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MARSHALL, JOHN [P254] --- M955

1950-2001 A Kalahari family.

Bosquimanos Kalahari Ju/'hoansi Indgenas actuales frica Aculturacin
Mitos alteridad Antropologa visual
[extrado del trailer del documental, disponible en el enlace]

El trailer comienza con un bosquimano actual de avanzada edad, vestido a la occidental, dirigindose
a la cmara en su propia lengua, que se nos traduce mediante subttulos:

I want to tell you something: one kind of film lies, another tells the truth. Today films that
show us wearing skins and living in the bush are lies.

Cambia la escena y la voz en off del autor contesta:

but less than fifty years ago, such films were not lies

Y ms tarde contina el bosquimano:

There are two kinds of films. Films that shows us in skins are lies. Films that tell the truth
show us with cattle, with farms, with our own water, making our own plans.

Ms adelante, un joven bosquimano declara ante la cmara:

This whites are doing badly for us. They want us to stay backward. They dont want us to go
forward and decide for ourselves. They want us to stay back.

Otro bosquimano, dirigindose a un grupo de bosquimanos:

Our farms are the important things. Farming can develop us. Our gardens, our cattle, the
things we own ourselves can support us and lift us up. So we can lift ourselves up.

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