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Shift-Tolerance Property of an Optical Double-

Random Phase-Encoding Encryption System

Article in Applied Optics October 2000

DOI: 10.1364/AO.39.004788 Source: PubMed


61 91

4 authors, including:

Ching-Cherng Sun Arthur Chiou

National Central University National Yang Ming University


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Shift-tolerance property of an optical
double-random phase-encoding encryption system

Bor Wang, Ching-Cherng Sun, Wei-Chia Su, and Arthur E. T. Chiou

We investigate the shift-tolerance property of the decrypting phase mask in an optical double-random
phase-encoding encryption system. A simple method for improving the shift tolerance of the phase mask
is proposed. We demonstrate how the robustness to data loss of the encrypted image extends the shift
tolerance of the decrypting phase mask. The signal-to-noise ratio is calculated. Both a computer
simulation and an experiment are presented. 2000 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: 070.4560, 070.6110.

1. Introduction property. In Section 4 we investigate the SNR prop-

Optical information processing systems have shown erty when the decrypting mask is shifted. A com-
great potential for security applications.110 Re- puter simulation and an experiment are presented in
cently, an optical encryption technique by use of Section 5.
double-random phase encoding was proposed.3 This
2. Double-Random Phase-Encoding Technique
method uses two independent random phase masks:
one on the input plane and one on the Fourier plane. For simplicity, we use one-dimensional notation. Let
The encryption technique has good tolerance to data f x denote the image to be encrypted and qx the
loss of the encrypted image, to binarization of the encrypted image. Let x and u be two indepen-
encrypted image, and to different types of noise.7,8 dent white sequences, uniformly distributed in 0, 1.
These fault-tolerance properties are valuable for op- The double-random phase encryption of the image f x
tical security systems. However, the optical double- is obtained by the following two operations. First, the
random phase-encoding encryption system with a image f x is multiplied by phase-mask function
VanderLugt 4-f system requires extremely precise expi2x. Second, the product f xexpi2x
alignment,11 especially in the decryption process, ow- is convoluted by function hx, which is the impulse
ing to the random phase characteristic. When all response of the transfer function expi2u. Thus
the encrypted data are used for decryption, the image the encrypted image can be expressed as
cannot be decrypted if the decrypting phase mask
deviates from the matching position by more than one qx f xexpi2x h x, (1)
pixel size. In this paper we propose a simple method
to improve the shift tolerance of the decrypting phase where denotes the convolution operation.
mask and investigate the signal-to-noise ratio SNR The optical setup of the double-random phase-
of the decrypted image. We briefly review the encryption system is shown in Fig. 1a. The image
double-random phase-encoding technique in Section f x contacted with a random phase mask
2. In Section 3 we investigate the shift-tolerance expi2x is placed on input plane P1 and is illu-
minated by a coherent plane wave. On Fourier
plane P2 the Fourier transform of the product
f xexpi2x is multiplied by the second random
B. Wang, C.-C. Sun ccsun@ios.ncu.edu.tw, and W.-C. Su are phase code expi2u. Through the inverse Fou-
with the Institute of Optical Sciences, National Central University, rier transform the encrypted image q x is obtained
Chung-Li, 320 Taiwan. A. E. T. Chiou is with the Institute of
on output plane P3. Here we define the Fourier
Electrical Engineering, National Dong Hwa University, Hua-Lien,
transform in inverted coordinates as the inverse Fou-
Received 8 November 1999; revised manuscript received 5 June rier transform. Similarly, the decryption scheme is
2000. shown in Fig. 1b. The encrypted image qx is
0003-693500264788-06$15.000 placed at input plane Pd1 and is illuminated by a
2000 Optical Society of America coherent plane wave. The decrypting phase mask, a

