
Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ
PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc
Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk
O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4
Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe
Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E
Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7
Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM
Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU
Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4
For the current epoch.
43 for Eris-nostalgic.
IAU Constellations.
Other planets, asteroids, comets and in fact everywhere in a three-dimensional space.
Sea quake!
Lama incarnation calculus.
On trip to Cruithne? We got your horoscopes!

Real Time Reality Rendering Tools


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26

Horoscope. Just better!

3H #2014shift
Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by
Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013

The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq

Information you never knew you wanted to know.

Your horoscope is happening in the real sky


The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools have O5 or Oberon V for core discreating
technique. O5 is like confession: once one has fully confessed negativity, one disposes of
it: in this way, a space for positivity is created. Manifestation happens within 5 minutes.

Make all of your best wishes come true today a. Encompass to materialize b your entire
0F 1F

treasure charts c set d. Optimize wish-come-true download from the astral domain e.
2F 3F 4F

Just do it! Make your entire magick universe f come true now! 5F

Why wait? Make all your wishes come true today g! 6F

Enjoy massive success as springing from newly opened h opportunities galore.


Makes lovers meet and join.

Win at trading stocks.
Makes every wish come true in record time.
Let the download of wishes-come-true from the astral domain be PCS i optimized. 8F

Change any future occurrences j. 9F

Hack k the matrix!


Cures every l illness m.

11F 12F

Why does a stellar map replace and encompass astral dolphin, triple rainbow and
pyramid? Because the RTRRT and Academic Zodiac are integrated with the 1008 Tarot
in perfect timing for the best timely results in astral wish-come-true download with the
PCS n.

Today soon.
This technique is for the astral gentlemen, lady magus.
Visualization tool. Plain paper, relief or video: usually visual tool. Also known as treasure map.
An organized aviary of wishes-come-true.
Personal Cosmic Secretary. Wishwheel.
Matrix Hacking.
Personal Cosmic Secretary. Requires some extra imagination but will do the job!
Future-changing. Also past.
Matrix Hacking.
Faux ego including: the very near-root of every disease and plague of mankind that default mind is.
Penal Cosmic Secretary.

Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW 6H

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX 7H

Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt 8H

MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO 9H

Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY

Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE

Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7

Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL 13H

MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi 14H

ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF 15H

Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0

INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd 17H

Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl 18H

O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO

Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx 20H

Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L 21H

Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw 22H

Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw 23H

Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO 24H

Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl 25H

Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb 26H

Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ 27H

PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc

Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk29H

O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4

Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe

Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E 32H

Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7 33H

Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM 34H

Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU 35H

Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4 36H

The state of astrology for the Masses 0H

1992 - 2014


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26

We know your horoscope.

3H #2014shift

Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by

Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013

The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq

Information you never knew you wanted to know.

Your horoscope is happening in the real sky

Sun in Virgo for Halloween
Nov 23 Sun in Libra Sai Baba birthday
2013 Uranus in Cetus 2012
2014 Venus in Scutum
2017 Venus in Pegasus ^^

The Venusian cycles as encapsulated within the present Aeon of Cetus range from Hydra
to Cetus and Scutum to Pegasus. 2014 stands for Scutum while 2017 stands for Pegasus.

The great downslope occurs with the fall of global personal power
Modern man is weak and misinformed
The media are deliberately disinformative by default
Society goes back and not forth
This fall in quality is matched by an increasing number of wannabees
Everyone is expert in everything
Media like Google, Wiki or social networks swarm with lies
Random keywords serve as glossolalia memes
Twenty years ago we had programs, new planets and talent: all wiped out
The insistence on asinine stupidity is mounting: one must at least act stupid in
order to survive hopefully to do or be something else
The individual has one only right: to be killed by the ravaging non-thinking mass
Creation belongs to past centuries: Xeroxing and sampling took over
Privacy is null
All information channels are in the hands of complete idiots
Nobody knows ones own sun sign
The ascendant is mystery now already for the past 500 years
Boy Scouts know no east
The real people is confined to reserves
Man has no power
Low power level means no will
Not being willing to fight one resigns to default
Default mind took over the world as predicted
Social media make everyone equally stupid
Man is at the disposal of forces that he can not control
For those forces, man is not even number

Why is this important? Even if you have never heard of guardian angel, there must be
something you believe in. Like truth.


You got a Gemini ascendant as an eloquent talkative communicator you are: a real social
media expert, yo!


Well? Thats not entirely accurate a at all.



You see, Gemini has not been rising ascending at east for 5000 years now. What is
rising at east when some default toy program for the masses b is expecting some zero

Gemini is of course not Gemini at all: it was Cetus a large zodiacal ascendant and Lord
of the Aeon c - which by the way lies below Pisces. It is not that the skies dont change

even against our wildest illusions as swinging between precession and flat Earth.


1) The Tarot is the zodiac.

2) There are 22 zodiacal constellations.
Politely for mega taurine bullshit.
For entertainment purposes only.
The present Aeon.
3) 16 ascendants rise at east.
4) Ones guardian angel is represented by one of the 16 ascendants d. 3F

5) Which zodiacal stations are not ascendants? Scutum, Sagittarius, Capricornus,

Pegasus, Aries, Auriga, Gemini, Cancer, Libra
6) Taurus rises at east only for 5 minutes every day: golden calf a taurine chance on
the market!
7) The 22 initiations are the 22 mysteries of the Tarot: zodiacal constellations.
8) The 16 guardian angels propose the elementary permutations.
9) Lodge #1622 SIRIVS is the Tarot.
10) Kalki e determined the Tarot

11) Hayagriva determined the Zodiac.

12) As Kalki is Hayagriva so the Tarot is the Zodiac.
13) The Tarot expands from #1622 towards 1008.
14) The 1008 planets form the eternal horoscope of every moment.
15) God and NASA say 13 or 12 are falsity.
16) When zero Gemini is expected to rise in the eastern sky, Cetus rises instead.
17) As Cetus is below Pisces, the error is roughly 90 degrees!
18) Gemini does not rise at east f. 5F

19) Gemini rose at east some 5000 years ago.

20) Cetus is the zodiacal ascendant of the present Aeon.
21) There are 67 horoscope signs.
22) Depending on the categorization of Eris and Pluto, there are also 43, 30, 28 and so
on horoscope signs.
23) Tarot = Zodiac.


In Egypt, we had double the number of present days ascendants, making for versatility, diversity and baffling
Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsana uvaca.
For the present epoch.
There is a wheel in the sky with 12 animals which rise at east...

Must be one of those stories they have been telling children a sinister lullaby.


She knows by intuition that you have a Gemini ascendant, and so it happens that you do!

5000 BC

Or you could have it say 5000 years ago. Namely, the expected zero Gemini never
appears in the real sky: Cetus and Pisces rise instead. Dont worry: the error is merely 90
degrees or something: no one will notice g.


Are there 67 horoscope signs? Yes.

How is this possible? One should ask how 13 or 12 are possible instead.

What are the 30? One of the intermediary results.

22? Number of zodiacal stations.

16? Ascendants h. 7F


In fact, no one did!
For the current epoch.
The change is coming, New Golden Age!


What changes with 2014? This is the first time for all practical purposes that Venus
enters Scutum. Scutum is one of the standard 22 zodiacal stations and thus one of the 67
signs of the zodiac. You probably had 13 in mind? That would be rather amateurish.


How do we reckon Lucifers comings? We take that in the wake of Venus in Pegasus - as
falling into Cetus sensitive initiates have been inspired in picturing Venus as the
indomitable she-devil she is. A popular image of a falling batman issued. Dante on his
own hellbound initiation must have been inspired! We call that first recent contact the
first coming. True, there have been biblical comings one at least as rendered in the
Bible. These ancient comings are scheduled for printing 2014 2017.

First Coming of Lucifer - Dantesque Venus in Pegasus

Second Coming of Lucifer - 2014 Aeon Shift
Third Coming of Lucifer 2017 ^^ Age of Pegasus II
Fourth Coming of Lucifer - Venus in Pegasus ^^ Bis


The safest way for others especially spiritually advanced is to follow superstition
upon superstition. If that dubious diet makes you vomit, here is your winter Sun

2013-Oct-31 Vir
2013-Nov-01 Lib
2013-Nov-23 Lib
2013-Nov-24 Sco
2013-Nov-25 Sco
2013-Nov-26 Sco
2013-Nov-27 Sco
2013-Nov-28 Sco
2013-Nov-29 Sco
2013-Nov-30 Oph
2013-Dec-01 Oph
2013-Dec-02 Oph
2013-Dec-03 Oph
2013-Dec-04 Oph
2013-Dec-05 Oph
2013-Dec-06 Oph
2013-Dec-07 Oph
2013-Dec-08 Oph
2013-Dec-09 Oph
2013-Dec-10 Oph
2013-Dec-11 Oph
2013-Dec-12 Oph
2013-Dec-13 Oph
2013-Dec-14 Oph
2013-Dec-15 Oph
2013-Dec-16 Oph
2013-Dec-17 Oph
2013-Dec-18 Oph
2013-Dec-19 Sgr
2014-Jan-01 Sgr

MAYAN 2014 2017

The Venusian extremes hit the zodiac on the wake of the Aeon of Cetus. If 2012 was
about Uranus in Cetus, 2014 is about Venus in Scutum as 2017 is exalted ^^ in Pegasus.


Your favorite Gemini ascendant has not been rising at east for the past 5000 years.
What is rising at east?


Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.
Touch your destiny: reshape it. Now that you know who you are, you are omnipotent.


No one you know can possibly have a Capricorn, Sagittarius or Scorpio ascendant at all.
Moreover, no friends of yours can have an Aries, Libra or Gemini ascendant at all. Does
Cancer rise at east? No. Stay tuned for the full list of non-rising ascendants.



7H 8H

Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet 1: the original zodiac as shared by all j
0F 9F

astronomical observatories across the planet and off-planet 2 as well.


SKY #QuarterSky

The pun is on India.
Did you know that when zero Gemini is expected to rise at east, Cetus ascends instead?
Conquer of your natal skies by obtaining your real natal ascendant! Your real natal
ascendant is your guardian angel. Thus, when zero Gemini is expected at east, Cetus
rises instead. Since Cetus is below Pisces, ascendant offset is 1/4 one quarter of the sky.


Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.


Alixe has Moon ascending in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans and Venus in Orion. Her Juno
hovers in zodiacal Scutum while her Pluto sits at the ascendant of the USA in Serpens


Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.


The skies do not rotate according to any tradition at all, but according to precession.
Thus, your own natal skies will always gloriously disobey any tradition, of which to
be honest there is seldom any. This is particularly true through stalled environments as
wanting for an upgrade and update.

The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools have O5 or Oberon V for core discreating
technique. O5 is like confession: once one has fully confessed negativity, one disposes of
it: in this way, a space for positivity is created. Manifestation happens within 5 minutes.


22 zodiacal signs.
16 ascendants 4. 3F

Pluto nostalgic 5? Enjoy 26 zodiacal signs 6.

4F 5F

More Sun-signs? Workable 15, extended to 16.

Cartesian house system: works everywhere 7: ocean floor 8, Himalaya 9, 6F 7F 8F

spacecraft 10. 9F

1008 delineated planets: the complete solar system is yours for the taking!

1008 Planets http://ar.gy/3lD8


Full services catalog for the current year along with elaborations on the times we live in as marked by the zodiacal constellation like Pegasus,
Scutum, Eridanus, Hydra or Cetus. As future scanning ideally proceeds future-changing, the stress is in a detailed acquaintance with the Academic
Zodiac and ascendant set in an RTRRT Instant Magick initiate. All initiations can be accomplished by self-initiation as presented within our
RTRRT and Academic Zodiac series.

1) ANGEL (prosperity) http://ow.ly/8tP3h

2) POWER (money) http://ow.ly/8tP2F


3) DREAM (bogeyman) http://ow.ly/8tP2k


4) BARYCENTER (real estate) http://ow.ly/8tP1M 14H

5) RIVAL (competition) http://ow.ly/8tP1s


6) NETHERWORLD (employees) http://ow.ly/8tOZW 16H

7) ENEMIES (devil) http://ow.ly/8tOYJ


8) IMMORTALITY (death discreation) http://ow.ly/8tOXI 18H

9) ASTRAL (scouts) http://ow.ly/8tOXp


10)AIM (godhead) http://ow.ly/8tOWx


11)LOVE (protection) http://ow.ly/8tOVK


12)NIRVANA - (illumination) http://ow.ly/8tOVq 22H

Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsananantalaxmi uvaca

The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
Cruithne-based charts and spacecraft births have been presented some two decades ago.


Verify your personality. Who are you, really? Take advantage of your real natal stars!


Ascendant in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Xo9

Moon in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XtW
Mercury in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XBm
Venus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XEX
Sun in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XKd
Mars in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XNj
Jupiter in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XP9
Saturn in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XRm
Uranus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XTV
Neptune in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XVD
Pluto in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XY5
Eris in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y1r
Quaoar in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y4L
Ixion in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y8L
Pholus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Ycy
Comets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Yf4
Planets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7YhX


13 + 13 = 26

While the 13 solar stations are a simple fact this end of superstition, the total number of zodiacal stations is 26 Pluto permitting. In other words,
the 26 zodiac is a Pluto nostalgia affair: for those who want Pluto back, the number of zodiacal stations is still 26.

Aries http://ow.ly/hg4jc
Taurus http://ow.ly/hg4np
Gemini http://ow.ly/hg4rn
Cancer http://ow.ly/hg4xx
Leo http://ow.ly/hg55T
Virgo http://ow.ly/hg5nS
Libra http://ow.ly/hg5lL
Scorpio http://ow.ly/hg5qs
Sagittarius http://ow.ly/hg5z6
Capricorn http://ow.ly/hg5Kc
Aquarius http://ow.ly/hg5S4
Pisces http://ow.ly/hg5Wt


Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX
Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO
Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY
Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE
Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7
Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi
ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF
Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0
INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd
Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl
O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO
Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx
Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L
Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw
Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw
Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO
Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl
Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb
Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ
PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc
Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk
O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4
Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe
Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E
Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7
Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM
Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU
Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4
For the current epoch.
43 for Eris-nostalgic.
IAU Constellations.
Other planets, asteroids, comets and in fact everywhere in a three-dimensional space.
Sea quake!
Lama incarnation calculus.
On trip to Cruithne? We got your horoscopes!
Your real natal ascendant is your guardian angel. Thus, when zero Gemini is expected to ascend at
east, Cetus rises instead. Since Cetus is below Pisces, the offset is 1/4 or one quarter of the sky.

1/4 sky of ascendental offset - #QuarterSky services get your natal skies back!

#2014shift SKY #QuarterSky #AscendantOffset #ZodiacOffset #Scutum #Cetus #Pegasus

Did you know that when zero Gemini is expected to rise at east, Cetus ascends instead?
Conquer of skies by obtaining your real natal ascendant!


Curating your zodiac since #Eon #2017 #2012 #1622

Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic.

Scientific Astrology Retrospective


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26

Horoscope. Just better!

3H #2014shift
Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by
Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013

The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq

Information you never knew you wanted to know.

Your horoscope is happening in the real sky

a) The zodiac and ascendant set were essentially determined and published online in
minutes back in the seventies, but it took some time to devise the universal Cartesian
house system: all zodiacal, extra-zodiacal, ascendental housing problems were thus
simply resolved. Venus was rising in Hydra at the ascendant the Antichrist was born.
b) In the year 1992 the first cubewano that is trans-Neptunian object was found, the better to
additionally curse the WTC with its angular presence for 9-11.
c) Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.
d) Karla was next, among another swarm of centaurs: centaurean astrology flourished with
Pholus, Nessus, Chariklo, Asbolus and the new-comers: we had at least around three
newcomers every year! We took care of them from the very incipient first steps,
meaning provisory ephemerides, named them for the occasion and delineated in
secondary angular direction, house, extra-zodiacal position and angular aspect.
e) At the time, Smiley, Karla and the rest still enjoyed the company of the Dark Planets,
even some Avestans, LILIT VERA or Cassini Lilith, the Devils Rose, Nemesis and all
kind of hypothetical monsters of our previous astrological galaxy: a dark time through
which great discoveries were merely supposed, not lived at all.
f) As a matter of fact, the Dark Planets were recently deployed for Prince George.
g) LILIT VERA is still valid in direction: the better to prove that said object does not exist?
h) Some centaurs were reptilian, some white and some immortal: they all received
abundant delineation galore - over the years - right from the first hour of their finding.
i) If something marked the crucial point in our research, it was Varuna: at the time a
developer from Costa Rica, the centaurean astrologer Juan Antonio Revilla, issued a
DOS program which among the other wonders did calculate Varuna we were
dependent on NASA as ever. Centaurean astrology remained hot Latino.


Ever missed of your own natal skies? You dont know what youre missing! Give them no
quarterback - get 1/4 of your own natal sky back!


To the left is the alleged zero degree of a zodiacal sign as expected to rise. To the right is the
real eastern ascendant. Note that Aquarius Aquarius does not mean that the expected degree
is up at all. As a rule, some 90 degrees = three standard signs of non-linear offset are to be
expected. Examples Orion rises instead of Leo Cetus rises instead of Gemini. In the case of
Orion Leo, the three signs comparison by not holding water at all - actually means that
Monoceros, Canis Minor, Hydra and Sextans separate Orion from Leo. Also note that the so-
called ecliptic ascendant would yield similar results. The results are given for alleged zero
degree only: any other variegated degree of any sign as proposed would of course yield
colorfully different results.



Toying with astrology already? Become professional even the first astrologer on your own
continent. Forget the 13 sidereal - 12 tropical nonsense and concentrate on your own true natal
skies first. Extract basic directions. It takes minutes to know your life by memory.


The standard miscalculation for the masses is 800 years, therefore the dull average of Aquarius
I is due in some 750 years from now: nothing special is really expected to happen even as it
overlaps with the twin averages of Capricornus. For now, after the Aeon of Cetus II, we are
about to enter the second average of Pisces - the Age of Pisces is bound to last for the next 750
years or so. Dull average of Pisces being of no interest to Astrology, we study the present eras
of Hydra, Eridanus, Cetus, Scutum and Pegasus first.


The Academic Zodiac 1973 has overturned a long-held assumption that the number of
zodiacal stations was only 13 or 14. Prior to the present classification of Eris and Pluto, the
zodiac had 26, even 43 (sic) stations. The number of zodiacal stations is 22. The present
number of ascendants is 16.


Alixe has Moon ascending in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans and Venus in Orion. Her Juno hovers
in zodiacal Scutum while her Pluto sits at the ascendant of the USA in Serpens Cauda.


22 zodiacal signs.
16 ascendants ii. 1F

Pluto nostalgic iii? Enjoy 26 zodiacal signs iv.

2F 3F

More Sun-signs? Workable 15, extended to 16.

Cartesian house system: works everywhere v: ocean floor vi, Himalaya vii, spacecraft viii.
4F 5F 6F 7F

1008 delineated planets: the complete solar system is yours for the taking!

1008 Planets http://ar.gy/3lD8


Full services catalog for the current year along with elaborations on the times we live in as marked by the zodiacal constellation like Pegasus, Scutum,
Eridanus, Hydra or Cetus. As future scanning ideally proceeds future-changing, the stress is in a detailed acquaintance with the Academic Zodiac and
ascendant set in an RTRRT Instant Magick initiate. All initiations can be accomplished by self-initiation as presented within our RTRRT and Academic
Zodiac series.

1) ANGEL (prosperity) http://ow.ly/8tP3h 8H

2) POWER (money) http://ow.ly/8tP2F


3) DREAM (bogeyman) http://ow.ly/8tP2k 10H

4) BARYCENTER (real estate) http://ow.ly/8tP1M 11H

5) RIVAL (competition) http://ow.ly/8tP1s 12H

6) NETHERWORLD (employees) http://ow.ly/8tOZW 13H

7) ENEMIES (devil) http://ow.ly/8tOYJ


8) IMMORTALITY (death discreation) http://ow.ly/8tOXI 15H

9) ASTRAL (scouts) http://ow.ly/8tOXp


10)AIM (godhead) http://ow.ly/8tOWx


11)LOVE (protection) http://ow.ly/8tOVK18H

12)NIRVANA - (illumination) http://ow.ly/8tOVq 19H


Do people in India know their own horoscopes? The main difficulty lies with the precession of
the ascendant set. The second difficulty lies in accepting even untrained observatories as
authority. The third difficulty lies in banishing western superstition from the Indian soil.

Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsananantalaxmi uvaca


Lastrologia per un mondo latino. Cosa significa? Che propone? Dato che nelle monarchie
settentrionali - uno zodiaco non si sfoggiava mai oltre a certe minime tracce di zodiaci
polacchi e tedeschi lastrologia di un mondo latino lo per invenzione, datosi che lo zodiaco
appunto appartiene al detto mondo.


In parole povere? Datosi che lo zodiaco di nazionalit italiana, e quello che detta i
cambiamenti della mente del mondo; con la caduta del diavolo faccendoni imminente nellera
del Pegaso ^^ 2017.


cielo derrore zodiacale

Un quarto del cielo derrore nel tuo oroscopo.

Tra i molti segni oltre e.g. a quelli cardinali - che non nascono ad est i Gemelli.

Nessuno che tu sappia, ha un ascendente in Gemelli. Lascendente probabilmente Ceto o

Cetus. Stando sotto i Pesci, l;esperimento dimostra un errore non-lineare di ben un quarto
de; cielo derrore ascendentale con quello zodiacale che raggiunge ormai sette segni tondi


Un piccolo ripasso dei centauri comincia con il primo centauro-rettilie - Folo ascendente in
Ofiuco per il principe George nella sua terra senza zodiaco. Sebbene mai popolari nelle terre
monarchiche del nord; i centauri vivano nel sangue troiano e greco della popolazione latina.

2000 2000 WR106

2001 9-11 Osama Moon in Orion & Eris in Cetus. 2001 KX76

2002 Tekton and Orcus Report.

2003 - 2003 EL61

2004 - 2004 DW | 2004 XP14

2005 London bombing with Mars in Cetus. 2003 UB313

2006 Venus in Orion

2007 Antichrist? Venus in Hydra. 2007 OR10

2008 - 2008 SO218

2009 2009 YE7

2010 - 2010 EK139

2011 Odyssey Dawn with Jupiter in Cetus

2012 Aeon peak with Uranus in Cetus Pegasus Point

2013 Uranus in Cetus bis [ISON (C/2012 S1) PANSTARRS (C/2011 L4)]

2014 Age of Scutum - Aion

2017 Age of Pegasus II

Academic Zodiac Entertaining all planets ix within your real sky natal zodiac since 1972. 8F

Copyright 2012 by Klaudio Zic. First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2012 http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2012 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2012 by Klaudio Zic.

Minute forecast is provided as fairly reliable personal guesswork in disclaiming any and all warranties, whether express or implied, including - without limitation - any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.


Uranus in Cetus and Venus in Pegasus stand for major anomalies, Eon of Cetus and Age of
Pegasus; respectively.


These factors are accumulated, documented and enlisted mainly around years 2012 2013. End
of January 2013 amasses minor disrupting factors around January 20th deluge. The delugist
warnings center on the Sign of Jonas, mainly peak of the Eon = Uranus in Cetus. While Uranus
takes a minor break in IAU Pisces, it is still in proximity of Cetus stars, thus the caveat.


The main antediluvian factors are taken as major dwarf planets conjunctions, especially those
who have been known for moving large masses of water, earth or air. These are briefly enlisted
below along with their angular alignments that we sometimes dare call conjunction.

1) Apophis close-up January 9th 2013.

2) Deluge report for end of January 2013.
3) Kim Kardashian = USA ascendant Serpens [ISON (C/2012 S1) PANSTARRS (C/2011 L4)}
4) Kim Kardashian: Sila-Nunam, Stargate, Diamond Planet 55 Cancri e.
5) Moon in Orion WTC 9-11 Moon.
6) Deluge reports for year 2013 dwarf planets through nether ascendants.
7) Eris in Cetus western at 0 altitude 9-11 Eris.
8) Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.
9) Eris conjunct 2000 GM137 in Cetus.
10) 2007 OR10 as e.g. rising with full Moon at NYC Oct 29th 2012.
11) Deucalion aligns with Ceto and the Sun.
12) 2007 OR10 and the Neptune cluster x. 9F

13) Salacia especially as aligned with Uranus Pegasus Point directions.

14) Damocles over trapped 2000 PH5.
15) Venus conjunct Typhon.
16) Pluto at the stargate of hell challenging the galax (Gamma attack).
17) Jupiter, 2000 GM137 , Nephthys xi, Eris and Uranus in Cetus.

18) 2002 AW197 in Hydra (as e.g. presently conjunct 2002 AA29).
19) Orcus in Sextans.
20) Witchallow, 2009 YE7 (MPEC 2009-Y48), Sedna and Dioretsa experimental cluster (e.g.
Cetus III proximity
Full Moon with 1996 RX33 and Sphinx).
21) ISON (C/2012 S1) PANSTARRS (C/2011 L4) Alpha Serpentis, Huya, Ubasti, Phoebe.
22) Pholus and Mars in Ophiuchus as aligned with 2007 JG43 in Corona Australis (experimental).

2013 the year of the 13th sign doubles the zodiac to 26 Signs


About the Astral Nature of the Year 2013


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26


Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by

Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013 xii 11F


The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq


Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet xiii: the original zodiac as shared by all

astronomical observatories across the planet and off-planet xiv as well.



The positions of the planets along with their real zodiacal placements for New Year 2013. 55
Cancri e is of course your Diamond Planet.


Every year is important, especially towards the Gaussian peaks of the Aeon of Cetus II and Age
of Pegasus ^^^: now, cetacean 2005, Hydras 2007 or Scutums 2014 have received detailed
delineation. What about the rest? Is 2018 an important year? What importance do we attach to
year 2013, the present one?

The three most important years of the peak of the Aeon are 2012, 2013 and 2014. Nevertheless,
2017 and the Age of Pegasus III punch a final impact in stressing the fall into Cetus by
elevating global consciousness into Pegasus yet twice. There are important years even beyond
fabled 2017 as we shall see.


The cetacean year 2005 gains in importance as the pope resigns in order to allow for a new one.
This happens exactly with the reentrance of Uranus into Cetus. Then detailed maps have
already been published along with PANSTARRS comet.

YEAR 2013

Amidst such important eonic years as 2012 the peak of the Aeon - or 2017 Age of Pegasus
^^ one would otherwise e.g. bypass year 2010. Thus was not the case with the Era of Eridanus.
2013 can not possibly be overlooked as peak of the Aeon since Uranus reenters Cetus for the
equinoctial congress of the cetacean planets. See also 7 Planets in Cetus. The exposition to the
zodiacal ascendant of Cetus is especially strong during the peak of the Aeon which happens
now as we write this report.

The peak of the Aeon of Cetus II happens with Uranus in Cetus. Havent we had Jupiter
and Uranus in Cetus in the past few years? Yes, but this is a reentry!
At least two bright comets bring impact into every horoscope report in the year 2013,
Easter comet PANSTARS and century comet ISON. Comets e.g. ignite the new Ferrari
but also bring downfall to countries 1 as ruled by Serpens.

Year 2013 is the year of eclipses.

Both countries for those familiar with ascendants.
The Diamond Planet 55 Cancri e is activated as the market shifts its interest in
1929 = 2013? The cycle closes here. What has been hidden e.g. in the years 2005
(cetacean pope, UK crisis) and 2007 (Antichrist, resources) resurfaces towards the
Pegasus Point of the Aeon. We are not facing financial crisis any longer, we are living it
right now.
The Aeon is an occult time in which revelations hit the initiate. The 144000 Illuminati
are surely sensitive to the Sign of Jonas. The rest, the 6 666 666 666 will probably feel
nothing, since default mind attenuates and shuns information. No resting place for the
avatar; fox den or sty: Hayagrivananta is for the 144000 only.

#Starot #AEONews #1622 #RTRRT #AcademicZodiac #26fact #16fact #22fact #AEON


Ophiuchus is one of the 22 or 26 zodiacal stations; also: one of the 16 eastern ascendants or
guardian angels. It is e.g. the ascendant of the USA.

Ascendant in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Xo9


Moon in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XtW


Mercury in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XBm


Venus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XEX


Sun in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XKd

Mars in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XNj 32H

Jupiter in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XP9 33H

Saturn in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XRm 34H

Uranus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XTV 35H

Neptune in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XVD 36H

Pluto in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XY5 37H

Eris in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y1r


Quaoar in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y4L 39H

Ixion in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y8L 40H

Pholus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Ycy 41H

Comets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Yf4 42H

Planets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7YhX 43H

#Starot #AEONews #1622 #RTRRT #AcademicZodiac #26fact #16fact #22fact #Aeon

Ophiuchus Jupiter http://ow.ly/i7WKU 44H

Ophiuchus Mars http://ow.ly/i7WHK 45H

Ophiuchus Sun http://ow.ly/i7Wxe


Ophiuchus Venus http://ow.ly/i7WDQ 47H

Ophiuchus Mercury http://ow.ly/i7WAo 48H

Ophiuchus Moon http://ow.ly/i7WtI 49H

Ophiuchus Ascendant http://ow.ly/i7WqA 50H


Children of the Aeon


Quattro tipi distinti di beb nelleone cetaceo presente


Stay tuned to AEON!



Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by

Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013 xv 14F


The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq


Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet xvi: the original zodiac as shared by all

astronomical observatories across the planet and off-planet xvii as well.



The positions of the planets along with their real zodiacal placements for New Year 2013. 55
Cancri e is of course your Diamond Planet.


Special cetacean children of the Aeon fall under distinct categories, namely Hydra, Eridanus 2,

Cetus, Scutum and Pegasus; mainly according to the placement of their Venus, or as in the
case of Cetus by the number of transiting planets in Cetus e.g. 7 Planets in Cetus. Scutum
and Pegasus are volatile while Hydra, Eridanus and Cetus are deep.

#Pegasus #Kids #2017 http://ow.ly/hbb63 #Pegasean #children http://ow.ly/hbaQG #mom #dad #love
58H 59H

2010, the encapsulated New Age of Eridanus.
#mother #daughter #son #father
#family #toys

#Scutum #Kids #2014 http://ow.ly/hbcXw #indigo #Children http://ow.ly/hbcZq #parenting

60H 61H

#newmom #newbaby #pregnancy #pregnant #parents #mom #dad #moms #dads #family

#2013 http://ow.ly/hbcm6 #Dolphin #Kids http://ow.ly/hbchl #Cetus http://ow.ly/hbcfR

62H 63H

#cetacean #whales #mermaid #siren #mermaids #undine

#Eridanus #Kids http://ow.ly/hbqif Figli del fiume #Po #Eridano #Italia #Transpadania

#nEONato # beb #2010

#Hydra #Kids #2007 http://ow.ly/hb9m9 #indigo #kids #baby #children http://ow.ly/hb9sv #NewAge
65H 66H

#spirituality #parents #moms #parenting

Great Astrological Ages of our Times


Scutum, Pegasus, Hydra, Cetus and Eridanus


The great ages of our times are those of Pegasus, Eridanus Hydra, Scutum and Cetus, The
unremarkable times are marked as the twin averages of Pisces, Aquarius and Capricornus.


A brief list for newcomers as follow. Note that the complexities of encapsulations bypass the
purpose of this brief. Also: everybody should be fairly informed with gross zodiacal linear
[going up to 7] and [non-linear/lateral] ascendental offset by now xviii.

2010 Era of Eridanus xix [New Age]


2012 ^ Peak of the Aeon of Cetus II

2013 - ^^ Peak of the Aeon of Cetus II [Sign of Jonas]
2014 Age of Scutum [Aion]
2017 Age of Pegasus II [^^ III follows]

The second average of Pisces as well as twin averages of Aquarius and Capricornus are marked
as unremarkable before the Second Age of Scutum.


Did you know that Taurus is an ascendant for the current epoch? It presently rises for five
minutes every day.

Age of Taurus http://ow.ly/i6XJJ


Age of Orion http://ow.ly/i6ZyF


Age of Aries http://ow.ly/i6XEC


Age of Pegasus http://ow.ly/i6Yjv ^

Age of Hydra 72H http://ow.ly/i6YnZ
Era of Eridanus 73H http://ow.ly/i6Yuy
Aeon of Cetus 74H http://ow.ly/i6Ya3 ^^^
Age of Scutum 75H http://ow.ly/i6YfD
Age of Pegasus 76H http://ow.ly/i6Yjv ^^^
Age of Pisces 77H http://ow.ly/i6XwA ==
Age of Aquarius 78H http://ow.ly/i6YJg ==
Age of Capricornus http://ow.ly/i6YCp ==

Age of Scutum 80H http://ow.ly/i6YfD


As Uranus reenters Cetus for the peak of the AEON, dolphin children are born with many
transiting planets in Cetus; but the real leaders are not the 2007 "Hydra kids" but the 2017
Pegasean children - Venus respectively in Hydra and Pegasus.

Reverse Chronology of Modern Astrology xx & Magick xxi 19F 20F

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2011 - 2012 http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology Copyright 2011 - 2012 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this

material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the
Author. The names of dedicated publications are normally given in italics.
The incipient magus xxii starts at the bottom.

Main belt comet P/2013 P5 shows off 6 tails yet an omen in heavens after that Vint
giant and ISON
P/2013 P5 delineated in the 12 houses of the horoscope along with ISON and Lovejoy
In the year of the comets ISON, PanSTARRS, Lovejoy Scheila becomes main belt
4th Coming of Lucifer - Venus in Pegasus ^^ Bis
#2014shift Assistance with horoscopes featuring Venus in Scutum
Assistance with century comets Lovejoy, ISON, PanSTARRS and Spalding-Spring
1/4 sky of ascendental offset - #QuarterSky services get your natal skies back
Western ascendant offset as measured against real sky for 0 and 15 degrees of a sign.
Cyllarus Hylonome dynamism maximum angular as applied to Kims horoscope.
Kim horoscope analysis goes fully centaurean!
A research on the harem, wives and sisters the female side of Kims horoscope.
Kim could strike on April 1st. [but a new version of the horoscope is being inspected]
Experimental method as introduced in predicting Palladium stocks.
Palladium stocks diving under the taurine ascendant calf a chance on the stock market.
Malaysia FP2 with Moon in Sextans and Uranus in Cetus F1 report.
Mars conjunct Uranus in Cetus Cyprus crisis.
The Cyprus crisis started with the explosion of a naval base in 2011.
Cetacean equinox Uranus in Cetus lunar, venusian, mercurial and martial
Papa Ofiuco! Ophiuchus pope elected with Aeon comet PanSTARRS and Uranus in
Cetus setting over the western papal horizon at ideal observation time.
HABEMVS PAPAM OPHIVCHVS. White smoke rising from the Sistine chapel.
Aeon comet PanSTARRS as conjunct with Uranus in Cetus angular on March 13th.
Equinoctial pope election: The Easter comet hits Cetus.
Cacus and Orcus as featuring in the pope election maps.
Aeon equinox the Sign of Jonas.
Planetary stenography xxiii completed along with the 88 ascendants.

Dow Jones index sky high with the entrance of Uranus into Cetus for Aeon peak.
ISS ZARYA horoscope computed for Dragon clutch time.
Aeon pope precisely at the peak of the Aeon, we have a new pope.
Sign of Jonas equinoctial Uranus reenters Cetus for the peak of the Aeon of Cetus II.
Sextans Moon, the birthplace of the zodiac- the pope resigns.
Success Codex sums and resumes the Academic Zodiac and RTRRT methods
Scan and change your futurities with 20 Minutes Astrology and RTRRT initiation
Directing the stars and objects of interest through the IAU zone, traditional local
constellations set and e.g. Across the Dark Flux or along the Axis of Evil
Aeon Gran Prix formula 1 predictions for Melbourne, Australia & Bahrain
Uranus reenters Cetus for the peak of the Aeon.
Brussels diamond heist
Comet PANSTARRS and Saturn in aspect with Diamond Planet 55 Cancri e
Etna eruption, Copernicus birthday synch with Brussels diamonds heist
Uranus, Venus and Sun in Cetus glorify the peak of the Aeon 2013
Pope resignation horoscope
2006 RH120
2010 SO16
Mini-moons, TCO, Apoheles and Auxiliary Moons of Earth.
Cometarian horoscope for the new F1 Ferrari F 138.
#Ferrari F 138 #F1 #F138 #Moon #Typhon | S C/2011 L4 #PANSTARRS #2007JG43 |
N C/2012 S1 #ISON |
#Moon #Typhon | #UK #FLOOD http://ow.ly/hk7Zw #Deluge #Floodwaters
#Inundation #Scotland #Wales #England #FloodAware #Sur #Wx #News
Half of the yearly London rains in one day: Sydney is hit as well.
Feb 5 #flood #alert http://bit.ly/Xa2neB | #Mars #Neptune #Nessus #Icarus #Nephele
#2007OR10 | #Teharonhiawako #Borasisi #Phaedra #Sekhmet #Chiron
Since diluvial flooding already happened as predicted, more is expected for the first
week of February 2013 due to Mars stirring the Neptune cluster along with 2007 OR10.
#Protection http://ow.ly/hiefj from #Flood http://ow.ly/hie9t #Oswald #Felleng #cyclone
#tornado #typhoon #hurricane #Sydney #Madagascar
Inundations in Queensland, Australia as predicted.
Feb 5 #flood #alert http://ow.ly/hi9jO | #Mars #Neptune #2007OR10 | #cyclone #tornado

#typhoon #hurricane #Felleng | #Madagascar #LeReunion #Seychelles | #Sydney #Oswald

Felling brushing by Madagascar: parts of Seychelles experience peculiar weather.
Abnormal rains can be considered as the Sign of Jonas as Uranus is nearing its Cetus reentry.
#Inundation #Deluge http://ow.ly/hbyPw #Floodwaters #inundate #Queensland #flood

#Aussie #Australia http://ow.ly/hbyUE #downunder #astrology


Aeon children Hydra, Eridanus, Cetus, Scutum and Pegasus kids.

#EU26 - The European zodiac has 26 constellations.
#brexit and #grexit The 26 zodiacal stations correspond to European states.
The #EU26 Tarot portrays four additional zodiacal stations for the EU.
WEF concludes with century comet ISON conjunct Moon.
Davos WEF some optimism due to southern Phoenix FED involved?
EU crisis with Moon in Orion at Davos.
For those new to astrology, the inauguration ascendant Cetus is not only one of the
largest zodiacal ascendants but also the Sign of Jonas the marker of the equinox.
Uranus and the Sun congress in Cetus for Cetus equinox 2013 the celebrated Aeon.
Obama inauguration as reverse 9-11 map with Eris ascending in Cetus.
Cetus ascendant with Eris for Obama inauguration.
Deucalion western with Singapore monsoon deluge for Obama inauguration.
Obama inauguration under the New Year auspices of Eris in congress with 2000 GM137
eastern ascending in Cetus.
Special ascendant set as rendered for the year when Uranium was found: 1787.
Incomplete list of centaurean, dwarf planets and objects of interest.
List of dedicated publications as concern the 22 zodiacal constellations plus 88 or 16
Detailed considerations as concern Uranium investment at the brink of the plunge of
Uranus back into Cetus in the eonic year 2013.
Timing #Uranus in #Cetus determines yr #Uranium #investment
http://ow.ly/gXZSZ #yellowcake #Mali #Niger $URA #NYSE $CCJ $URRE $URZ
Uranium investment timing with Uranus in Cetus 2013.
Timing #Uranus in #Cetus = #Uranium #investment http://ow.ly/gXZSZ URA #NYSE
Uranium wars at their second peak with Uranus in Cetus bis.
Dark Valentine asteroid resulted in catastrophic meteors.
War on Mali as the first fortification of the Age of Scutum.
Age of Scutum proclaimed bis and defined against the Aeon of Cetus II, as encapsulated
within it. It precedes the Age of Pegasus ^^ I & II.
Mali conflict by #AEONews
Mars Icarus Damocles Nessus bode ill for airline travels a disastrous time to board a
plane or anything to do with airplane industry, travel or warfare.
Airplane industry crisis with Uranus in Cetus.
Fatal as well as horribly inauspicious au for any airplane industry launch with Mars
Drone wars with Uranus in Cetus bis.
Juno with Cruithne in Scutum.
Venus in Scutum Aion.
ISON (C/2012 S1) Alpha Serpentis shoot-up ||:|:: End of Times.
Birthday of the Lord of the Aeon Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsana.
PANSTARRS (C/2011 L4) aligns with Alpha Serpentis cluster.
Last day as preceding Nov 28th 2013?
Comet year 2013 giant, bright and fatal comets delineated with a taste of finality.
Neptune cluster added to standard planetary report; e.g.:
2007 OR10
Neptune - Aquarius
Nessus Piscis Austrinus
Heracles - Aquarius
Ra-Shalom - Aquarius
Lilith - Aquarius
Damocles - Aquarius
1999 OX3 Aquarius
Phaedra Aquarius [trapped]

Among the three modes in the 1-2-3 method, the 3rd was appended to faux ascendant.
Among the three modes in the 1-2-3 method, the 1st was appended to true ascendant.
Ascending planets in Auriga added to standard planetary report.
Turreted and trapped planets added to standard planetary report.
The precise positions of the planets as issued for winter solstice 2012 xxiv.

Aeon Feed WW3 WW4 updated for Korean rocket missile launch 12 12 2012
Aeon scoop http://www.scoop.it/t/sign http://www.scoop.it/t/sign/rss.xml
85H 86H

Aeon feed updated with links http://www.scribd.com/doc/116211460/AEon-Update


Aeon Diaspora https://poddery.com/tags/2017 [to be abandoned]


Apophis impact revised for 2013 and 2029.

January 2013 deluge predictions as overlapping with Apophis close-up scenario.
Venus cycle 2007 2017 Hydra Pegasus revised along its financial curve. #GFC
Diamond planet versus rogue planet in the horoscope of Daniel Craig 007.
Rogue planet CFBDSIR2149. A rough ephemeris along with rudimental orbital elements for
the object is available: in Pegasus, rising with Salacia. Tentative young moving group
membership probability "youth indicators" estimated possibility: member of several moving
groups and associations (-Pictoris, Tucana-Horologium, AB Doradus, TW Hydrae, Columba,
Carina, Argus, the Pleiades, Q Chameleontis; Hyades and Ursa Majoris.

Introducing rogue planet CFBDSIRJ214947.2-040308.9 - CFBDSIR2149 for friends.

Standard 638 planets in your horoscope xxv. A set of 638 planets as presented in lieu of

1008 xxvi. Endorsing more than 500 planets becomes routine. A decade ago, a normal
horoscope would have but some 50 planets only; as the list expands, so does our
knowledge of personal creation [RTRRTv2 Assemblage Points].
New Year 2013: The Moon as it brushes by under Sila-Nunam and thus Diamond Planet
55 Cancri e for a Diamond Year 2013.
Nov 6th 55 Cancri e conjunct Moon.
Deluge alert as set for January 20th-25th 2013. Default city: Perth.
2013-centered deluge scenarios inspected as mainly directed by major dwarf planets
alignments through nether ascendants.
Deluge times as aligned with 2007 OR10, Salacia, Uranus and Neptune.
Venusian 2007 2017 cycle - Mayan priesthood instruction.
Venus shifts from Hydra into Scutum and Pegasus.
Venus enters Ophiuchus for winter solstice 2012.
Saturn is in Libra still for the year 2015 disambiguation of the zodiacal positions of the
Saturn is in Scorpius in the year 2015 backdating biblical 2014.
Saturn enters Libra in December 2012 and is back into Virgo for the year eonic 2013.
Diamond planet 55 Cancri e in diamond horoscopes along with Saturn.
Diamond planet 55 Cancri e delineated.
Exalted Ages of Scutum, Auriga and Pegasus revealed.
Age of Hydra revealed.
The Grand Encapsulation of the Grand Ages partially revealed.
Eon of Cetus III revealed.
Averages of Pisces I & II, averages of Aquarius I & (t) II, averages of Capricornus T2 & T1.
Era of Eridanus new Age intimated.
Sep 16th 2012; Sol in Virgo Age of Pegasus III revealed.
Mayan 2017 aka Age of Pegasus I revealed.
Uranium wars at their peak.
At the peak of the Eon of Cetus II, partial encapsulation of ages revealed to outer lodge.
Eon midpoint 2012. The apex of the Eon of Cetus II.
Venus in Orion.
Luna in Sestante. Italys (owner of the zodiac) victory makes impact on CERN xxvii.
Mercury enters Cancer. Moon in Sextans, birth time of the zodiac. Tracking Sextans Moon
online minute by minute.

Sextans Moon. Birth time of the zodiac. The Academic Zodiac was symbolically borne online
with this exquisite lunar position. Too bad there were no astrologers on the planet back in 1972.
If there were any, theyd greatly appreciate the birth of a new tool that will prove to be essential
to both astronomy and astrology: the zodiac.

+ All the usual refinements http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology http://ow.ly/bt2ih #VIP http://ow.ly/bt2iW

89H 90H 91H

Mercury with Varuna, Sun in Orion, Mars enters Virgo with Logos.
New Moon in Orion.
6-6 2012 eonic Venus transit. Dolphin kids 2012 vs Hydra kids.
The Sign of Jonas, Eon, Uranus in Cetus.
Revised sigils for two new centaurs. Planetary interview replaces delineation.
All new dwarf planets (H < 5.5 & named) and centaurs as included within the Illuminati tarot.
Sigils for the latest ( H < 4 ) dwarf planets completed as undergoing rigorous testing routine.
The amplified Illuminati tarot deck contains a larger number of outer Nibiru search guardians.
Eon midpoint as roughly coinciding with midsummer 2012.
Eridanus quake as ricochet from the Era of Eridanus aka New Age.
Eonic ascendental Era marker Eridanus is Po triggered.
Eon earthquake. The incipient earthquake of the Eon as registered near Modena, Italy.
Brindisi bombing. Eridanus towards Orion ascendant announces Eon earthquake.
Facebook IPO delay. Pleiadian eclipse.
Palden Dorje concludes meditation cycle which started with Venus in Hydra.
Venus in Hydra 2007 2017 Venus in Pegasus - Global Financial Crisis.
The Pleiadian eclipse 2012 coincides with the Eon: Uranus enters Cetus.
Pegasus Point activation galore in the year 2012 as prelude to the 2nd Age of Pegasus.
The sign of Jonas with Uranus setting in Cetus.
Spiritual Eon peak (Eon midpoint) announced as possibly uneventful. When Jesus was
born, that conferred no special events to most, except for the magi who tracked and visited. At
midwife fetching time, just an insignificant first will be last star in Aries rose at east the
Lamb of God. No busy midwife would think to record such a phenomenon at all. Nowadays,
Aries is not even rising at east and people dont know their own ascendants.
Mercury @ Cetus III.
Centaurean stargate activation with 9-11 Moon in Orion and immortal centauress known as
lady Pylenor 1994 TA.
Orcus Report as triggered by an outer guardian; Tekton - in Hydra and Moon in Sextans.
Illuminati May Day. Witchallow activated with Eon Uranus in Cetus Pleiadian eclipse.
Formal (calculated) Eon as expected for year 2014.
Peak of the Eon of Cetus. Measuring Uranus in Cetus II midpoint(s) xxviii.

Witchallow 2012 with Mercury in Cetus Illuminati Mayday.

Secondary angular directions of comets, centaurs and dwarf planets across the Axis of Evil and
Dark Flux redefined.
Equinoctial Sun conjunct Uranus in Cetus. Equinox of Gods. Pegasus Point activation.
Centaurean conjunction of Eris in Cetus. Missiles fired, drones captured and nuclear submarines
Mars attacks! Mars close-up.
Venus transit 2012. Venus eclipse.
Definition of the 1st and 2nd averages of Aquarius and Capricornus.
Activation frequency of the Neptune cluster. Trapped and turreted planets galore.
12000 publications removed from the server. Giga and Terabytes less for the community.
Saturn obscures Spica Virginis.
Mercury in Cetus 2012.
Super-Earth Kepler-22b follows Xmas flare GRB 101225A into your own horoscope.
Mermaid Children magical children as born in the year 2012.
Dolphin Kids publications. Babies exposed to 8 planets in Cetus 2011 2012.
Siren child type confrontation as Hydra fights Cetus.
6-6-2012 as compared to the 2007 Hydra kids.
Hydra kids as confronted with 2012 mermaid children.
Second Age of Pisces, Aquarius and Capricornus.
Whale kids. With Uranus in Cetus, the on of Cetus is at its apex.
Peculiar wandering trespass of Mercury 2011 in Scorpius and Ophiuchus.
Comet Elenin as aligned with 11-9-11.
Salacia defined, delineated & published. Neptunes wife is a newly named dwarf planet.
2010 TK7 as delineated in Fornax: a new auxiliary moon of planet Earth: see Apoheles; Earth
XP xxix Eclipse, one of the 6 eclipses for the year 2011.

Premier marriage planet Salacia delineated. Salacia Full Moon for August 2011.
Salacia is the ideal peace, love and marriage planet for the new Age of Pegasus, ditto in
Jupiter and Mars in Cetus. Operation Odyssey Dawn.
Mars in Cetus marked London bombing, now war operations in the Mediterranean.
In the cetacean year 2011, much more than in 2005, most planets march through zodiacal Cetus.
2025: the 144000.
WW4. The tenth and eleventh crusade with Venus in Pegasus.
Age of Pegasus II at its peak. Upcoming Age of Pegasus III.
Kalki, the avatar of the Age of Pegasus II.
2014 marks the crisis of Vatican, even along with possible hostility from American diplomacy.
Pluto sits at the galax, Neptune stands by T2 Capricorni within the 2010 OR10 cluster.
Uranus enters Cetus. Jupiter and Uranus flirt in conjunction below the Pegasus Point.
Revolutions cause the deployment of a new type of naval anti-submarine fighter aircraft.
LA, Queens, Canada & Alaska war provocations & casualties. Yellow Submarine series.
Nuclear submarine wars with Uranus in Cetus.
Witchallow 2011: quakes, wars and pollution.
11-9-11 comet Elenin, Ground zero mosque.
Royal wedding with Jupiter conjunct Eris in Cetus.
British royal Witchallow wedding under the auspices of Venus, Jupiter, Uranus and Eris in
Governmental crisis in the U.S.A. with Mars in Cetus threatens government shutdown.
Atlantis found in the backgarden of Eris with Jupiter in Cetus.
Operation Odyssey Dawn: Libyan crisis due to secondary angular direction of Jupiter in Cetus.
Jupiter enters Cetus.
Sextans Moon in February 2011. Suez crisis. Israeli submarines.
Corvine moons in February 2011. Neptune T2. Pluto @ Galax. Uranus enters Cetus.
Iran war ships approach Saudi in an attempt to enter the Mediterranean, heading towards Syria.
The pale rider of the apocalypse appears at Cairo as predicted within the 2010 Astro Leaks
Trapped bloody cluster with Damocles, Nessus and Mars.
British nuclear submarine marooned at Skye.
A series of well-coordinated spontaneous uprisings mostly in North Africa start WW3.
Jet fighters fall over Canada and Alaska.
A Chinese submarine provokes twelve miles from Los Angeles by firing a missile.
Yellow submarine at LA and Queens, NY. The fall of the Canadian and American fighter jets.
Korean crisis more or less silently provokes the world towards WW3.
Neptune re-enters Aquarius from T2 Capricorni. #jan25 #Cairo #Egypt
Corvine moons along with eclipses. Stirring in #Tunis.
The peak of the on of Cetus II with the Jupiter + Uranus conjunct below the Pegasus Point.
Jupiter and Uranus trigger the Pegasus Point close to Cetus.
Turreted Neptune observed in T2 Capricorni.
Trapped and turreted Mercury and Venus defined.
Trapped Moon definition against Turreted Moons T1 and T2.
The special zones of the lunar zodiac revealed, such as Moon in Cetus I, II and II.
Era of Eridanus and the oil spill charts. The global ascendant as it shifts into Eridanus.
Dark planet Okeanos as compared with Obama planet 2007 OR10 within the oil spill charts.
Detailed maps produced for the oil spill catastrophe; 100 maps serve as study introduction.
The ascendental Era of Eridanus has Witchallow as its central pivot, besides 2009 YE7.
The global ascendant of the on of Cetus during its Eridanus shift: sea-quakes and oil spill.
Orientation of the inner and outer temples as enabled by the six lords of the directions.
Second Renaissance within the southern xxx Era of Eridanus with Chariklo in Lupus.

659495 2010 2009 YE7 [...unnamed...] 4.40

659618 2010 2009 YG19 [...unnamed...] 5.90
659779 2010 2010 AH2 [...unnamed...] 5.60
666469 2010 2010 EN65 [...unnamed...] 6.90
666471 2010 2010 EP65 [...unnamed...] 5.50
666472 2010 2010 EQ65 [...unnamed...] 6.40
666473 2010 2010 ER65 [...unnamed...] 5.40
666475 2010 2010 ET65 [...unnamed...] 5.20
667235 2010 2010 EK139 [...unnamed...] 3.80
667236 2010 2010 EL139 [...unnamed...] 5.20
667828 2010 2010 FC49 [...unnamed...] 5.70
667829 2010 2010 FD49 [...unnamed...] 6.20
667830 2010 2010 FE49 [...unnamed...] 6.50
668488 2010 2010 FX86 [...unnamed...] 4.30
672348 2010 2010 HE79 [...unnamed...] 5.30
674070 2010 2010 JC80 [...unnamed...] 5.60
674673 2010 2010 JJ124 [...unnamed...] 6.60
674674 2010 2010 JK124 [...unnamed...] 5.40
675809 2010 2010 KZ39 [...unnamed...] 3.90

The six pillars of Masonry as established for the Era of Eridanus within the Venusian Age of
Proper orientation for a new Masonry means the end of confusion, wars and planetary viceroy.
Hydra dynasties under inspection. Reptilian bloodlines traced down to the Last Unicorn.
National heraldry according to the astronomic skies. The ascendant of the U.S.A. is Serpens
The chambers of the south as measured, arranged and delineated according to Yahweh's
Reformation of the pentagram ritual according to the proper cardinal star-angels.
Orientation of Masonic temples according to the six principles of Masonry, ESWNZN.
The intricacies of royal heraldry and triune ascendants as revealed in the Reptilian Heraldry
Centaurs in Lupus expose the chambers of the south.
The New Age is at its third level or sub-Age as encapsulated within the Cetus > Pegasus >
Eridanus pattern. By secondary angular direction we leave the short permanence of an
ascendant in Taurus in order to plunge towards a much deeper and mysterious Age of Eridanus.
Thus, within the solar Age of Cetus, the initiate enlivens into the Venusian Age of Pegasus; but
within this very Age, we just plunged into an ascendental progression as marked by Eridanus.
New Age as announced in May 2010 with the event of a self-reproducing cell.
The five minutes of Taurus xxxi are over. The Edge Report announces the New Age,

Orcus and Mars in RA conjunction; Eridanus W, Moon in Sextans: the Edge of New Age.
Low Moon with Jupiter Saturn opposition as scanned for years 2012, 2011 and 2010 xxxii.

660685 2010 2009 YE7 [...unnamed...] 4.40

667363 2010 2010 EK139 [...unnamed...] 3.80
668606 2010 2010 FX86 [...unnamed...] 4.30

September 11th 2010 seen as critical. Tsunami alert. Nether ascendants for Tekton and Sedna.
Less control over economy due to the nether rising nature of outer guardians.
After the major nether dwarf planets, global economy bends to the outer guardians.
Nether ascendants in global economy. Eridanus as financial leak. Corvine moons.
2002 RN109 (MPO 74211) and Lilith in Sextans. Amun in Hydra. Tekton Stonehenge stacks.
Mid-May entry of Sun in Taurus. Bailout to Greece. Eridanus map for the EU.
Market chaos report. Sextans as nether ascendant mediator. Outer guardians economy.
Low Corvine Moons and rising outer guardian in Sextans provoke financial oddities.
The world ascendant leaves Taurus, heading for Eridanus. Bull markets become bear markets.
The Eridanus report triggers the European 2009 YE7 towards a bailout to Greece.
Nether ascendants in war. Eridanus, Cetus and Hydra fight for supremacy over the netherworld.
The world ascendant is ready to jump into Eridanus by secondary angular direction.
Bear markets break open as Eridanus, Hydra and Cetus dispute for supremacy.
Moon in Corvus and Sextans against Orcus in Sextans and 2002 AW197 in Hydra.
LHC Low Moon update. Corvine moons as defining jihad, WW3 and Sea-quakes.
WW3 as determined to the minute by using corvine moons and IAU ascendant ephemeris.
2009 YE7 enters the year of the Low Moons, 2010. Nether ascendants in juxtaposition.
2009 YE7 Gimli is ascending with Witchallow. Eridanus, Cetus and Hydra in war.
2010 Low Moon as it dictates jihad, earth and sea quakes and WW3.
Teddy bear market for May 2010 as defined by 2009 YE7.
Gimli's standard Algol contact in May stands for gain on the market amidst global crash.
A year after the delineations for 2007 OR10 and 2007 JG43, 2009 YE7 imposes itself as
indicative in important horoscopes such as the scientific natal chart of the FED.
2009 YE7 Gimli xxxiii has much to say in financial astrology for the year 2010.

Eridanus ascendant people are subject to periods of solitude xxxiv. Now we know why.

2009 YE7 in secondary direction with Witchllow provokes great floods.

2010 has the flavor of a saturnine year, with the standard mid-May Algol 2009 YE7
activity xxxv.

Low Moon in Sextans/Corvus with Norwegian spiral lights. Nobel Prize for peace assignation.
Large Hadron Collider astrology updated on occasion of its successful activation.
Ages of Pegasus II and III as the opening gates to the Golden Age of Pegasus.
Venus in Pegasus announces the final end of the Dark Age of Cetus III xxxvi.

The Age of Pegasus III was announced, while the Age of Cetus III was canceled in an initiate.
The appropriate rites for the opening of the Age of Pegasus II were celebrated.
The Age of Pegasus was proclaimed ipse dixit on November 14th 2009.
The Saturn hexagon and second ring complete the delineation of Saturn and its inorganics.
The Northern Constellations in Astrology were published on Halloween 2009.

The Sun is in Libra on November 23rd. Sai Baba's birthday. Three signs of zodiacal offset.
The dawn f the new Age of Pegasus.
The Sun enters Libra on Halloween when it also opposes Witchallow.
Through the dark ages, people beset by illusion xxxvii proclaimed themselves as astrologers.

Those who never dealt or know the true skies did much damage to civilization. This custom
stops now.
Witchallow is opposed to Sun on Halloween for Hitler, Mordred and the Illuminati.
Delineations for the Sun in Sextans, Cetus, Orion, Ophiuchus and Cetus.
The O6 upgrade of the O5 Master's Manual reveals further future-changing material.
We retrieved the original O5 Initiation for your Instant Magick pleasure and reference.
Become an O5 Master by designing your own O5 delivery. Get VIP now!
Spiral Trees and Cheshire Catalog RTRRT Initiations.
Verified Identity Package starts with your original natal ascendant.
Have your RTRRT initiations mailed by donating to our Papal address. Download free catalog

in order to obtain address.

The Academic Zodiac celebrated its 3rd anniversary in August 2009. Happy birthday!
Besides Sun in Orion and Cetus, 'Sun in Sextans' is added as experimental position.
The 16 Sun-signs complement the 16 eastern ascendants.
The special positions for the Sun are Orion, Cetus and Sextans. Ophiuchus is standard.
The universal Cartesian house system takes Astrology into Outer Space 3. 2F

Stipulation lives its second edition along with precise Moon ephemerides.
The Jupiter Uranus conjunction will trigger the Pegasus Point in the year 2010.

3 Planetocentric Astrology.
Pegasus Point established as delineated in the traditional twelve houses of the horoscope.
The second coming of Lucifer with Venus in Pegasus in the dawn of the Age of Pegasus.
Venus in Pegasus as planetary challenge after apocalyptic Venus in Hydra and Sputum.
The zodiac gets transparent in order to help the better orientation of Masonic temples.
Complete Works I, II and III by Klaudio Zic. The perfect trilogy for the astrologer-magus.
Academic Astrology Journal, issues I V. Editorial notes, news and bonus material.
The Zodiacal Commandments of Amen-Re. Egyptian astrology demands resurrection!
The Southern Skies resume what was said on the Meridian Constellations in Astrology.
Taurus Rising report! Taurus is rising at east for five minutes every day at east.
Cetus Report for the year 2009 including the inner planets in Cetus and the Moon.
Masonic astrology takes off with Venus in Sextans, and the promiscuous 1967 generation.
Computer less astrology for everyone. Calculating issues in minutes. Hands-free astrology.
Marriage rendering astrology. 20 minutes divination initiation. Marriage rendering tools.
Stellar sign: true natal star sign. Proposed Sun in Orion and Cetus. Age of Pegasus.
Unicorn rising. Triune ascendant in ritual astrology. Lunar magick with Moon in Corvus.
Winter births may have up to six signs of zodiacal offset according to the stellar zodiac.
True star sign debunked as yet another zodiacal fraud after sidereal, tropical & eastern zodiacs.
Six signs of zodiacal error. The zodiacal offset has been reformulated at its bottle neck.
The zodiacal offset as pointing to racial inertia. Serpens Cauda as the ascendant of the USA.
1 minute Moon ephemerides: Moon in Sextans, Corvus and Auriga.
20 minutes astrology initiation. Instant marriage prediction technique for everyone.
Astrology for non-astrologers: calculating issues in seconds. Fast horoscope scan.
Axion, Quasar and Jupiter in Ophiuchus dynamism. The Green comet and Masonic TNO.
The zodiacal offset at its bottle neck. Venus in Sputum. 6 minute Sun ephemeris: IAU ingress.
Submersed ascendants. Hydra as representative of the sub-ecliptic ascendants in astrology.
Orcus and Axion report for the financial years 2009 - 2010. Moon in Corvus in the year 2009.
The zodiacal offset in European demonology. Serpens Caputo as ascendant of Italy.
True stellar sign. The zodiac is neither eastern nor western. It belongs to the stars.
20 minute astrology initiation for the planet as featuring on http://youtube.com/2012astrology

Centaurean positions like Pholus in upper Ophiuchus, as well as several recently discovered
dwarf planets have been scheduled as fascist within a new publication as dedicated to the
astrological root of original fascism, an Utopian, even Taoist movement and philosophy.
The H method in horoscope analysis features the 4, 3.5 and 5 classes.
The new dwarf planet candidates are automatically fed into the horoscope wheel chart.
Delineation in the 12 Cartesian houses for all major discoveries in the year 2009, most
prominently 2007 OR10. The publication includes half a dozen of fascist minor planets.

Zodiacal design extends to our colonies, after a dedicated zodiacal study as concern planet
Earth. Cruithne is next, as planetocentric astrology gallops towards a new universe of variegated
By keeping an eye on Faustini crater, the astrologer calculates the Moon impact chart xxxviii.

Obama assassination. Dates when killers failed, along with future warnings for the President.
2007 OR10 updated xxxix for Vatican City, 666, Austin Osman Spare, NYSE, FED and Australia.

2007 OR10 updated for financial nose down along with potential Obama assassination dates.

2007 OR10 secondary angular directions. Critical dates for the FED, KKK and Obama.

2007 OR10 delineated in the 12 houses of the horoscope.

2007 OR10 receives general as well as particular delineation.

Horoscope noir for Obama and 2007 OR10. Inauguration day with Eris and 2007 OR10.

2007 OR10 has a specially affinity towards clear relationships as well as one's own reserves.

Houses of betrayal (5), marriage xl (11) and divorce (7) for 2007 OR10.

The character of Unihipili is very determined, victorious and modest.

New giant dwarf planet 2007 OR10 delineated and published. Nickname Unihipili.

2007 OR10 as our companion through world financial crisis and towards ecological redemption.

Venus in Pegasus and the Dark Age of Cetus III. Pegasus as ascendant for the New Age.
Ophiuchus and the six constellation zodiacal shift. Aton as central zodiacal station.
Satan's zodiac. The definition of the zodiac. Pegasus as light bringer.
Queen of heaven. Mayan cults. The bride as projected illusion. Phosphorus.
Venus in Pegasus and the fallen bride of Brahma. Cetus and Middle Earth.
The original bride. Satan as Venus. Samael ET LILIT VERA. Chinese Nibiru.
The Mysteries of the Sith. The Sabbath of Aton. Venus as fallen bride in Cetus.
Horus opposing Eris in Cetus. Aton versus reptilian Venus. Second Epistle to Satan.
Preparing for the major crisis: Prosperity Rendering Tools. Survival with prosperity enabled.
New outer guardians and 2012 peaks. What vexes the USA ascendant? Ophiuchus transits.
Immortal and white centaurs at the Stargate. Centaurean astrology for the year 2012.
Enochian centaurs on the Tree of Life. Evocation of the centaurean Lords of the thyrs.
Global financial nosedive and the reptilian centaurs in nether astrology 2012.
The horoscope of the next Lord of the Zodiac. Horus cycle and Osiris precession.
Dante and the reptilian centaurs. Horary charts for the nether journey of Dante.
Age of Orion versus the end of the cycle. 2012 and the polarization of values.
Nether ascendants in Egyptian astrology. Subconscious ascendants in synastry,
Centaurs in Lupus and Centaurus and the prospect of alien life encounter.
Navajo and Hopi expansion of the Academic Zodiac. Chinese equatorial equations.

Orcus Report as expanded for new outer guardians of our solar system. 2008 SO218.
Predictions xli for the years 2009 ~ 2012 for the 15 Sun signs & 16 ascendants


2008 SO218 and the apocalypse. 2012 updated for the traditional USA ascendant in Serpens

Precession report. The next set of ascendants. Who survives 2012? New skies 144000
Biblical basis for precession and reality rendering. Primordial void (Witchallow). Age of Orion.
Moses and Hipparchus versus Ptolemy and flat Earth. Astronomy versus superstition.
Surviving 2012. A little manual for the 144000. Where are new heavens coming from?
Financial meltdown peaks. 2009 stock market nosedive according to Orcus Report.
Further global financial crisis as caused by post-subprime major real estate market meltdown.

2012 dates for the USA updated with new outer guardians and 2008 SO218.

WTC, Moon in Orion, Eris in Cetus, Osama bin Laden and the rule of the magi.
Orcus Report as extended to year 2018 after a due NASA data base update on Christmas 2008.
2002 AW197 and Orcus reports as blended in a special financial package for businessmen.

