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Contact Stress Analysis in WheelRail

by Hertzian Method and Finite Element


J.P.Srivastava, P.K.Sarkar & V.Ranjan

Journal of The Institution of

Engineers (India): Series C
Mechanical, Production, Aerospace and
Marine Engineering

ISSN 2250-0545

J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C

DOI 10.1007/s40032-014-0145-x

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J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C
DOI 10.1007/s40032-014-0145-x


Contact Stress Analysis in WheelRail by Hertzian Method

and Finite Element Method
J. P. Srivastava P. K. Sarkar V. Ranjan

Received: 2 March 2014 / Accepted: 30 July 2014

The Institution of Engineers (India) 2014

Abstract Safety and economy of railway traffic is enor- Introduction

mously influenced by the contact stress variation caused by
wheel rail contact profile changes. A change in designed The wheelrail contact is the foundation of all research
surface topology may result from wear that brings in a wide related to vehicle-track interaction. This tiny interface
change in contact geometry and stresses. To study the governs the dynamic performance of rail vehicles through
influence of interacting wheel and rail profile topology of the loads it transmits and, like any high stress concentration
standard rail UIC60, the standard wheel profile as per zone, it is subjected to serious damage phenomena. Thus, a
Indian Railway standards are considered in this paper. Rail clear understanding of the rolling contact between wheel
profile radii, wheel profile radii and wheel profile taper are and rail is a key to realistic vehicle dynamic simulation and
chosen for six different values. The analytical formulation damage analyses. The majority of research of contact
is based on Timoshenkos approach and Finite Element interacting in the pair of wheelrail has been carried out
Method (FEM) based simulation of the problems is with usage of the approach of Hertz [2]. Earlier many
undertaken. With these tools, distribution of contact zones, authors have designed analytical approach based on Hertz
contact stress and contact pressure for different configu- theory to analyze the contact between the interacting wheel
ration of the wheel and rail profiles are obtained. The mesh rail profiles. Many researchers have [3] developed an
density in contact region is found to have a direct influence approach to solve Hertz equation for contact dimension,
on the accuracy of the solution [1]. To standardize the contact pressure and penetration. The researchers have
analysis of the contact region, mesh with an element size of attempted to simplify numerically the solution of the
1 mm for all the configurations are chosen. Using stress elliptic integral by approaching the ratio of elliptic axis.
response obtained through FEM analysis and multiaxial Tanaka established a new method to calculate elliptical
fatigue crack initiation model, the effects of vertical load- Hertz contact pressure in which the calculation of elliptic
ing on fatigue crack initiation life are investigated. This integral is not necessary [4]. Subsequently, an approximate
may allow a direct design application for railways in of Hertzian contact model has been obtained by replacing
particular. the elliptical integral with polynomial approximation [5].
The researchers have introduced a new method to simplify
Keywords Hertz contact  FEM  Wheelrail  the elliptical integral to become simpler and the result
Contact dimensions  Contact profile  Contact pressure shows a good correlation with the theoretical results.
Beside using analyticalnumerical approximation, Hertzian
contact problem solution in wheel rail contact has been
done using FEM [6] in the year 2000, the contact pressure
calculation has been compared using three methods i.e.,
Hertz theory, FEM and program contact from Kalker.
J. P. Srivastava (&)  P. K. Sarkar  V. Ranjan
Then, the influence of interacting wheel and rail profiles on
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian School of Mines,
Dhanbad, Jharkhand 826004, India the distribution of contact zones and stresses has been
e-mail: jaysrvstv@gmail.com simulated [7] using FEM and quasi-Hertz method as well.

