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Block Valve
Control Valve
On-Off Valve
Safety   On-Off Valve  Valve
Control Valve   Block Valve


 ! "#  "$% & &
$ ' (% :   

 - % / )% /% ' 0 1$ 2 % .)*  %+ ) ,$% ) % ' ) ! $

: )*

! $ 5  6) 7  89+ -3

Throttling  ! $ ! # %< = -;

! $ "? "# ! ->

%  A$ "$)  B   AC -@

? /% E   E%F% - G0 ) A$ H I  ! $ 

J -D

C ) 6 .0)  - % % K 2 L  '  %) )# M C /% N) / N 0(%

:) N A< / OP % (% Q%F#% 6%  M *

- Body
- Bonnet
- Trim (Disk, Seat, Stem, internal elements)
- Actuator Bonnet
- Packing



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Mechanical Engineer (Piping)
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H I  (% I%) ! $ HI /%  "$% 2+ (%  S   (% $B   : Body

.S   (% Q%F#% < %G  ) N*

# 6T

/%   "$% 2+ )

$ N% .)S    (%  /  "2+ UB$ : Bonnet

.  N*
# 6T H I  (% I%) ! $ HI

.S   Disk, Seat, Stem & Sleeves  S  S    (%

I%) Q%F#% : Trim

 "2+ % .)*  - % (% 6S   /  2 6T 1$  "%

$ : Actuator

. 2 &(0   N)  OP  1$  $) OP %

Bonnet  Stem  N V /% (% I%) ! $  /% N*

# "# "$%
 : Packing

, W2X "2+ % Y# .(%

:(% M%%

1- Gate 7-Diaphragm
2- Globe 8- Pinch
3- Plug 9- Check
4- Ball 10-Safety/Relief
5-Needle 11-Reducing
6- Butterfly

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Mechanical Engineer (Piping)
Page 3 of 22

Gate Valve:

Stem Hand wheel



Disk Seat
  N%   9I ?  "$% N(%

) ,$% ) ! $ 6 #    6) /  

/  [\   X+ (% %   "% .)*  %+

&) &S ( ]20  S   FL  )

! $ 5 /% \
[   6)  - G0 ) 6T

"# 6% 2 (% % /% .  N*


.) ) ,$% ! $ 6) Throttle  AC

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Mechanical Engineer (Piping)
Page 4 of 22


Globe Valve:

Hand wheel



/   N%   9I ?  "$% N(%

 %+ ) ,$% ) ! $ N

 AC   6)

gate   < ) N2  N%%) (% % .)*

6T    "% (% % ` X /% .S   valve

) [ 0 * )I %  S   G) N 0(%  "5

"  /%  seat *)I `# ) / N 0  "%

&S Z M $ N%%) (% N% .S   6% packing

.S   N% %/  &S Y

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Mechanical Engineer (Piping)
Page 5 of 22

Angle Valve

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Mechanical Engineer (Piping)
Page 6 of 22


Ball Valve :

"#   %) ?  "$% N(%

! $ "?  8$ 6) /   

6) N ( .)*  %+ ) ,$% )

S  /  \
[   (%   G0 (% ')

) % ! $ "? % )   "% G]0

"# 6%  (% % /% ]20 . 2

 6%  ( % G) N %F /% .) ) ,$% (Globe Valve "+)   ( )! $ 

- G0 ) 6T 8$ EIL  N &e  S% H ?%  (   N fT 2 O%2X

.)  S% 6)   / 

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Mechanical Engineer (Piping)
Page 7 of 22

Plug Valve :

  %) ?  "$% N(%

"?  8$ 6) /    "#

(% % .)*  %+ ) ,$% ) ! $

)%X  6S   /   N)% ) h%

 %+ ) ,$% ) )*  - % ) /

 AC "# 6% 2 (% % /% .)*

% 6T ') &S ()  .) ) ,$%

.)%) N) / )   )%) %+ ) ,$% ) Multiport OP 6%  % (% M

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Mechanical Engineer (Piping)
Page 8 of 22


Diaphragm Valve :

Straight Through Diaphragm Valve

Weir Diaphragm Valve

) ,$% ) ! $ N
 AC   6) /   N%   9I ?  "$% N(%

2*% ) N 0S .))*  ) ,$% i

 "#  6T Weir-Type M /% .)*  %+

(% /% N5 ! $  5  N)%   %)% OW $  Slurry I OW $ "# 

.S   '$W Y# /%  0(% /% G% A*% ) .)*  %+ ) ,$% ) )S )(T

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Mechanical Engineer (Piping)
Page 9 of 22

Butterfly Valve :