NASA updates data bases according to our best wishes. Debugging and improved features.
Orcus Report as ultimate financial information for the investor in the year 2009 & decade
When not to invest in the year 2009? Dwarf planets bis in financial astrology.
Financial analysis for the year 2009 includes refined timing 41F according to Orcus.
Sidereal and tropical astrology for dummies. Guidelines for twenty minutes initiates . 42F

Marriage calculation for dummies. All the loves of your life in minutes.
Financial astrology for dummies. When not to invest? Insolvent factors.
The UK as central demoniac factor of the world economy crisis. Hidden reptilian agenda.
Secrets of the Lion & Unicorn. Hydra initiates, reptilian agenda and world economy crisis.
Financial perspective 2005 ~ 2085. The decade ahead. Hydra and the UK.
Venus in Pegasus in the Dark Ages. Dante's Inferno. Venus in Pegasus, Pisces and Cetus.
Infernal centaurs in Dante horary charts. Three horary charts for Nessus, Pholus, Dante and
Astrological maps for Middle Earth. Dante's Inferno, Mars in Cetus and London bombing.
Venus in Pegasus at the end of the Dark Age of Cetus III. Osculation of Venus in the New on.
Osculation of the population of the Stargate. White, reptilian and immortal centaurs.
Moon in Auriga and 1994 TA. Immortal centaurs in the Age of Aquarius. Sylph reports.
Fool at the Stargate 43F in the Age of Aquarius. Moon in Auriga at the end of the Age of Cetus III.
The lost zodiac of the Moon. The 22 tarot cards and the 22 letters of the alphabet. Moon in
The Last Star of Cetus III. The first prophecy of the Age of Aquarius. The bottomless pit.
Dark Flux in the Age of Aquarius. The astrological delineations along the Axis of Evil.
Moon in Auriga and the precession of the Stargate of Gods. The dawning of the Age of
Waning Age of Cetus III. The execution of the False Prophet. Persecution of astrologers. 2012.
The sky is equal for everyone: woman and child, east or west. There is only one true sky.
Full Moon in Auriga as crucial zodiacal position against Sun in Ophiuchus.
The Pegasus works. Venus in Pegasus and the Child of the New on.
Pegasus as critical zodiacal constellation in the Age of Cetus. Ascendant Pegasus in the New
The horoscope of the Child of the New on. Pegasus ascending and Delphi bis.
Pegasus approach. Venus in Pegasus, the Messiah and the Antichrist. New on.
The first prophecy against the False Prophet. Massacre of astrologers in the Age of Cetus.
Zodiacality helps in determining true zodiacal positions against 6 5 4 3 2 or 1 zodiacal sign
Repudiation of pseudo-zodiacal superstition. The zodiac does not rise at east. 1-6 sign of error.
Dark Planets update for the year 2012. Lamia directions. Thanateros and the apocalypse.
Matrix Tarot deck upgrade for the year 2009 with new dwarf planets.
Epochal ascendants as assigned to geomantic figures. The historical Leo Minor problem.
The first prototype of the Orisha tarot approaches 88 ascending Loa.
Compatibility proof of the Aspectarian against spirits, tarot and Sabian system.
Three basic tarot decks as distributed between the 77 initiates.
Enochian attributions of dwarf planets on the Tree of Life.
The second Book of Enoch. Tracing the correspondences of the Sephira.
Hebrew codex for the 11 dwarf planets on the Tree of Life.
The triune sigil of Eris in Cetus I, II & III. Eris in Sculptor and Phoenix.
Orisha compatibility with the 22/16 Matrix Tarot Deck. 88 voodoo cards.
Every object of interest receives a tarot card with Sumerian sigil.
Graphical upgrade of the zodiac. A minor revision of the centaurean sigil system.
Loa as present within the ritual of the age of Age of Cetus.
The Aspectarian as enriched by three tarot decks. The Kabir card.
88 ascendants delineated as meridian constellations in their precession cycle.
Delineation for the basic 22 + 16 tarot cards. 38 as holy number.
Kabirian Tarot deck as enhanced with the new Dwarf Planets, comets and centaurs.
The Matrix Tarot Deck includes the 88 ascendants and 22 zodiacal constellations.
Zodiacality of Scutum and the 4-sign error. P-zodiacality and the 6-sign error. Pluto in Serpens.
Progressive repudiation of pseudo-astrology starts with one sign of error towards six signs (sic).
Pseudo-zodiacal error amounts to six signs (sic). A further elaboration on the Academic Zodiac.
Libra, Serpens Caput, Ophiuchus, Serpens Cauda, Scutum and Sagittarius: six signs of error
Six signs (sic) of zodiacal error debunked with Pluto in Serpens. USA ascendant Serpens Cauda.
Four signs of error with Venus in Scutum. Scutum is a zodiacal constellation. Juno in Scutum.
Three signs (sic) of astrological error demonstrated for the winter Sun. Sun in Libra on Nov

Two signs (sic) of astrological error exposed as concern zodiacal positions. E.g. Scorpio is
Two signs (sic) of error debunked as demonstrated by the proper observation of the ascendant.
Aries, Libra, Capricornus, Gemini and Scorpius do not rise at east at the present epoch.
The horoscope for Dante's Inferno. Delphinus, rising. Venus in Pegasus falling. Equuleus.
Horary maps for Dante's meeting with the three centaurs in Inferno. Central planetary map.
Palden Dorje, Aleister Crowley and Dante compared in April publication. (Work in progress).
Financial analysis of the world economic crisis for the decade ahead from Hydra perspective . 44F

Personal real estate analysis as regulated by Moon in Auriga, Orion and Sextans.
2002 AW197 in zodiacal Hydra constellation in horary, election and financial astrology.

Reality rendering in the real estate business. Active dis-creation of the subprime mortgage
Tipping the dragon scales. Hydra progressions in daily astrology. Nile precession and the spine.
The ascendant set and zodiac are separate units, as in the real sky, so in your own horoscope
Sextans in financial analysis. Moon, Mercury and Venus in Sextans. Orcus in Sextans.
Ascendant Sextans and Outer Guardians 45F in Sextans. Masonic astrology revised.
Galactic ascendant, Axis of Evil and Dark flux in Anatomic Astrology. The sash of comets.
Daily progression of the 16 ascendants for wearable computers (project). Portable horary
Reptilian extra-zodiacal astrology. The secrets of Draco. Ascension astrology in orgasm timing.
Dating a reptilian. How does her Venus in Hydra act upon your Mars in Cetus? Monster sex.
Tipping the scales. Reptilian ascendants in daily life. Sexual peaks using Reptilian Astrology
Ascendant compatibility. Hydra versus neighbors and opponents. Short versus long
Marriage calculator for adolescents as plug-in for the 22/16 system. Supports dating astrology.
Astrological lineage as dating from Menes and Egypt. The legacy of Babylonia, China and
Aboriginal astrology on spacecraft. Who were the first astrologers? Alien origin of intelligence.
One minute astrology for children with instant prediction manual. Stock exchange for kids.
Reptilian centaurs in astrology. Dante, Palden Dorje and Aleister Crowley. April.
Alien ascendants compilation for near objects and auxiliary moons.
Spacecraft astrology for Cruithne colons and baby delivery in outer space. Alien guardian
Sun and the planets in 88 constellations. 88 ascendants in solar system astrology.
Kabirian ascendants. Astrology of the inner man. True self in the stars. Stellar origin of the soul.
Mars Venus galactic midpoint and Stargate dynamism in the galactic chart of the USA.
USA Stargate Map dynamism. The galactic ascendant versus the stargates in the year 2012.
The Grand Orient from Age of Orion to Age of Cetus. Astrological orientation in masonry.
Masonic lodge orientation according to the Seal, Reptilia and ornithology.
New Precession series launched on November 23rd with Sun in Libra 46F , Sai Baba's birthday.
Cygnus and Lyra in American occult astrology. Galactic ascendant and the Federation.
The Irish ascendant of the USA. Galactic ascendant progressions in Irish landscape astrology.
The Astrologer of the on. Precession of the initiated soul. Age of Orion Osiris.
Nether ascendants in sexual and financial astrology. Hit the horoscope below its belt.
Nile precession and Stargate orientation in Nubian galactic astrology. Cygnus and USA.
Progressions of the galactic ascendant. Ornithological astrology of the USA.
Galactic astrology 2012. London and the Great Seal of the USA. Lyran occultation.
Regulus occultation and the New York lodge. The dark reign of the golden infant.
The main 32 dwarf planets in marriage astrology. The seventh galactic house.
The Hydra seal of Great Britain. Royal reptilian horoscopes and precession of the Unicorn.
British court and reptilian descendants in royal marriage horoscopes. Prince William.
Reptilian heraldry. The Last Unicorn and the great Hydra swindle in British Ahriman masonry.
Mundane precession patterns in astrology in the Age of Cetus. Orion kills the Gemini twins.
Galactic ascendant in planetocentric astrology. Juno-centric analysis of marriage charts.
Progression of the galactic ascendant in soul mate horoscopes.
Galactic ascendant in Stargate dynamism. Killer galaxy, Galactic center and Stargate of Evil.
The precession of the Stargate of Hell in personal horoscopes. Killer galaxy in horary.
Gryphon and vulture in basic American astrology. Reptilian dynamism of the Great Seal.
Precession in natal astrology. Natal patterns, dark cults and the dis-creation of the wheel time.
Procession of the main great holes along the Axis of Evil from Bible to the Dark Flux abysmal.
Breaking the 12 spikes. Astrology, superstition, lie and the devil en personal Bodhisattva.
Progressions of the ascendant. Ephemeris ascendant animations for incipient astrologers.
Precession of the equinoxes from Ophiuchus to Cetus. The Age of Orion and the killer Stargate.
Drac & 2002 MS4. Sarah Palin at the killer Stargate. Vampire objects across the galactic center.

The precession of the Stargate of Hell in personal horoscopes. Killer galaxy in horary astrology.
The Axis of Evil and Dark Flow in the Age of Hydra. Personal soul precession horoscope.
The Age of Osiris versus Gemini. Moon in Orion, the WTC and precession of the horoscope.
Precession of gods in sacred astrology. The 15 stations of the Sun in the natal horoscope.
Galactic ascendant in royal marriage astrology. Progressing galactic relationship charts.
Masonic presidents. George Bush, Nephthys and Canis Minor. Sarah Palin and killer Drac.
Secondary angular direction of Eris in Pavo and the American dark totems. USA Dark Flux.
Moon in Auriga and Venus in Orion as markers in secondary angular Stargate direction.
Natal Sun in Orion in the Age of Cetus. The precession of the soul in the Age of Osiris.
Stargate directions. Primary and secondary angular direction of the Stargates.
Reformed Egyptian astrology: Osiris ascendant and the precession of the Stargates.
Ascendant Unicorn established as main mediator between the Age of Osiris and Leo.
10 minutes astrology initiation for children: predict your own marriage in seconds.
Precessed secondary angular directions in the Academic Zodiac environment.
Precessed directions. Ephemeris for the ascendant. Precession in daily astrology.
Precession of the Stargates as defined in the personal horoscope.
Horizon- galactic dynamism in astrology. The precession of the galactic horoscope.
Dark Flow integrated with the Axis of Evil and the Stargates.
The Seal of the USA, 2012, London, UFOs, Galactic Federation, Lyra and the dollar:
The horoscope of the Great Seal of the U.S.A. Basic vultures and gryphons in astrology.
Eris Chiron dynamism and the great American crisis. Hydra tail and the civil war.
Regulus occultation path in astrology and ascent of the secret NY Regulus lodge.
U.S.A. ascendants: Cygnus, Serpens, Aquila and Lyra. Galax versus precessed ascendant.
Egyptian 3800 BC synastry as in the Academic Zodiac environment (Project).
Egyptian horoscope for the U.S.A., Iris and Ipy dynamism. Stargate progression 2012.
Vultures in the American horoscope. Kabiria Publications. Reptilian v/s ornithological.
Ornithological astrology follows on the trail of reptilian astrology.
Kingdom of Ra Ver Neit Nubty proclamation as partly published on Youtube. Kabiria
ET IN KABIRIA LEGO announces the new astrologer. Who is he and when does he come?
Dark twin horoscope in reptilian astrology. The stranger within intrudes into your own choices.
Detailed astrology of the Killer Galaxy, Stargate of Hell and Galactic Center. Sarah Palin Drac.
Is her Venus in Hydra compatible with your Mars in Cetus? How do your Stargates cooperate?
The dark side of the horoscope. Someone you never knew (but suspected in?) lives within you.
Stargate activation. When is your Stargate active? Secondary angular direction of the Stargate.
Precession of the Stargates. Directing the personal Stargate across past and future incarnations.
Reptilian love affairs. What happens when two reptilian horoscopes meet? Hydra directions.
The intersection of the Dark Flux with the Axis of Evil as alternative Stargate.
Prosperity astrology. Discreating financial crisis while establishing collective prosperity.
Dark twin horoscope. Using the Axis of Evil. Timing the Dark Flux for gain on the market.
16 versus Hydra. Reptilian Synastry upgrade. Deucalion/Ceto new moon and global floods.
Annunaki and the outer guardians. Travel schedule with the help of the Dark Flux.
Eris across the Dark Flux. Eris in Centaurus and the Red Ring of Life.
The progression of the American ascendant from reptilian to plumed. Serpens & Aquila.
Mexican heraldry. Aquila snatches Serpens. Occult symbolism of national ascendants.
Your other horoscope. The stranger within gets one's own natal chart.
Dark twin horoscope, the Dark Flux and Axis of Evil as shade and projection.
Plummeted ascendants. Birds and reptilian DNA in horoscopes of giants.
Dark planet Dagon in the horoscope of giants. Dark horoscope and the Loa.
Reptilian astrology test. Are you reptilian? http://youtube.com/2012astrology

Masonic constellations in astrology. Keanu Reeves and Mercury in Sextans.

2002 MS4 as Masonic currents in Serpens Cauda. The 4 rulers of the U.S.A.

Quaoar in Ophiuchus at the 12th cusp of the horoscope of the U.S.A.

The Annunaki cycle and outer guardians, an expansion of the Da Vinci cycle for Eris.
2004 XP14 and the American elections. Quaoar in Ophiuchus as mainstream propaganda.

Juno in Scutum and the new Masonic order for chaste women. The female white front.
Lacerta in business horoscopes. Meridian constellations in reptilian financial astrology.
Plumed Serpent across the American ascendant. DNA ascendants in scientific astrology.
Chariklo and the red ring of life at the Dark Flux and axis of Evil crossing.
The Union of the Snake. Exposing the list of countries with reptilian ascendants 47F .
Serpens versus Hydra. The clash between reptilian races and American Civil War II.
Alexandrian plot. The dark fraction, RA Moses' 22-zodiac and the treason of Ptolemy.
SIRIVS Lodge and the Owl in Masonic heraldry. Ramming astrology.
The Temple of the Snake. Bohemian Grove astrology. Solstice of the Owl.
The Philadelphia telescope and new American masonry. Plot within the Lodge.
The Mexican heraldry plot. Aquila versus Serpens. Maximilian and the Vatican.
Expansion of Pepin the Short through Hapsburg and Vatican.
The 7 Hills of Hydra. Sextans and the Stargate in Vatican's horoscopes.
Sextans in all Russian horoscopes. The Vatican connection.
All the U.S.A. presidents with reptilian ascendants. Barbara Crowley Bush.
Sleeping agent. Lacerta and Draco in natal astrology. The second reptilian count.
As above so below. The Great Snake in the sky. Hidden LA and the reptilian zodiac.
Digging in the dirt. Reptilian astrology for Hollywood and its Hebrew legacy.
Aquila and Lacerta in the horoscopes of CEO and grand masons. The tycoon aspect.
Reptilian ascendants in the agendas of the U.S.A. presidential candidates.
Hidden reptilian ascendants of Italy, Vatican, the United Kingdom and U.S.A.

Serpens and Hydra in heraldry, masonry and astrology. The 32nd degree temple.
Reptilian astrology in Australian heraldry. Dorado precession and the Child.
Two signs of error in European astrology presented as work of the Dark Lodge.
Ptolemy debunked. The precession of the ascendants against the fixed sky.
The 16 eastern ascendants as confronted with geomancy.
http://youtube.com/astrology2012 illustrates the precession of the ascendants.

The 22 letters of the Hebrew zodiac as enlivened within the Academic Zodiac.

32nd degree masonry astrology on youtube announcing the end of times.

Hidden zodiacal cults in Europe. A note on Sun in Orion and Sun in Cetus.
Zodiacal plot debunked down to the roots of anti-Semitism.
Black swan operation. British court and writer David Icke confronted with reptilian astrology.
Examples of Dark Flow and the Axis of Evil in Cartesian house direction.
Witchallow and Witchllow projected into the Dark Flow. The Mordred effect.
The horoscope has two primary axes, the Axis of Evil and experimental Dark Flow.
The Axis of Evil has been rotated to the right around the Dark Flow midpoint.
Eris and the dwarf planets have been directed along the Dark Flow.
Secondary altitude direction along the Dark Flow.
Dark Flow has been entered below the Axis of Evil.
Experimenting with Dark Flow in Centaurus constellation.
Chariklo and the red ring of life reactivated in Centaurus.
WMAP cold spot directed by altitude. Cartesian house directions.
Eridanus direction. Dioretsa as Sedna WMAP midpoint.
Petition to UNICEF for children birth rights. Children have right to their true natal skies.
Asyut Minya precession and the Kabiria concept in planetary exorcism.
Nile precession maps and Stargate orientation in galactic astrology.
Conception horoscope. The Night & Day house system has 24 houses.
Third version of kabalistic attribution for the 22 zodiacal constellations.
The progressive Hebrew zodiac as dwarf planets scale. 22 musical dwarf planets.
Incantations, sigils and mantrae for the 64 main dwarf planets.
Centaurs in theurgy. Elipinon is Asbolus. (Work in progress).
360 angel guardian stars receive dwarf planet attribution.
Snow White and the seven dwarfs system. Dwarf planets for children.
The dark planets are integrated into the Tree of Life in 16+1 fashion.
Dozens of Centaurs attributed to the hidden thyrs around the Tree of Life.
64 dwarf planets assigned to the Tree of Life. Ain Soph problem solved.
32 dwarf planets assigned to the (A'aTz ChIIM) Tree of Life.
Sun in Orion and Cetus implemented into native astrology and reformed Egyptian astrology.
Cartesian house system implemented into native astronomy. The default is no house.
Dwarf Planets in the 12 houses updated for the latest H =< 4 objects.
Navaho and Hopi astronomy blended with Egyptian, e.g. Selquit & Rabbit Paws plug-in.
Elevation equations compared between WTC and LHC. Timing catastrophe equation set.
Monsters Typhon, Ceto and Logos updated for LHC . 48F

Makemake and Haumea updated. Haumea enters Bootes. Bailout.

Iah congregation of planets. Spica Virginis bracketed. The fool's aspect. Bailout.
Hydra tail and the decline of the Prince of Darkness. Where is hell located?
A decade of economic decay, war lost and socialistic capitalism.
2008 KV42 full delineation published in the 12 houses.

D zodiac defined. The first vampire zodiac. Cross grid with X zodiac. Pavo and Reticulum.
l li
2008 KV42 Drac delineated along with Buffy . Vampires in astrology . Outer guardians update.
49F 50F

Horoscope for the Moon impact. Faustini-centric horoscope for the first impact . 51F

Tony Colaprete delays mission. Muddled results predicted. Islamic world alarmed . 52F

Petition to Anthony Colaprete of NASA. Islamic apocalypse.

Anthony Colaprete gives mission details. Moon scheduled for bombarding in the year 2009.
'50 Moon nuke conspiracy disclosed. LCROSS mission swapped.
2009 Moon scheduled for double impact. Faustini crater.
2005 FY9 named Makemake. 2003 EL61 becomes Haumea . 53F

Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H

-------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- -----
50000 2001 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.67
90377 2004 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.56
90482 2001 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70
136108 2006 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.18
136199 2003 2003 UB313 Eris -1.24
136472 2006 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.48
Pluto is redefined as plutoid within the historical P Zodiac.
A minor update for ex pseudo-classes of Earth co-orbitals, Apoheles and Outer Guardians.
The Earth umbra is determined by house and major conjunctions, Earth in the horoscope.
The Stargates have been aligned with supervoids along the Axis of Evil.
The Bootes supervoid receives major status within the Axis of Evil.
The WMAP cold spot in Eridanus is paired with the Bootes supervoid.
The Axis of Evil has been determined as standard axis for every horoscope.
Chinese Olympics with bad omens from Vesta, 2002 AW197, Orcus, Jupiter and Saturn.

The 2006 2012 subprime mortgage crises have been determined against the fall of the Fed.
2014 reestablished as focal year for the world crisis and Christian apocalypse.

Further global economic crisis announced for the year 2008.

Subprime mortgage crisis happens as predicted by 2002 AW197. Black Monday.

A special study is published concerning centaurs in the constellations of Centaurus and Lupus.
Centauress nymph Chariklo has been associated with the discovery of alien life.
The ring of life has been announced in the constellation of Centaurus.
Alien life may be present on Titan as well as reddish centaurs and comets.
Witchllow determines the date of the Armageddon according to military analysis.

lvii lviii lix

Witchllow 56F has been directed , assuming full role in astrological prediction .
57F 58F

lx lxi
Witchllow receives its delineation in the 12 houses (Night & Day house system).
59F 60F

The WMAP cold spot is ascending in Eridanus. Witchllow introduced into astrology.
The Dark Flux Axis of Evil dynamism in Stargate astrology. Killer stargate.
World economic crisis with 2002 AW197 in Hydra. Subprime mortgage crisis.
lxii lxiii
Venus enters Hydra 61F with Jupiter in Ophiuchus , announcing the Antichrist.

Mercury in Orion 63F follows Mars in Cetus in the year 2007.
The One who Comes is determined in 650 years. Age of Aquarius after Cetus III.
lxv lxvi
All dwarf planets 64F with to H < 5 were delineated for the benefit of future astrologers . 65F

The academic zodiac was introduced in August 2006 having 22 IAU constellations.
Hydra tail and triune Cetus astrology. The three ages of Cetus. American civil war.
Eris receives copious delineation 66F since its appearance as Xena (2003 UB313).
The X Zodiac 67F has been published on August 1st 2005 along with 2003 UB313.

2005 FY9, 2003 EL61, Orcus, Quaoar, Sedna, 2002 AW197 and Ixion delineated.

Angel guardian and the precession of the ascendant. Occult rising star in personal dharma.
Transneptunian Astrology upgrade. H < 4 with Eris in the 12 houses.
The P Zodiac is valid conclusively with August 2006 as official Academic Zodiac.
The planetocentric systems xlii receive their local zodiacs along with galactic ascendant sets.
Transneptunes in Enochian thyrs. Web awards. I Ching Aspectarian integration.
Eris displaced Pluto on the expanded Tree of Life. AIN SOPH redefined.
Reality rendering becomes standard occult procedure. Instant magick for everyone.
The Personal Cosmic Avatar in the RTRRT suite of instant magick initiation.
The outer guardians have been delineated within the Nibiru Research project.
All centaurs; SDO, cubewano, plutino, KBO; Apoheles & Earth coorbitals delineated.
The Moon and Mercury received their zodiacal definition . 68F

Lunar, Mercurial and Venusian zodiacs. Martial zodiac. 13th jovial intelligence.
Venus delineated through the 21 constellations . 69F
The 17 dark planets with further purport. Lamia or Nemesis prominent.
The Changes have been directed within the I Ching Aspectarian . 70F

Riccioli and LILIT VERA in modern times. Last observations of dark moon Lilith.
Cassini Lilith 71F , the observed dark moon, delineation & elements disclosed.
lxxiii lxxiv
All centaur objects 72F delineated as discovered 73F .
The scientific zodiac and set of current ascendants has been re-determined.
The ascendant of the U.S.A. has been determined as Serpens Cauda 74F .
There are nearly 30 zodiacal constellations 75F . The birth of the N2 Zodiac.
Fed as determined by Phoenix constellation. Da Vinci cycle. Eris and Phoenix.
Reality rendering as planetary exorcism. Breaking the 12 spikes. Astrology debunked.
The set of meridian constellations 76F as delineated for use in financial astrology.
Planetocentric Astrology. Eros, comets and Phobos-centric horoscopes.
The set of meridian constellations 77F was delineated for use in financial astrology.
Planetocentric experiments. Eros, comets, Phobos. NASA JPL HORIZONS.
Detailed scanning of the Earth zodiac and local zodiac. Cruithne zodiac.
The zodiac and ascendant set reformed in the famous half an hour.
The academic zodiac research starts with Moon in Sextans.
The reformation of Egyptian astrology. Early Egyptian synastry studies.
The ascendants determined for the first dynasty. The precession of the ascendants.
The set of ascendants for the current epoch 78F determined as 16 IAU constellations.
Astrology debunked: three signs of error. NASA ephemeris versus superstition.
The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools introduced as personal instant magick.
lxxx lxxxi
1992 QB1 79F
and centaur objects 80F Pholus, Nessus and Asbolus lxxxii were delineated.

The end of sidereal and tropical astrology. Vedic astrology upgrade with awards 82F .
First zodiacal draft (the 28-IAU zodiac). Ascendants for the epoch determined.
The ephemeris for the Sun 83F was determined according to IAU standards.

Klaudio Zic
Comets http://ow.ly/gXDnC 97H

Dwarf Planets http://ow.ly/gXDlc 98H

Centaurs http://ow.ly/gXDmp 99H

Neptune http://ow.ly/gXD0H 100H

Uranus http://ow.ly/gXD4e 101H

Saturn http://ow.ly/gXD6L 102H

Jupiter http://ow.ly/gXD80 103H

Mars http://ow.ly/gXD8H

Earth http://ow.ly/gXD9N

Moon http://ow.ly/gXDbr

Venus http://ow.ly/gXDgT 107H

Mercury http://ow.ly/gXDcV 108H

Sun http://ow.ly/gXDiR

Pavo http://ow.ly/gXybt

Phoenix http://ow.ly/gXyda 111H

Cygnus http://ow.ly/gXyhM

Corvus http://ow.ly/gXxFI 112H

Crater http://ow.ly/gXxEu 113H

Auriga http://ow.ly/gXxHo 114H

Virgo http://ow.ly/gXxLF

Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/gXxNe 116H

Leo http://ow.ly/gXxOB

Libra http://ow.ly/gXxQs
Draco http://ow.ly/gXy10

Bootes http://ow.ly/gXy04

Coma Berenices http://ow.ly/gXxSS 120H

Serpens Caput http://ow.ly/gXxYg 121H

Perseus http://ow.ly/gXxYX 122H

Aries http://ow.ly/gXy2g

Gemini http://ow.ly/gXy3t 124H

Piscis Austrinus http://ow.ly/gXy5W 125H

Serpens Cauda http://ow.ly/gXy7Y 126H

Lupus http://ow.ly/gXy9B

Pisces http://ow.ly/gXxsl

Capricornus http://ow.ly/gXxuT 128H

Aquarius http://ow.ly/gXxww 129H

Sagittarius http://ow.ly/gXxzG 130H

Scorpius http://ow.ly/gXxAw 131H

Cancer http://ow.ly/gXxDy

Scutum http://ow.ly/gXwQV 133H

Pegasus http://ow.ly/gXwRU 134H

Cetus http://ow.ly/gXwVz

Orion http://ow.ly/gXwX3

Eridanus http://ow.ly/gXwYV 137H

Taurus http://ow.ly/gXx7y

Monoceros http://ow.ly/gXxdJ 139H

Sextans http://ow.ly/gXxgN 140H

Hydra http://ow.ly/gXxii

Serpens http://ow.ly/gXxlF 142H

Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/gXxmU 143H

Aquila http://ow.ly/gXxnX

Delphinus http://ow.ly/gXxpo 145H

Dwarf planets, centaurs and objects of interest in astrology lxxxv. 84F

#Eris http://ow.ly/gYqak http://ow.ly/gYqrr

146H 147H

#Pluto http://ow.ly/gYqfi

#2007OR10 http://ow.ly/gYq7s 149H

#2009YE7 http://ow.ly/gYqcM 150H

#Sila-Nunam http://ow.ly/gYpuj 151H

#Orcus http://ow.ly/gYqhg 152H

#Ixion http://ow.ly/gYqiL

#Sedna http://ow.ly/gYqzk 154H

#Quaoar http://ow.ly/gYqy4 155H

#Makemake http://ow.ly/gYqvq 156H

#Haumea http://ow.ly/gYqu2 157H

#Altjira http://bit.ly/Yhosyk 158H

#Varuna http://ow.ly/gYqAs 159H

#2002AW197 #Tekton http://ow.ly/gYqks 160H

#2002TX300 http://ow.ly/gYqoP 161H

#1992QB1 http://ow.ly/gYqE3 162H

#Salacia http://ow.ly/gYtOR 163H

#Deucalion http://ow.ly/gYrlg 164H

#Typhon http://ow.ly/gYrj0 165H

#Ceto http://ow.ly/gYqWr

#Logos http://ow.ly/gYqTv 167H

#Asbolus http://ow.ly/gYpyf 168H

#Chariklo http://ow.ly/gYpBU 169H

#Pholus http://ow.ly/gYpGg

#2006AA99 http://ow.ly/gYpka 171H

#2007JG43 http://ow.ly/gYphi 172H

#Nessus http://ow.ly/gYpTB

#1994TA #Pylenor http://ow.ly/gYpZK 174H

#Damocles http://ow.ly/gYq1Y 175H

#Chiron http://ow.ly/gYpXA


#2006HW51 http://ow.ly/gYua5 177H

#2008KV42 #Drac http://ow.ly/gYtS5 178H


#Nibiru http://ow.ly/gYr6E

#Lilith http://ow.ly/gYr4c

#Nemesis #Lamia http://ow.ly/gYr2A 181H

#Thanateros http://ow.ly/gYr7T 182H

#DevilsRose http://ow.ly/gYr9J
2013 the year of the 13th sign doubles the zodiac to 26 Signs

VIP Brochure, Eon Chronology & Professional Catalog 2013


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26


Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by

Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013 lxxxvi 85F


The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq


Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet lxxxvii: the original zodiac as shared by all

astronomical observatories across the planet and off-planet lxxxviii as well.



The positions of the planets along with their real zodiacal placements for New Year 2013. 55
Cancri e is of course your Diamond Planet.


Everyone probably overheard of more or less traditional national astrologies along with their
own varieties through e.g. larger China, India or Mexico. Generally speaking, the skies should
somehow come together where e.g. the attributes of a certain star historically fit into the same
category e.g. for the Chinese and Egyptians as well. As concern the major stars, this rule
generally applies: their characteristics, when directed, are more or less the selfsame for all
major civilizations.


What does not seem to be the same or accurate is - especially recent - zodiacal positioning;
meaning someone obviously misread something say 2000 years ago and kept misreading it
until zodiacal offset went sky high currently climbing up to 7 signs per wintertime nativity on
northern hemisphere.


What was misread? Whatever was not miswritten was. Therefore, the Sun was misread as
always rising at east. The zodiacal constellations were misread for some seasonal signs.


Where superstitions dont come into accord except for making their clients pay twice or
thrice for the more or less selfsame fraud science does: astronomers all over the world have
achieved a fairly well-balanced as well as traditional set of constellation borders. One can
always fit in whatever national or historical constellation after the IAU position of a given
planet has been established.
15 or 16?

In order not to be so strict at all as concern constellation borders, we sometimes allow for
experimentation, especially when historically justified by local traditional thus, Sun in Orion
has been introduced along with Sun in Cetus: all planets and the Moon venture through these
two zodiacal ascendants: so why not the Sun?


How many errors does the past hold in stock for us? The past is error. It was based on error.
When nowadays some freshly foaled Xeroxed expert will claim that he has faithfully copied
every error ever made: he has not, but copying errors does not make for tradition: correcting
them does.


It is not nice to have a modern digital civilization that is completely oblivious to natal Sun sign,
ascendant or personal characteristics, directions and thus karma. Directions some 500 of them
are predicting techniques, which unlike transits as perused by amateurs, do predict the
issues in your life in seconds by memory no ephemerides or programs are needed.


After our 20 Minutes Astrology course, shoeshine boy, butcher and florist predict the issues of
their clients lives in minutes. Since they are busy with their hands occupied serving their
clients, they calculate by memory: the way it was always done, before the introduction of tools
for the poor-minded.

Verify your personality. Who are you; really? Take advantage of your real natal stars!


Aiming at success comes natural as aiming at self-knowledge: he who knows oneself is

powerful! Knowing oneself enables clear aim also saves from a lifetime of blunder. Yes, even
pimping for others stands for blunder: no matter how successful one may seem to be in the
eyes of others, one has never known oneself or fought ones own fight.


How does one know oneself? The stars are the best indicators! The position of the Earth,
planets, objects of interest and stars at birth defines your astral frame. In a sense: you are your
birth: your incipient impulse has been defined by birth. We are of course talking of your
REAL natal stars, not what you read in the newspapers! Reading from the sky and reading
from the newspaper are two entirely different things or persons choose you!


Knowing oneself entails clear perspective of what one is, was, will be and change. Change is
enabled as future-changing as one chooses not to dwell on a set future at all, but change it at
will instead. Both future-scanning & future-changing require seconds; basic self-initiation is
minutes: 20 Minutes Astrology & Mini RTRRT Initiation will do.


Alixe has Moon ascending in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans and Venus in Orion. Venus in Scutum
transits her natal Juno there. Her Pluto is sitting on the ascendant of the USA, Serpens Cauda.
Now, thats Astrology!


Enjoying 13 Sun signs does not resolve the problem of the ascendant. Luckily, this problem
was solved back in the year 1973. Thus, the Academic Zodiac celebrates its 1973 2013

22 zodiacal signs.
16 ascendants lxxxix.

Pluto nostalgic xc? Enjoy 26 zodiacal signs xci.

89F 90F

More Sun-signs? Workable 15, extended to 16.

Cartesian house system: works everywhere xcii: ocean floor xciii, Himalaya xciv,
91F 92F 93F

spacecraft xcv.

1008 delineated planets: the complete solar system is yours for the taking!

13 + 13 = 26

While the 13 solar stations are a simple fact this end of superstition, the total number of
zodiacal stations is 26 Pluto permitting. In other words, the 26 zodiac is a Pluto nostalgia
affair: for those who want Pluto back, the number of zodiacal stations is still 26.


How many stations does the zodiac have? 22 including the Moon and Sun. 26 including Pluto.
43 including Eris. Since most people still peruse Pluto as planet; 26 is their zodiac.

As Uranus reenters Cetus for the peak of the AEON, dolphin children are born with many
transiting planets in Cetus.


Aries http://ow.ly/hg4jc

Taurus http://ow.ly/hg4np

Gemini http://ow.ly/hg4rn 192H

Cancer http://ow.ly/hg4xx 193H

Leo http://ow.ly/hg55T

Virgo http://ow.ly/hg5nS

Libra http://ow.ly/hg5lL

Scorpio http://ow.ly/hg5qs 197H

Sagittarius http://ow.ly/hg5z6 198H

Capricorn http://ow.ly/hg5Kc 199H

Aquarius http://ow.ly/hg5S4 200H

Pisces http://ow.ly/hg5Wt


22 zodiac http://bit.ly/SR1MRn 203H

16 ascendants http://bit.ly/SR1Hxb 204H

Reality rendering represents multiple applications of simple magick techniques resulting in Instant Magick.

Presentations http://www.scoop.it/t/sign 205H


Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW 206H

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX 207H

Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt 208H

MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO 209H

Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY210H

Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE 211H

Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7 212H

Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL 213H

MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi 214H

ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF 215H

Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0

INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd 217H

Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl 218H

O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO

Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx 220H

Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L 221H

Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw 222H

Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw 223H

Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO 224H

Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl 225H

Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb 226H

Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ 227H

PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc

Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk 229H

O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4

Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe

Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E 232H

Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7 233H

Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM 234H

Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU 235H

Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4 236H

Target and achieve your goal today


Feel good about yourself


Lead a rewarding life


Scan and change your futurities


Verify your own true identity


Retrieve emotion money time energy


Make instant manifesting of events personal


Empower yourself through your own true natal stars


Manifests events in minutes!

RTRRT manifests events in minutes. Any events. For you.


Scan and change your future with the Academic Zodiac & RTRRT.
The zodiac has 26 constellations. There are 16 ascendants.

Your future is easily determined as well as changed along with the RTRRT.

Astrologer claims: the zodiac has 26 signs. http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology

1) Pluto included.
2) Without Pluto, the zodiac has 22 signs only.
3) The Academic Zodiac is online since 1972. 45000 publications.
4) Sources: NASA JPL, Harvard MPC, IAU.
5) The zodiac is the Tarot: 22 signs, 16 ascendants.
6) 22 signs equal 22 Tarot initiations.
7) 16 ascendants equal court cards.
8) There are a total of 88 ascendants.
9) The Sun signs may not be 13 only, but 15: even 16.
10) Sun in Orion and Cetus is applicable, in Sextans negotiable.
11) Where is the Sun when the new Moon happens in Sextans?
12) Every planet goes through Orion, Cetus and Ophiuchus.
13) A toddler will learn astrological divination in 20 minutes being immediately able to tell the day of your next marriage by memory in
14) Minute astrological divination requires no pen, paper, Sun sign, computer, cell phone, ephemerides or tables: and it surely shuns transits.
15) There is no such thing as 13 ascendants rising at east in the real sky: the matter is sheer fabrication.
16) Ophiuchus is one of the 16 ascendants rising at east for the current epoch.
17) The Egyptian epoch hosted twice the number of ascendants than our own.
18) For the peak of the Aeon 2013, Uranus is in Cetus.
19) The children of the Aeon are exposed to 7 planets in Cetus.
20) The number of ascendants changes with epoch, race and DNA.
21) Pluto never enters Pisces or Aries.
22) Many zodiacal ascendants do not rise at east for the epoch.
23) Aries is not an ascendant for the present epoch.
24) The eastern ascendant star is the true personal holy guardian angel.
25) The zodiac is not determined by the Sun.
26) The sum of the planetary zodiacs forms the Academic Zodiac.
27) If Eris would be planet, wed have 43 zodiacal stations. Eris never enters Taurus.
28) We are approaching the Age of Pegasus with Venus in Pegasus.
29) Children conceived today will be born with Venus in Scutum.
30) The zodiac was born with Moon in Sextans and Pluto in Coma Berenices.
31) The USA ascendant is Serpens Cauda. Alternatives: Aquila & Ophiuchus.
32) Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.
33) Events happen by direction. There are some 500 directions.
34) Taurus rises at east for 5 minutes per day.
35) Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Coma Berenices, Canes Venatici, Botes, Corvus, Libra, Scorpius, Scutum, Sagittarius, Delphinus, Equuleus,
Capricornus, Piscis Austrinus, Pegasus, Lepus, Auriga and Crater do not rise at east for the current epoch: no one you know has an Aries ascendant at all.
36) What is seen as Capricorn ascendant is usually Cetus or Pisces.
37) Then ascendant set for the current epoch is observable by anyone with naked eye.
38) The zodiac Academic Zodiac is astronomic and astrologic as well as sidereal and tropical, eastern and western; as compatible with all
historical cultures.
39) The zodiacal offset marches towards 7 signs for wintertime nativities on the northern hemisphere. Therefore, horoscopes for the masses are not
offset by only 2 or 3 signs only that estimation was valid a long time ago, indeed. As to the ascendant set, the offset is non-linear, thus impossible to
40) Southern hemisphere horoscopes completely differ from their northern counterparts as a thorough analysis of northern and southern
constellations is required. This not only means that of course all Aussie horoscopes are upside-down, but also that they display a completely different set of
41) The largest zodiacal offset happens in winter on the northern hemisphere and in summer on the southern one.
42) Jesus Christ may have been born with Aries ascendant for the epoch. Namely, according to tradition, a tiny peripheral star in Aries rose at this
rare birth time.
43) The historical zodiacs of which some are still in use are marked as the P, X, P1, G, P2, N, M, N1, E and N2 zodiacs.


#1622 #AEONews #AcademicZodiac #26 #22 #16


26,zodiac,zodiacal, signs, constellations,stations,22,16,88,#1622,Academic Zodiac, Klaudio Zic,



Verify your personality. Who are you, really? Take advantage of your real natal stars!


Ascendant in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Xo9

Moon in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XtW
Mercury in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XBm
Venus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XEX
Sun in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XKd
Mars in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XNj
Jupiter in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XP9
Saturn in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XRm
Uranus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XTV
Neptune in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XVD
Pluto in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XY5
Eris in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y1r
Quaoar in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y4L
Ixion in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y8L
Pholus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Ycy
Comets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Yf4
Planets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7YhX


13 + 13 = 26

While the 13 solar stations are a simple fact this end of superstition, the total number of zodiacal stations is 26 Pluto permitting. In other words, the 26
zodiac is a Pluto nostalgia affair: for those who want Pluto back, the number of zodiacal stations is still 26.

Aries http://ow.ly/hg4jc
Taurus http://ow.ly/hg4np
Gemini http://ow.ly/hg4rn
Cancer http://ow.ly/hg4xx
Leo http://ow.ly/hg55T
Virgo http://ow.ly/hg5nS
Libra http://ow.ly/hg5lL
Scorpio http://ow.ly/hg5qs
Sagittarius http://ow.ly/hg5z6
Capricorn http://ow.ly/hg5Kc
Aquarius http://ow.ly/hg5S4
Pisces http://ow.ly/hg5Wt


Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX
Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO
Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY
Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE
Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7
Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi
ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF
Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0
INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd
Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl
O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO
Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx
Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L
Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw
Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw
Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO
Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl
Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb
Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ
PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc
Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk
O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4
Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe
Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E
Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7
Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM
Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU
Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4
For the current epoch.
43 for Eris-nostalgic.
IAU Constellations.
Other planets, asteroids, comets and in fact everywhere in a three-dimensional space.
Sea quake!
Lama incarnation calculus.
On trip to Cruithne? We got your horoscopes!
Delineation for all dwarf planets, centaurs, outer guardians, comets, planets, satellites, Apoheles, main belt comets,
historical asteroids, earth Trojan moons; stars, deep sky objects, Dark Flux, Axis of Evil, Witchallow, stargates
This includes Damocles and the sea shall give up its dead Nessus in Piscis Austrinus.
Pelion, Pallas, the Apoheles
Please don't pass this onto a friend, as we do not have the means and staff to service too many customers, so in order to
maintain the necessary quality of our work as paramount, we can not possibly afford to expand our readership.
The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
Cruithne-based charts and spacecraft births have been presented some two decades ago.
Please don't pass this onto a friend, as we do not have the means and staff to service too many customers, so in order to
maintain the necessary quality of our work as paramount, we can not possibly afford to expand our readership.
The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
Cruithne-based charts and spacecraft births have been presented some two decades ago.
In order to fully appreciate the report.
Sometimes ascending ERA ERIDANI, mostly obsolete by now.
xx Academic Zodiac, Precessed Ascendant & Cartesian house system.

xxi RTRRT.

xxii The initiate is a magus candidate. It will take a lifetime in order to become one, but if one does not already see oneself as one, it may never happen.
Thus conflicting words are not conflicting at all. See also Advantage Point, a RTRRT initiation 2010 by Klaudio Zic.
Planets and objects of interest.

A Ascendant = Earth
0 Sun
) Moon
Cr Cruithne
H Mercury
V Venus
M Mars
J Jupiter
S Saturn
U Uranus
N Neptune
Pl Pluto
Er Eris
Or Orcus
Tk 2002 AW197 Tekton
O1 2007 OR10
Ix Ixion
Ye 2009 YE7
Tx 2002 TX300
Qu Quaoar
Hu Huya
Sn Sila-Nunam
Vr Varuna
Aj Altjira
Sd Sedna
Xa Chaos
Tw Teharonhiawako
Bo Borasisi
Ha Haumea
Rh Rhadamanthus
Mm Makemake
Sa Salacia
Lo Logos
Ty Typhon
Ct Ceto
Ph Pholus
As Asbolus
Am Amycus
Ch Chariklo
Ne Nessus
Hy Hylonome
Jg 2007 JG43
Ki Chiron
Ve Vesta
Ce Ceres
Pa Pallas
Eo Eunomia
Ju Juno
Dp Diamond Planet
Ss Siding Spring
>* Comet
+> Centaur

> Monoceros
@ Canis Minor
~ Hydra
# Sextans
+ Crater
< Corvus
} Serpens Caput
$ Ophiuchus
{ Serpens Caudaxxiii
* Scutum
! Aquila
^ Pegasus
& Cetus
? Eridanus
| Auriga
% Orion

1. Aries
2. Taurus
3. Gemini
4. Cancer
5. Leo
6. Virgo
7. Libra
8. Scorpius
9. Sagittarius
10. Capricornus
11. Aquarius
12. Pisces
13. Ophiuchus
14. Scutum
15. Pegasus
16. Cetus
17. Eridanus
18. Orion
19. Auriga
20. Hydra
21. Sextans
22. Crater
23. Corvus
24. Serpens Cauda
25. Serpens Caput
26. Coma Berenices
27. Botes
28. Aquila
29. Monoceros
30. Canis Minor
31. Perseus
32. Camelopardalis
33. Lynx
34. Ursa Major
35. Canes Venatici
36. Centaurus
37. Lupus
38. Norma
39. Ara
40. Pavo
41. Indus
42. Tucana
43. Grus
44. Phoenix
45. Pictor
46. Triangulum
47. Andromeda
48. Cassiopeia
49. Lacerta
50. Cepheus
51. Cygnus
52. Lyra
53. Draco
54. Canis Minor
55. Leo Minor
56. Hercules
57. Delphinus
58. Equuleus
59. Vulpecula
60. Antlia
61. Volans
62. Apus
63. Ara
64. Caelum
65. Carina
66. Chameleon
67. Circinus
68. Columba
69. Corona Borealis
70. Crux
71. Dorado
72. Fornax
73. Horologium
74. Hydrus
75. Lepus
76. Mensa
77. Musca
78. Piscis Austrinus
79. Puppis
80. Pyxis
81. Reticulum
82. Telescopium
83. Triangulum Australe
84. Tucana
85. Ursa Major
86. Ursa Minor
87. Vela
88. Sculptor
89. Canis Major

Why 89 instead of 88? Serpens consists in Serpens Cauda and Serpens Caput, very much
relevant as both ascendental and P-zodiacal #26fact divisions.

Almanac Excerpt for December 21st 2013 11:11 GMT - London

Academy for Scientific Astrology

The Academy of Scientific Astrology is based on astronomic principles confirming to the IAU convention. The calculations
are performed on the HORIZONS integrator by Jon Giorgini of NASA JPL, Pasadena CA.
Subject headings: solar system Academic Zodiac, astronomy precessed ascendant set
Online material: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology Motto: For God and NASA. Hint: Academic Zodiac - where the
planets are.

Periodical reports on the positions of the planets are expanded along with pertaining delineations through our publications
on http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology Disambiguation of the zodiacal positions of the planets. Factual - not
fictional - zodiacal values: get your own Report from the Author.


Neptune - Aquarius
Uranus - Pisces
Saturn Libra
Jupiter - Taurus
Mars Sagittarius
Venus Scorpius (> Ophiuchus)
Mercury Ophiuchus

Moon - Pisces
Sun - Sagittarius

Ascendant: Aquarius
Descendant: Leo

South: Scorpius
North: Auriga

Nadir: Pictor
Zenith: Draco

Sila-Nunam- Cancer
Salacia Pegasus
2009 YE7 - Eridanus
2002 TX300 - Andromeda
2002 AW197 - Hydra
Eris Cetus
Orcus - Sextans
Pluto - Sagittarius
Ixion Ophiuchus
Quaoar Serpens Cauda
2002 MS4 Serpens Cauda
Deucalion Libra
Huya Libra
Varuna Gemini
Chaos Taurus
Sedna Taurus
Logos Virgo
Typhon Virgo
Rhadamanthus Virgo
Makemake Coma Berenices
Haumea - Botes
Ceto Virgo


1994 TA - Orion
Asbolus - Perseus
2000 FZ53 - Ophiuchus
Pholus - Ophiuchus
Okyrhoe Ophiuchus
Hylonome - Ophiuchus
2007 JG43 Corona Australis
Amycus Scorpius
Chariklo - Scorpius
Nessus Piscis Austrinus
Pelion Cetus
Crantor Sagittarius
Dioretsa Eridanus
Damocles Aquarius


2010 TK7 Monoceros

Atlantis Pisces


2000 SN331 [c/o Cyllarus in Gemini]

2002 XW93
2003 WL7
[2001 SQ73 Perseus]






N/A (Ptah)


First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2012. http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology Copyright 2012 by Klaudio
Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this abstract may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author. Calculations
by NASA JPL HORIZONS by Jon Giorgini.


on: Cetus II (Uranus in Cetus 2012 - 2013)

Upcoming Age: Age of Pegasus II, 2017.

The 2010 OR10 cluster presently includes 1999 OX3, Neptune, Nessus (in Piscis Austrinus), Damocles, Lilith and Chiron.
Uranus reenters Cetus in the year 2013.
Solar ephemeris strip.

2012-Oct-31 00:00 m Vir

2012-Nov-01 00:00 m Lib

2012-Nov-09 00:00 Lib

2012-Nov-23 00:00 m Lib
2012-Nov-24 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-25 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-26 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-27 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-28 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-29 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-30 00:00 m Oph

2012-Dec-17 00:00 Oph

2012-Dec-18 00:00 Sgr

Some primary dwarf planets as enlisted by magnitude.

JPL/DASTCOM3 Small-body Search Results 2012-Oct-30 13:15:51

Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H

-------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- -----
1 2010 (undefined) Ceres 3.34
4 2010 (undefined) Vesta 3.20
20000 2006 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70
28978 2005 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20
50000 2005 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.48
55565 2003 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.26
55636 2006 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.21
55637 2003 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.60
84522 2004 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.87
90377 2005 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.58
90482 2006 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
90568 2004 2004 GV9 [...unnamed...] 3.90
120178 2004 2003 OP32 [...unnamed...] 3.95
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70
136108 2007 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.03
136199 2006 2003 UB313 Eris -1.19
136472 2007 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.44
145452 2012 2005 RN43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
174567 2012 2003 MW12 [...unnamed...] 3.40
202421 2012 2005 UQ513 [...unnamed...] 3.40
225088 2012 2007 OR10 [...unnamed...] 2.00
229762 2012 2007 UK126 [...unnamed...] 3.40
278361 2012 2007 JJ43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
303775 2012 2005 QU182 [...unnamed...] 3.50
307261 2002 2002 MS4 [...unnamed...] 3.77
578864 2012 2006 QH181 [...unnamed...] 3.80
684416 2012 2010 EK139 [...unnamed...] 3.80


55 Cancri e.
Alpha Serpentis conjunctions!
Back to Stargate position.
Refers to eventual biblical ascent.
ON CETI II, gematric peak 2014. ON CETI III happens after the 2nd average of Pisces along with ERA PEGASI III
overlapping. Ascending ERA ERIDANI; New Age is nowadays seen as obsolete. Twin averages of Aquarius and
Capricornus enmeshed [T2, t, T1] often precede an intermediary Age of Scutum.


<SNIP> <!-- [out of 638] -->

2060 1999 1977 UB Chiron 6.50
10199 2003 1997 CU26 Chariklo 6.40
15789 1996 1993 SC 6.90
15874 2000 1996 TL66 5.40
15875 2000 1996 TP66 6.80
16684 2012 1994 JQ1 6.90
19308 1999 1996 TO66 4.50
19521 2000 1998 WH24 Chaos 4.90
20000 2006 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70
24835 2001 1995 SM55 4.80
26181 2000 1996 GQ21 5.20
26308 2002 1998 SM165 5.80
26375 2002 1999 DE9 4.70
28978 2005 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20
33001 2012 1997 CU29 6.60
33340 2001 1998 VG44 6.50
35671 2000 1998 SN165 5.80
38083 2001 1999 HX11 Rhadamanthus 6.70
38628 2005 2000 EB173 Huya 4.70
40314 2002 1999 KR16 5.71
42301 2001 2001 UR163 4.05
47171 2002 1999 TC36 4.73
47932 2002 2000 GN171 6.13
48639 1999 1995 TL8 5.26
50000 2005 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.48
53311 2012 1999 HU11 Deucalion 6.60
55565 2003 2002 AW197 3.26
55636 2006 2002 TX300 3.21
55637 2003 2002 UX25 3.60
55638 2005 2002 VE95 5.56
58534 2002 1997 CQ29 Logos 6.64
59358 2000 1999 CL158 6.95
60454 2001 2000 CH105 6.26
60458 2012 2000 CM114 6.60
60620 2001 2000 FD8 6.63
60621 2001 2000 FE8 6.82
65489 2005 2003 FX128 Ceto 6.23
66452 2012 1999 OF4 6.90
66652 2000 1999 RZ253 Borasisi 5.86
78799 2012 2002 XW93 5.50
79360 2005 1997 CS29 Sila-Nunam 5.17
79978 2000 1999 CC158 5.74
79983 2000 1999 DF9 6.10
80806 2002 2000 CM105 6.60
82075 2003 2000 YW134 4.77
82155 2012 2001 FZ173 6.10
82157 2003 2001 FM185 6.87
82158 2003 2001 FP185 6.10
84522 2004 2002 TC302 3.78
84719 2012 2002 VR128 5.70
84922 2005 2003 VS2 4.04
85633 2012 1998 KR65 6.80
86047 2000 1999 OY3 6.74
88267 2012 2001 KE76 6.60
88268 2003 2001 KK76 6.13
88611 2003 2001 QT297 Teharonhiawako 5.47
90377 2005 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.58
90482 2006 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
90568 2004 2004 GV9 3.90
95626 2005 2002 GZ32 6.99
118702 2003 2000 OM67 6.30
119066 2003 2001 KJ76 6.57
119067 2012 2001 KP76 6.60
119068 2003 2001 KC77 6.58
119070 2002 2001 KP77 6.78
119878 2012 2002 CY224 6.00
119951 2004 2002 KX14 4.50
119956 2012 2002 PA149 6.00
119979 2012 2002 WC19 5.00
120132 2004 2003 FY128 4.80
120178 2004 2003 OP32 3.95
120216 2012 2004 EW95 6.70
120347 2004 2004 SB60 Salacia 4.21
120348 2001 2004 TY364 4.25
123509 2012 2000 WK183 6.40
126154 2004 2001 YH140 5.50
126719 2012 2002 CC249 6.70
133067 2012 2003 FB128 6.40
134210 2012 2005 PQ21 6.80
134340 2006 Pluto -0.70
134860 2005 2000 OJ67 5.97
135024 2012 2001 KO76 6.70
135182 2005 2001 QT322 5.86
135571 2012 2002 GG32 6.80
136108 2007 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.03
136199 2006 2003 UB313 Eris -1.19
136472 2007 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.44
137294 2012 1999 RE215 6.70
138537 2003 2000 OK67 5.96
139775 2012 2001 QG298 6.30
143707 2012 2003 UY117 6.10
143991 2012 2003 YO179 6.10
144897 2012 2004 UX10 4.50
145451 2012 2005 RM43 4.40
145452 2012 2005 RN43 3.90
145453 2012 2005 RR43 4.00
145474 2012 2005 SA278 6.20
145480 2012 2005 TB190 4.70
148209 2012 2000 CR105 6.10
148780 2004 2001 UQ18 Altjira 5.76
See on the Tarot of the 1008 planets.
Below is a log entry by one of the night shifters
at the LHC/ATLAS control board:
On 25. 6. 2012 07:03, atlas-atlog@cern.ch wrote:

Shift Chronology
23:00 Start of shift.
23:30 Italy defeats England on penalties. Looking at today's shift crew, this should have a positive effect on the trigger data quality.
23:30 Beam dump, Post Mortem Analysis looks clean. Returning injection permit.

Indeed, the effect was immediate! Another couple of

events like this and I will start to believe in quantum
entanglement (Einstein's "spooky action at a distance")!

By various sets of coordinates.
xxix A special asteroid. A part of its designation being XP, it was tested and used against major anomalies in global computing.
xxx Eridanus in the chamber of the south is a rare ascendant acting as southern constellation.
xxxi This is taken to mean that we enter a deeper Age as by angular direction we wade and partly sink into Eridanus, after a short sojourn in Taurus.
Technically we are still in the Age of Cetus II, where the initiates ascend into the Age of Pegasus. The Ages of Cetus and Pegasus enmesh through their
II and III phases. In the solar Age of Cetus we enter the Venusian Age of Pegasus, but within the Age of Pegasus II we enter a deeper and larger New
xxxii As published under May 2010 Planet Log.
xxxiii Original nickname Solo. The thirteenth edition was published on December 31st 2010.
xxxiv Brahmacarya, but also other forms of isolation and extreme existential solitude.
xxxv Meaning the Damocles sword of world financial crash hanging over home planet.
xxxvi In an initiate, the Age of Cetus III is skipped ipse dixit.
xxxvii Default mind is a yin-yang device, the binary mind; as based on dual illusion. It sells contradiction. It is amazing how humanity, or what was
left of it, readily accepted things that were known not to be to the point, such as the general superstition that went under the name of astrology: a
shameful asinine mockery of the real skies.
xxxviii 2009 is the year when our fist missiles are scheduled to hit the Moon.

xxxix On January 21st, we are speaking of update No #5 for 2007 OR10.

xl Also love.

xli Article removed in compliance to Copyright policy.

xlii The original publication was immediately debugged with new NASA data for Orcus. The osculating elements for the dwarf planets and objects of
interest update frequently, thus all the calculation are subject to prompt revision all of the time.

xliii Article removed because of Copyright issues.

xliv See also Moon in Auriga. The attribution is based on the number 22.

xlv From the perspective of Hydra, meaning the portents pertaining to the entrance of Venus and 2002 AW197 into Hydra.

xlvi The Outer Guardians are distant objects of the solar system.

xlvii The Sun enters Scorpius on November 23rd. See NASA ephemeris below.

xlviii Both eastern or precessed and incarnated ascendants. The document is classified even for the 32nd masonry degree.

xlix Large Hadron Collider.

l Vintage vampire object in early transneptunian astrology.

li Drac is of accidental interest to presidential candidate Sarah Palin in that it ascends from Scorpius into Ophiuchus.

lii Timing estimated by Anthony Colaprete through private correspondence.

liii The Prophet has split the Moon into halves. Xingu risks an opened scar. The second splitting of the Moon is Islamic apocalypse. Islamic authorities
send alarm signals through youtube.

liv The text does not make mention of minor naming of dwarf planets, which are nevertheless included in our extended publication.

lv 2014 is the crisis before 2020. The year 2014 has been first analyzed in our publication entitled AION, as concern the fall of Vatican. The subprime
mortgage crisis may be at its peak in the year 2014.

lvi WMAP cold spot in Eridanus, the great void.

lvii The Witchllow materials have been party translated into Italian language. This is our first integral Italian publication dedicated to modern astrology.
lviii By primary and secondary direction.

lix The role is twofold. The easiest way to direct Witchllow is to project it for tropical astrology use. In that way the WMAP cold spot becomes a
fictitious dot at 10 degrees Taurus tropical. This projection nevertheless yields results in primary direction. The second way as especially applied to
secondary progression is to keep the WMAP cold spot in its place of origin in Eridanus while progressing any objects of interest.

lx Zic, Klaudio. 2007. Witchllow. Klaudio Zic Publications.

lxi The Academic Zodiac context includes the concept of the local zodiac as applied to horoscopes of beings, born on other planets. The Night & Day
house system was introduced as our direct answer to the challenge of a single house system that would answer the logical needs of the astrologer as
well as serve as didactic platform for the initiate. The Night & Day house system reflects the observed sky. While this statement may seem blunt, it
nevertheless encapsulates mysterious simplicity. Let us not forget that the WMAP cold spot is rising in Eridanus in the Night & Day house system and
nowhere else in all astrology over the past 3000 years. Neither the Chinese nor the Sumerian ever had such a house system, albeit it is the most
obvious of all, being the blunt refection of the skies as we observe them from this planet Earth. Something so simple is surely welcome into our own
technical culture, especially as able to handle our next step. Which is our next giant leap forward as technical culture? The Night & Day house system
is able to handle local zodiacs on spacecraft as fed by the board computer. In other words while obsolete house systems could not handle Oslo in
Norway, we are able to process horoscopes at any speed in whatever alien galaxy. The first obvious improvements are of topocentric nature, namely
the Night & Day house system is able to analyze the horoscope for an undersea quake, as well as set the houses for the birthplace of Dalai Lama. The
Cartesian system works anywhere in the galaxy with equal precision. Altitude is an integral part of the horoscope, as it is based on topocentric
standards as implied within the Cartesian system. Depression and altitude affect the position of the Moon as well as other factors in a horoscope,
especially when extreme. This point was largely overlooked by amateur astrology programs, which never prompted the operator at entering the altitude
of the place. Considering the major difficulties that a superstitious astrology had in the past 3000 years, we can bluntly state that altitude is a minor
problem of the past, successfully solved within the Night & Day house system. The Night & Day house system is actually based on azimuth and
altitude, as following the logic of the observer. When the Moon is conjunct Jupiter in Orion one can see it. Whatever is shown in the house system can
be observed in the real sky. Prior to our house system one could not find any relationship with the real sky as astrology was rightfully considered
blunder and superstition. The Night & Day house system is not in the least confined to planet Earth only. In extension, we were able to assign local
zodiacs to all the planets of the solar system; in addition, experimental areas as ruled by the Earth coorbitals, outer guardians, dwarf planets or comets.
The results of our research were published under Zic, Klaudio. 2006. Planetocentric Astrology. Klaudio Zic Publications. Planetocentric astrology thus
marks a giant step ahead for humankind ready to be born on other planets and spacecraft with precise horoscopes even horary charts. A baby having
Sun in Cygnus within the Night & Day house system is already a reality within the Academic Zodiac framework. The Academic Zodiac namely
extends to other planets, alien galaxies and spacecraft.

lxii Zic, Klaudio. 2006. Venus in Hydra. Klaudio Zic Publications.

lxiii Zic, Klaudio. 2005. Jupiter in Ophiuchus. Klaudio Zic Publications.

lxiv Zic, Klaudio. 2005. Mercury in Orion. Klaudio Zic Publications. As Lady Diana Frances Spencer, late Princess of Wales, has Mercury in Orion in her
own natal chart, our special attention was focused to unusual terrorist activity surrounding the princess jubilee. In an apocalyptic year such as 2007,
even Mars in Cetus is taken into consideration as an incentive to underground terrorism much as it exploded in the London underground in the year

lxv ********************************************************************************
The Academy of Scientific Astrology is based on astronomic principles confirming to the IAU convention. The calculations are performed on
the HORIZONS integrator by Jon Giorgini of NASA JPL, Pasadena CA.
Subject headings: solar system zodiac, astrology academic zodiac and precessed ascendant set, magick - RTRRT
Online material: www.lulu.com/spotlight//astrology

lxvi Updating list of largest dwarf planets on the site http://lulu.com/astrology

lxvii Eris has been delineated as 2003 UB313 in the 12 houses of the horoscope. The original delineation are therefore unaffected by naming or even
its nickname, Xena. Furthermore, Eris in the 12 houses of the horoscope has been separately applied to kids, the adolescent, women and even pets.
This variegated approach to delineation follows on the trail of Quaoar, which has been delineated for love, finance and magick. Our first
transneptunian delineation pertains to 1992 QB1. The major breakthrough was to come with 2000 WR106, Varuna; and whatever was written of Ixion,
Sedna and 2002 TX300 is history.

lxviii The X zodiac has been published on an early date, august 1st 2005. At the time, much as today we were fully operative and ready for analysis
after working hard on TNO like Quaoar. Gigabytes of material were written and published around a single transneptunian object because it was so
important to reach planetary status from being a mere transneptunian. The race begun silently in 1992 with the first cubewano, when astrologers were
generally unaware of the new discoveries.

lxix The Moon has a special last word within the academic zodiac since it defines the 22nd constellation.

lxx Zic, Klaudio. 2003. Venus in Special Constellations. Klaudio Zic Publications.
lxxi Zic, Klaudio. 2004. I Ching Aspectarian. Klaudio Zic Publications.

lxxii Zic, Klaudio. 2003. Cassini Lilith or LILIT VERA. Lulu Publications.

lxxiii Prior to the discovery of the first cubewano, the astrologer had only a couple of centaurs to dabble with. Pholus, Nessus and Asbolus were
joined by cubewano 1992 QB1. All delineation was made before the naming thus the original delineation for e.g. Varuna are copyrighted to Klaudio
Zic. All TNO and centaur objects were delineated by Klaudio Zic as published on http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology

lxxiv That is, all centaurs were delineated as they were discovered until year 2007. As the centaurs were gradually named, they never really fitted into
their original delineation completely, namely all objects were delineated prior to their naming by a committee. We are planning a major revision of the
delineation of all centaurs in one volume. The centaurs that have been assigned temporary designation but were re-designated later as e.g. SDO, will be
included in this edition. True, we have gradually lost interest in the upcoming centaurean discoveries since giant trans-Neptunian objects kept us
transfixed and busy. Gigabytes of material were written and scanned around a single TNO like Quaoar. When a new giant like Sedna appeared it
naturally dwarfed any centaur in importance as it commanded respect along with our total commitment.

lxxv Zic, Klaudio. 2003. Genesis Ascendant. Klaudio Zic Publications.

lxxvi The number was reduced to 22 in August 2006.

lxxvii The further studies of Eris in Phoenix (Phoenix Cycle) were based on this work.

lxxviii The further studies of Eris in Phoenix (Phoenix Cycle) were based on this work.

lxxix Sets for various epochs are available from the site.

lxxx The cubewano objects have received their name precisely from their predecessor 1992 QB1. The first cubewano was nicknamed Smiley; then
came Karla with tradition continuing as Xena and Easter bunny kept on popping up. All the KBO and centaur objects were delineated prior to
being named, thus no influence of Greek names or mythology haunts delineation. The incipient delineation included 1993 RO, 1993 SB, 1993 RP, 1993
FW; those were the first steps into the gloriously flowering field of transneptunian astrology. 1992 and 1993 refer to years so transneptunian astrology
is now 15 years old with all TNO (transneptunian objects: cubewano, plutino, SDO and the new categories) with H < 5 delineated. Zic, Klaudio. 2006.
Transneptunian Astrology VII. Klaudio Zic Publications. See also Zic, Klaudio. 2003. Dwarf Planets in the 7th House. Klaudio Zic Publications. All
the enlisted dwarf planets were delineated by year 2006. Special publications were dedicated to 2003 EL61 and 2005 FY. In the meantime the objects
were named Haumea and Makemake. Important as well abundant space is dedicated to Varuna, Ixion, Quaoar and Sedna.

lxxxi All centaur objects were delineated as they have been discovered and before being named.

lxxxii Chiron was immediately dismissed as obsolete comet chunk, albeit it was probably thought of as a centaur for a lingering moment. The same
people, who fooled themselves into some New Age of Aquarius 1000 years ahead of its time, seem to put great trust in Chiron as some kind of symbol
of their power flower. That may paradoxically be true to some respect due to Chiron's innate impotence as a castrate of the horoscope. Whenever
Chiron is found, there is a doubtful mix of lack of true wisdom in practical matters. Of course, its very naming and initially wrong classification do not
make for a trustworthy object and generation at all.
lxxxiii Three awards in Kolkata, India, by the Indian Vedic Heritage.

lxxxiv Here is an ephemeris strip for the winter sun, showing sun in Libra on November 23rd.

2008-Nov-23 00:00 Lib

2008-Nov-24 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-25 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-26 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-27 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-28 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-29 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-30 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-01 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-02 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-03 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-04 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-05 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-06 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-07 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-08 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-09 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-10 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-11 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-12 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-13 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-14 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-15 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-16 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-17 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-18 00:00 Sgr

The sun spends a week in Scorpius before entering the central zodiacal station of Ophiuchus. It is in Sagittarius during the New Year's holidays.