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J. Inst. Eng. India Ser. C

The scientists have [8] attempted to solve Hertzian contact The calculation of the contact areas requires knowledge
for small radius of curvature using analytical as well as of some geometric constants used in the above formulation.
finite element modeling to observe the variation of maxi- With respect to wheelrail configuration, the following
mum contact stress in rail with respect to the change in rail curvature combinations are related as:
radius of curvature. With the passage of time, contacting  
1 1 1 1 1
profiles of wheel and rail undergoes wear. It involves both AB 4
2 R11 R12 R22 R21
plastic deformation and abrasion of surfaces. This paper "   
makes use of a full approach to the subject, starting with an 1 1 1 2 1 1 2
analytical approach of the wheel and rail contact based on BA  
2 R11 R12 R22 R21
Hertz theory of contact. Then finite element analysis is    1=2 5
carried out with a refinement of the mesh in the contact 1 1 1 1
2   cos 2w
zone to study the effect of variation of wheel rail profile R11 R12 R22 R21
parameters on the contact dimension, contact stress and where A and B are positive constants. R11, R12, R21 and R22
contact pressure. Stress analysis is performed and fatigue are defined as the principal relative radii of curvature,
damage in railroad is evaluated numerically using multi- represented pictorially in Fig. 2, where R11 is the rolling
axial fatigue crack initiation model. radius of curvature of the wheel, R12 is the radius of the
wheel profile, which goes to infinity for a conical wheel,
R21 is the radius of the runway which is infinity in this case
Mathematical Model for WheelRail Contact and R22 is the radius of curvature of the rail in the plane of
cross section. a
Theoretical basis for steady state wheelrail rolling contact The ellipticity parameter
A b is related to geometrical
conditions are contained within assumptions of Hertzian parameter B by means of the coefficients m and n.
Contact Theory, named after German scientist Heinrich From the notation, cos h B A
Hertz, who developed it in 1882. Theory of elastic defor- AB the values of m and n for
various values of h are calculated using the tables [11]. By
mation is used to calculate contact geometry and contact means of the best curve fitting method shown in Figs. 3 and
stresses. According to the researchers [9], if two elastic 4, the intermediate values are calculated using regression
nonconforming bodies are pressed together, then the con- given by:
tact area assumes elliptical shape with a semi major axis a
and a semi minor axis b. The distribution of the contact n 3E  05h2 0:0045h 0:334 6
pressure in this elliptical area as shown in Fig. 1 represents m 62:19h 0:914
a semi-ellipsoid, expressed as:
  The principal stresses at the centre of the surface of
x2 y2 contact are calculated as [12]:
P Po 1 2 2 1
a b b
r1 2lP0  1  2lP0 8
The semi axes of the elliptic boundary of the surface of ab
contact a, b are given by [10]: a
r2 2lP0  1  2lP0 9
3p PK1 K2 1=3
am 2 r3 P0 10
4 A B
3p PK1 K2 1=3
bn 3
4 A B

Fig. 2 Wheelrail configuration showing different principal relative

Fig. 1 Pressure distribution across elliptic area radii of curvature

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1 initial contact may occur on each part of the profile. Here,

Hertz coefficient, n
contact in the region of radii 300 is considered. With the
0.75 passage of time, abrasion of surfaces as well as plastic
deformation may lead to change in the profile radii. To study
0.5 their effect, six different profile radii are considered, i.e.,
principal radius of curvature is varied from 280 to 330 mm.
0.25 Wheel profile as per Indian Railway standard is con-
20 40 60 80 100
sidered [13]. The transverse wheel profile consists of a
sequence of circular arcs with three different radii, i.e.,
Fig. 3 Graph between Hertz coefficient,n against h 330, 100, 13 mm and a linear section with a taper of 1 in 20
as shown in Fig. 6. For the current analysis, the variation in
Hertz coefficient, m

3 the dimension of the circular arc of 330 mm for six dif-

2.5 ferent values i.e., from 300 to 360 mm and the wheel
2 profile taper varied for five different values ranging from 1
in 10 to 1 in 30 are considered.
20 40 60 80 100 FEA Procedure

Geometrical modeling was carried out in a CAD-environ-
Fig. 4 Graph between Hertz coefficient,m against h ment. The geometry was then imported to FE code ANSYS
as shown in Fig. 7. Contact problem being nonlinear in
nature, demands significant processing time.

Fig. 6 Wheel profile as per Indian Railway standards

Fig. 5 UIC 60 rail

Expression for von Mises stress:

r1  r2 2 r2  r3 2 r3  r1 2
rvonMises 11

Contacting Profiles

The UIC60 is the most common rail used in India. Its trans-
verse head profile consists of a sequence of circular arcs with
three different radii of 300, 80, and 13 mm as shown in Fig. 5.
The sections of the profile on the 300, 80, and 13 mm radii are
referred to as the rail crown, rail shoulder and gauge corner,
respectively. Due to the transverse movement of the wheel, Fig. 7 Geometric model of the wheelrail assembly

