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Table of Contents

Personal Note from the Author 4

Introduction 9
Chapter One
Time for a Self-Assessment 13
Chapter Two
The disease of the modern day warrior 20
Chapter Three
Body Treatment
Is your body starting to complain about the way you treat it? 23
Chapter Four
Are you being robbed of your manly male hormone testosterone? 32
Chapter Five
Fat Storage
Less fat burning muscle means more body fat storage 43
Chapter Six
Fortify Your Mind
Your body will follow 53

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 2
Table of Contents
Chapter Seven
Living 100 Years
You will probably live 100 years whether you want to or not 60
Chapter Eight
Resolve Your Energy and Weight Issues For Good 64
Chapter Nine
Other Factors
That can help strong men stay young 68
Conclusion 74
About Carolyn Hansen 75

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 3
Personal Note
from the Author
There's a storm coming.
That's the reason I sat down at my desk and spent weeks of my time creating this
guide for you. It's the reason you'll read every word in these pages and begin to
change your life for the better just days from now.

If you have reached the age of 40 you will have seen glimmers of the storm out at the
horizon. If you have reached the age of 50 you will almost be inside it.

No one has ever outrun the storm. Or survived it. You won't either, but I can help you
weather it and survive it for as long as humanly possible.

The storm, of course, is old age.

That's not what should frighten you. It takes little courage to face the inevitable. What
does take courage is dealing with what is not cast in stonethe matters over which you
have influence. Like aging before your time. I am going to show you how to deal with
this. In fact I am going to show you how to ward off the effects of aging so that you
can extend your period of enjoyed youthfulness for another decade. Maybe even two.

Let me run a bit further with my analogy so that you can see the larger picturethe
image that has guided me in the years that I have been concerned with the topic of
aging, or really anti-aging since that is a better way to view our goal.

If aging is a storm then life is a sea of possibilities and each one of us has been
provided a vessel to navigate it. That vessel is comprised of your mind and body. The
stronger your vessel, the further you will be able to sail without getting into trouble.

Your vessel is not indestructible. Far from it. Over time it loses its resiliency, its ability
to weather the elements. Unless, of course, you maintain itwhich is precisely what
this book is about. My goal is to teach you how to keep your vessel upright, facing
into the wind, and ready to do battle with anything that blows your way.

Now, this is a book specifically written for men, as the title makes clear by itself.

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On the other hand it cannot have escaped your attention that I am a woman. So you
may be wondering about that. Why is a woman writing a health and fitness book for
men? What makes her any kind of authority on the subject of men's health?

Let me tell youI know a LOT more about this subject than most men ever will
that includes the fitness professionals! There are two main reasons for that. The first
of which is that I have been working on the front line of the fitness industry for over
three decades.

Along with my qualifications in all things related to fitnessfrom group exercise,

strength training and conditioning, personal training, sports nutrition to gym
ownership my biggest asset is experience. Loads of experience. I'll tell you a little
more about that in a moment.

The other reason that qualifies me to teach this subject is that, for the most part, I
simply don't think like a woman. I know. It's a strange thing to say, but for all of
my life I have identified more closely with the thinking of the men around me than
the women. I care about achievement in body and mind, competing to be the best,
building businesses and wealth, and making sure what needs to get done by the end
of the day actually DOES get done by then.

I am fiercely competitive. I have been involved in male-dominated sporting activities

since my school days. Events that include running, triathlon, powerlifting, Olympic
weightlifting and bodybuilding. I have had men as my training partners, and I have
trained men one-on-one for many years as an instructor or coach.

I have never been content to simply be able to change bodiesI have always wanted
to change lives. That is exactly what this program is all about. I want to help you
change the direction of your life.

The truth of the matter is that I have the greatest respect for men, but while I ought
to be able to see them as modern day warriors, too often I am filled with sadness
because of what I see when I go out into the community or gaze around my gym.
Men today are more out of shape than ever and they are aging at a rate faster than
ever before. What fills me with sadness is that this is all entirely preventable!

It is no mystery as to what is going on. Too much of the wrong type of food, combined
with a lack of muscle building activity is turning the human body into a fat and
immobile shell that is simply not up to the task of navigating the rigors of old age.
In short, this is an epidemic global health concern for our modern sedentary and
inactive population and it matters. It matters to me and it should matter to you.

This is especially true for those that have children. Because whether you are a man
or a woman you represent a role model for your kids. Like it or not, they are more
likely to follow in your footsteps than not follow in them. If you want them to live
long and healthy lives, showing them how to do so may be one of the greatest gifts
you ever bestow on them!

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So why exactly is it that we have allowed ourselves to become so unhealthy in recent
decades? It did not used to be this way. Compared to recent generations it appears that
our life expectancy is now going down, not up. Believe it or not, the life expectancy
for those born after the year 2000 is projected to be perhaps 20 years less than our
own generation. That means at the rate we are going kids born today may not live to
be grandparents!

It is hard for many people to grasp that these diseases that plague our modern world
are really lifestyle diseases. In other words, we are entirely responsible for them
being in our lives. We invite sickness in. With a staggering fifty percent of us suffering
from at least one health issue and some people suffering multiple conditions, it is
becoming very clear that each of us has to chart the course for our own health. The
state is not going to step in and rescue you at the last minute. Nor is anyone else.

People often share the mistaken belief that old fashioned exercise and a nutritious
diet are options that can be implemented when we finally have the time and/or
money to do so. The trouble is that you can only put these things off so long before
the shelf-life on them expires and the option is gone.

I don't need to remind you that physical activity and eating healthy foods are good for
you. You already know that. But what most of us tend to forget is that the consequence
of putting off the good habits can be lasting, irreversible damage. Even death. Quite
literally, man overboard.

Here's the truth of the matter. The human body is a use it or lose it machine. Muscle
loss, which sets in after you reach about 30 years of age, causes an overall decline in
metabolism (your body's engine). The result is a reduction in the amount of fuel
(calories) being burned each day. The consequence is that it becomes increasingly
easier to gain weight. By working your muscles regularly you will clear your blood
stream of sugar and fat, burning them up before they can find their way into the
tissues of your body where they can cause damage.

So, your unused muscles will weaken and shrink. Along with it goes strength and the
desire to put yourself under physical load. You find reasons not to engage in activities
that you once enjoyed and as a result your unloaded bones lose density, thickness
and strength, opening you up for injuries you will not easily bounce back from.

Just like your bones, the unused joints and tendons lose strength and get damaged
more easily. An unused heart becomes scrawny and weak and cannot pump
effectively. Lung capacity diminishes, and the red blood cell count declines as your
oxygen demand lessens over time. As your life slows and you become less mentally
competitive in the years heading towards retirement your unused brain neurons
wither too and nerves degenerate.

We used to think this overall degeneration of the body was mostly just due to the
aging process.

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Now we know the cause is more due to lack of use, than due to age alone. Yes, age
plays its part, but not to the extent that we normally give it credit. Most importantly,
if something is not being used in the human body, it will not just sit there frozen in
time until you are ready to begin moving again. It is deteriorating. Fast.

What I will propose to you is that you start (and never stop) a proper strengthening
exercise program. The goal of this is to put the brakes on muscle tissue and bone loss.
Just 23 sessions each week are all that is really needed to keep ourselves strong. Next
we will need to rid ourselves of as much processed convenience food as possible.
My aim will be to get you to go back to preparing and cooking more natural foods.
This way you will be able to avoid the chemicals and additives that mess up your
metabolism, and make you fat, sick and depressed.

Parts of this eBook have been written with a no-holds-barred kind of sentiment
towards getting done what needs to get done. As a consequence of that, it is written in
parts with the kind of language you might expect of someone who is really passionate
about the subject they are teaching. Hopefully you are completely onboard with that.

After all, getting older is not for sissies or the fainthearted. I hope to do the following
thingseducate and inform you, inspire, motivate and encourage you. I may also
shock you, amaze you, or even tick you off from time to time. Above all, I want to
light a fire under your backside and get you moving, and if it takes a few strong words
to get the job done, then so be it.

So, listen up husbands, partners, sons, fathers, friends and brothers. Although the
message of this book is from me I also claim to speak on behalf of the women
that love you and want you to be around to enjoy life with them for as long as
possible. Be assured, we will look for ways to help and support you to live longer
and healthier lives.

Without any doubt whatsoever, your health should be regarded as your most treasured
asset. Never allow yourself to relegate it to the status of back burner issue to be taken
care of tomorrowor whenever you might have the time to really devote yourself to
the matter. You might just never get the chance to set things right.

Lastly, the state of your health is not just YOUR problem. It personally affects the
lives of everyone you consider part of your family and your loved ones. What you
lose, they lose too. So, to wrap up this introduction I recommend that you think
about your practice of the healthy lifestyle habits I am about to indoctrinate you with
as a gift to those that love you.

Your guiding principle to maintaining excellent health is simply this: Strong Men
Stay Young.

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In addition to the workouts and the eating plan outlined in these pages, the entire
program is designed to boost your level of the manly hormone testosterone. Yes,
you will burn a LOT of fat with this program. You will also gain a LOT of lean and
toned muscle. But I am far more concerned with the fact that you will FEEL better.
You will LIVE better and in my opinion, you will literally BE better.

What I do NOT want is for you to wake up one day and realize that you have
inadvertently joined the ranks of modern man.

You know the ones I am talking aboutthey are the guys who are out of shape, most
likely overweight, physically weak, mentally weak, emotionally weak, unable to do a
pull up, a push up, or sprint up one flight of stairs without being out of breath and
having to comfort themselves with the BULLSHIT excuse that, well, I'm just too
busy to work out

You really do not want to become one of the new Modern Day Men. I don't want you
to become him. When I say that my heart breaks for himfor his SAD state of body,
mind and spirit that oozes weaknessI MEAN IT.

That's because if you EVER become one of these modern day men, life as you once
knew it, is OVER. I've seen it happen to men I know and it is a frightening prospect to
ever have to face traveling down that path. I don't want that for you, or for any man.

The goal of Strong Men Stay Young has always been to not only provide a solution to
what I consider to be a huge problem affecting men, but also to create an awareness
of it.

It starts with you. When you read this book and then begin to implement the lifestyle
improvements I suggest, you will be guaranteeing yourself an amazing change in
your body and your life. It all begins right now.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 8
ongratulations on taking an important step toward maintaining or even
restoring your manliness. The strategies outlined in Strong Men Stay Young will
help you achieve this goal through the use of natural exercise and better eating
techniques. The sad fact of the matter is that men today are not totally compatible with
their modern environment, which is doing its best it seems to try to feminize them.

Dont get me wrong though. We have a great deal to be thankful for today. Our modern
world provides us with so many advances that would be tough to live without, and
Im certainly not suggesting that you give them up. Yet we do need to recognize that
some of these advances have come at a price. One of them is the decline of virility.
The very foundation of manhood is under serious threat by todays environment.

Becoming aware of the problem is the first step to reconciling the state of the new
world with the need for men to preserve their male essence. There can be no doubt
that on the one hand our modern medical and technological achievements have
relieved us of what might otherwise have made for a lot of sufferingespecially
towards the end of our lives.

At the same time we have to take into account that we share the same genetic blueprint
as our ancient ancestors who lived in a much more primitive and harsh environment.
In short, we are NOT adapted to the new world. We are born with a blueprint that has
not changed in tens of thousands of years.

The simple fact of the matter is that we all

live in a world dramatically different from the
one that selected our physical and chemical
adaptations. From just a few thousand years
ago, back through the two million or so of years
of human existence, our world was relatively
constant. This means that for over 99.9 percent
of our human ascent to such remarkable
planetary dominance the rules of survival were
pretty much always the same.

Now though, like a 747 aircraft turning on a

dime, we have changed our interaction with our
world. Our physical activity is totally different.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 9
Not only do we no longer hunt for our food, but our food has been dramatically
altered and continues to be altered further (mostly without our knowledge or
consent). In an evolutionary blink of an eye, we removed ourselves from the world
we were built for and created a new world to replace it.

The result is that the mismatch between our genetic adaptations and our modern
environment is the cause of the rising levels of man-made diseases that strike the fear
of God into us.

Cancer, heart disease, diabetes and dozens of other physical afflictions are threatening
us in ways never before seen in the history of humankind. It is hard to argue that we
do not find ourselves overwhelmed by the degree and pace of the changes to our own
living conditions.

This is especially apparent when it comes to the overall health of our men, as
evidenced by the following observations:
sperm counts are going down across the globe
erectile dysfunction has become the accepted norm for middle aged men
pharmaceutical companies make billions from the erectile dysfunction market,
which barely existed just 15 years ago

many older men have more female estrogen than male testosterone in their body
waist-lines and prostates continue to grow, while penises and libidos shrink
The evidence that these changes are due to the environment and the way we are living
our lives is fairly well documented. The result is that millions of men worldwide are
suffering from the effects of their modern environment and as a result are having to
deal with male health problems that include:
muscle, bone and joint pain and conditions
fatigue and depression
physical weakness
being over fat and under muscled
swollen prostate
dwindling mental capacity
low sex drive
Sure, we know our ancestors had it tough but they never had their very manhood
threatened in this way. As a man today you face new challenges, one of them being
that you need to understand how modern day life is unfavorably changing you,
sapping your strength, taking your energy, making you sick, making you sad, and in
many cases trying hard to turn you into a woman.

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It almost sounds laughable and it would be if it was not true.

The way I see it, my job is to make more men aware of this threat so you can make
a choice to take action to avert the consequences. Once you understand the cause, it
quickly becomes apparent that change IS possible and a whole new world opens up.
Instead of men feeling like helpless victims, they can take action to restore the natural
order and secure their place in the worldas real men, the way nature intended
them to be.