The list does not include some 7000 publications that were removed from the server as obsolete back in 2011. These
were mostly large bulky research reports, animated zodiacs and pioneering material. The pricing of such reports may
seem absurd nowadays when everyone is acquainted with the zodiac and 1008 planets: it went up to a racing car range
per publication. Publications that were gigabyte sized were e.g. dedicated to Vint, Eris or Quaoar. Most centaurean
material falls into that category, e.g. Chariklo chasing Chiron through bulky animations or rare Pluto Eris conjunctions
through the ages; also: Egyptian skies were remodeled along with due animation within the Academic Zodiac context.
The present list is thus for a large part yet incomplete work in progress - whatever we were able to reassemble within
an hour's time. Far from being complete, the present list includes historical peculiarities like the Thanateros or Lamia
Nemesis, LILI VERA or the Devils Rose. It is in following these sample links that one finds a wealth of previously
unfathomable aviaries of planets that populated our horoscopes when Astrology was young and Nessus was the latest
discovery as concern centaurean realms. Sesame open!
Please don't pass this onto a friend, as we do not have the means and staff to service too many customers, so in order to
maintain the necessary quality of our work as paramount, we can not possibly afford to expand our readership.
The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
Cruithne-based charts and spacecraft births have been presented some two decades ago.
For the current epoch.
43 for Eris-nostalgic.
IAU Constellations.
Other planets, asteroids, comets and in fact everywhere in a three-dimensional space.
Sea quake!
Lama incarnation calculus.
On trip to Cruithne? We got your horoscopes!
Did you know that when zero Gemini is expected to ascends at east, Cetus rises instead?
Conquer of skies by obtaining your real guardian angel natal ascendant!

#2014shift Your horoscope has 67 signs http://lulu.com/astrology



The horoscope just got larger by a planet or two: how many zodiacal signs do we have
today? How many ascendants? How soupy is your stellar smorgasbord? What about some
frozen potato potpourris? Ready for the 1008 planets salmagundi? What do we have here
is a galactic indigestion of zodiacs, ascendant sets and planets galore. Eat your soup!


Horoscopes 1H For
Professional Astrologers



Alice has Moon rising in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans along with Venus in Orion.
Her Juno discretely slips into zodiacal Scutum while Pluto sits on the ascendant of
the USA in Serpens Cauda. Now what about her giant comets, dwarf planets,
centaurs, Apoheles, dark planets and classes of objects of interest?
Copyright 2012 by Klaudio Zic. First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2012 http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology The Academic

Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2012 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The Academic Zodiac
is privately owned 1972 2012 by Klaudio Zic.

E-mail: http://scr.im/rtrrt


The Academic Zodiac 1973 has overturned a long-held assumption that the number of
zodiacal stations was only 13 or 14. Prior to the present classification of Eris and Pluto,
the zodiac had 26, even 43 (sic) stations. The number of zodiacal stations is 22. The
present number of ascendants is 16.

New Zodiac ~ New Natal Ascendant

16 ascendants
22 zodiacal stations

5000 publications

Now that you know your true Sun sign,
your astrological adventure is about to begin!

Caution, tropical = sidereal astrology can seriously damage your horoscope!

Come back to the lap of your real Nu natal skies.
Leave the nonexistent stars to nonexistent people.

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2010, http://www.lulu.com/astrology. Copyright 1972 - 2011 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The names of dedicated publications are
normally given in italics.

Your horoscope from the stars

Copyright 2010 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology



Are you an astrologer? Would you like to be informed about the real positions of your
planets? Than this service is for you 2. And the best is that it comes of your own design!


Would you like to focus on detail as concern your horoscope? Not only giant comets but
also tiny centaurs influence your natal configuration. When it comes to prediction,
accurate planetary positions determine the result to the minute. Thus, for extra fine tuning
of your karma, we peruse the secondary angular directions, an exclusive astronomic
technique in astrological prediction.


Where do your natal data come from? Scientific astrology is powered by authoritative
sources. Your main references are SIMBAD, NASA JPL and the Harvard MPC.

All dwarf planets are delineated in the 12 traditional houses of the horoscope 3 4.
2F 3F

JPL/DASTCOM3 Small-body Search Results 2009-May-19 02:41:07

Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H

-------- -------- ------------- -------------------------
1 1983 (undefined) Ceres 3.34
2 2001 (undefined) Pallas 4.13
4 1981 (undefined) Vesta 3.20
19308 1998 1996 TO66 [...unnamed...] 4.50
19521 1999 1998 WH24 Chaos 4.90
20000 2001 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70
24835 1999 1995 SM55 [...unnamed...] 4.80
26375 2002 1999 DE9 [...unnamed...] 4.70
28978 2000 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20
38628 2002 2000 EB173 Huya 4.70
42301 2000 2001 UR163 [...unnamed...] 3.97
47171 2001 1999 TC36 [...unnamed...] 4.73
50000 2001 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.66
55565 2002 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.27
55636 2001 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.10
55637 2003 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.60
82075 2003 2000 YW134 [...unnamed...] 4.77
84522 2004 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.80
84922 2003 2003 VS2 [...unnamed...] 4.00
90377 2004 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.56
90482 2002 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
90568 2001 2004 GV9 [...unnamed...] 3.90
119951 2002 2002 KX14 [...unnamed...] 4.50
120132 2003 2003 FY128 [...unnamed...] 4.80
120178 2002 2003 OP32 [...unnamed...] 4.17
120347 2004 2004 SB60 [...unnamed...] 4.20
120348 2001 2004 TY364 [...unnamed...] 4.25
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70
136108 2006 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.19
136199 2004 2003 UB313 Eris -1.17
136472 2006 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.46
144897 2009 2004 UX10 [...unnamed...] 4.50
145451 2009 2005 RM43 [...unnamed...] 4.40
145452 2009 2005 RN43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
145453 2009 2005 RR43 [...unnamed...] 4.00
145480 2009 2005 TB190 [...unnamed...] 4.70
174567 2009 2003 MW12 [...unnamed...] 3.60
175113 2009 2004 PF115 [...unnamed...] 4.70
202421 2009 2005 UQ513 [...unnamed...] 3.40
208996 2004 2003 AZ84 [...unnamed...] 4.00
409077 2003 2000 CN105 [...unnamed...] 4.99
419612 2009 2001 QF298 [...unnamed...] 4.70
433834 2009 2002 CY248 [...unnamed...] 4.90
438330 2000 2002 MS4 [...unnamed...] 3.79
451925 2004 2002 XV93 [...unnamed...] 4.92
458175 2009 2003 QX113 [...unnamed...] 4.70
467001 2009 2003 UZ413 [...unnamed...] 4.30
477493 2009 2004 NT33 [...unnamed...] 4.40
478826 2004 2004 PR107 [...unnamed...] 4.60
490809 2009 2004 XR190 [...unnamed...] 4.50
490822 2009 2004 XA192 [...unnamed...] 4.00
505215 2009 2005 QU182 [...unnamed...] 3.10
546049 2009 2006 QH181 [...unnamed...] 3.80
578396 2009 2007 JH43 [...unnamed...] 4.70
578397 2009 2007 JJ43 [...unnamed...] 4.90
579438 2009 2007 OR10 [...unnamed...] 1.90
591531 2009 2007 UK126 [...unnamed...] 3.60

The delineations include the recent 5 2007 OR10, Salacia as well as centaur 2007 JG43 6
4F 5F

Which are the basic assets within your every horoscope? Official and unofficial classes of
objects and phenomena transit and dominate your natal skies. The main classes of objects
are enlisted as follows.

a)67 horoscope signs.

b)4th Coming of Lucifer - Venus in Pegasus ^^ Bis
c)#2014shift assistance with horoscopes with Venus in Scutum
d)6-tailed (main belt) comet P/2013 P5 delineated in the 12 houses of the horoscope
e)Assistance with century comets PanSTARRS, ISON, Lovejoy and Siding Spring a 0F

f)Ascendant correction tables for professional astrologers: get rid of sky of error!
g)1/4 sky of ascendental offset - #QuarterSky services get your natal skies back!
h)P-zodiac, X-zodiac and Academic Zodiac.
i)30 horoscope signs
j)Next marriage calculus. [20 Minutes Astrology]
k)VIP tuition RTRRT & Academic Zodiac b 1F

l)Choice direction of objects of interest; e.g. Diamond Planet directed against Witchllow
m)Star directions
n)Custom study and abstracts, e.g. directed Ferrari Cometarian
o)Directed octave Aspectarian
p)Centaurean / Cometarian / Dwarf Planets / angular directions, e.g. secondary across the
Dark Flux along the Axis of Evil
q)Atira (ERO).
t)Earths Trojans (NES).

Martial Aion comet.
New feature, previously available only to the most talented RTRRT initiates.
u)TCO (NEO).
v)Palermo scale (PHO).
w)Sun in Orion, Cetus and Sextans
x)Taking the Sun out of the zodiac
y)Lunar converse angular secondaries e.g. Carl Gustav Jung = Moon in Cetus II
z)Black comet 1998 QE2
aa)Ophiuchus watery exoplanet GJ 1214 b
bb)Ophiuchus supernova 2013ci
dd)Diamond Planet 55 Cancri e.
ee)Rogue planet CFBDSIRJ214947.2-040308.9 - CFBDSIR2149
ff)Pegasus Point also in direction
gg)2010 TK7
hh)Earth c 7
2F 6F

ii)2006 RH120
jj)2010 SO16
kk)Mini-moons, TCO, Apoheles and Auxiliary Moons of Earth
oo)2014 martial comet Siding Spring
pp)Century comets ISON d, Lovejoy & PANSTARRS

qq)Precise custom ascendant ephemeris

rr)Precessed ascendants e 4F

ss)88 ascendants
tt)Ascendant set with custom delineation - for given epoch
uu)Planetary zodiacs
Precession of the ascendants. Hidden and mystical energies.
Eventual eonic meteor shower included
Currently the 16 true eastern ascendants for planet Earth.
vv)Centaurean zodiacs
ww)Zodiacs for dwarf planets
xx)Galactic zodiac along with a dozen of experimental zodiacs
yy)One-minute lunar ephemeris plus one second custom ephemeris
zz)Subconscious ascendants f 8 5F 7F

aaa)Sabian, Tarot and I Ching integration via the directed Aspectarian

bbb)Main or custom directions (500)
ccc)Custom planetocentric horoscope g analysis 6F

ddd)Real-time zodiacal offsetting

eee)Local zodiacal offset for any given superstition or kindergarten model custom
fff)Avestan historical subset - e.g. Proserpina
ggg)Custom dark planets directions, e.g. Thanateros 90 Lamia hSub-Venusian calendar7F

hhh)Selected historical guesswork set, e.g. the Hamburg set
iii)Supra-Venusian calendar 2014 2017
jjj)Mayan 2014 - 2017
kkk)Low Moons calendar
lll)Moon in Noctua and Felis
mmm)Introducing Cerberus and Taurus Poniatovii i 8F

nnn)Corvine moons offset for a given location

ooo)360 guardian angels j 9F

ppp)Devil's Rose ~ HPMHC

rrr)Cassini Lilith k.

See also Nether Ascendants, Submerged Ascendants or Submersed Ascendants.
E.g. Juno-centric, Cruithne-centric or Venus-centric for love and family matters.
New experimental feature.
Cerberus, Felis, Noctua and Taurus Poniatovii in no wise represent any official IAU constellations.
An initiation into astrological theurgy.
sss)Earth co-orbitals
ttt)Spacecraft l

uuu)Planetary nodes
vvv)Satellites m 12F

www)Main belt comets

xxx)Main belt asteroids n 13F

bbbb)Damocles o subclass 14F

cccc)Centaurs 9 8F

dddd)Dark Planets p 15F

eeee)KBO dwarf planets 10 9F

ffff)SDO Scattered Disk Objects

iiii)Outer Guardians q 16F

jjjj)Oort cloud objects r 17F

kkkk)Alien planets via SIMBAD s 18F

llll)Pegasus Point directions

mmmm)The precession of the Stargates
nnnn)Cetus I, II and III transit and angular direction
oooo)Angular star directions
pppp)Sextans exoplanets

The ephemerides for spacecraft are available as custom service.
E.g. Phobos-centric horoscope.
An archaic term.
Damocles may be viewed as somewhat of a centaur itself.
17 dark planets including Lamia, Kypris and Thanateros.
Sometimes Nibiru class or Nibiruoids. See also Nibiru Research.
E.g. Sedna.
A NASA service that enables minute inspection of deep sky objects.
qqqq)Libra exoplanets
rrrr)Dark Flux
ssss)Intruder planet
vvvv)Dark Sun
wwww)LILIT VERA custom ephemeris
xxxx)Axis of Evil
yyyy)Main belt comets
zzzz)Comet Vint
aaaaa)Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin); MPEC 2011-A67
bbbbb)Custom comets
ccccc)Extended Cometarian
ddddd)Giant comets
eeeee)Custom animated ephemerides
fffff)Custom object tracking
ggggg)Custom ephemerides
hhhhh)Custom report
iiiii)Custom direction from a choice of circa up to 500. E-mail for availability.
jjjjj)Directing relationship. Precise timing the events in ones own relationship.
kkkkk)Partnership as predicted by direction. Secondary angular direction available.
lllll)Dedicated tuition VIP Services O5MIVM 11 10F

http://lulu.com/astrology is your premier guide to the latest dwarf planets 12. The site hosts
9H 11F

all the dwarf planets and centaurs in astrology, from the first to the last. From Pholus and
1992 QB1 to 2007 JG43 and 2009 YE7. Yes, we always delineate the objects before they
get 13 their proper names 14! We catch them in flagranti before they reach the dull safety of
12F 13F

their nomination. Thus, the object is delineated, its spirit, not its designation or name.
Nama and rupa are discreated. As in True Mind Distiller 15, names and forms drop of in 14F

order to expose essence.

655685 2010 2009 YE7 [...unnamed...] 4.40

666450 2010 2010 EK139 [...unnamed...] 3.80
668191 2010 2010 FX86 [...unnamed...] 4.40
676085 2010 2010 KZ39 [...unnamed...] 4.00

These are the last relevant entries as concern the dwarf planets candidates. Note that 2009
YE7 has received copious delineation (in the year 2009) like all items of interest in
modern astrology. Our present research is therefore focused on 2010 EK139.

Klaudio Zic

The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are

Copyright 1995 - 2011by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.

Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law.

This copyrighted material has been previously published as available from


22 zodiac signs
16 ascendants
2012 AEon of Cetus
2017 Age of Pegasus
RTRRT Instant Magick

Academic Zodiac: because it is not nice to fool with Mother Nature.

2012-Nov-23 00:00 m Lib

2012-Nov-26 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-29 00:00 m Sco
2012-Dec-02 00:00 m Oph
2012-Dec-05 00:00 m Oph
2012-Dec-08 00:00 Oph
2012-Dec-11 00:00 Oph
2012-Dec-14 00:00 Oph
2012-Dec-17 00:00 Oph
2012-Dec-20 00:00 m Sgr

We know your horoscope. http://ow.ly/6w5eM Your true natal horoscope. Stay

13H connected with the right dots across
your original starry skies: 22 zodiacal stations, 16 ascendants. http://ow.ly/5T1Cz Trust your real

stars: Academic Zodiac. Ophiuchus Ascendant - Real natal ascendants & Sun-signs. http://ht.ly/5q6ej

Thank you for being supportive towards the IAU, much as tolerant towards Harvard MPC in
embracing NASA JPL as your true natal planetary positions. http://ht.ly/5GKky Academic Zodiac

#1622 #RTRRT Zodiac, ascendant set, house system, directions, dwarf planets, comets, centaurs;
objects of interest, reality rendering: case solved http://ow.ly/6w5eM all astrology assets in one

place. Personal Future-Changing #RTRRT http://ow.ly/5RpTV Academic Zodiac #1622 Your True

Natal Stars http://ow.ly/5RpTx Book cheap Instant Magick. What is behind us is not important.

http://ht.ly/5YiHm #RTRRT #1622



Things happen of which you know nothing about. Are they hiding them from you? No,
they could not know less about anything! What things? Everything! Like when, why and

50 $ guardian angel = true natal ascendant (one of the 16) [ nominal price 500 ]
200 $ real-sky horoscope analysis
300 $ predictions for one year ahead
500 $ business predictions for one year ahead


Traditional 1500 pp & 250 pp analyses formats are presently N/A. The customer may
however check availability by e-mail. The 250 pages analysis may still be available for
selected RTRRT initiates. That usually implies 500 VIP Gold services or better.


For VIP Gold services, click on the PayPal icon anywhere in the document. VIP Services
catalogs are available from the site http://lulu.com/astrology


25 $ per additional dwarf planet analysis

35 $ per additional centaur analysis


The standard initiation is resumed under VIP Gold services. Please consult the catalogs.


In somewhat a customary way, the Lodge consists of an Outer and Inner body, thus Inner
and Outer Lodge. Secular membership is also possible such as through VIP Gold
initiation; namely, at some level, the neophyte and secular client share almost the
selfsame knowledge and tasks, but of course not at all responsibilities! Much as the
neophyte is bound by vows, moral and ethics; the laic is free to combine (techniques),
quit (unlikely) or even trespass upon noble qualities albeit never encouraged to do so.

The beauty of secular involvement lies with going incognito. On the other hand, the
neophyte has nothing to hide being of noble purpose by definition. Also, his own
spiritual progress is fast since no material wishes thwarts a noble aim. On the other hand
again, the secular candidate has the world for his own oyster for good or bad: as
reflected by spiritual domains: his only aim probably lies with obtaining instant results.


Some historical options at different levels may suggest obscure practice such as one
requiring blood sample from the candidate. The modern equivalent or quasi would be
producing a reptilian (ornithological) horoscope analysis.


While random secular initiation requires just hundreds of Euros apart from diligent talent
along with (lack of faux) knowledge; a true neophyte is granted progress by the spirit
itself, thus non-doing, clearing and perfecting ones character are paramount. While
instant magick is for anyone, deeper initiation is not. Anyone can manifest miracles in
minutes but only the brave goes deeper than that. It is not that the initiate is forbidden to
use magick it is that producing instant magick is too easy in order to be considered as
progress in initiation. Only the neophyte will delight in producing magical effects out of
the blue: the higher initiate will of course know better: such refined being will go to the
core. Lodge admission thus has to do with more than just pricing as ones character must
be chiseled to nothing less than outstanding. Entering the realm of the immortals makes
for qualities deign saints, avatars and bodhisattvas.
As the Sun came up, the vampires flew towards their 12 fleeting shadowy coves. The
venetian blind of planet earth magnanimously showed 16 guardian angels unto the
144000, leaving the 6 666 666 666 blind.

What is at stake here?


Anyone can make it.

The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools RTRRT - have gone a great length in order to make Instant Magick for everyone not only brief a
process but also an entertaining daily asset: a quality that cant miss in an initiates daily life. Because anyone is no longer anyone albeit anyone
can make it.

While stake is for burning default, you get no default here. Therefore, uncompromising quality is the main feature of True Mind, Instant Magick
and the Academic Zodiac.
Default is for the less fortunate: the damned prisoners of default who pick and dumbly repeat rather than choose the best: the 16.
2013 the year of the 13th sign doubles the zodiac to 26 Signs

VIP Brochure, Eon Chronology & Professional Catalog 2013


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26


Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by

Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013 17 16F


The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services


Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet 18: the original zodiac as shared by all

astronomical observatories across the planet and off-planet 19 as well.



The positions of the planets along with their real zodiacal placements for New Year 2013.
55 Cancri e is of course your Diamond Planet.

Everyone probably overheard of more or less traditional national astrologies along with
their own varieties through e.g. larger China, India or Mexico. Generally speaking, the
skies should somehow come together where e.g. the attributes of a certain star
historically fit into the same category e.g. for the Chinese and Egyptians as well. As
concern the major stars, this rule generally applies: their characteristics, when directed,
are more or less the selfsame for all major civilizations.


What does not seem to be the same or accurate is - especially recent - zodiacal
positioning; meaning someone obviously misread something say 2000 years ago and kept
misreading it until zodiacal offset went sky high currently climbing up to 7 signs per
wintertime nativity on northern hemisphere.


What was misread? Whatever was not miswritten was. Therefore, the Sun was misread as
always rising at east. The zodiacal constellations were misread for some seasonal signs.


Where superstitions dont come into accord except for making their clients pay twice or
thrice for the more or less selfsame fraud science does: astronomers all over the world
have achieved a fairly well-balanced as well as traditional set of constellation borders.
One can always fit in whatever national or historical constellation after the IAU position
of a given planet has been established.
15 or 16?

In order not to be so strict at all as concern constellation borders, we sometimes allow for
experimentation, especially when historically justified by local traditional thus, Sun in
Orion has been introduced along with Sun in Cetus: all planets and the Moon venture
through these two zodiacal ascendants: so why not the Sun?


How many errors does the past hold in stock for us? The past is error. It was based on
error. When nowadays some freshly foaled Xeroxed expert will claim that he has
faithfully copied every error ever made: he has not, but copying errors does not make for
tradition: correcting them does.


It is not nice to have a modern digital civilization that is completely oblivious to natal Sun
sign, ascendant or personal characteristics, directions and thus karma. Directions some
500 of them are predicting techniques, which unlike transits as perused by amateurs,
do predict the issues in your life in seconds by memory no ephemerides or programs
are needed.


After our 20 Minutes Astrology course, shoeshine boy, butcher and florist predict the
issues of their clients lives in minutes. Since they are busy with their hands occupied
serving their clients, they calculate by memory: the way it was always done, before the
introduction of tools for the poor-minded.

Verify your personality. Who are you; really? Take advantage of your real natal stars!


Aiming at success comes natural as aiming at self-knowledge: he who knows oneself is

powerful! Knowing oneself enables clear aim also saves from a lifetime of blunder.
Yes, even pimping for others stands for blunder: no matter how successful one may
seem to be in the eyes of others, one has never known oneself or fought ones own fight.


How does one know oneself? The stars are the best indicators! The position of the Earth,
planets, objects of interest and stars at birth defines your astral frame. In a sense: you are
your birth: your incipient impulse has been defined by birth. We are of course talking of
your REAL natal stars, not what you read in the newspapers! Reading from the sky and
reading from the newspaper are two entirely different things or persons choose you!


Knowing oneself entails clear perspective of what one is, was, will be and change.
Change is enabled as future-changing as one chooses not to dwell on a set future at all,
but change it at will instead. Both future-scanning & future-changing require seconds;
basic self-initiation is minutes: 20 Minutes Astrology & Mini RTRRT Initiation will do.

Alixe has Moon ascending in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans and Venus in Orion. Venus in
Scutum transits her natal Juno there. Her Pluto is sitting on the ascendant of the USA,
Serpens Cauda. Now, thats Astrology!


Enjoying 13 Sun signs does not resolve the problem of the ascendant. Luckily, this
problem was solved back in the year 1973. Thus, the Academic Zodiac celebrates its 1973
2013 jubilee.

22 zodiacal signs.
16 ascendants 20. 19F

Pluto nostalgic 21? Enjoy 26 zodiacal signs 22.

20F 21F

More Sun-signs? Workable 15, extended to 16.

Cartesian house system: works everywhere 23: ocean floor 24, Himalaya 25,
22F 23F 24F

spacecraft 26.

1008 delineated planets: the complete solar system is yours for the taking!

13 + 13 = 26

While the 13 solar stations are a simple fact this end of superstition, the total number of
zodiacal stations is 26 Pluto permitting. In other words, the 26 zodiac is a Pluto
nostalgia affair: for those who want Pluto back, the number of zodiacal stations is still 26.

How many stations does the zodiac have? 22 including the Moon and Sun. 26 including
Pluto. 43 including Eris. Since most people still peruse Pluto as planet; 26 is their zodiac.


As Uranus reenters Cetus for the peak of the AEON, dolphin children are born with
many transiting planets in Cetus.


Aries http://ow.ly/hg4jc

Taurus http://ow.ly/hg4np 29H

Gemini http://ow.ly/hg4rn 30H

Cancer http://ow.ly/hg4xx 31H

Leo http://ow.ly/hg55T

Virgo http://ow.ly/hg5nS

Libra http://ow.ly/hg5lL

Scorpio http://ow.ly/hg5qs 35H

Sagittarius http://ow.ly/hg5z6 36H

Capricorn http://ow.ly/hg5Kc 37H

Aquarius http://ow.ly/hg5S4 38H

Pisces http://ow.ly/hg5Wt

JPL/DASTCOM3 Small-body Search Results 2013-Jul-10 10:54:24
Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H
-------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- -----
1 2010 (undefined) Ceres 3.34
2 2010 (undefined) Pallas 4.13
4 2010 (undefined) Vesta 3.20
20000 2006 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70
28978 2005 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20
42301 2001 2001 UR163 [...unnamed...] 4.05
50000 2005 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.48
55565 2003 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.26
55636 2006 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.21
55637 2003 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.60
84522 2004 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.78
84922 2005 2003 VS2 [...unnamed...] 4.02
90377 2005 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.55
90482 2006 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
90568 2004 2004 GV9 [...unnamed...] 3.90
120178 2004 2003 OP32 [...unnamed...] 3.95
120347 2004 2004 SB60 Salacia 4.21
120348 2001 2004 TY364 [...unnamed...] 4.25
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70
136108 2008 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.05
136199 2006 2003 UB313 Eris -1.19
136472 2007 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.42
145451 2013 2005 RM43 [...unnamed...] 4.40
145452 2013 2005 RN43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
145453 2003 2005 RR43 [...unnamed...] 4.00
174567 2013 2003 MW12 [...unnamed...] 3.40
175113 2013 2004 PF115 [...unnamed...] 4.40
202421 2013 2005 UQ513 [...unnamed...] 3.40
208996 2005 2003 AZ84 [...unnamed...] 4.00
225088 2013 2007 OR10 [...unnamed...] 2.00
229762 2005 2007 UK126 [...unnamed...] 3.44
230965 2013 2004 XA192 [...unnamed...] 4.00
278361 2013 2007 JJ43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
303775 2013 2005 QU182 [...unnamed...] 3.50
307261 2002 2002 MS4 [...unnamed...] 3.77
526362 2013 2003 UZ413 [...unnamed...] 4.20
530107 2013 2004 NT33 [...unnamed...] 4.40
535878 2013 2004 XR190 [...unnamed...] 4.40
565474 2013 2006 QH181 [...unnamed...] 3.80
616224 2013 2008 ST291 [...unnamed...] 4.30
648386 2011 2009 YE7 [...unnamed...] 4.25
657827 2013 2010 EK139 [...unnamed...] 3.80
659404 2013 2010 FX86 [...unnamed...] 4.30
666665 2013 2010 KZ39 [...unnamed...] 4.00
677661 2013 2010 RF43 [...unnamed...] 4.10
677879 2013 2010 RE64 [...unnamed...] 4.30

22 zodiac http://bit.ly/SR1MRn

16 ascendants http://bit.ly/SR1Hxb 42H

Reality rendering represents multiple applications of simple magick techniques resulting in Instant Magick.

Presentations http://www.scoop.it/t/sign 43H


Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW 44H

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX 45H

Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt 46H

MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO 47H

Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY

Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE

Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7 50H

Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL 51H

MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi 52H

ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF 53H

Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0

INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd 55H

Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl 56H

O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO

Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx 58H

Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L 59H

Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw 60H

Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw 61H

Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO 62H

Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl 63H

Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb 64H

Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ 65H

PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc

Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk 67H

O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4

Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe

Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E 70H

Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7 71H

Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM 72H

Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU 73H

Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4 74H

Target and achieve your goal today


Feel good about yourself


Lead a rewarding life


Scan and change your futurities


Verify your own true identity


Retrieve emotion money time energy


Make instant manifesting of events personal


Empower yourself through your own true natal stars


Manifests events in minutes!

RTRRT manifests events in minutes. Any events. For you.


Scan and change your future with the Academic Zodiac & RTRRT.
The zodiac has 26 constellations. There are 16 ascendants.

Your future is easily determined as well as changed along with the RTRRT.

Astrologer claims: the zodiac has 26 signs. http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology

1) Pluto included.
2) Without Pluto, the zodiac has 22 signs only.
3) The Academic Zodiac is online since 1972. 45000 publications.
4) Sources: NASA JPL, Harvard MPC, IAU.
5) The zodiac is the Tarot: 22 signs, 16 ascendants.
6) 22 signs equal 22 Tarot initiations.
7) 16 ascendants equal court cards.
8) There are a total of 88 ascendants.
9) The Sun signs may not be 13 only, but 15: even 16.
10) Sun in Orion and Cetus is applicable, in Sextans negotiable.
11) Where is the Sun when the new Moon happens in Sextans?
12) Every planet goes through Orion, Cetus and Ophiuchus.
13) A toddler will learn astrological divination in 20 minutes being immediately able to tell the day of your next marriage by memory
in seconds.
14) Minute astrological divination requires no pen, paper, Sun sign, computer, cell phone, ephemerides or tables: and it surely shuns
15) There is no such thing as 13 ascendants rising at east in the real sky: the matter is sheer fabrication.
16) Ophiuchus is one of the 16 ascendants rising at east for the current epoch.
17) The Egyptian epoch hosted twice the number of ascendants than our own.
18) For the peak of the Aeon 2013, Uranus is in Cetus.
19) The children of the Aeon are exposed to 7 planets in Cetus.
20) The number of ascendants changes with epoch, race and DNA.
21) Pluto never enters Pisces or Aries.
22) Many zodiacal ascendants do not rise at east for the epoch.
23) Aries is not an ascendant for the present epoch.
24) The eastern ascendant star is the true personal holy guardian angel.
25) The zodiac is not determined by the Sun.
26) The sum of the planetary zodiacs forms the Academic Zodiac.
27) If Eris would be planet, wed have 43 zodiacal stations. Eris never enters Taurus.
28) We are approaching the Age of Pegasus with Venus in Pegasus.
29) Children conceived today will be born with Venus in Scutum.
30) The zodiac was born with Moon in Sextans and Pluto in Coma Berenices.
31) The USA ascendant is Serpens Cauda. Alternatives: Aquila & Ophiuchus.
32) Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.
33) Events happen by direction. There are some 500 directions.
34) Taurus rises at east for 5 minutes per day.
35) Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Coma Berenices, Canes Venatici, Botes, Corvus, Libra, Scorpius, Scutum, Sagittarius, Delphinus, Equuleus,
Capricornus, Piscis Austrinus, Pegasus, Lepus, Auriga and Crater do not rise at east for the current epoch: no one you know has an Aries
ascendant at all.
36) What is seen as Capricorn ascendant is usually Cetus or Pisces.
37) Then ascendant set for the current epoch is observable by anyone with naked eye.
38) The zodiac Academic Zodiac is astronomic and astrologic as well as sidereal and tropical, eastern and western; as compatible with
all historical cultures.
39) The zodiacal offset marches towards 7 signs for wintertime nativities on the northern hemisphere. Therefore, horoscopes for the
masses are not offset by only 2 or 3 signs only that estimation was valid a long time ago, indeed. As to the ascendant set, the offset is non-
linear, thus impossible to determine.
40) Southern hemisphere horoscopes completely differ from their northern counterparts as a thorough analysis of northern and southern
constellations is required. This not only means that of course all Aussie horoscopes are upside-down, but also that they display a completely
different set of stars.
41) The largest zodiacal offset happens in winter on the northern hemisphere and in summer on the southern one.
42) Jesus Christ may have been born with Aries ascendant for the epoch. Namely, according to tradition, a tiny peripheral star in Aries
rose at this rare birth time.
43) The historical zodiacs of which some are still in use are marked as the P, X, P1, G, P2, N, M, N1, E and N2 zodiacs.



#1622 #AEONews #AcademicZodiac #26 #22 #16


26,zodiac,zodiacal, signs, constellations,stations,22,16,88,#1622,Academic Zodiac, Klaudio Zic,


Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl O5IRIS 84H

Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx 85H

Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L 86H

Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw 87H

Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO 88H

Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl 89H

Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb 90H

Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ 91H

PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc

Oberon V http://t.co/7DSy6tXa

O5 http://t.co/KSI9kidR

Cascade http://t.co/8TjcQgRA

Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7 96H

Aladdin XI http://t.co/1zXewRl8

Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU 98H

Do you have all that you want? http://ow.ly/bA61d Its Instant #Magick time! 99H
2001 FP185 (MPO 59365)
Horizon (65489) Ceto

E Huya2002 GZ32
Equator 2002 GB32 (MPO 61224) Voyager
Okyrhoe 3 Juno
Juno (MPC 24084) 2001 XA255
Pholus Apophis
Isis (MPO 9657)
Phoebe Ecliptic
2008 SO218 (MPEC 2008-Y66) 2000
2002 MS4 (MPO 77605) 1999 HD12 Libra Horus (MPC
Galactic Equator 2004 NE32
2002 FY
Deucalion (184314) 2005 EO302
2004 PR107
2000 PH5 (MPO 50364)
C/2004 Q2 (Machholz) 2002 CA249 Sekhmet (MPO 50331)
2004 CJ39
2005 VJ119 2005 VJ119
2002 KX14 C
2003 CO1
Pluto Crantor
(83982) Osiris
1996 AR20

Ixion 2007 JJ43 2007 JJ43 2001 BL412004


Ecliptic Voyager II Athor 1999 JV127


Galactic Equator Horizon

Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
http://ow.ly/6LsrJ 14:51:59 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2012/08/25 R.A. (2012.6): 15h 36m 30.82s Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456165.04 Dec. (2012.6): -15 00' 00.0" Variable star
Setting clear standards helps ordering ones own physical, astral and mental kingdom. E.g. in the rare case that anyone would attempt towards
magick, one can safely assume that people like F.; ev t. Spare or that Crowley never complied with standards as set by the stars. Namely, they

were oblivious to the zodiac. As zodiacality is essential throughout theurgy - of which only F. partake of the three mentions - , further corrections
apply apart from Stejnars epochal contribution.

There has never been but one single avatar Astrologer for this system. Hayagriva is one.

The task of Hayagrivananta is to calculate, thus restore the zodiac which in its absence was surely mangled by crazy humans also: the
ascendant set for the epoch must be established.

The times when the zodiac comes back to humanity are usually called new ages.

Exceptional times can be marked as new ages, such as the recent peak of the ascending Era of Eridanus; the New Age we all know or as we
know it (not?); Age of Pegasus II and present Eon of Cetus II.

The encapsulation of ages being a complex subject, suffice to say that the Era of Eridanus gets encapsulated by the next Age of Pegasus which is
in turn encapsulated by the Eon of Cetus. Details have been published, terabytes galore, 1500 publications removed as obsolete: thus New Age is a
matter of the past.

A long average of Pisces - which we avoid calling Age of Pisces due to dull uneventfulness of watery precessed signs like Capricornus,
Aquarius and Pisces is before us. Humanity or what is left of it must brace itself for a long dark average of Pisces. The Second Age of Pisces is
also documented and called Age of Pisces II.

An astrologer has nothing to worry about true skies dont mind 6 666 666 666 contaminating instances can extend contamination to their
own natal skies without any interference from precession, ascendant set and stars at large. The zodiac was meant for the 144000. As to the 6 666
666 666 they are merrily doomed into disinterest towards any natal skies at all. Let us not forget the provenience of inorganic default mind!

The next - second - average of Pisces as well as twin averages of interlacing Aquarius and Capricornus are due before zodiacal precession hit
Sagittarius, Scutum and Ophiuchus.

Unremarkable times like Pisces, Aquarius or Capricornus are called averages. These periods have no peaks. T2 & T1 Capricorni represent little
big horns.

The Zodiac is fortunately still unknown to the masses. What they get are not real zodiacs.

How did we determine the delineations for the 1008 planets? We of course started with determining the zodiac. Then, the ascendant set took
minutes to adjust for the epoch.

While F. is a real magus, the rest gets eventually mentioned on account of notoriety.
Instant Magick can be seen as automated u superseding of ones 27 personal reality instanter with intent over the generally accepted or alien reality.
20F 26F

In other words: a fight issues where ones own intent wins over any opposition being it fate, karma or even gods.

This transcendental fight best happens in mental silence as default mind represents the opponent: ones own worst opponent is default mind an
alien unwanted install that serves the Devil almost to the point of being the {mind of the (im)personal} Devil itself!

Zodiacal alchemy blooms towards the Peak of the Eon in the year 2012. With Uranus in Cetus II and Venus in Orion, the Stargate Festival is
celebrated in realms unknown to the profane of all times.

The thief in the temple fell in the traps as set by initiates who left a kindergarten zodiacal model for the intruder who in his own turn infested the
masses with false stars.

Later on, there were prophets, even people who wrote books on the subject while mini civilizations were based on false stars. Those most
stupid believed that the Sun stands in Aries on spring equinox forever.

We are not dealing with astrologers, but with Astrology. We are not dealing with astronomers, but with the real sky, which is one. We are not
dealing with astrologers of which there are none, but with Astrology, which is one.

There were people who knew no Sun sign or ascendant and yet proclaimed occult laws or set up observatories. Those observatories never saw
anything since default mind blinds the eye. Maya was so strong that humankind never inspected east! An average human being was forbidden
to inspect east. Thus, whole subcontinents like India never knew ascendant proper. Even with an astronomic observatory under the nose, one
would not know how to guess ones own natal Sun sign; which on November 23rd is Libra.

Now the immortals are here Uranus enthroned in Cetus II marks the peak of the Eon.

See the stars right there? They are your true natal stars.

Why being dubiously entertained by faux natal skies when one can scrutiny the real ones?

Scrutiny makes perfect in that natal skies are inspected by an initiate that is seer. Since no superstition is involved in the process, all eventual
previous portents are annihilated as pertaining to a faux sky with 12 ascendants. The 12 ascendants pertain to a sick mind which has never
seen the real skies at all in fact it shuns them right now!

What is the VIP Verified Identity Package? The VIP Services provide a detailed scan of your life; plus a method to change - even create
events ahead.

Magic Seduction & Fatal Romance Summer 2012 Astrology for Couples

What do we predict for couples with Venus in Orion in summer 2012?

Romantic relationships occur exactly to the minute as predicted. So you want to know about relationship compatibility? Whether e.g. your own
Mars in Cetus goes well with her Venus in Hydra: more important directing Uranus in Cetus + Saturn Spica towards fatal relationship planets.

Predictions should include the Moon: especially Moon inn Sextans, Orion or Auriga.

PCS = Personal cO5mic Secretary. Its latest upgrade released as Spiral Trees. The RTRRT abound in upgrades.
A rough prediction of all loves in one's own life is performed by anyone by memory within hour.

The ascendant ephemeris will trigger the second of the event.

The real seduction fun comes with the RTRRT. The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools as Instant Magick for anyone enable creation of romantic
events in five minutes out of the blue sea. Will is unbeatable when it is the way with RTRRT.



What do the VIP Gold Services represent? What you get is virtually unlimited assistance throughout your self-initiation process into
Instant Magick. After your future has been scanned, we assist you in creating events. Custom applications for your Personal Cosmic
Secretary will be written for you. You will learn your first step towards freedom from fates and joy of creation.

Our future-changing solutions complete the rich array of future-scanning methods of our own development for your own development.
Both future-scanning and future-changing methods are in constant development: generally known as the Academic Zodiac and RTRRT
Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.

The initiation received by far exceeds whatever was ever available through formal lodges of any kind. Both future-scanning and future-
changing never lost sophistication in being cut into simple format as easily perused by anyone. Scanning and event changing takes
minutes as performed on the mental plane. In other words, prediction and miracle-making are performed discretely in every situation,
even while talking to a person or beneficiary. Both future-scanning and future-changing are invisible to the onlooker since they happen
on the mental plane. An example would include meeting a partner, calculating relationship ahead while decorating futurity with extra
pleasant events.

22 zodiac signs
16 ascendants

Everything so far has been misdirection

Ladies, gentlemen: we g@ve you the zodiac.


+ All the usual refinements http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology http://ow.ly/bt2ih #VIP http://ow.ly/bt2iW

104H 105H 106H

Copyright 2012 by Klaudio Zic.


You get your true natal ascendant, Sun sign, Moon sign and all 1008 planets in their place proper: delineated. Life scan: year by year, day by day,
second by second: all events in your life ahead. Plus. You get instant magick initiation. Unlimited support over the years.


We know who did it to you. Fix the rat. Reboot your life. Steer that wheel of time. Get on saddle. Be yourself. Know and love yourself. Get rid of
thwarting things on your way. Clear the path ahead and decide your own destiny: any destiny you prefer. Deal?



Ladies, gentlemen: we give you the zodiac. No, not the 13 things or dozen superstitions for the masses: the real zodiac as forever present in the
observable skies. The Academic Zodiac boasts 22 zodiacal constellations. The ascendant set for the current epoch accompanies it along with its
own 16 constellations. Ready? Forget all superstition & fly!


The Academic Zodiac redefines reality: not only your own since now you are in possession of your own guardian angel ascendant it redefines
the world we live in on all three magical planes: physical, astral and mental. Even the highest initiates, demigods or demiurges had no precise idea
of the zodiac: now they do.


12 ascendants superstition... is there a cure? Yes, the cure is visible all the time in the real observable sky where everyone can observe the 16
ascendants with one's own naked eyes.

13 or 12?
How many bugs there are? As concern astrology there are in fact more than 12, even 24 bugs; as the 13 known zodiacal stations will
eventually prove to be zodiacal after all (even when not in your own case) but the ascendant set can not possibly prove anything since it is not
there at all. Thus, one could say that we have 12 + 12 bugs against our own karma. To think that, through the dark ages, they have been both
cursed and sanctified even by non-observing priesthood!


What are the 16 ascendants? Real constellations and guardian angels of every horoscope. What of the 12 or 13? No one you know has an Aries
ascendant. Making an Aries ascendant out of you was merely a convenient way to keep pulling cheap but lucrative bugs at you. Those bugs ate
your life. You were living a dream of their own nightmare.

Q: Which zodiacal stations do not rise as eastern ascendants for the epoch?

A: Aries, Libra, Gemini, Scorpius, Scutum, Sagittarius and Capricornus; to name some. If you have been told that you had Capricornus ascendant;
it was probably Cetus or Pisces instead. If they classified you like Scorpius, it was peradventure Serpens or Ophiuchus.


Uterine little Aries! Not only you dont rise at east but you are also wet! All zodiacal watery constellations like Capricornus, Aquarius, Cetus,
Pisces, Taurus and Eridanus are ruled by Pegasean Salacia and Aquarian Neptune. As Salacia happens to wait for Venus in Pegasus, we present
the Age of Pegasus II as encapsulated within the present Eon of Cetus II. In the year 2011, Jupiter went through Cetus along with a majority of
planets (Libya, Odyssey Dawn). On spring equinox 2012, Uranus is with the Sun in Cetus. Presently, children are being exposed to 8 planets in
Cetus. Cetacean kids it is then!


They stole your angel guardian from you: they crucified your true self to their false 12 ascendants they whipped your thorny Sun forever in
Aries. This wont happen again. The creatures that fooled you with their 12 signs will never reach hell at all. Now you know Aries does not
ascend at east. Now you know there are 16 eastern ascendants for everyone to see. Enjoy 22 zodiacal stations and dont even spit upon the dead.


Ready for your own Sun sign? And there is more: natal ascendant, Moon sign; 1008 planets. No, not like you used to: these are your real ones.
You can have your REAL HOROSCOPE, too. Finally.


The zodiac heals. Being information, it heals. Also, the true eastern natal ascendant heals being your own guardian angel. I am your zodiac,
Academic Zodiac arise and heal!
Sextans Moon. Birth time of the zodiac. The Academic Zodiac was symbolically born with this exquisite lunar position. Too bad there were no
astrologers on the planet back in 1972. If there were any, theyd greatly appreciate the birth of a new tool that will prove to be essential to both
astronomy and astrology: the zodiac.

How would you rate not being in possession of your own natal data?

a) What are natal data for? To which natal data do you allude?

b) Id rather keep the government out of my horoscope.

c) Everybody knows that there are 12 sings: right?

d) So what if some true observable skies are there? We dont need them!

e) People have the right to believe in whatever they want and choose to.

f) Im no expert. I just dont believe in crap, thats all. Got it?

g) If many people believe in something over eons, how could that be wrong?

h) The Earth is flat.

i) I dont believe in guardian angels coming from the east of the horoscope.

j) I consider myself in possession of my natal data galore. In fact I am the owner of several natal horoscopes which all describe me or
my variegated selves - in full.

k) My child will keep the same beliefs and UNICEF and NASA can go to hell!

l) I will keep my old Sun sign and ascendant. I dont care if its wrong. I love it.

m) What could astronomers possibly know about stars, planets and zodiacs?

n) If there were any zodiacal offsets at all, someone would notice. Seven signs of offset dont go unnoticed.

o) I dont think my horoscope should have anything to do with the astronomic skies at all. Why should it?

p) Precession is fabrication. There is no precession. The sun is fixed forever in the Age of Aries for spring equinox?

q) Screw true skies to one point! Crucifix the Sun in one place. Nothing ever changes!

r) In my own family, tradition always had precedence over naked eye observation.

s) My natal data shouldnt have anything to do with any astronomy at all!

t) Astronomy is about pretty pictures and astrology is horoscopes you read in the newspapers, right?

u) This whole NASA affair is fabrication. Astronomers have nothing to do with the zodiac.

v) Precession, astronomy and the ascendant set of the guardian angels are all fake.

w) How could astronomers possibly know the position of my own natal Sun?

x) I have confidence both in my eastern and western horoscope experts.

y) The Sun always rises at east, I am told?

z) What does NASA know about stars?

aa) My own horoscope is no astronomers business.

bb) Inconvenient.

cc) Welcome.

dd) Viable.

Providing you have or at least intuit a mind of your own, you will readily flee from negative influence by embracing your true natal skies.

Copyright 2012 by Klaudio Zic. First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2012 http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology The Academic

Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2012 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The Academic Zodiac
is privately owned 1972 2012 by Klaudio Zic.

Instant Magick RTRRT & Academic Zodiac $ervice$







Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl O5IRIS 114H

Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx 115H

Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L 116H

Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw 117H

Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO 118H

Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl 119H

Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb 120H

Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ 121H

PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc

Oberon V http://t.co/7DSy6tXa

O5 http://t.co/KSI9kidR

Cascade http://t.co/8TjcQgRA

Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7 126H

Aladdin XI http://t.co/1zXewRl8 127H

Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU 128H


Thank you for updating your zodiacal hives. Your Academic Zodiac is installed and ready for use. The dwarf planets set is updated for the last
findings along with due delineation. Your centaurean swarm is hived. Please always use the latest (16) ascendant set & zodiacal upgrade (22).
Enjoy your 22 zodiacal stations & 16 eastern - guardian angels ascendants! If it comes to your attention that anyone near your own hive may be
using an adequate or outdated zodiac and ascendant set, please do inform and help update that hive. Zodiacal hazard is no longer 1 or 2 or 3 signs -
as you were probably informed in the past - but is steadily approaching 7 signs of zodiacal offset. Precession rolls the ascendant set back and forth
as you go. Your wintertime horoscopes may already be affected by more than 5 signs of zodiacal offset. General surgical warning! For
entertainment only horoscopes can severely damage your health. People have been known to severe wrong organs on behalf of entertaining
counsel. Please take head of six signs of zodiacal offset before attempting at astrological health analysis. Check whether your ephemeris set is
signed by NASA. Please note that for entertainment only means you were left alone, helpless and without your own natal Sun sign! Always
know your Sun sign before engaging in any astrologically guided enterprise!

Update for the latest dwarf planets, centaurs and objects of interest with the Academic Zodiac.

Dwarf Planets http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?keyWords=Dwarf+Planet+Klaudio+Zic+&sorter=relevance-desc


Centaurs +--->


The zodiac features 22 constellations. There are 16 eastern ascendants for the current epoch.


The zodiac is a serious matter in astronomy, theurgy and astrology for the masses. With the proper planetary positions as absorbed, we have a
healthy child along with its very own guardian angel 28.

1) The Sun spans through 13 unequal zodiacal stations 29: 16 are proposed 30; thus Sun in Ophiuchus, Orion, Cetus and facultatively
28F 29F

2) The planets and their own zodiacs dont follow the Sun 31. Thus 32, we find 22 instead of 13, 15 33 or 16 zodiacal constellations.
30F 31F 32F

3) There are 16 ascendants rising at east for the current epoch, thus 16 guardian angels.


The ascendant set determines racial initiation for the current epoch. The present epoch is tuned to 16 eastern ascendants. The ascendant set rises at
east. No one you know has an Aries ascendant.

1) If an ascendant set can not be observed, it does not exist.

2) The present ascendant set marks 16 constellations.
3) These 16 constellations are also known as guardian angels 35. 34F

4) The ascendants of course rise at east.

5) In Egypt, we observed e.g. a double set of ascendants comparing to the modern one 36. 35F

6) At the present epoch, meaning also today; Pegasus, Aries, Auriga, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Scorpius, Scutum, Sagittarius and
Capricornus are not rising at east. No one you know has an Aries ascendant. Nobody you know has a Scorpio or Capricorn
ascendant. Taurus is rising at east for five minutes your golden calf of chance.
7) Laxmi Ananta is Venus in Hydra 37.36F


The children of the Eon are known as dolphin kids. These greatly oppose Hydra kids. The astral totem and protector is ones personal dolphin or
narwhal or whale whale oil is sometimes used in Cetus III ritual.


Providing you have or at least intuit a mind of your own, you will readily flee from negative influence by embracing your true natal skies.

The zodiac features 22 constellations. There are 16 eastern ascendants for the current epoch. Academic Zodiac Entertaining all planets 38 within

your real sky natal zodiac since 1972.

2012-Oct-31 00:00 m Vir

2012-Nov-01 00:00 m Lib

2012-Nov-09 00:00 Lib

2012-Nov-23 00:00 m Lib

2012-Nov-24 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-25 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-26 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-27 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-28 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-29 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-30 00:00 m Oph

2012-Dec-17 00:00 Oph

2012-Dec-18 00:00 Sgr


Welcome to the Academic Zodiac, the first fully scientific zodiac in human history! Considering the richness of the material 39, we trust you are

going to enjoy your stay. You will be delighted to hear that the goal of all astrologers and astronomers has been achieved: astronomy and
astrology are one. After eons of suffering under wrong data 40, we make astrology directly from NASA, thus challenging any superstition against

the refreshed face of your true natal stars. The honest face of your planets do not allow for duality: one has one horoscope only, not two. This
astrological dtente reunites east and west under a single astronomic sky. Ananta Laxmi is Venus in Hydra.

Among our dearest inventions like the state-of-art secondary angular direction 41, we take great pride in IPD Instant Planetary Delineation.

Delineation for a new planet is written on the fly from the incipient moment it was discovered! Sometimes delineations are published e.g. even
before the official NASA announcement. Such was the case with Quaoar of the dwarf planets.

The official years of astrology come in twos: namely 1972 marks the invention of the zodiac while 1982 spawns the Aspectarian; 1992 delineates
our first TNO 42 and finally 2012 splashes Uranus into Cetus for the Eon of Cetus II.

As the incipient horoscopes were considerably priced according to their size, several minor formats were offered to the public. Understandably, a
standard 43 1500 pages horoscope is not exactly something that you download for free.

Considering the volume of the offer it takes days to browse through a single catalog custom requests would seem most unlikely albeit they do
happen all the time as welcome surprise! In the case that the client has a special request, we will be very happy to arrange it for him. Special
delivery may e.g. include tailored RTRRT future-changing applications 44: our clients dont suffer from bad transits 45 at all 46.
43F 44F 45F


Personal Cosmic Secretary http://users.tmok.com/~tarant8l/astrology/astrology.html O5IRIS


Instant Healing http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?keyWords=Instant+Healing+Klaudio+Zic+&sorter=relevance-desc


Marriage Rendering http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?keyWords=Marriage+Rendering+Klaudio+Zic&sorter=relevance-desc


Mini RTRRT http://inkmesh.com/search/?qs=Mini+RTRRT+Initiation+Klaudio+Zic+&btnE=Find+Ebooks

Prosperity Rendering

Wish Wheel http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?keyWords=Wish+Wheel+Klaudio+Zic+&sorter=relevance-desc


Magick initiation http://inkmesh.com/search/?qs=Book+cheap+Instant+Magick+initiation+Klaudio+Zic+&btnE=Find+Ebooks


Money Honey http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?type=&keyWords=Money+Honey+Klaudio+Zic&x=0&y=0&sitesearch=lulu.com&q=


PCS http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?type=&keyWords=Personal+Cosmic+Secretary+Klaudio+Zic+&x=0&y=0&sitesearch=lulu.com&q=

Oberon V http://inkmesh.com/search/?qs=Oberon+Klaudio+Zic+&btnE=Find+Ebooks

O5 http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?keyWords=Oberon++Klaudio+Zic+&sorter=relevance-desc

Cascade http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?keyWords=Cascade++Klaudio+Zic+&sorter=relevance-desc

Magic Wand http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?keyWords=Magic+Wand++Klaudio+Zic+&sorter=relevance-desc


Aladdin XI http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?keyWords=Aladdin++Klaudio+Zic+&sorter=relevance-desc

Matrix Hacking http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?keyWords=Matrix+Hacking+Klaudio+Zic+&sorter=relevance-desc



Minute forecast is provided as fairly reliable 47 personal guesswork in disclaiming any and all warranties, whether express or implied,

including - without limitation - any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Copyright 2012 by Klaudio Zic. First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2012 http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology The Academic

Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2012 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The Academic Zodiac
is privately owned 1972 2012 by Klaudio Zic.


1 Your only reference to dwarf planets and centaurs, from the first to the latest discovery.
Up to you. Custom service implies detail. Detail such as a special ephemeris calculus are mailed to our
clients directly from the NASA JPL server. Periodical comets may be included. That is to say: you design your own
Our dedicated publications inform on dwarf planets in great detail. Thus, over 6 GB of Eris material has
been made available to the public since August 5th 2005. 2007 OR10 was our new entry in early 2009.
4 There has been quite some experimenting as concern the natural Night & Day 24 houses, then 16 and
finally 12. Nevertheless, the twelve Cartesian houses can be hardly called traditional since they feature e.g. Moon
in Corvus at the third cusp, Venus ascending in Scutum or the Fed {FRS} culminating in Phnix.
5 Surely, 2009 YE7 can be called more recent. Unfortunately, the object has been found smaller then
according to its incipient estimation.
6 See our dedicated publications as concern the quoted newly discovered objects.
7 The category of Earth is by far the most important as well as utterly unknown one.
8 Same as precessed ascendants. We assign special significance to subconscious ascendants in a horoscope.
Centaurean Services
Academic zodiac When you want to know for sure.
Still wearing that outworn horoscope? Upgrade to http://bit.ly/e4LvmR now!
Still wearing that outworn karma of yours? Upgrade to RTRRT.
on of Cetus 2012 Age of Pegasus 2017 Good luck, planet!

The zodiac has 22 stations; there are 16 ascendants.

Tarot fans and astronomers will easily memorize #1622.

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2011 http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology Copyright 2011 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission
of the Author. The names of dedicated publications are normally given in italics.

o When it comes to them centaurs, we tend to be conservative as concern their definition;

however, e.g. Damocles is included by default within every analysis and we also welcome
any comet that would candidate as centaur. There are actually a couple of actual comets
centaurs that we intend to integrate within the Academic Zodiac system.

o Two brand new centaurs are of course included9, namely 2006 AA99 and 2007 JG43

o Since the first centaur Pholus was discovered, we tend to delineate centaurs in the
twelve houses both extrazodiacally and zodiacally, before they are named. This
method relieves analysis from the bias of a chosen name. Most post naming
delineation is in fact based on name.

o Centaurs were variously astrologically classified as reptilian, white and immortal.

o Sometimes a bureaucratic mage suffers castration at the hand of its own kin.
Within our centaurean series, this is the case of the unfortunate consort of
Chariklo. An ex centaur was found to be a dead comet chunk, the castrated Chiron
2060 Chiron (1977 UB) redesigneated as comet 95P/Chiron.

The cetacean9 years 2011 & 2012 mark interesting times. At present, the zodiac is vanishing
from the web due to a timed deadline. Thousands of publications will expire by mid
October 2011, never to be republished again. Make your download till October 14th 2011
when the revealing publications are alas scheduled for timely self-destruction. You dont
want the strategic zodiacal as well as magical material to fall in wrong hands, do you now?

Recently we introduced a couple of new objects with delineation due for centaur 2006
AA99 as well as dwarf planet candidate 2007 JJ43. That is to say, these objects are bound
to be included in horoscopes of RTRRT initiates. Accidentally, the copious 2007 JG43
delineation precedes that of 2006 AA99, in timely unison with Obama planet 2007
OR10. Said dwarf planet was nicknamed divorce planet for the occasion. Much as in the
case of Famke Janssen's political career9, we learned about apparent President Obama's
divorce issues only after publicizing the series. Thus, no default news was included.
Much as Famke Janssen could become the new pope9 (sic), so Obama's divorce is but a
fair possibility. However, we alluded at a possible divorce from Vatican the prediction
being formulated years before the actual popes retirement - at its lingering stage9 in
20149, rather than any civil marriage issues for that matter.

22 zodiac signs
16 ascendants
2012 AEon of Cetus
2017 Age of Pegasus
RTRRT Instant Magick
Academic Zodiac: because it is not nice to fool with Mother Nature.

2012-Nov-23 00:00 m Lib

2012-Nov-26 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-29 00:00 m Sco
2012-Dec-02 00:00 m Oph
2012-Dec-05 00:00 m Oph
2012-Dec-08 00:00 Oph
2012-Dec-11 00:00 Oph
2012-Dec-14 00:00 Oph
2012-Dec-17 00:00 Oph
2012-Dec-20 00:00 m Sgr

We know your horoscope. http://bit.ly/e4LvmR Your true natal horoscope. Stay connected with the right dots across
your original starry skies: 22 zodiacal stations, 16 ascendants. http://ow.ly/5T1Cz Trust your real
stars: Academic Zodiac. Ophiuchus Ascendant - Real natal ascendants & Sun-signs. http://ht.ly/5q6ej
Thank you for being supportive towards the IAU, much as tolerant towards Harvard MPC in
embracing NASA JPL as your true natal planetary positions. http://ht.ly/5GKky Academic Zodiac
#1622 #RTRRT Zodiac, ascendant set, house system, directions, dwarf planets, comets, centaurs;
objects of interest, reality rendering: case solved http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology all
astrology assets in one place. Personal Future-Changing #RTRRT http://ow.ly/5RpTV Academic
Zodiac #1622 Your True Natal Stars http://ow.ly/5RpTx Book cheap Instant Magick. What is behind
us is not important. http://ht.ly/5YiHm #RTRRT #1622

Dig Deeper

Academic Zodiac Complete Works Instant Magick

http://ow.ly/6asi8 http://ow.ly/6as5v http://ow.ly/6aspr

2012 Uranus in Cetus 2012 2017

http://ow.ly/6p5fa http://ow.ly/6p5iD http://ow.ly/6p5mm
2011 2012 2014 2017 13th Ascendant Ophiuchus 2011 2012 2014 2017

http://ow.ly/6p64f http://ow.ly/6p6lO http://ow.ly/6p66y

10 2009 YE7 including.



Academic zodiac When you need to be sure.
Still wearing that outworn horoscope? Upgrade to http://bit.ly/e4LvmR now!
Still wearing that outworn karma of yours? Upgrade to RTRRT.
on of Cetus 2012 Age of Pegasus 2017 Good luck, planet!

The zodiac has 22 stations; there are 16 ascendants.

Tarot fans and astronomers will easily memorize #1622.

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2011 http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology Copyright 2011 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights
Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial
purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The names of dedicated publications are normally given in italics.


First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2010, http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology . Copyright 2010 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights
Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial
purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.


Copyright 2010 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. http://users.tmok.com/~tarant8l/paypal/RTRRT_VIP_paypal.html

Verify your true identity with the Academic Zodiac system and change it with Reality Rendering.


Your true horoscope is written in the stars. The scientific horoscope as based on NASA standards features the Academic Zodiac, Cartesian house
system and Eastern Ascendant set.

1. Academic Zodiac. 22 zodiacal constellations for your full identity profile.

2. Eastern Ascendant. 16 rising constellations determine your character.
3. Cartesian house system. Your Moon rising in Cetus in the first house.


a)Performing daily miracles in minutes comes natural in perusing O5. O5 is the premier instant magick technique. O5 is invisible, portable,
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friendly way.


Choose your Verified Identity Package according to your initiation level.


EUR 50
Your true natal ascendant11, delineation, horoscope scans and info material.


EUR 200

1. Your true natal ascendant from a choice of 16.

2. Verified position of the planets, e.g. Sun in Orion, Moon in Auriga.
3. Cartesian chart wheel with the Sun, Moon, planets and dwarf planets.


EUR 400

Basic Reality Rendering initiation.


EUR 600

Accurate predictions.



EUR 800

Academic Zodiac tuition.


EUR 1000

Personal Reality Rendering tuition.

Klaudio Zic
12 *******************************************************************************
JPL/DASTCOM3 Small-body Search Results 2010-Aug-05 06:50:18

Matching small-bodies:

Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H

-------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- -----
1 1983 (undefined) Ceres 3.34
2 2001 (undefined) Pallas 4.13
4 1981 (undefined) Vesta 3.20
19308 1998 1996 TO66 [...unnamed...] 4.50
19521 2000 1998 WH24 Chaos 4.90
20000 2004 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70
24835 1999 1995 SM55 [...unnamed...] 4.80
26375 2002 1999 DE9 [...unnamed...] 4.70
28978 2004 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20
38628 2002 2000 EB173 Huya 4.70
42301 2000 2001 UR163 [...unnamed...] 3.97
47171 2001 1999 TC36 [...unnamed...] 4.73
50000 2004 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.71
55565 2002 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.26
55636 2005 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.16
55637 2003 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.60
82075 2003 2000 YW134 [...unnamed...] 4.81
84522 2004 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.81
84922 2003 2003 VS2 [...unnamed...] 4.00
90377 2005 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.58
90482 2005 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
90568 2001 2004 GV9 [...unnamed...] 3.90
119951 2002 2002 KX14 [...unnamed...] 4.50
120132 2003 2003 FY128 [...unnamed...] 4.80
120178 2005 2003 OP32 [...unnamed...] 3.97
120347 2004 2004 SB60 [...unnamed...] 4.25
120348 2001 2004 TY364 [...unnamed...] 4.25
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70
136108 2007 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.00
136199 2005 2003 UB313 Eris -1.17
136472 2007 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.44
144897 2010 2004 UX10 [...unnamed...] 4.50
145451 2010 2005 RM43 [...unnamed...] 4.40
145452 2010 2005 RN43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
145453 2010 2005 RR43 [...unnamed...] 4.00
145480 2010 2005 TB190 [...unnamed...] 4.70
174567 2010 2003 MW12 [...unnamed...] 3.60
175113 2010 2004 PF115 [...unnamed...] 4.70
202421 2010 2005 UQ513 [...unnamed...] 3.40
208996 2004 2003 AZ84 [...unnamed...] 4.00
225088 2010 2007 OR10 [...unnamed...] 1.90
229762 2010 2007 UK126 [...unnamed...] 3.40
230965 2010 2004 XA192 [...unnamed...] 4.00
416322 2010 2001 QF298 [...unnamed...] 4.70
428012 2010 2002 CY248 [...unnamed...] 4.90
431670 2002 2002 MS4 [...unnamed...] 3.77
443791 2004 2002 XV93 [...unnamed...] 4.92
448701 2010 2003 QX113 [...unnamed...] 4.70
457274 2010 2003 UZ413 [...unnamed...] 4.30
466418 2010 2004 NT33 [...unnamed...] 4.40
467512 2004 2004 PR107 [...unnamed...] 4.60
477855 2010 2004 XR190 [...unnamed...] 4.50
490592 2010 2005 QU182 [...unnamed...] 3.40
530787 2010 2006 QH181 [...unnamed...] 3.80
564497 2010 2007 JH43 [...unnamed...] 4.70
564498 2010 2007 JJ43 [...unnamed...] 3.20
612169 2010 2008 ST291 [...unnamed...] 4.40
655685 2010 2009 YE7 [...unnamed...] 4.40
666450 2010 2010 EK139 [...unnamed...] 3.80
668191 2010 2010 FX86 [...unnamed...] 4.40
676085 2010 2010 KZ39 [...unnamed...] 4.00

(61 matches. To SELECT, enter record # (integer), followed by semi-colon.)

13 If they ever do. Names proper are rather rare in modern astrology. Even the largest objects duly await their
nomination by the IAU. The Harvard MPC is a fairly cooperative institution, much as NASA JPL. Even the IAU has
astrology on its schedule. This raw information should encourage any incipient astrologer in participating in the
naming of the dwarf planets and objects of interest. We often use objects of interest, mostly with the meaning of
all objects {sic}.
14 Later on, yahoos will delineate the names, but not the objects in themselves. No wonder nothing was
known of the planets and minor planets, not even of giant comets: analysis focused on their names, not the spirits
themselves. Any analysis devoid of theurgy borders on popular numerology: cheap amusement that may ruin quite
some lives.
6 666 666 666.
Please don't pass this onto a friend, as we do not have the means and staff to service too many customers, so in
order to maintain the necessary quality of our work as paramount, we can not possibly afford to expand our
The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
Cruithne-based charts and spacecraft births have been presented some two decades ago.
For the current epoch.
43 for Eris-nostalgic.
IAU Constellations.
Other planets, asteroids, comets and in fact everywhere in a three-dimensional space.
Sea quake!
Lama incarnation calculus.
On trip to Cruithne? We got your horoscopes!
Notice that we avoid the use of own since default mind is opposed to original true mind.
The passage of course refers to the 16 guardian angels or even elementary permutations of the Tarot Aspectarian.
The IAU borders taken more elastic, we have 15, even 16 zodiacal stations for the Sun.
Mostly as historical.
Dont exactly follow in the Suns path, that is: diverge from the ecliptic.
Moon included!
15 is a fair proposal, but we could not resist the call of 16.
Eon of Cetus II.
Precisely, their main star is guardian angel!
The publications may have survived October 2011 clean-up. Namely, different sets of ascendants were published until a decade ago.
As rising omen for Palden Dorje vs the Antichrist.
Delineation for all dwarf planets, centaurs, outer guardians, comets, planets, satellites, Apoheles, main belt comets, historical asteroids, earth Trojan moons; stars, deep sky objects, Dark Flux,
Axis of Evil, Witchallow, stargates
The material in fact grew so lush that we safely disposed of over 11000 publications from the server in mid-October 2011, deeming that whatever remains will more than suffice for the
incipient Eon astrologist and magus.
The zodiacal offset approaches seven signs in winter nativities.
Directing planets is called astrology. Hundreds of directions stand at the disposal of the incipient astrologer.
1992 QB1 features as prominent along with a 1 Orionis Osama Moon and Eris W 0 in Cetus in the 9-11 charts. The (exact) descending position has been formulated in the year 1992 as fatal
to marriage viz Down syndrome.
The historical standards still persist in 1500 pp and 250 pp formats. Prices may vary along with e.g. fairly elastic delivery deadline. While - historically - the guardian angel ascendant was
regularly priced 500 , one could obtain it for 50 on special occasion. Considering the busy workshop within an island as surrounded by chaos, apparently eccentric pricing comes natural.
Typically PCS or the Personal Cosmic Secretary from the RTRRT suite of instant magick tools.
Or any transit at all. In the dark past, amateurs would peruse transits where 500 directions were at the disposal of the incipient astrologer.
They dont have them. What threatened the sample client against global superstition was rather the inadequacy and incapability of the improvised astrologist, not said transit that was regularly
miscalculated with the rest of the horoscope anyway.
The minute and second of your next marriage serves for an example.