  "#   %) ?  "$% N(%

) ! $ (j+) 6%])N

 AC   6) / 

 #) kl EIL ( .)*  %+ ) ,$%

/  "( ?   "( ? /% % (% % 6%  " 

0(% G) M%%  "5 (% % "F .) 5

O%2X ) "($  ) ,$% ) N V 6/ )

% /% ) ,$% mF 0F $ ) &n S   6T

/% ) ,$% .S  
2   7  6< (%

) ,$% .S   Slurry N 0 6 #  A N 0  ) 8   / * ! <% o9I N  (% %

.)S 2 7  ()  W  N 0  ) (% % /%

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Mechanical Engineer (Piping)
Page 10 of 22


Needle Valve:
  OP ! $ N
 !  X+% ) /$ (%

q PJ /% .))*  ) ,$% S  /  ) j+)

stem N % ) 
  '  &S /$ "2+ (% %

 Y,% I%) ) 6/$ % "?  .S   6T

6 # 5  % ) S ) % r9$ seat  o

! $ N
  )     E0    E%F%

.))*  !

Check Valve

Piston Type

Lift check valves(Ball)

Lift check valves(Disk)

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Mechanical Engineer (Piping)
Page 11 of 22

Swing check valve

Butterfly check valves

Tilting disk check valve

Stop check valve
'  (% Globe ' /% 5 (% %
 N)% ) .S 5 Lift check valve
(%   S      s0
 ) \ [   %T  $ disk  stem
' 6%X 6T 6)%) %+ s0 *% .)/ $
(% $) 6) /   S  & S
) % disk  *
7  disk /% stem
. "? stem  seat  N V

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Mechanical Engineer (Piping)
Page 12 of 22


 (( o9I ) 6T
7%   "5 ! $ "* /% N*
# "# & N 0S

7% M%% /% .*  %+ ) ,$% ) 0$t2  0 u2B 5+ /% %F #I

9& N 0S .)  S% Swing, Lift, Piston,Tilting-disk,Butterfly,Stop  6% 

   ! $ 6 # N)2 "( ? ) `P O7 ) .*  %+ <% o9I ) W[ 7%

M /%     6 #  B  W  /% N)2 "( ? ) ! $ &7 ) )S  W  "2$

.() ) ,$% Butterfly  B

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Mechanical Engineer (Piping)
Page 13 of 22

Gate Valve Globe Valve

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Mechanical Engineer (Piping)
Page 14 of 22


On-Off Valve

Butterfly on-off valve Ball on-off valve

.)S  ) ,$% 0(% on-off /% S  6 #  8$    6) /  s0   G0

%  0(% on-off ]20 .)*  O7 DCS A$ 1$ ! K % /%   %

) (% Butterfly  (% Ball .S    /  Logic v I 1%S "w  ' % OP

/ ' % 6)   /  N% F Slide M /% .S   0(% G% /%
7% M

$ A$ ' 1$ (% EIL N .)S  ) ,$%  # N ? N 0

0(% % 6B  

$ A$ .)S    '(0 [ 0 *   %0   /% ) ,$% 

(Fail /    (Fail Close)  ' % 9 j+) %F% N%0 89+   )S  ?%n G

.S Open)

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Mechanical Engineer (Piping)
Page 15 of 22

Control Valve
) .))*  ) ,$% (% ! /% S  ...  r9$  )   
 ' % ! s0 +

/% ) ,$%   %B% 1$ &T N #  ! $ 6 # AC  Throttling 2 0(% %

.)xB  - % Actuator /% ) ,$%   ! A$ 1$ )* - % Hand Wheel

 f J% Globe M /%  0(% ! S   6 # j+) ! s0 &T (

.))*  ) ,$% v I )% ) F Butterfly  Needle   0(% G) M%% /% .S

:"$% S & /

7% Q%F#% /% (% ! '

! G$ * 6T ,y  )S  ,* I to P [ ?\97%  : I/P Positioner -3

  0.2~1barg W[ 7% ) "$% N   6T 5  ! K % /% 4~20mA

%+ (0~100%  )/  ) "X+ ) % (% Actuator  ! 2 %   ( 0.4~2barg


  /  z  ? -/W N     "$% +   &(0 N) 

$ ' : Actuator -;

 (% 6S  z    ! 2 %) Direct-Acting OP % 

$ % .))*  (% S

( Fail close ))*  (% 6S /  z    ! 2 %) Reverse-Acting   ( Fail open ))*

.))* ?%n

.S   $) N 0(%   [ 5<  S   (%

7%  : Valve Body ->

.0)  6  % (% ! {

J N 2+ @-@  3-@ N 

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Mechanical Engineer (Piping)
Page 16 of 22


Sliding Stem  (% ! '