Over the years I chipped away at small

chunks of this puzzle. Today I am finally
ready to declare that my work is at an
end and that everything I have learned
has found its way into this program
the ideas and strategies of which you
will be able to immediately apply to
your own life to reconnect you with
the energy and power you are naturally
adapted to control.

I have also included strategies that are

specifically designed to enhance the
level of testosterone in your body, since low levels of this hormone will kick off a
series of physical and emotional side effects that can bring a man's enjoyment of life
to a standstill.

The primary causes of testosterone loss are two-fold. The big one, and the one we
have the most control over, is our level of physical activity. Being sedentary is a
sure-fire way to say goodbye to this essential hormone. The other, which is harder
to control, involves exposure to the many toxins in our environment that have a
chemical structure that closely resembles estrogen, the female hormone.

These estrogen imposters will travel through your body and attach themselves to
estrogen receptors in your organs, cells and tissues, and then send out instructions
that start to break down and feminize your body.

As the years go by, the damage that these impostors inflict on the male body becomes
apparent. Your get up and go starts to evaporate. Your belly and face become bloated.
Your sex drive begins to fade away. From there, other problems begin to develop
slowly pushing you towards lethargy and disease on the outgoing tide.

Fortunately, it is never too late to make changes. This is particularly good news if
you have already entered middle age, or are older still. If you are a younger man
who is now aware of what is happening to him, by the time you finish this book
you will be armed with the ammunition you need to protect your status as a full
red-blooded male.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 11
If you follow the simple steps outlaid in this program, you will
Regain the strength and muscle mass of your younger days. Watch as your
excess body fat melts away to reveal firm toned muscle and a masculine taper

Radiate self-confidence and take control of every situationswhether its

confronting challenges in your career or charming the ladies

Boost your brainpower and your memory. You will develop a focus and clarity
of mind that will generate new ideas and solve problems at lightning speed

Live with both strength and mobility regardless of age. Experience the privilege
of getting older without the disabilities expected of aging. You will be able to
climb mountains at 70 years of age or play golf and travel the world, while your
peers are stuck in wheelchairs and retirement homes

As you read through these pages please

keep an open mind and begin to let
go of the limitations that might hold
you back from being the kind of man
you know you can be. Open yourself
to the promise of great strength, since
this is exactly what you need in order
to provide yourself with a health span
that matches your life span. You have
had the potential all along, now use
Strong Men Stay Young to help you
unlock it.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 12
Chapter One
Time for a
kay guys, its time to take an honest look at where you are now. Make sure
the blinds are pulled and you have privacy in the house. Stand in front of the
mirror in your underwear and take a good look at yourself.

Do you like what you see?

How does your body compare with what you looked like a few years ago, or when
you were in your mid-twenties? Are you happy with the way you look? How about
the way you feel? Are you overweight or do you have the energy and get up and go
to do everything in life that you would like to?

If youre like most men, you are answering in the negative here. This is because your
body has changed. Firm has become soft. Tight has become loose. In short, there are
more flabby bits than you would every care to see on your body. This has happened
somewhere in the time between finishing school and today and has for the most part
been overlooked in the tornado of stress and obligations that life deals out.

Your body may not only look different

but may perform less impressively than
it did 10, 20 or 30 years ago. Strength,
endurance and power may have all
but disappeared. Maybe your knees,
shoulders, and lower back have begun
voicing minor complaints too.

The dynamic energy you radiated

back in the days when you could burn
the candle at both ends has become
increasingly difficult to find. Your
engine has slowed and maybe even
stalled. The only thing moving fast and
furious may be your hairline.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 13
You have likely changed on the inside, too. Not surprisingly, there is a direct relationship
between your appearance and your mindsethow you feel about yourself and your
place in the world around you. Are you just hitting your stride in life or are you past
your peak?

Do you have the confidence of a winner? Are you a confident, strong leader and
capable protector of your loved ones? Are you in charge of your life and in control of
your destiny? Are you really sure that you are at your best? These are tough questions
to answer honestly, but do your best to be truthful to yourself.

If you come to the realization that you are not at the very top of your game, physically
and mentally, you are most certainly not alone. Although our modern day life is
more comfortable and easy than it was generations past, many men are more
stressed and unhealthy, fatter and sicker than at any other time in history. They are
also collectively less rugged, less tough and less robust. Hard, for the average guy, has
become soft.

It also does not help that we

live in an ever-changing social
environment which makes it
harder than ever to figure out
what a modern man is supposed
to be and how hes expected to
act in order to be his best. Men
are supposed to be manly
arent they? But somewhere
along the way manliness has
all but gone from a virtue to a
memory of times past.

However, as I mentioned already, it is not too late to correct the problem.

You are holding in your hands the key to a radical transformation of your body,
mind and overall health. You can reclaimor claim for the first timethe muscular,
masculine glory of being the best man you can be.

I know, it sounds a little over the top to say it that way, but if you compare the run-
down version of yourself with the re-made man that I would have you become, then
you will see that the language isn't so hypey after all. If the transformation sounds
dramatic, that's because it really can be!

Be assured, everything you need to complete this process you will find in the
Strong Men Stay Young program, which you can think of as the assembly manual
for constructing the true modern day malethe ideal of masculine confidence and
excellence that I want for you.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 14
The time to change is now
So much of modern life is a challenge, we face daily struggles of so many kinds. My
use of the word challenge is both a positive and empowering call to action and
recognition that nothing worthwhile typically takes place without some hard work,
commitment and sacrifice. So, I challenge you to take control of your life by taking
control of your health, your body, and even your thoughts and behaviors.

I have put together a nutrition plan that involves eating the kinds of real food that
are perfect for a modern day warrior. I have also constructed an exercise program that
will have you oozing male energy in just a few weeks. Before we get started I want to
take a few minutes to explore how it is that you got where you are now (for better
or worse).

This is important, because it is very hard to get where you want to go if you have no
idea how you came to be standing where you are at the moment.

What is the balance in your health bank account?

Youve got to exercise. Your health account, your bank account, theyre the same
thing. The more you put in, the more you can take out.
~ Jack LaLanne
It seems every day we have a conversation with someone about our concern about
moneyhow to make more of it, how to save more of it, and how to stop spending
so much.

What if you were to think about health in the same way? Jack LaLanne said that your
health is like a bank account, and I think he hit the nail on the head. With almost
everything you do, you are either making deposits or withdrawals, and these affect
your bottom line.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 15
So, let me ask you to imagine that you were born with a health reservea certain
amount of credit in your health deposit account. Depending on what you eat,
drink, move, breath and think, gradually that credit will be used/lost from your
health bank account.

You will be making daily withdrawals due to poor food choices, lack of enough proper
physical activity, and lack of sleep. You will also be making automatic withdrawals
as a result of living in a fast-paced toxic world and the effects that this stress has on
your body. Add in natural aging and a slowing metabolism and these withdrawals
can really add up.

Once you go overdrawn, your energy becomes low, you find it hard to get out of
bed in the morning and you suffer from niggling health problems, such as frequent
infections, headaches, digestive problems, back pain or fatigue.

As your overdraft grows you develop

diseases. Finally, when you exceed your
overdraft limit, thats when you die. Yes,
it may seem like a grim way to think
about this, but it strikes me as an accurate
depiction of the situation.

The good news is you can dig yourself out

of health debt. Getting out of debt simply
requires making more deposits than
withdrawals over time, just as you would
with your money bank account.

Think of it this way, when you fail to make good lifestyle choices you could say you are
borrowing against the future, or doing something now that you know you will be
paying for later. Its kind of like using a credit card. You may get what you want now,
but you are borrowing credit (health) that you will have to pay back in the future.

By making unhealthy choices now, you are essentially stealing from your future
self. If we choose to look at our health this way, we can decide to make deposits
rather than withdrawals. Each time you make a choice, you can consider whether or
not its a beneficial deposit, or one you will have to pay for later.

When you go to the gym, drink a glass of vegetable juice, or eat a nourishing meal, it
feels great to know you are making a deposit, giving yourself a gift and putting funds
into your bank account. At the end of the day you can tell whether you were thrifty
or spendy.

If you err on the side of caution and are thrifty overall, then at the end of many weeks,
months, and years you can see the cumulative effect that you get from the interest
adding up over time. Your health account indeed looks healthy.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 16
Commit to the idea of treating your health like a bank account
From this point on I want you to act as though every action, every morsel, every
breath you take is either a deposit or a withdrawal from your bodys health bank
account. If you are rushed and stressed, missing meals, eating whatever-whenever,
and do not get enough physical activity, or you are short-changing yourself on sleep,
you are in effect taking a chunk out of your bank account.

Ultimately you WILL pay for that.

So, what do you think the balance
sheet of YOUR health bank account
looks like? Are you living a life that
is constantly making deposits with
minimal expenditures or are you
forever withdrawing energy and
feeling chronically tired? Is your
body is in pain? Do you feel restless,
skeptical, unappreciated?

How are you feeling?

Take a look at the columns below and make your own self-assessment on the
Wellness Scale as to how you are feeling and living your life.

Ask yourself where you best fit in with these categories.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 17
A growing number of people in our modern inactive world are slipping into the
vertically illthe middle category. We may have symptoms that tell us something is
not quite right. Aches and pains, feeling tired or fatigued, not sleeping well, puffing
after only a little exertion. We are overweight, get frequent colds and infections, and
simply dont feel well and lack general enthusiasm for life.

Millions of people around the world feel like this and many of them have some sort
of chronic condition which is defined as any long lasting health issue that has been
resistant to a quick fix (e.g. drugs).

It is likely that there is a disease lurking in the wings that may have been sneaking
up on you for a very long time. Typically, a chronic condition will not put you in
a hospital bed right away, but, it can claim you as a member of an army of the
walking wounded.

There are two types of illness and diseaseone is horizontal where you are forced
to stop normal activitylike a bad flu, a life threatening condition like a stroke or
heart attack, or a back or knee injury.

The other type is vertical and includes vague complaints about tiredness and
feeling unwell, right through to chronic degenerative disease. You literally become
the walking wounded with this type of unwellness as it allows you to adapt your life
around it. The quality of your life nonetheless is slowly and surely destroyed. Most
disease starts this way, as vertical, long before it becomes horizontal.

The term walking wounded (an apt description) was coined for those whose health
has deteriorated to the point where the person has early symptoms but they have not
yet progressed to the point that a specific disease process can be identified.

There is a growing army of the walking wounded out there, people who are
vertically ill. They are not well enough to function adequately but they are also not
yet quite sick enough to become horizontally illbed bound with a total loss of
physical function.

Perhaps you have encountered one of these people. Someone you know goes to the
hospital for tests to find out why they are tired all the time and dont feel well.
They have the tests, nothing wrong can be found and the medical system is unable to
pinpoint the problem. They want them to come back in a few months time so they
can run some more tests.

What they are doing is waiting for the condition (whatever it is) to develop further so
it can be identified since a treatment to manage the condition can only be prescribed
after a diagnosis is made. Sadly these people suffer from chronic unwellness, a state
of limbo which sees them slowly transitioning from a state of vibrant health to an
identifiable illness or disease.

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Because they have not yet reached a point where a particular condition has presented
itself, these victims can suffer for months or years before a diagnosis can be made.
This means they may experience during this time symptoms that range from the
mildly irritating to the massively intrusive or even totally debilitating.

If you find yourself in the first column on the Wellness Scale, congratulations, you
are doing a fantastic job and are already working on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Of course, you want to continue to enjoy great health and to do this you will need to
continue to work at it.

If you find yourself in the middle category (most people are) be assured that now is
a good time to make the necessary changes to get you back in the first column so you
can enjoy great health.

If, on the other hand, you fall into the last column on the Wellness Scale, where you
are suffering from poor health, know that it is NEVER too late to turn this around.
You might not be able to go back in time, but every day from this point on offers you
an opportunity to make a fresh start and build upon it.

Just starting the morning off with a healthy breakfast will set you up for the rest of
the day. Just one little shift has snowball effects that can change the way your whole
day progresses. We can all get and stay in the first categorysuper healthregardless
of age. That is the purpose of this programto inspire you to make the necessary
changes to achieve this goal.

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Chapter Two
The disease of the modern day warrior

ur bodies are fully capable of
lasting at least one hundred years.
We are designed to feel well, look
well, and move well at that century mark.
But if you look around you will quickly
discover that our modern world appears
to be incompatible with strong, fit and
energetic hundred year olds. They are
about as common as four-leaf clovers.

Most people seem to have bought into the misconception that genetics or Lady
Luck determines how long we will live, and whether or not we will remain healthy.
Simple formula: good genes, good health, lucky you, long life. Bad genes, poor
health, illness, short life.

In reality genetics only plays a 610 percent role in how long you will live. The final
number of candles on your birthday cake is mostly determined by the choices you
make every dayespecially with regard to physical activity and food. The downward
spiral of degeneration that we see all around us in the general population is not
automatic or an inevitable part of the aging process.

The shame of it is most of us age at an accelerated rate. We surrender to that scary

downward spiral without even realizing it. We slowly lose the will and energy to stay
strong and active. Then our physical side catches up with the mentalour muscles
and joints begin to become stiff and painful. It hurts to move, and so we start to make
excuses to avoid movement.

This loss of function does not happen overnight. It goes on beneath the surface for
years, sometimes decades. It sneaks up on uswe lose a bit here, a bit there. We
stop doing things, maybe a sport or activity that we used to enjoy. Or maybe we hire
somebody to mow the lawn now that we are too old to do these activities ourselves.

We lose our strength, flexibility and mobility by degrees often not realizing what is
happening and certainly not doing anything to slow down this ticking health bomb.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 20
If you end up in a body that hurts and no longer performs as it should it becomes an
intrusion in your life. If it hurts whenever you have to pick something up off the floor
or carry something heavy it sucks the life from you. Once this happens it does not
take long to ask oneself the obvious question, If it is this bad now what is it going
to be like for me 10 or 20 years from now?