Your Secret Horoscope


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26

We know your horoscope.

3H #2014shift

Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by

Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013

The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq

Information you never knew you wanted to know.

Your horoscope is happening in the real sky

Sun in Virgo for Halloween
Nov 23 Sun in Libra Sai Baba birthday
2013 Uranus in Cetus 2012
2014 Venus in Scutum
2017 Venus in Pegasus ^^

The Venusian cycles as encapsulated within the present Aeon of Cetus range from Hydra
to Cetus and Scutum to Pegasus. 2014 stands for Scutum while 2017 stands for Pegasus.
Can you change your life? YES
Can you change your own past? YES
Can any futurity be changed? YES
Can anyone change any future? YES
Can you manifest events at will? YES
Can anything come true even in less than 5 minutes? YES a 0F

Is the future determined? YES and NO along the guidelines!

Are there 12 ascendants? NO there are 16 guardian angels
Are there 13 zodiac signs? NO 22
Are there 13 horoscope signs? NO - up to 67
Can anyone predict anything in minutes? YES a toddler can
Does initiation last long? NO 20 minutes b 1F

Can marriage be predicted? YES your next marriage in seconds by any toddler
Can I predict by memory? YES only by memory nothing c is required 2F

How can I make something happen now? Typically? O5 RTRRT d 3F

Why predict when one can change? Change what? Why change a good futurity?
Can you do it all by yourself? Technically? YES
Can any illness be cured? YES e even that one

Can one manifest riches? YES

Can one produce the impossible? YES
Can one live ones wildest dreams? YES

Snow Crash RTRRT.
20Minutes Astrology, TMD, True Mind Distiller, O5 Personal Cosmic Secretary? The PCS takes more time to
People peruse funny things like pen, paper, cell phone, computer, ephemerides, programs that is hardly
prediction: prediction is done by memory in seconds!
Oberon V of the Real Time Reality Rendering Tools Instant Magick suite. Sounds dreadful alright but is simple
For all practical purposes. Meaning? Say mild form of cancer can: but we prefer to predict and stop evil before it
takes root, dont we?

Why is this important? Even if you have never heard of guardian angel, there must be
something you believe in. Like truth.


You got a Gemini ascendant as an eloquent talkative communicator you are: a real social
media expert, yo!


Well? Thats not entirely accurate f at all.



You see, Gemini has not been rising ascending at east for 5000 years now. What is
rising at east when some default toy program for the masses g is expecting some zero

Gemini is of course not Gemini at all: it was Cetus a large zodiacal ascendant and Lord
of the Aeon h - which by the way lies below Pisces. It is not that the skies dont change

even against our wildest illusions as swinging between precession and flat Earth.


Politely for mega taurine bullshit.
For entertainment purposes only.
The present Aeon.
1) The Tarot is the zodiac.
2) There are 22 zodiacal constellations.
3) 16 ascendants rise at east.
4) Ones guardian angel is represented by one of the 16 ascendants i. 8F

5) Which zodiacal stations are not ascendants? Scutum, Sagittarius, Capricornus,

Pegasus, Aries, Auriga, Gemini, Cancer, Libra
6) Taurus rises at east only for 5 minutes every day: golden calf a taurine chance on
the market!
7) The 22 initiations are the 22 mysteries of the Tarot: zodiacal constellations.
8) The 16 guardian angels propose the elementary permutations.
9) Lodge #1622 SIRIVS is the Tarot.
10) Kalki j determined the Tarot

11) Hayagriva determined the Zodiac.

12) As Kalki is Hayagriva so the Tarot is the Zodiac.
13) The Tarot expands from #1622 towards 1008.
14) The 1008 planets form the eternal horoscope of every moment.
15) God and NASA say 13 or 12 are falsity.
16) When zero Gemini is expected to rise in the eastern sky, Cetus rises instead.
17) As Cetus is below Pisces, the error is roughly 90 degrees!
18) Gemini does not rise at east k. 10F

19) Gemini rose at east some 5000 years ago.

20) Cetus is the zodiacal ascendant of the present Aeon.
21) There are 67 horoscope signs.
22) Depending on the categorization of Eris and Pluto, there are also 43, 30, 28 and so
on horoscope signs.
23) Tarot = Zodiac.

In Egypt, we had double the number of present days ascendants, making for versatility, diversity and baffling
Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsana uvaca.
For the present epoch.

There is a wheel in the sky with 12 animals which rise at east...

Must be one of those stories they have been telling children a sinister lullaby.


She knows by intuition that you have a Gemini ascendant, and so it happens that you do!

5000 BC

Or you could have it say 5000 years ago. Namely, the expected zero Gemini never
appears in the real sky: Cetus and Pisces rise instead. Dont worry: the error is merely 90
degrees or something: no one will notice l.


Are there 67 horoscope signs? Yes.

How is this possible? One should ask how 13 or 12 are possible instead.

What are the 30? One of the intermediary results.

22? Number of zodiacal stations.

16? Ascendants m. 12F

In fact, no one did!
For the current epoch.

The change is coming, New Golden Age!


What changes with 2014? This is the first time for all practical purposes that Venus
enters Scutum. Scutum is one of the standard 22 zodiacal stations and thus one of the 67
signs of the zodiac. You probably had 13 in mind? That would be rather amateurish.


How do we reckon Lucifers comings? We take that in the wake of Venus in Pegasus - as
falling into Cetus sensitive initiates have been inspired in picturing Venus as the
indomitable she-devil she is. A popular image of a falling batman issued. Dante on his
own hellbound initiation must have been inspired! We call that first recent contact the
first coming. True, there have been biblical comings one at least as rendered in the
Bible. These ancient comings are scheduled for printing 2014 2017.

First Coming of Lucifer - Dantesque Venus in Pegasus

Second Coming of Lucifer - 2014 Aeon Shift
Third Coming of Lucifer 2017 ^^ Age of Pegasus II
Fourth Coming of Lucifer - Venus in Pegasus ^^ Bis


The safest way for others especially spiritually advanced is to follow superstition
upon superstition. If that dubious diet makes you vomit, here is your winter Sun

2013-Oct-31 Vir
2013-Nov-01 Lib
2013-Nov-23 Lib
2013-Nov-24 Sco
2013-Nov-25 Sco
2013-Nov-26 Sco
2013-Nov-27 Sco
2013-Nov-28 Sco
2013-Nov-29 Sco
2013-Nov-30 Oph
2013-Dec-01 Oph
2013-Dec-02 Oph
2013-Dec-03 Oph
2013-Dec-04 Oph
2013-Dec-05 Oph
2013-Dec-06 Oph
2013-Dec-07 Oph
2013-Dec-08 Oph
2013-Dec-09 Oph
2013-Dec-10 Oph
2013-Dec-11 Oph
2013-Dec-12 Oph
2013-Dec-13 Oph
2013-Dec-14 Oph
2013-Dec-15 Oph
2013-Dec-16 Oph
2013-Dec-17 Oph
2013-Dec-18 Oph
2013-Dec-19 Sgr
2014-Jan-01 Sgr

MAYAN 2014 2017

The Venusian extremes hit the zodiac on the wake of the Aeon of Cetus. If 2012 was
about Uranus in Cetus, 2014 is about Venus in Scutum as 2017 is exalted ^^ in Pegasus.


Your favorite Gemini ascendant has not been rising at east for the past 5000 years.
What is rising at east?

Touch your destiny: reshape it. Now that you know who you are, you are omnipotent.


No one you know can possibly have a Capricorn, Sagittarius or Scorpio ascendant at all.
Moreover, no friends of yours can have an Aries, Libra or Gemini ascendant at all. Does
Cancer rise at east? No. Stay tuned for the full list of non-rising ascendants.



7H 8H

Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet 1: the original zodiac as shared by all o
0F 14F

astronomical observatories across the planet and off-planet 2 as well.


Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.
The pun is on India.
SKY #QuarterSky

Did you know that when zero Gemini is expected to rise at east, Cetus ascends instead?
Conquer of your natal skies by obtaining your real natal ascendant! Your real natal
ascendant is your guardian angel. Thus, when zero Gemini is expected at east, Cetus
rises instead. Since Cetus is below Pisces, ascendant offset is 1/4 one quarter of the sky.


Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.


Alixe has Moon ascending in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans and Venus in Orion. Her Juno
hovers in zodiacal Scutum while her Pluto sits at the ascendant of the USA in Serpens


Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.


The skies do not rotate according to any tradition at all, but according to precession.
Thus, your own natal skies will always gloriously disobey any tradition, of which to
be honest there is seldom any. This is particularly true through stalled environments as
wanting for an upgrade and update.

The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools have O5 or Oberon V for core discreating
technique. O5 is like confession: once one has fully confessed negativity, one disposes of
it: in this way, a space for positivity is created. Manifestation happens within 5 minutes.


22 zodiacal signs.
16 ascendants 4. 3F

Pluto nostalgic 5? Enjoy 26 zodiacal signs 6.

4F 5F

More Sun-signs? Workable 15, extended to 16.

Cartesian house system: works everywhere 7: ocean floor 8, Himalaya 9, 6F 7F 8F

spacecraft 10. 9F

1008 delineated planets: the complete solar system is yours for the taking!

1008 Planets http://ar.gy/3lD8


Full services catalog for the current year along with elaborations on the times we live in as marked by the zodiacal constellation like Pegasus,
Scutum, Eridanus, Hydra or Cetus. As future scanning ideally proceeds future-changing, the stress is in a detailed acquaintance with the Academic
Zodiac and ascendant set in an RTRRT Instant Magick initiate. All initiations can be accomplished by self-initiation as presented within our
RTRRT and Academic Zodiac series.

1) ANGEL (prosperity) http://ow.ly/8tP3h

2) POWER (money) http://ow.ly/8tP2F


3) DREAM (bogeyman) http://ow.ly/8tP2k


4) BARYCENTER (real estate) http://ow.ly/8tP1M 14H

5) RIVAL (competition) http://ow.ly/8tP1s


6) NETHERWORLD (employees) http://ow.ly/8tOZW 16H

7) ENEMIES (devil) http://ow.ly/8tOYJ


8) IMMORTALITY (death discreation) http://ow.ly/8tOXI 18H

9) ASTRAL (scouts) http://ow.ly/8tOXp


10)AIM (godhead) http://ow.ly/8tOWx


11)LOVE (protection) http://ow.ly/8tOVK


12)NIRVANA - (illumination) http://ow.ly/8tOVq 22H

Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsananantalaxmi uvaca

The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
Cruithne-based charts and spacecraft births have been presented some two decades ago.


Verify your personality. Who are you, really? Take advantage of your real natal stars!


Ascendant in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Xo9

Moon in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XtW
Mercury in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XBm
Venus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XEX
Sun in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XKd
Mars in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XNj
Jupiter in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XP9
Saturn in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XRm
Uranus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XTV
Neptune in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XVD
Pluto in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XY5
Eris in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y1r
Quaoar in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y4L
Ixion in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y8L
Pholus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Ycy
Comets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Yf4
Planets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7YhX


13 + 13 = 26

While the 13 solar stations are a simple fact this end of superstition, the total number of zodiacal stations is 26 Pluto permitting. In other words,
the 26 zodiac is a Pluto nostalgia affair: for those who want Pluto back, the number of zodiacal stations is still 26.

Aries http://ow.ly/hg4jc
Taurus http://ow.ly/hg4np
Gemini http://ow.ly/hg4rn
Cancer http://ow.ly/hg4xx
Leo http://ow.ly/hg55T
Virgo http://ow.ly/hg5nS
Libra http://ow.ly/hg5lL
Scorpio http://ow.ly/hg5qs
Sagittarius http://ow.ly/hg5z6
Capricorn http://ow.ly/hg5Kc
Aquarius http://ow.ly/hg5S4
Pisces http://ow.ly/hg5Wt


Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX
Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO
Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY
Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE
Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7
Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi
ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF
Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0
INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd
Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl
O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO
Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx
Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L
Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw
Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw
Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO
Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl
Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb
Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ
PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc
Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk
O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4
Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe
Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E
Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7
Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM
Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU
Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4
For the current epoch.
43 for Eris-nostalgic.
IAU Constellations.
Other planets, asteroids, comets and in fact everywhere in a three-dimensional space.
Sea quake!
Lama incarnation calculus.
On trip to Cruithne? We got your horoscopes!

Real Time Reality Rendering Tools


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26

Horoscope. Just better!

3H #2014shift
Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by
Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013

The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq

Information you never knew you wanted to know.

Your horoscope is happening in the real sky


The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools have O5 or Oberon V for core discreating
technique. O5 is like confession: once one has fully confessed negativity, one disposes of
it: in this way, a space for positivity is created. Manifestation happens within 5 minutes.

Make all of your best wishes come true today a. Encompass to materialize b your entire
0F 1F

treasure charts c set d. Optimize wish-come-true download from the astral domain e.
2F 3F 4F

Just do it! Make your entire magick universe f come true now! 5F

Why wait? Make all your wishes come true today g! 6F

Enjoy massive success as springing from newly opened h opportunities galore.


Makes lovers meet and join.

Win at trading stocks.
Makes every wish come true in record time.
Let the download of wishes-come-true from the astral domain be PCS i optimized. 8F

Change any future occurrences j. 9F

Hack k the matrix!


Cures every l illness m.

11F 12F

Why does a stellar map replace and encompass astral dolphin, triple rainbow and
pyramid? Because the RTRRT and Academic Zodiac are integrated with the 1008 Tarot
in perfect timing for the best timely results in astral wish-come-true download with the
PCS n.

Today soon.
This technique is for the astral gentlemen, lady magus.
Visualization tool. Plain paper, relief or video: usually visual tool. Also known as treasure map.
An organized aviary of wishes-come-true.
Personal Cosmic Secretary. Wishwheel.
Matrix Hacking.
Personal Cosmic Secretary. Requires some extra imagination but will do the job!
Future-changing. Also past.
Matrix Hacking.
Faux ego including: the very near-root of every disease and plague of mankind that default mind is.
Penal Cosmic Secretary.

Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW 6H

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX 7H

Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt 8H

MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO 9H

Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY

Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE

Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7

Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL 13H

MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi 14H

ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF 15H

Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0

INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd 17H

Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl 18H

O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO

Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx 20H

Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L 21H

Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw 22H

Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw 23H

Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO 24H

Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl 25H

Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb 26H

Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ 27H

PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc

Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk29H

O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4

Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe

Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E 32H

Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7 33H

Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM 34H

Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU 35H

Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4 36H


Ascendente Eridano versus ascendente Serpens Caput chi vince? Mentre Alpha
Serpentis comporta lascendente italiano recente, Eridano stando per angelo custode
dellest, rappresenta lascendente storico e con ci benefico, del nostro stivale. ||:|||

2003 VS2
Galactic Equator Ecliptic Equator
2001 SQ73 Altjira

2000 GM137
1996 TP66

Sedna Dioretsa
2002 XW93 Taurus 1996 RX33

2003 TG58

2004 XR190


2002 VR130
2002 VE95
2009 YE7
1994 TA "Pylenor" Orion

2002 VG131
Galactic Equator Equator
Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate 18:58:50 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/06 Azimuth: 090.0000 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456603.25 Altitude: +00.0000 Variable star


Astrologia diseducativa?

Zittita da un decreto: non si pu continuare a tollerare linfluenza diseducativa sulla

mente dei giovani mentre nellanno 2014 Venere entra in Scutum.

Dove sparito il gemellastro? Lascendente Gemelli non c come mai? Te lo aspetti ma

non esce a est. Invece a posto suo esce Cetus. Pisces e abbinato a Cetus. Trattandosi di 90
gradi derrore uno si domanda come certe superstizioni risultano praticate anche al giorno
doggi? Leffetto si chiama precessione. Lascendente Gemelli non esce a est gi da 5000
anni. Chi ci crede non stupido: solo temporaneamente disinformato. Solo i pi insistenti
ci credono. Le costellazioni zodiacali Scutum Sagittario, Capricornus, Pegaso, Ariete,
Auriga, Gemelli, Cancro, Bilancia, Scorpius non sono ascendenti per lepoca presente
sintende. Guardare il cielo per credere.

Lo zodiaco scientifico nazionale italiano 1972 2012


Luna nazionale in Sestante per unItalia se stante!


Il tuo zodiaco nato libero. Le tue stelle originali sono la tua terra astrale natia.
Una vita efficace rinuncia alle superstizioni, basandosi sui calcoli scientifici e con
ci efficaci. Prendi il corso giusto: scegli un cielo scientifico per i tuoi cari.
Il cammino astrale predetermina quello terreno: scegli tra 500 direzioni, evita
transiti sprecati, mal calcolati e futili: quelli che non capitano mai. Una direzione si
sceglie a memoria: bastano secondi per e.g. calcolare il giorno delle nozze

Vogliono che tu dimentichi chi sei, nascondendo il tuo angelo custode:

lascendente; dietro una nebbia dassurdit fabbricata: uno zodiaco fasullo che non
ha niente da fare con i tuoi cieli celesti natii.

Liberati dagli zodiaci falsi, impostici: scegli il tuo zodiaco nazionale: ventidue
costellazioni, ventisei estese per i Plutonostalgici.
Il Vaticano nuovo nasce con la Luna piena in Sestante per una fede se stante.


2001 XZ255

Cybele 2006 KZ39


2005 EB299
Ecliptic Ecliptic


2005 UJ438

2002 RN109

Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 33.0 33.2 33.4 33.6 33.8 34.0
Fiumestate 17:19:00 22 30' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/08/08 Ecliptic Lon: 164.6148 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456513.14 Ecliptic Lat: -00.7455 Variable star

Luna in Sestante Cybele sta per Vaticano.

Lo zodiaco accademico scientifico nazionale sfoggia ben dieci o (con Plutone)

quattordici costellazioni zodiacali nascoste allinsaputa anche di molti italiani
dove quello scientifico gi da qualche decennio orgogliosamente italiano.


Lo zodiaco gi italiano? Di nazionalit italiana, lo zodiaco sfoggia ben ventidue

(22) costellazioni, non necessariamente abbinate ai sedici (16) ascendenti.


Come l'Ordine dei Templari di Hugo Pagani, l'astrologia di nazionalit

strettamente italiana.

L'Italia firma lo zodiaco scientifico. Lo zodiaco accademico fa parte del patrimonio

culturale italiano. Nato negli anni settanta sfoggia una gloriosa Luna massonica in
Sestante e Plutone in Coma Berenices.


Vinteressa consultare le vostre vere costellazioni zodiacali e ascendentali?

Riferirsi al proprietario dello zodiaco. Il sito dellavatar Hayagrivananta sempre:

Lo zodiaco accademico essendo stato di servizio allumanit online sin dallanno 1973,
celebra lennesimo giubileo proprio nellanno delleone 2013 con il rientro dUrano in

#Zodiaco #nazionale #italiano http://ow.ly/ia9bX


#Italia #oroscopo http://www.scribd.com/doc/127921829/Zodiaco-Nazionale



Lastrologia per un mondo latino. Cosa significa? Che propone? Dato che nelle monarchie
settentrionali - uno zodiaco non si sfoggiava mai oltre a certe minime tracce di zodiaci
polacchi e tedeschi lastrologia di un mondo latino lo per invenzione, datosi che lo
zodiaco appunto appartiene al detto mondo.


Ascendente Gemelli - e tu ci credi? Trattandosi dei Gemelli che ascendevano a est 5000
anni or sonno, che cosa vedi ascendere nel cielo orientale aspettando i Gemelli? Risposta:
Ceto. Trattandosi di ben un quarto del cielo derrore (sic), invece dei Pesci uno si aspetta
Sagittario? Purtroppo no, e nemmeno Capricorno o Scorpione nessuna delle dette tre
costellazioni esce a est per lepoca presente (sic bis): e.g. nessuno che tu conosca, ha un
ascendente Bilancia, Gemelli o Ariete!

In parole povere? Datosi che lo zodiaco di nazionalit italiana, e quello che detta i
cambiamenti della mente del mondo; con la caduta del diavolo faccendoni imminente
nellera del Pegaso ^^ 2017.


cielo derrore zodiacale

Un quarto del cielo derrore nel tuo oroscopo.

Tra i molti segni oltre e.g. a quelli cardinali - che non nascono ad est i Gemelli.

Nessuno che tu sappia, ha un ascendente in Gemelli. Lascendente probabilmente Ceto o

Cetus. Stando sotto i Pesci, l;esperimento dimostra un errore non-lineare di ben un
quarto de; cielo derrore ascendentale con quello zodiacale che raggiunge ormai sette
segni tondi tondi.


Un piccolo ripasso dei centauri comincia con il primo centauro-rettile - Folo ascendente
in Ofiuco per il principe George nella sua terra senza zodiaco. Sebbene mai popolari nelle
terre monarchiche del nord; i centauri vivano nel sangue troiano e greco della popolazione

Siccome il Vaticano non ha niente contro lastronomia, la regola di Geova data ai Leviti
cosi applica: niente superstizione Caldea.

Your Secret Horoscope


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26

We know your horoscope.

3H #2014shift

Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by

Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013

The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq

Information you never knew you wanted to know.

Your horoscope is happening in the real sky

Sun in Virgo for Halloween
Nov 23 Sun in Libra Sai Baba birthday
2013 Uranus in Cetus 2012
2014 Venus in Scutum
2017 Venus in Pegasus ^^

The Venusian cycles as encapsulated within the present Aeon of Cetus range from Hydra
to Cetus and Scutum to Pegasus. 2014 stands for Scutum while 2017 stands for Pegasus.
2002 KY14 Galactic Equator Horizon

2003 LH7 Delphinus
Pisces Equuleus

QB243 1998 QE2
Aquarius Damocles
Equator 1999 OX3 Chiron Equator
2004 PD112
Borasisi Teharonhiawako Scutum
Olympia 2002 MS4
YORP 2000 PH5
Triton Moon
2007 OR10 Juno
Hephaistos 2004 OK14

Horus Alice
2004 OL12 Crantor Charon
Sagittarius C/
2010 SO16 Olympiada
Nessus Nemo
Voyager II
Hubble 20
Piscis Austrinus SW Venus Ecliptic
Pandora 2


Horizon Galactic Equator

Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate 22:02:12 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/09 R.A. (2013.9): 20h 52m 18.40s Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456606.38 Dec. (2013.9): -12 39' 51.2" Variable star

Trapped Moon.
Ecliptic Equator


YORP 2000 PH5


2004 OK14
Horizon W


2010 SO16 Voyager II

Ecliptic Capricornus
Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 32.0 32.2 32.4 32.6 32.8 33.0
Fiumestate 22:32:26 45 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/09 Azimuth: 249.4395 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456606.40 Altitude: +04.8478 Variable star
Don Qui
Leo Minor
Horizon Canes Venatici Horizon
2008 KV42


Bootes 2006 AA99

Coma Berenices
Makemake 2000 C
2004 DJ71 N
Amun (MPO 77284)
1998 BU48
Elatus Phobos
Ubasti Virgo
Ceres 2001 XZ255
Undina Vesta Apophis (MP
1999 XS35 2005 EB299
2002 DH5 2003 CP20
2001 FP185
Equator Ceto Voyager 2004
II DJ64 2002 RN109 Equator
2005 UJ438
C/2012 S1 ISON
Voyager I
Huya 2002 GB32 Cacus Khufu
1999 DE9
2004 DG77
2002 GZ32 1996 AS20 Typhon2004 XZ130
2004 JG60
Libra Field of view:
Viewed from: Local time: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate 22:02:12 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/09 Azimuth: 000.0000 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456606.38 Altitude: -25.0000 Variable star

Spica northern. The lovely star as prominent in Kalkis own horoscope.

1999 XS35 Undina
2003 CP20
2001 FP185

Voyager II Logos
2004 DJ64

Equator C/2012 S1 ISON

Voyager I

2002 GB32 1999

1996 AS20 200
Typhon 2004 XZ130
2004 JG60
2000 CO104

2002 FY36
2004 NE32

2005 EO302

2004 PR107

Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 32.0 32.2 32.4 32.6 32.8 33.0
Fiumestate 22:02:12 45 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/09 Azimuth: 000.0000 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456606.38 Altitude: -51.2500 Variable star

Piscis Austrinus
2000 WN10

SE Phoenix

Siding Spring Grus



Tucana Indus

Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate 22:02:12 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/09 Azimuth: 180.0000 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456606.38 Altitude: +00.0000 Variable star


Triangulum 2006 HW51

Altjira 2002 TX300 (MPO 39866)
Athor 2003 QD112
Phaedra 2003 QP112
Ecliptic Aries 2004 PY42
2002 TC302
2002 PN34

Nephele 1996 TO66 2002 KY14

1996 RX33 2002 PQ152
UR163 2002 QX47
2003 KQ20 Heracles
2002 UX25 (MPO 39866)
1995 SN55 2005 TN74
2003 QN112 Pisces
2000 GM137
Equator Equator
Isis 81P/Wild 1999 OX3 Chiron
Dioretsa Eris 2004 PD112
2003 QC112



Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate 22:02:12 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/09 Azimuth: 180.0000 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456606.38 Altitude: +55.0000 Variable star
Ecliptic 2002 PQ152
2001 UR163 2002 QX47
1992 QB1

2003 KQ20
2002 UX25 (MPO 39866)

1995 SN55 2005 TN74

2003 QN112


Equator Pelion Equator

81P/Wild Ecliptic
2003 QC112


Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 32.0 32.2 32.4 32.6 32.8 33.0
Fiumestate 22:02:12 45 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/09 Azimuth: 180.0000 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456606.38 Altitude: +46.2500 Variable star

Ecliptic Equator Galactic Equator
2007 OR10 Lyra
1998 QE2
Delphinus Sagitta
Damocles Vulpecula
YORP 2000 PH5


2010 SO16 Phaethon

W Capricornus W NW
Olympia Horizon

2004 OL12

Microscopium Alice

Hubble 2002 MS4


Nemo Charon
Sagittarius Ophiuchus
Okyrhoe 2000 FZ53

Voyager II
Pandora Olympiada
Galactic Equator Quaoar
Ecliptic Equator
Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate 22:02:12 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/09 Azimuth: 270.0000 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456606.38 Altitude: +00.0000 Variable star
Dark planets.
Vintage choice of centaurs and dwarf planets.
2003 UY292 j
Horizon Galactic Equator
2003 TG58
Lovejoy C/2010 X1 (Elenin) Ecliptic
2000 CR105
2002 VR130 2004 XR190 Taurus
1999 XX143 P/Shoemaker-Levy 91994 TA "Pylenor"
2003 UA118
Sila-Nunam Cancer

Atlantis Nephthys 2003 AZ84 (MPEC 2005-Y06)
2000 JZ15 2002 VE95
Sphinx 1996 PW Canis Minor 2002 VG131
2002 AA29 Thereus
2002 AW197 P/Halley
Equator E Equator
Sextans 2002 TK301

Orcus 2
Hydra Monoceros
Canis Major



Galactic Equator Horizon Lepus

Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate 22:02:12 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/09 R.A. (2013.9): 07h 16m 45.27s Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456606.38 Dec. (2013.9): +02 30' 00.0" Variable star


Why is this important? Even if you have never heard of guardian angel, there must be
something you believe in. Like truth.


You got a Gemini ascendant as an eloquent talkative communicator you are: a real social
media expert, yo!

Well? Thats not entirely accurate a at all.0F


You see, Gemini has not been rising ascending at east for 5000 years now. What is
rising at east when some default toy program for the masses b is expecting some zero

Gemini is of course not Gemini at all: it was Cetus a large zodiacal ascendant and Lord
of the Aeon c - which by the way lies below Pisces. It is not that the skies dont change

even against our wildest illusions as swinging between precession and flat Earth.


1) The Tarot is the zodiac.

2) There are 22 zodiacal constellations.
3) 16 ascendants rise at east.
4) Ones guardian angel is represented by one of the 16 ascendants d. 3F

5) Which zodiacal stations are not ascendants? Scutum, Sagittarius, Capricornus,

Pegasus, Aries, Auriga, Gemini, Cancer, Libra
6) Taurus rises at east only for 5 minutes every day: golden calf a taurine chance on
the market!
7) The 22 initiations are the 22 mysteries of the Tarot: zodiacal constellations.
8) The 16 guardian angels propose the elementary permutations.
9) Lodge #1622 SIRIVS is the Tarot.
10) Kalki e determined the Tarot

11) Hayagriva determined the Zodiac.

Politely for mega taurine bullshit.
For entertainment purposes only.
The present Aeon.
In Egypt, we had double the number of present days ascendants, making for versatility, diversity and baffling
Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsana uvaca.
12) As Kalki is Hayagriva so the Tarot is the Zodiac.
13) The Tarot expands from #1622 towards 1008.
14) The 1008 planets form the eternal horoscope of every moment.
15) God and NASA say 13 or 12 are falsity.
16) When zero Gemini is expected to rise in the eastern sky, Cetus rises instead.
17) As Cetus is below Pisces, the error is roughly 90 degrees!
18) Gemini does not rise at east f.

19) Gemini rose at east some 5000 years ago.

20) Cetus is the zodiacal ascendant of the present Aeon.
21) There are 67 horoscope signs.
22) Depending on the categorization of Eris and Pluto, there are also 43, 30, 28 and so
on horoscope signs.
23) Tarot = Zodiac.


There is a wheel in the sky with 12 animals which rise at east...

Must be one of those stories they have been telling children a sinister lullaby.


She knows by intuition that you have a Gemini ascendant, and so it happens that you do!

5000 BC

Or you could have it say 5000 years ago. Namely, the expected zero Gemini never
appears in the real sky: Cetus and Pisces rise instead. Dont worry: the error is merely 90
degrees or something: no one will notice g. 6F

For the present epoch.

Are there 67 horoscope signs? Yes.

How is this possible? One should ask how 13 or 12 are possible instead.

What are the 30? One of the intermediary results.

22? Number of zodiacal stations.

16? Ascendants h. 7F


The change is coming, New Golden Age!


What changes with 2014? This is the first time for all practical purposes that Venus
enters Scutum. Scutum is one of the standard 22 zodiacal stations and thus one of the 67
signs of the zodiac. You probably had 13 in mind? That would be rather amateurish.


How do we reckon Lucifers comings? We take that in the wake of Venus in Pegasus - as
falling into Cetus sensitive initiates have been inspired in picturing Venus as the

In fact, no one did!
For the current epoch.
indomitable she-devil she is. A popular image of a falling batman issued. Dante on his
own hellbound initiation must have been inspired! We call that first recent contact the
first coming. True, there have been biblical comings one at least as rendered in the
Bible. These ancient comings are scheduled for printing 2014 2017.

First Coming of Lucifer - Dantesque Venus in Pegasus

Second Coming of Lucifer - 2014 Aeon Shift
Third Coming of Lucifer 2017 ^^ Age of Pegasus II
Fourth Coming of Lucifer - Venus in Pegasus ^^ Bis


The safest way for others especially spiritually advanced is to follow superstition
upon superstition. If that dubious diet makes you vomit, here is your winter Sun

2013-Oct-31 Vir
2013-Nov-01 Lib
2013-Nov-23 Lib
2013-Nov-24 Sco
2013-Nov-25 Sco
2013-Nov-26 Sco
2013-Nov-27 Sco
2013-Nov-28 Sco
2013-Nov-29 Sco
2013-Nov-30 Oph
2013-Dec-01 Oph
2013-Dec-02 Oph
2013-Dec-03 Oph
2013-Dec-04 Oph
2013-Dec-05 Oph
2013-Dec-06 Oph
2013-Dec-07 Oph
2013-Dec-08 Oph
2013-Dec-09 Oph
2013-Dec-10 Oph
2013-Dec-11 Oph
2013-Dec-12 Oph
2013-Dec-13 Oph
2013-Dec-14 Oph
2013-Dec-15 Oph
2013-Dec-16 Oph
2013-Dec-17 Oph
2013-Dec-18 Oph
2013-Dec-19 Sgr
2014-Jan-01 Sgr

MAYAN 2014 2017

The Venusian extremes hit the zodiac on the wake of the Aeon of Cetus. If 2012 was
about Uranus in Cetus, 2014 is about Venus in Scutum as 2017 is exalted ^^ in Pegasus.


Your favorite Gemini ascendant has not been rising at east for the past 5000 years.
What is rising at east?


Touch your destiny: reshape it. Now that you know who you are, you are omnipotent.


No one you know can possibly have a Capricorn, Sagittarius or Scorpio ascendant at all.
Moreover, no friends of yours can have an Aries, Libra or Gemini ascendant at all. Does
Cancer rise at east? No. Stay tuned for the full list of non-rising ascendants.


Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.
7H 8H

Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet 1: the original zodiac as shared by all j
0F 9F

astronomical observatories across the planet and off-planet 2 as well.


SKY #QuarterSky

Did you know that when zero Gemini is expected to rise at east, Cetus ascends instead?
Conquer of your natal skies by obtaining your real natal ascendant! Your real natal
ascendant is your guardian angel. Thus, when zero Gemini is expected at east, Cetus
rises instead. Since Cetus is below Pisces, ascendant offset is 1/4 one quarter of the sky.


Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.


The pun is on India.
Alixe has Moon ascending in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans and Venus in Orion. Her Juno
hovers in zodiacal Scutum while her Pluto sits at the ascendant of the USA in Serpens


Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.


The skies do not rotate according to any tradition at all, but according to precession.
Thus, your own natal skies will always gloriously disobey any tradition, of which to
be honest there is seldom any. This is particularly true through stalled environments as
wanting for an upgrade and update.


The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools have O5 or Oberon V for core discreating
technique. O5 is like confession: once one has fully confessed negativity, one disposes of
it: in this way, a space for positivity is created. Manifestation happens within 5 minutes.

22 zodiacal signs.
16 ascendants 4. 3F

Pluto nostalgic 5? Enjoy 26 zodiacal signs 6.

4F 5F

More Sun-signs? Workable 15, extended to 16.

Cartesian house system: works everywhere 7: ocean floor 8, Himalaya 9, 6F 7F 8F

spacecraft 10. 9F

1008 delineated planets: the complete solar system is yours for the taking!

1008 Planets http://ar.gy/3lD8


Full services catalog for the current year along with elaborations on the times we live in as marked by the zodiacal constellation like Pegasus,
Scutum, Eridanus, Hydra or Cetus. As future scanning ideally proceeds future-changing, the stress is in a detailed acquaintance with the Academic
Zodiac and ascendant set in an RTRRT Instant Magick initiate. All initiations can be accomplished by self-initiation as presented within our
RTRRT and Academic Zodiac series.


1) ANGEL (prosperity) http://ow.ly/8tP3h 11H

2) POWER (money) http://ow.ly/8tP2F


3) DREAM (bogeyman) http://ow.ly/8tP2k 13H

4) BARYCENTER (real estate) http://ow.ly/8tP1M 14H

5) RIVAL (competition) http://ow.ly/8tP1s 15H

6) NETHERWORLD (employees) http://ow.ly/8tOZW 16H

7) ENEMIES (devil) http://ow.ly/8tOYJ


8) IMMORTALITY (death discreation) http://ow.ly/8tOXI 18H

9) ASTRAL (scouts) http://ow.ly/8tOXp

10)AIM (godhead) http://ow.ly/8tOWx


11)LOVE (protection) http://ow.ly/8tOVK


12)NIRVANA - (illumination) http://ow.ly/8tOVq


Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsananantalaxmi uvaca

The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
Cruithne-based charts and spacecraft births have been presented some two decades ago.


Verify your personality. Who are you, really? Take advantage of your real natal stars!


Ascendant in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Xo9

Moon in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XtW
Mercury in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XBm
Venus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XEX
Sun in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XKd
Mars in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XNj
Jupiter in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XP9
Saturn in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XRm
Uranus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XTV
Neptune in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XVD
Pluto in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XY5
Eris in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y1r
Quaoar in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y4L
Ixion in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y8L
Pholus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Ycy
Comets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Yf4
Planets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7YhX


13 + 13 = 26

While the 13 solar stations are a simple fact this end of superstition, the total number of zodiacal stations is 26 Pluto permitting. In other words,
the 26 zodiac is a Pluto nostalgia affair: for those who want Pluto back, the number of zodiacal stations is still 26.

Aries http://ow.ly/hg4jc
Taurus http://ow.ly/hg4np
Gemini http://ow.ly/hg4rn
Cancer http://ow.ly/hg4xx
Leo http://ow.ly/hg55T
Virgo http://ow.ly/hg5nS
Libra http://ow.ly/hg5lL
Scorpio http://ow.ly/hg5qs
Sagittarius http://ow.ly/hg5z6
Capricorn http://ow.ly/hg5Kc
Aquarius http://ow.ly/hg5S4
Pisces http://ow.ly/hg5Wt


Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX
Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO
Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY
Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE
Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7
Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi
ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF
Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0
INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd
Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl
O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO
Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx
Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L
Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw
Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw
Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO
Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl
Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb
Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ
PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc
Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk
O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4
Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe
Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E
Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7
Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM
Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU
Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4
For the current epoch.
43 for Eris-nostalgic.
IAU Constellations.
Other planets, asteroids, comets and in fact everywhere in a three-dimensional space.
Sea quake!
Lama incarnation calculus.
On trip to Cruithne? We got your horoscopes!

#2014Shift #NewMom #NewAge #Prosperity #Abundance


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26

Horoscope. Just better!

3H #2014shift
Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by
Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013

The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq

Information you never knew you wanted to know.

Your horoscope is happening in the real sky

Sun in Virgo for Halloween
Nov 23 Sun in Libra Sai Baba birthday
2013 Uranus in Cetus 2012
2014 Venus in Scutum
2017 Venus in Pegasus ^^

The Venusian cycles as encapsulated within the present Aeon of Cetus range from Hydra
to Cetus and Scutum to Pegasus. 2014 stands for Scutum while 2017 stands for Pegasus.
2001C/2012 Ecliptic
Haumea Vesta
Ceres 2005 EB299
Undina Equator
2003 CP20
Logos 20052002
UJ438 RN109
1999 XS35 2004 DJ64
Voyager II 2004 XZ130
DE9 DG77
2001 FP185 Voyager I
Serpens 2002 DH5
2004 JG60 Typhon Crater
1996 XY60
Cybele 2000 CO104
Ceto 2002 GB32
2002 FY36

2004 XP14
2004 NE322005 EO302
2008 SO218
Equator 2002 GZ32 Mercury
Libra Deucalion
2004 PR107
Talos Eunomia
2002 CA249
1999 HD12 1999 KW4 Hathor
2001 XA255 2005 VJ119 2004 GV9
2004 CJ39 1999 JV127 Ra-Shalom (M
Adria LINEAR (MPC 49591)
1996 AR20
Horizon 2006 KZ39 2001 BL41 Centaurus
Ptah S
SE Horizon
Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate 09:12:01 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/02 Azimuth: 153.4657 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456598.84 Altitude: +29.4230 Variable star

The Moon is with avatar Kalkis luckiest star Spica Virginis a. 0F

See also Aspectarian #60
Equator Ecliptic 1999 DE9
2001 FP185 Voyager I

2004 JG60

2004 XY60
1996 AS20
Cybele 2000 CO104
2002 GB32

2002 FY36
Moon Rhadamanthus


2004 XP14
2004 NE32 2005 EO302

2008 SO218

2004 PR107


Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 32.0 32.2 32.4 32.6 32.8 33.0
Fiumestate 09:12:01 45 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/02 Azimuth: 153.4657 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456598.84 Altitude: +29.4230 Variable star
Don Quixote
Leo Minor
Coma Berenices

Amun (MPO 77284)

Stentor 2006 AA99

Leo 2000 CR105

2004 DJ71
Virgo 1999 XX143
Neith Ecliptic
2001 FP185 1998 BU48 Sila-Nunam Cancer
1999 XS35 Ceres
Undina Lilith
Vesta Deimos
2001 XZ255 Atlantis Nephthys
Voyager II 2003 CP20 C/2012 S1 ISON
2002 GB32 2004Logos
DJ64 2005 EB299 Apophis (MPEC 2005-Q02)
2004 JG60 Voyager I Sphinx
1996 AS20 2004 XZ130 20052002
2004 XY60 2002 AA29
Cybele Khufu
Typhon Cacus
1999 DE9 2002 AW197
2000 CO104 2004 DG77
2004 NE32 Moon Sextans P/Halley
2002 FY36
2005 EO302
Crater Orcus

Corvus Hydra
Eunomia 2004 XP14


Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate 09:12:01 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/02 Azimuth: 194.0868 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456598.84 Altitude: +49.2661 Variable star

Comet ISON separates from Mars

Pholus haunts the eastern ascendant as rendered along with the 17 dark planets b. 1F

Dark Planets horoscope analysis. The Halloween black magick lodge congress as adorn with Mercury and Saturn
gets pierced through by the Devils Rose. Pluto is with Sappho. ISON and Mars approach Protheus. The Spica Moon
is with Janus.
Ecliptic Equator
2006 AA99 1999
2000 CR105

Canes Venatici
2004 DJ71 2002 AA29
NE Atlantis E
Horizon 2002 AW197 Horizon

Stentor Apophis (MPEC 2005-Q02)


Amun (MPO 77284) Deimos

Coma Berenices
Sextans Pallas
1998 BU48
C/2012 S1 ISON
2001 XZ255
2005 EB299 Khufu
2002 RN109
2005 UJ438
2003 CP20

Undina 2004Moon
XZ130 Cruithne (MPO 57
Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate 01:39:56 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/10/31 Azimuth: 067.1138 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456596.49 Altitude: -08.4240 Variable star

Halloween Mars Chiron opposition.

1996 TO66
2002 PQ152
2002 QX47 2002 KY14
2003 KQ20 Heracles
2003 LH7 Delphinus
2005 TN74
Umbriel Equuleus
1998 QE2
Pelion 81P/Wild 1999 OX3 Chiron Aquarius
Equator Damocles Equator
2004 PD112
2003 QC112 Borasisi
2007 OR10 YORP 2000 PH5
2004 OK14 Capricornus


2004 OL12
Piscis Austrinus

2010 SO16
Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate 01:39:56 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/10/31 R.A. (2013.8): 22h 35m 15.28s Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456596.49 Dec. (2013.8): -10 42' 45.9" Variable star

Neptune cluster with Chiron.


QB243 Horizon

Ecliptic W
Equator Aquarius Equator

1999 OX3
Chiron Da
2004 PD112



2007 OR10



Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 32.0 32.2 32.4 32.6 32.8 33.0
Fiumestate 01:39:56 45 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/10/31 R.A. (2013.8): 22h 35m 15.28s Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456596.49 Dec. (2013.8): -08 12' 45.9" Variable star
Equator 1999 OX3 Chiron Aquarius Equator
Ecliptic Damocles
2004 PD112




2007 OR10

2004 OK14



Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Piscis Austrinus

Magnitudes: 32.0 32.2 32.4 32.6 32.8 33.0
Fiumestate 22:06:23 45 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/06/10 R.A. (2013.4): 22h 23m 06.58s Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456454.34 Dec. (2013.4): -13 15' 16.8" Variable star

Neptune 2007 OR10 angular minimum for the present year 2013.
2000 CR105
2004 DJ71

1998 BU48

Undina Elatus Ecliptic
Vesta Deimos
2001 XZ255 Atlantis

Voyager II C/2012 S1 ISON

2003 CP20
2004 DJ64 2005 EB299 Apophis (MPEC 2005-Q02)

2004 XZ130 2005 UJ438

2002 RN109

Ecliptic Khufu
1999 DE9

2004 DG77 Sextans Equator

Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 32.0 32.2 32.4 32.6 32.8 33.0
Fiumestate 09:12:01 45 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/02 Azimuth: 194.0868 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456598.84 Altitude: +49.2661 Variable star
Ecliptic Varuna2003 UY292
2003 UA118
P/Halley Cyllarus
2000 SN331
G anymede
2003 AZ84 (MPEC 2005-Y06)
2000 JZ15 Gemini
1996 PW P/Shoemaker-Levy
C/2010 X1
9 (Elenin) Auriga
2003 WL7
2005 VB123Galactic Equator

2001 SQ73
Canis Minor 1994 TA "Pylenor" 2002 XW93

2002 VR130

2003 VS2
2002 TK301 Chaos
Monoceros 2003 UW292
2003 TG58
1996 TP66 Asbolus
2004 XR190
2002 VG131 Altjira
Galactic Equator
Orion Horizon
Horizon Canis Major 2002 VE95 NW
Taurus Athor

2003 QD1
1996 RX33

Equator Ecliptic
Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate 09:12:01 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/02 Azimuth: 283.5594 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456598.84 Altitude: +13.0470 Variable star
Galactic Equator
Delphinus Aquila
Ophiuchus Serpens
2000 FZ53 Ub

Scutum Pholus Huya
2002 MS4 Okyrhoe
Olympia 2002 GZ32

1999 HD12 2008 S

Quaoar 2001 XA255 Talos Libra
Juno Capricornus 1999 KW4
Q2 (Machholz) H
2004 OK14 Crantor Charon
Pluto Olympiada Hathor
Alice Icke Lameia2002
Ecliptic Horus Sagittarius 2006 RH120 Anubis
KX14 Ecliptic
2004 OL12 Voyager II 2003 CO1
Venus Ixion 2006 KZ39 2004 CJ39
Nemo Ptah
2007 JJ43 1996 AR20
Pandora 2005 VJ1
Hubble 2001 BL41
2010 SO16 Chariklo

2007 JG43 Galactic Equator Horizon
Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Corona Australis
Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate 09:12:01 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/02 Ecliptic Lon: 268.2846 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456598.84 Ecliptic Lat: +07.6984 Variable star

Venus has been just released from the Halloween grip of reptilian Ophiuchus and off she
hunts freely in Sagittarius!
The ascendant of the #magic4all hash tag matches the selfsame Serpens Cauda
Ophiuchus ascendant of the USA and Kim Kardashian to perfection!
Equator Ecliptic
2000 FZ53

1999 KW4
1999 HD12
2001 XA255
2004 C
Galactic Equator 2
Vulpecula 2006 KZ39
NE E Ptah S
2007 JJ43
2002 KX14
Okyrhoe Lameia

Sagitta Quaoar
Hylonome 2006 RH120
2002 MS4
C/2004 Q2 (Machholz)
Scutum Olympiada
2003 CO1

Venus Amycus Chariklo

Delphinus Equator Ecliptic Galactic Equator
Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate 09:12:01 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/02 Azimuth: 090.0000 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456598.84 Altitude: +00.0000 Variable star


1) The Tarot is the zodiac.

2) There are 22 zodiacal constellations.
3) 16 ascendants rise at east.
4) Ones guardian angel is represented by one of the 16 ascendants c. 2F

5) Which zodiacal stations are not ascendants? Scutum, Sagittarius, Capricornus,

Pegasus, Aries, Auriga, Gemini, Cancer, Libra

In Egypt, we had double the number of present days ascendants, making for versatility, diversity and baffling
6) Taurus rises at east only for 5 minutes every day: golden calf a taurine chance on
the market!
7) The 22 initiations are the 22 mysteries of the Tarot: zodiacal constellations.
8) The 16 guardian angels propose the elementary permutations.
9) Lodge #1622 SIRIVS is the Tarot.
10) Kalki d determined the Tarot

11) Hayagriva determined the Zodiac.

12) As Kalki is Hayagriva so the Tarot is the Zodiac.
13) The Tarot expands from #1622 towards 1008.
14) The 1008 planets form the eternal horoscope of every moment.
15) God and NASA say 13 or 12 are falsity.
16) When zero Gemini is expected to rise in the eastern sky, Cetus rises instead.
17) As Cetus is below Pisces, the error is roughly 90 degrees!
18) Gemini does not rise at east e. 4F

19) Gemini rose at east some 5000 years ago.

20) Cetus is the zodiacal ascendant of the present Aeon.
21) There are 67 horoscope signs.
22) Depending on the categorization of Eris and Pluto, there are also 43, 30, 28 and so
on horoscope signs.
23) Tarot = Zodiac.


There is a wheel in the sky with 12 animals which rise at east...

Must be one of those stories they have been telling children a sinister lullaby.

Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsana uvaca.
For the present epoch.
Atlantis Nephthy
Virgo Elatus Deimos
Undina Vesta 2001 XZ255 Apophis (MPEC 2005-Q02)
1999 XS35 C/2012 S1 ISON Sphinx
2003 CP202005 EB299
2002 DH5 2001 FP185 II Logos
Voyager 2004 2002 AA29
RN109 2002 AW197
2004 XZ130 Khufu
Voyager I
Cacus Sextans
Equator 2004 JG60 1999 DE9 Equator
2004 DG77
2002 GB32 AS20XY60 Typhon
2000 CO104 Orcus
2002 FY36 Crater
2004 NE32 Hydra
2005 EO302
Hyperion Mercury
Iapetus Sun
Phoebe Corvus
2004 XP14
2004 PR107 Pallas

Ecliptic 2002 CA249

2005 VJ119 2004 GV9 Cruithne (MPO 57622)

Adria 1999 JV127 Antlia

LINEAR (MPC 49591)

Centaurus Ra-Shalom (MPO 57621)
Horizon Horizon
S Galactic Equator
Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0 Vela
Fiumestate 09:12:01 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/02 Azimuth: 180.0000 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456598.84 Altitude: +27.5000 Variable star
Coma Berenices
2006 AA99

Amun (MPO 77284) 2000 CR105 Ecliptic
Haumea Leo 2004 DJ71 1999 XX143 Sila-Nunam
Neith Lilith

1998 BU48 Nephthys

Virgo Deimos
Undina Vesta 2001 XZ255 Apophis (MPEC
2002 DH5 1999 XS35 C/2012 S1 ISON
2001 FP185 2003 CP20 2005 EB299 2002 AA29
II Logos
Voyager2004 DJ64 2002 AW197
Equator 2004 XZ130 Khufu Equator
Voyager I Sextans
2002 GB32 2004 JG60 Cacus
1999 DE9
AS20 2004 DG77
Cybele XY60 Typhon
2000 CO104
2002 FY36 Crater Hydra
2004 NE32
Iapetus Sun
Tethys 2005 EO302
Phoebe Mercury
Deucalion Pallas
2004 PR107
2004 XP14
Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate 09:12:01 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/02 Azimuth: 180.0000 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456598.84 Altitude: +50.0000 Variable star

Horizon Horizon
Triangulum Andromeda

2003 QD112 Pegasus

2002 TX300 (MPO2006 HW51
2002 TC302 Bienor
2004 PY42 2003 QP112
116P/Wild 2002 PN34

2001 UR163 1996 TO66

1992 QB1 2002 PQ152
2002 QX47 2002 KY14
2002 UX25 (MPO 39866)
2003 KQ20 Heracles 2003 LH7
1995 SN55
2005 TN74
2003 QN112 Equuleus
Oberon 19
Equator 2003
Pelion Dam
Isis Aquarius
Eris 81P/Wild 1999 OX3 Chiron
2003 QC112 2004 PD112
Borasisi Teharonhiawako
Cetus Neptune
Triton YORP
Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate 09:12:01 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/02 Azimuth: 000.0000 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456598.84 Altitude: -27.5000 Variable star


She knows by intuition that you have a Gemini ascendant, and so it happens that you do!

5000 BC

Or you could have it say 5000 years ago. Namely, the expected zero Gemini never
appears in the sky: Cetus and Pisces rise instead. Dont worry: the error is merely 90
degrees or something: no one will notice f. 5F


In fact, no one did!
Since man is no source for information, it rejects it on account of ones last authority
cloud. In other words: one does exactly what one has been told to: damage ones own life
on account of trusted sources. Gemini is merely an example. This constellation has not
been rising at east for 5000 years: still people address each other as Gemini ascendant.

Are there 67 horoscope signs? Yes.

How is this possible? One should ask how 13 or 12 are possible instead.

What are the 30? One of the intermediary results.

22? Number of zodiacal stations.

16? Ascendants g. 6F


The change is coming, New Golden Age!


What changes with 2014? This is the first time for all practical purposes that Venus
enters Scutum. Scutum is one of the standard 22 zodiacal stations and thus one of the 67
signs of the zodiac. You probably had 13 in mind? That would be rather amateurish.

For the current epoch.

How do we reckon Lucifers comings? We take that in the wake of Venus in Pegasus - as
falling into Cetus sensitive initiates have been inspired in picturing Venus as the
indomitable she-devil she is. A popular image of a falling batman issued. Dante on his
own hellbound initiation must have been inspired! We call that first recent contact the
first coming. True, there have been biblical comings one at least as rendered in the
Bible. These ancient comings are scheduled for printing 2014 2017.

First Coming of Lucifer - Dantesque Venus in Pegasus

Second Coming of Lucifer - 2014 Aeon Shift
Third Coming of Lucifer 2017 ^^ Age of Pegasus II
Fourth Coming of Lucifer - Venus in Pegasus ^^ Bis


The safest way for others especially spiritually advanced is to follow superstition
upon superstition. If that dubious diet makes you vomit, here is your winter Sun

2013-Oct-31 Vir
2013-Nov-01 Lib
2013-Nov-23 Lib
2013-Nov-24 Sco
2013-Nov-25 Sco
2013-Nov-26 Sco
2013-Nov-27 Sco
2013-Nov-28 Sco
2013-Nov-29 Sco
2013-Nov-30 Oph
2013-Dec-01 Oph
2013-Dec-02 Oph
2013-Dec-03 Oph
2013-Dec-04 Oph
2013-Dec-05 Oph
2013-Dec-06 Oph
2013-Dec-07 Oph
2013-Dec-08 Oph
2013-Dec-09 Oph
2013-Dec-10 Oph
2013-Dec-11 Oph
2013-Dec-12 Oph
2013-Dec-13 Oph
2013-Dec-14 Oph
2013-Dec-15 Oph
2013-Dec-16 Oph
2013-Dec-17 Oph
2013-Dec-18 Oph
2013-Dec-19 Sgr
2014-Jan-01 Sgr

MAYAN 2014 2017

The Venusian extremes hit the zodiac on the wake of the Aeon of Cetus. If 2012 was
about Uranus in Cetus, 2014 is about Venus in Scutum as 2017 is exalted ^^ in Pegasus.


Your favorite Gemini ascendant has not been rising at east for the past 5000 years.
What is rising at east?


Touch your destiny: reshape it. Now that you know who you are, you are omnipotent.


No one you know can possibly have a Capricorn, Sagittarius or Scorpio ascendant at all.
Moreover, no friends of yours can have an Aries, Libra or Gemini ascendant at all. Does
Cancer rise at east? No. Stay tuned for the full list of non-rising ascendants.

Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.


6H 7H

Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet 1: the original zodiac as shared by all i
0F 8F

astronomical observatories across the planet and off-planet 2 as well.


SKY #QuarterSky

Did you know that when zero Gemini is expected to rise at east, Cetus ascends instead?
Conquer of your natal skies by obtaining your real natal ascendant! Your real natal
ascendant is your guardian angel. Thus, when zero Gemini is expected at east, Cetus
rises instead. Since Cetus is below Pisces, ascendant offset is 1/4 one quarter of the sky.


Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.

The pun is on India.
Alixe has Moon ascending in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans and Venus in Orion. Her Juno
hovers in zodiacal Scutum while her Pluto sits at the ascendant of the USA in Serpens


Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.


The skies do not rotate according to any tradition at all, but according to precession.
Thus, your own natal skies will always gloriously disobey any tradition, of which to
be honest there is seldom any. This is particularly true through stalled environments as
wanting for an upgrade and update.


The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools have O5 or Oberon V for core discreating
technique. O5 is like confession: once one has fully confessed negativity, one disposes of
it: in this way, a space for positivity is created. Manifestation happens within 5 minutes.

22 zodiacal signs.
16 ascendants 4. 3F

Pluto nostalgic 5? Enjoy 26 zodiacal signs 6.

4F 5F

More Sun-signs? Workable 15, extended to 16.

Cartesian house system: works everywhere 7: ocean floor 8, Himalaya 9, 6F 7F 8F

spacecraft 10. 9F

1008 delineated planets: the complete solar system is yours for the taking!

Amun (MPO 77284) 2000 CR105 Ecliptic
Leo Can
2004 DJ71
1999 XX143
Haumea Neith Sila-Nunam

1998 BU48
Virgo Deimos
Ceres Sphinx
Apophis (MPEC 2005-Q02)
Undina Vesta 2001 XZ255
1999 XS35 C/2012 S1 ISON
2002 AA29
2001 FP185 2003 CP202005 EB299 2002 AW197
Logos Equator
Voyager 2004
Equator Sextans
2004 XZ130 Khufu
Voyager I

2002 GB32 2004 JG60 Cacus

1999 DE9
1996 AS20 2004 DG77
2004 XY60 Typhon Orcus
2000 CO104

Moon Crater
Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate 09:56:56 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/11/02 Azimuth: 177.9472 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456598.83 Altitude: +51.0491 Variable star
1008 Planets http://ar.gy/3lD8

Full services catalog for the current year along with elaborations on the times we live in as marked by the zodiacal constellation like Pegasus,
Scutum, Eridanus, Hydra or Cetus. As future scanning ideally proceeds future-changing, the stress is in a detailed acquaintance with the Academic
Zodiac and ascendant set in an RTRRT Instant Magick initiate. All initiations can be accomplished by self-initiation as presented within our
RTRRT and Academic Zodiac series.


1) ANGEL (prosperity) http://ow.ly/8tP3h


2) POWER (money) http://ow.ly/8tP2F


3) DREAM (bogeyman) http://ow.ly/8tP2k


4) BARYCENTER (real estate) http://ow.ly/8tP1M 13H

5) RIVAL (competition) http://ow.ly/8tP1s


6) NETHERWORLD (employees) http://ow.ly/8tOZW 15H

7) ENEMIES (devil) http://ow.ly/8tOYJ


8) IMMORTALITY (death discreation) http://ow.ly/8tOXI 17H

9) ASTRAL (scouts) http://ow.ly/8tOXp


10)AIM (godhead) http://ow.ly/8tOWx


11)LOVE (protection) http://ow.ly/8tOVK


12)NIRVANA - (illumination) http://ow.ly/8tOVq 21H

Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsananantalaxmi uvaca

The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
Cruithne-based charts and spacecraft births have been presented some two decades ago.

Verify your personality. Who are you, really? Take advantage of your real natal stars!


Ascendant in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Xo9

Moon in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XtW
Mercury in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XBm
Venus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XEX
Sun in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XKd
Mars in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XNj
Jupiter in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XP9
Saturn in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XRm
Uranus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XTV
Neptune in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XVD
Pluto in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XY5
Eris in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y1r
Quaoar in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y4L
Ixion in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y8L
Pholus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Ycy
Comets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Yf4
Planets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7YhX


13 + 13 = 26

While the 13 solar stations are a simple fact this end of superstition, the total number of zodiacal stations is 26 Pluto permitting. In other words,
the 26 zodiac is a Pluto nostalgia affair: for those who want Pluto back, the number of zodiacal stations is still 26.

Aries http://ow.ly/hg4jc
Taurus http://ow.ly/hg4np
Gemini http://ow.ly/hg4rn
Cancer http://ow.ly/hg4xx
Leo http://ow.ly/hg55T
Virgo http://ow.ly/hg5nS
Libra http://ow.ly/hg5lL
Scorpio http://ow.ly/hg5qs
Sagittarius http://ow.ly/hg5z6
Capricorn http://ow.ly/hg5Kc
Aquarius http://ow.ly/hg5S4
Pisces http://ow.ly/hg5Wt


Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX
Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO
Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY
Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE
Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7
Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi
ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF
Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0
INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd
Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl
O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO
Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx
Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L
Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw
Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw
Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO
Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl
Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb
Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ
PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc
Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk
O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4
Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe
Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E
Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7
Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM
Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU
Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4
For the current epoch.
43 for Eris-nostalgic.
IAU Constellations.
Other planets, asteroids, comets and in fact everywhere in a three-dimensional space.
Sea quake!
Lama incarnation calculus.
On trip to Cruithne? We got your horoscopes!
Sample analysis for the Dark Planets chart one year from now. Jupiter stands Olympus in
supreme guard of the 9th cusp. Mercury and Node get enticed by Thanateros. Devils Rose
pierces through the Venus Sun congress. Saturn is with Kybele. Aspected Vesta gets
tempted by Lamia aka Nemesis. Pluto is with Sappho.
How was 9-11 Predicted

Elementary Astrology


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26

Horoscope. Just better!

3H #2014shift
Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by
Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013

The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq

Information you never knew you wanted to know.

Your horoscope is happening in the real sky


The Venusian cycles as encapsulated within the present Aeon of Cetus range from Hydra
to Cetus and Scutum to Pegasus. 2014 stands for Scutum while 2017 stands for Pegasus.

Sun in Virgo for Halloween

Nov 23 Sun in Libra Sai Baba birthday
2013 Uranus in Cetus 2012
2014 Venus in Scutum
2017 Venus in Pegasus ^^
9-11 forms an example of rather a prominent, thus easily predictable event.
The prediction took four parameters: lunar position, horizontal Eris position,
therefore location and horoscope proper of known terrorist.
The subsequent crash at Queens was predicted as well a. 0F

Default mind can not possibly conceive of simple arithmetic magick prediction.

Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.

Among the horoscopes offered, the proper one was easily chosen for known
terrorist; which matched the lunar position in perfection. See publications galore.


1) The Tarot is the zodiac.

2) There are 22 zodiacal constellations.
3) 16 ascendants rise at east.
4) Ones guardian angel is represented by one of the 16 ascendants b. 1F

5) Which zodiacal stations are not ascendants? Scutum, Sagittarius, Capricornus,

Pegasus, Aries, Auriga, Gemini, Cancer, Libra
6) Taurus rises at east only for 5 minutes every day: golden calf a taurine chance on
the market!
7) The 22 initiations are the 22 mysteries of the Tarot: zodiacal constellations.
8) The 16 guardian angels propose the elementary permutations.
9) Lodge #1622 SIRIVS is the Tarot.
10) Kalki c determined the Tarot

11) Hayagriva determined the Zodiac.

Authorities, civil and military were warned by e-mail which no one reads at all; besides USENET posts galore.
IN EGYPT, we had double the number of present days ascendants, making for versatility, diversity and baffling
Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsana uvaca.
12) As Kalki is Hayagriva so the Tarot is the Zodiac.
13) The Tarot expands from #1622 towards 1008.
14) The 1008 planets form the eternal horoscope of every moment.
15) God and NASA say 13 or 12 are falsity.
16) When zero Gemini is expected to rise in the eastern sky, Cetus rises instead.
17) As Cetus is below Pisces, the error is roughly 90 degrees!
18) Gemini does not rise at east d.

19) Gemini rose at east some 5000 years ago.

20) Cetus is the zodiacal ascendant of the present Aeon.
21) There are 67 horoscope signs.
22) Depending on the categorization of Eris and Pluto, there are also 43, 30, 28 and so
o horoscope signs.
23) Tarot = Zodiac.


There is a wheel in the sky with 12 animals which rise at east...

Must be one of those stories they have been telling children a sinister lullaby.


She knows by intuition that you have a Gemini ascendant, and so it happens that you do!

5000 BC

Or you could have it say 5000 years ago. Namely, the expected zero Gemini never
appears in the sky: Cetus and Pisces rise instead. Dont worry: the error is merely 90
degrees or something: no one will notice e. 4F

For the present epoch.

Since man is no source for information, it rejects it on account of ones last authority
cloud. In other words: one does exactly what one has been told to: damage ones own life
on account of trusted sources. Gemini is merely an example. This constellation has not
been rising at east for 5000 years: still people address each other as Gemini ascendant.

Are there 67 horoscope signs? Yes.

How is this possible? One should ask how 13 or 12 are possible instead.

What are the 30? One of the intermediary results.

22? Number of zodiacal stations.

16? Ascendants f. 5F


The change is coming, New Golden Age!


In fact, no one did!
For the current epoch.
What changes with 2014? This is the first time for all practical purposes that Venus
enters Scutum. Scutum is one of the standard 22 zodiacal stations and thus one of the 67
signs of the zodiac. You probably had 13 in mind? That would be rather amateurish.


How do we reckon Lucifers comings? We take that in the wake of Venus in Pegasus - as
falling into Cetus sensitive initiates have been inspired in picturing Venus as the
indomitable she-devil she is. A popular image of a falling batman issued. Dante on his
own hellbound initiation must have been inspired! We call that first recent contact the
first coming. True, there have been biblical comings one at least as rendered in the
Bible. These ancient comings are scheduled for printing 2014 2017.

First Coming of Lucifer - Dantesque Venus in Pegasus

Second Coming of Lucifer - 2014 Aeon Shift
Third Coming of Lucifer 2017 ^^ Age of Pegasus II
Fourth Coming of Lucifer - Venus in Pegasus ^^ Bis


The safest way for others especially spiritually advanced is to follow superstition
upon superstition. If that dubious diet makes you vomit, here is your winter Sun

2013-Oct-31 Vir
2013-Nov-01 Lib
2013-Nov-23 Lib
2013-Nov-24 Sco
2013-Nov-25 Sco
2013-Nov-26 Sco
2013-Nov-27 Sco
2013-Nov-28 Sco
2013-Nov-29 Sco
2013-Nov-30 Oph
2013-Dec-01 Oph
2013-Dec-02 Oph
2013-Dec-03 Oph
2013-Dec-04 Oph
2013-Dec-05 Oph
2013-Dec-06 Oph
2013-Dec-07 Oph
2013-Dec-08 Oph
2013-Dec-09 Oph
2013-Dec-10 Oph
2013-Dec-11 Oph
2013-Dec-12 Oph
2013-Dec-13 Oph
2013-Dec-14 Oph
2013-Dec-15 Oph
2013-Dec-16 Oph
2013-Dec-17 Oph
2013-Dec-18 Oph
2013-Dec-19 Sgr
2014-Jan-01 Sgr

MAYAN 2014 2017

The Venusian extremes hit the zodiac on the wake of the Aeon of Cetus. If 2012 was
about Uranus in Cetus, 2014 is about Venus in Scutum as 2017 is exalted ^^ in Pegasus.


Your favorite Gemini ascendant has not been rising at east for the past 5000 years.
What is rising at east?


Touch your destiny: reshape it. Now that you know who you are, you are omnipotent.


Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.
No one you know can possibly have a Capricorn, Sagittarius or Scorpio ascendant at all.
Moreover, no friends of yours can have an Aries, Libra or Gemini ascendant at all. Does
Cancer rise at east? No. Stay tuned for the full list of non-rising ascendants.