4788 APPLIED OPTICS Vol. 39, No. 26 10 September 2000

decrypted image can be expressed as10
SNR ND 22, (3)
where N is the pixel number of the mask. Equation
3 shows that the shift tolerance is D when the entire
encrypted image is used for decryption.
Now we investigate how the robustness to loss of the
encrypted data will improve the shift tolerance of the
decrypting phase mask. According to Eq. 1 the
double-random phase-encrypted image can be ex-
pressed as
qx f nexpi2nh x n,
where M is the sampling number of the image f x.
When only part of the encrypted image is used for
decryption, we can express the decryption process as
follows. The Fourier transform of the incomplete
Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the optical double-random phase- image can be expressed as

encoding encryption system: a encryption setup, b decryption
setup. x
qxrect f nexpi2n

complex conjugation of expi2u, is placed on x
Fourier plane Pd2. On the output plane Pd3 the hx n rect
random phase-encoded image f xexpi2x is ob-
tained. When the original image is a real function, M1

the phase function expi2x can be removed by f nexpi2nexpi2nu

an intensity-sensitive device.
expi2u sincu

3. Shift Tolerance of the Decrypting Phase Mask M1
As presented in Section 2, if the decrypting phase
mask on Fourier plane Pd2 in Fig. 1b is shifted a

f nexpi2n

distance from the matching position, the Fourier N1

transform of the decrypted data can be expressed as expi2n


Qu, Duexpi2u u f ,
where Du denotes the Fourier transform of
(2) expi2sincu ,
f xexpi2x, is the wavelength, and f is the (5)
focal length of the Fourier lens. Since u is a ran- where we normalize the size of the encrypted image
dom function, expi2u u f will be q x to 1 and let 1 and where denotes the
randomly distributed when is larger than one pixel Fourier transform operation. If we remove the term
size of the mask. Thus the inverse Fourier trans- for u f from the summation 0 N1
in the
form of Qu, on plane Pd3 is also a random func- brackets {}, then Eq. 5 can be expressed as



f nexpi2nsinc

f nexpi2n

exp i2n u
exp i2 u


f nexpi2nsinc exp i2n u exp i2 u
f f f .
Ru, n

tion, and the encrypted image cannot be decrypted. Since is a random function, the term Ru, n in
If the shift distance is less than one pixel size and Eq. 5 is a random function. When we multiply Eq.
the pixel size of the mask is D. The SNR of the 5 by the shifted decrypting phase function

10 September 2000 Vol. 39, No. 26 APPLIED OPTICS 4789

expi2u f and take the inverse Fourier- have to use a mask with higher spatial frequency to
transform, we can obtain the decrypted image ex- obtain a larger SNR value if the external noise is
pressed as added. As a result, the choice of the spatial fre-

quency of the mask depends on the total energy of the

external noise.
fdx sinc f nexpi2n Now we consider the condition in which only a part


of the encrypted data is used and assume that f x is
i2 a binary image. Since only of the encrypted image
exp n x n rx, n
f is used for decryption and the ideal condition is that

the encrypted image can be decrypted perfectly, the
average intensity of the decrypted image will be .
sinc f xexpi2x
f However, from Eq. 8, we know that the intensity of

exp i2


rx, n, (7)
the decrypted image is 2 sinc2f ; the remain-
ing energy 2 sinc2f M becomes the
noise. Thus the average intensity of the noise is
2 sinc2f MN. As a result the SNR
where rx, n is the inverse Fourier transform of Ru,
value can be expressed as
nexpi2u f and is still a random func-
tion. Thus the intensity of the decrypted image can
be expressed as N2 sinc2f
SNR . (10)