7% Q%F#% : a- &S

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Reverse-Acting "( ?  N)  M /% Actuator : b- &S

Globe M /% (% ! '  : g- &S

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Mechanical Engineer (Piping)
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I/P Positioner Type 3767 Samsom Co. : - &S

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Mechanical Engineer (Piping)
Page 19 of 22

Characteristics Control Valve Flow     

PJ % .S   6T 6)   /  6%F  (% /% N5 N

  "% 9% (% ! N

6  D-@ &S )  S  Equal percentage, Linear, Quick opening M $ /% &  % 

."$% S )%)

(% ! N
 PJ : ^- &S

 # (% % .  5 6T /% 

 /% N) / %< (% ! (% 6) /   :Quick opening -

Safety   S  (% 6S /  (% O Cw( ) 

 /% N) / %< 6) H I s0  )S  ) ,$%

. 0 Valve

"%   # ) .S   6T S   /  6%F  `$  9I 9 (% /% N5 N

 : Linear -
.)S  ) ,$% M % /% S  " | (% $ )  

%;l ? ) (% %Dl 6) /   &n S 5 A (% 6) /   %% ) N5 N
 %< :EQ% -

.   E%F% (% /% 5 N

 "  %Dl /% % (%  6) /   .  5 6T /% 

) S  8$ 
 ! ~   ) = (% $ )   "%  ))*  ) ,$%  # ) M %

) ,$% (% M % /%    ! "( ? ) .(S  9 ) / ~  A0  A ~ ) A0 


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%+ ) ,$% ) 

  r9$ ! ) (% ! N
 PJ f J% "# 20% ' N%X / !%#

Liquid Level Systems
Best Inherent
Control Valve Pressure Drop Characteristic
Constant P Linear
Decreasing P with Increasing Load, P at Maximum Load > 20%
of Minimum Load P Linear

Decreasing P with Increasing Load, P at Maximum Load < 20%

of Minimum Load P Equal Percentage

Increasing P with Increasing Load, P at Maximum Load < 200%

of Minimum Load P Linear

Increasing P with Increasing Load, P at Maximum Load > 200%

of Minimum Load P Quick Opening

Flow Control Processes

Small Range of Flow but
MENT SIGNAL TO RELATION TO Wide Range of Large P Change at Valve
CONTROLLER MEASURING Flow Set Point with Increasing Load
Proportional To In Series Linear Equal Percentage
Flow In Bypass(1) Linear Equal Percentage
In Series Linear Equal Percentage
Proportional To
Flow Squared In Bypass(1) Equal Equal Percentage
1. When control valve closes, flow rate increases in measuring element.

Valve sizing coefficient (Cv)

 5 (% I%) /%   "% 1psi Q%/%   60 oF N ) ) fT U.S gallons/min %< : Cv


O X  N% (% /% N5 6 # 5$ w

Eng. Unit
Q yCv
Q[ ] gpm , 'P[ ] psi , S : Specific Gravity , y 0 ~ 1(opening fraction)
SI Unit
Q yK v
Q[ ] , 'P[ ]bar , S : Specific Gravity , y 0 ~ 1(opening fraction)

Kv 0.865Cv

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Mechanical Engineer (Piping)
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10000 kg/h %< /  50% "( ? ) %  N(% ! Cv %< 5$ w : ! h

  s\I% Q%/%  % 500 kg/m3 %)  40 barg    30 oC ) ) 8  


.0) 5 2 bar

: ?

Q 500
Kv 20
'P 2
y 0.5 u
S 0.5
Cv 23.12

/% N5 N
 (% $ )   "% E%F%   0)  6  (% ! ) 
 5$ w 9%

"%  S   %+ +  `$  % ( .(S  " | y &7 ) )    E%F% (%

.S  $ )I h%? 6%F   


'Pmax 'P

% .%  K ,% Choking B 8  6S  J |% ) OP% ) )S 'P t 'Pmax *%

.))*  (%  /% z   ) ) / N%7  %20 B

.)S  5$ w / 9% 1$ O X  )   "% h%?

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Mechanical Engineer (Piping)
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'Pmax FL2 P1  FF Pv
FF 0.96  0.28
FL : Rated liquid pressure recovery,dimensionless # 0.8 ~ 0.93 for globe valve
Pv : Vapor pressure absolute of liquid at inlet temperature
Pc : Absolute thermodynamic critical pressure

:  "$% %   "% h%? %< K ! h )

Pv 13.26 bara
Pc 46.12 bara
FF 0.96  0.28 0.81
'Pmax 0.92 41  0.81 u 13.26 24.5 bar

Pr. By:H.Mottaghi Http://www.Pipingteam.com
Mechanical Engineer (Piping)

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