6H 7H

Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet 1: the original zodiac as shared by all h
0F 7F

astronomical observatories across the planet and off-planet 2 as well.


SKY #QuarterSky

Did you know that when zero Gemini is expected to rise at east, Cetus ascends instead?
Conquer of your natal skies by obtaining your real natal ascendant! Your real natal
ascendant is your guardian angel. Thus, when zero Gemini is expected at east, Cetus
rises instead. Since Cetus is below Pisces, ascendant offset is 1/4 one quarter of the sky.

The pun is on India.

Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.


Alixe has Moon ascending in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans and Venus in Orion. Her Juno
hovers in zodiacal Scutum while her Pluto sits at the ascendant of the USA in Serpens


The skies do not rotate according to any tradition at all, but according to precession.
Thus, your own natal skies will always gloriously disobey any tradition, of which to
be honest there is seldom any. This is particularly true through stalled environments as
wanting for an upgrade and update.


The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools have O5 or Oberon V for core discreating
technique. O5 is like confession: once one has fully confessed negativity, one disposes of
it: in this way, a space for positivity is created. Manifestation happens within 5 minutes.

22 zodiacal signs.
16 ascendants 4. 3F

Pluto nostalgic 5? Enjoy 26 zodiacal signs 6.

4F 5F

More Sun-signs? Workable 15, extended to 16.

Cartesian house system: works everywhere 7: ocean floor 8, Himalaya 9, 6F 7F 8F

spacecraft 10. 9F

1008 delineated planets: the complete solar system is yours for the taking!

1008 Planets http://ar.gy/3lD8


Full services catalog for the current year along with elaborations on the times we live in as marked by the zodiacal constellation like Pegasus,
Scutum, Eridanus, Hydra or Cetus. As future scanning ideally proceeds future-changing, the stress is in a detailed acquaintance with the Academic
Zodiac and ascendant set in an RTRRT Instant Magick initiate. All initiations can be accomplished by self-initiation as presented within our
RTRRT and Academic Zodiac series.


1) ANGEL (prosperity) http://ow.ly/8tP3h 10H

2) POWER (money) http://ow.ly/8tP2F


3) DREAM (bogeyman) http://ow.ly/8tP2k 12H

4) BARYCENTER (real estate) http://ow.ly/8tP1M 13H

5) RIVAL (competition) http://ow.ly/8tP1s 14H

6) NETHERWORLD (employees) http://ow.ly/8tOZW 15H

7) ENEMIES (devil) http://ow.ly/8tOYJ


8) IMMORTALITY (death discreation) http://ow.ly/8tOXI 17H

9) ASTRAL (scouts) http://ow.ly/8tOXp

10)AIM (godhead) http://ow.ly/8tOWx


11)LOVE (protection) http://ow.ly/8tOVK


12)NIRVANA - (illumination) http://ow.ly/8tOVq


Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsananantalaxmi uvaca

The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
Cruithne-based charts and spacecraft births have been presented some two decades ago.


Verify your personality. Who are you, really? Take advantage of your real natal stars!


Ascendant in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Xo9

Moon in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XtW
Mercury in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XBm
Venus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XEX
Sun in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XKd
Mars in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XNj
Jupiter in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XP9
Saturn in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XRm
Uranus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XTV
Neptune in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XVD
Pluto in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XY5
Eris in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y1r
Quaoar in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y4L
Ixion in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y8L
Pholus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Ycy
Comets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Yf4
Planets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7YhX


13 + 13 = 26

While the 13 solar stations are a simple fact this end of superstition, the total number of zodiacal stations is 26 Pluto permitting. In other words,
the 26 zodiac is a Pluto nostalgia affair: for those who want Pluto back, the number of zodiacal stations is still 26.

Aries http://ow.ly/hg4jc
Taurus http://ow.ly/hg4np
Gemini http://ow.ly/hg4rn
Cancer http://ow.ly/hg4xx
Leo http://ow.ly/hg55T
Virgo http://ow.ly/hg5nS
Libra http://ow.ly/hg5lL
Scorpio http://ow.ly/hg5qs
Sagittarius http://ow.ly/hg5z6
Capricorn http://ow.ly/hg5Kc
Aquarius http://ow.ly/hg5S4
Pisces http://ow.ly/hg5Wt


Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX
Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO
Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY
Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE
Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7
Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi
ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF
Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0
INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd
Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl
O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO
Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx
Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L
Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw
Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw
Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO
Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl
Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb
Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ
PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc
Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk
O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4
Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe
Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E
Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7
Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM
Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU
Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4
For the current epoch.
43 for Eris-nostalgic.
IAU Constellations.
Other planets, asteroids, comets and in fact everywhere in a three-dimensional space.
Sea quake!
Lama incarnation calculus.
On trip to Cruithne? We got your horoscopes!

Divide your natal Waters


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26

Horoscope. Just better!

3H #2014shift
Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by
Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013

The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq

Information you never knew you wanted to know.

Your horoscope is happening in the real sky


The Venusian cycles as encapsulated within the present Aeon of Cetus range from Hydra
to Cetus and Scutum to Pegasus. 2014 stands for Scutum while 2017 stands for Pegasus.

Sun in Virgo for Halloween

Nov 23 Sun in Libra Sai Baba birthday
2013 Uranus in Cetus 2012
2014 Venus in Scutum
2017 Venus in Pegasus ^^
108 planets are refinement. Divination comes first.
The best diviner is toddler, then florist and then butcher.
The toddler learns quickly less than 20 minutes of initiation.
A toddler has good memory, some persistence and excellent mathematics.
Toddlers are usually not contaminated by the general stupidity of the world.
Toddlers also inspire invention, e.g. the submarine a. 0F

Let toddler breathe through your true natal waters.

His calculi are simple, his methods direct: no secret in express divination.
1008 planets, minute Moon and ascendant ephemeris are refinement.
The primitive backwaters of the world present a computer.
As if a computer could divine the day of your next marriage!
As armed with a computer program, the novel diviner knows no Sun sign.
The best human computer is toddler, then florist and butcher only then.
The best prerequisite is to know nothing about faux astrology for masses.
He who knows nothing makes progress fast.
A toddler can predict death to a whole bunch of astrologers before the
computer boots.
A toddler will therefore sort out and calculate events for a dozen
astrologers much before they open their programs.
These programs are unable to tell you anything. They use amateurish
transits, which can not predict much; and that because erroneous.
The little amateur programs for entertainment cant even tell you your Sun
sign. People play with them in their idle hours for entertainment only. Of
course, if there would be a single Astrologer on your continent: hed easily
predict 9-11 and the alike: become one! Become the first astrologer non
your own continent in order to avert dire events like WW3 & WW4! Of

Not exactly, but we are standing on the very bridge where one inspired Leonardo towards a similar scuba invention.
course, only one of the 144000 qualifies: the 6 666 666 666 are perused by
default mind: thus incapable of going on.
Minor provocations as submarine vs LA or two fighting jets down can be
predicted by a single glance at e.g. zodiacal ascendant Cetus. Also: the
movement of troops and submarines as well can be astrologically tracked
and predicted as well: see e.g. the Ata prediction maps for Baghdad b. 1F


1) The Tarot is the zodiac.

2) There are 22 zodiacal constellations.
3) 16 ascendants rise at east.
4) Ones guardian angel is represented by one of the 16 ascendants c. 2F

5) Which zodiacal stations are not ascendants? Scutum, Sagittarius, Capricornus,

Pegasus, Aries, Auriga, Gemini, Cancer, Libra
6) Taurus rises at east only for 5 minutes every day: golden calf a taurine chance on
the market!
7) The 22 initiations are the 22 mysteries of the Tarot: zodiacal constellations.
8) The 16 guardian angels propose the elementary permutations.
9) Lodge #1622 SIRIVS is the Tarot.
10) Kalki d determined the Tarot

11) Hayagriva determined the Zodiac.

12) As Kalki is Hayagriva so the Tarot is the Zodiac.
13) The Tarot expands from #1622 towards 1008.
14) The 1008 planets form the eternal horoscope of every moment.
Lot of material was removed by easily stirred protective administrators as stirred in turn by jealous nobodies who
pretend to astrologer title. These asinine fellows are of the 6 666 666 666: no hell for them.
In Egypt, we had double the number of present days ascendants, making for versatility, diversity and baffling
Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsana uvaca.
15) God and NASA say 13 or 12 are falsity.
16) When zero Gemini is expected to rise in the eastern sky, Cetus rises instead.
17) As Cetus is below Pisces, the error is roughly 90 degrees!
18) Gemini does not rise at east e.

19) Gemini rose at east some 5000 years ago.

20) Cetus is the zodiacal ascendant of the present Aeon.
21) There are 67 horoscope signs.
22) Depending on the categorization of Eris and Pluto, there are also 43, 30, 28 and so
o horoscope signs.
23) Tarot = Zodiac.


There is a wheel in the sky with 12 animals which rise at east...

Must be one of those stories they have been telling children a sinister lullaby.


She knows by intuition that you have a Gemini ascendant, and so it happens that you do!

5000 BC

Or you could have it say 5000 years ago. Namely, the expected zero Gemini never
appears in the sky: Cetus and Pisces rise instead. Dont worry: the error is merely 90
degrees or something: no one will notice f. 5F


For the present epoch.
In fact, no one did!
Since man is no source for information, it rejects it on account of ones last authority
cloud. In other words: one does exactly what one has been told to: damage ones own life
on account of trusted sources. Gemini is merely an example. This constellation has not
been rising at east for 5000 years: still people address each other as Gemini ascendant.

Are there 67 horoscope signs? Yes.

How is this possible? One should ask how 13 or 12 are possible instead.

What are the 30? One of the intermediary results.

22? Number of zodiacal stations.

16? Ascendants g. 6F


The change is coming, New Golden Age!


What changes with 2014? This is the first time for all practical purposes that Venus
enters Scutum. Scutum is one of the standard 22 zodiacal stations and thus one of the 67
signs of the zodiac. You probably had 13 in mind? That would be rather amateurish.

For the current epoch.

How do we reckon Lucifers comings? We take that in the wake of Venus in Pegasus - as
falling into Cetus sensitive initiates have been inspired in picturing Venus as the
indomitable she-devil she is. A popular image of a falling batman issued. Dante on his
own hellbound initiation must have been inspired! We call that first recent contact the
first coming. True, there have been biblical comings one at least as rendered in the
Bible. These ancient comings are scheduled for printing 2014 2017.

First Coming of Lucifer - Dantesque Venus in Pegasus

Second Coming of Lucifer - 2014 Aeon Shift
Third Coming of Lucifer 2017 ^^ Age of Pegasus II
Fourth Coming of Lucifer - Venus in Pegasus ^^ Bis


The safest way for others especially spiritually advanced is to follow superstition
upon superstition. If that dubious diet makes you vomit, here is your winter Sun

2013-Oct-31 Vir
2013-Nov-01 Lib
2013-Nov-23 Lib
2013-Nov-24 Sco
2013-Nov-25 Sco
2013-Nov-26 Sco
2013-Nov-27 Sco
2013-Nov-28 Sco
2013-Nov-29 Sco
2013-Nov-30 Oph
2013-Dec-01 Oph
2013-Dec-02 Oph
2013-Dec-03 Oph
2013-Dec-04 Oph
2013-Dec-05 Oph
2013-Dec-06 Oph
2013-Dec-07 Oph
2013-Dec-08 Oph
2013-Dec-09 Oph
2013-Dec-10 Oph
2013-Dec-11 Oph
2013-Dec-12 Oph
2013-Dec-13 Oph
2013-Dec-14 Oph
2013-Dec-15 Oph
2013-Dec-16 Oph
2013-Dec-17 Oph
2013-Dec-18 Oph
2013-Dec-19 Sgr
2014-Jan-01 Sgr

MAYAN 2014 2017

The Venusian extremes hit the zodiac on the wake of the Aeon of Cetus. If 2012 was
about Uranus in Cetus, 2014 is about Venus in Scutum as 2017 is exalted ^^ in Pegasus.


Your favorite Gemini ascendant has not been rising at east for the past 5000 years.
What is rising at east?


Touch your destiny: reshape it. Now that you know who you are, you are omnipotent.


No one you know can possibly have a Capricorn, Sagittarius or Scorpio ascendant at all.
Moreover, no friends of yours can have an Aries, Libra or Gemini ascendant at all. Does
Cancer rise at east? No. Stay tuned for the full list of non-rising ascendants.

Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.


6H 7H

Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet 1: the original zodiac as shared by all i
0F 8F

astronomical observatories across the planet and off-planet 2 as well.


SKY #QuarterSky

Did you know that when zero Gemini is expected to rise at east, Cetus ascends instead?
Conquer of your natal skies by obtaining your real natal ascendant! Your real natal
ascendant is your guardian angel. Thus, when zero Gemini is expected at east, Cetus
rises instead. Since Cetus is below Pisces, ascendant offset is 1/4 one quarter of the sky.


Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.

The pun is on India.
Alixe has Moon ascending in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans and Venus in Orion. Her Juno
hovers in zodiacal Scutum while her Pluto sits at the ascendant of the USA in Serpens


The skies do not rotate according to any tradition at all, but according to precession.
Thus, your own natal skies will always gloriously disobey any tradition, of which to
be honest there is seldom any. This is particularly true through stalled environments as
wanting for an upgrade and update.


The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools have O5 or Oberon V for core discreating
technique. O5 is like confession: once one has fully confessed negativity, one disposes of
it: in this way, a space for positivity is created. Manifestation happens within 5 minutes.


22 zodiacal signs.
16 ascendants 4. 3F

Pluto nostalgic 5? Enjoy 26 zodiacal signs 6.

4F 5F

More Sun-signs? Workable 15, extended to 16.

Cartesian house system: works everywhere 7: ocean floor 8, Himalaya 9, 6F 7F 8F

spacecraft 10. 9F

1008 delineated planets: the complete solar system is yours for the taking!

1008 Planets http://ar.gy/3lD8


Full services catalog for the current year along with elaborations on the times we live in as marked by the zodiacal constellation like Pegasus,
Scutum, Eridanus, Hydra or Cetus. As future scanning ideally proceeds future-changing, the stress is in a detailed acquaintance with the Academic
Zodiac and ascendant set in an RTRRT Instant Magick initiate. All initiations can be accomplished by self-initiation as presented within our
RTRRT and Academic Zodiac series.


1) ANGEL (prosperity) http://ow.ly/8tP3h 10H

2) POWER (money) http://ow.ly/8tP2F


3) DREAM (bogeyman) http://ow.ly/8tP2k 12H

4) BARYCENTER (real estate) http://ow.ly/8tP1M 13H

5) RIVAL (competition) http://ow.ly/8tP1s 14H

6) NETHERWORLD (employees) http://ow.ly/8tOZW 15H

7) ENEMIES (devil) http://ow.ly/8tOYJ


8) IMMORTALITY (death discreation) http://ow.ly/8tOXI 17H

9) ASTRAL (scouts) http://ow.ly/8tOXp


10)AIM (godhead) http://ow.ly/8tOWx


11)LOVE (protection) http://ow.ly/8tOVK


12)NIRVANA - (illumination) http://ow.ly/8tOVq 21H

Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsananantalaxmi uvaca
The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
Cruithne-based charts and spacecraft births have been presented some two decades ago.


Verify your personality. Who are you, really? Take advantage of your real natal stars!


Ascendant in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Xo9

Moon in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XtW
Mercury in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XBm
Venus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XEX
Sun in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XKd
Mars in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XNj
Jupiter in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XP9
Saturn in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XRm
Uranus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XTV
Neptune in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XVD
Pluto in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XY5
Eris in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y1r
Quaoar in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y4L
Ixion in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y8L
Pholus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Ycy
Comets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Yf4
Planets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7YhX


13 + 13 = 26

While the 13 solar stations are a simple fact this end of superstition, the total number of zodiacal stations is 26 Pluto permitting. In other words,
the 26 zodiac is a Pluto nostalgia affair: for those who want Pluto back, the number of zodiacal stations is still 26.

Aries http://ow.ly/hg4jc
Taurus http://ow.ly/hg4np
Gemini http://ow.ly/hg4rn
Cancer http://ow.ly/hg4xx
Leo http://ow.ly/hg55T
Virgo http://ow.ly/hg5nS
Libra http://ow.ly/hg5lL
Scorpio http://ow.ly/hg5qs
Sagittarius http://ow.ly/hg5z6
Capricorn http://ow.ly/hg5Kc
Aquarius http://ow.ly/hg5S4
Pisces http://ow.ly/hg5Wt


Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW
Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX
Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO
Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY
Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE
Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7
Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi
ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF
Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0
INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd
Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl
O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO
Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx
Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L
Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw
Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw
Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO
Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl
Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb
Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ
PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc
Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk
O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4
Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe
Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E
Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7
Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM
Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU
Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4
For the current epoch.
43 for Eris-nostalgic.
IAU Constellations.
Other planets, asteroids, comets and in fact everywhere in a three-dimensional space.
Sea quake!
Lama incarnation calculus.
On trip to Cruithne? We got your horoscopes!

There are two Types


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26

Horoscope. Just better!

3H #2014shift
Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by
Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013

The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq

Information you never knew you wanted to know.

Your horoscope is happening in the real sky


The Venusian cycles as encapsulated within the present Aeon of Cetus range from Hydra
to Cetus and Scutum to Pegasus. 2014 stands for Scutum while 2017 stands for Pegasus.

Sun in Virgo for Halloween

Nov 23 Sun in Libra Sai Baba birthday
2013 Uranus in Cetus 2012
2014 Venus in Scutum
2017 Venus in Pegasus ^^

There are two types.

The toddler who divines by heart in the street you shoeshine boy.
The fat prevaricator at his desk who never divines anything.
The first type learned it all in twenty minutes. The second never learned anything.
The first type has to know how to count to ten in order to tell the moment of your
next marriage.
The second type dies from sudden and unexpected death.
Now, what happens when they meet? The shoeshine boy of course immediately
predicts the moment of death of his client not knowing said dead mans trade.
The client of course has no idea how said shoeshine boy divined for him.
He says: Boy: I am a famous astrologer. The boy does not understand. Never
heard of. He merely divines horoscopes by heart. Took him 20 minutes to learn the
art. The butcher and florist by the corner entertain their customers as well. For
them, Astrology is easy divination. Since their hands are busy serving customers,
they perform the Art by memory by heart as it was always performed from
temples to marketplaces.
Then, there is the Astrologer a. Always one, Hayagriva. Kalki. Dozens of names

Hayagrivanantasesanagasankarsana uvaca

The bringer of the zodiac.

1) The Tarot is the zodiac.

2) There are 22 zodiacal constellations.
3) 16 ascendants rise at east.
4) Ones guardian angel is represented by one of the 16 ascendants b. 1F

5) Which zodiacal stations are not ascendants? Scutum, Sagittarius, Capricornus,

Pegasus, Aries, Auriga, Gemini, Cancer, Libra
6) Taurus rises at east only for 5 minutes every day: golden calf a taurine chance on
the market!
7) The 22 initiations are the 22 mysteries of the Tarot: zodiacal constellations.
8) The 16 guardian angels propose the elementary permutations.
9) Lodge #1622 SIRIVS is the Tarot.
10) Kalki c determined the Tarot

11) Hayagriva determined the Zodiac.

12) As Kalki is Hayagriva so the Tarot is the Zodiac.
13) The Tarot expands from #1622 towards 1008.
14) The 1008 planets form the eternal horoscope of every moment.
15) God and NASA say 13 or 12 are falsity.
16) When zero Gemini is expected to rise in the eastern sky, Cetus rises instead.
17) As Cetus is below Pisces, the error is roughly 90 degrees!
18) Gemini does not rise at east d. 3F

19) Gemini rose at east some 5000 years ago.

20) Cetus is the zodiacal ascendant of the present Aeon.
21) There are 67 horoscope signs.

IN EGYPT, we had double the number of present days ascendants, making for versatility, diversity and baffling
Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsana uvaca.
For the present epoch.
22) Depending on the categorization of Eris and Pluto, there are also 43, 30, 28 and so
o horoscope signs.
23) Tarot = Zodiac.


There is a wheel in the sky with 12 animals which rise at east...

Must be one of those stories they have been telling children a sinister lullaby.


She knows by intuition that you have a Gemini ascendant, and so it happens that you do!

5000 BC

Or you could have it say 5000 years ago. Namely, the expected zero Gemini never
appears in the sky: Cetus and Pisces rise instead. Dont worry: the error is merely 90
degrees or something: no one will notice e. 4F


Since man is no source for information, it rejects it on account of ones last authority
cloud. In other words: one does exactly what one has been told to: damage ones own life
on account of trusted sources. Gemini is merely an example. This constellation has not
been rising at east for 5000 years: still people address each other as Gemini ascendant.

In fact, no one did!
Are there 67 horoscope signs? Yes.

How is this possible? One should ask how 13 or 12 are possible instead.

What are the 30? One of the intermediary results.

22? Number of zodiacal stations.

16? Ascendants f. 5F


The change is coming, New Golden Age!


What changes with 2014? This is the first time for all practical purposes that Venus
enters Scutum. Scutum is one of the standard 22 zodiacal stations and thus one of the 67
signs of the zodiac. You probably had 13 in mind? That would be rather amateurish.


How do we reckon Lucifers comings? We take that in the wake of Venus in Pegasus - as
falling into Cetus sensitive initiates have been inspired in picturing Venus as the
indomitable she-devil she is. A popular image of a falling batman issued. Dante on his

For the current epoch.
own hellbound initiation must have been inspired! We call that first recent contact the
first coming. True, there have been biblical comings one at least as rendered in the
Bible. These ancient comings are scheduled for printing 2014 2017.

First Coming of Lucifer - Dantesque Venus in Pegasus

Second Coming of Lucifer - 2014 Aeon Shift
Third Coming of Lucifer 2017 ^^ Age of Pegasus II
Fourth Coming of Lucifer - Venus in Pegasus ^^ Bis


The safest way for others especially spiritually advanced is to follow superstition
upon superstition. If that dubious diet makes you vomit, here is your winter Sun

2013-Oct-31 Vir
2013-Nov-01 Lib
2013-Nov-23 Lib
2013-Nov-24 Sco
2013-Nov-25 Sco
2013-Nov-26 Sco
2013-Nov-27 Sco
2013-Nov-28 Sco
2013-Nov-29 Sco
2013-Nov-30 Oph
2013-Dec-01 Oph
2013-Dec-02 Oph
2013-Dec-03 Oph
2013-Dec-04 Oph
2013-Dec-05 Oph
2013-Dec-06 Oph
2013-Dec-07 Oph
2013-Dec-08 Oph
2013-Dec-09 Oph
2013-Dec-10 Oph
2013-Dec-11 Oph
2013-Dec-12 Oph
2013-Dec-13 Oph
2013-Dec-14 Oph
2013-Dec-15 Oph
2013-Dec-16 Oph
2013-Dec-17 Oph
2013-Dec-18 Oph
2013-Dec-19 Sgr
2014-Jan-01 Sgr

MAYAN 2014 2017

The Venusian extremes hit the zodiac on the wake of the Aeon of Cetus. If 2012 was
about Uranus in Cetus, 2014 is about Venus in Scutum as 2017 is exalted ^^ in Pegasus.


Your favorite Gemini ascendant has not been rising at east for the past 5000 years.
What is rising at east?


Touch your destiny: reshape it. Now that you know who you are, you are omnipotent.


No one you know can possibly have a Capricorn, Sagittarius or Scorpio ascendant at all.
Moreover, no friends of yours can have an Aries, Libra or Gemini ascendant at all. Does
Cancer rise at east? No. Stay tuned for the full list of non-rising ascendants.


Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.
6H 7H

Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet 1: the original zodiac as shared by all h
0F 7F

astronomical observatories across the planet and off-planet 2 as well.


SKY #QuarterSky

Did you know that when zero Gemini is expected to rise at east, Cetus ascends instead?
Conquer of your natal skies by obtaining your real natal ascendant! Your real natal
ascendant is your guardian angel. Thus, when zero Gemini is expected at east, Cetus
rises instead. Since Cetus is below Pisces, ascendant offset is 1/4 one quarter of the sky.


Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.


The pun is on India.
Alixe has Moon ascending in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans and Venus in Orion. Her Juno
hovers in zodiacal Scutum while her Pluto sits at the ascendant of the USA in Serpens


The skies do not rotate according to any tradition at all, but according to precession.
Thus, your own natal skies will always gloriously disobey any tradition, of which to
be honest there is seldom any. This is particularly true through stalled environments as
wanting for an upgrade and update.


The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools have O5 or Oberon V for core discreating
technique. O5 is like confession: once one has fully confessed negativity, one disposes of
it: in this way, a space for positivity is created. Manifestation happens within 5 minutes.


22 zodiacal signs.
16 ascendants 4. 3F

Pluto nostalgic 5? Enjoy 26 zodiacal signs 6.

4F 5F

More Sun-signs? Workable 15, extended to 16.

Cartesian house system: works everywhere 7: ocean floor 8, Himalaya 9, 6F 7F 8F

spacecraft 10. 9F

1008 delineated planets: the complete solar system is yours for the taking!

1008 Planets http://ar.gy/3lD8


Full services catalog for the current year along with elaborations on the times we live in as marked by the zodiacal constellation like Pegasus,
Scutum, Eridanus, Hydra or Cetus. As future scanning ideally proceeds future-changing, the stress is in a detailed acquaintance with the Academic
Zodiac and ascendant set in an RTRRT Instant Magick initiate. All initiations can be accomplished by self-initiation as presented within our
RTRRT and Academic Zodiac series.


1) ANGEL (prosperity) http://ow.ly/8tP3h 10H

2) POWER (money) http://ow.ly/8tP2F


3) DREAM (bogeyman) http://ow.ly/8tP2k 12H

4) BARYCENTER (real estate) http://ow.ly/8tP1M 13H

5) RIVAL (competition) http://ow.ly/8tP1s 14H

6) NETHERWORLD (employees) http://ow.ly/8tOZW 15H

7) ENEMIES (devil) http://ow.ly/8tOYJ


8) IMMORTALITY (death discreation) http://ow.ly/8tOXI 17H

9) ASTRAL (scouts) http://ow.ly/8tOXp


10)AIM (godhead) http://ow.ly/8tOWx


11)LOVE (protection) http://ow.ly/8tOVK


12)NIRVANA - (illumination) http://ow.ly/8tOVq 21H

Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsananantalaxmi uvaca
The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
Cruithne-based charts and spacecraft births have been presented some two decades ago.


Verify your personality. Who are you, really? Take advantage of your real natal stars!


Ascendant in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Xo9

Moon in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XtW
Mercury in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XBm
Venus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XEX
Sun in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XKd
Mars in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XNj
Jupiter in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XP9
Saturn in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XRm
Uranus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XTV
Neptune in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XVD
Pluto in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XY5
Eris in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y1r
Quaoar in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y4L
Ixion in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y8L
Pholus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Ycy
Comets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Yf4
Planets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7YhX


13 + 13 = 26

While the 13 solar stations are a simple fact this end of superstition, the total number of zodiacal stations is 26 Pluto permitting. In other words,
the 26 zodiac is a Pluto nostalgia affair: for those who want Pluto back, the number of zodiacal stations is still 26.

Aries http://ow.ly/hg4jc
Taurus http://ow.ly/hg4np
Gemini http://ow.ly/hg4rn
Cancer http://ow.ly/hg4xx
Leo http://ow.ly/hg55T
Virgo http://ow.ly/hg5nS
Libra http://ow.ly/hg5lL
Scorpio http://ow.ly/hg5qs
Sagittarius http://ow.ly/hg5z6
Capricorn http://ow.ly/hg5Kc
Aquarius http://ow.ly/hg5S4
Pisces http://ow.ly/hg5Wt


Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW
Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX
Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO
Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY
Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE
Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7
Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi
ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF
Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0
INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd
Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl
O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO
Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx
Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L
Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw
Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw
Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO
Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl
Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb
Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ
PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc
Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk
O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4
Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe
Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E
Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7
Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM
Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU
Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4
For the current epoch.
43 for Eris-nostalgic.
IAU Constellations.
Other planets, asteroids, comets and in fact everywhere in a three-dimensional space.
Sea quake!
Lama incarnation calculus.
On trip to Cruithne? We got your horoscopes!
Illuminati Tarot Initiation

Real Sky Astrology


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26

Horoscope. Just better!

3H #2014shift
Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by
Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013

The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq

Information you never knew you wanted to know.

Your horoscope is happening in the real sky


The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools have O5 or Oberon V for core discreating
technique. O5 is like confession: once one has fully confessed negativity, one disposes of
it: in this way, a space for positivity is created. Manifestation happens within 5 minutes.
1) The Tarot is the zodiac.
2) There are 22 zodiacal constellations.
3) 16 ascendants rise at east.
4) Ones guardian angel is represented by one of the 16 ascendants a. 0F

5) Which zodiacal stations are not ascendants? Scutum, Sagittarius, Capricornus,

Pegasus, Aries, Auriga, Gemini, Cancer, Libra
6) Taurus rises at east for only 5 minutes every day: golden calf a taurine chance on
the market!
7) The 22 initiations are the 22 mysteries of the Tarot: zodiacal constellations.
8) The 16 guardian angels propose the elementary permutations.
9) Lodge #1622 SIRIVS is the Tarot.
10) Kalki b determined the Tarot

11) Hayagriva determined the Zodiac.

12) As Kalki is Hayagriva so the Tarot is the Zodiac.
13) The Tarot expands from #1622 towards 1008.
14) The 1008 planets form the eternal horoscope of every moment.
15) God and NASA say 13 or 12 are falsity.
16) When zero Gemini is expected to rise in the eastern sky, Cetus rises instead.
17) As Cetus is below Pisces, the error is roughly 90 degrees!
18) Gemini does not rise at east c. 2F

19) Gemini rose at east some 5000 years ago.

20) Cetus is the zodiacal ascendant of the present Aeon.
21) There are 67 horoscope signs.
22) Depending on the categorization of Eris and Pluto, there are also 43, 30, 28 and so
o horoscope signs.
23) Tarot = Zodiac.

IN EGYPT, we had double the number of present days ascendants, making for versatility, diversity and baffling
Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsana uvaca.
For the present epoch.

Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW 6H

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX 7H

Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt 8H

MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO 9H

Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY

Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE

Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7

Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL 13H

MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi 14H

ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF 15H

Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0

INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd 17H

Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl 18H

O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO

Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx 20H

Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L 21H

Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw 22H

Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw 23H

Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO 24H

Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl 25H

Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb 26H

Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ 27H

PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc

Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk29H

O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4

Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe

Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E 32H

Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7 33H

Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM 34H

Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU 35H

Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4 36H

Did you know that when zero Gemini is expected to ascends at east, Cetus rises instead?
Conquer of skies by obtaining your real guardian angel natal ascendant!

#2014shift Your horoscope has 67 signs http://lulu.com/astrology



The horoscope just got larger by a planet or two: how many zodiacal signs do we have
today? How many ascendants? How soupy is your stellar smorgasbord? What about some
frozen potato potpourris? Ready for the 1008 planets salmagundi? What do we have here
is a galactic indigestion of zodiacs, ascendant sets and planets galore. Eat your soup!


Horoscopes 1H For
Professional Astrologers



Alice has Moon rising in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans along with Venus in Orion.
Her Juno discretely slips into zodiacal Scutum while Pluto sits on the ascendant of
the USA in Serpens Cauda. Now what about her giant comets, dwarf planets,
centaurs, Apoheles, dark planets and classes of objects of interest?
Copyright 2012 by Klaudio Zic. First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2012 http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology The Academic

Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2012 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The Academic Zodiac
is privately owned 1972 2012 by Klaudio Zic.

E-mail: http://scr.im/rtrrt


The Academic Zodiac 1973 has overturned a long-held assumption that the number of
zodiacal stations was only 13 or 14. Prior to the present classification of Eris and Pluto,
the zodiac had 26, even 43 (sic) stations. The number of zodiacal stations is 22. The
present number of ascendants is 16.

New Zodiac ~ New Natal Ascendant

16 ascendants
22 zodiacal stations

5000 publications

Now that you know your true Sun sign,
your astrological adventure is about to begin!

Caution, tropical = sidereal astrology can seriously damage your horoscope!

Come back to the lap of your real Nu natal skies.
Leave the nonexistent stars to nonexistent people.

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2010, http://www.lulu.com/astrology. Copyright 1972 - 2011 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The names of dedicated publications are
normally given in italics.

Your horoscope from the stars

Copyright 2010 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology



Are you an astrologer? Would you like to be informed about the real positions of your
planets? Than this service is for you 2. And the best is that it comes of your own design!


Would you like to focus on detail as concern your horoscope? Not only giant comets but
also tiny centaurs influence your natal configuration. When it comes to prediction,
accurate planetary positions determine the result to the minute. Thus, for extra fine tuning
of your karma, we peruse the secondary angular directions, an exclusive astronomic
technique in astrological prediction.


Where do your natal data come from? Scientific astrology is powered by authoritative
sources. Your main references are SIMBAD, NASA JPL and the Harvard MPC.

All dwarf planets are delineated in the 12 traditional houses of the horoscope 3 4.
2F 3F

JPL/DASTCOM3 Small-body Search Results 2009-May-19 02:41:07

Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H

-------- -------- ------------- -------------------------
1 1983 (undefined) Ceres 3.34
2 2001 (undefined) Pallas 4.13
4 1981 (undefined) Vesta 3.20
19308 1998 1996 TO66 [...unnamed...] 4.50
19521 1999 1998 WH24 Chaos 4.90
20000 2001 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70
24835 1999 1995 SM55 [...unnamed...] 4.80
26375 2002 1999 DE9 [...unnamed...] 4.70
28978 2000 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20
38628 2002 2000 EB173 Huya 4.70
42301 2000 2001 UR163 [...unnamed...] 3.97
47171 2001 1999 TC36 [...unnamed...] 4.73
50000 2001 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.66
55565 2002 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.27
55636 2001 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.10
55637 2003 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.60
82075 2003 2000 YW134 [...unnamed...] 4.77
84522 2004 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.80
84922 2003 2003 VS2 [...unnamed...] 4.00
90377 2004 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.56
90482 2002 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
90568 2001 2004 GV9 [...unnamed...] 3.90
119951 2002 2002 KX14 [...unnamed...] 4.50
120132 2003 2003 FY128 [...unnamed...] 4.80
120178 2002 2003 OP32 [...unnamed...] 4.17
120347 2004 2004 SB60 [...unnamed...] 4.20
120348 2001 2004 TY364 [...unnamed...] 4.25
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70
136108 2006 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.19
136199 2004 2003 UB313 Eris -1.17
136472 2006 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.46
144897 2009 2004 UX10 [...unnamed...] 4.50
145451 2009 2005 RM43 [...unnamed...] 4.40
145452 2009 2005 RN43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
145453 2009 2005 RR43 [...unnamed...] 4.00
145480 2009 2005 TB190 [...unnamed...] 4.70
174567 2009 2003 MW12 [...unnamed...] 3.60
175113 2009 2004 PF115 [...unnamed...] 4.70
202421 2009 2005 UQ513 [...unnamed...] 3.40
208996 2004 2003 AZ84 [...unnamed...] 4.00
409077 2003 2000 CN105 [...unnamed...] 4.99
419612 2009 2001 QF298 [...unnamed...] 4.70
433834 2009 2002 CY248 [...unnamed...] 4.90
438330 2000 2002 MS4 [...unnamed...] 3.79
451925 2004 2002 XV93 [...unnamed...] 4.92
458175 2009 2003 QX113 [...unnamed...] 4.70
467001 2009 2003 UZ413 [...unnamed...] 4.30
477493 2009 2004 NT33 [...unnamed...] 4.40
478826 2004 2004 PR107 [...unnamed...] 4.60
490809 2009 2004 XR190 [...unnamed...] 4.50
490822 2009 2004 XA192 [...unnamed...] 4.00
505215 2009 2005 QU182 [...unnamed...] 3.10
546049 2009 2006 QH181 [...unnamed...] 3.80
578396 2009 2007 JH43 [...unnamed...] 4.70
578397 2009 2007 JJ43 [...unnamed...] 4.90
579438 2009 2007 OR10 [...unnamed...] 1.90
591531 2009 2007 UK126 [...unnamed...] 3.60

The delineations include the recent 5 2007 OR10, Salacia as well as centaur 2007 JG43 6
4F 5F

Which are the basic assets within your every horoscope? Official and unofficial classes of
objects and phenomena transit and dominate your natal skies. The main classes of objects
are enlisted as follows.

a)67 horoscope signs.

b)4th Coming of Lucifer - Venus in Pegasus ^^ Bis
c)#2014shift assistance with horoscopes with Venus in Scutum
d)Assistance with century comets PanSTARRS, ISON, Lovejoy and Siding Spring a 0F

e)Ascendant correction tables for professional astrologers: get rid of sky of error!
f)1/4 sky of ascendental offset - #QuarterSky services get your natal skies back!
g)P-zodiac, X-zodiac and Academic Zodiac.
h)30 horoscope signs
i)Next marriage calculus. [20 Minutes Astrology]
j)VIP tuition RTRRT & Academic Zodiac b 1F

k)Choice direction of objects of interest; e.g. Diamond Planet directed against Witchllow
l)Star directions
m)Custom study and abstracts, e.g. directed Ferrari Cometarian
n)Directed octave Aspectarian
o)Centaurean / Cometarian / Dwarf Planets / angular directions, e.g. secondary across the
Dark Flux along the Axis of Evil
p)Atira (ERO).
s)Earths Trojans (NES).
t)TCO (NEO).

Martial Aion comet.
New feature, previously available only to the most talented RTRRT initiates.
u)Palermo scale (PHO).
v)Sun in Orion, Cetus and Sextans
w)Taking the Sun out of the zodiac
x)Lunar converse angular secondaries e.g. Carl Gustav Jung = Moon in Cetus II
y)Black comet 1998 QE2
z)Ophiuchus watery exoplanet GJ 1214 b
aa)Ophiuchus supernova 2013ci
cc)Diamond Planet 55 Cancri e.
dd)Rogue planet CFBDSIRJ214947.2-040308.9 - CFBDSIR2149
ee)Pegasus Point also in direction
ff)2010 TK7
gg)Earth c 7 2F 6F

hh)2006 RH120
ii)2010 SO16
jj)Mini-moons, TCO, Apoheles and Auxiliary Moons of Earth
nn)2014 martial comet Siding Spring
oo)Century comets ISON d, Lovejoy & PANSTARRS

pp)Precise custom ascendant ephemeris

qq)Precessed ascendants e 4F

rr)88 ascendants
ss)Ascendant set with custom delineation - for given epoch
tt)Planetary zodiacs
uu)Centaurean zodiacs
Precession of the ascendants. Hidden and mystical energies.
Eventual eonic meteor shower included
Currently the 16 true eastern ascendants for planet Earth.
vv)Zodiacs for dwarf planets
ww)Galactic zodiac along with a dozen of experimental zodiacs
xx)One-minute lunar ephemeris plus one second custom ephemeris
yy)Subconscious ascendants f 8 5F 7F

zz)Sabian, Tarot and I Ching integration via the directed Aspectarian

aaa)Main or custom directions (500)
bbb)Custom planetocentric horoscope g analysis 6F

ccc)Real-time zodiacal offsetting

ddd)Local zodiacal offset for any given superstition or kindergarten model custom
eee)Avestan historical subset - e.g. Proserpina
fff)Custom dark planets directions, e.g. Thanateros 90 Lamia hSub-Venusian calendar7F

ggg)Selected historical guesswork set, e.g. the Hamburg set
hhh)Supra-Venusian calendar 2014 2017
iii)Mayan 2014 - 2017
jjj)Low Moons calendar
kkk)Moon in Noctua and Felis
lll)Introducing Cerberus and Taurus Poniatovii i 8F

mmm)Corvine moons offset for a given location

nnn)360 guardian angels j 9F

ooo)Devil's Rose ~ HPMHC

qqq)Cassini Lilith k.10F

rrr)Earth co-orbitals

See also Nether Ascendants, Submerged Ascendants or Submersed Ascendants.
E.g. Juno-centric, Cruithne-centric or Venus-centric for love and family matters.
New experimental feature.
Cerberus, Felis, Noctua and Taurus Poniatovii in no wise represent any official IAU constellations.
An initiation into astrological theurgy.
sss)Spacecraft l 11F

ttt)Planetary nodes
uuu)Satellites m12F

vvv)Main belt comets

www)Main belt asteroids n 13F

aaaa)Damocles o subclass 14F

bbbb)Centaurs 9 8F

cccc)Dark Planets p 15F

dddd)KBO dwarf planets 10 9F

eeee)SDO Scattered Disk Objects

hhhh)Outer Guardians q 16F

iiii)Oort cloud objects r 17F

jjjj)Alien planets via SIMBAD s 18F

kkkk)Pegasus Point directions

llll)The precession of the Stargates
mmmm)Cetus I, II and III transit and angular direction
nnnn)Angular star directions
oooo)Sextans exoplanets
pppp)Libra exoplanets

The ephemerides for spacecraft are available as custom service.
E.g. Phobos-centric horoscope.
An archaic term.
Damocles may be viewed as somewhat of a centaur itself.
17 dark planets including Lamia, Kypris and Thanateros.
Sometimes Nibiru class or Nibiruoids. See also Nibiru Research.
E.g. Sedna.
A NASA service that enables minute inspection of deep sky objects.
qqqq)Dark Flux
rrrr)Intruder planet
uuuu)Dark Sun
vvvv)LILIT VERA custom ephemeris
wwww)Axis of Evil
xxxx)Main belt comets
yyyy)Comet Vint
zzzz)Comet C/2010 X1 (Elenin); MPEC 2011-A67
aaaaa)Custom comets
bbbbb)Extended Cometarian
ccccc)Giant comets
ddddd)Custom animated ephemerides
eeeee)Custom object tracking
fffff)Custom ephemerides
ggggg)Custom report
hhhhh)Custom direction from a choice of circa up to 500. E-mail for availability.
iiiii)Directing relationship. Precise timing the events in ones own relationship.
jjjjj)Partnership as predicted by direction. Secondary angular direction available.
kkkkk)Dedicated tuition VIP Services O5MIVM 11 10F

http://lulu.com/astrology is your premier guide to the latest dwarf planets 12. The site hosts
9H 11F

all the dwarf planets and centaurs in astrology, from the first to the last. From Pholus and
1992 QB1 to 2007 JG43 and 2009 YE7. Yes, we always delineate the objects before they
get 13 their proper names 14! We catch them in flagranti before they reach the dull safety of
12F 13F

their nomination. Thus, the object is delineated, its spirit, not its designation or name.
Nama and rupa are discreated. As in True Mind Distiller 15, names and forms drop of in

order to expose essence.

655685 2010 2009 YE7 [...unnamed...] 4.40
666450 2010 2010 EK139 [...unnamed...] 3.80
668191 2010 2010 FX86 [...unnamed...] 4.40
676085 2010 2010 KZ39 [...unnamed...] 4.00

These are the last relevant entries as concern the dwarf planets candidates. Note that 2009
YE7 has received copious delineation (in the year 2009) like all items of interest in
modern astrology. Our present research is therefore focused on 2010 EK139.

Klaudio Zic

The Academic Zodiac & RTRRT are

Copyright 1995 - 2011by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved worldwide.

Redistribution of this file in any form is violation of the Copyright Law.

This copyrighted material has been previously published as available from


22 zodiac signs
16 ascendants
2012 AEon of Cetus
2017 Age of Pegasus

RTRRT Instant Magick


Academic Zodiac: because it is not nice to fool with Mother Nature.

2012-Nov-23 00:00 m Lib
2012-Nov-26 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-29 00:00 m Sco
2012-Dec-02 00:00 m Oph
2012-Dec-05 00:00 m Oph
2012-Dec-08 00:00 Oph
2012-Dec-11 00:00 Oph
2012-Dec-14 00:00 Oph
2012-Dec-17 00:00 Oph
2012-Dec-20 00:00 m Sgr

We know your horoscope. http://ow.ly/6w5eM Your true natal horoscope. Stay

13H connected with the right dots across
your original starry skies: 22 zodiacal stations, 16 ascendants. http://ow.ly/5T1Cz Trust your real

stars: Academic Zodiac. Ophiuchus Ascendant - Real natal ascendants & Sun-signs. http://ht.ly/5q6ej

Thank you for being supportive towards the IAU, much as tolerant towards Harvard MPC in
embracing NASA JPL as your true natal planetary positions. http://ht.ly/5GKky Academic Zodiac

#1622 #RTRRT Zodiac, ascendant set, house system, directions, dwarf planets, comets, centaurs;
objects of interest, reality rendering: case solved http://ow.ly/6w5eM all astrology assets in one

place. Personal Future-Changing #RTRRT http://ow.ly/5RpTV Academic Zodiac #1622 Your True

Natal Stars http://ow.ly/5RpTx Book cheap Instant Magick. What is behind us is not important.

http://ht.ly/5YiHm #RTRRT #1622



Things happen of which you know nothing about. Are they hiding them from you? No,
they could not know less about anything! What things? Everything! Like when, why and

50 $ guardian angel = true natal ascendant (one of the 16) [ nominal price 500 ]
200 $ real-sky horoscope analysis
300 $ predictions for one year ahead
500 $ business predictions for one year ahead


Traditional 1500 pp & 250 pp analyses formats are presently N/A. The customer may
however check availability by e-mail. The 250 pages analysis may still be available for
selected RTRRT initiates. That usually implies 500 VIP Gold services or better.

For VIP Gold services, click on the PayPal icon anywhere in the document. VIP Services
catalogs are available from the site http://lulu.com/astrology


25 $ per additional dwarf planet analysis

35 $ per additional centaur analysis


The standard initiation is resumed under VIP Gold services. Please consult the catalogs.


In somewhat a customary way, the Lodge consists of an Outer and Inner body, thus Inner
and Outer Lodge. Secular membership is also possible such as through VIP Gold
initiation; namely, at some level, the neophyte and secular client share almost the
selfsame knowledge and tasks, but of course not at all responsibilities! Much as the
neophyte is bound by vows, moral and ethics; the laic is free to combine (techniques),
quit (unlikely) or even trespass upon noble qualities albeit never encouraged to do so.


The beauty of secular involvement lies with going incognito. On the other hand, the
neophyte has nothing to hide being of noble purpose by definition. Also, his own
spiritual progress is fast since no material wishes thwarts a noble aim. On the other hand
again, the secular candidate has the world for his own oyster for good or bad: as
reflected by spiritual domains: his only aim probably lies with obtaining instant results.


Some historical options at different levels may suggest obscure practice such as one
requiring blood sample from the candidate. The modern equivalent or quasi would be
producing a reptilian (ornithological) horoscope analysis.


While random secular initiation requires just hundreds of Euros apart from diligent talent
along with (lack of faux) knowledge; a true neophyte is granted progress by the spirit
itself, thus non-doing, clearing and perfecting ones character are paramount. While
instant magick is for anyone, deeper initiation is not. Anyone can manifest miracles in
minutes but only the brave goes deeper than that. It is not that the initiate is forbidden to
use magick it is that producing instant magick is too easy in order to be considered as
progress in initiation. Only the neophyte will delight in producing magical effects out of
the blue: the higher initiate will of course know better: such refined being will go to the
core. Lodge admission thus has to do with more than just pricing as ones character must
be chiseled to nothing less than outstanding. Entering the realm of the immortals makes
for qualities deign saints, avatars and bodhisattvas.
As the Sun came up, the vampires flew towards their 12 fleeting shadowy coves. The
venetian blind of planet earth magnanimously showed 16 guardian angels unto the
144000, leaving the 6 666 666 666 blind.

What is at stake here?


Anyone can make it.

The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools RTRRT - have gone a great length in order to make Instant Magick for everyone not only brief a
process but also an entertaining daily asset: a quality that cant miss in an initiates daily life. Because anyone is no longer anyone albeit anyone
can make it.

While stake is for burning default, you get no default here. Therefore, uncompromising quality is the main feature of True Mind, Instant Magick
and the Academic Zodiac.
Default is for the less fortunate: the damned prisoners of default who pick and dumbly repeat rather than choose the best: the 16.
2013 the year of the 13th sign doubles the zodiac to 26 Signs

VIP Brochure, Eon Chronology & Professional Catalog 2013


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26


Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by

Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013 17 16F


The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services


Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet 18: the original zodiac as shared by all

astronomical observatories across the planet and off-planet 19 as well.



The positions of the planets along with their real zodiacal placements for New Year 2013.
55 Cancri e is of course your Diamond Planet.

Everyone probably overheard of more or less traditional national astrologies along with
their own varieties through e.g. larger China, India or Mexico. Generally speaking, the
skies should somehow come together where e.g. the attributes of a certain star
historically fit into the same category e.g. for the Chinese and Egyptians as well. As
concern the major stars, this rule generally applies: their characteristics, when directed,
are more or less the selfsame for all major civilizations.


What does not seem to be the same or accurate is - especially recent - zodiacal
positioning; meaning someone obviously misread something say 2000 years ago and kept
misreading it until zodiacal offset went sky high currently climbing up to 7 signs per
wintertime nativity on northern hemisphere.


What was misread? Whatever was not miswritten was. Therefore, the Sun was misread as
always rising at east. The zodiacal constellations were misread for some seasonal signs.


Where superstitions dont come into accord except for making their clients pay twice or
thrice for the more or less selfsame fraud science does: astronomers all over the world
have achieved a fairly well-balanced as well as traditional set of constellation borders.
One can always fit in whatever national or historical constellation after the IAU position
of a given planet has been established.
15 or 16?

In order not to be so strict at all as concern constellation borders, we sometimes allow for
experimentation, especially when historically justified by local traditional thus, Sun in
Orion has been introduced along with Sun in Cetus: all planets and the Moon venture
through these two zodiacal ascendants: so why not the Sun?


How many errors does the past hold in stock for us? The past is error. It was based on
error. When nowadays some freshly foaled Xeroxed expert will claim that he has
faithfully copied every error ever made: he has not, but copying errors does not make for
tradition: correcting them does.


It is not nice to have a modern digital civilization that is completely oblivious to natal Sun
sign, ascendant or personal characteristics, directions and thus karma. Directions some
500 of them are predicting techniques, which unlike transits as perused by amateurs,
do predict the issues in your life in seconds by memory no ephemerides or programs
are needed.


After our 20 Minutes Astrology course, shoeshine boy, butcher and florist predict the
issues of their clients lives in minutes. Since they are busy with their hands occupied
serving their clients, they calculate by memory: the way it was always done, before the
introduction of tools for the poor-minded.

Verify your personality. Who are you; really? Take advantage of your real natal stars!


Aiming at success comes natural as aiming at self-knowledge: he who knows oneself is

powerful! Knowing oneself enables clear aim also saves from a lifetime of blunder.
Yes, even pimping for others stands for blunder: no matter how successful one may
seem to be in the eyes of others, one has never known oneself or fought ones own fight.


How does one know oneself? The stars are the best indicators! The position of the Earth,
planets, objects of interest and stars at birth defines your astral frame. In a sense: you are
your birth: your incipient impulse has been defined by birth. We are of course talking of
your REAL natal stars, not what you read in the newspapers! Reading from the sky and
reading from the newspaper are two entirely different things or persons choose you!


Knowing oneself entails clear perspective of what one is, was, will be and change.
Change is enabled as future-changing as one chooses not to dwell on a set future at all,
but change it at will instead. Both future-scanning & future-changing require seconds;
basic self-initiation is minutes: 20 Minutes Astrology & Mini RTRRT Initiation will do.

Alixe has Moon ascending in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans and Venus in Orion. Venus in
Scutum transits her natal Juno there. Her Pluto is sitting on the ascendant of the USA,
Serpens Cauda. Now, thats Astrology!


Enjoying 13 Sun signs does not resolve the problem of the ascendant. Luckily, this
problem was solved back in the year 1973. Thus, the Academic Zodiac celebrates its 1973
2013 jubilee.

22 zodiacal signs.
16 ascendants 20. 19F

Pluto nostalgic 21? Enjoy 26 zodiacal signs 22.

20F 21F

More Sun-signs? Workable 15, extended to 16.

Cartesian house system: works everywhere 23: ocean floor 24, Himalaya 25,
22F 23F 24F

spacecraft 26.

1008 delineated planets: the complete solar system is yours for the taking!

13 + 13 = 26

While the 13 solar stations are a simple fact this end of superstition, the total number of
zodiacal stations is 26 Pluto permitting. In other words, the 26 zodiac is a Pluto
nostalgia affair: for those who want Pluto back, the number of zodiacal stations is still 26.

How many stations does the zodiac have? 22 including the Moon and Sun. 26 including
Pluto. 43 including Eris. Since most people still peruse Pluto as planet; 26 is their zodiac.


As Uranus reenters Cetus for the peak of the AEON, dolphin children are born with
many transiting planets in Cetus.


Aries http://ow.ly/hg4jc

Taurus http://ow.ly/hg4np 29H

Gemini http://ow.ly/hg4rn 30H

Cancer http://ow.ly/hg4xx 31H

Leo http://ow.ly/hg55T

Virgo http://ow.ly/hg5nS

Libra http://ow.ly/hg5lL

Scorpio http://ow.ly/hg5qs 35H

Sagittarius http://ow.ly/hg5z6 36H

Capricorn http://ow.ly/hg5Kc 37H

Aquarius http://ow.ly/hg5S4 38H

Pisces http://ow.ly/hg5Wt

JPL/DASTCOM3 Small-body Search Results 2013-Jul-10 10:54:24
Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H
-------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- -----
1 2010 (undefined) Ceres 3.34
2 2010 (undefined) Pallas 4.13
4 2010 (undefined) Vesta 3.20
20000 2006 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70
28978 2005 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20
42301 2001 2001 UR163 [...unnamed...] 4.05
50000 2005 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.48
55565 2003 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.26
55636 2006 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.21
55637 2003 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.60
84522 2004 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.78
84922 2005 2003 VS2 [...unnamed...] 4.02
90377 2005 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.55
90482 2006 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
90568 2004 2004 GV9 [...unnamed...] 3.90
120178 2004 2003 OP32 [...unnamed...] 3.95
120347 2004 2004 SB60 Salacia 4.21
120348 2001 2004 TY364 [...unnamed...] 4.25
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70
136108 2008 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.05
136199 2006 2003 UB313 Eris -1.19
136472 2007 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.42
145451 2013 2005 RM43 [...unnamed...] 4.40
145452 2013 2005 RN43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
145453 2003 2005 RR43 [...unnamed...] 4.00
174567 2013 2003 MW12 [...unnamed...] 3.40
175113 2013 2004 PF115 [...unnamed...] 4.40
202421 2013 2005 UQ513 [...unnamed...] 3.40
208996 2005 2003 AZ84 [...unnamed...] 4.00
225088 2013 2007 OR10 [...unnamed...] 2.00
229762 2005 2007 UK126 [...unnamed...] 3.44
230965 2013 2004 XA192 [...unnamed...] 4.00
278361 2013 2007 JJ43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
303775 2013 2005 QU182 [...unnamed...] 3.50
307261 2002 2002 MS4 [...unnamed...] 3.77
526362 2013 2003 UZ413 [...unnamed...] 4.20
530107 2013 2004 NT33 [...unnamed...] 4.40
535878 2013 2004 XR190 [...unnamed...] 4.40
565474 2013 2006 QH181 [...unnamed...] 3.80
616224 2013 2008 ST291 [...unnamed...] 4.30
648386 2011 2009 YE7 [...unnamed...] 4.25
657827 2013 2010 EK139 [...unnamed...] 3.80
659404 2013 2010 FX86 [...unnamed...] 4.30
666665 2013 2010 KZ39 [...unnamed...] 4.00
677661 2013 2010 RF43 [...unnamed...] 4.10
677879 2013 2010 RE64 [...unnamed...] 4.30

22 zodiac http://bit.ly/SR1MRn

16 ascendants http://bit.ly/SR1Hxb 42H

Reality rendering represents multiple applications of simple magick techniques resulting in Instant Magick.

Presentations http://www.scoop.it/t/sign 43H


Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW 44H

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX 45H

Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt 46H

MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO 47H

Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY

Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE

Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7 50H

Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL 51H

MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi 52H

ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF 53H

Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0

INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd 55H

Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl 56H

O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO

Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx 58H

Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L 59H

Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw 60H

Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw 61H

Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO 62H

Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl 63H

Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb 64H

Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ 65H

PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc

Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk 67H

O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4

Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe

Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E 70H

Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7 71H

Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM 72H

Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU 73H

Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4 74H

Target and achieve your goal today


Feel good about yourself


Lead a rewarding life


Scan and change your futurities


Verify your own true identity


Retrieve emotion money time energy


Make instant manifesting of events personal


Empower yourself through your own true natal stars


Manifests events in minutes!

RTRRT manifests events in minutes. Any events. For you.


Scan and change your future with the Academic Zodiac & RTRRT.
The zodiac has 26 constellations. There are 16 ascendants.

Your future is easily determined as well as changed along with the RTRRT.

Astrologer claims: the zodiac has 26 signs. http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology

1) Pluto included.
2) Without Pluto, the zodiac has 22 signs only.
3) The Academic Zodiac is online since 1972. 45000 publications.
4) Sources: NASA JPL, Harvard MPC, IAU.
5) The zodiac is the Tarot: 22 signs, 16 ascendants.
6) 22 signs equal 22 Tarot initiations.
7) 16 ascendants equal court cards.
8) There are a total of 88 ascendants.
9) The Sun signs may not be 13 only, but 15: even 16.
10) Sun in Orion and Cetus is applicable, in Sextans negotiable.
11) Where is the Sun when the new Moon happens in Sextans?
12) Every planet goes through Orion, Cetus and Ophiuchus.
13) A toddler will learn astrological divination in 20 minutes being immediately able to tell the day of your next marriage by memory
in seconds.
14) Minute astrological divination requires no pen, paper, Sun sign, computer, cell phone, ephemerides or tables: and it surely shuns
15) There is no such thing as 13 ascendants rising at east in the real sky: the matter is sheer fabrication.
16) Ophiuchus is one of the 16 ascendants rising at east for the current epoch.
17) The Egyptian epoch hosted twice the number of ascendants than our own.
18) For the peak of the Aeon 2013, Uranus is in Cetus.
19) The children of the Aeon are exposed to 7 planets in Cetus.
20) The number of ascendants changes with epoch, race and DNA.
21) Pluto never enters Pisces or Aries.
22) Many zodiacal ascendants do not rise at east for the epoch.
23) Aries is not an ascendant for the present epoch.
24) The eastern ascendant star is the true personal holy guardian angel.
25) The zodiac is not determined by the Sun.
26) The sum of the planetary zodiacs forms the Academic Zodiac.
27) If Eris would be planet, wed have 43 zodiacal stations. Eris never enters Taurus.
28) We are approaching the Age of Pegasus with Venus in Pegasus.
29) Children conceived today will be born with Venus in Scutum.
30) The zodiac was born with Moon in Sextans and Pluto in Coma Berenices.
31) The USA ascendant is Serpens Cauda. Alternatives: Aquila & Ophiuchus.
32) Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.
33) Events happen by direction. There are some 500 directions.
34) Taurus rises at east for 5 minutes per day.
35) Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Coma Berenices, Canes Venatici, Botes, Corvus, Libra, Scorpius, Scutum, Sagittarius, Delphinus, Equuleus,
Capricornus, Piscis Austrinus, Pegasus, Lepus, Auriga and Crater do not rise at east for the current epoch: no one you know has an Aries
ascendant at all.
36) What is seen as Capricorn ascendant is usually Cetus or Pisces.
37) Then ascendant set for the current epoch is observable by anyone with naked eye.
38) The zodiac Academic Zodiac is astronomic and astrologic as well as sidereal and tropical, eastern and western; as compatible with
all historical cultures.
39) The zodiacal offset marches towards 7 signs for wintertime nativities on the northern hemisphere. Therefore, horoscopes for the
masses are not offset by only 2 or 3 signs only that estimation was valid a long time ago, indeed. As to the ascendant set, the offset is non-
linear, thus impossible to determine.
40) Southern hemisphere horoscopes completely differ from their northern counterparts as a thorough analysis of northern and southern
constellations is required. This not only means that of course all Aussie horoscopes are upside-down, but also that they display a completely
different set of stars.
41) The largest zodiacal offset happens in winter on the northern hemisphere and in summer on the southern one.
42) Jesus Christ may have been born with Aries ascendant for the epoch. Namely, according to tradition, a tiny peripheral star in Aries
rose at this rare birth time.
43) The historical zodiacs of which some are still in use are marked as the P, X, P1, G, P2, N, M, N1, E and N2 zodiacs.



#1622 #AEONews #AcademicZodiac #26 #22 #16


26,zodiac,zodiacal, signs, constellations,stations,22,16,88,#1622,Academic Zodiac, Klaudio Zic,


Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl O5IRIS 84H

Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx 85H

Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L 86H

Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw 87H

Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO 88H

Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl 89H

Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb 90H

Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ 91H

PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc

Oberon V http://t.co/7DSy6tXa

O5 http://t.co/KSI9kidR

Cascade http://t.co/8TjcQgRA

Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7 96H

Aladdin XI http://t.co/1zXewRl8

Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU 98H

Do you have all that you want? http://ow.ly/bA61d Its Instant #Magick time! 99H
2001 FP185 (MPO 59365)
Horizon (65489) Ceto

E Huya2002 GZ32
Equator 2002 GB32 (MPO 61224) Voyager
Okyrhoe 3 Juno
Juno (MPC 24084) 2001 XA255
Pholus Apophis
Isis (MPO 9657)
Phoebe Ecliptic
2008 SO218 (MPEC 2008-Y66) 2000
2002 MS4 (MPO 77605) 1999 HD12 Libra Horus (MPC
Galactic Equator 2004 NE32
2002 FY
Deucalion (184314) 2005 EO302
2004 PR107
2000 PH5 (MPO 50364)
C/2004 Q2 (Machholz) 2002 CA249 Sekhmet (MPO 50331)
2004 CJ39
2005 VJ119 2005 VJ119
2002 KX14 C
2003 CO1
Pluto Crantor
(83982) Osiris
1996 AR20

Ixion 2007 JJ43 2007 JJ43 2001 BL412004


Ecliptic Voyager II Athor 1999 JV127


Galactic Equator Horizon

Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
http://ow.ly/6LsrJ 14:51:59 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2012/08/25 R.A. (2012.6): 15h 36m 30.82s Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456165.04 Dec. (2012.6): -15 00' 00.0" Variable star
Setting clear standards helps ordering ones own physical, astral and mental kingdom. E.g. in the rare case that anyone would attempt towards
magick, one can safely assume that people like F.; ev t. Spare or that Crowley never complied with standards as set by the stars. Namely, they

were oblivious to the zodiac. As zodiacality is essential throughout theurgy - of which only F. partake of the three mentions - , further corrections
apply apart from Stejnars epochal contribution.

There has never been but one single avatar Astrologer for this system. Hayagriva is one.

The task of Hayagrivananta is to calculate, thus restore the zodiac which in its absence was surely mangled by crazy humans also: the
ascendant set for the epoch must be established.

The times when the zodiac comes back to humanity are usually called new ages.

Exceptional times can be marked as new ages, such as the recent peak of the ascending Era of Eridanus; the New Age we all know or as we
know it (not?); Age of Pegasus II and present Eon of Cetus II.

The encapsulation of ages being a complex subject, suffice to say that the Era of Eridanus gets encapsulated by the next Age of Pegasus which is
in turn encapsulated by the Eon of Cetus. Details have been published, terabytes galore, 1500 publications removed as obsolete: thus New Age is a
matter of the past.

A long average of Pisces - which we avoid calling Age of Pisces due to dull uneventfulness of watery precessed signs like Capricornus,
Aquarius and Pisces is before us. Humanity or what is left of it must brace itself for a long dark average of Pisces. The Second Age of Pisces is
also documented and called Age of Pisces II.

An astrologer has nothing to worry about true skies dont mind 6 666 666 666 contaminating instances can extend contamination to their
own natal skies without any interference from precession, ascendant set and stars at large. The zodiac was meant for the 144000. As to the 6 666
666 666 they are merrily doomed into disinterest towards any natal skies at all. Let us not forget the provenience of inorganic default mind!

The next - second - average of Pisces as well as twin averages of interlacing Aquarius and Capricornus are due before zodiacal precession hit
Sagittarius, Scutum and Ophiuchus.

Unremarkable times like Pisces, Aquarius or Capricornus are called averages. These periods have no peaks. T2 & T1 Capricorni represent little
big horns.

The Zodiac is fortunately still unknown to the masses. What they get are not real zodiacs.

How did we determine the delineations for the 1008 planets? We of course started with determining the zodiac. Then, the ascendant set took
minutes to adjust for the epoch.

While F. is a real magus, the rest gets eventually mentioned on account of notoriety.
Instant Magick can be seen as automated u superseding of ones 27 personal reality instanter with intent over the generally accepted or alien reality.
20F 26F

In other words: a fight issues where ones own intent wins over any opposition being it fate, karma or even gods.

This transcendental fight best happens in mental silence as default mind represents the opponent: ones own worst opponent is default mind an
alien unwanted install that serves the Devil almost to the point of being the {mind of the (im)personal} Devil itself!

Zodiacal alchemy blooms towards the Peak of the Eon in the year 2012. With Uranus in Cetus II and Venus in Orion, the Stargate Festival is
celebrated in realms unknown to the profane of all times.

The thief in the temple fell in the traps as set by initiates who left a kindergarten zodiacal model for the intruder who in his own turn infested the
masses with false stars.

Later on, there were prophets, even people who wrote books on the subject while mini civilizations were based on false stars. Those most
stupid believed that the Sun stands in Aries on spring equinox forever.

We are not dealing with astrologers, but with Astrology. We are not dealing with astronomers, but with the real sky, which is one. We are not
dealing with astrologers of which there are none, but with Astrology, which is one.

There were people who knew no Sun sign or ascendant and yet proclaimed occult laws or set up observatories. Those observatories never saw
anything since default mind blinds the eye. Maya was so strong that humankind never inspected east! An average human being was forbidden
to inspect east. Thus, whole subcontinents like India never knew ascendant proper. Even with an astronomic observatory under the nose, one
would not know how to guess ones own natal Sun sign; which on November 23rd is Libra.

Now the immortals are here Uranus enthroned in Cetus II marks the peak of the Eon.

See the stars right there? They are your true natal stars.

Why being dubiously entertained by faux natal skies when one can scrutiny the real ones?

Scrutiny makes perfect in that natal skies are inspected by an initiate that is seer. Since no superstition is involved in the process, all eventual
previous portents are annihilated as pertaining to a faux sky with 12 ascendants. The 12 ascendants pertain to a sick mind which has never
seen the real skies at all in fact it shuns them right now!

What is the VIP Verified Identity Package? The VIP Services provide a detailed scan of your life; plus a method to change - even create
events ahead.

Magic Seduction & Fatal Romance Summer 2012 Astrology for Couples

What do we predict for couples with Venus in Orion in summer 2012?

Romantic relationships occur exactly to the minute as predicted. So you want to know about relationship compatibility? Whether e.g. your own
Mars in Cetus goes well with her Venus in Hydra: more important directing Uranus in Cetus + Saturn Spica towards fatal relationship planets.

Predictions should include the Moon: especially Moon inn Sextans, Orion or Auriga.