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elements and 1,49,468 nodes. The mesh density in contact

region is found to have a direct influence on the accuracy of
the solution [1]. Study has been made for different element
size (0.5, 1, 1.5 mm) for the contact region. Results
obtained from 1 mm element size found good matching
results from those of Tehrani et al. [14]. To standardize the
analysis of the contact region mesh with an element size of
1 mm for all the configurations are chosen. Under the total
vertical load of 80 ton per total of eight wheels in a wagon,
resulting to a load of 10 ton is applied in proportion on the
section of wheel. Wheels are assumed to operate on a flat
and straight path, therefore lateral loads to the system are
ignored. Rotational effects of the wheel are also neglected.
The rail and wheel are assumed to be linear elastic with the
same material data modulus of elasticity, E = 210 GPa
Fig. 8 Finite element model of the wheelrail assembly and poissons ratio, 0 = 0.3. The coefficient of friction
between wheel and rail is considered to be 0.3. After
Taking into account the fact that it is necessary to carry out application of these material properties in the FE model,
calculation for different profiles of the interacting surfaces, boundary condition is applied. The base of the rail is
only a sector of the whole wheel geometry is considered for assumed as fixed support to prevent rigid body motion of
the analysis to reduce the computational time (Fig. 8) the whole system. Load of 10 ton, i.e., 98,100 N is equally
The wheel and rail geometry is meshed with SOLID 186 distributed on the nodes at the bearing location of the wheel
element and the contact region is meshed with contact and where the axle is mounted.
target element CONTA174 and TARGE170. Two
potential contact surfaces are referred to as either the
target surface or the contact surface. CONTA174 is Fatigue Analysis
used to represent contact and sliding between 3-D target
surfaces and a deformable surface, defined by this element. This section outlines the fatigue life calculation based on
The element is applicable to 3-D structural and coupled the results obtained from Finite Element analysis. The life
field contact analysis. The element has the same geometric of a fatigue crack is normally divided into three phases
characteristics as the solid or shell element face with which covering crack initiation and growth. These are: Stage I
it is connected. Contact occurs when the element surface shear stress-driven initiation at the surface, Stage II
penetrates one of the target segment elements on a speci- transient crack growth behavior, and Stage IIIsubsequent
fied target surface. The FE model has a total of 1,05,985 tensile and shear driven crack growth. Crack starts at

Table 1 Mechanical properties of the wheel and rail steel

E(GPa) t b c 20f r0f J

210 0.3 -0.089 -0.559 10.3 936 0.2

Table 2 Effect of variation of wheel profile radii on contact dimension, contact pressure and von Mises stress, based on analytical and FEM
R12 Analytical FEM Analytical FEM Analytical FEM
a, mm b, mm a, mm b, mm Po, MPa Po, MPa r, MPa r, MPa

300 11.7 3.15 11.64 3.36 1,268.8 1,230.17 358.399 364.84

310 11.7 3.18 11.84 3.21 1,260.7 1,253.14 354.995 347.25
320 11.7 3.21 11.71 3.21 1,252.9 1,235.62 351.737 353.86
330 11.6 3.23 11.42 3.32 1,245.5 1,226.80 348.725 350.59
340 11.6 3.25 11.62 3.14 1,238.5 1,237.81 345.858 351.03
350 11.6 3.28 12.16 3.32 1,231.9 1,210.54 343.068 351.73

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Table 3 Effect of variation of rail profile radii on contact dimension, contact pressure and von Mises stress, based on analytical and FEM
Analytical FEM Analytical FEM Analytical FEM
R22 a, mm b, mm a, mm b, mm Po, MPa Po, MPa r, MPa r, MPa

280 11.7 3.17 11.74 3.21 1,268.8 1,223.43 356.372 334.31

290 11.7 3.20 11.81 3.29 1,260.7 1,238.78 352.437 342.56
300 11.6 3.23 11.79 3.25 1,252.9 1,254.68 348.725 349.13
310 11.6 3.26 11.47 3.31 1,245.5 1,264.21 345.209 357.38
320 11.6 3.29 11.34 3.13 1,238.5 1,265.73 341.890 363.38
330 11.6 3.31 11.47 3.07 1,231.9 1,268.16 338.863 345.95

Table 4 Effect of variation of wheel profile taper on contact dimension, contact pressure and von Mises stress, based on analytical and FEM
Analytical FEM Analytical FEM Analytical FEM
WPT a, mm b, mm a, mm b, mm Po, MPa Po, MPa r, MPa r, MPa