M 2 sinc2f
fdx2 2 sinc2
f x2

rx, n, (8)
Equation 10 describes the ultimate condition in
where r x, n is a uniform distributed white noise which the pixel size of the mask is infinitesimal. As
generated from the nth sampling point of the original discussed above, we need a decrypting mask with
image. From Eq. 8 it is easy to find that the image higher spatial frequency to reduce the decrypted
can still be decrypted when the decrypting mask is noise when an external noise is added. This means
shifted by more than one pixel. Since Eq. 8 is the that the pixel size of the mask must be small.
normalized result, the practical extension of the im- Therefore Eq. 10 can be used to estimate the SNR
proved shift tolerance is fL, where L is the width of value when a high-spatial-frequency mask is used.
the encrypted data used for decryption. Further- 5. Computer Simulation and Experiment
more, if the decrypting mask is placed at the match
position 0, Eq. 8 can be rewritten as In this section we numerically investigate the exten-
sion of the shift tolerance. The character E, as
M1 shown in Fig. 2a, is a binary image of 256 256
fdx2 2 f x2 rx, n.
(9) pixels. Figure 2b shows a double-random phase-
encoded character E. Figures 2c, 2d, and 2e cor-
Equation 9 presents the property of the tolerance responding to 12, 34, and 78, respectively, of the
to data loss of the encrypted image. Comparing Eqs. encrypted image are blocked. When the decrypting
8 and 9, we know that the improvement of the shift phase mask is placed at the matching position in the
tolerance is caused by the spectrum extension, owing decryption process, the decrypted images of Figs.
to the spatial restriction of the encrypted image. 2b, 2c, 2d, and 2e are shown in Figs. 3a, 3b,
3c, and 3d, respectively. These figures present
4. Signal-to-Noise Ratio the robustness to the loss of the encrypted data.
In this section we investigate the SNR property of the Figures 4a 4d show the decrypted results when
decrypted image when the decrypting mask is shifted the decrypting phase mask is shifted for one pixel
from the matching position. When all the encrypted from the matching position in the transverse direc-
data are used and the shift distance of the decrypting tion. The character E cannot be decrypted when all
mask is less than one pixel size, the SNR is indepen- the encrypted data are used but can be decrypted
dent of the parameters of the optical encryption sys- when a portion of the encrypted data is used. From
tem. From Eq. 3 we know that the SNR depends Fig. 5, when the phase key is shifted for two pixels
on the shift distance and on the pixel size of the from the matching position, the character E can be
decrypting mask. Thus use of a phase mask with decrypted only when 14 and 18 the encrypted data
lower spatial frequency will produce a larger SNR are used. Figure 6 shows that, when the phase key
value when there is no external noise is added. is shifted for three pixels, the character E can be
However, as proposed in Ref. 7, the noise on the decrypted only when 18 the encrypted data is used.
decrypted image is always a white noise no matter These results demonstrate that the robustness to the
what kind of external noise is added. That is be- loss of the encrypted data extends the shift tolerance
cause the noise is uniformly distributed on the output of the decrypting phase mask. We can use a low-
plane caused by the random phase mask. Thus the pass filter to enhance the decrypted image.7 Fur-
distribution range of the noise is proportional to the thermore, from the simulation, it is worth noting that
spatial frequency of the decrypting mask, and we the capable pixel shift tolerance is the inverse of the

4790 APPLIED OPTICS Vol. 39, No. 26 10 September 2000

Fig. 3. a, b, c, and d are decrypted images of Figs. 2b, 2c,
2d, and 2e, respectively, while the decrypting key is placed at
the matching position.

The input signal the point source from the lower

spatial filter in Fig. 7 was Fourier transformed onto
the ground glass. Then the random-phase-encoded
wave was Fourier transformed again onto the crystal,
and the random-phase-encoded signal was recorded

Fig. 2. a Original binary image of character E, b double-

random phase-encrypted image of character E, c half the en-
crypted image is blocked, d 34 the encrypted image is blocked, e
78 the encrypted image is blocked.

