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Sample Paper 1 Solution

TN State Board
Class IX Science
Term 3
Sample Paper 1 Solution


1. P V = K
According to Boyle's law, the temperature remaining constant, the volume of a
given mass of a dry gas is inversely proportional to its pressure.
P V = K = Constant

2. During the day

During the day, the land is hotter than the sea, so the hot air from the land rises
and sea breeze moves towards the land.

3. Rate of doing work

Power is the rate of doing work.
Work done
i.e. Power

4. L = Q/m
Thus, L = Q/m

5. Cork
Cork or the bark of the tree is found only in the older stem.

6. Blue black
Leaves change their colour to blue black after treatment with ethanol and iodine.
This indicates the presence of starch.

7. Alcohol
Alcohol is an intoxicating constituent of wine, beer and spirits.

8. UV rays
Ultraviolet radiations emitted from the Sun are harmful if they reach the Earth
and can cause several diseases.

9. Chemotropism
The growth of the pollen tube towards the ovule is due to certain chemicals.

10. Bubble packets

Bubble packets cannot be decomposed and mixed into the soil. They remain in
their original form even after some years and pollute the environment.
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11. Sodium
In interstitial alloys, atoms of non-metals generally occupy holes in the crystal
structure of other metals. Further, they must be small so that they can easily
occupy holes in the crystal structure of other metals. Sodium is a metal and has
a large size.

12. 2400 J
Energy consumed, E
Power, P
Time, T
E 2400 joules

13. [Li, Na, K]

In Dobereiner's triads, three elements are placed according to their increasing
atomic masses in which the atomic mass of the middle element is roughly the
average of the other two elements.
The atomic mass of Na (23) is the average of the atomic masses of Li (7) and K
The other triads are
Li Ca Cl
Na Sr Br

K Ba I

14. Four
Chlorine needs one electron and carbon needs four electrons to acquire the octet
configuration. So, the carbon atom will share one electron each with four
chlorine atoms to form four covalent bonds resulting in the formation of carbon

15. 7
There are seven covalent bonds in ethaneone CC single bond and six CH
single bonds.

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16. Work done, W = 2500 J

Distance, s = 50 m
2500 = F 50
F = 50 N

17. Given:
P1 = 800 mmHg
P2 = 120 mmHg
V1 = 240 ml
V2 = ?
Applying Boyles law,
P1V1 = P2V2
Substituting the values, we get
800 240
V2 160
Hence, the new volume is 160 ml.
Energy Power
Energy of a body is its capacity to do Power is the rate of doing work.
The SI unit of energy is joule. The SI unit of power is watt.

ii. Work and energy are expressed in erg.

19. The amount of work done when a force of one newton acting on an object
displaces through a distance of one metre along its own direction is called one
1 joule = 1 newton 1 metre

20. The molecules in a gas are in a continuous motion in all possible directions in
the complete space available within the container. Their movement is restricted
only by the walls of the container. Hence, a gas can fill the space completely
within a container.

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21. Given:

Q = 90,400 J
L = 2260 J/g
m 40 g
40 g of water at 100C must be heated to form steam.

22. The kilowatt hour is a unit of energy.

1 kilowatt hour = 1000 W 3600 s
= 3.6 106 Ws
= 3.6 106 joules
It is the energy used in one hour at the rate of 1000 J/s.

23. Alcoholism can be treated by drug therapy.

Medicines such as benzodiazepines, high doses of vitamin B and antidepressants
(such as phenothiazines) are effective drugs for the recovery of alcohol

24. If a potted plant is over-watered for a long time, then the plant may die because
too much water expels all the air from in between the soil particles, and water is
not available for aerobic respiration.

25. Carbohydrates are formed during the process of photosynthesis in plants. The
equation which summarises the process is as follows:
6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2
(a) Parenchyma is depicted in the figure.

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27. Harmful effects of noise:

i. Adverse effect on heartbeat, breathing and constriction of blood vessels.
ii. Damage to the eardrums resulting in temporary or permanent loss of

28. The stem of a plant always shows negative geotropism, i.e. it grows upwards
against the pull of gravity. This movement of the stem exposes the leaves so
that they are able to attain maximum sunlight.

29. If the water content of leaves decreases because of insufficient absorption of

water by roots, then the plant cells attain flaccidity. This leads to the closing of
stomata. At the same time, the rate of transpiration exceeds the rate of
absorption of water by roots, leaving plants with very less water content. Hence,
they wilt.