1 in 10 11.6 3.24 11.42 3.29 1,248.3 1,261.06 348.694 345.65

1 in 15 11.6 3.23 11.49 3.21 1,246.2 1,264.92 348.675 341.19
1 in 20 11.6 3.23 11.52 3.47 1,245.5 1,234.12 348.725 341.75
1 in 25 11.7 3.23 11.49 2.99 1,245.2 1,281.33 348.510 348.99
1 in 30 11.7 3.23 12.01 3.14 1,244.9 1,266.69 348.197 346.3

rolling contact surfaces as a result of accumulation of shear

deformation from repeated rollingsliding contact loading
[15]. Initiation may be considered to have occurred when
stage I is complete. Jiang and Sehitoglu proposed a simple
damage parameter for determining fatigue life [16].
max D 2
FP hr i J DsD 12
where hi denotes the MacCauley bracket,h xi
0:5jxj x; rmax is the maximum stress normal to the
Fig. 9 A representative stress ellipsoid for R12 = 330 mm, giving
crack plane, Ds is the shear stress range normal to the crack r1 = -855.5 MPa, r2 = -1,137.3 MPa and r3 = -1,245.5 MPa
plane and D is the shear strain range on the crack plane.
The constant J, which is material and load-dependent,
should be obtained from tension/torsion tests. The fatigue Results and Discussion
life to initiation is computed on the crack plane as:
  Using the above Eqs. (111) results are obtained using
D2 analytical method. FE model for all the configurations are
FPmax hrmax i J DsD
2 max
run and processed successfully to obtain the results. Effect
13 of profile parameter i.e., wheel profile radii, rail profile
r0f 2
2Nf 2b r0f 20f 2Nf bc radii and wheel profile taper for different values on the
contact parameter i.e., semi major axis (a), semi minor
where rmax is the maximum normal stress in the plane, r0f axis (b), contact pressure (Po) and von Mises stress (r)
and 20f represent the fatigue strength coefficient and fatigue are presented in Tables 2, 3 and 4 respectively. As per the
ductility coefficient respectively, E is the Youngs modu- analytical solution, for a given configuration a representa-
lus, b and c are the fatigue strength exponent and the tive stress ellipsoid is presented in Fig. 9.
fatigue ductility exponent, and Nf is the number of cycles The von Mises stress distribution obtained from the
to failure. Mechanical properties required for fatigue cal- solution of three dimensional FE model is shown in
culation are given in Table 1. Fig. 10.

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Fig. 10 von Mises stress distribution Fig. 13 Shear stress distribution



Load, kN


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Fatigue damage parameter

Fig. 14 Vertical load against fatigue damage parameter


Load, kN

Fig. 11 Contact area distribution 100


0.0E+00 1.0E+07 2.0E+07
Fatigue Life, cycles

Fig. 15 Vertical load against fatigue life

surfaces will slide relative to each other. This state is

known as sliding. Contact area distribution in terms of
sliding, near contact and far open as obtained by ANSYS is
shown in Fig. 11.
For a given configuration of R12 = 330 mm, contact
pressure distribution is plotted on the top of the rail surface.
Maximum contact pressure, 1,226.80 MPa can be seen in
the center of the ellipse as shown in Fig. 12. A comparison
Fig. 12 Contact pressure distribution in contact region of Hertzian calculation and FE-simulation is presented in
Tables 2, 3 and 4. Results obtained from FEM are very
According to basic Coulomb friction model, two sur- close to the analytical solution (Figs. 13, 14)
faces can carry shear stresses up to a certain magnitude. In order to examine the effects of load amplitude on
Once the shear stress is exceeded beyond that limit, the two fatigue characteristics, five different loading conditions of

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5 ton (49.05 kN), 7.5 ton (73.575 kN), 10 ton (98.1 kN), Acknowledgments This paper is a revised and expanded version of
12.5 ton (122.625 kN), and 15 ton (147.15 kN) are stud- an article entitled, Contact Stress Analysis in Wheel-Rail by
Hertzian Method and Finite Element Method presented in
ied. Using finite element analysis, stress state at every point National Conference on Recent Advancements in Mechanical
is obtained. The point of maximum von Mises stress is Engineering held at North East Regional Institute of Science and
considered as the critical location for fatigue crack initia- Technology, Arunachal Pradesh, India during November 89, 2013.
tion. Fatigue parameter and number of cycles to failure for
different loading conditions are calculated using the
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