Our physical body seems to have lost its importance

We hear a lot about our lifestyle and the way we live and how it affects our health
and wellness. Most of us blast on through each day barely giving a thought to our
physical body as modern technology tends to favor the brain and our intelligence.

Our mind has become more important than our body. But what most do not see
often until it is too late is that your body has actually made up its own rules quietly
and without your knowledge. Your body is the real masternot your brain like you
may think.

Most of us today have fallen victim to the disuse syndrome of the modern world.
The consequence is that your precious muscle tissue is being siphoned from your
body, taking with it overall body strength and slowly downgrading your health. This
silent loss of muscle (and bone mass) is linked to immune system deterioration and
the onset of medical conditions like heart disease, cancer and diabetes, as well as
dozens of other diseases and ailments.

It is a shame that many men are

living a lifestyle that suppresses
and negatively impacts energy,
strength, vitality and life itself.

The older we get the more we

think we dont need exercise

A common misconception
about working out is that it is
an activity better suited to the
young, who need to optimize
their health so that they can
face the world during the busiest time of their lives. Yet the truth is that it is the older
person, the one without basic muscular strength, who really needs to incorporate
muscle-building activity into their life. Their need is far greater than any young or
athletic person.

It is not just by accident or bad luck that people land themselves in a nursing home
needing someone to feed, shower and dress them. It is the direct result of a lifetime
lived without proper exercisea sedentary existence spread out over decades that
leads people to the door of the nursing home.

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For some strange reason people simply believe that as they get older that they
somehow need less exercise. Well, I have news for youyou need more.

If you find yourself saying Oh well, Im just getting older, slowing down is what's
to be expected try to nip those thoughts in the bud. Instead of winding yourself
down and letting life pass you by, why not consider the prospect of starting a second
or third career, a new romantic relationship, travel or hobbies and interests that you
have never had time for?

Of course, doing these things is only possible if you have strength, energy, vitality,
vigor, and fantastic health. Not just not being sick health, but bursting with energy
and get up and go health.

Our bodies are designed to be strong and active, they will not break if you get vigorous
and put some huff and puff into it. In fact your body loves vigorous activity and
will reward you for allowing it to do what it loves in a hundred ways that benefit your
overall health.

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Chapter Three
Body Treatment
Is your body starting to complain about the
way you treat it?

hen our body-parts start to play
up we are really only becoming
aware of what has been
bubbling away beneath the surface for a
long time. Loss of function sneaks up on
us as we lose a bit here and a bit there,
but it all adds up and takes its toll. With
our sedentary lifestyles the subsequent
disability is happening at much younger
ages than it shouldoften in our 20s,
30s and 40s.

For the majority of us proper exercise is something we are aware we should be doing
to help ourselves avoid these problems, but we choose not to. Typically we wait until
we are forced to deal with an injury or chronic pain, or we have to give up an activity
that we enjoy, before we truly wake up and realize the consequences of our decision
to remain inactive.

We must stop thinking that exercise is some frivolous pastime. It is a form of

preventative medicine. Our bodies were designed to be active, very active, and our
modern world has conspired to remove that activity. So we need to replace it with
intentional exercise to maintain a healthy body.

Think of your strengthening exercise program like the center pole in a tent. If you put
it up correctly it will be strong and hold up your tent in stormy conditions. If you
neglect to make sure it is strong it will collapse at the first sign of bad weather. The
strength of your body is your own center pole holding up your health and ultimately
your life.

Unfortunately there are not that many tents out there. A whopping 8 out of 10 people
do not bother with a proper exercise program. Yet without enough proper exercise in
your life you are 40 percent more likely to get cancer and over 50 percent more likely
to have heart disease.

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Still, it is easy to ignore the numbers. We are good at going through life with the
blinders on. Until a medical diagnosis is delivered that can be life changing. Then
our attitude changes. Give me all the tests man, money is no object. Give me the
works, I dont want to die. Suddenly time and money is available to devote to the
problem that was not available before. Surely prevention is FAR preferred to waiting
till the wheels fall off your health cart. It may be inconvenient to have to go to the
gym a couple of times each week, but how inconvenient is it to have to deal with a
life threatening disease from which you may not come back?

It costs so much less in every way to keep strong, fit and healthy than to risk illness
and disease. The cost of inactivity is not a cost that most of us can afford. Surely, it
is easier to budget for some workout clothes, quality unprocessed foods, and a gym
membership than a wheel-chair and a nurse.

The simplest indicator of poor health? Being a guy

It's true. Just being a man means that your prospect for good health in later life is
rather poor. Compared to women, men are more at risk for big killer diseases like
heart disease and cancer, and are twice as likely to keel over.

After the age of 25 or so men lose their muscle unless they have a job that involves
manual labor or they regularly do an intentional exercise program made up mostly
of strength training exercise. This loss of highly active muscle tissue is one of the most
significant of the aging bio-markers.

The dangers of losing muscle mass

What most men fail to appreciate is that the loss of muscle tissue causes them to
age faster than necessary. This muscle tissue loss starts early, stealing a half pound of
muscle a year in your mid twenties, if you are sedentarybut much less if you work
your muscles.

After age 50 it then picks up a dreadful,

yet still mostly silent velocity and the
loss doubles to around one pound
a year. This muscle loss is called
sarcopenia and bleeds a man of his
precious muscle mass, a loss that is
likely to go unnoticed until it is too late.

You might think that you would notice

this loss on the bathroom scales, but not
so. You may weigh a similar amount as
you previously did because mass from
the evading muscle tissue is replaced
with body fat.

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Fat does not directly replace the actual muscle tissue as many people mistakenly
believe, it just fills the space around the withered muscle.

One easy way to check if this is happening is to stand side on to a mirror, if you think
your upper thighs are looking thinner, then that is muscle mass loss. This is how an
aging male body can take on a spider look with a big abdomen and thin legs.

Its not just about how you look either, recent research shows that diminished muscle
strength and mass are seriously linked to declines in the immune system and the
onset of life-threatening disease, not to mention weaker bones, stiffer joints, and
slumping postures.

Loss of muscle is directly linked to a decline in overall metabolic rate (your bodys
engine, and the rate you burn fuel) allowing you to gain excess body fat.

When men are young they have a powerful engine, which you could liken to a big
grunty V8 car but the decline in muscle mass reduces this down over time to a 4
cylinder and eventually in old age to the size of a motor scooter (but only if you allow
it to happen).

What are we thinking?

Its hard to understand why every single bit of anything that resembles real work
has been removed from our modern day lives. Are we really that lazy? How could
anyone think a man (or a woman for that matter) can keep their strength and muscle
mass if they never get to use it?

Without enough muscle building and maintaining activity a mans musculature

eventually is reduced by up to 50 percent which is what eventually puts him in a
nursing homefrail, disabled and unable to take care of himself.

Here is the photographic proof of this muscle loss.

This is an MRI scan of the quadriceps muscles of a 40 year old triathlete:

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 25
Now see the contrast with a 74 year old normal sedentary person. You can see
the darker shaded muscle tissue has shrunken and the white bit (fat) has filled up
the space.

The problem is we do not usually notice loss of muscle as it is such a slow and gradual
process. It is largely hidden as there is usually a corresponding increase in body fat as
our body composition (muscle/fat ratio) changes for the worse. It is the padding on
the inside much like the stuffing in a cushion that wastes away and causes our outer
casingour skin to sag and wrinkle and we look so much older.

Muscles are attached to our bones

Along with the loss of muscle come weakened bones, increasing the risk of fractures.
Without strong muscles pulling on the bones they are attached to there is no need for
the bones to remain strong, so osteoporosis sets in.

For many people, age 50 has become the new 40. The mid-life crisis for bone health
comes a lot sooner typically hitting its victim between the ages of 25 and 30, when
the body stops building bone and bone density begins to slowly decline, leading to
increased risk for breakage.

Osteoporosis, a disease where the bones become fragile and break easily is one of the
world's most devastating and common chronic diseases. Over 200 million people
worldwide have some level of the disease causing a rising silent epidemic of hip,
vertebra, wrist and other osteoporosis related fractures each year.

It strikes one in five men (more than prostate cancer) worldwide. These at risk people
are expected to sustain at least one fracture in their lifetime. Because bone is living
tissue, which renews itself continuously, it requires regular stimulation from vigorous
physical activity. Like muscles, bones should be used regularly or they will weaken
and deteriorate.

Without intervention on our part, when we lose one we also lose the other. One of
the most effective ways to reduce the stress on our weakening bones is to increase our
muscle strength with strength training exercise.

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Doing this type of exercise signals the body to stimulate bone formation to strengthen
and rebuild bones in response to the increased resistance from the muscles being
exercised. Such activity also builds muscle strength, coordination and balance, which
can help prevent falls and related fractures.

Fortunately for all of us, simple steps can easily optimize bone health throughout our
lives. By starting a proper exercise regimen nearly anyone can delay or even prevent
their skeleton from ever becoming middle-aged.

What about the bits between the bones?

With muscles and bones deteriorating, the bits that sit between the bones and allow
us to move our limbs, joints, ligaments and tendons become stiff, painful, tight and
easily injured. Men in their 40s and 50s start to get joint problems, you know the
ones, that tricky knee, bad back or the old shoulder suddenly starts acting up.

The problem is usually the loss of the strengthening, supporting and protecting effect
of strong muscles around the joints. As muscle tissue continues to be lost the entire
skeleton loses support and things start to sag on to each other causing more wear and
tear. Posture becomes more stooped and pain and stiffness increase in the back/spine
and other joints.

Body shrinkage occurs as the fluid filled discs in the spine become more like dried
out sponges reducing height by around 1 inches by the time a man reaches age 60.

There are other physical changes over time as reflexes become slower and coordination
suffers, the gait gets slower and steps shorter. The brain slows down as well, declining
in function, and memory lapses can crop up at embarrassing times.

There are changes in the heart/lung system with the maximum attainable heart rate
declining by around one beat per minute per year, dropping the heart's ability to
pump blood by 510 percent per decade. This diminished cardiovascular capacity can
produce breathlessness and fatigue with just mild everyday activities.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 27
Good body strength is what holds us in place
You may have heard the sayinga chain is only as strong as its weakest link. This also
applies to our body strength and many of us tend to have the shortcoming of a weak
linkour lower back.

It is very common for our lower back muscles

to be under-developed in comparison to the
upper body muscles and those of the limbs.
This has to be the worst possible area on the
human body to have a weak link because of the
importance of the strength of the lower back as
it supports most of the weight of the body.

When our back muscles are allowed to grow

weak we lose the supporting and stabilizing
tone of the back and spine muscles and our
posture takes on an aged look. No matter
how well you dress and take care of your
outer looks it is very hard to look youthful
and attractive with stooped posture, rounded
shoulders, sunken chest and protruding belly.

When your posture is out of balance your bones are not properly aligned, and your
muscles, joints, and ligaments take more strain than they are designed for. This causes
fatigue and muscular strain and if it continuespain. In fact chronic back pain can
often be traced back to years of incorrect postural habits which come from muscles
that have lost their strength and are no longer able to support the things they need to.

What we need is a strong skeleton with

strong muscles holding it all together firmly
and upright, meaning the muscles, joints,
ligaments and tendons which allow us to
move freely are in their correct positions. This
means efficiency and the correct loading is
placed on the structures that are designed for
it rather than on bits that are not designed
for it.

When we look after and protect our body

strength we keep our body in the one
template where it functions most efficiently
and economically. If we allow our strength to
erode away from disuse it causes problems.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 28
A slouching, slumping, out of line body will become a painful hurting one eventually
and one that is no longer capable of all that it has been designed for. Think of it like
a wheel out of alignment on our car. Pretty soon it wears away the tire unevenly or
causes other problems.

I hope you can see the importance of all of these factors that relate to skeletal health
as it is the framework that holds us up and allows us to move around. It seems
pointless to work hard all of your life, then comes the time to retire and you finally
have time to enjoy all those things you had to put on the back burneronly to have
your body fail you with muscle, joint or bone issues.

Be assured, as bad as all this seems it does not have to happen to you, and with the
right exercise program and in as little as 12 weeks, and with a bit of effort, you can
recover 75 percent of lost muscle tissue and 40 percent of lost muscle strength and
get your health back on track.

Your heart can only be kept healthy with a regular beating

Most of us do not think much about our heart. As long as this mysterious beating
organ is doing its job keeping us alive and breathing we tend not to have cause to
even give it a second thought. However we should give our heart health some thought
as heart disease is not just a condition that strikes older people.

Like so many other diseases that used to be the sole domain of older people heart
disease is now making a play for people of much younger ages than you would expect.
Heart disease is the number two killer in the developed world and now accounts for
40 percent of all deaths. (Cancer has now risen to the number one spot.)

One of the reasons that many people may ignore the possibility of developing
problems with the old ticker is that cardiovascular degeneration is a gradual, lifelong
process that cannot be seen or felt. Heart disease takes decades to develop and that is
why you need to give the health of your heart the attention it deserves early on and
not in later life when much of the damage has likely already been done.

We used to think that if our blood pressure was raised it was just part of getting older,
and there was nothing we could do about it. Now we know that it is not caused by
passing birthdays but is in fact an indicator of silently advancing disease.

This raised pressure is the cause of much of the trouble that leads to heart disease. It
starts in the arteries, the tubes that carry the blood and allow it to flow to the bodys
organs, cells and tissues. Fatty deposits clog and narrow these tubes restricting blood
flow and placing additional permanent strain on the heart system, and damaging the
arterial walls.

The best protection you can give yourself is to strengthen your whole body, which
includes the heart.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 29
After all this mother of all muscles responds to proper exercise just the same as every
other muscle in your bodyit thrives on it, growing stronger and more efficient.