PCS = Personal cO5mic Secretary. Its latest upgrade released as Spiral Trees. The RTRRT abound in upgrades.
A rough prediction of all loves in one's own life is performed by anyone by memory within hour.

The ascendant ephemeris will trigger the second of the event.

The real seduction fun comes with the RTRRT. The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools as Instant Magick for anyone enable creation of romantic
events in five minutes out of the blue sea. Will is unbeatable when it is the way with RTRRT.



What do the VIP Gold Services represent? What you get is virtually unlimited assistance throughout your self-initiation process into
Instant Magick. After your future has been scanned, we assist you in creating events. Custom applications for your Personal Cosmic
Secretary will be written for you. You will learn your first step towards freedom from fates and joy of creation.

Our future-changing solutions complete the rich array of future-scanning methods of our own development for your own development.
Both future-scanning and future-changing methods are in constant development: generally known as the Academic Zodiac and RTRRT
Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.

The initiation received by far exceeds whatever was ever available through formal lodges of any kind. Both future-scanning and future-
changing never lost sophistication in being cut into simple format as easily perused by anyone. Scanning and event changing takes
minutes as performed on the mental plane. In other words, prediction and miracle-making are performed discretely in every situation,
even while talking to a person or beneficiary. Both future-scanning and future-changing are invisible to the onlooker since they happen
on the mental plane. An example would include meeting a partner, calculating relationship ahead while decorating futurity with extra
pleasant events.

22 zodiac signs
16 ascendants

Everything so far has been misdirection

Ladies, gentlemen: we g@ve you the zodiac.


+ All the usual refinements http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology http://ow.ly/bt2ih #VIP http://ow.ly/bt2iW

104H 105H 106H

Copyright 2012 by Klaudio Zic.


You get your true natal ascendant, Sun sign, Moon sign and all 1008 planets in their place proper: delineated. Life scan: year by year, day by day,
second by second: all events in your life ahead. Plus. You get instant magick initiation. Unlimited support over the years.


We know who did it to you. Fix the rat. Reboot your life. Steer that wheel of time. Get on saddle. Be yourself. Know and love yourself. Get rid of
thwarting things on your way. Clear the path ahead and decide your own destiny: any destiny you prefer. Deal?



Ladies, gentlemen: we give you the zodiac. No, not the 13 things or dozen superstitions for the masses: the real zodiac as forever present in the
observable skies. The Academic Zodiac boasts 22 zodiacal constellations. The ascendant set for the current epoch accompanies it along with its
own 16 constellations. Ready? Forget all superstition & fly!


The Academic Zodiac redefines reality: not only your own since now you are in possession of your own guardian angel ascendant it redefines
the world we live in on all three magical planes: physical, astral and mental. Even the highest initiates, demigods or demiurges had no precise idea
of the zodiac: now they do.


12 ascendants superstition... is there a cure? Yes, the cure is visible all the time in the real observable sky where everyone can observe the 16
ascendants with one's own naked eyes.

13 or 12?
How many bugs there are? As concern astrology there are in fact more than 12, even 24 bugs; as the 13 known zodiacal stations will
eventually prove to be zodiacal after all (even when not in your own case) but the ascendant set can not possibly prove anything since it is not
there at all. Thus, one could say that we have 12 + 12 bugs against our own karma. To think that, through the dark ages, they have been both
cursed and sanctified even by non-observing priesthood!


What are the 16 ascendants? Real constellations and guardian angels of every horoscope. What of the 12 or 13? No one you know has an Aries
ascendant. Making an Aries ascendant out of you was merely a convenient way to keep pulling cheap but lucrative bugs at you. Those bugs ate
your life. You were living a dream of their own nightmare.

Q: Which zodiacal stations do not rise as eastern ascendants for the epoch?

A: Aries, Libra, Gemini, Scorpius, Scutum, Sagittarius and Capricornus; to name some. If you have been told that you had Capricornus ascendant;
it was probably Cetus or Pisces instead. If they classified you like Scorpius, it was peradventure Serpens or Ophiuchus.


Uterine little Aries! Not only you dont rise at east but you are also wet! All zodiacal watery constellations like Capricornus, Aquarius, Cetus,
Pisces, Taurus and Eridanus are ruled by Pegasean Salacia and Aquarian Neptune. As Salacia happens to wait for Venus in Pegasus, we present
the Age of Pegasus II as encapsulated within the present Eon of Cetus II. In the year 2011, Jupiter went through Cetus along with a majority of
planets (Libya, Odyssey Dawn). On spring equinox 2012, Uranus is with the Sun in Cetus. Presently, children are being exposed to 8 planets in
Cetus. Cetacean kids it is then!


They stole your angel guardian from you: they crucified your true self to their false 12 ascendants they whipped your thorny Sun forever in
Aries. This wont happen again. The creatures that fooled you with their 12 signs will never reach hell at all. Now you know Aries does not
ascend at east. Now you know there are 16 eastern ascendants for everyone to see. Enjoy 22 zodiacal stations and dont even spit upon the dead.


Ready for your own Sun sign? And there is more: natal ascendant, Moon sign; 1008 planets. No, not like you used to: these are your real ones.
You can have your REAL HOROSCOPE, too. Finally.


The zodiac heals. Being information, it heals. Also, the true eastern natal ascendant heals being your own guardian angel. I am your zodiac,
Academic Zodiac arise and heal!
Sextans Moon. Birth time of the zodiac. The Academic Zodiac was symbolically born with this exquisite lunar position. Too bad there were no
astrologers on the planet back in 1972. If there were any, theyd greatly appreciate the birth of a new tool that will prove to be essential to both
astronomy and astrology: the zodiac.

How would you rate not being in possession of your own natal data?

a) What are natal data for? To which natal data do you allude?

b) Id rather keep the government out of my horoscope.

c) Everybody knows that there are 12 sings: right?

d) So what if some true observable skies are there? We dont need them!

e) People have the right to believe in whatever they want and choose to.

f) Im no expert. I just dont believe in crap, thats all. Got it?

g) If many people believe in something over eons, how could that be wrong?

h) The Earth is flat.

i) I dont believe in guardian angels coming from the east of the horoscope.

j) I consider myself in possession of my natal data galore. In fact I am the owner of several natal horoscopes which all describe me or
my variegated selves - in full.

k) My child will keep the same beliefs and UNICEF and NASA can go to hell!

l) I will keep my old Sun sign and ascendant. I dont care if its wrong. I love it.

m) What could astronomers possibly know about stars, planets and zodiacs?

n) If there were any zodiacal offsets at all, someone would notice. Seven signs of offset dont go unnoticed.

o) I dont think my horoscope should have anything to do with the astronomic skies at all. Why should it?

p) Precession is fabrication. There is no precession. The sun is fixed forever in the Age of Aries for spring equinox?

q) Screw true skies to one point! Crucifix the Sun in one place. Nothing ever changes!

r) In my own family, tradition always had precedence over naked eye observation.

s) My natal data shouldnt have anything to do with any astronomy at all!

t) Astronomy is about pretty pictures and astrology is horoscopes you read in the newspapers, right?

u) This whole NASA affair is fabrication. Astronomers have nothing to do with the zodiac.

v) Precession, astronomy and the ascendant set of the guardian angels are all fake.

w) How could astronomers possibly know the position of my own natal Sun?

x) I have confidence both in my eastern and western horoscope experts.

y) The Sun always rises at east, I am told?

z) What does NASA know about stars?

aa) My own horoscope is no astronomers business.

bb) Inconvenient.

cc) Welcome.

dd) Viable.

Providing you have or at least intuit a mind of your own, you will readily flee from negative influence by embracing your true natal skies.

Copyright 2012 by Klaudio Zic. First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2012 http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology The Academic

Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2012 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The Academic Zodiac
is privately owned 1972 2012 by Klaudio Zic.

Instant Magick RTRRT & Academic Zodiac $ervice$







Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl O5IRIS 114H

Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx 115H

Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L 116H

Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw 117H

Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO 118H

Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl 119H

Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb 120H

Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ 121H

PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc

Oberon V http://t.co/7DSy6tXa

O5 http://t.co/KSI9kidR

Cascade http://t.co/8TjcQgRA

Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7 126H

Aladdin XI http://t.co/1zXewRl8 127H

Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU 128H


Thank you for updating your zodiacal hives. Your Academic Zodiac is installed and ready for use. The dwarf planets set is updated for the last
findings along with due delineation. Your centaurean swarm is hived. Please always use the latest (16) ascendant set & zodiacal upgrade (22).
Enjoy your 22 zodiacal stations & 16 eastern - guardian angels ascendants! If it comes to your attention that anyone near your own hive may be
using an adequate or outdated zodiac and ascendant set, please do inform and help update that hive. Zodiacal hazard is no longer 1 or 2 or 3 signs -
as you were probably informed in the past - but is steadily approaching 7 signs of zodiacal offset. Precession rolls the ascendant set back and forth
as you go. Your wintertime horoscopes may already be affected by more than 5 signs of zodiacal offset. General surgical warning! For
entertainment only horoscopes can severely damage your health. People have been known to severe wrong organs on behalf of entertaining
counsel. Please take head of six signs of zodiacal offset before attempting at astrological health analysis. Check whether your ephemeris set is
signed by NASA. Please note that for entertainment only means you were left alone, helpless and without your own natal Sun sign! Always
know your Sun sign before engaging in any astrologically guided enterprise!

Update for the latest dwarf planets, centaurs and objects of interest with the Academic Zodiac.

Dwarf Planets http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?keyWords=Dwarf+Planet+Klaudio+Zic+&sorter=relevance-desc


Centaurs +--->


The zodiac features 22 constellations. There are 16 eastern ascendants for the current epoch.


The zodiac is a serious matter in astronomy, theurgy and astrology for the masses. With the proper planetary positions as absorbed, we have a
healthy child along with its very own guardian angel 28.

1) The Sun spans through 13 unequal zodiacal stations 29: 16 are proposed 30; thus Sun in Ophiuchus, Orion, Cetus and facultatively
28F 29F

2) The planets and their own zodiacs dont follow the Sun 31. Thus 32, we find 22 instead of 13, 15 33 or 16 zodiacal constellations.
30F 31F 32F

3) There are 16 ascendants rising at east for the current epoch, thus 16 guardian angels.


The ascendant set determines racial initiation for the current epoch. The present epoch is tuned to 16 eastern ascendants. The ascendant set rises at
east. No one you know has an Aries ascendant.

1) If an ascendant set can not be observed, it does not exist.

2) The present ascendant set marks 16 constellations.
3) These 16 constellations are also known as guardian angels 35. 34F

4) The ascendants of course rise at east.

5) In Egypt, we observed e.g. a double set of ascendants comparing to the modern one 36. 35F

6) At the present epoch, meaning also today; Pegasus, Aries, Auriga, Gemini, Cancer, Libra, Scorpius, Scutum, Sagittarius and
Capricornus are not rising at east. No one you know has an Aries ascendant. Nobody you know has a Scorpio or Capricorn
ascendant. Taurus is rising at east for five minutes your golden calf of chance.
7) Laxmi Ananta is Venus in Hydra 37.36F


The children of the Eon are known as dolphin kids. These greatly oppose Hydra kids. The astral totem and protector is ones personal dolphin or
narwhal or whale whale oil is sometimes used in Cetus III ritual.


Providing you have or at least intuit a mind of your own, you will readily flee from negative influence by embracing your true natal skies.

The zodiac features 22 constellations. There are 16 eastern ascendants for the current epoch. Academic Zodiac Entertaining all planets 38 within

your real sky natal zodiac since 1972.

2012-Oct-31 00:00 m Vir

2012-Nov-01 00:00 m Lib

2012-Nov-09 00:00 Lib

2012-Nov-23 00:00 m Lib

2012-Nov-24 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-25 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-26 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-27 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-28 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-29 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-30 00:00 m Oph

2012-Dec-17 00:00 Oph

2012-Dec-18 00:00 Sgr


Welcome to the Academic Zodiac, the first fully scientific zodiac in human history! Considering the richness of the material 39, we trust you are

going to enjoy your stay. You will be delighted to hear that the goal of all astrologers and astronomers has been achieved: astronomy and
astrology are one. After eons of suffering under wrong data 40, we make astrology directly from NASA, thus challenging any superstition against

the refreshed face of your true natal stars. The honest face of your planets do not allow for duality: one has one horoscope only, not two. This
astrological dtente reunites east and west under a single astronomic sky. Ananta Laxmi is Venus in Hydra.

Among our dearest inventions like the state-of-art secondary angular direction 41, we take great pride in IPD Instant Planetary Delineation.

Delineation for a new planet is written on the fly from the incipient moment it was discovered! Sometimes delineations are published e.g. even
before the official NASA announcement. Such was the case with Quaoar of the dwarf planets.

The official years of astrology come in twos: namely 1972 marks the invention of the zodiac while 1982 spawns the Aspectarian; 1992 delineates
our first TNO 42 and finally 2012 splashes Uranus into Cetus for the Eon of Cetus II.

As the incipient horoscopes were considerably priced according to their size, several minor formats were offered to the public. Understandably, a
standard 43 1500 pages horoscope is not exactly something that you download for free.

Considering the volume of the offer it takes days to browse through a single catalog custom requests would seem most unlikely albeit they do
happen all the time as welcome surprise! In the case that the client has a special request, we will be very happy to arrange it for him. Special
delivery may e.g. include tailored RTRRT future-changing applications 44: our clients dont suffer from bad transits 45 at all 46.
43F 44F 45F


Personal Cosmic Secretary http://users.tmok.com/~tarant8l/astrology/astrology.html O5IRIS


Instant Healing http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?keyWords=Instant+Healing+Klaudio+Zic+&sorter=relevance-desc


Marriage Rendering http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?keyWords=Marriage+Rendering+Klaudio+Zic&sorter=relevance-desc


Mini RTRRT http://inkmesh.com/search/?qs=Mini+RTRRT+Initiation+Klaudio+Zic+&btnE=Find+Ebooks

Prosperity Rendering

Wish Wheel http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?keyWords=Wish+Wheel+Klaudio+Zic+&sorter=relevance-desc


Magick initiation http://inkmesh.com/search/?qs=Book+cheap+Instant+Magick+initiation+Klaudio+Zic+&btnE=Find+Ebooks


Money Honey http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?type=&keyWords=Money+Honey+Klaudio+Zic&x=0&y=0&sitesearch=lulu.com&q=


PCS http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?type=&keyWords=Personal+Cosmic+Secretary+Klaudio+Zic+&x=0&y=0&sitesearch=lulu.com&q=

Oberon V http://inkmesh.com/search/?qs=Oberon+Klaudio+Zic+&btnE=Find+Ebooks

O5 http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?keyWords=Oberon++Klaudio+Zic+&sorter=relevance-desc

Cascade http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?keyWords=Cascade++Klaudio+Zic+&sorter=relevance-desc

Magic Wand http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?keyWords=Magic+Wand++Klaudio+Zic+&sorter=relevance-desc


Aladdin XI http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?keyWords=Aladdin++Klaudio+Zic+&sorter=relevance-desc

Matrix Hacking http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?keyWords=Matrix+Hacking+Klaudio+Zic+&sorter=relevance-desc



Minute forecast is provided as fairly reliable 47 personal guesswork in disclaiming any and all warranties, whether express or implied,

including - without limitation - any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Copyright 2012 by Klaudio Zic. First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2012 http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology The Academic

Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2012 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The Academic Zodiac
is privately owned 1972 2012 by Klaudio Zic.


1 Your only reference to dwarf planets and centaurs, from the first to the latest discovery.
Up to you. Custom service implies detail. Detail such as a special ephemeris calculus are mailed to our
clients directly from the NASA JPL server. Periodical comets may be included. That is to say: you design your own
Our dedicated publications inform on dwarf planets in great detail. Thus, over 6 GB of Eris material has
been made available to the public since August 5th 2005. 2007 OR10 was our new entry in early 2009.
4 There has been quite some experimenting as concern the natural Night & Day 24 houses, then 16 and
finally 12. Nevertheless, the twelve Cartesian houses can be hardly called traditional since they feature e.g. Moon
in Corvus at the third cusp, Venus ascending in Scutum or the Fed {FRS} culminating in Phnix.
5 Surely, 2009 YE7 can be called more recent. Unfortunately, the object has been found smaller then
according to its incipient estimation.
6 See our dedicated publications as concern the quoted newly discovered objects.
7 The category of Earth is by far the most important as well as utterly unknown one.
8 Same as precessed ascendants. We assign special significance to subconscious ascendants in a horoscope.
Centaurean Services
Academic zodiac When you want to know for sure.
Still wearing that outworn horoscope? Upgrade to http://bit.ly/e4LvmR now!
Still wearing that outworn karma of yours? Upgrade to RTRRT.
on of Cetus 2012 Age of Pegasus 2017 Good luck, planet!

The zodiac has 22 stations; there are 16 ascendants.

Tarot fans and astronomers will easily memorize #1622.

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2011 http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology Copyright 2011 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this
material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission
of the Author. The names of dedicated publications are normally given in italics.

o When it comes to them centaurs, we tend to be conservative as concern their definition;

however, e.g. Damocles is included by default within every analysis and we also welcome
any comet that would candidate as centaur. There are actually a couple of actual comets
centaurs that we intend to integrate within the Academic Zodiac system.

o Two brand new centaurs are of course included9, namely 2006 AA99 and 2007 JG43

o Since the first centaur Pholus was discovered, we tend to delineate centaurs in the
twelve houses both extrazodiacally and zodiacally, before they are named. This
method relieves analysis from the bias of a chosen name. Most post naming
delineation is in fact based on name.

o Centaurs were variously astrologically classified as reptilian, white and immortal.

o Sometimes a bureaucratic mage suffers castration at the hand of its own kin.
Within our centaurean series, this is the case of the unfortunate consort of
Chariklo. An ex centaur was found to be a dead comet chunk, the castrated Chiron
2060 Chiron (1977 UB) redesigneated as comet 95P/Chiron.

The cetacean9 years 2011 & 2012 mark interesting times. At present, the zodiac is vanishing
from the web due to a timed deadline. Thousands of publications will expire by mid
October 2011, never to be republished again. Make your download till October 14th 2011
when the revealing publications are alas scheduled for timely self-destruction. You dont
want the strategic zodiacal as well as magical material to fall in wrong hands, do you now?

Recently we introduced a couple of new objects with delineation due for centaur 2006
AA99 as well as dwarf planet candidate 2007 JJ43. That is to say, these objects are bound
to be included in horoscopes of RTRRT initiates. Accidentally, the copious 2007 JG43
delineation precedes that of 2006 AA99, in timely unison with Obama planet 2007
OR10. Said dwarf planet was nicknamed divorce planet for the occasion. Much as in the
case of Famke Janssen's political career9, we learned about apparent President Obama's
divorce issues only after publicizing the series. Thus, no default news was included.
Much as Famke Janssen could become the new pope9 (sic), so Obama's divorce is but a
fair possibility. However, we alluded at a possible divorce from Vatican the prediction
being formulated years before the actual popes retirement - at its lingering stage9 in
20149, rather than any civil marriage issues for that matter.

22 zodiac signs
16 ascendants
2012 AEon of Cetus
2017 Age of Pegasus
RTRRT Instant Magick
Academic Zodiac: because it is not nice to fool with Mother Nature.

2012-Nov-23 00:00 m Lib

2012-Nov-26 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-29 00:00 m Sco
2012-Dec-02 00:00 m Oph
2012-Dec-05 00:00 m Oph
2012-Dec-08 00:00 Oph
2012-Dec-11 00:00 Oph
2012-Dec-14 00:00 Oph
2012-Dec-17 00:00 Oph
2012-Dec-20 00:00 m Sgr

We know your horoscope. http://bit.ly/e4LvmR Your true natal horoscope. Stay connected with the right dots across
your original starry skies: 22 zodiacal stations, 16 ascendants. http://ow.ly/5T1Cz Trust your real
stars: Academic Zodiac. Ophiuchus Ascendant - Real natal ascendants & Sun-signs. http://ht.ly/5q6ej
Thank you for being supportive towards the IAU, much as tolerant towards Harvard MPC in
embracing NASA JPL as your true natal planetary positions. http://ht.ly/5GKky Academic Zodiac
#1622 #RTRRT Zodiac, ascendant set, house system, directions, dwarf planets, comets, centaurs;
objects of interest, reality rendering: case solved http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology all
astrology assets in one place. Personal Future-Changing #RTRRT http://ow.ly/5RpTV Academic
Zodiac #1622 Your True Natal Stars http://ow.ly/5RpTx Book cheap Instant Magick. What is behind
us is not important. http://ht.ly/5YiHm #RTRRT #1622

Dig Deeper

Academic Zodiac Complete Works Instant Magick

http://ow.ly/6asi8 http://ow.ly/6as5v http://ow.ly/6aspr

2012 Uranus in Cetus 2012 2017

http://ow.ly/6p5fa http://ow.ly/6p5iD http://ow.ly/6p5mm
2011 2012 2014 2017 13th Ascendant Ophiuchus 2011 2012 2014 2017

http://ow.ly/6p64f http://ow.ly/6p6lO http://ow.ly/6p66y

10 2009 YE7 including.



Academic zodiac When you need to be sure.
Still wearing that outworn horoscope? Upgrade to http://bit.ly/e4LvmR now!
Still wearing that outworn karma of yours? Upgrade to RTRRT.
on of Cetus 2012 Age of Pegasus 2017 Good luck, planet!

The zodiac has 22 stations; there are 16 ascendants.

Tarot fans and astronomers will easily memorize #1622.

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2011 http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology Copyright 2011 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights
Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial
purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The names of dedicated publications are normally given in italics.


First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2010, http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology . Copyright 2010 By Klaudio Zic. All Rights
Reserved. No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial
purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author, except when permitted by law.


Copyright 2010 by Klaudio Zic, all rights reserved. http://users.tmok.com/~tarant8l/paypal/RTRRT_VIP_paypal.html

Verify your true identity with the Academic Zodiac system and change it with Reality Rendering.


Your true horoscope is written in the stars. The scientific horoscope as based on NASA standards features the Academic Zodiac, Cartesian house
system and Eastern Ascendant set.

1. Academic Zodiac. 22 zodiacal constellations for your full identity profile.

2. Eastern Ascendant. 16 rising constellations determine your character.
3. Cartesian house system. Your Moon rising in Cetus in the first house.


a)Performing daily miracles in minutes comes natural in perusing O5. O5 is the premier instant magick technique. O5 is invisible, portable,
discrete and omnipotent.
b)Cascade is the fast solution in instant magick. Use it where seconds count.
c)Have your wishes come true in a harmonious way. The Personal Cosmic Secretary helps with arranging your daily miracles in an user
friendly way.


Choose your Verified Identity Package according to your initiation level.


EUR 50
Your true natal ascendant11, delineation, horoscope scans and info material.


EUR 200

1. Your true natal ascendant from a choice of 16.

2. Verified position of the planets, e.g. Sun in Orion, Moon in Auriga.
3. Cartesian chart wheel with the Sun, Moon, planets and dwarf planets.


EUR 400

Basic Reality Rendering initiation.


EUR 600

Accurate predictions.



EUR 800

Academic Zodiac tuition.


EUR 1000

Personal Reality Rendering tuition.

Klaudio Zic
12 *******************************************************************************
JPL/DASTCOM3 Small-body Search Results 2010-Aug-05 06:50:18

Matching small-bodies:

Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H

-------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- -----
1 1983 (undefined) Ceres 3.34
2 2001 (undefined) Pallas 4.13
4 1981 (undefined) Vesta 3.20
19308 1998 1996 TO66 [...unnamed...] 4.50
19521 2000 1998 WH24 Chaos 4.90
20000 2004 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70
24835 1999 1995 SM55 [...unnamed...] 4.80
26375 2002 1999 DE9 [...unnamed...] 4.70
28978 2004 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20
38628 2002 2000 EB173 Huya 4.70
42301 2000 2001 UR163 [...unnamed...] 3.97
47171 2001 1999 TC36 [...unnamed...] 4.73
50000 2004 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.71
55565 2002 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.26
55636 2005 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.16
55637 2003 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.60
82075 2003 2000 YW134 [...unnamed...] 4.81
84522 2004 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.81
84922 2003 2003 VS2 [...unnamed...] 4.00
90377 2005 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.58
90482 2005 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
90568 2001 2004 GV9 [...unnamed...] 3.90
119951 2002 2002 KX14 [...unnamed...] 4.50
120132 2003 2003 FY128 [...unnamed...] 4.80
120178 2005 2003 OP32 [...unnamed...] 3.97
120347 2004 2004 SB60 [...unnamed...] 4.25
120348 2001 2004 TY364 [...unnamed...] 4.25
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70
136108 2007 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.00
136199 2005 2003 UB313 Eris -1.17
136472 2007 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.44
144897 2010 2004 UX10 [...unnamed...] 4.50
145451 2010 2005 RM43 [...unnamed...] 4.40
145452 2010 2005 RN43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
145453 2010 2005 RR43 [...unnamed...] 4.00
145480 2010 2005 TB190 [...unnamed...] 4.70
174567 2010 2003 MW12 [...unnamed...] 3.60
175113 2010 2004 PF115 [...unnamed...] 4.70
202421 2010 2005 UQ513 [...unnamed...] 3.40
208996 2004 2003 AZ84 [...unnamed...] 4.00
225088 2010 2007 OR10 [...unnamed...] 1.90
229762 2010 2007 UK126 [...unnamed...] 3.40
230965 2010 2004 XA192 [...unnamed...] 4.00
416322 2010 2001 QF298 [...unnamed...] 4.70
428012 2010 2002 CY248 [...unnamed...] 4.90
431670 2002 2002 MS4 [...unnamed...] 3.77
443791 2004 2002 XV93 [...unnamed...] 4.92
448701 2010 2003 QX113 [...unnamed...] 4.70
457274 2010 2003 UZ413 [...unnamed...] 4.30
466418 2010 2004 NT33 [...unnamed...] 4.40
467512 2004 2004 PR107 [...unnamed...] 4.60
477855 2010 2004 XR190 [...unnamed...] 4.50
490592 2010 2005 QU182 [...unnamed...] 3.40
530787 2010 2006 QH181 [...unnamed...] 3.80
564497 2010 2007 JH43 [...unnamed...] 4.70
564498 2010 2007 JJ43 [...unnamed...] 3.20
612169 2010 2008 ST291 [...unnamed...] 4.40
655685 2010 2009 YE7 [...unnamed...] 4.40
666450 2010 2010 EK139 [...unnamed...] 3.80
668191 2010 2010 FX86 [...unnamed...] 4.40
676085 2010 2010 KZ39 [...unnamed...] 4.00

(61 matches. To SELECT, enter record # (integer), followed by semi-colon.)

13 If they ever do. Names proper are rather rare in modern astrology. Even the largest objects duly await their
nomination by the IAU. The Harvard MPC is a fairly cooperative institution, much as NASA JPL. Even the IAU has
astrology on its schedule. This raw information should encourage any incipient astrologer in participating in the
naming of the dwarf planets and objects of interest. We often use objects of interest, mostly with the meaning of
all objects {sic}.
14 Later on, yahoos will delineate the names, but not the objects in themselves. No wonder nothing was
known of the planets and minor planets, not even of giant comets: analysis focused on their names, not the spirits
themselves. Any analysis devoid of theurgy borders on popular numerology: cheap amusement that may ruin quite
some lives.
6 666 666 666.
Please don't pass this onto a friend, as we do not have the means and staff to service too many customers, so in
order to maintain the necessary quality of our work as paramount, we can not possibly afford to expand our
The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
Cruithne-based charts and spacecraft births have been presented some two decades ago.
For the current epoch.
43 for Eris-nostalgic.
IAU Constellations.
Other planets, asteroids, comets and in fact everywhere in a three-dimensional space.
Sea quake!
Lama incarnation calculus.
On trip to Cruithne? We got your horoscopes!
Notice that we avoid the use of own since default mind is opposed to original true mind.
The passage of course refers to the 16 guardian angels or even elementary permutations of the Tarot Aspectarian.
The IAU borders taken more elastic, we have 15, even 16 zodiacal stations for the Sun.
Mostly as historical.
Dont exactly follow in the Suns path, that is: diverge from the ecliptic.
Moon included!
15 is a fair proposal, but we could not resist the call of 16.
Eon of Cetus II.
Precisely, their main star is guardian angel!
The publications may have survived October 2011 clean-up. Namely, different sets of ascendants were published until a decade ago.
As rising omen for Palden Dorje vs the Antichrist.
Delineation for all dwarf planets, centaurs, outer guardians, comets, planets, satellites, Apoheles, main belt comets, historical asteroids, earth Trojan moons; stars, deep sky objects, Dark Flux,
Axis of Evil, Witchallow, stargates
The material in fact grew so lush that we safely disposed of over 11000 publications from the server in mid-October 2011, deeming that whatever remains will more than suffice for the
incipient Eon astrologist and magus.
The zodiacal offset approaches seven signs in winter nativities.
Directing planets is called astrology. Hundreds of directions stand at the disposal of the incipient astrologer.
1992 QB1 features as prominent along with a 1 Orionis Osama Moon and Eris W 0 in Cetus in the 9-11 charts. The (exact) descending position has been formulated in the year 1992 as fatal
to marriage viz Down syndrome.
The historical standards still persist in 1500 pp and 250 pp formats. Prices may vary along with e.g. fairly elastic delivery deadline. While - historically - the guardian angel ascendant was
regularly priced 500 , one could obtain it for 50 on special occasion. Considering the busy workshop within an island as surrounded by chaos, apparently eccentric pricing comes natural.
Typically PCS or the Personal Cosmic Secretary from the RTRRT suite of instant magick tools.
Or any transit at all. In the dark past, amateurs would peruse transits where 500 directions were at the disposal of the incipient astrologer.
They dont have them. What threatened the sample client against global superstition was rather the inadequacy and incapability of the improvised astrologist, not said transit that was regularly
miscalculated with the rest of the horoscope anyway.
The minute and second of your next marriage serves for an example.
Adjust your Karma



Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26

Horoscope. Just better!

3H #2014shift
Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by
Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013

The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq

Information you never knew you wanted to know.

Your horoscope is happening in the real sky


The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools have O5 or Oberon V for core discreating
technique. O5 is like confession: once one has fully confessed negativity, one disposes of
it: in this way, a space for positivity is created. Manifestation happens within 5 minutes.

Know you guardian angel. Have your ascendant calculated.

Know your Moon sign, Venus sign and eventually Sun sign as well.
Astrologer? Do it in secret.
Produce a karmic plan. AMAT VICTORIA CVRAM
Start not thinking.
Live your dreams a.

Consider NASA. Angels love it.

Your angels love your true natal skies: they are your true natal skies.
Dont let them down. Align to true natal skies for better timing.
With quarter sky of error no one is magician: only a fool.
Dont just collect tips: put them in practice. Let everybody else go wrong.
In order to adjust for good karma, one needs extra personal power.
Our tip for personal power is ETER by RTRRT Emotion-time-energy retriever.

RTRRT Bogeyman.

Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW 6H

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX 7H

Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt 8H

MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO 9H

Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY

Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE

Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7

Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL 13H

MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi 14H

ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF 15H

Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0

INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd 17H

Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl 18H

O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO

Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx 20H

Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L 21H

Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw 22H

Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw 23H

Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO 24H

Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl 25H

Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb 26H

Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ 27H

PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc

Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk29H

O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4

Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe

Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E 32H

Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7 33H

Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM 34H

Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU 35H

Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4 36H

#2014Shift #NewMom #NewAge #Prosperity #Abundance 0H

Personal Magick Agenda


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26

Horoscope. Just better!

3H #2014shift
Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by
Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013

The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq

Information you never knew you wanted to know.

Your horoscope is happening in the real sky


The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools have O5 or Oberon V for core discreating
technique. O5 is like confession: once one has fully confessed negativity, one disposes of
it: in this way, a space for positivity is created. Manifestation happens within 5 minutes.

Perfect timing is paramount. This very project intuitively started with the Sun exactly on
the meridian with Spica Virginis, the luckiest star of all. Including perfect timing in your
magic plans greatly enhances the chances for unlimited and undeserved success.
What are those other planets? Leave them to us. We know everything about them and
how they affect your magick planning horoscope as we delineated them from their very
first hour they were discovered.

Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW 6H

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX 7H

Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt 8H

MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO 9H

Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY

Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE

Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7

Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL 13H

MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi 14H

ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF 15H

Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0

INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd 17H

Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl 18H

O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO

Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx 20H

Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L 21H

Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw 22H

Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw 23H

Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO 24H

Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl 25H

Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb 26H

Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ 27H

PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc

Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk29H

O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4

Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe

Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E 32H

Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7 33H

Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM 34H

Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU 35H

Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4 36H

2013 the year of the 13th sign doubles the zodiac to 26 Signs

VIP Brochure, Eon Chronology & Professional Catalog 2014


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26

Horoscope. Just better!

3H #2014shift
Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by
Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013

The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq

Information you never knew you wanted to know.

Your horoscope is happening in the real sky


The Venusian cycles as encapsulated within the present Aeon of Cetus range from Hydra
to Cetus and Scutum to Pegasus. 2014 stands for Scutum while 2017 stands for Pegasus.

Sun in Virgo for Halloween

Nov 23 Sun in Libra Sai Baba birthday
2013 Uranus in Cetus 2012
2014 Venus in Scutum
2017 Venus in Pegasus ^^

Your favorite Gemini ascendant has not been rising at east for the past 5000 years.
What is rising at east?


No one you know can possibly have a Capricorn, Sagittarius or Scorpio ascendant at all.
Moreover, no friends of yours can have an Aries, Libra or Gemini ascendant at all. Does
Cancer rise at east? No. Stay tuned for the full list of non-rising ascendants.



6H 7H

Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet 1: the original zodiac as shared by all a
0F 0F

astronomical observatories across the planet and off-planet 2 as well.


The pun is on India.
SKY #QuarterSky

Did you know that when zero Gemini is expected to rise at east, Cetus ascends instead?
Conquer of your natal skies by obtaining your real natal ascendant! Your real natal
ascendant is your guardian angel. Thus, when zero Gemini is expected at east, Cetus
rises instead. Since Cetus is below Pisces, ascendant offset is 1/4 one quarter of the sky.


Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.


Alixe has Moon ascending in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans and Venus in Orion. Her Juno
hovers in zodiacal Scutum while her Pluto sits at the ascendant of the USA in Serpens


22 zodiacal signs.
16 ascendants 4.3F

Pluto nostalgic 5? Enjoy 26 zodiacal signs 6.

4F 5F

More Sun-signs? Workable 15, extended to 16.

Cartesian house system: works everywhere 7: ocean floor 8, Himalaya 9, 6F 7F 8F

spacecraft 10. 9F

1008 delineated planets: the complete solar system is yours for the taking!

1008 Planets http://ar.gy/3lD8


Full services catalog for the current year along with elaborations on the times we live in as marked by the zodiacal constellation like Pegasus,
Scutum, Eridanus, Hydra or Cetus. As future scanning ideally proceeds future-changing, the stress is in a detailed acquaintance with the Academic
Zodiac and ascendant set in an RTRRT Instant Magick initiate. All initiations can be accomplished by self-initiation as presented within our
RTRRT and Academic Zodiac series.


1) ANGEL (prosperity) http://ow.ly/8tP3h


2) POWER (money) http://ow.ly/8tP2F


3) DREAM (bogeyman) http://ow.ly/8tP2k


4) BARYCENTER (real estate) http://ow.ly/8tP1M 13H

5) RIVAL (competition) http://ow.ly/8tP1s


6) NETHERWORLD (employees) http://ow.ly/8tOZW 15H

7) ENEMIES (devil) http://ow.ly/8tOYJ


8) IMMORTALITY (death discreation) http://ow.ly/8tOXI 17H

9) ASTRAL (scouts) http://ow.ly/8tOXp


10)AIM (godhead) http://ow.ly/8tOWx


11)LOVE (protection) http://ow.ly/8tOVK


12)NIRVANA - (illumination) http://ow.ly/8tOVq 21H

Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsananantalaxmi uvaca
The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
Cruithne-based charts and spacecraft births have been presented some two decades ago.


Verify your personality. Who are you, really? Take advantage of your real natal stars!


Ascendant in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Xo9

Moon in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XtW
Mercury in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XBm
Venus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XEX
Sun in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XKd
Mars in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XNj
Jupiter in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XP9
Saturn in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XRm
Uranus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XTV
Neptune in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XVD
Pluto in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XY5
Eris in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y1r
Quaoar in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y4L
Ixion in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y8L
Pholus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Ycy
Comets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Yf4
Planets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7YhX


13 + 13 = 26

While the 13 solar stations are a simple fact this end of superstition, the total number of zodiacal stations is 26 Pluto permitting. In other words,
the 26 zodiac is a Pluto nostalgia affair: for those who want Pluto back, the number of zodiacal stations is still 26.

Aries http://ow.ly/hg4jc
Taurus http://ow.ly/hg4np
Gemini http://ow.ly/hg4rn
Cancer http://ow.ly/hg4xx
Leo http://ow.ly/hg55T
Virgo http://ow.ly/hg5nS
Libra http://ow.ly/hg5lL
Scorpio http://ow.ly/hg5qs
Sagittarius http://ow.ly/hg5z6
Capricorn http://ow.ly/hg5Kc
Aquarius http://ow.ly/hg5S4
Pisces http://ow.ly/hg5Wt


Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX
Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO
Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY
Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE
Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7
Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi
ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF
Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0
INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd
Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl
O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO
Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx
Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L
Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw
Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw
Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO
Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl
Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb
Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ
PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc
Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk
O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4
Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe
Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E
Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7
Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM
Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU
Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4
For the current epoch.
43 for Eris-nostalgic.
IAU Constellations.
Other planets, asteroids, comets and in fact everywhere in a three-dimensional space.
Sea quake!
Lama incarnation calculus.
On trip to Cruithne? We got your horoscopes!
Your real natal ascendant is your guardian angel. Thus, when zero Gemini is expected to ascend at
east, Cetus rises instead. Since Cetus is below Pisces, the offset is 1/4 or one quarter of the sky.

1/4 sky of ascendental offset - #QuarterSky services get your natal skies back!

#2014shift SKY #QuarterSky #AscendantOffset #ZodiacOffset #Scutum #Cetus #Pegasus

Did you know that when zero Gemini is expected to rise at east, Cetus ascends instead?
Conquer of skies by obtaining your real natal ascendant!


Curating your zodiac since #Eon #2017 #2012 #1622

Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic.

Scientific Astrology Retrospective


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26

Horoscope. Just better!

3H #2014shift
Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by
Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013

The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq

Information you never knew you wanted to know.

Your horoscope is happening in the real sky

a) The zodiac and ascendant set were essentially determined and published online in
minutes back in the seventies, but it took some time to devise the universal Cartesian
house system: all zodiacal, extra-zodiacal, ascendental housing problems were thus
simply resolved. Venus was rising in Hydra at the ascendant the Antichrist was born.
b) In the year 1992 the first cubewano that is trans-Neptunian object was found, the better to
additionally curse the WTC with its angular presence for 9-11.
c) Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.
d) Karla was next, among another swarm of centaurs: centaurean astrology flourished with
Pholus, Nessus, Chariklo, Asbolus and the new-comers: we had at least around three
newcomers every year! We took care of them from the very incipient first steps,
meaning provisory ephemerides, named them for the occasion and delineated in
secondary angular direction, house, extra-zodiacal position and angular aspect.
e) At the time, Smiley, Karla and the rest still enjoyed the company of the Dark Planets,
even some Avestans, LILIT VERA or Cassini Lilith, the Devils Rose, Nemesis and all
kind of hypothetical monsters of our previous astrological galaxy: a dark time through
which great discoveries were merely supposed, not lived at all.
f) As a matter of fact, the Dark Planets were recently deployed for Prince George.
g) LILIT VERA is still valid in direction: the better to prove that said object does not exist?
h) Some centaurs were reptilian, some white and some immortal: they all received
abundant delineation galore - over the years - right from the first hour of their finding.
i) If something marked the crucial point in our research, it was Varuna: at the time a
developer from Costa Rica, the centaurean astrologer Juan Antonio Revilla, issued a
DOS program which among the other wonders did calculate Varuna we were
dependent on NASA as ever. Centaurean astrology remained hot Latino.


Ever missed of your own natal skies? You dont know what youre missing! Give them no
quarterback - get 1/4 of your own natal sky back!


To the left is the alleged zero degree of a zodiacal sign as expected to rise. To the right is the
real eastern ascendant. Note that Aquarius Aquarius does not mean that the expected degree
is up at all. As a rule, some 90 degrees = three standard signs of non-linear offset are to be
expected. Examples Orion rises instead of Leo Cetus rises instead of Gemini. In the case of
Orion Leo, the three signs comparison by not holding water at all - actually means that
Monoceros, Canis Minor, Hydra and Sextans separate Orion from Leo. Also note that the so-
called ecliptic ascendant would yield similar results. The results are given for alleged zero
degree only: any other variegated degree of any sign as proposed would of course yield
colorfully different results.



Toying with astrology already? Become professional even the first astrologer on your own
continent. Forget the 13 sidereal - 12 tropical nonsense and concentrate on your own true natal
skies first. Extract basic directions. It takes minutes to know your life by memory.


The standard miscalculation for the masses is 800 years, therefore the dull average of Aquarius
I is due in some 750 years from now: nothing special is really expected to happen even as it
overlaps with the twin averages of Capricornus. For now, after the Aeon of Cetus II, we are
about to enter the second average of Pisces - the Age of Pisces is bound to last for the next 750
years or so. Dull average of Pisces being of no interest to Astrology, we study the present eras
of Hydra, Eridanus, Cetus, Scutum and Pegasus first.


The Academic Zodiac 1973 has overturned a long-held assumption that the number of
zodiacal stations was only 13 or 14. Prior to the present classification of Eris and Pluto, the
zodiac had 26, even 43 (sic) stations. The number of zodiacal stations is 22. The present
number of ascendants is 16.


Alixe has Moon ascending in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans and Venus in Orion. Her Juno hovers
in zodiacal Scutum while her Pluto sits at the ascendant of the USA in Serpens Cauda.


22 zodiacal signs.
16 ascendants ii. 1F

Pluto nostalgic iii? Enjoy 26 zodiacal signs iv.

2F 3F

More Sun-signs? Workable 15, extended to 16.

Cartesian house system: works everywhere v: ocean floor vi, Himalaya vii, spacecraft viii.
4F 5F 6F 7F

1008 delineated planets: the complete solar system is yours for the taking!

1008 Planets http://ar.gy/3lD8


Full services catalog for the current year along with elaborations on the times we live in as marked by the zodiacal constellation like Pegasus, Scutum,
Eridanus, Hydra or Cetus. As future scanning ideally proceeds future-changing, the stress is in a detailed acquaintance with the Academic Zodiac and
ascendant set in an RTRRT Instant Magick initiate. All initiations can be accomplished by self-initiation as presented within our RTRRT and Academic
Zodiac series.

1) ANGEL (prosperity) http://ow.ly/8tP3h 8H

2) POWER (money) http://ow.ly/8tP2F


3) DREAM (bogeyman) http://ow.ly/8tP2k 10H

4) BARYCENTER (real estate) http://ow.ly/8tP1M 11H

5) RIVAL (competition) http://ow.ly/8tP1s 12H

6) NETHERWORLD (employees) http://ow.ly/8tOZW 13H

7) ENEMIES (devil) http://ow.ly/8tOYJ


8) IMMORTALITY (death discreation) http://ow.ly/8tOXI 15H

9) ASTRAL (scouts) http://ow.ly/8tOXp


10)AIM (godhead) http://ow.ly/8tOWx


11)LOVE (protection) http://ow.ly/8tOVK18H

12)NIRVANA - (illumination) http://ow.ly/8tOVq 19H


Do people in India know their own horoscopes? The main difficulty lies with the precession of
the ascendant set. The second difficulty lies in accepting even untrained observatories as
authority. The third difficulty lies in banishing western superstition from the Indian soil.

Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsananantalaxmi uvaca


Lastrologia per un mondo latino. Cosa significa? Che propone? Dato che nelle monarchie
settentrionali - uno zodiaco non si sfoggiava mai oltre a certe minime tracce di zodiaci
polacchi e tedeschi lastrologia di un mondo latino lo per invenzione, datosi che lo zodiaco
appunto appartiene al detto mondo.


In parole povere? Datosi che lo zodiaco di nazionalit italiana, e quello che detta i
cambiamenti della mente del mondo; con la caduta del diavolo faccendoni imminente nellera
del Pegaso ^^ 2017.


cielo derrore zodiacale

Un quarto del cielo derrore nel tuo oroscopo.

Tra i molti segni oltre e.g. a quelli cardinali - che non nascono ad est i Gemelli.

Nessuno che tu sappia, ha un ascendente in Gemelli. Lascendente probabilmente Ceto o

Cetus. Stando sotto i Pesci, l;esperimento dimostra un errore non-lineare di ben un quarto
de; cielo derrore ascendentale con quello zodiacale che raggiunge ormai sette segni tondi


Un piccolo ripasso dei centauri comincia con il primo centauro-rettilie - Folo ascendente in
Ofiuco per il principe George nella sua terra senza zodiaco. Sebbene mai popolari nelle terre
monarchiche del nord; i centauri vivano nel sangue troiano e greco della popolazione latina.

2000 2000 WR106

2001 9-11 Osama Moon in Orion & Eris in Cetus. 2001 KX76

2002 Tekton and Orcus Report.

2003 - 2003 EL61

2004 - 2004 DW | 2004 XP14

2005 London bombing with Mars in Cetus. 2003 UB313

2006 Venus in Orion

2007 Antichrist? Venus in Hydra. 2007 OR10

2008 - 2008 SO218

2009 2009 YE7

2010 - 2010 EK139

2011 Odyssey Dawn with Jupiter in Cetus

2012 Aeon peak with Uranus in Cetus Pegasus Point

2013 Uranus in Cetus bis [ISON (C/2012 S1) PANSTARRS (C/2011 L4)]

2014 Age of Scutum - Aion

2017 Age of Pegasus II

Academic Zodiac Entertaining all planets ix within your real sky natal zodiac since 1972. 8F

Copyright 2012 by Klaudio Zic. First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2012 http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2012 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2012 by Klaudio Zic.

Minute forecast is provided as fairly reliable personal guesswork in disclaiming any and all warranties, whether express or implied, including - without limitation - any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.


Uranus in Cetus and Venus in Pegasus stand for major anomalies, Eon of Cetus and Age of
Pegasus; respectively.


These factors are accumulated, documented and enlisted mainly around years 2012 2013. End
of January 2013 amasses minor disrupting factors around January 20th deluge. The delugist
warnings center on the Sign of Jonas, mainly peak of the Eon = Uranus in Cetus. While Uranus
takes a minor break in IAU Pisces, it is still in proximity of Cetus stars, thus the caveat.


The main antediluvian factors are taken as major dwarf planets conjunctions, especially those
who have been known for moving large masses of water, earth or air. These are briefly enlisted
below along with their angular alignments that we sometimes dare call conjunction.

1) Apophis close-up January 9th 2013.

2) Deluge report for end of January 2013.
3) Kim Kardashian = USA ascendant Serpens [ISON (C/2012 S1) PANSTARRS (C/2011 L4)}
4) Kim Kardashian: Sila-Nunam, Stargate, Diamond Planet 55 Cancri e.
5) Moon in Orion WTC 9-11 Moon.
6) Deluge reports for year 2013 dwarf planets through nether ascendants.
7) Eris in Cetus western at 0 altitude 9-11 Eris.
8) Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.
9) Eris conjunct 2000 GM137 in Cetus.
10) 2007 OR10 as e.g. rising with full Moon at NYC Oct 29th 2012.
11) Deucalion aligns with Ceto and the Sun.
12) 2007 OR10 and the Neptune cluster x. 9F

13) Salacia especially as aligned with Uranus Pegasus Point directions.

14) Damocles over trapped 2000 PH5.
15) Venus conjunct Typhon.
16) Pluto at the stargate of hell challenging the galax (Gamma attack).
17) Jupiter, 2000 GM137 , Nephthys xi, Eris and Uranus in Cetus.

18) 2002 AW197 in Hydra (as e.g. presently conjunct 2002 AA29).
19) Orcus in Sextans.
20) Witchallow, 2009 YE7 (MPEC 2009-Y48), Sedna and Dioretsa experimental cluster (e.g.
Cetus III proximity
Full Moon with 1996 RX33 and Sphinx).
21) ISON (C/2012 S1) PANSTARRS (C/2011 L4) Alpha Serpentis, Huya, Ubasti, Phoebe.
22) Pholus and Mars in Ophiuchus as aligned with 2007 JG43 in Corona Australis (experimental).

2013 the year of the 13th sign doubles the zodiac to 26 Signs


About the Astral Nature of the Year 2013


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26


Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by

Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013 xii 11F


The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq


Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet xiii: the original zodiac as shared by all

astronomical observatories across the planet and off-planet xiv as well.



The positions of the planets along with their real zodiacal placements for New Year 2013. 55
Cancri e is of course your Diamond Planet.


Every year is important, especially towards the Gaussian peaks of the Aeon of Cetus II and Age
of Pegasus ^^^: now, cetacean 2005, Hydras 2007 or Scutums 2014 have received detailed
delineation. What about the rest? Is 2018 an important year? What importance do we attach to
year 2013, the present one?

The three most important years of the peak of the Aeon are 2012, 2013 and 2014. Nevertheless,
2017 and the Age of Pegasus III punch a final impact in stressing the fall into Cetus by
elevating global consciousness into Pegasus yet twice. There are important years even beyond
fabled 2017 as we shall see.


The cetacean year 2005 gains in importance as the pope resigns in order to allow for a new one.
This happens exactly with the reentrance of Uranus into Cetus. Then detailed maps have
already been published along with PANSTARRS comet.

YEAR 2013

Amidst such important eonic years as 2012 the peak of the Aeon - or 2017 Age of Pegasus
^^ one would otherwise e.g. bypass year 2010. Thus was not the case with the Era of Eridanus.
2013 can not possibly be overlooked as peak of the Aeon since Uranus reenters Cetus for the
equinoctial congress of the cetacean planets. See also 7 Planets in Cetus. The exposition to the
zodiacal ascendant of Cetus is especially strong during the peak of the Aeon which happens
now as we write this report.

The peak of the Aeon of Cetus II happens with Uranus in Cetus. Havent we had Jupiter
and Uranus in Cetus in the past few years? Yes, but this is a reentry!
At least two bright comets bring impact into every horoscope report in the year 2013,
Easter comet PANSTARS and century comet ISON. Comets e.g. ignite the new Ferrari
but also bring downfall to countries 1 as ruled by Serpens.

Year 2013 is the year of eclipses.

Both countries for those familiar with ascendants.
The Diamond Planet 55 Cancri e is activated as the market shifts its interest in
1929 = 2013? The cycle closes here. What has been hidden e.g. in the years 2005
(cetacean pope, UK crisis) and 2007 (Antichrist, resources) resurfaces towards the
Pegasus Point of the Aeon. We are not facing financial crisis any longer, we are living it
right now.
The Aeon is an occult time in which revelations hit the initiate. The 144000 Illuminati
are surely sensitive to the Sign of Jonas. The rest, the 6 666 666 666 will probably feel
nothing, since default mind attenuates and shuns information. No resting place for the
avatar; fox den or sty: Hayagrivananta is for the 144000 only.

#Starot #AEONews #1622 #RTRRT #AcademicZodiac #26fact #16fact #22fact #AEON


Ophiuchus is one of the 22 or 26 zodiacal stations; also: one of the 16 eastern ascendants or
guardian angels. It is e.g. the ascendant of the USA.

Ascendant in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Xo9


Moon in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XtW


Mercury in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XBm


Venus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XEX


Sun in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XKd

Mars in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XNj 32H

Jupiter in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XP9 33H

Saturn in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XRm 34H

Uranus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XTV 35H

Neptune in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XVD 36H

Pluto in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XY5 37H

Eris in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y1r


Quaoar in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y4L 39H

Ixion in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y8L 40H

Pholus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Ycy 41H

Comets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Yf4 42H

Planets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7YhX 43H

#Starot #AEONews #1622 #RTRRT #AcademicZodiac #26fact #16fact #22fact #Aeon

Ophiuchus Jupiter http://ow.ly/i7WKU 44H

Ophiuchus Mars http://ow.ly/i7WHK 45H

Ophiuchus Sun http://ow.ly/i7Wxe


Ophiuchus Venus http://ow.ly/i7WDQ 47H

Ophiuchus Mercury http://ow.ly/i7WAo 48H

Ophiuchus Moon http://ow.ly/i7WtI 49H

Ophiuchus Ascendant http://ow.ly/i7WqA 50H


Children of the Aeon


Quattro tipi distinti di beb nelleone cetaceo presente


Stay tuned to AEON!



Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by

Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013 xv 14F


The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq


Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet xvi: the original zodiac as shared by all

astronomical observatories across the planet and off-planet xvii as well.



The positions of the planets along with their real zodiacal placements for New Year 2013. 55
Cancri e is of course your Diamond Planet.


Special cetacean children of the Aeon fall under distinct categories, namely Hydra, Eridanus 2,

Cetus, Scutum and Pegasus; mainly according to the placement of their Venus, or as in the
case of Cetus by the number of transiting planets in Cetus e.g. 7 Planets in Cetus. Scutum
and Pegasus are volatile while Hydra, Eridanus and Cetus are deep.

#Pegasus #Kids #2017 http://ow.ly/hbb63 #Pegasean #children http://ow.ly/hbaQG #mom #dad #love
58H 59H

2010, the encapsulated New Age of Eridanus.
#mother #daughter #son #father
#family #toys

#Scutum #Kids #2014 http://ow.ly/hbcXw #indigo #Children http://ow.ly/hbcZq #parenting

60H 61H

#newmom #newbaby #pregnancy #pregnant #parents #mom #dad #moms #dads #family

#2013 http://ow.ly/hbcm6 #Dolphin #Kids http://ow.ly/hbchl #Cetus http://ow.ly/hbcfR

62H 63H

#cetacean #whales #mermaid #siren #mermaids #undine

#Eridanus #Kids http://ow.ly/hbqif Figli del fiume #Po #Eridano #Italia #Transpadania

#nEONato # beb #2010

#Hydra #Kids #2007 http://ow.ly/hb9m9 #indigo #kids #baby #children http://ow.ly/hb9sv #NewAge
65H 66H

#spirituality #parents #moms #parenting

Great Astrological Ages of our Times


Scutum, Pegasus, Hydra, Cetus and Eridanus


The great ages of our times are those of Pegasus, Eridanus Hydra, Scutum and Cetus, The
unremarkable times are marked as the twin averages of Pisces, Aquarius and Capricornus.


A brief list for newcomers as follow. Note that the complexities of encapsulations bypass the
purpose of this brief. Also: everybody should be fairly informed with gross zodiacal linear
[going up to 7] and [non-linear/lateral] ascendental offset by now xviii.

2010 Era of Eridanus xix [New Age]


2012 ^ Peak of the Aeon of Cetus II

2013 - ^^ Peak of the Aeon of Cetus II [Sign of Jonas]
2014 Age of Scutum [Aion]
2017 Age of Pegasus II [^^ III follows]

The second average of Pisces as well as twin averages of Aquarius and Capricornus are marked
as unremarkable before the Second Age of Scutum.


Did you know that Taurus is an ascendant for the current epoch? It presently rises for five
minutes every day.

Age of Taurus http://ow.ly/i6XJJ


Age of Orion http://ow.ly/i6ZyF


Age of Aries http://ow.ly/i6XEC


Age of Pegasus http://ow.ly/i6Yjv ^

Age of Hydra 72H http://ow.ly/i6YnZ
Era of Eridanus 73H http://ow.ly/i6Yuy
Aeon of Cetus 74H http://ow.ly/i6Ya3 ^^^
Age of Scutum 75H http://ow.ly/i6YfD
Age of Pegasus 76H http://ow.ly/i6Yjv ^^^
Age of Pisces 77H http://ow.ly/i6XwA ==
Age of Aquarius 78H http://ow.ly/i6YJg ==
Age of Capricornus http://ow.ly/i6YCp ==

Age of Scutum 80H http://ow.ly/i6YfD


As Uranus reenters Cetus for the peak of the AEON, dolphin children are born with many
transiting planets in Cetus; but the real leaders are not the 2007 "Hydra kids" but the 2017
Pegasean children - Venus respectively in Hydra and Pegasus.

Reverse Chronology of Modern Astrology xx & Magick xxi 19F 20F

First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2011 - 2012 http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology Copyright 2011 - 2012 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this

material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the
Author. The names of dedicated publications are normally given in italics.
The incipient magus xxii starts at the bottom.

4th Coming of Lucifer - Venus in Pegasus ^^ Bis

#2014shift Assistance with horoscopes featuring Venus in Scutum
Assistance with century comets Lovejoy, ISON, PanSTARRS and Spalding-Spring
1/4 sky of ascendental offset - #QuarterSky services get your natal skies back
Western ascendant offset as measured against real sky for 0 and 15 degrees of a sign.
Cyllarus Hylonome dynamism maximum angular as applied to Kims horoscope.
Kim horoscope analysis goes fully centaurean!
A research on the harem, wives and sisters the female side of Kims horoscope.
Kim could strike on April 1st. [but a new version of the horoscope is being inspected]
Experimental method as introduced in predicting Palladium stocks.
Palladium stocks diving under the taurine ascendant calf a chance on the stock market.
Malaysia FP2 with Moon in Sextans and Uranus in Cetus F1 report.
Mars conjunct Uranus in Cetus Cyprus crisis.
The Cyprus crisis started with the explosion of a naval base in 2011.
Cetacean equinox Uranus in Cetus lunar, venusian, mercurial and martial
Papa Ofiuco! Ophiuchus pope elected with Aeon comet PanSTARRS and Uranus in
Cetus setting over the western papal horizon at ideal observation time.
HABEMVS PAPAM OPHIVCHVS. White smoke rising from the Sistine chapel.
Aeon comet PanSTARRS as conjunct with Uranus in Cetus angular on March 13th.
Equinoctial pope election: The Easter comet hits Cetus.
Cacus and Orcus as featuring in the pope election maps.
Aeon equinox the Sign of Jonas.
Planetary stenography xxiii completed along with the 88 ascendants.
Dow Jones index sky high with the entrance of Uranus into Cetus for Aeon peak.
ISS ZARYA horoscope computed for Dragon clutch time.
Aeon pope precisely at the peak of the Aeon, we have a new pope.
Sign of Jonas equinoctial Uranus reenters Cetus for the peak of the Aeon of Cetus II.
Sextans Moon, the birthplace of the zodiac- the pope resigns.
Success Codex sums and resumes the Academic Zodiac and RTRRT methods
Scan and change your futurities with 20 Minutes Astrology and RTRRT initiation
Directing the stars and objects of interest through the IAU zone, traditional local
constellations set and e.g. Across the Dark Flux or along the Axis of Evil
Aeon Gran Prix formula 1 predictions for Melbourne, Australia & Bahrain
Uranus reenters Cetus for the peak of the Aeon.
Brussels diamond heist
Comet PANSTARRS and Saturn in aspect with Diamond Planet 55 Cancri e
Etna eruption, Copernicus birthday synch with Brussels diamonds heist
Uranus, Venus and Sun in Cetus glorify the peak of the Aeon 2013
Pope resignation horoscope
2006 RH120
2010 SO16
Mini-moons, TCO, Apoheles and Auxiliary Moons of Earth.
Cometarian horoscope for the new F1 Ferrari F 138.
#Ferrari F 138 #F1 #F138 #Moon #Typhon | S C/2011 L4 #PANSTARRS #2007JG43 |
N C/2012 S1 #ISON |
#Moon #Typhon | #UK #FLOOD http://ow.ly/hk7Zw #Deluge #Floodwaters
#Inundation #Scotland #Wales #England #FloodAware #Sur #Wx #News
Half of the yearly London rains in one day: Sydney is hit as well.
Feb 5 #flood #alert http://bit.ly/Xa2neB | #Mars #Neptune #Nessus #Icarus #Nephele
#2007OR10 | #Teharonhiawako #Borasisi #Phaedra #Sekhmet #Chiron
Since diluvial flooding already happened as predicted, more is expected for the first
week of February 2013 due to Mars stirring the Neptune cluster along with 2007 OR10.
#Protection http://ow.ly/hiefj from #Flood http://ow.ly/hie9t #Oswald #Felleng #cyclone
#tornado #typhoon #hurricane #Sydney #Madagascar
Inundations in Queensland, Australia as predicted.
Feb 5 #flood #alert http://ow.ly/hi9jO | #Mars #Neptune #2007OR10 | #cyclone #tornado

#typhoon #hurricane #Felleng | #Madagascar #LeReunion #Seychelles | #Sydney #Oswald

Felling brushing by Madagascar: parts of Seychelles experience peculiar weather.
Abnormal rains can be considered as the Sign of Jonas as Uranus is nearing its Cetus reentry.
#Inundation #Deluge http://ow.ly/hbyPw #Floodwaters #inundate #Queensland #flood

#Aussie #Australia http://ow.ly/hbyUE #downunder #astrology


Aeon children Hydra, Eridanus, Cetus, Scutum and Pegasus kids.

#EU26 - The European zodiac has 26 constellations.
#brexit and #grexit The 26 zodiacal stations correspond to European states.
The #EU26 Tarot portrays four additional zodiacal stations for the EU.
WEF concludes with century comet ISON conjunct Moon.
Davos WEF some optimism due to southern Phoenix FED involved?
EU crisis with Moon in Orion at Davos.
For those new to astrology, the inauguration ascendant Cetus is not only one of the
largest zodiacal ascendants but also the Sign of Jonas the marker of the equinox.
Uranus and the Sun congress in Cetus for Cetus equinox 2013 the celebrated Aeon.
Obama inauguration as reverse 9-11 map with Eris ascending in Cetus.
Cetus ascendant with Eris for Obama inauguration.
Deucalion western with Singapore monsoon deluge for Obama inauguration.
Obama inauguration under the New Year auspices of Eris in congress with 2000 GM137
eastern ascending in Cetus.
Special ascendant set as rendered for the year when Uranium was found: 1787.
Incomplete list of centaurean, dwarf planets and objects of interest.
List of dedicated publications as concern the 22 zodiacal constellations plus 88 or 16
Detailed considerations as concern Uranium investment at the brink of the plunge of
Uranus back into Cetus in the eonic year 2013.
Timing #Uranus in #Cetus determines yr #Uranium #investment
http://ow.ly/gXZSZ #yellowcake #Mali #Niger $URA #NYSE $CCJ $URRE $URZ
Uranium investment timing with Uranus in Cetus 2013.
Timing #Uranus in #Cetus = #Uranium #investment http://ow.ly/gXZSZ URA #NYSE
Uranium wars at their second peak with Uranus in Cetus bis.
Dark Valentine asteroid resulted in catastrophic meteors.
War on Mali as the first fortification of the Age of Scutum.
Age of Scutum proclaimed bis and defined against the Aeon of Cetus II, as encapsulated
within it. It precedes the Age of Pegasus ^^ I & II.
Mali conflict by #AEONews
Mars Icarus Damocles Nessus bode ill for airline travels a disastrous time to board a
plane or anything to do with airplane industry, travel or warfare.
Airplane industry crisis with Uranus in Cetus.
Fatal as well as horribly inauspicious au for any airplane industry launch with Mars
Drone wars with Uranus in Cetus bis.
Juno with Cruithne in Scutum.
Venus in Scutum Aion.
ISON (C/2012 S1) Alpha Serpentis shoot-up ||:|:: End of Times.
Birthday of the Lord of the Aeon Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsana.
PANSTARRS (C/2011 L4) aligns with Alpha Serpentis cluster.
Last day as preceding Nov 28th 2013?
Comet year 2013 giant, bright and fatal comets delineated with a taste of finality.
Neptune cluster added to standard planetary report; e.g.:
2007 OR10
Neptune - Aquarius
Nessus Piscis Austrinus
Heracles - Aquarius
Ra-Shalom - Aquarius
Lilith - Aquarius
Damocles - Aquarius
1999 OX3 Aquarius
Phaedra Aquarius [trapped]

Among the three modes in the 1-2-3 method, the 3rd was appended to faux ascendant.
Among the three modes in the 1-2-3 method, the 1st was appended to true ascendant.
Ascending planets in Auriga added to standard planetary report.
Turreted and trapped planets added to standard planetary report.
The precise positions of the planets as issued for winter solstice 2012 xxiv.

Aeon Feed WW3 WW4 updated for Korean rocket missile launch 12 12 2012
Aeon scoop http://www.scoop.it/t/sign http://www.scoop.it/t/sign/rss.xml
85H 86H

Aeon feed updated with links http://www.scribd.com/doc/116211460/AEon-Update


Aeon Diaspora https://poddery.com/tags/2017 [to be abandoned]


Apophis impact revised for 2013 and 2029.

January 2013 deluge predictions as overlapping with Apophis close-up scenario.
Venus cycle 2007 2017 Hydra Pegasus revised along its financial curve. #GFC
Diamond planet versus rogue planet in the horoscope of Daniel Craig 007.
Rogue planet CFBDSIR2149. A rough ephemeris along with rudimental orbital elements for
the object is available: in Pegasus, rising with Salacia. Tentative young moving group
membership probability "youth indicators" estimated possibility: member of several moving
groups and associations (-Pictoris, Tucana-Horologium, AB Doradus, TW Hydrae, Columba,
Carina, Argus, the Pleiades, Q Chameleontis; Hyades and Ursa Majoris.

Introducing rogue planet CFBDSIRJ214947.2-040308.9 - CFBDSIR2149 for friends.

Standard 638 planets in your horoscope xxv. A set of 638 planets as presented in lieu of

1008 xxvi. Endorsing more than 500 planets becomes routine. A decade ago, a normal

horoscope would have but some 50 planets only; as the list expands, so does our
knowledge of personal creation [RTRRTv2 Assemblage Points].
New Year 2013: The Moon as it brushes by under Sila-Nunam and thus Diamond Planet
55 Cancri e for a Diamond Year 2013.
Nov 6th 55 Cancri e conjunct Moon.
Deluge alert as set for January 20th-25th 2013. Default city: Perth.
2013-centered deluge scenarios inspected as mainly directed by major dwarf planets
alignments through nether ascendants.
Deluge times as aligned with 2007 OR10, Salacia, Uranus and Neptune.
Venusian 2007 2017 cycle - Mayan priesthood instruction.
Venus shifts from Hydra into Scutum and Pegasus.
Venus enters Ophiuchus for winter solstice 2012.
Saturn is in Libra still for the year 2015 disambiguation of the zodiacal positions of the
Saturn is in Scorpius in the year 2015 backdating biblical 2014.
Saturn enters Libra in December 2012 and is back into Virgo for the year eonic 2013.
Diamond planet 55 Cancri e in diamond horoscopes along with Saturn.
Diamond planet 55 Cancri e delineated.
Exalted Ages of Scutum, Auriga and Pegasus revealed.
Age of Hydra revealed.
The Grand Encapsulation of the Grand Ages partially revealed.
Eon of Cetus III revealed.
Averages of Pisces I & II, averages of Aquarius I & (t) II, averages of Capricornus T2 & T1.
Era of Eridanus new Age intimated.
Sep 16th 2012; Sol in Virgo Age of Pegasus III revealed.
Mayan 2017 aka Age of Pegasus I revealed.
Uranium wars at their peak.
At the peak of the Eon of Cetus II, partial encapsulation of ages revealed to outer lodge.
Eon midpoint 2012. The apex of the Eon of Cetus II.
Venus in Orion.
Luna in Sestante. Italys (owner of the zodiac) victory makes impact on CERN xxvii.