30. Liver cirrhosis is a condition in which the liver is not able to regenerate its cells
when they are damaged. Heavy alcohol use over several years can cause liver
cirrhosis and ultimately death.

31. Two ways by which carbon dioxide can be fixed in nature:

i. Carbon dioxide is fixed by plants during photosynthesis.

ii. Dissolved carbon dioxide is used by many marine animals to make their
carbonate shells.

32. Domestic sewage contains a large amount of organic matter which supports the
growth of aquatic algae resulting in algal bloom. As a result of algal bloom, the
oxygen content of water bodies reduces resulting in the death of aquatic
organisms. This disrupts the aquatic food chain causing an imbalance in aquatic

33. Covalent compounds are made of electrically neutral molecules. So, the force of
attraction between the molecules of a covalent compound is very weak. Only a
small amount of heat energy is required to break these weak molecular forces,
because of which covalent compounds have low melting and boiling points.

34. Polar solvents such as water decrease the electrostatic forces of attraction,
resulting in free ions in aqueous solution. Hence, ionic compounds dissolve in
polar solvents. Non-polar solvents such as kerosene and benzene are not
capable of dissolving ionic solids because they cannot decrease the forces of
attraction between the ions. Hence, ionic compounds are soluble in polar
solvents and insoluble in non-polar solvents.

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35. Composition of alloys

There are two types of alloys. They are substitutional and interstitial alloys.
Substitutional alloys

In substitutional alloys, atoms of one metal randomly take the place of atoms of
another metal.
Interstitial alloys

In interstitial alloys, small non-metallic atoms such as H (Hydrogen), B (Boron),

C (Carbon) and N (Nitrogen) occupy the holes in the crystal structure of the

36. Limitations of Newlands' law of octaves:

The law was applicable to elements up to Calcium (Ca) only.
It contained only 56 elements. Further, it was assumed by Newlands that only
56 elements existed in nature and no more elements would be discovered in the
To fit elements into the table, Newlands adjusted two elements in the same slot
and put some unlike elements under the same note. For example, Iron, which
resembles Cobalt and Nickel in properties, has been placed away from these

37. Hydrogen forms both positive ions such as alkali metals (group 1) and negative
ions such as halogens (group 7).
Thus, it can be placed in both group 1 and group 7. In Mendeleevs periodic
table, the position of hydrogen was not clear.

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38. When the shared pair of electrons is not at equal distances between the two
atoms, the compounds are said to be polar covalent compounds resulting in the
development of fractional positive and negative charges on them.

In hydrogen chloride, the strong nuclear charge of the chlorine atom attracts the
shared electron pair towards itself, and in this process, a slight negative charge
() is developed on it. On the other hand, hydrogen atom develops a slight
positive charge (+). Therefore, a polar covalent bond is formed. This is shown

39. Conditions for the formation of coordinate bond:

One of the two atoms must have at least one lone pair of electrons. Examples:
Ammonia (NH3), water (H2O)
Another atom should be short of at least one lone pair of electrons. Example:
Hydrogen ion (H+)

40. Important properties of covalent compounds:

Substances with covalent bonds often exist in the liquid or gaseous state with
low melting and boiling points.
Covalent compounds are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents.
They are non-conductors of electricity in the solid, molten or aqueous state
because of the absence of free ions.
Covalent compounds are unstable, and they have low density.

(a) Aqua regia: It is a freshly prepared mixture of concentrated hydrochloric acid
and concentrated nitric acid in the ratio of 3:1.
(b) Ionic compounds: The compounds formed by complete transference of
electrons from a metal to a non-metal are known as ionic compounds.

42. The element is in the second group. Thus, its valency is 2.

Oxygen has a valency of 2 in its oxides.
Thus, the formula of element Z oxide is ZO.

43. Given:
Force, F = 10 N
Distance, s = 2 m
Work done, W = ?
W = Fs
W = 10 N 2 m = 20 J
The work done by the force is 20 J.

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44. Boyle's law: At constant temperature, the volume of a given mass of a dry gas is
inversely proportional to its pressure.
V (T cons tan t)
PV K cons tan t
P1V1 P2 V2 K (T cons tan t)

45. A bullet fired from a gun possesses a large kinetic energy because of its high
velocity. When it strikes the target, part of its kinetic energy is transformed into
heat because of which the target becomes hot.