Taking the time to strengthen

your heart is like buying health
insurance. Instead of money paid
the required premium is a regular
installment of exercise. The type
of exercise has to be right though
to properly condition the heart.
Strength training exercise is the
magic bullet that will beef up the
strength and resilience of the heart
muscle, protecting it from disease.

As your overall strength improves your heart will become more efficient and this can
be measured by a reduced or slower resting heart rate. This is the number of heart beats
per minute counted when you first wake up and before you get up in the morning.

If you can reduce this number by 10 beats per minute, and you will with increased
fitness, each day you will save your heart approximately 14,000 beats. The result is
increased longevity from a proper exercise program which will not only add more
active and productive years to your life but lots of life to your years.

To properly condition your heart the exercise program needs to be performed at the
correct level of intensity. Dont think a gentle stroll is going to do it as this will not
even come close.

Strength training exercise will make ALL of your muscles stronger so they can act like
auxiliary pumps taking some of the load off the heart.

Most people are not aware of this but when your muscles are firm and toned they
help squeeze and milk blood around the body every time you move taking some
of the load off the heart. Weak, flabby muscles that lack tone cannot do this, so the
heart then takes the full brunt of the work load. Overall body strength also helps the
heart function more efficiently when placed under a load such as lifting or carrying
objects or during vigorous activity.

Note: Cardio type exercises cannot give these benefitsonly strengthening the
muscles can do this. This fact is one of the leading causes of misinformation that
permeate the fitness world. If you put some effort into your strength training program
you do not need to do any cardio type activity. Your heart will become stronger as
ALL of your muscles become stronger.

If you continue to do low intensity repetitive activity (like walking or cycling) just
consider it part of living an active lifestyle and recreational activity. Just do not replace
your proper exercise program with it.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 30
If you have doubts about how effective strength training exercise can be for your
heart, just load a barbell with half of your bodyweight and do repetitions of the most
basic of all human movementsquatsand see what happens to your heart rate.
After multiple repetitions it will be working at full capacity.

It is your muscles that support the heart and contribute to pumping blood around
the body, not the other way around like many people mistakenly think.

Bottom line: If you plan on living a long time and wish to be active and well beyond
your eighties you need to take care of your ticker. Do not assume it must be healthy
just because it keeps on beating. Remember, each time you work out at your exercise
program your heart gets a workout as well.

The road aheadprime of life, or downhill journey?

Although we cannot stop the clock ticking we can slow its tick. Few of the health
problems you are likely to face in the years ahead are due solely to the number of
years you have lived. Instead, they get their foothold through disuse and inactivity of
your body. Of all the causes that conspire to render the life of a man miserable and
short, none have greater impact than the critical need for proper exercise and better
eating, which is what Strong Men Stay Young is all about.

Here is what the downward health spiral looks if we do nothing to stop it.

Here are the possibilities if we take the simple steps I outline in this program:

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 31
Chapter Four
Are you being robbed of your manly male
hormone testosterone?

and in hand with the loss of muscle mass that was discussed in the previous
chapters another siphoning process takes place. This one involves the loss of
the male hormone testosterone. This very powerful hormone is what fuels men
and makes a man a man. It gives him his vitality, vigor, drive, energy, strength and
motivation to take on the day. It is the take charge and get things done hormone
that gives men a more dominant (not aggressive) attitude.

Testosterone also influences psychological factors, including mood, memory, libido,

assertiveness, confidence, and physiological factors, such as cholesterol levels, sperm
production and control of blood sugar.

The right amount of this hormone in the womb makes the foetus a boy. A surge of
it during adolescence makes a boy a man. For the rest of your life, testosterone has
profound effects on both your body and your brain, impacting your performance
virtually anywherein the gym, on the sports field, on the job, and in the bedroom.

Healthy testosterone levels are essential to male health, and low testosterone is
associated with a number of maladies and decreased quality of life. When levels are
low a man will likely feel tired, flat and even
down in the dumps. It can also send a man
into extreme sadness and even depression
when he feels his man-hood and life-force
being drained away.

Our hormonal health is big business these

days and there is good reason for this. Our
hormones are the chemical messengers
that carry instructions to the systems and
processes of our body. They are so powerful
they can determine how fast or slow we
age, how strong and fit we are, whether
we become overweight or remain slim or
succumb to disease or stay well and healthy.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 32
As we get older the amount of hormones our body makes dwindles, accelerating
the aging process and making us susceptible to disease. Up to around age 30, the
hormones that keep us youthful, healthy and fit are in plentiful supply. Once we hit
40, 50, and up we need to start looking after ourselves and practice self-care in the
form of proper exercise and healthy eating if we wish to maintain them.

There is always a lot of buzz about womens hormones, but you hear very little about
men and the state of their hormones. To makes matters worse, men do not tend to
seek or share this information like women do. Men do not go out for coffee with
their buddies and talk about their hormones.

This brings us to a problem that men are facing across our modern worldthis is
a problem that few people are talking about, but a great many are experiencing.
This problem needs a solution, but more than anything, it requires awareness. The
problem, very simply, is that men are dyingat least, metaphorically. Their manliness
is dying.

There is a silent epidemic affecting our men. Our modern day warriors are living a
lifestyle that is sapping their strength and vitality, increasing their disease risk and
aging them at a premature and accelerated rate.

Among the complaints women have about the modern world, one of the most
common is that it is so hard to find real men today. Whatever happened to the rugged
tough guys who spent their entire lives drinking beer, fishing, playing sport, hunting,
shooting pool and whistling at every pretty girl who passed by their construction site?

Todays men are less manly

Thats not just an opinion, its a fact. To be more scientific about it, testosterone levels
are droppingrapidly. Not just in older men either, whereas decades ago, this was
thought only to affect men in their late 30s
and beyond, its now beginning to affect
men in their early 20s.

Its so bad that researchers from

Massachusetts found that the average mans
testosterone has dropped 22 percent in the
last 20 years, and that one out of every four
men has below average testosterone. This
makes it very possible that you are suffering
from low testosterone levels also, or may
do in the future, and you need to be aware
of the devastating effects this condition
can have.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 33
The worst part of all of this is that many men are suffering and do not even know
it. They feel terrible and look terrible, and they are in danger of allowing this state
of affairs to harm their close relationships. In the process of writing this book I have
become so much more aware of how epidemic this problem really is. I want you to
know there is a very good chance it will affect you in your lifetime.

Being young gives more leeway

Young men in their 20s have the momentum of youth that allows them a certain
leeway. They can get away with not looking after themselves and their health too well.
Even when they are doing as much as possible to damage it they can get away with
itfor a time

Think back to when you were young. If you were like most men you reached your
physical peak in your late teens or early twenties. It was a time of boisterous energy
that resisted every effort to squander it away. Late nights, too much work, too much
play and far too much eating and drinkingall this produced very little in the way
of untoward effects.

For many twenty year olds, burning the candle at both ends is not a dangerit's an
art form. Pushing past every reasonable limit, they can recharge their cellular batteries
as fast as they can drain them. How are their bodily systems, organs and indeed,
every cell in their body able to keep up with the brutal pace? Hormones! They are in
hormone heaven.

Well, those might have been the days, but as the years start to slip away so do those
hormones. When these twenty-something party animals reach their 30s things begin
to change. Body fat is quietly being stockpiled, lean muscle tissue is being lost, and
strength and energy is declining slowly but surely.

Most men are able to withstand and hold off any serious physical decline well into
their 30s. Come mid to late 30s and into the 40swell, this is when those unhealthy
lifestyle choices that have been working against your manliness for years now become
impossible to ignore.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 34
Most men will typically not acknowledge the slippery downhill slide of their body
until they reach the big 4-0 when it starts to become noticeable. By then the physical
deterioration has been gaining speed for the best part of a decade.

A decline of testosterone of 13 percent per year is normal (when doing nothing

to protect it). This means a drop of around 20 percent by age 50. From the purely
hormonal standpoint you may become less and less manly every year.

Men typically have 4060 percent more of this hormone than women but with the
yearly decrease by the time a man reaches 80 he has as much testosterone left as a 10
year old boy.

Being overweight makes it worse

Research suggests that more than one third of men over 45 may have clinically low
testosterone levels and that the odds of this are 2.4 times higher for obese men. So,
as testosterone levels wane with age, energy, muscle mass and strength go down, sex
drive peters out, body fat level rises, good cholesterol goes down, bad cholesterol
goes up, and there is an increased susceptibility to depression and disease.

Testosterone improves muscle metabolism, which helps your body reduce blood
sugar levels. With less sugar in the blood from toned muscles gobbling it up, the
body doesn't need to release as much insulin, a storage hormone that moves glucose
from the blood and stores it as body fat. So the risk of diabetes is reduced.

Less testosterone means more body fatconversely, more natural, healthy testosterone
means less body fat. In fact, research shows that a man's percentage of body fat and
circulating levels of testosterone are partly controlled by the very same set of genes.

Interestingly, not only does testosterone decrease as we age, but estrogen, the primary
female hormone, increases as we age. Too much estrogen feminizes a man. Now, it's
natural for certain enzymes in your body to convert some of your testosterone into
estrogen at any age.

However, as you get older changes in enzyme and trace nutrients lead your body to
convert a higher and higher proportion of your testosterone into estrogen. So, you
can have a higher proportion of female hormone to male hormone than you did
when you were younger. That's the age-related double whammy to your manliness.

So, being fat and getting older both adversely affect the hormone responsible for
your manliness. And guess what else? According to studies, testosterone levels decline
when you get married, and decline even further when you become a father. Why?
Testosterone is about competition for dominance, and for mates. Married men are no
longer competing for mates, and are even less so when they have children.

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Its time to look at YOUR lifestyle
Of course, testosterone isn't the be-all and end-all of manliness. It's just the biochemical
marker for itone physical standard for measuring it. Maybe you are experiencing
some of the classic symptoms, an expanding waistline, and loss of strength. Maybe
you have become irritable, depressed, are experiencing problems with your love life,
feeling tired and lacking energy. If so, you could be living the sort of lifestyle that
suppresses your natural male hormones.

The modern lifestyle that is the root cause of these symptoms is one that an estimated
80 percent of modern males live. One that includes too little intense exercise and
poor nutrition mainly. But you can add in too little sleep, too much stress, too much
alcohol, too many sugars and unhealthy fats as well. Not eating enough quality
protein or simply not eating enough while overindulging in unhealthy processed
foods will also inhibit testosterone production.

This way of living life could be negatively impacting on the positive, life-force
sustaining hormonal expression of your body. The end result is that this situation
will gradually drain your energy, vigor, vitality and eventually your life.

Low T levels can make it hard for you to improve your health
You may already know that low testosterone levels can make it impossible for you
to lose excess body fat and extremely hard for you to gain firm toned muscle. I also
need to make you aware that low levels of this hormone can have effects from mildly
inconvenient to massively disruptive, affecting every part of your life, and can cause a
number of alarming consequences.

These include anxiety and depression, changes in sleep patterns, your physique, your
general health, your relationships and even your work will suffer as your ability of
focus and concentrate will be impeded.

We all know a grumpy older man

Not only does it affect the way a man looks but a low testosterone level also affects
the way a man feels. It is a well-known fact that the older some men get the grumpier
and more irritable they become. Declining testosterone levels can explain this along
with unexplained fatigue and loss of vitality and zest for life.

Few people appreciate the damaging effects that low levels of testosterone have on
mens physical, mental and emotional health. The decline of this hormone is one of
the primary causes of the visible and invisible signs of the aging process.

These signs include pot bellies, high blood pressure, low self-esteem, loss of lean
muscle mass and bone density, weight gain, lack of mental alertness, hair loss, mood
swings and lack of energy.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 36
Low testosterone can also cause the following:
physical fitness challenges such as a lack of strength, energy or endurance
bone loss, perhaps causing a decrease in height
lack of ambition or the inability to feel excitement about accomplishments
lost desire for competition, especially in sports
Low testosterone levels can also mean metabolic disorders that stem from increased
body fat levels. This correlates more than any other individual factor in the male
body for risk factors for heart disease and other serious lifestyle diseases such as
cancer and diabetes. Even the onset of Alzheimers disease has recently been linked
to a lack of testosterone.

This hormone is responsible for the maintenance of muscle tissue, bone and joint
strength and promotes the circulation of blood, shunting life sustaining oxygen
and nutrients to all cells and tissues, so its loss has a catastrophic impact on the
human body.

Men with low-T can experience a sense that work, marriage, or recreational activities
have lost their excitement and significance. Strength, energy, and zest for living slowly
dwindle away along with the loss of youthfulness. They can feel sad that their best
years are behind them and it is all downhill from now on.

Men do not always complain about these things as society teaches men they always
have to be strong and tough. To admit suffering in any way would be showing
weakness. Many men feel they just have to suck it up in silence.

Why are men suffering from lower testosterone levels?

Of course it makes sense that individual testosterone levels fall across the board as a
man gets older, but something a lot more serious is happening to our men and you
can see the studies that show men today across the population have 22 percent less
testosterone than men the same age did just two decades ago. Thats a huge dip.

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We may wonder what is causing this decline. Sure, we know that skyrocketing obesity
and more sedentary behavior are the main culprits, but they dont explain the whole
decline. We are now becoming much more aware that environmental toxins are also
playing a big role.

Many modern household products and foods contain chemicals that raise your levels
of estrogen, and decrease your testosterone levels. Chemicals in our food, both when
it is being grown and again when being processed, our water supplies, cosmetics,
cleaning products and in our air have a lot to answer for the feminizing of our men.

There are 14,000 chemicals approved for use in our food supply alone and you can
read about the affects they are having on us here: gender bending chemicals

Man boobsWhat is going wrong with our men's bodies?

Chest fat in men, otherwise known as man boobs is a growing problem that will
affect one in three men in their lifetime. It is caused primarily by an imbalance
between two hormonestestosterone and estrogen. Although we tend to associate
testosterone with men and estrogen with women both of these hormones are present
in both sexes.