Mercury enters Cancer. Moon in Sextans, birth time of the zodiac. Tracking Sextans Moon
online minute by minute.

Sextans Moon. Birth time of the zodiac. The Academic Zodiac was symbolically borne online
with this exquisite lunar position. Too bad there were no astrologers on the planet back in 1972.
If there were any, theyd greatly appreciate the birth of a new tool that will prove to be essential
to both astronomy and astrology: the zodiac.

+ All the usual refinements http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology http://ow.ly/bt2ih #VIP http://ow.ly/bt2iW

89H 90H 91H

Mercury with Varuna, Sun in Orion, Mars enters Virgo with Logos.
New Moon in Orion.
6-6 2012 eonic Venus transit. Dolphin kids 2012 vs Hydra kids.
The Sign of Jonas, Eon, Uranus in Cetus.
Revised sigils for two new centaurs. Planetary interview replaces delineation.
All new dwarf planets (H < 5.5 & named) and centaurs as included within the Illuminati tarot.
Sigils for the latest ( H < 4 ) dwarf planets completed as undergoing rigorous testing routine.
The amplified Illuminati tarot deck contains a larger number of outer Nibiru search guardians.
Eon midpoint as roughly coinciding with midsummer 2012.
Eridanus quake as ricochet from the Era of Eridanus aka New Age.
Eonic ascendental Era marker Eridanus is Po triggered.
Eon earthquake. The incipient earthquake of the Eon as registered near Modena, Italy.
Brindisi bombing. Eridanus towards Orion ascendant announces Eon earthquake.
Facebook IPO delay. Pleiadian eclipse.
Palden Dorje concludes meditation cycle which started with Venus in Hydra.
Venus in Hydra 2007 2017 Venus in Pegasus - Global Financial Crisis.
The Pleiadian eclipse 2012 coincides with the Eon: Uranus enters Cetus.
Pegasus Point activation galore in the year 2012 as prelude to the 2nd Age of Pegasus.
The sign of Jonas with Uranus setting in Cetus.
Spiritual Eon peak (Eon midpoint) announced as possibly uneventful. When Jesus was
born, that conferred no special events to most, except for the magi who tracked and visited. At
midwife fetching time, just an insignificant first will be last star in Aries rose at east the
Lamb of God. No busy midwife would think to record such a phenomenon at all. Nowadays,
Aries is not even rising at east and people dont know their own ascendants.
Mercury @ Cetus III.
Centaurean stargate activation with 9-11 Moon in Orion and immortal centauress known as
lady Pylenor 1994 TA.
Orcus Report as triggered by an outer guardian; Tekton - in Hydra and Moon in Sextans.
Illuminati May Day. Witchallow activated with Eon Uranus in Cetus Pleiadian eclipse.
Formal (calculated) Eon as expected for year 2014.
Peak of the Eon of Cetus. Measuring Uranus in Cetus II midpoint(s) xxviii.

Witchallow 2012 with Mercury in Cetus Illuminati Mayday.

Secondary angular directions of comets, centaurs and dwarf planets across the Axis of Evil and
Dark Flux redefined.
Equinoctial Sun conjunct Uranus in Cetus. Equinox of Gods. Pegasus Point activation.
Centaurean conjunction of Eris in Cetus. Missiles fired, drones captured and nuclear submarines
Mars attacks! Mars close-up.
Venus transit 2012. Venus eclipse.
Definition of the 1st and 2nd averages of Aquarius and Capricornus.
Activation frequency of the Neptune cluster. Trapped and turreted planets galore.
12000 publications removed from the server. Giga and Terabytes less for the community.
Saturn obscures Spica Virginis.
Mercury in Cetus 2012.
Super-Earth Kepler-22b follows Xmas flare GRB 101225A into your own horoscope.
Mermaid Children magical children as born in the year 2012.
Dolphin Kids publications. Babies exposed to 8 planets in Cetus 2011 2012.
Siren child type confrontation as Hydra fights Cetus.
6-6-2012 as compared to the 2007 Hydra kids.
Hydra kids as confronted with 2012 mermaid children.
Second Age of Pisces, Aquarius and Capricornus.
Whale kids. With Uranus in Cetus, the on of Cetus is at its apex.
Peculiar wandering trespass of Mercury 2011 in Scorpius and Ophiuchus.
Comet Elenin as aligned with 11-9-11.
Salacia defined, delineated & published. Neptunes wife is a newly named dwarf planet.
2010 TK7 as delineated in Fornax: a new auxiliary moon of planet Earth: see Apoheles; Earth
XP xxix Eclipse, one of the 6 eclipses for the year 2011.
Premier marriage planet Salacia delineated. Salacia Full Moon for August 2011.
Salacia is the ideal peace, love and marriage planet for the new Age of Pegasus, ditto in
Jupiter and Mars in Cetus. Operation Odyssey Dawn.
Mars in Cetus marked London bombing, now war operations in the Mediterranean.
In the cetacean year 2011, much more than in 2005, most planets march through zodiacal Cetus.
2025: the 144000.
WW4. The tenth and eleventh crusade with Venus in Pegasus.
Age of Pegasus II at its peak. Upcoming Age of Pegasus III.
Kalki, the avatar of the Age of Pegasus II.
2014 marks the crisis of Vatican, even along with possible hostility from American diplomacy.
Pluto sits at the galax, Neptune stands by T2 Capricorni within the 2010 OR10 cluster.
Uranus enters Cetus. Jupiter and Uranus flirt in conjunction below the Pegasus Point.
Revolutions cause the deployment of a new type of naval anti-submarine fighter aircraft.
LA, Queens, Canada & Alaska war provocations & casualties. Yellow Submarine series.
Nuclear submarine wars with Uranus in Cetus.
Witchallow 2011: quakes, wars and pollution.
11-9-11 comet Elenin, Ground zero mosque.
Royal wedding with Jupiter conjunct Eris in Cetus.
British royal Witchallow wedding under the auspices of Venus, Jupiter, Uranus and Eris in
Governmental crisis in the U.S.A. with Mars in Cetus threatens government shutdown.
Atlantis found in the backgarden of Eris with Jupiter in Cetus.
Operation Odyssey Dawn: Libyan crisis due to secondary angular direction of Jupiter in Cetus.
Jupiter enters Cetus.
Sextans Moon in February 2011. Suez crisis. Israeli submarines.
Corvine moons in February 2011. Neptune T2. Pluto @ Galax. Uranus enters Cetus.
Iran war ships approach Saudi in an attempt to enter the Mediterranean, heading towards Syria.
The pale rider of the apocalypse appears at Cairo as predicted within the 2010 Astro Leaks
Trapped bloody cluster with Damocles, Nessus and Mars.
British nuclear submarine marooned at Skye.
A series of well-coordinated spontaneous uprisings mostly in North Africa start WW3.
Jet fighters fall over Canada and Alaska.
A Chinese submarine provokes twelve miles from Los Angeles by firing a missile.
Yellow submarine at LA and Queens, NY. The fall of the Canadian and American fighter jets.
Korean crisis more or less silently provokes the world towards WW3.
Neptune re-enters Aquarius from T2 Capricorni. #jan25 #Cairo #Egypt
Corvine moons along with eclipses. Stirring in #Tunis.
The peak of the on of Cetus II with the Jupiter + Uranus conjunct below the Pegasus Point.
Jupiter and Uranus trigger the Pegasus Point close to Cetus.
Turreted Neptune observed in T2 Capricorni.
Trapped and turreted Mercury and Venus defined.
Trapped Moon definition against Turreted Moons T1 and T2.
The special zones of the lunar zodiac revealed, such as Moon in Cetus I, II and II.
Era of Eridanus and the oil spill charts. The global ascendant as it shifts into Eridanus.
Dark planet Okeanos as compared with Obama planet 2007 OR10 within the oil spill charts.
Detailed maps produced for the oil spill catastrophe; 100 maps serve as study introduction.
The ascendental Era of Eridanus has Witchallow as its central pivot, besides 2009 YE7.
The global ascendant of the on of Cetus during its Eridanus shift: sea-quakes and oil spill.
Orientation of the inner and outer temples as enabled by the six lords of the directions.
Second Renaissance within the southern xxx Era of Eridanus with Chariklo in Lupus.

659495 2010 2009 YE7 [...unnamed...] 4.40

659618 2010 2009 YG19 [...unnamed...] 5.90
659779 2010 2010 AH2 [...unnamed...] 5.60
666469 2010 2010 EN65 [...unnamed...] 6.90
666471 2010 2010 EP65 [...unnamed...] 5.50
666472 2010 2010 EQ65 [...unnamed...] 6.40
666473 2010 2010 ER65 [...unnamed...] 5.40
666475 2010 2010 ET65 [...unnamed...] 5.20
667235 2010 2010 EK139 [...unnamed...] 3.80
667236 2010 2010 EL139 [...unnamed...] 5.20
667828 2010 2010 FC49 [...unnamed...] 5.70
667829 2010 2010 FD49 [...unnamed...] 6.20
667830 2010 2010 FE49 [...unnamed...] 6.50
668488 2010 2010 FX86 [...unnamed...] 4.30
672348 2010 2010 HE79 [...unnamed...] 5.30
674070 2010 2010 JC80 [...unnamed...] 5.60
674673 2010 2010 JJ124 [...unnamed...] 6.60
674674 2010 2010 JK124 [...unnamed...] 5.40
675809 2010 2010 KZ39 [...unnamed...] 3.90

The six pillars of Masonry as established for the Era of Eridanus within the Venusian Age of
Proper orientation for a new Masonry means the end of confusion, wars and planetary viceroy.
Hydra dynasties under inspection. Reptilian bloodlines traced down to the Last Unicorn.
National heraldry according to the astronomic skies. The ascendant of the U.S.A. is Serpens
The chambers of the south as measured, arranged and delineated according to Yahweh's
Reformation of the pentagram ritual according to the proper cardinal star-angels.
Orientation of Masonic temples according to the six principles of Masonry, ESWNZN.
The intricacies of royal heraldry and triune ascendants as revealed in the Reptilian Heraldry
Centaurs in Lupus expose the chambers of the south.
The New Age is at its third level or sub-Age as encapsulated within the Cetus > Pegasus >
Eridanus pattern. By secondary angular direction we leave the short permanence of an
ascendant in Taurus in order to plunge towards a much deeper and mysterious Age of Eridanus.
Thus, within the solar Age of Cetus, the initiate enlivens into the Venusian Age of Pegasus; but
within this very Age, we just plunged into an ascendental progression as marked by Eridanus.
New Age as announced in May 2010 with the event of a self-reproducing cell.
The five minutes of Taurus xxxi are over. The Edge Report announces the New Age,

Orcus and Mars in RA conjunction; Eridanus W, Moon in Sextans: the Edge of New Age.
Low Moon with Jupiter Saturn opposition as scanned for years 2012, 2011 and 2010 xxxii.

660685 2010 2009 YE7 [...unnamed...] 4.40

667363 2010 2010 EK139 [...unnamed...] 3.80
668606 2010 2010 FX86 [...unnamed...] 4.30

September 11th 2010 seen as critical. Tsunami alert. Nether ascendants for Tekton and Sedna.
Less control over economy due to the nether rising nature of outer guardians.
After the major nether dwarf planets, global economy bends to the outer guardians.
Nether ascendants in global economy. Eridanus as financial leak. Corvine moons.
2002 RN109 (MPO 74211) and Lilith in Sextans. Amun in Hydra. Tekton Stonehenge stacks.
Mid-May entry of Sun in Taurus. Bailout to Greece. Eridanus map for the EU.
Market chaos report. Sextans as nether ascendant mediator. Outer guardians economy.
Low Corvine Moons and rising outer guardian in Sextans provoke financial oddities.
The world ascendant leaves Taurus, heading for Eridanus. Bull markets become bear markets.
The Eridanus report triggers the European 2009 YE7 towards a bailout to Greece.
Nether ascendants in war. Eridanus, Cetus and Hydra fight for supremacy over the netherworld.
The world ascendant is ready to jump into Eridanus by secondary angular direction.
Bear markets break open as Eridanus, Hydra and Cetus dispute for supremacy.
Moon in Corvus and Sextans against Orcus in Sextans and 2002 AW197 in Hydra.
LHC Low Moon update. Corvine moons as defining jihad, WW3 and Sea-quakes.
WW3 as determined to the minute by using corvine moons and IAU ascendant ephemeris.
2009 YE7 enters the year of the Low Moons, 2010. Nether ascendants in juxtaposition.
2009 YE7 Gimli is ascending with Witchallow. Eridanus, Cetus and Hydra in war.
2010 Low Moon as it dictates jihad, earth and sea quakes and WW3.
Teddy bear market for May 2010 as defined by 2009 YE7.
Gimli's standard Algol contact in May stands for gain on the market amidst global crash.
A year after the delineations for 2007 OR10 and 2007 JG43, 2009 YE7 imposes itself as
indicative in important horoscopes such as the scientific natal chart of the FED.
2009 YE7 Gimli xxxiii has much to say in financial astrology for the year 2010.

Eridanus ascendant people are subject to periods of solitude xxxiv. Now we know why.

2009 YE7 in secondary direction with Witchllow provokes great floods.

2010 has the flavor of a saturnine year, with the standard mid-May Algol 2009 YE7
activity xxxv.

Low Moon in Sextans/Corvus with Norwegian spiral lights. Nobel Prize for peace assignation.
Large Hadron Collider astrology updated on occasion of its successful activation.
Ages of Pegasus II and III as the opening gates to the Golden Age of Pegasus.
Venus in Pegasus announces the final end of the Dark Age of Cetus III xxxvi.

The Age of Pegasus III was announced, while the Age of Cetus III was canceled in an initiate.
The appropriate rites for the opening of the Age of Pegasus II were celebrated.
The Age of Pegasus was proclaimed ipse dixit on November 14th 2009.
The Saturn hexagon and second ring complete the delineation of Saturn and its inorganics.
The Northern Constellations in Astrology were published on Halloween 2009.

The Sun is in Libra on November 23rd. Sai Baba's birthday. Three signs of zodiacal offset.
The dawn f the new Age of Pegasus.
The Sun enters Libra on Halloween when it also opposes Witchallow.
Through the dark ages, people beset by illusion xxxvii proclaimed themselves as astrologers.

Those who never dealt or know the true skies did much damage to civilization. This custom
stops now.
Witchallow is opposed to Sun on Halloween for Hitler, Mordred and the Illuminati.
Delineations for the Sun in Sextans, Cetus, Orion, Ophiuchus and Cetus.
The O6 upgrade of the O5 Master's Manual reveals further future-changing material.
We retrieved the original O5 Initiation for your Instant Magick pleasure and reference.
Become an O5 Master by designing your own O5 delivery. Get VIP now!
Spiral Trees and Cheshire Catalog RTRRT Initiations.
Verified Identity Package starts with your original natal ascendant.
Have your RTRRT initiations mailed by donating to our Papal address. Download free catalog

in order to obtain address.

The Academic Zodiac celebrated its 3rd anniversary in August 2009. Happy birthday!
Besides Sun in Orion and Cetus, 'Sun in Sextans' is added as experimental position.
The 16 Sun-signs complement the 16 eastern ascendants.
The special positions for the Sun are Orion, Cetus and Sextans. Ophiuchus is standard.
The universal Cartesian house system takes Astrology into Outer Space 3.2F

Stipulation lives its second edition along with precise Moon ephemerides.
The Jupiter Uranus conjunction will trigger the Pegasus Point in the year 2010.
Pegasus Point established as delineated in the traditional twelve houses of the horoscope.
The second coming of Lucifer with Venus in Pegasus in the dawn of the Age of Pegasus.
Venus in Pegasus as planetary challenge after apocalyptic Venus in Hydra and Sputum.
The zodiac gets transparent in order to help the better orientation of Masonic temples.

3 Planetocentric Astrology.
Complete Works I, II and III by Klaudio Zic. The perfect trilogy for the astrologer-magus.
Academic Astrology Journal, issues I V. Editorial notes, news and bonus material.
The Zodiacal Commandments of Amen-Re. Egyptian astrology demands resurrection!
The Southern Skies resume what was said on the Meridian Constellations in Astrology.
Taurus Rising report! Taurus is rising at east for five minutes every day at east.
Cetus Report for the year 2009 including the inner planets in Cetus and the Moon.
Masonic astrology takes off with Venus in Sextans, and the promiscuous 1967 generation.
Computer less astrology for everyone. Calculating issues in minutes. Hands-free astrology.
Marriage rendering astrology. 20 minutes divination initiation. Marriage rendering tools.
Stellar sign: true natal star sign. Proposed Sun in Orion and Cetus. Age of Pegasus.
Unicorn rising. Triune ascendant in ritual astrology. Lunar magick with Moon in Corvus.
Winter births may have up to six signs of zodiacal offset according to the stellar zodiac.
True star sign debunked as yet another zodiacal fraud after sidereal, tropical & eastern zodiacs.
Six signs of zodiacal error. The zodiacal offset has been reformulated at its bottle neck.
The zodiacal offset as pointing to racial inertia. Serpens Cauda as the ascendant of the USA.
1 minute Moon ephemerides: Moon in Sextans, Corvus and Auriga.
20 minutes astrology initiation. Instant marriage prediction technique for everyone.
Astrology for non-astrologers: calculating issues in seconds. Fast horoscope scan.
Axion, Quasar and Jupiter in Ophiuchus dynamism. The Green comet and Masonic TNO.
The zodiacal offset at its bottle neck. Venus in Sputum. 6 minute Sun ephemeris: IAU ingress.
Submersed ascendants. Hydra as representative of the sub-ecliptic ascendants in astrology.
Orcus and Axion report for the financial years 2009 - 2010. Moon in Corvus in the year 2009.
The zodiacal offset in European demonology. Serpens Caputo as ascendant of Italy.
True stellar sign. The zodiac is neither eastern nor western. It belongs to the stars.
20 minute astrology initiation for the planet as featuring on http://youtube.com/2012astrology

Centaurean positions like Pholus in upper Ophiuchus, as well as several recently discovered
dwarf planets have been scheduled as fascist within a new publication as dedicated to the
astrological root of original fascism, an Utopian, even Taoist movement and philosophy.
The H method in horoscope analysis features the 4, 3.5 and 5 classes.
The new dwarf planet candidates are automatically fed into the horoscope wheel chart.
Delineation in the 12 Cartesian houses for all major discoveries in the year 2009, most
prominently 2007 OR10. The publication includes half a dozen of fascist minor planets.

Zodiacal design extends to our colonies, after a dedicated zodiacal study as concern planet
Earth. Cruithne is next, as planetocentric astrology gallops towards a new universe of variegated
By keeping an eye on Faustini crater, the astrologer calculates the Moon impact chart xxxviii.

Obama assassination. Dates when killers failed, along with future warnings for the President.
2007 OR10 updated xxxix for Vatican City, 666, Austin Osman Spare, NYSE, FED and Australia.

2007 OR10 updated for financial nose down along with potential Obama assassination dates.

2007 OR10 secondary angular directions. Critical dates for the FED, KKK and Obama.

2007 OR10 delineated in the 12 houses of the horoscope.

2007 OR10 receives general as well as particular delineation.

Horoscope noir for Obama and 2007 OR10. Inauguration day with Eris and 2007 OR10.

2007 OR10 has a specially affinity towards clear relationships as well as one's own reserves.

Houses of betrayal (5), marriage xl (11) and divorce (7) for 2007 OR10.

The character of Unihipili is very determined, victorious and modest.

New giant dwarf planet 2007 OR10 delineated and published. Nickname Unihipili.

2007 OR10 as our companion through world financial crisis and towards ecological redemption.

Venus in Pegasus and the Dark Age of Cetus III. Pegasus as ascendant for the New Age.
Ophiuchus and the six constellation zodiacal shift. Aton as central zodiacal station.
Satan's zodiac. The definition of the zodiac. Pegasus as light bringer.
Queen of heaven. Mayan cults. The bride as projected illusion. Phosphorus.
Venus in Pegasus and the fallen bride of Brahma. Cetus and Middle Earth.
The original bride. Satan as Venus. Samael ET LILIT VERA. Chinese Nibiru.
The Mysteries of the Sith. The Sabbath of Aton. Venus as fallen bride in Cetus.
Horus opposing Eris in Cetus. Aton versus reptilian Venus. Second Epistle to Satan.
Preparing for the major crisis: Prosperity Rendering Tools. Survival with prosperity enabled.
New outer guardians and 2012 peaks. What vexes the USA ascendant? Ophiuchus transits.
Immortal and white centaurs at the Stargate. Centaurean astrology for the year 2012.
Enochian centaurs on the Tree of Life. Evocation of the centaurean Lords of the thyrs.
Global financial nosedive and the reptilian centaurs in nether astrology 2012.
The horoscope of the next Lord of the Zodiac. Horus cycle and Osiris precession.
Dante and the reptilian centaurs. Horary charts for the nether journey of Dante.
Age of Orion versus the end of the cycle. 2012 and the polarization of values.
Nether ascendants in Egyptian astrology. Subconscious ascendants in synastry,
Centaurs in Lupus and Centaurus and the prospect of alien life encounter.
Navajo and Hopi expansion of the Academic Zodiac. Chinese equatorial equations.

Orcus Report as expanded for new outer guardians of our solar system. 2008 SO218.
Predictions xli for the years 2009 ~ 2012 for the 15 Sun signs & 16 ascendants


2008 SO218 and the apocalypse. 2012 updated for the traditional USA ascendant in Serpens

Precession report. The next set of ascendants. Who survives 2012? New skies 144000
Biblical basis for precession and reality rendering. Primordial void (Witchallow). Age of Orion.
Moses and Hipparchus versus Ptolemy and flat Earth. Astronomy versus superstition.
Surviving 2012. A little manual for the 144000. Where are new heavens coming from?
Financial meltdown peaks. 2009 stock market nosedive according to Orcus Report.
Further global financial crisis as caused by post-subprime major real estate market meltdown.

2012 dates for the USA updated with new outer guardians and 2008 SO218.

WTC, Moon in Orion, Eris in Cetus, Osama bin Laden and the rule of the magi.
Orcus Report as extended to year 2018 after a due NASA data base update on Christmas 2008.
2002 AW197 and Orcus reports as blended in a special financial package for businessmen.

NASA updates data bases according to our best wishes. Debugging and improved features.
Orcus Report as ultimate financial information for the investor in the year 2009 & decade
When not to invest in the year 2009? Dwarf planets bis in financial astrology.
Financial analysis for the year 2009 includes refined timing41F according to Orcus.
Sidereal and tropical astrology for dummies. Guidelines for twenty minutes initiates . 42F

Marriage calculation for dummies. All the loves of your life in minutes.
Financial astrology for dummies. When not to invest? Insolvent factors.
The UK as central demoniac factor of the world economy crisis. Hidden reptilian agenda.
Secrets of the Lion & Unicorn. Hydra initiates, reptilian agenda and world economy crisis.
Financial perspective 2005 ~ 2085. The decade ahead. Hydra and the UK.
Venus in Pegasus in the Dark Ages. Dante's Inferno. Venus in Pegasus, Pisces and Cetus.
Infernal centaurs in Dante horary charts. Three horary charts for Nessus, Pholus, Dante and
Astrological maps for Middle Earth. Dante's Inferno, Mars in Cetus and London bombing.
Venus in Pegasus at the end of the Dark Age of Cetus III. Osculation of Venus in the New on.
Osculation of the population of the Stargate. White, reptilian and immortal centaurs.
Moon in Auriga and 1994 TA. Immortal centaurs in the Age of Aquarius. Sylph reports.
Fool at the Stargate 43F in the Age of Aquarius. Moon in Auriga at the end of the Age of Cetus III.
The lost zodiac of the Moon. The 22 tarot cards and the 22 letters of the alphabet. Moon in
The Last Star of Cetus III. The first prophecy of the Age of Aquarius. The bottomless pit.
Dark Flux in the Age of Aquarius. The astrological delineations along the Axis of Evil.
Moon in Auriga and the precession of the Stargate of Gods. The dawning of the Age of
Waning Age of Cetus III. The execution of the False Prophet. Persecution of astrologers. 2012.
The sky is equal for everyone: woman and child, east or west. There is only one true sky.
Full Moon in Auriga as crucial zodiacal position against Sun in Ophiuchus.
The Pegasus works. Venus in Pegasus and the Child of the New on.
Pegasus as critical zodiacal constellation in the Age of Cetus. Ascendant Pegasus in the New
The horoscope of the Child of the New on. Pegasus ascending and Delphi bis.
Pegasus approach. Venus in Pegasus, the Messiah and the Antichrist. New on.
The first prophecy against the False Prophet. Massacre of astrologers in the Age of Cetus.
Zodiacality helps in determining true zodiacal positions against 6 5 4 3 2 or 1 zodiacal sign
Repudiation of pseudo-zodiacal superstition. The zodiac does not rise at east. 1-6 sign of error.
Dark Planets update for the year 2012. Lamia directions. Thanateros and the apocalypse.
Matrix Tarot deck upgrade for the year 2009 with new dwarf planets.
Epochal ascendants as assigned to geomantic figures. The historical Leo Minor problem.
The first prototype of the Orisha tarot approaches 88 ascending Loa.
Compatibility proof of the Aspectarian against spirits, tarot and Sabian system.
Three basic tarot decks as distributed between the 77 initiates.
Enochian attributions of dwarf planets on the Tree of Life.
The second Book of Enoch. Tracing the correspondences of the Sephira.
Hebrew codex for the 11 dwarf planets on the Tree of Life.
The triune sigil of Eris in Cetus I, II & III. Eris in Sculptor and Phoenix.
Orisha compatibility with the 22/16 Matrix Tarot Deck. 88 voodoo cards.
Every object of interest receives a tarot card with Sumerian sigil.
Graphical upgrade of the zodiac. A minor revision of the centaurean sigil system.
Loa as present within the ritual of the age of Age of Cetus.
The Aspectarian as enriched by three tarot decks. The Kabir card.
88 ascendants delineated as meridian constellations in their precession cycle.
Delineation for the basic 22 + 16 tarot cards. 38 as holy number.
Kabirian Tarot deck as enhanced with the new Dwarf Planets, comets and centaurs.
The Matrix Tarot Deck includes the 88 ascendants and 22 zodiacal constellations.
Zodiacality of Scutum and the 4-sign error. P-zodiacality and the 6-sign error. Pluto in Serpens.
Progressive repudiation of pseudo-astrology starts with one sign of error towards six signs (sic).
Pseudo-zodiacal error amounts to six signs (sic). A further elaboration on the Academic Zodiac.
Libra, Serpens Caput, Ophiuchus, Serpens Cauda, Scutum and Sagittarius: six signs of error
Six signs (sic) of zodiacal error debunked with Pluto in Serpens. USA ascendant Serpens Cauda.
Four signs of error with Venus in Scutum. Scutum is a zodiacal constellation. Juno in Scutum.
Three signs (sic) of astrological error demonstrated for the winter Sun. Sun in Libra on Nov

Two signs (sic) of astrological error exposed as concern zodiacal positions. E.g. Scorpio is
Two signs (sic) of error debunked as demonstrated by the proper observation of the ascendant.
Aries, Libra, Capricornus, Gemini and Scorpius do not rise at east at the present epoch.
The horoscope for Dante's Inferno. Delphinus, rising. Venus in Pegasus falling. Equuleus.
Horary maps for Dante's meeting with the three centaurs in Inferno. Central planetary map.
Palden Dorje, Aleister Crowley and Dante compared in April publication. (Work in progress).
Financial analysis of the world economic crisis for the decade ahead from Hydra perspective . 44F

Personal real estate analysis as regulated by Moon in Auriga, Orion and Sextans.
2002 AW197 in zodiacal Hydra constellation in horary, election and financial astrology.

Reality rendering in the real estate business. Active dis-creation of the subprime mortgage
Tipping the dragon scales. Hydra progressions in daily astrology. Nile precession and the spine.
The ascendant set and zodiac are separate units, as in the real sky, so in your own horoscope
Sextans in financial analysis. Moon, Mercury and Venus in Sextans. Orcus in Sextans.
Ascendant Sextans and Outer Guardians 45F in Sextans. Masonic astrology revised.
Galactic ascendant, Axis of Evil and Dark flux in Anatomic Astrology. The sash of comets.
Daily progression of the 16 ascendants for wearable computers (project). Portable horary
Reptilian extra-zodiacal astrology. The secrets of Draco. Ascension astrology in orgasm timing.
Dating a reptilian. How does her Venus in Hydra act upon your Mars in Cetus? Monster sex.
Tipping the scales. Reptilian ascendants in daily life. Sexual peaks using Reptilian Astrology
Ascendant compatibility. Hydra versus neighbors and opponents. Short versus long
Marriage calculator for adolescents as plug-in for the 22/16 system. Supports dating astrology.
Astrological lineage as dating from Menes and Egypt. The legacy of Babylonia, China and
Aboriginal astrology on spacecraft. Who were the first astrologers? Alien origin of intelligence.
One minute astrology for children with instant prediction manual. Stock exchange for kids.
Reptilian centaurs in astrology. Dante, Palden Dorje and Aleister Crowley. April.
Alien ascendants compilation for near objects and auxiliary moons.
Spacecraft astrology for Cruithne colons and baby delivery in outer space. Alien guardian
Sun and the planets in 88 constellations. 88 ascendants in solar system astrology.
Kabirian ascendants. Astrology of the inner man. True self in the stars. Stellar origin of the soul.
Mars Venus galactic midpoint and Stargate dynamism in the galactic chart of the USA.
USA Stargate Map dynamism. The galactic ascendant versus the stargates in the year 2012.
The Grand Orient from Age of Orion to Age of Cetus. Astrological orientation in masonry.
Masonic lodge orientation according to the Seal, Reptilia and ornithology.
New Precession series launched on November 23rd with Sun in Libra 46F , Sai Baba's birthday.
Cygnus and Lyra in American occult astrology. Galactic ascendant and the Federation.
The Irish ascendant of the USA. Galactic ascendant progressions in Irish landscape astrology.
The Astrologer of the on. Precession of the initiated soul. Age of Orion Osiris.
Nether ascendants in sexual and financial astrology. Hit the horoscope below its belt.
Nile precession and Stargate orientation in Nubian galactic astrology. Cygnus and USA.
Progressions of the galactic ascendant. Ornithological astrology of the USA.
Galactic astrology 2012. London and the Great Seal of the USA. Lyran occultation.
Regulus occultation and the New York lodge. The dark reign of the golden infant.
The main 32 dwarf planets in marriage astrology. The seventh galactic house.
The Hydra seal of Great Britain. Royal reptilian horoscopes and precession of the Unicorn.
British court and reptilian descendants in royal marriage horoscopes. Prince William.
Reptilian heraldry. The Last Unicorn and the great Hydra swindle in British Ahriman masonry.
Mundane precession patterns in astrology in the Age of Cetus. Orion kills the Gemini twins.
Galactic ascendant in planetocentric astrology. Juno-centric analysis of marriage charts.
Progression of the galactic ascendant in soul mate horoscopes.
Galactic ascendant in Stargate dynamism. Killer galaxy, Galactic center and Stargate of Evil.
The precession of the Stargate of Hell in personal horoscopes. Killer galaxy in horary.
Gryphon and vulture in basic American astrology. Reptilian dynamism of the Great Seal.
Precession in natal astrology. Natal patterns, dark cults and the dis-creation of the wheel time.
Procession of the main great holes along the Axis of Evil from Bible to the Dark Flux abysmal.
Breaking the 12 spikes. Astrology, superstition, lie and the devil en personal Bodhisattva.
Progressions of the ascendant. Ephemeris ascendant animations for incipient astrologers.
Precession of the equinoxes from Ophiuchus to Cetus. The Age of Orion and the killer Stargate.
Drac & 2002 MS4. Sarah Palin at the killer Stargate. Vampire objects across the galactic center.

The precession of the Stargate of Hell in personal horoscopes. Killer galaxy in horary astrology.
The Axis of Evil and Dark Flow in the Age of Hydra. Personal soul precession horoscope.
The Age of Osiris versus Gemini. Moon in Orion, the WTC and precession of the horoscope.
Precession of gods in sacred astrology. The 15 stations of the Sun in the natal horoscope.
Galactic ascendant in royal marriage astrology. Progressing galactic relationship charts.
Masonic presidents. George Bush, Nephthys and Canis Minor. Sarah Palin and killer Drac.
Secondary angular direction of Eris in Pavo and the American dark totems. USA Dark Flux.
Moon in Auriga and Venus in Orion as markers in secondary angular Stargate direction.
Natal Sun in Orion in the Age of Cetus. The precession of the soul in the Age of Osiris.
Stargate directions. Primary and secondary angular direction of the Stargates.
Reformed Egyptian astrology: Osiris ascendant and the precession of the Stargates.
Ascendant Unicorn established as main mediator between the Age of Osiris and Leo.
10 minutes astrology initiation for children: predict your own marriage in seconds.
Precessed secondary angular directions in the Academic Zodiac environment.
Precessed directions. Ephemeris for the ascendant. Precession in daily astrology.
Precession of the Stargates as defined in the personal horoscope.
Horizon- galactic dynamism in astrology. The precession of the galactic horoscope.
Dark Flow integrated with the Axis of Evil and the Stargates.
The Seal of the USA, 2012, London, UFOs, Galactic Federation, Lyra and the dollar:
The horoscope of the Great Seal of the U.S.A. Basic vultures and gryphons in astrology.
Eris Chiron dynamism and the great American crisis. Hydra tail and the civil war.
Regulus occultation path in astrology and ascent of the secret NY Regulus lodge.
U.S.A. ascendants: Cygnus, Serpens, Aquila and Lyra. Galax versus precessed ascendant.
Egyptian 3800 BC synastry as in the Academic Zodiac environment (Project).
Egyptian horoscope for the U.S.A., Iris and Ipy dynamism. Stargate progression 2012.
Vultures in the American horoscope. Kabiria Publications. Reptilian v/s ornithological.
Ornithological astrology follows on the trail of reptilian astrology.
Kingdom of Ra Ver Neit Nubty proclamation as partly published on Youtube. Kabiria
ET IN KABIRIA LEGO announces the new astrologer. Who is he and when does he come?
Dark twin horoscope in reptilian astrology. The stranger within intrudes into your own choices.
Detailed astrology of the Killer Galaxy, Stargate of Hell and Galactic Center. Sarah Palin Drac.
Is her Venus in Hydra compatible with your Mars in Cetus? How do your Stargates cooperate?
The dark side of the horoscope. Someone you never knew (but suspected in?) lives within you.
Stargate activation. When is your Stargate active? Secondary angular direction of the Stargate.
Precession of the Stargates. Directing the personal Stargate across past and future incarnations.
Reptilian love affairs. What happens when two reptilian horoscopes meet? Hydra directions.
The intersection of the Dark Flux with the Axis of Evil as alternative Stargate.
Prosperity astrology. Discreating financial crisis while establishing collective prosperity.
Dark twin horoscope. Using the Axis of Evil. Timing the Dark Flux for gain on the market.
16 versus Hydra. Reptilian Synastry upgrade. Deucalion/Ceto new moon and global floods.
Annunaki and the outer guardians. Travel schedule with the help of the Dark Flux.
Eris across the Dark Flux. Eris in Centaurus and the Red Ring of Life.
The progression of the American ascendant from reptilian to plumed. Serpens & Aquila.
Mexican heraldry. Aquila snatches Serpens. Occult symbolism of national ascendants.
Your other horoscope. The stranger within gets one's own natal chart.
Dark twin horoscope, the Dark Flux and Axis of Evil as shade and projection.
Plummeted ascendants. Birds and reptilian DNA in horoscopes of giants.
Dark planet Dagon in the horoscope of giants. Dark horoscope and the Loa.
Reptilian astrology test. Are you reptilian? http://youtube.com/2012astrology

Masonic constellations in astrology. Keanu Reeves and Mercury in Sextans.

2002 MS4 as Masonic currents in Serpens Cauda. The 4 rulers of the U.S.A.

Quaoar in Ophiuchus at the 12th cusp of the horoscope of the U.S.A.

The Annunaki cycle and outer guardians, an expansion of the Da Vinci cycle for Eris.
2004 XP14 and the American elections. Quaoar in Ophiuchus as mainstream propaganda.

Juno in Scutum and the new Masonic order for chaste women. The female white front.
Lacerta in business horoscopes. Meridian constellations in reptilian financial astrology.
Plumed Serpent across the American ascendant. DNA ascendants in scientific astrology.
Chariklo and the red ring of life at the Dark Flux and axis of Evil crossing.
The Union of the Snake. Exposing the list of countries with reptilian ascendants 47F .
Serpens versus Hydra. The clash between reptilian races and American Civil War II.
Alexandrian plot. The dark fraction, RA Moses' 22-zodiac and the treason of Ptolemy.
SIRIVS Lodge and the Owl in Masonic heraldry. Ramming astrology.
The Temple of the Snake. Bohemian Grove astrology. Solstice of the Owl.
The Philadelphia telescope and new American masonry. Plot within the Lodge.
The Mexican heraldry plot. Aquila versus Serpens. Maximilian and the Vatican.
Expansion of Pepin the Short through Hapsburg and Vatican.
The 7 Hills of Hydra. Sextans and the Stargate in Vatican's horoscopes.
Sextans in all Russian horoscopes. The Vatican connection.
All the U.S.A. presidents with reptilian ascendants. Barbara Crowley Bush.
Sleeping agent. Lacerta and Draco in natal astrology. The second reptilian count.
As above so below. The Great Snake in the sky. Hidden LA and the reptilian zodiac.
Digging in the dirt. Reptilian astrology for Hollywood and its Hebrew legacy.
Aquila and Lacerta in the horoscopes of CEO and grand masons. The tycoon aspect.
Reptilian ascendants in the agendas of the U.S.A. presidential candidates.
Hidden reptilian ascendants of Italy, Vatican, the United Kingdom and U.S.A.

Serpens and Hydra in heraldry, masonry and astrology. The 32nd degree temple.
Reptilian astrology in Australian heraldry. Dorado precession and the Child.
Two signs of error in European astrology presented as work of the Dark Lodge.
Ptolemy debunked. The precession of the ascendants against the fixed sky.
The 16 eastern ascendants as confronted with geomancy.
http://youtube.com/astrology2012 illustrates the precession of the ascendants.

The 22 letters of the Hebrew zodiac as enlivened within the Academic Zodiac.

32nd degree masonry astrology on youtube announcing the end of times.

Hidden zodiacal cults in Europe. A note on Sun in Orion and Sun in Cetus.
Zodiacal plot debunked down to the roots of anti-Semitism.
Black swan operation. British court and writer David Icke confronted with reptilian astrology.
Examples of Dark Flow and the Axis of Evil in Cartesian house direction.
Witchallow and Witchllow projected into the Dark Flow. The Mordred effect.
The horoscope has two primary axes, the Axis of Evil and experimental Dark Flow.
The Axis of Evil has been rotated to the right around the Dark Flow midpoint.
Eris and the dwarf planets have been directed along the Dark Flow.
Secondary altitude direction along the Dark Flow.
Dark Flow has been entered below the Axis of Evil.
Experimenting with Dark Flow in Centaurus constellation.
Chariklo and the red ring of life reactivated in Centaurus.
WMAP cold spot directed by altitude. Cartesian house directions.
Eridanus direction. Dioretsa as Sedna WMAP midpoint.
Petition to UNICEF for children birth rights. Children have right to their true natal skies.
Asyut Minya precession and the Kabiria concept in planetary exorcism.
Nile precession maps and Stargate orientation in galactic astrology.
Conception horoscope. The Night & Day house system has 24 houses.
Third version of kabalistic attribution for the 22 zodiacal constellations.
The progressive Hebrew zodiac as dwarf planets scale. 22 musical dwarf planets.
Incantations, sigils and mantrae for the 64 main dwarf planets.
Centaurs in theurgy. Elipinon is Asbolus. (Work in progress).
360 angel guardian stars receive dwarf planet attribution.
Snow White and the seven dwarfs system. Dwarf planets for children.
The dark planets are integrated into the Tree of Life in 16+1 fashion.
Dozens of Centaurs attributed to the hidden thyrs around the Tree of Life.
64 dwarf planets assigned to the Tree of Life. Ain Soph problem solved.
32 dwarf planets assigned to the (A'aTz ChIIM) Tree of Life.
Sun in Orion and Cetus implemented into native astrology and reformed Egyptian astrology.
Cartesian house system implemented into native astronomy. The default is no house.
Dwarf Planets in the 12 houses updated for the latest H =< 4 objects.
Navaho and Hopi astronomy blended with Egyptian, e.g. Selquit & Rabbit Paws plug-in.
Elevation equations compared between WTC and LHC. Timing catastrophe equation set.
Monsters Typhon, Ceto and Logos updated for LHC . 48F

Makemake and Haumea updated. Haumea enters Bootes. Bailout.

Iah congregation of planets. Spica Virginis bracketed. The fool's aspect. Bailout.
Hydra tail and the decline of the Prince of Darkness. Where is hell located?
A decade of economic decay, war lost and socialistic capitalism.
2008 KV42 full delineation published in the 12 houses.

D zodiac defined. The first vampire zodiac. Cross grid with X zodiac. Pavo and Reticulum.
l li
2008 KV42 Drac delineated along with Buffy . Vampires in astrology . Outer guardians update.
49F 50F

Horoscope for the Moon impact. Faustini-centric horoscope for the first impact . 51F
Tony Colaprete delays mission. Muddled results predicted. Islamic world alarmed . 52F

Petition to Anthony Colaprete of NASA. Islamic apocalypse.

Anthony Colaprete gives mission details. Moon scheduled for bombarding in the year 2009.
'50 Moon nuke conspiracy disclosed. LCROSS mission swapped.
2009 Moon scheduled for double impact. Faustini crater.
2005 FY9 named Makemake. 2003 EL61 becomes Haumea . 53F

Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H

-------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- -----
50000 2001 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.67
90377 2004 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.56
90482 2001 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70
136108 2006 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.18
136199 2003 2003 UB313 Eris -1.24
136472 2006 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.48
Pluto is redefined as plutoid within the historical P Zodiac.
A minor update for ex pseudo-classes of Earth co-orbitals, Apoheles and Outer Guardians.
The Earth umbra is determined by house and major conjunctions, Earth in the horoscope.
The Stargates have been aligned with supervoids along the Axis of Evil.
The Bootes supervoid receives major status within the Axis of Evil.
The WMAP cold spot in Eridanus is paired with the Bootes supervoid.
The Axis of Evil has been determined as standard axis for every horoscope.
Chinese Olympics with bad omens from Vesta, 2002 AW197, Orcus, Jupiter and Saturn.

The 2006 2012 subprime mortgage crises have been determined against the fall of the Fed.
2014 reestablished as focal year for the world crisis and Christian apocalypse.

Further global economic crisis announced for the year 2008.

Subprime mortgage crisis happens as predicted by 2002 AW197. Black Monday.

A special study is published concerning centaurs in the constellations of Centaurus and Lupus.
Centauress nymph Chariklo has been associated with the discovery of alien life.
The ring of life has been announced in the constellation of Centaurus.
Alien life may be present on Titan as well as reddish centaurs and comets.
Witchllow determines the date of the Armageddon according to military analysis.

lvii lviii lix

Witchllow 56F has been directed , assuming full role in astrological prediction .
57F 58F

lx lxi
Witchllow receives its delineation in the 12 houses (Night & Day house system).
59F 60F
The WMAP cold spot is ascending in Eridanus. Witchllow introduced into astrology.
The Dark Flux Axis of Evil dynamism in Stargate astrology. Killer stargate.
World economic crisis with 2002 AW197 in Hydra. Subprime mortgage crisis.
lxii lxiii
Venus enters Hydra 61F with Jupiter in Ophiuchus , announcing the Antichrist.

Mercury in Orion 63F follows Mars in Cetus in the year 2007.
The One who Comes is determined in 650 years. Age of Aquarius after Cetus III.
lxv lxvi
All dwarf planets 64F with to H < 5 were delineated for the benefit of future astrologers . 65F

The academic zodiac was introduced in August 2006 having 22 IAU constellations.
Hydra tail and triune Cetus astrology. The three ages of Cetus. American civil war.
Eris receives copious delineation 66F since its appearance as Xena (2003 UB313).
The X Zodiac 67F has been published on August 1st 2005 along with 2003 UB313.

2005 FY9, 2003 EL61, Orcus, Quaoar, Sedna, 2002 AW197 and Ixion delineated.

Angel guardian and the precession of the ascendant. Occult rising star in personal dharma.
Transneptunian Astrology upgrade. H < 4 with Eris in the 12 houses.
The P Zodiac is valid conclusively with August 2006 as official Academic Zodiac.
The planetocentric systems xlii receive their local zodiacs along with galactic ascendant sets.
Transneptunes in Enochian thyrs. Web awards. I Ching Aspectarian integration.
Eris displaced Pluto on the expanded Tree of Life. AIN SOPH redefined.
Reality rendering becomes standard occult procedure. Instant magick for everyone.
The Personal Cosmic Avatar in the RTRRT suite of instant magick initiation.
The outer guardians have been delineated within the Nibiru Research project.
All centaurs; SDO, cubewano, plutino, KBO; Apoheles & Earth coorbitals delineated.
The Moon and Mercury received their zodiacal definition . 68F

Lunar, Mercurial and Venusian zodiacs. Martial zodiac. 13th jovial intelligence.
Venus delineated through the 21 constellations . 69F

The 17 dark planets with further purport. Lamia or Nemesis prominent.

The Changes have been directed within the I Ching Aspectarian . 70F

Riccioli and LILIT VERA in modern times. Last observations of dark moon Lilith.
Cassini Lilith 71F , the observed dark moon, delineation & elements disclosed.
lxxiii lxxiv
All centaur objects 72F delineated as discovered 73F .
The scientific zodiac and set of current ascendants has been re-determined.
The ascendant of the U.S.A. has been determined as Serpens Cauda 74F .
There are nearly 30 zodiacal constellations 75F . The birth of the N2 Zodiac.
Fed as determined by Phoenix constellation. Da Vinci cycle. Eris and Phoenix.
Reality rendering as planetary exorcism. Breaking the 12 spikes. Astrology debunked.
The set of meridian constellations 76F as delineated for use in financial astrology.
Planetocentric Astrology. Eros, comets and Phobos-centric horoscopes.
The set of meridian constellations 77F was delineated for use in financial astrology.
Planetocentric experiments. Eros, comets, Phobos. NASA JPL HORIZONS.
Detailed scanning of the Earth zodiac and local zodiac. Cruithne zodiac.
The zodiac and ascendant set reformed in the famous half an hour.
The academic zodiac research starts with Moon in Sextans.
The reformation of Egyptian astrology. Early Egyptian synastry studies.
The ascendants determined for the first dynasty. The precession of the ascendants.
The set of ascendants for the current epoch 78F determined as 16 IAU constellations.
Astrology debunked: three signs of error. NASA ephemeris versus superstition.
The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools introduced as personal instant magick.
lxxx lxxxi
1992 QB1 79F
and centaur objects 80F Pholus, Nessus and Asbolus lxxxii were delineated.

The end of sidereal and tropical astrology. Vedic astrology upgrade with awards 82F .
First zodiacal draft (the 28-IAU zodiac). Ascendants for the epoch determined.
The ephemeris for the Sun 83F was determined according to IAU standards.

Klaudio Zic

Comets http://ow.ly/gXDnC

Dwarf Planets http://ow.ly/gXDlc


Centaurs http://ow.ly/gXDmp
Neptune http://ow.ly/gXD0H 100H

Uranus http://ow.ly/gXD4e 101H

Saturn http://ow.ly/gXD6L 102H

Jupiter http://ow.ly/gXD80 103H

Mars http://ow.ly/gXD8H

Earth http://ow.ly/gXD9N

Moon http://ow.ly/gXDbr

Venus http://ow.ly/gXDgT 107H

Mercury http://ow.ly/gXDcV 108H

Sun http://ow.ly/gXDiR

Pavo http://ow.ly/gXybt

Phoenix http://ow.ly/gXyda 111H

Cygnus http://ow.ly/gXyhM

Corvus http://ow.ly/gXxFI 112H

Crater http://ow.ly/gXxEu 113H

Auriga http://ow.ly/gXxHo 114H

Virgo http://ow.ly/gXxLF

Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/gXxNe 116H

Leo http://ow.ly/gXxOB

Libra http://ow.ly/gXxQs

Draco http://ow.ly/gXy10 119H

Bootes http://ow.ly/gXy04

Coma Berenices http://ow.ly/gXxSS 120H

Serpens Caput http://ow.ly/gXxYg 121H

Perseus http://ow.ly/gXxYX 122H

Aries http://ow.ly/gXy2g

Gemini http://ow.ly/gXy3t 124H

Piscis Austrinus http://ow.ly/gXy5W 125H

Serpens Cauda http://ow.ly/gXy7Y 126H

Lupus http://ow.ly/gXy9B

Pisces http://ow.ly/gXxsl

Capricornus http://ow.ly/gXxuT 128H

Aquarius http://ow.ly/gXxww 129H

Sagittarius http://ow.ly/gXxzG 130H

Scorpius http://ow.ly/gXxAw 131H

Cancer http://ow.ly/gXxDy

Scutum http://ow.ly/gXwQV 133H

Pegasus http://ow.ly/gXwRU 134H

Cetus http://ow.ly/gXwVz

Orion http://ow.ly/gXwX3

Eridanus http://ow.ly/gXwYV 137H

Taurus http://ow.ly/gXx7y

Monoceros http://ow.ly/gXxdJ 139H

Sextans http://ow.ly/gXxgN 140H

Hydra http://ow.ly/gXxii

Serpens http://ow.ly/gXxlF 142H

Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/gXxmU 143H

Aquila http://ow.ly/gXxnX
Delphinus http://ow.ly/gXxpo 145H

Dwarf planets, centaurs and objects of interest in astrology lxxxv. 84F

#Eris http://ow.ly/gYqak http://ow.ly/gYqrr

146H 147H

#Pluto http://ow.ly/gYqfi

#2007OR10 http://ow.ly/gYq7s 149H

#2009YE7 http://ow.ly/gYqcM 150H

#Sila-Nunam http://ow.ly/gYpuj 151H

#Orcus http://ow.ly/gYqhg 152H

#Ixion http://ow.ly/gYqiL

#Sedna http://ow.ly/gYqzk 154H

#Quaoar http://ow.ly/gYqy4 155H

#Makemake http://ow.ly/gYqvq 156H

#Haumea http://ow.ly/gYqu2 157H

#Altjira http://bit.ly/Yhosyk 158H

#Varuna http://ow.ly/gYqAs 159H

#2002AW197 #Tekton http://ow.ly/gYqks 160H

#2002TX300 http://ow.ly/gYqoP 161H

#1992QB1 http://ow.ly/gYqE3 162H

#Salacia http://ow.ly/gYtOR 163H

#Deucalion http://ow.ly/gYrlg 164H

#Typhon http://ow.ly/gYrj0 165H

#Ceto http://ow.ly/gYqWr

#Logos http://ow.ly/gYqTv 167H


#Asbolus http://ow.ly/gYpyf 168H

#Chariklo http://ow.ly/gYpBU 169H

#Pholus http://ow.ly/gYpGg 170H

#2006AA99 http://ow.ly/gYpka 171H

#2007JG43 http://ow.ly/gYphi 172H

#Nessus http://ow.ly/gYpTB 173H

#1994TA #Pylenor http://ow.ly/gYpZK 174H

#Damocles http://ow.ly/gYq1Y

#Chiron http://ow.ly/gYpXA


#2006HW51 http://ow.ly/gYua5 177H

#2008KV42 #Drac http://ow.ly/gYtS5 178H


#Nibiru http://ow.ly/gYr6E

#Lilith http://ow.ly/gYr4c

#Nemesis #Lamia http://ow.ly/gYr2A 181H

#Thanateros http://ow.ly/gYr7T 182H

#DevilsRose http://ow.ly/gYr9J 183H

2013 the year of the 13th sign doubles the zodiac to 26 Signs
VIP Brochure, Eon Chronology & Professional Catalog 2013


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26


Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by

Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013 lxxxvi 85F


The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq


Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet lxxxvii: the original zodiac as shared by all

astronomical observatories across the planet and off-planet lxxxviii as well.



The positions of the planets along with their real zodiacal placements for New Year 2013. 55
Cancri e is of course your Diamond Planet.


Everyone probably overheard of more or less traditional national astrologies along with their
own varieties through e.g. larger China, India or Mexico. Generally speaking, the skies should
somehow come together where e.g. the attributes of a certain star historically fit into the same
category e.g. for the Chinese and Egyptians as well. As concern the major stars, this rule
generally applies: their characteristics, when directed, are more or less the selfsame for all
major civilizations.


What does not seem to be the same or accurate is - especially recent - zodiacal positioning;
meaning someone obviously misread something say 2000 years ago and kept misreading it
until zodiacal offset went sky high currently climbing up to 7 signs per wintertime nativity on
northern hemisphere.


What was misread? Whatever was not miswritten was. Therefore, the Sun was misread as
always rising at east. The zodiacal constellations were misread for some seasonal signs.


Where superstitions dont come into accord except for making their clients pay twice or
thrice for the more or less selfsame fraud science does: astronomers all over the world have
achieved a fairly well-balanced as well as traditional set of constellation borders. One can
always fit in whatever national or historical constellation after the IAU position of a given
planet has been established.

15 or 16?
In order not to be so strict at all as concern constellation borders, we sometimes allow for
experimentation, especially when historically justified by local traditional thus, Sun in Orion
has been introduced along with Sun in Cetus: all planets and the Moon venture through these
two zodiacal ascendants: so why not the Sun?


How many errors does the past hold in stock for us? The past is error. It was based on error.
When nowadays some freshly foaled Xeroxed expert will claim that he has faithfully copied
every error ever made: he has not, but copying errors does not make for tradition: correcting
them does.


It is not nice to have a modern digital civilization that is completely oblivious to natal Sun sign,
ascendant or personal characteristics, directions and thus karma. Directions some 500 of them
are predicting techniques, which unlike transits as perused by amateurs, do predict the
issues in your life in seconds by memory no ephemerides or programs are needed.


After our 20 Minutes Astrology course, shoeshine boy, butcher and florist predict the issues of
their clients lives in minutes. Since they are busy with their hands occupied serving their
clients, they calculate by memory: the way it was always done, before the introduction of tools
for the poor-minded.


Verify your personality. Who are you; really? Take advantage of your real natal stars!

Aiming at success comes natural as aiming at self-knowledge: he who knows oneself is

powerful! Knowing oneself enables clear aim also saves from a lifetime of blunder. Yes, even
pimping for others stands for blunder: no matter how successful one may seem to be in the
eyes of others, one has never known oneself or fought ones own fight.


How does one know oneself? The stars are the best indicators! The position of the Earth,
planets, objects of interest and stars at birth defines your astral frame. In a sense: you are your
birth: your incipient impulse has been defined by birth. We are of course talking of your
REAL natal stars, not what you read in the newspapers! Reading from the sky and reading
from the newspaper are two entirely different things or persons choose you!


Knowing oneself entails clear perspective of what one is, was, will be and change. Change is
enabled as future-changing as one chooses not to dwell on a set future at all, but change it at
will instead. Both future-scanning & future-changing require seconds; basic self-initiation is
minutes: 20 Minutes Astrology & Mini RTRRT Initiation will do.


Alixe has Moon ascending in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans and Venus in Orion. Venus in Scutum
transits her natal Juno there. Her Pluto is sitting on the ascendant of the USA, Serpens Cauda.
Now, thats Astrology!

Enjoying 13 Sun signs does not resolve the problem of the ascendant. Luckily, this problem
was solved back in the year 1973. Thus, the Academic Zodiac celebrates its 1973 2013

22 zodiacal signs.
16 ascendants lxxxix.

Pluto nostalgic xc? Enjoy 26 zodiacal signs xci.

89F 90F

More Sun-signs? Workable 15, extended to 16.

Cartesian house system: works everywhere xcii: ocean floor xciii, Himalaya xciv,
91F 92F 93F

spacecraft xcv.

1008 delineated planets: the complete solar system is yours for the taking!

13 + 13 = 26

While the 13 solar stations are a simple fact this end of superstition, the total number of
zodiacal stations is 26 Pluto permitting. In other words, the 26 zodiac is a Pluto nostalgia
affair: for those who want Pluto back, the number of zodiacal stations is still 26.


How many stations does the zodiac have? 22 including the Moon and Sun. 26 including Pluto.
43 including Eris. Since most people still peruse Pluto as planet; 26 is their zodiac.


As Uranus reenters Cetus for the peak of the AEON, dolphin children are born with many
transiting planets in Cetus.

Aries http://ow.ly/hg4jc

Taurus http://ow.ly/hg4np

Gemini http://ow.ly/hg4rn 192H

Cancer http://ow.ly/hg4xx 193H

Leo http://ow.ly/hg55T

Virgo http://ow.ly/hg5nS

Libra http://ow.ly/hg5lL

Scorpio http://ow.ly/hg5qs 197H

Sagittarius http://ow.ly/hg5z6 198H

Capricorn http://ow.ly/hg5Kc 199H

Aquarius http://ow.ly/hg5S4 200H

Pisces http://ow.ly/hg5Wt


22 zodiac http://bit.ly/SR1MRn 203H

16 ascendants http://bit.ly/SR1Hxb 204H

Reality rendering represents multiple applications of simple magick techniques resulting in Instant Magick.

Presentations http://www.scoop.it/t/sign 205H


Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW 206H

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX 207H

Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt 208H

MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO 209H

Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY210H

Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE 211H

Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7 212H

Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL 213H

MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi 214H

ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF 215H

Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0

INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd 217H

Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl 218H

O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO

Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx 220H

Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L 221H

Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw 222H

Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw 223H

Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO 224H

Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl 225H

Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb 226H

Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ 227H

PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc

Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk 229H

O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4

Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe

Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E 232H

Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7 233H

Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM 234H

Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU 235H

Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4 236H

Target and achieve your goal today


Feel good about yourself


Lead a rewarding life


Scan and change your futurities


Verify your own true identity


Retrieve emotion money time energy


Make instant manifesting of events personal


Empower yourself through your own true natal stars


Manifests events in minutes!

RTRRT manifests events in minutes. Any events. For you.

Scan and change your future with the Academic Zodiac & RTRRT.
The zodiac has 26 constellations. There are 16 ascendants.

Your future is easily determined as well as changed along with the RTRRT.

Astrologer claims: the zodiac has 26 signs. http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology

1) Pluto included.
2) Without Pluto, the zodiac has 22 signs only.
3) The Academic Zodiac is online since 1972. 45000 publications.
4) Sources: NASA JPL, Harvard MPC, IAU.
5) The zodiac is the Tarot: 22 signs, 16 ascendants.
6) 22 signs equal 22 Tarot initiations.
7) 16 ascendants equal court cards.
8) There are a total of 88 ascendants.
9) The Sun signs may not be 13 only, but 15: even 16.
10) Sun in Orion and Cetus is applicable, in Sextans negotiable.
11) Where is the Sun when the new Moon happens in Sextans?
12) Every planet goes through Orion, Cetus and Ophiuchus.
13) A toddler will learn astrological divination in 20 minutes being immediately able to tell the day of your next marriage by memory in
14) Minute astrological divination requires no pen, paper, Sun sign, computer, cell phone, ephemerides or tables: and it surely shuns transits.
15) There is no such thing as 13 ascendants rising at east in the real sky: the matter is sheer fabrication.
16) Ophiuchus is one of the 16 ascendants rising at east for the current epoch.
17) The Egyptian epoch hosted twice the number of ascendants than our own.
18) For the peak of the Aeon 2013, Uranus is in Cetus.
19) The children of the Aeon are exposed to 7 planets in Cetus.
20) The number of ascendants changes with epoch, race and DNA.
21) Pluto never enters Pisces or Aries.
22) Many zodiacal ascendants do not rise at east for the epoch.
23) Aries is not an ascendant for the present epoch.
24) The eastern ascendant star is the true personal holy guardian angel.
25) The zodiac is not determined by the Sun.
26) The sum of the planetary zodiacs forms the Academic Zodiac.
27) If Eris would be planet, wed have 43 zodiacal stations. Eris never enters Taurus.
28) We are approaching the Age of Pegasus with Venus in Pegasus.
29) Children conceived today will be born with Venus in Scutum.
30) The zodiac was born with Moon in Sextans and Pluto in Coma Berenices.
31) The USA ascendant is Serpens Cauda. Alternatives: Aquila & Ophiuchus.
32) Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.
33) Events happen by direction. There are some 500 directions.
34) Taurus rises at east for 5 minutes per day.
35) Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Coma Berenices, Canes Venatici, Botes, Corvus, Libra, Scorpius, Scutum, Sagittarius, Delphinus, Equuleus,
Capricornus, Piscis Austrinus, Pegasus, Lepus, Auriga and Crater do not rise at east for the current epoch: no one you know has an Aries ascendant at all.
36) What is seen as Capricorn ascendant is usually Cetus or Pisces.
37) Then ascendant set for the current epoch is observable by anyone with naked eye.
38) The zodiac Academic Zodiac is astronomic and astrologic as well as sidereal and tropical, eastern and western; as compatible with all
historical cultures.
39) The zodiacal offset marches towards 7 signs for wintertime nativities on the northern hemisphere. Therefore, horoscopes for the masses are not
offset by only 2 or 3 signs only that estimation was valid a long time ago, indeed. As to the ascendant set, the offset is non-linear, thus impossible to
40) Southern hemisphere horoscopes completely differ from their northern counterparts as a thorough analysis of northern and southern
constellations is required. This not only means that of course all Aussie horoscopes are upside-down, but also that they display a completely different set of
41) The largest zodiacal offset happens in winter on the northern hemisphere and in summer on the southern one.
42) Jesus Christ may have been born with Aries ascendant for the epoch. Namely, according to tradition, a tiny peripheral star in Aries rose at this
rare birth time.
43) The historical zodiacs of which some are still in use are marked as the P, X, P1, G, P2, N, M, N1, E and N2 zodiacs.



#1622 #AEONews #AcademicZodiac #26 #22 #16


26,zodiac,zodiacal, signs, constellations,stations,22,16,88,#1622,Academic Zodiac, Klaudio Zic,



Verify your personality. Who are you, really? Take advantage of your real natal stars!


Ascendant in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Xo9

Moon in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XtW
Mercury in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XBm
Venus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XEX
Sun in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XKd
Mars in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XNj
Jupiter in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XP9
Saturn in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XRm
Uranus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XTV
Neptune in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XVD
Pluto in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XY5
Eris in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y1r
Quaoar in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y4L
Ixion in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y8L
Pholus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Ycy
Comets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Yf4
Planets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7YhX


13 + 13 = 26

While the 13 solar stations are a simple fact this end of superstition, the total number of zodiacal stations is 26 Pluto permitting. In other words, the 26
zodiac is a Pluto nostalgia affair: for those who want Pluto back, the number of zodiacal stations is still 26.

Aries http://ow.ly/hg4jc
Taurus http://ow.ly/hg4np
Gemini http://ow.ly/hg4rn
Cancer http://ow.ly/hg4xx
Leo http://ow.ly/hg55T
Virgo http://ow.ly/hg5nS
Libra http://ow.ly/hg5lL
Scorpio http://ow.ly/hg5qs
Sagittarius http://ow.ly/hg5z6
Capricorn http://ow.ly/hg5Kc
Aquarius http://ow.ly/hg5S4
Pisces http://ow.ly/hg5Wt


Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX
Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO
Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY
Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE
Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7
Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi
ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF
Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0
INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd
Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl
O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO
Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx
Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L
Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw
Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw
Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO
Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl
Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb
Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ
PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc
Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk
O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4
Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe
Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E
Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7
Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM
Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU
Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4
For the current epoch.
43 for Eris-nostalgic.
IAU Constellations.
Other planets, asteroids, comets and in fact everywhere in a three-dimensional space.
Sea quake!
Lama incarnation calculus.
On trip to Cruithne? We got your horoscopes!
Delineation for all dwarf planets, centaurs, outer guardians, comets, planets, satellites, Apoheles, main belt comets,
historical asteroids, earth Trojan moons; stars, deep sky objects, Dark Flux, Axis of Evil, Witchallow, stargates
This includes Damocles and the sea shall give up its dead Nessus in Piscis Austrinus.
Pelion, Pallas, the Apoheles
Please don't pass this onto a friend, as we do not have the means and staff to service too many customers, so in order to
maintain the necessary quality of our work as paramount, we can not possibly afford to expand our readership.
The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
Cruithne-based charts and spacecraft births have been presented some two decades ago.
Please don't pass this onto a friend, as we do not have the means and staff to service too many customers, so in order to
maintain the necessary quality of our work as paramount, we can not possibly afford to expand our readership.
The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
Cruithne-based charts and spacecraft births have been presented some two decades ago.
In order to fully appreciate the report.
Sometimes ascending ERA ERIDANI, mostly obsolete by now.
xx Academic Zodiac, Precessed Ascendant & Cartesian house system.

xxi RTRRT.

xxii The initiate is a magus candidate. It will take a lifetime in order to become one, but if one does not already see oneself as one, it may never happen.
Thus conflicting words are not conflicting at all. See also Advantage Point, a RTRRT initiation 2010 by Klaudio Zic.

Planets and objects of interest.