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46. The climbing organs of climbing plants with weak stems are called tendrils.
Tendrils are thin, thread-like growths on the stems or leaves of climbing plants.
These are sensitive to touch or contact with other objects. When a tendril
touches an object, the side of the tendril in contact with the object grows slower
than its other side. This causes the tendril to bend towards the object by
growing towards it, wind around the object and cling to it. The winding
movement of the tendril of a climbing plant is an example of thigmotropism.

a) We should eat more fresh fibre-rich fruits and vegetables.
b) We should avoid deep-fried food.
c) We should eat boiled food more often.
d) We should eat less mutton and beef.
e) We should reduce butter, cheese, dietary sugars and chocolate.


Meristematic tissues Permanent tissues

1. Cells of this tissue divide 1. Cells of this tissue do not divide
repeatedly. and are derived from the
meristematic tissues.
2. The cells are not differentiated. 2. The cells are differentiated.
3. The cells are isodiametric. 3. The cells are variable in shape.
4. Vacuoles are not present. 4. In mature cells, large vacuoles are

(b) The three types of meristematic tissues are apical meristems, lateral
meristems and intercalary meristems.

a) An oil spill affects the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of
water and land.
b) The oil floating on top of the water reduces the penetration of sunlight,
limiting photosynthesis by marine plants and phytoplanktons.
c) The oil also drenches the plumage of birds and impairs their ability to fly and
escape from predators.
d) The oil which covers the coats of aquatic mammals such as seals can reduce
their heat insulation capacity, resulting in hypothermia.
e) Crude oil is also carcinogenic.

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50. Dobereiner's triads: Johann Wolfgang Dobereiner, a German chemist,

classified the known elements in groups of three elements on the basis of
similarities in their properties in the order of increasing atomic masses. These
groups were called triads.

Characteristics of Dobereiners triads

Properties of elements in each triad are similar.
The atomic mass of the middle element is roughly the average of the atomic
masses of the other two elements.

Example of Dobereiners triads

Atomic Atomic
Element Element
mass mass
Lithium (Li) 6.9 Calcium (Ca) 40.1
Sodium (Na) 23.0 Strontium (Sr) 87.6
Potassium (K) 39.0 Barium (Ba) 137.3

Limitations of Dobereiner's triads:

The main limitation of Dobereiner's classification of elements was that it failed
to arrange all the known elements in the form of triads of elements with similar
chemical properties. Dobereiner could identify only three triads from the
elements known at that time. So, his classification of elements was not much
successful. Another limitation was that Dobereiner failed to explain the relation
between atomic masses of elements and their chemical properties.

51. Formation of electrovalent compounds

A metallic atom loses electrons to attain the stable electronic configuration and
becomes a cation.


Na Na
2, 8, 1 2, 8
(Neutral) (Cation)

A non-metallic atom gains electrons to attain the stable electronic configuration

and becomes an anion.

Cl Cl
2, 8, 7 2, 8, 8
(Neutral) (Anion)

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Cations and anions are oppositely charged particles which attract one another to
form an electrovalent bond leading to the formation of an electrovalent

Formation of sodium chloride

Ionic equation
Na 1e Na+
(2, 8, 1) (2, 8)

Cl + 1e Cl
(2, 8, 7) (2, 8, 8)

Na + Cl Na+ Cl NaCl

Electron dot structural diagram

Atomic or orbit structural diagram

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i. The work done is positive when the force acting on the body and the
displacement of the body have the same direction.
ii. The work done is positive when the force acting on the body and the
displacement of the body have opposite directions.
iii. The work done is zero when there is no displacement of the body because of
the applied force or when the force acting on the body and the displacement of
the body are perpendicular to each other.

(b) Consider a case in which the displacement of a body is in the direction of the
force (F) applied on the body as shown in the figure given below.

In this case, the work done by the force is given by

W = Magnitude of the force (F) distance covered by the body in the direction
of the force.
Thus, W = Fs

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(a) Phase (1) represents the melting phase and phase (2) represents the boiling

(b) Given:
Initial volume of gas, V1 = 400 cm3
Initial pressure of gas P1 = 520 mmHg
The 30% of initial pressure = 520 = 156
Final pressure P2 = 156 + 520 = 676 mmHg
P1V1 = P2V2
520 400 = 676 V2
520 400
V2 307.69 cm3

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