If the delicate balance of these hormones is tipped in a man, such as will occur with
a decrease in testosterone and an increase in estrogen, his body seeks to store more
excess fat and will deposit it in places where a womans body would naturally store fat.

Thanks to the imbalanced hormonal shift toward a higher estrogen level he can end
up with increased chest fat that takes on the same shape as a womans breasts.

Some men now have more of the feminine hormone estrogen than a woman does at
the same age. Pretty frightening I think you will agree.

It is really a vicious cycle, because if a man neglects his body and it becomes soft and
flabby he will put on excess body fat. The more his body composition (muscle/fat
ratio) changes and the more body fat he accumulates the lower his testosterone levels
will be.

So, a mans physical activity level plays a major role in hormonal balance, especially
testosterone production. If a man stays in good physical shape, there is no excess fat
to be stored on the chest so having to lose it is not an issue.

Fortunately chest fat responds very well to proper exercise. Strength training exercise
that works the muscles directly with adequate loading (resistance) is the ticket. This
type of exercise is intense and triggers the release of hormonesone of them being
testosterone. The more toned muscle you can develop through proper exercise the
faster you will lose chest fat.

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Your exercise program will need to be supported with good nutrition. This means
ditching the processed foodswhich all contribute to the hormonal imbalance that
got you man boobs in the first placewith the array of chemicals and additives that
are present in these nutrient-poor food look-a-likes.

To burn off fat and tone muscle you need real food. This means natural whole
foods that you cook from scratch. Sure it will take some effort to clean up your diet
and get your exercise program done 23 times each week. But surely that price is a
small one for getting rid of feminine breast fat and reclaiming your life.

Something to keep in mind is that you cannot spot reduce. By this I mean that
exercise will not remove the chest fat only. You will have to get your whole body into
better shape and restore a healthy body composition (muscle/fat ratio) along with a
metabolism boost.

To burn off any body fat you need to give your metabolic engine a tune-up so it is
burning more fuel (calories) with a raised metabolic rate every minute of the day and
night no matter whether you are being active, resting or sleeping.

You do not have to go through life with female like breasts. Restore your manly
hormone levels with proper exercise combined with eating better (not less) and you
will soon have a chest you will be proud to show off on any beach.

You will have to fight to keep your manliness

Not only does this society-wide drop in testosterone negatively impact mens
health and well-being, but it also likely affects the preponderance of traditionally
masculine ways of thinking, acting, and feeling. Even if you are young and healthy,
the testosterone deck is stacked against you. We all know men that regularly live their
lives in ways that are causing them to become more feminized (even if they have no
idea this is taking place). They eat garbage, they avoid exercise, they get little sleep,
and they are stressed out.

Here is the truly scary part: if you are currently suffering from low testosterone then
the odds are very good that you will have no CLUE that this is the case. Unless you
are getting your blood tested regularly, you just have to go by how you feel. Even if
you DO get tested, your doctor might not be able to help you. Many men who are
experiencing these symptoms test in the low-normal range.

This is right about the point where research suggests many men begin to experience
symptoms of low T. The problem there is that you may be in a strange grey arealow
enough to be experiencing a ton of adverse symptoms, but too high to qualify for
treatment of any kind.

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So, you NEED to take matters into your own hands. Now, you could procure illegal
testosterone and start injecting it (not smart), or you could figure out a way to
increase your own levels naturally. Obviously, my recommendation is to go with
the second option and I am here to help you give yourself a lifestyle overhaul to
increase testosterone.

Take a look at this blood test from a 45 year old man. A test proved his T levels were
well below normal for his age.

Here is the same man 3 months later after regularly participating in a strength training
program, putting some effort into it, and cleaning up his diet. The result was that
he was able to double his testosterone levels.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 40
Short cuts are not the answer
Unfortunately, instead of making the lifestyle changes that would allow their bodies
to naturally create optimum testosterone levels, more and more men these days are
asking their doctors to prescribe expensive (and potentially dangerous) testosterone
replacement therapies.

The sad thing is that many doctors will go along with these requests of using
artificial testosterone on their male patients instead of encouraging them to lose
some weight, get some proper exercise, eat better and get a bit more sleep. When
there is money involved people do things that may not mean your health and
wellness is the top priority.

There is really no reason to

use artificial testosterone
replacement therapy. As you
can see from my example
above, you can easily
increase your testosterone
levels naturally by making
some simple changes in
your lifestyle which will also
benefit you in a multitude
of other healthy ways that a
quick fix will not.

Bottom line: Men need to work their muscles to keep testosterone.

We have discussed the constant fatigue and lack of energy that is a symptom of low
testosterone levels. Add to those things low levels of motivation to be physically
active. Yet physical activity is the very thing that is needed. A strengthening exercise
program is just what will kick those lazy hormones into action rejuvenating a mans
entire quality of life.

Just know that exercise will

need to be intense enough to
stimulate the pituitary gland
to release testosterone (and
other fitness hormones).
You need to be taking your
major muscle groups through
their paces and ranges of
movement under an adequate
load for strengthening to
occur and trigger the release
of youthful hormones.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 41
Men who work their muscular system properly will not only have higher levels of
testosterone but other important growth and repair hormones that will keep them
healthier and more youthful as well. Not only will you feel rejuvenated, you will stop
the loss of muscle and bone, recover your muscle strength, burn off the body fat,
shore up your immune system protecting you from killer lifestyle diseases, and you
will feel a million bucks.

Be assured, you can keep your game alive and stall or even halt the decline in
testosterone levels. When you work your major muscle groups it increases blood flow
which brings oxygen and nutrients to all body cells and tissues helping to stimulate
the testosterone producing glands.

So, those who exercise regularly will have a higher level of testosterone in their body
keeping their manly assets like strength and virility a whole lot longer as they get older.

When you have a few weeks or months of your new strength training program under
your belt you will feel your emotional well-being and self confidence building. Your
best days are NOT behind you as you now know a secret weapon to keep you youthful
and strong.

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Chapter Five
Fat Storage
Less fat burning muscle means more body
fat storage

and in hand with the loss of fat burning muscle tissue you will likely gain
around 2.6 pounds of body fat each year as your metabolic rate is dialed down
and the body can no longer burn all of the food eaten, so it is stored as fat. Even
if the bathroom scales stay the same the body composition (muscle/fat ratio) changes.

Many people believe if they weigh the same they are healthy but even without body
weight change fat can be stored deep inside the abdomen hindering the functioning
of major organs and increasing the risk of chronic disease. Although fat stomachs,
love handles, and pot bellies do not look very nice it is the fat inside the body that is
the real problem.

You cannot see this fat and it is only visible with body scanning methods, but know
thisthis fat is particularly hazardous, spewing out toxic chemicals that aggressively
change the hormonal and chemical balance of your body. This fat wraps itself around
major organs and does silent damage in the most susceptible part of the human
bodythe abdomen, where all of our working machinery is located.

This fat is like a monster living inside you, increasing inflammation and making it
difficult for important organs, such as your heart, lungs, kidneys and liver, to do their
jobs. This damage is what sets the stage for life-threatening disease.

Without enough physical activity this dangerous fat builds up inside our bodies as
fat burning enzymes are not being activated when blood circulation is slowed down.
You can be at normal body weight and have this harmful fat deep inside your body
and you will not even know that you have it.

Self-evaluate your health with a 30 second test

There is an easy way to evaluate the state of your health and your own health risks.
Your waist circumference is a good indicator of the amount of abdominal fat you
have (both inside and outside). With a tape measure, figure the distance around the
smallest area of your abdomen below your rib cage and above your belly button.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 43
For males, these guidelines apply:
Ideal waist measurement is between 31 and 36 inches
Overweight is between 36 and 40 inches
Obese is over 40 inches

Deal to that middle age spread before it deals to you

If you have been around for half a lifetime, chances are your middle portion is a bit
larger and flabbier than you would like. You may even be counting your blessings that
you are not considered one of the two thirds of the population that is overweight.
However that little bit of excess fat that is steadily increasing around your waist is a
growing concern.

It is easy not to worry about it because the change is ever so gradual, no one else
would really notice the increased girth. You can safely think It's not too bad yet,
there is plenty of timeI'll fix it later.

Often though, later never seems to come and if it does, you are confronted by a much
bigger taskso big that you might even give up before you start. On top of that, while
you are waiting for later to come, every cell, tissue, system and process in your body
is weakening, further adding to the difficulty of shaping up.

So, you really need to get your head around the fact that it is a far easier prospect
to start now and do a little bit of maintenance each week on the old body to keep
yourself in shape. An even more important reason to do something is to reduce your
risk of chronic disease that could be sneaking up on you without you noticing. By the
time you get symptoms of disease or illness it could well be too late.

Our modern lifestyle diseases, especially the big threeheart disease, cancer and
diabetes, take years and even decades to get a foothold in your body.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 44
These preventable diseases cannot be cured by any doctor, drug or procedure and at
best can only be managed, leaving their victim with half a life. We need to stop being
so doctor and drug dependant and find ways of keeping ourselves healthy instead of
waiting for illness to strike.

Think about prevention. This is the first step to warding off a dreadful diagnosis. It
is better to start taking notice of your increasing waistline and regard it as a warning
sign that the chemistry of your body is becoming unbalanced. It is not simply a
question of eating too much food. The rate at which you acquire excess weight is
more closely linked to the decline in your fat burning ability which is controlled by
your metabolism (your bodys engine). This in turn is controlled by the amount of
muscle mass you have on your body.

The increase in the size of your waist line measurement is only a tiny problem compared
to what is happening deep down at a cellular level. See, without that vigorous activity
that stimulates your body to release hormones (the chemical messengers) your body
has no reason to renew, repair, rebuild or replace itself.

By now you are fully aware that your health is not something to be taken for granted.
Yet for many people it only becomes really important to them when it is taken away.
Do not wait for that to happenget moving, get active, get strong, get fit and you will
be well on your way to defeating not only that thickening waist line but the aging
process as well.

It is surprising that many men view proper exercise as an optional extra. If they
became more aware of what happens to their body without it they may not be so
tempted to avoid it. It is easy to think Nobody is going to know if I dont work out or
eat quality food. That idea may be true initially, by eventually you WILL be required
to pay the piper.

A recent survey showed that many people believe they are living a healthy lifestyle
even though two thirds of us are overweight and one third of those obese. Most
people surveyed believed it was a lack of exercise that contributed mostly to their
weight problems rather than diet. They also thought that weight loss surgery was the
best remedy for losing weight followed by prescription drugs.

Really? How about good old fashioned exercise and healthy eating?

It is a well-known fact that one of the best predictors of cancer is excess weight. In
short, if you carry fat around for years your chance of contracting some form of cancer
in later life goes way up. Sure, we eat too much food. Especially foods laden with
unhealthy man-made fats and sugars and we do not do enough physical activity either.

One of the main disease preventative measures is to keep our body composition
(muscle/fat ratio) at a healthy level.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 45
Despite the fact that it is easy to spot a fat-enlarged waist line, the real culprit is that
visceral fat, the stuff that is hidden deep inside us and can only be detected with
body imaging techniques such as an MRI scan.

Two types of fat

Subcutaneous fat is found just under your skin and is noticeable to the eye. It is the
type of fat that is soft and flabby. It jiggles, dimples, and causes cellulite. It is the
ugly but relatively harmless fat that gets all of our attention.

Visceral fat, on the other hand, is fat on the inside of your body, under your abdominal
muscle. This internal fat is particularly hazardous, aggressively changing the
hormonal and chemical balance of your body. It is highly metabolically active and
associated with higher levels of certain hormones, including estrogen, and higher
insulin levels, which are directly linked to cancer.

Belly fat is also dangerous because it releases toxic chemicals that produce
inflammatory molecules that enter your bloodstream. High inflammation levels in
your body can trigger a wide range of systemic diseases.

It is these inflammatory changes that accelerate and promote the growth and division
of cells making cancer easier to develop and take hold. This is the main reason why
apple-shaped people who carry excess body fat in their mid-section have a higher
risk of heart disease, diabetes and other health problems.

How we get this internal fat

If you recognize this belly fat issue as one that
you contend with every day then one of the
main causes of this increase in abdominal fat
is likely a metabolism meltdown caused by
muscle tissue loss from your inactive lifestyle.
Your metabolism is your bodys engine and it
determines the rate at which your body burns
fuel (calories).

The health and condition of your muscular

system determines the speed at which your
motor runs. If your muscles are weak and
flabby they cannot burn up the fuel (food)
you eat so it gets stored both on the outer and
inner parts of your body.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 46
As we get older, unless we work to keep it we lose muscle tissue and it has little
to do with the aging process and has everything to do with the amount of work
our muscles get throughout our adult life. In our modern day sedentary world it is
unlikely that we get to use our muscles anywhere near as much as they have been
designed to be used.

It is quite possible to recover much of that muscle tissue that has been lost. This will
get your metabolic motor running faster again so it can burn off that belly fat. It is
only with this increase in muscular health that you can change your body from a fat
storing one that will threaten your health (and maybe your life) to a fat burning one.

Not only will you lose the fat, your healthier body will keep that fat off and to boot,
you will have a more youthful appearance as firm muscle tissue looks better, smoother,
and is tighter and more shapely than saggy, flabby fat.

If you currently live a no-proper exercise lifestyle your risk is high for carrying this
nasty type of fat that threatens your health. This is where strength training exercise
comes to the rescue. Think of it as the number one solution, the quickest and most
effective way to deal with this fat. Strength-training will rebuild and wake up
weakened muscles that have allowed the body to accumulate this visceral fat rather
than burn it up in the muscle cells harmlessly for energy.

