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For Software Development & Testing Professionals to run on Dot Net based Websites.
Author: Vikram Singh
Email: vikramsinghkalsi@gmail.com

Homepage (header & footer)

1) Buttons should be linked with their particular pages

2) Check for broken links & sub-links
3) XHTML & CSS links should be validated.
4) Advertisements/Banner ads should be linked with the valid url/expected url.
5) Tool-tips should speak the same text when on user action hovering mouse.
6) GUI & Design issues: Check this page in multiple browsers like IE-7, Mozilla(latest
7) If Homepage contains an image or link like twitter, facebook etc, they should be linked
with their particular pages.
8) Search text box with go button:
a) If Search text box is left blank & press enter message should come saying” Please
enter the data”.
b) If Search text box is filled with valid data, then it should show results along with the
tabs(Category wise) keyword found with label on the top saying “4 Matching result
found for: test.

Contact Us

1) Mandatory fields should be marked with asterisk & if that field is skipped on submit alert
message should come.
2) Alert Messages text format should be like “Please enter your Name”.
3) Buttons like Submit button should submit the entered data provided that if mandatory
field(s) skipped, then alert message should come & Reset button should clear all the
4) Email Address field must allow data like “admin.testing@testing.co.uk”.
5) Drop down values should be as per specs.
a) By default on page load “Please Select” or “Select One” should come.
b) Values should be as provided in the specs.
c) In Edit mode it should retain the value selected by the user.
d) Check Drop down functionality in multiple browsers like IE-7, Mozilla(latest version).
6. In case of multiple value selection help text should say “Press ctrl button to select
multiple values”.
7. Check boxes:
a) By default value on page load as checked/un-checked will depend upon the
b) In Edit mode should retain the value selected by the user.
Email: vikramsinghkalsi@gmail.com
For Software Development & Testing Professionals to run on Dot Net based Websites.
Author: Vikram Singh
Email: vikramsinghkalsi@gmail.com

c) Check functionality of check boxes in multiple browsers like IE-7, Mozilla(latest

8. Calendar Control:
a) On page load calendar text should be blank and in read only mode.
b) Date format should be dd-mm-yyyy.
c) In Edit mode page should retain the value selected by the user.
d) Check Calendar controls in multiple browsers like IE-7, Mozilla(latest version).
9. Radio button:
a) By default value on page load should be ‘none of the option should be selected’,
when user will select then radio button option then option should be selected.
b) In edit mode it should retain the value selected by the user.
c) Check Radio button controls in multiple browsers like IE-7, Mozilla(latest version).
10. Tool-tip text should speak the same name on which user is hovering mouse.
11. GUI & Design issues: Check this page in multiple browsers like IE-7, Mozilla(latest

Site Map
1. Site map link should be linked properly with the sitemap.aspx
2. Site map page should show all the active articles, categories and No parent article
3. Tool-tip text should speak the same name on which user is hovering mouse.
4. Categories/No parent/Articles: Check for the spelling mistake in their title name.
5. Articles should be linked properly with their particular pages.
6. Add/Edit from admin side should have the same impact when seen from Site map. For
ex. add/edit article, category or no parent.
7. GUI & Design issues: Check this page in multiple browsers like IE-7, Mozilla (latest

Gallery page: admin side/client side (for: Video/Image)

1. Save the uploaded image in two sizes :

- One as a thumbnail image size Pixel 200 X 200. (or as suggested by client/specs)
- Another one as original image size not more than 1024 X 768 (or as suggested by
2. Add/Edit images from admin should show the same impact on the front end.
3. Thumbnail Image:
a) Size should be as per specs. For Ex. if it is 200 X 200, then right click on thumbnail
image view properties should show pixels as: 200 width X 200 height.
b) Hovering mouse (+) zoom control should come. It should show the original image.

Email: vikramsinghkalsi@gmail.com
For Software Development & Testing Professionals to run on Dot Net based Websites.
Author: Vikram Singh
Email: vikramsinghkalsi@gmail.com

c) (-) Minimize or (X) Close button: To Minimize an original size image to thumbnail size
either from these controls should be implemented.
4. Original/Full size image:
a) Size should be as per specs.
b) Size should be as per specs. For Ex. if it is 800 X 600, then right click on thumbnail
image view properties should show pixels as: 800 width X 600 height.
5. (For Image/Video Gallery): Paging and filters to show them on page should work
a) On 1st page Back button and on last page Next button should be hidden.
b) If Records per page: “*5” page “*1” of 3 (11 records), * both the drop downs should
give the effective results as per selection criteria.
6. Videos:
a) Help text should be written saying “Please double click on the video to view.”
b) Add/Edit Video from admin should show the same impact on the front end.
7. GUI & Design issues: Check this page in multiple browsers like IE-7, Mozilla (latest