A Ascendant = Earth
0 Sun
) Moon
Cr Cruithne
H Mercury
V Venus
M Mars
J Jupiter
S Saturn
U Uranus
N Neptune
Pl Pluto
Er Eris
Or Orcus
Tk 2002 AW197 Tekton
O1 2007 OR10
Ix Ixion
Ye 2009 YE7
Tx 2002 TX300
Qu Quaoar
Hu Huya
Sn Sila-Nunam
Vr Varuna
Aj Altjira
Sd Sedna
Xa Chaos
Tw Teharonhiawako
Bo Borasisi
Ha Haumea
Rh Rhadamanthus
Mm Makemake
Sa Salacia
Lo Logos
Ty Typhon
Ct Ceto
Ph Pholus
As Asbolus
Am Amycus
Ch Chariklo
Ne Nessus
Hy Hylonome
Jg 2007 JG43
Ki Chiron
Ve Vesta
Ce Ceres
Pa Pallas
Eo Eunomia
Ju Juno
Dp Diamond Planet
Ss Siding Spring
>* Comet
+> Centaur

> Monoceros
@ Canis Minor
~ Hydra
# Sextans
+ Crater
< Corvus
} Serpens Caput
$ Ophiuchus
{ Serpens Caudaxxiii
* Scutum
! Aquila
^ Pegasus
& Cetus
? Eridanus
| Auriga
% Orion

1. Aries
2. Taurus
3. Gemini
4. Cancer
5. Leo
6. Virgo
7. Libra
8. Scorpius
9. Sagittarius
10. Capricornus
11. Aquarius
12. Pisces
13. Ophiuchus
14. Scutum
15. Pegasus
16. Cetus
17. Eridanus
18. Orion
19. Auriga
20. Hydra
21. Sextans
22. Crater
23. Corvus
24. Serpens Cauda
25. Serpens Caput
26. Coma Berenices
27. Botes
28. Aquila
29. Monoceros
30. Canis Minor
31. Perseus
32. Camelopardalis
33. Lynx
34. Ursa Major
35. Canes Venatici
36. Centaurus
37. Lupus
38. Norma
39. Ara
40. Pavo
41. Indus
42. Tucana
43. Grus
44. Phoenix
45. Pictor
46. Triangulum
47. Andromeda
48. Cassiopeia
49. Lacerta
50. Cepheus
51. Cygnus
52. Lyra
53. Draco
54. Canis Minor
55. Leo Minor
56. Hercules
57. Delphinus
58. Equuleus
59. Vulpecula
60. Antlia
61. Volans
62. Apus
63. Ara
64. Caelum
65. Carina
66. Chameleon
67. Circinus
68. Columba
69. Corona Borealis
70. Crux
71. Dorado
72. Fornax
73. Horologium
74. Hydrus
75. Lepus
76. Mensa
77. Musca
78. Piscis Austrinus
79. Puppis
80. Pyxis
81. Reticulum
82. Telescopium
83. Triangulum Australe
84. Tucana
85. Ursa Major
86. Ursa Minor
87. Vela
88. Sculptor
89. Canis Major

Why 89 instead of 88? Serpens consists in Serpens Cauda and Serpens Caput, very much
relevant as both ascendental and P-zodiacal #26fact divisions.

Almanac Excerpt for December 21st 2013 11:11 GMT - London

Academy for Scientific Astrology

The Academy of Scientific Astrology is based on astronomic principles confirming to the IAU convention. The calculations
are performed on the HORIZONS integrator by Jon Giorgini of NASA JPL, Pasadena CA.
Subject headings: solar system Academic Zodiac, astronomy precessed ascendant set
Online material: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology Motto: For God and NASA. Hint: Academic Zodiac - where the
planets are.

Periodical reports on the positions of the planets are expanded along with pertaining delineations through our publications
on http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology Disambiguation of the zodiacal positions of the planets. Factual - not
fictional - zodiacal values: get your own Report from the Author.


Neptune - Aquarius
Uranus - Pisces
Saturn Libra
Jupiter - Taurus
Mars Sagittarius
Venus Scorpius (> Ophiuchus)
Mercury Ophiuchus

Moon - Pisces
Sun - Sagittarius

Ascendant: Aquarius
Descendant: Leo

South: Scorpius
North: Auriga

Nadir: Pictor
Zenith: Draco


Sila-Nunam- Cancer
Salacia Pegasus
2009 YE7 - Eridanus
2002 TX300 - Andromeda
2002 AW197 - Hydra
Eris Cetus
Orcus - Sextans
Pluto - Sagittarius
Ixion Ophiuchus
Quaoar Serpens Cauda
2002 MS4 Serpens Cauda
Deucalion Libra
Huya Libra
Varuna Gemini
Chaos Taurus
Sedna Taurus
Logos Virgo
Typhon Virgo
Rhadamanthus Virgo
Makemake Coma Berenices
Haumea - Botes
Ceto Virgo


1994 TA - Orion
Asbolus - Perseus
2000 FZ53 - Ophiuchus
Pholus - Ophiuchus
Okyrhoe Ophiuchus
Hylonome - Ophiuchus
2007 JG43 Corona Australis
Amycus Scorpius
Chariklo - Scorpius
Nessus Piscis Austrinus
Pelion Cetus
Crantor Sagittarius
Dioretsa Eridanus
Damocles Aquarius


2010 TK7 Monoceros

Atlantis Pisces


2000 SN331 [c/o Cyllarus in Gemini]

2002 XW93
2003 WL7
[2001 SQ73 Perseus]






N/A (Ptah)


First published by Klaudio Zic Publications, 2012. http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology Copyright 2012 by Klaudio
Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this abstract may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,
electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or otherwise, without the written permission of the author. Calculations
by NASA JPL HORIZONS by Jon Giorgini.


on: Cetus II (Uranus in Cetus 2012 - 2013)

Upcoming Age: Age of Pegasus II, 2017.

The 2010 OR10 cluster presently includes 1999 OX3, Neptune, Nessus (in Piscis Austrinus), Damocles, Lilith and Chiron.
Uranus reenters Cetus in the year 2013.
Solar ephemeris strip.

2012-Oct-31 00:00 m Vir

2012-Nov-01 00:00 m Lib

2012-Nov-09 00:00 Lib

2012-Nov-23 00:00 m Lib
2012-Nov-24 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-25 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-26 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-27 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-28 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-29 00:00 m Sco
2012-Nov-30 00:00 m Oph

2012-Dec-17 00:00 Oph

2012-Dec-18 00:00 Sgr

Some primary dwarf planets as enlisted by magnitude.

JPL/DASTCOM3 Small-body Search Results 2012-Oct-30 13:15:51

Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H

-------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- -----
1 2010 (undefined) Ceres 3.34
4 2010 (undefined) Vesta 3.20
20000 2006 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70
28978 2005 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20
50000 2005 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.48
55565 2003 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.26
55636 2006 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.21
55637 2003 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.60
84522 2004 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.87
90377 2005 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.58
90482 2006 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
90568 2004 2004 GV9 [...unnamed...] 3.90
120178 2004 2003 OP32 [...unnamed...] 3.95
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.70
136108 2007 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.03
136199 2006 2003 UB313 Eris -1.19
136472 2007 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.44
145452 2012 2005 RN43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
174567 2012 2003 MW12 [...unnamed...] 3.40
202421 2012 2005 UQ513 [...unnamed...] 3.40
225088 2012 2007 OR10 [...unnamed...] 2.00
229762 2012 2007 UK126 [...unnamed...] 3.40
278361 2012 2007 JJ43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
303775 2012 2005 QU182 [...unnamed...] 3.50
307261 2002 2002 MS4 [...unnamed...] 3.77
578864 2012 2006 QH181 [...unnamed...] 3.80
684416 2012 2010 EK139 [...unnamed...] 3.80


55 Cancri e.
Alpha Serpentis conjunctions!
Back to Stargate position.
Refers to eventual biblical ascent.
ON CETI II, gematric peak 2014. ON CETI III happens after the 2nd average of Pisces along with ERA PEGASI III
overlapping. Ascending ERA ERIDANI; New Age is nowadays seen as obsolete. Twin averages of Aquarius and
Capricornus enmeshed [T2, t, T1] often precede an intermediary Age of Scutum.


<SNIP> <!-- [out of 638] -->

2060 1999 1977 UB Chiron 6.50
10199 2003 1997 CU26 Chariklo 6.40
15789 1996 1993 SC 6.90
15874 2000 1996 TL66 5.40
15875 2000 1996 TP66 6.80
16684 2012 1994 JQ1 6.90
19308 1999 1996 TO66 4.50
19521 2000 1998 WH24 Chaos 4.90
20000 2006 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.70
24835 2001 1995 SM55 4.80
26181 2000 1996 GQ21 5.20
26308 2002 1998 SM165 5.80
26375 2002 1999 DE9 4.70
28978 2005 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.20
33001 2012 1997 CU29 6.60
33340 2001 1998 VG44 6.50
35671 2000 1998 SN165 5.80
38083 2001 1999 HX11 Rhadamanthus 6.70
38628 2005 2000 EB173 Huya 4.70
40314 2002 1999 KR16 5.71
42301 2001 2001 UR163 4.05
47171 2002 1999 TC36 4.73
47932 2002 2000 GN171 6.13
48639 1999 1995 TL8 5.26
50000 2005 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.48
53311 2012 1999 HU11 Deucalion 6.60
55565 2003 2002 AW197 3.26
55636 2006 2002 TX300 3.21
55637 2003 2002 UX25 3.60
55638 2005 2002 VE95 5.56
58534 2002 1997 CQ29 Logos 6.64
59358 2000 1999 CL158 6.95
60454 2001 2000 CH105 6.26
60458 2012 2000 CM114 6.60
60620 2001 2000 FD8 6.63
60621 2001 2000 FE8 6.82
65489 2005 2003 FX128 Ceto 6.23
66452 2012 1999 OF4 6.90
66652 2000 1999 RZ253 Borasisi 5.86
78799 2012 2002 XW93 5.50
79360 2005 1997 CS29 Sila-Nunam 5.17
79978 2000 1999 CC158 5.74
79983 2000 1999 DF9 6.10
80806 2002 2000 CM105 6.60
82075 2003 2000 YW134 4.77
82155 2012 2001 FZ173 6.10
82157 2003 2001 FM185 6.87
82158 2003 2001 FP185 6.10
84522 2004 2002 TC302 3.78
84719 2012 2002 VR128 5.70
84922 2005 2003 VS2 4.04
85633 2012 1998 KR65 6.80
86047 2000 1999 OY3 6.74
88267 2012 2001 KE76 6.60
88268 2003 2001 KK76 6.13
88611 2003 2001 QT297 Teharonhiawako 5.47
90377 2005 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.58
90482 2006 2004 DW Orcus 2.30
90568 2004 2004 GV9 3.90
95626 2005 2002 GZ32 6.99
118702 2003 2000 OM67 6.30
119066 2003 2001 KJ76 6.57
119067 2012 2001 KP76 6.60
119068 2003 2001 KC77 6.58
119070 2002 2001 KP77 6.78
119878 2012 2002 CY224 6.00
119951 2004 2002 KX14 4.50
119956 2012 2002 PA149 6.00
119979 2012 2002 WC19 5.00
120132 2004 2003 FY128 4.80
120178 2004 2003 OP32 3.95
120216 2012 2004 EW95 6.70
120347 2004 2004 SB60 Salacia 4.21
120348 2001 2004 TY364 4.25
123509 2012 2000 WK183 6.40
126154 2004 2001 YH140 5.50
126719 2012 2002 CC249 6.70
133067 2012 2003 FB128 6.40
134210 2012 2005 PQ21 6.80
134340 2006 Pluto -0.70
134860 2005 2000 OJ67 5.97
135024 2012 2001 KO76 6.70
135182 2005 2001 QT322 5.86
135571 2012 2002 GG32 6.80
136108 2007 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.03
136199 2006 2003 UB313 Eris -1.19
136472 2007 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.44
137294 2012 1999 RE215 6.70
138537 2003 2000 OK67 5.96
139775 2012 2001 QG298 6.30
143707 2012 2003 UY117 6.10
143991 2012 2003 YO179 6.10
144897 2012 2004 UX10 4.50
145451 2012 2005 RM43 4.40
145452 2012 2005 RN43 3.90
145453 2012 2005 RR43 4.00
145474 2012 2005 SA278 6.20
145480 2012 2005 TB190 4.70
148209 2012 2000 CR105 6.10
148780 2004 2001 UQ18 Altjira 5.76
See on the Tarot of the 1008 planets.
Below is a log entry by one of the night shifters
at the LHC/ATLAS control board:
On 25. 6. 2012 07:03, atlas-atlog@cern.ch wrote:

Shift Chronology
23:00 Start of shift.
23:30 Italy defeats England on penalties. Looking at today's shift crew, this should have a positive effect on the trigger data quality.
23:30 Beam dump, Post Mortem Analysis looks clean. Returning injection permit.

Indeed, the effect was immediate! Another couple of

events like this and I will start to believe in quantum
entanglement (Einstein's "spooky action at a distance")!

By various sets of coordinates.
xxix A special asteroid. A part of its designation being XP, it was tested and used against major anomalies in global computing.
xxx Eridanus in the chamber of the south is a rare ascendant acting as southern constellation.
xxxi This is taken to mean that we enter a deeper Age as by angular direction we wade and partly sink into Eridanus, after a short sojourn in Taurus.
Technically we are still in the Age of Cetus II, where the initiates ascend into the Age of Pegasus. The Ages of Cetus and Pegasus enmesh through their
II and III phases. In the solar Age of Cetus we enter the Venusian Age of Pegasus, but within the Age of Pegasus II we enter a deeper and larger New
xxxii As published under May 2010 Planet Log.
xxxiii Original nickname Solo. The thirteenth edition was published on December 31st 2010.
xxxiv Brahmacarya, but also other forms of isolation and extreme existential solitude.
xxxv Meaning the Damocles sword of world financial crash hanging over home planet.
xxxvi In an initiate, the Age of Cetus III is skipped ipse dixit.
xxxvii Default mind is a yin-yang device, the binary mind; as based on dual illusion. It sells contradiction. It is amazing how humanity, or what was
left of it, readily accepted things that were known not to be to the point, such as the general superstition that went under the name of astrology: a
shameful asinine mockery of the real skies.
xxxviii 2009 is the year when our fist missiles are scheduled to hit the Moon.

xxxix On January 21st, we are speaking of update No #5 for 2007 OR10.

xl Also love.

xli Article removed in compliance to Copyright policy.

xlii The original publication was immediately debugged with new NASA data for Orcus. The osculating elements for the dwarf planets and objects of
interest update frequently, thus all the calculation are subject to prompt revision all of the time.

xliii Article removed because of Copyright issues.

xliv See also Moon in Auriga. The attribution is based on the number 22.

xlv From the perspective of Hydra, meaning the portents pertaining to the entrance of Venus and 2002 AW197 into Hydra.

xlvi The Outer Guardians are distant objects of the solar system.

xlvii The Sun enters Scorpius on November 23rd. See NASA ephemeris below.

xlviii Both eastern or precessed and incarnated ascendants. The document is classified even for the 32nd masonry degree.

xlix Large Hadron Collider.

l Vintage vampire object in early transneptunian astrology.

li Drac is of accidental interest to presidential candidate Sarah Palin in that it ascends from Scorpius into Ophiuchus.

lii Timing estimated by Anthony Colaprete through private correspondence.

liii The Prophet has split the Moon into halves. Xingu risks an opened scar. The second splitting of the Moon is Islamic apocalypse. Islamic authorities
send alarm signals through youtube.

liv The text does not make mention of minor naming of dwarf planets, which are nevertheless included in our extended publication.

lv 2014 is the crisis before 2020. The year 2014 has been first analyzed in our publication entitled AION, as concern the fall of Vatican. The subprime
mortgage crisis may be at its peak in the year 2014.

lvi WMAP cold spot in Eridanus, the great void.

lvii The Witchllow materials have been party translated into Italian language. This is our first integral Italian publication dedicated to modern astrology.

lviii By primary and secondary direction.

lix The role is twofold. The easiest way to direct Witchllow is to project it for tropical astrology use. In that way the WMAP cold spot becomes a
fictitious dot at 10 degrees Taurus tropical. This projection nevertheless yields results in primary direction. The second way as especially applied to
secondary progression is to keep the WMAP cold spot in its place of origin in Eridanus while progressing any objects of interest.

lx Zic, Klaudio. 2007. Witchllow. Klaudio Zic Publications.

lxi The Academic Zodiac context includes the concept of the local zodiac as applied to horoscopes of beings, born on other planets. The Night & Day
house system was introduced as our direct answer to the challenge of a single house system that would answer the logical needs of the astrologer as
well as serve as didactic platform for the initiate. The Night & Day house system reflects the observed sky. While this statement may seem blunt, it
nevertheless encapsulates mysterious simplicity. Let us not forget that the WMAP cold spot is rising in Eridanus in the Night & Day house system and
nowhere else in all astrology over the past 3000 years. Neither the Chinese nor the Sumerian ever had such a house system, albeit it is the most
obvious of all, being the blunt refection of the skies as we observe them from this planet Earth. Something so simple is surely welcome into our own
technical culture, especially as able to handle our next step. Which is our next giant leap forward as technical culture? The Night & Day house system
is able to handle local zodiacs on spacecraft as fed by the board computer. In other words while obsolete house systems could not handle Oslo in
Norway, we are able to process horoscopes at any speed in whatever alien galaxy. The first obvious improvements are of topocentric nature, namely
the Night & Day house system is able to analyze the horoscope for an undersea quake, as well as set the houses for the birthplace of Dalai Lama. The
Cartesian system works anywhere in the galaxy with equal precision. Altitude is an integral part of the horoscope, as it is based on topocentric
standards as implied within the Cartesian system. Depression and altitude affect the position of the Moon as well as other factors in a horoscope,
especially when extreme. This point was largely overlooked by amateur astrology programs, which never prompted the operator at entering the altitude
of the place. Considering the major difficulties that a superstitious astrology had in the past 3000 years, we can bluntly state that altitude is a minor
problem of the past, successfully solved within the Night & Day house system. The Night & Day house system is actually based on azimuth and
altitude, as following the logic of the observer. When the Moon is conjunct Jupiter in Orion one can see it. Whatever is shown in the house system can
be observed in the real sky. Prior to our house system one could not find any relationship with the real sky as astrology was rightfully considered
blunder and superstition. The Night & Day house system is not in the least confined to planet Earth only. In extension, we were able to assign local
zodiacs to all the planets of the solar system; in addition, experimental areas as ruled by the Earth coorbitals, outer guardians, dwarf planets or comets.
The results of our research were published under Zic, Klaudio. 2006. Planetocentric Astrology. Klaudio Zic Publications. Planetocentric astrology thus
marks a giant step ahead for humankind ready to be born on other planets and spacecraft with precise horoscopes even horary charts. A baby having
Sun in Cygnus within the Night & Day house system is already a reality within the Academic Zodiac framework. The Academic Zodiac namely
extends to other planets, alien galaxies and spacecraft.

lxii Zic, Klaudio. 2006. Venus in Hydra. Klaudio Zic Publications.

lxiii Zic, Klaudio. 2005. Jupiter in Ophiuchus. Klaudio Zic Publications.

lxiv Zic, Klaudio. 2005. Mercury in Orion. Klaudio Zic Publications. As Lady Diana Frances Spencer, late Princess of Wales, has Mercury in Orion in her
own natal chart, our special attention was focused to unusual terrorist activity surrounding the princess jubilee. In an apocalyptic year such as 2007,
even Mars in Cetus is taken into consideration as an incentive to underground terrorism much as it exploded in the London underground in the year

lxv ********************************************************************************
The Academy of Scientific Astrology is based on astronomic principles confirming to the IAU convention. The calculations are performed on
the HORIZONS integrator by Jon Giorgini of NASA JPL, Pasadena CA.
Subject headings: solar system zodiac, astrology academic zodiac and precessed ascendant set, magick - RTRRT
Online material: www.lulu.com/spotlight//astrology

lxvi Updating list of largest dwarf planets on the site http://lulu.com/astrology

lxvii Eris has been delineated as 2003 UB313 in the 12 houses of the horoscope. The original delineation are therefore unaffected by naming or even
its nickname, Xena. Furthermore, Eris in the 12 houses of the horoscope has been separately applied to kids, the adolescent, women and even pets.
This variegated approach to delineation follows on the trail of Quaoar, which has been delineated for love, finance and magick. Our first
transneptunian delineation pertains to 1992 QB1. The major breakthrough was to come with 2000 WR106, Varuna; and whatever was written of Ixion,
Sedna and 2002 TX300 is history.

lxviii The X zodiac has been published on an early date, august 1st 2005. At the time, much as today we were fully operative and ready for analysis
after working hard on TNO like Quaoar. Gigabytes of material were written and published around a single transneptunian object because it was so
important to reach planetary status from being a mere transneptunian. The race begun silently in 1992 with the first cubewano, when astrologers were
generally unaware of the new discoveries.

lxix The Moon has a special last word within the academic zodiac since it defines the 22nd constellation.

lxx Zic, Klaudio. 2003. Venus in Special Constellations. Klaudio Zic Publications.

lxxi Zic, Klaudio. 2004. I Ching Aspectarian. Klaudio Zic Publications.

lxxii Zic, Klaudio. 2003. Cassini Lilith or LILIT VERA. Lulu Publications.

lxxiii Prior to the discovery of the first cubewano, the astrologer had only a couple of centaurs to dabble with. Pholus, Nessus and Asbolus were
joined by cubewano 1992 QB1. All delineation was made before the naming thus the original delineation for e.g. Varuna are copyrighted to Klaudio
Zic. All TNO and centaur objects were delineated by Klaudio Zic as published on http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/astrology
lxxiv That is, all centaurs were delineated as they were discovered until year 2007. As the centaurs were gradually named, they never really fitted into
their original delineation completely, namely all objects were delineated prior to their naming by a committee. We are planning a major revision of the
delineation of all centaurs in one volume. The centaurs that have been assigned temporary designation but were re-designated later as e.g. SDO, will be
included in this edition. True, we have gradually lost interest in the upcoming centaurean discoveries since giant trans-Neptunian objects kept us
transfixed and busy. Gigabytes of material were written and scanned around a single TNO like Quaoar. When a new giant like Sedna appeared it
naturally dwarfed any centaur in importance as it commanded respect along with our total commitment.

lxxv Zic, Klaudio. 2003. Genesis Ascendant. Klaudio Zic Publications.

lxxvi The number was reduced to 22 in August 2006.

lxxvii The further studies of Eris in Phoenix (Phoenix Cycle) were based on this work.

lxxviii The further studies of Eris in Phoenix (Phoenix Cycle) were based on this work.

lxxix Sets for various epochs are available from the site.

lxxx The cubewano objects have received their name precisely from their predecessor 1992 QB1. The first cubewano was nicknamed Smiley; then
came Karla with tradition continuing as Xena and Easter bunny kept on popping up. All the KBO and centaur objects were delineated prior to
being named, thus no influence of Greek names or mythology haunts delineation. The incipient delineation included 1993 RO, 1993 SB, 1993 RP, 1993
FW; those were the first steps into the gloriously flowering field of transneptunian astrology. 1992 and 1993 refer to years so transneptunian astrology
is now 15 years old with all TNO (transneptunian objects: cubewano, plutino, SDO and the new categories) with H < 5 delineated. Zic, Klaudio. 2006.
Transneptunian Astrology VII. Klaudio Zic Publications. See also Zic, Klaudio. 2003. Dwarf Planets in the 7th House. Klaudio Zic Publications. All
the enlisted dwarf planets were delineated by year 2006. Special publications were dedicated to 2003 EL61 and 2005 FY. In the meantime the objects
were named Haumea and Makemake. Important as well abundant space is dedicated to Varuna, Ixion, Quaoar and Sedna.

lxxxi All centaur objects were delineated as they have been discovered and before being named.

lxxxii Chiron was immediately dismissed as obsolete comet chunk, albeit it was probably thought of as a centaur for a lingering moment. The same
people, who fooled themselves into some New Age of Aquarius 1000 years ahead of its time, seem to put great trust in Chiron as some kind of symbol
of their power flower. That may paradoxically be true to some respect due to Chiron's innate impotence as a castrate of the horoscope. Whenever
Chiron is found, there is a doubtful mix of lack of true wisdom in practical matters. Of course, its very naming and initially wrong classification do not
make for a trustworthy object and generation at all.
lxxxiii Three awards in Kolkata, India, by the Indian Vedic Heritage.

lxxxiv Here is an ephemeris strip for the winter sun, showing sun in Libra on November 23rd.

2008-Nov-23 00:00 Lib

2008-Nov-24 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-25 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-26 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-27 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-28 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-29 00:00 Sco
2008-Nov-30 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-01 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-02 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-03 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-04 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-05 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-06 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-07 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-08 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-09 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-10 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-11 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-12 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-13 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-14 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-15 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-16 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-17 00:00 Oph
2008-Dec-18 00:00 Sgr

The sun spends a week in Scorpius before entering the central zodiacal station of Ophiuchus. It is in Sagittarius during the New Year's holidays.
The list does not include some 7000 publications that were removed from the server as obsolete back in 2011. These
were mostly large bulky research reports, animated zodiacs and pioneering material. The pricing of such reports may
seem absurd nowadays when everyone is acquainted with the zodiac and 1008 planets: it went up to a racing car range
per publication. Publications that were gigabyte sized were e.g. dedicated to Vint, Eris or Quaoar. Most centaurean
material falls into that category, e.g. Chariklo chasing Chiron through bulky animations or rare Pluto Eris conjunctions
through the ages; also: Egyptian skies were remodeled along with due animation within the Academic Zodiac context.
The present list is thus for a large part yet incomplete work in progress - whatever we were able to reassemble within
an hour's time. Far from being complete, the present list includes historical peculiarities like the Thanateros or Lamia
Nemesis, LILI VERA or the Devils Rose. It is in following these sample links that one finds a wealth of previously
unfathomable aviaries of planets that populated our horoscopes when Astrology was young and Nessus was the latest
discovery as concern centaurean realms. Sesame open!
Please don't pass this onto a friend, as we do not have the means and staff to service too many customers, so in order to
maintain the necessary quality of our work as paramount, we can not possibly afford to expand our readership.
The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
Cruithne-based charts and spacecraft births have been presented some two decades ago.
For the current epoch.
43 for Eris-nostalgic.
IAU Constellations.
Other planets, asteroids, comets and in fact everywhere in a three-dimensional space.
Sea quake!
Lama incarnation calculus.
On trip to Cruithne? We got your horoscopes!
Personal Magick Rituals

We design your simple daily timely wish-come-true Rituals!


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26

Horoscope. Just better!

3H #2014shift
Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by
Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013

The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq

Information you never knew you wanted to know.

Your horoscope is happening in the real sky


The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools have O5 or Oberon V for core discreating
technique. O5 is like confession: once one has fully confessed negativity, one disposes of
it: in this way, a space for positivity is created. Manifestation happens within 5 minutes.

Businessmen have been perusing their 5 minutes of taurine chance in order to raise funds,
make winning stocks purchase or launch new enterprises. Taurus ascends for 5 minutes.

Te ancient initiates timed their own magick rituals according to a specific angel or star.

1999 DE9
Equator HuyaPhaethon Talos Ecliptic Cacus
2000 CO104 2004 DG77 Equator
2002 GZ32 Sun
2008 SO218
NE32 Rhadamanthus
2002 FY36
Phoebe 2005 EO302
2004 XP14
1999 KW4 Deucalion
1999 HD12 2004 PR107
2001 XA255
Mercury 2002 CA249

2004 KZ392005 VJ119
Adria 2004 GV9
2006 RH120 Ptah
1996 AR20
2002 KX14
Icke 2001 BL41
2007 JJ43 1999 JV127
Ecliptic Venus

LINEAR (MPC 49591)
Horizon Antlia
Viewed from: Local time: Field of view:Lupus Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate 12:49:01 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/10/20 Azimuth: 180.0000 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456585.95 Altitude: +20.0000 Variable star

It would happen so that a trained magus would pick perfect timing even by sole intuition.


Personal business magick will of course tend to rely on much more than mere intuition:
precise directional calculi. The second is critical in stocks purchase much as the minute
of a successful marriage is crucial for posterity.
This very project starts with the Sun precisely on the meridian an excellent
manifestation omen.
1999 HD12
2001 XA255
Equator Ecliptic

2004 C
Galactic Equator Vulpecula
1996 A
2006 RH120

2002 KX14 2007 JJ43

Sagitta Icke
2002 MS4
Olympiada Venus

C/2004 Q2 (Machholz)
Scutum Ixion

2003 CO1

Horizon Horizon
Delphinus E SE
Olympia Amycus
Charon Pandora
Voyager II

1998 QE2

Equator Ecliptic Galactic Equator

Viewed from: Local time: Field of view: Magnitudes: 31.0 31.2 31.4 31.6 31.8 32.0
Fiumestate 12:49:20 90 00' 00" Single star
14 26' 44" E 2013/10/20 Azimuth: 111.6208 Multiple star
45 19' 38" N JD 2456585.95 Altitude: +06.6503 Variable star


Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW 6H

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX 7H

Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt 8H

MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO 9H

Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY

Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE

Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7

Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL 13H

MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi 14H

ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF 15H

Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0

INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd 17H

Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl 18H

O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO

Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx 20H

Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L 21H

Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw 22H

Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw 23H

Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO 24H

Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl 25H

Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb 26H

Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ 27H

PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc

Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk

O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4

Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe

Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E 32H

Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7 33H

Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM

Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU 35H

Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4
New Mother 2014 Assistance & Guide 0H

Babies born with Venus in Scutum


Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26

Horoscope. Just better!

3H #2014shift
Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by
Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013

The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq

Information you never knew you wanted to know.

Your horoscope is happening in the real sky


The Venusian cycles as encapsulated within the present Aeon of Cetus range from Hydra
to Cetus and Scutum to Pegasus. 2014 stands for Scutum while 2017 stands for Pegasus.
What does Venus in Scutum mean for a new mother? What does it mean for her baby?

Venus in Scutum is an extreme position of Venus.

Scutum is exalted like Pegasus 2017.
Unlike exalted Scutum or Pegasus, there are other positions.
Hydra and Cetus are deep positions.
The dynamism of the Aeon is based on the interplay of Venus exalted vs deep.
Generally speaking, Scutum kids are protective.
Protection is the first possession: closing off friends with lattice window.
Alixe has Juno in Scutum.
What will Venus in Scutum mean for Alixe as mother?
Juno stands for ideal mistress and marriage.
In the case of Alixe, Scutum is astral protection, even temple.
Does Alixe protect all mothers in the year 2014? Surely some she does!

MAYAN 2014 2017

The Venusian extremes hit the zodiac on the wake of the Aeon of Cetus. If 2012 was
about Uranus in Cetus, 2014 is about Venus in Scutum as 2017 is exalted ^^ in Pegasus.

Not what you were used to, but your soul will like it. Whoever and whoever confined you
wont; but they are discreated and exorcised already so fear them not: they are merely
stupid but dangerous people that relay what they have been told by more or less even
more dangerous therefore even more stupid people from their recent past not yours.
Those asinine thus bigwig mistakes they cal tradition like one quarter of the sky shift.


Your favorite Gemini ascendant has not been rising at east for the past 5000 years.
What is rising at east?


Touch your destiny: reshape it. Now that you know who you are, you are omnipotent.


No one you know can possibly have a Capricorn, Sagittarius or Scorpio ascendant at all.
Moreover, no friends of yours can have an Aries, Libra or Gemini ascendant at all. Does
Cancer rise at east? No. Stay tuned for the full list of non-rising ascendants.


Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.
6H 7H

Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet 1: the original zodiac as shared by all b
0F 1F

astronomical observatories across the planet and off-planet 2 as well.


SKY #QuarterSky

Did you know that when zero Gemini is expected to rise at east, Cetus ascends instead?
Conquer of your natal skies by obtaining your real natal ascendant! Your real natal
ascendant is your guardian angel. Thus, when zero Gemini is expected at east, Cetus
rises instead. Since Cetus is below Pisces, ascendant offset is 1/4 one quarter of the sky.


Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.


The pun is on India.
Alixe has Moon ascending in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans and Venus in Orion. Her Juno
hovers in zodiacal Scutum while her Pluto sits at the ascendant of the USA in Serpens


The skies do not rotate according to any tradition at all, but according to precession.
Thus, your own natal skies will always gloriously disobey any tradition, of which to
be honest there is seldom any. This is particularly true through stalled environments as
wanting for an upgrade and update.


22 zodiacal signs.
16 ascendants 4. 3F

Pluto nostalgic 5? Enjoy 26 zodiacal signs 6.

4F 5F

More Sun-signs? Workable 15, extended to 16.

Cartesian house system: works everywhere 7: ocean floor 8, Himalaya 9,
6F 7F 8F

spacecraft 10.

1008 delineated planets: the complete solar system is yours for the taking!
1008 Planets http://ar.gy/3lD8

Full services catalog for the current year along with elaborations on the times we live in as marked by the zodiacal constellation like Pegasus,
Scutum, Eridanus, Hydra or Cetus. As future scanning ideally proceeds future-changing, the stress is in a detailed acquaintance with the Academic
Zodiac and ascendant set in an RTRRT Instant Magick initiate. All initiations can be accomplished by self-initiation as presented within our
RTRRT and Academic Zodiac series.


1) ANGEL (prosperity) http://ow.ly/8tP3h


2) POWER (money) http://ow.ly/8tP2F


3) DREAM (bogeyman) http://ow.ly/8tP2k


4) BARYCENTER (real estate) http://ow.ly/8tP1M 13H

5) RIVAL (competition) http://ow.ly/8tP1s


6) NETHERWORLD (employees) http://ow.ly/8tOZW 15H

7) ENEMIES (devil) http://ow.ly/8tOYJ


8) IMMORTALITY (death discreation) http://ow.ly/8tOXI 17H

9) ASTRAL (scouts) http://ow.ly/8tOXp


10)AIM (godhead) http://ow.ly/8tOWx


11)LOVE (protection) http://ow.ly/8tOVK


12)NIRVANA - (illumination) http://ow.ly/8tOVq 21H

Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsananantalaxmi uvaca

The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
Cruithne-based charts and spacecraft births have been presented some two decades ago.

Verify your personality. Who are you, really? Take advantage of your real natal stars!


Ascendant in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Xo9

Moon in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XtW
Mercury in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XBm
Venus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XEX
Sun in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XKd
Mars in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XNj
Jupiter in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XP9
Saturn in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XRm
Uranus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XTV
Neptune in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XVD
Pluto in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XY5
Eris in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y1r
Quaoar in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y4L
Ixion in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y8L
Pholus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Ycy
Comets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Yf4
Planets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7YhX


13 + 13 = 26

While the 13 solar stations are a simple fact this end of superstition, the total number of zodiacal stations is 26 Pluto permitting. In other words,
the 26 zodiac is a Pluto nostalgia affair: for those who want Pluto back, the number of zodiacal stations is still 26.

Aries http://ow.ly/hg4jc
Taurus http://ow.ly/hg4np
Gemini http://ow.ly/hg4rn
Cancer http://ow.ly/hg4xx
Leo http://ow.ly/hg55T
Virgo http://ow.ly/hg5nS
Libra http://ow.ly/hg5lL
Scorpio http://ow.ly/hg5qs
Sagittarius http://ow.ly/hg5z6
Capricorn http://ow.ly/hg5Kc
Aquarius http://ow.ly/hg5S4
Pisces http://ow.ly/hg5Wt


Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX
Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO
Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY
Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE
Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7
Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi
ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF
Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0
INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd
Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl
O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO
Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx
Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L
Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw
Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw
Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO
Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl
Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb
Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ
PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc
Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk
O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4
Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe
Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E
Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7
Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM
Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU
Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4
For the current epoch.
43 for Eris-nostalgic.
IAU Constellations.
Other planets, asteroids, comets and in fact everywhere in a three-dimensional space.
Sea quake!
Lama incarnation calculus.
On trip to Cruithne? We got your horoscopes!
Dwarf Planets



Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26

Horoscope. Just better!

3H #2014shift
Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by
Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013

The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq

Information you never knew you wanted to know.

Your horoscope is happening in the real sky


The Venusian cycles as encapsulated within the present Aeon of Cetus range from Hydra
to Cetus and Scutum to Pegasus. 2014 stands for Scutum while 2017 stands for Pegasus.

Sun in Virgo for Halloween

Nov 23 Sun in Libra Sai Baba birthday
2013 Uranus in Cetus 2012
2014 Venus in Scutum
2017 Venus in Pegasus ^^
Record # Epoch-yr Primary Desig Name H
-------- -------- ------------- ------------------------- -----
1 2000 (undefined) Ceres 3.34
2 2000 (undefined) Pallas 4.13
3 2000 (undefined) Juno 5.33
4 2000 (undefined) Vesta 3.20
10 2000 (undefined) Hygiea 5.43
15 2000 (undefined) Eunomia 5.28
15874 2000 1996 TL66 [...unnamed...] 5.40
19308 1999 1996 TO66 [...unnamed...] 4.50
19521 2000 1998 WH24 Chaos 4.80
20000 2006 2000 WR106 Varuna 3.60
24835 2001 1995 SM55 [...unnamed...] 4.80
26181 2000 1996 GQ21 [...unnamed...] 5.20
26375 2002 1999 DE9 [...unnamed...] 5.10
28978 2005 2001 KX76 Ixion 3.30
38628 2005 2000 EB173 Huya 4.90
42301 2001 2001 UR163 [...unnamed...] 4.20
47171 2002 1999 TC36 [...unnamed...] 4.90
48639 1999 1995 TL8 [...unnamed...] 5.40
50000 2005 2002 LM60 Quaoar 2.40
55565 2003 2002 AW197 [...unnamed...] 3.40
55636 2006 2002 TX300 [...unnamed...] 3.20
55637 2004 2002 UX25 [...unnamed...] 3.80
79360 2005 1997 CS29 Sila-Nunam 5.30
82075 2003 2000 YW134 [...unnamed...] 4.80
84522 2006 2002 TC302 [...unnamed...] 3.90
84922 2005 2003 VS2 [...unnamed...] 4.10
90377 2005 2003 VB12 Sedna 1.50
90482 2006 2004 DW Orcus 2.20
90568 2004 2004 GV9 [...unnamed...] 4.00
119951 2004 2002 KX14 [...unnamed...] 4.40
119979 2004 2002 WC19 [...unnamed...] 4.90
120132 2004 2003 FY128 [...unnamed...] 4.90
120178 2004 2003 OP32 [...unnamed...] 3.60
120347 2004 2004 SB60 Salacia 4.20
120348 2001 2004 TY364 [...unnamed...] 4.50
126154 2004 2001 YH140 [...unnamed...] 5.40
134340 2006 (undefined) Pluto -0.80
136108 2008 2003 EL61 Haumea 0.10
136199 2007 2003 UB313 Eris -1.20
136472 2007 2005 FY9 Makemake -0.40
144897 2002 2004 UX10 [...unnamed...] 4.50
145451 2004 2005 RM43 [...unnamed...] 4.40
145452 2004 2005 RN43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
145453 2003 2005 RR43 [...unnamed...] 4.00
145480 2006 2005 TB190 [...unnamed...] 4.70
174567 2004 2003 MW12 [...unnamed...] 3.40
175113 2004 2004 PF115 [...unnamed...] 4.40
182934 2005 2002 GJ32 [...unnamed...] 5.40
202421 2005 2005 UQ513 [...unnamed...] 3.40
208996 2005 2003 AZ84 [...unnamed...] 3.70
225088 2007 2007 OR10 [...unnamed...] 2.00
229762 2005 2007 UK126 [...unnamed...] 3.40
230965 2006 2004 XA192 [...unnamed...] 4.00
278361 2008 2007 JJ43 [...unnamed...] 3.90
303775 2004 2005 QU182 [...unnamed...] 3.50
305543 2010 2008 QY40 [...unnamed...] 5.20
307251 2004 2002 KW14 [...unnamed...] 5.00
307261 2002 2002 MS4 [...unnamed...] 3.70
307616 2008 2003 QW90 [...unnamed...] 5.40
307982 2006 2004 PG115 [...unnamed...] 4.90
308193 2005 2005 CB79 [...unnamed...] 4.70
308379 2007 2005 RS43 [...unnamed...] 5.30
315530 2008 2008 AP129 [...unnamed...] 4.70
501790 2000 1999 CD158 [...unnamed...] 5.10
503124 2005 2000 CN105 [...unnamed...] 5.00
506036 2002 2001 KA77 [...unnamed...] 5.00
506619 2001 2001 QS297 [...unnamed...] 5.40
506629 2003 2001 QF298 [...unnamed...] 5.10
510674 2007 2002 CY248 [...unnamed...] 5.30
512785 2002 2002 PJ149 [...unnamed...] 5.30
518328 2004 2002 XV93 [...unnamed...] 5.00
520023 2003 2003 QM91 [...unnamed...] 5.30
520112 2006 2003 QX113 [...unnamed...] 4.70
523153 2008 2003 UZ117 [...unnamed...] 5.30
524303 2002 2003 UZ413 [...unnamed...] 4.20
524304 2003 2003 UA414 [...unnamed...] 5.30
527717 2005 2004 NT33 [...unnamed...] 4.40
533054 2006 2004 XR190 [...unnamed...] 4.40
558210 2006 2006 HH123 [...unnamed...] 5.20
560966 2007 2006 QH181 [...unnamed...] 3.80
579776 2007 2007 HV90 [...unnamed...] 5.20
580086 2005 2007 JH43 [...unnamed...] 4.70
580877 2009 2007 PS45 [...unnamed...] 5.40
593895 2009 2007 XV50 [...unnamed...] 4.90
597682 2007 2008 CT190 [...unnamed...] 5.40
603842 2010 2008 NW4 [...unnamed...] 5.20
603993 2010 2008 OG19 [...unnamed...] 4.60
609422 2009 2008 ST291 [...unnamed...] 4.30
615746 2008 2008 UA332 [...unnamed...] 5.20
639808 2011 2009 YE7 [...unnamed...] 4.20
648307 2011 2010 ER65 [...unnamed...] 5.40
648309 2007 2010 ET65 [...unnamed...] 5.20
648969 2007 2010 EK139 [...unnamed...] 3.80
648970 2011 2010 EL139 [...unnamed...] 5.10
650510 2011 2010 FX86 [...unnamed...] 4.30
654359 2006 2010 HE79 [...unnamed...] 5.20
656532 2010 2010 JK124 [...unnamed...] 5.30
657674 2011 2010 KZ39 [...unnamed...] 4.00
668568 2011 2010 RF43 [...unnamed...] 4.10
668777 2011 2010 RE64 [...unnamed...] 4.30
668778 2012 2010 RF64 [...unnamed...] 5.00
668784 2008 2010 RO64 [...unnamed...] 5.30
670428 2011 2010 TJ [...unnamed...] 5.00
670677 2010 2010 TR19 [...unnamed...] 5.40
671073 2009 2010 TY53 [...unnamed...] 5.20
673636 2012 2010 VW11 [...unnamed...] 5.40
674598 2012 2010 VZ98 [...unnamed...] 5.00
675594 2011 2010 VK201 [...unnamed...] 4.60
684342 2011 2011 FW62 [...unnamed...] 5.00
685155 2012 2011 GM27 [...unnamed...] 5.20
687396 2012 2011 JF31 [...unnamed...] 5.30
(111 matches. To SELECT, enter record # (integer), followed by semi-colon.)


1) The Tarot is the zodiac.

2) There are 22 zodiacal constellations.
3) 16 ascendants rise at east.
4) Ones guardian angel is represented by one of the 16 ascendants a. 0F

5) Which zodiacal stations are not ascendants? Scutum, Sagittarius, Capricornus,

Pegasus, Aries, Auriga, Gemini, Cancer, Libra
6) Taurus rises at east only for 5 minutes every day: golden calf a taurine chance on
the market!
7) The 22 initiations are the 22 mysteries of the Tarot: zodiacal constellations.
8) The 16 guardian angels propose the elementary permutations.
9) Lodge #1622 SIRIVS is the Tarot.
10) Kalki b determined the Tarot

11) Hayagriva determined the Zodiac.

12) As Kalki is Hayagriva so the Tarot is the Zodiac.
13) The Tarot expands from #1622 towards 1008.
14) The 1008 planets form the eternal horoscope of every moment.
15) God and NASA say 13 or 12 are falsity.
16) When zero Gemini is expected to rise in the eastern sky, Cetus rises instead.
17) As Cetus is below Pisces, the error is roughly 90 degrees!
18) Gemini does not rise at east c. 2F

19) Gemini rose at east some 5000 years ago.

20) Cetus is the zodiacal ascendant of the present Aeon.

IN EGYPT, we had double the number of present days ascendants, making for versatility, diversity and baffling
Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsana uvaca.
For the present epoch.
21) There are 67 horoscope signs.
22) Depending on the categorization of Eris and Pluto, there are also 43, 30, 28 and so
o horoscope signs.
23) Tarot = Zodiac.


There is a wheel in the sky with 12 animals which rise at east...

Must be one of those stories they have been telling children a sinister lullaby.


She knows by intuition that you have a Gemini ascendant, and so it happens that you do!

5000 BC

Or you could have it say 5000 years ago. Namely, the expected zero Gemini never
appears in the sky: Cetus and Pisces rise instead. Dont worry: the error is merely 90
degrees or something: no one will notice d. 3F


Since man is no source for information, it rejects it on account of ones last authority
cloud. In other words: one does exactly what one has been told to: damage ones own life
on account of trusted sources. Gemini is merely an example. This constellation has not
been rising at east for 5000 years: still people address each other as Gemini ascendant.

Are there 67 horoscope signs? Yes.

In fact, no one did!
How is this possible? One should ask how 13 or 12 are possible instead.

What are the 30? One of the intermediary results.

22? Number of zodiacal stations.

16? Ascendants e. 4F


The change is coming, New Golden Age!


What changes with 2014? This is the first time for all practical purposes that Venus
enters Scutum. Scutum is one of the standard 22 zodiacal stations and thus one of the 67
signs of the zodiac. You probably had 13 in mind? That would be rather amateurish.


How do we reckon Lucifers comings? We take that in the wake of Venus in Pegasus - as
falling into Cetus sensitive initiates have been inspired in picturing Venus as the
indomitable she-devil she is. A popular image of a falling batman issued. Dante on his
own hellbound initiation must have been inspired! We call that first recent contact the

For the current epoch.
first coming. True, there have been biblical comings one at least as rendered in the
Bible. These ancient comings are scheduled for printing 2014 2017.

First Coming of Lucifer - Dantesque Venus in Pegasus

Second Coming of Lucifer - 2014 Aeon Shift
Third Coming of Lucifer 2017 ^^ Age of Pegasus II
Fourth Coming of Lucifer - Venus in Pegasus ^^ Bis


The safest way for others especially spiritually advanced is to follow superstition
upon superstition. If that dubious diet makes you vomit, here is your winter Sun

2013-Oct-31 Vir
2013-Nov-01 Lib
2013-Nov-23 Lib
2013-Nov-24 Sco
2013-Nov-25 Sco
2013-Nov-26 Sco
2013-Nov-27 Sco
2013-Nov-28 Sco
2013-Nov-29 Sco
2013-Nov-30 Oph
2013-Dec-01 Oph
2013-Dec-02 Oph
2013-Dec-03 Oph
2013-Dec-04 Oph
2013-Dec-05 Oph
2013-Dec-06 Oph
2013-Dec-07 Oph
2013-Dec-08 Oph
2013-Dec-09 Oph
2013-Dec-10 Oph
2013-Dec-11 Oph
2013-Dec-12 Oph
2013-Dec-13 Oph
2013-Dec-14 Oph
2013-Dec-15 Oph
2013-Dec-16 Oph
2013-Dec-17 Oph
2013-Dec-18 Oph
2013-Dec-19 Sgr
2014-Jan-01 Sgr
MAYAN 2014 2017

The Venusian extremes hit the zodiac on the wake of the Aeon of Cetus. If 2012 was
about Uranus in Cetus, 2014 is about Venus in Scutum as 2017 is exalted ^^ in Pegasus.


Your favorite Gemini ascendant has not been rising at east for the past 5000 years.
What is rising at east?


Touch your destiny: reshape it. Now that you know who you are, you are omnipotent.


No one you know can possibly have a Capricorn, Sagittarius or Scorpio ascendant at all.
Moreover, no friends of yours can have an Aries, Libra or Gemini ascendant at all. Does
Cancer rise at east? No. Stay tuned for the full list of non-rising ascendants.


Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.
6H 7H

Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet 1: the original zodiac as shared by all g
0F 6F

astronomical observatories across the planet and off-planet 2 as well.


SKY #QuarterSky

Did you know that when zero Gemini is expected to rise at east, Cetus ascends instead?
Conquer of your natal skies by obtaining your real natal ascendant! Your real natal
ascendant is your guardian angel. Thus, when zero Gemini is expected at east, Cetus
rises instead. Since Cetus is below Pisces, ascendant offset is 1/4 one quarter of the sky.


Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.


The pun is on India.
Alixe has Moon ascending in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans and Venus in Orion. Her Juno
hovers in zodiacal Scutum while her Pluto sits at the ascendant of the USA in Serpens


The skies do not rotate according to any tradition at all, but according to precession.
Thus, your own natal skies will always gloriously disobey any tradition, of which to
be honest there is seldom any. This is particularly true through stalled environments as
wanting for an upgrade and update.


The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools have O5 or Oberon V for core discreating
technique. O5 is like confession: once one has fully confessed negativity, one disposes of
it: in this way, a space for positivity is created. Manifestation happens within 5 minutes.


22 zodiacal signs.
16 ascendants 4. 3F

Pluto nostalgic 5? Enjoy 26 zodiacal signs 6.

4F 5F

More Sun-signs? Workable 15, extended to 16.

Cartesian house system: works everywhere 7: ocean floor 8, Himalaya 9, 6F 7F 8F

spacecraft 10. 9F

1008 delineated planets: the complete solar system is yours for the taking!

1008 Planets http://ar.gy/3lD8


Full services catalog for the current year along with elaborations on the times we live in as marked by the zodiacal constellation like Pegasus,
Scutum, Eridanus, Hydra or Cetus. As future scanning ideally proceeds future-changing, the stress is in a detailed acquaintance with the Academic
Zodiac and ascendant set in an RTRRT Instant Magick initiate. All initiations can be accomplished by self-initiation as presented within our
RTRRT and Academic Zodiac series.


1) ANGEL (prosperity) http://ow.ly/8tP3h 10H

2) POWER (money) http://ow.ly/8tP2F


3) DREAM (bogeyman) http://ow.ly/8tP2k 12H

4) BARYCENTER (real estate) http://ow.ly/8tP1M 13H

5) RIVAL (competition) http://ow.ly/8tP1s 14H

6) NETHERWORLD (employees) http://ow.ly/8tOZW 15H

7) ENEMIES (devil) http://ow.ly/8tOYJ


8) IMMORTALITY (death discreation) http://ow.ly/8tOXI 17H

9) ASTRAL (scouts) http://ow.ly/8tOXp


10)AIM (godhead) http://ow.ly/8tOWx


11)LOVE (protection) http://ow.ly/8tOVK


12)NIRVANA - (illumination) http://ow.ly/8tOVq 21H

Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsananantalaxmi uvaca
The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
Cruithne-based charts and spacecraft births have been presented some two decades ago.


Verify your personality. Who are you, really? Take advantage of your real natal stars!


Ascendant in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Xo9

Moon in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XtW
Mercury in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XBm
Venus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XEX
Sun in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XKd
Mars in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XNj
Jupiter in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XP9
Saturn in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XRm
Uranus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XTV
Neptune in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XVD
Pluto in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XY5
Eris in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y1r
Quaoar in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y4L
Ixion in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y8L
Pholus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Ycy
Comets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Yf4
Planets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7YhX


13 + 13 = 26

While the 13 solar stations are a simple fact this end of superstition, the total number of zodiacal stations is 26 Pluto permitting. In other words,
the 26 zodiac is a Pluto nostalgia affair: for those who want Pluto back, the number of zodiacal stations is still 26.

Aries http://ow.ly/hg4jc
Taurus http://ow.ly/hg4np
Gemini http://ow.ly/hg4rn
Cancer http://ow.ly/hg4xx
Leo http://ow.ly/hg55T
Virgo http://ow.ly/hg5nS
Libra http://ow.ly/hg5lL
Scorpio http://ow.ly/hg5qs
Sagittarius http://ow.ly/hg5z6
Capricorn http://ow.ly/hg5Kc
Aquarius http://ow.ly/hg5S4
Pisces http://ow.ly/hg5Wt


Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW
Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX
Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO
Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY
Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE
Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7
Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi
ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF
Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0
INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd
Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl
O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO
Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx
Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L
Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw
Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw
Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO
Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl
Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb
Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ
PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc
Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk
O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4
Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe
Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E
Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7
Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM
Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU
Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4
For the current epoch.
43 for Eris-nostalgic.
IAU Constellations.
Other planets, asteroids, comets and in fact everywhere in a three-dimensional space.
Sea quake!
Lama incarnation calculus.
On trip to Cruithne? We got your horoscopes!



Integral Astrological
Solution 13 + 13 = 26

We know your horoscope.

3H #2014shift

Copyright 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by

Klaudio Zic Publications, 2013

The Academic Zodiac is Copyright 1972 - 2013 by

Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved. No part of this material
may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes
or otherwise, without the written permission of the Author.
The Academic Zodiac is privately owned 1972 2013
by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT Services http://bit.ly/Te4LAq

Information you never knew you wanted to know.

Your horoscope is happening in the real sky

Sun in Virgo for Halloween
Nov 23 Sun in Libra Sai Baba birthday
2013 Uranus in Cetus 2012
2014 Venus in Scutum
2017 Venus in Pegasus ^^

The Venusian cycles as encapsulated within the present Aeon of Cetus range from Hydra
to Cetus and Scutum to Pegasus. 2014 stands for Scutum while 2017 stands for Pegasus.

Your competition does not know the times: they think they do but their programs are toys
dangerous broken toys that diverge and mangle data towards impossibility. They have
not been capable of predicting 9-11 and neither they are capable of predicting New Moon.


In plain worlds: they dont have data, at least not reliable data that could be perused
through calculi unknown to them. The existence of divining technology some 500
directional techniques is unknown to them.


Why a toddler the proverbial shoeshine boy - can be trained in twenty minutes into
accurate prediction, the opposing expert cant in being busy posing as know-it-all.
You dont want to know it all after the event!


Why are they unable to predict? They dont have data, but they think they do. Also: they
dont have predicting technology. Thus, they end up into a boring loop of Moon phases.


Information has a price as information proper equals gain on the market. Precise incipient
information makes for accurate prediction: to the second. Thus, relevant input plus
marketing genius make for relevant timely results.

Marketing is like love: a timely contract with a winning partner brings timely profit. One
the other hand, an untimely contract as signed with a detrimental partner brings the bitter
fruit of bankruptcy.


Both parties should align and synch to their original natal skies as well as present
heavenly configuration. This is possible by the intelligent use of modern astronomy.


In order to know what one is doing and consequently whom with to sing partnership, one
has to know who one is. This is possible by perusing ones original natal data, e.g. the
time and place when the foundation of the enterprise was set. First sale makes an
excellent starting chart as well.


Much as the exact minute of ones next marriage is predictable when exact data match
relevant procedure, so is every business move predictable as favorable or vice-versa.


As all is fair in love and war, the movement of troops on both sides gets predictable with
excellent timing: possibly to the second. The kings of old kept a shaman at their side
precisely for the purpose of determining the movement of the enemies troops. In old
China, to divine equaled to calculate, and that is precisely what we do: we calculate.

Many will stand out. What really makes you protrude to the front is your secret tool:
original astronomic data. You dont want to know about 1008 planets or elaborate calculi:
you want results: a yes or no and the date. Possibly second: go!


Your winning protrusion will of course bring you success; gain on the market as well as
sworn envy from incompetent as well as outdated competitors. Perhaps they still peruse
obsolete prediction methods or dont even have any?


Instead of standing still, the prediction methods at your own service update on daily, even
hourly basis: the whole database is automatically updated with the choice of actual factors
meaning objects that would influence the issues at hand. Some of those are known as
comets, others may be newly found dwarf planets, other swift centaurs: all these objects
have a peculiar way in influencing financial issues from shadow market to stock


The application of astronomic data to natal as well as actual horoscopes has led to a
revolutionary discovery: the zodiac. Zodiac, ascendant set and house system were
essentially scanned and set in minutes back in the seventies. Nowadays nobody has to
suffer from bad natal data, faux identity or bankruptcy due to bad advice. When both
parties are in synch, divorce has no meaning.

One does not have to believe in planetary positions that are not there at all. As
consequence, ones real self is synched with ones true nature. In alignment to ones true
natal planetary positions, everything goes well according to ones own nature: one can not
only know events in advance to the minute but also change the course of events at will
with RTRRT. Real self = real sky = infinite possibilities!


Gemini has not been rising ascending at east for 5000 years now. What is rising at
east instead when some default toy program for the masses b is expecting some zero

Gemini is of course not Gemini at all: it is Cetus a large zodiacal ascendant and Lord
of the Aeon c - which by the way lies below Pisces. That makes roughly one quarter of the

sky or 90 degrees of error in any calculi as attempted by your now outdated competition.


1) The Tarot is the zodiac.

2) There are 22 zodiacal constellations.
3) 16 ascendants rise at east.
4) Ones guardian angel is represented by one of the 16 ascendants d. 3F

5) Which zodiacal stations are not ascendants? Scutum, Sagittarius, Capricornus,

Pegasus, Aries, Auriga, Gemini, Cancer, Libra

Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.
For entertainment purposes only.
The present Aeon.
In Egypt, we had double the number of present days ascendants, making for versatility, diversity and baffling
6) Taurus rises at east only for 5 minutes every day: golden calf a taurine chance on
the market!
7) The 22 initiations are the 22 mysteries of the Tarot: zodiacal constellations.
8) The 16 guardian angels propose the elementary permutations.
9) Lodge #1622 SIRIVS is the Tarot.
10) Kalki e determined the Tarot

11) Hayagriva determined the Zodiac.

12) As Kalki is Hayagriva so the Tarot is the Zodiac.
13) The Tarot expands from #1622 towards 1008.
14) The 1008 planets form the eternal horoscope of every moment.
15) God and NASA say 13 or 12 are falsity.
16) When zero Gemini is expected to rise in the eastern sky, Cetus rises instead.
17) As Cetus is below Pisces, the error is roughly 90 degrees!
18) Gemini does not rise at east f. 5F

19) Gemini rose at east some 5000 years ago.

20) Cetus is the zodiacal ascendant of the present Aeon.
21) There are 67 horoscope signs.
22) Depending on the categorization of Eris and Pluto, there are also 43, 30, 28 and so
on horoscope signs.
23) Tarot = Zodiac.


There is a wheel in the sky with 12 animals which rise at east...

Must be one of those stories they have been telling children a sinister lullaby.


Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsana uvaca.
For the present epoch.
She knows by intuition that you have a Gemini ascendant, and so it happens that you do!

5000 BC

Or you could have it say 5000 years ago. Namely, the expected zero Gemini never
appears in the real sky: Cetus and Pisces rise instead. Dont worry: the error is merely 90
degrees or something: no one will notice g.


Are there 67 horoscope signs? Yes.

How is this possible? One should ask how 13 or 12 are possible instead.

What are the 30? One of the intermediary results.

22? Number of zodiacal stations.

16? Ascendants h. 7F


The change is coming, New Golden Age!


In fact, no one did!
For the current epoch.
What changes with 2014? This is the first time for all practical purposes that Venus
enters Scutum. Scutum is one of the standard 22 zodiacal stations and thus one of the 67
signs of the zodiac. You probably had 13 in mind? That would be rather amateurish.


How do we reckon Lucifers comings? We take that in the wake of Venus in Pegasus - as
falling into Cetus sensitive initiates have been inspired in picturing Venus as the
indomitable she-devil she is. A popular image of a falling batman issued. Dante on his
own hellbound initiation must have been inspired! We call that first recent contact the
first coming. True, there have been biblical comings one at least as rendered in the
Bible. These ancient comings are scheduled for printing 2014 2017.

First Coming of Lucifer - Dantesque Venus in Pegasus

Second Coming of Lucifer - 2014 Aeon Shift
Third Coming of Lucifer 2017 ^^ Age of Pegasus II
Fourth Coming of Lucifer - Venus in Pegasus ^^ Bis


The safest way for others especially spiritually advanced is to follow superstition
upon superstition. If that dubious diet makes you vomit, here is your winter Sun

2013-Oct-31 Vir
2013-Nov-01 Lib
2013-Nov-23 Lib
2013-Nov-24 Sco
2013-Nov-25 Sco
2013-Nov-26 Sco
2013-Nov-27 Sco
2013-Nov-28 Sco
2013-Nov-29 Sco
2013-Nov-30 Oph
2013-Dec-01 Oph
2013-Dec-02 Oph
2013-Dec-03 Oph
2013-Dec-04 Oph
2013-Dec-05 Oph
2013-Dec-06 Oph
2013-Dec-07 Oph
2013-Dec-08 Oph
2013-Dec-09 Oph
2013-Dec-10 Oph
2013-Dec-11 Oph
2013-Dec-12 Oph
2013-Dec-13 Oph
2013-Dec-14 Oph
2013-Dec-15 Oph
2013-Dec-16 Oph
2013-Dec-17 Oph
2013-Dec-18 Oph
2013-Dec-19 Sgr
2014-Jan-01 Sgr

MAYAN 2014 2017

The Venusian extremes hit the zodiac on the wake of the Aeon of Cetus. If 2012 was
about Uranus in Cetus, 2014 is about Venus in Scutum as 2017 is exalted ^^ in Pegasus.


Your favorite Gemini ascendant has not been rising at east for the past 5000 years.
What is rising at east?


Touch your destiny: reshape it. Now that you know who you are, you are omnipotent.


Real Time Reality Rendering Tools.
No one you know can possibly have a Capricorn, Sagittarius or Scorpio ascendant at all.
Moreover, no friends of yours can have an Aries, Libra or Gemini ascendant at all. Does
Cancer rise at east? No. Stay tuned for the full list of non-rising ascendants.



7H 8H

Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet 1: the original zodiac as shared by all j
0F 9F

astronomical observatories across the planet and off-planet 2 as well.


SKY #QuarterSky

Did you know that when zero Gemini is expected to rise at east, Cetus ascends instead?
Conquer of your natal skies by obtaining your real natal ascendant! Your real natal
ascendant is your guardian angel. Thus, when zero Gemini is expected at east, Cetus
rises instead. Since Cetus is below Pisces, ascendant offset is 1/4 one quarter of the sky.

The pun is on India.

Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.


Alixe has Moon ascending in Cetus, Mercury in Sextans and Venus in Orion. Her Juno
hovers in zodiacal Scutum while her Pluto sits at the ascendant of the USA in Serpens


Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon 1 Orionis = WTC 9-11.


The skies do not rotate according to any tradition at all, but according to precession.
Thus, your own natal skies will always gloriously disobey any tradition, of which to
be honest there is seldom any. This is particularly true through stalled environments as
wanting for an upgrade and update.


The Real Time Reality Rendering Tools have O5 or Oberon V for core discreating
technique. O5 is like confession: once one has fully confessed negativity, one disposes of
it: in this way, a space for positivity is created. Manifestation happens within 5 minutes.

22 zodiacal signs.
16 ascendants 4. 3F

Pluto nostalgic 5? Enjoy 26 zodiacal signs 6.

4F 5F

More Sun-signs? Workable 15, extended to 16.

Cartesian house system: works everywhere 7: ocean floor 8, Himalaya 9, 6F 7F 8F

spacecraft 10. 9F

1008 delineated planets: the complete solar system is yours for the taking!

1008 Planets http://ar.gy/3lD8


Full services catalog for the current year along with elaborations on the times we live in as marked by the zodiacal constellation like Pegasus,
Scutum, Eridanus, Hydra or Cetus. As future scanning ideally proceeds future-changing, the stress is in a detailed acquaintance with the Academic
Zodiac and ascendant set in an RTRRT Instant Magick initiate. All initiations can be accomplished by self-initiation as presented within our
RTRRT and Academic Zodiac series.


1) ANGEL (prosperity) http://ow.ly/8tP3h 11H

2) POWER (money) http://ow.ly/8tP2F


3) DREAM (bogeyman) http://ow.ly/8tP2k 13H

4) BARYCENTER (real estate) http://ow.ly/8tP1M 14H

5) RIVAL (competition) http://ow.ly/8tP1s 15H

6) NETHERWORLD (employees) http://ow.ly/8tOZW 16H

7) ENEMIES (devil) http://ow.ly/8tOYJ

8) IMMORTALITY (death discreation) http://ow.ly/8tOXI

9) ASTRAL (scouts) http://ow.ly/8tOXp


10)AIM (godhead) http://ow.ly/8tOWx


11)LOVE (protection) http://ow.ly/8tOVK


12)NIRVANA - (illumination) http://ow.ly/8tOVq


Hayagrivanantadevasesanagasankarsananantalaxmi uvaca

The competitor to be feared is one who never bothers about you at all, but goes on making his own business better all the time. - Henry Ford
Cruithne-based charts and spacecraft births have been presented some two decades ago.


Verify your personality. Who are you, really? Take advantage of your real natal stars!


Ascendant in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Xo9

Moon in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XtW
Mercury in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XBm
Venus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XEX
Sun in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XKd
Mars in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XNj
Jupiter in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XP9
Saturn in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XRm
Uranus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XTV
Neptune in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XVD
Pluto in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7XY5
Eris in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y1r
Quaoar in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y4L
Ixion in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Y8L
Pholus in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Ycy
Comets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7Yf4
Planets in Ophiuchus http://ow.ly/i7YhX


13 + 13 = 26

While the 13 solar stations are a simple fact this end of superstition, the total number of zodiacal stations is 26 Pluto permitting. In other words,
the 26 zodiac is a Pluto nostalgia affair: for those who want Pluto back, the number of zodiacal stations is still 26.
Aries http://ow.ly/hg4jc
Taurus http://ow.ly/hg4np
Gemini http://ow.ly/hg4rn
Cancer http://ow.ly/hg4xx
Leo http://ow.ly/hg55T
Virgo http://ow.ly/hg5nS
Libra http://ow.ly/hg5lL
Scorpio http://ow.ly/hg5qs
Sagittarius http://ow.ly/hg5z6
Capricorn http://ow.ly/hg5Kc
Aquarius http://ow.ly/hg5S4
Pisces http://ow.ly/hg5Wt


Instant Healing http://bit.ly/10N00CW

Cancer Cure http://bit.ly/10MZBjX
Immortality http://bit.ly/10MZogt
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTmQO
Initiation http://bit.ly/RwT3VY
Maverick http://bit.ly/RwWrQE
Seduction http://bit.ly/RwXLD7
Love & Money http://bit.ly/RwXDDL
MINI RTRRT http://bit.ly/RwTyzi
ETER Emotion-time-energy-retriever http://bit.ly/RwO8EF
Reboot! http://bit.ly/RwOpr0
INTEGER http://bit.ly/RwOifd
Personal Cosmic Secretary http://t.co/G6YEFcIl
O5IRIS http://bit.ly/RwQjYO
Instant Healing http://t.co/oTWgDvAx
Marriage Rendering http://t.co/AalmMR6L
Personal cO5mic Avatar http://bit.ly/RwSOKw
Mini RTRRT http://t.co/f15rwpbw
Prosperity Rendering http://t.co/ZJMUbVkO
Wish Wheel http://t.co/Lc0lqhQl
Magick initiation http://t.co/D8yyb5Gb
Money Honey http://t.co/l15k8RvJ
PCS http://t.co/iSoMKfYc
Oberon V http://bit.ly/RwSaNk
O5 http://bit.ly/RwRTK4
Cascade http://bit.ly/RwRKqe
Snow Crash http://bit.ly/RwOR8E
Magic Wand http://t.co/EIQflaw7
Aladdin XI http://bit.ly/RwRhUM
Matrix Hacking http://t.co/c6w5pwFU
Bogeyman http://bit.ly/RwOyL4
For the current epoch.
43 for Eris-nostalgic.
IAU Constellations.
Other planets, asteroids, comets and in fact everywhere in a three-dimensional space.
Sea quake!
Lama incarnation calculus.
On trip to Cruithne? We got your horoscopes!

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