Insulin resistance as a contributing factor to weight gain

Another main contributing factor to weight gain is a condition known as insulin
resistance. This is a chemical imbalance which makes your body store more body
fat than it should. This condition is caused by eating the wrong types of foods, too
much of them, and also by not getting in enough proper exercise. Once you have this
condition you will crave high carbohydrate foods that will have you continuing to
gain weight.

Insulin resistance is the result of your body gradually becoming more and more
resistant to the effects of its own insulin which is over-produced in response to a diet
high in sugary foods. Insulin is the hormone that instructs the bodys cells to uptake
glucose from the blood-stream. When your body begins ignoring insulin because it
is always on the all-important process of blood-sugar regulation begins to go awry.

When this happens high levels of glucose remain circulating around the body together
with high levels of insulin and your blood actually becomes toxic. This situation
gives rise to diabetes and other serious health issues and sets your body up for the
perfect weight gain scenario.

In short, having excess insulin levels will make you fat and keep you fat until you
correct the hormone imbalance.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 47
Leptin resistancethe new weight loss dilemma
As if insulin resistance was not bad enough, we now need to make room for the possibility
of leptin resistance as well. This condition is emerging as another leading cause of
obesity, weight loss difficulty, and age related weight gain. It seems the hormones your
fat cells produce impact how much you eat and how much fat you burn.

Under the category of things we didnt know that we are starting to figure out about
life-long weight loss and weight management, it turns out that prolonged and chronic
elevated leptin from being overweight and eating high density foods promotes leptin
resistance. This in turn predisposes you towards weight gain, premature aging, and
increases your disease risk.

What is Leptin?
Leptin is one of the key hormones involved in hunger, our metabolism (the rate we
burn fuel) and the control of how energy from fats and carbohydrates get stored and
utilized. Not coincidentally, it is derived from the Greek word leptos meaning thin.

Here are a few of the things that leptin does;

Leptin is the key signalling hormone circulating in your blood that signals
your hypothalamus you have eaten enough and need to start burning fat. In
simplest terms, your hypothalamus is the control center for your tummys fat
storage and feelings of satiety. Circulating leptin in your blood is the key signal
for your hypothalamus in this regard.

Leptin production by fat cells signals your hypothalamus that you need more or
less body fat.

The rate of production of leptin directly correlates with weight loss or weight gain.
What is Leptin resistance?
Leptin resistance is very similar conceptually to insulin resistance. With insulin
resistance, chronic elevated levels of insulin make your muscle and fat cells more
resistance to the action of insulin. Leptin resistance is very similar. Chronic elevated
levels of leptin decrease the hypothalamus sensitivity to leptin. This causes an increase
in the visceral fat your body produces.

To put it plainly, if your hypothalamus is resistant to leptin signalling, you tend to

eat way too much. This also makes weight loss much more difficult because it makes
dieting and restricting food something your body does not want to do.

What you need to understand about leptin resistance is that it is progressive. Once
you become resistant to leptin, it leads to more eating, which leads to elevated leptin,
which leads to more eating, which makes weight loss very difficult.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 48
This is why obesity research is now turning to leptin signalling as a potential causal
agent in obesity. It is that powerful a process. When you are leptin-resistant, your
body no longer hears its own signals to stop eating, burn fat, or pass up sugary foods.

The result? You stay hungry, you crave sweets, and your body stores ever more fat.

Simply put, here is how you become leptin resistant:

You eat a diet which includes too many sugars and grains (grains turn to sugar
once you consume them).

The sugar metabolizes to (turns into) fat and is stored in your fat cells, which in
turn causes a surge in leptin.

Your body becomes resistant to leptin just as it can become insulin-resistant.

You are not active enough and weak untoned muscles cannot help regulate
fat burning/fat storing hormones. Remember it is the muscle cells that uptake
glucose and attempt to maintain hormone balance. Glucose from the food we
eat is burned in the muscle cells for energy so strong toned muscles are very
important if you wish to remain slim and healthy.

How you can avoid Leptin resistance

This is nothing to do with dieting, eating less food or having willpower. It is a chemical
problem that needs a double edged solution of proper exercise and healthy eating.

While the idea of leptin resistance is frontier science there are a few basic things you
can do to prevent yourself becoming leptin resistant while we wait for more research
to be done:

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 49
Avoid high density foods: Foods that are highly caloric promote elevated
leptin. What do I mean by high-density food? In short, foods that have a
very high ratio of calories and energy to their total volume. Think processed
foodsfried foods, cheesecake, ice-cream, pizza, candies and concentrated
sugar drinks.

Eliminate sugars and grains from your diet: Did you know refined sugar is
far more addictive than cocaine? In fact, it is one of the most addictive
substances you can consume. Refined sugar is not the only thing you
must avoid when you are craving sweets. Starch, in the form of grains
metabolizes into sugar in your body and should also be eliminated from
your diet if you suffer from excess weight, diabetes or high cholesterol.

Eat plenty of good fats: A high sugar diet combined with low essential fat
intake causes hunger. Good fat intake combined with quality protein along
with heavy fibrous carbohydrates for volume tends to make you full and
satisfied so you stop eating.

Good fats to include in your diet are: Flaxseeds/meal/oil, hempseed/oil, walnuts,

pumpkin seeds, Brazil nuts, sesame seeds, avocados, dark leafy green vegetables (kale,
spinach, chard, mustard greens, and collards), wheat germ oil, salmon, mackerel,
sardines, anchovies, albacore tuna, coconut meat and oil, butter and animal fats from
free ranging animals. Most people need upwards of 5070 percent fats in their diet
for optimal health.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 50
Avoid chronic hunger by eating more small balanced meals: The current trend
introduced by the drug manufacturers is to take a pill to curb hunger. Hunger
should be dealt with through food not drugs. If you think you can fool your
body you are in for a shock. Diet pills are a VERY short term measure and will
NEVER get you a strong, toned, youthful looking body.

Lose weight: While this seems like a catch 22, thats exactly what leptin
resistance is, a catch 22. The fact is, being overweight goes hand in hand with
elevated leptin levels. You HAVE to lose the weight to really get control of this.

Replace the grains, sugars and processed foods that you have eliminated with 46
whole food, small healthy (not processed) balanced meals each with a portion of
quality protein and the balance vegetables as set out in the He Man Eating Plan.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 51
So, to summarize: Insulin and leptin resistance are core factors in obesity, which in
turn is a risk factor for cancer and may boost tumor growth. The answer lies not in a
pill but in healthy eating and proper exercise to reverse insulin and leptin resistance.

Proper exercise is one of the most effective ways to regain insulin sensitivity
and reverse insulin resistancethis is true for both strength training and high-
intensity aerobic (short burst intervals) workouts.

Studies show regular, on-going exercise is absolutely crucial both in getting rid of
dangerous visceral fat and keeping rid of it along with normalizing your insulin and
leptin levels.

In summary, insulin and leptin resistance is no joke. It is real and we want to avoid
becoming resistant to our own hormones at all costs as it just adds to our disease
risk. The sooner you get started on your healthy eating plan and exercise program the
sooner you will return your body to a healthy chemical balance that will allow your
body to lose that weight, reduce the health risks and restore your good health.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 52
Chapter Six
Fortify Your Mind
Your body will follow

hile selecting the best possible eating and exercise plan is important, if we
hope to achieve our health goals quickly, too often we tend to overlook the
fact that there is something else we need to get right first before we can hope
to make progress with our chosen nutritional and workout strategies.

It is our own underlying ability to take any action at all. Fitness success always comes
down to our ability to motivate ourselves to take consistent action and to keep
working to change negative habits and replace them with healthy options.

Our motivation to take action consistently is way more important than which
specific nutrition or training plan we choose. Motivation to act is nothing less than
the ultimate key to success, and yet this is the also the single most neglected aspect of
achieving health and fitness success.

Many people will choose a plan of action but then fail to act on it. They do not follow
through, and they do not stick with their plan. Ultimately, the key to all success, whether
it is to eat better, improve your level of fitness, lose weight, enhance your health, tone
your musclesit has nothing to do with exercising more or dieting harder.

It has everything to do with

finding the right measure of
motivation to sustain you
on your journey, no matter
what the destination or how
long it will take you to get
there. The BIG question is
just where can we find the
motivation to do the things
we know are required of us
but which at the same time
are challenging?

To answer that, first we need to be clear on exactly what it is that we are talking about
when we say we need to be motivated.

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Motivation is derived from the Latin word motivemeaning to move, and is the
catalyst to action or energy for motion. It propels you to do something. Without
motivation you have no forward motion in lifeyour life stands still.

The problem with motivation is that many of us believe it is something that will
come to us if we wait long enough. That some day we will wake up and finally it will
all fall into place. Except it does not work this way. Motivation is something we create
for ourselves, it is not something that will show up by itself.

What motivates each of us changes from day to daywhat got us fired up yesterday
may not work today. That means we need to dig deep inside ourselves to find that
thingthat thought, feeling, emotion, goal or rewardthat will keep us moving
forward. Your decision to lead a healthier life is not a decision you make once. It is
one you repeatedly make every single day for the rest of your life.

You will always be at a crossroads. Will you continue to choose healthy lifestyle choices
or will you allow the idea to simply fade away after the initial burst of enthusiasm?

A healthy lifestyle does not require rock solid discipline. Although, when you first
take on a new challenge in any area of life, it does take some discipline to get going.
However this is only a short term strategy. It helps to get you started, but only
motivation can keep you going for the long haul.

Excuses really are just a lack of motivation

It is easy to come up with excuses to justify not sticking to our exercise program.
These excuses appear more frequently when our motivation levels begin to wane and
we lose sight of our health and fitness goals.

For example, there may have been times in the past where you have told yourself you
are going to start exercising tomorrow.

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Yet tomorrow comes and goes and you have still not got yourself moving. One of the
main roadblocks to committing to working out just a couple of times each week are
the excuses people use to rationalize why they do not exercise.

When this happens you should ask yourself what is really going on, and what is
really holding you back? What excuse seems valid for you today? Are you too tired,
too busy, too hot, too cold, just dont want to do it? Or do you simply not have the
time (the most common excuse).

Many people mistakenly believe they need a lot of time to exercise. This may stem
from the old fashioned belief that long, slow endurance activities are what are needed
to get you into good shape. This isn't true. This type of activity is no longer considered
to be the best way to 1) lose the weight you need to see go, or 2) achieve that strong,
lean, healthy body you desire.

The new (and best) way to exercise is to work the muscular system in a short time
frame of around 3040 minutes, and to put some effort into it. Just one or two of
these workouts each week will make up for hours of low intensity fluff that will never
get you in better shape.

How we can counter excuses as they arise

Try to stop yourself from inventing reasons or excuses as to why you cannot be
physically active. Just remember that excuses will never help you get anywhere in life
and if you do not want to exercise, one reason is just as good as another.

I know I should exercise but I hate it, so I just cant seem to make myself do it.
Many people have negative feelings about physical activity. This comes through in
their choice of words to justify their position. Words like should, hate and make
myself. These thoughts and feelings may stem from negative past experiences such
as school sports, boring exercise routines, and discomfort or pain from doing too
much too fast.

Identifying the fact that you are harboring

these negative thoughts and emotions is the
first step to ridding yourself of them and
replacing them with constructive feelings.

Remind yourself that you can start slowly

with any workout regime and adjust
gradually so it is not uncomfortable in any
way. You can also choose to focus on all the
benefits that result from being active and
how wonderful you will feel.

Never allow yourself to trot out the excuse that I dont have time.

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Being physically active is more important for your health and well-being than most
of the other things you think must get done each day. Workout scheduling needs to
be a priority. Fitness goals need planning just like you would plan for success in your
career. So do not allow yourself to sit around and say you have no time.

You can always get up an hour early or go to bed an hour later or cut something else
out of your day. After all, plenty of people way busier than you are making the time
to exercise a couple of times each week, so somehow they find the time.

Never allow yourself to think I dont have the energy. No matter how you feel
initially, you are likely to feel better within just a few minutes of starting to exercise,
and these good feelings will last long after the exercise session is finished. Exercise
increases your strength and stamina and helps you feel fantastic.

Never tell yourself I will start exercising when I have lost some of this weight. Doing
any kind of extra physical activity uses additional calories and builds your metabolism
(your bodys engine) to burn more fuel. In addition, exercise reduces cravings and
curbs your appetite.

Besides, if you do not exercise while you are losing weight, you may lose precious
muscle tissue which will make it harder to lose weightand almost impossible to
keep off.

Never entertain the notion that Im so out of shapeI dont even know where to
begin! You have to start somewhereso start where you are right now. There is no
such thing as instant fitness so, if you start now, little by little, three months from
now you will be leaner, stronger and more energetic. If you choose not to start, then
do not be surprised if you are in exactly the same (or worse) shape as you are today.

Other negative thoughts and attitudes about exercise

Develop positive statements about being active and repeat them often to yourself.
For instance, instead of saying, Exercise is boring, say, Being active gives me the
opportunity to relieve stress and feel better about myself. Repeat positive statements
like I can feel myself becoming stronger, healthier, leaner and more energetic.

We need to work on creating higher motivation levels at the same time as we improve
our exercise and eating habits. The difference between people who do reach their goals
and those that do not is the willingness to do what is necessary to make it happen.

Be willing to get back into the game

Be willing to make a plan and stick to it, be willing to make promises to yourself and
stick to them, be willing to get off the couch and get going, be willing to get yourself
back in the kitchen cooking natural food from scratch and be willing to get started
right now, today, to change your habits so they include exercise and healthy eating.

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So you can see most excuses are pretty flimsy, there is no excuse unless you happen to
be paralyzed from the neck down. So the next time you think about getting started on
your exercise program do not ask Who has time, instead ask yourself the questions
Do I want to live a short life? Or Do I want to remove myself from the lives of the
people that love (or depend) on me? Or If I dont take care of myself who else is
going to?