Manage Website

1. Add New Category page:

a) Check for the spelling mistake.
b) Category Name text box is a Mandatory field should be marked with asterisk & if
that field is skipped on submit alert message should come.
c) Next, Previous button should be linked properly.
d) “Active” field checkbox by default on page should be un-checked.
e) When Category “Active” check box is checked then only it should be active at the
front end side.
2. Add Article page:
a) When radio button is on category, it should show all the categories created with
active edit and delete options in a grid view.
- Active: if the status is Y then it is said to be active and published at client side.
- Edit: option should allow user to edit page name and Active status (check or
- If edited/updated then message should come saying “Category has been
updated successfully”
- Delete: option is clicked then alert message should come saying “Are you
sure you want to delete” with ok (will delete the category) and cancel (not
delete the category) button.
b) On page load by default “Please Select” should come.

Email: vikramsinghkalsi@gmail.com
For Software Development & Testing Professionals to run on Dot Net based Websites.
Author: Vikram Singh
Email: vikramsinghkalsi@gmail.com

c) Drop down will list all the existing/categories already created.

d) Delete icon: when user press delete icon article should be deleted and message
should come saying “Article has been deleted successfully”.
e) Edit Icon: When user will press on Edit button article should open in an edit
mode. Changes done should reflect on the client side as well.
f) Paging: paging control should work properly. By default 10 articles should be
g) Sorting: sorting controls should be given for the “Page Name”, “Page Type” and
“Description” fields. Alphabetically from A-Z and from Z-A.
h) Search: text box, when keywords enter in the search text box results should
come accordingly.
i) After Selecting existing categories from the drop down and article template if we
press previous button all the selected values should be retain in a flow.
j) Previous button should take user one step earlier to the present step.
k) Addpage.aspx - Page Name field should be mandatory field asterisk should be
marked for mandatory. If User skip this field and try to press “Submit” or “Save
Page” button alert message should come saying “Please enter page name”.
l) Browse Image: Non mandatory field if user skips this step by default no image
should be shown in thumbnail size both at the admin and client side.
m) Selecting an image from ‘Gallery’ by selecting radio button ‘Gallery’ option under
‘Browse Small Image’ drop down list will populate all the existing images with
their names. On clicking an image name should get selected.
n) Description: wyswyg editor,
- Tool tip for the controls should speak on hovering mouse over an editor.
- Bullets, Paragraph and styles should give the same response in both IE-7 and
Mozilla Internet browser.
- Content entered in an editor either by writing manually or copy paste should
be shown consistent in IE-7 and Mozilla browsers.
o) Active: check box
- By default on page load active check box should be un-checked.
- When it is checked then only article should be shown at the client side.
p) Addpage.aspx in edit mode:
- In edit mode page should retain the same value as entered at the time of
- Uploaded image should be shown in a thumbnail size only (as per specs.).
- If we right click on thumbnail image to view properties it should show
thumbnail image size pixels only not an original image.

Email: vikramsinghkalsi@gmail.com
For Software Development & Testing Professionals to run on Dot Net based Websites.
Author: Vikram Singh
Email: vikramsinghkalsi@gmail.com

- Link should come saying “View Image”. That will populate original image
3. Manage Documents:
a) Add Document page:
- Document Name (mandatory field)-asterisk should come and if user will skip
this step then alert message should come.
- Description: should be non mandatory field, should be of 500 char. Max.
- Help text should be written saying “Please upload these formats pdf, jpeg,
bmp, gif, doc. docx, xls etc only”
- ‘Select File’ or ‘Browse’: pdf, jpeg, bmp, gif, doc. docx, xls etc formats should
be allowed to upload.
- Set Active: By default on page load this should be unchecked. When it is
checked or active then only document should be active.
4. Manage Email:
a) According to the requirement “Email Type:” columns should be created
associated with “Email To”, “Email cc”, “Email Bcc”option. Email format like
vikram.uk@fiverivers.co.uk should be allowed.
b) Edit icon should open options for user to enter the emails in “Email To”, “Email
cc”, “Email Bcc”.
c) Update: edit/update option and on successfully message should come saying
“Email address updated successfully”.
5. Change Password:
a) Options should be given for a user to change the old password to a new
b) Password enter should be shown in the encrypted form.
c) Help text should be written “(Please enter at least 6 characters and no space is
d) Alert message should come when New Password: & Confirm Password: entered
does not match.
e) On successfully changing message should be shown to the user saying “Password has
been changed successfully”.

Email: vikramsinghkalsi@gmail.com

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