ratio number that the encrypted image used. The

relation can be explained clearly with Eq. 8.
We examine the extension of the shift tolerance
experimentally. Figure 7 shows a schematic dia-
gram of the experimental setup. Since a 4-f system
is a shift-invariant linear system, from Eq. 4 we
know that the encrypted image is the linear combi-
nation of every encrypted point of the input image.
Correspondingly, the decryption process is also a
shift-invariant linear process. From Eq. 7 we
know that the decrypted image is a linear combina-
tion of every point of the input image through the
decryption process. So investigating the property of
the systems impulse response is useful for clarifying
the shift tolerance of the system. Thus we used a
point source as the input signal, so only one random
phase code on the Fourier plane is required. The
focal length of the Fourier lens in the experiment is
150 mm. We used ground glass as the encrypting Fig. 4. a, b, c, and d are decrypted images of Figs. 2b, 2c,
mask, and a LiNbO3:Fe crystal with dimensions 1 2d, and 2e, respectively, while the decrypting key is shifted for
cm 1 cm 1 cm was used as the recording medium. one pixel transversely.

10 September 2000 Vol. 39, No. 26 APPLIED OPTICS 4791

Fig. 7. Experimental setup: M, mirror; BS, beam splitter; SF,
spatial filter; PH, pinhole; D, power detector; CL, collimating lens;
GG, ground glass; FL, Fourier lens; S, shutter.

in the crystal, we closed shutter S1 and opened shut-

ter S2 to read the gratings in the crystal. Then the
readout plane wave is the conjugate of the reference
beam. When the diffracted light went back through
the ground glass, the original signal was decrypted.
This process is identical to that shown in Fig. 1b.
The ground glass was placed on a motorized micro-
translation stage, with a resolution of 0.1 m. The
Fig. 5. a, b, c, and d are decrypted images of Figs. 2b, 2c, decrypted signal was detected with a power detector.
2d, and 2e, respectively, while the decrypting key is shifted for A pinhole was placed in front of the detector to filter
two pixel transversely.
out the noise. Figure 8 shows the normalized inten-
sity of the decrypted signal with respect to the dis-
placement of the ground glass. The circles denote
in the crystal with a hologram. This encoding pro- the measured data when all the encrypted data re-
cess is identical to that shown in Fig. 1a. At first, corded in the crystal are used. The squares denote
shutter S1 was opened and shutter S2 was closed. the measured data when half the crystal surface is
The plane wave incident on the crystal is the refer- blocked. The curves denote the theoretical values
ence beam. When the index gratings were recorded predicated by Eq. 8. The measured tolerance is
larger than the theoretical value for 2 m because
of the finite size of the ground glass, and we can treat
the 2-m finite size as the effective pixel size of the
ground glass. The effective pixel size is measured as
follows. As shown in Fig. 9, the LiNbO3 crystal is
placed just behind the ground glass to record the

Fig. 8. Experimental results. Circles, measured data when all

the encrypted data recorded in the crystal were used for decryp-
tion. Squares, measured data when half the crystal surface is
Fig. 6. a, b, c, and d are decrypted images of Figs. 2b, 2c, blocked. Solid and dashed curves, normalized intensity of point
2d, and 2e, respectively, while the decrypting key is shifted for source predicted by Eq. 8 when all and half the encrypted data,
three pixel transversely. respectively, are used.

4792 APPLIED OPTICS Vol. 39, No. 26 10 September 2000

extension of the shift tolerance well when less en-
crypted data are used.
6. Conclusion
The shift-tolerance property of the decrypting mask
in a double-random phase-encryption system has
been studied. The SNR value has also been inves-
tigated. A phase mask with higher spatial fre-
quency is required for reducing the noise on the
decrypted image when an external noise is added.
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loss of the encrypted image to extend the shift toler-
ance during the decryption process. Theory and
Fig. 9. Experimental setup for measuring the effective pixel size computer simulations have been presented and fit
of the ground glass. The LiNbO3 crystal is placed closely behind well with the experimental observation.
the ground glass. Experimental setup: M, mirror; BS, beam
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splitter; SF, spatial filter; PH, pinhole; D, power detector; CL,
collimating lens; GG, ground glass; S, shutter.
Javidi for his helpful discussion. This study was
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lic of China contract NSC88-2215-E-008-013.
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10 September 2000 Vol. 39, No. 26 APPLIED OPTICS 4793

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