Missing sessions
The surefire way to becoming an exercise dropout
I want you to be aware of something that can easily trip people up. Although one
or two missed exercise sessions may feel insignificant at the time it may signal the
beginning of a much more important motivational lapse that can cause a critical
change in a persons commitment to a healthier lifestyle. All lengthy exercise breaks
begin with missed sessions.

What can separate a single missed session from the beginning of the end is what
happens on the next scheduled session. It is important that you do not miss this
session and if you have more excuses not to exercise examine them and come up with
a solid plan to counter them and get yourself back on track immediately.

Healthy mind, healthy body

Your body responds to the way you think,
feel, and act, and is tuned in and listening to
everything you say to yourself. So, in order to
maximize your bodys ability to stay healthy,
your ideal regimenalong with your physical
exercise and healthy eating planshould
include positive thoughts and emotions.

In his 1952 book, The Power of Positive

Thinking, Norman Vincent Peale first put
forward the idea that personal unhappiness is
manifested initially in the mind. By thinking
unhappy thoughts and habitually maintaining negative attitudes about life, we create
stress that ultimately leads to misery and disease. Peale says that fear and worry are
the by-products of negative feelings fostered by thoughts of resentment and ill will
that are self-manufactured.

Those who research into the way the human mind works have discovered that it is
bombarded with an endless stream of automatic conscious and subconscious positive
or negative thoughts each day that they call self-talk. While much of the chatter is
based on logical thinking, many of the thoughts are rooted in preconceptions and
misconceptions going right back to early childhood.

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While researchers do not fully understand the health benefits derived from positive
thinking, it is believed that optimistic people live healthier lives and develop less
stressful coping mechanisms to deal with lifes challenges.

Some of the health benefits that result from positive thinking include lower rates of
depression, natural resistance to illness and disease, and longer life spans. People
who employ positive thinking tactics typically enjoy better overall physical, mental
and emotional health.

How to get the right mind-set to help us achieve our health goals
How do you get your mind right to make healthy eating, regular exercise and other
healthy lifestyle improvements a consistent part of your life so you can get into better
physical shape? After all, diet plans and exercise programs are not enoughyou do
have to stick to them if you wish to get results.

Most people suffering poor health or who are overweight would love to get healthy
and lose that weight and many try (and fail) repeatedly. Somewhere in their inner
mind programming are old tired ideas, beliefs and inner resistance that block their
ability to make the correct lifestyle choices.

Instead of seeing a strong, fit, slim, healthy body as a positive exciting possibility they
see it as a source of sacrifice, commitment and effort. They believe that they lack the
self-discipline and motivation necessary to stick to a healthy eating plan and get their
butt into the gym a couple of times a week.

With faulty wiring or programming in place that hinders your weight loss efforts, you
will experience nothing but struggle and resistance with food and exercise strategies
that otherwise might have helped with your weight.

Instead of allowing yourself to remain blocked by your current programming, you

need to upgrade to the mind software that slim, fit people run.

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When your Mind is working with you, better food choices become automatic and
exercise is seen as enjoyable. The best part is that there is no struggle no battle with
yourself to get done what you know needs to be done.

So, if your goal is to lose weight permanently, the latest diet or exercise fad is not
the place to begin. Adding layer after layer of action plans on top of faulty mind
programming does not work. In all likelihood you will fail time and time again with
this approach.

In fact, as many as 95 percent of those who purchase the latest diet/eating/exercise

programs end up abandoning them a few days/weeks later when they cannot stick to
the provided blueprint.

To help you with this mind reprogramming I have created a separate report entitled
Mindset For Macho Men. Be sure to check it out. The mindset report will help you
focus on changes you need to make to your way of thinking so that your health,
fitness or weight loss goals become easy and effortless and the struggle with yourself
just disappears.

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Chapter Seven
Living 100 Years
You will probably live 100 years whether
you want to or not

he rules of aging have changed a great deal in the last 100 years and they keep
changing. Today we are living longer than ever. Retirement age now means very
little. Eighty is the new sixty, sixty is the new forty, and so on.

The fact is that when you reach 65 yearsthe traditional retirement ageyou are
barely half-way through the maximum expected lifespan of the super healthy. Some
people alive now will reach 120 or more years of age and still be in good shape.

Science is moving fast too. For example: you may have heard of telomerase, the
enzyme that repairs (but only in some special cells in your body) a critical part of
your DNA that becomes damaged due to normal functioning. Well, now they can
increase telomerase production and you can grow back some of your lost DNA, like
re-growing hair!

What will put you in your grave is likely not aging. It is ignorance. You can bet you
will have a shortened life and you will lose years that could be rightfully yours unless
you practice self-care and preventative medicine (healthy eating and proper exercise).

But, I'm content to live a shorter life

This is a rather absurd objection to living a healthy lifestyle but for many people the
thought of living a long life is frightening. Especially when they see that so many
others are suffering and miserable, having to live for years or even decades with a
chronic incurable disease.

Despite spending trillions of dollars each year on drugs, doctor visits, hospitalizations,
and other dangerous procedures, the health of people around the world continues
to deteriorate year after year. More people are suffering with heart disease, cancer,
diabetes, asthma, depression, arthritis and other serious conditions than ever before
in history. There are an estimated 1000 million overweight and obese people on the
planet, including our children, who are fatter and sicker than ever before.

No wonder a long life does not seem quite so appealing as it might once have.

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Not when there is a 95 percent chance of ending up with a chronic disease and
having to suffer through your final days at the mercy of others because you cannot
care for yourself. It does not have to be this way and we can live our lives without the
fear of ending up this way.

Many of us do not realize that we have great influence over the quality of our life and
we can actually choose to improve its quality by taking proactive steps to stay free
from chronic disease. For a long time we have known that not exercising is unhealthy,
but we did not appreciate how a lack of vigorous activity can greatly increase the
chances of developing a chronic disease.

Too little in the way of muscle-building exercise is one of the big risk factors for the
formation of chronic disease. Simply by becoming an active person your body stays
on an even metabolic keel so that excess blood sugar (glucose) is burnt and never
produces the accumulation of fat that sets the stage for disease.

Just changing this one thing (becoming physically active) can make the difference
between going through later life comfortably versus miserably.

Discover the only true fountain of youth

Around five hundred years ago a Spanish explorer went searching for the legendary
Fountain of Youththe secret to regaining one's youth. Since then modern day
explorers in the form of researchers have been continuing the quest for everlasting youth.

These researchers have discovered that at the core of the fountain of youth is the
body's hormonal system, and as we approach middle age, weakening glands cause
our hormone levels to shift. The resulting disturbance in metabolism (the bodys
engine) is the primary cause of aging.

There are two major actions or directions of metabolism. When we are young and
growing our metabolism is in a highly anabolic state, with high energy and the ability
of the body to repair, rebuild and restore itself at cellular level quickly and efficiently.
As we get older we become less active which causes tissues to deteriorate.

Many of the health problems blamed on aging are actually symptoms of deteriorating
fitness and waning strength caused by idleness, apathy and laziness. The brain then
receives signals of a weakening, faltering system and goes into a gradual shut
down mode.

This is where the shift occurs with the metabolism changing to catabolic or
breakdown mode. The current life expectancy is 77 years and ignorance is the only
reason that this is the average lifespan. It could be much highereven well more
than 100 years, but too many people let their bodies deteriorate and phase out due to
lack of knowledge that this process is largely preventable.

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We now know we can manipulate the hormones that are responsible for the change in
metabolism to enjoy an extended youth. Now it is possible to improve almost every
aspect of your bodymuscle strength, bone mass, long and short-term memory,
healing time, organ function and regain a youthful appearanceall by changing
metabolism and body chemistry.

Studies have shown that the single most common factor in long-lived people is the
retention of their lean muscle mass which means their metabolism is more anabolic
as their lifestyle is highly active.

Simply performing a proper strengthening exercise program will stimulate the

release of the hormones necessary to activate stem cells to replace damaged ones.
It also stimulates the metabolism to repair tissues, organs and systems. Instead of
a degenerating, flabby shell targeted to be phased out, a healthy body signals the
brain to restore and/or maintain muscle strength and tone, vigor, immunity, organ
function and to keep the life force going.

This rejuvenation occurs when the metabolism is realigned for maximum longevity
and youthfulness. As a result there is a chance of a better, healthier and longer life.
Better hormonal secretions from healthy glands improve the signals to the brain so it
does not go into the shut-down mode.

This new way of aging is about supporting and enhancing optimal health and energy,
preventing premature and preventable disease and so you look good for your age.
Only when you take a proactive approach rather than just letting aging take place
naturally will you find the true and only fountain of youth.

In regards to exercise, once

you get to mid-life, time is of
the essence. You do not want,
nor can you afford, to waste
time with types of exercise
that are not effective and do
not give maximum health
benefits. Not only that, but if
you have been sedentary (the
nice way of saying you have
been parking your butt in a
chair for too long), you have
got to be smart about how
you wake your body up.

So, we can look to exercise to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, normalize blood
sugar levels, stimulate circulation and reduce the risk of all the major diseases like
heart disease, cancer and diabetes that can cause our demise well before our time.

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As well as rebuilding and re-toning lost and weak muscles, strength training exercise
has a strengthening effect on bones and joints, fosters weight loss and maintenance,
relieves stress, boosts your mood and increases vital energy levels. All of these things
help you look, feel and act younger.

If you are in a panic now because you are older and have not been exercising, fear
notit is never too late. You absolutely do not have to let this disuse syndrome
affect you and limit your life. You can reclaim years (even decades) of lost functionality
and you can start at any age.

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Chapter Eight
Resolve Your Energy
and Weight Issues
For Good
Its not about eating less but eating better
The best way to build health, lose weight and support your exercise program is to eat
as much as you wantbut you need to eat the right foods. When you eat this way
you lower your blood glucose levels and get healthier. The right foods will boost your
energy, help you stay as young as possible and reduce your risk for many diseases
and health issues. When you consume these right foods, which are natural and
minimally-processed foods, you are said to be eating clean.

Note: The wrong foodsnutrient-poor but calorie-high processed foods have the
opposite effect. They increase blood glucose levels, make you overeat and gain excess
weight. In addition they set the stage for disease.

What does it mean to eat clean?

Eating clean is about choosing the least
processed, most nutrient-dense foods
available to you. This means stepping away
from the fast food, shopping in the outer
aisles of the grocery store, and choosing
fresh foods over boxed alternatives.
Many packaged products are loaded
with chemicals and hard-to-pronounce
ingredients. If you cannot decipher the
ingredients, why would you want to put it
in your body?

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A clean diet focuses on choosing foods that are low in fat, high in fiber, and loaded
with essential vitamins and minerals. It also means minimizing or avoiding processed
foods and refined sweeteners. Eating the least processed foods helps control blood
sugar, stabilizes energy, and provides your body with sufficient amounts of fiber to
help keep food moving through your digestive tract, moving harmful compounds
out of your body quickly before they can cause damage.

The less processed these foods aremeaning the less they have been cooked, peeled,
mixed with other ingredients, stripped of their nutrients, or otherwise altered from
the way they came out of the ground, or off the tree or the vinethe better.

What you are looking to eat is foods that contain a single (ONE) ingredientthe
food they arewithout any messing around with by man. Foods like an apple, a
carrot, a piece of grass-fed beef, a tomato, a bunch of spinach, fish from the ocean, a
banana, a handful of nuts, free range poultry and eggs and so on. These foods usually
do not have a food label to tell you what is in themthey dont need one!

One of the most important things we can do for our health is keep ourselves from
becoming toxic. What can we use to keep our systems clean and non-toxic? Food of
course and physical activity. Since we are talking about food here, let's clarify that and
say proper foodreal food! Of course, the wrong food (processed, refined) will have
the opposite effect and will contribute to the toxicity of our bodies.

It is important to remember that human beings are designed to eat a very limited
selection of food. If you were a caveman you would have only eaten wild meat,
vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, seafood and perhaps ancient grains. Thats it! There
would be no chemicals, packaging, pasteurization, refining or processing.

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Here are some basic rules to use food as your weapon to stay strong and fight aging:
Stick with the basics. A lifestyle to keep you clean and non-toxic starts with
clean natural food. This means avoiding all processed foods.

Keep your bloodstream alkaline. Disease loves an acidic bloodstream. Clean

food that includes lots of vegetables and some fruit will help keep the pH level
of your blood in the alkaline range.

Cook your food properly to retain nutrients. Foods that have become toxic
from high heat and have had their nutrients destroyed by the microwave are
no use to us. Keep cooking temperatures as low as possible and avoid using
a microwave.

Eat raw foods. Raw vegetables, nuts, seeds, coconut and fruit are more beneficial
than their cooked counterparts.

Eat organic. Consuming foods laden with herbicides, pesticides, fungicides

and other dangerous chemicals can turn us toxic and create acidity in the
bloodstream. Eating for health and longevity means consuming clean and
natural food.

Eat local. Food that is close to its source has travelled less and will retain more
health building nutrients and anti-oxidants.

Consume organic and free-range grass fed meat where possible. Cavemen
would have consumed animals that had lived off the land and eaten the foods
that were natural to them. This would have kept animals in a perfectly healthy
state. Non-organic meat can contain dangerous and toxic chemicals as well as
the animals that may have been farmed in a non-humane cruel way that is
simply not acceptable to the majority of us.

Choose foods that boost your health

Your immune system keeps you healthy by identifying and fighting off unwanted
invaders in your system, everything from cold and flu to stray cancer cells. Eating a
colorful variety of foods gives you the best protection.
Boost your antioxidants. Antioxidants are powerful vitamins that protect your
health and help the cells in your body function optimally. Vegetables and fruits
are the best sources of antioxidants such as beta-carotene, vitamin C, vitamin E,
and selenium.

Eat a wide range of brightly colored vegetables which are rich in

phytochemicals a potent diseasefighting and immuneboosting nutrient. The
greater the variety of colors that you include the more you will benefit, since
different colors are rich in different phytochemicals.

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Flavour with immune-boosting spices and foods. Garlic, ginger, and curry
powder not only add flavour, but they add a punch of valuable nutrients. Other
good choices include turmeric, basil, rosemary, and coriander. Use them in soups,
salads, casseroles, or any other dish.

To make the changes in your lifestyle it is important to remember that it is not just a
quick one time only fix. It is something you will be working on for the rest of your
life. The advantage of this is that you get better at it and it gets easier.

You might start off with 20 percent compliance (or even less) to a healthy eating plan
but over time you increase this percentage. It may end up at 80 percent compliance
which is very healthy level to aim for. It still gives some wiggle room for going
out to dinner, to a party or going on holiday. It simply gives you the freedom to eat
anything you like. It may not be like it is now, eating whatever, whenever but eating
this way is very doable.

If your current diet has a high percentage of processed, refined foods, over time this
is going to rob you of your health so we need to get to work changing the ratio and
swapping out this non-nutrient food and replacing it with REAL FOOD.

When you do this you can improve health and lose weight without having to eat
less. Simply by making smarter food choices it really is a lifestyle change that leads to
healthy, steady weight loss and healthy eating for life.

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Chapter Nine
Other Factors
That can help strong men stay young
Get plenty of sunshine
Many people are afraid of the sun and believe that it is harmful and to be avoided as
much as possible. After all we have been told our whole life to not expose our skin to
the sun for fear of getting skin cancer as a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

A major component of sunlight has been overlooked and that old advice is being
updated in favour of getting more vitamin D. The sunshine vitamin is finally getting
the credit it is due. When sunlight hits your skin, it produces vitamin D, which is
converted to a powerful hormone that influences virtually every cell in your body and
is one of natures most potent health builders.

Low levels of vitamin D contribute to cancer risk

Due to our fear of the sun many people end up with a vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin
D is needed to help regulate and maintain a healthy immune response. It contributes
to the normal growth and maturation of cells. This is why vitamin D is an essential
ally in the battle against cancer. Low levels can increase the risk of developing cancer.

To keep your levels in the healthy range go outdoors with 4050 percent of skin
exposure and get 2030 minutes of direct sun each day if possible. If you are unable
to enjoy time in the sun due to weather, geography or other constraints, consider
taking a vitamin D3 supplement. Aim for a maximum of 2,000 IU daily. Also consider
getting your vitamin D levels checked.

You can decrease your risk of cancer by MORE THAN HALF simply by optimizing
your vitamin D levels with sun exposure to levels between 50 and 70 ng/ml. If you are
being treated for cancer it is likely that higher blood levelsprobably around 8090
ng/mlwould be beneficial. A simple blood test by your doctor can determine your
vitamin D levels.

There is now overwhelming evidence pointing to the fact that a deficiency in this
vitamin plays a crucial role in the development of cancer and researchers within
this field have estimated that about 30 percent of cancer deathswhich amounts to
200,000 yearly in the US alonecould be prevented by simply optimizing vitamin
D levels.

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Sleep: the neglected health tonic
Get a good nights sleep. Seems simple enough doesnt it? Sleep is frequently neglected
in our fast-paced society and is so incredibly important to our overall health. Very
few people can be well rested on less than seven hours of sleep per night, and this
tiredness leads to neglect of other healthful behaviors.

Can you pay off your sleep debt?

Contrary to popular belief, you cannot catch up on lost sleep. Your body needs sleep to
repair and restore itself from the damage of daily living which includes detoxification.
Poor sleep patterns are linked to poor healthand those who sleep less than six
hours a night have a shorter life expectancy than those who sleep for longer. So sleep
has a profound effect on our physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

When we are short of sleep it has been proven that there is an increased risk of every
major illness. Studies indicate rates of cancer, heart disease and diabetes (the big
three) is substantially increased in those suffering from sleep deprivation (less than
seven consecutive hours of sleep a night).

Almost all of the studies conducted to determine the health effects of sleep deprivation
on a person have reported lack of sleep will hurt your healthbig time. It is alleged
the hormones and proteins which are believed to play a part in the onset of the
chronic health conditions are impacted by a chronic lack of sleep which disrupt the
bodys optimum functioning. Our bodies cannot acclimatize or compensate for the
lack of sleep.

Just as disturbing is a recent link discovered between obesity and sleep deprivation.
Research suggests that appetite regulation hormones are disrupted by lack of sleep,
causing people to overeat. Studies have found the rate of obesity is significantly higher
in people who get less than seven hours of sleep a night.

Sleep deprivation is such a chronic condition these days that you might not even
realize you suffer from it. If you have short changed yourself on quantity or quality
of sleep for any length of time, it is likely sleep deprivation feels normal to you. You
simply get used to that tired, washed out feeling.

As a general rule, adults need between six and nine hours of sleep a night. If you
accumulate a sleep deficit it can have serious, far-reaching effects on your health,
such as:
A weakened immune system.
Changes in brain activity similar to those experienced by people with
psychiatric disorders.

Putting your body into a pre-diabetic state, so you feel hungry even if you have
already eaten.

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Sleep is one of your most precious resources. NEVER undervalue its importance to
your longevity and quality of life. A good nights sleep sets the table for other healthy
behaviors that will help reduce your cancer risk and help you feel refreshed and
energized at the same time.

When we talk about living healthy lifestyle habits it is easy to miss the importance of
getting enough sleep because most of us just take it for granted. We tend to believe
that lack of sleep affects little more than our energy level.

Sleep is not a luxuryit is a necessityand plenty of it should be thought of as a

vital pillar to good health. When you skip sleep, you put yourself at risk for chronic
disease, weight gain and premature and accelerated aging.

A true blueprint for better health

While the list below is not a be-all, end-all of ways to live a more healthy life, it
does outline some healthy lifestyle behaviors that can increase life-long well-being.
Keep your mind and thinking in good shape. Positive thinking does produce
favorable results for people who have an optimistic view of life. Negative and
pessimistic thoughts can have the opposite effect.

A proper (muscle building and maintaining) exercise program performed 23

times a week.

One to two sessions of interval (short burst) exercise a week.

Eating clean with the help of a nutritional plan such as outlines in the He
Man Eating Plan.

Avoiding processed foods and artificial additives. Instead, load up on fresh,

organic vegetables and fruits (some of them raw)along with meat from grass-
fed, free-ranging animals.

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Reduce your intake of grains and limit or avoid sugar in all forms, especially
high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and artificial sweeteners.

Slim down if necessary and maintain a healthy body weight. This will come
naturally when you begin exercising properly and eating right.

Getting enough sunshine.

Getting enough good quality sleep.
Manage stressan outlet like exercise is critical here.

Reduce your exposure to environmental toxins like pesticides, insecticides and

household chemical cleaners. You can replace many household cleaners with
non-toxic alternatives.

Boost Omega-3 Fats80 percent of the fats we consume are Omega-6 and that
is dangerous because Omega-6 fats (found in processed vegetable oils like corn
canola and soybean oil) promote inflammation and turn on genes that fuel the
cancer process. Omega-3s on the other hand, supply the antidote.

Not only do these healthy fats (found in cold water fish like wild salmon, sardines
and krill oil, walnuts, chia seeds and grass-fed beef) provide potent anti-inflammatory
action, they also up-regulate the genes that guard against cancer. Omega-3 deficiency
is a common underlying factor for cancer.

Use great caution when it comes to prescription drugsPharmaceutical drugs kill

thousands of people prematurely every yearas an expected side effect of the action
of the drug. If you adhere to a healthy lifestyle, you most likely will never need any
of them in the first place.

Heres the bottom line

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 71
Of all the healthy lifestyle strategies that can have a significant impact on your health,
normalizing your insulin and leptin levels is probably the most important. There is
no question that this is an absolute necessity if you want to avoid a shortened life.
That means modifying your diet to avoid excessive amounts of fructose, grains, and
other pro-inflammatory ingredients like trans fats.

Incorporating these healthy lifestyle guidelines will help set you squarely on the path
to optimal health and give you the best shot at living a much longer life. Remember,
its never too late to take control of your health. When you do go to the doctor, know
that its OK to ask questions and opt for less medical intervention while choosing a
more natural way of healing your body. You should NEVER think that you are not
supposed to, or cannot, ask questions of the person you have entrusted with your
body and your health.

We each need to get back into the drivers seat and take back control of our own
health and wellness. Somehow we have forgotten that we do have this control and we
are the ones that determine how healthy or unhealthy we can be.

Sometimes it may mean getting out of our comfort zone to achieve goals like losing
weight or quitting smoking. Doing the right thing is usually not the easy thing.
Whatever it takes will usually end up being a lot easier to deal with than the fear-
based, passive, reactive sickness treatment route that is prevalent in our society today.

I hope you can see now how important it is that you take responsibility for your own
health and seek out health care professionals who will coach you in identifying the
root causes of your illness if you do become ill, rather than give you Band-Aids which
have a high probability of permanently impairing or even killing you. Of course it
is way better to not get sick in the first place, simply by administering preventative
medicine in the form of proper nutrition and physical activity.

What does wellness mean?

You hear a lot these days about wellness and some of us may wonder what exactly
this term means. What constitutes wellness anyway? Is there a difference between
health and wellness, or are they complementary terms? After all if I'm not sick, I'm
well, right?

Wellness is a voluntary seeking out of ways to give one a higher quality of life and
focuses on staying well and not waiting for disease to strike before you make lifestyle
changes. If you do have health problems, wellness care focuses on finding and
eliminating the cause of disease and not just treating disease symptoms alone.

While it is desirable to eliminate symptoms when they appear, in most cases it is

way more important to treat the cause. On the other hand the sickness industry is
the conventional surgery and synthetic pharmaceutical drugs business. It tries to treat
disease and sickness after it appears.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 72
The difference between the two is easily explained:

Sickness care: Reactively treats the symptoms of disease after they occur
Wellness care: Proactively prevents poor health and disease and slows the aging process
This concept is not new.

The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the
care of the human frame, in diet, in physical activity and in the cause and prevention
of disease.
~ Thomas Edison

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 73
n this report I have tried to convey the idea that the conception most of us have
about the aging processthat it represents a slow inexorable decline in health
that we have no control overis simply the WRONG way to look at what is going
on with our bodies as we grow older.

Much of the aging process is, in fact, self-inflicted. We age before our time because
we ALLOW ourselves to age. Worse, we indulge in many behaviors that speed the
process along quite unnecessarily.

It does not have to be this way.

In the last half century or so we have uncovered a great deal of information about
how the human body responds to various stimuli. So much information, that sifting
through it to sort the wheat from the chaff requires some real intellectual effort. As a
result there is a LOT of confusion about what all this data means.

The likely result of this is that once you close this report and open another from some
other author you may find yourself being told to do the exact OPPOSITE of what I
am telling you to do from the various pages of Strong Men Stay Young.

This is unfortunate. The answers, in large part, to turning your health around, staving
off the effects of premature aging, and replenishing the male essence that once
made you feel as though the world could bounce bricks off you, are right here in
this program.

All you need to do is have a little faith that the strategies outlined in these pages do
in fact work for other men, and that they can work for you too.

Carolyn Hansen

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 74
One last note
On the state of your manliness...
I find that I cannot quite bring myself to close this report without addressing the one
topic that so far I have only skirted around. On reflection, this seems like something
of an oversight, particularly given the measure of importance that I know virtually
every man would ascribe to it...

I am talking about the dwindling prospects for the continuation of your vigorous
sexual health.

If you paid attention to what I was saying in Chapter 4 you will no doubt remember
the unfortunate observation about testosterone levels in men. About how they are
continually being assaulted today by factors over which you have almost NO control

This has HUGE implications for your "manliness".

The way that you feel about yourself as a man, the way others perceive you as a man,
and the way your body actually functions in the capacity of a man versus a woman
- none of these are guaranteed to resist the inevitable erosion that sets in as you age.

As this is such an important topic I felt compelled to go ahead and prepare an addition
special report for you on this topic.

Simply click on the following link and you'll be taken to a page where you can
download my ebook "When You're Half The Man You Used To Be - And What To Do
About That..."


As the title suggests I'll tell you just WHY you are losing testosterone today at a rate
that, in the male population, has never been observed previously in history.

I'll explain what is going on with your body, what this means for your eroding sexual
prowess, and just what it is you need to start doing IMMEDIATELY to get your MOJO

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 75
By the time you've finished reading this report you'll have a complete understanding
of why you may no longer feel like the man you once were. You'll discover:

- Why you feel DEPLETED pretty much all the time.

- How your body is slowly and quietly being FEMINIZED.

- Why your male PASSIONS are being extinguished.

- And how to FIX these problems so you feel like a man once again!

Trust me, if you're a man of any age, this report will speak to you. You might not love
what you hear, but you WILL appreciate knowing the truth about what is happening
to your overall health. I think you'll also appreciate knowing exactly what steps you
can take to secure your manliness - while there's still time to do so!

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 76
Carolyn Hansen

arolyn Hansen is a noted Holistic
Health and Wellness Coach who
hails from Whangarei, New
Zealand where she owns an Anytime
Fitness Gym. She has gained a reputation
online as an authority on health,
exercise and weight loss matters and is
the author of several thousand health
and fitness articles along with eBooks
and programs that can be found here.

She has devoted more than three decades

to the fitness industry, both offline and
online, teaching people the simple
secrets to getting into better shape,
losing weight, and improving health.

Her main goal is to change the paradigm of health care from sickness care to wellness
care and will be showing people how to live longer, healthier lives while avoiding the
many mistaken beliefs and practices that diminish health and longevity.

She will encourage you to become stronger and stay that way through each decade
of your life, maintain your health, wellness and vitality and to ensure your health
span matches your life span.

male aging-what you need to know to reverse the trend Copyright Carolyn Hansen 77

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